Final Examination

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1. State the most common reasons why people get fired from their job. What would be the role
of HRD in solving the problem? (5pts.)

Poor performance. The role of HRD is to provide counseling. That’s the first thing HR should do.
The HR must initiate the dialogue with the employee who is acting poorly. The HR should know
the factors why that employee is not doing well before worse happens.

2. Make a flow chart in your organization that interprets the process and desired outcome from
the mission, vision and core values of your organization.

3. List down at least five major observations of your office activities that needs an immediate
attention to avoid deceleration of quality output. (5pts.).
a. Office employees are always late. Late to work and it has become a habit to be late even in
submission of reports. They have no sense of urgency.
b. The Division Chief along with the next in rank employee don’t engage in events that need
their commitment and expertise especially with other National Government Agencies. They
avoid these kinds of activities and they entrust it with us, contractual employees who are
newbies in the agency.
c. No regular meeting.
d. Drinking alcohol even office hours.
e. No disciplinary action for those employees who commit mistakes.

4. Define the following terms. (5pts.)

A. Organizational Development (OD)
Organization development is a systemwide application and transfer of behavioral science
knowledge to the planned development, improvement, and reinforcement of the strategies,
structures, and processes that lead to organization effectiveness (Cummings & Worley, 2017)
B. Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD)
Strategic human resource development is a systematic process of developing the skills and
competencies of people through talent development, leadership development, employee
development, performance development, and training/development processes to enable the
organization to sustain it.
It is concerned with the long-term development of human resources in organizations; it is a
shaper of business strategy in addition to its role in strategy implementation; it emphasizes
learning for the purpose of performance; it utilizes a multiplicity of strategies to facilitate
performance, learning and change in individuals and organizations; and it is continuously
aligned with the strategic goals of the organization.
C. Scientific Management
Scientific Management is a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows.
Pioneered by Frederick Taylor. Scientific management uses the scientific method in planning
activities - replace any existing practices or rules of thumb. Taylor started to find out ‘one best
way of doing thing’ based on time and motion studies. On the basis of his experiments, he was
able to increase workers’ productivity considerably and wrote many papers based on these
experiments and a book on scientific management.
D. Adhocracy is a flexible and informal alternative to bureaucracy. It is a corporate approach of
decentralized leadership, individual initiative, and organic decision-making. It doesn’t rely on a
rigid system of authority or procedures. Instead, it focuses on consistently adapting methods by
giving employees who are closest to the action permission to do their work and solve problems
as they see fit. Adhocracies are characterized by flexibility, employee empowerment and an
emphasis on individual initiative.

5. Best Friend Foundation (BFF) is engaged in Dogs on the street rescue program in YMCA the
village of Meriam County. The President of the said Foundation is Sir Henry Hambudiger’s one
of the most applauded fund raisers in the area. One morning He was seen on Facebook with
friends enjoying, eating hotdogs and on the right sides of the picture were two Askals or asong
kalye looking at them with a sad face. The morning after BFF losses hundreds of supporters that
force the foundation to close.
What do you think are the issues here? In one sentence what is the moral lesson of the story?
(15 pts.) 
The Best Friend Foundation (BFF) is not really helping and affectionate to dogs because they
seemed to be “bias” or selective of the dogs they want to help. They neglect the askals because
they are just askals. It implies that they prefer dogs with breed not the native ones which are
neglected and hurt on the streets because they are just stray dogs. Their compassion for dogs is
conditional and not genuine.
Moral of the story: You are not really a dog lover or an animal lover if you neglect the pathetic
dogs on the streets.

6. Before the onset of Cov.19 Pandemic Pride Rock Company received a negative report on
customer dissatisfaction in their website that makes the CEO panic of the said evaluation
report. The following problems are: 
1. Product deliveries are not on time. 
2. Personnel are not tactful. 
3. Product after care is seems to be too good to be true. Note, for the past five years in the
business (PRC) got No. 1 on customers choice.
How will Human Resource Development address the issues? What would be the best damage
control to be applied on this situation? Does company need an external consultant on this
matter? Materials for this challenge are HRD body of knowledge and Abraham Maslow's Theory
on Corporate setting. (25 pts.) 

HRD will take place in the form of conducting special meeting of the upper management and
the employees in charge of the operation of product delivery, the frontline personnel to verify
the evaluation report and will prescribe solutions to remedy organizational illness. A disciplinary
action must be employed especially to those responsible of the depreciation of company’s
reputation and a series of trainings back up by monitoring and evaluation if the corrective
measure is really effective and the employees are really doing well.
If the company is composed of more than 500 employees it is imperative to hire an external
consultant. If not, the company is able to resolve the issues since they became no. 1 in
customer service.
The sudden downward shift of the company is alarming. The management must assess and
address the issue from every possible angle. The “product deliveries are not on time” might be
the result of unmotivated employees. They might need a salary raise since they managed to
help the company to be the top 1 in customer service. It seems they are not well-compensated.
They are not valued. Anent to Maslow Hierarchy of Needs in a corporate setting, the SAFETY
NEEDS of the employees were not achieved and this is the responsibility of the company to
satisfy this type of needs. It is also related to Belongingness Needs. The employees don’t feel
the sense of belongingness. Imagine the employees who are the role players behind of the
image and the prestige of the company was not really recognized and valued.
Personnel being tactful might be an indicator that the employee’s emotional well-being is
affected. Their sensitivity and being considerate fades means that they’re no longer motivated.
The problem is really that serious. The Esteem Needs of the employee is not well-satisfied
unlike very far from level of esteems they had 5 years ago. Their status must be uplifted.
Neglecting the needs of a man is so crucial not just for personal life but in corporate world. The
company must value their employees for they are the most important assets. They will show
their love and support for considering and satisfying their needs so that they are able to move
smoothly in their job and be effective and productive that will benefit the company as a whole.
The hierarchy of corporate needs serve as a checklist of the management of their human
resource development intervention. Recognizing their needs and sentiments is a plus factor
because the company and the employees must work in a “give and take” way.

7. Does Human Resource Development propels you to the best version of your professional
practice? Share your insights and experiences based on your organization/agency. (State the
name of your office) (10 pts.) 
By understanding and applying the principles of HRD it widens my horizon to be an effective
public servant as Coconut Development Officer in Philippine Coconut Authority and most
importantly it helps me to become a better person. It brings out the best in me. HRD is
teaching me things I never thought I have. HRD makes me realize how valuable I am as an
employee and as a person trying to make a change in this world. HRD changes my point of view
also in dealing people whom I serve that I always try to see their beauty within. I analyze things
from different perspectives.
8. On the influx of Internet of Things. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages
as applied in your organization? (10 pts.) 
The advantages of the internet in my organization (in Philippine Coconut Authority – SDS) is
that through it we are able to connect especially for virtual meeting, virtual workshops in
relation to our programs and projects. Also we are able to communicate with our colleagues.
Sometimes we just submit our reports online making it flexible. Internet is also useful for to do
research particularly for the technicality of our jobs e.g. New Trends in Coconut Farming, the
status of implementation of Coconut Farmers Industry Development Plan (CFIDP), the Coconut
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), etc.
On the other hand, too much use of internet to the extent using it for the things that doesn’t
have relevance for our job such as for FACEBOOK surfing, watching random videos on youtube,
watching movies, playing online games, hearing and spreading fake news, etc, is the evils of
internet in the workplace because it steals the time that we should devote to our clients, our
mind is preoccupied with stuff that doesn’t matter affecting our service for our
clients/customer. Internet makes us lazy, some employees don’t run the errands
instantaneously because of too much indulgence of facebook and other stuff online. It makes us
unresponsive. It seems we don’t hear the clients visiting our workplace and even to our
colleagues. We’re wasting our time on the internet if we use it for unnecessary things that are
not healthy for our growth and well-being. Internet makes us connected with our friends from
afar but it makes us distant from the person next to us. I hate to see people holding their
gadgets with their eyes focused on it when I talk to them.
9. Is Fordism principle applicable in today’s corporate business landscape? Explain and discuss
according to Human Resource Development Body of Knowledge. (10pts.) 

10. List the five important values of Abraham Maslow’s Theory based on Human Resource
Development course of conduct. (10 pts.)

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