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CTRL Shortcuts

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PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts: Ctrl + Shift + H

2016 Show/Hide Notes pane

Ctrl Shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + N

Duplicates active presentation
Ctrl + A
Select all slide objects (Normal view) Ctrl + I
Select all slides (Slides tab and Slide Italicize selected text
Select all text (in Outline view) Ctrl + J
Change the pointer to an arrow (Slide
Justify selected text
Show view)
Ctrl + Shift + J
Ctrl + B
Regroup previously grouped objects
Bold selected text
Ctrl + K
Ctrl + C
Insert hyperlink
Ctrl + L
Ctrl + D
Left align selected text
Duplicate slide objects (Normal view)
Duplicate slides (Slide Sorter view, and in
Slides pane within Normal view) Ctrl + M
Duplicate selected Layout or selected Slide Insert New Slide (Normal and Slide
Master (Slide Master view) Sorterviews)
Insert New Master (Slide Master view)
Ctrl + Shift + D
Duplicate active slide Ctrl + N
Create New Presentation
Ctrl + E
Center Align selected text (Normal view) Ctrl + O
Change Pointer to Eraser (Slide Showview) Open presentation

Ctrl + F Ctrl + P
Open the Find dialog box Ctrl + F2
Ctrl + Shift + F12
Ctrl + G
Opens the Print pane in Backstage view for
Group selected slide objects the active presentation
Changes Pointer to Pen (Slide Show view
Ctrl + Shift + G — Ctrl + P only)
Ctrl + Q
Ctrl + H Exit PowerPoint
Open Replace dialog box
Hide Pointer and Navigation buttons (Slide Ctrl + R
Show view) Right align selected text
Ctrl + S Ctrl + F5
Save (for presentations saved at least once) Present Online
Save As (for presentations never saved)
Opens All Slides dialog box (Slide Ctrl + F6
Showview) Switch between open PowerPoint
presentations – recently opened ones after
Ctrl + T previously opened ones
Opens Font dialog box (select the text
container first) Ctrl + Shift + F6
Display the computer task bar (Slide Switch between open PowerPoint
Showview) presentations – previously opened ones after
recently opened ones
Ctrl + U
Underline selected text Ctrl + Shift + F9
Hide the pointer and navigation button in 15 Turn off/on Snap to Grid
seconds (Slide Show view)
Ctrl + F12
Ctrl + V
Open presentation
Ctrl + Shift + [ New for 2016
Ctrl + Alt + V
Reorder one layer below
Paste Special
Ctrl + Shift + ] New for 2016
Ctrl + W
Reorder one layer above
Close active presentation
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + X
Switch between open PowerPoint
Cut presentations

Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Space

F4 Reset all text formatting to default (select all
Repeat or redo text in Outline view, and use this shortcut
Ctrl + Z
Undo Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the word just before the insertion
Ctrl + 1 point
Access formatting options for a selected
chart element Ctrl + Delete
Delete the word just after the insertion point
Ctrl + F1
Hide and unhide Ribbon Ctrl + Home
Go to the beginning of the first word in a
Ctrl + F4 text container while editing. If nothing on
Close active presentation your slide is selected, go to the first slide
Selects first slide (Slide Sorter view)
Ctrl + End Ctrl + Shift + C
Go to the end of the last word in a text Copy object attributes
container while editing. If nothing on your
slide is selected, go to the last slide Ctrl + Shift + V
Selects last slide (Slide Sorter view) Paste object attributes

Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Home

Switch to the next text placeholder in the Select from cursor location to the beginning
presentation of all text (select the text container first)
Add new slide if no more text placeholders
Ctrl + Shift + End
Ctrl + Left Arrow Select from cursor location to the end of all
text (select the text container first)
Go to the beginning of the previous word
Nudge selected slide object leftwards
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Ctrl + Right Arrow Switch between the Normal View
and Outline view
Move cursor to beginning of next word
Nudge selected slide object rightwards
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
Ctrl + Up Arrow Select or cancel selection for one word to
the left (for text)
Move cursor to start of previous paragraph Size selected object(s) thinner in smaller
Nudge selected slide object upwards
increments than Shift + Left Arrow
Scroll Notes upwards in Presenter view

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Ctrl + Down Arrow
Select or cancel selection for one word to
Move cursor to start of next paragraph
the right (for text)
Nudge selected slide object downwards
Size selected object(s) thicker in smaller
Scroll Notes downwards in Presenter view
increments than Shift + Right Arrow
Ctrl + click; then arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Keys: Left , Right , Up , or Down Select or cancel selection for one paragraph
Move/nudge chart in a direction above (for text)
Size selected object(s) taller in smaller
Ctrl + Page Up increments than Shift + Up Arrow
Scroll Notes upwards in Presenter view
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Ctrl + Page Down Select or cancel selection for one paragraph
Scroll Notes downwards in Presenter view below (for text)
Size selected object(s) shorter in smaller
Ctrl + Shift + F increments than Shift + Down Arrow
Open Font dialog box, when text is selected
Ctrl + Shift + >
Ctrl + Shift + P Increase font size
Open Font dialog box, when text is selected
Ctrl + Shift + < F2
Decrease font size Activate text editing in a text object such as
a placeholder, box, or shape. Press F2again
Ctrl + < to deactivate text editing and select the
Adds new section entire text object
Rename Section (when a Section is selected
in the Slides pane or in Slide Sorter view)
Ctrl + - (minus),
Rename Slide Object (when a slide object is
Just – (minus) selected in the Selection and Visibilitypane)
Zoom out of a slide, or See all slides (Slide F5
Show view) View the slide show from first slide

G F6
Show all slides (Slide Show view) Moves among various panes, the QAT, and
Show all slides with active slide unaffected the Ribbon (Normal view)
(Presenter view)
Shift + F5
Ctrl + + (plus), View Slide Show from the current slide
Just + (plus) onwards
Zoom in a Slide (Slide Show view)
Ctrl + Shift + = Spellcheck
Superscript selected text
Shift + F7
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + > Thesaurus
Superscript selected text (press multiple
times to change the height of the superscript) F12
Save as
Ctrl + =
Subscript selected text Alt Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + < Alt
Subscript selected text (press multiple times Activate Access Keys on the Ribbon
to change the height of the subscript)
Alt + A
Access Animations tab of the Ribbon

Function Key Shortcuts Alt + F

Alt + Shift + F
Open Backstage view
Open PowerPoint Help Window (all views
except Slide Show view)
Alt + G
Opens a list of Slide Show shortcut keys
(Slide Show view) Access Design tab of the Ribbon
Alt + H Alt + Esc
Access Home tab of the Ribbon Switches to the next open application

Alt + J Alt + F2
Access Contextual tabs of the Ribbon – Save As
results depend on what type of slide object is
selected Alt + F4
Alt + K
Access Transitions tab of the Ribbon Alt + F5
Opens Presenter view
Alt + L
Access Developer tab of the Ribbon (if Alt + F8
enabled) Show Macro dialog box

Alt + M Alt + F9
Access Slide Master tab of the Ribbon Show/Hide Guides
(Slide Master view)
Alt + F10
Alt + N
Show or Hide Selection Task Pane
Access Insert tab of the Ribbon
Alt + F11
Alt + P
Access Microsoft Visual Basic for
Toggle between Play and Pause Buttons for Applications environment
media (Works in Normal and Slide
Show views)
Alt + Shift + F9
Alt + Q Show/Hide Rulers
Access the Tell Me help option
(Normalview) Alt + Shift + A
Stops media playback (Slide Show view) Show all text or Headings (Outline view)

Alt + R Alt + Shift + C

Access Review tab of the Ribbon Pick up Animation attributes (activates
the Animation Painter). You can then click
Alt + S on any slide object to paste the copied
Animation attributes.
Access Slide Show tab of the Ribbon
Alt + Shift + D
Alt + U
Show Header and Footer dialog box
Mute (works in Normal and Slide
Alt + Tab
Alt + W Switch to next application(s) (essentially a
Windows shortcut key, not a PowerPoint
Access View tab of the Ribbon shortcut)
Alt + Shift + Tab Alt + End
Switch to previous application(s) Go to the next Bookmark for media clip
(essentially a Windows shortcut key, not a (works in Normal and Slide Show views)
PowerPoint shortcut)
Alt + Home
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow Go to the previous Bookmark for media clip
Promote (for selected text on the slide or in (works in Normal and Slide Showviews)
the Outline view)
Alt + Up Arrow
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow Increase the volume (works
Demote (for selected text on the slide or in in Normal and Slide Show views)
the Outline view)
Alt + Down Arrow
Alt + Shift + Up Arrow Decrease the volume (works
Move up (for selected text on the slide or in in Normal and Slide Show views)
the Outline view)
Alt + Left Arrow
Alt + Shift + Down Arrow Rotate slide object counter-clockwise by 15
Move down (for selected text on the slide or degrees
in the Outline view)
Alt + Right Arrow
Alt + Shift + 1 Rotate slide object clockwise by 15 degrees
Hide everything except titles within
the Outline view
Collapse all groups within the Selection and
Visibility pane
Shift Shortcuts
Alt + Shift + 9
Show all content within Outline view
Move to the subsequent cell within a Table
Expand all groups within the Selection and
Activate the next option or option group
Visibility pane
within Dialog box
Select next slide object on Slide (when one
Alt + Shift + + object is selected)
Expand text for selected title Go to next hyperlink in Slide Show view (if
within Outline view hyperlinks exist)

Alt + Shift + - Shift + Tab

Collapse text for selected title Move to the preceding cell within a Table
within Outline view Activate the previous option or option group
within Dialog box
Alt + Shift + Page Down Select previous slide object on Slide (when
Seek media ahead; like a Forward button one object is selected)
(works in Normal and Slide Show views) Go to previous hyperlink in Slide Showview
(if hyperlinks exist)
Alt + Shift + Page Up
Shift + F3
Seek media backwards; like a Rewindbutton
(works in Normal and Slide Showviews) Cycle case of selected text (Sentence,
Lowercase, and Uppercase). Won’t work for Shift + Ctrl + Home
text set to All Caps in the Font dialog box; Select or deselect all text from the cursor to
to bring up the Font dialog box, press the start of the active text object
the Ctrl + T shortcut key)
Shift + Ctrl + End
Shift + F4
Select or deselect all text from the cursor to
Repeat last Find action, after the Find the end of the active text object
dialog box is closed

Shift + F6
Move to a pane from another pane in the Other Shortcuts
program window (works counter-clockwise)
Shift + F9
Move cursor to beginning of current line of
Show or hide the grid text
Select first slide (Slide Sorter view)
Shift + F10
Display the right-click contextual menu for End
the selected object Move cursor to end of current line of text
Select last slide (Slide Sorter view)
Shift + Left Arrow
Select or deselect one character to the left Page Up
(for text) Move to previous slide (Normal and Slide
Size selected object(s) thinner Show views)

Shift + Right Arrow Page Down

Select or deselect one character to the right Move to next slide (Normal and Slide
(for text) Showviews)
Size selected object(s) thicker
Shift + Up Arrow
Delete one character to the left (when text
Select or deselect text one line up (for text) within a text box, placeholder, or shape is
Size selected object(s) taller active)

Shift + Down Arrow Backspace , P , or Left Arrow

Select or deselect text one line down (for Move to previous slide or previous
text) animation (Slide Show view)
Size selected object(s) shorter
Spacebar , N , or Right Arrow
Shift + Home
Move to next slide or next animation (Slide
Select or deselect text to the beginning of Show view)
the line.
Shift + End
Delete one character to the right (when text
Select or deselect text to the end of the line within a text box, placeholder, or shape is
<Number> + Enter Left Arrow
Goes to the slide of that number (Slide Move cursor towards left on slide
Show view) (Normal view)
Select previous slide (Slide Sorter view)
Pause the slide show and display a black Right Arrow
screen. Press B again to resume the show Move cursor towards right on slide
(Slide Show view) (Normal view)
Select next slide (Slide Sorter view)
Erase on-screen annotations (Slide Up Arrow
Showview) Move cursor upwards on slide
(Normal view)
H Select slide above (Slide Sorter view)
Go to next hidden slide (Slide Show view)
Down Arrow
M Move cursor downwards on slide
(Normal view)
Use mouse-click to advance while
Select slide below (Slide Sorter view)
rehearsing (Slide Show view)

Use original timings while rehearsing (Slide
Show view)

S or Pause
Stop the show, and freeze the screen.
Press S again to restart the show (Slide

Set new timings while rehearsing (Slide
Show view)

Pause the show and display a white screen.
Press W again to resume the show (in Slide
Show view)

End the slide show (Slide Show view)
Cancel a menu or dialog box action

Add text within selected object such as a
shape or placeholder

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