Doj Glossary 20211221 152716
Doj Glossary 20211221 152716
Doj Glossary 20211221 152716
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a priori ["from what comes before"; deductive reasoning] 演繹 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a quo a quo ["from which"] 由此 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a quo ["from which"] 來自 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court a quo [the court from which ...] 原審法院 ※比較 court ad quem English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ab assuetis non fit Ab assuetis non fit injuria. [No injury is done by things long 早已默許之事不能構成損害 ※比較 Volenti non fit injuria. English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
injuria. acquiesced in.] and Commercial Law Terms
ab initio ab initio 一開始 Cap. 227, s. 33(d)
ab initio ["from the beginning"] 由最初開始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ab initio ["from the beginning"] 自始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ab initio ["from the beginning"] 從一開始 Cap. 527, s. 54
void ab initio 由最初開始即屬無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
void ... ab initio 從一開始……無效 Cap. 527, s. 54(4)(g)
abandon abandon 拋棄 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.71
abandoned 被扔棄 Cap. 354N, s. 2
abandoned 被棄置 Cap. 374, s. 107(1)
abandoned 遺棄 Cap. 290, s. 6(1)(a)
abandoned or bequeathed 遺棄歸予或遺贈予 Cap. 1163, s. 6(c)
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abuts or fronts upon a street ... accessible to the public 緊連或臨向公眾可進入的街道 Cap. 123C, reg. 3(2)(a)
academic academic research 學術研究 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
freedom to engage in academic research 進行學術研究……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
academic academic or other qualifications 學術或其他資格 Cap. 159Q, s. 6(b)(ii)
accede acceded to 加入 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(a)
accede accede to 允許 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
request ... acceded to 允許……要求 Cap. 161E, s. 36(2)
accelerate accelerated 提前轉歸 Cap. 257, s. 11
termination ... materially accelerated 在相當程度上……提前終止 Cap. 254I, s. 3(1)
accept accept 承兌 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
accept 接受 Cap. 571, s. 171(5)
accept ... allegation 承認……指稱 Cap. 405, s. 5(1B)(b)
accept ... assignment 承受……轉讓 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(ga)
accept ... bill of exchange 承兌……匯票 Cap. 32, Sch. 25
accept leases of ... 接受……的租賃 Cap. 1016, s. 3(a)
accept service 接收送達文件 Cap. 60, s. 28(1)
accept the assignment of ... 接受……轉讓 Cap. 1116, s. 5(1)(b)
accepts 承認 Cap. 405, s. 5(2)
accepts no responsibility for ... 對……不承擔任何責任 Cap. 34, Sch. 2
accepts service of the writ 接受令狀的送達 Cap. 4A, O. 10, r. 1(4)
failure to accept hire 拒載 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
solicits or accepts a bribe 索取或接受賄賂 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
acceptability acceptability of the qualifications 可否接納……資格 Cap. 408, s. 17(3)
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Criminal Proceedings
accessory accessory 從犯 Cap. 339, s. 3(3)
accessory liability 從犯法律責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.1
accessory to 協從 Cap. 212, s. 8B(1)(c)
being accessory to murder 協從謀殺 Cap. 212, s. 8B(1)(c)
is accessory to ... 以從犯身分…… Cap. 200, s. 56
accessory accessory to 附屬於 Cap. 520, s. 2(1)
accident accident 意外事故 Cap. 227, s. 26A(3)(b)
fatal accidents 致命意外 Cap. 59Z, reg. 15(1)(h)
traffic accident 交通意外 Cap. 229, s. 2(1)
traffic accident victims 交通意外傷亡者 Cap. 229, Long Title
accidental accidental omission 意外遺漏 Cap. 622, s. 496(3)
accidental or due to inadvertence 意外或無心之失 Cap. 622, s. 142(5)(a)
unauthorized or accidental access 未獲准許或意外地被查閱 Cap. 486, Sch. 1
accidentally accidentally defaced 意外污損 Cap. 132AC, s. 40(3)(a)
accommodation accommodation 住所 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
accommodation 住宿地方 Cap. 602, s. 30(2)(a)
accommodation 住宿設施 Cap. 602, s. 27(2)(b)
accommodation 房舍 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(b)
accommodation 宿處 Cap. 7, s. 35(1)
accommodation 處所提供 Cap. 487, Long Title
accommodation 艙室 Cap. 104, s. 19(1)(a)
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administering drugs to obtain ... unlawful sexual act 施用藥物以獲得……非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 121, Heading
aggravated act 嚴重作為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.71
an act done or omitted to be done 作出或不作出的作為 Cap. 609, s. 104
apprehended act of infringement 意恐作出的侵犯行為 Cap. 514, s. 80
commit an act outraging public decency 作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on 《關於在飛機上進行犯罪和某些其他行為的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
board Aircraft
criminal act 刑事作為 Cap. 200, s. 58
diplomatic acts 外交事務 Cap. 557, Schedule
discreditable act 有損信譽的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discriminatory act 歧視性作為 Cap. 480A, Sch. 2
do ... acts and things 作出……作為及事情 Cap. 6, s. 26(2)
do notarial acts 作出公證作為 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)
does any act which suggests 作出……任何作為而帶有……的意思者 Cap. 164, s. 24(2)(a)
doing an act preparatory to ... 作出準備……的作為 Cap. 134, s. 45
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
exercised any act of ownership 作出行使擁有權的作為 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
fraudulent act 欺詐性作為 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
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United Nations Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts 聯合國《制止危及大陸架固定平台安全非法行為議定書 Cap. 575, Long Title
Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the 》
Continental Shelf
unlawful act 不法作為 Cap. 403, s. 7(1)
unlawful act 非法作為 Cap. 635A, s. 16(1)(c)
unlawful act 違法作為 Cap. 527A, s. 3(1)
unlawful act of the like description 同一種類的違法作為 Cap. 602, s. 48(1)
unlawful sexual act 非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)
wanton act 放肆行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wanton act 胡亂的行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wilful act 故意作為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.33
wilful act 故意的作為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wilful or negligent act 故意或疏忽的作為 Cap. 313, s. 8(1)
without further act or deed 無需其他作為或契據 Cap. 1174, s. 7(2)(b)
wrongful act 錯誤作為 Cap. 22, s. 3
act acts of state 國家行為文件 Cap. 8, s. 31
last preliminary act in the action 訴訟的最後一份預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)(b)
lodge a preliminary act 遞交一份預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(1)
preliminary act 預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)
preliminary act to be opened 開啟……預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(4)
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Acta exteriora indicant Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta. [External actions 外在行為揭示內心秘密 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
interiora secreta. reveal inner secrets.] and Commercial Law Terms
Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta. [External actions 有諸內,形諸外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reveal inner secrets.] and Commercial Law Terms
acta jure gestionis acta jure gestionis ["acts by way of doing business"] 商業行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acta jure imperii acta jure imperii ["acts by right of sovereignty"] 主權行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acting acting in an official capacity 以官方身分行使職權 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
capable of acting 能夠行事 Cap. 622, s. 474(5)(a)
solicitor acting for ... 代表……行事的律師 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 3(1)
acting Acting Chief Executive 署理行政長官 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
acting service 署任 Cap. 99A, reg. 20
Acting Chief Executive Acting Chief Executive 署理行政長官 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
acting under dictation acting under dictation 受主使而行事 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
Actio non datur non Actio non datur non damnificato. [An action is not given to 不受損害者無權興訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
damnificato. one who is not injured.] and Commercial Law Terms
Actio personalis Actio personalis moritur cum persona. [A personal action dies 個人的訴訟隨當事人去世而告終 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
moritur cum persona. with the person.] and Commercial Law Terms
action action 行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative action 在行政上所採取的行動 Cap. 546, s. 2
administrative action 行政行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative actions 在行政上……的行動 Cap. 397, Long Title
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action in a particular list to be removed from that list 將某特定審訊表上的一宗訴訟從該審訊表上除去 Cap. 4A, O. 72, r. 6(1)
action in personam 對人的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 2
action in personam 對人訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(1)
action in rem 涉物訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
action in rem 對物的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 6
action in rem 對物訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(2)
action in tort 侵權行為訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 89, r. 2(1)
action in tort 侵權訴訟 Cap. 300, s. 4(1)
action is settled 訴訟已予和解 Cap. 4A, O. 34, r. 8(2)
action on loan 貸款訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
action pending 待決的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 5(1)(a)
action to quiet title 確認業權訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.7, Footnote 26
action to recover land 收回土地的訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
action upon a judgment 基於某項判決的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)(b)
action upon a specialty 基於蓋印文據的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 4(3)
actions founded on ... 基於……的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 4(1)(a)
administration action 遺產管理訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 85, r. 1
Admiralty action 海事訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(4)
Admiralty action in personam 海事對人訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(2)
Admiralty action in rem 海事對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(2)(c)
bar to an action 禁制……提出訴訟 Cap. 377, s. 5
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bona fide class action 真正的集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.95
bring ... to the action of the judge 將……提交法官行動 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(1)
bringing of an action 提出訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 2(4)
cause of action 訴因 Cap. 182, s. 5(5)
cause of action 訴訟因由 Cap. 4, s. 12B(4)(b)
cause of action arose 訴訟因由產生 Cap. 4, s. 48(1)
cause of action in tort 侵權訴訟因由 Cap. 300, s. 4
cause of action survives 訴訟因由仍然存在 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(1)
causes joined in one action 合併在一宗訴訟中的……訟案 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 19(4A)
civil action 民事訴訟 Cap. 32, s. 228A
class action 集體訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
class action lawyer 集體訴訟律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.2
class action proceedings 集體訴訟程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.32
class action regime 集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.2
commence an action 展開訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 1(3)
common action 共同的訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
concomitant action 共同提起的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent rights of action 同時具有訴訟權 Cap. 528, s. 113(1)
consolidated action 合併訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(2)
consolidation of actions 訴訟的合併 Cap. 21, s. 19
consolidation of ... actions 將……訴訟合併 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
continuance of an action 繼續進行訴訟 Cap. 377, s. 5
continuing cause of action 持續的訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 6
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admitted to the bar [also called to the bar] 獲認許為大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly admitted 妥為認許 Cap. 87, s. 2
admit admit that person to ... 錄取該人為…… Cap. 602, s. 26(1)(a)
admitted to membership 獲收納為社員 Cap. 33, s. 2
admitted to the register 列入註冊紀錄冊內 Cap. 50, s. 7(c)
admit admit 接納 Cap. 495, s. 5
admit ... as evidence 接納為證據 Cap. 631, s. 8(2)
admit in evidence ... 接納……為證據 Cap. 17, s. 10(6)
admit of a construction 容納……的釋義方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admit of a construction 容得下……的釋義方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admits the ... claim 接納……申索 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)(a)
is to be admitted as evidence 須接納為證據 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZG(2)
admit admit or exclude ... from the inquiry 容許或禁止……旁聽研訊 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(c)
admitted to bail 准予保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
admitted to bail 獲准保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
admitted to be heard for ... 獲准代表……陳詞的 Cap. 484A, r. 12
where the context admits 在文意許可的情況下 Cap. 109A, reg. 37
admitted admitted facts 控辯雙方承認的事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admitted lie 已承認的謊言 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of admitted facts 承認事實書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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Criminal Proceedings
adversary system adversary system 對訟制 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adversary system 辯論式訴訟制度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse adverse 不利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse 相反 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse 敵對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse action 不利行動 Cap. 486, s. 46(10)(c)(i)
adverse changes 不利改變 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(k)(vi)
adverse claims 敵對申索 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1(1)(a)
adverse conditions 不利情況 Cap. 406E, reg. 15
adverse consequence 不良後果 Cap. 549, s. 138C(a)(iii)
adverse costs 不利訟費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.87
adverse costs 不利費用 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.7
adverse costs award 不利訟費裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.37
adverse costs award 不利費用裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.35
adverse costs order 不利訟費令 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.15
adverse costs order 不利費用令 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
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para. 5.52
adverse decision 不利的決定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
adverse deviation 不利偏差 Cap. 41E, r. 4(2)(b)
adverse effects 不良影響 Cap. 354, s. 20I(3)
adverse environment 不利環境 Cap. 155L, Sch. 3
adverse environmental impact 不良環境影響 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
adverse inference 不利的推論 Cap. 501, s. 19(c)
adverse observation or comment 負面觀察所得或評語 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
adverse occupant 逆權佔用人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
adverse party 對立一方 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.65
adverse possession 逆權管有 Cap. 347, s. 13(1)
adverse possessor 逆權管有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
adverse title to land 相逆土地業權 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
adverse to ... 相逆於…… Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 6(5)(b)
adverse to ... 與……相逆 Cap. 179A, r. 72(3)
adverse witness 敵對證人 Cap. 8, s. 13
have adverse effects on ... 對……構成不利影響 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
interest adverse to ... 與……有對立的利害關係 Cap. 91C, reg. 15
material adverse event 重大不利事件 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
most adverse conditions 最惡劣的情況 Cap. 374A, reg. 13(1)
person in adverse possession 逆權管有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
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proves adverse 有敵對的表現 Cap. 8, s. 12
adversely adversely 不利 Cap. 514, s. 135
adversely affect ... 對……有不利影響 Cap. 313A, reg. 12A(a)
adversely affect the public's confidence in ... 削弱公眾對……的信心 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(a)
advertent negligence advertent negligence 罔顧後果的疏忽 ※比較 inadvertent negligence English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advertise advertise 刊登 Cap. 6, s. 78(1)(f)
advertise 發出廣告 Cap. 262, s. 2
advertise 廣告宣傳 Cap. 159, s. 19(3)
advertise ... 為……作廣告宣傳 Cap. 133A, reg. 16(2)(a)
advertise for sale 為出售而宣傳 Cap. 132AC, s. 7(1)
advertise in the Gazette 在憲報刊登 Cap. 32, Sch. 12
advertised for sale 宣傳出售 Cap. 106B, reg. 3(1)
advertises 宣傳 Cap. 610, s. 49(3)(c)
advertising of ... 為……而進行廣告宣傳 Cap. 486, s. 35A(1)
decree ... advertised 判令……刊登公告 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 39(1)
advertisement advertisement 公告 Cap. 514, s. 41(3)
advertisement 宣傳品 Cap. 362, s. 2
advertisement 廣告 Cap. 571, s. 102(1)
advertisement 廣告宣傳 Cap. 133, s. 19(1)(n)
advertisement 廣告宣傳品 Cap. 208A, reg. 10(1)(a)
advertisement fee 公告費 Cap. 514, s. 114(1)(b)
displaying or exhibiting any material for the purpose of 為作廣告或宣傳而陳列或展示任何資料 Cap. 627, s. 16(1)(c)
advertisement or publicity
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the advertisement contains an indication to the contrary 該廣告顯示相反的意圖 Cap. 602, s. 42(3)
advertising advertising circulars 廣告宣傳傳單 Cap. 562, Sch. 2
advertising material 廣告宣傳材料 Cap. 106, s. 13O(a)
advertising matter 宣傳品 Cap. 104E, by-law 14
bait advertising 餌誘式廣告宣傳 Cap. 362, s. 13G(1)
for advertising purposes 作廣告宣傳用途 Cap. 374, s. 114A(2)
means of advertising or marketing 宣傳或推銷的方法 Cap. 159AI, s. 4(2)
advice advice 忠告 Cap. 41, s. 15B(2)(c)(ii)
advice 提示 Cap. 498B, s. 3
advice 意見 Cap. 17, s. 9(4)(b)
advice on evidence 關於證據的意見〔大律師因應案件證據作出的勝訴機會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
評估〕 and Commercial Law Terms
advice privilege 意見保密權 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.22
expert advice 專家意見 Cap. 282, s. 16E(4)
impartial advice 不偏不倚的意見 Cap. 478AF, s. 52(a)
independent and unbiased advice 獨立而不偏頗的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent legal advice 獨立法律意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal advice 法律意見 Cap. 405, s. 22(2)(a)
letter of advice 意見書 Cap. 549G, s. 13(3)
on the advice of ... 在諮詢……後 Cap. 301, s. 3(1AA)
seek advice 徵詢意見 Cap. 352, s. 3B(1)
sound, balanced and informed advice 明智的、不偏不倚的和有根據的意見 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(e)
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aeronautical International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue 《國際航空和海上搜尋救助手冊》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(5)
affair personal affair 個人事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.12
property and affairs 財產及事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.13
property and financial affairs 財產及財政事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
affairs administrative affairs 行政事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 16
affairs 事務 Cap. 466, s. 25(9)
affairs ... fully wound up 事務……全部結束 Cap. 32, s. 239(1)
external affairs 對外事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 13
foreign affairs 外交 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
foreign affairs 外交事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 13
government affairs 政府公務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
internal affairs 內部事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 141
local affairs 地方事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
report on the activities and affairs of ... ……的活動及事務報告 Cap. 469, s. 11(a)
state affairs 國家事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
state of affairs 事務狀況 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)
state of affairs 狀況 Cap. 571, s. 129(2)(d)
state of affairs 業務狀況 Cap. 155M, s. 5(a)(i)(A)
statement of affairs 資產負債狀況說明書 Cap. 32H, r. 39(1)
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take part in the conduct of public affairs 參與政事 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(a)
affect adversely affect 有不良影響 Cap. 155, s. 53E(1)(a)
adversely affect ... 對……有不利影響 Cap. 313A, reg. 12A(a)
adversely affect the public's confidence in ... 削弱公眾對……的信心 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(a)
affect 影響 Cap. 1, s. 23(b)
affect prejudicially 損害 Cap. 528, s. 31(1)(d)
affected lot 受影響地段 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
affecting land 涉及土地 Cap. 405, s. 10(11)(a)
calculated to affect prejudicially 刻意……造成不利影響的 Cap. 637, s. 71(1)(a)
detrimentally affects 嚴重影響 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(1)(b)
does not substantially affect ... 對……沒有重大影響 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
injuriously affected by ... 受到……的損害性影響 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)
instrument affecting land 影響土地的文書 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
materially affects 有關鍵性的影響 Cap. 630, s. 44(3)(b)
person affected 受影響的人 Cap. 17A, Schedule
prejudicially affect 損及 Cap. 336, s. 52(2)(b)
prejudicially affect ... ……蒙受不利影響 Cap. 602, s. 68(3)
significantly affected 受到重大影響 Cap. 513, s. 9(2)(b)
substantially affect 造成重大影響 Cap. 559, s. 55(2)
substantially affects 在相當程度上……影響 Cap. 413K, s. 21
without affecting the generality of ... 在不影響……的一般性的原則下 Cap. 584, s. 14(1)
affected affected entity 受影響實體 Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
affection injurious affection 損害性影響 Cap. 127, s. 9(2)(c)
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on oath or affirmation 宣誓或非宗敎式宣誓 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3A
solemn affirmation 鄭重宣誓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take ... an oath or affirmation of secrecy 作出宗教式或非宗教式保密宣誓 Cap. 310, s. 4(2)
affirmative vote affirmative vote 贊成票 Cap. 444, Schedule
affix affix 加蓋 Cap. 34, s. 2
affixing 蓋印 Cap. 50, s. 6(1)
affixing an official seal 蓋上正式印章 Cap. 622, s. 125(5)
affixing of a chop 蓋章 Cap. 138, s. 2(3)
affixing of the seal 使用該印章蓋印 Cap. 474, s. 32(2)
affix affix 張貼 Cap. 200, s. 153B(2)(a)
affix an acknowledgement 加上認收標記 Cap. 354, s. 16C(3)
affixed 加於 Cap. 424C, s. 6(5)
affixed 固定 Cap. 123, s. 18(1)
affixed 附加 Cap. 369W, reg. 64(9)
affixed 附貼 Cap. 303, s. 17
affixed 貼上 Cap. 59AD, s. 19(1)
affixed 緊附於 Cap. 374, s. 107(3)(a)(ii)
affixed ... signature 簽署 Cap. 549F, s. 9(2)(b)
affixing 緊貼 Cap. 498, s. 23(2)(b)
permanently affixed to ... 永久附加於…… Cap. 369AD, reg. 20(2)
afflict not afflicted by ... deafness 無……失聰……的情況 Cap. 3, s. 4(1)(a)
afford afford 提供 Cap. 112, s. 51B(1)(i)
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conditional sale agreement 有條件售賣協議 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
Consular Agreement between the People’s Republic of 《中華人民共和國和菲律賓共和國領事協定》 Cap. 557I, s. 2
China and the Republic of the Philippines
credit-sale agreement 以信貸方式售賣的協議 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
crew agreement 船員協議 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
custodial agreement 保管協議 Cap. 485A, s. 50(3)
del credere agreement 擔保買方支付能力的協議 參看 del credere English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter into agreements 訂立協議 Cap. 563, s. 6(2)(l)
entire agreement 整份協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entire agreement 整體協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equity-linked agreement 股票掛鈎協議 Cap. 622D, s. 6(1)
essence of any agreement 協議的要素 Cap. 106, s. 36A(3C)(a)
estate agency agreement 地產代理協議 Cap. 511, s. 2
exclusive licence agreement 專用特許協議 Cap. 528, s. 35(3)(b)
execution of an agreement 簽立協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express agreement 明訂協議 Cap. 38, s. 27
failing an agreement 如沒有協議 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
franchise agreement 特許經營協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise agreement 專營加盟店協議 Cap. 603, s. 18C
funding agreement 資助協議 Cap. 609, s. 98G(a)
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another's life another's life [also autre vie] 他人的壽命〔以他人有生之年作為權益期〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
answer answer 回答 Cap. 426, s. 36(5)(c)
answer 回答書 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 33
answer 回覆 Cap. 32, s. 296(2A)
answer 答辯 Cap. 227, s. 16
answer 答辯書 Cap. 192, s. 25(2)(a)
answer a judgment ... 應付……判決 Cap. 4A, App. A
answer ... charge 就……被控告的罪名答辯 Cap. 12, s. 6
answer ... future claim 應付日後……的申索 Cap. 29, s. 28(1)
answer interrogatories 回答質詢 Cap. 300, s. 24(1)(b)
answer interrogatories 答覆質詢書 Cap. 336H, O. 26, r. 6(4)
answer such reply 就該項答覆作回應 Cap. 549C, s. 16(b)
answer the complaint 就有關申訴答辯 Cap. 611, s. 18(2)(b)
answer to the charge 就控罪作出答辯 Cap. 227, s. 73
answer to the complaint or information 就申訴或告發作出答辯 Cap. 227, s. 8(1A)
answer to the indictment 就公訴書作出答辯 Cap. 221, s. 27(1)
answer truthfully 據實……回答 Cap. 426, s. 36(5)(c)
answering to bail 應保 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appear before the court ... in answer to the summons 因應傳票而到法庭席前 Cap. 378, s. 10(4)
appears in answer to the summons 應傳票而出席 Cap. 109, s. 48A(6)(a)
case to answer 須作答辯 Cap. 50, s. 42C(2)(a)
false answer 虛假的回答 Cap. 382, s. 18(1)
full answer and defence 全面答辯及抗辯 Cap. 227, s. 16(1)
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appeal 上訴 Cap. 4, s. 14
appeal against conviction 不服定罪的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against conviction 針對定罪的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83A(1)
appeal ... against ... decision of the Registrar 不服處長……作出的決定的上訴 Cap. 490, s. 6
appeal against ... order 不服命令的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against ... order 針對……命令提出上訴 Cap. 221, s. 109B(5)(b)
appeal against sentence 不服判刑的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against sentence 針對刑罰的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83I(1)
appeal aid certificate 上訴援助證書 Cap. 221D, r. 2(1)
appeal as of right 上訴屬當然權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal being allowed in whole or in part 上訴全部或部分得直 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
appeal being dismissed for non-prosecution 上訴因遲滯進行而被駁回 Cap. 484, s. 25(2)(a)
appeal board 上訴委員會 Cap. 51, s. 18(1)
appeal bundle 上訴文件冊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appeal bundle 上訴宗卷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal by case stated 藉案件呈述提出的上訴 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 1
appeal by way of ... 以……形式……提出上訴 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.2
appeal by way of case stated 以案件呈述方式上訴 Cap. 227, s. 105
appeal by way of petition to ... 以呈請方式向……提出上訴 Cap. 348, s. 7(1)
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notice of appeal against the judgment 針對判決的上訴通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 13(3)(e)
notice of motion of appeal 上訴動議通知書 Cap. 159, s. 13(1)
notification of dismissal of appeal 駁回上訴通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
oppose an appeal 對上訴抗辯 Cap. 484A, r. 20(1)
parties to the appeal 上訴當事人 Cap. 220, s. 2(1)
party to an appeal 上訴的當事人 Cap. 624, s. 26(6)
pending the appeal 等待上訴結果 Cap. 374, s. 71(4)
pending the determination of the appeal 在上訴裁定之前 Cap. 244A, reg. 15(2)
perfected grounds of appeal 完備上訴理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
perfected grounds of appeal 完備上訴理由書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
president of the Court of Appeal 上訴法庭庭長 Cap. 4, s. 5(3)
prosecute ... appeal 進行上訴 Cap. 227, s. 110(1)
question before an appeal board 有待上訴委員會裁定的問題 Cap. 624, s. 26(2)
registrar of civil appeals 民事上訴案的司法常務官 Cap. 4A, O. 68, r. 1(3)
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭考慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 保留法律問題待上訴法庭考慮 Cap. 221, s. 81, Heading
review and appeal mechanism 覆核及上訴機制 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.4
right of appeal 上訴的權利 Cap. 569, Schedule
right of appeal 上訴權 Cap. 159, s. 12(6)
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it has now been made to appear to me that ... 本席根據情況顯示,覺得…… Cap. 227C, Schedule
it is ... made to appear that ... 情況使人覺得…… Cap. 6, s. 66
it is made to appear to ... that ... 情況使……覺得…… Cap. 106B, reg. 5(5)
unless a contrary intention appears 除非顯示相反的用意 Cap. 282, s. 4(2)
appearance appearance 外形 Cap. 238, s. 21(1)
appearance 外觀 Cap. 26, s. 2(5)(b)
appearance 表象 Cap. 571, s. 295(1)
general appearance 一般外貌 Cap. 237, s. 21(2A)
general appearance 一般外觀 Cap. 374, s. 110
having the appearance of ... 具有……外觀 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
having the appearance of ... 狀似…… Cap. 354L, s. 4(2)(b)(ii)
misleading appearance 具誤導性的表象 Cap. 571, s. 274
appearance appearance 出庭 Cap. 227, s. 18
appearance 應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appearance to ... 就……應訊 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(a)
appearance under protest 否認有應訴義務的應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditional appearance 有條件的應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss the application for want of appearance 因無人出庭而撤銷該申請 Cap. 619D, r. 32(1)
enter an appearance 應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for want of appearance 因無人出庭 Cap. 17A, r. 23(1)
in default of appearance 沒有應訴 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(c)
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offence arising from a breach of trust 違反誠信的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
question of law arising out of ... ……所產生的法律問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
arising out of arising out of 由……引起 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arising out of 起源於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arising out of or in consequence of ... 由……引起或造成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
matters arising out of a contract 由合約引起的事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arithmetic arithmetic mean 算術平均數 Cap. 155M, s. 3(17)
arithmetical error 算術錯誤 Cap. 112, s. 70A(1)
arm at arm's length 基於各自獨立利益 Cap. 112, s. 15E(1)(d)
armed armed conflict 武裝衝突 Cap. 479, s. 6(1)(a)
armed forces 武裝部隊 Cap. 383, s. 9
armed robbery 持械搶劫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
law of international armed conflict 國際武裝衝突法 Cap. 590, s. 2
members of the armed forces and of the police 軍警人員 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(2)
organized armed forces 有組織的武裝部隊 Cap. 590, s. 2
organized armed forces 武裝部隊 Cap. 590, s. 2
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Asia Pacific Regional Asia Pacific Regional Office of the Hague Conference on 海牙國際私法會議亞太區域辦事處 Cap. 558H, s. 2
Office Private International Law
Asian Development Asian Development Bank 亞洲開發銀行 Cap. 190M, Art. 1
Asian Infrastructure Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行 Cap. 558K, s. 2
Investment Bank
Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 亞太地區電信組織 Cap. 190N, Art. 1
"as-is" condition "as-is" condition (on handing over of premises) (處所在移交時的)"原樣"狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ask price ask price (證券)賣出價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aspect Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 《與貿易有關的知識產權協議》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 知識產權理事會 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
aspiration aspirations 期許 Cap. 587, s. 5(b)
assault aggravated assault 嚴重侵犯 Cap. 503B, Schedule
aggravated assault 嚴重襲擊 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52
aggravated sexual assault 嚴重的性侵犯 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
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right to freedom of association with others 自由結社之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(1)
assume assume 假設 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume assume 承擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume 接受 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume 採取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume control of ... 對……加以控制 Cap. 106, s. 13(1)
assume jurisdiction over a case 對某案行使審判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume the defence of their rights 自行辯護其權利 Cap. 557, Schedule
assume the functions 承擔……職能 Cap. 364, Long Title
assume the office of ... 上任為…… Cap. 161B, s. 26(1)
assumes ... power 行使……權力 Cap. 227, s. 93(a)
assuming the duties 代理……職務 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
obligations assumed 承擔的義務 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
assume takes or assumes the name, designation or character of ... 使用或冒用……的名義、職銜或身分 Cap. 200, s. 90
assumed real and assumed property 土地及其他財產 Cap. 1163, s. 6(a)
assumed assumed name 稱號 Cap. 19, s. 23(a)
assumed responsibility 承擔……責任 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
assumed name assumed name 別名 參看 alias English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assumpsit assumpsit ["he undertook; he promised"] (arch.) 口頭契約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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at common law at common law [also al common ley] 在普通法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at common law [also al common ley] 根據普通法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at intervals at intervals 每隔一段時期 Cap. 506, s. 12(2)
at large at large 不在羈留中 Cap. 221, s. 109AC(1)
go at large 不受拘押 Cap. 227, s. 52
patient ... at large 病人……不受監控 Cap. 136, s. 42(1)(ii)(A)
unlawfully at large 不合法地不受管束 Cap. 475, s. 19(1)
unlawfully at large 非法地不在羈留中 Cap. 239, s. 8(1)
unlawfully at large 逍遙法外 Cap. 503B, Schedule
at law at law 在法律上 Cap. 13, s. 10(2)
at law and in equity at law and in equity 在普通法及衡平法上 Cap. 256, s. 6
at law and in equity 根據普通法和衡平法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at liberty at liberty 隨意 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
be at liberty to ... 可自由…… Cap. 462, Schedule
be at liberty to ... 可隨意…… Cap. 559, Sch. 5
at liberty to at liberty to 可…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at liberty to 可自由…… Cap. 462, Schedule
at one's own cost at one's own cost 自費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at one's sole cost at one's sole cost 由某人獨自負擔費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Criminal Proceedings
bail 保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
bail 保釋金 Cap. 134, s. 38F(2)
bail bond 保釋的擔保契據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 16(2)
bail bonds 保釋保證 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
bail justice 保釋官 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.9
bail on behalf of a ship 船舶保釋 Cap. 134, s. 38E(3)
bail proceedings 保釋法律程序 Cap. 221, s. 9P(1)
breach of bail condition 違反保釋條件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
committed or bailed to appear for trial 被押交或保釋等候出庭應訊 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
estreatment of the bail 沒收保釋金 Cap. 134, s. 38F(2)
give bail 提供保釋 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 9
has refused bail 拒絕保釋 Cap. 405, s. 2(11)(aa)
notice of bail 保釋通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 16(4)
on bail 在保釋中 Cap. 336, s. 76(2)
on bail 獲得保釋 Cap. 526, s. 14(2)
order for bail 保釋命令 Cap. 221A, r. 50, Heading
recognizance of bail 保釋擔保 Cap. 221, s. 9D(3)(a)
release on bail 在保釋的情況下釋放 Cap. 4, s. 50(3)
release on bail 保釋外出 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.3
release ... on bail 准其保釋 Cap. 298, s. 6(4)
released on bail 已獲保釋 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
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Criminal Proceedings
"fair balance" test “公正平衡”測試 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 37
prove on a balance of probabilities 按相對可能性衡量標準證明 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.2
balance of convenience balance of convenience 適宜性的平衡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
balance of probabilities balance of probabilities 相對可能性的衡量 ※比較 beyond reasonable doubt Cap. 405, s. 3
may be rebutted by proof on a balance of probabilities 在證明並非如此的可能性較高時,可予推翻 Cap. 429, s. 5(2)
show on the balance of probabilities 以相對可能性的衡量準則證明 ※比較 prove beyond English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reasonable doubt and Commercial Law Terms
balanced sound, balanced and informed advice 明智的、不偏不倚的和有根據的意見 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(e)
ballot ballot 暗標 Cap. 262, s. 2
ballot (n., v.) 抽籤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by balloting 以抽籤方式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ballot ballot box 投票箱 Cap. 554, s. 17(1)(b)
ballot (n., v.) 投票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ballot paper 選票 Cap. 50A, by-law 3(1)
ballot paper account 選票結算表 Cap. 541I, s. 1(1)
elimination ballots 淘汰投票 Cap. 547, Sch. 5
first ballot 第一輪投票 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
postal ballot 郵遞投票 Cap. 161B, s. 24(3)
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bank a bank incorporated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方成立為法團的銀行 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
approved overseas bank 核准海外銀行 Cap. 485A, s. 2
authorized ... as a bank 獲認可……為銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(b)(i)
bank 銀行 Cap. 65, s. 2
bank book 銀行存摺 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
bank guarantee 銀行保證書 Cap. 106, s. 34(1B)
bank guarantee 銀行擔保 Cap. 571N, s. 12(2)(b)(iii)
bank guarantee 銀行擔保書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bank note 鈔票 Cap. 221, s. 20
bank note 銀行紙幣 Cap. 65, s. 3
bank statements 銀行結單 Cap. 159F, r. 11(1)
central bank 中央銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(a)
first demand bank guarantee 優先銀行擔保 Cap. 562, s. 2
foreign bank 外地銀行 Cap. 155, s. 86(4)
former bank 前有銀行 Cap. 8, s. 20A(3)
former bank 前銀行 Cap. 155, s. 138
investment bank 投資銀行 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
licensed bank 持牌銀行 Cap. 364, s. 2
Mainland incorporated banks 各內地成立銀行 Cap. 1167, Preamble
merchant bank 商人銀行 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
merging bank 合併銀行 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
multilateral development bank 多邊發展銀行 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
net due from banks 存放銀行同業淨額 Cap. 155Q, r. 43
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para. 1.3
best reconciles the texts 最能兼顧及協調兩文本 Cap. 1, s. 10B(3)
best regulatory practice 最佳規管實務 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 12
best rent 最佳租金 Cap. 219, s. 4(2)(d)
for the best consideration 以……最佳代價 Cap. 29, s. 11(5)(c)
in the best interests 符合最佳利益 Cap. 136, s. 59ZA
in the best interests of ... 符合……的最佳利益 Cap. 234A, r. 47A(4)(d)
the best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
best best endeavours 盡力 Cap. 520, s. 9(5)
the best knowledge and belief of ... 盡……所知及所信 Cap. 311P, s. 7(2)(b)(i)
to the best of one's knowledge and belief 盡某人所知所信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of 盡……所知所悉及所信 Cap. 10, s. 60K
best practice best commercial practice 最佳商業慣例 Cap. 485A, s. 49(7)(b)
bestiality bestiality 獸交 Cap. 200, s. 118L
bet bet 投注 Cap. 104E, by-law 15
pay a dividend on the bet 就投注派發彩金 Cap. 108, s. 6GA(2)(b)
settling of a bet 結清賭注 Cap. 148, s. 2
betrothal bona fide betrothals 真正訂婚 Cap. 212, s. 44(3)
better better carrying out 更有效地執行 Cap. 68, s. 37(1)
better carrying out 更佳地施行 Cap. 547, s. 81(1)
better carrying out of the provisions 更有效施行……條文 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ag)
better enforcement of the Ordinance 更有效地強制執行本條例 Cap. 312, s. 9(1)(g)
better or more effectual 更佳地或更有效地 Cap. 494, s. 53(2)(d)
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bind over to keep the peace ... his own recognizances 自簽守行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
bind over to keep the peace ... his own recognizances 自簽擔保……以保證遵守法紀 Cap. 221, s. 109I
bound by 受……約束 Cap. 220, s. 2(1)
bound by law 受法律約束 Cap. 29, s. 33(1)(a)(ii)
bound by recognizance 受擔保約束 Cap. 221, s. 110(1)
bound over 簽保 Cap. 62, s. 7(1)(a)
power to bind over to be of good behaviour 判……簽保以保證保持行為良好的權力 Cap. 221, s. 109I
power to bind over to keep the peace 判……簽保以保證遵守法紀的權力 Cap. 221, s. 109I
binding binding 有約束力 Cap. 181, s. 21(4)(a)(i)
binding 具有約束力 Cap. 609, s. 38
binding 具約束力 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
binding agreement 具約束力的……協議 Cap. 511C, Schedule
binding authority 具約束力的典據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
binding commitment 具約束力承諾 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZD(3)
binding contract 具約束力的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
binding effect 約束力 Cap. 383, s. 7
binding on ... 對……具約束力 Cap. 1, s. 2(2)
binding period 約束期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
binding precedent 具約束力的判例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legally binding 有法律約束力 Cap. 155L, Sch. 10
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para. 4.4
inspection body 檢驗機構 Cap. 56, s. 13(a)
licensing body 特許機構 Cap. 528, s. 145(4)
municipal body 市政團體 Cap. 8, s. 35(d)(ii)
national controlling body 國家級管理當局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
political body 政治性團體 Cap. 541, s. 2(1)
political organizations or bodies of the Region 香港特別行政區的政治性組織或團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
professional body 專業團體 Cap. 493, s. 13(1)(b)
profit-making bodies 牟利團體 Cap. 316R, s. 2
public body 公共團體 Cap. 602, s. 34(2)(a)
public body 公共機構 Cap. 1, s. 3
public body 公共機關 Cap. 192, s. 29AA
quasi-judicial body 半司法機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
recognized certification body 認可核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
regulatory body 規管團體 Cap. 609, s. 18(2)(b)
responsible body 負責組織 Cap. 602, s. 26(2)
scheduled body 附表所列機構 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.28
self-regulatory body 自我規管機構 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.17
servant of a public body 公共機構……僱員 Cap. 56, s. 56(1)
single and continuing body 單一及延續的團體 Cap. 581, Sch. 4
special bodies 專門機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103
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bodywork secured to the bodywork of the vehicle 固定於該車輛車身 Cap. 374G, reg. 53(2)
Boilers and Pressure Boilers and Pressure Vessels Authority 鍋爐及壓力容器監督 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
Vessels Authority
bombing United Nations International Convention for the Suppression 聯合國《制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
of Terrorist Bombings
bona fide bona fide 真正 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.62
bona fide 真誠 Cap. 227, s. 127
bona fide betrothals 真正訂婚 Cap. 212, s. 44(3)
bona fide cause 真誠的因由 Cap. 197A, reg. 9(3)
bona fide claim 真正的申索 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 40(2)
bona fide class action 真正的集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.95
bona fide contract 真誠合約 Cap. 426, s. 55(b)
bona fide crew member 真正船員 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)
bona fide employee 真正的僱員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide employee 真正僱員 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
bona fide gift to another individual 真正作為給予另一名個人的禮物 Cap. 60A, reg. 6(1)(c)(ii)
bona fide ["in/of good faith"] 真正的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide ["in/of good faith"] 真誠地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide ["in/of good faith"] 善意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide leases 真正租契 Cap. 128, s. 3(2)
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para. 3.14
breach of contract 違反合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of contract 違約 Cap. 71, Long Title
breach of covenant 違反契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
breach of deportation order 違反遞解離境令 Cap. 115, s. 43, Heading
breach of duty 不履行責任 Cap. 159, s. 8A(2)(f)
breach of duty 不履行責任的作為 Cap. 71, Long Title
breach of duty 失職 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.27
breach of duty 失職行為 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(db)
breach of duty 違反責任 Cap. 347, s. 26(3)
breach of good faith 有違真誠 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.15
breach of ... international obligations 違反……國際義務 Cap. 523, s. 6(2)(e)(iii)
breach of law 違法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
breach of oath 違反誓言 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
breach of professional duty 違反專業責任 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
breach of promise 違反承諾 Cap. 23, Long Title
breach of statutory duty 違反法定責任 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.12
breach of the peace 破壞社會安寧 Cap. 245, s. 3(1)
breach of trust 破壞誠信 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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offence arising from a breach of trust 違反誠信的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
persistent breaches of ... 屢次違反……的情況 Cap. 2, s. 16(2)(d)
radical or total breach of contract 徹底或全然違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remedy other breaches 就其他違反事項作出補救 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
repudiatory breach of contract 廢除性違約〔可導致對方拒絕履行合約的違約行為〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
serious breach of law 嚴重違法 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
severable breach 可劃分的違約 Cap. 26, s. 33(2)
technical breach 技術違規 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
technical breach of the law 技術上違反法律 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
threatened breach 威脅違反 Cap. 622, s. 466
total breach of contract 全然違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trivial breaches 微不足道的違反情況 Cap. 159A, Schedule
break break into 使用武力進入 Cap. 56, s. 66(1)(a)
break into 破門進入 Cap. 123, s. 22(1A)
break into 破啟 Cap. 109, s. 11(3)
break into 強行進入 Cap. 96, s. 19(a)
break open 破啟 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(a)
break open 破開 Cap. 68, s. 24(2)(b)
break open 強行開啟 Cap. 7, s. 91(1)
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buggery assault with intent to commit buggery 意圖作出肛交而襲擊 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
5.3, Footnote 5
assaults another person with intent to commit buggery 襲擊另一人,意圖作出肛交 Cap. 200, s. 118B
buggery 肛交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(b)
buggery with an animal 與動物作出違反自然性交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.52
buggery with girl under 21 與21歲以下女童作出肛交 Cap. 200, s. 118D, Heading
buggery with mentally incapacitated person 與精神上無行為能力的人作出肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.97
commits buggery with an animal 與動物作出違反自然性交 Cap. 200, s. 118L
homosexual buggery 同性肛交 Cap. 200, Sch. 1
homosexual buggery with or by man under 16 由16歲以下男子作出或與16歲以下男子作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.122
non-consensual buggery 未經同意下作出的肛交 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.73
non-consensual buggery 未經同意下進行的肛交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
procuring others to commit homosexual buggery 促致他人作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.20
build primitive build 構造簡單 Cap. 478T, s. 3(2)(d)
builder's certificate builder's certificate 建造證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
builder's lien builder's lien 建造商的留置權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
building ancillary buildings 附屬建築物 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(j)
building 建築物 Cap. 1, s. 3
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by the court [also per curiam; per cur.] 由法院決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the same token 同樣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the same token 根據同一理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by these presents 根據本文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by these presents 據此 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by abduction by abduction 以擄拐方式 Cap. 554, s. 13(2)(d)
by consent by consent 按同意作出 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5A(3)
by force by force 使用武力 Cap. 512, s. 17(2)(c)
by force 強行 Cap. 201, s. 17(1A)
by hand delivered by hand to ... 由專人送交…… Cap. 553, s. 27(3)
served by hand 專人送遞 Cap. 541D, s. 25(10)
by implication by implication 默示的 Cap. 554, s. 7(3)
by implication of law by implication of law 法律上所隱含的 Cap. 71, s. 12(1)
by law by law 在法律上 Cap. 336, s. 71(3)
by law 藉法律運作 Cap. 32H, r. 206
by legal proceedings by legal proceedings 通過法律程序 Cap. 252, s. 3
by means of by means of 以…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by means of 通過 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by means of 藉…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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Criminal Proceedings
ordinary prudent bystander 一般的審慎旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reasonable bystander 合理的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cable Convention for the Protection of Submarine Cables 《保護海底電纜公約》 Cap. 497, s. 2
cab-rank rule cab-rank rule "的士站"規則〔大律師不得拒絕接辦案件的規則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caducary caducary (遺贈或遺產)因沒收或過時而轉移 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
C.A.F. C.A.F. [cost, assurance and freight; also C.I.F.] 成本加保險費及運費價格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
C.A.F. [cost, assurance and freight; also C.I.F.] 到岸價格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calamity calamity 災禍 Cap. 337, s. 3(1)
calamity 災難 Cap. 95, s. 2
emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the 緊急危難或災害禍患危及社會生命安寧 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(iii)
natural calamities 自然災害 National Flag and National Emblem
Ordinance, Sch. 3
calculate calculated by reference to ... 按……計算 Cap. 254, s. 8(3)
calculated from ... 由……起計 Cap. 229, s. 5(7)
calculate calculated 經審度後 Cap. 321, s. 6(i)
calculated to 用意在 Cap. 622, s. 436(1)(b)
calculated to 旨在 Cap. 567A, s. 10(1)
calculated to 刻意 Cap. 212, s. 20(b)
calculated to cause 刻意導致 Cap. 159AI, Schedule
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Review Tribunal
Capital Investment Capital Investment Fund 資本投資基金 Cap. 430, s. 4(2)
capital stock capital stock 股本 Cap. 200, s. 84
Capital Works Reserve Capital Works Reserve Fund 基本工程儲備基金 Cap. 2, Sch. 1
capitalist capitalist economy 資本主義經濟 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
capitalist system 資本主義制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 5
capitalization capitalization 資本化 Cap. 622, s. 113
capitalization 資本估價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capitalization 撥兌資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capitalization issue 資本化發行 Cap. 571V, s. 4(a)(i)
capitalization of profits 利潤的資本化 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
capitalization of reserves 儲備資本化 Cap. 111, s. 9
capitalize capitalize profits 將利潤資本化 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
capitula; cap. capitula; cap. ["chapters"] 典章 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capitula; cap. ["chapters"] 法律彙編 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
captive captive insurer 專屬自保保險人 Cap. 41, s. 10(4)(ba)
captivity captivity 關禁 Cap. 169, s. 3(1)(b)
keep in captivity 關禁 Cap. 607, s. 37(2)(a)(i)
capture capture ... records 收納……檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.27
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care and medical treatment and appliance 照顧、醫治及醫療裝置 Cap. 91B, Sch. 2
care and supervision 照顧與監管 Cap. 243, s. 2(1)
care, custody and control 照顧、管養及管束 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.5
care or charge 照顧或看管 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.15
due care 應有照顧 Cap. 226, s. 10(1)
duty of care 照顧責任 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.17
exercise proper care and guardianship 行使妥善照顧及監護 Cap. 486, s. 59A(a)
exercise proper care and guardianship 作出適當的照顧及監護 Cap. 213, s. 34(1)(c)
general care and conduct of the proceedings 對法律程序的整體關顧和負責進行 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
had the sole or predominant care of ... 獨力或主力撫養 Cap. 112, s. 32(1)
health care 健康護理 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
health care decision 健康護理決定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.5
hospital care 醫院護理服務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.62
lack of care 疏忽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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para. 2.70
carer 護理員 Cap. 608, s. 2
paid carer 獲付酬勞的護理人員 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.36
cargo air transhipment cargo 航空轉運貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
cargo 貨物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cargo depositing permit 貨物存放許可證 Cap. 81A, reg. 2
cargo transhipment area 貨物轉運區 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
public cargo working area 公眾貨物裝卸區 Cap. 81, s. 2
transfer of ... cargo 轉運……貨物 Cap. 413A, reg. 16A(1)
transhipment cargo 轉運貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
unmanifested cargo 未列艙單貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
Carltona principle Carltona principle 放權原則 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
carnet Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
admission of goods
carriage Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and 《1974年海上運輸旅客及其行李雅典公約》 Cap. 434, s. 2
their Luggage by Sea, 1974
carriage 載運 Cap. 537B, s. 7(2)
carriage 運送 Cap. 98, s. 6(1)(v)
carriage 運載 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
carriage licence 運載許可證 Cap. 60, s. 6E(5)(k)
carriage of goods by sea 海上貨物運輸 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.4
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Criminal Proceedings
leading case 主導案例 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.55
leading case 先導案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leading case 確立法律規定的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
personal injury case 人身傷害個案 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 5.1
reported case 經彙報的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
running-down case 行人對車輛駕駛者提起的人身傷害訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
slip-and-fall case 跌傷訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
test case 測試案件 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.7
test case 試驗案件〔測試判案標準的案件〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trespass on the case 侵權訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unreported case 未經案例彙編報導的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unreported case 未經彙報的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unreported case 未經彙報案例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case case management 案件管理 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.14
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juris relinquitur.
catalogue catalogues 商品目錄 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
trade catalogues 商品目錄 Cap. 311W, s. 16N(1)
catastrophic event catastrophic event 災難性事件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
catch caught by ... 受……囿制 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
caught by this Ordinance 受本條例囿制 Cap. 405, s. 7(1)(b)
categorize categorized 歸類為 Cap. 604, s. 11
category categories 組別 Cap. 406, s. 38(1)
category 類別 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(aa)
cater cater for operational needs 配合運作需要 Cap. 627, s. 10(1)(a)
caucus caucus (在調解過程中與調解員單獨進行的)非聯合會議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causa causans causa causans ["the initial cause"; direct cause; immediate 直接原因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cause] and Commercial Law Terms
causa causans ["the initial cause"; direct cause; immediate 近因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cause] and Commercial Law Terms
causa mortis causa mortis ["in contemplation of death"] 預期死亡而作的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causa mortis ["in contemplation of death"] 臨終作出的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causa sine qua non causa sine qua non ["cause without which not"] 不可缺少的原因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causal causal link 因果關係 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
causation causation 因果律〔侵權法〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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caveat emptor caveat emptor ["let the buyer beware"] 買者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveat subscriptor caveat subscriptor ["let the signer beware"] 簽署者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveat venitor caveat venitor ["let the vendor beware"] 賣者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveat viator caveat viator ["let the traveller beware"] 旅者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveator caveator 知會備忘登記人 Cap. 10A, r. 44(2)
caveator 登錄知會備忘的人 Cap. 4A, App. B
CBNI CBNI 現金類物品 Cap. 629, s. 2(1)
cease cease 終止 Cap. 111, s. 44(5)(b)
cease to apply to 停止適用於 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.9
cease to be a party 停止成為一方 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(2)(a)
cease to be in operation 停止施行 Cap. 151B, s. 2
cease to be viable 不再可持續經營 Cap. 628, s. 6(2)
cease to have effect 失效 Cap. 589, s. 57(5)
... cease to have effect ……的效力即告終止 Cap. 280, s. 5A(1)(b)
cease to have force 停止生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
cease to run for ... period 在……期間內終止計算 Cap. 6, s. 30A(3)
ceased to be 不再是 Cap. 155, s. 53C(2)
ceased to be a legal officer 終止出任律政人員 Cap. 87, s. 12(a)
ceased to be under a disability 不再無行為能力 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
ceased to exist 不再存在 Cap. 584, s. 5(1)(b)(ii)
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Criminal Proceedings
Central Authorities Central Authorities 中央 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
Central Authorities of Central Authorities of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國中央當局 Cap. 1, s. 3
the People's Republic of
Central Authority Central Authority 中心機關 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
Central Authority 中央機關 Cap. 290D, r. 24(2)(a)
central bank central bank 中央銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(a)
central clearing system central clearing system 中央結算系統 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
central government central government 中央政府 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
Central Government Central Government 中央 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
municipalities directly under the Central Government 直轄市 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
central issue central issue 主要爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Central Military Central Military Commission 中央軍事委員會 Constitution of the People’s
Commission Republic of China, Art. 62
Central People's Central People's Government 中央人民政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 12
competent authorities of the Central People's Government 中央人民政府主管部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the 中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的機構 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Central People's Central People's Government Committee 中央人民政府委員會 National Flag and National Emblem
Government Ordinance, s. 2
Central People's Central People's Government of the People's Republic of 中華人民共和國中央人民政府 Cap. 1, s. 2A(2)(a)
Government of the China
People's Republic of
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centre addiction treatment centre 戒毒所 Cap. 244, s. 2
child care centre 幼兒中心 Cap. 243, s. 2(1)
detention centre 勞敎中心 Cap. 239, s. 2
detention centre 羈留中心 Cap. 115, s. 53(8)(g)
Green Island Reception Centre 青洲接待中心 Cap. 115B, Sch. 1
reception centre 收容所 Cap. 480, s. 34(1)(a)
refugee centre 難民中心 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
regional command and control centre 地區指揮及控制中心 Cap. 520A, s. 5(1)(a)(i)
rehabilitation centre 更生中心 Cap. 567, s. 2
San Uk Ling Holding Centre 新屋嶺拘留中心 Cap. 115B, Sch. 1
training centre 教導所 Cap. 225, s. 28
CEPA CEPA [Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic 內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Partnership Arrangement] and Commercial Law Terms
certain certain 已確定的 Cap. 6, s. 61(f)
certain 確定 Cap. 622, s. 274(1)
certainty certainty 確切 Cap. 329, s. 26(1)
certainty virtual certainty direction 就幾乎必然發生的情況給予指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
certifiable certifiable building 可核證建築物 Cap. 630, Sch. 2
certificate accepted Convention certificate 獲認可的公約證明書 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
air operator's certificate 航空營運人許可證 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
air operator’s certificate 航空營運人許可證 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
appeal aid certificate 上訴援助證書 Cap. 221D, r. 2(1)
attendance certificate 修習證書 Cap. 374, s. 102A
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Certificate of Compensation Assessment for Fatal Case 致命個案補償評估證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
certificate of competency 合格證書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
certificate of competency 適任證書 Cap. 478AJ, s. 2
certificate of completion 結業證明書 Cap. 159J, r. 7(a)
certificate of completion 結業證書 Cap. 47, s. 2
certificate of compliance 合格證明書 Cap. 116C, s. 2
certificate of compliance 符合安全證明書 Cap. 572, s. 13
Certificate of Compliance Registration 遵行規定登記證明書 Cap. 610A, Schedule
Certificate of Conciliation 調停證明書 Cap. 25C, Schedule
certificate of conviction 定罪證明書 Cap. 503B, Schedule
certificate of costs 訟費證明書 Cap. 91C, reg. 16
certificate of deletion 終止註冊證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
certificate of deposit 存款證 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
certificate of determination of compensation 補償裁定證明書 Cap. 469, s. 15(1A)
certificate ... of dissolution of a writ of foreign attachment 解除訴訟外債務人物業查封令證明書 Cap. 128B, Schedule
certificate of eligibility 合資格證明書 Cap. 171, s. 21A(2)
certificate of eligibility for admission 符合資格獲認許證明書 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
certificate of eligibility for pupillage 符合資格為實習大律師證明書 Cap. 159AB, s. 2
certificate of exemption 豁免證明書 Cap. 115, s. 17G(1)
certificate of finality 終局性證明書 Cap. 584, s. 2
certificate of fitness 效能良好證明書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
certificate of identification 識別證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(2)
certificate of identity 身分證明書 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
certificate of identity ... for a seaman 海員身分證明書 Cap. 115A, reg. 3(a)
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Certificate of Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Hong 香港特別行政區居留權證明書 Cap. 115, s. 2
Entitlement to the Right Kong Special Administrative Region
of Abode in the Hong
Kong Special
Administrative Region
certificated certificated 持有證書的 Cap. 281, s. 57(1)(a)
certificated 領有證明書 Cap. 548, s. 2
certificated vessel 領有證明書船隻 Cap. 548D, s. 13(1)(a)
certification certification 核證 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
certification 證明 Cap. 602, s. 19(5)
certification authority 核證機關 Cap. 553, Long Title
certification authority disclosure record 核證機關披露紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
certification body 核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
certification practice statement 核證作業準則 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
certification trade mark 證明商標 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
international certification scheme 國際發證計劃 Cap. 60A, reg. 6DA
International Convention on Standards of Training, 《1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約》 Cap. 478V, s. 2
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
recognized certification authority 認可核證機關 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
recognized certification body 認可核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
representative certification criterion 訴訟代表的核證準則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.11
certification authority certification authority 核證機關 Cap. 553, s. 2
certification of origin certificate of origin 產地來源證 Cap. 324, s. 2
certified certified 經核證的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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charged with a criminal offence 受刑事控告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
charged with an offence 被落案起訴刑事罪名 Cap. 405A, Sch. 2
charged with an offence under ... 被控犯……所訂罪行 Cap. 521, s. 15(3)
charges against him 被控案由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(2)
charges arising out of ... 由……引起的控罪 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iii)
consolidated charge sheet 合併控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal charge 刑事控告 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 35, Footnote 32
criminal charge 刑事罪名 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
dealing with the charge 審理該控罪的 Cap. 318, s. 24(3)
defective charge 欠妥的控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dismiss the charge 駁回控罪 Cap. 336, Sch. 2
dismiss the charge 撤銷控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
distinct charges 不同控罪 Cap. 21, s. 26
duplicity of charge 多項罪行的控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
formulation of charges 控罪的擬定 Cap. 161, s. 35(5)
formulation of charges 擬定……控罪 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iii)
framing of charge 擬定控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty as alleged or charged 犯了所指稱或指控的事項 Cap. 359A, reg. 35(a)
It is a defence to the charge for the person to establish that ... 如上述的人證明……即為對上述控罪的免責辯護 Cap. 354, s. 18(4)
joinder of charges 合併控罪 Cap. 221, s. 18, Heading
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check "clean" record check “清白”的查核結果 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.66
sexual conviction record check 性罪行定罪紀錄查核 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, Preface , para. 7
Check List Review Check List Review 核對表評檢聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
check-list check-list 核對表 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.97
chemical chemical weapons 化學武器 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 種武器的公約》
on their Destruction
chemical chemical tanker 化學品液貨船 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
chemical tanker 化學品船 Cap. 478AG, s. 2
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
International Trade
chemically chemically differentiated 化學特性不同 Cap. 311W, s. 2
chemist Government Chemist 政府化驗師 Cap. 8, Schedule
cheque a cheque in favour of ... 以……為抬頭人的支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cheque 支票 Cap. 19, s. 73
cheques payable to bearer 須付款予持有人的支票 Cap. 98A, reg. 17
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Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in 《關於跨國領養的保護兒童及合作公約》 Cap. 290, Long Title
respect of Intercountry Adoption
dependent children 受供養子女 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(c)
maltreatment of children 虐待兒童 Cap. 279F, Sch. 2
China-Appointed China-Appointed Attesting Officer 中國委託公證人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
Attesting Officer
Chinese Chinese 華人 Cap. 174, s. 4(5)
Chinese characters 中文字樣 Cap. 98, s. 32D(1)
Chinese citizen 中國公民 Cap. 1, s. 3
Chinese custom 中國習俗 Cap. 97, s. 13(1)
Chinese customary marriage 中國舊式婚姻 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
Chinese equivalent 中文對等詞句 Cap. 609, s. 2(5)
Chinese herbal medicine 中藥材 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese law and custom 中國法律與習俗 Cap. 178, s. 2
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫 Cap. 549, s. 4(b)(iii)
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫師 Cap. 569, Schedule
Chinese national 中國公民 Cap. 540, s. 2(1)
Chinese nationality 中國國籍 Cap. 540, s. 2(1)
Chinese nationality 中國籍 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
Chinese people 中國人民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Preamble
Chinese calendar Chinese calendar 農曆 Cap. 154, s. 5
Chinese customary Chinese customary marriage 中國舊式婚姻 Cap. 202, s. 2
Chinese law and Chinese law and custom 中國法律與習俗 Cap. 178, s. 2
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Chinese Temples Chinese Temples Committee 華人廟宇委員會 Cap. 153, s. 3(1)
Chinese Temples Fund Chinese Temples Fund 華人廟宇基金 Cap. 153A, reg. 3
Chinese Wall Chinese Wall 職能分隔制度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Chinese Wall 職能分管制度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chirograph chirograph 正式簽字的契據〔以剪刀一分為二的一式兩份文件〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chiropractor chiropractor 脊醫 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
registered chiropractor 註冊脊醫 Cap. 428, s. 2
Chiropractors Council Chiropractors Council 脊醫管理局 Cap. 428, s. 3(1)
chit fund chit fund 銀會 Cap. 151, Schedule
chit-fund chit-fund 銀會 Cap. 262, s. 2
choice any other media of his choice 自己選擇之其他方式 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
choice of law rules 法律選擇規則 Cap. 76, Schedule
freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice 保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
modelling choices 模擬選擇 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZK(b)
choke attempting to choke 企圖使人窒息 Cap. 243, Schedule
choke 使……哽嗆 Cap. 212, s. 20(a)
choosing counsel of his own choosing 其選任之辯護人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(b)
defend himself ... through legal assistance of his own choosing 由其選任辯護人答辯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
chose chose in action [also thing in action] 據法權產 Cap. 20, s. 2
chose in possession [tangible thing or chattel in possession of 佔有物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sb.] and Commercial Law Terms
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chose in possession [tangible thing or chattel in possession of 所有物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sb.] and Commercial Law Terms
chose local 土地附有物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose local 固定物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose ["thing"] 物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose ["thing"] 財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose transitory 流動物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal chose in action 法律據法權產 Cap. 23, s. 9
chose in action chose in action 據法權產 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 26
legal chose in action 法律據法權產 Cap. 23, s. 9
release, that chose in action 使該據法權產……解除 Cap. 23, s. 15A
chose jug chose jug 既判案件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose jugée chose jugée [also res judicata] 已判決的事項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Christian Christian marriage 基督教婚禮 Cap. 401, s. 2(1)
Christian ... name 教名 Cap. 622, s. 643(4)
chromaticity Chromaticity Chart (1975) 《1975年色度表》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(3)
chronological chronological tables 年表 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(m)
in chronological order 按時間順序 Cap. 145A, reg. 3(1)
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Criminal Proceedings
mitigating circumstances 減刑因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reasonable in all the circumstances 在整體情況下屬合理 Cap. 628, s. 14(4)
reasonable in the circumstances 在有關情況下屬合理者 Cap. 436D, s. 13(1)(f)(ii)
so far as circumstances permit 在情況允許下 Cap. 446B, s. 8
strong mitigating circumstances 有力的求情因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
surrounding circumstances 周圍情況 Cap. 51D, reg. 25(3)
surrounding circumstances 周圍環境 Cap. 30, s. 23B(1)(c)
surrounding circumstances 相關情況 Cap. 571, s. 165(6)
the circumstances in which the offence was committed 犯罪情節 Cap. 374, s. 36(2AB)(b)
there are exceptional circumstances 情況特殊 Cap. 13, s. 13(1)(a)
to bring ... into conformity with the circumstances of ... 使……符合……的情況 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(q)
within a period reasonable in all the circumstances of the case 於在有關個案的整體情況下屬合理的期間內 Cap. 155Q, r. 16(4)(d)
circumstantial circumstantial evidence 環境證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
circumstantial evidence circumstantial evidence 旁證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 情況證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 環境證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumvent circumvent 規避 Cap. 528, s. 273(1)
citable citable 可引述 Cap. 8, s. 59(2)(a)
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civil law [also jus civile; law of the citizen] 民法〔civil law亦指:羅馬法;相對於普通法而言的大陸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
法;相對於國際法及教會法規而言的國內法〕 參看 and Commercial Law Terms
continental law
Civil Procedure Civil Procedure Convention 民事訴訟程序公約 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 6(2)
civil servant civil servant 公務員 Cap. 606, s. 2(1)
civil service civil service 公務員體制 Cap. 521, s. 12(1)
Civil Service Civil Service Regulations 公務員事務規例 Cap. 480, Sch. 5
civil suit civil suit 民事起訴 Cap. 525, s. 17(1)(ii)
civil war civil war 內戰 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
civilian civilian 民用 Cap. 537CF, s. 20(4)(e)(i)(D)
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian 《日內瓦關於戰時保護平民公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Persons in Time of War
civilian civilian officer 文職人員 Cap. 232, s. 39(1)
civilian police departmental grade office 警察部門職系中的文職職位 Cap. 232, s. 39(1)
civilly civilly liable 承擔民事法律責任 Cap. 637, s. 97(1)
is not civilly liable for ... 無須為……承擔民事法律責任 Cap. 636, s. 45(1)
liable civilly 在民事上負法律責任 Cap. 117, s. 29DG(3)
recoverable civilly 可循民事程序追討 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ab)
claim a monetary claim 金錢申索 Cap. 23, s. 30(1)
abandonment of claim 放棄申索 Cap. 2, s. 38
admiralty claim 海事申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admit the claim 承認申索 Cap. 4A, O. 13A, r. 4(2)
admits the ... claim 接納……申索 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)(a)
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free from all liens, claims or encumbrances 不受任何留置權、申索權或產權負擔所約束 Cap. 630, s. 63(2)(b)(ii)(A)
frivolous claim 瑣屑無聊的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
further prosecution of the claim 繼續進行該申索 Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 11(1)(b)
give judgment for the claim 作出該申索勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(5)
good claim 有良好理據的申索 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.9
has a claim 具有申索權 Cap. 115, s. 47(6)
joint claim 聯名索償 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.113
joint ... claim 共同申索 Cap. 25, s. 11(5)
legal claims and demands 法律申索及索求 Cap. 4, s. 16(2)(b)
legally-enforceable claims 在法律上可強制執行的申索 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZE(8)(b)
liquidated ... claims 已算定……的申索 Cap. 1143, s. 8(1)(b)
liquidated pecuniary claim 經算定金額的申索 Cap. 347, s. 25
liquidated pecuniary claim 算定金額的申索 Cap. 347, s. 23(3)
lodge with ... a claim 向……提交……申索 Cap. 485A, s. 164A(1)
loss of dependency claim 失去生活依靠的申索 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
maritime claims 海事索償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
meritorious claim 有勝訴機會的申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.65
mixed money and non-money claim 涉及金錢與不涉及金錢的混合申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Clearing and Settlement Clearing and Settlement Systems Appeals Tribunal 結算及交收系統上訴審裁處 Cap. 584, Sch. 9
Systems Appeals
clearing house clearing house 結算所 Cap. 571, s. 37(1)
recognized clearing house 認可結算所 Cap. 571, s. 38(1)
clearing system designated clearing and settlement system 指定結算及交收系統 Cap. 584, s. 2
clearing-house Biosafety Clearing-House 生物安全資料交換所 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
clearly clearly and conspicuously 清楚而顯眼地 Cap. 390, s. 24(1B)
clearly and permanently marked with ... 清楚持久地標明…… Cap. 369W, Sch. 3
clearly identifiable as ... 可清楚識別其為…… Cap. 374A, reg. 28(1)(c)
clearly legible 可清楚閱讀 Cap. 56, s. 16(2)
clearly legible 清晰可讀 Cap. 138A, s. 38A(1)
clearly legible 清晰易讀 Cap. 374A, Sch. 16
clearly legible 清楚易讀 Cap. 369W, Sch. 5
clearly marked 清楚標明 Cap. 145A, reg. 4(3)(a)
clearly visible 清晰可見 Cap. 132AI, s. 10A(3)
clearly visible and legible 清楚可見和可閱 Cap. 34, s. 6(3)(a)
displays clearly and distinctly 清楚而明確地展示 Cap. 133A, reg. 11(1)(d)
... is clearly visible 清楚看見…… Cap. 374B, reg. 12K(1)(a)(i)
to clearly differentiate 以清楚區別 Cap. 123N, s. 39(2)
clearly clearly inappropriate forum 明顯不適當的訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.16
"clearly inappropriate forum" test “明顯不適當訴訟地”測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 8
clemency executive clemency 行政機關給予赦免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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para. 6.23
closely closely connected 有密切聯繫 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.54
closely related 密切有關 Cap. 41, s. 22(1A)
closely resemble 非常相似 Cap. 374A, reg. 53(2)(b)
closer Hong Kong, China—New Zealand Closer Economic 《中國香港與新西蘭緊密經貿合作協定》 Cap. 362, Sch. 1
Partnership Agreement
closing closing order 封閉令 Cap. 132, s. 127(5)
closing closing address 結案陳詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
closing speech 結案時的陳詞 Cap. 394, s. 24
closing speech 結案陳詞 Cap. 221, s. 56(2)(b)
closing submission 結案陳詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
closing closing 結束的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
closing 截止的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
nomination closing date 截止提名日 Cap. 161F, s. 2
tender closing date 截標日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tender closing time 截標時間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
closure closure of ... registration 註冊的終止 Cap. 415, s. 59(1)(a)
closure closure day 關閉日 Cap. 1, s. 71(2)
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Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships 《現有船舶氣體運輸船規則》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
International Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 《國際散裝穀物安全運輸規則》 Cap. 369AA, reg. 2
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft 《高速船國際安全守則》 Cap. 478J, s. 2(1)
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 《2000年國際高速船安全規則》 Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Signals 《國際訊號規則》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(4)
International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code 《國際救生設備規則》 Cap. 369AY, s. 2(1)
International Management Code For The Safe Operation Of 《船舶安全營運及防止污染國際管理規則》 Cap. 369AX, s. 1
Ships And For Pollution Prevention
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 《國際海運危險貨物守則》 Cap. 413C, reg. 2
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
International Safety Management Code 《國際安全管理規則》 Cap. 369AW, s. 2(1)
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code 《國際船舶和港口設施保安規則》 Cap. 582, s. 3(1)
recognized engineering ... code 認可工程……守則 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
road users' code 道路使用者守則 Cap. 374, s. 109(2)
self-regulatory code of conduct 自我規管行為守則 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.13
code of conduct code of conduct 行為守則 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
code of conduct 操守守則 Cap. 571, s. 169(2)
code of practice code of practice 工作守則 Cap. 51, s. 2
code of practice 執業守則 Cap. 343, s. 8(4)(c)
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come by the property ... without stealing it 並非藉偷竊而……獲得財產 Cap. 210, s. 4(1)
come into existence 出現 Cap. 104, s. 24(1)(a)
come into operation 開始實施 Cap. 1, s. 32(1)
come into operation 實施 Cap. 1, s. 25
come into the possession of ... 歸……管有 Cap. 200, s. 65(3)
come to an end 終結 Cap. 7, s. 52(1)
comes into question 成為問題 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
comes to ... knowledge 知悉 Cap. 514B, s. 13(3)
comes to the knowledge of ... ……得悉 Cap. 576, s. 30(1)
comes to the notice of ... ……知悉 Cap. 618, s. 142
comes to the notice of ... 得知…… Cap. 622, s. 653K(1)
comes to the notice of ... ……得悉 Cap. 41, s. 125(a)
coming into force 生效 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
coming to his knowledge 獲悉 Cap. 51, s. 15(1)(a)
come and defend come and defend [also venit et defendit] 出庭辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
come and defend [also venit et defendit] 前來辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comfort interests, welfare and comfort 權益、福利及舒適 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(e)
comfort letter of comfort 聯繫證明書 Cap. 155S, r. 116
comfort letter comfort letter [also letter of comfort] 安心書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comfort letter [also letter of comfort] 聯繫證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comity comity 友誼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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before, on or after the commencement of this Ordinance 於本條例生效日期之前、當日或之後 Cap. 155, s. 50(3)
commencement 生效日期 Cap. 1, s. 2(1)
commencement 開始 Cap. 6, s. 40
commencement 開始發生 Cap. 1, s. 57(2)(b)
commencement date 生效日期 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
commencement of the prosecution 展開檢控 Cap. 132, s. 104B(3)
commencement of this Ordinance 本條例開始實施 Cap. 1148, s. 6
commencement of ... trial 開審日期 Cap. 227, s. 85A(1)(d)
commencement of winding up 清盤的開始 Cap. 32, s. 184
on and from the commencement of ... Ordinance 在……條例生效日期當日及自該日起 Cap. 155, s. 139(1)
upon the commencement of such proceedings 於該等法律程序……展開時 Cap. 91, s. 14(1)(b)
upon the commencement of this section 本條一經生效 Cap. 219, s. 44(3)
writ for commencement of a cause 展開訟案的令狀 Cap. 4C, Schedule
commencement date commencement date 生效日期 Cap. 383, s. 2
commencement date 開始日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rent commencement date 起租日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commensurable commensurable 相當的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commensurable 相稱的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commensurate commensurate with ... 與……相匹配 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
commensurate with ... 與……相稱 Cap. 362, s. 13E(5)
comment adverse observation or comment 負面觀察所得或評語 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
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sua non habere debet. should not derive any benefit from his own wrong.] and Commercial Law Terms
common common 公共的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common 共同的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common 共有的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common 共通的 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
common action 共同的訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
common agreement 共同協議 Cap. 339, s. 5(3)
common area 公用地方 Cap. 311, s. 2
common conduits 共用的管道 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common design 共同策劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common employment 共同受僱(於同一僱主) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common employment 受僱共同作業 Cap. 23, s. 22
common facilities 公用設施 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
common facilities 公共設施 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
common features 共同特徵 Cap. 155, s. 64(1)(c)
common fund 共同基金 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.21
common fund basis 共同基金基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
common fund costs 共同基金訟費 Cap. 336F, Sch. 2
common intention 共同意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
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Criminal Proceedings
common interest 共同權益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.15
common interest confidentiality agreement 共同權益保密協議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.30
common issue 共通爭論點 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.20
common mistake 共同的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common name 通用名稱 Cap. 559, s. 52(2)(b)(i)
common parts 公共地方 Cap. 565, s. 26
common parts (of land or a building) (土地或建築物的)共用部分 Cap. 200, s. 160
common parts (of land or a building) 公用部分 Cap. 515, s. 38
common parts (of land or a building) 公共部分 Cap. 601, s. 39
common property 分權共有財產 Cap. 38, s. 4(a)
common purpose 共同目的 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.104
common question of ... fact 同一……事實問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law 同一法律問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law or fact 共同的法律或事實問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
common residence 共同居所 Cap. 189, s. 3(1)(c)(i)
common seal 法團印章 Cap. 1, s. 53
common to 共有 Cap. 602, s. 23(1)
common welfare 共同福祉 Cap. 112, s. 50A(5)(a)(ii)
common witness 共同證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
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for common use 供共同享用 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
in common employment with ... 與……受僱共同作業 Cap. 23, s. 22(1)
in common use 共用的 Cap. 200, s. 160(4)(b)
members in common 共通成員 Cap. 4A, O. 81, r. 6(1)(b)
on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準(評定訟費) Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28
owner in common 分權共有人 Cap. 112, s. 42
taxed on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(4)
tenancy in common 分權共有〔兩人或多於兩人按不分割份數的均等或不均 Cap. 38, s. 4
業權歸其繼承人〕 ※比較 joint tenancy
tenant in common 分權共有人 參看 tenancy in common Cap. 7, s. 107
under common control 共同受同一……控制 Cap. 112, s. 50A(2)(b)
common a matter of common knowledge 眾所周知的事宜 Cap. 490, s. 13(2)(a)(iii)
common duty of care 一般謹慎責任 Cap. 314, s. 3(1)
common intent and understanding 一般用意及理解 Cap. 112, s. 63
common knowledge 眾所周知 Cap. 490, s. 13(8)
common common assault 普通襲擊 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.69
common assault 普通襲擊罪 Cap. 210, Schedule
common form probate business 普通形式的遺囑認證事務 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(2)
common juror 普通陪審員 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.5
common law conspiracy 普通法串謀罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
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common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions 普通法中關於司法裁定的宣布論 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
common law doctrine of secondary participation 普通法的次級參與原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common law jurisdiction 普通法司法管轄區 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.35
common law presumption 普通法推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, Preface , para. 8
common law principle of finality 普通法下的終結性原則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
common law privilege 普通法特權 Cap. 486, s. 44(2)(d)(ii)
common law wife 普通法妻子 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mortgage by deed in common form 普通形式的按揭契據 Cap. 123, s. 33(9)(b)
common common barrator 唆訟者 Cap. 609, s. 98K
Common Bench Common Bench 前英格蘭高等司法院民事訴訟庭(英) 參看 Common English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Pleas Division and Commercial Law Terms
common bond common bond 共同連繫 Cap. 119, s. 15
common law at common law 在普通法下 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
at common law [also al common ley] 在普通法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at common law [also al common ley] 根據普通法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law 不成文法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Criminal Proceedings
undue complexity 過度複雜 Cap. 559, s. 58(5)
compliance certificate of compliance 合格證明書 Cap. 116C, s. 2
certificate of compliance 符合安全證明書 Cap. 502, s. 12(2)
certificate of safety compliance 符合安全規格證明書 Cap. 406, s. 29(1)(b)
completed development pending compliance 尚待符合條件的已落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 4(2)(a)
completed phase pending compliance 尚待符合條件的已落成期數 Cap. 621, s. 4(2)(b)
compliance 符合 Cap. 502, s. 3(1)
compliance 符合……規定 Cap. 406, s. 27(3)
compliance 遵行 Cap. 51, s. 6(2)(a)
compliance 遵從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compliance notice 遵行通知 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3, para. 39
compliance period 遵從限期 Cap. 374, s. 72A(11)
compliance report 合規報告 Cap. 478AF, s. 2(1)
compliance with conditions 符合……條件 Cap. 402, Sch. 1
compliance with the international obligations of ... 履行……國際義務 Cap. 523, Long Title
deadline for compliance 遵從期限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due compliance 妥為遵從 Cap. 106, s. 13E
fire safety compliance order 符合消防安全令 Cap. 636, s. 2
Form of Compliance 遵行規定表格 Cap. 610A, Schedule
full compliance 完全遵從 Cap. 403, s. 16(1)(h)
in compliance with ... 遵從…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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the judgment is final and conclusive between the parties to it 有關判決對判決各方而言,屬最終及不可推翻的判決 Cap. 605, s. 21(3)(a)
conclusively conclusively 不可推翻地 Cap. 240, s. 5(2)
conclusively 確切地 Cap. 150, s. 4(2)
conclusively presumed 不可推翻地推定 Cap. 501, s. 14(1)(c)
conclusively presumed 不可推翻地推定為 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
shows conclusively 確實證明 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
conclusiveness conclusiveness 決定性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concoction concoction 捏造事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
concoction 捏造證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
concomitant concomitant 伴隨的 Cap. 485A, s. 145
concomitant 相伴的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concomitant action 共同提起的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concomitant evidence 當時在場行事的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concord concord 友好合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concord 協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concrete concrete 實質的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concubinage concubinage 妾侍制度 Cap. 178, Long Title
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any of the terms or conditions to which the authorization is 規限該授權的任何條款或條件 Cap. 354O, s. 9(7)(a)
as a condition precedent to ... 作為……的先決條件 Cap. 109A, reg. 10(ii)
attach conditions 附帶條件 Cap. 599C, s. 4(2)
attach conditions to 將……條件附加於 Cap. 6, s. 43D(2)
basic condition 基本條款 Cap. 354N, s. 8(8)
breach of bail condition 違反保釋條件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
breach of ... condition 違反……條件 Cap. 295, s. 9(2)
breach of condition of stay 違反逗留條件 Cap. 115, s. 41, Heading
concurrent conditions 同時履行的條件 Cap. 329, s. 52
condition 條件 Cap. 1, s. 3
condition antecedent 先決條件 Cap. 6, s. 138
condition of an exemption 豁免所附帶的條件 Cap. 406, s. 56(5)
condition of stay 逗留條件 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
condition precedent 先決條件 Cap. 609, s. 15(3)
condition precedent (合約生效前)須予履行的條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condition subsequent 後決條件 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
condition subsequent 解除(合約責任)條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of appointment 聘用條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of exchange 換地條件 Cap. 1133, s. 5(a)
conditions of exemption 豁免條件 Cap. 200A, reg. 16
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Criminal Proceedings
continuing conduct 持續行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.55
continuing or repeating the conduct 繼續從事或重複該行為 Cap. 554, s. 28(1)(a)
control of conduct 行為管制 Cap. 115, s. 13C(2)
Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 《班輪公會行動守則公約》 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
corrupt conduct 舞弊行為 Cap. 554, s. 3(a)
course of conduct 一連串的行為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.30
course of conduct 一連串的行徑 Cap. 602, s. 70(4)(b)
court conduct 在法庭的行為操守 Cap. 159AK, r. 18(3)
decent conduct 合乎體統的行為 Cap. 132, s. 116(2)(d)
dishonourable conduct and practices 不名譽行為及做法 Cap. 1162, s. 4(c)
disorderly conduct 行為不檢 Cap. 1112A, r. 24
disorderly conduct 擾亂秩序的行為 Cap. 114A, reg. 68(d)
disorderly conduct in public place 在公眾地方行為不檢 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.22
disorderly or improper conduct 不檢或不當的行為 Cap. 139A, reg. 50
flagrant and incompetent conduct 明顯失職行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
good conduct 行為良好 Cap. 298, s. 3(2)
illegal conduct 非法行為 Cap. 554, s. 3(a)
illegal conduct 違法行為 Cap. 485, s. 17(1)
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this Ordinance
powers conferred 賦予……的權力 Cap. 159, s. 6(9)
powers conferred by 所賦權力 Cap. 271, s. 3(2)
protection conferred by ... ……賦予……的保障 Cap. 602, s. 62(2)
rights conferred 所賦予權利 Cap. 528, s. 244(1)
to confer a larger right ... than is granted in ... 授予較……本身所授予的權利為多的權利 Cap. 97, s. 44
conference Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 《班輪公會行動守則公約》 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
liner conference 班輪公會 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
conference case management conference 個案處理會議 Cap. 559A, r. 86(1)
Conference of the Parties 締約方大會 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Conference of the Parties 締約國大會 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
conference venues 會議場地 Cap. 221D, Schedule
counsel in conference 與大律師舉行會議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
international conference 國際會議 Cap. 21, Schedule
conferencing video conferencing 視像會議 Cap. 50A, by-law 8(3)
conferment conferment of an authorization or qualification 授予任何授權或資格 Cap. 602, s. 19(2)
confess confess 供認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confess guilt 認罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(g)
Confessio facta in Confessio facta in judicio omni probatione major est. [A 在法庭上所作供認的效力大於其他舉證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
judicio omni confession made in court is of greater effect than any proof.] and Commercial Law Terms
probatione major est.
confessio in judicio confessio in judicio [also confession in court] 在法庭上供認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confession admissibility of confession 招認的可接納性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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consent of the Chief Executive 行政長官同意 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
consent order 同意令 Cap. 528D, r. 43(6)
consent order 在(與訟各方)同意下作出的命令 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 1
consent summons 同意傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 1
consent to assign 轉讓同意 Cap. 621, s. 4(1)(a)(i)(B)
consent to prosecute 同意提出檢控 Cap. 57, s. 43S(2)
consent to prosecute 同意檢控書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consenting parties 同意的當事人 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 6
express consent 明示的同意 Cap. 200A, reg. 14(3)
filed a consent 送交同意書存檔 Cap. 4, s. 34B(4)(c)
free and full consent 自由完全同意 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(3)
fresh consent 重新簽發的同意書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general form of consent 一般同意書表格 Cap. 290, s. 5(5A)
has the consent of ... 取得……的同意 Cap. 155, s. 52(2A)(a)
imply consent 暗示同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.54
incapable of giving consent 無行為能力給予同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.4
incapacity to consent 無能力同意 Cap. 200, s. 122(4)
informed consent 知情下的同意 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,
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Preface , para. 6
informed consent 知情的同意 Cap. 503AC, Schedule
joining consent 參與同意 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
judgment by consent 按同意而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(1)(a)
mutual consent 互相同意 Cap. 159J, r. 13(1)(c)
non-consent caution 非同意警告書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
prior consent 事先同意 Cap. 155L, s. 157(4)
prior consent 事先給予的同意 Cap. 498B, s. 11(3)(a)
prior written consent 事先書面同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
refuse consent to 拒絕同意 Cap. 218, s. 18(c)
renews ... consent 重新同意 Cap. 123A, reg. 34
requisite consent 所需的同意 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
seeking the consent ... of ... 尋求……給予同意 Cap. 446A, s. 2
sharing consent 互通同意 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
signifying consent 表示同意 Cap. 290, s. 7(2)
subsisting consent 存續的同意 Cap. 370, s. 22(1)(b)
tacit consent 默許 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unanimous consent 一致同意 Cap. 622, s. 473(6)(a)
vitiate consent 使同意成為無效 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.70
vitiate consent 導致同意無效 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
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conspiracy to forcibly take away or detain a person with intent 串謀將人強行帶走或禁錮而意圖取得贖金 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
to procure a ransom Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to kidnap 串謀綁架 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to outrage public decency 串謀作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice 串謀妨礙司法公正 Cap. 455, Sch. 1
conspiracy to procure a miscarriage 串謀促致流產 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to procure girls under 21 to have unlawful sexual 串謀促致年齡在21歲以下的女童與人非法性交 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
intercourse Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to procure the execution of valuable securities by 串謀以欺騙手段促致有價產權書的簽立 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
deception Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 促成串謀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 將串謀[計劃]付諸實行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 落實串謀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statutory conspiracy 法定串謀罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
tort of conspiracy 串謀侵權 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.10
conspiracy to defraud conspiracy to defraud 串謀欺詐 Cap. 200, s. 159E
conspirator conspirator 串謀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspire conspire 串謀 Cap. 212, s. 5
constable constable 警員 Cap. 232, s. 3
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Document 28
Constitutional Constitutional Development Task Force of the Government of 香港特別行政區政府政制發展專責小組 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Development Task the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Document 20
Force of the
Government of the
Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region
Constitutiones tempore Constitutiones tempore posteriores potiores sunt his quae ipsas 較後的法律取代較前者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
posteriores potiores praecesserunt. [Later laws prevail over those that preceded and Commercial Law Terms
sunt his quae ipsas them.]
constraint by ... constraint 以……強制手段 Cap. 200, s. 3(1)(b)
put ... constraint upon 向……施加……強制力 Cap. 200, s. 3(1)(b)
construct construct 興建 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
constructed 建造 Cap. 621, s. 3(4)
construct constructed to ... 經構造以…… Cap. 311J, reg. 7F(2)(b)
properly constructed seat 構造適當……的座位 Cap. 374G, reg. 53(2)
construction Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
construction construction 建造 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(b)
construction 興建 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
construction contract 建造合約 Cap. 587, s. 2(1)
construction industry 建造業 Cap. 406H, s. 13(1)(b)
construction operations 建造工程 Cap. 587, s. 2(1)
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Criminal Proceedings
remedial construction 補救性的詮釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
remedial construction 補救為本的詮釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rhadamanthine construction 極嚴格的詮釋 參看 rhadamanthine English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rules of construction 釋義規則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
strained construction [also strained interpretation] 牽強解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
true construction 真正解釋 Cap. 528, s. 193(3)
true construction 真實解釋 Cap. 23, s. 17(3)
true construction 確實解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Construction Industry Construction Industry Council 建造業議會 Cap. 587, s. 4(1)
Construction Workers Construction Workers Qualifications Board 建造業工人資格評審委員會 Cap. 583, s. 2(1)
Qualifications Board
Construction Workers Construction Workers Registration Authority 建造業工人註冊管理局 Cap. 583, s. 70
Registration Authority
Construction Workers Construction Workers Review Board 建造業工人覆核委員會 Cap. 583, s. 2(1)
Review Board
constructive actual or constructive knowledge 實際知道或憑法律推定而知道 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
constructive 法律構定 Cap. 219, s. 56A
constructive 推定 Cap. 128, s. 4
constructive dismissal 推定解僱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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reasonable contemplation test [relating to damages awarded 可合理預期測試〔用於違約損害賠償裁決〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
for breach of contract] and Commercial Law Terms
contemporaneous contemporaneous 同時 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
contemporaneous record 即時紀錄 Cap. 221A, r. 1A
contempt clear his contempt 抵償其藐視罪 Cap. 4A, App. A
commits contempt of the Court 作出藐視法庭行為 Cap. 336, s. 20(b)
contempt 藐視 Cap. 159, s. 11(1)(c)
contempt 藐視行為 Cap. 499, s. 19
contempt 藐視罪 Cap. 234A, r. 215(1)
contempt of court 藐視法庭 Cap. 4, s. 21A(6)(a)
contempt of court 藐視法庭罪 Cap. 4, s. 50
contempt of the Court 藐視法庭 Cap. 336, s. 20
criminal contempt 刑事藐視罪 Cap. 4, s. 50(1)
criminal contempt of court 刑事藐視法庭罪 Cap. 3, s. 32(3)
incite ... serious contempt for ... 煽動對……的……嚴重的鄙視 Cap. 487, s. 46(1)
summary contempt proceedings 循簡易程序審訊藐視法庭案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the contempt has been purged 該藐視罪已予抵償 Cap. 86, s. 9(4)
contend contend 爭訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contend 提出爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
contend 辯稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contending parties 與訟各方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Annex 1, para. 10
unfair contract 不公平合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unilateral contract 單方義務合約 ※比較 bilateral contract English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unprofitable contracts 無利可圖的合約 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
variation of contract 合約的更改 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wagering contract 打賭合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
yellow-dog contract 禁止僱員加入職工會的僱傭合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract arising in contract 在合約法……上產生的 Cap. 588, s. 54(1)
law of contract 合約法 Cap. 528, s. 98(4)
contracted contracted amount 立約數額 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
liabilities contracted 承擔的債務 Cap. 10, s. 15A(1)(b)(i)
contracted years of contracted years of service 訂約的服務年期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
service and Commercial Law Terms
contracting Contracting Party 締約國 Cap. 482, s. 5(a)
Contracting State 締約國 Cap. 290, s. 20A(2)
contracting State 締約國家 Cap. 462, s. 4(1)(a)
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約
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the contrary is ... proved by the prosecution beyond reasonable 控方……提出無合理疑點的相反證明 Cap. 579, s. 4(5)(b)
to the contrary 相反 Cap. 514, s. 90
unless a contrary intention appears 除非顯示相反的用意 Cap. 282, s. 4(2)
unless a contrary intention is expressed 除非有明示的相反意願 Cap. 528, s. 272I(5)
unless the contrary appears 除看來另作別解外 Cap. 114A, reg. 2
unless the contrary intention is expressed 除非明訂有相反用意 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)
unless the contrary is proved 除非相反證明成立 Cap. 1, s. 8
unless the contrary is shown 除非證明事實並非如此 Cap. 494, s. 6(3)
unless the contrary is shown 除非證明情況相反 Cap. 525, s. 27(2)
until the contrary is proved 直至相反證明成立 Cap. 1, s. 80
until the contrary is proved to the satisfaction of ... 在證明並令……信納實情並非如此之前 Cap. 495, s. 9
until the contrary is shown 直至有相反證明為止 Cap. 483, s. 9(6)
contravene contravene 抵觸 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 11
contravene 違反 Cap. 1, s. 3
contravenes ... 與……有抵觸 Cap. 41, s. 23(4)
contravenes a condition of ... 違反……條件 Cap. 403, s. 5(8)
in respect of which ... is contravened 凡有人就……違反 Cap. 295B, reg. 60(3)
knowingly contravenes 明知而違反 Cap. 245, s. 17A(1)(b)
contravening if the contravening act is done for a gainful purpose 如作出有關違例作為是為圖利目的 Cap. 28, s. 6(4B)(b)(i)
contravention a contravention continues 觸犯規例的行為持續 Cap. 403, s. 16(2)(a)
alleged contravention 指稱違反……的個案 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
attempted contravention of ... 試圖違反…… Cap. 106, s. 36
constitutes the contravention 構成該項違反 Cap. 486, s. 50(1A)(b)(ii)
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contribution agreed contribution 協定注資 Cap. 637, s. 2
contribution 注資 Cap. 637, s. 2
contribution by way of contribution 以分擔款項方式 Cap. 508, s. 5(1)
contribution 分擔 Cap. 159, s. 10(2)(e)
contribution 分擔款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contribution 分擔費 Cap. 398, s. 2
contribution 分擔費用 Cap. 221, s. 9A(1)(d)
contribution 法律責任分擔 Cap. 500, s. 6(1)(a)
contribution as to costs 訟費的分擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Contribution Order 分擔開支令 Cap. 225C, Schedule
draw out or receive back ... contribution 提取或收回……分擔款項 Cap. 37, s. 3(3)
making a substantial contribution ... towards ... 在相當程度上分擔…… Cap. 481, s. 3(3)
offer of contribution 分擔提議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 5(a)
rate of contribution 分擔費用率 Cap. 91B, Sch. 3
rateable contribution 按比率獲得分擔 Cap. 329, s. 66(3)
right of contribution 獲得分擔的權利 Cap. 329, s. 32(2)(d)
contribution contribution 供款 Cap. 35, s. 3(a)
contribution account 供款帳户 Cap. 485, s. 11A(1)(a)
contribution day 供款日 Cap. 485A, s. 2
contribution period 供款期 Cap. 485E, Schedule
contribution summary 供款概要 Cap. 485A, s. 56A(2)
contribution surcharge 供款附加費 Cap. 485A, s. 81(2)(b)
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deliver ... into the custody and control of ... 將……交付……保管和控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(7)
disciplinary control 紀律管制 Cap. 409, Long Title
due to circumstances beyond the person's control 是該人所不能控制的情況所致的 Cap. 354O, s. 5(5)(b)
exclusive control 獨有控制 Cap. 159R, s. 7(1)
exercise ... significant influence or control 行使重大影響力或控制 Cap. 622, Sch. 5A
financial control 財務管控 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
has power or control over ... body 對……的人身具有支配權或控制權 Cap. 4, s. 22A(15)(a)
has ... the charge of or control over ... 對……具有監管或控制權 Cap. 226, s. 2(1)
have the general charge and control of ... 有全盤主管及控制……的權力 Cap. 239A, reg. 3(1)
in a person's effective control 受某人的實際控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(2)(c)
in charge or control of ... 掌管或控制……的 Cap. 115, s. 37H(2)(b)
in his control 受其支配 Cap. 91, s. 9(f)
internal control 內部管控 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
internal control measures 內部控制措施 Cap. 485A, s. 39(4)
internal controls 內部監控 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(m)(i)
key persons in control functions 管控要員 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
person in control 負責人 Cap. 406E, reg. 4(5)
physical control 實質控制 Cap. 593, s. 4(6)
placed under the control and management of ... 交由……控制和管理 Cap. 283, s. 34(2)
placed under the control of ... 置於……的控制下 Cap. 76, Schedule
quality control measures 品質控制措施 Cap. 506A, s. 8(2)(a)
regional command and control centre 地區指揮及控制中心 Cap. 520A, s. 5(1)(a)(i)
removing ... out of the custody, care or control of ... 將……帶離……管養、照顧或管束之外 Cap. 336H, O. 90, r. 5(3)
retains any control over ... 維持對……的任何控制 Cap. 486, s. 63B(6)
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accepted Convention certificate 獲認可的公約證明書 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and 《1974年海上運輸旅客及其行李雅典公約》 Cap. 434, s. 2
their Luggage by Sea, 1974
bilateral ... convention 雙邊……公約 Cap. 528, s. 180(4)
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on 《〈生物多樣性公約〉的卡塔赫納生物安全議定書》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Biological Diversity
Constitution and Convention of the International 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》 Cap. 106V, Sch. 1
Telecommunication Union
consular conventions 領事協定 Cap. 267, Long Title
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention 《1939年僱傭合約(土生工人)公約》 Cap. 78, s. 11(1)(h)
convention 公約 Cap. 1, s. 3
Convention adoption 公約領養 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention adoption certificate 公約領養證書 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention adoption order 公約領養令 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰 Convention Against Torture and
Degrading Treatment or Punishment 公約 Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment
Convention award 公約裁決 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Convention certificates 公約證明書 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(3)
Convention country 公約國 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
convention country 協約國 Cap. 4A, O. 69, r. 1
Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property 《建立世界知識產權組織公約》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 《保護工業產權公約》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
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Diplomatic Agents
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
of Genocide
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by 《防止傾倒廢物和其他物料污染海洋的公約》 Cap. 466, s. 2
Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the 《各專門機關特權及豁免公約》 Cap. 558B, s. 2
Specialized Agencies
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United 聯合國特權和豁免公約 Convention Against Torture and
Nations Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 23
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 種武器的公約》
on their Destruction
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign 《承認及執行外國仲裁裁決公約》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitral Awards
Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated 《聯合國人員和有關人員安全公約》 Cap. 590, s. 2
Convention passenger ship 公約客船 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
Convention ship 公約船 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
Convention State 公約國 Cap. 134, s. 38P(1)
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約
signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961
Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
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admission of goods
denounce the convention 退出公約 Cap. 369, s. 4
Geneva Convention 日內瓦公約 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian 《日內瓦關於戰時保護平民公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Persons in Time of War
Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of 《日內瓦關於戰俘待遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Hague Convention on the law applicable to trusts and on their 規定適用於信託的法律及信託的承認的海牙公約 Cap. 76, Long Title
international Convention 國際公約 Cap. 462, Schedule
International Convention against the Taking of Hostages 《反對劫持人質國際公約》 Cap. 468, Long Title
International Convention for Safe Containers 《國際集裝箱安全公約》 Cap. 506, s. 2(1)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 《國際防止船舶造成污染公約》 Cap. 413, s. 3(1)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 《1973年國際防止船舶造成污染公約》 Cap. 413K, s. 2
Ships, 1973
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 《國際海上人命安全公約》 Cap. 369, s. 2(1)
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約》 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
of Law relating to Bills of Lading
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(ii)
relating to International Carriage by Air
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 《2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Pollution Damage, 2001
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International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《1992年國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
Damage, 1992
International Convention on Load Lines 《國際載重線公約》 Cap. 369, s. 2(1)
International Convention on Salvage 1989 《1989年國際救助公約》 Cap. 508, s. 9(1)
International Convention on Standards of Training, 《1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約》 Cap. 478V, s. 2
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 《1969年國際船舶噸位丈量公約》 Cap. 415C, reg. 2
international labour conventions 國際勞工公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
multilateral ... convention 多邊……公約 Cap. 528, s. 180(4)
multi-lateral international conventions 多邊國際公約 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
national or territorial waters of a Convention State 公約國的領海或水域 Cap. 466, s. 25(5)(a)
Paris Convention country 巴黎公約國 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for 《1974年國際海上人命安全公約》1978年議定書 Cap. 369X, reg. 1(3)
the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
protocol supplementary to a convention 公約內的議定書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》的議定 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air 書
Rome Convention 《羅馬公約》 Cap. 575, s. 11C
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
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International Trade
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 《麻醉品單一公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants 《關於持久性有機污染物的斯德哥爾摩公約》 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic 《聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉品和精神藥物公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, 《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處 Cap. 427, s. 2(1)
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 罰公約》
United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful 聯合國《制止危及海上航行安全非法行為公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
United Nations International Convention for the Suppression 聯合國《制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
of Terrorist Bombings
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 《維也納領事關係公約》 Cap. 557, s. 3(1)
convention convention 慣例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by convention 既有協約不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by convention 慣例不容反悔 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
Convention for the Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 保護工業產權公約 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
Protection of Industrial
Convention for the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the 制止危及海上航行安全非法行為公約 Cap. 575, Long Title
Suppression of Safety of Maritime Navigation
Unlawful Acts Against
the Safety of Maritime
Convention on a Code Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 班輪公會行動守則公約 Cap. 482, Long Title
of Conduct for Liner
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Convention on Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 Cap. 586, Long Title
International Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora
Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora
Convention on Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976年海事索賠責任限制公約 Cap. 434, s. 2
Limitation of Liability 1976
for Maritime Claims,
Convention on Convention on Psychotropic Substances 精神藥物公約 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Convention on Convention on Temporary Admission 暫准進口公約 Cap. 60E, reg. 2
Temporary Admission
Convention on the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization 國際移動衞星組織(Inmarsat)公約 Cap. 106, s. 10(9)(b)
International Mobile (Inmarsat)
Satellite Organization
Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表的 Cap. 468, Long Title
Prevention and against Internationally Protected Persons, including 罪行的公約
Punishment of Crimes Diplomatic Agents
against Internationally
Protected Persons,
including Diplomatic
Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 防止及懲治危害種族罪公約 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
Prevention and of Genocide
Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 防止及懲治殘害人群罪公約 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
of Genocide
Convention on the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by 防止傾倒廢物和其他物料污染海洋的公約 Cap. 466, s. 2
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convert assets ... converted into money 資產……折成現金 Cap. 332, s. 16(a)
convert into money 轉為款項 Cap. 399, s. 6(3)(b)
convert ... into stock 轉換為股額 Cap. 622, s. 138
converting the property 轉換該財產 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
converts into a firearm ... 將……改換為火器 Cap. 238, s. 21(1)
convert converts 非法挪用 Cap. 115M, r. 35(f)
converts to his own use any ... property 將……財產……轉為己用 Cap. 10, s. 59
convertible convertible 可……兌換 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
convertible debt securities 可轉換債務證券 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
convertible loan stock 可轉換債權股額 Cap. 485A, s. 2
freely convertible 可自由兌換 Cap. 66, s. 2
securities that are convertible into, or entitle the holder to 可轉換為……股份的證券,或給予持有人認購……股份 Cap. 622D, s. 6(3)
subscribe for ... shares 的權利的證券
convertible bonds convertible bonds 可換股債券 Cap. 155L, s. 80
convey convey 傳達 Cap. 1, s. 6(1)
convey ... information 傳達……資料 Cap. 622, s. 413(3)(a)
conveyed 傳遞 Cap. 1, s. 3
conveying a warning 傳達警告 Cap. 374G, reg. 15
convey convey 轉易 Cap. 29, s. 2
conveys ... any property 轉讓……某項財產 Cap. 1146, s. 12(2)(b)
convey convey 移送 Cap. 599C, s. 7(a)
convey 搬運 Cap. 68, s. 2
convey 解送 Cap. 280A, Schedule
conveyed 運送 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
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conveyancing conveyancing 物業轉易 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
conveyancing scale charges 物業轉易收費標準 Cap. 6A, Schedule
unregistered conveyancing 非註冊的物業轉易 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
convict convict 將……定罪 Cap. 227, s. 92A
convicted by ... 被……定罪 Cap. 584, s. 33F(10)
convicted of ... 被裁定……罪名成立 Cap. 200, s. 143(2)(b)
convicted of a criminal offence 判定犯罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
convicted of an offence ... 被裁定犯了……罪行 Cap. 459, s. 10(1)(b)(i)
convicted of an offence under ... 根據……而被定罪 Cap. 47, s. 19
convicted of that offence 被判有罪 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
convicted of the offence ... 被裁定犯有……的罪行 Cap. 227, s. 8A(5)
convicted upon a plea of guilty 於認罪後……被定罪 Cap. 8, s. 62(1)
could have been convicted 本可……被判有罪 Cap. 405, s. 5(1)(a)
duly convicted of an offence ... 就……的罪行被依法定罪 Cap. 280A, Schedule
finally convicted or acquitted 經終局判決判定有罪或無罪開釋 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(6)
on each subsequent occasion on which the person is convicted 在該人其後每次被裁定犯該罪行時 Cap. 28, s. 6(4AA)(b)
of the offence
on the first occasion on which the person is convicted of the 在該人首度被裁定犯該罪行時 Cap. 28, s. 6(4AA)(a)
properly convicted 適當判罪 Cap. 161, s. 21(3)
remains convicted 定罪依然有效 Cap. 200, s. 153H(3)(a)
convict sb. of an offence convict sb. of an offence 判某人罪名成立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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para. 20
defence costs 辯方訟費 Cap. 492, s. 3, Heading
disallow costs ... 不准予……訟費 Cap. 484A, r. 27(3)
dismiss the application with costs 駁回申請兼判訟費須予支付 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 7(1)
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
entitlement to costs 獲付訟費的權利 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3
estimate of costs 訟費的估計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final costs certificate 最終訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed costs 定額訟費 Cap. 91C, reg. 2
full costs 一切訟費 Cap. 332, s. 35(5)
full costs 十足訟費 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
give security for costs 就訟費而……提供保證 Cap. 6A, r. 55
interim certificate of costs 中期訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim payment of costs 訟費的中期付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law costs draftsman 訟費單草擬人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lien for costs 訟費留置權 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 30(5)
limit of costs 訟費限額 Cap. 528, s. 121(14)
no costs on appearances 無須繳付出庭費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
"no costs order" rule “無訟費令”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.31
"no costs" rule “無訟費”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.5
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counsel advising counsel 提供法律指引的律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
brief to counsel 大律師出庭的授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief to counsel 大律師委聘書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
briefed-out counsel 外聘的大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by counsel or solicitor 由大律師或律師代表 Cap. 32H, r. 51
certificate for counsel 大律師證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers of counsel 大律師……的事務所 Cap. 201, s. 17(2)
class counsel 代表集體的律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.107
counsel 代表律師 Cap. 227, s. 2
counsel (n.) [also barrister; barrister-at-law] 大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel in conference 與大律師舉行會議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
counsel of his own choosing 其選任之辯護人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(b)
counsel of the local bar 本地大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel on behalf of ... 代表……的大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel on fiat 外聘律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
counsel retained 聘請的律師 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
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country put ... upon the country for trial 交付陪審團審訊 Cap. 221, s. 50
Country and Marine Country and Marine Parks Authority 郊野公園及海岸公園管理局總監 Cap. 476, s. 3(1)
Parks Authority
Country and Marine Country and Marine Parks Board 郊野公園及海岸公園委員會 Cap. 476, s. 2
Parks Board
coupon coupon 息票 Cap. 155L, s. 289(1)(a)
interest coupons 利息券 Cap. 64, s. 5(3)
reply coupons 回郵券 Cap. 98, s. 3(p)
courier courier 帶家 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
courier 帶貨人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
course acting in the course of his duties 正在執行職務中的 Cap. 208A, reg. 20(2)
course 運作 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course 過程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course of business 業務經營過程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course of business 業務運作 Cap. 48, s. 2
course of conduct 一連串的行為 Cap. 480, s. 76(3A)(b)
course of conduct 一連串的行徑 Cap. 602, s. 70(4)(b)
course of conduct 行為過程 Cap. 455, s. 2(2)(a)
course of dealing 交易過程 Cap. 38, s. 19(3)
course of the business 業務運作 Cap. 26, s. 24(1)
in the course of a business 在業務運作中 Cap. 26, s. 2A(1)(a)
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court of unlimited jurisdiction in either civil or criminal 民事或刑事司法管轄權不設限的法院 Cap. 484, s. 12(4)(a)
court office 法院辦事處 Cap. 1, s. 71(2)
court order 法庭裁定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
court order 法院命令 Cap. 512, s. 21(1)(a)
court proceedings 法律程序 Cap. 480B, s. 6(1)(e)
court proceedings 法院程序 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
court process 法律程序文件 Cap. 62, s. 9(1)
court record 法院紀錄 Cap. 524, s. 14
court registrar 司法常務官 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.15
court sitting in camera 閉門法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
court sitting in private 非公開法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
court translator 法院的翻譯人員 Cap. 528, s. 121(7)(a)
court's processes 法院程序 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.16
criminal court 刑事法庭 Cap. 226, s. 6(1)(b)
current court rate (of interest) 法院現行的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit of money in court 存放於法院的款項 Cap. 4, s. 57(2)(a)
derogate the court from its function 減損法院的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direction by court 法院的……指示 Cap. 514C, s. 52, Heading
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Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》
Diplomatic Agents
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
of Genocide
crime 刑事罪 Cap. 1, s. 3
crime 罪行 Cap. 2, s. 18A(1)
crime of genocide 殘害人群罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(3)
crimes of violence 暴力罪行 Cap. 564, s. 4(3)(a)
grave crime 嚴重罪行 Cap. 226, s. 4(a)
hate-crime 仇恨犯罪 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.17
organized crime 有組織罪行 Cap. 455, s. 2(1)
probability to commit crime 干犯罪行的可能性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proceeds of crime 犯罪得益 Cap. 455, Long Title
propensity to commit crime 犯罪傾向 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
public abhorrence of the crime committed 所犯罪行惹起公憤 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
wilful crime against ... 蓄意針對……的罪行 Cap. 503D, Sch. 1
crimen falsi crimen falsi ["the crimes of falsifying"; dishonesty, fraud, 與偽造、欺詐、貪污、作偽證等有關的罪行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
corruption, perjury, forgery, etc; also falsi crimen] and Commercial Law Terms
criminal adversarial system of criminal justice 對訟式刑事司法體系 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
charged with a criminal offence 受刑事控告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
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damages for future pecuniary loss 未來金錢損失的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
damages for past pecuniary loss 過去金錢損失的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
damages for personal injuries 人身傷害損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
damages for repudiation of contract 悔約損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damages in tort 侵權法下損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 1.2
damages of harassment 侵擾損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damages to be assessed 損害賠償(有待評估) Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 2
distinct head of damages 個別損害賠償項目 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 11(4)(b)
exemplary damages 懲戒性的損害賠償 Cap. 487, s. 72(4)(f)
exemplary damages 懲罰性的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
exemplary damages [also punitive damages; retributory 懲罰性損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8
damages; vindictive damages]
further damages 進一步損害賠償 Cap. 4, s. 56A(2)(b)
general damages 一般損害賠償 ※比較 specific damages English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Criminal Proceedings
as at the date of this agreement 截至本協議簽立之日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commencement date 生效日期 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
commencement date 開始日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 交易完成日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 完工日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 完成日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cut-off date 截止日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cut-off date 截數日期 Cap. 603B, s. 2(1)
date 日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
date of adjudication 判決……作出當日 Cap. 401, s. 30(2)(a)
date of commencement 生效日期 Cap. 26, s. 62(6)
date of diagnosis 判傷日期 Cap. 360, s. 2(1)
date of entry into force 生效日期 Cap. 362, s. 2A(1)
date of execution 簽立日期 Cap. 159J, r. 8(9)
date of expiry 屆滿日期 Cap. 369T, reg. 2
date of expiry 期滿日期 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
date of first occupation 最初佔用日期 Cap. 7, s. 19(3)
date of first registration 首次註冊日期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
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the day next following that day 該日隨後一日 Cap. 138, s. 28(3)
working day 工作天 Cap. 586, s. 22(4)
working day 工作日 Cap. 57, s. 7
year and a day rule 一年零一日規則 Cap. 212, s. 33C(1)
day and year first above day and year first above written, the 上文首述日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
written, the and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse de bene esse deposition 先行錄取的證人供詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse evidence 先行錄取的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse ["of well-being"; in anticipation of a future need] 暫先處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse ["of well-being"; in anticipation of a future need] 暫行 Cap. 336C, Schedule
examined de bene esse 暫行訊問 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
heard de bene esse 暫行聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
de bonis de bonis ["of goods"] 財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis ["of goods"] 遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis non letters of administration de bonis non 未作管理的遺產的遺產管理書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
de bonis non de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. ["(of) the goods not 未分配的遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administratis; d.b.n. administered"] and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. ["(of) the goods not 未作管理的遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administered"] and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. ["(of) the goods not 待管遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administered"] and Commercial Law Terms
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de bonis propriis de bonis propriis ["of his own goods"] 遺產管理人的財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis testatoris de bonis testatoris ["of the goods of the testator"] 立遺囑者的財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis testatoris ac si de bonis testatoris ac si ["from the goods of the testator if he has 如無立遺囑者財產則取遺產管理人財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
any, and if not, from those of the executor"] and Commercial Law Terms
de facto de facto 事實 Cap. 609, s. 27
de facto director 事實董事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de facto ["of fact"; in fact] 事實上 ※比較 de jure English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de facto ["of fact"; in fact] 實際上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de facto partner 事實伴侶 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.49
de gratia de gratia ["as a matter of grace"] 人情上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de jure de jure 法律 Cap. 609, s. 27
de jure ["of law"; according to law] 法律上 ※比較 de facto English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de jure ["of law"; according to law] 按照法律的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
De minimis non curat De minimis non curat lex. [The law does not take account of 法律不問瑣事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
lex. trifles.] and Commercial Law Terms
de minimis principle de minimis principle “法律不問瑣事”的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
de novo be heard de novo 重審 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
de novo ["anew"] 更始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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offence which carries the death penalty 屬可判死刑的罪行 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
penalty of death 死刑 Cap. 241, s. 3(1)
presumption of death 推定死亡 Cap. 179, s. 2
presumptive death 推定的死亡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
property passing on the death 去世時轉移的財產 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
punishable with death 可判處死刑的 Cap. 525, s. 5(3)(c)(i)(A)
punishable with death 可處死刑 Cap. 227, Sch. 2
register forms of deaths 死亡登記表格 Cap. 174, s. 4(1)
reportable death 須予報告的死亡個案 Cap. 504, s. 2
reportable death 須呈報的死亡個案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sentence of death 死刑 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(4)
simultaneous death 同時死亡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
suffered death 死亡 Cap. 229, s. 2(2)(c)
wrongful death 過失致死 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 11
death-bed death-bed and funeral expenses 臨終及殯殮費用 Cap. 4B, Schedule
debar be debarred from taking any further part 不得繼續參與 Cap. 528D, r. 27(a)
debar 阻止 Cap. 33, s. 26
debar 禁制 Cap. 347, s. 29(2)
debar ... all 全部人……受到禁制 Cap. 347, s. 29(2)
debate freedom of ... debate 辯論的自由 Cap. 382, s. 3
debenture agreements for debenture 債權證協議 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
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transferable by any deed or written instrument 可以契據或文書轉讓 Cap. 200, s. 84
trust deed 信託契據 Cap. 571, s. 316(7)(b)
without further act or deed 無需其他作為或契據 Cap. 1174, s. 7(2)(b)
Deed of Mutual Deed of Mutual Covenant 公契 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
Deed Poll Deed Poll 平邊契據 Cap. 1062, Preamble
deem deem 推定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deem 視為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deem 當作 Cap. 158, s. 3
deem 認為 Cap. 5, s. 4C
deem fit 認為適宜 Cap. 138, s. 30(3)
deem fit 認為適當 Cap. 5, s. 4C(6)(c)
deem just 認為公平 Cap. 310, s. 6
deemed a bill of sale 當作賣據 Cap. 20, s. 2
deemed a nullity 當作無效 Cap. 21, s. 4
deemed spouse (Am.) 推定配偶 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deemed to be 當作 Cap. 41, s. 3(2)
deemed to be necessary 視為需要 Cap. 2, s. 34
deems necessary 認為需要 Cap. 50, s. 18(1)(b)
deeming deeming provision 推定條文 Cap. 549, s. 80, Heading
deeming provision deeming provision 推定條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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deemster deemster (arch.) [a judge; also dempster (arch.)] 法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deep large, deep and active markets 龐大、具深度及活躍的市場 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 2
deface accidentally defaced 意外污損 Cap. 132AC, s. 40(3)(a)
deface 塗污 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.30
defaced 毀損 Cap. 454, s. 2(4)
defaces 污損 Cap. 415, s. 18(6)(a)
defaced lost, defaced or destroyed 遺失、遭污損或遭損毀 Cap. 478AG, s. 10(1)
defalcation defalcation 虧空 ※比較 embezzlement; peculation Cap. 571, Sch. 1
defamacast defamacast [defamatory broadcast] 構成誹謗的廣播 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defamation action for defamation 誹謗訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 3
defamation 誹謗 Cap. 21, s. 3
defamation per quod ["whereby"; defamation requiring 不明顯的誹謗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reference to additional facts] and Commercial Law Terms
defamation per quod ["whereby"; defamation requiring 非直接的誹謗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reference to additional facts] and Commercial Law Terms
defamation per se ["of, in, or by itself"; defamation by itself] 本質即屬誹謗者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defamation arising in ... defamation 在……誹謗法……上產生的 Cap. 588, s. 54(1)
law of defamation 誹謗法 Cap. 604, s. 41(2)
proceedings for defamation 誹謗法律程序 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(b)(ii)
defamatory defamatory 有誹謗性 Cap. 21, s. 29
defamatory 含有誹謗意思 Cap. 4A, O. 82, r. 3
defamatory 帶有誹謗成分的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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Criminal Proceedings
defence of fair comment [also rolled up plea] 以公允評論為理由的抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of ... is pleaded 所訴的抗辯是…… Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of money already paid 以款項已付為理由的抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of necessity 以迫不得已為理由的抗辯〔如緊急自衞、緊急避難等〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of non assumpsit ["he did not promise"] 否認曾作承諾或有契約義務的抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of non est factum ["not my deed"] 否認曾訂立合約(或聲稱簽署文件時不知道文件內容) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
的抗辯 and Commercial Law Terms
defence of plene administravit ["he has fully administered"] 以遺產已予全部處理為理由的抗辯 參看defence of plene English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administravit and Commercial Law Terms
defence of reasonable diligence 以合理的努力作為免責辯護 Cap. 60A, reg. 6E, Heading
defence of set-off 以抵銷作為抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 17
defence of set-off 以抵銷為免責辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of set-off 抵銷的抗辯 Cap. 336, s. 41(3)(b)
defence of tender 已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of tender before action 在訴訟前已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of tender before action 訴訟前已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 19(3)
defence to ... counter-claim 對反申索的抗辯 Cap. 609, s. 2(3)(b)
defence witness 辯方證人 Cap. 394, s. 16(2)(a)
establishes the defence 確立……免責辯護 Cap. 466, s. 26(2)
excluding any defence of ... 令……免責辯護不得提出 Cap. 528, s. 59(2)
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Criminal Proceedings
demonstration freedom ... of demonstration 示威的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
demote demote 降級 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demotion demotion 降級 Cap. 602, s. 10(5)(c)
dempster dempster (arch.) [a judge; also deemster (arch.)] 法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demur demur (v.) [demurrer (n.)] 抗訴 Cap. 221, s. 53
demurrage demurrage 延期停泊費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demurrage 滯留 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demurrage 滯留費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demurrer demurrer 抗訴 Cap. 221, s. 53(1)
denial denial 否認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(2)
denial 拒絕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
denial by joinder of issue 以有爭論點提出而作的否認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)
denial of justice [also justitia denegata] 拒予司法公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general denial 概括否認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(3)
denominate denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元作為單位 Cap. 581, s. 27(4)(a)
denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元計值 Cap. 584, s. 4(2)(b)(i)
denomination denomination 宗派 Cap. 181, s. 19(1)
denomination denomination 股份面額 Cap. 565, s. 17(4)
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relationship of dependency 受養關係 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.164
dependent dependent 受養人 Cap. 398, s. 5(2)(e)
dependent 所供養的人 Cap. 318, s. 13
dependent brother or dependent sister allowance 供養兄弟姊妹免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
dependent children 受供養子女 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(c)
dependent grandparent allowance 供養祖父母或外祖父母免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30A(1AA)
dependent parent allowance 供養父母免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30(1AA)
dependents 受扶養人 Cap. 503Q, Schedule
dependent dependent on ... 所供養的 Cap. 411, s. 5(2)(b)
dependent upon 取決於 Cap. 257, s. 11
wholly or mainly dependent on ... financially 經濟上……完全或主要依靠…… Cap. 89, s. 18(1)(v)(A)
dependent dependent territory 屬土 Cap. 179, s. 62(1)
deplete 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone 《1987年關於消耗臭氧層的物質的蒙特利爾議定書》 Cap. 403, Long Title
deployment deployment 調配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deponent deponent 作供詞人 Cap. 394, s. 18(4)
deponent 宣誓人 Cap. 159C, r. 14
deponent 證人 Cap. 227C, Schedule
deponent to a document 以文件宣誓作證的人 Cap. 359A, reg. 42(4)
deponent to the affidavit 誓章的宣誓人 Cap. 528, s. 121(5)
deport deport themselves with dignity 舉止莊重 National Anthem Ordinance, s.
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Transgenic Plants
register of designations 指定代表登記冊 Cap. 364A, by-law 29(1)
desirability desirability 可取性 Cap. 489, s. 4(5)(b)
desirability 適切性 Cap. 571, s. 6(2)(a)
desirability 適宜性 Cap. 475, s. 5(2)(a)
desirable be necessary or desirable 有需要或屬適宜 Cap. 384A, reg. 8(2)
desirable 可取 Cap. 571, s. 186(3)(a)
desirable 合宜 Cap. 47, s. 4(2)
desirable 適宜 Cap. 406, s. 49(5)
desirable 應當 Cap. 113, s. 5(e)
desirable in the public interest 合乎公眾利益 Cap. 342, s. 15(b)
desirable or expedient 可取或合宜的 Cap. 571, s. 381B(3)(b)(i)
desirable or expedient 適宜或合宜 Cap. 155, s. 121(1)(b)(ii)
necessary or desirable 必需或合宜 Cap. 290D, r. 11(5)
necessary or desirable 屬必要或可取的 Cap. 465B, s. 6(1)
desire desire 意欲 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.7
desires 有意 Cap. 343, s. 6(1)(a)
desires 要求 Cap. 91, s. 12(1)(b)
desirous desirous 希望 Cap. 556B, by-law 28C(4)
desirous 意欲 Cap. 29, s. 40(1)
despatch despatch [also dispatch] 派遣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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undermine the dignity of the national anthem 損害國歌……的尊嚴 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(8)
diligence after exercising reasonable diligence 在付出合理的努力後 Cap. 159, s. 7AN(2)(b)
by the exercise of ... reasonable diligence 作出……合理的努力 Cap. 459, s. 21(2)(b)
care and diligence 謹慎及努力 Cap. 622, s. 332(1)
defence of reasonable diligence 以合理的努力作為免責辯護 Cap. 60A, reg. 6E, Heading
diligence 努力 Cap. 622, s. 465(1)
due care and diligence 應有的謹慎和盡其應盡的努力 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(a)
due diligence 盡職審查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due diligence 應盡的努力 Cap. 155, s. 126
exercised ... diligence 盡……努力 Cap. 41, s. 15A(4)
failure to use due diligence 沒有盡應盡的努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable care, skill and diligence 合理水平的謹慎、技巧及努力 Cap. 622, s. 465(1)
reasonable diligence 合理努力 Cap. 19, s. 50(1)
reasonable diligence 合理的努力 Cap. 268, s. 11
reasonable ... diligence 合理水平的……努力 Cap. 571, s. 112U(3)(b)
special diligence 特殊的努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
used due diligence 盡了應盡的努力 Cap. 522, s. 86(3)
with the exercise of reasonable diligence 作出合理的努力 Cap. 268, s. 11(b)
diligent ordinarily prudent and diligent man 一般審慎及盡力的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
diligently diligently 勤勉 Cap. 159AC, s. 10(4)(a)(i)
dimension dimensions 尺寸 Cap. 621, s. 36(1)(b)
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Criminal Proceedings
summons for directions 要求作指示的傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 11(1)
virtual certainty direction 就幾乎必然發生的情況給予指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direction direction ... of ... property 監督……財產 Cap. 310, s. 3(5)
directive advance directive 預設醫療指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 3.29
advance health care directive 預設健康護理指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.83
advance health directive 預設健康指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.9
directive 指令 Cap. 234A, r. 61(a)
directive 指示 Cap. 374F, Sch. 2
model form of advance directive 預設醫療指示表格範本 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
directly directly or indirectly interested in 有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 511, s. 10(2)
directly or indirectly interested in ... 在……中有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 489, s. 8(1)
director a majority of the directors 過半數董事 Cap. 362, s. 20(3)
additional director 增補董事 Cap. 556, s. 8(1)
alternate director 候補董事 Cap. 622, s. 478(1)
board of directors 董事局 Cap. 622, s. 13
board of directors 董事會 Cap. 336H, O. 5A, r. 2
de facto director 事實董事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Director of Director of Apprenticeship 學徒事務專員 Cap. 47, s. 2
Director of Audit Director of Audit 審計署署長 Cap. 122, s. 2
Director of Fire Services Director of Fire Services Incorporated 消防處處長法團 Cap. 95, s. 19(1)
Director of Director of Immigration 入境事務處處長 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
Director of Lands Director of Lands 地政總署署長 Cap. 17A, Schedule
Director of Legal Aid Director of Legal Aid 法律援助署署長 Cap. 492A, r. 2
Director of Public Director of Public Prosecutions 刑事檢控專員 Cap. 221, s. 79F(1)
Director of Public Director of Public Prosecutions; DPP 刑事檢控專員(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Prosecutions; DPP and Commercial Law Terms
Director-General of Director-General of Civil Aviation 民航處處長 Cap. 448A, reg. 3(4)
Civil Aviation
Director-General of Director-General of Communications 通訊事務總監 Cap. 616, s. 2
directorship directorship 董事席位 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
directorship 董事職務 Cap. 32I, Sch. 2
directorships of a company 公司的董事組成 Cap. 405, s. 7(11)(b)(A)
directory directory 指示性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disability ceased to be under a disability 不再無行為能力 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disability 身體殘障 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Paper,附錄I, para. 18
person under disability 無行為能力的人 Cap. 179A, r. 105(1)
person with a disability 殘疾人士 Cap. 487, s. 2(7)(a)
person with a mental disability 精神殘障人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.73
person with disabilities 殘疾人士 "Charities" Report, para. 6.89
person with intellectual disability 智力殘障人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
person without a disability 非殘疾人士 Cap. 487, s. 2(7)(b)
physical disability 身體殘疾 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.28
physical or mental disability 身體上或精神上的無能力 Cap. 192, s. 7(1)(e)
print disability 閱讀殘障 Cap. 528, s. 40A
under a disability 無行為能力 Cap. 492, s. 9(2)(d)
under a disability 無行為能力的 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5A
wound and disability pensions 傷殘撫恤金 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(e)
disability disability 資格喪失 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
disable disable 令……失去活動能力 Cap. 234A, r. 238(7)
disable 使……成為傷殘 Cap. 212, s. 17
disabled born disabled 出生時有先天殘障 Cap. 479, s. 12(2)
disabled dependant allowance 傷殘受養人免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
disabled person 傷殘人士 Cap. 374, s. 2
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discharge ... from the custody of ... 將羈押在……的……釋放 Cap. 225, s. 20A(1)
discharged by law 藉法律運作而獲釋 Cap. 32H, r. 206
discharged in due course of law 循適當法律途徑獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
discharged out of the custody of ... 從……的看管下獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
order for discharge 釋放令 Cap. 136, s. 42B(1)(b)
order of conditional discharge 有條件釋放令 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.17
the discharge of ... may be on licence 釋放……可以是特許的釋放 Cap. 225, s. 20A(2)
discharge discharge ... cargo 卸載……貨物 Cap. 413A, reg. 16B(2)
discharge discharging 發射 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
disciplinary disciplinary action 紀律行動 Cap. 571, s. 303(2)(c)
disciplinary action 紀律制裁 Cap. 473B, s. 2
disciplinary action 紀律處分 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.7
disciplinary board 紀律委員會 Cap. 95, s. 25(1)(g)
disciplinary board 紀律審裁委員會 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
disciplinary board panel 紀律委員團 Cap. 610B, s. 16(1)
disciplinary board panel 紀律審裁委員團 Cap. 618, s. 108(1)
disciplinary committee 紀律委員會 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
disciplinary consequences 紀律處分後果 Cap. 159H, r. 5(4)
disciplinary control 紀律管制 Cap. 409, Long Title
disciplinary hearing 紀律聆訊 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.34
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discount for guilty plea 因認罪而減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discount of 1/3 三分一刑期減免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discount of 1/3 三分一刑期寬減 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
extensive discount 大幅扣減刑期 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.12
full discount of one-third of the sentence 足三分一刑期減免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reduced discount 削減可扣減的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
usual discount 慣常減刑幅度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discounted discounted negotiable instrument 已貼現可流轉票據 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
discounting irrevocable re-discounting facilities 不可撤銷的再貼現融通 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5
discover discover 披露 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(a)
discover 透露 Cap. 200, s. 16(a)(vii)
discover the contents of ... 找出……的內容 Cap. 106, s. 27(b)
discovering 查明 Cap. 106B, reg. 6
discovert discovert (女子)獨身的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discovery automatic discovery 自動作出文件透露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discovery 文件及資料的披露 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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para. 8.100
disentitle disentitle 剝奪稱號、權利等 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disentitle sb. from ... 令某人不能(擔任……的職務) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disentitled to ... 喪失……的權利 Cap. 294, s. 6
disfavour disfavour 虧待 Cap. 201, s. 9(1)(b)
disfigure disfigure 使……外貌毀損 Cap. 212, s. 17
disfigure 毀損……的形貌 Cap. 98, s. 30
disfigures 毀損 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
disfigurement disfigurement 毀容 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
disfigurement 毀損 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
disgorgement disgorgement 被迫交出、歸還非法所得、不義之財等 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disgraceful disgraceful 不名譽 Cap. 164, s. 17(3)
disgraceful 可耻 Cap. 159, s. 2(2)
disguise disguising 掩飾 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
dishonest access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
dishonest 不誠實 Cap. 210, s. 3(1)
dishonest gain 不誠實地獲益 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(c)
dishonest intent to cause loss to another 不誠實地意圖導致他人蒙受損失 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(d)
with a dishonest intent to ... 不誠實地意圖…… Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(b)
dishonestly acted fraudulently, corruptly or dishonestly 有欺詐性、舞弊或不誠實的作為 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(iii)
dishonestly 不誠實地 Cap. 210, s. 2(1)
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dispense with service dispense with service 免予送達 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispense with service 免除送達 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 2
dispense with service 免除送達的規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispersable dispersable gathering 須解散聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 10(2)
dispersal dispersal 解散 Cap. 245, s. 11(6)(a)
disperse disperse a gathering 解散……聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 10(3)(b)
displace displaced from ... 自……排出 Cap. 311S, s. 2
displace displaced 失去業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
displaced owner 失去業權的擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
displaced residential occupier 失去業權的住宅佔用人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
displace displace presumption 推翻推定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
displacement displacement of a person from land 將人遷離土地 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
display display 展示 Cap. 571, s. 397(1)(b)
display 顯示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
displaying or exhibiting any material for the purpose of 為作廣告或宣傳而陳列或展示任何資料 Cap. 627, s. 16(1)(c)
advertisement or publicity
displays clearly and distinctly 清楚而明確地展示 Cap. 133A, reg. 11(1)(d)
disponer disponer 財產處置人 Cap. 111, s. 6(6)(a)
disposable disposable capital 可動用資產 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)
disposable income 可動用收入 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)
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para. 8.66
disposal schedule 存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.35
draft disposal schedule 暫擬存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.89
records disposal 檔案存廢 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.40
records disposal schedule 檔案存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.23
records retention and disposal schedule 檔案存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.28
dispose appeal has been disposed of 上訴已獲處理 Cap. 115, s. 37V(2)(b)
appeal is disposed of 上訴被處置 Cap. 1112A, r. 12(8A)
dispose of ... interest in severalty 將……權益分開脫手 Cap. 415, s. 12(b)
dispose of ... records 處置……檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.24
dispose of shares 處置……股份 Cap. 601, s. 5(2)(i)
disposed 處置 Cap. 219, s. 4(1)
disposed of 了結 Cap. 622, s. 508(3)(a)(ii)
disposed of 處置 Cap. 145, s. 18(2)
disposed of in chambers 在內庭處理 Cap. 189A, s. 8
disposed of to 處置而轉予 Cap. 519, s. 42
finally disposed of 終局了結 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
finally disposed of 最終處置 Cap. 511A, s. 16(1)
have the appeal disposed of by ... 使該上訴得以由……完成處理 Cap. 319, s. 7(1)
otherwise disposed of 以其他方式處置 Cap. 547, s. 60H(7)
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dispositive clause dispositive clause (Scots law) (契據內的)產業處置條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispossess dispossess 剝奪管有 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7
dispossessed land 被剝奪管有權的土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed of ... land 被剝奪對土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed or discontinued possession 被剝奪管有權或中止管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed owner 被剝奪管有權的擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossession dispossession 失去……管有 Cap. 519, Schedule
dispossession 剝奪 Cap. 347, s. 2(4)
dispossession 剝奪管有 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7(6)(b)
dispossession 剝奪管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disproportionate disproportionate 不相稱 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.34
disproportionate punishment 不相稱的懲罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disproportionate to ... 與……不相稱 Cap. 276, s. 20(1)
disproportionate to disproportionate to 與……不相稱 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 9A
disproportionately disproportionately less than 遠少於 Cap. 413, s. 7(1)(b)
disprove disprove 反駁 Cap. 221, s. 65D(4)
disprove 反證 Cap. 8, s. 52
disproving 作反證 Cap. 329, s. 75(2)
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para. 2.71
divorce 離婚 Cap. 192, s. 6(1)
divorced from the bond of the first marriage 憑離婚解除上一次婚姻約束 Cap. 212, s. 45
petition for divorce 離婚呈請 Cap. 179, s. 15(3)
divorcement divorcement 完全分開 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divulge divulge 泄漏 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divulge 泄露 Cap. 330, s. 4K(2)(b)
divulge 透露 Cap. 310, s. 4(3)(a)
do conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
do ... acts and things 作出……作為及事情 Cap. 6, s. 26(2)
do justice 秉行公正 Cap. 445, s. 9(3)
do notarial acts 作出公證作為 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)
doing an act preparatory to ... 作出準備……的作為 Cap. 134, s. 45
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
done or taken in due time 已依時作出或辦理 Cap. 1, s. 71(1A)(b)
to do justice between the parties 在各方之間秉行公正 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(2)
dock dock identification 庭上辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dock identification 庭上辨認犯人欄內的被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dock identification 辨認在犯人欄內的被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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Merrill doctrine [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation v. 梅理爾學說〔政府不容卸責論;政府對其所授權者的作 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Merrill, 332 U.S. 380 (1947)] 為不得卸責〕 and Commercial Law Terms
mitigation-of-damages doctrine 減輕損害賠償的原則〔原告人應減低有關傷害或違約事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
後所造成的影響〕 and Commercial Law Terms
public duty doctrine 公眾責任原則〔對公眾負有謹慎責任的原則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
relation back doctrine 追溯原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reverse-confusion doctrine 反向混淆理論〔知識產權法中因名稱使用上的混淆而引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
起不公平競爭的理論〕 and Commercial Law Terms
special duty doctrine 特別責任原則〔(政府)對個人的謹慎責任原則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial performance doctrine 大體上履行原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial performance doctrine 實質履行原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
worthier title doctrine (arch.) 繼承者比購買者優先的原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
document a bundle of documents 一疊文件 Cap. 336H, O. 35, r. 11(4)
accompanying document 連同的文件 Cap. 159B, r. 12C
approved document 認可文件 Cap. 115, s. 17G(1)
authenticity of documents 文件的真確性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
available documents 可用的文件 Cap. 210, s. 30(4)
bundle of documents 以疊計的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bundle of documents 成疊的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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donatio mortis causa donatio mortis causa 臨終贈予 Cap. 111, s. 6(1)(c)
donatio mortis causa ["gift in contemplation of death"; also gift 預期死亡而作出的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
donatio mortis causa ["gift in contemplation of death"; also gift 臨終遺贈 Cap. 481, s. 10
mortis causa]
donatio mortis causa ["gift in contemplation of death"; also gift 臨終贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
Donatio non Donatio non praesumitur. [A gift is not presumed.] 贈與不是推定的〔法律上否定贈與的推定〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
praesumitur. and Commercial Law Terms
Donatio perficitur Donatio perficitur possessione accipientis. [A gift is rendered 受贈人管有贈品,贈與才告完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
possessione accipientis. complete by the possession of the receiver.] and Commercial Law Terms
donation approved charitable donation 認可慈善捐款 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
donation 贈款 Cap. 279D, r. 2(1)
donations 捐贈 Cap. 601, s. 5(2)(f)
election donation 選舉捐贈 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
private gifts and donations 私人捐贈 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(h)
solicitation of donations 募捐 "Charities" Report, para. 6.75
Donator nunquam Donator nunquam desinit possidere antequam donatarius 受贈人取得管有後,贈與人的管有權才告終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
desinit possidere incipiat possidere. [A donor never ceases to have possession and Commercial Law Terms
antequam donatarius until the donee obtains possession.]
incipiat possidere.
donee donee 受贈人 Cap. 481, s. 12(2)(b)
donee 獲授權人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 7
donee of the power 獲授權人 Cap. 31, s. 4(1)(a)
donor donor 捐贈者 Cap. 554, s. 19(1)
donor 授權人 Cap. 4E, s. 2(b)(i)
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Criminal Proceedings
double penalty 重複懲處 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double penalty 雙重刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double ... probates 雙重遺囑認證 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
double taxation 雙重課稅 Cap. 112, s. 49(1)
relief from double taxation 雙重課稅寬免 Cap. 112, s. 23C(2A)
double jeopardy double jeopardy 同罪兩審〔就同一罪名受兩次審理〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
double taxation double taxation 雙重課稅 Cap. 112, s. 49
double taxation arrangements 雙重課稅安排 Cap. 112, s. 48A
relief from double taxation 雙重課稅寬免 Cap. 112, s. 23C
doubt benefit of ... doubt 疑點的利益 Cap. 202, s. 2(3)(b)(ii)
benefit of doubt (to be given to the defendant) 疑點利益(歸於被告人) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
beyond reasonable doubt 在無合理疑點的情況下 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.7
beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑問 Cap. 134, s. 38F(1)
beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑點 ※比較 balance of probabilities Cap. 455, s. 8
casting doubt on 對……有所質疑 Cap. 200, s. 64(5)
doubt 疑點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
doubt 懷疑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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takes effect for accounting purposes alone 只在會計上有效 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
this section does not have effect in relation to ... 本條並不就……而具有效力 Cap. 581A, s. 6E(2)
to the effect 作用 Cap. 159, s. 26A(1)(m)
to the effect of ... 具……的效用 Cap. 34, s. 4(3)(d)
to the like effect 具有相類效果的 Cap. 487A, s. 5
to the like effect 效果相同的 Cap. 227, s. 4
unable to meet ... obligations to such an extent as to cause a 不能夠履行……義務,而不能履行的程度對……有重大 Cap. 448A, reg. 15B(1)
material adverse effect on ... 不良影響
with immediate effect 即時生效 Cap. 132, Sch. 7
with prospective effect 日後生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect contract effected 達成的合約 Cap. 571, s. 49(1)(b)
due service has not been effected 未有妥為送達 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(d)
effect (v.) 完成 Cap. 1, s. 8
effect (v.) 執行 Cap. 68, s. 24
effect (v.) 導致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect and complete the title 使……所有權有效及完整 Cap. 29, s. 2
effect any contracts of insurance 訂立任何保險合約 Cap. 41, s. 13(3)
effect delivery of documents 完成文件的交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect insurance 投購保險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect service 完成送達 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 6(3)(a)
effect the arrest 執行拘捕 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)
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not effective to bring ... to the notice of ... 起不到使……知悉……的作用 Cap. 622, s. 55(1)(b)
proper and effective performance of ... duties 妥善和有效執行……職責 Cap. 526, s. 9(2)
effective effective rate 實際利率 Cap. 163, s. 2(1)
in a person's effective control 受某人的實際控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(2)(c)
subject to the effective control of ... 實際上受……控制 Cap. 405, s. 7(1)(c)
effectively effectively secured against ... 有效防止…… Cap. 502, s. 15(4)
effectiveness effectiveness 效能 Cap. 374A, reg. 40A(5)
effectiveness 效驗 Cap. 469, s. 10(1)
effectiveness 效驗的情況 Cap. 505, Sch. 1
effects effects (n.) 財物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effects (n.) 財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effects (n.) 動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
goods or effects 物品或財物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
personal effects 個人物品 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
personal effects 個人財物 Cap. 374, s. 2
property and effects 財產及財物 Cap. 60, s. 24(f)
real effects 不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effectual as valid and effectual as if 的效力及作用,猶如……一樣 Cap. 549, s. 48
as valid and effectual as if ... 其有效性及效力與猶如……一樣 Cap. 156, s. 5A
as valid and effectual as if ... 其效力及作用與……的無異 Cap. 1150, Sch. 2
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ejusdem generis ejusdem generis 同類原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ejusdem generis ["as of the same kind"] 同類 Cap. 130, s. 2
elapse as if no period of time had elapsed 猶如……並無任何時間逝去一樣 Cap. 252, s. 3
elapse 相隔 Cap. 408, s. 6(1)
elapses 屆滿 Cap. 26, s. 3(4)
the time limited for ... has elapsed ……的期限已過 Cap. 17A, r. 14(1)(a)
elder elder abuse 虐待長者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.39
eldest eldest child 長子或長女 Cap. 548A, s. 7(2)
elect duly elected 妥為選出 Cap. 542, s. 36(1)(d)
elect 選出 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
elect 選擇 Cap. 7, s. 21(4)
elect ... from among themselves 互選 Cap. 406, s. 39(2)
elect ... from amongst themselves 互選選出 Cap. 547, s. 64(2)
elect one of their number 互選其中一位 Cap. 1037, s. 10(3)
elected 被選 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
elected 當選 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 67
elected 選出 Cap. 1097, s. 4(2)(b)
elected 獲推選 Cap. 359A, Sch. 5
elected Executive or Legislative Council 由選擧產生的行政會議或立法會 Cap. 383, s. 13
elected to act as Chairman 選出以主席身分行事 Cap. 161, s. 2(1)
elected to an office or membership of a body 當選任何職位或晉身任何團體 Cap. 554, s. 39(1)
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national emblem of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國……國徽 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 10
regional emblem 區徽 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 10
embody embodied 載於 Cap. 528, s. 35A(2)(b)
embody 體現 Cap. 30, s. 5(2)
embodying 收錄 Cap. 32, s. 38D(4)
embodying 載錄 Cap. 503, s. 3(1)(a)
embracery embracery 賄賂陪審員罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency actual or apprehended emergency 實際發生或意恐發生的緊急事故 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency 緊急事故 Cap. 374, s. 57(2)
emergency 緊急情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency arbitrator 緊急仲裁員 Cap. 609, s. 98F
emergency device 緊急裝置 Cap. 618A, s. 8(4)
emergency doctrine 緊急情況原則〔謹慎標準的例外情況〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency excavation permit 緊急挖掘准許證 Cap. 28, s. 2
emergency incident 緊急事故 Cap. 28, s. 2
emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the 緊急危難或災害禍患危及社會生命安寧 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(iii)
emergency sessions 緊急會議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 72
emergency trustee 臨時受託人 Cap. 485B, Sch. 3
life threatening emergency 危及性命的緊急情況 Cap. 406, s. 19(2)
occasion of emergency 緊急情況 Cap. 241, s. 2
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enhancement third party providers of credit enhancements 提供信用提升的第三方 Cap. 155L, Sch. 9
enjoin enjoin 命令 Cap. 4A, App. A
enjoin 責令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enjoin 責成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enjoin 禁止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enjoy enjoy 享用 Cap. 1, s. 3
enjoy quiet possession of ... 安寧地享有對……的管有 Cap. 26, s. 14(1)(b)
enjoy their own culture 享受其固有文化 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 23
enjoyed 享受 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(1)
enjoyed possession of the land 享有對……土地的管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.5, Footnote 22
enjoyed title 所享有的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
enjoyment beneficial enjoyment ... of land 在……土地實益享有的利益 Cap. 372, Sch. 2
enjoyment 享用(土地) Cap. 515, s. 38
enjoyment 享用價值 Cap. 208, s. 16(1)
enjoyment 享有(權利) Cap. 372, Sch. 5
enjoyment 享受 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(2)
loss of enjoyment of life 生活享受的喪失 參看 loss of amenity English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
loss of use and enjoyment 使用及享用權利的喪失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
nullify or impair ... enjoyment of human rights 取消或減損……享有人權的權利 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(c)
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enter into possession of mortgaged land 行使按揭土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
enter judgment 登錄判決〔司法行政行為。判決作出後,將判決正式登 Cap. 336H, O. 37, r. 2
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
enter judgment for ... as against ... 就……登錄……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 4(1)
enter or withdraw a caveat 登錄或撤回知會備忘 Cap. 4C, Schedule
enter [entry (n.)] 呈交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter [entry (n.)] 登錄 Cap. 4A, O. 19, r. 2
entered 記載 Cap. 279, s. 8(1)(a)
entered for customs 報關 Cap. 414, s. 23(9)
entered in the caveat book 登錄於知會備忘登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 15(1)
entering a counterclaim 提出反申索 Cap. 453, s. 2
entering of partial judgment 登錄部分判決 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
entering up 登錄 Cap. 128, s. 5
enters a nolle prosequi 提出中止檢控 Cap. 336, s. 75(2)
fails to enter any plea 沒有作出答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
judgment ... entered 判決……已……登錄 Cap. 338, s. 9(2)
judgment entered for A against B 登錄甲方勝訴而乙方敗訴的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
plea of not guilty to be entered 登錄不認罪的答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
enter enter 進入 Cap. 28, s. 12(2)
enter and search 進入及搜查 Cap. 68, s. 24(1)(i)
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Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.15
enterprise entity, enterprise entity, doctrine of 同一企業實體原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
doctrine of and Commercial Law Terms
entertain entertain 受理 Cap. 7, s. 127A(a)
entertain an application for ... 受理……的申請 Cap. 621, s. 77(4)(b)
entertainment entertainment 娛樂 Cap. 172, s. 2
public entertainment 公眾娛樂 Cap. 172, s. 4
entertainment entertainment 款待 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
lavish entertainment 過度的款待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entice entices 誘使 Cap. 233, s. 21
entices away 騙走 Cap. 212, s. 43(1)(a)
enticing 慫恿 Cap. 134, s. 56A(2)(d)
entire entire portion 整份 Cap. 18, s. 4
entire agreement entire agreement 整份協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entire agreement 整體協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entirely consisting entirely of ... 完全由……組成的…… Cap. 354L, Sch. 2
entirety entirety 全數 Cap. 485B, Sch. 2
entirety of the dispute 整項爭議 Cap. 609, s. 31(9)(b)
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entitled to priority 有權獲優先償還 Cap. 380, s. 2
entitled to priority 享有優先權 Cap. 581, s. 35(a)
entitled to the land in reversion immediately expectant on ... 有權享有預期於……時立即復歸的土地 Cap. 347, s. 12(3)
entitles 賦權 Cap. 541L, s. 2(4)
indefeasibly entitled 不能廢止地有權 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)(b)
not absolutely entitled 沒有絕對享有權 Cap. 571, s. 323(8)(a)
not entitled to ... 無權…… Cap. 522, s. 46(1)
person entitled to the remainder of an estate 有權享有剩餘產業權的人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rightfully entitled 依法有權 Cap. 191, s. 2
rightfully entitled 依法有權享有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rightly and justly entitled to ... 基於正確及公正原則有權…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
that judgment ... not ... entitled to recognition in Hong Kong 該項判決在香港……無資格獲承認 Cap. 46, s. 5(1)
entitle ... be entitled in all those causes or matters 以所有該等訟案或事宜的標題為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 9
be entitled in the matter of ... 以有關……事宜……為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 13(3)
entitled in ... 以……為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 41, r. 1(1)
entitlement entitlement 享有……的權利 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(f)
entitlement 享有權 Cap. 365, s. 35(1)
entitlement 權利 Cap. 365, s. 28(1)
entitlement document 權利文件 Cap. 495, s. 2
entitlement proceedings 享有權法律程序 Cap. 514, s. 101(6)
entitlement to 對……的享有 Cap. 89, s. 5
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entrusted 受託 Cap. 1, s. 3
entrusted by ... 受……委託 Cap. 200, s. 86
entrusted to ... 交託……處理 Cap. 87, s. 4(1)(a)
entrusted to ... 交託給…… Cap. 234, s. 21(b)
entrusted to ... 託付 Cap. 32, s. 216(1)
entrusted with ... 受託負責…… Cap. 122, s. 2
lawfully entrusted 合法受託 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.19
entry entry 記分記項 Cap. 375, s. 3(3)
entry 記項 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
entry 記載事項 Cap. 51, s. 8(3)(i)(ii)
entry of appearance 呈交應訴書 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 10
entry of judgment 登錄判決 Cap. 338, s. 17(2)
entry of the caveat 登錄該知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 14(2)
false entry 虛假記項 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(j)
wilfully inserts ... any false entry of ... 故意載入……方面的虛假記項 Cap. 200, s. 84
entry entry 收地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.51, Footnote 85
entry into Hong Kong 進入香港 Cap. 448, s. 10(1)
entry permit 入境證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
entry permit for multiple entries 多次入境證 Cap. 115A, Sch. 2
entry [enter (v.)] 入境 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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entry into force of ... laws 法律的生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
enumerate enumerate ... in a convenient order 以適當的次序編列 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 5(1)
enumerated in ... ……所列舉的 Cap. 280A, reg. 19
enunciate enunciate 闡明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure enure [also inure] 生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure [also inure] 有效 Cap. 150, s. 3
enure [also inure] 使適用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure [also inure] 施行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure [also inure] 致使 Cap. 79, s. 11
enure to the benefit of sb. 有利於某人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
environment a hostile or intimidating environment 有敵意或具威嚇性環境 Cap. 602, Long Title
environment environmental sanitation 環境衛生 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 97
intended for release into the environment 擬向環境釋出 Cap. 607A, s. 5(1)
environmental adverse environmental impact 不良環境影響 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
environmental permit 環境許可證 Cap. 499, s. 5(1)(b)
environmental control environmental control 環境管制 Cap. 354, Sch. 11
envoy envoy 公使 Cap. 8, s. 34(1)
equal equal 平等的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equal 同等的 Cap. 166, s. 23(3)(a)(ii)
equal 相等的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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universal and equal suffrage 選舉權……普及而平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
equal equals to 相等於 Cap. 528D, r. 17(4)(a)
Equal Opportunities Equal Opportunities Commission 平等機會委員會 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
Equal Opportunities Equal Opportunities Register 平等機會登記冊 Cap. 336G, r. 2
equality equality of opportunity 平等機會 Cap. 480, Long Title
equality of votes 票數均等 Cap. 33, s. 24(a)
equality of votes 票數相等 Cap. 283, s. 3(8)
in full equality 平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)
on general terms of equality 以一般平等之條件 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(c)
equally apportioned equally 平均分攤 Cap. 508, s. 3(2)
equally acceptable 同樣可接受 Cap. 311P, s. 3(a)(ii)
equally authentic 同等真確 Cap. 1, s. 10B(1)
equally authentic as the Chinese text 和中文本同樣使用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 15
... version being equally authentic ……文本均同樣作準 Cap. 525N, Sch. 1
votes ... are equally divided 票數均等 Cap. 588, Sch. 2
equidistantly equidistantly placed on ... 等距地置於……上 Cap. 413K, Schedule
equip equip 裝備 Cap. 113, s. 5(f)
equipped with 裝有 Cap. 311X, s. 2
Going equipped for stealing 外出時備有偷竊用的物品 Cap. 210, Schedule
properly equipped 設備妥善 Cap. 571, s. 38(5)(a)
equipment associated equipment or machinery 相聯設備或機械 Cap. 618, s. 19
auxiliary equipment 輔助設備 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
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Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
data equipment 數據設備 Cap. 405, s. 20(7)
efficiency or completeness of ... equipment 設備的有效性或完備性 Cap. 413K, s. 21(c)
equipment 設備 Cap. 413, s. 3(5)(d)
equipment 裝備 Cap. 313, s. 80(1)(d)
equipment and apparatus 設備與器具 Cap. 498, s. 27(2)(d)
equipment list 設備清單 Cap. 95B, reg. 2
essential equipment 必要設備 Cap. 265, s. 11C(1)
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
military equipment 軍事裝備 Cap. 537AC, s. 1
offence detection equipment 罪行偵查裝備 Cap. 374, s. 11(m)
telecommunications equipment 電訊設備 Cap. 374G, reg. 42(2)
equipped vessel equipped for the purposes of piracy 配備作海盜用途的船隻 Cap. 200, s. 22(1)
equitable equitable 公平 Cap. 490, s. 29(5)
equitable 公平的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable allocation 公平的編配 Cap. 106, s. 32F(2)
equitable geographical distribution 公平地區分配 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 17(1)
equitable ... grounds 公平合理的……理由 Cap. 285, s. 59(3)
equitable remuneration 公平的酬報 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
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establish claims ... established 提起並勝訴的索償 Cap. 414, s. 10(7)
establish 確立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
establish 證明 Cap. 520, s. 15(b)
establish 證實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
establish a prima facie case 構成表面證據 Cap. 221, s. 81E(2)(b)
establish a prima facie case 確立表面的案 Cap. 221, s. 16(1)
establish a prima facie case 確立表面證據 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.20
establish ... claim 確立……申索 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(9)(a)
establish ... claims 確立……聲稱 Cap. 352, s. 3(6)(b)
establish its jurisdiction 確定……對……有管轄權 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 5(1)
establish ... liability 確定……法律責任 Cap. 59, s. 7A(5)
establish ... title 確立……業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
established his debt 確立其債項 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 9(2)
established to the satisfaction of ... 證明且令……信納 Cap. 520, s. 7(5)
establishes a counterclaim against ... 確立針對……的反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 2(4)
establishes a presumptive case of ... 足可推定…… Cap. 21, s. 8
establishes the defence 確立……免責辯護 Cap. 466, s. 26(2)
establishing standards for ... 確立……的標準 Cap. 106, s. 13O(a)
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et alib; et al. et alib; et al. ["and elsewhere"] 以及別處的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et punctatim et punctatim ["point for point"] 逐條 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et punctatim ["point for point"] 逐點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et sequentes; et seq. et sequentes; et seq. ["and those which follow"] 及以下的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et sequentes; et seq. ["and those which follow"] 以及下列各項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et sequentes; et seq. ["and those which follow"] 以及其後的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ethical ethical 合乎道德 Cap. 625, s. 33(2)(a)
ethics ethics 道德守則 Cap. 159, s. 73CA(1)(a)(i)
medical ethics 醫學道德 Cap. 161, s. 20Q(b)
statement of professional ethics 專業道德守則 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
Ethics Committee Ethics Committee 倫理委員會 Cap. 561, Sch. 1
ethnic ethnic or national origins 人種或國族本源 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(a)
ethnic origin 族裔 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
national or ethnic origin 民族或人種 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(a)
persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities 屬於種族、宗教或語言少數團體之人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 23
ethnical national, ethnical, racial or religious group 國族、人種、種族或宗教團體 Cap. 212, Schedule
ethnicity Ethnicity 種族 Cap. 316U, Schedule
etiquette etiquette 禮儀 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 4(2)
etiquette of the legal etiquette of the legal profession [also legal professional ethics] 法律界的專業操守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
profession and Commercial Law Terms
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event "costs follow the event" rule “訟費視乎訴訟結果而定”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.5
costs not following the event 訟費不因訴訟結果而定 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs to follow the event 訟費須視乎訴訟結果而定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(2)
costs to follow the event 訟費隨結果而定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in any event 不論結果如何 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
to abide the event of the action 以依從訴訟的結果 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 6
event commercial occasion or event 商業場合或事項 Cap. 112, s. 20B(1)(b)
event of default 違責事件 Cap. 448A, reg. 15A(4)
event of significant nature 性質重要的事件 Cap. 485A, s. 62(1)
major event at sea 大型海上活動 Cap. 548F, s. 91C(5)
material event 重大事件 Cap. 485A, s. 74(3)
relevant liquidity event 流動性相關事件 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
reportable event 須申報事件 Cap. 426, s. 33A(1)
event of default event of default 失責事件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
eventual eventual 最終 Cap. 628, s. 52
eventual publication 最終……發表 Cap. 602, s. 63(3)
every every $100 or part of $100 每$100或不足$100 Cap. 17B, Schedule
every other party 其他每一方 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 3(1)
every subsequent offence 其後每次犯罪 Cap. 109A, reg. 104(1)(b)
every successive period of ... 每段接續的為期……的期間 Cap. 604, s. 18(2)
evict evict 逐出 Cap. 200, s. 153B(3)(b)
evict 驅逐 Cap. 134, s. 38(3)(a)(i)
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Criminal Proceedings
direct evidence of knowledge 證實知情的直接證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct oral evidence 直接口頭證據 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(a)
disclosure of evidence 證據的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discrepancy in evidence 證據前後不符 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
documentary evidence 文件證據 Cap. 159, s. 28
documentary evidence 書面證據 Cap. 57, s. 31RA
documentary hearsay evidence 書面傳聞證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
effect of the evidence 證據的效力 Cap. 4, s. 33A(5)
elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不援引證據 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)
elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不舉證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
elicit evidence 引出……證據 Cap. 221, s. 76A
enabling evidence to be taken on commission 賦權……用委託方式錄取證據 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(f)
evaluate evidence 評估證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence 憑證 Cap. 374, s. 12(1)(n)
evidence (n.) 證據 Cap. 8, s. 9
evidence adduced 援引的證據 Cap. 8, s. 49(2)(g)
evidence against the person 針對該人的證據 Cap. 571, s. 166
evidence aliunde 他證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Criminal Proceedings
forensic evidence 司法科學鑑證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fresh evidence 新證據 Cap. 4, s. 23
full evidence 十足的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full evidence 全部的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
further affidavit evidence 進一步誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(5)
further evidence 進一步證據 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 10
general evidence 一般證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
give evidence 作出證供 Cap. 525, s. 10(12)
give evidence 作供 Cap. 516, s. 24(1)(b)
give evidence 作證 Cap. 50, s. 36(1)(b)
give evidence 提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 3
give evidence ... against ... 提供證據指證…… Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence for ... 為……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence of ... 就……提出證據 Cap. 21, s. 7(2)
give evidence ... viva voce 以口頭方式……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 5
give in evidence any information 提供……資料作為證據 Cap. 316, s. 25
give sworn evidence 在宣誓下作證 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.30
give weight to ... evidence 給予……證據分量 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
given in evidence 作為證據 Cap. 227, s. 82(1)(b)
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Criminal Proceedings
evidential presumption 證據推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.25
evidential provisions 證據條文 Cap. 500, s. 22(2)(g)
evidential ... provisions 證據方面……條文 Cap. 525, s. 33(b)
evidential ... provisions 關於證據的條文 Cap. 571, s. 376(2)
evidential value 證據價值 Cap. 175, s. 8(3)
of evidential value 具有可作為證據的價值 Cap. 86, s. 4(1)(l)
evidential value evidential value 可作為證據的價值 Cap. 86, s. 4
evidential value 證據價值 Cap. 176, s. 8
evidentiary evidentiary burden 舉證責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.82
evocation evocation (arch.) 移送上級法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evocation (arch.) 提審 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
e-waste e-waste 電器廢物 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)
ex aequo et bono ex aequo et bono 公平善意原則 Cap. 609, s. 64
ex ante ex ante ["from before"; based on assumption and prediction] 事前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex ante ["from before"; based on assumption and prediction] 預期 ※比較 ex post English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex cathedra ex cathedra ["from the chair"; with authority] 來自權威方面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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ex contractu ex contractu ["from a contract"] 由合約引起的(訴訟) ※比較 ex delicto English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex contractu ["from a contract"] 在合約法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex debito justitiae ex debito justitiae ["from or as debt of justice"; rights or 法律上應得的權利或補救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
remedies under the law] and Commercial Law Terms
ex delicto ex delicto ["from a tort"; offence against the law; in tort] 由於侵權而引起的(訴訟) ※比較 ex contractu English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex delicto ["from a tort"; offence against the law; in tort] 在侵權法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ex dolo malo non Ex dolo malo non oritur actio. [From a fraud no action arises.] 欺詐者無作訴權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur actio. and Commercial Law Terms
ex facie assignation or disposition ex facie absolute 任何形式上的絕對轉讓或絕對產權處置 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
ex facie ["from the face"; in view of what is apparent] 形式上 Cap. 1138, s. 2
ex facie ["from the face"; in view of what is apparent] 從表面看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex gratia ex gratia compensation 特惠補償 Cap. 360, s. 4(3)(a)
ex gratia ["out of grace"; as a favour; not by legal necessity] 特惠 Cap. 218, s. 32E
ex gratia payment 特惠款項 Cap. 380, s. 16(1)
ex gratia payment 特惠賠償 Cap. 218, s. 32A(1)
ex gratia payments 特惠或恩恤付款 Cap. 411, s. 5(2)(b)
ex gratia payments 特惠金 Cap. 398, s. 5(2)(e)
make payments, whether ex gratia or legally due 支付恩恤金或在法律上應付的款項 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
ex hypothesi ex hypothesi ["hypothetical"] 假設的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex maleficio ex maleficio ["by malfeasance"] 違法行為 參看 malfeasance English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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exclusive use 專用 Cap. 132, s. 44(1)(a)
exclusive use 獨有使用 Cap. 519, s. 18(5)
exclusive use 獨有使用權 Cap. 563, s. 2
exclusive use and occupation 獨有使用和佔用 Cap. 276, s. 4(6)
in the permanent and exclusive employment of ... 受……以常設職位獨家僱用 Cap. 336, s. 15(1A)
right to the exclusive possession, use, occupation or enjoyment 獨有管有權、使用權、佔用權或享用權 Cap. 7, s. 6(1)(b)
right to the exclusive use 專有使用權利 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
single and exclusive possession 單一和獨有的管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
sufficient degree of exclusive physical control 充分程度的獨有及實質控制 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
exclusive economic exclusive economic zone 專屬經濟區 Cap. 413A, reg. 16B(1)
exclusively comprise exclusively ... 內容……僅限於…… Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
exclusively charitable 完全屬慈善性質的 Cap. 602, s. 50(3)
exclusively for official use 專供公務之用 Cap. 557, Schedule
exclusively used 獨家使用 Cap. 123, s. 30C(4)
intended exclusively for 專供以 Cap. 311W, Sch. 1
occupy ... for its use exclusively 獨家佔用…… Cap. 548D, s. 41(1)
relates exclusively to the land 單與該土地有關 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)(b)
right to exclusively occupy 有權獨有佔用 Cap. 636, s. 5(2)
used exclusively 專供 Cap. 132X, s. 4(2)(d)
used exclusively for ... 純粹用於…… Cap. 357, s. 11(2)(b)
exclusively responsible exclusively responsible 單獨承擔責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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Executive Council Executive Council 行政會議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 54
members of the Executive Council 行政會議(的)成員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 55
Executive Director Executive Director 行政總監 Cap. 423, s. 28(3)
Executive Director 執行幹事 Cap. 1130, s. 2
executive director 執行董事 Cap. 571, Sch. 2
executor executor 遺囑執行人〔由立遺囑人指定負責管理其遺產的人〕 Cap. 112, s. 2
※比較 administrator
executor de son tort ["executor by his own wrongdoing"] 無權遺囑執行人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executor de son tort ["executor by his own wrongdoing"] 擅自處理他人遺產的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executor of the will 遺囑執行人 Cap. 1137, s. 5(1)
original executor 原遺囑執行人 Cap. 10, s. 34(5)(b)
sole executor 唯一的遺囑執行人 Cap. 10, s. 39(1)
sole or last surviving executor 唯一或最後一名尚存遺囑執行人 Cap. 10, s. 34(1)
the executor, original or by representation 遺囑執行人,不論是原本指定的或是藉承辦的 Cap. 29, s. 2
executorship renounce ... executorship 放棄遺囑執行 Cap. 10, s. 30(1)
executorship expenses executorship expenses [also testamentary expenses] 遺囑執行費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory executory 未來有效的 Cap. 29, s. 2
executory 待執行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory 待履行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory contract 尚待履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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this Ordinance
proper exercise of ... powers 妥善行使……的權力 Cap. 486, s. 46(2)(a)
resumption ... of the exercise of sovereignty 恢復行使主權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
single exercise of a right 權利的一次行使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the lawful exercise 合法行使 Cap. 357, s. 12
unlawful ... exercise of authority 不合法……地行使權能 Cap. 233, s. 14(k)
unnecessary exercise of authority 不必要地行使權能 Cap. 233, s. 14(k)
exercise due diligence exercise 盡職審查 Cap. 486, s. 63B(1)
exhaust exhausted 窮竭 Cap. 609, s. 58(1)(b)
exhaust exhaust emission 排氣污染物 Cap. 374A, reg. 2
exhaust gas 廢氣 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
exhaustive treated as being exhaustive 視作盡列……而並無遺漏 Cap. 123, s. 15(2)
exhibit exhibited 展示 Cap. 406, s. 47(1)(d)
exhibited 陳示 Cap. 313, s. 9
exhibit copy of any exhibit 任何證物的複本 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 4(6)
documentary exhibits 文件證物 Cap. 221, s. 10A(1)(c)
documentary exhibits 呈堂文件證物 Cap. 227, s. 86(4)
exhibit ... 附上……作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 11A(2)(d)
exhibit (n.) 證物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exhibited to ... 附於……作為證物的 Cap. 528, s. 121(1)(e)
exhibited to the affidavit 附於誓章作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 6(3)(b)
exhibiting ... 附有……作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 5(a)
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for the purpose of securing uniformity of expression 為使在表達方面得以統一 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(c)
free expression of the will of the electors 選民意志之自由表現 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
freedom of opinion and expression 意見和發表的自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16, heading
general expression of intent 無明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(1)
right to freedom of expression 發表自由之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
specific expression of intent 有明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(2)
expressly either expressly or by implication 以明示或默示的方式 Cap. 216, s. 20(1)
except as expressly provided to the contrary 除有明文的相反規定外 Cap. 522, s. 27
except where otherwise expressly provided 除另有明文規定者外 Cap. 344, s. 34C(1)
expressly 以明示方式 Cap. 301, s. 24(c)
expressly 明文 Cap. 1, s. 3
expressly 明示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expressly admit 明示承認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expressly alleged ... 明示地指稱…… Cap. 227, s. 125
expressly authorize 明示授權 Cap. 606, s. 12
expressly authorized by ... 在……明示授權下 Cap. 48, s. 9
expressly authorized by ... 獲……明示授權 Cap. 521, s. 2(2)
expressly or impliedly 以明示或暗示方式 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
expressly or tacitly agreed 明示或默示協議 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
expressly or tacitly agreed 明示或默然同意 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
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face amount [par value; face value] 票面值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face (n., v.) 表面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face (n., v.) 面前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face value 面值 Cap. 454, s. 6(1)
fly in the face of ... [be openly at variance with] 與……公然不符 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
from the face 形式上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
from the face 從表面看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the face of ... 公然(在法庭內) Cap. 3, s. 32
in the face of ... 在……席前 Cap. 221, s. 36
on its face [in the words of; in the plain sense of] 表面 參看 prima facie English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on its face [in the words of; in the plain sense of] 從文字上看來 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on the face of ... 表面上 Cap. 21, s. 25(5)(b)
on the face of the bill 票面上 Cap. 19, s. 4(3)
on the face of the evidence 表面證據 Cap. 159AE, s. 5
on the face of the record 在紀錄上可見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
facial facial covering 蒙面物品 Cap. 241K, s. 2
facilitate administering drugs, matter or thing to obtain or facilitate an 施用藥物、物質或物品以獲得或便利作非法的性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
unlawful sexual act Offences" Report, para. 4.66
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Criminal Proceedings
primary facts of the case 案件的基礎事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proof of the facts stated 所述事實的證明 Cap. 406, s. 58
proven facts 已獲證實的案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
question of fact 事實問題 Cap. 596, s. 8(2)
question of mixed law and fact 法律兼事實問題 Cap. 221, s. 82
rebuttable presumption of facts 從事實上作一個可推翻的假定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
representation of fact 事實陳述 Cap. 272, s. 10(3)
similar fact evidence 類同事實證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of admitted facts 承認事實書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of facts 事實陳述 Cap. 232A, reg. 3C
statement of facts 事實陳述書 Cap. 112, s. 66(1)(a)
statement of the witness as to fact 證人關於事實的陳述書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial dispute of fact 實質事實爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 4(2)(b)
substantiated by specific facts 以具體事實佐證 Cap. 633, s. 82(2)(b)
summary of facts 事實摘要 Cap. 25, s. 14(1)
Summary of Facts 案情事實提要 Cap. 227C, Schedule
summary of facts 案情撮要 Cap. 221, s. 123(1A)(a)(ii)
taken to have established a fact 視作已確立……事實 Cap. 635, s. 32(2)
taken to have established a fact that needs to be established for 視為已證明需要就上述免責辯護而證明的事實 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)
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the defence
tribunal of fact 事實審裁者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
trier of fact 事實裁決者 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
true facts 真正事實 Cap. 173A, reg. 7(1)
under the fact [in the circumstances] 在此情況下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
under the fact [in the circumstances] 事實既然如此 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
undisputed facts 不爭事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
undisputed facts 沒有爭議的案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fact-finding process fact-finding process 實情調查程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factor judicial factor 司法財產保管人 Cap. 1138, s. 6(1)(d)
factor factor 代為管有者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factor 代理商 Cap. 112, s. 2
factor aggravating factor 加重刑罰因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cogent factor 令人信服的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
determining factor 決定因素 Cap. 106, s. 7(12)
factors which aggravate 加重刑罰因素 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
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factum factum ["a fact"; a thing done] 已發生的事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factum ["a fact"; a thing done] 既成之事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fail election ... has failed 選舉……未能完成 Cap. 542, s. 36(1)(c)
fail 不能成立 Cap. 21, s. 26
fail 失效 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)(a)
fail to comply with ... 不遵守…… Cap. 219, Sch. 2
failed 失敗 Cap. 32, s. 191(1)(b)
failing 未能 Cap. 6, s. 80(2)
failing an agreement 如沒有協議 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
failing to ... within time 逾期…… Cap. 630, s. 14(6)(a)
fails 未能……及格 Cap. 374B, reg. 12C(4)
fails to enter any plea 沒有作出答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
fail failings 缺陷 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
failure failure 不履行 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
failure 不遵守 Cap. 498, s. 28(4)(a)
failure 不遵從事項 Cap. 520, s. 35(4)
failure ... of ……未能完成 Cap. 541D, s. 2A(1)
failure of issue 死後無嗣 參看 die without issue; leave no issue; obi(i)t sine English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
prole and Commercial Law Terms
failure to accept hire 拒載 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
failure to appear (at a hearing) 缺席(聆訊) Cap. 541M, s. 17
failure to attend 沒有出席 Cap. 525A, s. 4
failure to comply 沒有遵從 Cap. 268, s. 2
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Criminal Proceedings
false 虛假 Cap. 28, s. 16A
false 虛假不確 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)
false accounting 偽造帳目 Cap. 210, Schedule
false and fraudulent representation 虛假和有欺詐成分的陳述 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
false and malicious allegations 虛假及惡意指稱 Cap. 234A, r. 61(s)
false answer 虛假的回答 Cap. 382, s. 18(1)
false attribution 虛假署名 Cap. 528, s. 96(2)(a)
false claim 虛假聲稱 Cap. 553, s. 48
false debt 虛假的債權 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(g)
false declaration 虛假聲明 Cap. 200, s. 34(a)
false description 虛假說明 Cap. 369, s. 87(2)(a)
false entry 虛假記項 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(j)
false evidence 虛假證據 Cap. 221, s. 115
false imprisonment 非法拘禁 Cap. 503B, Schedule
false imprisonment 非法禁錮 Cap. 4, s. 33A
false in a material particular 在要項上屬於虛假的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
false, incorrect, or incomplete in any material particular 在要項上是虛假、不正確或不完整的 Cap. 151, s. 16(3)
false information 虛假資料 Cap. 521, s. 8(5)
false instrument 虛假文書 Cap. 8, s. 78
false lot 不正確地段 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
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fee tail fee tail 限嗣繼承的不動產 ※比較 fee simple English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fellow fellow contract worker 共事的合約工作者 Cap. 602, s. 24(5)
felo de se felo de se (arch.) ["felon of himself"; suicide] 自殺 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
felony felony 重刑罪 Cap. 328, s. 2(1)
female female employee 女性僱員 Cap. 57, s. 14(7)
female rape 女子強姦男子 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.5
feme covert feme covert (arch.) ["a protected woman"; a married woman; 已婚女性 參看 coverture English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
also femme couverte] and Commercial Law Terms
feme sole feme sole (arch.) ["a single woman"; an unmarried woman; a 以獨立名義處理私人產業的已婚女性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
married woman handling her own separate affairs; also femme and Commercial Law Terms
feme sole (arch.) ["a single woman"; an unmarried woman; a 未婚女性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
married woman handling her own separate affairs; also femme and Commercial Law Terms
fetter fetter 束縛 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiat fiat 准照 Cap. 8, s. 19AA
fiat ["let it be done"] 指令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiat counsel on fiat 外聘律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fiat justitia fiat justitia ["let justice be done"] 讓正義得以伸張 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Fiat justitia ruat caelum. Fiat justitia ruat caelum. [Let justice be done, though the 即使昊天崩塌,也要秉行公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
heaven should fall.] and Commercial Law Terms
fiction of law fiction of law [also legal fiction] 法律上的假定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiction of law [also legal fiction] 法律擬製 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fictitious fictitious 虛構 Cap. 112, s. 61
fictitious 虛構的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fictitious loss 虛構的損失 Cap. 6, s. 129
fictitious losses 虛構的損失 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(l)
fictitious person 虛構的人 Cap. 554, s. 15
fictitious transaction 虛構的交易 Cap. 571, s. 275
fide; fides fide; fides ["faith"] 忠實 參看 bona fide; mala fide; uberrima fides English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fide; fides ["faith"] 信用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fide; fides ["faith"] 誠實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fidelity Oath of Fidelity 盡職誓言 Cap. 11, s. 16(f)
Fidelity Fund Fidelity Fund 互保基金 Cap. 571N, s. 19(2)(f)
fiduciary fiduciary (adj., n.) 受信 Cap. 29, s. 86
fiduciary (adj., n.) 受信人 Cap. 111, s. 7
fiduciary (adj., n.) 受託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiduciary capacity 受信人身分 Cap. 159, s. 73(1)(b)(iv)
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Financial Secretary Financial Secretary 財政司長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 53
Financial Secretary Financial Secretary Incorporated (HK) 財政司司長法團(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Incorporated and Commercial Law Terms
Financial Stability Financial Stability Board 金融穩定理事會 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)
financially financially independent 在經濟上獨立 Cap. 254I, s. 6(5)
financially independent 經濟獨立 Cap. 89, s. 18(1AB)
have been financially interested 曾有經濟上的利害關係 Cap. 571, s. 356(1)
in a financially prudent manner 以審慎理財的方式 Cap. 601, s. 23(1)
financier financier 出資人 Cap. 577, s. 2(1)
securities margin financier 證券保證金融資人 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
financing anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing controls 打擊洗錢及打擊恐怖分子資金籌集的管控措施 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
financing 提供……資金 Cap. 1115, s. 9B(b)
financing 融資 Cap. 622, s. 847(2)(b)
securities financing transaction 證券融資交易 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
securities margin financing 證券保證金融資 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
structured financing transaction 結構式融資交易 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
terrorist financing 恐怖分子資金籌集 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(ii)
find find ... guilty 裁斷……罪名成立 Cap. 21, s. 7A(2)
finding a special verdict 作出特別裁決 Cap. 21, s. 7A(3)
finds 裁斷…… Cap. 330, s. 4B(6)
found a verdict against ... 作出判……敗訴的裁決 Cap. 21, s. 19(2)
found guilty of ... 被裁定犯…… Cap. 212, s. 8A
found guilty of ... 被裁斷……犯…… Cap. 234, s. 20D(2)
found guilty of ... 被裁斷就……有罪 Cap. 8, s. 63(1)
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forced forced or compulsory labour 強迫或強制之勞役 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(a)
forcible conspiracy to commit forcible detention 串謀強行禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forcible confinement 強行禁閉 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.55
forcible taking 強行帶走 Cap. 212, s. 42, Heading
forcible detainer forcible detainer 強行扣押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forcible detainer 強佔 Cap. 245, s. 24
forcible entry forcible entry 強行進入 Cap. 245, s. 23
forcibly conspiracy to forcibly take away or detain a person with intent 串謀將人強行帶走或禁錮而意圖取得贖金 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
to procure a ransom Criminal Proceedings
forcibly 強行 Cap. 456, s. 19(2)(c)
forcibly board 強行登上 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(b)
forcibly enter 強行進入 Cap. 115, s. 56AA(1)
forcibly resists 用武力反抗 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)
forcibly resists 使用武力抗拒 Cap. 96, s. 17(3)
forcibly resists 武力拒捕 Cap. 524, s. 26(2)
forcibly resists 強行反抗 Cap. 208, s. 27(3)
foreclose foreclose (v.) 止贖 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 1
foreclose down 止贖 ※比較 redeem up English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right to foreclose 止贖的權利 Cap. 347, s. 19(2)
foreclosure foreclosure 止贖權 Cap. 219, s. 44(2)
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full and true disclosure 全面而真實地披露 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full and up to date records 詳盡和最新紀錄 Cap. 51G, s. 2(7)
full answer and defence 全面答辯及抗辯 Cap. 227, s. 16(1)
full apology 全面的道歉啟事 Cap. 21, s. 4
full blood 全血親 Cap. 290, s. 2
full certificate 足額證明書 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
full character direction 就被告人的品格作出全面指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full compensation 十足的補償 Cap. 106, s. 14(2)(i)
full compensation 十足補償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
full complement 滿額 Cap. 374D, reg. 46(1)(j)(ii)
full compliance 完全遵從 Cap. 403, s. 16(1)(h)
full consideration 十足代價 Cap. 257, s. 13(1)
full costs 一切訟費 Cap. 332, s. 35(5)
full costs 十足訟費 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
full costs recovery 收回全部成本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full direction 全面的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full disclosure 全面披露 Cap. 4A, O. 49B, r. 1A
full discount of one-third of the sentence 足三分一刑期減免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full effect 十足效力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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functus officio functus officio 權責終結 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
functus officio ["having performed his/her office"] 職份已完 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fund approved pooled investment fund 核准匯集投資基金 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(wa)
assistance fund 援助基金 Cap. 229, s. 2(1)
authorized mutual fund 認可互惠基金 Cap. 485A, s. 6(1)
borne by public funds 由公帑撥付 Cap. 4A, O. 68, r. 4(2)
capital preservation fund 保本基金 Cap. 485A, s. 37(1)
charitable fund 慈善基金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chit fund 銀會 Cap. 151, Schedule
common fund 共同基金 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.21
common fund basis 共同基金基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
common-good fund 公共利益基金 Cap. 33, s. 34(2)
compensation fund 賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 238(1)
compensation fund coverage 補償基金……保障內容 Cap. 485B, Sch. 1
constituent fund 成分基金 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
contingency fund 應變儲備金 Cap. 411, s. 6(3)(d)
credit into those funds 撥入該等儲備金 Cap. 601, s. 27(1)(b)
electronic funds transfer 電子轉帳過戶 Cap. 511C, s. 12(5)(b)
exchange traded fund 交易所買賣基金 Cap. 117, Sch. 8
Fidelity Fund 互保基金 Cap. 571N, s. 19(2)(f)
fund 基金 Cap. 33, s. 34(1)
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para. 4.50
superannuation fund 離職基金 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 2
Supplementary Legal Aid Fund 法律援助輔助計劃基金 Cap. 602, s. 79(5)
surplus funds 剩餘資金 Cap. 321, s. 6(c)
taxed on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(4)
trading fund 營運基金 Cap. 430, s. 2(1)
trust fund 信託基金 Cap. 467, Long Title
Unified Exchange Compensation Fund 聯交所賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 235
fundamental fundamental 基本的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fundamental breach of contract 基本性違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fundamental human rights 基本人權 Cap. 383, s. 2(5)
fundamental rights and freedom 基本權利和自由 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
fundamental rights and freedoms of others 他人之基本權利自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
fundamental term (合約的)基本條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funded party funded party 受資助方 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 4.8
funder commercial litigation funder 商業訴訟出資者 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.94
funder 出資者 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.10
litigation funder 訴訟出資者 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
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para. 3.27
potential third party funder 潛在出資第三者 Cap. 609, s. 98F
third party funder 出資第三者 Cap. 609, s. 98F
funding access to funding 籌措資金的渠道 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.48
aggregate funding liabilities 出資的總體負債 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.82
arbitration funding 仲裁資助 Cap. 609, s. 98F
contingent funding obligations 或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(o)
funding 提供經費 Cap. 571, s. 244(1)(a)
funding 提供資金 Cap. 485, Long Title
funding 提供資金或經費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding 撥款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding agreement 資助協議 Cap. 609, s. 98G(a)
funding arrangements 提供款項安排 Cap. 426, s. 18(4)(b)(i)
funding lease 融購租約 Cap. 112, s. 14O(1)
funding schedule 基金撥款時間表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding support 撥款支援 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding support 撥款資助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint venture litigation funding arrangement 聯手訴訟出資安排 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.65
other contingent funding obligation 其他或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
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fungible goods fungible goods [also fungibles] 可互換的貨物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fungible goods [also fungibles] 可替代貨品 Cap. 558D, Sch. 2
furnish furnish 提交 Cap. 571, s. 124(2)(b)
furnish 提供 Cap. 541A, s. 22(4)
furnish a statement 呈交陳述書 Cap. 433, s. 3(2)(a)
furnish ... assistance 提供……協助 Cap. 599, s. 10
furniture fixtures, fittings or furniture 固定附着物、裝置或家具 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(d)
further a further direction 另一指示 Cap. 405, s. 5(1C)
a further round of an election 某次選舉的再一輪選舉 Cap. 161F, s. 11(2)
adduce further evidence 援引進一步證據 Cap. 188, s. 6(9)(a)
award of further damages 進一步損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 10(8)
discharged from the further performance of ... obligations 已獲解除進一步履行……義務 Cap. 379, s. 6(4)
further affidavit evidence 進一步誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(5)
further and better particulars 更詳盡清楚的詳情 Cap. 17A, r. 13(1)
further and better statement 更詳盡清楚的陳述 Cap. 4A, O. 77, r. 3(2)
further appeal 再上訴 Cap. 405, s. 17(3A)
further appeal 進一步上訴 Cap. 279, s. 66(2)(b)(i)
further charge 再進行押記 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
further conduct of the action 訴訟的繼續進行事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(4)
further conduct of the application 就申請繼續進行的事宜 Cap. 619D, r. 78(1)
further criminal proceedings 進一步刑事法律程序 Cap. 513, s. 4(1)(d)
further damages 進一步損害賠償 Cap. 4, s. 56A(2)(b)
further extension 進一步延展 Cap. 514, s. 149(4)
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Criminal Proceedings
is in furtherance of ... 屬推展…… Cap. 602, s. 81(2)
fusion fusion 融合 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
fusion of undertakings 業務合併 Cap. 1137, Preamble
future damages for future pecuniary loss 未來金錢損失的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
estimated future requirements 預計未來需要 Cap. 430, s. 10(1)
future advances 未來貸款 Cap. 1176, s. 7(g)(iv)
future advances 將來的貸款 Cap. 1146, s. 7(g)(iv)
future copyright 未來版權 Cap. 528, s. 102(2)
future estate or interest 未來產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
future goods 期貨 Cap. 26, s. 7(1)
future or contingent legacy 未來或待確定的非土地遺贈 Cap. 29, s. 33(3)
future pecuniary loss 未來金錢損失 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
future foreseeable future 可預見的將來 Cap. 155M, s. 3(11)(b)(ii)
future interest future interest 未來權益 Cap. 347, s. 19
futures financial futures contract 財務期貨合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
futures 期貨 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
futures contract 期貨合約 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
futures exchange 期貨交易所 Cap. 571B, s. 3(a)
futures market 期貨市場 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index futures contracts 恒生中國企業指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
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Hang Seng China H-Financials Index futures contract 恒生中國H股金融行業指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index futures contracts 小型恒生中國企業指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
recognized futures market 認可期貨市場 Cap. 571, s. 20(2)
stock futures 股票期貨 Cap. 571, s. 322
Futures Exchange Futures Exchange Company 期交所 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
Futures Exchange Futures Exchange Compensation Fund 期交所賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 235
Compensation Fund
gain acquisition of gain 謀取利益 Cap. 306, s. 2(2)
actual gain 實際獲益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
capital gains 資本增益 Cap. 36, Schedule
criminal gains 犯罪得益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal gains 犯罪獲益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dishonest gain 不誠實地獲益 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(c)
for financial gain 為財務利益 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
for gain 牟利 Cap. 392, s. 2
for gain 為利益 Cap. 503B, Schedule
for gain 為得益 Cap. 486, s. 35J(2)(b)(i)
for gain 圖利 Cap. 28, s. 6A
for purposes of gain 圖利 Cap. 20, s. 4(4)
for the gain of the person or another 以便為該人或他人圖利 Cap. 28, s. 6(4B)(a)(i)
for the purpose of gain 為牟利 Cap. 400, s. 2
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gambling conspiracy to cheat at gambling 串謀在賭博時作弊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
gambling 賭博 Cap. 148, s. 2
gambling equipment 賭博設備 Cap. 148, s. 2
gambling establishment 賭場 Cap. 148, s. 2
game game 博彩遊戲 Cap. 148, s. 2
game 遊戲 Cap. 172, s. 6(1)(a)
gamete gametes 配子 Cap. 429, s. 12(1)(b)
gaming gaming 博彩 Cap. 124, s. 11(3)(a)
gaming contract gaming contract 博彩合約 Cap. 329, s. 4
gaming contract 賭博合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gaming house gaming house 賭場 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gangway gangway 過道 Cap. 627, s. 15(1)(b)
gaoler gaoler 監獄看守員 Cap. 221, s. 29(1)
gaoler 監獄負責人 Cap. 227A, r. 11
garnishee garnishee 第三債務人 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 1(1)
garnishee order 第三債務人的命令 參看 garnishee proceedings Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
garnishee proceedings 第三債務人的法律程序〔在涉及判定債權人與判定債務 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 1
garrison garrison 駐軍 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
members of the garrison 駐軍人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
gas exhaust gas 廢氣 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
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Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships 《現有船舶氣體運輸船規則》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems 《惰性氣體系統指南》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
Gas Authority Gas Authority 氣體安全監督 Cap. 51, s. 5
gas mask gas masks 防毒面具 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
gate gates, barriers or turnstiles 票閘、欄障或旋轉柵閘 Cap. 577A, s. 3(b)
gather gather alms 收取施捨 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(h)
gathering disperse a gathering 解散……聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 10(3)(b)
exempted group gathering 豁免羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 3(2)(a)
gathering 聚集 Cap. 245, s. 2(1)
prohibited group gathering 受禁羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 2
gazette gazette (v.) 刊登於憲報 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gazetted officer 憲委級人員 Cap. 233, s. 2
Gazette advertise ... in the Gazette 在憲報公布 Cap. 490A, s. 8(1)
by notice in the Gazette 藉憲報公告 Cap. 1, s. 57
by notice published in the Gazette 藉於憲報刊登的公告 Cap. 618, s.146(2)
by publication in the Gazette 藉在憲報刊登公告 Cap. 32H, r. 142(3)
Gazette 憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
Gazette Extraordinary 憲報號外 Cap. 1, s. 3
Gazette notice 憲報公告 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
give notice in the Gazette 在憲報公告 Cap. 425, s. 11(2)
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區政府憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
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Hong Kong Government Gazette 香港政府憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
published in the Gazette 在憲報刊登 Cap. 87, s. 10(1)
Special Gazette 特別憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
gazetted gazetted copy 刊憲文本 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
gazetted officer 憲委級人員 Cap. 233, s. 2
gazetted police officer 憲委級警務人員 Cap. 232, s. 3
regular gazetted police officer 正規憲委級警務人員 Cap. 233, s. 2
gazump gazump 不當的反價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gazump (在不動產買賣中)不當地抬價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gear gear 用具 Cap. 354N, s. 2
gearing ratio gearing ratio 資本負債比率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing ratio 槓桿比率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing-up gearing-up (n., adj.) 履約準備 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing-up period 履約準備期間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing-up proposal 履約準備建議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
GEM GEM 創業板 Cap. 32L, s. 2
Gencon charterparty Gencon charterparty 金康租船合約〔航次租船合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gender gender 性別 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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general class action regime 通用的集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.63
general conditions of contract 合約一般條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general damages 一般損害賠償 ※比較 specific damages English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general denial 概括否認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(3)
general description 一般描述 Cap. 415, s. 20(2)(e)
general description 概述 Cap. 208, s. 9(1)(a)
general direction 一般指示 Cap. 283, s. 14(1)
general discovery 一般性的文件透露 參看 discovery English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general discretion 一般酌情權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, Annex D, Part 2
general domestic use 一般家居用途 Cap. 133, s. 4(a)
general duty of care 一般謹慎責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 32
general effect 一般效力 Cap. 300, s. 6(3)
general election 換屆選舉 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
general evidence 一般證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
general expenses 一般開支 Cap. 112A, r. 2C(1)
general issue [案件的]一般爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general issue 概括否認 Cap. 21, s. 12
general issues 一般事宜 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.3
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geographical constituencies through direct elections 分區直接選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
geographical geographical area 地區 Cap. 460, s. 21(5)(d)
geographical area 地區範圍 Cap. 541, s. 2(1)
geographical constituency 地方選區 Cap. 541, s. 17(1)
geographical distribution 地域分佈 Cap. 155M, s. 16FG(1)
geographical indication 地理標誌 Cap. 609, s. 103B(1)(c)
geographical limitations 地區限制 Cap. 435, s. 3(2)(b)
geographical origin 地理來源 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(c)
geographical segments 地域分部 Cap. 155M, s. 98(2)(a)
germane germane 有關的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gesture gestures 姿勢及手勢 Cap. 602, s. 45(4)(b)
gift absolute gift 無條件的饋贈 Cap. 23, s. 25(2)
ademption of gift 撤銷贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advancement of gift 預早贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by way of gift 作出饋贈 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
by way of gift 藉饋贈方式 Cap. 501, s. 8(3)(c)
corrupt gift 行賄饋贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general charitable testamentary gift 屬遺囑性質的一般慈善饋贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
gift 贈品 Cap. 621, s. 31(5)(c)
gift [also donatio; donum] 贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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para. 1.2
giving validity 賦予效力 Cap. 1085, s. 24(9)
incapable of giving consent 無行為能力給予同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.4
liable to give offence 會令人感到受冒犯 Cap. 490A, s. 5(1)(c)
take or give delivery of ... 收取或交付 Cap. 296A, reg. 9(2)
the giving, withholding or acceptance of instructions to a 發出、拒發或接受委聘大律師的指示 Cap. 602, s. 35(3)
give give possession of ... to ... 將……交予…… Cap. 455, s. 17(4)
give possession of ... to ... 將……交由……管有 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
give possession of ... to ... 將對……的管有交予…… Cap. 200, s. 147B(5)(c)(ii)
gives 交給 Cap. 579, s. 2(2)(a)
give call and give evidence 傳喚他人作證 Cap. 453, s. 24(3)(a)
decline to give evidence 拒絕作證 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
give evidence 作出證供 Cap. 525, s. 10(12)
give evidence 作供 Cap. 516, s. 24(1)(b)
give evidence 作證 Cap. 50, s. 36(1)(b)
give evidence 提供證據 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
give evidence ... against ... 提供證據指證…… Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence for ... 為……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence ... viva voce 以口頭方式……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 5
give in evidence any information 提供……資料作為證據 Cap. 316, s. 25
give judgment for the claim 作出該申索勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(5)
give security for costs 就訟費而……提供保證 Cap. 6A, r. 55
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Criminal Proceedings
overall or global totality 整體或總刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
GMP GMP 優良製造規範 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
go Going equipped for stealing 外出時備有偷竊用的物品 Cap. 210, Schedule
go to court go to court (到法庭)起訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go to law go to law 訴諸法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go to the root of a go to the root of a contract 觸及合約的根本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
contract and Commercial Law Terms
go-between go-between 中間人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go-between 牽線人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
godchild godchild 誼子女 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)(j)
godown warrant godown warrant 倉單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
godown warrant 貨棧單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
godparent godparent 誼父母 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)(j)
God's penny God's penny [also earnest money] 定金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
God's penny [also earnest money] 誠意金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
going concern going concern 正營運中的事業 Cap. 41, s. 46(2)
going concern 營業機構 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
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grantee 承授人 Cap. 20, s. 3
grantee 持證人 Cap. 573, s. 2(1)
grantee 專營公司 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)
grantee 獲批地人 Cap. 29, s. 28(3)
granter granter 授予人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.58
granting granting 發放 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(j)
granting body 頒授者 Cap. 592, s. 5(4)
granting of the request 應允請求 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
grantor grantor 批地人 Cap. 29, s. 28(2)
grantor 授予人 Cap. 20, s. 9(1)(a)(i)
grantor 資助人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantor 贈與人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantor 讓與人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
granularity granularity 風險分散程度 Cap. 155L, s. 226E(3)(a)
grass-roots grass-roots 基層 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 13
gratification perverted sexual gratification 變態的性滿足 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.19
sexual gratification 性滿足 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.19
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gratis dictum gratis dictum ["a non-obligatory statement made by a party to 訟方自由發表的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
a law suit"] and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous gratuitous 免費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous 無酬的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous 無償的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous bailment 無酬委託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous carriage 免費運輸 Cap. 500, Sch. 1A
gratuitous consideration 無償代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 單方受益合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 無代價合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 無償合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous nature 賞贈性質 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
gratuitous promise [also bare promise] 不附代價的承諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous services 無償的服務 Cap. 23, s. 20C(4)
gratuitously gratuitously 免費 Cap. 181, s. 8
gratuitously or otherwise 不論是否收取報酬 Cap. 321, s. 6(h)
gratuity commuted pension gratuity 經折算的退休酬金 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
death gratuity 死亡恩恤金 Cap. 80, s. 6(1)(c)(i)
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para. 1.9
gross indecency by man with male mentally incapacitated 男子與男性精神上無行為能力的人作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
person Offences" Report, para. 4.97
gross indecency by man with man otherwise than in private 男子與男子非私下作出的嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.95
gross indecency with or by man under 16 由16歲以下男子作出或與16歲以下男子作出嚴重猥褻作 "Review of Substantive Sexual
為 Offences" Report, para. 3.124
gross negligence 嚴重疏忽 Cap. 6, s. 66
gross ... violations of human rights 嚴重……侵犯人權的情況 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 3(2)
procuring gross indecency by man with man 促致男子與男子作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.92
gross domestic product gross domestic product 本地生產總值 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 107
grossly grossly offensive 極為令人厭惡 Cap. 228, s. 20(a)
grossly exorbitant grossly exorbitant payments 嚴重過高的款項 Cap. 6, s. 71A
ground additional ground 附加理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative ground 替代理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compassionate grounds 恩恤理由 Cap. 226D, r. 15(1)(a)
compassionate grounds 體恤的理由 Cap. 232, s. 23(2)
disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be 爭議的理由是法院覺得重要的 Cap. 6A, r. 48(5)(b)
equitable ... grounds 公平合理的……理由 Cap. 285, s. 59(3)
further grounds of objection 進一步的反駁理由 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
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Criminal Proceedings
is guilty of an offence 即屬犯罪 Cap. 572, s. 22(1)
may be guilty of ... 可被判犯了…… Cap. 461, s. 4(1)
no child under the age of ... years can be guilty of an offence ……歲以下兒童不能犯罪 Cap. 226, s. 3
not guilty 罪名不成立 Cap. 21, s. 7A(1)
not guilty by reason of insanity 以精神紊亂為理由而判無罪 Cap. 492, s. 9(2)(c)
plea of guilty 承認控罪 Cap. 227, s. 81B, Heading
plea of guilty 認罪 Cap. 226, s. 2(2)
plea of guilty 認罪的答辯 Cap. 221, s. 51(4)
plea of not guilty 不認罪的答辯 Cap. 221, s. 50
plea of not guilty 否認控罪 Cap. 227, s. 19A(2)
plea of not guilty to be entered 登錄不認罪的答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
plead guilty 承認控罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
plead guilty 認罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pleads guilty to ... 承認犯…… Cap. 234, s. 20D(2)
pleads not guilty 不認罪 Cap. 200, s. 154(1)
proof of guilty knowledge 知悉犯罪的證明 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proved guilty according to law 依法確定有罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
reverse guilty plea 推翻認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unequivocal guilty plea 明確的認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
verdict of guilty 有罪裁決 Cap. 221, s. 18(2)
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Criminal Proceedings
Hansard Hansard 議會的會議紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong Hansard [Reports of the meetings of the 香港議事錄〔香港立法會會議過程紀錄〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Legislative Council of Hong Kong] and Commercial Law Terms
happen happen 發生 Cap. 19, s. 11(1)(b)
happen to be in his hands 恰巧在他手中 Cap. 32H, r. 67
harass harass 騷擾 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
harassing 騷擾 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.7
sexually harass ... 對……作出性騷擾 Cap. 480, s. 23(1)
harassment act of harassment 騷擾作為 Cap. 480A, Sch. 2
damages of harassment 侵擾損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
harassment 侵擾 Cap. 7, s. 70B, Heading
harassment 滋擾 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
harassment 騷擾 Cap. 362, s. 13F(2)(a)
sexual harassment 性騷擾 Cap. 480, Long Title
harbour harbours 窩藏 Cap. 212, s. 44(2)
harbour safe harbour rule 安全港規則 Cap. 112, s. 14D(2)(b)
hard and fast rule hard and fast rule 牢固不變的規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hard cases make bad hard cases make bad law 難斷之案導致偏離先例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
law and Commercial Law Terms
hard copy hard copy form 印本形式 Cap. 32, s. 296A(2)(c)
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hard law hard law [binding international conventions and agreements] 硬性法律〔國際法中具約束力的公約和協議〕 ※比較 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
soft law and Commercial Law Terms
hardship exceptional hardship 異常的困苦 Cap. 179, s. 12(2)
exceptional hardship 極度困苦的情況 Cap. 375, s. 8(4)(b)
grave financial or other hardship 嚴重經濟困境或其他嚴重困境 Cap. 179, s. 15B(1)
hardship 困苦 Cap. 91, s. 19B(1)(a)
hardship 困苦的情況 Cap. 375, s. 8(4)(b)
hardship 困難 Cap. 435, s. 22
impose hardship 造成困苦 Cap. 117, s. 14
serious hardship 嚴重困苦 Cap. 91, s. 18A
serious hardship 嚴重困難 Cap. 140, s. 13
substantial hardship 實質困難 Cap. 4, s. 21K(6)
undue hardship 過度的困苦 Cap. 201, s. 14D(4)(a)
unjustifiable hardship 不合情理的困難 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
unnecessary hardship 不必要的困苦 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.95
unreasonable hardship 不合理困苦 Cap. 201, s. 17BA(3)
harm actual bodily harm 身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
actual bodily harm 實際身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
assault causing bodily harm 襲擊導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
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hold sb. harmless [also save harmless] [indemnify] 使某人免受損失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold sb. harmless [also save harmless] [indemnify] 保障 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold assets held in Hong Kong 在香港持有的資產 Cap. 485A, s. 2
disqualification from holding or obtaining a driver's licence 吊銷或不准領取駕駛執照 Cap. 227C, Schedule
held 保有 Cap. 106, s. 27A(2)(a)(iii)
held ... alone 單獨持有 Cap. 1155, s. 4(a)
held for use 持有以供使用 Cap. 112, s. 39E(5)
held ... in bond 扣存在保稅倉庫 Cap. 371, s. 8(2)(a)
held in custody 被羈押 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
held in trust 以信託形式持有 Cap. 1037, s. 3(2)(a)
held jointly 共同持有 Cap. 111A, Schedule
held on lease from the Government 以租契方式從政府取得而持有 Cap. 123, s. 31(2)(b)
held on trust 以信託方式持有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
held on trust for ... absolutely 為……的絕對權益而以信託形式持有 Cap. 73, Sch. 1
held under lease from the Government 根據租契從政府取得而持有 Cap. 123, s. 31(1)
held ... under ... official title 以……職銜名義持有 Cap. 29B, r. 7(3)
held upon trust 以信託方式持有 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)(b)
held upon trust for sale 以售產信託方式持有 Cap. 29, s. 22(3)(a)
hold 存留 Cap. 490, s. 16
hold 保有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold 保持 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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hold 判定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold 裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold sb. liable 向某人追究法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the court holds that ... 法庭裁定…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the court holds that ... 法院裁定…… Cap. 179, s. 17A
hold held over 緩繳 Cap. 108, s. 6S(7)(b)
hold holding over 繼續佔用 Cap. 515, s. 6(4)
hold ceases to hold office 停任 Cap. 159AK, r. 17(7)
hold office 任期 Cap. 1148, s. 7(3)
hold office as ... 擔任……職位 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold office at ... discretion 任免隨……決定 Cap. 399, s. 10(1)(a)
hold office at the pleasure of the Chief Executive 行政長官可隨時將其免任 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
hold office during the pleasure of 任期……隨……意願而定 Cap. 33A, r. 41(2)
holding an established office 出任設定職位 Cap. 363, s. 2(1)
holding office 任職 Cap. 549, s. 8(1)
holds office 擔任職位 Cap. 106, s. 13A(2)(a)
hold belief ... honestly held 誠實地相信 Cap. 200, s. 64(3)
hold out held out 被他人顯示 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
held out 顯示 Cap. 134, s. 4A(1)(a)
hold himself out as 顯示自己為 Cap. 406, s. 34(2)
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holiday alternative holiday 另定假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
general holiday 公眾假日 Cap. 1, s. 3
general holiday 公眾假期 Cap. 1, s. 3
holiday 假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
paid holidays 有薪假日 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(f)
pay for untaken statutory holidays 未放法定假日薪酬 Cap. 380, s. 2
public holiday 公眾假日 Cap. 1, s. 3
public holiday 公眾假期 Cap. 1, s. 3
statutory holiday 法定假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
substituted holiday 代替假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
holograph holograph [also olograph] 手書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holograph [also olograph] 自書文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holograph [also olograph] 親筆文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holographic will holographic will [also olographic will] 自書遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holographic will [also olographic will] 親筆遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach a holographic will 質疑自書遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach a holographic will 質疑親筆遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
home home state 本國 Cap. 512, s. 16(1)
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Hong Kong Bar Hong Kong Bar Association 香港大律師公會 Cap. 5, s. 4C(3)(c)
Hong Kong bearer Hong Kong bearer instrument 香港不記名文書 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong Bill of Hong Kong Bill of Rights 香港人權法案 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong chief Hong Kong chief executive officer 香港行政總裁 Cap. 485B, Sch. 3
executive officer
Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, China 中國香港 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
Hong Kong Council for Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Cap. 1150, s. 2(1)
Accreditation of Vocational Qualifications
Academic and
Hong Kong Court of Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal 香港終審法院 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
Final Appeal
Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Interest Settlement Rate 港元利息結算率 Cap. 91D, reg. 2
Interest Settlement Rate
Hong Kong domiciled Hong Kong domiciled scheme 以香港為本籍的計劃 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong Exchanges Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) 香港交易及結算所有限公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Clearing Limited and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong Futures Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE) 香港期貨交易所有限公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Exchange Limited and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong Garrison of Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊 Cap. 1, s. 3
the Chinese People's
Liberation Army
Hong Kong Hansard Hong Kong Hansard [Reports of the meetings of the 香港議事錄〔香港立法會會議過程紀錄〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Legislative Council of Hong Kong] and Commercial Law Terms
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Hong Kong Housing Hong Kong Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會 Cap. 406C, reg. 3(b)
Hong Kong Institute of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants 香港會計師公會 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
Certified Public
Hong Kong Institution Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 香港工程師學會 Cap. 610B, s. 15(1)(a)
of Engineers
Hong Kong Interbank Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate futures contract 港元利率期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
Offered Rate futures
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 香港國際仲裁中心 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitration Centre
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Domestic 香港國際仲裁中心本地仲裁規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
International Arbitration Rules and Commercial Law Terms
Arbitration Centre
Domestic Arbitration
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; HKIAC 香港國際仲裁中心 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
International and Commercial Law Terms
Arbitration Centre;
Hong Kong Laboratory Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme 香港實驗所認可計劃 Cap. 635, s. 17(8)
Accreditation Scheme
Hong Kong Monetary Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) 香港金融管理局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Authority and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong permanent Hong Kong permanent resident 香港永久性居民 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong permanent resident 香港特別行政區永久性居民 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong Police Hong Kong Police Reserve 香港後備警察 Cap. 233, s. 5(1)(a)(i)
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Hong Kong Society of Hong Kong Society of Accountants 香港會計師公會 Cap. 50, s. 3(b)
Hong Kong Special administrative division of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區行政區域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Administrative Region Administrative Region Document 12
area of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的區域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 11
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的首長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 43
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 1
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may on its own ... 香港特別行政區可……單獨地…… Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 151
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on 香港特別行政區應自行立法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
its own
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ... shall, on its own 香港特別行政區……自行 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 16
in the light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong Special 根據香港特別行政區的實際情況 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Administrative Region Document 19
laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 在香港特別行政區實行的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的立法機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative 香港特別行政區永久性居民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
persons in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 在香港特別行政區境內的香港居民以外的其他人 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 41
other than Hong Kong residents
principal officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative 香港特別行政區的主要官員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 61
representatives of the Government of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區政府的代表 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 150
Administrative Region
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Hong Kong Special Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 Cap. 1, Sch. 2
Administrative Region Republic of China
of the People's Republic
of China
Hong Kong Special Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports Appeal 香港特別行政區護照上訴委員會 Cap. 539A, s. 2
Administrative Region Board
Passports Appeal Board
Hong Kong Sports Hong Kong Sports Development Board 香港康體發展局 Cap. 1175, s. 2
Development Board
Hong Kong Treasury Hong Kong Treasury bills 香港庫券 Cap. 74, Preamble
Hong Kong War Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions 香港太平洋戰爭紀念撫恤金 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(fa)
Memorial Pensions
honorarium honorarium 報酬 Cap. 606, s. 2
honorarium 酬金 Cap. 1150, s. 9(1)(b)
honorarium 謝金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
honorary honorary 義務 Cap. 170, s. 16
honorary honorary consular officers 名譽領事官員 Cap. 557, Schedule
honorary degrees 榮譽學位 Cap. 1126, s. 7(o)
honorary members 名譽會員 Cap. 321, s. 11(4)
honorary membership 名譽隊員資格 Cap. 233, s. 6(1)
honorary rank 名譽職級 Cap. 233, s. 6(1)
Honorary Treasurer Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫 Cap. 1129, s. 8(4)
honour honour (v.) 遵守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
more honoured in the breach 不值得遵守的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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Criminal Proceedings
negative identification 不能認出嫌疑人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
positive identification 明確認出 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prevent identification 阻止識辨身分 Cap. 241K, s. 3(1)
vehicle identification number 車輛識別號碼 Cap. 374, s. 2
visual identification 以目辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
voice identification 辨認聲音 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
identification document identification document 身分證明文件 Cap. 511C, s. 13
identifier Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 《經濟合作與發展組織指引——為轉基因植物指定獨特 Cap. 607A, s. 2
Guidance for the Designation of a Unique Identifier for 標識》
Transgenic Plants
personal identifier 個人身分標識符 Cap. 486, s. 2(1)
identify identified 辨識 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 5(1)
identifies 指明 Cap. 220, s. 9(1)(a)(iii)
identify 指出 Cap. 390, s. 15(6)
identify 辨別 Cap. 112, s. 71(7)(b)
identify 識別 Cap. 514C, s. 72(a)
identify 識辨 Cap. 571, s. 100(2)(d)
identify 鑑定 Cap. 59AD, s. 5(2)(a)(i)
sufficiently identify 充分指出 Cap. 6A, r. 87B(1)
identifying identifying particulars 鑑別資料 Cap. 232, s. 59(6)
identifying symbols 識別符號 Cap. 506A, s. 3(b)
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the better establishment of the identity of certain portions of 更清楚地確定將……若干部分土地辨識為…… Cap. 118, Long Title
ground ... with ...
identity card permanent identity card 永久性居民身分證 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
present ... an identity card 出示……身分證 Cap. 177, s. 3B
ideo consideratum est ideo consideratum est ["therefore it is considered"] (法庭)因此考慮 ※比較 consideratum est per curiam English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
idle idling 引擎空轉 Cap. 611, s. 2
if as if 猶如……一樣 Cap. 1155, s. 3
if and only if 如果是並僅如果是 Cap. 159H, r. 2B(3)(b)
if, and only if 如果及僅如果 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(4)
if, and only if 僅在以下情況下 Cap. 511, s. 45(1)
if, and only if, 在……的情況下,……亦只有在……情況下 Cap. 490, s. 18(3)
if and only if ... 如在並僅如在……的情況下 Cap. 21, s. 25(5)
if, and only if ... 如屬下述情況即……亦只有屬下述情況方…… Cap. 200, s. 70(1)
if any 如有的話 Cap. 6, s. 37(1)(c)
if, but only if 如,並僅如 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 4(1)
if, but only if ... 但……必須是 Cap. 138, s. 28(1)(b)
if the case so requires if the case so requires 如情況有需要的話 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
ignominy ignominy 無恥行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ignominy 醜行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ignorance granted in ignorance of facts 在不知某些事實的情況下而批予 Cap. 401, s. 29(1)(b)
ignorance 不知情 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
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competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
impartial 不偏不倚 Cap. 608B, s. 3(a)
impartial 不偏私 Cap. 514C, Sch. 1
impartial 公正的 Cap. 609, s. 24(1)
impartial advice 不偏不倚的意見 Cap. 478AF, s. 52(a)
impartial observer 公正無私的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in a fair and impartial manner 公平和不偏不倚的方式 Cap. 604, s. 37(2)(a)
independent and impartial 獨立無私 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 2
independent and impartial witness 獨立而公正的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation 立即進行公正的調查 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 12
impartiality act with impartiality 公正無私地行事 Cap. 6, s. 96(2)(d)
impartiality 公正性 Cap. 511D, s. 7
impartially act fairly and impartially 公平和公正地行事 Cap. 609, s. 46(3)(b)
impartially 公正無私 Cap. 504, s. 15(3)
impasse impasse 僵局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach impeach 指責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach 彈劾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach 質疑 Cap. 8, s. 12
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Criminal Proceedings
implement any implement, utensil and article 任何工具、器具及物品 Cap. 112A, r. 2(1)
implement 工具 Cap. 112A, r. 2(1)
implement 器具 Cap. 200, s. 76(1)
tool or implement 工具或用具 Cap. 295B, reg. 21(2)
implement implement 實施 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(a)
implement policies 執行政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 62
implementing ... strategies 採用……策略 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
implementing universal suffrage 實行……普選 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
implementation better implementation 更有效地施行 Cap. 564, s. 20
implementation 施行 Cap. 564, s. 20
implementation 進行 Cap. 621, s. 13(4)
implementation 實行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implementation 實施 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Preamble
implementation 履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implementation date 實施日期 Cap. 511A, s. 2
implementation of ... an obligation 履行……義務 Cap. 483, s. 34
implementation of [the Basic Law] 執行[基本法] Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
implicate implicated 受牽連 Cap. 86, s. 6(1)
implication by implication 默示的 Cap. 554, s. 7(3)
by implication from his conduct 憑其行為的默示 Cap. 359, s. 2(3)
by implication of law 因法律的隱含規定 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
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by implication of law 法律上所隱含的 Cap. 71, s. 12(1)
by implication of law 法律上隱含 Cap. 26, s. 57
by implication of law 按法律的含意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by necessary implication 以必然屬默示的方式 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(2)
by ... necessary implication 基於必然含義 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
either expressly or by implication 以明示或默示的方式 Cap. 216, s. 20(1)
implication 含意 Cap. 1, s. 66(1)
implication 默示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
necessary implication 必要的含示 Cap. 415, s. 32
necessary implication 必然含意 Cap. 1, s. 66(1)
necessary implication 必然含義 Cap. 458, s. 8(1)(a)
necessary implication 必然隱含的意思 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
test of implication 隱含條款的測試 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implication financial implications 財政影響 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(d)(iv)
fiscal implications for Hong Kong 對香港財政的影響 Cap. 628, s. 187(7)
implication 影響 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
resource implication 所耗費的資源 Cap. 625, s. 33(2)(f)
implicit implicit 暗示的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implicit 暗喻 Cap. 486, s. 54(1)(b)
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this Ordinance
imposition imposition 判處 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
imposition 訂定 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(a)
imposition of a lighter penalty 減科刑罰 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12(1)
imposition ... of a sentence 判刑 Cap. 503, s. 4
imposition of penalties 判以刑罰 Cap. 405, s. 8(3A)
imposition of sanctions 施加制裁 Cap. 537, Long Title
imposition of the penalty 施加罰則 Cap. 104, s. 23(4)
imposition imposition 欺騙手段 Cap. 33, s. 59
imposition imposition 強迫 Cap. 332, s. 49(1)
impossibility of impossibility of performance 無法履行(合約) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
performance and Commercial Law Terms
impossibility of performance doctrine 無法履行(合約)原則〔合約因而作廢〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impossible of impossible of performance 不可能履行 Cap. 23, s. 16
impossible rendered impossible by ... 因……而無法進行 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
impostor; imposter impostor; imposter 冒充者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impostor; imposter 騙子 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Impotentia excusat Impotentia excusat legem. [Impossibility excuses the law; the 得免除法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
legem. law does not punish one for not doing what he lacks power to and Commercial Law Terms
Impotentia excusat legem. [Impossibility excuses the law; the 無法履行者得免除法律責任。 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
law does not punish one for not doing what he lacks power to and Commercial Law Terms
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imputed had no knowledge (whether actual, constructive or imputed) 並不知道(不論實際知道或憑法律構定或認定而知道) Cap. 49, s. 3(2)(b)(ii)
imputed 估算的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed 法律認定的〔因某人與另一人的關係(例如僱主與僱員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
、主事人與委託人)而在法律上被認定的,例如認定前 and Commercial Law Terms
imputed 認定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.19
imputed interest 按資本額推算的利息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed knowledge (憑法律)認定而知道的 Cap. 49, s. 3
imputed negligence 法律認定的疏忽責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed notice 法律認定的通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed rent 估算租金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in a lump sum in a lump sum 整筆支付 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.2
in absentia in absentia ["being absent from"] 缺席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in accordance with in accordance with 按照 Cap. 184, s. 2
in accordance with 符合 Cap. 17A, r. 4(1)
in accordance with law 依法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 105
in accordance with law 依照法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 154
in accordance with law 按照法律而行 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)
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in accordance with the laws of the Region 依照香港特別行政區法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
in accordance with the laws of the Region 根據香港特別行政區法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 126
in general accordance with 大致上是按照 Cap. 123A, reg. 37(2)
save under and in accordance with 除非根據與按照 Cap. 145, s. 7(1)
in advance payable in advance 預先繳付 Cap. 98A, reg. 14
In aequali jure melior In aequali jure melior est conditio possidentis [Where rights 在權利相等的情況下管有者佔優勢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est conditio possidentis are equal, the party in possession is favoured.] and Commercial Law Terms
in any way in any way 在任何方面 Cap. 282, s. 26(1)
in arrears payable ... in arrears 於……期末支付 Cap. 230, s. 25(5)(c)
permit ... fee ... to be paid in arrears 准許延繳……費用 Cap. 413L, s. 9(2)
in arrears; in arrear in arrears; in arrear 拖欠(的) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
payable in arrears 下期支付 ※比較 payable in advance English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rent in arrear [also arrears of rent] 欠租 Cap. 4, s. 21F
in articulo mortis in articulo mortis 臨終 Cap. 331, Sch. 2
in autre droit in autre droit ["in another's right"] 代表他人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in autre droit ["in another's right"] 代理他人權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in autre droit ["in another's right"] 行使他人權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in autre droit ["in another's right"] 獲授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in bad faith in bad faith 不真誠地 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.17
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in banc in banc ["on the bench"; in full court; also en banc] 全體法官聽審 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in banc ["on the bench"; in full court; also en banc] 法官席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in behalf of in behalf of 為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in behalf of 就……事而…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in being in being 在世的 Cap. 257, s. 2(1)
in camera conducted in camera 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A
hear proceedings in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 226, s. 20
heard in camera 以非公開形式審理 Cap. 429, s. 8
heard in camera 以閉門形式聆訊 Cap. 561, s. 35
heard in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 112, s. 68
hold ... proceedings in camera 以非公開形式進行……法律程序 Cap. 159, s. 35B(2)
in camera ["in a chamber"] 以非公開形式 Cap. 433A, s. 9
in camera ["in a chamber"] 在法官私室(審議) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in camera ["in a chamber"] 閉門 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in camera inspection (法官)以非公開形式檢查證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sit in camera 進行非公開形式的聆訊 Cap. 159, s. 9B
sit in camera 進行閉門聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in case in case 在……的情況下 Cap. 50, s. 28D(10)(b)(i)
in chambers disposed of in chambers 在內庭處理 Cap. 189A, s. 8
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in his own right in his own right 因其本身權利 Cap. 336E, r. 11(1)
in invitum in invitum ["without consent"; against an unwilling party] 未經同意的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in invitum ["without consent"; against an unwilling party] 違反某方意願的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in its name in its name 以其名義 Cap. 571, s. 214(2)(b)
in its own name 以本身的名義 Cap. 571, s. 388(1)
In judicio non creditur In judicio non creditur nisi juratis. [In court no one is trusted 法庭只信已宣誓者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
nisi juratis. except those sworn.] and Commercial Law Terms
In jure, non remota In jure, non remota causa sed proxima spectatur. [In law, the 法律只問近因而不問遠因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
causa sed proxima proximate, and not the remote, cause is regarded.] and Commercial Law Terms
in kind in kind 實物 Cap. 91B, Sch. 1
in law parent-in-law 配偶的父或母 Cap. 548A, s. 7(2)
parents-in-law 配偶的父母 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
in lieu certificate in lieu 代用證明書 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
in lieu of award damages in lieu of rescission (of contract) 以判給損害賠償代替撤銷合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in lieu of 代替 Cap. 3, s. 36
in lieu of 取代 Cap. 311, s. 49
in lieu of 替代 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in lieu of imprisonment 代替監禁 Cap. 226, s. 18
payment in lieu of notice 代通知金 Cap. 57, s. 8(a)
statement in lieu of prospectus 代替招股章程陳述書 Cap. 32, s. 43(1)
wages in lieu of notice 代通知金 Cap. 380, s. 2
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In pari delicto potior est In pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis. [In a case of 在雙方皆有過失的情況下被告人佔優勢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
conditio defendentis. equal or mutual fault the defending party is in the better and Commercial Law Terms
in pari materia in pari materia ["upon an analogous matter or subject"] 在類似情況下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in pari materia ["upon an analogous matter or subject"] 關於同一事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in pawn in pawn 以……典當方式 Cap. 233, s. 21
in person by a solicitor or in person 由律師代表或親自 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 6(1)
in person 自辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in person 無律師代表[親自應訊] The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in person [also in propria persona] 無律師代表 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 28A
in person [also in propria persona] 親自(出庭等) 參看 pro se; pro persona Cap. 484A, r. 45
litigant in person 無律師代表的訴訟人 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28A
notice of intention to act in person 擬親自行事通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 4
report in person 親自報到 Cap. 115, s. 36(1A)(a)
in personam action in personam 對人的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 2
action in personam 對人訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(1)
Admiralty action in personam 海事對人訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(2)
in personam ["against a person"] 對人 Cap. 4, s. 12C
in place have in place 設有 Cap. 155Q, r. 23(3)(b)
in place of has effect in place of 取代……而有效 Cap. 29, s. 3A(2)
in place of 取代 Cap. 117, s. 29AH
in place of ... 以取代…… Cap. 602, s. 72(3)
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in posse in posse ["potential"; not realized] 可能存在的 ※比較 in esse English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in praesenti in praesenti ["at present"; at the present time] 現在 ※比較 in futuro English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in principle wrong in principle 原則上錯誤 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.107
in private conducted in private 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 604, s. 20(4)
court sitting in private 非公開法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
gross indecency by man with man otherwise than in private 男子與男子非私下作出的嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.95
hear the application in private 閉門聆訊有關申請 Cap. 182, s. 6(4)
heard in private 以非公開形式聆訊 Cap. 161E, s. 43(12)
heard in private 聆訊……以非公開形式進行 Cap. 514, s. 130(2)
held in private 閉門進行 Cap. 571, s. 219(1)(g)
in private 不公開 Cap. 25, s. 18
in private 私下 Cap. 200, s. 118J(2)
in private 於非公開的情況下 Cap. 136, s. 59C(2)
in private 非公開 Cap. 221A, r. 66(2)
in private 非公開形式 Cap. 220, s. 10(2)(a)
in private 閉門 Cap. 571, s. 253(1)(g)
meet in private 以非公開形式舉行會議 Cap. 161E, s. 11(1)
in propria persona in propria persona ["in one's own person"] 無律師代表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in propria persona ["in one's own person"] 親自(出庭) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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inappropriate clearly inappropriate forum 明顯不適當的訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.16
"clearly inappropriate forum" test “明顯不適當訴訟地”測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 8
inappropriate 不適合 Cap. 102A, reg. 31(c)
unduly burdensome or inappropriate 過分沉重的負擔或屬不適當 Cap. 354P, s. 5(1)
inasmuch as inasmuch as 由於 Cap. 227C, Schedule
inbound Mainland inbound tour group 內地入境旅行團 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
incapable incapable 無能力 Cap. 429, s. 12(6)
incapable of 沒有能力 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.225
incapable of 無行為能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.16
incapable of ... 失去……的能力 Cap. 116, s. 52
incapable of acting 無能力行事 Cap. 159, s. 61(1)
incapable of being performed 不能履行 Cap. 609, s. 20(1)
incapable of committing a crime 無能力犯罪 Cap. 115, s. 2(2)(a)
incapable of giving consent 無行為能力給予同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.4
incapable of managing himself and his affairs 無能力照顧自己及處理其事務 Cap. 472, s. 3(6)(j)
incapable of sexual intercourse 無性交能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.34
incapable of writing 無書寫能力 Cap. 32H, r. 141
incapable parties 無行為能力當事人 Cap. 76, Schedule
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Annex 7, para. 2
surplus income 收益盈餘 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(b)
total incomes 全部收入 Cap. 316T, Schedule
unearned income 投資收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unearned income 非經勞動所得收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unearned income 非賺取的收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
income and income and expenditure account 收支表 Cap. 132BG, s. 9(1)
expenditure account
income and expenditure account 收支帳 Cap. 1085, s. 9(4)
income and expenditure account 收支結算表 Cap. 1175, s. 13(2)
incoming incoming administrator 新任管理人 Cap. 426J, s. 6(2)(f)
incoming partner incoming partner 加入的合夥人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompatibility incompatibility 不相容情況 Cap. 276, s. 15(1)
incompatible incompatible 有所抵觸 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.20
incompatible 有抵觸 Cap. 159E, r. 5(c)
incompatible 與……不相容 Cap. 276, s. 15(1)
incompatible with 與……不相符合 Cap. 557, Schedule
incompatible with ... 與……相抵觸 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.124
incompatible with public policy 與公共政策抵觸 Cap. 76, Schedule
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place of incorporation 成立地 Cap. 112DK, Schedule
incorporation incorporation into ... 收納入…… Cap. 383, Long Title
incorporeal incorporeal 無體 Cap. 29, s. 2
incorporeal 無體的 ※比較corporeal English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporeal hereditament 無體可繼承產 Cap. 336, s. 2
incorporeal movable property 無體動產〔無實體的動產,例如知識產權〕 Cap. 23, s. 25B
incorrect factually incorrect 在事實方面不正確 Cap. 112BI, s. 5(3)(b)(ii)
false, incorrect, or incomplete in any material particular 在要項上是虛假、不正確或不完整的 Cap. 151, s. 16(3)
incorrect 不正確 Cap. 622, s. 31(1)(g)(i)
incorrigible incorrigible 不可救藥 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorrigible 無可感化 Cap. 239, s. 8A(c)
increase authorized increase 特准增加額 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
increase 增加額 Cap. 305, s. 2
increase in value 增值 Cap. 111, s. 3(4)(e)
increase of rent 租金的增加額 Cap. 7, s. 32(c)
increased new Government rent 增加的新地稅 Cap. 40, s. 10(2)(a)
incredible incredible defence 不可信的辯護理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
increment accrued by equal daily increment 以相等的每日遞增額累算 Cap. 18, s. 2
in progressive increments 累進的 Cap. 374A, reg. 42(2)(c)
increment 增薪 Cap. 95, Sch. 3
increments 增薪額 Cap. 99A, reg. 22(3)
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para. 2
independent and impartial witness 獨立而公正的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
independent and unbiased advice 獨立而不偏頗的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent bystander 獨立的旁觀者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent commission 獨立委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 88
independent contractor 獨立承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent contractor 獨立承辦商 Cap. 300, s. 2(2)
independent director 獨立董事 Cap. 485A, s. 2
independent dwelling 獨立住宅 Cap. 511C, s. 2(1)
independent investigation committee 獨立的調查委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
independent investment adviser 獨立投資顧問 Cap. 622, s. 238(3)(a)
independent judicial power 獨立的司法權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
independent legal advice 獨立法律意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent of 互不從屬於 Cap. 619, Sch. 7
independent of 與……無關 Cap. 303B, reg. 21(2)
independent of and separate from one another 互相獨立和分開的 Cap. 562, s. 2(4)(a)
independent professional adviser 獨立專業顧問 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent trade mark 獨立商標 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
independent trustee 獨立受託人 Cap. 485A, s. 23(1)(b)
is independent of 是獨立於 Cap. 354O, s. 7(2)
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Criminal Proceedings
irrebuttable inference 不可推翻的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irresistible inference 不可抗拒之推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irresistible inference 無可抗拒的推斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
necessary inference 必然推論 Cap. 23, s. 14
reasonable inference 合理推斷 Cap. 8, s. 22B(2)
rule against pyramiding inferences 反對層疊式推論的規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the only irrebuttable inference 不可推翻的唯一推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the only reasonable inference 唯一合理推斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unavoidable inference 不能避免的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inference-on-inference inference-on-inference rule 不可多重推論原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
rule and Commercial Law Terms
inferencing inferencing rules 推理規則 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
inferential inferential evidence 推論證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inferior inferior court 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 19(2)
inferior court 下級法院 Cap. 4, s. 27(2)(a)
inferior landlord 下一級業主 Cap. 314, s. 5(3)
inferior court inferior court 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 19
inferior court 下級法院 Cap. 4, s. 27
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initiate a motion has been initiated jointly by ... 已……作出聯合動議 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
cause an investigation to be initiated 安排展開調查 Cap. 413K, s. 24(2)
initiate proceedings 提起法律程序 Cap. 525V, Sch. 1
initiated 提出 Cap. 514, s. 15(7)
initiated 發起 Cap. 25, s. 2
initiated by ... 由……引發 Cap. 486, s. 39(3A)
initiates an appeal 提出上訴 Cap. 1A, r. 2
initiating 展開 Cap. 358, s. 40B(7)
initiate initiate 倡導 Cap. 601, s. 4(1)(f)
initiation initiation of prosecution 提出檢控 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
initiative initiative 主動 Cap. 575, s. 12(2B)(b)(ii)
on his own initiative 主動 Cap. 159, s. 9A(2)
on his own initiative 自發 Cap. 375, s. 8A(3)(c)
on its own initiative 主動 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.19
injunction anti-suit injunction 禁止訴訟令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharge an injunction 撤銷……強制令 Cap. 362, s. 30R
injunction 強制令 Cap. 1, s. 64(3)
injunction 禁制令 Cap. 554, s. 28(1)
injunction order 強制令 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
interim injunction 暫時強制令 Cap. 526, s. 12(2)
interim injunction 暫時禁制令 Cap. 554, s. 28(4)
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admit or exclude ... from the inquiry 容許或禁止……旁聽研訊 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(c)
Board of Inquiry 研訊委員會 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
board of inquiry 調查委員會 Cap. 55, s. 2
commissions of inquiry 調查委員會 Cap. 86, Long Title
death inquiry 死因研訊 Cap. 234A, r. 104(2)
disciplinary inquiry 紀律研訊 Cap. 156, s. 18
due and diligent inquiry 妥善而盡職的查訊 Cap. 622, s. 240(3)(b)
due inquiry 適當的研訊 Cap. 156, s. 2(1)
full inquiry 全面查訊 Cap. 32, s. 233(1)
hold an inquiry 舉行研訊 Cap. 138, s. 16(1)
inquiry 查訊 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
inquiry 查詢 Cap. 571, s. 332(7)
inquiry 研訊 Cap. 397, s. 11B(7)(b)
inquiry 調查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inquiry 調查研訊 Cap. 86, s. 3(a)
inquiry by a coroner 死因裁判官進行的死因研訊 Cap. 243, s. 15B(1)
inquiry committee 研訊委員會 Cap. 428, s. 17(1)
letter of inquiry 查訊函件 Cap. 541B, s. 24(9)
make a ... inquiry into 對……進行……調查 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(2)
necessary inquiry 必需的查訊 Cap. 123N, s. 8(b)
notice of inquiry 研訊通知書 Cap. 161E, s. 2
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para. 9.17
intellectual property 知識產權 Cap. 565, s. 8(4)(a)(iii)
intellectual property regime 知識產權制度 Cap. 445, Long Title
intellectual property rights 知識產權權利 Cap. 528, s. 129
people with intellectual disabilities 智障人士 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.25
person with intellectual disability 智力殘障人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
intellectual property intellectual property 知識產權 Cap. 4, s. 44A
intellectual property rights 知識產權權利 Cap. 528, s. 129
intelligence intelligence 消息 Cap. 268, s. 2
security or intelligence 保安或情報 Cap. 521, s. 12(7)
intelligible intelligible 易於理解的 Cap. 446A, s. 5
intelligible testimony 令人明瞭的證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
INTELSAT Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications 與國際通信衞星組織“INTELSAT”有關的協定(連同業 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Satellite Organization "INTELSAT" (with Operating 務協定)
intend conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
expressed or intended by the parties to ... 有關各方所示明或擬使其……的 Cap. 150, s. 3(2)(a)
intend to ... 故意…… Cap. 21, s. 25(5)(a)
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conspiracy to procure girls under 21 to have unlawful sexual 串謀促致年齡在21歲以下的女童與人非法性交 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
intercourse Criminal Proceedings
incapable of sexual intercourse 無性交能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.34
intercourse with mentally incapacitated person 與精神上無行為能力的人性交 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
lawful sexual intercourse 合法性交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(b)
marital intercourse 行房 Cap. 8, s. 8(1)
sexual intercourse 性交 Cap. 200, s. 47(1)
sexual intercourse 發生性關係 Cap. 179, s. 2
sexual intercourse with an animal 與動物性交 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.30
unlawful sexual intercourse 非法性交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1B)
intercourse intercourse or dealings with ... enemy 與敵人……往來或交易 Cap. 346, s. 4(2)(a)
interdict interdict 停職 Cap. 232, s. 17
interdict ... from duty 停止其職務 Cap. 342, s. 12(1)(a)
interdict sb. from duty 停止某人的職務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interdicted 被停職 Cap. 234, s. 20C(3)
interdict interdict 禁令 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 55
interdiction interdiction 停職 Cap. 95, s. 14A(1)
interest absolute interest 絕對權益 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
absolutely vested interest 絕對既得權益 Cap. 73, s. 4(8)
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Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for 《1974年國際海上人命安全公約》1978年議定書 Cap. 369X, reg. 1(3)
the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》的議定 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air 書
relevant international agreement 有關國際協議 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
International Trade
rules of international law 國際法規則 Cap. 557, s. 3(7)
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial 《貿易法委員會國際商事仲裁示範法》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
United Nations International Convention for the Suppression 聯合國《制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
of Terrorist Bombings
International Atomic International Atomic Energy Agency 國際原子能機構 Cap. 190C, Art. 1
Energy Agency
International Bank for International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 國際復興開發銀行 Cap. 558F, s. 2
Reconstruction and
International Bureau register of trade marks maintained ... by the International 國際局……備存的商標註冊簿 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
International Bureau of International Bureau of Intellectual Property 知識產權國際局 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Intellectual Property
International Bureau of International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property 世界知識產權組織國際局 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
the World Intellectual Organization
Property Organization
International Civil International Civil Aviation Organization 國際民用航空組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130
Aviation Organization
International Code for International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
the Construction and Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
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Equipment of Ships
Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk
International Code of International Code of Safety for High-Speed craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
Safety for High-Speed
International Code of International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 2000年國際高速船安全規則 Cap. 369N, Schedule
Safety for High-Speed
International International Commission on Illumination 國際照明委員會 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(3)
Commission on
International International Committee of the Red Cross 紅十字國際委員會 Cap. 503H, Sch. 2
Committee of the Red
International International Convention against the Taking of Hostages 反對劫持人質國際公約 Cap. 468, Long Title
Convention against the
Taking of Hostages
International International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 1973年國際防止船舶造成污染公約 Cap. 413K, s. 2
Convention for the Ships, 1973
Prevention of Pollution
from Ships
International International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 國際海上人命安全公約 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(a)
Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea
International International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist 制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約 Cap. 575, Long Title
Convention for the Bombings
Suppression of Terrorist
International International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
Convention for the of Law relating to Bills of Lading
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Unification of certain
Rules of Law relating to
Bills of Lading
International International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Convention on Civil Pollution Damage, 2001
Liability for Bunker Oil
Pollution Damage
International International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 國際油污損害民事責任公約 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
Convention on Civil Damage
Liability for Oil
Pollution Damage
International International Convention on Standards of Training, 1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約 Cap. 478AH, s. 2
Convention on Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
Standards of Training,
Certification and
Watchkeeping for
Seafarers, 1978
International Court of International Court of Justice 聯合國國際法院 Cap. 190, s. 4(2)
International Covenant International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
on Civil and Political
provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political 《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》中適用於香港的規定 Cap. 383, Long Title
Rights as applied to Hong Kong
International Covenant International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural 經濟、社會與文化權利的國際公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
on Economic, Social Rights
and Cultural Rights
International Criminal International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) 國際刑警組織 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
Police Organisation
International International Electrotechnical Commission 國際電工委員會 Cap. 369AM, reg. 1(2)
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International Finance International Finance Corporation 國際金融公司 Cap. 558F, s. 2
International Labour International Labour Office 國際勞工局 Cap. 478O, s. 2(1)
International Labour International Labour Organization 國際勞工組織 Cap. 190E, Art. 1
International Labour International Labour Organization Convention of 1948 關於結社自由及保障組織權利之國際勞工組織一九四八 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(3)
Organization concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the 年公約
Convention of 1948 Right to Organize
concerning Freedom of
Association and
Protection of the Right
to Organize
international law customary international law 國際習慣法 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
customary international law 習慣國際法 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(c)
international law [also jus gentium] 國際法 Cap. 558, s. 2
international law [also jus gentium] 國際法律 Cap. 468, s. 2
ordinary rules of international law 國際法的一般法則 Cap. 482, s. 3(1)
public international law 國際公法 Cap. 319, s. 6(3)(c)
rules of private international law 國際私法的規則 Cap. 377, s. 3(7)(a)
International International Management Code for the Safe Operation of 國際船舶安全營運與防止污染管理規則 Cap. 369AW, s. 2(1)
Management Code for Ships and for Pollution Prevention
the Safe Operation of
Ships and for Pollution
International Maritime International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 國際海運危險貨物規則 Cap. 413F, s. 1A
Dangerous Goods
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International Maritime International Maritime Organization 國際海事組織 Cap. 369, s. 112A(4)
Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organization 國際海事組織法律委員會 Cap. 605, s. 3(5)
International Maritime International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 國際海運固體散裝貨物規則 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
Solid Bulk Cargoes
International Mobile Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization 《國際活動衞星組織(Inmarsat)公約》 Cap. 190P, Art. 1
Satellite Organization (Inmarsat)
International Mobile Satellite Organization 國際活動衞星組織 Cap. 190P, Art. 1
International Monetary International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金組織 Cap. 558E, s. 2
International International Organisation for Standardization 國際標準化組織 Cap. 369AM, reg. 1(2)
Organisation for
International International Organization of Securities Commissions 證券委員會國際組織 Cap. 155L, s. 226V(1)
Organization of
Securities Commissions
International Radio International Radio Consultative Committee 國際無線電諮詢委員會 Cap. 369BB, s. 2
International Register International Register 國際註冊簿 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
International Standard International Standard 國際標準 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
International Tele- International Telecommunication Union 國際電信聯盟 Cap. 190G, Art. 1
communication Union
International Constitution and Convention of the International 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》 Cap. 106V, Sch. 1
Telecommunication Telecommunication Union
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International Tele- International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 國際通信衞星組織 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Satellite Organization
International Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications 與國際通信衞星組織“INTELSAT”有關的協定(連同業 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Telecommunications Satellite Organization "INTELSAT" (with Operating 務協定)
Satellite Organization Agreement)
internationally Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》
Diplomatic Agents
internationally active 活躍於國際 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 1
internationally internationally recognized standard 國際認可標準 Cap. 509A, s. 18(1)(d)
recognized standard
internee protected internee 受保護的囚犯 Cap. 221, s. 83Q(6)(a)
Internet accessible through the Internet 可透過互聯網查閱 Cap. 624, s. 10(4)(a)
Internet 互聯網 Cap. 582A, r. 3(2)(a)
internship internship 實習 Cap. 480, s. 23A(2)
inter-partes inter-partes hearing 各方出席的聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
interpellate interpellate 質問 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpellate 質詢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interplead interplead 互爭權利 Cap. 23, s. 9
interpleader interpleader 互爭權利訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 14
interpleader issue 互爭權利訴訟的爭論點 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)
interpleader proceedings 互爭權利訴訟 Cap. 300, s. 12
interpleader proceedings 互爭權利訴訟的法律程序 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)
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Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附帶事項 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附帶爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附屬事項 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附屬爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common issue 共通爭論點 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.20
denial by joinder of issue 以有爭論點提出而作的否認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)
doctrine of issue estoppel 已裁決的問題不容推翻的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
expressed joinder of issue 明示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(4)
general issue [案件的]一般爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general issue 概括否認 Cap. 21, s. 12
general issues 一般事宜 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.3
genuinely in issue 確實受爭議 Cap. 528, s. 121(8)(b)
immaterial issue 無關鍵性的爭議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implied joinder of issue 默示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 20(2)
in issue 有爭論的 Cap. 17A, r. 18(1)
in issue 受爭議的 Cap. 287, s. 5(1)(d)
incidental issue 附帶爭論點 Cap. 609, s. 103D(3)
inter-jurisdictional issue 跨司法管轄區的爭論點 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
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Annex 3
interpleader issue 互爭權利訴訟的爭論點 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)
issue 事宜 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.3
issue 議題 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.10
issue (n.) 爭論點 Cap. 336H, O. 33, r. 1
issue (n.) 爭議點 Cap. 571, s. 252
issue between the claimants be stated and tried 申索人之間的爭論點須予呈述並審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 5(1)(b)
issue estoppel [also issue preclusion] 已裁決的爭論點不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue of jurisdiction 司法管轄權的爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
issue of law 法律爭議 Cap. 527A, s. 3(2)(c)
issues in dispute 所爭議的爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 21(2)
issues involved 所涉的爭論點 Cap. 559, s. 83(2)(d)
issues of fact 事實爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(1)(b)
join issue 共同提出爭論點供裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join issue 有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14
join issue 對提出的爭論點進行辯論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join issue on ... 就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(2)(b)
joinder of issue 有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(1)
legal issue 法律爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
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joint and several liability 共同及各別的法律責任 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.20
joint and several liability 共同和各別的法律責任〔共同承擔並各自分別承擔的法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
律責任〕 and Commercial Law Terms
joint and several note 共同及各別的承付票 Cap. 19, s. 91(2)
joint application 聯合申請 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint attorney 共同受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.7
joint authorship 共同撰寫 Cap. 362, s. 16G(2)(g)
joint certificate 聯合證明書 Cap. 372, Sch. 3
joint charge 共同控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint claim 聯名索償 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.113
joint creditors 共同債權人 Cap. 6A, r. 141
joint custody 共同管養 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
joint debtors 共同債務人 Cap. 6, s. 101
joint debts 共同債項 Cap. 6, s. 38(7)
joint default 共同違責 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(a)(iii)
joint dissenting opinion 聯合的異議意見 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
joint enterprise 共同犯罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
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Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.15
joint holders 聯名持有人 Cap. 622, s. 432(2)(a)
joint insolvency 共同無力償債 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(a)(iii)
joint interest 共同……權益 Cap. 571, s. 345(14)
joint interest 聯權共有權益 Cap. 562, s. 2(7)
joint inventor 共同發明人 Cap. 514, s. 59(3)(c)
joint liability 共同法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint lives 共同在生之時 Cap. 181, Sch. 1
joint notice 聯合公告 Cap. 1146, s. 3
joint offenders 共犯 Cap. 132, s. 141(2)(b)
joint owner 共有人 Cap. 111A, Schedule
joint owners [joint tenants or tenants in common] 共同擁有人〔聯權共有人或分權共有人〕 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
joint owners [joint tenants or tenants in common] 聯名擁有人 Cap. 221, s. 95
joint owners [joint tenants or tenants in common] 聯權擁有人 Cap. 112, s. 56A
joint ownership 聯權共有權 Cap. 112, s. 42(1)(a)(ii)(a)
joint performer 合作表演者 Cap. 528, s. 272J(1)
joint possession 共同管有 Cap. 109, s. 17(10)
joint power 共同權力 Cap. 182, s. 17(d)
joint property 聯權共有財產 Cap. 38, s. 4(a)
joint proprietors 共同所有人 Cap. 514, s. 13(1)(b)
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Criminal Proceedings
enforcement action upon a judgment 強制執行某項判決的行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter judgment 登錄判決〔司法行政行為。判決作出後,將判決正式登 Cap. 336H, O. 37, r. 2
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
enter judgment for ... as against ... 就……登錄……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 4(1)
enter up judgment 登錄判決 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
entering of partial judgment 登錄部分判決 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
entry of judgment 登錄判決 Cap. 338, s. 17(2)
entry of the judgment 該判決……的記項 Cap. 336H, O. 13, r. 7(4)
execution of judgment 強制執行判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execution of the judgment 執行判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
extempore judgment 當庭宣判的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
final judgment 終局判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
final judgment 最終判決 Cap. 336H, O. 29, r. 12
foreign judgment 外地判決 Cap. 319, s. 8
formal judgment 正式判決 Cap. 484A, r. 31(2)(a)
give judgment for sb. 判(決)某人勝訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
give judgment for the claim 作出該申索勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(5)
gives a judgment 作出判決 Cap. 609, s. 17(4)(a)
giving judgment against ... 判決……敗訴 Cap. 414, s. 25(11)
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judgment for sb. 判某人勝訴的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment from which leave to appeal is sought 尋求上訴許可所針對的判決 Cap. 484A, r. 5(2)(a)
judgment in default of (acknowledgment of) service 在欠缺送達認收書的情況下作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment in default of appearance 缺席判決 Cap. 338, s. 17
judgment in default of defence 基於欠缺抗辯書而取得判決 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
judgment is given against ... 被判敗訴 Cap. 622, s. 469(2)(b)(ii)
judgment is given for the defendant 判被告人得直 Cap. 21, s. 9(1)
judgment is reserved 判決經予保留 Cap. 227, s. 5A(4)
judgment is reserved 保留判決 Cap. 338, s. 4A
judgment non obstante veredicto; j.n.o.v. ["judgment 與陪審團裁決不同的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
notwithstanding the verdict"] and Commercial Law Terms
judgment on liability 就法律責任問題作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment or order is pronounced 宣告判決或命令 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5B(1)
judgment passes for the plaintiff 原告人獲判勝訴 Cap. 7, s. 133
judgment rate 判決利率 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
judgment rate (of interest) 判定利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment rate (of interest) 判定債項的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law 刑事民事之判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
judgment roll 判決紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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Judicial Officers Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission 司法人員推薦委員會 Cap. 484, s. 6(1)
judicial review application for judicial review 申請司法覆核 Cap. 4, s. 21K(1)
judicial review 司法覆核 Cap. 4, s. 14A
judicially acting judicially 以司法官員身分行事的 Cap. 32, s. 289(2)
are to be judicially noticed 須獲司法認知 Cap. 485, s. 34A(8)
judicially noticed 予以司法認知 Cap. 1, s. 11
person acting judicially 以司法人員身分行事的人 Cap. 11, s. 2
Judiciary judiciary 司法機構 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.61
judiciary 司法機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 80
members of the judiciary 司法人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
Judiciary Accountant Judiciary Accountant 司法機構會計師 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 12(2)
Judiciary Administrator Judiciary Administrator 司法機構政務長 Cap. 401, s. 11B(1)
judicious judicious 明智而審慎的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicious 明斷的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jura regalia jura regalia (arch.) ["royal rights"; royal prerogatives] 君主特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jura regalia (arch.) ["royal rights"; royal prerogatives] 君主審判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jura regalia (arch.) ["royal rights"; royal prerogatives] 君權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jurat jurat 誓章末處 Cap. 4A, O. 41, r. 1(8)
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jus ad rem jus ad rem ["right to a thing"] 物權 參看 jus in re English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus civile jus civile ["law of the citizen"; also civil law] 民事法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus civile ["law of the citizen"; also civil law] 民法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus civile ["law of the citizen"; also civil law] 私法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus cogens jus cogens ["coercive law"] 強制性法則 ※比較 jus naturale English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus dare jus dare ["to give or make the law"] 立法與訂定法律的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus dicere jus dicere ["to declare or decide the law"] 判決與闡釋法律的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Jus ex injuria non Jus ex injuria non oritur. [A right cannot or does not arise out 不法行為不能產生權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur. of a wrong.] and Commercial Law Terms
jus gentium jus gentium ["the law of nations"; international law] 國際法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus in personam jus in personam ["right against a person"] 對人的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus in re aliena jus in re aliena ["a right in another's property"; e.g. an 在他人物業中的權利〔如地役權〕 參看 easement English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
easement] and Commercial Law Terms
jus in re; jus in rem jus in re; jus in rem ["right in or over a thing; right against a 對物的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
thing"] and Commercial Law Terms
jus naturale jus naturale ["the law of nature"; private natural right; natural 自然法則 ※比較 jus cogens English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
lawalso lex naturae] and Commercial Law Terms
Jus quo universitates Jus quo universitates utuntur est idem quod habent privati. 法團行使的權利與個人所享有的一樣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
utuntur est idem quod [The right that corporations exercise is the same as the right and Commercial Law Terms
habent privati. that individuals possess.]
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jus tertii, plea of jus tertii, plea of 第三方權利之訴 參看 plea of jus tertii English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just deem just 認為公平 Cap. 310, s. 6
for the just and expeditious disposal of the proceedings 為公正而迅速地了結法律程序 Cap. 619D, r. 53(1)
just 公平 Cap. 247, s. 7(1)
just 公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just allowances 公正的扣減項目 Cap. 18, s. 5
just allowances 屬於公正的酌量餘地 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 6
just and convenient 公正及適宜 Cap. 4, s. 21K(2)
just and equitable 公正公平 Cap. 466, s. 29(7)(d)
just and expedient 公正合宜 Cap. 622, s. 346(2)
just and expeditious disposal 公正而迅速地處理 Cap. 5C, r. 3(1)
just and proper 公正和恰當 Cap. 89, s. 7A
just and proper sentence 公正恰當的判刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
just and reasonable 公正合理 Cap. 17, s. 7C
just and reasonable 公正而合理的 Cap. 492, s. 15(c)
just and true 確當真實的 Cap. 332, s. 35(1)
just cause 公正因由 Cap. 197, s. 10
just cause 確當因由 Cap. 227C, Schedule
just deserts 應有的獎懲 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just deserts 應得的賞或罰 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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as the justice of the case may require 在案中秉持公正所需的 Cap. 484A, r. 7(2)
as the justice of the case may require 為在該案件達致公正所需 Cap. 528, s. 108(2)
as the justice of the case may require 就該案的公正原則所需 Cap. 374, s. 67(1)
as the justice of the case requires 為……案件的公正所需 Cap. 514, s. 129(3)(a)
attaining justice 秉行公正 Cap. 17, s. 10(5)(a)
attempt to pervert the course of public justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attempting to pervert the course of justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice 串謀妨礙司法公正 Cap. 455, Sch. 1
court of justice 法院 Cap. 8, s. 31
criminal justice system 刑事司法體系 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, Long Title
defeat or delay the ends of justice 妨礙或拖延達到公正的目的 Cap. 233, s. 25
defeat the ends of justice 有礙公正 Cap. 226, s. 4(c)
denial of justice [also justitia denegata] 拒予司法公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
do justice 秉行公正 Cap. 445, s. 9(3)
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
doing complete justice 達致完全公正 Cap. 6, s. 97(1)
failure of justice 不公正的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure of justice 錯判 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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for the purpose of justice in a criminal case 為某宗刑事案件的公正 Cap. 340, s. 6(1)(c)
for the purposes of justice 為秉行公正 Cap. 4A, App. A
in the course of justice 司法過程 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in the interest of truth and justice 為維護真相及公正 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
in the interests of justice 合乎公正原則 Cap. 527A, s. 4(2)
in the interests of justice 有利於司法公正 Cap. 405, s. 26(6)
in the interests of justice 有利於秉行公正 Cap. 112, s. 69(3)(e)(ii)(B)
in the interests of justice 為了司法公正 Cap. 221, s. 79C(4)(c)
in the interests of justice 為公正起見 Cap. 480C, s. 2(b)
in the interests of justice 為司法公正 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.13
in the interests of justice 為司法公正的利益 Cap. 503P, Schedule
in the interests of justice 為秉行公正 Cap. 41, Sch. 10
in the interests of justice 為達致公正 Cap. 234, s. 12(2)
in the interests of justice 為維護公正起見 Cap. 487C, s. 1(b)
interests of justice 司法公義 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
interests of justice so require 為維護公正而有所需要 Cap. 416, s. 4(1)(b)
interfere with the course of justice 妨礙司法公正 Cap. 287, s. 4(1)
justice 公正 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
justice 司法公正 Cap. 394, s. 9(4)
justice ... be done 秉行公正 Cap. 405, s. 26(2)(b)
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Justitia nemini neganda Justitia nemini neganda est. [Justice is to be denied to none.] 任何人的法律權利不得被剝奪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est. and Commercial Law Terms
justly justly and truly 確實正當 Cap. 32H, Appendix
justly and truly indebted justly and truly indebted to sb. 確實拖欠某人債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
to sb. and Commercial Law Terms
juvenile accused juvenile persons 少年被告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(2)(b)
juvenile 少年 Cap. 213, s. 2
juvenile 青少年 Cap. 390, s. 22
juvenile court 少年法庭 Cap. 213, s. 2
juvenile delinquent 少年罪犯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juvenile offender 少年犯 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.20,
Footnote 5
juvenile offenders 少年犯人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(3)
juvenile prisoners 青少年囚犯 Cap. 524, s. 2(c)
keep keep 保存 Cap. 98, s. 28
keep 設置 Cap. 81A, reg. 7C(1)
keep a bank account 開設銀行帳戶 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
keep a register 備存……名冊 Cap. 470, s. 3(1)
keep and maintain 備存和保存 Cap. 295B, reg. 60(6)
keep in captivity 關禁 Cap. 607, s. 37(2)(a)(i)
keep ... informed of ... 使……經常得悉…… Cap. 1115, s. 11
keep order 維持……秩序 Cap. 541F, s. 49(1)
keep records 備存紀錄 Cap. 57B, reg. 7
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Criminal Proceedings
specialized knowledge 專門知識 Cap. 159G, r. 5(b)
subjective knowledge 主觀的認知 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
test of knowledge 評定是否知情的標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the source of the deponent's knowledge 宣誓人所知之事的來源 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 5(b)(iv)
to his knowledge 據他所知 Cap. 92, s. 11(2)
to the best of his knowledge and belief 就其所知及所信 Cap. 25, s. 11(4)
to the best of his knowledge and belief 盡其所知所信 Cap. 316, s. 13(1)
to the best of one's knowledge and belief 盡某人所知所信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the best of the declarant's knowledge 盡聲明人所知 Cap. 549D, s. 4(2)(b)
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief 盡其所知所悉及所信 Cap. 6A, r. 49(5)(c)
with the individual's knowledge and consent 在其知情及同意下 Cap. 41, s. 13A(3)(b)
with the knowledge and consent of ... 在……知悉和同意的情況下 Cap. 41, Sch. 4
with the knowledge and consent of ... 在……知情和同意的情況下 Cap. 554, s. 29(1)
with the relevant knowledge or intent 知悉有關的情況或懷有有關的意圖 Cap. 554, s. 43(1)
within his knowledge 就其所知 Cap. 436C, s. 5(2)(b)(iii)
within his knowledge as ... 在……所知的範圍內 Cap. 514, s. 131(2)(d)
within the personal knowledge of ... ……個人所知 Cap. 359A, reg. 19(2)(b)
without his knowledge 在他不知情的情況下 Cap. 109, s. 23(2)
without ... knowledge 不知情 Cap. 32, s. 40(4)
known last known 最後為人所知的 Cap. 217, s. 9(5)(b)(ii)
make known to the court 讓法院知悉 Cap. 6A, r. 122V(2)(d)
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adjoining land 毗鄰土地 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoining land 鄰接土地 Cap. 53B, para. 2
adverse title to land 相逆土地業權 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
all that piece or parcel of land 該整幅土地 Cap. 1156, Schedule
all that piece or parcel of land 整片或整幅土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allocation of ... land 編配……土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
capacities in relation to, ... land 在……土地……所佔的……身分 Cap. 128A, reg. 6(2)(c)
ceased to have any estate or interest in the land 停止擁有土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
charge on ... land 土地押記 Cap. 97, s. 2
claiming an estate or interest in the land 聲稱在……土地享有任何產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
contiguous or adjacent land 相連或毗鄰土地 Cap. 17A, Schedule
contiguous or adjacent land 相連或毗鄰的土地 Cap. 276, s. 8
dispossessed land 被剝奪管有權的土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed of ... land 被剝奪對土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disputed land 爭議土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
divest such land 將該土地不再如此歸屬 Cap. 372, s. 7B(1)
division of land 土地分割 Cap. 128, s. 23(2)
easements in, over or under any land 任何土地的地役權或其上或其下的地役權 Cap. 17, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)
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unregistered and registered land system 非註冊土地及註冊土地的制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
unregistered land 非註冊土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
user of the land 土地……用途 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
user of the land 土地使用者 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
vacate the land 搬走以騰出土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
vacate the land 遷出土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land landed 卸岸 Cap. 456, s. 2
landing 卸在陸上 Cap. 291, Long Title
lands 運抵 Cap. 200, s. 105(a)
land land vehicle 陸上交通工具 Cap. 406, s. 21(1)(d)
place on land 陸上地方 Cap. 548, s. 2
transport on land 陸上運輸 Cap. 104, s. 5(2)
Land Authority Land Authority 最高地政監督 Cap. 208, s. 16(1)
Land Development Land Development Corporation 土發公司 Cap. 563, s. 37(1)
Land Office Land Office 田土註冊處 Cap. 150, s. 5(2)(a)
Land Officer Land Officer 田土註冊處處長 Cap. 150, s. 4(2)(a)
Land Registrar Land Registrar 土地註冊處處長 Cap. 200, s. 153K(5)(b)
Land Registry Land Registry 土地註冊處 Cap. 344, s. 2
Land Registry register 土地註冊處註冊紀錄冊 Cap. 150, s. 3(1)
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para. 5.12
common law doctrine of secondary participation 普通法的次級參與原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common law jurisdiction 普通法司法管轄區 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.35
common law presumption 普通法推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, Preface , para. 8
common law principle of finality 普通法下的終結性原則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
common law privilege 普通法特權 Cap. 486, s. 44(2)(d)(ii)
common law wife 普通法妻子 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common question of law 同一法律問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law or fact 共同的法律或事實問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
competition law 競爭法 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.111
conclusion of law 法律上的結論 ※比較 finding of fact English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constitutional and administrative law 憲制與行政法 Cap. 159Q, s. 5
construction ... of laws 法例的釋疑 Cap. 1, Long Title
continental law 大陸法〔大陸法系國家的法律制度〕 參看 civil law; jus English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
civile and Commercial Law Terms
contrary to law 違反法律 Cap. 301, s. 24(c)
corresponding law 相應法律 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
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laws enacted by the legislature of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區的立法機關制定的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
Administrative Region
laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 在香港特別行政區實行的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
laws of Hong Kong 香港法律 Cap. 523, s. 14(4)
laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
laws passed by the [Legislative] Council 立法會通過……的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 64
laws previously in force 原有法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
laws ... relating to labour 有關勞工的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 147
laws to be instituted after the establishment of the Hong Kong 香港特別行政區設立後實行的……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Special Administrative Region Document 10
learned in the law 精通法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of the law 法律字面上的涵義 ※比較 spirit of the law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
maritime law 海事法律 Cap. 478, s. 34(6)
martial law 戒嚴令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
martial law 軍法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
military law 軍法 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(c)
minions of the law 執法者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
minions of the law 警察 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
misapplication of law 錯誤引用法律 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mistake of any matter of law 任何法律事宜……方面的錯誤 Cap. 519, s. 33(2)(b)
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proved guilty according to law 依法確定有罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
provided by law 法律所規定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(3)
provision of law 法律條文 Cap. 76, s. 2
public law 公法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pure theory of law [Hans Kelsen's theory] 法律的純粹論〔把法律與社會、道德、經濟等分離的一 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
派法學理論〕 and Commercial Law Terms
pure theory of law [Hans Kelsen's theory] 純粹法學〔把法律與社會、道德、經濟等分離的一派法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
學理論〕 and Commercial Law Terms
put to one's law 將某人交由法院審訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
qualified in law 具有法律專業資格 Cap. 17, s. 2
question of law 法律問題 Cap. 221, s. 81D
question of law arising out of ... ……所產生的法律問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
question of mixed law and fact 法律兼事實問題 Cap. 221, s. 82
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭考慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 保留法律問題待上訴法庭考慮 Cap. 221, s. 81, Heading
restrained by law 受到法律制止 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
return the law in question 將有關法律發回 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law 在任何所在有被承認為法律人格之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 13
right to the protection of the law 受法律保護之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(2)
Roman civil law 羅馬法 參看 civil law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
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