COM402 Report

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OHS Issues and Hazards as a Result of

Walkways and Roads: A Report on FNU
Derrick Campus

Group Members:
Pauliasi Tamani, Delwyn Navuku, Tausie Domoniko, Samisoni Bolatagici,
Krishmal Sharma, Anasimeci Maimanuku.

Student ID:
A00219718, A00220815, A00225191, A00163561, A00197198, A00223365

Programs of Study:
Diploma in Architectural Drafting, Diploma in Quantity Surveying & Diploma
in Construction.
II. Declaration

We as members of the group officially declare that all information contained in this
documented report is of original and authentic material from the authors and all necessary
sources of information have been appropriately accredited.














Contents Page Numbers

I. Cover Page 0
II. Declaration 1
III. Table of Content 2
IV. Memo Type Heading 3
1.0 Points of Reference 3
2.0 Methodology 4
3.0 Findings 5-9
4.0 Conclusions 10-11
5.0 Recommendations 12-13
6.0 Signatories and Date 13
7.0 Reference List 14
8.0 Appendix 15-16

IV. Memo Type Heading

To: Ms. Alani Vuatalevu

From: Pauliasi Tamani, Delwyn Navuku, Tausie Domoniko, Samisoni Bolatagici,

Krishmal Sharma, Anasimeci Maimanuku.

Due: 7 June 2022



1.0 Points of Reference

The documented report was requested by Ms. Alani Vuatalevu on the 18 of May 2022, the
proposed subject matter selected by the team was occupational health and safety with the
location of study being the roads and walkways around MB hall in Derrick campus. The
development and compilation of the report was carried out in six membered group and was to
be submitted by the 8 June 2022. The final submission of the report was sent through the
Moodle shell.

The main aim of this report was to look into the existing OHS hazards around the MB hall
area in the Fiji National University’s Derrick campus. It brings to light the hazards involving
the roads and walkways revolving about MB hall with appropriate recommendations to
amend the highlighted issues. The complied report makes full use of the information retrieved
from sources such as questionnaires, face to face interviews and personal surveillance to
assess how the inadequate state of the road around MB hall poses a hazard to students and
staff as well as school and personal property. The group found this topic to be most
appropriate since most of our lectures and labs are held within that area which is also
classroom to many other students and colleges.

This schematic report only focuses on the hazards revolving the project’s location of study
and also contains individual views from students and staff members of Derrick campus.

2.0 Methods of Data Collection

To reach the objective of the proposed report, the upcoming approaches were used as a means
of gathering information for this project.

2.1 The research interview was carried out and recorded by Pauliasi and Samisoni with Mr.
Kapilraj Chand from the school of building and civil engineering who also happens to use the
MB hall route frequently for his classes. The Mr. Chand was interviewed in his office while
his responses were being recorded upon his consent. All the data retrieved from Mr. Chand’s
interview was then jotted down and reviewed. The fundamental information was then used in
the final report.

2.2 A total of four questionnaires were distributed, three being a staff member and two
students based at the Fiji National University (Derrick campus), plus a frequent guest to the
Derrick campus. Two of which were vehicle owners while the remaining two recipients were
walkway users.

2.3 Individual observations were carried out collectively by the group and were typed up as
findings for the report since it was personalized based observations that lead the group to
choose this specific issue for the assigned report.

2.4 The secondary references of information were also looked into and filtered for the
secondary research. All related and relevant information was viewed, paraphrased and
appropriately accredited throughout the compilation of this report.

3.0 Gathered Findings

3.1 Interview with the expert

3.1.1 According to an interview we conducted with Mr. Kapilraj Chand, the lack of road
signs and suitable automobile parking areas are the main factors affecting students and
lecturers. He also noted that the physical condition is more transient and tends to deteriorate
in a short period of time.

3.1.2 The allocated space for parking. The campus doesn’t have different allocated carparks for lecturers and students. It has been known that cars have been parking from morning till night. This is taking
up a lot of space. This is really a major factor of overcrowded car in the parking areas. Divers Park their cars on walk ways. Walk way is made up of material that is different
from roads. This can creak and even damaged in the walk way.

3.1.3 Road signs Mr. Kapilraj also stated that even thou our campus teaches OHS, still people aren’t
following simple rules

3.1.4 Accessibility He also mentioned the need of improving the accessibility from the front gate. There
is only one gate for entrance and exits. This is really effects the moving in and out of the car
accessing from the front gate. There is also a need for a back entrance. Most of the time, divers just use the access
from the front gate. It really helps on the traffic problem especially in the morning and

3.2 Questionnaire Discussion and Analysis

Road Markings

Yes No
Figure 1 Source: Questionnaire

Road Signs

Yes No
Figure 2 Source: Questionnaire

The data in the above pie chats (Figure 1) & (Figure 2) describes the common responses given by the
recipients of the questionnaires when asked if road signs and markings for available parking spots,
pedestrian walkway and vehicle flow of traffic were marked appropriately in and around the MB hall
area at Derrick campus.

Parking Spaces

Yes No
Figure 3 Source: Questionnaire

Figure 3 highlights the correspondence opinions when questioned if the current parking spaces
available around MB hall were enough and adequate for vehicles to park.

3.2.1 From the questionnaire, respondents highlighted that there are minimal to no road
signs present on campus to warn drivers or pedestrians, especially indicating the one-
way road leading to the back of the campus or any way to alert drivers of each other’s

3.2.2 The respondents who use the walkway had also mentioned that there is no pedestrian
road signs and markings such as a zebra crossing to show students and staff who walk to the
MB hall the allocated walkway for pedestrians.

3.2.3 Majority of the questionnaire recipients feel that the present parking spaces at MB hall
are not big enough to cater for all the vehicles that intend to park there.

3.2.4 As a consequence, of the small parking slots available at MB hall, respondents have
said that people have to get creative with how and where they park their car (on the grass,
walkway and on parking prohibited zones, as long as they are able to park their vehicles
which have also been said to give a congested and constantly occupied appearance to the MB
hall environment.

3.2.5 Respondents have also listed some difficulties they face while using the access roads,
driveways and walkways in school, them being; unmarked and directionless roads, very
narrow road spacing, congested roads, fear of vehicle being scraped or damaged as a result of

3.3 Secondary Resources:

3.3.1 According to Giarratana (2021), a well-organized car park is capable of reducing liable
expenses to the school whilst ensuring the safety of students, staff and visitors.
3.3.2 Giarratana (2021) also adds that careless behaviour is always a possibility and that
initiatives should be established to prevent reckless behaviour in and around the school

3.3.3 Bachok et al, (2011) stated that traffic signs are needed to give road users a clear
message at the exact moment in time. Without these signs the movement of traffic would be
disorderly and unpredictable.

3.3.4 Sign lettering and legibility must be written simply so that they can be conveyed at one
glance (Bachok et al), the statement refers to signs such as speed limits, no entry signs as well
as no parking signs and parking signs.

3.3.5 Maintenance of signs is important to simulate the concentration of the driver (Bachok et
al, 2011), the statement refers to the regular cleaning and painting of signs.

3.3.6 Siting of signs must be a distance from the hazard to give drivers sufficient warning.
(Bachok et al, 2011). The four aspects to positioning traffic signs are that, it must be siting
along the road in relation to the junction, hazard, or other feature to which it applies.
Secondly its placement in relation to the edge of the carriageway and other features of the
cross section. Third its height above the road, and finally its orientation.

3.3.7 When designing the roads landscape, habits and behaviours of school students must also
be taken into full consideration whilst coming up with associated factors such as a reasonable
set sidewalk or accessible short cut through campus (Xu, Zhang and Rong, 2012).

3.3.8 Authors Xu, Zhang and Rong (2012) mentions in their research that, during peak
periods of campus travel, it is expected that the heart of the main road would experience
excessive traffic pressure, resulting in campus road congestion, travel burden, and overall
campus look. To avoid the branches of campus traffic system creating the main traffic line
due to a concentrated traffic distribution, it may be necessary to set up a few parallel cores
main road transit to spread the burden of traffic on campus.

3.3.9 When it comes to traffic control, a problem that has become a major concern is
insufficient road discipline where by vehicle owners park in parking prohibited/ illegal
parking zones (Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2010).

3.3.10 In addition to lack of road discipline displayed by drivers, poor pedestrian

conveniences are also contributing factors to traffic management issues. Pedestrians are left
to walk on and along roadsides as a result of illegal parking which takes up the allocated
walking space for pedestrians, causing people to jaywalk (Japan International Cooperation
Agency, 2010).

3.4 Personal Observations

3.4.1 From an observation point of view, the road around the MB hall area has little to no
parking space to cater for students and staff members whose classes are around the MB hall,
Block E and D buildings. This issue causes vehicles owners to create their own parking
spaces is available which not only gives that area a congested look but also becomes a hazard
to traffic flow and pedestrian safety.

3.4.2 In addition, as a result of car park limitation around the MB hall area, students are
forced to walk on the campus roads because footpaths are being used by car owners to park
their vehicles.

Photo taken by Tausie Dominiko Photo taken by Tausie Dominiko

The pictures above show how cars around the MB hall premises are being parked despite the
no parking zone sign being displayed as well as the side walk being used as a temporary car
park causing congestion and depriving pedestrians of their allocated space.

Photo taken by Tausie Dominiko

This photograph visibly shows how congestion and difficulty in traffic flow during peak
hours are caused due to illegally parked cars on the roadsides of MB hall.
4.0 Conclusion
Some of the important findings from the report have been summarized below.

4.1 Interview Analysis

4.1.1 A very significant point that was emphasized by the expert who was being interviewed
was that the campus doesn’t have different allocated carparks for lecturers and students.

4.1.2 He also mentioned that it has been known that cars have been parking from morning till
night. This is taking up a lot of space, leaving no more space for pedestrians to walk on.

4.1.3 Mr. Kapilraj Chand concluded that the person or committees with cars should choose a
specific place for all cars to park to be park. He also mentioned that the school campus should
provide parking area and also markings on roads to avoid accidents, and also a small zebra

4.2 Questionnaire Analysis

4.2.1 Zebra crossing, road signs indicating from which specific place to cross the road to MB
Hall are not provided.

4.2.2 There is not nearly enough space for parking cars, causing drivers to get creative by
parking on the grass, walkways and on the side of the road, wherever they find space.

4.2.3 Drivers usually park beside the technical lab building or in front of the MB Hall and if
there is no more space, they park anywhere they can find.

4.2.4 Access roads are narrow for big vehicles making it prone to accidents by careless

4.3 Secondary Research Analysis

4.3.1 From the secondary research, the information implies that unmarked campus roads and
roads in general can create a lot of confusion, frustration, and hazardous situations could
potentially cause bodily harm and damage to properties.

4.3.2 Road signs and markings are vital when it comes to; creating smoother traffic flow in
and around the campus and ensuring that important signals or messages such as speed limits,
no entry and parking signs as well as campus directions and maps are clearly displayed
around the appropriate campus sites.

4.3.3 When it comes to roads around campus, factors like; student’s route habits, future
expansion of the university, the growing student and staff population on campus and the ease
of traffic flow around campus must be considered when designing and planning the
construction of campus roads and routes.

4.3.4 The lack of adequate road safety from both the vehicle owners and pedestrians are what
also causes accidents and injuries which makes driver’s and pedestrian’s careless attitudes a

4.3.5 The maintenance of road markings and signs are important for adequate health and
safety as well as higher efficiency.

5.0 Recommendations

5.1 Recommendations by expert.

5.1.1 His first recommendation is the person or committees that are responsible for these
issues in road and pedestrian safety need to take action.

5.1.2 The school should provide some zebra crossing where the MB Hall walkway. For
example, there could be a possible chance of a student or stuff getting into an accident where
the driveway.

5.1.3 There should be some road markings on the roads so it’ll be easier for drivers to
navigate through the MB hall drive way. For example: there could be an accident there as
seen there in the pictures provided above.

5.1.4 If changes are done to the parking area, they can allocate or chose a specific place for
cars to occupy. This can be arranged according to their respective departments.

5.2 Recommendations by the respondents from the questionnaires.

5.2.1 Visible Road signs and road markings should be provided to help drivers coordinate
accordingly and the same. Such as direction arrows, one-way signs, and parking spots.

5.2.2 Proper sheltered walkways for students to access the MB Hall should be provided.

5.2.3 Signage should be provided for pedestrians indicating how to get to the MB Hall as
there is no clear way at first sight.

5.3 Secondary Research Recommendations

Campus roads can be made more organised and safer by:

5.3.1 Having clear road markings that indicate; the flow of traffic, point of entries and exit to
name a few. Such markings will enable drivers know and follow the correct lanes and flow of
traffic as well as indicate the appropriate paths for pedestrians to follow which will greatly
benefit the traffic system around the campus and ensure that pedestrians get to their
destinations safely.

5.3.2 Installing clear and understandable road signs and campus maps create; an orderly and
efficient movement of traffic through the university, eliminates confusion amongst drivers,
indicates the appropriate speed limits around campus, along with assisting students, staff and
guests with navigation and destinations around the university.
5.3.3 Along with installing speed limits, the placement of road humps around campus is
another practical way of ensuring that drivers use the road within the appropriate speed

5.3.4 Landscaping the university’s free space in a practical and creative way to provide the
university with more parking slots whilst also prioritising the campus natural leisure hangouts
and scenery.

5.3.5 Making other alternate roads that branch off from the main campus road and spread to
other parts can also eradicate campus road congestion by evenly distributing traffic to
respective parts of the campus which makes movement from point A to B much easier.

5.3.6 Drivers and Pedestrians must learn, respect and follow proper road rules in order to
create safer roads for each other.

5.3.7 Fining students, staff and guests for not complying with the university’s road
regulations such as parking in a no parking zone.

5.4 Personal Recommendations

5.4.1 If there could be a railing on the walk way towards MB HALL, so that the road can be
separate the road from the walkway and also to avoid the car from parking at the walkway.

5.4.2 Have clear signs visible to drivers and pedestrians to guide people on how to access and
exit the MB Hall from the front gate and from the parking lot.

5.4.3 Allocate more space for car park area.

5.4.4 There should be more clear road markings provided for cars to follow, reason being is
cars tend to use the wrong lane and also park their cars in a no parking zone.

5.4.5 I highly recommend that the school should provide walkways for pedestrians to use,
because there’s always cars crowding up where the driveway at MB Hall.

6.0 Signatories And Dates

6.1 Group Members

7.0 Referencing List:

Bachok, S., Sahrir, S. and Osman, M.M., The impacts of new traffic signs provision on road
safety levels in higher educational campus [online]. Available at: Google Scholar
provision-on-road-safety-levels-in-higher-educational-campus.pdf [Accessed 31st

Giarratana, C., 2021. Safety Resource Center. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1st June].
Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2010. Dhaka Urban Transport Network
Development Study [pdf]. Bangladesh: Bangladesh Ministry of Communications
[online]. Available at:
[Accessed 1st June].
Xu, J., Zhang, Z. and Rong, J., 2012, ‘The Campus Road Planning and Design Research’, 8th
International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies Changsha, Beijing,
China, 1-3 August 2012, Elsevier B.V., pp 579-586 [online]. Available at: Google
[Accessed 2nd June].

8.0 Appendix

8.1 Questionnaire

We the College of Engineering Science and Technology doing DAD, DQS, and DC carrying
out a survey for COM 402 Report assignment. This survey will assist us in compiling the
report. Thank you in advance for taking out your time to fill out the questionnaires. Your
answers will be treated with confidentiality and used for report purposes.

1.2) Programme and stage (if student):___________________
1.3) Department (if staff): _____________________________

1. What is your mode of transportation to school?

____ bus
____ car
____ on foot
Any other please specify_____________________________________

1. How often do you have classes in the MB hall?

____ Once a week
___ Up to 3 times a week
____ More than 3 times per week
____ Everyday

1. Which route do you use to travel to the MB hall? Please specify if by car or if walking
to the MB Hall.

1. Are the roads clearly marked?

Yes ____ No ___

Please explain if no.


1. Are there road signs clearly showing the way or warning driver’s and pedestrians etc?
If no, please explain.

1. If you travel in a vehicle, how do you navigate your way to the MB hall?

1. Where do you normally park your vehicle at MB Hall?


1. Are parking spaces clearly marked? Yes____ No ____

If no, please explain

1. Are there enough parking spaces to for vehicles wanting to park? Yes___ No _____
If no please explain
1. What type of condition is the drive way in, from the front and back gate to the MB

11. What are some difficulties you faced when using the access road or driveways in school?
Please discuss 2.

12. If you could make some improvements to the roads and walk way leading up to MB hall
what would it be? Please discuss three things.


8.2 Interview Questions

1. What are your views about the conditions of the road in our campus?
2. What are your opinions on the car parking area? Should there be a separate car parks for
students and lecturers?
3. What can you say about the road signs we have; is it being followed?
4. What can you say about the accessibility of the road in the campus?
5. What recommendations can you make, to solve these issues?


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