Spontaneous Generation PPT - Final
Spontaneous Generation PPT - Final
Spontaneous Generation PPT - Final
Spontaneous Generation
• For much of history, people believed that animals could come
from non-living sources. They thought:
– Frogs developed from falling drops of rain
– mice arose from sweaty underwear
– and flies arose from decaying meat.
• This is called abiogenesis
• Also known as spontaneous generation
• These ideas
were followed
because people
accepted what
they were told
The Power of Authority
• In the past, people
believed what they were
told by “authorities” such
as the Church, or the
ancient Greek philosopher
• Questioning Aristotle was
like questioning the
• One “scientist” put forward the belief that mice could
be generated spontaneously from wheat and a sweaty
• The wheat provided the “nutritive power” and the
shirt provided the “active principle.”
• “active principle” = a mysterious “life-force” that
allowed spontaneous generation to occur.
1668 -- Francisco Redi (Italian physician & poet)--
attempted to disprove the theory of Spontaneous Generation.
“The flesh of dead animals cannot engender
worms unless the eggs of the living being
deposited therein”
• growth depended
on the SEAL
only 120 mins
(French chemist) entered a contest sponsored
Louis Pasteur 1859– by French Academy of Sciences to prove or
disprove Spontaneous generation.