MATHEMATICS Action Plan 2021 2022
MATHEMATICS Action Plan 2021 2022
MATHEMATICS Action Plan 2021 2022
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
San Agustin, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
Action Plan
SY 2021-2022
One Hour To Acquire and provide additional Learners and Laptop/Cellphone/ Year Round MOOE/Donations Improved the knowledge
learn Math knowledge and skills in Mathematics Internet Connection from stakeholders and skills of the learners
(Virtual Tutorial Mathematics by virtual tutorial Teachers Google meet link/Test in Mathematics
and and consultation. Papers/Window Cards
Presentation of Make presentation more Learners, Parents, Laptop/Cellphone/ Year Round MOOE/Donations Improved the learners’
PowerPoints in interesting through the use of Teachers, Internet Connection/ from stakeholders attention and boost their
Mathematics multimedia School Head, PowerPoints interest to engage in
Presentations Mathematics lessons.
Kapitbahay Ko, Acquire and provide additional Learners, Parents, PowerPoints Year Round None . Improved the
Guro Ko knowledge and skills in Teachers, School Presentations knowledge and skills of
Mathematics by tutoring. Head /Videos the learners in
Project All Use as a springboard for Learners, Parents, Virtual Year Round MOOE Improved the instruction
Numerates research and policy Teachers, School Orientation/PPT/Print and performance of the
recommendations for the Head ed Test Materials learners.
improvement of the instruction
and performance of the
Video Lesson on Enable teachers to track Learners, Parents, Videos Year Round MOOE Improved the knowledge
difficult topics in student engagement Teachers, School Laptop/Cellphone/ and skills of the learners
Mathematics Head USB-OTG in Mathematics