Research Into ICT Integration in Pakistan Secondaaary Schools

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Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2020; 19 (3): pp.

doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2020.733176

Hindering and enabling factors towards ICT integration in schools: A

developing country perspective
Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail, Dean School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains, Malaysia,
[email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-5314-0774
Nazir Ahmed Jogezai, Universiti Sains, Malaysia, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0003-0849-5282
Fozia Ahmed Baloch, Universiti Sains, Malaysia, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-2279-3553

Abstract: ICT in education has emerged as a widespread phenomenon and has been widely considered and
explored. While remarkable achievement in ICT use in the teaching and learning process has been observed
in the developed part of the world, schools in the developing countries still fail to do so. Pakistan, as a less
developed country, has still been in its infancy stage of ICT integration in schools. The purpose of this paper
was thus, to explore the existing state of affairs in relation to ICT integration in schools via reviewing both the
hindering and enabling factors. The study employed a systemic review method to review the available
research, conducted in Pakistan, in the last ten years. The results inform about several fundamental issues
and provide a way forward towards effective ICT integration in the process of teaching and learning.
Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT), ICT integration, Teaching and Learning,
Developing world
Received: 05.06.2019 Accepted: 24.11.2019 Published: 15.06.2020

ICT integration in education generally refers to technology-based teaching and learning processes
that involve the proper utilization of technology in schools (Warwick & Kershner, 2008). Williams
(2003) considers using any of the ICT tools like the internet, CD ROMs, or other software, for
example, MS excel to assist instructions, as ICT integration. ICT integrated or technology-based
teaching and learning is found to offer various exciting ways which include educational videos,
stimulation, storage of data, the usage of databases, mind-mapping, guided discovery,
brainstorming, music, and world-wide-web (www) that lead to making the learning process more
exciting and meaningful (Finger & Trinidad, 2002). ICT in education is any technology that deals
with knowledge sharing or, in other words, a means of communication in the teaching and learning
process. Technology, in the context of education, according to Churchill (2006), is understood as a
set of tools and resources that amplify individuals’ physical and intellectual capacity.
The aim and purpose of using technology in the process of teaching and learning are to
improve and increase the quality, accessibility, and cost-efficiency of the delivery of education
(Schrum & Levin, 2016). ICT use in school and, more specifically, in the classroom setting is very
crucial to enhance teaching and learning processes. The use of ICT as teaching and learning
resources is significantly associated with a measurable increase in students’ achievement (Kisirkoi,
2015). Effective ICT integration is found with significant impacts on students as they become
confident after being engaged with ICT tools and, more importantly, work together with teachers as
co-learners (Grabe & Grabe, 2007). The aspect of co-learning informs bout ICT integration as an
effective instructional means towards enhancing students’ learning via creating a learner-centered
environment within the school. Kim (2009) probing about students’ skills that ICT integration
enhances, states that effective ICT integration promotes students' critical thinking and problem-
solving skills that enable successful living. The same, as an instructional media, does not only
enhance student learning outcomes but also helps significantly in preparing them for the challenges
of the globalization in the 21st century (Lim, 2002) via improving their higher order thinking to
construct and process knowledge (Kisirkoi, 2015). In realization with its effectiveness in teaching
and learning ICT integration, in recent years, earns serious and considerable recognition worldwide
and is widely explored (Egea, 2014; Harris & Hofer, 2011; Horzum, 2013; Mishra & Koehler, 2006;
Razzak, 2013, Rosenberg & Koehler, 2015; Swan & Hofer, 2011).
The effectiveness of ICT integration has resulted in requiring teachers with more skills and
knowledge. As a result, an apex of discussion is the introduction of a newer form of skills referred to
as technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) (Koehler & Mishra, 2006). Koehler and
Mishra inform about TPCK as teachers’ capacity of ICT integration via considering both the value
and alignment of ICT tools with the content knowledge of a particular subject or curriculum
objectives in general. Their introduction to TPCK leads to generate discourse about looking into ICT
integration from the perspective of achieving the ultimate objectives of a subject or curriculum as a
whole. So, both the process of ICT integration and the achievement of curriculum objectives earn
equal consideration. Having only ICT expertise or technical knowledge of ICT resources may not
help to achieve the purpose of effective ICT integration in teaching and learning.
At instances, in schools in Pakistan, research (e.g., Qadir & Hameed, 2014) informs about
ICT being taught as a subject rather than an instructional tool. Such behavior towards ICT
integration remains very much alarming and shows schools’ incapability to deal with ICT
integration for attaining curriculum objectives. Similarly, schools across the globe, confront with
and struggle to face challenges impeding ICT integration. Research studies, from across the world
(Samin & Sani, 2015; Niekerk & Blignaut, 2014; Agbatogun, 2012) and in the context of Pakistan,
(Kanwal, Jan & Azharl, 2014; Nisar, Munir & Shad, 2011) underpin certain challenges hindering ICT
integration in teaching and learning. Despite all the challenges, studies (Hassan & Sajid, 2013;
Majoka, Fazal & Khan 2013), for example, still observe a significant improvement in teachers’ skills
of ICT integration once their capacity was enhanced. Nisar, Munir and Shad (2011) finds
noteworthy development in students' learning outcomes as a result of teachers’ engagement in ICT
integration in teaching and learning. The integration of ICT positively associated with improved
students’ learning outcomes informs that despite the challenges, ICT integration in schools in
Pakistan can still bear fruit. Despite several research studies, aiming to find the usefulness of ICT
integration (e.g., Qadir & Hameed, 2014; Nisar, Munir & Shad, 2011) and challenges associated with
its use (e.g., Hassan & Sajid, 2013) have been conducted, yet an effort to review the available
literature in Pakistan, in this regard, has not been made. Most importantly, ICT integration-related
research has not investigated the factors that can enable ICT Integration in schools in Pakistan.
Through the literature review process, this paper aims to fill such research gaps and to help identify
both impairing and supporting factors in the integration of ICT into schools in Pakistan.

Less ICT use in developing parts of the world, including Pakistan, has broadened the gap of
the digital divide. ICT-led reforms and initiatives promise to nip up the digital divide and speed up
business development, and above all, to foster quality education (Mujahid 2002). The importance of
ICT integration in education has been gradually realized and well recognized by Pakistan. Specific
policy-level initiatives, for example, Pakistan’s Medium-Term Development Framework 2005-2010,
Vision 2030 and National ICT strategy are the key efforts that portray a realization of ICT use in
education and the process of teaching and learning.
Realizing the importance of ICT integration, the National Education Policy (NEP- 2009) is
cognizant of the need for integrating ICT in the educational system. It stipulates the use of ICT as
“ assist teachers and students with a wide range of abilities and from varied socioeconomic
backgrounds" and " strengthen the quality of teaching and educational management” (p.45). It
further informs that the “use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education shall
be promoted in line with the National Information and Communication Technology Strategy for
Education in Pakistan [NICTSEP]” (p.45). NICTSEP recommends the use of ICT to strengthen the
quality of teaching to enhance student learning.

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This paper utilized a descriptive qualitative form of a systematic review of research
(Hallinger, 2013; Gough, Oliver, & Thomas, 2012). Systematic review aimed at identifying relevant
studies and assessing their validity when reaching a conclusion (Petticrew, & Rberts, 2006). One of
the key characteristics of a systematic review, like Dexter and Dornan (2010) inform, was to help in
answering the questions regarding the phenomena under investigation. A systematic review, being
guided by a formulated question or purpose, and encouraging a transparent method of research, as
supported by Langan, Blake, and Lonsdale (2013), was highly relevant for this review. In this
review, the key question at the back of the mind was what hinders and enables ICT integration in
schools in Pakistan. It was the clarity of the purpose that led the researchers to identify and select
relevant research. This systematic review consisted of four steps. These, as illustrated in figure 1,
included inclusion criteria, search strategy, and summarizing and reporting results.

Inclusion criteria
The primary purpose of this exploratory review of research was to investigate the existing
state of affairs of ICT integration by identifying enabling and hindering factors. The selection of
literature was guided by this very purpose and was identified based on ICT relevant work,
conducted in Pakistan as a developing country. The review included research studies published in
international journals and conference proceedings. The selection of school level ICT integration was
one of the critical inclusion criteria. The time frame, as a prominent aspect of a systematic review
(Parahoo, 2006), was selected as the last ten years. So, articles published in 2010 onwards, in any
journal or conference proceedings, were included in the search criteria. Overall, 15 studies were
found, fulfilling the set criteria related to factors enabling and or hindering ICT integration.
However, four of them were dropped because they were conducted in higher education settings
rather than at school level.

Table 1. Inclusion criteria

S.No Inclusion Criteria
1 Empirical research published in international journals and conference proceedings
2 Research related to school level ICT integration
3 Research conducted since 2010 onwards

Search strategy
Following set criteria, the literature search was done. So, a full range of studies was
downloaded accessing prominent research databases, like google scholar. This search was further
supplemented by an extensive manual search across relevant journals in the field of educational
technology and through the university library subscribed databases with using staff and student
passwords. Searching of the relevant literature was made through specific keywords (Ely & Scott,
2007) like ICT integration in developing countries, ICT integration in teaching and learning, factors
associated with ICT integration, challenges associated with ICT integration, and ICT integration in
developing world.

The analysis of the literature involved reading articles’ summary or abstract to know the
purpose of the articles. All the reviewed literature was grouped by type of sources. After literature
was selected and finalized, the content of all the literature was critically reviewed. For a properly
structured analysis of the literature, Cohen’s (1990) PQRS (Preview, Question, Read, and
Summarize) system was employed. More importantly, the factors highlighted in the study in

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relation to hindering ICT integration were also summarized. Meanwhile, researchers also included
their comments on the critical thoughts of the studies. The final stage involved writing a summary
of each article, which included key thoughts, comments, and issues related to ICT integration.

Reporting the results

The results obtained from the review are reported in narration under the headings of
enabling and hindering factors. A frequency table is also presented to provide more clarity of
hindering and enabling factors. The table depicts the intensity of factors in terms of its frequency
and percentage identified by the previous studies. Moreover, the summarized table is also
presented at the end of results to portray a comprehensive and concise view of the previous studies
(Table 2).

Figure 1. Summary of methodology

Ethical Considerations
The existing research was treated accurately and reasonably to ensure the ethical
dimension. The ethical parameters involved reporting the data concerning the topic under review.
The ethical consideration of being honest and fair with using research findings accurately was
maintained throughout the process of completing this review.

A systematic review of the literature finds enormous challenges that schools in Pakistan are
confronted with while integrating ICT in teaching and learning. There also revealed certain insights
towards effective ICT integration. This section presents the current scenario of ICT integration
along with highlighting the challenges and enablers towards ICT integration in schools in Pakistan.
Table 2 presents a detailed summary of both hindering and enabling factors identified by all the
research studies conducted in Pakistan. Frequency and percentage of each factor report the
intensity of factors. The results show the non-availability of ICT resources, teachers’ incapability of
using ICT resources as the most dominant hindering factors. Amongst the studies, 73% inform
about these two as dominant challenges related to ICT integration. Access to ICT resources has
been identified by 64% of the studies as a hindering factor. Studies (27%) reported the lack of ICT

4 | ISMAIL ET AL. Hindering and enabling factors towards ICT integration in schools: A developing country perspective
policy in the schools, while others (18%) reported a lack of support and a reluctance on the part of
teachers to use ICT. The provision of ICT resources and enhancing teachers’ capacity for ICT use has
been suggested by 73% of the studies as a critical enabling factor towards ICT integration in
schools in the country. The following section describes all these findings in detail.

ICT integration in public schools in Pakistan

Research in most of the developing countries for example in Pakistan Jogezai, Ismail and
Ahmed (2016), Jogezai, Ismail and Baloch (2018) Kenya (Kirskoi, 2015), South Africa (Niekerk &
Blignaut, 2014; Ramorola, 2013), Tanzania (Mwalongo, 2011), inform about their countries to have
invested a lot into integrating ICT in the process of teaching and learning. Considerable attention of
the state governments, policymakers, educational authorities, and research has highly underpinned
ICT integration. Since 2011 a sizeable research (e.g., Jogezai, Ismail & Baloch, 2018; Kanwal, Jan &
Azhar, 2014; Qadir & Hameed 2014; Tunio, Rashid & Abro, 2013; Shaikh & Khoja, 2013; Adil,
Masood & Ahmed, 2013; Majoka, Fazal & Khan 2013; Hassan,2013; Hassan & Sajid, 2012; Nisar,
Munir & Shad, 2011) has been conducted in Pakistan in this regard. Concerning ICT integration in
the process of teaching and learning, research though finds significant outcomes in terms of student
learning, but most of them find ICT integration in schools far behind the desired level. Research
(Kanwal, Jan & Azhar, 2014; Qadir & Hameed 2014; Tunio, Arshad & Abro, 2013; Shaikh & Khoja,
2013; Adil, Masood & Ahmed, 2013; Majoka, Fazal & Khan 2013; Hassan & Sajid, 2012; Nisar, Munir
& Shad, 2011) also underpin certain factors that hinder ICT integration in schools. Most of the
studies, other than Shaikh and Khoja (2013) and Adil, Masood and Ahmed (2013), investigate about
ICT integration in schools. The studies conducted in the context of schools find certain factors being
responsible for hindering ICT integration in the process of teaching and learning in schools in

Hindering factors associated with ICT integration

Kanwal, Jan, and Azhar (2014) find that schools have improper and insufficient ICT
resources at the upfront with less or no skills of teachers towards their use in the process of
teaching and learning. The same, according to them, hamper the implementation of ICT integration.
They found teachers with little knowledge of ICT crippled with very minimal ability to use it in
teaching and learning. Their study reveals teacher inefficacy and non-availability, of ICT resources,
as key factors that, according to them, hinder ICT integration.
Qadir and Hameed (2014) also find that shortage of time for teachers, lack of confidence,
and access to resources all affected the use of ICT in secondary schools in the Punjab province of
Pakistan. It was found that in schools where ICT facilities were provided, only ICT teachers used
computers in their teaching and learning as other subject teachers were not trained and hence were
not able to do so. More interestingly, the study also finds that only those students were using
computers in the IT Lab who were studying computer science. It only describes the ICT being still
considered as a separate subject rather than a learning tool due to teachers’ unawareness with
regards to ICT integration in teaching and learning. As a result, as they argue, ICT integration in
such a scenario was not made effective but somewhat limited to ICT teachers and students, which
discouraged other teachers from using the same as means of learning.
The study of Majoka, Fazal and Khan (2013) aims to explore the implementation of ICT in
education in teacher training programs in the Khyber Pakthunkhwa, and Punjab provinces of
Pakistan find that only ICT teachers were able to use ICT. According to their findings, the same
teachers were engaged in professional development programs while other teachers, in contrast,
were neither engaged in such programs nor were able to use these tools in their pedagogical
Hassan and Sajid (2012) find access to ICT resources as a significant problematic area
crippled with teachers’ inability to using ICT in their teaching practices. They also mention in their

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study that ICT was treated as a separate subject rather than a learning tool. The reason for teachers
being unable to use ICT, according to them, was teachers' detachment from any ICT integration-
related capacity building program. Alternatively, in other words, they had no professional
development opportunities available about ICT integration. Consequently, teachers were even not
ready to use the available ICT tools in their teaching and learning. Their findings, though, highlight
the non-availability of ICT resources as a hindering factor, but at the same time, teachers’ ICT
inefficacy did not allow them to use those resources.
Adil, Munir and Shad (2013), while investigating age and gender association with ICT usage
into educational institutions of Pakistan, finds no difference to change in the category of gender
with relation to the use of ICT. Their findings inform about both male and female teachers with
equal ICT integration inefficacy. They have come up with some interesting findings related to age
and use of ICT as they found that the younger was a teacher; the more ICT integration was
observed. It reveals younger teachers being more inclined towards and interested in using ICT in
their teaching practices.
Rahim, Begum, and Sahar (2013), while exploring about ICTs in education for the
Mountainous Area Development through an application-based study of Gilgit Pakistan revealed that
ICT awareness level, especially in Government schools, was shallow and schools had computers
with old infrastructure. The non-availability of ICT resources, as almost all the studies have
highlighted as a hindering factor, makes a big difference. However, in instances despite the
availability of ICT resources, teachers were not able to initiate with ICT integration (Jogezai et al.
2018). The reason associated with ICT not being used by teachers was their nonawareness and lack
of information about ICT tools and its use in teaching and learning. So, access to ICT resources, as
proposed by Pernia (2003), may not be considered only allowing teachers to use specific ICT
resources, but access, in a real sense, needs to be interpreted concerning teacher's ICT knowledge
and skills. Otherwise, access in only physical terms and provision of ICT resources in such a
scenario may only be associated with dumping ICT material at schools.
Similarly, a regional survey (2010) conducted about ICT for Education in India and South
Asia finds a dearth of quality teachers as a significant hindering factor towards ICT based teaching
and learning at schools in the region. With limited access to ICT facilities, for example, they found
internet access being limited that left minimal scope to use it to increase literacy levels in these
underprivileged areas. ICT usage in government schools was observed extremely low.
Thus, so far, the review of literature transpires non-availability of and accessibility to ICT
resources and teachers’ skills as key challenges that hinder ICT integration in the process of
teaching and learning. Existence of no or little ICT related knowledge and skills, as Jamieson (2013)
argue, cause fear and frustration amongst teachers in using ICT resources while teaching. They
found that teachers' lack of such skills was a significant problem in this regard as teachers got
discouraged from being unable to integrate ICT. Such inefficiency of teacher skills exists at the level
of understanding of the ICT resources and less or minimal knowledge of integrating ICT as a tool for
learning to deliver their lessons. Findings from across Europe (Winzernried et al. 2010), North
America (Hermans, Tondeur, Braak. & Valcke, 2008) and Asia (Simin & Sani 2015) also inform that
majority of the teachers had minimal ICT knowledge and the same reveals as one of the most
prominent factors that prevent the use of ICT in teaching and learning in schools in Pakistan.

Enabling factors associated with ICT integration

Making ICT resources available and accessible to teachers is one aspect of using technology
in teaching and learning. The infusion of the same could be made through having ongoing support
available at schools (Schrum & Levin, 2016). Even the accessibility, as described by Pernia (2008),
requires that teaches get acquainted with ICT tools and can choose the relevant tool for instructions
for a specific content area. Churchill (2006) rightly says that behind any technology, there is always
a person who can utilize it, work with data, consume information, create knowledge, solve

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problems, and innovate. He further elaborates that "Technology in this context must be understood
as a set of tools and resources that amplify individuals’ physical and intellectual capacity p. 29”.
Investigating about ICT enabling factors, Kirkman (2000) informs that the instructional
approaches and beliefs of teachers and their attitudes and skills relating to ICT, remain as
fundamental and play a key role in integrating ICT in teaching and learning. They state that teachers
can only start using ICT when they are frequently engaged in using it within their work context.
Research (Rosenberg & Koehler, 2015; Mumtaz, 2000) related to ICT integration in schools
determines that teachers’ professional development matters most in enhancing their skills, but the
educational context in which it takes place had a significant role in ICT integration. Teachers’
abilities with ICT integration require to consider the technical aspects of teachers’ work and their
working context (Durrant & Green 2000).
Research, other than Hassan and Sajid (2013) in the context of Pakistan, for example,
Mwalongo (2011), in Tanzania, Agbatogun (2012), a study conducted in Kenya, Simin and Sani
(2015), in the context of Malaysia, suggest that factors like the availability of and access to ICT
resources, and teachers' professional development influence teachers' ICT competence. As they
inform, it is, however, the school context that defines the scale of ICT integration. These studies also
state that by providing only ICT resources or training teachers, the integration of ICT could not be
made possible. It is rather their working conditions that need to be supportive of ICT integration in
the process of teaching and learning. Agbatogun (2012), a study conducted in Kenya, also suggests
the availability of school-level support. Otherwise, as Simin and Sani (2015), found in schools in
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, that ICT resources were in teachers’ access, but they could still not
adequately deal with ICT integration due to school-level support being not in place. In the same
way, other research studies (Agbatogun; 2012; Mwalongo, 2011) do conclude that teachers, even
though find ICT integration effective but bridging the gaps of the provision of sufficient ICT tools
and providing them with on the job support is critical.
Bingimlas's (2009) review of a literature rightly informs about the barriers to ICT
integration at two levels, one at the school and the other at the teacher level. School-level factors
include teachers’ access to ICT resources, their training, and regular support. Factors at teachers’
level consist of their competency of ICT use and resistance to change their practices. His review
considers teachers training, accessibility to ICT resources, and teachers’ confidence and their belief
as key ICT enablers. It suggests that teachers must work collaboratively to minimize the hindrances
and enable effective ICT integration in the process of teaching and learning. Kirkman (2000) argues
that teachers feel confident and start believing in ICT as a learning tool when they are frequently
engaged in using it within their work context. A recent study (Rosenberg & Koehler, 2015) also
suggests that supportive school context is a crucial enabler towards ICT integration.
Table 2. Summary of hindering and enabling factors
Hindering Factors
S.No Factors Percent
1 Non-availability of ICT resources & facilities 73%
2 Lack of finances 18%
3 Access to resources 64%
4 Teachers' ICT integration capacity issue 73%
5 School ICT policy 27%
6 Teachers' motivation towards ICT use 18%

Enabling Factors
1 School level support 18%
2 Provision of ICT resources 73%
3 Teachers' capacity building 73%

7 | ISMAIL ET AL. Hindering and enabling factors towards ICT integration in schools: A developing country perspective
Characteristics of the school setting, such as cultural and structural conditions, remain
essential for the integration of ICT (Vanderlinde, Braak, & Dexter, 2012). Otherwise, as Simin and
Sani (2015), found that though ICT resources were in teachers’ access, but they could still not
adequately deal with ICT integration due to unavailability of school-level support. In the same way,
other research studies (e.g., Agbatogun; 2012; Mwalongo, 2011) do suggest that teachers only
consider ICT integration effective once the gap between the provision of sufficient ICT tools and
enhancing teacher capacity is minimized through providing them regular support at the school

The review, with highlighting both hindering and enabling factors, has provided insights for
schools, policymakers, and researchers to consider while looking into ICT integration in schools.
The studies (Adil, Munir & Shad 2013; Hassan & Sajid, 2012; Kanwal, Jan, & Azhar, 2014; Nisar,
Munir, & Shad, 2011; Rahim, Begum, & Sahar, 2013; Shaikh & Khoja 2013) inform that to meet the
purpose of ICT integration the provision of adequate technological resources to the schools be
considered at the first place. Moreover, schools are to be facilitated with electricity and improved
access to computers in classrooms. Study findings of Nisar, Munir, and Shad (2011) suggest that the
availability and usage of ICT in the education sector increase the efficiency of students. A most
fundamental aspect of making accessibility in terms of teachers’ understanding of ICT tools in
teaching and learning (Pernia, 2003) calls for teachers’ capacity enhancement. Adil, Munir and
Shad's (2013) perspective of training teachers is viable. However, the capacity development
programs need to be continuous and school-based towards enabling teachers to better cope with
the challenges of innovations, forms, and usage of ICT tools. ICT integration does not only require
the provision of necessary infrastructure but asks for curriculum up-gradation and teachers’
capacity building as preferred areas of focus (Hassan & Sajid, 2012).
Shaikh and Khoja (2013) recommends the development of a systemic and politically
committed method of implementation of robust, effective and target-oriented ICT policy at first
instances to make progress towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning and the overall
education system. The same implicates to other developing countries, like Kenya (Kirskoi, 2015),
South Africa (Niekerk & Blignaut, 2014 & Ramorola, 2013) and Tanzania (Mwalongo, 2011) as they
do urge to have an ICT supported mechanism in place at the policy level that remains integral to
and monitor school level ICT use.
All the previous research rightly suggests that in addition to the provision of ICT resources
the most important aspect is the alignment of ICT with curricula, emphasizing both theoretical as
well as the practical use of ICTs via analyzing the current state of schools’ curriculum, pedagogy,
infrastructure, capacity building, language and educational content and financing. To effectively
facilitate the implementation of ICT integration, teachers must be provided rigorous training for the
improvement in this regard (Majoka, Fazal & Khan, 2013). Similar to the context of Pakistan, the
capacity building of teachers, for effective ICT integration also has implications for many other
countries. In Malaysia, for example, as highlighted by Samin and Sini (2013), despite the availability
of ICT resources, it was teachers’ incapability that could not make effective use of ICT in teaching
and learning. The capacity-building aspect of ICT integration remains pivotal for schools across the
globe. It is because of the frequent changes in forms, and the use of ICT (Mishra & Koehler, 2006)
that demands the continuous capacity building of teachers.
A more critical facet of ICT integration in terms of considering the school's context being
made more supportive must be considered before devising any ICT policy and plans. The most
explicit amongst the constituents of the school context should be school-based continuous
professional development of teachers concerning ICT integration. Making ICT resources accessible
to the teachers and having technical support available to them in the form of posting ICT experts

8 | ISMAIL ET AL. Hindering and enabling factors towards ICT integration in schools: A developing country perspective
may make that accessibility more of worth (Pernia, 2003). Moreover, to meet the purpose of ICT
integration, it is worth to capacitate the institutions responsible for both pre and in-service teacher
education, curriculum review and development, assessment and monitoring and evaluation to help
schools in ICT integration. One of the key implications would be for the school leadership as their
role becomes pivotal in this regard. A recent study (Jogezai et al. 2016), in this regard, though,
informs about headteachers being aware of the importance of ICT integration, but they still are not
able to deliver in this regard. Capacitating headteachers or principals as technological leaders
(Anderson & Dexter, 2000, 2005) and mentors to facilitate the continuous professional
development of the teachers earn a more serious consideration to managing school-based facets of
ICT integration. Towards making school level aspects of ICT integration intact, there is a need for
strong policy-level support. Policies need to consider ICT a cross-cutting theme in curriculum
development, curriculum delivery and assessment, teacher education, and educational
management. The review has implications for future research to consider the investigation of
factors associated with effective ICT integration in schools in Pakistan. The current research, in the
context of Pakistan, falls short in this regard.

Review of the literature, in the context of Pakistan and other parts of the world, informs that
ICT integration in schools suffers due to the non-availability of ICT resources and lack of teachers’
relevant skills and knowledge and ultimately about taking measures towards these ends. The
integration of information and communication technology in teaching and learning, as the review of
the literature reveals, is a continuous process (Kohler & Mishra, 2006), and the role of teachers
remains more central in this regard (Jamieson, 2013). All the previous research (e.g., Hassan &
Sajid, 2012; Kirskoi, 2015) highlights the availability of and accessibility to ICT resources very
much imperative to enable teachers to use the same in their teaching and learning.
Considering only the provision of ICT resources to the schools cannot ensure its integration.
In order to support teachers in implementing their learning of ICT integration, there is a need to
create a conducive school environment. Research (e.g., Samin & Sini, 2015) considers such a
supportive environment to be configured with ICT expert human resources and administrative
support from the headteachers, available for the teachers that encourage them towards frequent
use of ICT in their instructions. More importantly, the role of continuous school-based professional
development of teachers regarding ICT integration in teaching and learning earns higher
consideration. Since school is part and parcel of the overall education system and therefore, a policy
level support is very much imperative (Shaikh & Khoja, 2013). Such support needs to encompass
empowering schools and capacitating headteachers to act as technological leaders. Within policy
parameters, the use of ICT needs to remain a cross-cutting theme in terms of its integration into
educational management, curriculum review, and development, pre and in-service teacher
education, and assessment.

Adil, A., Masood, A.M., & Ahmed, M. (2013). Age and gender’s association with information & communication
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