Pulp Notes
Pulp Notes
Pulp Notes
Dental Pulp can be defined as a richly vascularized and innervated connective tissue of mesodermal
origin enclosed by Dentin with communications established to the Periodontal Ligament.
Occupies the center of each tooth and consists of soft connective tissue.
The pulp is housed(present) in the pulp chamber of the crown and in the root canal
of the root.
Pulp present in the crown: CORONAL PULP
Pulp present in the root: RADICULAR PULP
The shape of the pulp varies in different teeth and resembles the outer surface of
the crown.
Total volume of all permanent teeth pulp: 0.38 cm^2
Mean volume of a single adult human pulp is: 0.02 cm^2
Molar pulps are 3-4 times larger than incisor pulps (Size of the pulp: posteriors >
anteriors )
The radicular pulp extends from the cervical region of the crown to the root
In the anterior teeth, the radicular pulps are single but in posterior ones
The dentinal walls taper and the shape of radicular pulp is tubular.
They vary in size, shape and number.
They communicate with the periapical connective tissues via a large foramen
called APICAL FORAMEN. { apical: relating to APEX}
During root formation, the apical root end is limited by epithelial diaphragm.
As the growth proceeds, more dentin is deposited so that when the root of
the teeth has matured , the radicular pulp is narrower.
With age, the apical pulp canal becomes smaller because of apical cementum
The location and the shape of apical foramen may undergo changes(not constant) as
a result of functional changes / influences on the teeth,
The apical foramen is generally located centrally in a developing tooth; as the
development is complete, it assumes an eccentric position.
For instance, a tooth may be tipped from horizontal pressure or it may migrate
mesially causing the apex to tilt in the opposite direction. Under these conditions,
the tissues entering the pulp through apical foramen may exert pressure on the walls
of foramen, causing resorption. At the same time, cementum is laid down on the
opposite side of the apical root canal , resulting in relocation of the original foramen
to an eccentric position.
Sometimes the apical foramen is found on the lateral side of the apex of root canal.
If there are two or more apical foramen present, then they are separated by a
portion of dentin and cementum or by cementum only.
(The cell free zone is inconspicuous during early stages of rapid dentinogenesis since
odontoblast migration would be the greatest at that time.
The cell rich zone is formed during the pre-eruptive phase of the tooth.)
INTERCELLULAR The ground substance is DENSE AND GEL LIKE IN NATURE, varies in
SUBSTANCE) COMPOUNDS (proteoglycans)
Functions of ground substance:
1. Lends support to the cells of pulp.
2. Serves as a means of transport of nutrients from blood
vessels to the cells.
3. Transport of metabolites from cells to the blood vessels
Glycosaminoglycans present in the ground substance contributes
to the high tissue fluid pressure of the pulp due to their hydrophilic
and gel like nature.
Recently, primary cilia have been identified in odontoblast. These cilia may play a role
in response of odontoblasts to external stimuli.
The form and arrangement of the bodies of the odontoblasts are not uniform
throughout the pulp. They are more cylindrical and longer (tall columnar) in the crown
and more cuboid in the middle of the root.
Close to the apex of an adult tooth the odontoblasts are ovoid and spindle shaped and
ultrastructurally, ring-layered structures have been observed between aging
odontoblasts that might be characteristic of aging teeth.
Odontoblasts are end cells. They have lost the ability to divide. When they die they
have to be replaced by cells, which differentiate from the cell-rich zone. Odontoblast
and subodontoblastic cells have been shown to undergo apoptotic cell death by
apoptotic cell markers like bcl-2.
Odontoblasts release inflammatory chemokine interleukin-8 which is chemotactic for
Nitric oxide synthetase have been identified in odontoblasts and endothelial cells of
the pulp which are important enzymes for vasodilatation and blood pressure
regulation. This finding suggests that odontoblasts may have a role in mediating cell
proliferation and vasodilatation.
PULPAL STEM CELLS Stem cells that have been identified from the pulpal tissues include dental pulp
stem cells (DPSCs) and stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED).
The stem cells were shown to undergo proliferation and migrate to the site of
injured odontoblasts and produce dentin.
The pulpal tissues of the exfoliated deciduous teeth and third molars may
serve as a suitable source of stem cells for future stem cell based therapies as they
are found to be viable after cryopreservation.
The pulp organ is extensively vascularized.
It is known that the blood vessels of both the pulp
and the periodontium arise from the inferior or
superior alveolar artery and also drain by the same
veins in both the mandibular and maxillary regions.
Pulpal blood flow is more rapid than in most areas
of the body. This is perhaps attributable to the fact
that the pulpal pressure is among the highest of
body tissues.
1. Lymph capillaries are described as endothelium-lined tubes that join thin-walled lymph
venules or veins in the central pulp.
2. The lymphatic capillaries have thin walls.
3. Cellular projections arise from the endothelial cells. The cells contain multivesicular
structures, Weibel-Palade bodies and paracrystalline inclusions.
4. The lymphatic vessels were more numerous in the central part of the pulp than in the
peripheral areas.
5. The larger vessels have an irregular-shaped lumen composed of endothelial cells surrounded
by an incomplete layer of pericytes or smooth muscle cells or both.
6. In inflamed pulps, due to increased interstitial fluid pressure, gap junction develops between
the endothelial cells of the dilated lymph capillaries.
7. Lymph vessels differ from venules in that their walls and basement membrane show
discontinuities, with the absence of RBCs but with the presence of lymphocytes in the
8. Lymph vessels draining the pulp and periodontal ligament have a common outlet. Those
draining the anterior teeth pass to the submental lymph nodes; those of the posterior teeth
pass to the submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes.
1) The dental pulp is highly innervated.
2) The majority of the nerves that enter the pulp through apical foramen are nonmyelinated.
3) The nonmyelinated nerves are found in close association with the blood vessels of the pulp
and many are sympathetic in nature. They have terminals on the muscle cells of the larger
vessels and function in vasoconstriction.
4) The large myelinated fibers mediate the sensation of pain that may be caused by external
stimuli. The peripheral axons form a network of nerves located adjacent to the cell-rich
zone. This is termed the parietal layer of nerves, also known as the plexus of Raschkow.
5) Both myelinated axons, ranging from 2 to 5 m in diameter, and minute nonmyelinated fibers
of approximately 200 to 1600 m (2000 to 16,000 Å) in size make up this layer of nerves
(plexus of Raschkow). The parietal layer develops gradually, becoming prominent when root
formation is complete.
1) Inductive:
The primary role of the pulp anlage is to interact with the oral epithelial cells,
which leads to differentiation of the dental lamina and enamel organ
formation. The pulp anlage also interacts with the developing enamel organ as
it determines a particular type of tooth.
2) Formative:
The pulp organ cells produce the dentin that surrounds and protects the pulp.
The pulpal odontoblasts develop the organic matrix and function in its
calcification. Through the development of the odontoblast processes, dentin is
formed along the tubule wall as well as at the pulp–predentin front.
3) Nutritive:
The pulp nourishes the dentin through the odontoblasts and their processes and by means of the
blood vascular system of the pulp.
4) Protective:
The sensory nerves in the tooth respond with pain to all stimuli such as heat, cold, pressure,
operative cutting procedures, and chemical agents. The nerves also initiate reflexes that control
circulation in the pulp. This sympathetic function is a reflex, providing stimulation to visceral motor
fibers terminating on the muscles of the blood vessels.
5) Defensive or reparative:
The pulp is an organ with remarkable reparative abilities. It responds to irritation, whether
mechanical, thermal, chemical, or bacterial, by producing reparative dentin and mineralizing any
affected dentinal tubules.
After injury to the mature tooth, the fate of the odontoblast can vary according to the intensity of
the injury. Milder injury can result in functional activity leading to focal secretion of a reactionary
dentin matrix, called regeneration, while greater injury can lead to odontoblast cell death.
Induction of differentiation of a new generation of odontoblast-like cells can then lead to
reparative dentinogenesis.
Both the reparative dentin created in the pulp and the calcification of the tubules (sclerosis) are
attempts to wall off the pulp from the source of irritation. Also, the pulp may become inflamed due
to bacterial infection or by cutting action and placement of an irritating restorative material.
The pulp has macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and plasma and mast cells, all of
which aid in the process of repair of the pulp.
During inflammation of the pulp, hyperemia and edema may lead to the accumulation of excess
fluid outside the capillaries. An imbalance of this type, limited by the unyielding enclosure, can lead
to pressure on apical vessels and ischemia, resulting in necrosis of the pulp. In most cases, if the
inflammation is not too severe, however, the pulp will heal since it has excellent regenerative
Primary pulp: The primary pulp (pulp of deciduous teeth) functions for a shorter period of
time than do the permanent pulps. The average length of time a primary pulp functions in the oral
cavity is only about 8.3 years. This amount of time may be divided into three time periods—that of
pulp organ growth, which takes place during the time the crown and roots are developing; that
period of time after the root is completed until root resorption begins, which is termed the time of
pulp maturation; and finally the period of pulp regression, which is the time from beginning root
resorption until the time of exfoliation. The maximum life of the primary pulp including both
prenatal and postnatal times of development and the period of regression is approximately 9.6
Permanent pulp: During crown formation the pulps of primary and permanent teeth are
morphologically nearly identical. In the permanent teeth this is a process requiring about 5 years.
During this time the tissues are highly cellular, exhibiting a high mitotic rate especially in the
cervical region. The young differentiating odontoblasts exhibit few organelles until dentin
formation begins; then they rapidly change into protein-synthesizing cells. The period of pulp aging
is much accelerated in the primary teeth and occupies the time from root completion to
exfoliation, or about 7 years, 5 months. Aging of the pulp in the permanent teeth, on the other
hand, requires much of the adult life span.