BusinessMath Q2 W56
BusinessMath Q2 W56
BusinessMath Q2 W56
Department of Education
District of Los Bańos
BN Calara Integrated National High School
Brgy. Anos Los Bańos, Laguna
This activity sheet was written for you to accomplish at home. It was carefully
designed so that you can work at your own pace and allow self-discovery of the concept
through activities that you will perform. Activities were also selected to allow
independent learning which also aims to develop student’s reading comprehension skills
through understanding written texts.
Overtime Pay
Other than the regular salaries, wages and other benefits received by employees, they are
also entitled to an overtime. Some employees take this on their advantage to complete their daily
necessities. Sometimes, their earnings for 8 hours a day do not meet the needs of their families.
Others do this for savings. Whatever reason they have, employees are mandated to receive
overtime pay for their overtime.
From the previous word problem, an employee (Luz) who works for more than the required eight
(8) hours of is entitled to an overtime pay.
An overtime pay is a payment for a work done beyond working hours. The normal hours
of work of any employee shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day. (Art. 83). Premium Pay is the
additional payment for work within rest days/special days.
Overtime pay in a regular day is 125% of employee’s hourly rate times the number of
overtime hours. Thus, Luz’ total overtime is:
125% x Php 100 x 2 hours = Php 250.
Computation of overtime pay varies on when overtime work is done. Below are articles of
the Labor Code of the Philippines concerning overtime.
Illustrative Example.
Suppose your father works for 10 hours and his daily regular wage is Php 400. Compute
for his overtime pay and total earnings on a:
O = 125%
of Hreg
= 1.25(50)
= Php 62.5
On Rest Hreg = 400 ÷ 8 Hrest = 130% O = 130% T= [(8 x 65) + (2 x84.50)]
Day/ = Php 50 of Hreg of Hrest = 520 + 169
=1.3 (50) = 1.3(65) = 689
= Php 65 = Php 84.50
On Rest Hreg = 400 ÷ 8 Hrest/hol O=130% of T=[(8 x 75) + (2 x 97.5)]
Day = Php 50 = 150% of Hrest/hol = 600 + 195
falls on a Hreg = 1.3 x 75 = Php 795
Special = 1.5 (50) = Php 97.50
Day = Php 75
Alternatively, the following steps can be done on special days. Let us try it on a regular
B. Daily Rate Method
400 x 2 = 800
Spreadsheet for Computation and Presentation
You will use excel (this time) in answering the previous problem. But before that,
familiarize yourself with the spreadsheet. To begin with, open your spreadsheet (excel).
Below is a sample.
Next, search on the internet how a “cell” is identified and how “dragging” is done. This
will be the starting point of using the excel. Likewise, be reminded of the following:
You are now ready to solve the previous problem. Type in the given data on the previous
problem. (Color is for emphasis only.)
➢ To solve for the total deduction, click the cell for
it (F12), then add the deductions from SSS Premium
to BIR Tax. Type “=sum (highlight the value from
SSS Premium to BIR Tax). Enter.
➢ For the standard deductions, there are specified contribution tables to be followed as
discussed in the previous modules. Another function, the “vlookup” is used. Search more on
it in the internet. Try it in solving for the tax.
More examples:
1. Compute for Tita Pau’s monthly, semi-monthly, weekly and bi-weekly salary using
Hint: It is easier to solve this problem if you have the annual salary.
Enter the formula starting with B2 up to F2 (as shown below).
2. In EY EL PI Company, employees are paid 125% of their hourly regular payment in excess
of 8-hour work. Compute for the employees’ total income for the week. See the table below.
For the Total Hours:
Multiply the hourly rate by the regular hours. Thus, in K2, type =B2*I2,enter.
For the Overtime Pay:
Multiply the hourly rate by the overtime hours by 125%. Thus, in L2, type =B2*J2*1.25,
then enter.
For the Total Income:
Add the regular pay and overtime pay. Thus, in M2, type =K2+L2, then enter, or
=sum(K2:L2) then enter.
DO NOT forget to drag down to compute the rest of employees’ data and get this:
3. Aleyah and Ayelah works in a factory. They receive hourly rates of Php 50 and Php 60,
respectively for regular days (Monday to Friday). If the factory follows the mandates on the
Labor Code, compute for their gross earnings last week given that they both worked on the
following days except that Ayelah was absent on Thursday.
Monday – 8 hours Wednesday – 10 hours Friday – 12hours
Tuesday – 12 hours Thursday – 7 hours
a. First, you need to create pay head and indicate the given data like this:
b. Then enter the formula for:
overtime rates = 125% of hourly rates In cell C2, type =1.25*B2,enter,drag down
total hours = sum from Monday to Friday In cell I2,type =sum(D2:H2),enter, drag down
Regular hours- Cells under this should be the minimum hours per week (8 hours x 5 days
)or less. Since both exceed 40hours, one option is to enter 40 on J2 and drag down. Another
is to use “if function”. On cell J2, enter “=IF(I2<=40,I2,40)” and drag down.
Overtime hours = Total Hours – Regular hours. What are you going to type on K2?
Regular Pay = Hourly Rates x Regular hours. Thus type =B2*J2 on L2 then drag.
Overtime Pay = Overtime rates x Overtime hours. Thus type =C2*K2 on M2 then drag.
Gross pay = Regular Pay + Overtime Pay. Thus, type =L2+M2, then drag.
Thus, Aleyah’s gross earnings is Php 2,562.50 while Ayelah’s is Php 2,550.00
Other than computing salaries and overtime, you can also present them graphically using
the spreadsheet. Usually, the pie graph is used to represent salaries and overtime. It simply
shows the division of the salary and the percentage allocated to each division. To do this:
4. Look for the insert pie. For this, click the first 2-D pie. Then press Enter.
5. This should appear. You can also choose from the ribbons the design of your pie graph.
6. Click the Chart Title and change to desired title.
7. You may also choose from the options on the design of your pie graph.