Kobiawa's Degree Project
Kobiawa's Degree Project
Kobiawa's Degree Project
A Project Work Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for BSc. Information
Communication and Technology
Mr Isaac Afoakwah
This project is presented as part of the requirements for BSc. Information Communication and
Technology awarded by Radford University College. I hereby declare that this project is
entirely the result of hard work, research, and enquiries. I am confident that this project work
is not copied from any other person. All sources of information have however been
acknowledged with due respect.
Date: ………….……………
Date: ………………………
The Integrated Admission Management System (IAMS) is a web application that aims at
integrating all the admission departments of Radford University College, that work in hand as
a single system. This system does away with the difficulties applicants or students go through;
moving from one office to another to undergo registration. The implementation of this system
will speed up the admission and registration process and also help solve some challenges that
the various admission departments go through during registration.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Almighty God for granting me undeserved
kindness and bringing me this far. I would like to express my deep appreciation to my
supervisor, Mr. Isaac Afoakwah for the tireless support and the assistance he offered me. I
would also like to say a big thank you to all who helped us along the way in diverse ways.
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................vi
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY........................................................................................2
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.......................................................................................3
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Main objective................................................................................................................3
To design and implement an integrated online admission system for RUC........................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives:...............................................................................................................3
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Admission department....................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Finance department.........................................................................................................4
1.4.3 ITSS................................................................................................................................4
1.4.4 Students..........................................................................................................................4
1.5 SCOPE OF STUDY................................................................................................................4
1.6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................4
1.7 TIME SCHEDULE.................................................................................................................5
1.8 ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................6
2.1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................6
2.2 MEANING OF REGISTRATION..........................................................................................6
2.2.1 EXAMPLES OF REGISTRATION................................................................................6
2.3 MODES OF REGISTRATION...............................................................................................7
2.3.1 Manual Registration........................................................................................................7
2.3.2 ONLINE REGISTRATION............................................................................................8
2.4 The Current Admission Process of GCTU..........................................................................9
2.4.1 Benefits of the current system...........................................................................................10
2.5 Review of Other Related Works........................................................................................11
2.5.1 Review 1 - Design and Development of University Admission Management System
(2018) 11
2.5.2 Review 2 – Web-Based Students’ Record Management System for Tertiary
Institutions (2019).......................................................................................................................11
2.5.3 Review 3 - Automated Online College Admission Management System (2017)............12
2.6 The Proposed System..........................................................................................................13
2.7 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................15
3.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................15
3.1 Design Process.....................................................................................................................15
3.2 Initial Planning....................................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Information Gathering Techniques...........................................................................16
3.3 Agile Model.........................................................................................................................16
3.4 Requirements Definition.....................................................................................................18
3.4.1 Functional Requirements...............................................................................................18
3.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements.......................................................................................19
3.4.3 Hardware Requirements................................................................................................21
3.4.4 Software Requirements..............................................................................................21
3.5 High-Level Planning...........................................................................................................23
3.5.1 System Design..................................................................................................................23
3.5.2 System Architecture........................................................................................................23
3.5.3 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)..............................................................................25
3.5.4 Data Flow Diagram (DFD).............................................................................................25
3.5.5 Flowchart..........................................................................................................................26
3.5.6 Sequence diagram...........................................................................................................28
3.5.7 Use Case diagram............................................................................................................29
3.6 Selected Codes for Specific Functions...............................................................................33
3.7 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................35
CHAPTER FOUR..............................................................................................................................36
TESTING AND ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................36
4.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................36
4.1 Software Testing.................................................................................................................36
4.2 Initial Testing......................................................................................................................36
4.2.1 Home Page...................................................................................................................36
4.2.1 User Login Page..........................................................................................................37
4.2.2 Dashboard...................................................................................................................40
4.3 Functionality Testing..........................................................................................................42
4.3.1 Functionalities Under Applicant................................................................................42
4.3.2 Functionalities Under Student...................................................................................45
4.3.3 Functionalities Under Admin.....................................................................................47
4.4 Errors...................................................................................................................................49
4.5 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................50
CHAPTER FIVE................................................................................................................................51
CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................51
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................51
5.2 Limitations..........................................................................................................................52
5.3 Lesson Learnt......................................................................................................................52
5.4 Recommendation................................................................................................................52
APPENDIX I.......................................................................................................................................56
APPENDIX II.....................................................................................................................................59
Table 2.1 Comparison Between Manual and Online Registration………………….................9
Figure 1.1 – Gantt Chart of the study ………………………………………………………..5
Figure 2.1 - Diagram showing the current admission process of RUC……….…………..10
Figure 2.2 - Dataflow diagram of the proposed system…………………………………….14
Figure 3.1 - The Agile Development Model………………………………………………..17
Figure 3.2 – System Architecture…………………………………………………………...24
Figure 3.3 – Entity Relational diagram (ERD)……………………………………………...25
Figure 3.4 – Dataflow diagram……………………………………………………………...26
Figure 3.5 – Flowchart………………………………………………………………………27
Figure 3.6 – Sequence Diagram……………………………………………………………..28
Figure 3.7 - Use case diagram – Student……………………………………………….…...29
Figure 3.8 - Use case diagram – Administrator……………………………………………..31
Figure 4.1 – IAMS Home Page……………………………………………………………..37
Figure 4.2a – Applicant login page…………………………………………………………38
Figure 4.2b – Applicant register page……………………………………………….……...38
Figure 4.2c – Student login page…………………………………………………….……...39
Figure 4.2d – Admin login page…………………………………………………………….39
Figure 4.3a – Applicant dashboard………………………………………………………….40
Figure 4.3b – Student dashboard…………………………………………………………….41
Figure 4.3c - Admin dashboard……………………………………………………………..41
Figure 4.4a – Registration of an applicant…………………………………………………...42
Figure 4.4b – Summary review of application………………………………………………43
Figure 4.4c: Application status……………………………………………………………...44
RUC Radford University College
PDF Portable Document Format
ID CARD Identification Card
ITSS Information Technology Services and Solutions
IT Information Technology
WASSCE West African Senior School Certificate Examination
WAEC West African Examinations Council
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
MS Microsoft
ER Entity Relational
PRN Personal Registration Number
1.0 Introduction
With the invention of several other emerging innovations, including e-commerce, e-learning,
and online registration, to say only a few, the area of information technology has changed
tremendously over the past years. The transition did not happen immediately, but rather a
gradual process that began with the creation of web-based applications. Today, through the
worldwide network, mobile apps, email, and social media, web connectivity has become a
deserter for routine operations and data exchange for many universities. According to Mills
(1990), the provision of services like students’ application, admission and registration have
become proficient through the employment of technological tools and packages like
databases, spreadsheets, and word processors.
Students’ academic and personal records form a vital part of the education system, but then
managing of students’ records has been held in low esteem, especially in the third world
where most archival records on students are held in physical systems, giving rise to
complications in recovering vital information and reduced access time. Most institutions are
relying on their manual ways of registering students which are done normally using paper-
based systems that prove tedious, susceptible to human errors at entry-level, labour-intensive,
and time-consuming leading to incorrect or undesired results. It is currently tedious to
organize, conduct, and manage manual admission accurately and in an exceedingly timely
manner due to the rise in numbers of applicants seeking admission within educational
institutes which inflict tremendous pressure on the executive body of the institutes. Knowing
that time plays a topmost role in the efficiency of every system, it is extremely necessary to
build up the convenience of online registration of student's admission system to sustain a vast
number of applicants for institutions and the evolving world. The main reason behind the
necessity for a computerized student admission system is to manage the admission process of
students at Radford University College (RUC).
Research study proves that a lot of institutions have adopted web-based applications to
handle every part of the student admission process shifting from manual strategies into a far
better, convenient, and reliable atmosphere that enhances productivity by reducing process
time, generating fast results and accurate reports, making the information available. To solve
the current problems in admissions, academic institutions need to shift from manual method
to the machine-controlled or automated systems and use the technologies which may be
efficient, further helpful for the institutes. Hence, the need for online admission is very
important. The proposed model is to design and implement an integrated admission system
(IAMS); a case study of RUC, with the general idea of increasing efficiency within the
registration process.
The online Admissions Management Software automates the entire process of admissions
and enrolment making it extremely easy and quick. Restructuring RUC’s admission
management system aims to offer administrative assistance by providing faster, easier, and
simpler methods for registering students, managing records, monitoring applications,
assigning index numbers and courses, and more. The module will make it simple for
applicants seeking admission to request enrolment enquiries, top off the structure of
enlistment, transfer records, make online instalment payments, keep records, and use them for
reference and further proceedings; and monitor and download the status of the application
once it is seamless. In addition, the modules in the system streamline all admission processes
by supplying the institutions with vital resources to attract and talk to prospective applicants.
A recent survey of undergraduate applicants showed that about 68 percent do not seek advice
or guidance from the admissions team of an institution before initiating an application. It is
therefore important for universities to treat their application portal as a marketing instrument
and to make the process as self-explanatory and streamlined as possible to optimize
conversions. However, a few education providers still do not utilize online admission systems
and rely on obsolete PDF application forms and programs to handle the process, such as
Excel, and a more conventional paper and ink system.
With an online management system, administrators can coordinate data more efficiently, see
at any given time what point an applicant is in the pipeline, and gain access to analytics data
on everything from how many individuals have submitted a form to how many possible
applicants are for each course. An online admissions system is like a "one-stop-shop"; the
days of managing many spreadsheets and wasting hours sorting them are gone. Knowledge is
synchronized and activities can be automated, making it much simpler to personalize, which
is so necessary.
From my analysis on RUC’s admission process, students and staff go through a hectic
process during admission because most of our processes are being done manually whereby
students have to move from one office to another to complete the admission process. My
study at the admission office on June 2022 revealed to me that, the systems of the various
departments such as admission, finance that work in hand are not integrated as a single
system; this results in the movement of students from one office to another to complete the
admission process. This slows the admission process as it requires a lot of time for
coordination, i.e., handling the applications received from the manual admission process,
generating the results, giving out admission, and undergoing an on-site registration of course
processes within the time constraint, normally exceeds into learning and teaching periods.
Moreover, manual systems are inevitably error prone. The manual method of admissions
eventually breaks as the institution expands and the workload rises. This likewise leads to a
decline in the accountability of records.
1.4.3 ITSS
The IT unit will be relieved from students’ workload since the system will capture
applicants’ passport pictures during the filling of admissions forms for the generation of a
student ID card.
1.4.4 Students
The system eliminates the stress students go through, moving from one office to another
to complete the admission process. Hence, admission is made accessible anywhere
without difficulties.
The software engineering model to be used for this project is the Agile Model which involves
a combination of incremental and iterative delivery. Processes in agile are broken into
individual models that designers work on. Every iteration has its testing phase where
customers can look at the product and send feedback or any change in the feature, which can
be dealt with in subsequent iteration.
Chapter One introduces the proposed work, its problem statement, objectives,
significance, scope, limitation, time schedule, and brief methodology of the study.
Chapter Three gives a detailed explanation of the system design and building.
Chapter Four consists of the tested system analysed and discussed results.
This chapter introduces the objective and critical summary of published research literature
relating to existing web-based students’ admission management systems based on manual
registration and online registration. This chapter aims to acclimatize with both old and current
techniques, to build a relationship between completed works and ongoing works as well as
justify the necessity for additional research into previously unexplored or understudied areas
of study.
This chapter will implicitly review the existing admission system of RUC and three different
types of related works that have been carefully chosen to meet this project work’s claims and
Vehicle Registration
This is the mandatory means of registering a vehicle with a government authority.
The purpose of this registration is to establish lucid ownership and to tax motorists
or vehicle owners. Although vehicles are uniquely identified by a VIN, only
registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and carry a vehicle
registration certificate.
Voter’s Registration
This is the requirement for citizens and residents in some democracies to register
with some central registry specifically to be legible to vote in elections [8]. The
mode of registering voters differs widely from country to country. In some, voters
are automatically added to the rolls when they reach the legitimate voting age. In
others, prospective voters are required to apply to be added to the rolls.
Business Registration
In business registration, a license permit is issued to individuals or companies upon
their registration by government agencies that allow them to conduct business
within the government geographical jurisdiction.
Manual registration is done in the Online registration is done online with the
registration offices in the institution. use of a personal computer.
Manual registration students submit a hard Online registration students submit filled
copy of filled application forms to the application forms electronically.
Manual registration can only be done with Online registration can be done anytime,
the student’s physical presence on campus. anywhere according to one’s preference.
This system satisfies the requirements necessary to ensure a good admission process but
cannot be said as a fully web automated system since:
There was no online mode through which applicants can submit their application
forms, hence submissions were done manually.
There was no mode for digital payment of admission fees integrated into the
2.5.2 Review 2 – Web-Based Students’ Record Management System for
Tertiary Institutions (2019)
[13] Also, Uka KanayoKizito and Ekwonwune Emmanuel Nwabueze of the Department
of Computer Science, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria designed and implemented a
Web-Based Students’ Record Management System for Tertiary Institutions. The system
was developed due to the problems related to student academic record management
which include
improper course registration, late release of students’ results, reconciliation of students’
results, malpractices at various students clearing units, inaccuracy due to manual and
tedious calculation and record retrieval difficulties in the institution.
This system permits applicants to fill and submit application forms online, make
payment for all stipulated fees, and provides them with updated information about their
admission status, studentship, semester results, and the latest information. This system on
the other hand allows lecturers to view all courses assigned to them and easily send their
various results to their head of department with a reference to the date and time of
submission. Furthermore, this system enables the head of a department to upload
students’ examination results, assign courses for lecturers, receive examination results
from lecturers, and reconcile results for graduating students. Also, the system provides
legit information to institution management, graduates, and organizations regarding
students' transcripts, statements of results/certificates verification, and O'Level/A'Level
verification using their unique certificate numbers. Lastly, the permits parents of a
student to also check for the academic performance of their ward and make a report.
This system satisfies almost all the requirements necessary to ensure a good admission
process but there are still other requirements that could have been automated, such as:
Sorting in the student’s database to the differences between applicants, prospective
students, and students who have fully paid their fees. Hence, the university will have
to perform this sorting manually.
The generation of digital ID cards for students.
The generation of a digital receipt for students was not mentioned in their work.
2.5.3 Review 3 - Automated Online College Admission Management System (2017)
[14] Mehul Gupta, K. Iyer, Mani Singh, and A.K. Kadam of Bharati Vidyapeeth
University College of Engineering, Pune Maharashtra – India, developed this software to
work on web-platform to manage the complete admission procedures of various
departments of an institution such as Finance Section, Administration, Student section and
many more sections integrated as a single system. This system is focused on overcoming
the problem of maintaining paper-based records to a record-based technology (the digital
library). This online system includes firstly the admission of new students and by giving
their preferred branch according to their common entrance test rank and by verifying and
validating students documents and by continuing it to further process by generating the
fee payment receipts, documents and saving it with the scanning and uploading the
student’s permanent unique ID provided. Also, the system allows the administrator
(institution) to make a digital announcement or send notifications, which are received by
students and even parents on the same portal.
This system satisfies some of the requirements necessary to ensure a good admission
process but cannot be said as a fully online automated system since:
There is no sorting in the student’s database showing differences between
applicants, prospective students, and students who have fully paid their fees.
There was no mode for digital payment of admission fees integrated into the
Fourthly, students will be able to send a pdf copy of their courses registered for a semester to
their respective faculty office on the system without submitting it in person at the office.
Lastly, admission status messages will be sent to the applicants’ email provide during
registration when admission is approved or disapproved. This message will contain the
admission letter, the school’s bank account number, a temporal identification number, and
other academic related information. Furthermore, the system will capture applicants’ passport
pictures during the filling of admissions forms for the generation of a student ID card to be
printed by the ITSS.
2.7 Conclusion
Good systems, if well implemented, can propel excellence to the next level. Online admission
requires the sincerity of those in play and the efficiency of the system. The system that is
being proposed will fill the gap by providing an actual online admission system that will
permit applicants to seek admission outside the campus and speeds up the admission process.
The systems reviewed in this chapter have essential features compared to our work. Careful
examination of our project led to the selection of these related works which provides essential
features as related to our work and gives clear-cut knowledge about the admission system its
limitations and strengths in the admission process. These knowledge from the related works
will aid us in building our integrated online admission system.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the functional and non-functional requirements of the system to be
designed. It zeros in on how the system should perform and provides a high-level overview of
the architecture of the system and the data that will be associated with the system. This
chapter will also outline the necessary information required to effectively define the structure
and functionalities of the system. This chapter will also describe the design process applied to
the development of the system and clearly show how the system will be implemented along
the provided methodology; showing how the various technologies, individual stages or
process deployed to attain the objective of the project and to make the proposed project a
A system development methodology is defined as the blueprint for structuring, planning, and
controlling the method of building an information system. Also, it explains the tools,
techniques, activities, and roles involved in developing a system. Over time, a wide range of
frameworks have emerged, each with its own set of strengths and limitations. Most system
developers have a difficult time choosing the right methodology and executing it till the
intended system is delivered. System development methodologies are not universally
applicable. Each of the available methodologies is suitable to a unique type of projects,
depending on diverse technical, organizational, project and team considerations. The
Software Development Life Cycle buttress most of the activities, stages, and development
processes that majority of the information systems, no matter how complicated, go through.
During the quest for the suitable software design process to utilize in the development of
system, several design processes were encounted, one of which we discovered to be suitable
for our need is the Agile Development Methodology.
When the idea to build an integrated admission system for RUC was perceived, instantly, it
was decided to have a consultative session in which the admission department and the IT unit
of the school were engaged to know their experience about the difficulties they undergo in
using the current admission system, as well as soliciting their opinions on how they would
like an admissions system to be designed to suit functional requirements. To attain this aim,
varieties of information gathering approaches was used, including the following: Interviews
Interviews are one of the most direct methods for gathering information from a group of
important stakeholders in a project. In this instance, the development of the IAMS, which
is a decentralized application, Head of Admissions, as well as other knowledgeable
personnel from the IT unit, and some students at the school were interviewed during our
planning stage.
The results acquired after using the information-gathering procedures was remarkable. The
respondents' inputs gave a notion of the system's relevance and how it can be classified. The
respondents were excited about the prospect of having a system that will integrate all
departments as a single system and make registration accessible from anywhere at any time.
Agile development is not in and of itself a methodology, but more of an umbrella phrase for
numerous agile approaches. SCRUM, XP, Crystal, Kanban, Crystal, Lean, FDD and DSDM
are some of the approaches. This is appropriate for Testers, Development Managers, QA
Engineers, Project Mangers, QA Managers, UX Designers, Team Leaders, Technical Writers,
as well as anyone else participating in the software delivery. All the steps that Agile
Methodology-guided projects go through are depicted in the diagram below. Starting from
the initial planning phase through the client testing phase.
Figure 3.1: The Agile Development Model
Selection of Agile Methodology for the development of the system was centred on its
features, which include the following:
The agile process is broken into separate models on which designers work.
Customers are pleased since a functioning feature of the program is presented to them
at the end of each sprint.
The customer gets early and frequent opportunities to examine the product, and if the
customer has any comments or requests for changes to the feature, they may be
addressed in the current product release.
At this point, we needed to establish specific requirements that the system had to satisfy for it
to meet the requisite specification. Specific requirements examine by us at this stage includes
the system's hardware and software, functional and non-functional requirements. These are
outlined in the section below.
Convenience: The system shall allow the staff and student to perform their respective
duties with ease and should not require many special skills to use it.
Login Unit: This will be designed to include a consolidated rights management
system and unbiased authentication to guarantee only legitimate users access to the
system, as well as a protective measure to secure sensitive data.
User-Interface: The system shall provide an easy-to-use user-interface.
Registering, Modifying and Removing Users: The system should allow the
administrator to make updates to the student and staff information database. This gives the
administrator the power to add, modify, and delete new and existing users.
The system should be able to sort among the various forms of students (applicant,
prospective student, and student) into separate database.
The system should be able to determine who and who qualifies for a program based
on their examination results and the school’s cut off points.
The system should be able take inputs (texts, pdfs, pictures, etc) or commands issued
to it by the respective users.
Some of the following points discuss non-functional requirements in further detail: [21]
Availability: The availability of a system, or it’s "uptime," is the timeframe for the
system to be operational and usable. This is mentioned since certain systems are built to
have downtime in mind for operations such as database updates and backups. Availability
requirements addresses the user's concern regarding the system's reliability during normal
operating hours.
Accessibility: Accessibility requirements address the user's concern about how simple
the system is to use for persons of various abilities. This is the extent to which the software
system can be used by people with the broadest variety of skills to accomplish a specific
objective in a specific context of use.
Access Security: This is the degree to where the system is protected from internal and
external intentional and invasive flaws. The user's worry about how well the system is
protected against unauthorized access is addressed by access security standards.
Confidentiality: It refers to how well a software system secures sensitive data and
only enables authorized users to access it. Confidentiality requirements sermonize the user
grievances about how sensitive data is secured and made available to authorized users. In
addition, it covers factors correlated to access control, privacy of communication channels,
input interfaces, and data safeguard.
Flexibility: Flexibility refers to ease with which the software may be adjusted to
acclimate to various environments, settings, or user expectations. Flexibility requirements
speak to users about how simple it is to modify the system to function in diverse
environments. Aspects such as differences in industry, organization, country, as a well if
the software system will be installed on a single or multiple sites.
Portability: Portability is the ability for the software to be able adopt every platform
on which it will be installed and required to run.
Reliability: This refers to a software's ability to sustains its effectiveness over time.
Software that is unreliable frequently fails, and activities are often prone to failure.
Robustness: A robust system can deal with error circumstances gracefully and
without a hitch. Tolerating erroneous data, software flaws, and unexpected operational
circumstances is part of this.
Usability: The criteria for ease-of-use cover the elements that contribute to the ability
Sublime Text 3
This is cross-platform text editor written in C++ and Python, which supports many
programming languages and markup languages, and allows user to add their own functions
via plugins. Sublime text also allows users make the same interactive changes
simultaneously and make extensive changes to the application via the JSON settings, this
can be project or platform specific depending on the type of changes made. But since our
system is a web app any text editor would just be enough. [22]
This is a scripting language embedded within HTML sever-side. It is used for session
motoring, creation of a complete e-commerce website, handling of databases, and
dynamic contents. It's compatible with several well-known databases including,
PostgreSQL, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL.[23]
Python is a high-level programming language that is dynamically semantic, interpreted,
and object-oriented. Its simple syntax makes it easier to read and reduces software
maintenance expenses. It also supports modules and packages, which fosters software
modularity and reuse. [24]
This is being a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript run-time environment allowing
JavaScript code to be executed outside of a browser enables developers to generate
dynamic web page content before sending the page to the user's web browser. [25]
Simply put, a system design is termed as the designing of systems. It entails a structured
and methodical slant to design, which is necessitated given the magnitude as well as the
complexities of numerous system issues. It entails analyzing, designing, and configuring
the essential hardware and software components to assist the architecture of your solution.
To develop systems fully, structures and conceptual models such as these were used: [28]
The conceptual model that specifies a system's behavior, structure, and other perspectives
of a system is called a system architecture. A description of an architecture is a systematic
definition and delineation of a system, organized in such a way that reasoning about the
system's structures is possible. The architecture that will be adopted is three-tier
architecture. A system architecture can include system components, their externally
apparent features,
and the relationships (e.g., behavior) among them. It can give a blueprint from which
goods can be bought, as well as systems that will collaborate to accomplish the entire
3-Tier Architecture
This is a typical visual depiction of a system's information flows. The Data Flow Diagram
(DFD) is a popular tool for software analysis and design. A clean and unambiguous DFD
may graphically show a large portion of the system requirements. The dataflow of the
IAMS is depicted in the DFD below.
Figure 3.4: Data Flow Diagram
3.5.5 Flowchart
A flowchart depicts a system's workflow sequence. The workflow provided by the Petty
Cash Management system is straightforward and well-organized. Figure 3.5 depicts the
workflow observed in the developed system.[30]
Figure 3.5: Flowchart
3.5.6 Sequence diagram
At its most basic, a use case diagram is depiction of a user's interaction with the system
that shows the criteria of a use case. It can show the many sorts of system users and the
various ways in which they interact with system. We would have two use case diagrams
for our system, one for student and the other for the administrator.
To fully utilize our system, the prospective student (applicant) must first register an
account with his/her correct information, such as name, email address, and password.
Already existing applicant need to login to access the applicant dashboard of the
Create application
This allows applicants to fill an online registration form and submit to digitally to the
admission officer.
Receive emails
This allows admitted students to view their information portal. This portal has the
profile of the student, also, fee payment and courses registration fields of the student.
Figure 3.8: Use case diagram – Administrator Description of Admin’s Use Case diagram
Under this tag allows admin to view the sorting among students (applicants,
prospective students, and students) and their respective students ID cards generated.
Under this tag allows admin to view the list of payments done by students and their
generated digital receipts.
This tag shows the admin the list of students in a faculty and a department. Also,
allows him/her to view courses registrations completed by students which are
delivered to the faculties.
Manage users
This allows the admin to add a user, update the information of a user, and delete a
3.6 Selected Codes for Specific Functions
import pandas as pd
import datetime, os, glob
import email, imaplib
cwd = os.getcwd()
def details(subject_header,date=(datetime.datetime.now()-
search_criteria = '(ON '+date+' SUBJECT "'+subject_header+'")'
return search_criteria
def attachment_download(SUBJECT):
url = 'imap.gmail.com'
detach_dir = '.' # directory where to save attachments (default: current)
# connecting to the gmail imap server
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(url,993)
resp, items = m.search(None, SUBJECT)
# we use walk to create a generator so we can iterate on the parts and forget about the
recursive headach
for part in mail.walk():
# multipart are just containers, so we skip them
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
filename = part.get_filename()
counter = 1
3.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we discussed how this project was brought to life. This was done by gathering
data from students of RUC and some administrative staff on their challenges and countering
measures in solving the current registration problems. Also, this chapter entails the type of
software development lifecycle used, tools used in building this project, functional and non-
functional requirements, and the various high-level planning diagrams, which include the
system architecture diagram, the ER diagram, the flowchart, the dataflow diagram, the
sequence diagram, and the use case diagram.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter focuses on testing the various components to ensure their compatibility with
other parts of the system. Here the system is run, and its performance is evaluated to
ascertain its conformance to its requirements.
The process of software testing aims not only at finding faults in the existing software but
also at finding measures to improve the software in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and
usability. It mainly aims at measuring the specification, functionality, and performance of a
software program or application.[31]
On a click on the various field from the home page extends to their separate login pages,
except for the applicant login page, where the applicant will go through the voucher
entering page first to validate his or her purchase for the online application forms before
getting to the login page.
Figure 4.2a: Applicant login page
4.4 Errors
This occurs when a user logs in with a wrong credentials. The system alerts the user when
such an instance occurs. These error signals may include incorrect passwords, incorrect
usernames, etc.
Figure 4.7a: Incorrect username
4.5 Conclusion
This chapter entails various screenshots of our integrated admission management system, and
some functionalities of our system are described. This shows in more detail how our system
works and the errors that can occur from the system, such as incorrect credentials entered
when a user tries to log in.
5.1 Conclusion
Once this Integrated Admission System is implemented, it will do away with the hectic
process in which students and staff go through during the admission period. Students will
have the ability to complete the admission process from their various homes or destinations
without coming to the school to undergo any process. Issues such as submitting of printout
registration or application form, obtaining the school’s payment receipt, accounts activation,
submission of registered course to the faculty, and taking of passport pictures for Students’
ID cards will be automated on the system.
The admission officer or the admin of this system will have the privilege to view applicants’
application forms on his dashboard and act upon them without receiving a printout copy from
an applicant. Also, from the admin’s dashboard, the admin will be given he privilege to view
details such as payment details of applicants or students, generated receipts upon payments,
courses registered, and generated students’ ID cards. Furthermore, more the admin can send
emails to applicants upon them receiving admission to the school and perform some basic
administrative works from his/her dashboard.
In chapter one, we made mention of the following specific objectives, which are:
1. To integrate an admission and registration system that work seamlessly with the
various departments.
2. To generate a digital receipt for students upon payment of school fees.
3. To generate a digital students ID card.
4. To digitize the submission of course registration to faculties.
At this point, we can say that we have been able to achieve our objectives. The system we’ve
worked on has integrated the various admission departments that worked in hand as a single
system; this will do the way with the movements of applicants or students from one office to
another during registration and. The implementation of this system will speed up the
admission and registration process and also help solve some challenges that the various
admission departments go through during registration.
5.2 Limitations
Lack of adequate information concerning the existing systems. Due to confidentiality,
the school authorities withheld some information from us.
Inability to access applicants’ WASSCE results directly from WAEC. To this
challenge, results verification cannot be automated in this system.
Financial constraints in getting access to online related works.
5.4 Recommendation
Going forward and looking at the bright side of things, the aim of the project has been met
but we believe that future advancements could be added. Some of which include:
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[4] https://blog.fullfabric.com/switching-from-pdf-applications-to-an-online-admissions-
system- Switching from PDF applications to online admissions system.
[5] https://papp.iussp.org/sessions/papp102_s01/PAPP102_s01_040_010.html -
Registration System
[7] https://www.unicef.org/stories/what-birth-registration-and-why-does-it-matter -
Meaning of birth registration.
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concepts-flash-cards/ - Meaning of Voters Registration
[12] Jogamohan Medak and Partha Pratim Gogoi “Design and Development of University
Admission Management System”, 2018.
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Management System for Tertiary Institutions”. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 6, Issue 6, June 2019.
[14] Mehul Gupta, K. Iyer, Mani Singh, and A.K. Kadam “Automated Online College
Admission Management System”, 2017.
[15] https://www.reference.com/world-view/system-specification-395eba13f70c8e06 - What
is System Specification. [Accessed: July 2021]
[16] “Importance of Software Development Methodologies Essays | Bartleby,” Bartleby.com,
2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Importance-of-Software-
Development-Methodologies-PKJ4HGUAVJ. [July 2021].
[18] “Agile Model & Methodology: Guide for Developers and Testers,” Guru99.com, 18-
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[19] “What are System Requirements Specifications/Software (SRS)?” Inflectra.com, Mar-
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[30] Amoh Newton Dominc and Jephthah Antwi “Design and Implementation of A
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require "select_students_table.php";
$gender = issetnull($student, 'gender');
strtolower($gender) == 'male'? $salutation = 'Mr' : $salutation = 'Mrs';
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<title> <?php isset($_SESSION['auth']) ? print($_SESSION['auth']['username'] . '
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Name of school
P.O BOX AS 234234
Aberka - tesano
tel: 0305458555
<div class="passportholder">
<img src="
$path = "public/images/passport/";
print($path.issetnull($student, 'passport'));
?>" class="passport"></img>
<div class="flex_center">
<p> The management of Radford University College wish to congratulate you
<span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php print($salutation); ?></span>
<span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php print(issetnull($student,
'firstname')); ?></span>
<span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php print(issetnull($student,
'lastname')); ?></span>
upon receiving admission into this honourable institution.
<p> Below are other information related to your study in this institution</p>
<p> Your course of study : <span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php
print(issetnull($student, 'course'));?></span> </p><br></br>
<p> Your index number : <span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php
print(issetnull($student, 'index_number')); ?></span> </p><br></br>
<p> Your email : <span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php
print(issetnull($student, 'email')); ?></span> </p><br></br>
<p> Your password : <span class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold"><?php
print(issetnull($student, 'index_number')); ?></span> </p><br></br>
<p> Bank for payment of fees : Consolidated Bank Ghana</p><br></br>
<span> Bank account number: 1006000001088</span>
<span> Visit the student information portal (gctuc sip) to continue with your
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