Silva Et Al. - 2022 - Evidence Based Research On Effectiveness of Period
Silva Et Al. - 2022 - Evidence Based Research On Effectiveness of Period
Silva Et Al. - 2022 - Evidence Based Research On Effectiveness of Period
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Background: T1ρ mapping has been proposed for the detection of early cartilage degeneration associated with chronic
ankle instability (CAI). However, there are limited data surrounding the influence of ankle loading on T1ρ relaxation.
Purpose: To evaluate T1ρ relaxation times of talar cartilage, as an indicator of early degenerative changes, associated with
CAI and to investigate the influence of acute axial in situ loading on T1ρ values in CAI patients and healthy controls.
Study Type: Prospective.
Subjects: A total of 9 patients (age = 21.8 2.5 years, male/female = 2/7) with chronic ankle instability and 18 healthy
control subjects (age = 22.8 3.6 years, male/female = 5/13).
Field Strength: 3 T.
Sequence: 3D gradient echo fast low-angle shot (FLASH) sequence augmented with a variable spin-lock preparation
Assessment: Ankle T1ρ mapping was performed without and with axial loading of 500 N. The talar cartilage was seg-
mented in five coronal slices covering the central talocrural joint. Median talar T1ρ values were separately calculated for
the medial and lateral facets.
Statistical Tests: Mann–Whitney U and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, significance level: P < 0.05.
Results: For the combined cohorts, the statistical analysis yielded significantly lower T1ρ values with loading compared to
the no-load measurement for both the lateral (no load: [51.0 4.0] msec, load: [49.5 5.4] msec) as well as the medial
compartment (no load: [50.0 5.4] msec, load: [47.8 6.8] msec). In the unloaded scans, the CAI patients showed signifi-
cantly increased talar T1ρ values ([53.0 7.4] mse ) compared to the healthy control subjects ([48.8 4.1] msec) in the
medial compartment.
Data Conclusion: Increased talar T1ρ relaxation times in CAI patients compared to healthy controls suggest that T1ρ relax-
ation is a sensitive biomarker for CAI-induced early-stage cartilage degeneration. However, the load-induced T1ρ change
did not prove to be a viable marker for the altered biomechanical properties of the hyaline talar cartilage.
Level of Evidence: 2
Level of Efficacy: Stage 2.
*Address reprint requests to: Thomas Lange, Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Killianstrasse 5a, 79106 Frei-
burg, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]
Thomas Lange and Lukas Sturm contributed equally to this work.
From the 1Division of Medical Physics, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 3Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 4Department of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Medical Center – University of Freiburg,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; and 5Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging published by Wiley Periodicals LLC 1
on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lange et al.: T1ρ Mapping in Chronic Ankle Instability
FIGURE 1: T1ρ mapping sequence consisting of a spin-lock preparation module with variable spin-lock duration τ, fat suppression
based on frequency-selective excitation and a repeated 3D FLASH module.
where S(τ) is the measured signal intensity of the image for a partic-
ular spin-lock duration τ and S0 is the signal intensity for τ = 0.
From 12 reconstructed coronal T1ρ slices, 5 slices covering
Postprocessing and evaluation of the T1ρ maps were performed
the central talocrural joint region were selected for further evalua-
using a web-based framework for medical image analysis (Nora Med-
tion. To this end, a central slice at the apex of the talus was identi-
ical Imaging Platform, Freiburg, Germany). Datasets with excessive
fied and additionally the two contiguous slices in the anterior
motion artifacts were excluded from the analysis by a radiologist
direction as well as the two contiguous slices in the posterior direc-
with 7 years of experience (L.S.).
tion were included in the analysis. In all five evaluated T1ρ mapping
T1ρ maps were calculated with a monoexponential pixel-by-
slices, two investigators (L.S., 7 years of experience; S.O., 2 years of
pixel fit according to the following signal equation:
experience) manually segmented the talar articular cartilage for all
participants. Care was taken to include neither bone nor synovial
S ðτÞ ¼ S 0 expðτ=T1ρÞ ð1Þ
fluid in the regions of interest (ROIs) since this would strongly bias
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
TABLE 1. Demographics and Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) Scores of the Two Investigated Cohorts
The P values obtained with a Mann–Whitney U test comparing the two cohorts are listed in the last column.
CAI = chronic ankle instability; m = male; f = female.
the results. Questionable voxels at the edge of the cartilage layer were Results
excluded from the analysis. The segmented talar cartilage region Demographics and CAIT scores of the two cohorts are listed
extended to both tibiotalar and fibulotalar contact areas. The region
in Table 1. All subjects tolerated the applied ankle load.
was subdivided into a lateral and a medial ROI at the midpoint
However, in one of the nine CAI patients and three of the
between the edges of the talar dome defined by maximum talar sur-
face curvature. T1ρ datasets from five subjects were analysed by both
18 control subjects, the loading gave rise to motion artifacts
investigators to evaluate the interrater reliability via the Pearson cor- in the acquired MRI images, which impeded the segmenta-
relation coefficient and one subject was analysed three times to assess tion of the talar cartilage. For these four subjects, no quantifi-
the repeatability of the ROI analysis. cation of T1ρ under loading was performed. Therefore, only
8 CAI patients and 15 control subjects were included in the
statistical analyses involving loaded measurements. Exemplary
Statistical Analysis coronal MRI slices without (τ = 0) and with maximum T1ρ
Median T1ρ values were calculated for each 3D ROI consisting of contrast (τ = 40 msec) from unloaded and loaded scans on a
the five selected slices. Accounting for the small cohort sizes, differ- healthy control subject and a CAI patient are displayed in
ent groups (CAI vs. HC) and conditions (load vs. no-load) were Fig. 3. Figure 4 shows exemplary coronal T1ρ maps from a
compared using Mann–Whitney U and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, healthy control subject without and with axial loading, illus-
respectively, and a significance threshold of P = 0.05, without trating a load-induced T1ρ decrease in the talar cartilage.
adjustments for multiple comparisons. Due to the small voxel size and thus limited signal-to-noise
FIGURE 3: Exemplary images from the T1ρ mapping acquisitions without (τ = 0) and with maximum T1ρ contrast (τ = 40 msec).
Coronal slices covering the apex of the talus are shown for unloaded and loaded measurements on a healthy control subject (male,
age: 20 years, height: 176 cm, weight: 70 kg) and a CAI patient (female, age: 22 years, height: 164 cm, weight: 75 kg).
Lange et al.: T1ρ Mapping in Chronic Ankle Instability
FIGURE 4: Coronal slices (from the apex of the talus) of T1ρ datasets acquired from a healthy control subject (male, age: 20 years,
height: 176 cm, weight: 70 kg) without (top) and with (bottom) axial loading of 500 N. Left: First contrast of the T1ρ protocol
without any spin lock encoding. Lateral and medial regions of interest as evaluated in the study are shown in blue and red color,
respectively. Right: Corresponding color-coded T1ρ maps in ms.
ratio, a large T1ρ variance across the investigated cartilage compared to the no-load measurement for both the lateral
regions was observed. T1ρ histograms showed a strongly (no load: [51.0 4.0] msec, load: [49.5 5.4] msec) as well
right-skewed distribution because on the lower end T1ρ out- as the medial compartment (no load: [50.0 5.4] msec,
liers were limited by zero while on the higher end single load: [47.8 6.8] msec). However, the significance vanished
pixels reached values of several hundred milliseconds. To in both compartments when the two cohorts were analyzed
avoid a bias toward erroneously high T1ρ values, median separately. A comparison of the two cohorts yielded higher
T1ρ values instead of mean values are therefore reported. T1ρ values for the CAI patients compared to the healthy con-
Assessment of the interrater reliability yielded Pearson correla- trol subjects in the no-load measurements (Fig. 6). For the
tion coefficients of r = 0.99 (lateral ROI) and r = 0.99 medial compartment (control: [48.8 4.1] msec, CAI:
(medial ROI) for the unloaded scans, and r = 0.98 (lateral [53.0 7.4] msec), this effect was significant while no signif-
ROI) and r = 0.94 (medial ROI) for the loaded scans. icance was observed for the lateral compartment (control:
Figure 5 illustrates the repeatability of the T1ρ analysis as [50.1 4.3] msec, CAI: [53.0 3.7] msec, P = 0.07).
estimated from three repeated cartilage segmentations per- When comparing T1ρ of CAI and control subjects under
formed by the same investigator (S.O.) on a healthy subject. loading, no significant differences were found, neither for the
A statistical analysis on the combined cohorts including all lateral (control: [48.9 4.2] msec, CAI: [50.7 7.3] msec,
subjects yielded significantly lower T1ρ values with loading P = 0.19) nor for the medial talar cartilage (control:
[46.8 5.4] msec, CAI: [49.7 8.9] msec, P = 0.19).
Finally, a group comparison of the load-induced T1ρ changes
(Fig. 6) did not yield any significant differences between CAI
and control subjects (lateral compartment: control:
[1.2 2.4] msec, CAI: [1.5 3.0] msec, P = 0.43);
medial compartment: control: [2.0 4.3] msec, CAI:
[2.2 4.1] msec, P = 0.73). A summary of the statistical
evaluation can be found in Table 2.
Few MRI studies have investigated the role of T1ρ relaxation
in CAI.16,17 The observation of increased T1ρ times in the
FIGURE 5: Repeatability of the T1ρ analysis as estimated from talar cartilage of CAI patients is in line with previous CAI
three repeated cartilage segmentations performed by the same
studies even though absolute values are difficult to compare
investigator (S.O.) on a healthy subject. Median T1ρ values
(in ms) are plotted for the medial and lateral ROIs without and due to different T1ρ acquisition and postprocessing proto-
with loading. cols.16,17 Since a total scan duration of 12 or 18 minutes as
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FIGURE 6: Box plots showing the T1ρ statistics for the two subject cohorts (CAI and control) in the two regions of interest (top:
lateral, bottom: medial). Left: Median T1ρ values across ROI without ankle loading. Right: T1ρ change induced by axial loading of
500 N. The p values as obtained with a Mann–Whitney U test comparing the two cohorts are listed at the bottom (with an asterisk
denoting significance).
used in these previous ankle studies16,17 was not compatible patients, again with stronger effects in the medial joint
with the strong in situ loading applied in this work, consider- regions.31–33 Indeed, cartilage lesions have predominantly
ably longer echo train durations had to be used in the been found in the medial joint compartment in arthroscopy34
FLASH module (2380 msec compared to 443 msec). This and cadaver studies.35 While acute sprains may result in trau-
may give rise to increasing T1 contamination of the resulting matic cartilage injury on the lateral side, chronic instability
T1ρ contrast for the acquisition of outer k-space regions, predominantly gives rise to degeneration on the medial talar
which are sampled toward the end of the echo train, and con- shoulder. Furthermore, biomechanical cadaver experiments
sequently also to T1-induced image blurring. This effect have confirmed that the stress distribution is shifted towards
might be mitigated by using magnetization-prepared angle- the medial contact area of the talocrural joint after sectioning
modulated partitioned k-space spoiled gradient echo snap- the lateral ankle ligaments.36 Thus, the clinical appearance of
shots (MAPSS).28 It should be noted that T1ρ relaxation also CAI is adequately represented by T1ρ examination.
strongly depends on the applied spin-lock frequency. For A T1ρ protocol was chosen for this relaxometric study
most efficient T1ρ relaxation, the spin-lock frequency should since in a previous work on comparative T2 and T1ρ map-
ideally match the proton chemical exchange rates of the ping of the patellofemoral cartilage with in situ loading, T1ρ
hydroxyl and amide functional groups of the proteoglycans could be more reproducibly measured.23 It must be noted
(1500 Hz).29 However, due to specific absorption rate limi- that the magic angle effect has a major influence on T2 and
tations for in vivo examinations, a spin-lock frequency of T1ρ relaxation in articular cartilage so that relaxometric data
500 Hz was chosen in accordance with previous stud- strongly depend on fiber orientation and anisotropy.37,38
ies.16,17,30 While a significant difference was found for the However, this effect is less pronounced for T1ρ than for T2
medial joint compartment, only a nonsignificant trend was relaxation.37 While the sensitivity to fiber anisotropy benefits
observed for the lateral compartment in the unloaded mea- the detection of cartilage degeneration, which is usually asso-
surements, suggesting that the medial talar cartilage is more ciated with a loss of anisotropy, the sensitivity to fiber orien-
sensitive to CAI-induced microstructural changes. These T1ρ tation may encumber studies with comparative relaxometric
findings are also in agreement with several ankle studies that measurements, for example, longitudinal studies. As ankle
have reported a T2 increase in the talocrural cartilage of CAI loading can also have an influence on joint orientation, this
Lange et al.: T1ρ Mapping in Chronic Ankle Instability
TABLE 2. Comparison of T1ρ Quantification Results Between Groups and Conditions (With the Group Sizes n Given
in Brackets)
The first table (orange) shows a T1ρ comparison of unloaded vs. loaded cartilage across both cohorts. The second and third table com-
pare results between the two cohorts (CAI and control) for the unloaded (green) and loaded (blue) condition. The last table (gray) repre-
sents a comparison of the load-induced T1ρ changes between the two cohorts. The P values of statistical tests as described in the
Methods section are reported (bold values indicate statistical significance: P < 0.05).
could give rise to an undesired bias when data acquired with measured load-induced T1ρ change was not significantly dif-
and without loading are compared. ferent between the CAI and control group and thus could
A significant load-induced T1ρ decrease was observed not be established as a suitable biomarker for early CAI-
for the combined cohorts in both the medial and lateral joint induced cartilage degeneration. In contrast, Souza et al22 have
compartments. This observation is in line with knee cartilage reported a significantly larger load-induced T1ρ decrease in
T1ρ studies involving in situ loading.22,23 However, the sig- the tibiofemoral cartilage of subjects with osteoarthritis com-
nificance vanished when a separate statistical analysis was per- pared to healthy controls, suggesting that more advanced car-
formed for the two cohorts. This suggests that larger tilage degeneration may indeed be reflected by an altered T1ρ
cohorts—at least of the size of the combined cohorts behavior under loading. It should be noted that for the sub-
(n = 23)—are required for robust detection of load-induced jects investigated in our study 3D turbo-spin echo (TSE) data
T1ρ changes. In this context, it is not suprising that the were concomitantly acquired in the context of a larger CAI
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
study published elsewhere.24 In the TSE images from the mainly occurs during the first 20 seconds of loading and
CAI patients, no higher-grade cartilage defects were identi- remains relatively constant after 50 seconds.40 We chose a
fied. A previous study performed in patients with functional delay of 30 seconds to ensure that on the one hand most of
ankle instability (FAI) has investigated tibiotalar T2 alter- the compression dynamics happens before the MRI measure-
ations between early-unloading and late-unloading.33 The ment and on the other hand the loading period is not sub-
FAI group of that study showed a T2 increase in the dorso- stantially prolonged and thus still tolerated by the subjects.
medial joint compartment after prolonged unloading while a
T2 decrease was observed in the antero-lateral aspect. In con- Conclusion
trast, T2 was increased across the whole tibiotalar joint in a Increased T1ρ relaxation times were observed in the talar car-
coper group (subjects who had suffered an ankle sprain but tilage of CAI patients compared to healthy controls, with the
did not experience residual CAI symptoms) after extended highest values in the medial joint compartment, suggesting
unloading, and no substantial differences were observed for a that T1ρ relaxation is a sensitive biomarker for CAI-induced
healthy control group. This observation was attributed to an early-stage cartilage degeneration. Furthermore, the T1ρ of
intercartilage hydration shift in FAI patients due to unbal- talar cartilage significantly decreased under in situ loading, in
anced ankle loading. Our findings may diverge from these accordance with T1ρ knee studies from the literature. How-
observations due to different loading paradigms. The static ever, in this exploratory pilot study, the load-induced T1ρ
axial in situ loading performed in our work gives rise to a change could not be established as a sensitive marker for the
more even and controlled load distribution than the dynamic altered biomechanics associated with CAI. Larger cohort sizes
loading associated with walking. However, the relaxometric may be required to elucidate this issue.
behavior under loading might provide insight into the ankle
biomechanics of patients with more advanced tibiotalar carti-
lage degeneration or other ankle pathologies such as Acknowledgments
osteochondrosis dissecans. The authors thank Dr. Ari Borthakur and Dr. Walter
Witschey from the University of Pennsylvania for providing
Limitations the T1ρ mapping sequence. This work was funded in part by
First, it should be noted that this is a pilot study with small the German Research Foundation (DFG), grant number LA
and uneven group sizes and results will have to be verified in 3353/4-1 and in part by the Bauerfeind AG, Zeulenroda,
larger cohorts. Second, the most anterior and posterior parts Germany. The sponsor had no influence on the study’s con-
of the talar cartilage were excluded from the analysis, and the tent, results or interpretation. There is no personal or any
tibial cartilage was not evaluated at all. Third, robust separate other relation which may pose a conflict of interest for any of
evaluation of deep and superficial cartilage layers as often con- the authors contributing to this publication. M.W. and
ducted in knee cartilage studies22,23 and also in some T2 M.J. were supported by the Berta-Ottenstein-Programme for
ankle studies from the literature31,33 was not feasible due to Clinician Scientists, Faculty of Medicine, University of Frei-
the small talar cartilage thickness and the limited spatial reso- burg. P.M.J. was supported by the Berta-Ottenstein-
lution of the acquired MRI data. Unfortunately, an extension Programme for Advanced Clinician Scientists, Faculty of
of the investigated cartilage regions and an enhanced spatial Medicine, University of Freiburg. Open Access funding
resolution could not be realized since many CAI patients enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
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