HA Oral
HA Oral
HA Oral
Hyaluronan (HA) is a component that is particularly abundant in the synovial fluid. Randomized, double-blinded,
placebo-controlled trials carried out between 2008 and 2015 have proven the effectiveness of HA for the treatment
of symptoms associated with synovitis, and particularly, knee pain, relief of synovial effusion or inflammation, and
improvement of muscular knee strength. The mechanism by which HA exerts its effects in the living body,
specifically receptor binding in the intestinal epithelia, has gradually been clarified. This review examines the effects
of HA upon knee pain as assessed in clinical trials, as well as the mechanism of these effects and the safety of HA.
Keywords: Hyaluronan, Hyaluronic acid, Dietary supplement, Knee, Joint, Osteoarthritis
Introduction [4]. This equals to 110 USD per month. In contrast, the
The number of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) is in- cost of effective HA dietary supplements for one month
creasing in developed countries. In the US, 43 million is 50 USD (Play Again Now®, Viscos LLC., USA). There
patients were estimated to have OA in 1997, and this have been no reports regarding the cost-effectiveness of
figure is projected to grow to more than 60 million by intra-articular injection versus dietary supplements.
2020 [1]. However, there are some advantages for consumers with
Severe OA is treated by osteotomy or artificial joint re- regard to HA dietary supplements, when one considers
placement, whereas conservative treatments include the potential risks and benefits.
intra-articular injection of hyaluronan (HA) [2]. The in- In 2004, Bucci and Turpin reported a review article on
jections improve symptoms, although they represent a the effectiveness of dietary supplements containing HA
mental burden and the risk of infection for patients who in the US; however, the report does not mention ran-
need to visit the hospital regularly to receive these pain- domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials [5].
ful injections. Therefore, this review discusses the efficacy of ingested
Meanwhile, dietary supplements such us HA, glucosa- HA in treating knee pain based on data from random-
mine, and chondroitin are sold as health foods, largely ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials as well as
targeting problems with the knee. The effects of low- the mechanism of action and safety of dietary HA.
dose HA treatment for knee pain has been the source of
much research (for example, a dose of HA not more
than 240 mg/day; Table 1) compared with glucosamine Characteristics of HA
(1500 mg/day) and chondroitin (675 mg/day) [3]. HA HA is a high molecular-weight polysaccharide composed
dietary supplements impose a small burden on patients. of repeating polymeric disaccharides of D-glucuronic acid
The average wholesale price for five vials of intra- and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (Fig. 1) [6]. All vertebrates
articular HA injection (Hyalgen®, Fidia Farmaceutici and few microorganisms synthesize HA in vivo. In human
S.p.A., Italy) is 661 USD, which is effective for 6 months beings, HA is present in every connective tissue and organ
such as skin, synovial fluid, blood vessels, serum, brain,
* Correspondence: [email protected]
cartilage, heart valves, and the umbilical cord [7]. In par-
R&D Division, Kewpie Corporation, 2-5-7, Sengawa-cho, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, ticular, synovial fluid has the highest concentration of HA
Japan anywhere in the body at 3–4 mg/mL [8].
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2016 Oe et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Oe et al. Nutrition Journal (2016) 15:11 Page 2 of 10
HA is a polysaccharide with a mean molecular by oral HA which results in decreased pain. HA (MW,
weight (MW) ranging from several hundred to several 9 × 105; Hyabest® (J), Kewpie Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
millions, and thus, it has high viscosity in water. The was administered orally to MRL-lpr/lpr mice, a Th-1-
viscosity of synovial fluid is attributable to HA and type autoimmune disease model. Oral HA binds to an
serves as a lubricant for joint movements, resulting in intestinal receptor (Toll-like receptor-4;TLR-4). Cyto-
a coefficient of friction of nearly zero in joint cartil- kine array analysis showed that HA enhanced the pro-
age [9]. It is known that patients with OA have di- duction of interleukin-10 (IL-10), an anti-inflammatory
minished HA concentrations in their synovial fluid cytokine. DNA array analysis of tissue from the large in-
[10]. To restore the decreased levels of HA and treat testine showed that HA up-regulates suppressor of cyto-
OA, HA intra-articular injections are widely used. kine signaling 3 (SOCS3) expression and down-regulates
The functions of HA include preventing cartilage de- pleiotrophin expression. These results suggest that the
naturation [11, 12], protecting the outer layer of car- binding of HA to TLR-4 promotes IL-10 and SOCS3 ex-
tilage [13–20], blocking synovial inflammation [21, pression and suppresses pleiotrophin expression leading
22], increasing chondrocyte density [23], promoting to anti-inflammation of arthritis (Fig. 2).
synovium metabolism [24], normalizing synovial fluid
[25], and treating sharp pain [26]. The mechanism by Clinical trials of oral HA for the treatment of knee
which HA diminishes pain has been reported. HA pain
intra-articular injections decrease the levels of inflam- We searched the databases up to October 29, 2015;
matory substances such as prostaglandin E2 resulting PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Scopus, UMIN-CTR,
in reduced pain [27, 28]. Therefore, HA is known to JDreamIII (in Japanese), and Ichushi Web (in Japanese).
have a strong relationship with knee joint health. The search words used for all databases contained the
terms; hyaluronan, intake and knee pain. We selected fol-
Mechanisms of oral HA treatment for knee pain lowing 13 relevant reports after full text review [31–43].
It is generally believed that it is difficult for the body to Many randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
absorb a polysaccharide. HA is not absorbed into the trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of dietary HA
body as a high-molecular-weight polymer after ingestion. in alleviating knee pain since 2008 in the US, EU, and
A test using intestinal epithelia model cells (Caco-2 Asia (Table 1).
cells) revealed that HA with a MW exceeding 1 × 105 is In 2008, a dietary supplement containing HA as the
rarely absorbed. On the contrary, the amount of HA principal ingredient was reported following two clinical
absorbed by Caco-2 cells increases as the MW of HA trials. As the supplement contains multiple components,
decreases to 7 × 104, 2 × 104, or 5 × 103 [29]. Kurihara et the potential effects of ingredients other than HA on
al. reported that HA is decomposed into 2–6-membered knee pain cannot be denied but the effects of the supple-
polysaccharides by enteric bacteria, and these polysac- ment on knee pain were confirmed.
charides are partially absorbed into the body by the Hatayama et al. [34] treated 24 Japanese patients with
small intestine [30]. Following the decomposition of HA chronic knee pain (HA group, n = 13; placebo group, n
by enteric bacteria to a low MW form, free polysaccha- = 11, mean age, 47.5) with an HA mixture at a dose of
rides are known to migrate into the joints and other tis- 1800 mg/day (HA content, 60 mg/day) or placebo for
sues. Lactobacillus and Bzfidobacterirn have been 2 weeks. The HA group displayed a significant improve-
reported as examples of enteric bacteria that play a crit- ment in knee pain and discomfort compared with the
ical role in HA absorption [31]. Balogh et al. reported placebo group (p < 0.05).
that 99 mtechnetium-labeled HA (MW, 1 × 106) is accu- In the US, Kalman et al. [35] treated 20 subjects aged
mulated by tissues such as joints after oral administra- ≥40 years with knee OA (HA group, n = 11; placebo
tion in rats and dogs [32]. The pattern of tissue uptake group, n = 9, mean age, 56.3) with an HA mixture at a
of radioactivity for 99mtechnetium-labeled HA did not dose of 80 mg/day (HA content, 48 mg/day) or placebo
resemble that for 99mtechnetium-labeled pertechnetate for 2 months and their outcomes were evaluated using
(PCT), which was used as a control; this implies that the index for knee joint pain; the Western Ontario and
technetium-labeled HA did not release 99mtechne- McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC),
tium in tissues. and the Short Form-36 Acute US Version 2 (SF-36v2) as
These studies clearly suggest that HA is absorbed by a quality of life (QOL) index. [REMARK 4] The
the body; however further research is needed to clarify WOMAC score in both groups revealed significant im-
the effects of the route of absorption on knee pain relief. provements in knee pain compared with baseline (p <
Another mechanism was clarified by Asari et al. in 0.05) but the physical function and total symptom scores
2010 [33]. This report identified a signaling cascade in of the HA group displayed a more drastic improvement
which receptors on intestinal epithelial cells are activated than those of the placebo group. On the SF-36 v2, the
Oe et al. Nutrition Journal (2016) 15:11 Page 4 of 10
Fig. 2 Mechanism of improve the arthritis. Oral administration of hyaluronan modulates inflammation by upregulating suppressor of cytokine
signaling-3 expression and down-regulating pleiotrophin expression via Toll-like receptor-4 in intestinal epithelial cells
scores of the HA group were significantly improved ver- = 17, mean age, 70.8) were orally administered 200 mg/
sus baseline (p < 0.05) for bodily pain and the physical day HA or placebo for 8 weeks with the findings il-
component summary, and the scores were more signifi- lustrating that the WOMAC score was significantly
cantly improved in the HA group than in the placebo improved in both groups versus baseline (p < 0.05),
group. particularly among the 25 patients with WOMAC
In 2009, two clinical trials using highly pure HA (more pain scores of more than 10 (HA group, n = 13; pla-
than 98 % pure) were reported. These trials revealed that cebo group, n = 12). In addition, the WOMAC total
the effects of HA-containing supplements on knee pain score and activity of daily living score were signifi-
were attributable to HA. cantly improved in the HA group compared with the
Iwaso et al. [36] reported that 33 Japanese patients placebo group (p < 0.05).
with knee pain (HA group, n = 16; placebo group, n = 17, In the same year, Möller et al. [38] conducted a retro-
mean age, 58.3) were administered HA at 240 mg/day or spective cohort study in Spain in which HA was com-
placebo for 8 weeks and outcomes were evaluated using pared with the analgesic drug paracetamol (PCT).
the Japanese Knee Osteoarthritis Measure (JKOM). The Sixty-nine patients (mean age, N/A) with knee OA and
JKOM score was significantly improved compared with synovitis were administered an HA mixture at 80 mg/
baseline in both groups (p < 0.01), particularly among 26 day (HA content, 48 mg/day) or PCT for 6 months.
patients aged 50–65 years (HA group, n = 13; placebo Ultrasonography showed that the course of synovitis in
group, n = 13). Significant improvements in knee pain the suprapatellar recess was significantly reduced in the
and stiffness were recorded in the HA group compared HA group compared with the PCT group (p < 0.0001),
with the placebo group (p < 0.05). and the number of severe synovial effusion cases were
Sato et al. [37] reported a study in which 37 Ameri- significantly reduced in the HA group compared with
cans with knee OA (HA group, n = 20; placebo group, n the PCT group (p < 0.001).
Oe et al. Nutrition Journal (2016) 15:11 Page 5 of 10
dynamometer illustrated that muscular strength (peak symptoms associated with synovitis, mainly pain [33–37,
torque) was significantly greater among patients in the 39, 41, 46]; four involved measures taken to relieve syn-
HA group than among those in the placebo group (p = ovial effusion or inflammation [38, 43–45]; and three in-
0.0324). Blood tests for RNA expression were conducted volved measures taken to improve knee muscular
in 20 patients (HA group, n = 10; placebo group, n = 10). strength [42–44].
The results demonstrated that the expression of genes The studies that used a mixture containing HA and
related to glycosaminoglycan metabolism and extracellu- other components could not rule out the possibility that
lar matrix dynamics differed between the HA and pla- the other components had effects on knee pain. How-
cebo groups. It was concluded that differences in gene ever, studies that used highly pure HA (more than 97 %)
expression explained the improvements in knee pain also reported a beneficial effect on knee pain. Thus, oral
and muscular strength in the HA group. HA can effectively improve knee pain.
In 2015, Nelson et al. [45] treated 40 patients with It is apparent that there were slightly more female sub-
knee OA (VAS > 50 mm; HA group, n = 21; placebo jects than males investigated in the above-mentioned
group, n = 19, mean age, 61.0) with an oral HA mixture clinical studies (mean ratio: males 43 %, females 57 %).
at 80 mg/day (HA content, 56 mg/day) or placebo for However, each study involved the same gender ratio for
3 months. Significant improvements in the VAS, HA and placebo groups. In general, the number of fe-
WOMAC total score, and WOMAC pain score were ob- male OA patients was larger than the number of males.
served in the HA group compared with the placebo This is probably because females have lesser muscles
group (p < 0.05). An analysis of serum and synovial fluid than males and therefore, the burden on the knee in-
illustrated that inflammatory cytokine levels were signifi- creases. It has been reported that HA is regulated by
cantly increased in the placebo group (p < 0.05) and sig- ovarian steroids [47]; however, it is not yet clear whether
nificantly decreased in the HA group (p < 0.05). the oral intake of HA influences hormonal balance. This
Regarding bradykinin, which related to inflammation needs further research.
and pain, and leptin, which is related to OA caused by HA intake differs among the respective studies, such
obesity, the levels of both substances were significantly as 48–240 mg/day for 2 weeks–12 months. Thus, further
lower in the HA group than in the placebo group (p < research is needed to clarify the minimal effective dose
0.05). Ten patients in each group drank large amounts and the minimum intake period of HA.
of water to examine the turnover of HA in synovial fluid.
The turnover rate was significantly decreased in the HA Safety of HA
group compared with that in the placebo group (p = Chicken comb, which contains highly concentrated HA
0.046). Consequently, this report demonstrated that the has long been consumed in Germany, France, and
oral intake of HA is useful for treating obese patients China. In Japan, HA dietary supplements have been
with OA. available since 1992. HA is approved as a healthy raw
In 2015, Jensen et al. [46] conducted a study in which material of new resource food in China, as a food addi-
72 patients with knee OA (HA group, n = 37; placebo tive and healthy functional food in Korea, and as a food
group, n = 35, mean age, 47.2) were administered a li- additive in Japan. In addition, HA is sold globally in
quid HA mixture or placebo for 4 weeks. For the first countries such as the US, Canada, Italy, and Belgium
2 weeks, the HA mixture was given at 45 mL/day (HA and no adverse event caused by HA has been reported.
content, 225 mg/day) and it was given at 30 mL/day Several safety studies of HA have been conducted
(HA content, 150 mg/day) for the next 2 weeks. After (Table 2). No toxicity was observed in single-dose tox-
2 weeks of intake, knee pain as evaluated using a VAS icity studies [48–50], repeated-dose toxicity studies [51–
was significantly improved in the HA group compared 61], reproductive and developmental toxicity studies
to baseline (p < 0.05). On the contrary, no improvement [62–69], mutagenicity tests [70–74], and antigenicity
in knee pain was recorded in the placebo group. Thus, studies [75, 76]. It is reported that exogenous HA such
oral HA can relieve knee pain. us that administered orally is not harmful to human can-
Among all the studies on clinical trials from 2008 to cer cells [77]. A 12 month clinical study identified no ad-
2015, seven studies involved the treatment of the verse event attributable to HA [41]. Orally administrated
Oe et al. Nutrition Journal (2016) 15:11 Page 8 of 10
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University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan. methylprednisolone acetate on primary osteoarthritis of the knee.
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