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2022 Email MKT Guide

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Table of Contents

02 Introduction

04 The Impact of Privacy Changes

07 Supply Chain Concerns Greater This Year

09 The Power of Real-Time Personalization for

Increased Conversions and AOV: Dynamic Emails
and Onsite Experiences with

15 Mobile Messaging

17 Grow Your Subscriber List with Strong Offers

20 The Importance of User-Generated Content

22 Loyalty Programs: Show Appreciation and Keep

Longtime Subscribers Engaged with

25 Just Say No to Silos

27 2022 Email Predictions from the Experts

Email marketing is among the most established and commonly utilized channels
within the performance marketing industry, enabling businesses, brands, and
organizations of all sizes to connect directly with an opted-in audience.

Among its primary distinguishing factors is that email is highly personal, with the
expectation of receiving highly personalized emails from ecommerce brands in
particular continuing to grow over time.

While brands might have historically been able to send the same email, at the same
time, to all of their subscribers—regardless of their recent browsing or purchase
behaviors—today, consumers expect brands and retailers will leverage the first-party
data at their disposal to craft emails ‘just for them.’ That is precisely what makes it
so important for emails to be designed with the recipient’s needs in mind, not your

By crafting your brand’s emails to best provide what your subscribers want to receive,
when they want to receive it, your success stands to be the natural byproduct.
Subscribers agreed to grant you front-door access to their inbox; it’s your job to
provide an experience that confirms that was a good decision.



The Inbox is a Reflection
Subscriber expectations are likely that these emails may be straightforward
and simply designed; these types of emails don’t need to be optimized or
of the Subscriber pretty. Subscribers just want to know how a candidate would vote on a
particular issue, or if Teaberry ice cream is ever really coming back.
If you review your own personal inbox, chances are it reads a bit like a diary
of who you are, your hobbies and interests, what you value—and, yes—
where you like to shop. It is curated by you, for you, to make gathering the
information that matters most to you as easy as possible.
Unlike ads served in real-time based on user location, search terms, and SUBSCRIPTION INTENT MATTERS.
more, emails and SMS/MMS messages are something people much more
intentionally agree to receive. But the subscription intention likely varies Generally speaking, the primary reasons users subscribe to ecommerce
quite a bit from category to category. email lists are that they want to:

ALIGN WITH SUBSCRIBERS’ INTENTION IS AMONG THE MOST • Be made aware of any stock concerns or issues, such as an item
CRUCIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR EFFECTIVE MARKETING. they viewed being low on inventory or available sizes
• Discover new items that are likely to be of interest to them

Subscription Intent Matters In ecommerce emails, the primary message or promotional element should
own the screen. You want the reader to be able to clearly understand the
There are a number of reasons people choose to subscribe to email lists purpose of the email, and the actions you want them to take, within seconds.
from different brands, retailers, and organizations, and with those differing
reasons comes varying expectations of how emails will be structured. “Create emails that are accessible for all recipients. Review your email
design and strategy, and prioritize accessibility so the entire audience can
When subscribing to a favorite political candidate’s email list, for example, interpret and understand your emails. When analyzing email accessibility,
it’s typically because they want to be kept up-to-date with campaign consider the impact of design elements such as all-image emails,
progress, stances on important issues, or opportunities to volunteer. alt-text, font size and color, and typography. Ensuring that the design
and message is clear will provide a better experience for all recipients.
As for why folks might subscribe to their local ice cream shop’s email list?
Optimize your design and strategy to reach more contacts and empower
Expectations might include being alerted about new or retiring flavors,
everyone on your list to feel included and want to interact with your brand.”
updates to hours of operation, or neighborhood events the shop will be
involved with.
Kati Harris
While the two examples above are quite different, they do have a Sr. Manager, CRM & Email at Tinuiti

few things in common.

The Impact of Privacy Changes
2021 has undoubtedly been “The Year of Privacy,” but the digital privacy considerations
and requirements to come are far from over; they have only just begun.

From Apple iOS 15 to Google Android 12 updates, and beyond, privacy setting options
are more visible than ever before, requiring that users actively accept conditions and

Let’s dive into some recent privacy changes that will be most impactful to email
marketers in 2022:

Loss of open rate tracking for opted-in Apple Mail users as part of their Mail Privacy
Protection. If an Apple Mail user installed iOS 15, and opted-in to the related privacy
setting, a new feature designed to prevent senders from using pixels to collect user
information restricts marketers’ insight into when the user opened their email. This
limits advertisers’ ability to A/B test based on open rates and send times as their overall
reliability is compromised.

“This year Apple released Mail Privacy Protection, which limited marketers’ ability
to capture IP address information vital to contextual email campaigns. Apple also
released a new measure that gave Apple Mail users the power to reduce data
tracking, cutting off vital information for retargeting campaigns and digital ads.
Third-party cookies also lost some influence as Google announced their plan
to phase out cookies in the near future. These efforts are the consequence of
heightened sensitivity around data privacy, from both consumers and regulators
around the globe.”

Rachel Cowlishaw
Associate Director of Strategy, Retail at Movable Ink

Source: Forbes 5
Hide My Email option for Apple Mail users as part of iCloud+ Enhanced Privacy Features
allows for the creation of ‘burner’ emails that can’t be tracked by the sender.

“The latest feature allows users to essentially create ‘burner’ emails to sign up/register
for new accounts. Emails to the burner address will forward to the user’s real email
address to limit personal information shared with advertisers and to limit spam.”

Leah Lloyd
Group Director, CRM & Email at Tinuiti

Personalized emails are still possible for Hide My Email users because there is a
consistent identifier for each person; marketers and brands just won’t know their name—
aka who the email gets sent to. The identifier will still be unique to them, but if their
previous purchase history is associated with a different email, the dots can’t be connected.

If a Hide My Email user decides to opt-in, they are essentially a brand new customer.
Marketers can use their information from that point forward for future communications,
but using Hide My Email is essentially users wiping the slate clean and “starting over,” even
if they have years of purchase history tied to their personal email account.

Hide My Email can also cause countdown timers in emails to display the wrong
information for these users, and inhibit geo-targeting capabilities, as marketers don’t know
their location or what time it is there.

“More privacy for consumers means less information for marketers. Marketers
will need to unlock the power of their first-party data to stay ahead. With direct-
to-consumer relationships becoming increasingly important, building trust and
delivering better experiences, powered by data, will give smart marketers a
competitive advantage.”

Nirish Parsad
Head of Technology at Tinuiti

Source: MacRumors 6

Greater this Year Offer greater incentive for customers to provide feedback following a
purchase so your brand can better gauge which items shoppers like best once
The past two years have brought global supply chain issues at a scale not they’ve received them. In the event you do have to divert your attention in one
seen for decades. And the disruptive effects are likely to extend well into direction or another, you can focus the greatest efforts on ensuring those
2022, and beyond in some instances. The ‘new normal’ is that marketing well-received
plans probably will change. We no longer have to wonder if everything products are in stock.
will go off without a hitch; it likely won’t. But we can plan for what to
do when it doesn’t.
You may even increase response rates by stating straight out in your email
The “how” of strategically adjusting your marketing initiatives with those
that their feedback helps determine what’s most important to stock during
supply chain issues in mind will vary from channel to channel, due largely
this time of disruption. Many people enjoy doing their part to help others,
to the varying speed with which different advertising methods can be
particularly when they understand what someone is trying to solve for, and
modified and activated. While you can quickly turn off a Paid Search
feel like they’re contributing in a more impactful way than just leaving a
campaign or send a mobile message, for example, you’ll want to plan
further ahead when building your email marketing plans, always keeping

As mentioned in Tinuiti’s Q4 planning guide, having an “oops” email template

Email Marketing Supply ready-to-customize for emergency situations is essential. This year, consider

Chain Strategies
also creating a template to be used specifically for conveying supply chain
issue-related information.

PROMOTE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE. Among the benefits of designing this email template before you need it is
that you can spend the necessary time perfecting the look and feel. In the
Just like we occasionally have to remind ourselves to eat what’s already in unfortunate event you do have to send it, it will look polished, on-brand, and
the fridge before grocery shopping, your brand can promote the items that be populated with the primary information you want to share with subscribers
have the highest stock counts while you’re working through any production or regarding supply chain issues you’re experiencing. Consider which supply
shipping issues on other items behind the scenes. chain concerns are most likely to impact your business this year, and craft
content for use in the template email that explains those issues, and how
customers should respond.


The Power of Real-Time Personalization
for Increased Conversions and AOV:
Dynamic Emails and Onsite Experiences
Jane Serra

BRAND EDUCATION VP of Marketing at Justuno

LEAD CAPTURE Personalizing a website visitor’s experience as they move through your site will improve your
conversion rate (CVR) and average order value (AOV) because you’re creating a series of
relevant touchpoints guiding them through their customer journey.

Using dynamic onsite pop-ups requires a full-funnel approach from top to bottom. This starts
UTM TARGETING with lead capture and customer acquisition at the top of the funnel (TOFU), using site-wide
OVERLAYS banners and exit offers for the middle of the funnel (MOFU), and then rounding out their
BANNERS experience (and increasing AOV + conversions) with intelligent product recommendations for
the bottom of the funnel.

Now then, let’s dive into the specifics of how to personalize each of these stages through
dynamic on-site experiences.

For visitors that are at the top of the funnel, they’re just starting out on their journey, doing
some research and learning about a brand and its story. So, all of your on-site efforts for new
visitors should be geared towards helping them learn about the brand, providing information
that sets you apart.

Brands need to collect visitors’ contact information ASAP; once that visitor disappears into

$ the digital void, they’re gone. When an email is captured, you have an opportunity to continue
the conversation and push them further ahead on their journey.

There are different ways to go about this, but the most effective method is
to incorporate a high-converting and engaging lead capture promotion, which
can be designed in many ways. We recommend using spin-to-wins (or other
gamification styles) to create an immediately engaging, fun way for visitors
to interact with your brand. You can let visitors know what your brand is about
with creative colors, design, copy, and imagery, and keep them interested in
learning more. Custom gamification is one of the most effective ways to create
a lasting impression and show off your brand’s personality.

Alternatively, you can use more traditional lead capture methods like a center-
screen or corner slide-in asking for their email, often in exchange for a discount.
However, these are still great opportunities to showcase your brand voice—have
fun with it!

Lifestyle jewelry brand Bryan Anthonys is a great example of using lead capture
pop-ups to both engage their visitors and showcase their brand at the same time.
Their opt-in offers convert at an industry-leading 17.15%.

Further, personalized messaging isn’t exclusive to known visitors or traffic—you

can personalize a first-time visitor’s experience by following their journey through
the site and recommending products based on which pages they visit on your site.
Jumpstart the personalization process, for example, by showcasing your best
selling items on the homepage in a dynamic carousel; then—as they click through
product pages—recommend related items based on what they’ve viewed.

Further down the funnel, you can create even more individualized experiences
as you get to know these visitors better on their subsequent website visits.


Once visitors are familiar with your brand and in your email database, Exit overlays, also called exit intent pop-ups, are pop-ups that appear when it
we highly recommend using banners, exit overlays, and UTM targeting looks like a visitor is about to leave your site. They can be used at any stage
parameters for your pop-ups to personalize their onsite experiences of the funnel but are the most effective for pushing middle funnelers into the
through the middle of the funnel. bottom, towards checkout.

BANNERS These pop-ups keep visitors on-site longer, help them explore additional
products, and give an additional opportunity to earn the sale.
Site-wide banners are great for keeping customers informed, building
trust, and augmenting your email campaigns. We highly recommended Exit intent offers are typically created with a discount or offer that is a no-
banners as they can be changed easily to reflect seasonal or holiday brainer for an interested customer (i.e. middle funnel), but not necessarily a
promotions, countdowns for special offers, shipping information, and brand new visitor (top of funnel). With a new visitor, they’ve only just learned
new product launches. about your brand, and may have added an item to their cart with the sole
intent of just saving it. With a returning MOFU visitor, they’re more interested
Incorporating dynamic elements like countdowns or timers are effective
in your products—having taken the time to do some research—and are more
for driving action from your visitors since once that timer runs out, that
inclined to take you up on your extra-special exit offer.
special product or promotion will be gone, making FOMO a real concern
for your visitors.

Dynamic shipping thresholds for shipping or rewards (e.g. “You’re X dollars

away from free shipping!) are similarly useful for creating a more enticing
experience personalized to their current cart contents. These are crucial for
those who don’t offer free shipping on all orders, since surprise shipping
costs are one of the top reasons for abandoned carts. You’ll be able to
show customers what they need to do to unlock free shipping, ensuring
they don’t abandon their cart later in the funnel, and even increase order
values in the process.

Mirror email campaigns onsite via banners as well, targeting UTM parameters
for visitors when they click through. Showing the same offer
or coupon code when those visitors are onsite creates a more streamlined
and clean brand experience.


While we encourage you to use a wide variety of pop-ups on your site, using UTMs to
better target visitors is our number one tip to use in all your promotions, whether you
only use one or ten.

By targeting visitors and firing pop-ups that relate directly to what they saw on the
channel they came from—like an email, social post, or paid ad—you have the opportunity
to deliver a more personalized and relevant message. In the case of emails, UTM-
specific pop-ups can reflect everything from the offer you displayed to nuanced in-page
recommendations for products shown in the email’s visuals. Additionally, if you have a
time-based or countdown offer, you can mirror that same countdown on-site.


Bottom funnel visitors are those that are most likely to purchase, and those that your
email campaigns are going to be the most successful with. If you send out a limited-
time sale or new product email, these customers are the ones who will make up the bulk
of your conversions.

However, there are several ways to personalize these high-intent shoppers’ experiences
for maximum revenue: In-cart and checkout product recommendations and AOV-
boosting pop-ups.


In-cart and checkout product recommendations provide dynamic displays of related

products in the shopper’s cart at the perfect time: when they’re about to check out! An
easy way to think of these is a bit like the candy and magazine displays at the grocery
store checkout.

Take a look at the Bryan Anthonys example below to see how they did it (and got a 126%
improvement in engagement and conversion over normal email capture pop-ups!).

The great thing about incorporating product recommendations on the cart and checkout
pages is that it’s personalized, non-invasive, and provides a visitor with additional items
they’re likely to enjoy seeing—even if they don’t end up adding it.

Utilizing cross-sells and upsells for in-cart and checkout are very effective, but, when
implemented across the rest of the site alongside an aggressive acquisition strategy,
brands can see huge improvements for their overall average order value (AOV).

In the case of Bryan Anthonys, when their entire CRO strategy was put together, they saw
a 79% increase in new customers, an additional 30% increase in returning customers,
and an $8 AOV increase. While an $8 AOV increase may not sound like much, adding
$8 to every single order (on average), can make a tremendous difference. And the end
result? A 300% overall increase in revenue growth for them.


By pairing your email campaigns with your on-site messaging, you’ll see huge gains in
your email acquisition, conversions, and overall revenue. Taking a full-funnel approach
to creating a dynamic on-site experience means you’re making every single touchpoint
better for the consumer, making it easier for them to learn more, add items to their cart,
and discover new products they may like.

Reducing barriers to purchase and proactively giving visitors the information they may
want—like knowing how far away they are from getting free shipping, or what the coupon
code from their email was—makes it that much easier for them to checkout, and creates
a positive user experience.

Mobile Messaging
Like peanut butter and jelly, or Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, your email marketing and
mobile messaging strategy can shine brightly on their own, but realize their greatest
success when working together.

Similar to your email list, your SMS marketing list is full of opted-in subscribers.
Their subscription intention is largely the same, as well—to be notified about upcoming
sales, new product launches, and more. But where the two differ is in their implied
urgency and timeliness.

Whereas your goal might be a subscriber opening an email that day, it can be expected
that a greater number of SMS alerts and in-app notifications will be read that minute.
In fact, statistics show that a staggering 98% of all SMS messages are opened, and
90% of all messages are read within the first three minutes of being sent. Simply put,
it’s no mistake that you get food delivery push notifications at 5pm when they know
you’re hungry and tired from a long day!

This year, we’re expecting to see an even greater synergistic relationship between email
and SMS (short message service / text-based) / MMS (multimedia messaging service /
includes attachments and/or links). Email will still serve a crucial role as the information-
packed ‘primary resource’ for promotional alerts and company information, with SMS/
MMS supporting as a pre-email heads-up, after-email ‘friendly nudge,’ and the strongest
option for more urgent or timely alerts.

For more information, download our SMS & Email Marketing: Strategies to Drive
Engagement guide.

Source: Tinuiti + Attentive: SMS & Email Marketing Guide 16

Grow Your Subscriber List
with Strong Offers
One of the most important offers you’ll craft in your email marketing campaign is the
very first one—the subscription offer. There will be plenty of personalized discounts
and alerts to send in the future, but before all that can happen, you have to get them
to agree to a first date.

As we discussed above, subscription intent matters in every email you send, but it’s
important to consider the initial reason many people subscribe to ecommerce email
lists is the same: They want a discount now. Chances are they’ve landed on your site
through an ad or organic search result, found something that interests them, and want
to take advantage of that special discount they’ll only get to use once—the discount
for first time purchasers.

To be certain, there is no requirement that you offer a percentage or dollar amount

discount for first time buyers. However, it has increasingly become the standard.
Consider that a new subscriber may be waiting for an immediate email to land in their
inbox after hitting submit, thanking them for subscribing, and including a coupon code.
We recommend spelling out what this discount will be right alongside the subscribe
button, and/or utilizing pop-up offers. Make the decision to subscribe as easy and
informed as possible.

Source: Tinuiti + Attentive: SMS & Email Marketing Guide 18

New Subscriber Offers to Consider

We recommend offering at least 10% off any purchase (with no or few exceptions)


For example, if your brand sells protein powders, consider offering a free shaker bottle
with the first order. If your brand sells makeup, consider offering a makeup bag or small
brush set with the first order. Ensure free items align with your products and brand, and
are designed with a recurring customer in mind


To encourage repeat purchases from the outset, consider providing a discount code that
will save them a specific percentage or dollar amount on their first several purchases

TIP: Be mindful not to alienate or upset your existing subscribers by offering new
subscribers something they have no other way of accessing. Borrowing from the
example above, if you choose to offer a free protein shaker bottle with the first order,
make that bottle available for purchase on your site as well.

Source: Tinuiti + Attentive: SMS & Email Marketing Guide 19


The Importance of User- We encourage brands to look into what folks are saying about their
products everywhere possible. In addition to reviews left on your own site,
Generated Content dive into any other sites that host reviews for your products as well. See
what people are saying about them all across the internet and social media,
It has been well-established that shoppers rely heavily on reviews when
including: Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter,
deciding whether or not to make a purchase, so why not take some of the
and more.
best insights and ideas your reviews have to offer, and feature them in your
emails? In addition to providing you with a fuller picture of the sentiment regarding
your products, you can also learn valuable information about how they
Let’s consider a few ways to make use of reviews, and other user-generated
are being used. You can then leverage these insights in your marketing
content, in your emails:
Let’s consider two sample scenarios:
Below we consider two examples: one that lists the hypothetical review in
EXAMPLE ONE: Your brand sells a face cream for sensitive skin
its entirety, and one that references it. For either, we recommend including
a large image, multiple images, or a GIF of the product reviewed, with a Through researching what shoppers are saying about your company’s face
prominent button linking to the product on your site. cream, you notice that a high percentage of people are noting it has helped
their rosacea. While this wasn’t the primary intended purpose or promise
of the face cream, you can share that information within your promotional
“This dog shampoo is a GAME CHANGER. My fussy Pomeranian used efforts.
to dread bath day, but the soothing oatmeal formula and calming scent
EXAMPLE TWO: Your brand sells a canvas tote bag
has her making much less of a splash these days. Thank you, thank you!
Four paws up from Miss Bella!” While looking for reviews and feedback about a popular canvas tote bag
you sell, you notice that many shoppers chose yours over the competition
because it is 100% vegan, while many of your competitors have included
Try the dog shampoo that one fussy Pomeranian gave four paws up! leather handles. You can now include that information right on your site,
within your ads, and of course, within an email blast promoting the product.


Loyalty Programs:
Show Appreciation and Keep
Longtime Subscribers Engaged
Rachel Cowlishaw
Associate Director of Strategy, Retail at Movable Ink

Let’s face it; customer loyalty is the lifeblood of every business’ success. But to get
customers engaged and willing to share more about themselves, they need to feel as
though they’re receiving value in return for their data, time, and effort. This is where
loyalty programs and engaging, rewarding content will significantly impact a brand’s
ability to create robust data profiles, and successful personalization campaigns.

Now that new privacy restrictions plan to make it more challenging for marketers to
leverage contextual information in email campaigns, brands should utilize zero and
first-party data for enhanced personalization within their loyalty and content marketing.

Loyalty programs are all about communicating value and driving engagement; in turn,
consumers expect program simplicity and updates. To achieve this, marketers can
start by including a progress bar on the top of emails that leverages first-party data,
providing visibility towards current status or progress towards the next tier or reward.
This allows customers to have a fairly accurate look at their current standing while also
incentivizing their next purchase.

In the Inkredible Retail example, the rewards information is partnered with new arrivals
and exclusive rewards relevant to the number of rewards points currently accumulated.
This is highly effective in ensuring customers are not just earning, but also burning (ie.
redeeming) the rewards they accrue, which conveys that customers are understanding
and benefiting from the value proposition.

Ultimately, the loyalty information aims to offer an incentive to purchase, encourage

point redemption, and reward John for his high-value actions.

The next personalized email is also built using first-party loyalty data. However, in this
case, the message motivates John to reach the next loyalty tier, and inspires him to
do so by showcasing new arrivals in a category he most recently browsed. This is in
addition to products he’s carted along with a store locator that provides him with the
visibility of fulfillment options he has, making his drive-to-store experience all the more

Lastly, recent Instagram content is used to further inspire his purchase, and showcase
ways in which he can wardrobe. All of these combined tactics create a sense of
inspiration, urgency, and ultimately increase conversion.

While it’s time to take data privacy more seriously, it doesn’t mean that people don’t
want personalized experiences or that marketers can no longer create sophisticated
email and mobile campaigns. In a Movable Ink survey, 68% of consumers said
they were likely to be a loyal customer if a brand is engaging and builds personal
relationships with them. Even if Apple rocked the digital marketing world, marketers
found ways to adjust their tactics as customers continued to expect 1:1 experiences

That’s where loyalty programs come in. Understanding the value of loyalty data,
marketers quickly focused on building more data-driven loyalty programs that offered
tangible rewards and incentives for customer acquisition and engagement. In 2022,
those efforts should come to fruition as the most technologically advanced marketers
build sophisticated email and mobile campaigns based on data that customers
willingly submit in return for the right offer.

That means more competition for loyalty signups, better offers for consumers, and an
arms race to build data-centric loyalty programs that can be transformed into visual
personalization that drives up customer lifetime value.

Brands will need to carefully review their loyalty programs before the beginning of the
year to ensure that their messaging conveys the program’s value proposition, and have
campaigns in place for onboarding, reactivation, and everything in between. They’ll also
need to find creative, automated ways to capture new data in addition to leveraging
what they already have—ultimately creating email and mobile campaigns that capture
attention and deliver exactly what their customers want.


Just Say No to Silos:
Cross-Channel Integration Benefits
There have always been benefits to employing a holistic lifecycle marketing One example of how a holistic approach offers a better user experience is
strategy, but as shoppers are hit with advertisements at an ever-increasing that it provides you a fuller picture of everywhere your ads have been shown
rate—across an also ever-increasing range of outlets—it’s become table to a particular user, informing the “right time” to serve an offer.
We’ve all likely spent more hours than we can count discussing the importance of growing the quantity and quality of invaluable first-party data
importance of understanding the shopper journey, considering what is only increasing with privacy restrictions on the rise, and the death of the
customers have already been exposed to, and at which stage of that journey cookie looming closer. Your email service provider (ESP) has a wealth of
each ad or promotion is being served. When operating within a channel historical data on existing subscribers and customers, including products
silo—considering only what emails they’ve been sent, for example—you run they’ve viewed and purchased, when they last made a purchase, products
the risk of sending content or offers that are no longer relevant, repetitive, or they’ve added to their cart, and products for which they want to be notified
even worse—annoying. once they’re back in stock. Channels beyond email can harness these
insights for better targeting. In example, your email team can build out
segments for your Social team for intelligent remarketing.

Cross-channel marketing initiatives are designed, by their very nature, to “There are also capabilities of sharing those custom audiences on the

support each other. Each serves a unique and equally important role in Google Ads side of things. The CRM and Email team is truly equipped to

carrying a shopper from awareness to conversion, including email sends, support not just sending email, but also building out audiences you can

SMS messages, in-app notifications, onsite overlays, Paid Search and Social use for remarketing on other channels where you wouldn’t necessarily

campaigns, Google Shopping campaigns, influencer marketing, and more. have the data to do so, unless you have access to their CRM to build your
own audiences. The email team has that information at their fingertips
WHAT DOES BREAKING DOWN SILOS LOOK LIKE IN ACTION? HERE and can easily pull that information for other channels.”

Kait Cummings
BETTER USER EXPERIENCE. Shoppers have more options than ever before,
Email Marketing Strategist at Tinuiti
and it’s no longer enough to provide a quality product or service; the entire
experience matters to today’s consumers.

2022 Email Predictions from the Experts

“Privacy changes aren’t going away in 2022, and this “2020 accelerated the growth of click-and-collect.
will directly impact how we utilize email KPIs for our eMarketer reports growth will decelerate, but the gains will
programs. Brands will need to pivot from top-funnel hold, predicting click-and-collect to account for 9.9% of
KPIs (opens and clicks) to down-funnel KPIs (purchases all retail ecommerce sales in 2021. Omnichannel retailers
and conversions) for triggers and automations, and should invest in expanding their cart abandon programs to
focus more on purchase behaviors for retention efforts. showcase other shipping preferences like buy online ship
Gathering first-party data will be crucial to maintaining to store, curbside pick-up, same-day delivery, etc. If you

sophisticated email programs.” aren’t able to tackle a complicated technical set up for

Emily Clarkson Director, CRM & Email at Tinuiti this, having a simple banner in cart abandon emails that

showcases other ways to buy is a great first step.”

Christine Watson Director, CRM & Email at Tinuiti

“With the ‘death of the third party cookie’ and iOS

updates, email subscribers are the key into how you’re
targeting individuals in other channels. Next year, “Email campaigns will need to be thought of more in
we’ll see more investment into integrations available tandem with SMS efforts rather than as one or the other.
within ESPs (email service providers) to more easily SMS is only growing in popularity both with brands &
allow sharing data and audiences to other channels. customers, making it critical for email marketers to
Additionally, identifying users via email address or phone embrace it as another vehicle to connect with buyers. Each
number will be integral to being able to collect as much has its place in the buyer’s journey to shine, and brands
zero-party data and first-party data as possible. We’ll that leverage both together will see bigger wins than those
see more aggressive efforts to collect email addresses that keep them siloed.”
and phone numbers so that we can identify individuals Jane Serra VP of Marketing at Justuno
and provide more meaningful engagements across the

digital marketing space.”

Kellie Collins Associate Director, CRM & Email at Tinuiti

2022 Email Predictions from the Experts

“Data privacy will continue to rise in importance, making “It’s no secret that SMS will continue to grow, especially
email lists a marketer’s best friend as a lifeline to as shoppers look for new ways to engage with brands.
prospective buyers. While some metrics may become a As you expand your retention efforts, make sure to
relic of the past (open rate *cough* *cough*) that does keep in mind the whole customer journey and push for
not mean email is going away, or will be dead any time personalization. Text is a much more personal channel
soon. Marketers will need to re-evaluate their KPIs and and defaulting to batch and blast (just like in email) won’t

adjust to the times.” keep customers engaged long term. Yotpo reports that

Jane Serra VP of Marketing at Justuno 60% of respondents would complete a purchase if sent a
personalized offer via text message. Of shoppers polled,
39% are signed up to receive text messages from only 1-4
brands. That to me screams a huge opportunity to stand
out from your competitors.”
“Investment in loyalty programs will increase, and Christine Watson Director, CRM & Email at Tinuiti

competition will heat up. Because 2021 was the year

consumers and tech giants became more serious about
data privacy, 2022 is the year brands will implement
their fully adjusted digital marketing and personalization
“Mobile messaging has incredible ROI potential and it
strategies to respect new privacy measures. At the
provides an opportunity to create a hyper-personalized
heart of these efforts will be loyalty programs that allow
and unique experience for users. But now more than
marketers to continue engaging their customer base with
ever, it’s essential for brands to build trust and credibility
1:1 campaigns while also collecting the zero- and first-
with their subscribers. Make sure that the experience is
party data that’s crucial for sophisticated campaigns”
seamless and that your messaging provides real value
Rachel Cowlishaw
Associate Director of Strategy, Retail at Movable Ink
to your subscribers rather than simply causing
a disruption to their day.”
Mary Miller Senior Strategist, CRM & Email at Tinuiti

We are Brand Performance
Accelerators. TO THE NEXT LEVEL?
Tinuiti is the largest independent Our comprehensive, results-driven, full-funnel approach
performance marketing firm across
goes beyond what in-house teams are capable of,
Streaming TV and the Triopoly of Google,
Facebook, Amazon, with nearly $3 billion utilizing a blend of strategy, testing, deployment, and
in digital media under management and creative to help brands scale their email and SMS/MMS
over 1000 employees. With industry-leading
engagements and revenue.
expertise in search, social, Amazon and
marketplaces, addressable TV and mobile
apps, CRM and email marketing and more,
L E T ’ S TA L K !
Tinuiti understands that success requires
both strategy and channel expertise.

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