RA For Assessment For Lifting Operations

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Reg. No.


CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Crane operator must be Untrained and uncertified All crane operators must be trained by an Untrained crane operators are Site Manager, Safety Officer
trained, certified and crane operators can lead to Accredited Institution and certified. used. & Supervisory staff are to
legally appointed. incidents causing injuries and C 8 enforce that Mobile cranes
damage to property. are only operated by trained
and certified personnel.
Legal exposure due to Legal Operators of Mobile Lifting Equipment Operators are not legally Site Manager & Safety
appointments not being in must be appointed as per the General appointed thus leading to Legal officer to ensure that all the
place. Machinery regulations. non-compliance by the Company. required legal appointments
C 18
are in place and filed as per
Company SHE Procedure
Rigger to be trained, Untrained and uncertified All Riggers must be trained by an Unqualified Riggers are used to Site Manager & Supervisors
certified, legally appointed Riggers carrying out lifts that Accredited Institution and certified. carry out big lifts or complicated are to ensure that all lifts
and identified. require a qualified Rigger as lifts. that require a qualified
per the Company SHE C 8 All Certified Riggers are to wear black Rigger as per the Company
Procedure Manual can lead to hardhats for identification purposes. SHE Procedure Manual are
incidents causing injuries and so carried out.
damage to property.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Rigger to be trained, Legal exposure due to Legal Qualified Riggers must be appointed as Operators are not legally Site Manager & Safety
certified, legally appointed appointments not being in per the General Machinery regulations. appointed thus leading to Legal officer to ensure that all the
and identified. (Conti.) place. non-compliance by the Company. required legal appointments
C 18
are in place and filed as per
Company SHE Procedure
The correct overhead Overloading crane can lead to The SWL displayed on the overhead crane The SWL of Cranes are ignored. Site Manager, Rigger and
crane for the mass of the equipment failure. should be adhered to at all times. Supervisor are to ensure
C 13
load is to be used. that the SWL of overhead
cranes are adhered.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
The correct overhead Uncertified crane is used All Lifting Equipment is to be tested and Cranes are not tested and certified The Company Plant
crane for the mass of the which could lead to equipment certified by an Authorised Inspection as per the Legal requirement. Manager, Site Manager are
load is to be used. (Conti.) failure and subsequent Authority once a year or when repaired or to ensure that these
injuries and/or damage to modified. This includes all integral parts of requirements are met prior
property. the said Lifting equipment e.g. hooks, to any Lifting Equipment
B 9
crane rope etc. being put into service.

Each crane is to have is own Logbook as

set out in the Companies SHE Procedure
Pre-use check to be done Faulty lifting machinery can A pre-use check is to be done on the Daily pre-use checklist for cranes Site Manager & Supervisor
on overhead crane before lead to injuries and damage. crane by the operator and any faults must are not done or not done correctly is to ensure that the
use. be reported to the Site Manager. operators meet the
B 9
The pre-use checklist is to be kept with the
operator for the period they are valid and
then to be handed to the Safety Officer for
the issue of a new checklist.

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Pre-use check to be done Operator falling from elevated Operator is to make use of the safe Safe access is not used or the Site Manager and
on overhead crane before area while doing pre-use access provided to overhead cranes. He is operator fails to attach himself or supervisors are to ensure
use. (Conti.) inspection. also to make use of a safety harness so attaches himself incorrectly. that operators are trained in
that he can attach himself to secure the use of safety harness’s
C 13 structure while on the elevated area. and are attached correctly at
all times.
He must ensure that he does not attach
himself to the any moving part of the
overhead crane or the crane rail.
See Risk Assessment TH BREA 008 – Working On Elevated Areas for lists associated Tasks, Hazards, Risk Matrix, Control Measures
and Responsibilities.
Obtain lifting equipment Incorrect lifting tackle is Only qualified Riggers or trained semi- Incompetent staff are permitted to Site Manager, Supervisor
from the stores. obtained which could lead to skilled riggers/banksman are to book out book out rigging equipment from and store man are to ensure
equipment failure and B 9 rigging tackle. the stores. that this is complied with.
subsequent injuries and

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Obtain lifting equipment Damaged equipment can lead All lifting equipment is to be inspected and Lifting tackle is not inspected, Site manager, Safety Officer
from the stores. (Conti.) to equipment failure. certified annually by an Authorised certified. and Appointed Lifting Tackle
Inspection Authority. Inspector are to ensure that
this complied with.
All lifting equipment is to be numbered and
registered and is to be inspected monthly
B 14 by the Appointed Lifting Tackle Inspector
and colour coded as per the monthly
colour codes.

All user of lifting equipment are to do a pre

use inspection of the equipment prior to

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Slinging of load and attach No qualified Rigger is used for A qualified rigger is to be used for all lifts Unqualified employees are Site Manager and
guide ropes. all major lifts or the load as specified in the Company’s SHE allowed to carry out major or Supervisors to ensure that
presents a degree of difficulty. Procedure Manual. difficult lifts. this does not occur.

In the case of small lifts a trained semi

B 9 skilled rigger/banksman can be used.

The crane operator and rigger/semi-skilled

rigger can be the same person provided
that he has been trained to do both tasks
as stated earlier in this Risk Assessment.
The area is not barricaded off When ever any lifting operation is taking No barrication is used or is Site Manager, Safety
and/or no symbolic signs used place the area is to be barricaded with ignored by others. Officer, Rigger and
black& yellow barrication tape and no supervisors to ensure that
entry signs put in place. this is in place.
B 5
Rigger or semi-skilled rigger is to ensure
no-one enters the area and none of his
rigging team goes under the load.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Slinging of load and attach Incorrect slinging Only qualified Riggers or trained semi- Incompetent staff carryout slinging Site Manager, Riggers and
guide ropes. (Conti.) methodology can lead to skilled riggers/banksman are to sling operations. supervisors to ensure that
C 13
equipment failure and/or load loads. control measures are
failing. adhered to.
No safe access is given to A ladder is to be used to obtain access to Staff climb onto load without Site Manager, Rigger are to
staff to gain access to the top the top of load. proper and safe access or fail to ensure that safe access is
C 18
of load to carry out rigging & use the safe access provided. available and used.
slinging operations
Hands caught in lifting tackle. The use of PPE must be enforced at all Staff fail to use their PPE. Site Manager, Safety Officer
times. & Supervisory staff are to
enforce the use of PPE by
B 14
firstly educating staff and
then disciplinary action if

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Lift load to required Unbalanced load could lead to The correct lifting methodology is to be The load is not balanced correctly. Rigger, Semi-skilled riggers
elevation. lifting tackle failure and used by competently trained rigging crew. and supervisors to ensure
uncontrolled lift. that loads are balanced
B 9 The rigger or semi-skilled rigger is to before the lift takes place.
check all rigging and is to lift the load just
off the ground to check for the balance of
the load.
People walking under the load The area is to be barricaded off and no No barrication or symbolic signs Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
entry symbolic signs are to be used. are used or ignored. and supervisors are to
ensure that these measures
B 5 The Rigger or semi-skilled rigger is to use The people in the area are not are in place.
a whistle to warn every one in the vicinity warned of the intended lift.
that the load is being lifted in addition to
the overhead crane sirens.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Move load to position. The load can swing and Guide ropes are to be used during lifting No guide ropes or insufficient Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
collide with existing structures. operations. guide ropes are used. and supervisors are to
ensure the use of guide
In the case of piping or loads that due to Guide ropes not used correctly. ropes.
their weight, shape and/or surface area
B 14 are prone to swing more than one guide
rope is to be used.

Guide ropes are to be used under the

direct instruction of the rigger or semi-
skilled rigger.
Guide ropes can come into Ensure that the guide rope is long enough No precautions are taken Rigger/semi-skilled rigger,
contact with existing moving so that it does not go into any moving regarding guide ropes. supervisor and crane
machinery in the area and machinery and is under control at all times operators are to ensure that
B 9
lead to damage. or ensure that the load is lifted in such a precautions are taken.
manner that the guide rope cannot come
into contact with any moving machinery.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Move load to position. Where the crane operator and Where the crane operator and Everyone on the scene gives Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
(Conti.) Rigger/semi-skilled rigger are Rigger/semi-skilled rigger are not the instructions to the crane operator and supervisors are to
not the same person, same person, only the Rigger/semi-skilled or there is no proper ensure that these measures
instruction given to the crane rigger in charge of the lift is to give communication between are in place at all times.
operator by different people instructions to the crane operator. Rigger/semi-skilled rigger and
could lead to confusion and crane operator.
have disastrous The Rigger or semi-skilled rigger and the
B 5
consequences. crane operator are to ensure that there is
proper communication between them at all
Poor communication between times. If visible or electronic
Rigger and crane operator communication is interrupted, the crane
could lead to confusion, operator is to stop operations until
injuries and damage to communication is re-established.
Crane operator slipping or The crane operator is to check the path Operator does not plan his path or Rigger/semi-skilled rigger (if
tripping over loose objects in that he intends to walk while moving the fails to inspect it. present) and the supervisor
B 14
his path. load to ensure that he cannot slip or trip is to ensure that operator
and fall. carries such inspection.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

REVISION NO: 02 Page 10 of 19

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Lower the load very slowly No safe access is given to Employees are to gain safe access to Staff climb onto elevated areas Site Manager, Rigger are to
into position. employees to gain access to elevated areas by means of existing safe without proper and safe access or ensure that safe access is
elevated areas where the load access, scaffolding or boatswain chair. fail to use the safe access available and used.
is to be positioned. C 8 provided.
The employees are then to use safety
harness either attached to approved
lifelines or a secure structure.
Employees awaiting the load Rigger or semi-skilled rigger is to ensure The load is lowered into position Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
are not aware of the position that the employees awaiting the load are without awaiting employees being and supervisors are to
of the load. aware of its position before lowering it into aware of its position. ensure that these measures
D 17 position. are in place at all times.

These employees are to use the guide

ropes to control the load.
Damaged caused to overhead No rigging will be done with overhead Loads are pulled to the sides while Site Manager, Rigger/semi-
crane mechanism due to cranes that will cause the ropes of the suspended. skilled rigger, supervisor and
pulling load to the sides from B 9 crane to be pulled away from the vertical operators are to ensure that
the vertical angle. angle of the rope. The overhead crane this does not occur.
ropes must be vertical at all times.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

REVISION NO: 02 Page 11 of 19

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Lower the load very slowly Hand or body parts being Employees must ensure that they do not Employees fail to take precautions Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
into position. (Conti.) injured due to employees hold onto the load or climb onto it until it is against this hazard. and supervisors are to
coming between the load and in position. Guide ropes are to be used. ensure that employees are
its final resting place. aware of the hazards.
C 13
If load is to be manhandled employees
must ensure that they have no body part
that can be jammed between the load and
the surrounding existing structures.
Hand injuries caused by sharp The use of PPE must be enforced at all Staff fail to use their PPE. Site Manager, Safety Officer
edges of load. times. & Supervisory staff are to
enforce the use of PPE by
A 10
firstly educating staff and
then disciplinary action if
When in position, lifting No safe access is given to Employees are to gain safe access to top Staff climb onto load without Site Manager, Rigger are to
tackle slackened and staff to gain access to the top of by means of existing safe access, proper and safe access or fail to ensure that safe access is
C 8
removed from load. of load to remove lifting tackle ladder or boatswain chair. use the safe access provided. available and used.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

REVISION NO: 02 Page 12 of 19

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Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
When in position, lifting Hands caught in lifting tackle. The use of PPE must be enforced at all Staff fails to use their PPE. Site Manager, Safety Officer
tackle slackened and times. & Supervisory staff are to
removed from load. enforce the use of PPE by
B 14
(Conti.) firstly educating staff and
then disciplinary action if
Lifting tackle gets hooked Employees at the load must ensure that No precautions are taken to Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
when the crane repositions lifting tackle is properly disengaged and prevent lifting tackle getting and supervisors to ensure
boom. will not catch onto any item in the hooked or damaged. that all precautions are
immediate facility before notifying the taken.
Rigger/semi-skilled rigger that the lifting
C 13
tackle can be lifted.

Employees are to ensure that lifting tackle

does not get damaged due to working in

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
Reg. No. 2001002519/07

CRANES Common Has Could Not likely
Occurrences Happened Occur To occur
Risk & Environmental
DATE: 11/10/05 Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 A B C D
6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Multipart Fatality R500 000 & More 1 2 4 7
Risk Assessment Team:

Fatal R200 000 TO R500 000 3 5 8 12
1. E. Silveiro Serious injury R50 000 TO R200 000 6 9 13 17
2. R. Olwagen Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Lost Time Injury R10 000 TO R50 000 10 14 18 21
3. Minor Injury R10 000 & Less 15 19 22 24
4. High Risk
5. Accepted on behalf of Client: Accepted on behalf of Client: Medium Risk
6. Low Risk
For Quality Risk Refer to Work Instruction for the
7. Various Departments.
Potential Hazard Risk Control Measures in place or to be Persons responsible for
Short Comings
Task and Probability Safety implemented Implementation and
Loss Exposure Rating Supervision.
Return lifting tackle to Tackle left lying around can Lifting tackle must be kept clean and Lifting tackle is left lying around Site Manager, Safety
store when all lifting tasks lead to tripping hazard or stored on suitable hooks and shelves off and not stored correctly. Officer, Riggers,
are completed. equipment can be damaged. A 15 the ground in a clean and dry area. Supervisors and store man
are to ensure that this is
Dragging of lifting tackle can Employees are to ensure that lifting tackle No care is taken to safe guard Rigger, semi-skilled rigger
lead to damage to equipment. is transported or carried is such a way that lifting tackle. and supervisors to ensure
A 15
it will not damage the equipment. that all precautions are
Lock out the overhead Unauthorised use of the crane If the overhead crane is not going to be Unauthorised use of overhead Site Manager, Safety Officer
crane. by incompetent employees. used any further the crane must be locked crane due to it not being locked and Supervisor to ensure
B 9
out at the power source to prevent out. that a lock out system is
unauthorised use thereof. implemented.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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Reg. No. 2001002519/07


Risk & Environmental Assessment Register no: TH BREA 03 REV 03 SIGNIFICANCE EVALUATION
DATE: 11/10/05 6(1)/2.6.1 Contractors Signature: Legal Compliance Yes (1) No (20)
Extent Local (1) Site (2) Region (3) National (4)
Assessment Team: Duration Short Term (1) Medium term (2) Long Term (3) Permanent (4)
1. E. Silveiro Safety Co-ordinator/Officer: Intensity Low/Minor (1) Medium (2) Major (3) High (4)
2. R. Olwagen Probability Improbable (1) Probable (2) Highly probable (3) Definitely (4)
3. Stakeholders No Influence (1) Neutral (2) Negative Influence (3) Legal Implication
4. Accepted on behalf of Client: Expectation (4)
6. Significance
Low 5-9 Medium 10 - 14 High 15 - 20
7. Accepted on behalf of Client: Value
Control Measures to mitigate
Impact Persons
Activity Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact L E D I P S SV
Use of the overhead Energy consumption - Socio- economic effects Only the amount electricity required to Supervisor is to
crane. Electricity complete the job is to be used. ensure that he
monitors and controls
1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Unnecessary use of the overhead this.
crane must be monitored. Equipment
and/or material that can be moved but
other effective means are to be used.

DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form

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DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form
REVISION NO: 02 Page 16 of 19

Reg. No. 2001002519/07




1. Crane operator must be trained, certified and legally appointed.

2. Rigger to be trained, certified, legally appointed and identified.
3. The correct overhead crane for the mass of the load is to be used.
4. Pre-use check to be done on overhead crane before use.
5. Obtain lifting equipment from the stores.
6. Slinging of load and attach guide ropes.
7. Lift load to required elevation.
8. Move load to position.
9. Lower the load very slowly into position.
10. When in position, lifting tackle slackened and removed from load.
11. Return lifting tackle to store when all lifting tasks are completed.


Untrained and uncertified crane operators can lead to incidents causing injuries and
damage to property.
2. Legal exposure due to Legal appointments not being in place.
Untrained and uncertified Riggers carrying out lifts that require a qualified Rigger as per the
3. Company SHE Procedure Manual can lead to incidents causing injuries and damage to
4. Legal exposure due to Legal appointments not being in place.
5. Overloading crane can lead to equipment failure.
Uncertified crane is used which could lead to equipment failure and subsequent injuries
and/or damage to property.
7. Faulty lifting machinery can lead to injuries and damage.
8. Operator falling from elevated area while doing pre-use inspection.
See Risk Assessment TH BREA 008 – Working in Elevated Areas for lists associated
Incorrect lifting tackle is obtained which could lead to equipment failure and subsequent
injuries and damages.
11. Damaged equipment can lead to equipment failure.
12. No qualified Rigger is used for all major lifts or the load presents a degree of difficulty.
13. The area is not barricaded off and/or no symbolic signs used
14. Incorrect slinging methodology can lead to equipment failure and/or load failing.
No safe access is given to staff to gain access to the top of load to carry out rigging &
slinging operations
16. Hands caught in lifting tackle.
17. Unbalanced load could lead to lifting tackle failure and uncontrolled lift.
18. People walking under the load
19. The load can swing and collide with existing structures.
Guide ropes can come into contact with existing moving machinery in the area and lead to

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DOCUMENT NO: HSED 18 TITLE: Risk & Environmental Assessment Form
REVISION NO: 02 Page 17 of 19

Where the crane operator and Rigger/semi-skilled rigger are not the same person,
21. instruction given to the crane operator by different people could lead to confusion and have
disastrous consequences.
Poor communication between Rigger and crane operator could lead to confusion, injuries
and damage to property.
23. Crane operator slipping or tripping over loose objects in his path.
No safe access is given to employees to gain access to elevated areas where the load is to
be positioned.
25. Employees awaiting the load are not aware of the position of the load.
Damaged caused to overhead crane mechanism due to pulling load to the sides from the
vertical angle.
Hand or body parts being injured due to employees coming between the load and its final
resting place.
28. Hand injuries caused by sharp edges of load.
29. No safe access is given to staff to gain access to the top of load to remove lifting tackle
30. Hands caught in lifting tackle.
31. Lifting tackle gets hooked when the crane repositions boom.
32. Tackle left lying around can lead to tripping hazard or equipment can be damaged.
33. Dragging of lifting tackle can lead to damage to equipment.


1. Energy consumption - Electricity

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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is
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REVISION NO: 02 Page 18 of 19

Reg. No. 2001002519/07

Proof of communication and training of Risk & Environmental Assessment and

Method statement for:





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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is
issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.
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REVISION NO: 02 Page 19 of 19

Reg. No. 2001002519/07

Proof of communication and training of Risk & Environmental Assessment and

Method statement for:





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The validity of the format of this document will be 12 months from date of print, unless it is printed from TH’s HSE Head Office. The validity of the format will cease as soon as a new Revision is
issued by TH’s HSE Head Office.

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