VM211 MODULE 13 Developing Ethics Way To Virtue
VM211 MODULE 13 Developing Ethics Way To Virtue
VM211 MODULE 13 Developing Ethics Way To Virtue
Veritas et Misericordia 3
WEEK 13-14
The secret to a happy life is when our thoughts and actions are aligned. However, seldom do we
find ourselves in a conundrum where what we intend to do and what we exactly did are not
aligned. Happiness is not only just the balancing of those factors but also creating a harmony
with our inclinations that they might neither be excessive nor deficient.
On this module, you are expected to:
1. Analyze the way you behave if they are categorized in either virtue or vice;
2. Understand that there are possible ways to balance our vices;
3. Create a plan of action how to balance our inclinations and passions.
What is judged to be good are actions. But these are actions that are done voluntarily or
out of your own freedom and knowledge of what you are doing. And if you act upon these
chosen actions, this is what makes your character. As the saying goes, “you are, what you do.”
Hence, a consistent state of character is what you call virtue. For Aristotle, Virtue involves
striking a mean between extremes of action and passion or what he calls “vices”. Excess is
having too much of something. While deficiency, on the other hand, is having to little of
something. To strike the mean is not mediocrity but attainment of harmony and balance.
Deficiency Cowardice VIRTUE Excess Rashness
Rate yourself if you are excessive, deficient, or virtuous by putting a check mark in the box of
each row. If you answer excessive or deficient, make some plan of action that would make you
virtuous. If you answer virtuous, write down the things that you do to justify your answer.
to confront my anxieties and
consider how the choices, I make
will affect others. This is also
feasible for me since my family is
willing to assist me, and we
consistently look to our trust in God
for direction. I am neither a weak
person who makes judgments based
on my fears, nor am I a hasty person
who frequently makes decisions that
are risky. Neither of these traits
describes me.
Selfindulgent TEMPERANCE Anhedonic I've learned to find a good medium
(drunken, (healthy (incapable of between the things that make me
glutton, moderation) enjoying happy and the ones that make me
promiscuous) pleasure) uncomfortable as I've gotten older.
For instance, I know when it's a good
idea to relax and do things that make
me happy. In contrast, I am conscious
of the times when I must devote more
time to my tasks than I would like to.
Therefore, I've learned that the key to
having fun is to maintain some
semblance of order.
Cheapness GENEROSITY Wastefulness I prefer to think of myself as a
generous person since I am never
selfish when it comes to assisting
others or giving gifts to other people,
especially those in my close and
extended family. But I do this only to
the extent that I can. Giving is
something I do solely to the extent
that it does not compromise my
ability to save for the future. Acting
in this way allows me to offer
without coming out as miserly or
Self-Shame, PROPER Arrogance, Although I have a healthy dose of
Servility PRIDE Vanity self-assurance, I am also humble
(Low self- (& high (Bloated self- enough to recognize when I am
esteem) ambition) esteem) wrong and to make a concerted effort
to correct my shortcomings. For
instance, I guard against low self-
esteem by bolstering my spirits with
encouraging words to myself. But
despite this, I don't think of myself as
a proud person because I don't
consider myself better than anyone
covetous, FAIR- Altruistic Since I make an effort to maintain
dominator MINDEDNESS objectivity whenever deciding what is
right and wrong, I like to think that I
have a level head. I don't consider
myself a greedy person because I
don't want to live off the success of
others without making any positive
changes in the world. I am not
completely unselfish in that I would
help others even if it meant getting
nothing in return.
When making a choice, I consider
how it will effect not only me, but
also the others around me, in the sake
of maintaining a sense of fairness and