Question Paper - CA
Question Paper - CA
Question Paper - CA
End-semester exam
Max marks: 50 Date: 01/05/2011
E.g. if your roll-no is 19074054, your cache-size is 4 bytes (R = 1 +4%3 = 1+1 = 2, 2^2
= 4). [5]
B) Consider cache-memory of 16 bytes. Show with diagrams 2-way and 4-way set-
associative caching of the same memory accesses as in 1A. [5]
2. Consider 64-bit addressing scheme with 2^R kilobytes of page-size where R = last-digit of
your roll number % 3 [e.g. if your roll-no is 19074054, your page-size is 2kB (R = 4%3 =
1; 2, 2^1 = 2). Assume 4 bytes of space required for an entry in the page-table.
A) Find total page-table size. [3]
B) Diagrammatically show the address translation scheme with all necessary details
(physical address lines, page table entries, page-offset etc.) [7]
4. A) Consider a machine with a floating point unit. Assume functional unit delays as follows
memory: 3 ns., ALU and adders: 3 ns., FPU add: 8 ns., FPU multiply: 16 ns., register
file access (read or write): 2 ns.
multiplexors, control unit, PC accesses, sign extension, wires: no delay
Assume instruction mix as follows
all loads take same time and comprise 30%
all stores take same time and comprise 20%
R-format instructions comprise 27%
branches comprise R%
jumps comprise (7 - R) %
FP adds and subtracts take the same time and totally comprise 8%
FP multiplys and divides take the same time and totally comprise 8% (where R = 1 +
last-digit of your roll-number % 5)
Compare the performance of (a) a single-cycle implementation using a fixed-period
clock with (b) one using a variable-period clock where each instruction executes in one
clock cycle that is only as long as it needs to be. [7]
5. a) “Having a large number of processor registers makes it possible to reduce the number of
memory accesses needed to perform complex tasks.” Devise a simple computational task
to show the validity of this statement for a processor that has for registers compared to
another that has only two registers. [5+5]
b) Assume that $s0 holds the value 128ten.
i) For the instruction add $t0, $s0, $s1, what is the range(s) of values for $s1 that
would result in overflow?
ii) For the instruction sub $t0, $s0, $s1, what is the range(s) of value for $s1 that
would result in overflow?