ملزمه ثالث

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Unit one ‫الوحدة األولى‬

Describing places ‫وصف األماكن‬

: ‫ هناك ثالث طرق لوصف األماكن‬
1-There is
There is + a/an + ‫ أسم مفرد‬+ ‫ت‬
There isn’t a/an + ‫ أسم مفرد‬+ ‫ت‬
Is + there a/an + ‫ أسم مفرد‬+ ‫? ت‬
Ex : There is an information desk .
Ex :There is a supermarket
Ex :There isn't a book shop here.
Ex :Is there a book shop here ?
‫ اذا بدا بحرف عله‬an ‫ إذا بدأ بحرف صحٌح ونضع قبل‬a ‫ االسم المفرد نضع قبلة‬

2-There are
There are + [some/ any/ a lot of /lots of/ a few /many ] + ‫ اسم جمع‬+ ‫ت‬
some – any – few – a lot of- ‫ ) وغالبا ٌكون مسبوق ب‬S( ‫ االسم الجمع ٌحتوي على‬
. ‫ فً بداٌة الجملة‬are ‫ وعند السؤال نضع‬are ‫ بعد‬not ‫ عند النفً نضع‬
Ex :There are some shops in this street .
Ex :There aren't any shops in this street .
Ex :Are there any shops in this street?

3-It has
It has a / an ‫ اسم مفرد‬+ ‫ت‬
it has some / any / a lot of/ ‫ اسم جمع‬+ ‫ت‬
It doesn’t have ‫ اسم‬+ ‫ت‬
Does it have ‫ اسم‬+ ‫? ت‬
‫* تستخدم هذه الطرٌقة مع المفرد والجمع‬

Ex :The hotel has a swimming pool

Ex:it doesn’t have any bakeries
Ex :Does it have a swimming pool ?
Ex: it has a lot of clothes shops

:‫صيغة االمتحان‬
1- (There is _ There are) a library
2-There is a clock in our class. (Negative) ً‫نف‬
-There isn’t a clock in our class.
3-There are (some - a – an) pens
4-There are a lot of desks in our class. (Ask)‫سؤال‬
-Are there a lot of desks in our class?
5-There is an escalator in the mall. (Question)
-Is there an escalator in the mall?
6-Are there ...sweet shops near your house?(some, a lot of, any)
7-(It has- There is ) few bakeries.
8-It has a big coffee shop. (Negative).
-It doesn’t have a big coffee shop.
9-It has a fountain. (Question).
-Does it have a fountain? ‫نافورة‬

A/ Look at the picture and write six sentences about the items in the
box below. Use There is/isn't and There are/aren't. ‫استخدم‬
1-There is a clock in our class.
2-There is an information desk in the mall.
3-There are there shop assistants in this shop.
4-There are plenty of plants in this mall.
5-There aren't any supermarkets in our street.
6-There are two escalator in each floor in this mall
. ‫ تاتً مع النفً و السؤال‬any 
B /Complete the texts with the words in the boxes. ‫اكمل الجمل‬
[Name is young has eyes ]
A young boy is missing in the mall. He is six years old.
His name is Jamal. He has short brown hair and brown eyes.
[ His has and wearing a ]
He is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans. The jeans are very old and his T-shirt has
Iraq on it. He is also wearing a red baseball cap. He has white shoes and blue

Tell the time ‫االخبارعن الوقت‬
‫ نقرأ الساعه أوال ثم الدقائق‬: ‫ للتعبٌر عن الوقت‬
15:20 = it’s three twenty
20: 45 = it’s eight forty five
o’clock ‫ اما اذا كانت الساعه ضبط فنقرأ الساعة ونتبعها بكلمة‬
8:00 = eight o’clock
11:00 = eleven o’clock

:‫صيغة االمتحان‬
1. 15:10. Tell the time.
-It's three ten
2. (17: 10). (Tell the time)
-It's five ten.
3. (13:15) tell the time.
-It's one fifteen
4. (15: 5) (Tell the time)
- It's three five.
5.(15: 5) (Tell the time)
-It's three five.
6. (14:5) Tell the time
-It's two five.
7. (16:10). Tell the time.
-It's four ten.
8. (13: 10). Tell the time
-It's one ten.
9. (16: 10). (Tell the time)
-It's four ten
10. (16: 40) . ( Tell the time)
-It's four forty.
11. (20 : 00)( Tell the time)
- It's eight o’clock

Present continuous ‫اىَضبسع اىَغزَش‬
) ّ‫هذ اٌُال‬ٝ( ٕ‫بء رؾذس اال‬٤‫غزخذّ صٖٓ أُؼبسع أُغزٔش ُِزؾذس ػٖ أش‬٣ 
S + am /is / are + v ing + com . ‫اصجبد‬
S + am / is / are + v ing + not + com . ٢‫ٗل‬
Am /Is /Are + S + v ing + com ? ٍ‫عئا‬

Ex: It is raining now .

Ex:what are you doing?
Ex: She is not working today?

now , today , at the moment, this week, this year : ‫ دالئَ أُؼبسع اأُغزٔش‬

: َ‫س ٓض‬ٞ‫ٌٖٔ اعزخذاّ صٖٓ أُؼبسع أُغزٔش ٓغ أكؼبٍ اُشؼ‬٣ ‫ ال‬: ‫ٓالؽظخ‬
[Be / see / like / understand / know]
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-I am studying for the second course exam.(not)
-I am not studying for the second course exam
2- She is watching a Tv . Program now .(question)
-Is she watching a Tv program now ?
3-At the moment the student (go) to school.(correct the verb)
-At the moment the student are going to school.
4-They (are knowing ) the answers. ( correct)
-They know the answers
5-My English ( get up ) . ( present continuous)
-My English is getting up
6-Look , the dog (run) .(Correct)
-look ,the dog is running.
7- I‘m ....... ( read , reads , reading ) a book at the moment. (Choose)
8-I'm --------- (read, reading, reads) a book now .

9-At the moment, we (learn) English. (correct)
-At the moment , we are learning English .
10-Be quiet ! I (try) to do my homework. (correct)
-I'm trying to do my homework.
11-Ali (eat) his sandwich right now. (put the verb in the correct form)
-Ali is eating his sandwich right now.
12-They (not / watch) TV at the moment. (Correct)
-They aren‘t watching TV at the moment.
13-What (you / do) right now ?
-What are you doing right now ?
14-She / what / cooking / now / ? / is (put in the correct order)
- What is she cooking now ?
15- Zaid and Mustafa (are taking/ is taking) some exercise.
16-I'm painting my bedroom ------- (yesterday, every day, now)
17-Nadia a is watering the flowers at the moment. (Question)
- Is Nadia watering the flowers at the moment?
18- The students .......... English at this moment.(a. are reading b. will read
c. were reading) ‫ٗصاسي‬

Past continuous ‫ أُغزٔش‬٢‫أُبػ‬

. ٢‫ صٖٓ أُبػ‬٢‫٘خ ك‬٤‫ش ػٖ ؽذس اعزٔش ُلزشح ٓؼ‬٤‫غزخذّ ُِزؼج‬٣ 

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+Was/ were +v.ing + com .‫االصجبد‬
َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ wasn‘t weren‘t +v.ing + com .٢‫اُ٘ل‬
Was/ Were + َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ v.ing + com? .ٍ‫اُغئا‬

Ex: I was eating breakfast .. ‫اصجبد‬
Ex: she wasn't cooking the dinner .. ٢‫ٗل‬
Ex: Were you having your breakfast ? ٍ‫عئا‬
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-We (have) dinner .(past continuous)
-We were having dinner
2-I was driving the car very fast . (question )
-Was I driving the car very fast ?
3-Tom and John were going to Spain . (Not )
-Tom and John weren‘t going to Spain.
4-What (you\do) in the factory . (past continuous)
-What were you doing in the factory?
5-Ahmed was (drink / drinking) some tea.
6- (was / were ) Akram waiting for us?
7-Huda (not / clean) the house. (Past continuous)
-Huda wasn‘t cleaning the house.
8-What (you / do) at 10 last night ? (Past continuous)
-What were you doing at 10 last night ?
9-He --------- (write) an essay. (Past continuous – negative)
-He wasn‘t writing an essay
10-They -------- (drive) to the beach (Past continuous – question)
-Were they driving to the beach

A /Listen again. Complete the sentences ‫امَو اىجَو‬
[ In queuing doing No queue ]
1. What are you doing
2. See you in a minute.
3. I'm in a queue
4. There's no time for that. Come back now.
5. What are you queuing for?
C /What were the children doing at five past one? Complete the sentences
using the verbs in the box.ٌٍٖ ‫ ٍبضً ٍغزَش‬/ ‫امَو اىجَو‬
come (×2) edit wait (x2) drink
1. Jassim was eating a burger.
2. Fahad was drinking a cola.
3. Salwa was waiting in a queue.
4. Ibrahim was coming down in the lift.
5. Hassan was coming down the stairs.
6. The children's mother were waiting at the information desk.

Car of the year ‫سٌارة السنة‬

1-What is the name of car of year? .? ‫ما هو اسم سٌارة العام‬
– Panther 3D car. .‫سٌارة النمر‬
2-What is the standard features of the car? .? ‫ما هً المٌزات القٌاسٌة للسٌارة‬
– The features are sunroof, tinted windows, CD player and GPS .
‫المٌزات هً فتحة سقف ونوافذ ملونة ومشغل سً دي ونظام تحدٌد المواقع‬
3-What are the safety features in the panther 3.0D ?
D3.3 ‫ما هً مٌزات السالمة فً السٌارة النمر‬
-There are airbags for the driver and the passengers.‫توجد وسائد هوائٌة للسائق والركاب‬
4-How many seats are there in car? .‫كم عدد المقاعد فً السٌارة‬
– There are eight seats in car. .‫هناك ثمانٌة مقاعد فً السٌارة‬
5-Is Panther 3D safe car? .‫هل سٌارة بانثر النمرآمنة‬
– Yes, it is safe Car. ‫ إنها سٌارة آمنة‬، ‫نعم‬
6-Is Panther 3D dangerous car? .‫هل سٌارة بانثرخطرة‬
– No, it is not. .‫ال لٌست كذلك‬

7- The panther 3D car is expensive. (True/False) .‫سٌارة النمرغالٌة الثمن‬
8- The panther 3D car has not standard features. (True/False)
‫لٌس لدٌها مٌزات قٌاسٌة‬D 3 ‫سٌارة النمر‬
9- The panther 3D car has seats for six people. (True/False)
‫تحتوي سٌارة النمر الثالثٌة على مقاعد لستة أشخاص‬
10- The panther 3D car is cheap. (True/False) . ‫سٌارة النمررخٌصة‬
11- There is loads of space inside the panther 3.0D. (True/False)
‫هناك الكثٌر من المساحة داخل السٌارة النمر‬
12- some young men aren't interested in its engine . ( True / False )
.‫بعض الشبنب لسٌوا مهتمً فً محرك البنثر‬
13- The panther 3.0D doesn't have CD player. (T/F)
14- The panther 3.0D does 12 kilometres to the litre . (T/F)
15- The panther 3.0D is really dangerous car . (T/F)
16- The Panther has a warranty for four years.

D/write the opposites . ‫معاكسات‬
Terrible ‫فضٌع‬X fantastic ‫رائع‬
Expensive ً‫غال‬X cheap ‫رخٌص‬
Boring ‫ممل‬X fun ‫ممتع‬
Ugly ‫قبٌح‬X beautiful ‫جمٌل‬
Dangerous ‫خطر‬X safe ‫امن‬
Old ‫كبٌر بالسن‬X young ‫شاب‬
unimportant ‫غٌر مهم‬X important ‫مهم‬

Really / quite
‫ جدا‬/ ‫نوعا ما‬
The film was really good .‫ تجعل الصفة اكثر قوة‬Really 
The film was quite good .‫ تجعل الصفة اقل قوة‬Quite 
quite ‫ نختار‬a / an ‫ اما اذا وجدنا بعد الفراغ‬really ‫ نختار‬a/an ‫ اذا وجد قبل الفراغ‬

Ex :It has a ( really / quite) beautiful shape . you will like it .

Ex :I think this is ( really / quite ) a cheap bike .

: ‫صيغة االمتحان‬
1.The panther is ( quite / really) fast. You have to be careful.
2.The "panther 3.0D" is (quite / really) fast .You have to be careful.

E /Complete these sentences with quite or really. ‫اكمل الجمل ب استخدام‬

1-The Panther is really fast. You have to be careful!
2-It has a really beautiful shape. You'll love it!
3-I think this is quite a cheap bike. What do you think? Cheap or expensive?
4-The exam was quite difficult, but not like the one last year.
Fast / beautiful = really 
Difficult/ cheap = quite 

Compound words ‫الكلمات المركبة‬

‫ الكلمات المركبه تتكون من كلمتٌن او اكثر‬
A/Match the words to make compound nouns. ‫االسماء الركبة مهمه حفظ‬
Sweet= shop ‫محل حلوٌات‬
Car=park ‫موقف سٌارت‬
Information= desk ‫فرص معلومات‬
Disc=brakes ‫المكابح‬
insect = proof ‫قاتل الحشرات‬
air = bag ً‫كٌس هوائ‬
swimming = pool ‫حوض سباحة‬
video= game ‫العاب فٌدٌو‬
sun = roof ً‫سقف شمس‬
litter = bin ‫سلة المهمالت‬
shop = assistant ‫مساعد صاحب المحل‬

Giving reason ‫إعطاء سبب‬

‫ تستخدم العبارات التالٌة العطاء االسباب لحدث معٌن‬

1-(‫ ( الجملة االولى‬so you can / can't + ‫ فعل مجرد‬+ ‫التكملة‬
2-(‫ ( الجملة االولى‬to help you + ‫ فعل مجرد‬+ ‫التكملة‬
‫ ٌعتمد على معنى الجمله الثانٌة اذا كان المعنى إٌجابً نستخدم‬can / can't ‫ بنلنسبة الستخدام‬
can’t ‫ واذا كان سلبً نستخدم‬can
Ex - The Car has a CD Player . listen to music . ( Give reason : use : So )
- The car has a CD Player . So you can listen to music
Ex- Schools have their own libraries. (get the information) (Give reason use: help
- Schools have their own libraries , to he you get the information you need

: ً‫ بعض األحٌان ال نجد سبب فً السؤال علٌك بحفظ الجدول التال‬

‫الجملة‬ ‫السبب‬
disc brakes stop quickly
air bags be safe in the crush
air conditioning keep cool
GPS get lost
tainted windows see into the car easily
CD Player listen to music
sun roof let light in
insect proof prevent insect from entering inside

:‫صيغة االمتحان‬
1- Cars have airbags ( Give reason : use : So )
- Cars have airbags So you can be safe in crush
2- there are disc brakes . ( Give reason : use : to help )
- There are disc brakes to help you stop quickly .
3- The car has sunroof . ( Use : So : to give reason )
- The car has a sun roof So you can let light in.
4- cars have airbags so that you (can / can't) be safe in a crush

5-Cars have GPS so that you (can / can't) be lost.
6-Cars have GPS( because / so that) drivers can't be lost.
7-The car has air conditioning to help you (listen to music / keep cool)
8-There are disc brakes in every car (because / so / to) help you stop quickly.
9-Cars have air conditioning ......help you keep cool.)a. to b. because c. so)
10 The company supplied cars with….. so that drivers don't have to worry in
an accident. (a. CD player b. airbags. c. GPS)

B /What are they for? Use so you can/can't. ‫تمرٌن حول إعطاء سبب‬
1-airbags (be safe in a crash)
-Cars have airbags so that you can be safe in a crash.
2-CD player (listen to music)
-There is a CD player so that you can listen to music.
3-GPS (get lost)
-It has GPS so that you can’t get lost.
4-electric windows (open windows easily )
-There are electric windows so that you can open windows easily.
5-sunroof (let light in)
-There is a sunroof so that you can let light in.
6-tinted windows (see into the car easily)
-There are tinted windows so that you can’t see into the car easily

Describing people ‫وصف الناس‬

: clothes ‫ وصف المالبس‬
He /she ] + is wearing …..

Ex: Zaid is Wearing a white Shirt

Ex: Suha is wearing a black sKirt
: ‫ وصف شٌئ عام‬
He / she + is …….

Ex: He is kind
Ex: she is helpful

: eyes ‫ و العٌون‬hair ‫ وصف الشعر‬
He / She + has……

Ex :She has straight blond hair.

Ex: He has green eyes.
: ‫ وصف شً جامد‬
He / She + has a ……….

Ex :He has a black sunglasses.

Ex :She has a pink bag.

:a bit ‫( نستخدم‬fat / thin ) ‫ و السمن‬quite ‫( نستخدم‬tall / short ) ‫ وصف الطول‬

He / she + a quite + tall / short
He / she + a bit + fat / thin

Ex:He is a quite Short

Ex:She is a bit fat.

A /Complete this description of Sally. ‫اكمل الوصف عن سالي‬
Sally is quite short. She isn't Very tall. She has brown hair She has a pink
headscarf and a yellow top. She has a pink bag too.

Adjectives order ‫ترتيب الصفات‬

: ‫ ترتيب الصفات يكون كاالتي‬
)‫ صفة عامة ( رأي‬+ ‫ الحجم‬+ ‫ العمر‬+ ‫ الشكل‬+ ‫ اللون‬+ ‫ الجنسية‬+ ‫ المادة‬+ ‫االسم‬
‫الجدول حفظ‬
Nice Good Beautiful Bad Opinion ‫الصفة العامة‬
Small Big Huge Size ‫الحجم‬
Old New Modern Age ‫العمر‬
Square Circle Curly Shape ‫الشكل‬
Yellow Blue Red Colour ‫اللون‬
Iraqi Japanese Nationality ‫الجنسٌة‬
Wooden Steel Material ‫المادة‬
Table Car Boy Cat Name ‫االسم‬

Ex. It is a beautiful small red Iraqi sofa .
Ex.She has nice straight black hair .

Ex: It’s a ( little, black, beautiful, French ) table. ( Put in order)

-It’s a beautiful, little, black, French table.
Ex: She has ............ hair. (Rearrange the adjectives: black, beautiful, curly(
-She has beautiful , curly , black hair.

:‫صيغة االمتحان‬
1- He is wearing (blue, Iraqi, new, cotton) T-shirt. (Rearrange the adjectives)
-New blue Iraqi cotton
2-I bought a (white, Japanese, new) TV. (arranger the adjective)
-New white Japanese
3-It is a (little, French, black, beautiful) table. (Put in the correct order)
-beautiful little black France
4-I have a (Italian, old, wonderful) watch. (Order) ‫رتب‬
-wonderful old Italian
5- Leena has (black / straight / nice) hair . (Re- arrange the adjectives)
-nice straight black
6- Hasan has a ...... jacket
(a. beautiful black French b. French black beautiful c. black beautiful French)
7- Hana'a bought two ............ Shirts last week.
(a. nice French cotton b. nice cotton French c. French nice cotton)
8- She has. ......... hair. (Re-arrange the adjectives: black, beautiful)
-beautiful black
9- Selma has ..….. and brown eves.
(a. straight hair black b. straight black hair c. hair straight black)

Writing an e-mail describing a friend ‫اميل وصف الصديق‬

From Basim
To Uncle Mazin
Dear Uncle Mazin,

How are you? I’d like to tell you about my friend Salim. He is really
good and cool. He is an active man and lovely. Salim is good at English and
Maths but is bad at History. He was in my class he was very clever. He likes sport
and he plays tennis very well. Salim is very nice looking. He is quite tall, he has
short black hair and black eyes. He is very interesting and fantastic. I think we
are going to be good and happy friends forever.
Email me soon,
‫من باسم‬
‫الى العم مازن‬
، ‫العم العزٌز مازن‬

‫ ٌجٌد سالم اللغة‬.‫ انه حقا جٌد ورائع إنه رجل نشط وجمٌل‬.‫كٌف حالك? أود أن أخبرك عن صدٌقً سالم‬
‫ ٌحب الرٌاضة وٌلعب التنس‬.‫ كان فً صفً ذكًٌا ج ًدا‬.‫ لكنه سًء فً التارٌخ‬، ‫اإلنجلٌزٌة والرٌاضٌات‬
‫ إنه ممتع للغاٌة‬.‫ إنه طوٌل ج ًدا وله شعر أسود قصٌر وعٌون سوداء‬.‫ سالم جمٌل المظهر‬.‫بشكل جٌد‬
.‫ أعتقد أننا سنكون أصدقاء طٌبٌن وسعداء إلى األبد‬.‫ورائع‬
‫راسلنً قرٌبًا‬
Polite description ‫اى٘صف اىَٖزة‬
‫ ) هجَ اُظلخ‬a bit ( ‫ ٗؼغ ًِٔخ‬ٚ‫خ ٓضجز‬٤ٗ‫اُغِٔخ اُضب‬ٝ ٠ُٝ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُغَٔ األ‬
Ex : She is fat . She is a bit fat . ( make this sentence more Polite)

)very + ‫خ رغزخذّ ًِٔخ ( طلخ ٓؼبًغخ‬٤‫خ ٓ٘ل‬٤ٗ‫اُضب‬ٝ ‫ ٓضجزخ‬٠ُٝ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُغَٔ األ‬
Ex: He is stupid , He isn't very clever ( make this sentence more polite )

:٢‫ر‬٥‫اة ًب‬ٞ‫ٕ اُغ‬ٌٞ٤‫ ك‬can‘t ٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫ رؾز‬٠ُٝ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُغِٔخ األ‬
‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ٢‫) ك‬very well) ‫ ٗؼغ‬can‘t ٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫خ رؾز‬٤ٗ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُغِٔخ اُضب‬-1
Ex : He Can't Play football . He can't .......... ( make this sentence more polite )
- He Can't Play football very well .

ْ‫) ص‬very good at ( ‫ ) اُؼجبسح‬isn‘t ( ‫ ) ٗؼغ ثؼذ‬isn‘t) ٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫خ رؾز‬٤ٗ‫* ارا ًبٗذ اُغِٔخ اُضب‬
. َ‫ ُِلؼ‬ing ‫ق‬٤‫ٗؼ‬
Ex :He can't Paint , He isn't very good at painting ( make this sentence more
‫ ) كؼ٘ذ االعبثخ‬isn‘t ) ٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫اُغِٔخ اُضبٌٗخ رؾز‬ٝ ( bad ( ٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫ رؾز‬٠ُٝ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُغِٔخ اال‬
:َ‫ ٓض‬, ٠ُٝ‫ اُغِٔخ اال‬٢‫د ك‬ٞ‫ع‬ُٞٔ‫ب ٗؼغ االعْ ا‬ٛ‫ثؼذ‬ٝ very good at ‫ٗؼغ‬
Ex:she is bad at football. She is not ________
- She isn‘t very good at football
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-He can‘t drive. He can‘t…….…………. (Make the sentence more polite)
-He drive very well .
2- She can‘t paint. She isn ‗t…………….. (Make the sentence more polite)
-She isn‘t very good at painting
3-She's bad at physics. She's.....at physics. (Make the sentence more polite)
-She isn‘t very good at physics
4- He is lazy. He is..………………………(Make the sentence more polite)
-He is a bit lazy
5- Fared is bad at English. (Make this sentence more polite)
-Fared isn‘t very good at English

C /Complete the following sentences in a more polite way. ‫زثخ‬ٜٓ ‫وخ‬٣‫أًَ اُؾَٔ ثطش‬
1-He's stupid.
-He's not Very smart
2-He's lazy.
-He's a bit lazy.
3-She can't sing.
-She's not Very good at singing
4-He can't paint.
-He can't paint very well
5-She's bad at football.
-She's not Very good at football
6-She's boring.
-She's not much fun
7-He's unfriendly.
-He's a bit un friendly

B - Make these sentences more polite. ‫اجؼو اىجَو أمضش رٖزة‬
1- He's fat
- He's a bit fat
2- He Can't play football
- He Can't play football very well
3- He Can't play volleyball
- He's not very good at volley ball
4- He's unfriendly .
- He's not very friendly

B/ Write the opposites of these words. ‫ٍؼبمغبد‬
1. dangerous x safe
2. happy x sad.
3. old-fashioned x modern
4. old x new
5. expensive x cheap.
6. Uncomfortable x comfortable

C/ Write words that match these definitions. ‫رؼبسٌف‬

1. It makes cars, boats and planes move. engine.
2. words and pictures to help sell things adverts.
3. A person who helps others is helpful.
4. You can clean your teeth with this. toothbrush
5. three or more people waiting in line queue

D/Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? ً ‫صخ أٗ خطأ‬
Hassan went to the mall to buy some clothes.T
He was sitting in a cafe thinking about coffee.F
He saw a newspaper and started reading the first page.F
Hassan likes the suspension on the Tiger 5X.T
Hassan knows what car to look at after reading the newspaper.T

Story time ‫هذ اُوظخ‬ٝ
Lucky costumer‫ظ‬ٞ‫ٕ أُؾظ‬ٞ‫اُضث‬
1- What are the characters of the story ( the lucky customer 50 )?
ٚ‫بد اُوظ‬٤‫ شخظ‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
-Kareem - shop owner - School boy. .‫ أُذسعخ‬٢‫ طج‬- ‫ طبؽت ٓزغش‬- ْ٣‫ًش‬

2- What does the story about ? ٚ‫ػٖ ٓبرا ًبٗذ اُوظ‬

-It's about a school boy called Kareem. .ْ٣‫ ًش‬٠ٔ‫غ‬٣ ‫ ٓذسعخ‬٢‫ ػٖ طج‬ٚٗ‫ا‬

3- What is the name of new book Kareem want to buy ?

.ٚ‫ْ ششائ‬٣‫ اساد ًش‬١‫ذ اُز‬٣‫ اعْ اٌُزبة اُغذ‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬
-Islands of salt. .‫عضس أُِؼ‬

4- Describe Kareem's character . .ْ٣‫خ ًش‬٤‫ طلبد شخظ‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬

-Hardworking - imaginative – patience. .‫ اُظجش‬- ٍ‫ب‬٤‫ اُخ‬- ‫ذ‬ٜ‫أُغز‬

5- What does ( saving up ) means? )‫ش‬٤‫ك‬ٞ‫ (اُز‬٢٘‫ؼ‬٣ ‫ٓبرا‬

-Putting money aside. ..‫ػغ أُبٍ عبٗجب‬ٝ

6- Was Kareem the first to buy the latest book ?

‫ اٌُزبة‬ٟ‫ اشزش‬١‫ٍ اُز‬ٝ‫ْ اُشخض اال‬٣‫َ ًش‬ٛ
-No , he was the 50th customer. .ٖ٤‫َ اُخٔغ‬٤ٔ‫ ًبٕ اُؼ‬, ‫ال‬

7- What was Kareem's dream ? ْ٣‫ ؽِْ ًش‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬

-to be a poet. .‫ٕ شبػشا‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫أ‬

8- What was Kareem's big prize ? ٙ‫ش‬٤‫ْ اٌُج‬٣‫ٓبرا ًبٗذ عبئضح ًش‬

-He will meet Al-Nawab. .‫اة‬ُٞ٘‫ ثب‬٢‫ِزو‬٤‫ع‬

9-What do you think the collection of poems '' Islands of salt is about ?
" ‫ء رزؾذس هظبئذ " عضس أُِؼ‬٢‫ ش‬١‫ي ػٖ ا‬٣‫ثشأ‬
-About homesick. .ٖ‫ؽ‬ُٞ‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ٖ ا‬٤٘‫اُؾ‬

10- Why had Kareem been saving up for months? .‫ش‬ٜ‫ذخش أُبٍ ُؼذح اش‬٣ ْ٣‫ُٔبرا ًش‬
-To buy the new book of al- Nawab. .‫اة‬ُٞ٘‫ش ا‬ٜ‫ أُلؼَ ٓظ‬ٙ‫ذ ُشبػش‬٣‫ُششاء اٌُز٘ت اُغذ‬

11- How many times had Kareem read Al-Nawabs poems How did he find
them? ‫ب‬ٛ‫عذ‬ٝ ‫ق‬٤ًٝ ‫اة ؟‬ُٞ٘‫ْ هظبئذ ا‬٣‫ًْ ٓشح هشأ ًش‬
- He had read them at least twice , He found them very interesting
12- why did Kareem parents , friends and teachers all say he was imaginative ?
.‫ ٓجذع‬ٚٗ‫ٕ ا‬ُٞٞ‫و‬٣ ‫ا‬ٞٗ‫ْ ًب‬ًِٜ ٚ٤ِٔ‫ٓؼ‬ٝ ٚ‫اطذهبئ‬ٝ ْ٣‫اُذ اٌُش‬ٝ ‫ُٔبرا‬
- Because he spent most of his free time reading or writing his own poems

13-What was there for customer number 50? 05 ْ‫ٕ سه‬ٞ‫٘بُي ُِضث‬ٛ ٕ‫ٓبرا ًب‬
-Meeting AL-Nawab . .‫اة‬ُٞ٘‫ٓوبثِخ ا‬
14- Kareem was the lucky customer who won the big prize. (True / False)

A/People sometimes ask questions about your friends. Put these words in
order to make questions. ‫سرت اىجَو‬
1-His colour What ? is hair
-What colour is his hair?
2-He does ? Where live
- Where does he live?
3-Does wear What he?
- What does he wear?
4- ?football play well he Can
-Can he play football well?
5-He ? Is science good and maths
-Is he good at science and Maths?

B/Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. ٍَٖٔ ‫امَو اىذَو إعقبطبد‬
Queue hard working imaginative Poet patience prize
1. My brother is very hard working He always does extra homework.
2. Hassan was so pleased when he won first prize in the poetry competition.
3. It is important to be imaginative when you are writing poems
4. The queue was so long it came out of the door!
5. I have a lot of patience with young children
6. His dream was to be a famous Poet

Unit two‫اى٘دذح اىضبٍّخ‬
Talking about likes and dislikes ‫اىزذذس ػِ األشٍبء اىزً ّذجٖب ٗاىزً ال ّذجٖب‬

Enjoy + ing
Don‘t like
) like , love , enjoy ( ّ‫ ٗؾت ٗغزخذ‬٢‫بء اُز‬٤‫ش ػٖ األش‬٤‫ ُِزؼج‬
) hate , don‘t like ( ّ‫ ال ٗؾت ٗغزخذ‬٢‫بء اُز‬٤‫ش ػٖ األش‬٤‫ ُِزؼج‬
ing ‫ـخ‬٤‫ػخ ثظ‬ٞ‫ األكؼبٍ ٓزج‬ٙ‫ز‬ٛ ٌٕٞ‫ ر‬
Ex:l like playing football .
Ex: I enjoy writing .
Ex: I hate taking exam .
: ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- I love ............................. matches on TV. (watch, watching , to watch)
2- I like ......................... cars. (drive, to drive, driving)
3- express your (like)concerning walking along the beach.
-I like walking along the beach
4- I hate (get) up early on Fridays. (correct)
-I hate getting up early on Friday.
5- express your dislike concerning listening to music.
-I don‘t like listening to music

A/ Which verb goes with each word or words? Write out the phrases.
You can use the same verb more than once. ‫امزت ػجبساد ثبعزخذاً ٕزٓ األفؼبه ٗاالعَبء‬
Have go do kick read score spend watch win

a ball a game a hobby shopping a picnic a rest a story fishing

TV a goal the afternoon to the cinema some time a point
2-have a picnic
2-have a rest.
3-go to the cinema
4-go shopping

5-go fishing
6-do a hobby
7-Kick a ball
8-read a story
9 -score a point
10 -score a goal
11- Spend some time
12- Spend the afternoon
13 -Watch TV
14-Watch a game
15 -win a game

B/Choose five phrases from Exercise A.Write a complete sentence for each
1-You can go fishing.
2- You should have a rest.
3- Ali reads a story every day.
4-My team score a goal last night.
5- My family spend some time to see the match

Expressing Preference and making suggestion

‫اىزؼجٍش ػِ اىزفضٍو ٗػَو االقزشاح‬
:preference َ٤‫ش ػٖ اُزلؼ‬٤‫ؾ رغزخذّ ُِزؼج‬٤‫ اُظ‬ٙ‫ز‬ٛ 

I‘d like
I‘d love
I ‗d rather
: suggestion ‫ش ػٖ االهزشاػ‬٤‫ؾ رغزخذّ ُِزؼج‬٤‫ اُظ‬ٙ‫ز‬ٛ 

Would you like

Why not
How about

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫االهزشاؽبد ٗغزخذّ أؽذ اُؼجبساد اُزب‬ٝ ‫الد‬٤‫ اُزلؼ‬٠ِ‫ ) ػ‬accept / agree ( ‫اكوخ‬ُِٞٔ 

Yes. Why not?

Yes! That‘s a good idea.

Yes, Let‘s.

Yes, I‘d love to.

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ ) ٗغزخذّ اُؼجبسح اُزب‬disagree refuse / ( ‫ ُِشكغ‬

I‘d rather not.

: ‫ػبد‬ٞٔ‫ صالس ٓغ‬٠ُ‫ؾ ا‬٤‫ روغْ اُظ‬

I‘d like .
I‘d love + to + ‫كؼَ ٓغشد‬ .
Would you like ?
Ex. I'd like to go to the theatre.
Ex. I'd love to go to the museum.

I‘d rather .
Why not + ‫كؼَ ٓغشد‬ ?
Let‘s .

Ex. I'd rather go to the beach.

Ex: let‘s go shopping .
Ex:Why not go to the theatre?

How about + ing ?

Ex:How about playing video games?

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- I'd rather to the beach and play football. (go , going, to go)
2- Why not to the fun fair (go , going, to go)
3- I'd love .... to the mall ( go, going, to go)
4- How about (play , to play , playing ) chess ?

5- Express your preference concerning watching action film (Use : I'd rather )
-I'd rather watch action film
6- Make a suggestion for your little brother about where to spend the holiday.
( use How about)
-How about going to the North of Iraq?
7- Would you like to go to the mall? (Accept)
- Yes, I`d love to.
8- Use (would like) to make suggestion concerning watching movie.
-would you like to watch movie?
9-would like (going, go, to go) to the park this afternoon.
10-Use (I'd love.......) to express your preference concerning playing
-I‘d love to play football.
11-I'd rather (helping / help / to help) my mother in the
12-What's your favourite hobby? (Express your preference. Use "fishing")
-I‘d love to go fishing
13-My favourite game is football . Agree to his preference.
-Yes, that‘s a good idea
14-1 like playing football. Do you? ....I prefer ... (Complete. Use: "tennis")
-I don‘t I prefer tennis
15-1 like swimming, do you?..I prefer.... (Complete the preference, use " tennis")
-I don‘t I prefer tennis
16-How about (go) to the mall? (Correct the verb)
-How about going to the mall ?
17-Let's go for a picnic today . ( Accept)
-yes , let‘s
18-let's ......... to the library . ( a. going b. to go c.go)
19-Make a suggestion to your little brother who has a toothache.(Use: " see the
dentist " )
-Let‘s see the dentist

A/Write the verb in the correct form - to go, go or going. ‫اعزخذاً اىصٍغخ اىصذٍذخ‬
1- Where would you like to go this afternoon?
2- How about going to the park?
3- I'd rather go to the beach and play football.
4- Why not go to the fun fair?
5- I'd love to go to the mall.
6- Yes, let's go .

Study the book covers and reviews. Match each book to a type in the box
below. ‫ر٘صٍو‬
horror comedy travel fiction adventure
1- Destination Egypt : Packed with detailed information, this is the definitive
guide for the discerning traveler . Don't go without it! (travel)
2- Robinson Crusoe : One of the first novels in the English language .
3- The Black Cat : The sinister events in this story will keep you awake at night .
4- The Lord of the Rings : An epic tale of a journey to destroy evil set in another
world . (fiction)
5- MR BEAN : The funniest comedy book of the tear . (comedy)

B/ Complete the article with a verb from the box. Use each word once. ‫امَو‬
didn't like got was made of go read
take off went Were Was was called were called
I read an interesting book recently. It was called The Mountains
of the Moon. It was a science fiction story. The main characters were called
Jim and Mary. They were astronauts you know, people who go into space. They
went to the moon. They found a mountain on the moon. It Was made of gold.
They got lots of the gold, but then the spaceship was too heavy. It couldn't Take
off . I don't like the ending because it was very sad.

Present simple ‫اىَضبسع اىجغٍظ‬

. ٚ٤ِٔ‫ش ػٖ ؽوبئن ػ‬٤‫غزخذّ ُِزؼج‬٣ ‫ًزُي‬ٝ ‫ صبثذ‬ٝ‫ش ػٖ ؽذس ٓزٌشس ا‬٤‫زا اُضٖٓ ُِزؼج‬ٛ ّ‫غزخذ‬٣ 

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ َ‫( كؼ‬S) + ‫د‬
َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ don‘t / doesn‘t + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫د‬
Do / Does + َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫? د‬

‫ٕ اُلؼَ ٓغشد‬ٌٞ٣ ‫ ُِلؼَ آب ارا ًبٕ اُلبػَ عٔغ‬s ‫ق‬٤‫ ارا ًبٕ اُلبػَ ٗؼ‬
‫ ٓغ أُلشد‬does. ٝ ‫ ٓغ اُغٔغ‬do ّ‫ ٗغزخذ‬

Ex: Ali plays tennis every day .
Ex: He doesn't go to cinema every day
Ex: Do they speak English?

٢‫ اُ٘ل‬٢‫ ؽبُز‬٢‫غزخذّ ك‬٣ٝ َ‫ ؽغت اُلبػ‬is / am / are ٠ُ‫ٍ ا‬ٞ‫ؾ‬٣ ‫ؾ‬٤‫ ٓغ أُؼبسع اُجغ‬be َ‫ اُلؼ‬
does ٝ do ٍ‫بّ ثذ‬ٜ‫االعزل‬ٝ
Ex: He is a student
Ex:He isn‘t a student.
Ex:Is he a student?
] always – usually – sometimes- often- every-each] : ‫ؾ‬٤‫ف أُؼبسع اُجغ‬ٝ‫ ظش‬
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- Sami always ......... ( visit ) his uncle . (correct)
- Sami always visits his uncle
2- Rana often ......... ( not study ) in the library .
- Rana often doesn't study in the library
3- Mazin visits his uncle every week end . ( Negative )
- Mazin doesn't visit his uncle very weekend
4- Najat goes to the mall every weekend . ( Question )
- Does Najat go to the mall every weekend ?
5- Ali usually (speak) French in the class . (Correct)
-Ali usually speaks French in the class.
6-Salma (not \ sleep) early.
-Salam doesn‘t sleep early
7-Fatima (like) grapes. (present simple)
-Fatima likes grapes
8-They often .....their grandfather at the weekends.(a. visit b. visits c. will visit)

Past simple ‫اىَبضً اىجغٍظ‬

. ٢‫ أُبػ‬٢‫ ك‬٠ٜ‫اٗز‬ٝ َ‫ش ػٖ ؽذس ؽظ‬٤‫زا اُضٖٓ ُِزؼج‬ٛ ّ‫غزخذ‬٣ 
َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ ٢‫ كؼَ ٓبػ‬+ ‫د‬
َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ didn‘t + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫د‬
Did + َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫? د‬

‫خ أُِضٓخ‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ‫ق األكؼبٍ اُشبرح‬٣‫ شبر ) ساعغ رظبس‬ٝ ٢‫بع‬٤‫ٖ ) ه‬٤‫ػ‬ٞٗ ٠ِ‫ ػ‬٢‫ اُلؼَ أُبػ‬

: ‫ؾ‬٤‫ اُجغ‬٢‫ف أُبػ‬ٝ‫ظش‬ 
ago 
Last 
yesterday 
in the past 
in + ‫ٔخ‬٣‫ ع٘خ هذ‬
Ex : Huda worked hard yesterday. ٢‫بع‬٤‫ه‬
Ex:Layla went to the park last day. ‫شبر‬
Ex: She didn‘t go to the park last day .
Ex: Did he go to the cinema yesterday?

‫) ٗدغت اىفبػو‬was/were( ‫) ٌذ٘ه اىى‬be( ‫ اىفؼو‬

Ex: I was late last night.
Ex : They weren‘t at home last week
: ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- Salim bought (buy) a new car last month. (Correct the verb)
2- The team didn‘t play ( not play ) well last week .
3- When did they ( arrived ) at the airport yesterday?
4- last year my Class (do) voluntary work ( correct the verb )
-last year my class did voluntary work.
5- Maki sent ( send ) an e- mail to his friend . ( past simple )
6- Luna enjoyed playing volleyball. ( Change the sentence into negative )
- Luna didn‘t enjoy playing volleyball.
7- Ali went to the cinema yesterday .( question)
-Did Ali go to the cinema yesterday?
8-I (watch) an interesting film last night. (correct the verb)
-I watched an interesting film last night
9-He went to school yesterday. (Negative)
-He didn‘t go to school yesterday.
10-(Did / Were) you pass your driver test last week.
11-We moved to a new house -------- (next week / every week / last week)
12-I (be) a taxi driver two years ago.
-I was a taxi driver two years ago.
13-( Did \ was ) Mustafa active at school?

A/Draw lines to match questions in the left-hand column that have the same
meaning as questions in the right-hand column. ‫ر٘صٍو‬
What is it called? What's the title?
Who is it about? What's the name of the main character?
What's the topic? What's it about?
Where does it happen? Where does it take place?
What's the ending like? How does it end?
Could you lend it to me? Could I borrow it?

B /Write these in the past simple. ‫اىَبضً اىجغٍظ‬
1 -want =wanted 7- Send = sent
2 -is = was 8 – lose =lost
3-say = said 9 -fly = flew
4 -arrive = arrived 10 – set = set
5-laugh = laughed 11- get = got
8- Land = landed 12- put = put

A T.V Comedy‫ثشّبٍج ريفضًٌّ٘ ٍضذل‬

1- 1- How old is Lucy? .٢‫ع‬ُٞ ‫ًْ ػٔش‬
- She is 16 years old. .ٚ٘‫ب عزخ ػشش ع‬ٛ‫ػٔش‬
2- Who is Samara? .ٙ‫ عٔبس‬٢ٛ ٖٓ
- She is Character in a TV comedy. .‫خ‬٣‫ذ‬٤ًٓٞ ‫خ‬٤‫شخظ‬
3-Where did they stay on a holiday? .‫ب‬ٜ‫ ػطِز‬٢‫ْ ك‬٤‫ٖ رو‬٣‫ا‬
-In a fancy hotel with a swimming pool .‫ع عجبؽخ‬ٞ‫ ؽ‬١ٞ‫ؾز‬٣ ‫ ك٘ذم كبخش‬٢‫ك‬
4- Who takes the main part in TV comedy ? .‫ اُجشٗبٓظ‬٢‫خ ك‬٤‫غ‬٤‫س اُشئ‬ٝ‫ؤخز اُذ‬٣ ١‫ٖٓ اُز‬
-Lucy. . ٢‫ع‬ُٞ
5- How is Samara brother ? .ٙ‫ عٔبس‬ٞ‫ اخ‬ٞٛ ‫ق‬٤ً
-He is very clumsy. .‫اخشم عذا‬
6- What did Samara's brother put in his mother's tea ? ٚٓ‫ ا‬١‫ شب‬٢‫ ك‬ٙ‫ عٔبس‬ٞ‫ػغ اخ‬ٝ ‫ٓبرا‬
-He puts salt instead of sugar. .‫ػغ ِٓؼ ثذٍ اُغٌش‬ٝ
7- Where does Samara's brother fall ? .ٙ‫ عٔبس‬ٞ‫ٖ عوؾ اخ‬٣‫ا‬
-He falls in the pool. . ‫ع‬ٞ‫ اُؾ‬٢‫عوؾ ك‬
8- What does Samara's brother put on his hair ? .ٙ‫ شؼش‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٙ‫ عٔبس‬ٞ‫ػغ اخ‬ٝ ‫ٓبرا‬

-He puts cleaning fluid on his hair instead of hair gel. .َ‫ق ثذٍ اُغ‬٤‫ػغ عبئَ اُز٘ظ‬ٝ
9- Why did the mother dislike her tea ? .١‫ُٔبرا ُْ رؾت االّ اُشب‬
- because it tasted awful. .‫غ‬٤٘‫الٕ ٓزاهخ ش‬
10- Lucy‘s brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents .
‫لخ‬٤‫ادس عخ‬ٞ‫ ؽ‬ٚ‫ؾظَ ٓؼ‬٣ ‫دائٔب‬ٝ ‫ اخشم عذا‬٢‫ع‬ُٞ ٞ‫اخ‬
11- Who does Lucy play in a TV comedy? .١‫ذ‬٤ٌُٓٞ‫ اُجشٗبٓظ ا‬٢‫ ك‬٢‫ع‬ُٞ ‫ٓبرا ُؼجذ‬
- She plays samara, a daughter in a TV comedy. ٙ‫س عٔبس‬ٝ‫ُؼجذ د‬

A/Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? ‫صخ ٗخطأ‬
1. Lucy's brother is clumsy.F
2. Samara is the name of the girl Lucy plays.T
3. Samara's brother is older than her.F
4. Samara's mother liked her tea.F
5. Lucy's character fell in the pool.F
6. The brother got very wet.T

B/ These sentences come from Lucy's article. Match the beginning and
ending of each sentence . ‫ر٘صٍو‬

1-My brother is very clumsy d a) Because we go away as a family on a

2-In the first episode, he e b) And my brother falls in the pool with
accidentally put salt instead of all his clothes on!
sugar in my mother's tea
3- I really enjoyed filming the a c) And then slips in the puddle.
test episode
4-We stay in a fancy hotel b d) And is always having silly accidents.
with a swimming pool
5-Later that day, he spills his c e) And is tested awful!
drink at lunch

C / Complete these sentences about Lucy's TV show in the present simple.
Use verbs from the box . You can use some verbs more than once . ‫ٍضبسع ثغٍظ‬
[ be fall put spill trip drop slip ]
1. My brother is very clumsy .
2. In the first episode , my brother puts salt in my mother's tea instead of sugar
3. My brother drops things and falls
4. My brother falls in the hotel pool .
5. Then he spills his drink and slips in the puddle .

an e-mail invitation
ًّٗ‫دػ٘ح اىجشٌذ اإلىنزش‬
Hi Rami !
I‘d like to invite you to my wedding party on Sunday. You must come because
the party will be amazing. You can enjoy your time. The party will be in Babylon
hotel and it will start at 5 o‘clock in the afternoon. Don‘t forget to come in the
right time. I will wait for you.
!٢ٓ‫ٓشؽجب سا‬
.‫هزي‬ٞ‫ٌٔ٘ي االعزٔزبع ث‬٣ .‫ٕ سائؼخ‬ٌٞ‫ ألٕ اُؾلِخ عز‬٢‫غت إٔ رؤر‬٣ .‫ّ األؽذ‬ٞ٣ ٢‫ ؽلَ صكبك‬٠ُ‫ًْ ا‬ٞ‫د إٔ أدػ‬ٝ‫أ‬
‫ف‬ٞ‫ أٗب ع‬.‫هذ أُ٘بعت‬ُٞ‫ ا‬٢‫ ك‬٢‫ ال ر٘ظ إٔ رؤر‬.‫رجذأ اُغبػخ اُخبٓغخ ػظشا‬ٝ َ‫ ك٘ذم ثبث‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٌٞ‫اُؾلِخ عز‬

Making Invitation and Arrangements ‫ػَو دػ٘اد ٗرشرٍجبد‬

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ؾ اُزب‬٤‫ح ٗغزخذّ اُظ‬ٞ‫ ُؼَٔ دػ‬
Would you like to + ‫ فؼو ٍجشد‬+ ‫? د‬
Shall I / we + ‫ فؼو ٍجشد‬+ ‫? د‬
Are you free on + ًٍ٘‫? اى‬

.)my( ٠ُ‫وِت ا‬٣ )your( ‫ش‬٤ٔ‫ اُؼ‬

: ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1/ Invite your friend to your birthday party. (use: would like)
- would you like to come to my birthday party‫؟‬
2- Shall I (get/ to get/ getting) a cup of tea‫؟‬
3-invite Ali to come to your brother's wedding. (use: free)
- are you free on Sunday‫؟‬
4-Invite your friend to come to your birthday party. (use : '' would like '')
- Would you like to come to my birth day party?
5-Invite your friend to come to your school graduation party. (use : Would like)
- Would you like to come to my school graduation party?
6-Invite Ali to go to the mall . (make invitation)
-would you like to go to the mall?
7-Invite Nuha for a cup of tea. (make invitation)
-would you like to get a cup of tea?
8-Invite your friend to a picnic on Friday (use: free)
-Are you free on Friday?
9-Invite your friend to go with you on a picnic. (Use: ―would you like‖)
-would you like to go on a picnic?

B/ Complete these sentences. Choose a word from the box. ‫امَو اىجَو ٍِ اىصْذٗق‬
[Better Cost free need prefer shall starts would]
1- Would you like to come to the school graduation party with me?
2- Are you free on Thursday?
3- Is Friday better for you?
4- Tell me if you prefer Thursday or Friday.
5- We don't need to get tickets in advance.
6- It starts at 8.00.
7- The seats cost 15,000 IOD.
8- Shall I get the cheapest?

B/Use a verb from the box to complete the phrases. Use each verb only once.
[ Have borrow write spend watch play go ]
1-go to the cinema
2-Have a picnic
3-Borrow a book
4-Write a letter
5-Spend the morning
6-Watch TV
7-Play a game

C/Write the words to match the definitions. ٌٍٖ ‫رؼبسٌف‬
1-something you do in your spare time -hobby.
2-a funny book, film or play -comedy
3-another word for a writer author.
4-activities like running, jumping and swimming sport. concert
5-You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music.concert

AB/P:34 ‫رغقٍظ‬
C/ Read this summary of a story. Choose a word from the box for each space.
Anyone called House Lights ending frightened heard
horror Recently stopped strange who live
I read a story recently It was called "The Terrible Forest' It was a horror story. I
sometimes like horror stories, but this one Was strange It was about a man who
lived near a forest.People heard terrible sounds every night in the forest and saw
lights, but the police couldn't find anyone In the end, the man left his house and
the sounds and lights stopped .Another man came to live in the house. I was
frightened by the story and I didn't understand the ending.

What is your hobby ‫ٍب ًٕ ٕ٘اٌزل‬
1-What is a hobby ‫؟‬ ‫خ ؟‬٣‫ا‬ُٜٞ‫ ا‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
-It is something you do in your spare time for enjoyment and relaxation.
.‫االعزشخبء‬ٝ ‫هبد كشاؿي ُِزٔزغ‬ٝ‫ أ‬٢‫ ك‬ِٚ‫ء رلؼ‬٢‫ ش‬ٚٗ‫ا‬
2-What can hobbies include? .‫بد‬٣‫ا‬ُٜٞ‫ٓبرا رزؼٖٔ ا‬
- It can include collecting things doing something creative or artistic
٢٘‫ ك‬ٝ‫ أ‬٢‫ء اثذاػ‬٢‫بّ ثش‬٤‫اُو‬ٝ ‫بء‬٤‫شَٔ عٔغ األش‬٣ ٕ‫ٌٖٔ أ‬٣
3-What can a person acquire by participating in a particular hobby?
.‫٘خ؟‬٤‫خ ٓؼ‬٣‫ا‬ٞٛ ٢‫ٌزغت اُشخض ٖٓ خالٍ أُشبسًخ ك‬٣ ٕ‫ٌٖٔ ا‬٣ ‫ٓبرا‬
-Substantial skill and knowledge in that area . .ٍ‫ رُي أُغب‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ‫ٓؼشك‬ٝ ‫بسح‬ٜٓ ‫ٌزغت‬٣
4- How do many people find fishing? .‫ذ اُغٔي‬٤‫غذ اُ٘بط ط‬٣ ‫ق‬٤ً
- Interesting and relaxing .‫ؼ‬٣‫ٓش‬ٝ ‫ٓٔزغ‬
5- How can anyone enter competitions and compete in Asian games and
Olympics? .‫بد؟‬٤‫ُٔج‬ٝ‫األ‬ٝ ‫خ‬٣ٞ٤‫ع‬٥‫ األُؼبة ا‬٢‫أُ٘بكغخ ك‬ٝ ‫ٍ أُغبثوبد‬ٞ‫ شخض دخ‬١‫ٌٖٔ أل‬٣ ‫ق‬٤ً
-With enough practice. .٢‫ٖ ًبك‬٣‫ٓغ رٔش‬
6- What do weavers use to create beautiful patterns ?
‫ِخ‬٤ٔ‫ٕ ُخِن أٗٔبؽ ع‬ٞ‫غزخذّ اُ٘غبع‬٣ ‫ٓبرا‬
- They use wool, felt , silk or mohair to create beautiful patterns
‫ِخ‬٤ٔ‫ش ُخِن أٗٔبؽ ع‬٤ُٛٞٔ‫ ا‬ٝ‫ش أ‬٣‫ اُؾش‬ٝ‫ اُِجبد أ‬ٝ‫ف أ‬ٞ‫ٕ اُظ‬ٞٓ‫غزخذ‬٣
7- Blanket weaving is still popular in many homes. (True / False )
) ‫ؼ‬٤‫طؾ‬/ ‫ (خطؤ‬.ٍ‫ذ ٖٓ أُ٘بص‬٣‫ اُؼذ‬٢‫بد شبئؼب ك‬٤ٗ‫ضاٍ ٗغظ اُجطب‬٣ ‫ال‬

What's my hobby? Read and find out. ‫خَِ اىٖ٘اٌخ‬
1-I get small pieces of glass, metal or shell to create things for people to wear
jewellery making.
2-I sit by the river with a long , thin rod fishing .
3-I use colourful threads to make something to keep you warm blanket weaving.
4-My hobby is very relaxing, I just sit and watch from my comfortable chair
watching TV
5-I work hard to go further and faster. My hobby means I get wet swimming.

Unit three ‫اى٘دذح اىضبىضخ‬

Comparative and superlative ‫اىَقبسّخ ٗاىَفبضيخ‬

. ‫خ‬٤ُ‫اد اُزب‬ٞ‫ ٓلبػِخ ٗزجغ اُخط‬ٝ‫ـخ ٓوبسٗخ ا‬٤‫ ط‬٠ُ‫َ اُظلخ ا‬٣ٞ‫ ُزؾ‬
‫ ػ٘ذ أُلبػِخ‬est ‫ب‬ُٜ ‫ق‬٤‫ٗؼ‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ أُوبسٗخ‬er ‫ب‬ُٜ ‫ق‬٤‫اؽذ ٗؼ‬ٝ ‫ ٖٓ ٓوطغ‬ٌٚٗٞٓ ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُظلخ‬
: ‫ٍالدظبد‬
‫ ػ٘ذ أُلبػِخ‬st ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ أُوبسٗخ‬r ‫ب‬ُٜ ‫ق‬٤‫ ٗؼ‬e ‫خ ة ثؾشف‬٤ٜ‫ارا ًبٗذ اُظلخ ٓ٘ز‬ -1
Ex: large = larger = largest
Ex: nice = nicer = nicest
‫ؼ‬٤‫ؼبػق اُؾشف اُظؾ‬٣ ‫اؽذ‬ٝ ‫ ؽشف ػِخ‬ِٚ‫هج‬ٝ ‫ؼ‬٤‫خ ثؾشف طؾ‬٤ٜ‫ارا ًبٗذ اُظلخ ٓ٘ز‬ -2
Ex: big = bigger = biggest
Ex: hot = hotter = hottest
i ٠ُ‫وِت ا‬٣ ‫ؼ‬٤‫ ؽشف طؾ‬ِٚ‫هج‬ٝ y ‫خ ة ؽشف‬٤ٜ‫ارا ًبٗذ اُظلخ ٓ٘ز‬ -3
Ex:happy = happier = happiest
Ex:lazy = lazier = laziest
‫ ػ٘ذ‬most ‫ب‬ِٜ‫ٗؼغ هج‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ أُوبسٗخ‬more ‫ب‬ِٜ‫ اًضش ٗؼغ هج‬ٝ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ ٖٓ ٓوطؼ‬ٌٚٗٞٓ ‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُظلخ‬
Ex:beautiful = more beautiful = most beautiful
Ex: dangerous = more dangerous = most dangerous

: ‫٘بى ثؼغ اُظلبد اُشبرح‬ٛ 

‫اُظلخ‬ ‫أُوبسٗخ‬ ‫أُلبػِخ‬
good Better best
bad Worse Worst
far Farther Farthest
little less Least
many / much More Most

:‫خ‬٤ُ‫اػذ اُزب‬ٞ‫ دسعبد أُوبسٗخ ٗزجغ اُو‬٢‫ ك‬

1- ٍٝ‫ االعْ األ‬+ is /am / are + ٚٗ‫ـخ ٓوبس‬٤‫ ط‬+ than + ٢ٗ‫االعْ اُضب‬

Ex: It is (hot) this summer than last summer. (Comparative adjective)

- It is hotter this summer than last summer.

2- ٍٝ‫ االعْ األ‬+ is/am/are + not + as ‫ طلخ‬as + ٢ٗ‫االعْ اُضب‬

Ex:Cows are bigger than goats. (Rewrite the sentence using "as ........... as")
-Goats aren't as big as cows.
Ex :A lion is faster than a bear. (Rewrite the sentence using ―as ........... as")
-A bear isn't as fast as a lion.

than ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٞ‫ ث‬ٚٗ‫ـخ أُوبس‬٤‫ض ط‬٤ٔ‫ ر‬

Ex: Iraqi food is ......... than Italian. ( good, better, best, )
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ـخ ٓؼبًغخ ٗزجغ اُوبػذح اُزب‬٤‫ؽِت ٓ٘ب اعزخذاّ ط‬ٝ ٚٗ‫ـخ ٓوبس‬٤‫ ارا عبءد عِٔخ ثظ‬

٢ٗ‫ االعْ اُضب‬+ is /am / are + ‫ ٓؼبًغخ‬ٚٗ‫ـخ ٓوبس‬٤‫ ط‬+ than + ٍٝ‫االعْ األ‬

Ex: Cows are bigger than goats. (Rewrite the sentence using "small") Galis
-Goats are smaller than cows.
Ex:Tablets are more expensive than phones. (Rewrite the sentence using
-Phones are cheaper than tablets.

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ دسعبد أُلبػِخ ٗزجغ اُوبػذح اُزب‬٢‫ ك‬

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ is /am / are + the ‫ـخ ٓلبػِخ‬٤‫ ط‬+ ‫اُزٌِٔخ‬

Ex:That was the (exciting) match in the world cup. (Superlative adjective)
-That was the most exciting match in the world cup.
Ex: I bought the (cheap) trainers in the shop. (correct the adjective)
- I bought the cheapest trainers in the shop.

‫ هجَ اُظلخ‬the ‫د‬ٞ‫ع‬ٞ‫َ ث‬٤‫ـخ اُزلؼ‬٤‫ض ط‬٤ٔٗ : ‫ٍالدظخ‬

Ex: Graduation party was the ............. day of my life. ( happy, happier, happiest)

used to ً‫اىَقبسّخ ثٍِ اىذبضش ٗاىَبضً ة اعزخذا‬

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ ٗغزخذّ اُوبػذح اُزب‬٢‫أُبػ‬ٝ ‫ٖ اُؾبػش‬٤‫ ُِٔوبسٗخ ث‬
َ‫اُلبػ‬+ (is , are) + ‫ـخ ٓوبسٗخ‬٤‫ط‬+ than + (it / there) + used to + be
Ex: Iraq is greener than it used to be.
-There is more wildlife than there used to be.
Ex: Hilla is greener than ...................be (it used, used to . It used to. it was used)

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-An elephant is bigger than a giraffe . ( use : as ... as )
-A giraffe isn't as big as an elephant.
2- A bear isn't as fast a lion : (Re - Write the sentence below : use : faster)
-A lion is faster than a bear
3- Phones are less expensive than tablets (Re - Writ the sentence )
-Tablets are more expensive than Phones
4-The down is more beautiful than a night (Re - Write the sentence use : as ... as)
-The night isn't as beautiful as the down.
5-wet = wetter , good = better
6-big = biggest, dangerous = most dangerous
7-My house is......than yours. ( biggest – bigger – big )
8-This is the.....interesting book I have read. ( more – most)
9-I am (good – better – best) at English than Ali.
10-Planes are faster ........trains. (than – the)
11-Fatima is (more beautiful – most beautiful) than Noor.
12 - The night is not as beautiful as the dawn. [Re-write the sentence. Use "than"
-The dawn is more beautiful than the night.
13- A bear is bigger than a wolf. [Re-write the sentence. Use "small"
-A wolf is smaller than a bear .
14- A bear is not as fast as a lion. [Re-write the sentence. Use "faster"]
-The lion is faster than a bear
15-Tablets are more expensive than phones. (Rewrite the sentence using "cheap")
-Phones are cheaper than tablets

A) Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. ‫اخزش اىفؼو اىصذٍخ‬
[ bite fly grow hunt produce ]
1. A bat is not a bird, but it can fly like a bird.
2. Owls hunt and kill small animals at night.
3. If you put your foot on a snake, it will bite you.
4-Cows and goats produce milk
6. Elephants grow very big, but it takes many years.

B/Write the comparative forms of these adjectives. ‫امزت صٍغخ ٍقبسّٔ ىٖزٓ اىصفبد‬
1. wet = wetter 4. long = longer 7. near = nearer
2. thin = thinner 5. Noisy = noisier 8. fit = fitter
3. sad = sadder 6. friendly = friendlier 9. heavy = heavier
C/Write the comparative forms of these adjectives in the correct places in
the table. ‫امزت صٍغٔ ٍقبسّٔ ىٖزٓ اىصفبد‬
Cheap dangerous ugly expensive interesting happy careful tidy
Quieter | More beautiful
Cheaper | more dangerous
Uglier | more expensive
Happier | more interesting
Tidier | more careful

D/ Write these sentences differently so that they mean the same thing.
‫امزت اىجَو ثشنو ٍخزيف ٌؼطً ّفظ اىَؼْى‬
Example: An elephant is bigger than a giraffe
A giraffe is not as big as an elephant.
A giraffe is smaller than an elephant.
1 - A bear is not as fast as a lion.
-A bear is slower than a lion.
-A lion is faster than a bear.
2- In the desert, a camel is more useful than a horse.
-In the desert, a horse is not as useful as a camel.
-In the desert, a horse is less useful than a camel.
3- Cows are bigger than goats.
-Goats are not as big as cows.
-Goats are smaller than caws.

C/ Choose (a), (b), (c) or (d) to complete each sentences. ‫اخزبس‬
1 - Which is ….. fastest living thing? [a. more b. the c. the most d. a]
2- Hilla is greener than…..be. [a. it used b. used to c. it used to d. it was used]

D/ Complete each sentence b so that it means the same as a. ‫امَو اىجَو‬

2-a ) The number of birds has gone up.
b) There are more birds than there used to be.
3-a) A mouse is not as big as a rat.
b) A rat is bigger than mouse.

If clause ‫اىجَو اىششطٍخ‬
)‫اة اُششؽ‬ٞ‫عِٔخ ع‬ٝ ,‫ٖ (عِٔخ كؼَ اُششؽ‬٤‫ٖ عِٔز‬٤‫) ُِشثؾ ث‬if( ّ‫ ٗغزخذ‬
. ‫خ‬٣‫ اُجذا‬٢‫ ارا عبءد ك‬if ‫ ٗؼغ كبسصح ثؼذ عِٔخ‬, ‫عؾ اُغِٔخ‬ٝ ٝ‫خ اُغِٔخ ا‬٣‫ ثذا‬٢‫ ك‬if ٢‫ٌٖٔ إ ربر‬٣ 
: ‫خ‬٤‫ اُششؽ‬if ‫ ؽبالد‬
1-First conditional: ٠ُٝ‫اُؾبُخ األ‬

If + َ‫ كبػ‬+ َ‫( كؼ‬s) + ‫ د‬, َ‫ كبػ‬+ will + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫د‬

َ‫ كبػ‬+ will + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫ د‬If + َ‫ كبػ‬+ َ‫( كؼ‬s) + ‫د‬

Ex:If people grow lot taller, we will need bigger houses.

Ex: We will need more food to feed everyone if population increases.
: ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-If people live longer, we (need) lots of care. (correct)
-If people live longer, we will need lots of care .
2-If people (grow) lot taller, we (need) bigger houses. (first conditional)
-If people grow lot taller , we will need bigger houses.
3- I ( buy ) new car . I have enough money ( join : if )
- I will buy new car if I have enough money .

D/What may happen if these changes continue? Finish the sentences.
1-If people grow a lot taller, we will need bigger houses
2-If people live longer, we will need lots of care
3-If the population keeps increasing, we will need more food to feed everybody

2-Second conditional : ‫خ‬٤ٗ‫اُؾبُخ اُضب‬

If + َ‫ كبػ‬+ ٢‫ كؼَ ٓبػ‬+ ‫ د‬, َ‫ كبػ‬+ would + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫د‬

َ‫ كبػ‬+ would + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫ د‬if + َ‫ كبػ‬+ ٢‫ كؼَ ٓبػ‬+ ‫د‬

Ex: If I had lots of money , I would study in America.

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- If my leg broke , I (be) in a lot of pain . (correct)
-If my leg broke, I would be in a lot of pain .
2-If I (be) late for school , my teacher (be) very angry .(second conditional
-If I was late for school, my teacher would be very angry.

A/ Finish these sentences. Make them true for yourself. ‫امَو اىجَو د٘ه ّفغل‬
1-If there was a spider on my desk now, I would be afraid .
2-If my friend had a pet monkey, he would be able to care it
3-If we didn't have air conditioning, we would be hot
4-If we didn't have cars, we would go to school by bikes

B Match the beginnings and ends of the second conditional sentences. ‫ر٘صٍو‬
1-If Salah had lots of money a a) his house would have a swimming
2-Jamal would start his own business e b) if Jamal went abroad to work.
3-If Jamal made lots of money from his c) he would go on holiday around
business c the world
4-If I was Salah‘s friend d d) he would take me on holiday too.
5-Salah would live in Jamal's house b e) if he had lots of money.

C/Complete the sentences so that they are true. ‫امَو اىجَو‬

1-If there were no spiders in the world, Mithaq…..happy
(a) would be)
(b) wouldn't be
2-If there were no spiders,………..
(a) there would be fewer mosquitoes
(b) there would be more mosquitoes
3-If there were more mosquitoes in the world,…………..
(a) more people would get it
(b) fewer people would get ill

B) Write these sentences with punctuation . ‫رْقٍظ‬
1. What would you do if you saw a snake?
2. If I was going to a wild place, I would tell my father first.
3. If you were bitten by an animal, what would you do?
4. Would you touch a shellfish if you saw one underwater?

Express and (dis) agreeing with opinions ‫اىزؼجٍش ػِ اىشأي ٗ اىَ٘افقخ اٗ اىشفض‬
: ّ‫ ) ٗغزخذ‬agreement )‫اكوخ‬ُٞٔ‫ش ػٖ ا‬٤‫ ُِزؼج‬-1
So / Neither 
Neither ّ‫ارا ًبٗذ ٓ٘وجخ ٗغزخذ‬ٝ So ّ‫ارا ًبٗذ اُغِٔخ ٓضجزخ ٗغزخذ‬ 

So / Neither + ‫ كؼَ ٓغبػذ‬+ َ‫اُلبػ‬
٢‫ ٓغ أُبػ‬did ٝ ‫ ٓغ أُؼبسع‬do / does ّ‫ كؼَ ٓغبػذ ٗغزخذ‬٠ِ‫ اُغِٔخ ػ‬١ٞ‫ ارا ُْ رؾز‬

Ex: : My mother is afraid of dogs. ( Answer using "So / Neither)
-So am I.
Ex: I'm not afraid of rats. ( show your agreement )
-Neither am I.
Ex: I don't mind spiders. ( show your agreement )
-Neither do I.

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ ) ٗغزخذّ اُؼجبساد اُزب‬disagreement ( ‫اكوخ‬ُٞٔ‫ش ػٖ ػذّ ا‬٤‫ ُِزؼج‬-2

I do / I don‘t 
I do ّ‫ ٗغزخذ‬ٚ٤‫ ارا ًبٗذ اُغِٔخ ٓ٘ل‬
I don‘t ّ‫ ٗغزخذ‬ٚ‫ ارا ًبٗذ ٓضجز‬
Ex:I don't like horror stories. (disagree)
-I do
Ex: I hate horses. ( show your disagreement)
-I don't.
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-He prefers tea. ( disagree: use ―they‖)
-They don‘t.
2-I'm not afraid of rats. (disagree)
- I am.
3- I love chocolates. (disagree)
- I don‘t.
4-My mother is afraid of dogs. (disagree)
- I don‘t mind them
5- I hate horses. (I do , I don‘t)
6- I don‘t like travelling. I (don‘t , do)

A/Choose suitable sentences to answer the speaker. ‫اخزبس اىجَيخ اىَْبعجخ‬
[Neither do . Neither am I. so do. So am I. I don't . I am . I don‘t mind them]
1-I love chocolates.So do I
2-I don't like horror stories.Neither do I
3-I'm not afraid of rats.I am
4-My mother is afraid of dogs. So am I
5-My favourite stories are comedies. So am I

The fastest living things ‫اعشع اىنبئْبد اىذٍخ‬

1- What are the fastest things in the natural world? ٢‫ؼ‬٤‫ اُؼبُْ اُطج‬٢‫ ك‬٢‫ اسثغ ش‬ٞٛ‫ٓب‬
- The falcons ‫اُظوش‬
2- How fast can falcons dive?‫س؟‬ٞ‫ص اُظو‬ٞ‫ عشػخ اُـ‬ٟ‫ٓب ٓذ‬
- 240 kph ٚ‫ اُغبػ‬٢‫ ٓزش ك‬ِٞ٤ً ٠٤5
3- who are the Bedouin? ٝ‫ْ اُجذ‬ٛ ٖٓ
-The people from the deserts of Arabia ‫خ‬٤‫ ٗبط ٖٓ اُظؾشاء اُؼشث‬.
4- What is the disadvantage of falconry sport? ‫س‬ٞ‫ذ ثبُظو‬٤‫ اُظ‬ٚ‫بػ‬٣‫ س‬ٚ٤‫ عِج‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
- Too many rare birds might be killed . ٙ‫س اُ٘بدس‬ٞ٤‫ذ ٖٓ اُط‬٣‫سثٔب روزَ اُؼذ‬
5- What did the government do to protect birds? ‫س‬ٞ٤‫خ اُط‬٣‫ٓخ ُؾٔب‬ٌٞ‫ٓبرا ػِٔذ اُؾ‬
- The government has set up protected areas for birds.
.‫س‬ٞ٤‫خ ُِط‬٤ٔ‫ٓخ ٓ٘بؽن ٓؾ‬ٌٞ‫أٗشؤد اُؾ‬
6- why did the Bedouin live mostly on date, milk and bread ?
‫ اُخجض‬ٝ ‫ت‬٤ِ‫اُؾ‬ٝ ‫ اُزٔش‬٠ِ‫ٕ ػ‬ٞ‫ش‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ ٝ‫ُٔبرا اُجذ‬
- Because it was difficult to catch animals and birds. ‫اٗبد‬ٞ٤‫اُؾ‬ٝ ‫س‬ٞ٤‫ذ اُط‬٤‫ثخ ط‬ٞ‫طؼ‬
7- What was the favourite bird for the Bedouin ?ٝ‫ش أُلؼَ ُِجذ‬٤‫ اُط‬ٞٛ‫ٓب‬
- The large , long – legged houbara.‫ِخ‬٣ٞ‫شح راد األسعَ اُط‬٤‫ اٌُج‬ٟ‫اُؾجبس‬
8- How did the Bedouin use to hunt ? ‫س‬ٞ٤‫ذ اُط‬٤‫ ط‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٝ‫ق اػزبد اُجذ‬٤ً
- On Camels. ٍ‫ اُغٔب‬٠ِ‫ػ‬
9- What is the result of government measures to protect birds?
‫س؟‬ٞ٤‫خ اُط‬٣‫خ ُؾٔب‬٤ٌٓٞ‫غخ اإلعشاءاد اُؾ‬٤‫ ٗز‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
-Wildlife numbers have gone up and the environment is richer.
.‫ئخ أًضش صشاء‬٤‫أطجؾذ اُج‬ٝ ‫خ‬٣‫اٗبد اُجش‬ٞ٤‫اسرلؼذ أػذاد اُؾ‬
10- Where are many falconers hunting nowadays?
‫بّ؟‬٣‫ األ‬ٙ‫ز‬ٛ ‫ذ‬٤‫ اُظ‬٢‫ٖ ك‬٣‫ذ ٖٓ اُظوبس‬٣‫اعذ اُؼذ‬ٞ‫ز‬٣ ٖ٣‫أ‬
- In the deserts and valleys of Muthanna, Samarra and Dhi Qar in Iraq.
.‫ اُؼشام‬٢‫ هبس ك‬١‫ر‬ٝ ‫عبٓشاء‬ٝ ٠٘‫بٕ أُض‬٣‫د‬ٝٝ ١‫ طؾبس‬٢‫ك‬

A/Are these sentences about the text true (T) or false (F)? ‫صخ ٗخطأ‬
1-Falcons can move faster than any other living thing.T
2-Before falconry, the Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat.F
3-The Bedouin enjoyed the food that falcons caught for them.T
4-Falconry used to be just a sport.F
5-There could soon be no rare birds because of falconry.T

Pronouns ‫اىضَبئش‬
َ‫ػٔبئش اُلبػ‬ ٚ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫ػٔبئش أُلؼ‬ ‫ػٔبئش اُزِٔي‬ ‫طلبد اُزِٔي‬
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
We Us Our Ours
He Him His His
She Her Her Hers
It It Its Its
They Them Their Theirs

: ‫ٍالدظخ‬
and ‫ثؼذ‬ٝ َ‫ثؼذ اُلشاؽ كؼ‬ٝ ‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ٗغزخذّ ػٔبئشاُلبػَ ارا ًبٕ اُلشاؽ ثذا‬ -1
Ex:...........saw a bird on the tree. (me -I - my)
‫ ؽشف عش‬ٝ‫ ارا عبء هجَ اُلشاؽ كؼَ ا‬ٚ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫ٗغزخذّ ػٔبئش أُلؼ‬ -2
Ex : Many animals are useful to (we, our, , us)
ْ‫ٗغزخذّ ػٔبئش اُزِٔي ارا عبء ثؼذ اُلشاؽ اع‬ -3
Ex: Eaten too much is very bad for (our, ours, us) health.
‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ٢‫ٗغزخذّ طلبد اُزِٔي ؿبُجب ك‬ -4
Ex:This book is (my -mine-me)
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-I = my , we = our , he = his
2-I = me , we = us , he = him
3-The Bedouin used.….. falcons to catch birds for food. (their, there , them)
4-………. parents feel happy when I get good marks (I, my, me)
1- That bag isn't mine. -------- bag is blue (use the correct pronoun or adjective)
-That bag isn't mine. my bag is blue.
1-Many animals are useful to (our/ ours/us)

2- I fell down and broke …….. hand. (Use the proper pronoun) my
3- Eaten too much is very bad for (our/ ours/ us) health.
4- Salem fell down and broke …….. leg. (Use proper pronoun) his
5- Not all bacteria are harmful to (we/ our/ us)

D Read and complete this conversation with words from the table.‫امَو اىَذبدصخ‬
Ahmad: Salman, can you lend me your camera, please? We have a class
project and our teacher wants us to take photos of wildlife.
[Salman gives Ahmad his camera.]
Salman: Yes, you can borrow my camera, but carry it
in It's case. Then it won't get broken if you
drop it
Ahmad: you needn't worry, Salman. I ‗ll use the case.
Salman: I'll need it back on Thursday evening. My aunt and uncle from Saudi
Arabia and their children will be visiting us on Friday.
My mother doesn't see her brother very often and she wants Me to take photos of
the whole family.
Ahmad: Don't worry. I'll bring it back on Thursday.

A/ Complete the information about the parts of a questionnaire. Use these

words: ‫امَو اىَؼيٍ٘بد‬
answers instructions points questions scores situations title topic
1-The title tells us the questionnaire's topic
2-The introduction explains the title.
It tells us what we will learn if we answer the question
It also gives instructions
3-The questions ask what we would do in five points
They give three possible answers.
4-The final part tells us how to give scores and explains the meaning of the
possible situation.

Life on the marshes ‫اىذٍبح ػيى االٕ٘اس‬

1-Where can Marsh Arabs be found ‫؟‬ ‫اس؟‬ٞٛ‫عذ ػشة األ‬ٞ٣ ٖ٣‫ا‬
-in the south-east of Iraq. .‫ ٖٓ اُؼشام‬٢‫ة اُششه‬ٞ٘‫ ع‬٢‫ك‬
2-What do they raise? .ٕٞ‫شث‬٣ ‫ٓبرا‬
- domestic buffalo . .٢ِ‫ط أُؾ‬ٞٓ‫اُغب‬
3- What crops are grown by the Marsh Arabs? .‫اس‬ٞٛ‫ اال‬٢‫ ك‬ٞٔ٘‫ ر‬٢‫َ اُز‬٤‫ أُؾبط‬٢ٛ‫ٓب‬
-Rice, wheat and barley . ‫ش‬٤‫اُشؼ‬ٝ ‫اُؾ٘طخ‬ٝ ‫اُشص‬
4- Where do Marsh Arabs live ? .‫اس‬ٞٛ‫ش ػشة اال‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ ٖ٣‫ا‬
-In arched houses are built from reeds. .‫خ ٖٓ اُوظت‬٤٘‫عخ ٓج‬ٞ‫د أُو‬ٞ٤‫ اُج‬٢‫ك‬
5- why do their houses have two entrances . .ٖ٤ِ‫ب ٓذخ‬ُٜ ْٜ‫ر‬ٞ٤‫ُٔبرا ث‬
-One for the family and the other for the animals. .‫اٗبد‬ٞ٤‫ُالخش ُِؾ‬ٝ ِٚ‫اؽذ ُِؼبئ‬ٝ
6- What do Marsh Arabs use as transport ? .‫اس‬ٞٛ‫ اال‬٢‫عبئَ اُ٘وَ ك‬ٝ ٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
-Traditional boats ( mashhoof and tarrada) .ٙ‫اُطشاد‬ٝ ‫ف‬ٞ‫خ أُشؾ‬٣‫ذ‬٤ِ‫اسة اُزو‬ٞ‫اُو‬
7- How many species of birds can be found in the marsh land ?
‫ أسع أُغز٘وؼبد‬٢‫ب ك‬ٜ٤ِ‫س ػ‬ٞ‫ٌٖٔ اُؼض‬٣ ٢‫س اُز‬ٞ٤‫اع اُط‬ٞٗ‫ًْ ػذد أ‬
-Forty. .ٕٞ‫اسثؼ‬
8- Why 40% to 60% are of marsh Arabs at risk ? .‫ ُِخطش‬ٚ‫اس ٓؼشػ‬ٞٛ‫ُٔبرا اال‬
-Most of the wetland has dried up. .‫ اُشؽجخ‬٢‫علذ ٓؼظْ األساػ‬
9- What did the draining of marshes 1990s Cause?
‫بد؟‬٤٘٤‫ اُزغؼ‬٢‫اس ك‬ٞٛ‫ق اال‬٤‫ٓبرا رغجت رغل‬
-Significant change in the ecosystem. .٢‫ئ‬٤‫ اُ٘ظبّ اُج‬٢‫ش ك‬٤‫ش ًج‬٤٤‫رـ‬
10- Rice, wheat and barley are known as crops. .َ٤‫ش رؼزجش ٓؾبط‬٤‫اُشؼ‬ٝ ‫اُؾ٘طخ‬ٝ ‫اُشص‬
11- Traditional boats are used as transport in the Marshes.
‫اس‬ٞٛ‫ اال‬٢‫ِخ ٗوَ ك‬٤‫ع‬ًٞ ‫ اعزخذٓذ‬ٚ٣‫ذ‬٤ِ‫اسة اُزو‬ٞ‫اُو‬
12- Marsh Arabs live in arched houses built from reeds.
‫خ ٖٓ اُوظت‬٤٘‫عخ ٓج‬ٞ‫د ٓو‬ٞ٤‫ ث‬٢‫اس ك‬ٞٛ‫ش ػشة األ‬٤‫ؼ‬٣
13- Flamingo, pelicans and herons are kinds of migratory birds.
.‫بعشح‬ُٜٔ‫س ا‬ٞ٤‫اع ٖٓ اُط‬ٞٗ‫ أ‬٢ٛ ٖ٣‫ٓبُي اُؾض‬ٝ ‫اُجغغ‬ٝ ٞ‫س اُلالٓ٘غ‬ٞ٤‫ؽ‬
14- The draining of marshes in 1999s caused change in the ecosystem.
.٢‫ئ‬٤‫ش اُ٘ظبّ اُج‬٤٤‫ رـ‬٢‫ ك‬9999 ّ‫ ػب‬٢‫ق أُغز٘وؼبد ك‬٤‫رغجت رغل‬

B / Write the words that match the definitions. ٍَٖٔ ‫رؼبسٌف‬
1-a bird that hunts and kills other birds. predator ‫ٓلزشط‬
2-the opposite of safe .dangerous ‫ش‬٤‫خط‬
3-sit and travel on a horse or camel .ride ‫شًت‬٣
4-the fastest bird in the world .falcon ‫طوش‬
5-rice and wheat, for example . crops َ٤‫أُؾبط‬
6-people who are not children .adults ٖ٤‫اُجبُـ‬

A/Complete the phrases and sentences with words from the box. ‫امَو اىجَو‬
afraid million habitats hotter mind wild neither
1- I don‘t mind
2- I‘m not afraid
3- Animal habitats
4- Wild animals
5- Neither do I
6- Six million people
7- It is getting hotter
C/ Choose a , b , c or d to complete each sentence. ‫اخزبس ىزنَيخ اىجَيخ‬
1. Which is the fastest living thing?
2. The Bedouin used their falcons to catch food.
3. What will happen if this change continuous?
4. If there was a spider in the room, I would put it outside.
5. What would happen if there were fewer snakes?
6. Hilla is greener than it used to be.
7. Many animals are useful to us.
D /Complete each sentence b so that it means the same as sentence a ‫امَو اىجَو‬
1 a)There would be more insects if there were no spiders.
b)If there were no spiders, there would be more insects.
2 a)The number of birds has gone up.
B)There are more birds than before
3 b)A mouse is not as big as a rat.
b)A rat is bigger than a mouse
4 a)Falcons eat small animals and birds
b)Small animals and birds are eaten by falcons
5 a)Where can you find wild flamingos?
b)Where can wild flamingos be found ?

Passive voice ‫اىَجًْ ىيَجٖ٘ه‬
َ‫ هبّ ثبُلؼ‬١‫ٍ ػ٘ذٓب ال ٗؼشف ٖٓ اُز‬ٜٞ‫ ُِٔغ‬٢٘‫ ٗغزخذّ أُج‬
:‫خ‬٤ُ‫اد اُزب‬ٞ‫ٍ ٗزجغ اُخط‬ٜٞ‫ ُِٔغ‬٢٘‫ أُج‬٠ُ‫ّ ا‬ِٞ‫ ُِٔؼ‬٢٘‫َ اُغِٔخ ٖٓ أُج‬٣ٞ‫ ُزؾ‬
َ‫ ٗؾزف اُلبػ‬-1
‫خ‬٣‫ اُجذا‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫ ٗؼغ أُلؼ‬-2
: ٢‫ًبالر‬ٝ ‫ ٗؼغ كؼَ ٓ٘بعت ؽغت صٖٓ اُغِٔخ‬-3
‫ؾ‬٤‫➡ ٓؼبسع ثغ‬ is , am , are
‫ؾ‬٤‫ ثغ‬٢‫ ➡ ٓبػ‬was , were
Can ➡ Can be
Has , have ➡ Has , have + been
‫ق اُضبُش‬٣‫ اُزظش‬٠ُ‫ٍ اُلؼَ ا‬ٞ‫ ٗؾ‬-4
Ex: Huda cleans the house every day . ( passive )
- The house is cleaned every day.
Ex: He invented the radio . ( change into passive )
- The radio was invented.
Ex: Hedgehogs can ......... ( eat ) by foxes . ( Correct to make passive )
- Hedgehogs can be eaten by foxes.
Ex: we have discovered wild goats in Iraq . (Passive)
- wild goats have been discovered in Iraq.
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-The flower (water) by my mother every three days. (correct to make passive)
-The flower are watered by my mother every three days.
2-Huda cleans the house every day. (passive)
-The house is cleaned every day
3- His medicine ........ every day . ( is taken , are taken , was taken )
4- -Snakes (can find / can be find / can be found) in deserts.
5- Marsh Arabs grow some crops . ( passive )
- Some crops are grown by Marsh Arabs.
6-crops such as rice barley and wheat ( grown , are grown , is grown ) by Marsh
1- I lost my suitcase at the airport. My suitcase ...............(complete the sentence
in passive)
-My suitcase was lost at the airport.
2- My tools .............. by somebody. ( has been stolen, stolen, have stolen,
have been stolen)

A) Match the beginnings and endings of the passive sentences. ‫ر٘صٍو‬
1. Bats > can be seen at night
2. A new species › has been discovered
3. Snakes > can be found in deserts
4. you › can be killed if you are bitten by a snake ‫ا‬
5. Where > can they be found?
6. A lot of animals -› can be frightened of humans

B / Complete these sentences in the passive. ‫اىَجًْ ىيَجٖ٘ه‬

1-Hedgehogs can be eaten (eat) by foxes.
2-Gazelles can be hunted (hunt) by lions.
3-Wild goats were discovered (discover) in Iraq.
4-The camel Was lost (lost) in the desert.

Story time ‫هذ اُوظخ‬ٝ

Iraqi’s first national park ‫اىذذٌقخ اىؼشاقٍخ اى٘طٍْخ األٗىى‬

Things happened in nature for a reason ‫أشٍبء دذصذ فً اىطجٍؼخ ىغجت‬

1 - What is the pregnant deer surrounded by when she is in labour?

‫ ًبٕ ٌٌؽبطش اُـضاُخ اُؾبَٓ ػ٘ذٓب ًبٗذ ثؾبُخ أُخبع؟‬١‫ٓب اُز‬
-There are hunter, forest fire and a hungry lion . .‫اعذ عبئغ‬ٝ ,‫ ؽشٌم ؿبثخ‬,‫٘بى طٌبد‬ٛ ٕ‫ًب‬

2- What does the deer focus on when the labour pains begin?
‫ ٓبرا سًضد اُـضاُخ ػ٘ذٓب ثذأ اُْ أُخبع؟‬٠ِ‫ػ‬
-giving birth to her fawn. .‫ب‬ٛ‫د‬ُٞٞٓ ‫إ رِذ‬
3- How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers?
‫أُخبؽش؟‬ٝ ‫ذ اُـضاُخ األكٌبس اُغِجٌخ‬ٜ‫اع‬ٝ ‫ًٌق‬
-With calmness. .‫ء‬ٝ‫ذ‬ٜ‫ث‬
4- What‘s the moral lesson of the story? .‫ اُوظخ‬٢‫ ك‬٢‫ٓب اُذسط األخاله‬
-Do what you should do and leave the rest for God. .‫ هلل‬٢‫ارشى اُجبه‬ٝ ِٚ‫غت كؼ‬٣ ‫اكؼَ ٓب‬

5-what happened to each of dangers forced by the deer? .‫ٓبرا ؽظَ ُألخطبس‬
-lightning strikes the hunter, the row strikes the lion, and the rain doused the fire.
.‫ـشم أُطش اُ٘بس‬٣ٝ , ‫ؼشة اُظق األعذ‬٣ٝ , ‫بد‬٤‫ؼشة اُجشم اُظ‬٣
6-The deer found a remote grass field in forest to give birth (True / False)
)‫ خطؤ‬/ ‫ؼ‬٤‫ اُـبثخ ُزِذ (طؾ‬٢‫ذ ك‬٤‫ ؽوَ ػشت ثؼ‬٠ِ‫ػضش اُـضالٕ ػ‬
7-To the right, the deer spots a hungry lion a approaching . (complete).
.)ًَٔ‫ (ا‬.‫وزشة‬٣ ‫ اُـضاٍ أعذا عبئؼب‬ٟ‫ش‬٣ , ٖ٤ٔ٤ُ‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ا‬
8- The priority of the deer was to give birth to her fawn. (True / False)
)‫ؼ‬٤‫ (خطؤ طؾ‬.‫ب‬ٜ‫خ اُـضالٕ إٔ رِذ صُل‬٣ُٞٝ‫ًبٗذ أ‬
9- At last the deer gives birth to a new life. (complete).
.) ًَٔ‫ (ا‬.‫ذح‬٣‫بح عذ‬٤‫ِذ اُـضاٍ ؽ‬٣ ‫شا‬٤‫أخ‬
10- which of the dangers faced by the deer would you be most afraid?
‫لي أًضش؟‬٤‫ب اُـضالٕ رخ‬ٜٜ‫اع‬ٞ٣ ٢‫ ٖٓ األخطبس اُز‬١‫أ‬
- A hungry lion. . ‫اعذ عبئغ‬

B/Write true (T) or false (F). ً ‫صخ ٗ خطأ‬
1-A predator is an animal that kills and eats other animals.T
2-A fawn 1s the word tor young animals.F
3-Lightning is bright flashes of electricity in the sky.T
4-confront means to have many problems and difficulty.F

Write a paragraph about the wildlife in Iraq.
‫ اُؼشام‬٢‫خ ك‬٣‫بح اُجش‬٤‫اًزت كوشح ػٖ اُؾ‬

The wildlife in the south of Iraq is very natural. The marshes are the stopover for
migratory birds. People there raise sheep and cattle. The people plant rice, wheat,
and barley. They live in arched houses from reeds. They use boats for transport.
You can see birds like herons, pelicans, and flamingos. Some people live on
fishing. There are different kinds of fish there.

‫٘بى‬ٛ ‫ اُ٘بط‬.‫بعشح‬ُٜٔ‫س ا‬ٞ٤‫هق ُِط‬ٞ‫ ٓؾطخ ر‬٢ٛ ‫اس‬ٞٛ‫ األ‬.‫خ عذا‬٤‫ؼ‬٤‫ة اُؼشام ؽج‬ٞ٘‫ ع‬٢‫خ ك‬٣‫بح اُجش‬٤‫اُؾ‬
ٖٓ ‫عخ‬ٞ‫ ٓ٘بصٍ ٓو‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٞ‫ش‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ ‫ا‬ٞٗ‫ ًب‬.‫ش‬٤‫اُشؼ‬ٝ ‫اُؤؼ‬ٝ ‫ٕ األسص‬ٞ‫ضسػ‬٣ ‫اُ٘بط‬ٝ , ‫خ‬٤‫أُبش‬ٝ ّ‫ٕ األؿ٘ب‬ٞ‫شث‬٣
‫ش‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ .ّ‫س اُ٘ؾب‬ٞ٤‫ؽ‬ٝ ‫اُجغغ‬ٝ ٖ٣‫س ٓضَ ٓبُي اُؾض‬ٞ٤‫خ اُط‬٣‫ٌٔ٘ي سإ‬٣ٝ , َ‫اسة ُِ٘و‬ٞ‫ٕ اُو‬ٞٓ‫غزخذ‬٣ .‫اُوظت‬
.‫اع ٓخزِلخ ٖٓ األعٔبى‬ٞٗ‫٘بى أ‬ٛ .‫ذ األعٔبى‬٤‫ ط‬٠ِ‫ثؼغ اُ٘بط ػ‬

Unit four ‫اى٘دذح اىشاثؼخ‬
C/Opposites ‫ٍؼبمغبد‬
Slow ‫ء‬٢‫ثط‬ Fast ‫سرٌع‬
Ugly ‫ؼ‬٤‫هج‬ Beautiful ‫جمٌل‬
Dark ِْ‫ٓظ‬ Bright ‫مشع‬
Expensive ٢ُ‫ؿب‬ Cheap ‫رخٌص‬
safe ٖٓ‫ا‬ Dangerous ‫خطر‬
sad ٖ٣‫ؽض‬ happy ‫سعٌد‬
noisy ‫ػبء‬ٞ‫ػ‬ quite ‫هدوء‬
Young ‫شبة‬ Old ‫عجوز‬
hard working ‫ٓغذ‬ Lazy ‫كسول‬
awful ‫ع‬ٝ‫ٓش‬ Fantastic ‫رائع‬

E /Write the verb in the correct form to go, go or going َ‫ؾخ ُِلؼ‬٤‫ـخ اُظؾ‬٤‫اًزت اُظ‬
1. I'd love to go to summer school this year.
2. I'd rather go to the library.
3. How about going fishing?
4. Ok. Let's go fishing

AB/P:54 .‫امَو اىجَو ثئعزخذاً اىضَبئش‬

F / Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun or possessive adjective.
1. That red bag isn't mine. My bag is blue.
2. Salman fell down the stairs and broke his leg!
3. You need to tidy your room. It's a mess.
4. Please come to the park for a picnic with me , us
5. Dania has passed the exam. She studied really hard and her hard work were
‫دبىخ اىششط األٗىى‬
G / Choose the correct word(s) to complete the first conditional sentences.
1. If you ....... too many sweets, you will feel ill. (eat /will eat)
2. You ....... on your test, if you don't study. (won't do well / don't do well)
3. If I bake a cake, ....... have some? (will you / do you)
4. Your sister will miss the bus if she ....... get up soon. ( won't / doesn't)

Ibrahim’s life story ٌٍٕ‫قصخ دٍبح إثشا‬
B / Mark the sentences true (T) or False (F) ‫صخ ٗخطأ‬
1- Ibrahim was not interested in animals unit until he went to school. (F)
2- Ibrahim found out about animals from television (F)
3- He moved to Baghdad when he was 17. (F)
4- Pierre helped Ibrahim learn French. (T)
2- Ibrahim wrote a book at university. (F)

C/Answer the questions. ٌٍٖ /‫اجت ػِ األعئيخ‬

1. Where was Ibrahim's village ?
-It was in the south of Iraq.
2. What did he look after for his father?
- He looked after his father's goats and chickens.
3.Why did Ibrahim ask lots of questions?
- Because he was interested in animals.
4.Why did Ibrahim ask his father for books?
- Because he liked reading
5.Why did Ibrahim move to Baghdad?
- Because his father got a new job there with Iraq Petroleum.
6. What did he learn from Pierre?
- He learnt to speak French and he learnt about France.
7.Why did Ibrahim want to be a zoologist?
- He wanted to be a zoologist so that he could study animals in different
8.Where is Ibrahim writing his book?
-He is writing his book in France.

D /Complete the text with the past tense of these verbs. ‫اىَبضً اىجغٍظ‬
[ Be become learn meet move talk want ]
Pierre and Ibrahim first met in a shopping mall in Baghdad. They became good
friends. Pierre was French, and Ibrahim learnt to speak French. they talked about
what they wanted to do after school. Ibrahim wanted to become a zoologist. He
moved to France and he is working there.

Write about your life ‫امزت ػِ دٍبرل‬
I was born in Hilla . I live in Baghdad now. My family is Al- Ali. When I was a
child I used to go with my father to the shop. I used to help my father there. I also
met my friends there. I love school so much. I love biology and sports lessons. I
loved using the microscope in a biology lab. After school, I go home and do my
homework. Next year I‘ll be in the preparatory school in the scientific section. I
hope to be a doctor or an engineer in the future.

.‫ أُزغش‬٠ُ‫ ا‬١‫اُذ‬ٝ ‫ت ٓغ‬ٛ‫ ػ٘ذٓب ً٘ذ ؽلال ً٘ذ أر‬.٢ِ‫ اُؼ‬٢‫ ػبئِز‬.ٕ‫ ثـذاد اال‬٢‫ش ك‬٤‫ اػ‬.‫ اُؾِخ‬٢‫ُذد ك‬ٝ
‫بء‬٤‫ط ػِْ األؽ‬ٝ‫شا أٗب أؽت دس‬٤‫ اٗب اؽت أُذسعخ ًض‬.‫٘بى‬ٛ ٢‫ذ ثؤطذهبئ‬٤‫ ًٔب اُزو‬.‫٘بى‬ٛ ١‫اُذ‬ٝ ‫ً٘ذ أعبػذ‬
٢‫اعج‬ٞ‫ّ ث‬ٞ‫أه‬ٝ ٍ‫ أُ٘ض‬٠ُ‫ت ا‬ٛ‫ أر‬, ‫ ثؼذ أُذسعخ‬.‫بء‬٤‫ ٓؼَٔ األؽ‬٢‫ش ك‬ٜ‫ أؽججذ اعزخذاّ أُغ‬.‫بػخ‬٣‫اُش‬ٝ
٢‫٘ذعخ ك‬ٜٓ ٝ‫جخ أ‬٤‫ إٔ أطجؼ ؽج‬٠٘ٔ‫ أر‬.٢ِٔ‫ اُوغْ اُؼ‬٢‫خ ك‬٣‫ أُذسعخ اإلػذاد‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ًٞ‫ اُؼبّ اُوبدّ عؤ‬.٢ُ‫أُ٘ض‬

Unit five ‫اى٘دذح اىخبٍغخ‬
Nawal Ramzi talks to the Iraqi morning news
‫ّ٘اه سٍضي رزذذس اىى جشٌذح اىصجبح اىؼشاقٍخ‬
A / Read the sentences about the Dr Nawal Rami interview and mark them
true (T) or false (F). Listen and check. ‫صخ ٗخطأ‬
1- Nawal Ramzi was born in Baghdad.F
2-Before becoming famous, Nawal Ramzi read a lot.T
3-The tooth Nawal pulled out was healthy.F
4- Nawal participated in workshops about toothbrushes.F
5-The new clinic uses old-fashioned equipment.F
6- Nawal's work is now more successful.T
3- Nawal likes helping people have healthy teeth . T
8-Poor people have to pay lots to see Naval Ramzi. F

B /Make questions for the answers. ‫مُ٘ أعئيخ ىٖزٓ األج٘ثخ‬

1-What / Nawal / do / before she became a famous dentist?
-What was Nawal doing before she became a famous dentist?
She was leading a lot at home and keeping in touch with other dentists,
2-What / changed / Nawal's life?
-What changed Nawal's life?
A bleeding gum.
3-What / Nawal / do next?
- What did Nawal do next?
She participated in workshops on using lasers in dentistry.
4-What / Nawal's new clinic / like?
- What's Nawal's new clinic like?
The new dinic is large and uses modern equipment.
5-How / the modern equipment / helo?
- How did the modern equipment help her?
It made her work more successful.
6-Who / Nawal / offer free creatment / to?
-Who's Nawal offer free treatment to?
Poor families and the families of Iraqi soldiers.

Iraqi morning news‫جشٌذح اىصجبح اىؼشاقٍخ‬
1- Where did the Iraqi minister of education arrive? And when ?
٠‫ٓز‬ٝ ْ٤ِ‫ش اُزؼ‬٣‫ص‬ٝ َ‫ط‬ٝ ٖ٣‫ا‬
- to London, yesterday. .ٚ‫ ُ٘ذٕ اُجبسؽ‬٠ُ‫ا‬
2-What did the meeting focus on? .‫ ٓبرا سًض اُِوبء‬٠ِ‫ػ‬
- Discussing educational development programmes between countries.
ٕ‫ٖ اُجِذا‬٤‫ْ ث‬٤ِ‫ش اُزؼ‬٣ٞ‫ٗبهش ثشآظ رط‬
3-What was the minister's suggestion? .‫ش‬٣‫ص‬ُٞ‫ٓبرا اهزشػ ا‬
- Opening English school in Iraq . .‫ اُؼشام‬٢‫خ ك‬٣‫ض‬٤ٌِٗ‫ اُِـخ اإل‬ٚ‫كزؼ ٓذسع‬
4-Who welcomed the Iraqi minister at the airport? .‫ أُطبس‬٢‫ش ك‬٣‫ص‬ُٞ‫ سؽت ثب‬١‫ٖٓ اُز‬
- The British Minister. .٢ٗ‫طب‬٣‫ش اُجش‬٣‫ص‬ُٞ‫ا‬
5-What did sport's minister open in Basra? .‫ اُجظشح‬٢‫بػخ ك‬٣‫ش اُش‬٣‫ص‬ٝ ‫ٓبرا اكززؼ‬
- a new sport city. .‫ذح‬٣‫خ عذ‬٤‫بػ‬٣‫٘خ س‬٣‫ٓذ‬
6-How much did the sport's city cost? How long did it take? .‫ًْ اعزـشهذ‬ٝ ‫ًْ ًِلذ‬
- It cost 1 billion IQD, I took three years . ‫اد‬ٞ٘‫اعزـشهذ صالس ع‬ٝ ‫بس‬٤ِٓ ‫ًِلذ‬
7-Why was the boy from the UK called a 'Hero? .َ‫ب ُوت ة اُجط‬٤ٗ‫طب‬٣‫ُذ ٖٓ ثش‬ُٞ‫ُٔبرا ا‬
- Because he saved the child. .‫ اٗوز اُطلِخ‬ٚٗ‫ال‬
8-What did John do? .ٕٞ‫ٓبرا كؼَ ع‬
- He kicked the ball at the dog. .‫ اٌُِت‬ٞ‫ًَ اٌُشح ٗؾ‬ٝ
9-When did the sport's minister arrive? .‫بػخ‬٣‫ش اُش‬٣‫ص‬ٝ َ‫ط‬ٝ ٠‫ٓز‬
-He arrived at 10. a.m. .‫طَ اُغبػخ اُؼبششح طجبؽب‬ٝ
10-What was Salma doing at the start of the story? .‫خ اُوظخ‬٣‫ ثذا‬٢‫ رلؼَ ك‬٠ِٔ‫ٓبرا ًبٗذ ع‬
-Salma was Playing with a ball. .‫ًبٗذ رِؼت ة اٌُشح‬
11-What was John doing at the start of the story? .‫خ اُوظخ‬٣‫ ثذا‬٢‫لؼَ ك‬٣ ٕٞ‫ٓبرا ًبٕ ع‬
-He was playing football nearby . .‫اس‬ٞ‫ِؼت ًشح اُوذّ ثبُغ‬٣ ٕ‫ًب‬

B/Answer these questions about Salma Al-Bayati and John Smith. Use short
answers. ‫اجت ػِ ٕزٓ األعئيخ د٘ه عيَى اىجٍبرً ٗ جُ٘ عَش‬
1-What was Salma doing at the start of the story?
-She was walking across the park
2-What did the dog do first?
-It ran up to Esra'a and her daughter.
3-What was John doing at the start of the story?
-He was playing football
4-What did John do?
- He kicked the ball at the dog .

‫اىشثظ ثٍِ اىَبضً اىجغٍظ ٗاىَبضً اىَغزَش‬
23 ‫ؾ طلؾخ‬٤‫ اُجغ‬٢‫أُبػ‬ٝ ٚٓ‫ ثبُِٔض‬5 ‫ أُغزٔش عبثوب ساعغ طلؾخ‬٢‫ رؾذص٘ب ػٖ أُبػ‬
]while – as – when – and] : ٚ٤ُ‫ٖ ٗغزخذّ أٌُِبد اُزب‬٤٘ٓ‫ٖ اُض‬٤‫ ُِشثؾ ث‬
‫عؾ كوؾ‬ُٞ‫ ا‬٢‫ ك‬٢‫ ربر‬and ‫عؾ ٓب ػذا‬ُٞ‫ ا‬ٝ‫ ا‬ٚ٣‫ اُجذا‬٢‫اد ك‬ٝ‫ األد‬٢‫ٌٖٔ إ ربر‬٣ 

1-While -As
While / As + ‫ ٓغزٔش‬٢‫ ٓبػ‬, ‫ؾ‬٤‫ ثغ‬٢‫ٓبػ‬
‫ؾ‬٤‫ ثغ‬٢‫ ٓبػ‬+ while / as + ‫ ٓغزٔش‬٢‫ٓبػ‬

Ex: While I was watching TV, the bell rang.

Ex. Hadi knocked the door as I was sleeping

2-When -and
When + ‫ؾ‬٤‫ ثغ‬٢‫ ٓبػ‬, ‫ ٓغزٔش‬٢‫ٓبػ‬
‫ ٓغزٔش‬٢‫ ٓبػ‬+ when / and + ‫ؾ‬٤‫ ثغ‬٢‫ٓبػ‬

Ex. When my father called her, suha was reading a story.

Ex. I was playing video games and my father shouted.

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- while I (read) English, the telephone (ring). ( Use: past simple and past
continuous )
-While I was reading English, the telephone rang.
2-Sara (stay) in the class as it (rain). ( Use: past simple and past continuous )
-Sara stayed in the class as it was raining.
3-While we (swim), the thief (steal) our clothes. (put one verb with past simple
and the other with past continuous)
-While we were swimming, the thief stole our clothes.
4-They (camp) when they (see) large snake. (correct)
-They were camping when they saw large snake.
5-She (tell) us to be quiet, we (make) so much noise. (join: as)
-She told us to be quiet as we were making so much noise.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word in brackets (past simple or past
continuous) for each sentence. ‫ٍبضً ثغٍظ ٍٗبضً ٍغزَش‬
The President of France was reading (read) his emails when he got (get) the
invitation to visit Iraq. He accepted (accept) the invitation and looked forward
(look forward) to the visit. The President came (come) to Iraq on Tuesday. He
arrived (arrive) early in the morning. He went (go) to the Al-Shaba Stadium.
The Prime Minister gave (give) the President lunch. After that, they
Were watching(watch) a football match when the President got (get)an important
phone call. After the march, he left (leave) and went (go) to the airport.

E/ Choose the correct form of the verbs. ‫اخزش اىصٍغخ اىصذٍذخ ىألفؼبه‬
1- What was Salma do / doing before the dog ran at her ?
2-She played / was playing in the park.
3-John saw / was seeing the dog and Salma.
4- John acted / was acting quickly and saved Salma.
5- Many people were waiting / waited when the Minister arrived at 10 a.m.
6- He spoke / was speaking to the public before leaving.

B/ Make these sentences negative. ‫اّفً اىجَو اىزبىٍخ‬
1-The hall was empty.
-The hall wasn't empty.
2-The students were wearing school uniform.
-The students weren't wearing school uniform.
3-The arts team were performing very well.
-The arts team weren't performing very well.
4-Sara enjoyed standing at the back.
-Sara didn't enjoy standing at the back.
5-People were shouting at the arts team.
-People weren't shouting at the arts team.
6-The audience stayed very quiet.
-The audience didn't stay quite.

C /Write the verbs in the past simple or past continuous. ‫ٍبضً ثغٍظ ٗ ٍغزَش‬
Majid arrived home at 8 p.m. His wife (make) Was making dinner, his older son
(do) Was doing his homework and his younger son(get read)Was getting ready
for bed. First, he (help) helped one son with his mathematics. Then he (read)
read a story to the other son, and finally, he and his wife (eat) ate dinner.

Where can I find it? ‫اٌِ ٌَنِ اُ اجذٕب‬

A Here are the sections from an English newspaper. Match each
section with the contents. ٌٍٖ ‫ر٘صٍو‬

Sections ّ‫االهغب‬ Contents ‫بد‬٣ٞ‫أُؾز‬

Home News j)news from your own country
International News i)news from other countries
Arts g)news about art, plays, paintings, etc.
Sport h)News about football, tennis, etc.
Business f)news about companies, money, etc.
Fashion e)news about clothes
Leisure m)things to do in your spare time
Home and Garden c)information about furniture, flowers, etc.
Advertisements a)advertisements for jobs, things for sale, etc.
Television k) programmes this evening
Letters d) articles sent to the paper from readers
Opinion l)the ideas of the editor about recent news items
Cartoons b) funny pictures

B /There are three spelling and punctuation errors in each sentence.

Underline and correct them. ‫ أخطبء اٍالئٍخ‬/ ‫رْقٍظ‬
1-Oil prices have bin falling steadily tor the last six munchs.
- Oil price has been falling steadily for the last six months
2-Their are many new and exsiting shops in the Al-Mansour Mall.
- There are many new and exciting shops in the Al - Mansour Mall ?
3-How many acre's of rainforrest are destroyed every day.
- How many acres of rainforest are destroyed every day ?
4-My knew favrite TV show is on today at 6 oclock.
-My new favourite TV show is today at 6 o'clock.

Future simple ‫اىَغزقجو اىجغٍظ‬

َ‫ٌٖٔ إ رؾذس ثبُٔغزو‬٣ ‫٘خ‬٤‫ ػٖ ر٘جئاد ٓؼ‬ٝ‫خ ا‬٤ِ‫ش ػٖ اؽذاس ٓغزوج‬٤‫غزخذّ ُِزؼج‬٣ 

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ will + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫د‬

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ will not + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫د‬
Will + َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫? د‬

Ex: The art activity will start at 8 a.m.

Ex : We will not go to the library tomorrow.
Ex : When will the art activity start?

tomorrow- soon – next : ‫ؾ‬٤‫ دالئَ أُغزوجَ اُجغ‬

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬

1- She ------- the Art college next year. (has joined, was joining, will join)
2- The train will (leave, leaving, left, leaves) soon.
3-It will be very hot ------------ (yesterday, every day, tomorrow)
4-They (send) us the information when they get it. (Future)
-They will send us the information when they get it.
5-John will finish the work by 5:00 p.m. (Negative)
-John won't finish the work by 5:00 p.m.

C/Make questions and give answers, using the words below. ‫مُ٘ أعئيخ‬
1-When / English / start?
-When will English lesson start?
2-When / Art / finish?
-When will art lesson finish?
3-How long / Science / last?
-How long will science lesson last?

The before certain country names ‫قجو أعَبء اىذٗه‬
the UK, the UAE

) ‫خ‬٣‫ال‬ٝ / ‫ ٌِٓٔخ‬/ ‫خ‬٣‫س‬ٜٞٔ‫ رؼ ّٖٔ ًِٔبد ( ع‬٢‫ٍ اُز‬ٝ‫ رغزخذّ ٓغ اُذ‬

The Republic of Ireland
The USA –The United States of America
The UK -The United Kingdom
The UAE -The United Arab of Emirates

)the Netherlands, the Philippines( ‫ب أعٔبء عٔغ‬ٜ٣‫ ُذ‬٢‫ٍ اُز‬ٝ‫ رغزخذّ ٓغ أعٔبء اُذ‬
ٟ‫ب هجَ أعٔبء اُجِذإ األخش‬ٜٓ‫ٌٖٔ اعزخذا‬٣ ‫ ال‬
America / China / Japan

B/The words in the box are all types of television programmes.
Match them to the definitions. ٍَٖٔ ‫رؼبسٌف‬
quiz show documentary talk show comedy weather
1-It tells a funny story.comedy
2-Information abour sun, rain and temperature.Weather
3-A question and answer programme. Quiz show
4-Conversations between famous people. Talk show
5-It gives information about one subject. Documentary

C /These are all words connected with sport. Match the nouns in the box
with the verbs. ٌٍٖ ‫ميَبد ٍزشاثطٔ دفع‬
race gymnastics goal tennis medal
1-score -goal.
2-Race - run
3-Win - medal
4-Do - gymnastic
5-Play – tennis

Story time ‫هذ اُوظخ‬ٝ
A powerful lesson for everyone ‫دسط ثيٍؾ ىيجٍَغ‬
1- What was the special offer of Al-Sabah newspaper?
‫ذح اُظجبػ‬٣‫ اُؼشع اُخبص ُغش‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬
- Two young students can work as porters on the paper.
.‫سم‬ُٞ‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ٖ ػ‬٤ُ‫ؼَٔ اص٘بٕ ٖٓ اُطالة اُظـبس ًؾٔب‬٣ ٕ‫ٌٖٔ أ‬٣
2-Who was the lucky boy? How old was he? ٙ‫ًْ ًبٕ ػٔش‬ٝ ‫ظ‬ٞ‫ أُؾظ‬٠‫ٖٓ ًبٕ اُلز‬
- He was Salam Ahmed. He was 15. ‫ خٔغخ ػشش ػبٓب‬ٙ‫عالّ اؽٔذ ًبٕ ػٔش‬
3- What did the editor say to the reporters? .ٖ٤٤‫ٓبرا هبٍ أُؾشس ُِظؾل‬
- He wanted a good reporter to write about opening new restaurant.
.‫ذ‬٣‫ٌزت ػٖ اكززبػ ٓطؼْ عذ‬٣ ٕ‫ذا أ‬٤‫أساد ٓشاعال ع‬
4- What did Salam take with him on day? ‫ّ؟‬ٞ٤ُ‫ ا‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ‫ٓبرا أخز عالّ ٓؼ‬
- He took his notebook and camera.. .‫ًبٓشح‬ٝ ٚ‫أخز دكزش ٓالؽظبر‬
5- What was the special thing attacked Salam' attention?
‫ عالّ؟‬ٙ‫بعْ اٗزجب‬ٛ ١‫ض اُز‬٤ُٔٔ‫ء ا‬٢‫ اُش‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬
- A young boy who treated his father with love and respect.
.ّ‫االؽزشا‬ٝ ‫ ثبُؾت‬ٙ‫اُذ‬ٝ َٓ‫ش ػب‬٤‫ طـ‬٠‫كز‬

6- What was the moral lesson that the son left behind?
‫؟‬ٙ‫ساء‬ٝ ٖ‫ االث‬ًٚ‫ رش‬١‫ اُز‬٢‫ اُذسط األخاله‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬
- Everyone should respect and love old generation.
. ‫َ اٌُجبس‬٤‫ؽت اُغ‬ٝ ّ‫غ اؽزشا‬٤ٔ‫ اُغ‬٠ِ‫غت ػ‬٣
7- What did Salam do after asking the father and his son questions and taking
notes? .‫ٖ أُالؽظبد؟‬٣ٝ‫رذ‬ٝ ‫ أعئِخ‬ٚ٘‫اث‬ٝ ‫ٓبرا كؼَ عالّ ثؼذ إٔ عؤٍ األة‬
-He thanked the boy and kissed the old man on his head.
.ٚ‫ سأع‬٠ِ‫ص ػ‬ٞ‫هجَّ اُشعَ اُؼغ‬ٝ ٢‫شٌش اُظج‬
8- What did Salam Ahmed want to be? ‫ٕ؟‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ٓبرا أساد عالّ أؽٔذ أ‬
-A reporter. .٢‫طؾل‬
9- What did the son buy his father? .ٚ٤‫ُذ ألث‬ُٞ‫ ا‬ٟ‫ٓبرا اشزش‬
-Some food . ّ‫ثؼغ اُطؼب‬
10- Why was the boy's father dropping food on his shirt and trousers ?
ُٚ‫ا‬ٝ‫عش‬ٝ ٚ‫ظ‬٤ٔ‫ ه‬٠ِ‫غوؾ اُطؼبّ ػ‬٣ ٢‫اُذ اُظج‬ٝ ٕ‫ُٔبرا ًب‬
-Because he was weak and old. .‫ق‬٤‫ػؼ‬ٝ ‫ش‬٤‫ ًبٕ ًج‬ٚٗ‫ال‬
11- How did the son feel when they came out of the washing room ?
َ٤‫ا ٖٓ ؿشكخ اُـغ‬ٞ‫ق شؼش االثٖ ػ٘ذٓب خشع‬٤ً
-He was proud and Pleased. .‫ذ‬٤‫عؼ‬ٝ ‫س‬ٞ‫ًبٕ كخ‬

12- Salam took his notebook and camera with him and went to the restaurant on
Tuesday. (True / False)
)‫ؼ‬٤‫ (خطؤ طؾ‬.‫ّ اُضالصبء‬ٞ٣ ْ‫ أُطؼ‬٠ُ‫ ا‬ٚ‫ع‬ٞ‫ر‬ٝ ٚ‫ ٓؼ‬ٙ‫شا‬٤ٓ‫ًب‬ٝ ٚ‫أخز عالّ دكزش ٓالؽظبر‬
13- The son looked at his father with love and respect. (True / False)
)‫ؼ‬٤‫ (خطؤ طؾ‬.ّ‫اؽزشا‬ٝ ‫ ثؾت‬ٙ‫اُذ‬ٝ ٠ُ‫ٗظش االثٖ ا‬
14- Did the customers watch the old man with love and respect?
‫االؽزشاّ؟‬ٝ ‫ص ثبُؾت‬ٞ‫ذ اُؼٔالء اُشعَ اُؼغ‬ٛ‫َ شب‬ٛ
- No, they didn't. ‫ًال‬

B /Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. ٍَٖٔ ‫اعقبطبد‬
Reporter wheelchair weak wise praised spectacles
1-A reporter writes about events for a newspaper.
2-I need spectacles to see clearly when I'm reading.
3-I'm too weak to carry that heavy box. Can you help me?
4-Young people should be praised when they help the older generation.
5-If someone is unable to walk easily, they may need a Wheelchair
6- The wise man said, 'You left a lesson for every son and hope for every father.

C/ Choose the correct pronouns to complete the sentence. ‫اىضَبئش‬

39 ‫ ساعغ أُِضٓخ طلؾخ‬
1- Jassim broke his leg and ( he / him ) couldn't walk .
2- Ahmed gave his mother and father a present.He gave it to ( they / them )
3- I often go to the beach with my sister, said Noor. ( We / Us ) like the sea.
4- Mrs Fatima asked Mariam a question .Mariam gave ( she / her ) a good
answer .
5- Jassim and Hamid were late for school.Can you take ( we / us ) in the car?
Jassim asked his father.

Write about a TV Program you watch recently
‫امزت ػِ ثشّبٍج شبٕذرٔ ٍؤخشا‬

I watched a good programme last night. It was a really interesting programme

about elephants and it was also very funny. There were some elephants by a pool
and they were very thirsty. There was a cameraman filming and a reporter talking
to the camera when one of the elephants blew water into the air. The cameraman
and the reporter got very wet!

‫ؼب‬٣‫ًبٕ أ‬ٝ ٍ‫ب‬٤‫زٔبّ ؽوب ػٖ األك‬ٛ‫شا ُال‬٤‫ ُوذ ًبٕ ثشٗبٓغب ٓض‬.‫خ‬٤‫ِخ أُبػ‬٤ُِ‫ذا ا‬٤‫ذد ثشٗبٓغب ع‬ٛ‫ُوذ شب‬
‫س‬ٞ‫ظ‬٣ ‫س‬ٞ‫٘بى ٓظ‬ٛ ٕ‫ ًب‬.‫ عذا‬٠‫ا ػطش‬ٞٗ‫ًب‬ٝ ‫اس ثشًخ‬ٞ‫بٍ ثغ‬٤‫٘بى ثؼغ األك‬ٛ ٕ‫ ًب‬.‫ٓؼؾٌب عذا‬
‫شا‬٤‫أُشاعَ رجِال ًض‬ٝ ‫س‬ٞ‫ أُظ‬.‫اء‬ُٜٞ‫ ا‬٢‫بٍ ث٘لخ أُبء ك‬٤‫شا ػ٘ذٓب هبّ أؽذ األك‬٤ٓ‫ اٌُب‬٠ُ‫زؾذس ا‬٣ َ‫ٓشاع‬ٝ

Unit six‫ؽذح اُغبدعخ‬ُٞ‫ا‬
jobs and workplaces ‫اى٘ظبئف ٗأٍبمِ اىؼَو‬
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ـخ اُزب‬٤‫لخ ٗغزخذّ اُظ‬٤‫ظ‬ُٞ‫ق ا‬٣‫ ُزؼش‬
A/An + ‫٘خ‬ُٜٔ‫ ا‬+is someone who +S ٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫ؾز‬٣ َ‫ كؼ‬+‫رٌِٔخ‬

Ex:Define a mechanic (use: repairs cars)

- A mechanic is someone who repairs cars and works in garage.
Ex:Define a doctor. (helps sick people)
-A doctor is someone who helps sick people.
: ٢ُ‫ٍ اُزب‬ٝ‫ي ثؾلع اُغذ‬٤ِ‫٘خ ُزُي ػ‬ُٜٔ‫ٓبد ػٖ ا‬ِٞ‫ اُغئاٍ ٓؼ‬٢‫٘ب ك‬٤‫ؼط‬٣ ‫بٗب ال‬٤‫ أؽ‬: ‫ٓالؽظخ‬
Jobs ‫ظبئق‬ُٞ‫ا‬ Definitions ‫ق‬٣‫اُزؼبس‬
architecture plans buildings
pilot flies a plane
footballer plays football
author writes books
web designer designs websites
vet takes care of sick animals
astronaut flies in a rocket
photographer takes photographs
dentist looks after people's teeth
painter paints rooms
Ex: ……….is someone who put out fires.
Ex:………. is someone who takes orders of food.
:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-Define a shop assistant. (work in a shop)
-A Shop a assistant is someone who works in a shop.
2-Define a nurse. (Use: "takes care of sick people in hospitals")
-A nurse is someone who takes care of sick people in hospitals.
3-Define a lawyer. (Use: ―advises people about law‖)
-A lawyer is someone who advises people about law.
4-A ( pilot \ mechanic ) is someone who works in the garage and repairs a car.
5-A.............. is someone who takes care of sick animals. ( policeman \ vet )
6-A (firefighter \ doctor )is someone who works in hospital and helps people

A / Use words from both boxes to make phrases. ‫اعزخذً اىنيَبد ىزنٌِ٘ ػجبساد‬
Verbs ‫األفؼبه‬
help put out repair run save take take care of
nouns/noun phrases ٍَٔ‫اىؼجبساد االع‬/ ‫االعَبء‬
a business cars customers fires lives orders for food sick people
1- Take care of sick peoples
2- Run a business.
3- Put out fires
4- Repair cars
5- Save lives.
6- Take orders of food
7- Help costumers

B /Now describe these jobs. ٍٔ‫اٗصف اىٌَٖ اىزبى‬

Doctor firefighter shop assistant mechanic teacher policeman Waiter
1-A doctor is someone who helps sick people and usually works in a hospital or
2-A Fire fighter is someone who puts out fires and saves people's lives.
3-A Mechanic is someone who repairs cars and works in a garage.
4-A policeman is someone who makes people safe by prevent crimes
5-A shop assistant is someone who works in a shop . He or She helps customers.
6-A teacher is someone who works in a school and teaches students.

Future with going to ‫اىَغزقجو ٍغ‬

‫خ‬٤ِ‫ش ػٖ خطؾ ٓغزوج‬٤‫غزخذّ ُِزؼج‬٣ 

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ is / am /are + going to + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+‫د‬

َ‫ اُلبػ‬+ is / am /are + not + going to + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+‫د‬
Is /Am/Are + َ‫ اُلبػ‬+going to + ‫ كؼَ ٓغشد‬+ ‫? د‬

Ex: I am going to visit my aunt this evening.

Ex: Suha is going to leave at 7:00 am.
Ex: I am not going to my aunt this evening.
Ex: Are you going to visit your aunt?
)you( ‫) اىى‬I( ‫ ػْذ رذٌ٘و اىجَيخ اىى عؤاه ّذ٘ه اىضٍَش‬

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- I am going to see a football match tomorrow. (Negative)
- I am not going to see football match tomorrow.
2- The match is going to start at 7 O‘clock. (Question)
- Is the match going to start at 7 O‘clock?
3- Layla (will / is going to) leave school as soon as possible because hates it.
4- I‘m going to ............ a new language soon (learning , learn , to learn)
5- We (buy) a big house next week. (going to)
- We are going to buy a big house next week.
6- I (am going to / will) study medicine next year.
7-We (buy) a big house next week. (future: use : going to)
-We are going to buy a big house next week.
8-I am going to ------------ a new language soon (learning , learn , to learn)
9-They is going to spend the weekend with their grandparents. (correct)
-They are going to spend the weekend with their grandparents

B/Complete these sentences with( will) or (be going to) : ً‫امَو اىجَو ة اعزخذا‬
1- I am going to see a football match tomorrow with my friends.
2- the match is going to start at 7 o'clock.
3- It is an important match and lots of people will be three.
4- I am going to wear a coat because it will be cold in the evening.
5- After the match, we are going to eat in a restaurant because we will be very
6- I have to be home at 10 o'clock or my father will be angry.

The School of the future‫ٍذسعخ اىَغزقجو‬
1-How will the teaching and learning take place in the future?
َ‫ْ ثبُٔغزوج‬٤ِ‫ٕ اُزؼ‬ٌٞ٤‫ق ع‬٤ً
- It will take place over computers which are connected to the internet.
.‫رش أُزظِخ ثبإلٗزشٗذ‬ٞ٤‫ضح أٌُج‬ٜ‫زْ رُي ػجش أع‬٤‫ع‬
2-How will the students communicate and work with other students?
‫ٖ؟‬٣‫خش‬٥‫ٕ ٓغ اُطالة ا‬ِٞٔ‫ؼ‬٣ٝ ‫اطَ اُطالة‬ٞ‫ز‬٤‫ق ع‬٤ً
- by using the internet. .‫ثبعزخذاّ اإلٗزشٗذ‬
3-Where will young people who are interested in science or music be able to
study? .‫ ٖٓ اُذساعخ؟‬٠‫و‬٤‫ع‬ُٞٔ‫ ا‬ٝ‫ّ أ‬ِٞ‫ٕ ثبُؼ‬ٞٔ‫ز‬ُٜٔ‫زٌٖٔ اُشجبة ا‬٤‫ٖ ع‬٣‫أ‬

-At the special buildings are designed for those subjects. .‫بد خبطخ‬٣‫ ث٘ب‬٢‫ك‬
4-What is the importance of Global Education?‫؟‬٢ُٔ‫ْ اُؼب‬٤ِ‫خ اُزؼ‬٤ٔٛ‫ أ‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
-The students can connect with each other and with their teacher over the world.
.ُْ‫غ أٗؾبء اُؼب‬٤ٔ‫ ع‬٢‫ْ ك‬ِٜٔ‫ٓغ ٓؼ‬ٝ ‫ْ اُجؼغ‬ٜ‫اطَ ٓغ ثؼؼ‬ٞ‫ٌٖٔ ُِطالة اُز‬٣
5-Students will also be able to use the internet to communicate and discus work
with other students.
.ٖ٣‫خش‬٥‫ٓ٘بهشخ اُؼَٔ ٓغ اُطالة ا‬ٝ َ‫اط‬ٞ‫ؼب ٖٓ اعزخذاّ اإلٗزشٗذ ُِز‬٣‫زٌٖٔ اُطالة أ‬٤‫ع‬
6-I think there will be fewer schools in the future because students will learn
mostly at home.
.ٍ‫ أُ٘ض‬٢‫ اُـبُت ك‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ِٞٔ‫زؼ‬٤‫ أُغزوجَ ألٕ اُطالة ع‬٢‫٘بى ػذد أهَ ٖٓ أُذاسط ك‬ٛ ٌٕٞ٤‫ ع‬ٚٗ‫أػزوذ أ‬
7-school in the future will be very different to schools now because there will be
much more technology.
.‫ب‬٤‫ع‬ٌُٞٞ٘‫ذ ٖٓ اُز‬٣‫٘بى أُض‬ٛ ٌٕٞ٤‫ ع‬ٚٗ‫ٕ أل‬٥‫ أُغزوجَ ٓخزِلخ رٔبٓب ػٖ أُذاسط ا‬٢‫ٕ أُذسعخ ك‬ٌٞ‫عز‬
8-In the super school, there will be sports facilities, science park, a museum and
mosque..‫ ٓغغذ‬ٝ ‫ٓزؾق‬ٝ ٢ِٔ‫ ػ‬ٙ‫ٓ٘زض‬ٝ ‫خ‬٤‫بػ‬٣‫٘بى ٓ٘شآد س‬ٛ ٌٕٞ٤‫ ع‬, ‫ أُذسعخ اُلبئوخ‬٢‫ك‬

Relative pronouns ‫ضَبئش اى٘صو‬
[ Who – which/that -whose – where ]
:٢ُ‫ اؽلع أُخطؾ اُزب‬

‫اسم عاقل‬ Who ‫ ضمٌر فاعل‬/‫فعل‬

‫اسم عاقل‬ Whose ‫ ضمٌر مفعول به‬/ ‫اسم‬
‫اسم غٌر عاقل‬ Which /that ‫فعل‬
‫اسم مكان‬ Where ‫ اسم‬/ ‫ضمٌر‬

: ‫بساد‬٤‫ شٌَ اخز‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬٢‫ؤر‬٣ ٕ‫ٌٖٔ ا‬٣ ‫ع‬ٞ‫ػ‬ُٞٔ‫ ا‬

Ex :I saw the man.…… house was sold yesterday. (who / which / whose)
Ex :That's the girl.………won the top prize. (which / whose / who)
Ex :My family decided to buy the house.……has a big garden. (where / whose
:‫خ‬٤ُ‫ٖ ك٘زجغ أُالؽظبد اُزب‬٤‫ شٌَ سثؾ عِٔز‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬٢‫ؤر‬٣ ٕ‫ٌٖٔ ا‬٣ 
: ‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ ثذا‬٢‫ارا عبء االعْ ك‬ -1

ْ‫ االع‬+ َ‫ط‬ُٞ‫ش ا‬٤ٔ‫ ػ‬+ ‫ش اُؼبئذ‬٤ٔ‫كخ اُؼ‬ٝ‫خ ٓؾز‬٤ٗ‫ اُغِٔخ اُضب‬+ ٠ُٝ‫رٌِٔخ اُغِٔخ األ‬

Ex:Students have to work hard in school. They want to go to university. (join;

use; who)
-Students who want to go to university have to work hard in school.

: ‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ٢‫ارا عبء االعْ ك‬ -2

٠ُٝ‫ اُغِٔخ األ‬+ َ‫ط‬ُٞ‫ش ا‬٤ٔ‫ ػ‬+ ‫ش اُؼبئذ‬٤ٔ‫كخ اُؼ‬ٝ‫خ ٓؾز‬٤ٗ‫اُغِٔخ اُضب‬

Ex:That's the man. He was stopped by the police man. (join ; use ; who)
- That's the man who was stopped by the police man.

where ّ‫رغزخذ‬ٝ ‫ رؾزف‬there ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ‬

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- That is the thief. He stole my money. (relative pronoun)
- that is the thief who stole my money.
2-He found his book. He lost it yesterday. (relative pronoun)
- he found his book that he lost yesterday.
3-A vet is someone (where, who, which) takes care of sick animals.
4- My family decided to buy the house (where \ whose \ which) has a big garden.
5-Where are the books? I left them here. (relative pronoun)
-Where the books which I left here ?
6-This is the house. I live in it.(join: where)
-This is the house where I live in
7-The old women…..is sitting there is my grandma (who, which, where)
8-The student, (which, where, who) is making a speech, is my cousin.
9- Mazin bought the house ....... Garden is very beautiful. (who \ whose \ which)
10- Do you know the name of the town (which \ who \ where) he was born.
11-The story ........ I borrowed from Mona was interesting. ( who \ where \ which)
12-That's the dog……. frightened my little sister. (that, where, who)

Add the clauses in the box to the sentences below to make new sentences.Use
who or that. ‫اعزخذً اىفقشاد فً اىصْذٗق ىزنٌِ٘ جَو‬
 who came last in the race
 who want to go to university
 who was stopped by the policeman
 that my sister made yesterday
 that I left here

1-That's the manWho was stopped by the policeman.

2-Where are the books? that I left here
3 -The girl was ill.The girl who came last in the race was ill.
4- I've brought some cakes. that my sister made yesterday.
5-Students have to work hard in school.Students who want to go to the university
have to work hard in school.

Articles : the - a- an ‫أدٗاد اىزؼشٌف ٗاىزْنٍش‬
) ‫ هجَ ؽشف اُؼِخ‬an ٝ ‫ؼ‬٤‫ هجَ اُؾشف اُظؾ‬a( : a / an -1
) ‫ش ٓؾذد‬٤‫ ثشٌَ ػبّ ( ؿ‬٢‫ رغزخذّ ػ٘ذٓب ٗزؾذس ػٖ ش‬
Ex. Can I have a pen?
Ex. Do you have an apple?
‫ظبئق‬ُٞ‫ رغزخذّ هجَ ا‬
Ex : I want to be a teacher.
ٙ‫د‬ٝ‫ش ٓؼذ‬٤‫هجَ األعٔبء اُـ‬ٝ ‫ ال رغزخذّ هجَ األعٔبء اُغٔغ‬

: the -2
) ‫ ٓغجوب‬ٚ٘‫ هذ رٌِٔ٘ب ػ‬٢‫ش‬ٝ‫ ٓؾذد ( ا‬٢‫ رغزخذّ ػ٘ذٓب ٗزؾذس ػٖ ش‬
Ex: The book in your desk is mine.
ُْ‫ اُؼب‬٢‫اؽذ ك‬ٝ ‫ب‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫عذ‬ٞ٣ ٢‫ رغزخذّ ٓغ األعٔبء اُز‬
Ex: Have you seen the Pyramids?
Ex: The sun is shining.
‫ اُغِٔخ‬٢‫ ك‬that ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ّ‫ ششؽ ػذ‬like ‫ ثؼذ ًِٔخ‬
Ex I like meat

: ‫ ال رغزخذً أدٗاد اىزؼشٌف ٗاىزْنٍش ٍغ‬:‫ٍالدظخ‬

) math , English, history ( ‫خ‬٤‫اد اُذساع‬ُٞٔ‫ أعٔبء ا‬
Ex: I'm good at maths, but I'm not good at history.
ٍٝ‫ هجَ أعٔبء اُذ‬
Ex: We went to Abu Dhabi in the holidays.
) Sunday …, January….( ٚ٘‫ش اُغ‬ٜ‫اش‬ٝ ‫ع‬ٞ‫بّ األعج‬٣‫ هجَ أ‬

: ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- I went to London on (a, an, the ) holidays.
2- Could you close….. door, please? (a , an, the)
3- we live in (a, an , the) flat in (a, an, the) city centre.
4- Have you read….. English books? (a , an , the)
5- The were no chairs, so we have to sit on …..floor. (a, an, the)
6- There were no chairs so we have to sit on (the / a / an) floor. (Choose)
7- Can I have -------apple, please? (a/ an/ the)
8- Which is ---- most clever student in the class? (the/ an/ a)
9- Adil lives near.…pyramids. (a/ an/ the)

Complete the sentences. ‫امَو اىجَو‬
1. Can I borrow a ruler, please?
Sure. Which ruler?
The one you used in maths.
Sorry. The ruler I used in maths is in the library.
2. I went to London in the holidays.
Wow! Did you enjoy the sightseeing?
I do like sightseeing, and the shopping was amazing

AB/P:78 . ‫اعزخذً أدٗاد اىزؼشٌف ٗاىزْنٍش قجو األعَبء أٌَْب ىضً االٍش ٗرشك اىفشاؽ ػْذ ػذً اىذبجخ‬
Read these paragraphs and write a, an or the before the nouns where they
are needed. Leave a space if no article is needed.
1-I'm at school in_ Tikrit. I really enjoy my school, so I'm going to join a
language summer course at the end of the year. I'd like to be an interpreter. So, I
hope to get a place in the Arts College.

2- I came to_ Mosul a few weeks ago. Before we came here, we lived in_ Erbil. I
miss my friends. I had a special friend called Faizah. We went to the same
school and we always spent_ Saturdays together. We both love_ music and we
used to listen to songs for an hour a day. I don't know anyone here, but I hope I
will soon have a friend.

AB/P:82 .‫ّفظ فنشح اىزَشٌِ فنشح اىزَشٌِ فً األػيى‬

A /Read and complete these paragraphs. Write a, an or the before the nouns
where they are needed. If no article is needed, leave a space.
Hayder is 1) a teacher in 2) a school in 3) ---- Najaf. 4) The school is near 5) the
local stadium. Hayder teaches 6) --- maths and likes 7) the job very much. He
likes 8) --- young people and he is very happy with 9) the students in his classes.
Hayder would not like to have 10) a job in 11) an office. He has 12) a friend who
works in 13) an office. Hayder's wife works in 14) the same office. She says 15)
the work is very boring .

Asking for directions ‫اىغؤاه ػِ االرجبٕبد‬
ask ‫ ّغزذه ػئٍ ٍِ ٗج٘د ميَخ‬
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ـخ اُزب‬٤‫ اُغئاٍ ٗغزخذّ اُظ‬٢‫ ك‬way ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ‬-1
Can you tell me how to get to the + ٕ‫?اعْ أٌُب‬
to ‫ ثؼذ‬ٙ‫ اعْ أٌُبٕ ٗغذ‬
Ex:Ask someone the way to the Grand Hotel.
-Can you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel ?
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ـخ اُزب‬٤‫ ٗغزخذّ اُظ‬distance ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ‬-2
How far is the + ٕ‫?اعْ أٌُب‬
Ex : Ask some one about the distance to the mall.
- how far is the mall?
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ـخ اُزب‬٤‫ ٗغزخذّ اُظ‬time ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ‬-3
How long will it take to get to + ٕ‫? اعْ أٌُب‬
Ex. Ask someone the about the time to the hospital.
- how long will it take to get to the hospital?

Giving directions ‫إػطبء االرجبٕبد‬

) show / tell ( ‫د ًِٔبد‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ٖٓ ٚ٤ِ‫ ٗغزذٍ ػ‬
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ؾ اُزب‬٤‫ ٗغزخذّ اؽذ اُظ‬

1) Go to the traffic lights.➡ (traffic lights)

2) Turn the (right/ left )➡ (right/left)
3) Go straight (Road / street) ➡ (straight street/road)
4) The bookshop is (the right /the left)➡ (the right/the left )
5) Turn left at the lights.➡ (left/lights)
6-Go straight on ➡ (straight)
7) Go past the ….➡ (Past)
8) Mv house is next to / near the….➡ (next/ near )

Ex. Show the way to the café. (use: traffic light/ left/ straight/ right)
- go to the traffic light. turn left. Go straight its on the right.
Ex. Show the way to the mall. (use: straight/ traffic light/ left)
- go straight to the traffic light its on the left.

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1-Ask someone the way to the get to library?
-can you tell me how to get to the library?
2- Ex: Tell someone the way to the bookshop. Use the following prompts
( straight / traffic lights / right / left )
- Go straight until you get to the traffic lights. Turn right. It's on the left.
3- Show the way to the gallery. Use : blue house / left )
- When you get to the blue house. Turn left.
4- Tell someone the way to the school. Use: past the bookshop / right)
- Go past the bookshop. It's on the right.
5- When you get to the blue house ...... left . ( turn / past )
6- Go until you get to the traffic lights. ( straight on / how to get to )
7-Show the way to the cafe. Use the following prompts (traffic lights / left /
straight the street / right)
-Go to the traffic lights. Turn left. Go to straight along the street. It's on the right.
8-Tell someone the way to the bookshop.(use:straight / traffic lights / right / left )
-Go straight on until you get to the traffic lights. Turn right. It's on the left.
9-Show the direction to the cinema using (straight East street / left / right)
-Go straight along the East street. Turn left. It's on the right.
10-Show the way to the pharmacy. Use the prompts. (straight / traffic lights)
-Go straight on until you get to the traffic lights.
11-Show the way to the gallery. Use the prompts. (blue house / left)
-When you get to the blue house turn left.

A / Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ‫امَو اىجَو ٍِ اىصْذٗق‬
next to past long turn straight on how to get to
1-Go straight until you get to the traffic lights.
2-When you get to the blue house turn.
3-Can you tell me how to get to the library?
4-Go Past the bookshop and it's on the right.
5-My house is next to the park.
6 -How long will it take?

Famous Career ‫ٍْٖخ ٍشٖ٘سح‬
1-When and where was born? ‫ُذ‬ٝ ٖ٣‫أ‬ٝ ٠‫ٓز‬
- He was born in 965 in Basra. .9٦0 ّ‫ اُجظشح ػب‬٢‫ُذ ك‬ٝ
2- Where did In Al-Haitham receive his education? ْ٤ِ‫ضْ اُزؼ‬٤ُٜ‫ اثٖ ا‬٠‫ٖ رِو‬٣‫ا‬
- In Basra, Baghdad and later travelled to Egypt. . ‫ ٓظش‬٢‫ب ك‬ٛ‫ثؼذ‬ٝ ‫ثـذاد‬ٝ ‫ اُجظشح‬٢‫ك‬
3- What was Ibn Al-Haitham called? ْ‫ض‬٤ُٜ‫ٓبرا ُوت اثٖ ا‬
-The physicist and sometimes called Al Basri. ..١‫ اُجظش‬٠ٔ‫غ‬٣ ‫بٗب‬٤‫أؽ‬ٝ ٢‫بئ‬٣‫ض‬٤‫اُل‬
4- What did the caliph in Egypt need Ibn Al-Haitham to do? What did he
propose? ‫ضْ؟ ٓبرا اهزشػ؟‬٤ُٜ‫ ٓظش الثٖ ا‬٢‫لخ ك‬٤ِ‫ٓبرا اؽزبط اُخ‬
-He needed him to regulate the flooding of the River Nile. He proposed a
hydraulic system. ..٢ٌ٤ُٝ‫ذس‬٤ٛ ّ‫ اهزشػ ٗظب‬.َ٤ُ٘‫ش ا‬ٜٗ ٕ‫ؼب‬٤‫ْ ك‬٤‫ ُز٘ظ‬ٚ٤ُ‫اؽزبط ا‬
5- What was In Al-Haitham's contribution during his stay in Spain?
‫ب؟‬٤ٗ‫ ثبعجب‬ٚ‫ضْ خالٍ اهبٓز‬٤ُٜ‫ٔخ ا‬ٛ‫ٓبرا ًبٗذ ٓغب‬
- Fields of mathematics, physics, medicine, scientific methods and optics.
.‫بد‬٣‫اُجظش‬ٝ ‫خ‬٤ِٔ‫ت اُؼ‬٤ُ‫األعب‬ٝ ‫اُطت‬ٝ ‫بء‬٣‫ض‬٤‫اُل‬ٝ ‫بد‬٤‫بػ‬٣‫ٓغبالد اُش‬
6- What was Ibn Al-Haitham known of? Why? ‫ضْ؟ ُٔبرا ا؟‬٤ُٜ‫ثٔبرا ػشف اثٖ ا‬
-"The father of optics" because of his contributions in the field of optics.
.‫بد‬٣‫ ٓغبٍ اُجظش‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ‫ٔبر‬ٛ‫بد "ُٔغب‬٣‫اُذ اُجظش‬ٝ
7- What was Ibn Al-Haitham's famous book called?
‫ش؟‬٤ٜ‫ضْ اُش‬٤ُٜ‫ ًزبة اثٖ ا‬٠ٔ‫غ‬٣ ٕ‫ٓبرا ًب‬
- Kitaab Al-Manazer ( book of optics) )‫بد‬٣‫ش (ًزبة اُجظش‬٤‫ًزبة أُ٘بظ‬
8- What languages did In Al-Haitham's book translate into?
‫ضْ؟‬٤ُٜ‫ب ًزبة ا‬ٜ٤ُ‫ رشعْ ا‬٢‫ اُِـبد اُز‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
- Translated into Latin and many other languages.
.ٟ‫ذ ٖٓ اُِـبد األخش‬٣‫اُؼذ‬ٝ ‫خ‬٤٘٤‫ اُالر‬٠ُ‫رشعٔذ ا‬
9- What made Ibn Al-Haitham famous? ‫سا؟‬ٜٞ‫ضْ ٓش‬٤ُٜ‫ عؼَ اثٖ ا‬١‫ٓب اُز‬
-His famous book Kitaab al Manazir. .."‫ش‬٤‫ش "ًزبة أُ٘بظ‬٤ٜ‫ اُش‬ٚ‫ًزبث‬
10- When and where did Ibn Al-Haitham die. ‫ضْ؟‬٤ُٜ‫ٖ ٓبد اثٖ ا‬٣‫أ‬ٝ ٠‫ٓز‬
-In 1040 , in Cairo. .95٤5 ّ‫ش ػب‬ٛ‫ اُوب‬٢‫ك‬
11- Who celebrated Ibn Al-Haitham's achievements? And when?
‫ػ٘ذٓب؟‬ٝ ‫ضْ؟‬٤ُٜ‫ٖٓ اؽزلَ ثبٗغبصاد اثٖ ا‬
-UNESCO in 2015. .٠590 ّ‫ ػب‬٢‫ ك‬ٌٞ‫ٗغ‬ٞ٤ُ‫ا‬
12- What was the name of short education film produced by some of science
Centres?. ‫خ؟‬٤ِٔ‫ ثؼغ أُشاًض اُؼ‬ٚ‫ش أٗزغز‬٤‫ هظ‬٢ٔ٤ِ‫ِْ رؼ‬٤‫ اعْ ك‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬
-1001 Inventions and the world of In Al-Haitham. ..ْ‫ض‬٤ُٜ‫ ا‬٢‫ػبُْ ك‬ٝ ‫ اخزشاع‬9559
13- According to medieval biographers, Ibn Al-Haitham wrote more than 200
works .َٔ‫ ػ‬٠55 ٖٓ ‫ضْ أًضش‬٤ُٜ‫ ًزت اثٖ ا‬, ٠‫عط‬ُٞ‫س ا‬ٞ‫ اُؼظ‬٢‫ش ك‬٤‫كوب ٌُزبة اُغ‬ٝ

AB/P:80 .‫اىى ٍبرا رشٍشٕزٓ اىنيَبد‬
C/Find these link words and phrases in the text. What do they refer to?
1 The task was impractical regulating the flooding of the River Nile
2 This great work Book of Optics
3 This successful and famous mathematician Al-Haitham

Linking words ‫ميَبد اىشثظ‬

[also -but -and -who -which]

1- also ‫ مزىل‬: ‫ ثؼذ اُلؼَ أُغبػذ‬ٝ‫ ثؼذ اُلبػَ ا‬٢‫ربر‬

2- but ِ‫ ىن‬: ٢‫ ٓغ اُ٘ل‬٢‫ؿبُجب ٓب ربر‬ٝ ٖ٤‫ٖ ٓز٘بهؼز‬٤‫رشثؾ عِٔز‬ٝ

3- and ٗ : ٖ٤‫ٖ ٓزشاثطز‬٤‫رشثؾ عِٔز‬ٝ

4- which ‫ اىزي‬/ ً‫ اىز‬: َ‫ش اُؼبه‬٤‫ ٓغ ؿ‬٢‫ربر‬

5- who ‫ اىزي‬/ ً‫ اىز‬: َ‫ ٓغ اُؼبه‬٢‫ربر‬

AB/P:81 .‫امَو اىجَو ة اعزخذاً ميَبد اىشثظ‬

D/ Complete these sentences from the text with the link words in the box.
Don't look at your Student's Book until you have finished.
Also and who but which
1 - He is also sometimes called 'al-Basri' after his birthplace Basra in Iraq.
2 - Most of his works are now lost, but more than 50 of them have survived to
some extent
3- His most famous work is Kitaab al Manazir (Book of Optics) which in seven
4- He was one of the most eminent physicists who ever lived.
5 - This great work was translated into Latin and many other languages.

A/ Use words from the box to complete the sentences. ٌٍٖ ‫رغقٍظ‬
wages complain definitely earn opportunity difficult facilities officer
1- School is a good opportunity to prepare for a university education.
2- At university, some courses are quite easy and others are very difficult.
3- Modern universities have good sports facilities.
4- If you get a better job, you can earn more money.
5- The wages in some jobs are not very high.
6- Some people complain that they don't have enough money.
You can get advice on a good job from a careers officer.
8- It is definitely a good idea to study hard for the future.

Career of a real person٢‫و‬٤‫٘خ شخض ؽو‬ٜٓ

Name: ٌ‫االع‬
Tahir Sabih
Present job : ً‫اىؼَو اىذبى‬
English teacher
Duties: ‫اى٘اججبد‬
Teach English to students and support them to speak well.
Career history : ‫ربسٌخ اى٘ظٍفخ‬
After school- studied English for 4 years.
Taught English in Iraq for 5 years.
Advantages of the job: ‫إٌجبثٍبد اى٘ظٍفخ‬
Enjoying working with students.
Disadvantages : ‫اىغيجٍبد‬
It is tiring job
Plans for the future : ‫خطظ اىَغزقجو‬
Go back to University for study high degree.
Go to another country.

Unit seven ‫اى٘دذح اىغبثؼخ‬
Other countries ٟ‫اُجِذإ األخش‬
Iraq = Iraqi ٢‫ٕ ػشاه‬ٌٞ‫زي ر‬٤‫ ارا ً٘ذ ٖٓ اُؼشام كبٕ ع٘غ‬
: ‫ب‬ٜ‫ؼ‬٤ٔ‫ظ ع‬٤ُ ٌُٖ ‫بد‬٣‫ب‬ُٜ٘‫ ا‬ٙ‫ز‬ٛ ‫ ٖٓ اُجِذإ رٔزِي‬ٌٚٗٞ‫ش ٖٓ اُظلبد أُز‬٤‫ اٌُض‬
] -n , -i , -ish , -an , -ian , -ese [
Complete the table. ‫امَو اىجذٗه ٌٍٖ اٍالء‬
Country ‫اُجِذ‬ Nationality ‫الجنسٌة‬ Country ‫البلد‬ Nationality ‫الجنسٌة‬
England English France French
The United States American Canada Canadian
Lebanon Lebanese Australia Australian
Egypt Egyptian Russia Russian
Spain Spanish India Indian
Bahrain Bahraini Japan Japanese

Ex: Iraq > Iraqi , France > French

Time adverbs ُ‫ظشٗف اىضٍب‬

everyday/ in the morning : َ‫هذ ٓؾذد ٓض‬ٝ ٢‫ف اُضٓبٕ رؼط‬ٝ‫ ثؼغ ظش‬
often/ usually : َ‫ش ٓؾذد ٓض‬٤‫هذ ؿ‬ٝ ٢‫ف اُضٓبٕ رؼط‬ٝ‫ ثؼغ ظش‬

AB/P:85 ‫امزت اإلجبثخ ػِ ٕزا األعئيخ د٘ه اىؼشاق‬

A/ Write answers to these questions about yourself and about Iraq.
1-How do you go to school?
-I go to school on foot
2-How do most people travel to work?
-Most people go to work by bus
3-Do people ever travel to work by boar?
-No they don't
4-On which days are schools closed?
-Fridays and Saturdays.
5-When do most offices and shops open and close?
-They open at 8:00 o'clock and close at 2:00 o'clock

B/ Find these words in the text. What can you replace them with? ٍَٖٔ ‫ٍشادفبد‬
1-Exhausted = tired ‫ٓزؼت‬
2-unexpected = surprising. ‫ش‬ٛ‫ٓ٘ذ‬
3-views = sights ‫ٓ٘بظش‬
4-rescue = recovery ‫٘وز‬٣

Adverbs and adverbial ‫اىظشٗف‬

.َ‫ع اُلؼ‬ٞ‫ه‬ٝ ‫ؽبُخ‬ٝ ٕ‫صٓب‬ٝ ٕ‫طق ٌٓب‬ُٞ ّ‫ ػجبساد رغزخذ‬ٝ‫ ػجبسح ػٖ ًِٔبد ا‬٢ٛ : ‫ف‬ٝ‫ اُظش‬
. ‫ اًضش‬ٝ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ٕ ٖٓ ًِٔز‬ٌٞ‫ رز‬adverbials ‫اؽذح آب‬ٝ ‫ٕ ٖٓ ًِٔخ‬ٌٞ‫ رز‬Adverbs 
Ex :We got here very quickly. ( adverb)
Ex:We left onTuesday . (Adverbial)
:٢ُ‫ صالس اهغبّ ًبُزب‬٠ُ‫روغْ ا‬ٝ 
َ‫ب ثؼذ اُلؼ‬ٜ‫هؼ‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٣ٝ how ‫ب ة‬ٜ٘‫ٕ اُغئاٍ ػ‬ٌٞ٣ : manner – ٍ‫ف اُؾب‬ٝ‫ظش‬ -1
. ٚ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫ ثؼذ أُلؼ‬ٝ‫ ا‬٢‫غ‬٤‫اُشئ‬
)in a hurry/ by car/ on foot / loudly/ happily/ sadly/ well(
ly ‫ ة‬٢ٜ‫ف اُؾبٍ أُلشدح ر٘ز‬ٝ‫ اؿِت ظش‬
Ex:They walked slowly.
Ex:They crossed the desert on foot.

َ‫ب ثؼذ اُلؼ‬ٜ‫هؼ‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٣ٝ where ‫ب ة‬ٜ٘‫ٕ اُغئاٍ ػ‬ٌٞ٣ : place – ٕ‫ف أٌُب‬ٝ‫ظش‬ -2
. ٚ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫ ثؼذ أُلؼ‬ٝ‫ ا‬٢‫غ‬٤‫اُشئ‬
)in the garden/ in the house/ on the table/here/ there/ out/ inside(
Ex. I play tennis in the garden.

‫ب ؽغت ااظشف‬ٜ‫هؼ‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٣ٝ when ‫ب ة‬ٜ٘‫ٕ اُغئاٍ ػ‬ٌٞ٣ : time – ٕ‫ف اُضٓب‬ٝ‫ظش‬ -3
. ‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ٝ‫خ ا‬٣‫ب ثذا‬ٜ‫هؼ‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٣ ‫هذ ٓؾذد‬ٝ ٢‫ف صٓبٕ رؼط‬ٝ‫ ظش‬
)In the morning/ yesterday/now / tomorrow (
Ex. I'm playing football now.
Ex. Yesterday, I went to the park.
. ٢‫غ‬٤‫ب هجَ اُلؼَ اُشئ‬ٜ‫هؼ‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٣ٝ ‫ش ٓؾذد‬٤‫هذ ؿ‬ٝ ٢‫ف صٓبٕ رؼط‬ٝ‫ ظش‬
)Sometimes/ usually/ often (
Ex. He is always happy.
Ex. She often plays tennis.

)order arrange/( ‫رشرٍت اىظشٗف‬

: ٢‫ت ًبالر‬٤‫ٕ اُزشر‬ٌٞ٤‫اُضٓبٕ ٓؼب ك‬ٝ ٕ‫ أٌُب‬ٝ ٍ‫ف اُؾب‬ٝ‫ ارا عبءد ظش‬

ٍ‫ اُؾب‬+ ٕ‫ أٌُب‬+ٕ‫اُضٓب‬
Ex:My friend sang very well (M) at the concert (P) last night (T).

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- Sami played ( well last week in the race, well in the race last week, in the race
last week well).
2- Jamal drove his car )a. carefully in the city yesterday, b. in the city carefully
yesterday, c. carefully yesterday in the city).
3- I to Syria in the holidays , by bus, travelled. (put in order to make sentence)
-I travelled by bus to Syria in the holidays.
4- It rained) a. last night heavily in Baghdad, b. heavily in Baghdad last night,
c. in Baghdad heavily last night).
5-Sami played _________( well in the race last week/ last week well in the race/
in the race well last week)
6- It rained ________ (re-order: last night heavily in Bagdad.)
-It rained heavily in Baghdad last night.

AB/P:88 .‫ اخزبس اىظشٗف اىصذٍذخ ٍِ اىصْذٗق‬، ‫امَو اىَقطغ‬

A/Complete the paragraphs. Choose the correct adverbs from the box ‫ف‬ٝ‫ ظش‬/ ‫ؾ‬٤‫رغو‬
Clearly carefully slowly loudly politely quickly quietly angrily nervously
easily happily in a friendly way in an interesting way in a funny way
1-TV presenters have to speak clearly so that people can understand them
easily They should also try to say everything in an interesting way happily.
Another important thing is that they choose their words carefully so that they do
not give any incorrect information.
2-On the telephone, you should usually speak in a friendly way so that the other
person feels comfortable. If the other person is speaking too fast, you can say
politely, Could you speak more slowly, please?' If they are speaking too quietly,
you can say, 'I'm afraid I can't hear you. Could you speak up, please?'

B/ Put these words and phrases in order to make sentences. ‫سرت اىؼجبساد‬
1-The children / happily / played / in the garden / all day
-The children played happily in the garden all day.
2- in our house / read / usually / after dinner / we / quietly
-We usually read quietly in our house after dinner.
3-I / to the Emirates / travelled / in the holidays / by bus
-I travelled by bus to the Emirates in the holidays.

4- last night / played music / my brother / very loudly / shouted / and my father /
angrily / at him
-My brother played music very loudly last night and my father shouted angrily at
5- Hisham / patiently / had to wait / for a long time / at the hospital.
-Hisham had to wait patiently at the hospital for a long time.
6-People / usually / in London / to work / travel / by underground / who live.
-People who live in London usually travel to work by underground.
7- carefully / homework / his / after supper / does / Manaf
-Manaf does his homework carefully after supper.
8- starts / usually / 8 o'clock / finishes / and / Jood / school / at / at / 3 o'clock.
-Jood usually starts school at 8 o'clock and finishes at 3 o'clock.

Apologising ‫االػززاس‬
: ٚ٤ُ‫ اُغِٔخ ٗغزخذّ اُؼجبسح اُزب‬٢‫ ك‬late ‫د ًِٔخ‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ‬
I‘m sorry for being late
Ex. Apologize to your friend for being late.
- I'm sorry to be late.
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ ػ٘ذ ُالػززاس ػٖ خطؤ ٗغزخذّ اُؼجبسح اُزب‬
I am sorry
Ex : Ouch! You're standing on my toe. (Apologize)
- I am sorry.

: ٚ٤ُ‫ اُزب‬ٙ‫ ٗغزخذّ اُؼجبس‬ٚٓ‫ذ ًال‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ ٕ‫ اسدد ٖٓ أُزٌِْ ا‬ٝ‫ أُزٌِْ ا‬ُٚ‫ْ ٓب هب‬ٜ‫ ك‬ٝ‫ ػ٘ذ ػذّ عٔبع ا‬
Ex. Your teacher said something you didn't hear and you want him to repeat.
- pardon.

)Accept /respond( ‫قج٘ه االػززاس‬
: ٚ٤ُ‫ؾ اُزب‬٤‫ٍ االػززاس ٗغزخذّ اؽذ اُظ‬ٞ‫ ُوج‬
1-Never mind
2-Don‘t mention it
3-That‘s ok
Ex: The cake is a little dry. I'm sorry. (Accept this apology)
- That's ok.
Ex : I'm sorry, I just dropped some water on your shirt. (Respond to the apology)
- Never mind / Don't mention it.
Ex: I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday. (pardon? / Don't mention it)
1- Apologize to your headmaster / headmistress for being late for the first lesson.
-I‘m sorry for being late
2- I'm sorry. I just dropped the orange juice on the table. (respond to the apology)
-That‘s ok

AB/P:90 ‫اخزٍبساد‬
A/Read the dialogues using apologetic language. Choose the correct words.
1-Hey! You just knocked my bag on the floor. (I'm sorry / That's ok.)
2- I'm so sorry for forgetting your birthday. (Pardon? / Don't mention it)
3- My stomach feels really sore. (That's ok / I'm sorry)
4- Would you like some tea? (Pardon / Don't mention it) I said, would you like
some tea?
5- Did you bring the book I asked for? (Oh, I'm sorry / That's ok) I forgot.
6- Pardon? I afraid I didn't hear you the first time. (That's ok. / Don't mention it.)
I'll say it again.

B /Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.)‫امَو اىجَو (اػززس‬
Sorry Ok mention Pardon? sorry
1-Teacher: Do the activities on page 17 for homework, please.
Student: Pardon?
Teacher: Page 17 for homework, please.
2-I'm so sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill.
3-The cake is a little dry. I'm sorry.
Don't mention it.
4-Ouch! You're standing on my toe.
Oh, I'm so Sorry for being late.
5-Sorry for being late
That's ok I was a bit late too.
Present perfect tense ً‫صٍِ اىَضبسع اىزب‬

. ‫ ٌستخدم المضارع التام للتعبٌر عن حدث حصل فً زمن الماضً ووصل تأثٌره الى الحاضر‬

‫ الفاعل‬+ has / have + ‫ التصرٌف الثالث‬+ ‫االثبات …………… ت‬

‫الفاعل‬+ hasn't / haven't + ‫ التصرٌف الثالث‬+ ‫النفً ………… ت‬
Have / Has + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫التصرٌف الثالث‬+ ‫ ت‬+ ? ………… ‫السؤال‬
He , she , it > has
they , we , you , I > have
Ex:They have done their work .
Ex:: John has written his article.
Ex: I haven’t finished my homework
Ex:Have they arrived to the hospital?
: ‫ الظروف التً تأتً مع زمن المضارع التام‬
)ever, never, just, already, yet, since, for (

: ‫ توضع قبل التصرٌف الثالث‬، ‫ تاتً مع الجملة االستفهامٌة فقط‬: Ever .1

Ex: Have you ever been to Spain ?
: ‫ تاتً مع الجمل المثبته توضع قبل التصرٌف الثالث‬:Never .2
Ex: I have never been to Italy .
‫ تأتً مع الجمل المثبتة واالستفهامٌة توضع قبل التصرٌف الثالث‬: Just .3
Ex: I have just eaten a sandwich .
Ex: Have you just finished your work?

. ‫ تاتً قبل التصرٌف الثالث او فً نهاٌة الجملة‬، ‫ تاتً مع الجملة المثبتة‬: Already .4
Ex: It's only eight o'clock but Samira has already gone to bed
Ex: We have already finished our exam .
.‫ توضع فً نهاٌة الجملة فقط‬.‫ تاتً مع الجمل االستفهامٌة والمنفٌة فقط‬: Yet .5
Ex:I haven't done my exams yet.
Ex: Have you met the boss yet?

: since / for -6

Since / For
. ‫(منذ) نقطة بداٌة الحدث‬ ً‫ ٌعن‬since ‫ الظرف‬
. ‫) وٌعنً ( لمدة) الفترة الزمنٌة الكلٌة التً استغرقها الحدث‬for( ‫ الظرف‬

.‫ أي زمن ٌحدد بداٌة الحدث‬.‫ ٌاتً بعدها مدة زمنٌة محددة‬since 

]Since 1998 / last week (year / month) / October / Sunday / this morning -
yesterday – lunch –5 o’clock- I was a child[
Ex:He has been here since two o’clock.
.‫ ٌأتً بعدها مدة هذا الحدث‬For 
]for a day ( week / moth / year ) – an hour – ages – a long time – 3 days
(weeks / months / years)[

Ex: I have worked for an hour.

Ex:She has been in England for three days.
since ‫ ما عداها نختار‬for ‫نختار‬ s ‫ او كلمة تحتوي على‬a / an ‫ اذا جاء بعد االختٌار‬: ‫ٍالدظخ‬

:ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- I have been to France ____________ two months. ( since / for)
2-She has lived in this city ( since / for ) 1995.
3- My brother ( be ) in Egypt for two weeks. ( correct )
- My brother has been in Egypt for two weeks.
4- Sami has ( break ) his leg during the match. ( correct )
- Sami has broken his leg during the match.
5- Have you ( never / ever ) eaten mushroom?
6-I‘ve ________ to my teacher about the exam. ( speak / spoke / spoken (
7-Nada wrote an essay. ( present perfect)
- Nada has written an essay.
8-Mustafa ( finish ) his homework yet. ( correct )
- Mustafa has not finished his homework yet.
9-Simon has phoned his cousin. ( question)
- Has Simon phoned his cousin?

10-She has ( ever / never ) tried Indian food.
11-Ahmed hasn‘t arrived ………… ( just / yet / already )
12- I ……..never ….. a crocodile. ( see ) . ( past simple or present perfect )
- I have never seen a crocodile.
13- I have lived in this village…… I was three years old. [since/ for]
14- I have lived in this house (since/ for/ ago) ten years
15- Ali has (break) his leg during the match. (correct)
-Ali has broken his leg during the match.
16-I have been to France — two months (since / for)
17-She has lived in this town (since / for) 1999.
18-Have you (never / ever) eaten mushroom ?
19-I have ------- to my teacher about exam. (spoke, spoken , speak)
20-She has (never / ever) tried Indian food.

D/ Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences with the correct
tense: past simple or present perfect. ً‫د٘ه صٍِ اىفؼو اىى اىَبضً اىجغٍظ اٗ اىَضبسع اىزب‬
1- My brother has been in Egypt for two years. (be)
2- When did you go to Kenya? (go)
3- Has your pen-friend ever visited you? (visit)
4- Where did you leave your car last night? (leave)
5- I have never seen a crocodile. (see)

Two African countries ُ‫ثيذاُ افشٌقٍب‬

Mark the sentences True (T) of False (F) ‫صخ ٗخطأ ٌٍٖ جذا‬
1- Libya is mostly desert. (T)
2- It is always very hot there in Libya. (F)
3- There is no agriculture in Libya. (F)
4- Libya produces oil. (T)
5- Leptis Manga is a modern city. (F)
6- Sudan has a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea.(F)
7- The capital of Sudan is Khartoum. (T) ‫ا‬
8- Sudan gets most of its water from Blue Nile.(F)
9- Sudan produces cotton, sugar and gum Arabic.(T)
11- Animal farming is not important in Sudan. (F)

A /Find the answers to these questions about Libya and Sudan quickly in the
lists on page 71 of your Student's Book. Write short answers. ‫اجت ػِ األعئيخ‬
1-Which country is bigger? Libya.
2-Which one has fewest people? Libya
3-What do they have in common? Most of their area is desert

D / Find words in the texts to match these definitions. ٍَٖٔ ‫رؼبسٌف‬

1) opposite of wide narrow. ‫ن‬٤‫ػ‬
2) cows cattle ‫غ‬٤‫هط‬
3) very old ancient ْ٣‫هذ‬
4) without mountains flat ‫ٓغطؼ‬
5) things that farmers grow crops. َ٤‫ٓؾبط‬
6) things that a country produces and sells to other countries exports ‫طبدساد‬
7) a factory for changing sugar or oil from their natural state refinery ٠‫ٓظل‬
8) a kind of glue gum ‫طٔؾ‬

The Asian games ‫األىؼبة اَعٌٍ٘خ‬

1- What was the idea behind the Asian Games? .ٚ٣ٞ٤‫ اُلٌشح خِق األُؼبة االع‬٢ٛ ‫ٓب‬
- To built international friendship through sport. .‫بػخ‬٣‫ ٖٓ خالٍ اُش‬ٚ٤ُٔ‫ُج٘بء طذاهخ ػب‬
2- How often do the games take place? .‫خ‬٣ٞ٤‫ رؾذس األُؼبة األع‬ٙ‫ًْ ٓش‬
- Every four years. .‫اد‬ٞ٘‫ًَ اسثغ ع‬
3- When did they begin? .‫ ثذأد‬٠‫ٓز‬
- In 1951 . 9909 ّ‫ػب‬
4- Whose idea was it to hold the games? .‫ اهبٓخ األُؼبة‬٢‫ ك‬ٙ‫ُٖٔ اُلٌش‬
- The idea came from India. .‫٘ذ‬ُٜ‫اُلٌشح عبءد ٖٓ ا‬
5- Where were the first Games held? .ٙ‫ٍ ٓش‬ٝ‫ٔذ ا‬٤‫ٖ أه‬٣‫ا‬
- New Delhi. . ٢ُٜ‫د‬ٞ٤ٗ
6- Where and when were the last games held? .ٚ‫ٔذ اخش ُؼج‬٤‫ أه‬٠‫ٓز‬ٝ ٖ٣‫ا‬
- Incheon, South Korea, 2014. .‫خ‬٤‫ث‬ٞ٘‫ب اُغ‬٣‫س‬ًٞ ٕٞ٤‫ اٗش‬٢‫ك‬
7- Has Iraq won any medals in the games? .‫ األُؼبة‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ٤ُ‫ذا‬٤ٓ ١‫َ كبص اُؼشام ثؤ‬ٛ
- Yes, it has. .ْ‫ٗؼ‬

‫ فً اىَيضٍخ‬٣٤ ‫ ساجغ ٍ٘ض٘ع اىَجًْ ىيَجٖ٘ه صٍِ اىَضبسع ٗاىَبضً صفذخ‬
A/Use the prompts to write two sentences. The first should be in the past
passive and the second should be in the present passive. ‫اىَجًْ ىيَجٖ٘ه‬
1-new technology / used for extracting oil
-New technology was used for extracting oil.
-New technology is used for extracting oil
2-eco-friendly cars / invented / to reduce the need for oil
-Eco-friendly cars were are invented to reduce the need for oil
3-too many / mobile phones / thrown away
-Too many mobile phones were \are thrown away
4-oil and gas production / in Europe / increased to meet demand in cold weather
-Oil and gas production was \is increased to meet demand in cold weather.
5-new machinery / delivered / to the factory every month
-New machinery was\is delivered to the factory every month.
6-new phones with bigger screens / tested / in our laboratory
-New phones with bigger screens were \are tested in our laboratory.

A/Complete the table. ‫اىجْغٍبد | اٍالء‬
Country Nationality Country Nationality
England English. Japan Japanese
France French Spain Spanish
Canada Canadian. Oater Qatari,
Russia Russian Lebanon Lebanese

: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ ظشف ٗزجغ أُالؽظبد اُزب‬٠ُ‫َ اُظلخ ا‬٣ٞ‫ ُزؾ‬

‫ ظشف‬٠ُ‫ٍ ا‬ٞ‫ رؾ‬٢ٌُ ‫ ُِظلخ‬ly ‫ق‬٤‫ ٗظ‬-1
Ex:beautiful > beautifully
Ex:quick > quickly
ly ‫ق‬٤‫ٗؼ‬ٝ i ٠ُ‫وِت ا‬٣ y ‫ ثؾشف‬٢ٜ‫ ر٘ز‬٢‫ اُظلخ اُز‬-2
Ex:easy > easily
Ex:happy > happily
: ٙ‫ ثؼغ اُظلبد اُشبر‬
Ex: good > well , fast > fast

: ُ‫صٍغخ االٍزذب‬
1- slow > slowly , good > well
2- loud > loudly, comfortable > comfortably
3- T.V presenters have to speak. (clearly / clear)
4- You should always drive (careful / carefully) in the crowd streets.

B / Write the opposites. ‫ٍؼبمغبد‬

1-happily X sadly ‫ثؾضٕ | ثغؼبدح‬
2-Slowly X fast ‫ثغشػخ | ثجؾء‬
3-Badly X well ٌَ‫ذا | ثش‬٤‫ع‬
4-Comfortably X Uncomfortably ‫ش ٓشثؼ | ثشٌَ ٓشثؼ‬٤‫ثشٌَ ؿ‬
5-in a friendly way X In an unfriendly way ‫خ‬٣‫د‬ٝ ‫وخ‬٣‫خ | ؽش‬٣‫د‬ٝ ‫ش‬٤‫وخ ؿ‬٣‫ؽش‬

C/ Change the adjectives in the box to adverbs. Then use them

to complete the sentences. ‫د٘ه اىصفبد اىى ظشٗف‬
Quiet dangerous clear careful
1-TV presenters have to speak clearly.
2-When I speak quietly my teachers says, 'Speak up!'
3-You should always drive carefully.
4-If you drive dangerously, you might have an accident.
Life is like a cup of coffee ‫اىذٍبح ٍضو م٘ة اىقٖ٘ح‬
1- Who agreed to visit the old university professor?
‫ٔخ؟‬٣‫بسح أعزبر اُغبٓؼخ اُوذ‬٣‫ ص‬٠ِ‫اكن ػ‬ٝ ٖٓ
- A group of alumni from different Iraqi Provinces .
‫ٖ ٖٓ ٓخزِق ٓؾبكظبد اُؼشام‬٤٤‫ػخ ٖٓ اُخشع‬ٞٔ‫ٓغ‬
2- Who is the professor? ? .‫س‬ٞ‫غ‬٤‫ك‬ٝ‫ اُجش‬ٞٛ ٖٓ
-He is an Indian who lives in Hyderabad.. .‫ذس أثبد‬٤‫ ؽ‬٢‫ش ك‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ ١‫٘ذ‬ٛ ٚٗ‫ا‬
3- Where are the Alumni from? .ٖ٤٤‫ٖ اُخشع‬٣‫ٖٓ ا‬
-Two from Al-Muthanna, two from Diyala, one from Tikrit and one from
Dhiqar. ‫ هبس‬١‫اؽذ ٖٓ ر‬ٝ ٝ ‫ذ‬٣‫اؽذ رٌش‬ٝ ٝ ٠ُ‫ب‬٣‫اص٘بٕ ٖٓ د‬ٝ ٠٘‫اص٘بٕ ٖٓ أُض‬
4- How did the Alumni reach the professor's house?
‫ ٓ٘ضٍ األعزبر؟‬٠ُ‫ٕ ا‬ٞ‫غ‬٣‫طَ اُخش‬ٝ ‫ق‬٤ً
-By ricksha. ..‫اعطخ اُؼشثخ‬ٞ‫ث‬
5- When the professor went to the kitchen, what did he return with?
‫ ثٔبرا ػبد؟‬, ‫ أُطجخ‬٠ُ‫ت األعزبر ا‬ٛ‫ػ٘ذٓب ر‬
-A large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups.
.‫اة‬ًٞ‫ػخ ٖٓ األ‬ٞ٘‫ػخ ٓز‬ٞٔ‫ٓغ‬ٝ ‫ح‬ٜٞ‫ش ٖٓ اُو‬٤‫هذس ًج‬

6- Why did the professor bring different cups for the coffee?
‫ح؟‬ٜٞ‫اة ٓخزِلخ ُِو‬ًٞ‫ُٔبرا أؽؼش األعزبر أ‬
-To show that they always choose the best for themselves
ْٜ‫ٕ دائٔب األكؼَ ألٗلغ‬ٝ‫خزبس‬٣ ْٜٗ‫بس أ‬ٜ‫إلظ‬
7- What is the moral lesson of the story ? .‫ ُِوظخ‬٢‫ اُذسط األخاله‬ٞٛ ‫ٓب‬
- The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best
of everything. .‫ء‬٢‫ْ كوؾ االعزلبدح ٖٓ ًَ ش‬ٜٗ‫ ا‬.‫ء‬٢‫ْ أكؼَ ش‬ٜ٣‫ظ ُذ‬٤ُ ‫أعؼذ اُ٘بط‬
8- How did the alumni go back to Iraq ? .‫ اُؼشام‬٠ُ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫غ‬٣‫ق ػبد اُخش‬٤ً
- as wiser men .‫سعبٍ اًضش ؽٌٔخ‬

B/ Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. ‫اعقطبد‬
Alumni complaints assortment exquisite concentrating savour
1-The material used to make that jacket is exquisite.
2- Try and savour the taste of the meal.
3-Leena is concentrating very hard on her maths homework.
4- There were lots of complaints about the lack of food at the party.
5- The alumni met every year at the college.
6- Could you please provide an assortments of sandwiches.

Voyage of survival ‫سديخ اىْجبح‬

Read the text again and answer the questions. Write sentences. ‫اجت ػِ األعئيخ‬
1-Where is Professor Heyerdahl from?‫شدٍ؟‬٤ٛ ‫س‬ٞ‫غ‬٤‫ك‬ٝ‫ٖ اُجش‬٣‫ٖٓ أ‬
- He is from Norway . ‫ظ‬٣ٝ‫ٖٓ اُ٘ش‬
2-What does he think about ancient civilizations?‫ٔخ‬٣‫ اُؾؼبساد اُوذ‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ٣‫ٓب سأ‬
-He think that ancient civilizations were able to trade, travel and makelong
migrations by sea using simple ships
ٖ‫ن اُجؾش ثبعزخذاّ عل‬٣‫غشاد ػٖ ؽش‬ُٜ‫ا‬ٝ ‫اُغلش‬ٝ ‫ اُزغبسح‬٠ِ‫ٔخ ًبٗذ هبدسح ػ‬٣‫ؼزوذ إٔ اُؾؼبساد اُوذ‬٣
3-What does he decide to do? Why?‫لؼَ؟ ُٔبرا؟‬٣ ٕ‫ٓبرا هشس أ‬
-He decided to build a reed ship and sail it through the Arab Gulf to the Indian
Ocean.١‫٘ذ‬ُٜ‫ؾ ا‬٤‫ أُؾ‬٠ُ‫ ا‬٢‫ظ اُؼشث‬٤ِ‫ب ػجش اُخ‬ٜ‫اإلثؾبس ث‬ٝ ‫٘خ ٖٓ اُوظت‬٤‫هشس ث٘بء عل‬
4-Which flag did the boat carry?‫ ػِْ ؽَٔ اُوبسة؟‬١‫أ‬
- It carried the flag of the United Nations.‫ؽِٔذ ػِْ األْٓ أُزؾذح‬
5-How long did it take to build The Tigris?‫هذ اعزـشم ث٘بء دعِخ؟‬ُٞ‫ًْ ٖٓ ا‬
-It took two months to build The Tigris. ِٚ‫ٖ ُج٘بء دع‬٣‫ش‬ٜ‫اعزـشم ش‬
6-Who helped Heyerdahl to build The Tigris! ‫شدٍ ُج٘بء دعِخ‬٤ٛ ‫ عبػذ‬١‫ٖٓ اُز‬
- Iraqi and foreign workers helped to build the boat.
.‫ ث٘بء اُوبسة‬٢‫األعبٗت ك‬ٝ ٕٞ٤‫عبػذ اُؼشاه‬
7-Was he allowed to dock in Yemen? Why/Why not?
‫ ُٔبرا ال؟‬/ ‫ٖٔ؟ ُٔبرا‬٤ُ‫ ا‬٢‫ ك‬ٞ‫ ثبُشع‬ُٚ ‫َ عٔؼ‬ٛ
- He was not allowed to dock in Yemen because of wars in the area.
.‫ أُ٘طوخ‬٢‫ة ك‬ٝ‫ٖٔ ثغجت اُؾش‬٤ُ‫ ا‬٢‫ ك‬ٞ‫ ثبُشع‬ُٚ ‫ُغٔؼ‬٣ ُْ
8-How many explorers travelled with Heyerdahl?
ٍ‫شد‬٤ٛ ‫ا ٓغ‬ٝ‫ٖ عبكش‬٣‫ٖ اُز‬٤‫ًْ ػذد أُغزٌشل‬
- Eleven explorers . ‫اؽذ ػشش ٓغزٌشق‬
9-Do you think the voyage was successful? ‫َ رؼزوذ إ اُشؽِخ ًبٗذ ٗبعؾخ‬ٛ
-Yes it was . ْ‫ٗؼ‬
10- Summarize what Heyerdahl is trying to say in his letter to the U Secretary
General. ّ‫ٖ اُؼب‬٤ٓ‫ األ‬٠ُ‫ سعبُزخ ا‬٢‫شدٍ ك‬٤ٛ ‫ُخ‬ٞ‫ٍ ه‬ٝ‫ُخض ٓب ؽب‬
-The success of the voyage relied on collaboration between peoples. If we want
to success as peoples we need to collaborate rather than fight each other
‫ٕ ثذال‬ٝ‫ اُزؼب‬٠ُ‫ ك٘ؾٖ ثؾبعخ ا‬, ‫ذ اُ٘غبػ ًشؼت‬٣‫ ارا ً٘ب ٗش‬.‫ة‬ٞ‫ٖ اُشؼ‬٤‫ٕ ث‬ٝ‫ اُزؼب‬٠ِ‫اػزٔذ ٗغبػ اُشؽِخ ػ‬
‫ٖٓ هزبٍ ثؼؼ٘ب اُجؼغ‬

D /Put these phrases in order to make sentences. ‫سرت اىجَو‬
1-in the park / I'm / in the evening / to walk / going
-I'm going to walk in the park in the evening.
2- his homework / sometimes / in the morning / my brother / does
-My brother sometimes does his homework in the morning.
3- usually / get ready / I / for school / quickly / in the morning
- I usually get ready for school quickly in the morning.
4- slowly / this morning / My father / to school / drove
-My father drove slowly to school this morning.

Write a paragraph about a (country)
) ‫اًزت كوشح ػٖ (ثِذ‬

Iraq is a big country with a huge population. About 35 million people live there.
Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. Iraq lies in the southwest of Asia. Iraq makes
clothes and produces oil. The farmers there grow rice, wheat and dates. Visitors
to Iraq can visit museums, marshes and holy places.

.‫ ثـذاد ػبطٔخ اُؼشام‬.‫ٕ شخض‬ٞ٤ِٓ 50 ٢ُ‫ا‬ٞ‫٘بى ؽ‬ٛ ‫ش‬٤‫ؼ‬٣ .ْ‫ ػخ‬٢ٗ‫شح راد رؼذاد عٌب‬٤‫ُخ ًج‬ٝ‫اُؼشام د‬
‫٘بى األسص‬ٛ ٕٞ‫ضسع أُضاسػ‬٣ .‫٘زظ اُ٘لؾ‬٣ٝ ‫ظ٘غ أُالثظ‬٣ ‫ اُؼشام‬.‫ب‬٤‫ة ؿشة آع‬ٞ٘‫ ع‬٢‫وغ اُؼشام ك‬٣
.‫األٓبًٖ أُوذعخ‬ٝ ‫أُغز٘وؼبد‬ٝ ‫بسح أُزبؽق‬٣‫اس اُؼشام ص‬ٝ‫ٌٖٔ ُض‬٣ .‫اُزٔش‬ٝ ‫اُؤؼ‬ٝ

Unit eight‫ؽذح اُضبٓ٘خ‬ُٞ‫ا‬
B| Complete the sentences with a, an or the. ً‫امَو اىجَو اىزبىٍخ ة اعزخذا‬
1. There were no chairs, so we have to sit on the floor.
2.Could you close the door, please?
3. Do that activity again. You have made a mistake.
4. We live in a flat in the city centre.
5. Have you ever read an English book?

C/ reporter has to ask a lot of questions. What questions is this reporter

asking a famous footballer? ‫سرت األعئيخ‬
1. Were / born/ you / where /?
Where were you born?
2. Doing / what / were / you / before / famous / became / you /?
What were you doing before you became famous?
3. Life / changed / what /your /?
What changed your life?
4. Happy / you / your/ now/work/ with/ are/?
Are you happy with your work now?

D / Tick (True) the correct sentences. Cross (X) the in correct sentences and
rewrite them using the correct form of going to. ً‫اىَغزقجو ة إعزخذا‬
1. Where are you going to live when you are older? (true)
2.He are going to be a doctor when he's older.(false)
-He is going to be a doctor when he's older
3. Are you going to buy that T-shirt? (true)
4. They is going to spend the weekend with their grandparents.(false)
-They are going to spend the weekend at their grandparents.
5. they're not going to play football last weekend.(false)
-They didn't go to play football last weekend.

a simple event that happen to you
‫دذس ثغٍظ دصو ٍؼل‬

Last summer, I had an accident. I wanted to travel to the village, and I decided to
travel by train. When I got to the train station, the train was moving. I quickly ran
to the train with a heavy bag over my back.
Suddenly, I fell to the ground and broke my leg, and did not catch the train, nor
did I travel to the village. I spent a month in the hospital.

‫ ػ٘ذٓب‬.‫هشسد إ اعبكش ثبُوطبس‬ٝ ,‫خ‬٣‫ اُوش‬٠ُ‫ذ اُغلش ا‬٣‫ ً٘ذ اس‬,‫ ؽبدصخ‬٢ُ ‫هؼذ‬ٝ ٢‫ق أُبػ‬٤‫ اُظ‬٢‫ك‬
‫ِخ‬٤‫جخ صو‬٤‫ً٘ذ اؽَٔ ؽو‬ٝ ‫ اُؾن ثبُوطبس‬٢ٌُ ‫ذ ثغشػخ‬٣‫ عش‬.‫ ٓؾطخ اُوطبس ًبٕ اُوطبس هذ رؾشى‬٠ُ‫طِذ ا‬ٝ
‫ذ‬٤‫ كوذ هؼ‬.‫خ‬٣‫ اُوش‬٠ُ‫ُْ اعبكش ا‬ٝ ‫ُْ اُؾن ثبُوطبس‬ٝ ٢‫ًغشد عبه‬ٝ ‫ االسع‬٠ِ‫هؼذ ػ‬ٝ ‫كغؤح‬ٝ .١‫ش‬ٜ‫م ظ‬ٞ‫ك‬
.٠‫ أُغزشل‬٢‫شا ك‬ٜ‫ش‬

an imaginary story based on something you have read or seen
ٔ‫قصخ خٍبىٍخ ثْبء ػيى شً قشأرخ اٗ شبٕذر‬

Once upon a time, a prince wanted to be the new king. He asked a magician to
help him. So the magician met the king and give him an apple for a coin. When
the king ate the apple, he turned to a bird. so he cannot back a king until he find
the coin . The prince become a king, but finally the king was able to find the coin
and back a king again. He decided to punish the prince for betrayal.

ٙ‫أػطب‬ٝ ‫ اُغبؽش ثبُِٔي‬٠‫ كبُزو‬.ٚ‫ ؽِت ٖٓ عبؽش ٓغبػذر‬.‫ذ‬٣‫ٕ أُِي اُغذ‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ش أ‬٤ٓ‫ أساد األ‬, ‫راد ٓشح‬
‫غذ‬٣ ٠‫ دػْ ِٓي ؽز‬ٌٚ٘ٔ٣ ‫ ُزُي ال‬.‫ ؽبئش‬٠ُ‫ اُزلذ ا‬, ‫ ػ٘ذٓب أًَ أُِي اُزلبؽخ‬.‫خ‬٤ٗ‫رلبؽخ ٓوبثَ ػِٔخ ٓؼذ‬
‫دح‬ٞ‫اُؼ‬ٝ ‫خ‬٤ٗ‫ اُؼِٔخ أُؼذ‬٠ِ‫س ػ‬ٞ‫خ رٌٖٔ أُِي ٖٓ اُؼض‬٣‫ب‬ُٜ٘‫ ا‬٢‫ٌُٖ ك‬ٝ , ‫ش ٌِٓب‬٤ٓ‫ أطجؼ األ‬.‫خ‬٤ٗ‫اُؼِٔخ أُؼذ‬
.‫بٗخ‬٤‫ اُخ‬٠ِ‫ش ػ‬٤ٓ‫ هشس ٓؼبهجخ األ‬.ٟ‫ ِٓي ٓشح أخش‬٠ُ‫ا‬

‫رصبسٌف األفؼبه‬

‫أُؼبسع‬ ً‫الماض‬ ‫التصرٌف الثالث‬

be was/were been
begin began begun
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
burn burnt burnt
buy bought bought
can could been able to
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
do did done
dream dreamt dreamt
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen
feel Felt felt
fight fought fought
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten

get got got
give gave given
go went gone
have had had
hear heard heard
know knew known
learn learnt learnt
leave left left
lose lost lost
make made made
must had to had to
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
show showed shown
sing sang sung
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
take took taken
teach taught taught
think thought thought
understand understood understood
win won won
go Went gone
1. What are you doing?
2. See you in a minute.
3. I'm in a queue
4. There's no time for that. Come back now.
5. What are you queuing for?
6. My brother is very hard working He always does extra homework
7. Hassan was so pleased when he won first prize in the poetry competition.
8. It is important to be imaginative when you are writing poems
9. The queue was so long it came out of the door!
10. I have a lot of patience with young children
11. His dream was to be a famous Poet
12. Would you like to come to the school graduation party with me?
13. Are you free on Thursday?
14. Is Friday better for you?
15. Tell me if you prefer Thursday or Friday.
16. We don't need to get tickets in advance.
17. It starts at 8.00.
18. The seats cost 15,000 IOD.
19. Shall I get the cheapest?
20. A bat is not a bird, but it can fly like a bird.
21. Owls hunt and kill small animals at night.
22. If you put your foot on a snake, it will bite you.
23. Cows and goats produce milk
24. Elephants grow very big, but it takes many years.
25. A reporter writes about events for a newspaper.
26. I need spectacles to see clearly when I'm reading.
27. I'm too weak to carry that heavy box. Can you help me?
28. Young people should be praised when they help the older generation.
29. If someone is unable to walk easily, they may need a Wheelchair
30. The wise man said, 'You left a lesson for every son and hope for every
31. Go straight until you get to the traffic lights.
32. When you get to the blue house turn left
33. Can you tell me how to get to the library?
34. Go Past the bookshop and it's on the right.
35. My house is next to the park
36. How long will it take?
37. School is a good opportunity to prepare for a university education.
38. At university, some courses are quite easy and others are very difficult.
39. Modern universities have good sports facilities.
40. If you get a better job, you can earn more money.
41. The wages in some jobs are not very high.
42. Some people complain that they don't have enough money.
43. You can get advice on a good job from a careers officer.
44. It is definitely a good idea to study hard for the future
45. Teacher: Do the activities on page 17 for homework, please.
a. Student: Pardon?
46. Teacher: Page 17 for homework, please.
47. I'm so sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill.
48. The cake is a little dry. I'm sorry.
a. Don't mention it.
49. Ouch! You're standing on my toe.
a. Oh, I'm so Sorry for being late.
50. Sorry for being late
51. That's ok I was a bit late too.
52. TV presenters have to speak clearly.
53. When I speak quietly my teachers says, 'Speak up!'
54. You should always drive carefully.
55. If you drive dangerously, you might have an accident.
56. The material used to make that jacket is exquisite.
57. Try and savour the taste of the meal.
58. Leena is concentrating very hard on her maths homework.
59. There were lots of complaints about the lack of food at the party
60. The alumni met every year at the college.
61. Could you please provide an assortments of sandwiches.

Definitions ‫اىزؼبسٌف‬

1. It makes cars, boats and planes move. engine. ‫ٓؾشى‬

2. words and pictures to help sell things adverts.‫اػالٗبد‬
3. A person who helps others is helpful. ‫ٓغبػذ‬
4. You can clean your teeth with this. Toothbrush ٕ‫كششخ اع٘ب‬
5. three or more people waiting in line queue ‫س‬ٞ‫ؽبث‬
6. something you do in your spare time -hobby ‫خ‬٣‫ا‬ٞٛ
7. a funny book, film or play -comedy ١‫ذ‬٤ًٓٞ
8. another word for a writer author. ‫ٓئُق‬
9. activities like running, jumping and swimming sport. Athletics ‫خ‬٤‫بػ‬٣‫األُؼبة اُش‬
10. You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music.concert َ‫ؽل‬
11. I get small pieces of glass, metal or shell to create things for people to wear
jewellery making. ‫شاد‬ٛٞ‫طبٗغ ٓغ‬
12. I sit by the river with a long, thin rod fishing ‫ذ اعٔي‬٤‫ط‬
13. I use colourful threads to make something to keep you warm . blanket
weaving ‫خ‬٤ٗ‫ظ اُجطب‬٤‫ٗغ‬
14. My hobby is very relaxing, I just sit and watch from my comfortable chair
watching TV ‫ذح اُزِلبص‬ٛ‫ٓشب‬
15. I work hard to go further and faster. My hobby means I get wet .
swimming ‫عجبؽخ‬
16. a bird that hunts and kills other birds. predator ‫ٓلزشط‬
17. the opposite of safe .dangerous ‫ش‬٤‫خط‬
18. sit and travel on a horse or camel .ride ‫ة‬ًٞ‫س‬
19. the fastest bird in the world falcon ‫طوش‬
20. rice and wheat, for example.crops َ٤‫ٓؾبط‬
21. people who are not children adults ٖ٤‫ثبُـ‬
22. Word used for a young deer fawn ٍ‫ُذ اُـضا‬ٝ
23. Home News news from your own country ‫خ‬٤ِ‫اخجبس ٓؾ‬
24. International News news from other countries ‫خ‬٤ُٔ‫اخجبس ػب‬
25. Arts news about art, plays, paintings, etc. ٕٞ٘‫ك‬
26. Sport News about football, tennis, etc. ‫بػخ‬٣‫س‬
27. Business news about companies, money, etc. ٍ‫اػٔب‬
28. Fashion news about clothes ‫بء‬٣‫اص‬
29. Leisure things to do in your spare time ‫كبسؽ‬
30. Home and Garden information about furniture, flowers, etc‫وخ‬٣‫اُؾذ‬ٝ ٍ‫أُ٘ض‬
31. Advertisements advertisements for jobs, things for sale, etc. ‫اػالٗبد‬

32. Television programmes this evening ‫رِلبص‬
33. Letters articles sent to the paper from readers َ‫سعبئ‬
34. Opinion The ideas of the editor about recent news items ١‫سأ‬
35. Cartoons funny pictures ‫ّ ٓزؾشًخ‬ٞ‫سع‬
36. It tells a funny story.comedy ١‫ذ‬٤ًٓٞ
37. Information about sun, rain and temperature. Weather ‫ؽوظ‬
38. A question and answer programme. Quiz show ‫ثشٗبٓظ ٓغبثوخ‬
39. Conversations between famous people. Talk show ١‫اس‬ٞ‫ثشٗبٓظ ؽ‬
40. It gives information about one subject. Documentary ٢‫صبئو‬ٝ
41. A doctor is someone who helps sick people and usually works in a hospital
or surgery. ‫س‬ٞ‫دًز‬
42. A Fire fighter is someone who puts out fires and saves people's lives. ٢‫اؽلبئ‬
43. A Mechanic is someone who repairs cars and works in a garage. ٢ٌ٤ٗ‫ٌب‬٤ٓ
44. A policeman is someone who makes people safe by prevent crimes ٢‫ششؽ‬
45. A shop assistant is someone who works in a shop. He or She helps
customers َ‫ٓغبػذ طبؽت ٓؾ‬
46. A teacher is someone who works in a school and teaches students ‫ٓذسط‬
47. opposite of wide narrow. ‫ن‬٤‫ػ‬
48. cows cattle ‫غ‬٤‫هط‬
49. very old ancient ْ٣‫هذ‬
50. without mountains flat ‫ٓغطؼ‬
51. things that farmers grow crops. َ٤‫ٓؾبط‬
52. things that a country produces and sells to other countries exports ‫طبدساد‬
53. a factory for changing sugar or oil from their natural state refinery ٠‫ٓظل‬
54. a kind of glue gum ‫طٔؾ‬

ing ‫إضبفخ‬
‫ش‬٤‫ رـ‬١‫ٕ ا‬ٝ‫ ) كوؾ ثذ‬ing ( َ‫ق ُِلؼ‬٤‫خ ٗؼ‬٣‫بد‬٤‫ا– األكؼبٍ االػز‬
read = reading/eat = eating
) e ( ‫ ) ٗؾزف‬ing ( ‫ ) طبٓذ كؼ٘ذ اػبكخ‬e ( ‫ب ة‬٤ٜ‫ة – ارا ًبٕ اُلؼَ ٓ٘ز‬
write = writing/ take = taking
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ أٌُِبد اُزب‬٢‫ ) ك‬e ( ‫ ال ٗؾزف‬
‫ظجؾ‬٣ dye = dyeing
ٌٕٞ٣ be = being
‫ ؽشف‬١‫ ) ال ٗؾزف ا‬ee( ‫ ة‬٢ٜ‫ ارا ًبٕ اُلؼَ ٓ٘ز‬
agree = agreeing / see = seeing
ing ‫ق‬٤‫ صْ ٗؼ‬y ٠ُ‫ ) روِت ا‬ie ( ‫ ة‬٢ٜ‫ط –ارا ًبٕ اُلؼَ ٓ٘ز‬
die = dying /lie = lying
‫ش‬٤‫ؼ األخ‬٤‫غت ٓؼبػلخ اُؾشف اُظؾ‬٣ ‫اؽذ‬ٝ ‫ ؽشف ػِخ‬ِٚ‫هج‬ٝ ‫ؼ‬٤‫ ثؾشف طؾ‬٢ٜ‫٘ز‬٣ َ‫ـ – ارا ًبٕ اُلؼ‬ٛ
) ing ( ‫ػ٘ذ اػبكخ‬
stop = stopping / sit = sitting
. ‫ؼ‬٤‫ ) ال ٗؼبػق اُؾشف اُظؾ‬en ( ‫ ة‬٢ٜ‫ ر٘ز‬٢‫ ٓبػذا أٌُِبد اُز‬
happen = happening/listen = listening / open = opening
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ًزُي األكؼبٍ اُزب‬
grow = growing / fix = fixing / play = playing

ed ‫إضبفخ‬
َ‫ اُلؼ‬٢‫ش ك‬٤٤‫ٕ رـ‬ٝ‫ د‬ed ‫ب‬ُٜ ‫ق‬٤‫خ ٗؼ‬٤‫بع‬٤‫األكؼبٍ اُو‬ -1
Look > looked
Work > worked
‫ش‬٤‫ٕ رـ‬ٝ‫ ) د‬d ( ‫ق‬٤‫)طبٓذ ٗؼ‬e ( ‫ ثؾشف‬٢ٜ‫ ر٘ز‬٢‫االكؼبٍ اُز‬ -2
move = moved/ change = changed
‫ش‬٤‫ؼبػق اُؾشف األخ‬٣ ‫اؽذ‬ٝ ِٚ‫م ثؾشف ػ‬ٞ‫ؼ ٓغج‬٤‫ ثؾشف طؾ‬٢ٜ‫ ر٘ز‬٢‫األكؼبٍ اُز‬ -3
ed ‫ؼبف‬٣ٝ ‫ؼ‬٤‫اُظؾ‬
prefer = preferred / stop = stopped
en ‫ ة‬٢ٜ‫ ر٘ز‬٢‫ ٓب ػذا األكؼبٍ اُز‬
happen = happened /open = opened
) ed ( ‫ق‬٤‫ٗؼ‬ٝ ) i ( ٠ُ‫ ا‬ٚ‫ؼ ٗوِج‬٤‫ ؽشف طؾ‬ِٚ‫ )هج‬y ( ‫ ثبُؾشف‬٢ٜ‫ ر٘ز‬٢‫األكؼبٍ اُز‬ -4
study = studied /cry = cried

‫مٍفٍخ اإلجبثخ ػيى اعئيخ اىقطؼخ اىخبسجٍخ‬

‫ٍالدظبد ‪:‬‬
‫‪ٗ-9‬وشأ اُوطؼخ ٓشر‪ ٖ٤‬ا‪ ٝ‬صالس ‪ٗٝ .‬زشعْ اًجش ػذد ٌٖٓٔ ٖٓ أٌُِبد ؽز‪ٗ ٠‬ؾظَ ػِ‪ٞٓ ٠‬ػ‪ٞ‬ع أ‪ٓ ٝ‬ل‪ّٜٞ‬‬
‫‪ -٠‬ػ٘ذ األعبث‪ٗ ٚ‬ؾزف أد‪ٝ‬اد اُغئاٍ ‪ ٌٕٞ٣ٝ‬اُغ‪ٞ‬اة ًبألر‪: ٢‬‬
‫( كبػَ ‪ ,‬كؼَ سئ‪٤‬غ‪ , ٢‬رٌِٔخ ) آٗ ( كبػَ ‪ ,‬كؼَ ً‪ٗٞ٘٤‬خ ‪ ,‬كؼَ سئ‪٤‬غ‪ , ٢‬رٌِٔخ )‬
‫‪ -5‬ارا ثذأ اُغئاٍ ثؤداح ( ‪ٝ )who‬رؼ٘‪ُِ ) ٖٓ ( ٢‬غئاٍ ػٖ اُشخض اُؼبهَ ‪ .‬ػ٘ذ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة ٗؾزف أداح‬
‫اُغئاٍ ( ‪ٗٝ ......) who‬جؾش ػٖ اعْ ٖٓ اُوطؼخ‬
‫‪ -٤‬ارا ثذأ اُغئاٍ ثبألداح (‪ٝ ) where‬رؼ٘‪ ( ٢‬أ‪ُِ ) ٖ٣‬غئاٍ ػٖ أٌُبٕ ‪.‬‬
‫ػ٘ذ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة رؾزف أداح اُغئاٍ ‪ٗٝ .‬جؾش ػٖ اعْ ٌٓبٕ ‪٘٣‬بعت اُغئاٍ ٖٓ اُوطؼخ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -0‬ارا ثذأ اُغئاٍ ثؤداح ( ‪ٝ ) when‬رؼ٘‪ٓ ( ٢‬ز‪ُِ ) ٠‬غئاٍ ػٖ اُضٓبٕ ‪.‬‬
‫ػ٘ذ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة رؾزف أداح اُغئاٍ ‪ٗٝ‬جؾش ػٖ اعْ صٓبٕ ‪٘٣‬بعت اُغئاٍ ٖٓ اُوطؼخ‬
‫‪ -٦‬ارا ثذأ اُغئاٍ ثبألداح ( ‪ٝ ) what‬رؼ٘‪ٓ ( ٢‬برا )‬
‫ػ٘ذ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة رؾزف أداح اُغئاٍ ‪ٗٝ‬جؾش ػٖ اُش‪٢‬ء اُز‪ ١‬هبّ ث‪ ٚ‬اُلبػَ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬ارا ثذأ اُغئاٍ ثبألداح ( ‪ٝ ) how many‬رؼ٘‪ ًْ ( ٢‬ػذد ) ػ٘ذ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة رؾزف أداح اُغئاٍ ‪ٗٝ .‬جؾش ػٖ‬
‫ػذد ‪٘٣‬بعت اُغئاٍ ٖٓ اُوطؼخ‬
‫‪ -8‬ارا اؽز‪ٞ‬د عِٔخ اُغئاٍ ػِ‪ ٠‬اؽذ أكؼبٍ اُؼَٔ ا‪٥‬ر‪٤‬خ ‪-:‬‬
‫( ‪ . ) do, does , did‬ػ٘ذ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة رؾزف ‪ٝ‬ػ٘ذ ؽزف اُلؼَ ( ‪ ) do‬ال ‪٣‬ؾظَ أ‪ ١‬رؤص‪٤‬ش ػِ‪ ٠‬اُلؼَ‬
‫اُشئ‪٤‬غ‪ٝ . ٢‬ػ٘ذ ؽزف اُلؼَ ( ‪ٗ ) does‬ؼ‪٤‬ق ( ‪ُِ ) s‬لؼَ اُشئ‪٤‬غ‪ . ٢‬آب ػ٘ذ ؽزف ( ‪ٗ ) did‬ؾ‪ ٍٞ‬اُلؼَ‬
‫اُشئ‪٤‬غ‪ ٢‬اُ‪ ٠‬أُبػ‪٢‬‬
‫‪ -9‬ارا ثذأ اُغئاٍ ثؤؽذ األكؼبٍ أُغبػذح اُزبُ‪٤‬خ ‪-:‬‬
‫( ‪) .… do , did , does , has , have‬‬
‫ارا ًبٕ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة ٓضجذ ٗغ‪٤‬ت ثبُشٌَ اُزبُ‪>> ٢‬‬
‫( ٗلظ اُلؼَ أُغبػذ اُز‪ ١‬ثذأ ث‪ ٚ‬اُغئاٍ ‪ +‬ػٔ‪٤‬ش اُلؼَ ٖٓ اُغِٔخ ‪) Yes +‬‬
‫آب ارا ًبٕ اُغ‪ٞ‬اة ٓ٘ل‪ ٌٕٞ٣ ٢‬اُغ‪ٞ‬اة ثبُشٌَ اُزبُ‪>> ٢‬‬
‫( ‪ٗ + not‬لظ اُلؼَ أُغبػذ اُز‪ ١‬ثذأ ث‪ ٚ‬اُغئاٍ ‪ +‬ػٔ‪٤‬ش اُلؼَ ٖٓ اُغِٔخ ‪)No +‬‬
‫‪ -95‬ارا ًبٕ اُغئاٍ طؼ أ‪ ٝ‬خطؤ ( ‪) True or False‬‬
‫اهشأ اُوطؼخ ثبٓؼبٕ ‪ٝ‬االٗزجب‪ ٙ‬ػِ‪ ٠‬أٌُِبد أٌُشسح ‪ ٝ‬ؽبثن أُؼِ‪ٓٞ‬بد أُ‪ٞ‬ع‪ٞ‬دح ك‪ ٢‬اُغئاٍ ٓغ اُوطؼخ‬
‫‪ -99‬ارا ًبٕ اُغئاٍ اخز‪٤‬بساد ‪ٞٓ ) a- b -c ( :‬ع‪ٞ‬دح ٓبث‪ ٖ٤‬األه‪ٞ‬اط ػِ‪٤‬ي هشاءح اُوطؼخ ع‪٤‬ذا ‪ ٖٓٝ‬صْ‬
‫رز‪ٞ‬ع‪ ٚ‬الخز‪٤‬بس اُغ‪ٞ‬اة اُظؾ‪٤‬ؼ‬

Punctuation Marks ‫ػالٍبد اىزْقٍظ‬
: ‫خ‬٤ُ‫ اُؾبالد اُزب‬٢‫ش ك‬٤‫ٍ ٖٓ أٌُِخ ثشٌَ ًج‬ٝ‫ ٌٗزت اُؾشف اال‬: )capital letter ( ‫ش‬٤‫ اُؾشف اٌُج‬-9
‫خ اُغِٔخ‬٣‫ ثذا‬٢‫ ك‬٠ُٝ‫ٍ ٖٓ أٌُِخ األ‬ٝ‫ اُؾشف اال‬
Ali / Zaid / Ahmed :‫ أعٔبء األشخبص‬
Sunday , Monday , Friday :‫ع‬ٞ‫بّ األعج‬٣‫ أ‬
January , April , March , June :‫ش اُغ٘خ‬ٜ‫ اش‬
‫اُوبساد‬ٝ ٍٝ‫اُذ‬ٝ ٕ‫ أعٔبء أُذ‬
London, Basra, Iraq , Britain , Asia , Africa , Europe
English- French-Arabic : ‫ اُِـبد‬
:‫طبد‬٤‫أُؾ‬ٝ ‫اُجؾبس‬ٝ ‫شاد‬٤‫ اُجؾ‬ٝ ‫بس‬ٜٗ‫ أعٔبء األ‬
The Tigris , The Atlantic Ocean , the Arab sea
Yes , No 
‫عذ‬ٝ ‫٘ٔب‬٣‫ش أ‬٤‫ٌزت ًج‬٣ (I) ‫ش‬٤ٔ‫ اُؼ‬
Mr. , Miss. , Dr. , Mrs : ‫ األُوبة‬

Question Mark ّ‫ب‬ٜ‫ ػالٓخ االعزل‬-٠

ْٜ٘‫ أداح اعزل‬ٝ‫ رجذأ ثلؼَ ٓغبػذ ا‬٢‫خ اُز‬٤ٓ‫ب‬ٜ‫خ اُغِٔخ االعزل‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ٢‫ػغ ك‬ٞ‫ر‬
-Who is that boy‫؟‬
-Does he speak French‫؟‬
comma : ‫ اُلبسصح‬-5
‫ ؽبُخ اُزؼذاد‬٢‫ ك‬
I met Ali , Ahmed , and Hassan
)‗s ( ‫ ػ٘ذ اُزِٔي‬ٝ ‫ ػ٘ذ االخزظبساد‬
He is ........ he's , cannot ..... can't , he has ..... he's
Ali's father is a pilot

full Stop ‫ اُ٘وطخ‬-5

َ‫ رجذأ ثلبػ‬٢‫خ اُز‬٣‫خ اُغَٔ اُخجش‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ‫ػغ‬ٞ‫ ر‬
‫ رجذأ ثلؼَ آش‬٢‫خ اُز‬٣‫خ اُغِٔخ االٓش‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ 
Don't Stay up too late.
‫ ٓغ االخزظبساد‬
Mr. Mss. Dr.


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