Episode 5

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Poblacion, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte

FIELD STUDY 1 Learning Episode


This learning Episode provides an opportunity to examine how classrooms are structured or
designed to allow everyone’s maximum participation for effective learning. You should able to examine
how classroom management practices affect learning. This Episode enhances the application of the
SPARK Your Interest
theories learned in the following professional subject such as Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
and The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, I must be able to:

1. Plan on how to manage time, space, and resources; to:

2. Provide a learning environment appropriate to the learners and conductive to learning.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

The classroom climate that is conductive for learning is one that is non-threatening yet business-like. It
is a classroom where, when creating audio-visual presentations, the following are observed

 Specific classroom rules and procedures are clear.

 Classroom rules and procedures are discussed within the first few days of the school.
 Students are involved in the design of rules and procedures.
 Techniques to acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behaviour are employed.
 Clear limits for unacceptable behaviour are established and negative consequences for such are
FIELD STUDY 1 Learning Episode

Resource Teacher: (If applicable) _________________School:__________________________

Grade/Year Level:______________Subject Area:_______________ Date:________________


ACTIVITY 5.1 Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources


Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into characteristics of the learners, Note their ages.

The grade 9 (ages 14-15) had enough number of learners where teachers can cater. Some
learner’s give focus to the class and some were not. There were also those who talk while the teacher
is talking, but not that loud or noisy.

2. How many boys are there? How many girls?

There were (12) boys and (16) girls. All in all there were 28 students.

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?

The learners were not able to manage their own behaviour. Sometimes, they get distracted with
their classmates which can turn into talking and cause noise to the classroom. But as their observer, I
understand their situation because they are in their first step of learning which is called kindergarten
stage. Their behavior is still developing and needs guidance and understanding coming from the
teacher in the classroom.

4. Can the learners already work independently?

The learners can already work independently but the product is not that excellent. For them, it is
still better to have a companion to do some things or assigned tasks. They still need guidance from
their teacher to have an excellent outcome of their work.

5. Describe their span of attention.

Learner’s attention to the class is not that really focus. The teacher needs to have such skills and
strategies to get the full attention of the learner’s, but there are also some students who will not
followed by their teacher. However, most of the students listened to the teacher and participated well.

Analyse and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. Utilize the
resources found in the internet or videos of classroom demonstrations in YouTube. Write your notes
below and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
student’s belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these
areas for specific purposes are not present?

The classroom is set out in the classic Philippine high-school manner, with a blackboard in front of
the room and a table in the centre. The row of seats takes up the whole space of the room, leaving
barely a few inches for other locations. At the back, there is a large table where students can store their
belongings. Near the window on the left side of the classroom is a little cupboard. It houses some of the
previous students' past work and output. The majority of the wall displays are on the right side and
back of the wall.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules reinforce
positive behaviour?

Yes, there were rules and procedures posted in the classroom. These are the following.

Listen to the teacher.

Come to school on time.
Be kind to others.
Be respectful.
Follow directions.
Use manners.
Be neat and clean.
Do your best.
Participate actively.

These rules posted in the classroom guides the students to be better in the class and as well as in
their everyday living. These rules make them know about their responsibilities.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What’s the effect of student’s participation in rule-
making on student’s behaviour?

According to the teacher, the children helped to develop the classroom rules through a vote led by
the classroom president and guided by the teacher. Students who participate in the rule-making process
are more likely to become disciplined and responsible rule-followers.

4. What are the(daily) routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of
monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

To begin the lesson, the teacher greets the students and asks a student representative to lead the
prayer. Then she asks everyone how they are. Students usually say they are doing well. She sat them
down and began to discuss about the lesson. However, before that, she also takes attendance by calling
out the students' last names. She then begins the lesson with a motivational activity.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in
managing the class?

There is no seating arrangement; the teacher let the students take seats by their own preference. It
seems that the teacher already know every names of her students.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

The noise level in a high school classroom is rather high since students prefer to converse a lot with
their seatmates. Though during the discussion, all learners are really engaged and eager to contribute
their responses. The teacher, on the other hand, maintains cool when ordering them to reduce their
voices. She informs them that they may disturb other classes with their loud noises.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher do?
Describe the behaviour strategies used.

Some students may not follow instructions, especially when working on their assignments. The
teacher still accepts their work but tells students to pay attention to the instructions because if they make
the same error again, she will not accept their work. This assists students in learning from their mistakes
and paying attention to the teacher's directions.

8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviours? (Behaviour strategies)

The following are the methods the instructor employs to reward good behaviour:
 Let them set the rules for the classroom.
 Solve issues in a cordial way. She converses with them calmly rather than reprimanding them.
 Celebrate accomplishments by applauding them.
 Provide incentives or awards to encourage people to work harder.
 Make the class conversation interesting and entertaining.
 Include exercises that encourage teamwork and peer mentoring.

Reflection as a future teacher.

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

Positive discipline enforcement is crucial for effective classroom management. Even when the
students are well-behaved, there are unforeseen circumstances that would try the patience of the
teachers. Students must be subjected to positive discipline in order to resolve any problems that
may occur in the classroom without being too harsh on them. Because they won't have negative
thoughts about themselves, students won't behave out or respond inappropriately. Additionally,
this will assist the teacher in instilling good values in the children. Students will also take
responsibility for their actions, be logical, critical, and make wise decisions in a variety of

Activity 5.2 Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management


Resource Teacher:__________________


Using the same material or video in Activity 5.1 (if possible), observed a class and accomplish the given

Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners

Management (to be filled out after you answer
the analysis questions)

1. Specific Areas in the The areas are good and suitable Enables the learners to move easily
Classroom for the learners. It has a good and learn.

2. Classroom Rules Rules are posted in the wall of the Can help the class to have a
classroom and followed by the conductive learning and have the
learners. learner’s good value.

3. Classroom Procedures It has been followed and done. Students were able to learn and
Procedures are strictly followed to follow procedures.
have a smooth flow of learning
and teaching.

4. Daily Routines Class daily routines are done well. Helps students to know about the
It includes exercises, prayers and routine in life. It is also keep the
cleaning the environment. children healthy and able to
communicate to God.

5. Seating Arrangement The environments of the seats are Enables the students to keep focus
alternative with boys and girls. in the class.
6. Handling misbehavior/off- The teacher imposes class rules Allow learner to behave.
task behaviour and patient in handling the
misbehavior of the students and
give consequences.

7. Reinforcement of Positive The class has to follow the Give learners the idea of being
Behavior teacher. Students were told to positive and possess good
have good behavior in the class behavior.
and somewhere else.


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behaviour?

Organization and routine in the classroom assist students better manage their learning and have a
beneficial impact on their behaviour. Additionally, it boosts their self-esteem, controls their behaviour,
and fosters positive relationships in the classroom. Additionally, students may be able to cultivate self-
control, which can lessen the likelihood that they will drop out of their classes.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?

The following theories and principles must be taken into account by the instructor while planning
classroom routine and organization:
 Behaviorist theory, often known as behaviorism, which focuses on both positive and bad student
 A humanist theory or humanism that stresses human capacities, goals, learning preferences, and
learning styles.
 The democratic theory, according to which all students have an equal opportunity to participate
in decisions about their education and to determine the course of their own education.
 A psychoanalytic theory that requires the instructor to take into account the conscious or
unconscious ideas, feelings, and experiences of the students.
 The cognitive theory should also be taken into account in order to focus on the learners' thought
processes and knowledge building.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students, why were they effective?

The following behavioral techniques can be used by teachers to control or effectively inspire pupils'
 Create a new learner-centered classroom environment where students can be more independent
and self-reliant.
 To support the various learner types, use a wide range of resources, materials, techniques, and
instructional styles.
 Establish guidelines or standards for the classroom that are simple enough for kids to understand.
 Effectively reinforce teaching practices and routines.
 Recognize their efforts and give them rewards when they behave well. This will continue their
display of positive behavior in addition to motivating them.

Reflect on the following and write your insights.
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you
see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level, why?

In the near future, I hope to teach junior high pupils in my English class. I shall begin
my lesson with a prayer, which is very important to me. To be followed by questions about how
they are doing, whether they are happy, how they feel about our subject, and so on. These
questions will assist me in determining the present state of students' learning in my classes. If
they ever told me how they feel about learning my subject, I can quickly figure out what tactics
I need to do to meet their demands. Then there are the standard procedures such as attendance,
incentive activity, and actual discussion with regular questioning to ensure comprehension.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these

Students must be involved in the creation of classroom rules in order to develop their
leadership skills and to understand the need of being accountable for their own actions and
behavior. It also enables for collaboration between students and teachers in establishing the
rules that must be followed. Making the rules, on the other hand, should be guided by teachers
because they are the ones who know the guidelines and how to facilitate well in debating the
rules to include.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Students must be involved in the creation of classroom rules in order to develop their
leadership skills and to understand the need of being accountable for their own actions and
behavior. It also enables for collaboration between students and teachers in establishing the rules
that must be followed. Making the rules, on the other hand, should be guided by teachers
because they are the ones who know the guidelines and how to facilitate well in debating the
rules to include.

Show Your Learning

Paste evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put pictures of the physical
space and learning stations which contribute to the effective implementation of classroom management.

Evaluate Performance Task

FIELD STUDY 1 – EPISODE 5 Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment

Name of FS Student/s:________________________________________________________________


Year and Section:______________Course:__________________Date Submitted:________________

Learning Outcomes:
1. Plan how to manage time, space and resources
2. Provide a learning environment appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three 93) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks were observation questions observation observation
completely answered tasks not answered / questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
/accomplished. accomplished. answered / answered /
accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation questions
answer are with depth and answers are clearly answers are not were not answered;
are thoroughly grounded connected to theories; clearly connected to answers not
on theories; grammar and grammar and spelling theories: one (1) to connected to theories;
spelling are free from are free from errors. three (3) grammatical more than four (4)
error. / spelling errors. grammatical /
spelling errors

Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what were supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
observed and analyzed were observed and supported by what what were observed
analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is reflected in the Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
context of the learning in the context of the reflected on in the reflected on in the
outcomes; complete, well- learning outcomes. context of the context of the
organized, highly relevant Complete; well learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
to the learning outcome organized, very Complete; not not complete; not
relevant to the learning organized, relevant to organized, not
outcome the learning outcome relevant

Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2)
deadline deadline the deadline days or more after the


Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below
Grade 99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71

FRETZELL A. ACTUB, MAED _______________________

FS 1 Instructor Date

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