Houston Black Handout

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Houston Black Soil

Fact Sheet - November 2010

The soil is one of the foundations of Texas history,
culture, growth, and inherent richness. Soil produces
the food we eat and the fiber we wear. It filters and
recycles the water we drink, and grows the lush
forests that supply the lumber to build our homes.
Soil provides the forage for livestock production, it
sustains the habitat for wildlife, and supports the
homes we live in. Texas is home to about 16 million
acres of a unique class of soils (Vertisols) that are
known worldwide. These very
fertile soils are found from the High
Plains to the Coastal Bend. Texas
has 80 percent of this unique class
of soils in the U.S. The soil known as
Houston Black, which bears the
name of Sam Houston, is an
outstanding example of these types
of soils. Sam Houston

Houston Black
The Houston Black soil, recognized by its dark, rich
color, occurs on about 1.5 million acres in the Black-
land Prairie, which extends from north of Dallas to
south of San Antonio. The Houston Black soil series
was established in 1902 and is used extensively for
the production of grain sorghum, cotton, corn, small
grains, and forage grasses. It is one of the highest
agricultural producing soils, generating between $300
to $500 million in annual revenue for farmers and
ranchers in Texas. Millions of people live, work, and
travel on areas of this soil, which occurs in three of the
four largest metropolitan areas of the state.

Profile of Houston Black Clay in eastern Bell County, Texas

This soil is recognized by the National Cooperative

Soil Survey both as a Hall of Fame Series and a Bench-
mark Soil Series. Hall of Fame Series are those that
have a history of long use in the National Cooperative
Soil Survey and represent a broad range of the types
of soils in the United States. Benchmark Soil Series are
those series of large extent, and that have special
significance to farming, engineering, urban develop-
ment and other uses.
page 2 | Houston Black Soil

Cotton growing on Houston Black soils in Texas Houston Black soil develops a unique surface feature, which consists of
microhighs surrounding circular microlows, which are filled with water.

Corn growing on the Houston Black soil in central Texas The cracks in the soil can extend to depths greater than 80 inches when
the soil is dry.

The Houston Black soil is recognized throughout the

world because of its uniqueness as a classic Vertisol
and is one of the most studied soils in Texas because
of its extent and distinctiveness. Vertisols are soils that
have a high content of expansive clays that shrink as
they dry and swell as they become moist. Water enters
the soils rapidly when they are dry and cracked, and
very slowly when they are saturated with moisture.
The soil develops a unique surface feature called
gilgai, which consists of microhighs surrounding
circular microlows.

Surface cracking during dry periods is one identifying feature of vertisols

For More Information like the Houston Black soil.
For more information regarding the Texas Soil Survey
program, visit us online at www.tx.nrcs.usda.gov. For
more information regarding soil data, visit:
http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov or
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