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The Correlation Between CBR (California Bearing Ratio) and Ucs (Unconfined Compression Strength) Laterite Soils in Palangka Raya As Heap Material

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International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018

ISSN: 2599-2643



Norseta Ajie Saputra1, Rida Respati2

1, 2
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya University,
RTA Milono Km 1,5, Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia
[email protected]
[email protected]

In road construction activities, the use of soil as heap material is commonly practiced. Soils are heaping
above soft soils aiming to increase the carrying capacity of the soft soils layer. The parameters for reference
are the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) and UCS (Unconfined Compression Strength) scores. But, the test
of CBR and UCS takes a long time in the process. Therefore, an approach is needed to obtain the score of
CBR and UCS. Then by find out one of the parameters score, will also find out the others parameter scores.
Aim to obtain the correlation between CBR and UCS scores, firstly, need to perform test in laboratory.
The test conducted to soil samples from Tangkiling village, Bukit Batu district, Palangka Raya City,
Central Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the correlation between UCS and CBR scores were,
UCS = 0.2416, CBR – 1.2389, with R score was 0.9193. This showed a very high correlation between
UCS and CBR.

DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.2582327

The activitiviy of soils heaping for construction is common matter, especially on soft soils
characteristics. The soils heaping above the soft soils have high risks of sliding failure and over-degradation,
where it will affect to score of CBR (California Bearing Ratio) and UCS (Unconfined Compression
Strength). Aiming to produce a planning of good and strong construction, it needs complete and accurate
data. The data must be collected through tests in laboratory. By the laboraroty test, it will obtain the soils
properties and mechanism. The soil physical properties will provide an overview of the classification, seen
from grain size and soil plasticity, and mechanical properties such as soil carriying capacity to withstand
the dynamic loads and unconfined compression strength of soil to withstand the static loads.The common
soil mechanical properties uses as parameters for heaping options are CBR and UCS scores. In practical
planning, it sometimes does not need to perform an overall soil experiment - it only requires an approach
of CBR score to UCS. But, to obtain the approach, it needs to test in laboratory.

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

1.1 Problem Statements

Based on the problem identification, then the problem statements in this research are:
3. What are the characteristics of laterite soils on the tested soils?
4. What are the scores of CBR and UCS on the tested laterite soils?
5. What are the correlation scores of CBR and UCS on laterite soil?

1.2 Research Objectives

The research objectives in this research are:
1. To obtain laterite soils properties based on the performed test results.
2. To obtain the scores of CBR and UCS on the tested soils.
3. To find out the correlation scores of CBR and UCS on laterite soils.

2.Literature Review
2.1Heaping Soils
In common principle, the process of heaping soil is carried out by heaping the soil. Then, based on
the aim and purpose of using the soils, heaping soils are divided into 2 types. They are:
1. Common heaping is heaping soils for surface final elevation or base as required in the plan or the target
of the work without any other special purposes.
2. Optional heaping is heaping soils to improve the carrying capacity of the subgrade as required in a work.

2.2 Laterite Soils

The soils are formed because of the cold humid environment and the puddles. This soils are red, and
the others variant is brown. The type of soils are very widespread in Indonesia, and estimated of 8.085
million hectares of red soil spreading among Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi.

2.3California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

CBR test aims to know the comparation between trial loading and standard loading, and it states in
percentage (Soedarmo, 1993 in Predrikson, 2015).
According to Sukirman (1999) in Muda (2016), the price of CBR is carrying capacity of compacted
soil through compaction at a certain moisture content compared to standard materials in the form of crushed
stone with having 100% CBR score in withdstand the traffic load. Therefore, the CBR score is the
percentage or comparison of soils carrying capacity compared to carrying capacity of standard crushed
stone at the same penetration score (0.1 inches and 0.2 inches). According to Directorate General of
Highways, 1976, soils can be classified on its use for subgrade based on CBR score of the soil type. And
the CBR score of subgrade is presented in Table 1:

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Table 1. CBR Score of Subgrade

CBR Score CBR of subgrade
> 24% Very Good
8 – 24% Good
5 – 8% Medium
3 – 5% Poor
2 – 3% Very Poor
Source: Directorate General of Highways (1976) in Muda (2016)

Based on Table 1, Bowles, establishes level of land capability based on the CBR score and classifies
the soil types based on soil classification. And, it is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Classification of Soil CBR Score
General Classification
Classification USCS AASHTO
0–3 Very Poor Subgrade OH, CH, MH, OL A5, A6, A7
3–7 Poor – Medium Subgrade OH, CH, MH, OL A4, A5, A6, A7
7–20 Medium Subbase OL, CL, ML, SC, A2, A4, A6, A7
20-50 Good Base or GM, GC, SW, SM, Ab, A2-5, A3, A2-6
Subbase SP, GP
> 50 Very Good Base A1a, A2-4, A3
Source: Bouwless (1993)

UCS (Unconfined Compression Strength)

Aiming to test the Unconfined Compression strength of soil, it performs the test of the land ability
toward static tension which is given periodically. The maximum capability score of the soil can be
interpreted as the compression strength score of soil (qu). The UCS test can be used in soil samples of
disturbed or undisturbed conditions, and remolded or compacted soil samples.
In this experiment, the soil samples are remolded. The soil samples will be pressed in unconfined
state until broken on one axis. Because unconfined prism experiments are carried out in the air, then the
factor of soil water content are essential (Albajili, 2014).
Then, by test results of unconfined compression strength (qu) will be found out the consistency of
clay soil (Hardiyatmo, 2006) as presented in Table 3:

Table 3. Correlation of Unconfined Compression Strength (qu) with its Consistency

Consistency qu(kN/m2)
Hard Clay > 400
Very Stiff Clay 200 - 400

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Stiff Clay 100 - 200

Medium Clay 50 - 100
Soft Clay 25 – 50
Very Soft Clay < 25
Source: Hardiyatmo(2006)

Previous Related Research

Muda (2016) in a study on stabilization of clay in Bukit Rawi using Sand and cement, obtained the
correlation score of CBR and UCS, were: CBR = 0,1325 UCS, with price of CBR ranged between 50-150%
and UCS between 7-14 kg / cm2.
Predikson (2015) in a research entitled “The correlation between CBR and UCS score of clay in Palangka
Raya with Sand and Cement stabilization”, obtained correlation between CBR and UCS is CBR = 4.14
UCS + 28.15.

3. Research Method

The research stages are:

1. Preparation of tools and equipment in laboratory
2. Taking laterite soil samples in Tangkiling village, Bukit Batu district
3. Testing the physical of laterite soil properties
4. Making soil samples for CBR and UCS test of laterite soils, including the sample variations based on
addition and reduction of optimum moisture content based on previous compaction test result.
5. Test of CBR and UCS score on all samples variation.
6. Analysis of testing result
Briefly, the research stages are explained in Figure 1:

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Preparation Of Tools And Material, And Laterite Soils


Physic Properties Test

Compaction Test
CBR test on condition CBR test on condition CBR test on condition
-10% OMC
UCS test on condition UCS testOMC
on condition UCS +10%
test onOMC

-10% OMC OMC +10% OMC

Data Analysis

Correlation of CBR and UCS

Research Result

Figure 1. Flow Chart of the Research

Location of Taking Sample

The samples were taken in:
1. Sample A is taken from Jl. Tjilik Riwut KM. 36 (Trans Kalimantan to Jl. A. Yani, Sampit) with height
of 30 meters above the sea level and position (S 01º58’27.1” E 113º44’45.9”).
2. Sample B is taken from Jl. Tjilik Riwut KM. 33.5 (Trans Kalimantan to Jl. A. Yani, Sampit) with
height of 37 meters above the sea level and position (S 01º58’33.5” 113º45’15.1”).
3. Sample C is taken from Jl. Tjilik Riwut KM. 35 (Trans Kalimantan to Jl. A. Yani, Sampit) with height
of 29 meters above the sea level and position (S 01º58’32.9” E 113º44’56.5”).

4. Data Analysis
Soil Properties
After conducted test at Geotechnical Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering UM Palangkaraya,
obtained the soil properties of Laterite in Tangkiling village, Palangka Raya, is presented in Table 4:

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Table 4. Testing Result and Soil Properties of Laterite

Test Types Sat. Sample A Sample B Sample C
Soil Moisture Content % 2,18 1,56 2,29
Average of specific gravity 2,64 2,66 2,63
Liquid Limit (LL) % 29,60 33,35 40,50
Plastic Limit (PL) % 19,49 25,54 29,77
Plasticity Index (PI) % 10,11 7,96 10,73
Weight of Maximum Dried Content gr/cm3 1,84 1,81 1,73
Optimum Moisture content % 15,75 16,00 15,95
Swelling % 0,04 0,03 0,01
CBR % 9,50 10,90 20,50
UCS kg/cm2 1,25 1,75 2,95
PROPERTIES Sample A Sample B Sample C
AASHTO A-2-6 A-2-4 A-2-6

Basically, soils in Tangkiling Village, Bukit Batu district, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan
Province, have physical properties according to USCS which belong to the ML category or lanau non-
organic type soil with fine sand and powdered stone or clay soft sand with low plasticity index. In addition,
the laterite soils are also part of CL category, ie non-organic clay lanau with low to medium plasticity, clay-
mixed lanau and fine sand. Manwhile, according to AASHTO, the laterite soils include into group A-2-4
and A-2-6 which have soils characteristic with fine pebble and lanau-sand or clay. Based on the result of
its gravity as presented in table 1, the soil includes into type of non-organic lanau with the specific gravity
score is around 2.62-2.68.

Test Result of California Bearing Ratio (CBR).

Laboratory CBR test here is an immertion of CBR test. The samples test should be immersed for 1
day and soaked for 5 days. This CBR testing conducted based on wopt score from the result of soil
compaction, and continues to make soil samples based on 10% addition and reduction of w opt score. The
results are presented in Table 5 and Figure 2.

Table 5. CBR Test Result of Soils

Score of CBR (%)
-10% wopt wopt +10% wopt.
Sample A 11,40 9,50 7,40
Sample B 13,00 10,70 9,20

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Sample C 24,30 18,00 14,20

In order to have easier understanding toward the comparation of CBR test result, then it displays into
block diagram and presented in Figure 2.

CBR (%)

Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C +10% +10% +10%
Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C

Figure 2. Chart of CBR Test Result

In general, the obtained CBR score from test results, according to the Directorate General of
Highways (1976) states that laterite soils with CBR score between 8-24% for subgrade is good category.
Meanwhile, according to Bowles (1993), classification based on the price of CBR 7-20%, then, in general
level, includes in medium category, and use for subbase.

Test Result of Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS).

In UCS test, the each sample was immersed for 7 days. This test is conducted in two times of
experiments. And, the taken score is the average score of the result. The test results of each sample are
presented in Table 6 and Figure 3.

Table 6. UCS Test Result of Soils

Score of UCS (kg/cm2)
-10% wopt wopt +10% wopt.
Sample A
Variation 1 1,28 1,15 1,05
Variation 2 1,35 1,25 1,12
Average 1,32 1,20 1,09
Sample B
Variation 1 1,98 1,75 1,04
Variation 2 1,00 1,01 1,11

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Average 1,49 1,38 1,08

Sample C
Variation 1 5,22 2,95 1,92
Variation 2 5,15 2,35 1,89
Average 5,19 2,65 1,91







Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C +10% +10% +10%
Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C

Figure 3. Chart of UCS Test Result

Based on the average score of UCS, each point has experiences variations results. As in soils
consistency based on the score of qu, then the condition of laterite soils at point 1, the correlation between
Unconfined Compression Strength (qu) and consistency is 105.46 kN / m2, including in rigid clay.
Manwhile, at point 2, the result of correlation between unconfined compression strength (qu) and
consistency is 259.97 kN/m2, including in rigid clay. And at point 3, the result of correlation between
unconfined compression strength (qu) and consistency is 508.65 kN / m2, including in hard clay

Comparation of CBR and UCS scores

The comparison of CBR (California Bearing Ratio) and UCS (Unconfined Compression Strength)
scores are presented in Table 7 and Figure 4.

Table 7. Test Result of Scores variation on samples of CBR and UCS

Condition of wopt.
-10% wopt wopt +10% wopt.
CBR (%)
Sample A 11,40 9,50 7,40
Sample B 13,00 10,70 9,20
Sample C 24,30 18,00 14,20
UCS (gr/cm )
Sample A 1,32 1,20 1,09
Sample B 1,49 1,38 1,08

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Sample C 5,19 2,65 1,91

Test Result of CBR and UCS

Figure 4. Chart of Test Result of CBR and UCS

Based on figure 4, in general, it shows almost the same trend. Where, the highest score in parameters
of CBR and UCS is on the test results with 10% addition of optimum moisture content and vice versa.
Meanwhile, based on the taken samples point, Point A is the highest score in parameters of CBR and UCS
scores, and followed by point B and point C. However, the overall of soil samples can be used as a heap
material, as regulated by Bina Marga and Bowless.

Correlation of CBR and UCS Score

When discuss about the correlation, it will try the correlation between the two parameters; the score
of CBR and UCS based on test results. Graphics and analytic are used to make easier in obtaining the result.
For graphical methods, will make graphical on correlation between the score of CBR and UCS and continue
to make a linear line as correlation line between the two parameters. The result of graphical correlation is
presented in Figure 5.

Copyright © 2019. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018
ISSN: 2599-2643

Correlation Between CBR and UCS

Linear (Correlation between CBR and UCS)

Figure 5. Chart of correlation of CBR and UCS scores

Based on figure 5, the correlation score of CBR and UCS shows that if the soils CBR score is high,
so there increase of UCS soil score and vice versa. In this test, it obtains the final result of score R = 0.9193.
Meanwhile, the obtained linear equation is y = 0.2416 x - 1.2389. In accordance with the graphic in figure
5, the CBR score is depicted as axis X, and UCS score is depicted as axis Y. Then, the correlation equation
is UCS = 0.2416, CBR – 1.2389.

Basically, soils in Tangkiling Village, Bukit Batu district, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan
Province, have physical properties according to USCS which belong to ML category and CL category with
types, crushed stone, non-organic clay lanau with low to medium plasticity, clay-mixed lanau and fine sand.
Manwhile, according to AASHTO, it includes into group A-2-4 and A-2-6 which have fine pebble and
lanau-sand or clay. Sample C is the highest on CBR test and in condition of OMC -10% with score of
24.30%. According to the Director General of Highways (1976), soils with CBR score > 24% for subgrade
is very good category. Meanwhile, according to Bowles (1993), classification based on the price of CBR
20-50%, then, in general level, includes in good category, and use for subbase.Sample C is the highest on
CBR test and in condition of OMC -10% is 5.19 kg/cm2. For the correlation results of unconfined
compression strong (qu) with the consistency is 508.65 kN/m2, include in hard clay.The correlation of CBR
(California Bearing Ratio) and UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength) is: UCS = 0.2416 CBR - 1, with
R = 0.9193.

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unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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