Acitvity 2 - Essay
Acitvity 2 - Essay
Acitvity 2 - Essay
Some have even predicted that global forces, usually transnational corporations
and other global economic institutions, global culture, various globalizing belief systems
and ideologies, or a combination of all of these, will become so powerful that the nation-
state's existence will be seriously jeopardized. Most globalization theories do not require
this as a result. The point of this study is that much of the globalization literature is
muddled because not all individuals who use the phrase separate it clearly enough from
internationalization, and some writers appear to use the two concepts interchangeably. I
contend that a clear difference must be made between the inter-national and the global.
1. Economic open markets, the majority of which have the primary theme of
interconnectedness, resulting in some type of stability.
2. Global political hegemony, which has some variation in the governance of some form
of political system controlled by a mostly concealed elite.
3. There is global recognition that both freedom and security necessitate our embrace of
collaboration and variety.
There may be some overlap between differing degrees of understanding on these three
core groups of topics; nevertheless, if one truly knows three, it is anathema to both.
Those in category 1 often use some variation of von Neuman's games theory,
which is based on assumptions of short-term self-interest in competitive systems and
uses a generalized value metric derived from markets. That was certainly a good
approximation when most things were scarce, but the entire paradigm collapses if highly
automated production systems eliminate the need for human labor and allow systems to
fulfill the reasonable demands of all people. Market value for all plentiful things falls to
zero under such systems, and market incentives become antithetical to the
requirements of the great majority of mankind.
Globalization is one of the most current cultural, social, economic, and political trends.
Globalization is a relatively new notion; terms like "global," "globality," "globalization,"
and "globalism," as well as concepts like "global market" or "global ecology," were
almost unknown until the very end of the twentieth century.
We are all familiar with these concepts, yet we are unable to describe them, a
widespread phenomenon: however, most of us have no idea what the word for this
phenomenon is. I really polled several of my students and friends. Some of them have
no concept of what the phrase "globalization" means, while others do but cannot explain
it fully.
PPT: Globalization entails economic integration, the transfer of policies across borders,
the transmission of knowledge, cultural stability, the reproduction, relationships, and
discourses of power; it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and the
establishment of a global market free of sociopolitical control. It includes all these
So, globalization is the process through which people and things travel freely across
boundaries. It is primarily an economic term, including the integration of markets,
commerce, and investments with few impediments to the movement of goods and
services across states.