1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
Temenos contract-based financial applications can generate SWIFT MT103/202 payment messages.
Temenos strategic business modules generate Payment Orders and Temenos Payment solution decides
the payment channel and the format of the messages that must be exchanged. Temenos legacy modules
(for example, LD) which do not have the capability to generate payment orders will not be enhanced to
provide this feature.
Temenos contract-based financial applications are designed to generate MT900/910 (debit and credit
advice) messages. Some of these applications can also send MT210 (notice to receive) messages to their
The Delivery MX Translation module enables banks to send ‘like for like’ (the tags populated in the
ISO20022 outward messages are populated based on the fields supplied in the outward MT messages)
ISO20022 CBPR compliant camt.054 and camt.057 messages to their counterparties based on the
MT210/900/910 messages generated by the business modules. The Delivery MX Translation module also
enables banks to generate Payment Order based on the MT103/202 messages generated by legacy
modules like Loan and Deposit (LD) module.
Transact clients who are in releases prior to R22 AMR can implement a standalone Temenos Payments
platform to process the ISO20022 SWIFT payments. Delivery MX Translation module, installed as part of
standalone Temenos Payments platform, receives the MT103/202 generated by Transact business
modules and transforms them to payment order. Temenos Payments executes the payment orders and
generates the final ISO20022 message. Temenos Transact business modules that generate the
MT210/900/910 messages can run in the same platform with Temenos Payments or can be implemented
on a different platform (possibly on a lower release).
IZCAMT module is a Temenos strategic module that produces customer statements and account
reporting messages. It offers ‘out of the box’ pre-configured enriched events and provides the flexibility
to further customise and enrich the content of the transaction details. Delivery MX Translation module,
available as part of Standalone Payments platform, generates ‘like for like’ ISO20022 statement and
account report messages based on the MT940/950/941/942 messages generated from Temenos Transact.
If the Temenos Transact business modules and Temenos Payments are deployed on different
platforms, the Delivery module must run on both platforms. In the Temenos Transact the Delivery
module is used to generate SWIFT MT messages (SWIFT formatting) and on the Temenos Payment
platform the Delivery module is used to generate the ISO20022 messages.
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The SWIFTXML Delivery Carrier is released as part of Delivery (DE) module to be used for SWIFT MT
messages that must be translated to ISO20022 standards. Though the SWIFTXML Delivery Carrier uses
the SWIFT formatting module to generate MT messages, it has a dedicated interface which emits an
extended MT message into a queue. The extended MT message includes the main details from the
delivery message header along with the MT message.
Product Configuration
This section covers the setup required by the Delivery MX Translation module.
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messages in the Temenos Extended MT format (the message includes the MT message along
with the main details of the delivery header).
The DE.PRODUCT application decides the delivery preferences for the delivery messages. The
default setup for the MT messages is to generate them using the SWIFT Delivery Carrier ( the
Carrier Address No field in DE.PRODUCT is set to SWIFT.1). Implementations must change this
setup to refer the SWIFTXML Delivery Carrier addresses when they want the MT messages to be
translated to ISO20022 CBPR+ standards.
Implementations can set up local Delivery Carriers if they need to route the translated ISO20022
messages to other channels than CBPRPLUS.
For each DE.CARRIER which has the Format Module field set to SWIFT, the bank must run its
dedicated service – the naming convention is <<DE.CARRIER>.OUT.
The bank must set up the SWIFTXML.OUT TSA.SERVICE and its SWIFTXML.OUT BATCH on the
platform where the business applications which are generating the MT messages are
implemented. If Temenos Transact and TPH are running on different platforms, the records must
be created in Temenos Transact.
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The bank must run the SWIFTXML.OUT and INTEGRATION.SERVICE services to generate the messages
in the extended MT format.
The Delivery MX Translation layer processes the extended MT messages based on the setup in
the DEMXTR_MTMXOutward_QueueConfig property file. The file describes the various queues through
which the messages are moved during processing and the routing rules based on which the Delivery
MX Translation layer determines the processing rule and the processing characteristics.
The transformations which are applied to the outward messages are located in the folder
identified by the XSLT_ROOT_DIR variable.
RouteChannel attribute – Indicates the internal processing of the message is done using queues
(ActiveMq) or folders. The values are ACTIVEMQ or FILESYSTEM; however, FILESYSTEM is used for
Temenos internal purposes.
DEMXTRHandoffQueue attribute – Defines the queue where the MT messages generated by the
business applications are emitted through the Delivery module in the extended MT format.
Delivery MX Translation picks the messages from this queue and starts the processing, applying
the DEMXTR-MTXML.xslt to transform the message into MTXML format.
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MtXmlTransPostQueue attribute – Indicates the queue where DEMXTR places the message if the
transformation into MTXML format is successful. This message is evaluated using the routing
rules to decide the target processing.
transformationFailQueue attribute – Indicates the queue where DEMXTR places the message in
the Extended MT format, if the transformation to MTXML format fails.
DefaultQueue attribute – Indicates the queue where DEMXTR places the MTXML format, if no
routing rule is matched and no processing rule is found.
T24DeliveryQueue attribute – Identifies the queue where DEMXTR sends the messages to the
target application in the target application format (the Delivery Request Listener application
installed on the same platform with TPH). The messages are processed using XMLOFS
extTransFailQueue attribute – Specifies the queue where DEMXTR places the message if
transformation to the target application format fails. The message is in MTXML format.
DLQError attribute – Specifies the folder where DEMXTR places the message if the queues
become unavailable during processing.
The routing rules which are used to determine the processing rules are defined in the following
The ‘*’ can be used as a wildcard character to indicate any value. For example, considering the
following setup:
According to this setup, the MT210, 900, 910 messages are processed based on the characteristics
defined for the ROUTECBPR channel, irrespective of the service identifier, application generating
them, sender BIC or source carrier.
The processing characteristics for the target channel are defined as <Channel>>-attributeName. The
following attributes are supported:
SystemId attribute — Identifies the target module to which the message is routed.
Carrier attribute — Specifies the carrier which is to be used if the message is sent to the
Delivery module.
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Xslt attribute — Specifies the name of the XSLT that is applied to the MTXML message before
sending the message to the target module.
Company attribute — Specifies the company to which the message is re-routed (in an
implementation which involves Temenos Transact and standalone TPH, the companies in
Temenos Transact could be different from those defined in Standalone TPH). If this is blank, the
target company for the ISO20022 message is the same as the source company of the MT
POProduct — Used for MT103/202 routing and indicates the Payment Order product.
For example, the following setup indicates the processing attributes for the ROUTECBRP channel:
The target company where the MTXML message is processed is the same as company for
the source MT message (Company is blank).
The properties file can be amended to suit the implementations. However, the attributes
must not be removed. The implementation can remove the value defined for the respective
attribute rather than remove or comment the attribute itself.
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