Cameron Francis - Exchange Rate Inc
Cameron Francis - Exchange Rate Inc
Cameron Francis - Exchange Rate Inc
I'll just dive right into this. For $30 bucks, you get 8 tricks . . . mostly good tricks, but even so . . .
that's a little pricey considering the price of other DVDs out there. Additionally, some of the effects
on this DVD were 'recycled from other video shoots or other projects. For example, Cagey is from
Omega Mutations.
As for production quality . . . as always, BBM productions kick butt. There are absolutely no
complaints regarding production quality.
Back to the price . . . everyone has different opinions about how much a magic DVD should cost.
I've given my opinion above. However, I'll go over the effects below, and give you my opinion. You
may find that it would be worth the investment to you, or you may find that it is not worth it. Below
you'll find the effect title, the official ad copy, my commentary and a star rating (scale from 1 to 5)
on each effect.
Final Verdict:
3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.