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Fence Infill

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Reference: ADM 2015 | LRFD

Curtain Wall Parameters
L = 1.20 m Total unsupported length of profile

Aluminum Profile Properties
profile = TUBE20x20x3 Aluminum profile
At = 204.00 mm² Cross section area of aluminum profile
cx1 = 10.0 mm Distance of extreme fiber from Y‐axis
cx2 = 10.0 mm Distance of extreme fiber from Y‐axis
cy1 = 10.0 mm Distance of extreme fiber from X‐axis
cy2 = 10.0 mm Distance of extreme fiber from X‐axis
Ix = 1.01 cm⁴ Moment of inertia about X‐axis
Iy = 1.01 cm⁴ Moment of inertia about Y‐axis
Sx = 1.01 cm³ Elastic section modulus about X‐axis
Sxc = 1.01 cm³ Elastic section modulus about X‐axis
Sy = 1.01 cm³ Elastic section modulus about Y‐axis
Zx = 1.31 cm³ Plastic section modulus about X‐axis
Zy = 1.31 cm³ Plastic section modulus about Y‐axis
rx = 7.05 mm Radius of gyration about X‐axis
ry = 7.05 mm Radius of gyration about Y‐axis
J = 1.47 cm⁴ Torsional constant
wt = 0.55 kg/m Approximate weight of profile

Aluminum Material Properties
Alloy = 6063‐T6 Alloy and temper
Ftu = 205 MPa  Tensile ultimate strength
Fty = 170 MPa  Tensile yield strength
Fsu = 123 MPa  Shear ultimate strength
Fsy = 102 MPa  Shear yield strength
Fcy = 170 MPa  Compressive yield strength
E = 70,000 MPa  Modulus of elasticity
kt = 1.00 Tension coefficient

Aluminum Material Properties ‐ Weld‐Affected Zone
Ftuw = 115 MPa  Tensile ultimate strength of weld‐affected zones
Ftyw = 55 MPa  Tensile yield strength of weld‐affected zones
Fsuw = 69 MPa  Shear ultimate strength of weld‐affected zones
Fsyw = 33 MPa  Shear yield strength of weld‐affected zones
Fcyw = 55 MPa  Compressive yield strength of weld‐affected zones

Refer to section 4.5 to verify the figures
Mu = 0.079 kNm Total factored moment
Vu = 0.273 kN Total factored shear
Pu = 1.035 kN Total factored axial (Member in Compression )

The figures can be verified from the proceeding pages of this report section.

Flexural Shear Axial CSR

Aluminum profile capacity 0.16 kNm 2.49 kN 3.71 kN 0.79

A.1a. Tensile Strength ‐ Yielding (Section D.2a)
For members with full transverse weld
Pnt = FtyAt
= 34.68 kN Nominal tensile strength
φt = 0.90 Resistance factor
φtPnt = 31.2 kN Design tensile strength

A.1b. Tensile Strength ‐ Yielding (Section D.2a)
For members with longitudinal weld ‐ force parallel to weld length
Awz = 300 mm² Cross‐section area of weld‐affected zone
Pnt = Fty(At ‐ Awz) + FtywAwz
= 0.18 kN Nominal tensile strength
φt = 0.90 Resistance factor
φtPnt = 0.2 kN Design tensile strength

A.2. Tensile Strength ‐ Rupture (Section D.2b)
Ae = 204 mm² Effective net area ‐ Fully welded perimeter
Aewz = 204 mm² Effective net area of weld‐affected zone
Pnt = Ftu(Ae ‐ Aewz)/kt + FtuwAewz
= 23.46 kN Nominal tensile strength
φt = 0.75 Resistance factor
φtPnt = 17.6 kN Design tensile strength

The available tensile strength of member is the least of the available strength from A.1 and A.2.

φtPnt = 0.16 kN Design tensile strength

Ptu = 0.00 kN Ultimate tensile force φtPnt > Ptu n/a


B.1. Compression Strength ‐ Member Buckling (Secton E.2)
k = 1.00 Buckling factor
λ = kL/ry
= 170.27 Slenderness
λ1 = (Bc‐Fcyw)/Dc
= 22.75 Lower slenderness limit
λ2 = Cc
= 186.11 Upper slenderness limit
Fc = Fcy
= 55.00 MPa  Compressive stress for yielding

Fc = (Bc Dcλ 0.85 0.15

= 20.19 MPa  Compressive stress for inelastic buckling
Fc = 0.85π²E/λ²
= 20.25 MPa  Compressive stress for elastic buckling

< <
22.75 170.27 186.11 LIMIT STATE

Fc = 20.19 Compressive stress
Pnc = FcAt
= 4.12 kN Nominal buckling strength
φc = 0.90 Resistance factor

φcPnc = 3.71 kN Design compressive strength

Pcu = 1.04 kN Ultimate compressive force φcPnc > Pcu OK!

C.1. Shear Strength of Webs Supported on Both Edges ‐ Shear Yielding (Section G.1)
b = 14.00 mm Element width
t = 3.00 mm Element thickness
λ = b/t
= 4.67 Slenderness
λ1 = (Bs‐Fsy)/1.25Ds
= 38.86 Lower slenderness limit
λ2 = Cs/1.25
= 76.45 Upper slenderness limit
Fs = Fsy
= 102.00 MPa  Shear stress for yielding
Fs = Bs‐1.25Dsλ
= 125.63 MPa  Shear stress for inelastic buckling
Fs = π²E/(1.25λ)²
= 20,303.19 MPa  Shear stress for elastic buckling ELEMENT REPRESENTATION

λ1 λ λ2
38.86 4.67 76.45

Fso = 102.00 MPa  Shear strength of element for unwelded

λ1 = (Bs‐Fsyw)/1.25Ds
= 56.76 Lower slenderness limit
λ2 = Cs/1.25
= 177.97 Upper slenderness limit
Fs = Fsyw
= 33.00 MPa  Shear stress for yielding
Fs = Bs‐1.25Dsλ
= 41.91 MPa  Shear stress for inelastic buckling
Fs = π²E/(1.25λ)²
= 20,303.19 MPa  Shear stress for elastic buckling

λ1 λ λ2
56.76 4.67 177.97

Fsw = 33.00 MPa  Shear strength of element for weld‐affected zone

Av = 2bt
= 84 mm² Net area of web
Awz = 84 mm² weld‐affected area of web ‐ fully welded
Vn = Fso(Av ‐ Awz) + FswAwz
= 2.77 kN Nominal shear strength
φv = 0.90 Resistance factor
φvVn = 2.5 kN Design shear strength

C.2. Shear Strength of Webs Supported on Both Edges ‐ Shear Rupture (Section G.2)
An = 84 mm² Net area of web
Vn = Fsu(An ‐ Awz)/kt + FsuwAwz
= 5.80 kN Nominal shear strength
φv = 0.75 Resistance factor
φvVn = 4.3 kN Design shear strength

The available shear strength of member is the least of the available strength from C.1 and C.2.

φvVn = 2.49 kN Design shear strength

Vu = 0.27 kN Ultimate shear force φvVn > Vu OK!

D.1. Flexural Strength ‐ Yielding (Section F.2)
Mnp = 1.5SxFty
= 0.26 kNm Nominal flexural strength
Mnp = 1.5SxcFcy
= 0.26 kNm Nominal flexural strength
Mnp = ZxFcy
= 0.22 kNm Nominal flexural strength

Mnp = 0.22 kNm Nominal flexural strength

φb = 0.90 Resistance factor
φbMnp = 0.20 kNm Design flexure strength

D.2. Flexural Strength ‐ Rupture (Section F.2)
Mnu = ZxFtu/kt
= 0.27 kNm Nominal flexural strength
φb = 0.75 Resistance factor
φbMnp = 0.20 kNm Design flexure strength

D.3. Flexural Strength ‐ Local Buckling ‐ Limiting Element Method (Section F.3)
Strength of Element in Uniform Compression ‐ Flat Elements Supported on Both Edges ‐ Section B.5.4.2
b = 14.00 mm Element width
t = 3.00 mm Element thickness
λ = b/t
= 4.67 Slenderness
λ1 = (Bp‐Fcy)/1.6Dp

= 22.89 Lower slenderness limit
k1 = 0.35 Post buckling constant b
λ2 = k1Bp/1.6Dp
= 39.65 Upper slenderness limit

Fc = Fcy
= 170.00 MPa  Compressive stress for yielding
Fc = Bp‐1.6Dpλ
= 204.26 MPa  Compressive stress for inelastic buckling
k2 = 2.27 Post buckling constant
Fc = k2 BpE
= 1,174.02 MPa  Compressive stress for elastic buckling ELEMENT REPRESENTATION

λ1 λ λ2
22.89 4.67 39.65

Fc = 170.00 MPa  Uniform compressive stress

Mnlb = FcSxc
= 0.17 kNm Nominal flexural strength
φb = 0.90 Resistance factor
φbMnlb = 0.16 kNm Design flexure strength

D.3. Local Buckling ‐ Limiting Element Method (Section F.3)
Strength of Element in Flexural Compression ‐ Flat Elements Supported on Both Edges ‐ Section B.5.5.1
b = 14.00 mm Element width t
t = 3.00 mm Element thickness
λ = b/t
= 4.67 Slenderness
co 7.00

= mm Exterme fiber of the other fiber
cc = ‐7.00 mm Extreme fiber distance with greatest compessive
co/cc = ‐1.00 > ‐1

m = 1.15+co/(2cc)
= 0.65 for ‐1 < c o /c c  < 1

m = 1.3/(1‐co/cc)
= 0.65 for c o /c c   ≤ ‐1
m = 0.65 for c c  = ‐c o
m = 0.65 Governing coefficient for element
λ1 = (Bbr‐1.5Fcy)/(mDbr)
= 34.71 Lower slenderness limit
k1 = 0.50 Post buckling constant
λ2 = k1Bbr/(mDbr)
= 93.96 Upper slenderness limit

Fb = 1.5Fcy
= 255.00 MPa  Flexure stress for yielding
Fb = Bbr‐mDbrλ
= 304.99 MPa  Flexure stress for inelastic buckling
k2 = 2.04 Post buckling constant
Fb = k2 BbrE

= 3,146.77 MPa  Flexure stress for elastic buckling

< <
0.50 4.67 93.96 LIMIT STATE

Fb = 304.99 MPa  Flexural compressive strength

Mnlb = Fb Sx
= 0.31 kNm Nominal flexural strength
φb = 0.90 Resistance factor
φbMnlb = 0.28 kNm Design flexure strength

D.5. Flexural Strength ‐ Lateral Torsional Buckling (Section F.4)
Slenderness for Laterial‐Torsional Buckling of Closed Shapes ‐ Fully welded member ‐ Section F.4.2.3
Lb = 1.20 m Unbraced length
Cb = 1.00 Bending coefficient
λ = LbSxc
Cb IyJ
= 22.94 Slenderness

Mnmb = π²ESx/λ²
= 1.33 kNm Nominal flexural strength for elastic limit
Mnmb = λ π2EλSx
Mnp 1
Cc Cc3

= 0.20 kNm Nominal flexural strength for Inelastic limit

22.94 186.11 LIMIT STATE

Mnmb = 0.20 kNm Nominal flexural strength

φb = 0.90 Resistance factor
φbMnmb = 0.18 kNm Design flexure strength

The available flexural strength of member is the least of the available strength from D.1 to D.5.

φbMn = 0.16 kNm Design flexure strength

Mu = 0.08 kNm Ultimate flexural force φbMn > Mu OK!


E.1. Members Subject to Flexure and Axial Force (Section H.1)

Pc = φcPnc
= 3.71 kN Available axial strength
Mc = φbMn
0.16 kNm Available flexural strength

Pu Mu
UR = + = 0.79
Pc Mc UR < 1 OK!

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