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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Headword English Expression Chinese Expression Source

a consiliis a consiliis ["of counsel"] 非主要發言大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
a consiliis ["of counsel"] 屬大律師身分的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a fortiori a fortiori ["much more so"; from the stronger case; with 何況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
stronger reason; with greater force] and Commercial Law Terms
a fortiori ["much more so"; from the stronger case; with 更不用說 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
stronger reason; with greater force] and Commercial Law Terms
a fortiori ["much more so"; from the stronger case; with 更加 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
stronger reason; with greater force] and Commercial Law Terms
a fortiori ["much more so"; from the stronger case; with 更有理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
stronger reason; with greater force] and Commercial Law Terms
a posteriori a posteriori ["from what comes after"; inductive reasoning] 由果溯因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a posteriori ["from what comes after"; inductive reasoning] 推溯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a posteriori ["from what comes after"; inductive reasoning] 憑經驗的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a posteriori ["from what comes after"; inductive reasoning] 歸納 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a priori a priori ["from what comes before"; deductive reasoning] 由因及果 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a priori ["from what comes before"; deductive reasoning] 先驗的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a priori ["from what comes before"; deductive reasoning] 推理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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a priori ["from what comes before"; deductive reasoning] 演繹 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a quo a quo ["from which"] 由此 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a quo ["from which"] 來自 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court a quo [the court from which ...] 原審法院 ※比較 court ad quem English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ab assuetis non fit Ab assuetis non fit injuria. [No injury is done by things long 早已默許之事不能構成損害 ※比較 Volenti non fit injuria. English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
injuria. acquiesced in.] and Commercial Law Terms
ab initio ab initio 一開始 Cap. 227, s. 33(d)
ab initio ["from the beginning"] 由最初開始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ab initio ["from the beginning"] 自始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ab initio ["from the beginning"] 從一開始 Cap. 527, s. 54
void ab initio 由最初開始即屬無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
void ... ab initio 從一開始……無效 Cap. 527, s. 54(4)(g)
abandon abandon 拋棄 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.71
abandoned 被扔棄 Cap. 354N, s. 2
abandoned 被棄置 Cap. 374, s. 107(1)
abandoned 遺棄 Cap. 290, s. 6(1)(a)
abandoned or bequeathed 遺棄歸予或遺贈予 Cap. 1163, s. 6(c)

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abandons 放棄 Cap. 406, s. 41(6)

abandons 棄辦 Cap. 630, s. 70(8)
abandons or exposes 拋棄或遺棄 Cap. 212, s. 26
compound or abandon ... legal proceedings 了結或放棄……法律程序 Cap. 50, s. 18(1)(j)
the poll is abandoned 中止進行投票 Cap. 541F, s. 95(3)
vehicle has been abandoned 車輛已遭棄置 Cap. 594, s. 23(2)
abandoned abandoned property 棄置財產 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
abandonment abandonment 拋棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment 放棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment 遺棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment of appeal 放棄上訴 Cap. 227, s. 117, Heading
abandonment of claim 放棄申索 Cap. 2, s. 38
abandonment of contract 放棄合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment of goods 放棄(管有)貨品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment of right 放棄權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment of ... ship 棄船 Cap. 369, s. 80
abandonment of trade mark 放棄商標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment of way 放棄通道權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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notice of abandonment 放棄上訴通知 Cap. 221A, r. 39

notice of abandonment 放棄申請通知 Cap. 221G, r. 6
voluntary abandonment 自願放棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
voluntary abandonment 遺棄配偶或子女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abandonment notice of abandonment 委付通知 Cap. 329, s. 57(2)
abate abate 中止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate 使無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate 消除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate 消減 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate 終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate 減少 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate 減除 Cap. 466, s. 12(2)(c)
abate 撤銷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate a debt 減除債務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate a legal action 中止訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate a legal action 撤銷法律行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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abate a nuisance 消除滋擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
abate a nuisance 減除妨擾 Cap. 139E, reg. 115
abate a nuisance 減除滋擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate legal proceedings 中止法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate legal proceedings 終止法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate noise 消減噪音 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abate pollution 減除污染 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abatement abatement of freehold (arch.) 侵入自由保有的產業〔在合法繼承人進入前侵入不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
〕 and Commercial Law Terms
abatement abatement 減少 Cap. 413, s. 2
abatement 減除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abatement notices 消減通知 Cap. 311, s. 9(b)
abatement of liability to ... 減除……的法律責任 Cap. 210, s. 18B(1)(c)
abatement order 減除令 Cap. 132, s. 127(5)
fire hazard abatement notice 消除火警危險通知書 Cap. 95F, s. 2(1)
marine pollution abatement notice 減除海洋污染通知書 Cap. 466, s. 12(1)
noise abatement notice 消減噪音通知書 Cap. 400, s. 10(1)(c)
abdicate abdicate 正式放棄(權力、權利、責任等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abduction abduction 拐帶 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

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and Persons with Mental

Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.18
abduction 誘拐 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
abduction 擄拐 Cap. 554, s. 13(2)(d)
child abduction 拐帶兒童 Cap. 503R, Schedule
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2
aberrant aberrant 異常的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aberrant 變態的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aberration aberration 心理失常 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aberration 過失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aberration 精神迷亂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aberration 錯誤行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abet abet 教唆 Cap. 497, s. 6
aiding and abetting 協助及教唆 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.6
abetting aiding and abetting 協助及教唆 Cap. 503Q, Schedule
abeyance abeyance 擱置 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abeyance 懸空 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

action held in abeyance 擱置中的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abeyant property abeyant property 無歸屬財產〔尚未確定物主的財產〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abide abide by 遵守 Cap. 227, s. 110(1)
abide by 遵從 Cap. 556D, s. 21(2)
abide by the laws 遵守……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
to abide the event of the action 以依從訴訟的結果 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 6
abide by abide by 堅持 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abide by 遵守 Cap. 227, s. 110
abide by 遵從 Cap. 556D, s. 21
abide by decided cases 遵循判例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ability ability 才能 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103
ability 能力 Cap. 374B, reg. 9(2)(b)
impede the ability of 損害……的能力 Cap. 628, s. 150(3)(b)(ii)
loses the ability to discharge ... duties 無力履行職務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 52
to the best of his skill and ability 盡其技能及能力 Cap. 221A, r. 10(b)
to the best of the deponent's ability 盡宣誓人所能 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 13(2)(b)
abjudge abjudge (arch.) 藉判決褫奪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abjuration of the realm abjuration of the realm [also oath of abjuration] 棄國宣誓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abjure abjure 宣布放棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

abjure 宣誓放棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abnepos abnepos [great-great grandson; also adnepos] 玄孫子 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abneptis abneptis [great-great granddaughter; also adneptis] 玄孫女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abnormal abnormal behaviour 反常行為 Cap. 234A, r. 91(3)
abnormality abnormality of mind 神志失常 Cap. 339, s. 3(1)
abnormality of mind abnormality of mind 神志失常 Cap. 339, s. 3(1)
abnormally abnormally aggressive ... conduct 有異常侵略性……的行為 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
abode abode 居留 Cap. 383, s. 8
last or most usual place of abode 最後或最慣常居住的地方 Cap. 525A, s. 4(1)(b)(i)
place of abode 居住地方 Cap. 210, s. 27
place of abode 居所 Cap. 7, s. 130
place of abode 居籍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right of abode 居留權 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
usual place of abode 通常居住地址 Cap. 374, s. 73(5)(a)
usual place of abode 慣常居所 Cap. 190H, Art. 13
usual place of abode or business 慣常居住或營業的地點 Cap. 17A, r. 7(1)(b)(ii)
abolish civil proceedings ... are hereby abolished ……民事法律程序現予廢除 Cap. 300, s. 10
office has been abolished 職位已廢去 Cap. 1, s. 45(a)
rule of law ... is hereby abolished ……法律規則,現予取消 Cap. 257, s. 4
abolition abolition 取消 Cap. 401, s. 7(1)(d)

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aborted aborted trial 中斷的審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
abortion self-induced abortion 自我引發的墮胎 Cap. 504C, Schedule
abridge abridge 削減 Cap. 300, s. 9(1)
abridge 縮短 Cap. 32H, r. 208
abridge ... power 減損……權力 Cap. 107, s. 22
abridged assessment of costs 節略的訟費評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abridgement abridgement 削減 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abridgement of damages (由法庭)削減損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abridgement of rights 削減權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abridgement abridgement 節本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abrogate abrogate 取消 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abrogate 廢止 Cap. 221, s. 60
abrogate 廢除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abrogate 撤銷※比較obrogate Cap. 212, s. 33A
abrogation abrogation 廢止 Cap. 622, s. 90(9)
abrogation 廢棄 Cap. 503K, Schedule
abrogation of privilege 減損特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abscond abscond 潛逃 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(a)

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abscond from bail 棄保潛逃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
abscond while on bail 保釋期間潛逃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
absconder absconder 潛逃者 Cap. 405, s. 27(1)(ba)(i)
absence absence 不在場 Cap. 298A, r. 30
absence 缺席 Cap. 419B, reg. 11(2)(b)
absence 缺勤 Cap. 408, s. 7(1)
absence from duty 缺勤 Cap. 1115, s. 8(1)
absence from duty 曠職 Cap. 374J, reg. 3(2)(a)
absence from Hong Kong 不在香港 Cap. 1145, s. 11(3)
absence from work 缺勤 Cap. 32, s. 265(5C)
absence on trial 暫試離院安排 Cap. 136, s. 39(2)
in the absence of ... 當……不在時 Cap. 1163, s. 8(4)
in the absence of the jury 於陪審團退席時 Cap. 200, s. 154(2)
in the absence of the parties 在案中各方俱缺席的情況下 Cap. 227, s. 7F(1)
absence absence of remorse 沒有悔意 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in the absence of 沒有 Cap. 459, s. 21(5)
in the absence of agreement 未能達成協議 Cap. 247, s. 8
in the absence of contrary evidence 無相反證據 Cap. 406, s. 58
in the absence of evidence to the contrary 在沒有相反證據的情況下 Cap. 476A, s. 3(3)
in the absence of fraud 在沒有欺詐的情況下 Cap. 29, s. 30
in the absence of proof to the contrary 在沒有相反證明的情況下 Cap. 113, s. 6(3)(b)
absence of a party absence of a party 一方缺席 Cap. 336H, O. 32, r. 5

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absence of a party 與訟一方缺席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
absent absent 缺席 Cap. 227, s. 18
absent 缺勤 Cap. 159, s. 22(a)
absent from a prison 離獄外出 Cap. 234, s. 11
absent from duty without leave 擅離職守 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(l)
absent from duty without salary 無薪缺勤 Cap. 99A, reg. 21(1)(e)
absent on leave 因休假而缺勤 Cap. 99A, reg. 13(1)
absent without leave 擅離職守 Cap. 478, s. 110(1)
temporarily absent 暫不在場 Cap. 313, s. 60A(2)(a)
absente reo absente reo ["the defendant being absent"] 被告人缺席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absentee absentee without leave 擅離職守者 Cap. 200, s. 7(2)(b)
absolute absolute 不附帶條件的 Cap. 26, s. 3(2)
absolute 全權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolute 絕對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolute assignment 絕對轉讓 Cap. 23, s. 9
absolute discharge 完全解除 Cap. 515, Schedule
absolute discharge 無條件釋放 Cap. 221, s. 76(2)(b)(iii)
absolute discretion 絕對的酌情權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolute discretion 絕對酌情決定權 Cap. 159, s. 30(1)(a)
absolute discretion 絕對酌情權 Cap. 17A, r. 23(3)

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absolute exemption 絕對豁免 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 3.16
absolute gift 無條件的饋贈 Cap. 23, s. 25(2)
absolute immunity 絕對豁免 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.17,
Footnote 15
absolute interest 絕對權益 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
absolute liability 絕對法律責任〔須絕對承擔的法律責任〕 Cap. 374, s. 13
absolute liability offence 絕對法律責任罪行 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.1, Footnote 1
absolute majority of votes 絕對多數票 Cap. 547, Sch. 5
absolute offence 絕對刑責的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
absolute or conditional discharge 無條件或有條件的釋放 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
absolute owner 絕對擁有人 Cap. 1034, s. 3(7)
absolute ownership 絕對擁有權 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
absolute power of disposition 絕對處置權 Cap. 111, s. 6(5)
absolute title 絕對所有權 Cap. 548, s. 67(3)
absolute title 絕對業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
absolute undertaking 絕對保證 Cap. 462, s. 5
assignation or disposition ex facie absolute 任何形式上的絕對轉讓或絕對產權處置 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
before the decree is made absolute 於判令轉為絕對判令之前 Cap. 179, s. 15C(1)

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charging order absolute 絕對押記令 Cap. 4A, App. A

decree absolute 絕對判令 Cap. 177A, reg. 4
defence of absolute privilege 絕對特權免責辯護 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(b)(ii)
full and absolute power 全面和絕對權力 Cap. 1112A, r. 10(3)
order absolute 絕對命令 Cap. 336H, O. 50, r. 3
order of foreclosure absolute 絕對止贖令 Cap. 219, s. 53(2)
rule absolute 決定性的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rule absolute 絕對的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rule absolute 絕對規令 Cap. 4, s. 21I
sole and absolute discretion 獨有絕對酌情決定權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
term of years absolute 既定年期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
term of years absolute 絕對年期 Cap. 219, s. 2
under the absolute control of ... 受到……全權控制 Cap. 153, s. 7(1)
absolute in absolute terms 以實際數值計算 Cap. 155M, s. 29(2)
absolutely absolutely 完全 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolutely 無保留地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolutely 無條件 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)(a)
absolutely 絕對地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolutely necessary 有絕對需要 Cap. 340, s. 9(1)

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absolutely or conditionally 無條件或有條件地 Cap. 622, s. 342(1)(a)(i)

absolutely or subject to conditions 在無條件下或附加條件下 Cap. 537A, s. 1(3)
absolutely privileged 絕對特權 Cap. 604, s. 41(2)
absolutely vested interest 絕對既得權益 Cap. 73, s. 4(8)
held on trust for ... absolutely 為……的絕對權益而以信託形式持有 Cap. 73, Sch. 1
void absolutely 絕對無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
withdrawn absolutely 完全被撤銷 Cap. 134, s. 33(6)(a)
absolve absolve 免除 Cap. 314, s. 3
absolve sb. of/from his liability 免除(某人的)法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absorbency higher loss absorbency ratio 較高吸收虧損能力比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)
abstain abstain 不作出 Cap. 201, s. 4
abstain from doing any act 不作出任何作為 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 5
abstain from voting 放棄表決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abstains from doing the thing forbidden 不做違禁的事情 Cap. 227C, Schedule
abstention abstentions 棄權票 Cap. 344, s. 2B(d)
abstract abstract 摘要 Cap. 112, s. 23(2)
abstract 撮錄 Cap. 514C, s. 56(2)(a)
take ... abstract of or extract from ... 撮錄或摘錄…… Cap. 159AI, s. 9(3)
abstract of title abstract of title 業權證明書摘要 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Abundans cautela non Abundans cautela non nocet. [Abundant caution does no 再多的謹慎也不會造成損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
nocet. harm.] and Commercial Law Terms

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abuse abuse 濫用 Cap. 91A, reg. 11(1)

abuse of discretion 濫用酌情決定權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
abuse ... of duty 濫用職權 Cap. 204, s. 11(1)(e)
abuse of position of trust 濫用受信任地位 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.6
abuse of procedure 濫用程序 Rules of Procedure of the Legislative
Council of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, s. 40(4)
abuse of process 濫用司法程序 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
abuse of process 濫用程序 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
abuse of the process 濫用法律程序 Cap. 25, s. 30(4)(b)(ii)
abuse of the process of the court 濫用法庭的法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 19
abuse of the process of the court 濫用……法院的程序 Cap. 4, s. 27A(1)(a)
abuse of the process of the court 濫用法院程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
manifest abuse 明顯濫用 Cap. 541F, s. 56A(2)
was due to, or in consequence of, an evident abuse 是……明顯濫用所造成,或屬……明顯濫用的後果 Cap. 514C, s. 31ZR
abuse abuses 弊端 Cap. 298A, r. 44
abuse child abuse 虐待兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.95
elder abuse 虐待長者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

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Serious Harm of a Child or

Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.39
emotional abuse 精神虐待 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 8.31
sexual abuse 性虐待 Cap. 221, s. 79A
sexually abused 受到……性侵犯 Cap. 213, s. 34(2)(a)
abused sexually abused 性侵犯 Cap. 213, s. 34(2)(a)
abuser abuser 施虐者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.58
active abuser 主動施虐者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.80
passive abuser 被動施虐者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.79
abusive abusive language 粗言穢語 Cap. 174, s. 21(3)
abusive, threatening or insulting expression 帶有辱罵、恐嚇或侮辱性的詞句 Cap. 359, s. 23(6)(a)
abusive ... words 帶有……辱罵……的語句 Cap. 234A, r. 61(d)
threatening or abusive language 威脅性或侮辱性的言語 Cap. 362, s. 13F(3)(b)
uses abusive language to 辱罵 Cap. 612, s. 54(1)
abut abuts on 緊連 Cap. 123F, reg. 18A(1)
abuts onto 緊連 Cap. 621, s. 8(3)(c)(ii)

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abuts or fronts upon a street ... accessible to the public 緊連或臨向公眾可進入的街道 Cap. 123C, reg. 3(2)(a)
academic academic research 學術研究 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
freedom to engage in academic research 進行學術研究……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
academic academic or other qualifications 學術或其他資格 Cap. 159Q, s. 6(b)(ii)
accede acceded to 加入 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(a)
accede accede to 允許 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
request ... acceded to 允許……要求 Cap. 161E, s. 36(2)
accelerate accelerated 提前轉歸 Cap. 257, s. 11
termination ... materially accelerated 在相當程度上……提前終止 Cap. 254I, s. 3(1)
accept accept 承兌 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
accept 接受 Cap. 571, s. 171(5)
accept ... allegation 承認……指稱 Cap. 405, s. 5(1B)(b)
accept ... assignment 承受……轉讓 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(ga)
accept ... bill of exchange 承兌……匯票 Cap. 32, Sch. 25
accept leases of ... 接受……的租賃 Cap. 1016, s. 3(a)
accept service 接收送達文件 Cap. 60, s. 28(1)
accept the assignment of ... 接受……轉讓 Cap. 1116, s. 5(1)(b)
accepts 承認 Cap. 405, s. 5(2)
accepts no responsibility for ... 對……不承擔任何責任 Cap. 34, Sch. 2
accepts service of the writ 接受令狀的送達 Cap. 4A, O. 10, r. 1(4)
failure to accept hire 拒載 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
solicits or accepts a bribe 索取或接受賄賂 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
acceptability acceptability of the qualifications 可否接納……資格 Cap. 408, s. 17(3)

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acceptability of the qualifications ……資格是否可予接納 Cap. 428, s. 13(3)

acceptable a form acceptable to the court 法庭認為可接納的形式 Cap. 405, s. 5(5)
acceptable 可予接受 Cap. 561A, s. 5(e)
acceptable standards 可接受的標準 Cap. 56, s. 18A(1)
equally acceptable 同樣可接受 Cap. 311P, s. 3(a)(ii)
acceptance acceptance 承兌 Cap. 19, s. 2
acceptance 承約 Cap. 571, s. 175(7)(a)
acceptance 承認 Cap. 405, s. 5(6)
acceptance 承擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acceptance 接受 Cap. 619, s. 61(1)
acceptance 接納 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acceptance 認付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acceptance of an offer 承約 Cap. 553, s. 17
acceptance of an offer 接受要約 Cap. 571W, s. 2
acceptance of tender 接納投標(書) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
available for acceptance 可供接受 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
letter of acceptance 承約書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of acceptance 接納書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of acceptance 接納通知 Cap. 485A, s. 42AA(1)(b)
offer and acceptance 要約及承約 Cap. 71, s. 16(3)(c)(ii)

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qualified acceptance 有規限承兌 Cap. 19, s. 19

qualified acceptance 附條件承兌 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
qualified acceptance 附條件承約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the giving, withholding or acceptance of instructions to a 發出、拒發或接受委聘大律師的指示 Cap. 602, s. 35(3)
voluntary acceptance 自願承擔 Cap. 71, s. 7(3)
acceptation acceptation 詞語的公認意義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acceptation 詞語的通用意義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acceptation 認同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accepted accepted Convention certificate 獲認可的公約證明書 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
accepted norm 已為人接受的通常做法 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
generally accepted 一般接納 Cap. 106, s. 7H
generally accepted 普遍接受的 Cap. 390, s. 10(1)(a)
acceptor acceptor 承兌人 Cap. 19, s. 52(1)
access access 有權接觸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
access 享用 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
access 取用 Cap. 32, s. 195(b)
access 取閱 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.10
access 取覽 Cap. 405, s. 20(5)

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access 查閱 Cap. 486, s. 18(2)

access 接觸 Cap. 380, s. 12(1)
access 獲得 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
access control 接觸管制 Cap. 584, s. 8(1)(c)
access the work 觀看或收聽該作品 Cap. 528, s. 26(2)
access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
access to funding 籌措資金的渠道 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.48
access to information regime 公開資料制度 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.36
access to information requests 索取資料的要求 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.35
access to tender 投標書的取閱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
afford ... access to 讓……取用 Cap. 155, s. 50(1)(d)
afford ... access to services, facilities or opportunities 獲得或享用服務、設施或機會 Cap. 602, s. 49(b)
data access request 查閱資料要求 Cap. 486, s. 18
full and free access 全面和自由地取用 Cap. 1115, s. 26
give ... access to ... 讓……取覽…… Cap. 525, s. 15(2)(a)(ii)
have a right of access 有權取覽 Cap. 8, s. 41
have access 取得 Cap. 201, s. 14(1)(d)
have access to 有途徑接觸 Cap. 615, s. 49(1)(c)
have access to 有權取覽 Cap. 230, s. 9(2)
have access to 有權接觸 Cap. 104, s. 10(2)
have access to 取用 Cap. 155, s. 120(1)(c)

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have immediate access to 立即取用 Cap. 1, s. 85(7)

immediate access 立即取覽 Cap. 405, s. 21(3)(c)(iii)
obtain unauthorized access to 在未獲授權下取用 Cap. 106, s. 27A(1)
obtains access to 取用 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)
open access period 公開取閱期 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.10
open access record 公開取閱的檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.12
provide access to ... 提供機會以取用…… Cap. 4A, O. 30, r. 7(1)
public access 公眾取用 Cap. 311, s. 31(1)(r)
readily access 隨時取覽 Cap. 155M, s. 88(8)(b)
restricted access records 限制取閱的檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.33
right of access 有權查閱 Cap. 365, s. 14
unauthorized or accidental access 未獲准許或意外地被查閱 Cap. 486, Sch. 1
unimpeded access 不受妨礙的進出或取用權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
access access 探視 Cap. 290, s. 13(2)
access 探視權 Cap. 174, s. 12(3)(b)(ii)
access to the child (子女)探視權 Cap. 174, s. 12
right of access 探視權 Cap. 290, s. 13
access evidence of access 交合的證據 Cap. 221, s. 57(7)
access access 進入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
access to and egress from a place 進出某地方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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difficult of access 難於到達 Cap. 541D, s. 29(1)

have free access to 可……自由出入 Cap. 112, s. 51B(1)(i)
means of access 通道 Cap. 602, s. 30(1)(b)
means of access to and egress from ... ……出入口 Cap. 478I, s. 6(3)(a)
means of access to and egress from ... 進出……的途徑 Cap. 59, s. 6A(2)(d)
ordinarily have physical access 通常進出 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
right of access 進出權 Cap. 357, s. 8
right of access ... to ... 前往……的權利 Cap. 312A, reg. 14
access access to the court 向法院提起訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right to access to court 向法院提起訴訟的權利 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.76
access access to justice 公義渠道 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.2
principle of access to justice 確保公義渠道暢通的原則 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.3
accessible accessible 可到達的 Cap. 369Y, reg. 3(1)
accessible 可進出的 Cap. 369E, reg. 8(1)
accessible 可達 Cap. 459A, s. 23
accessible to ... 可讓……前往 Cap. 628B, r. 54(3)
readily accessible 容易到達 Cap. 478I, Sch. 6
readily accessible 輕易可達 Cap. 139F, reg. 7(b)(i)
readily accessible 隨時進出 Cap. 123H, reg. 12B
accessible accessible 可……取覽 Cap. 405, s. 20(7)

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accessible 可查閱 Cap. 553, s. 5(1)

accessible 可接觸 Cap. 369C, para. 44(2)(a)
accessible 供……使用 Cap. 413A, reg. 32(3)
accessible 易於取用的 Cap. 279A, reg. 100
accessible by means of ... data equipment 可藉數據設備取覽 Cap. 405, s. 20(7)
accessible copy 便於閱讀格式版 Cap. 528, s. 40A
accessible through the Internet 可透過互聯網查閱 Cap. 624, s. 10(4)(a)
easily accessible 易於取用 Cap. 548G, Sch. 3
easily accessible 易於接觸 Cap. 369Y, Sch. 10
publicly accessible record 可供公眾查閱的紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 31(1)
readily accessible 方便接觸 Cap. 56, s. 22(5)
readily accessible 可供人隨時取用 Cap. 548I, s. 22(3)
readily accessible 可隨時接觸到 Cap. 406E, reg. 8(1)
readily accessible 易於拿取 Cap. 374F, reg. 9(2)(b)
readily accessible 易於接觸 Cap. 369AM, reg. 40
readily accessible 容易接觸到的 Cap. 478I, s. 25(5)
readily accessible 能輕易地被取用 Cap. 485A, s. 77(2)
readily accessible 隨時可接觸 Cap. 369Y, reg. 7(2)(a)
readily accessible 隨時使用 Cap. 59K, reg. 12(1)
readily accessible from ... 可輕易地從……取覽 Cap. 561A, s. 11(f)
accession instrument of accession 加入書 Cap. 503J, Schedule
instruments of accession 加入文書 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
instruments of accession 參加簽訂書 Cap. 503K, Schedule
accessorial accessorial liability 從犯法律責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
accessory accessory 從犯 Cap. 339, s. 3(3)
accessory liability 從犯法律責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.1
accessory to 協從 Cap. 212, s. 8B(1)(c)
being accessory to murder 協從謀殺 Cap. 212, s. 8B(1)(c)
is accessory to ... 以從犯身分…… Cap. 200, s. 56
accessory accessory to 附屬於 Cap. 520, s. 2(1)
accident accident 意外事故 Cap. 227, s. 26A(3)(b)
fatal accidents 致命意外 Cap. 59Z, reg. 15(1)(h)
traffic accident 交通意外 Cap. 229, s. 2(1)
traffic accident victims 交通意外傷亡者 Cap. 229, Long Title
accidental accidental omission 意外遺漏 Cap. 622, s. 496(3)
accidental or due to inadvertence 意外或無心之失 Cap. 622, s. 142(5)(a)
unauthorized or accidental access 未獲准許或意外地被查閱 Cap. 486, Sch. 1
accidentally accidentally defaced 意外污損 Cap. 132AC, s. 40(3)(a)
accommodation accommodation 住所 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
accommodation 住宿地方 Cap. 602, s. 30(2)(a)
accommodation 住宿設施 Cap. 602, s. 27(2)(b)
accommodation 房舍 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(b)
accommodation 宿處 Cap. 7, s. 35(1)
accommodation 處所提供 Cap. 487, Long Title
accommodation 艙室 Cap. 104, s. 19(1)(a)

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communal accommodation 共用住宿地方 Cap. 480, s. 52(1)

living accommodation 居所 Cap. 303A, reg. 8(2)
overnight accommodation 夜宿 Cap. 243, s. 2(2)(b)(ii)
residential accommodation 居住地方 Cap. 602, s. 30(2)(a)
residential accommodation 居所 Cap. 563, s. 29(3)(b)
sleeping accommodation 留宿地方 Cap. 480, s. 12(2)(d)(i)
sleeping accommodation 寢息設施 Cap. 295E, s. 2
Tenure of accommodation 居處租住權 Cap. 316U, Schedule
units of accommodation 住宿單位 Cap. 371, s. 2
accommodation office accommodation 辦公地方 Cap. 443, s. 9(b)
storage accommodation 儲物地方 Cap. 602, s. 30(1)(b)
accompany accompanied 附隨 Cap. 188, s. 8(2)
accompanied by 附同 Cap. 541J, s. 19(2)(b)
accompanied by 附有 Cap. 630, s. 53(3)
accompanied by 連同 Cap. 359, s. 13(1)
accompanied by any annotated photo and marked-up plan 隨附任何有註明的相片及有記號的圖則 Cap. 123P, s. 18(2)(d)
accompanied with 附有 Cap. 311T, s. 10(1)
accompany 附在……上 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
accompany accompanied by a child 攜同兒童 Cap. 541F, s. 47(13)
accompany 陪同 Cap. 491, s. 5(2)
accompanying accompanying document 連同的文件 Cap. 159B, r. 12C
accompanying instrument 隨附文書 Cap. 622, s. 344(1)
accompanying notice 隨附通知 Cap. 584, s. 8Z(4)
accompanying sound-track 附連的聲軌 Cap. 604, s. 22(2)

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accompanying accompanying carer 同行照料者 Cap. 132CK, Schedule

accomplice accomplice 從犯 Cap. 221, s. 60(1)
accomplice evidence 從犯證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
accomplice liability 從犯法律責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.82
accomplice with immunity 獲免予起訴的從犯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
accomplice witness 從犯證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
alleged accomplice 指稱從犯 Cap. 221, s. 60(1)
accomplish accomplish 履行 Cap. 1163, s. 6
accomplished fact accomplished fact [also fait accompli] 既成事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accord accord 和解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accord and satisfaction of an account 就帳項而作出的和解與清償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accord accord with 協調 Cap. 41, s. 25A(7)(b)
accord with 符合 Cap. 178, s. 7(2)
accord accorded 設定 Cap. 514, s. 114(3)
accorded to 給予 Cap. 190, Sch. 1
accorded to ... ……所享有的 Cap. 557, s. 2
treatment ... accorded 給予……待遇 Cap. 319, s. 11(1)
accord accord 協議 Cap. 377, s. 7

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accord of his own accord 主動 Cap. 560, s. 17(2)

accordance in accordance with 按照 Cap. 184, s. 2
in accordance with 符合 Cap. 17A, r. 4(1)
save under and in accordance with 除非根據與按照 Cap. 145, s. 7(1)
according according to law 依法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
according to according to 按 Cap. 1, s. 9
according to 按照 Cap. 26, s. 48(2)
according to ... 與……相依循 Cap. 112, s. 63
according to circumstances 按照個別情況 Cap. 289A, Sch. 1
according to law 依法 Cap. 227, s. 72(1)
take ... according to their stock 按其世系……獲取…… Cap. 30, s. 23(3)
accordingly accordingly 因此 Cap. 426, s. 4
accordingly 因而 Cap. 414, s. 25(1)(a)
accordingly 相應地 Cap. 622, s. 725(2)(a)(iv)(C)
accordingly 據此 Cap. 390, s. 2(1)
advise the applicant accordingly 據此告知申請人 Cap. 490, s. 13(6)(b)
construed accordingly 據此解釋 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
to apply accordingly 據此適用 Cap. 589, s. 58A(7)(b)
account account 作出交代 Cap. 38, s. 44
account for ... 就……作出交代 Cap. 6A, r. 52(5)(a)(ii)
account to 向……交代 Cap. 522, s. 33(2)
account to ... for ... 就……向……作出解釋 Cap. 98, s. 32B(1)
accounted for 交代 Cap. 330, s. 4H(1)(d)
give a satisfactory account 作出令人滿意解釋 Cap. 81A, reg. 16(1)

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implausible account 不合情理的解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
account a credit to, or a set off against, an account 帳戶上的貸項或債務抵銷 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)(iii)
account 户口 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
account 帳户 Cap. 112, s. 50A(9)
account 帳目 Cap. 50, s. 16(1)
account 帳號 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
account 清算帳項 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)(a)
account book 帳簿 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
account outstanding and unsettled 未清及未結算的帳目 Cap. 4, s. 12A(4)
account ... vouched 證實帳目 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 3(1)
account which is not interest earning 無息帳戶 Cap. 453C, r. 2(2)
account-holder 帳戶戶主 Cap. 354N, s. 3(1)(c)
accounts receivable 應收帳項 Cap. 2O
action for an account 清算帳項的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)(a)
advance account 借款帳戶 Cap. 498, s. 31(3)(b)
annual accounts 周年帳目 Cap. 155, s. 16(9)(b)(i)
annual statement of accounts 周年帳目報表 Cap. 342C, s. 10(1)(b)
anonymous account 匿名戶口 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
audited accounts 經審計帳目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
audited accounts 經審核的帳目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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audited accounts 審計帳目 Cap. 467, s. 7(3)

banking account 銀行帳户 Cap. 1182, s. 2(1)
Bankruptcy Estate Account 破產人產業帳戶 Cap. 6, s. 128(1)(b)
billing account ... established 繳費帳戶……開立 Cap. 354N, s. 3(2)
books of account 帳簿 Cap. 41, s. 16
books or accounts 簿冊或帳目 Cap. 6, s. 93(3)
capital account 資本帳 Cap. 571N, s. 60(3)(d)
claim for an account 要求作出帳目的申索 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 1(1)
clearing account 結算帳戶 Cap. 364, s. 2
client account 客户帳户 Cap. 571, s. 40(7)
client account 客戶戶口 Cap. 344, Sch. 7
client accounts 當事人帳戶 Cap. 159, s. 26B
close of account 結算……帳目 Cap. 2, s. 9
consolidated accounts 合併報表 Cap. 1176, s. 8(1)(b)
consolidated accounts of the group 集團合併報表 Cap. 1168, s. 8(1)(b)
continuing account 並未間斷的帳戶 Cap. 1168, s. 7(c)
contribution account 供款帳户 Cap. 485, s. 11A(1)(a)
current account 來往帳户 Cap. 622, s. 329
current account 往來戶口 Cap. 344, s. 20(5)
depository account 存款帳户 Cap. 112, s. 50F(2)(g)
designated account 指定帳户 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
distinct account 獨立帳目 Cap. 32H, r. 163(1)
dividend deficiency account 股息不敷帳目 Cap. 279C, r. 11(5)(a)

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final audited account 最後的經審計帳目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
final statement of the accounts 帳目決算表 Cap. 351A, r. 11(2)
group accounts 集團帳目 Cap. 622, Sch. 3
income and expenditure account 收支表 Cap. 132BG, s. 9(1)
income and expenditure account 收支帳 Cap. 1085, s. 9(4)
income and expenditure account 收支結算表 Cap. 1175, s. 13(2)
interest-bearing account 有利息的戶口 Cap. 344, Sch. 7
interest-bearing account 有息帳戶 Cap. 453C, r. 2(3)
keep a bank account 開設銀行帳戶 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
leave and pass his accounts 留交並通過其帳目 Cap. 4A, App. A
loan account 貸款帳戶 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
maintain an account 開立……帳戶 Cap. 289A, r. 2B(1)
management accounts 管理帳目 Cap. 448A, reg. 6(2)(c)(ii)
margin account 保證金帳戶 Cap. 571Q, s. 5(4)(a)
open and maintain an account 開設及維持帳戶 Cap. 423, s. 8(1)
personal account 個人帳戶 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
placed to the registrar's account 存於案務主任帳戶 Cap. 453C, r. 1
prepare accounts 擬備帳目 Cap. 372, s. 14B(1)
present an account 提交……帳目 Cap. 1037, s. 11(4)
profit and loss account 損益表 Cap. 1146, s. 8(2)
profit and loss account 損益帳 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
proper accounts 妥善的帳目 Cap. 565, s. 23(1)
proper accounts and records 正確帳目及紀錄 Cap. 360, s. 32(1)

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public accounts 政府帳目 Cap. 122, Long Title

receipts and payments account 收支帳目 Cap. 229, s. 11(1)
records of account 帳目紀錄 Cap. 122, s. 2
reinstate ... account 恢復……帳戶 Cap. 354N, s. 19(4)
revenue account 收入帳 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
sales account 銷貨帳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
savings account 儲蓄帳戶 Cap. 155, s. 12(4)
segregated accounts 獨立帳戶 Cap. 571, s. 149(2)(a)
separate accounts 獨立帳戶 Cap. 571, s. 240(2)(a)
separate client accounts 獨立客户帳目 Cap. 41, s. 73(1)(e)(iii)
settlement account 交收戶口 Cap. 581B, s. 2
settlement account 交收帳戶 Cap. 584, s. 2
share premium account 股份溢價帳 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
single continuing account 連續的同一帳戶 Cap. 1144, s. 6(c)
Special Coin Suspense Account 特別硬幣暫記帳 Cap. 2, Sch. 2
special suspense account 特別暫記帳 Cap. 2, s. 30(1)
statement of account 户口結單 Cap. 571Q, s. 4
statement of account 帳目報表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statement of the accounts 帳目結算表 Cap. 351A, r. 13(a)
statements of the annual accounts 周年帳目報表 Cap. 430, s. 7(4)
sub-account 分帳戶 Cap. 485A, s. 78(6)(a)
suspense account 暫記帳 Cap. 2, s. 30(1)
taking an account 製備帳目 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 1(1)

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trading account 營業帳目 Cap. 6A, r. 168(2)

transfer of account 過户 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trust account 信託戶口 Cap. 344, Sch. 7
trust account 信託帳戶 Cap. 29B, r. 10(5)
valid billing account 有效繳費帳戶 Cap. 354N, s. 3(1)(c)
account account ... be taken of 加以考慮 Cap. 490, s. 18(6)
for or on account or in respect of ... 因或基於或就…… Cap. 21, s. 10
is not to be taken into account 不得考慮 Cap. 375, s. 8A(2)
is to be left out of account 不得予以考慮 Cap. 349, s. 20A(6)(b)
no account is to be taken 不得計算在內 Cap. 622, s. 598(3)
no account is to be taken 須不予考慮 Cap. 622, s. 403(7)
take account of ... 對……作出考慮 Cap. 494, s. 46(2)
take account of ... 顧及…… Cap. 41E, r. 15(1)
take into account 參照 Cap. 1, s. 64(4)
take into account 顧及 Cap. 405, s. 16(6)(b)
taken into account 計算在內 Cap. 227, s. 37(2)
taken into account ... 將……列為考慮因素 Cap. 22, s. 6(3)
taken into account as 計為 Cap. 99, s. 8(3)
takes account of 列入考慮 Cap. 84, s. 19A(1)
taking into account 計算 Cap. 4A, App. A
account account for ... 將……報帳 Cap. 218, s. 32H(3)(b)
accounted for 入帳 Cap. 112, s. 14G(1)
accounted for 報帳 Cap. 32, s. 296(3)

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accounted for ... in the books 記入……帳簿 Cap. 122, s. 2

accounting for 記帳 Cap. 352, s. 6(5)(b)
accounting for ... property 財產的……入帳 Cap. 122, s. 2
account account 交出所得利潤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
account of profits 交出所得利潤 Cap. 528, s. 113(6)(b)
account of profits 清算利潤[民事訴訟中的濟助方法之一] English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
account turn to account 利用 Cap. 1129, s. 10(3)(b)
account account of the proceedings 研訊程序的敍述 Cap. 505, s. 32(2)(b)
true account 真實紀錄 Cap. 515, s. 11(4)
true account 真實記載 Cap. 86, s. 15
account on his own account 為自己 Cap. 106B, reg. 3(1)
on ... own account 本身獨立從事 Cap. 59, s. 2(1)
practice on their own account 自行執業 Cap. 343, s. 2
practising on his own account 獨自執業 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
account account to ... 向……呈交帳目 Cap. 6A, r. 159(2)(a)
account on account of ... 由於…… Cap. 201, s. 4(1)
on account of ... 因…… Cap. 159, s. 16(1)
on account of ... 因為…… Cap. 622, s. 123
on account of ... 為…… Cap. 38, s. 23
on account of ... 就…… Cap. 218, s. 32C(2)(a)
accountability accountability to the public 對公眾負責 Cap. 113, s. 4(c)(vi)
accountable accountable for ... 為……負責 Cap. 443, s. 14(2)
accountable for ... 須就……作出交代 Cap. 33, s. 47(1)

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accountable to ... 向……負責 Cap. 489, s. 4(1)

accountable to ... 對……負責 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 43
all accountable parties 須負責任的各方 Cap. 29, s. 24(1)(d)
person ... accountable for ... ……的……負責人 Cap. 218, s. 32M(4)(b)
accountancy accountancy body 會計團體 Cap. 50, s. 24(1A)
accountancy profession 會計師專業 Cap. 50, Long Title
accountant accountant 會計師 Cap. 297, s. 4(1)(a)
accountant's report 會計師報告 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
certified public accountant 會計師 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
certified public accountant (practising) 執業會計師 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
firm of certified public accountants (practising) 執業會計師事務所 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
professional accountant 專業會計師 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
public accountant 註冊核數師 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
accounting accounting 交代帳目 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.48
accounting 核算 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accounting 記帳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accounting 會計(學) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accounting, auditing and assurance practices 會計、核數及核證執業 Cap. 50, s. 18A(1)(b)
accounting consolidation 會計綜合 Cap. 155M, s. 16D(1)(a)
accounting party 報帳的一方 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 4(1)

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accounting period 會計期 Cap. 159, s. 8(1)

accounting practices 會計常規 Cap. 106, s. 7(7)(g)
accounting principles 會計原則 Cap. 571, s. 103
accounting professional 會計專業人士 Cap. 615, Sch. 1
accounting records 會計紀錄 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
accounting reference date 會計參照日 Cap. 622, s. 370
accounting reference period 會計參照期 Cap. 622, s. 367(1)
accounting scope of consolidation 就會計而言的綜合範圍 Cap. 155M, s. 16FD(a)(i)
accounting standards 會計準則 Cap. 622, s. 380(4)(b)
accounting standards 會計標準 Cap. 601, s. 28(5)(b)
applicable accounting guideline 適用的會計指引 Cap. 485A, s. 2
approved accounting experience 認可會計經驗 Cap. 50, s. 29A(5)(a)
error in accounting 計算上的錯誤 Cap. 109, s. 29(1D)
false accounting 偽造帳目 Cap. 210, Schedule
forensic accounting 法證會計 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 4.6
fraudulent ... accounting 製造欺詐性帳目 Cap. 503R, Schedule
proper accounting records 妥善的會計紀錄 Cap. 485A, s. 184(1)(a)
standard accounting practice 標準會計實務 Cap. 622, s. 357
statement of accounting policies 會計政策陳述書 Cap. 485A, s. 80(1)
accounting professional accounting professional 會計專業人士 Cap. 637, s. 32
accredit accredited 隸屬 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
accredit accredited 合格 Cap. 499, Sch. 4
accredited 獲認可 Cap. 311P, s. 2

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accreditation accreditation 評審 Cap. 592, s. 2

accreditation 審定 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
accreditation body 審定團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
accreditation tests 評審考核 Cap. 592, s. 4(4)(a)
accreditation accreditation 隸屬 Cap. 571, s. 122(1)
accreditation (of a licensed representative) (持牌代表的)隸屬關係 Cap. 571, s. 122
accredited accredited consular officer 認可領事館官員 Cap. 478, s. 34(4)
accredited programme 經評審課程 Cap. 608, s. 2
accredited mediator accredited mediator 認可調解員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accredited to a licensed accredited to a licensed corporation 隸屬某持牌法團 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
accretion accretion 添加 Cap. 10A, r. 19(v)
accretion 增值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accretion 增益 Cap. 201, s. 21(1)
accrual accrual (利息的)孳生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accrual 產生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accrual 累算 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accrual of a right of action 訴訟權的產生 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)
accrual of interest 累算利息 Cap. 571Q, s. 8
accrual of the cause of action 訴訟因由(的)產生 Cap. 347, s. 5
on an accrual basis 按累算基準 Cap. 485A, s. 56(3)(h)

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accrue accrue 形成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
accrue 產生 Cap. 514, s. 48(3)
accrue 累算 Cap. 94, s. 26
accrue 孳生 Cap. 91, s. 18A
accrue 歸於某人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accrue daily 逐日累算 Cap. 94, s. 26
accrue from day to day 按日累算 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accrued benefit 累算權益 Cap. 485, s. 19F
accrued by equal daily increment 以相等的每日遞增額累算 Cap. 18, s. 2
accrued right 累算權利 Cap. 485B, Sch. 2
accrued to ... 產生而歸於…… Cap. 126, s. 3
accrues 應累算 Cap. 111, s. 6(1)(b)
accruing from day to day 逐日累算 Cap. 18, s. 3
accruing to ... ……累算應得的 Cap. 4, s. 21
accruing to ... 累算歸予……的 Cap. 480, Sch. 7
any cause of action ... has accrued to any person 有訴訟因由在任何人方面產生 Cap. 347, s. 5(1)
benefit accruing to ... 歸於……的利益 Cap. 528, s. 108(2)(b)
benefit likely to accrue to ... 對……可能帶來的利益 Cap. 525, s. 15(5)(b)(i)
first accrued 最初……產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
no accrued rights of action 訴訟權未有產生 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 20

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right of action accrued 訴訟權產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

right of action first accrues to the plaintiff 訴訟權最初在原告人方面產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rights accrued to sb. 已歸於某人的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accrued accrued benefits 累算權益 Cap. 485, s. 21C(2)(a)
accrued dividends 已累算紅利 Cap. 111, s. 10(ga)(i)
accrued rights 累算權利 Cap. 485B, Sch. 2
transfer of accrued benefits 累算權益的轉移 Cap. 485A, s. 152(a)
accruing accruing due 累算欠 Cap. 4A, O. 77, r. 16(1)
accruing profits 應累算的利潤 Cap. 38, s. 4(c)(i)
accumulate accumulate 累積 Cap. 76, Schedule
income ... accumulated 該入息是……積累的 Cap. 112, s. 15A(4)
accumulated accumulated depreciation 累計折舊 Cap. 41G, r. 2
accumulated income 累積收入 Cap. 467, s. 3(3)(d)
accumulated loss 累積虧損 Cap. 372, s. 14(2)(b)
accumulated profits 累積利潤 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
accumulating trust accumulating trust 累積性信託 ※比較 wasting trust English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
accumulation accumulation 收益累積 Cap. 257, s. 17(2)
accumulation of surplus income 累積收益盈餘 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(b)
accumulations 累積 Cap. 29, s. 33(2)(a)
rules against perpetuities and excessive accumulations of 禁止財產恆繼的規則及禁止收益過度累積的規則 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
income 6.15
statutory accumulations 法定累積收益 Cap. 73, s. 5(2)(a)

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statutory accumulations of income 法定累積收入 Cap. 182, s. 15

accuracy accuracy 準確性 Cap. 486, s. 14A(1)
accurate accurate transcript 準確謄本 Cap. 8, s. 29A(1)(b)
accurate translation 準確譯本 Cap. 8, s. 27(1)(b)
fair and accurate report 公正和準確報導 Cap. 21, s. 13(1)
full and accurate records 完整及準確的檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.23
accurately accurately, completely and solemnly 準確、完整、莊重地 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
accusation accusation 指控 Cap. 200, s. 156(2)
accusatorial procedure accusatorial procedure 舉證式司法程序〔普通法系中以舉證和訴訟雙方爭辯的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
方式進行的司法程序〕 ※比較 inquisitorial procedure and Commercial Law Terms
accused accused 被告 Cap. 413, s. 8(3)
accused 被控人 Cap. 227, s. 80C(1)
accused juvenile persons 少年被告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(2)(b)
accused person 被控人 Cap. 227, s. 2
accused persons 被告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(2)(a)
challenged by the accused 被控人……提出異議 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.28
accuser accuser 指控人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
accustom accustomed 慣常 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
accustom accustomed to act 慣於……行事 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
achieve achieving its objects 達到其宗旨 Cap. 218, s. 32I(4)
achievement achievement of the objectives 達致……目標 Cap. 601, s. 5(2)(h)

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acknowledge acknowledge 承諾 Cap. 115A, Sch. 1

acknowledge 確認 Cap. 495, s. 5(3)
acknowledge receipt 確認收到 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acknowledge receipt of ... 確認收到 Cap. 344, s. 3(10)(e)(i)
acknowledge service 作送達認收 Cap. 4A, O. 10, r. 2(2)
acknowledge service ... 就……的送達作出認收 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(b)
acknowledge the issue of the writ 對令狀的發出作確認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(6)
acknowledge ... the receipt of 確認接獲 Cap. 161, s. 19(2)
acknowledged in writing 以書面認收 Cap. 6A, r. 49(4)
acknowledges any recognizance 承認任何擔保 Cap. 200, s. 91
acknowledgement acknowledgment 承認 Cap. 426, s. 18(2)
acknowledgment of issue 發出確認書 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(6)
acknowledgment of service 送達認收書 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(3)
affix an acknowledgement 加上認收標記 Cap. 354, s. 16C(3)
in acknowledgement of 證明收到 Cap. 289A, Sch. 1
... security given ... by an oral or written acknowledgment 以口頭或書面方式所作的……保證 Cap. 227A, r. 7
sufficient acknowledgement 足夠的確認聲明 Cap. 528, s. 39(1)
written acknowledgement 承認書 Cap. 522, s. 55(a)
written acknowledgement 認收書 Cap. 98, s. 32B(2)
written acknowledgment 確認書 Cap. 245, s. 8(5)
acknowledgment acknowledgment 認收 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acknowledgment 確認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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acknowledgment form 確認書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
acknowledgment of service 送達認收書 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4
acknowledgor acknowledgor 承認人 Cap. 347, s. 25(5)
acquaint acquaint ... with 令……知悉 Cap. 516, s. 27(2)(a)
acquiesce acquiesce [acquiescence (n.)] 默許 Cap. 181, s. 27
acquiescence acquiescence 默許 Cap. 559, s. 63(1)
equitable doctrine of ... acquiescence 默許的衡平法則 Cap. 252, s. 5
informed acquiescence 知情的默許 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
laches or acquiescence 疏忽延誤或默許 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.8,
Footnote 20
acquire acquire 收集 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.27
acquire 收購 Cap. 32, Sch. 17
acquire 取得 Cap. 571, s. 103(1)(a)(i)
acquire 獲取 Cap. 1064, s. 3(1)
acquire further work 覓得下一份工作 Cap. 478AF, s. 15(2)(a)
acquired 已獲取的 Cap. 399, s. 6(3)(b)
acquired 徵用 Cap. 130, s. 2
innocently acquired 不知情地取得 Cap. 528, s. 207(3)
right acquired, derived or subsisting 取得、派生或存續的……權利 Cap. 379, s. 5(2)(a)
acquisition 1 acquisition 單1次的獲取 Cap. 155S, r. 23(1)(a)
acquisition 收集 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.11

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acquisition 收購 Cap. 622, s. 667(1)(a)(vii)

acquisition 取得 Cap. 112, s. 14R(9)
acquisition 接收 Cap. 379, Long Title
acquisition 徵用 Cap. 130, s. 2
acquisition 獲取 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
acquisition 購入 Cap. 32L, s. 6(7)
acquisition of gain 謀取利益 Cap. 306, s. 2(2)
acquisition of land 土地徵用 Cap. 130, s. 9(2)
acquisition of land for a public purpose 徵用土地作公共用途 Cap. 130, s. 3
acquisition of shares 獲取股份 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acquisition of shares 購入股份 Cap. 622, s. 274
acquisition order 徵用令 Cap. 130, s. 2
compulsory acquisition 強制取用 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 24
compulsory acquisition 強制性徵用 Cap. 17, s. 8(2)(a)(i)
series of acquisitions 一連串的獲取 Cap. 155S, r. 23(1)(a)
acquit acquit 裁定無罪 Cap. 221, s. 64
acquits 判……無罪 Cap. 492, s. 3(1)(c)
acquitted 被裁定罪名不成立 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 2.23
acquitted 無罪開釋 Cap. 383, s. 8
acquitted 獲裁定無罪 Cap. 212, s. 24
acquitted ... of ... 被裁定……罪名不成立 Cap. 200, s. 143(2)(b)

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acquitted person 獲裁定無罪的人 Cap. 221E, r. 2

finally convicted or acquitted 經終局判決判定有罪或無罪開釋 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(6)
acquittal acquittal 被裁定罪名不成立 Cap. 200, s. 156(4)
acquittal 無罪釋放 Cap. 405, s. 2(13)
acquittal 裁定無罪 Cap. 8, s. 15
acquittal 裁定罪名不成立 Cap. 200, s. 156(4)
acquittal 獲判無罪 Cap. 349, s. 5B(8)
acquittal 獲裁定無罪 Cap. 8, s. 15
order of acquittal 裁定無罪的……命令 Cap. 336, s. 84
reasons for acquittal 判予無罪的理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
verdict of acquittal 無罪的裁決 Cap. 221, s. 75(6)
acquittance acquittance 償債收據 Cap. 33, s. 26
acquitting acquitting 無罪釋放 Cap. 405, s. 2(12)(b)
act act 法 ※比較 enactment; statute English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act 法令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act of peace 安寧法令 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
act act 署理 Cap. 159, s. 9(5)
act as 作為 Cap. 260, s. 3(1)
act as ... 以……身分行事 Cap. 279, s. 27
act as ... 署理……之職 Cap. 311, s. 34(1)
act as Chairman 署理主席一職 Cap. 304, s. 10(3)

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act as Chairman 暫代主席 Cap. 447, s. 27(9)

act as Chairman 暫任主席 Cap. 423, Sch. 1
act as trustee ... 擔任……受託人 Cap. 507, s. 5(g)
act by ... 按……的意見行事 Cap. 32, s. 207(3)
act for 代表 Cap. 221D, r. 3(6)
act for ... 代……行事 Cap. 159H, r. 5C(4)
act for ... 為……行事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act for and on behalf of ... 為……及代表……行事 Cap. 364, s. 10
act generally in as full and free a manner as ... 一般地全權及自由行事,猶如……一樣 Cap. 25, s. 25(3)(i)
act in concert 一致行動 Cap. 155, s. 64
act in good faith 秉誠行事 Cap. 489, s. 7
act in good faith 真誠地行事 Cap. 1150, s. 21
act in his place 代替他行事 Cap. 245, s. 11(1)(a)
act in person 親自行事 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 3
act in the best interests of ... 為……的最佳利益而行事 Cap. 159AI, s. 3(c)
act in the place of ... 代……行事 Cap. 115, Sch. 1A
act in the place of ... 署理……的職位 Cap. 218, Sch. 2
act (n., v.) 行事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act on his behalf 代表該人行事 Cap. 405, s. 3(11)
act together 共同行事 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
act together 行動一致 Cap. 571, s. 245(1)
act with impartiality 公正無私地行事 Cap. 6, s. 96(2)(d)
acted fraudulently, corruptly or dishonestly 有欺詐性、舞弊或不誠實的作為 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(iii)

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acted reasonably 合理行事 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(4)

acted unconscionably 作出不合情理的作為 Cap. 528, s. 36(4)
acted without jurisdiction 在沒有司法管轄權下行事 Cap. 9, s. 3(2)(a)
acting as ... 署理……職位 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
acting as an advocate 以訟辯人……身分行事 Cap. 221D, r. 21(8)(a)(ii)
acting by a solicitor 由任何律師代表 Cap. 17A, r. 7(1)(a)
acting generally ... for a party thereto 一般性地代表該一方的 Cap. 336, s. 15(1)(c)
acting in a professional capacity 以專業身分……行事 Cap. 571, s. 103(2)(e)(iv)
acting in concert 一致行事 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 8.14
acting in good faith 在真誠地行事的情況下 Cap. 514, s. 14(3)(a)
acting in good faith 真誠行事的 Cap. 210, s. 4(2)
acting in the capacity of ... 以……身分行事 Cap. 426, s. 25(1)
acting in the course of his duties 正在執行職務中的 Cap. 208A, reg. 20(2)
acting in the execution of his duty 正在執行職責的 Cap. 313, s. 13(2)
acting jointly 共同行事的 Cap. 150, s. 5(2)(b)
acting judicially 以司法人員身分行事的 Cap. 11, s. 2
acting judicially 以司法官員身分行事的 Cap. 32, s. 289(2)
acting under ... 根據……行事 Cap. 7, s. 78(2)
acting under the authority of ... 在……授權下行事 Cap. 132AI, s. 34(5)
acting under the instructions of ... 根據……的指示行事 Cap. 354, s. 16A(5)(a)
acting with prudence and caution 小心謹慎行事 Cap. 29, s. 9(3)
appointed to act either jointly or jointly and severally 獲委任以共同行事或共同和各別行事 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.59

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declines to act as 拒絕出任 Cap. 609, s. 32(3)(b)

elected to act as Chairman 選出以主席身分行事 Cap. 161, s. 2(1)
lawfully acting 合法行事 Cap. 115, s. 42(1)(a)
notice of intention to act in person 擬親自行事通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 4
notice to act 代表訴訟人通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
refuse to act 拒絕行事 Cap. 86, s. 2(2)(e)
temporarily act in the place of ... 暫時代……行事 Cap. 123P, s. 28(1)
unwilling to act 不願行事 Cap. 485A, s. 161(3)
act a single act or series of acts 單獨一項作為或一連串作為 Cap. 227, s. 10(2)(c)
act done 作出的……作為 Cap. 92, s. 10
act done or omitted to be done 作為或不作為 Cap. 93, s. 11
act in breach of trust 破壞誠信的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
act in breach of trust 違反誠信的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
act (n., v.) 行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act (n., v.) 作為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act of adultery 通姦行為 Cap. 16, s. 6(1)
act of bankruptcy 構成破產的行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act of commission 作出的作為 Cap. 212, s. 8B(2)
act of discrimination 歧視作為 Cap. 480, s. 42(1)
act of foreign enemies 外敵行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

act of foreign enemies 外敵的作為 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
act of God 天災 ※比較 force majeure; vis major Cap. 462, Schedule
act of gross indecency 嚴重猥褻作為 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(c)
act of harassment 騷擾作為 Cap. 480A, Sch. 2
act of omission 不作為 Cap. 212, s. 8B(2)
act of state 國家行為 Cap. 8, s. 31
act of violence 暴力行為 Cap. 217, s. 9(1)(b)(ii)
act of war 戰爭 Cap. 462, Schedule
act or omission 作為或不作為 Cap. 115, s. 53
act proved against ... ……經證實的作為 Cap. 200, s. 3(2)
acts and intents 作為及意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰的行為 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 16(1)
acts of exclusive physical possession 獨有的實質管有行為 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
acts of the executive authorities and their personnel 行政部門和行政人員的行為 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
acts of torture 酷刑的行為 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(1)
acts ... omissions 作為……不作為 Cap. 1, s. 3
acts performed by ... ……所實施之行為 Cap. 557, Schedule
administering drugs, matter or thing to obtain or facilitate an 施用藥物、物質或物品以獲得或便利作非法的性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
unlawful sexual act Offences" Report, para. 4.66

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administering drugs to obtain ... unlawful sexual act 施用藥物以獲得……非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 121, Heading
aggravated act 嚴重作為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.71
an act done or omitted to be done 作出或不作出的作為 Cap. 609, s. 104
apprehended act of infringement 意恐作出的侵犯行為 Cap. 514, s. 80
commit an act outraging public decency 作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on 《關於在飛機上進行犯罪和某些其他行為的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
board Aircraft
criminal act 刑事作為 Cap. 200, s. 58
diplomatic acts 外交事務 Cap. 557, Schedule
discreditable act 有損信譽的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discriminatory act 歧視性作為 Cap. 480A, Sch. 2
do ... acts and things 作出……作為及事情 Cap. 6, s. 26(2)
do notarial acts 作出公證作為 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)
does any act which suggests 作出……任何作為而帶有……的意思者 Cap. 164, s. 24(2)(a)
doing an act preparatory to ... 作出準備……的作為 Cap. 134, s. 45
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
exercised any act of ownership 作出行使擁有權的作為 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
fraudulent act 欺詐性作為 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3

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general average act 共同海損作為 Cap. 4, s. 12A(2)(p)

gross act of misconduct 嚴重行為不當 Cap. 281, s. 55(1)(b)
homosexual act 同性性行為 Cap. 243, Schedule
identity of the person doing the act 作出行為的人的身分 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.72
illegal act 違法作為 Cap. 200, s. 24(c)
inconsistent act 相矛盾的作為 Cap. 602, s. 80(7)(b)
indecent act 猥褻行為 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.22
injurious act 損害性作為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intended act 意圖作出的作為 Cap. 527, s. 31(2)
intermediate act 中期行動 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 13(1)(b)
intervening acts 介入作為 Cap. 528, s. 22(3)
isolated act 單獨的作為 Cap. 295B, reg. 183(3)
nature of the act 行為本質 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.70
necessary or proper acts 必要或適當的作為 Cap. 38, s. 39
non-consensual sexual act 未經同意的性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.247
official acts 公事上作為 Cap. 87, s. 4(1)(d)
onerous act 責任繁苛的作為 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
overt act 公開的作為 Cap. 200, s. 2(1)(b)
overt act 明顯的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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perform any act 實行行為 Cap. 383, s. 2(4)

performs an act 作出作為 Cap. 571E, s. 5(a)
piratical act 海盜作為 Cap. 200, s. 20(1)
premeditated act 有預謀的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prevent an act being ... 使某項作為不構成…… Cap. 200, s. 122(2)
prohibited acts 違禁行為 Cap. 57, s. 57, Heading
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at 《制止在為國際民用航空服務的機場上的非法暴力行為 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Airports Serving International Civil Aviation 的議定書》
purpose of the act 行為目的 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.71
reasonable act 合理的作為 Cap. 480, s. 76(3A)(b)
sexual act 性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.19
suspicious act 可疑作為 Cap. 582A, r. 1
terrorist act 恐怖主義行為 Cap. 575, s. 2(1)
the act charged 被控的作為 Cap. 200, s. 92
tortious act 侵權行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tortious act 侵權作為 Cap. 332, s. 43(1)
unauthorized act 未經授權的作為 Cap. 528, s. 17(5)
unconscionable act 不合情理的作為 Cap. 528, s. 36(3)(c)
unilateral legal act 單方面的法律作為 Cap. 546, s. 2
United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful 聯合國《制止危及海上航行安全非法行為公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation

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United Nations Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts 聯合國《制止危及大陸架固定平台安全非法行為議定書 Cap. 575, Long Title
Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the 》
Continental Shelf
unlawful act 不法作為 Cap. 403, s. 7(1)
unlawful act 非法作為 Cap. 635A, s. 16(1)(c)
unlawful act 違法作為 Cap. 527A, s. 3(1)
unlawful act of the like description 同一種類的違法作為 Cap. 602, s. 48(1)
unlawful sexual act 非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)
wanton act 放肆行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wanton act 胡亂的行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wilful act 故意作為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.33
wilful act 故意的作為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wilful or negligent act 故意或疏忽的作為 Cap. 313, s. 8(1)
without further act or deed 無需其他作為或契據 Cap. 1174, s. 7(2)(b)
wrongful act 錯誤作為 Cap. 22, s. 3
act acts of state 國家行為文件 Cap. 8, s. 31
last preliminary act in the action 訴訟的最後一份預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)(b)
lodge a preliminary act 遞交一份預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(1)
preliminary act 預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)
preliminary act to be opened 開啟……預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(4)

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Acta exteriora indicant Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta. [External actions 外在行為揭示內心秘密 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
interiora secreta. reveal inner secrets.] and Commercial Law Terms
Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta. [External actions 有諸內,形諸外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reveal inner secrets.] and Commercial Law Terms
acta jure gestionis acta jure gestionis ["acts by way of doing business"] 商業行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acta jure imperii acta jure imperii ["acts by right of sovereignty"] 主權行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
acting acting in an official capacity 以官方身分行使職權 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
capable of acting 能夠行事 Cap. 622, s. 474(5)(a)
solicitor acting for ... 代表……行事的律師 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 3(1)
acting Acting Chief Executive 署理行政長官 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
acting service 署任 Cap. 99A, reg. 20
Acting Chief Executive Acting Chief Executive 署理行政長官 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
acting under dictation acting under dictation 受主使而行事 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
Actio non datur non Actio non datur non damnificato. [An action is not given to 不受損害者無權興訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
damnificato. one who is not injured.] and Commercial Law Terms
Actio personalis Actio personalis moritur cum persona. [A personal action dies 個人的訴訟隨當事人去世而告終 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
moritur cum persona. with the person.] and Commercial Law Terms
action action 行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative action 在行政上所採取的行動 Cap. 546, s. 2
administrative action 行政行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative actions 在行政上……的行動 Cap. 397, Long Title

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by way of an action 以法律行動 Cap. 352, s. 3(1)

close the case without further action 結束個案,而不採取進一步行動 Cap. 588, s. 31B(2)(a)
corporate action 法團行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corrective action 糾正行動 Cap. 413K, s. 26A(1)
disciplinary action 紀律行動 Cap. 571, s. 117
disciplinary action 紀律制裁 Cap. 473B, s. 2
disciplinary action 紀律處分 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.7
enforcement action upon a judgment 強制執行某項判決的行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
essential actions of life 日常生活所需活動 Cap. 282, s. 8(1)
hostile action 敵對行動 Cap. 479, s. 6(1)(a)
industrial action [also job action] 工業行動 Cap. 55, s. 35
person who may have power to take appropriate action 主事者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
person who may have power to take appropriate action 可具有採取適當行動的權力的人 Cap. 504, s. 44(2)(c)
person who may have power to take appropriate action 有權採取適當行動的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
protective action 保護行動 Cap. 557, Schedule
regulatory action 規管行動 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.17
remedial action 糾正行動 Cap. 615, s. 43(4)
remedial action 補救行動 Cap. 155, s. 70(8)(c)(i)(B)
take any action 採取任何行動 Cap. 41, s. 35A(1)(d)(i)
action abate a legal action 中止訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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abate a legal action 撤銷法律行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
accrual of a right of action 訴訟權的產生 Cap. 347, s. 2
action 法律行動 ※比較 suit; suit at law; lawsuit Cap. 352, s. 3
action 訴訟 Cap. 159, s. 11(1)
action begun by writ 藉令狀開展的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 21(4)
action for an account 清算帳項的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)(a)
action for damages 要求損害賠償的訴訟 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.12
action for damages 要求獲得損害賠償的訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 56A
action for damages 損害賠償訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 56A(2)
action for damages for personal injuries 就人身傷害要求獲得損害賠償的訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 56A(1)
action for defamation 誹謗訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 3
action for infringement 侵犯版權訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 138(6)
action for infringement 侵犯某註冊商標的訴訟 Cap. 559, s. 26(5)
action for infringement 侵犯專利的訴訟 Cap. 514, s. 48(3)
action for infringement 侵犯權利訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 265(6)
action for infringement of copyright 侵犯版權訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 36(1)
action for personal injuries 人身傷害訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 8
action for possession of land 就土地的管有而提出的訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
action for recovery of land 收回土地的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(2)
action founded on ... 基於……而提出的訴訟 Cap. 336, s. 32(1)
action held in abeyance 擱置中的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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action in a particular list to be removed from that list 將某特定審訊表上的一宗訴訟從該審訊表上除去 Cap. 4A, O. 72, r. 6(1)
action in personam 對人的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 2
action in personam 對人訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(1)
action in rem 涉物訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
action in rem 對物的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 6
action in rem 對物訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(2)
action in tort 侵權行為訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 89, r. 2(1)
action in tort 侵權訴訟 Cap. 300, s. 4(1)
action is settled 訴訟已予和解 Cap. 4A, O. 34, r. 8(2)
action on loan 貸款訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
action pending 待決的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 5(1)(a)
action to quiet title 確認業權訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.7, Footnote 26
action to recover land 收回土地的訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
action upon a judgment 基於某項判決的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)(b)
action upon a specialty 基於蓋印文據的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 4(3)
actions founded on ... 基於……的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 4(1)(a)
administration action 遺產管理訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 85, r. 1
Admiralty action 海事訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(4)
Admiralty action in personam 海事對人訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(2)
Admiralty action in rem 海事對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(2)(c)
bar to an action 禁制……提出訴訟 Cap. 377, s. 5

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bona fide class action 真正的集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.95
bring ... to the action of the judge 將……提交法官行動 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(1)
bringing of an action 提出訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 2(4)
cause of action 訴因 Cap. 182, s. 5(5)
cause of action 訴訟因由 Cap. 4, s. 12B(4)(b)
cause of action arose 訴訟因由產生 Cap. 4, s. 48(1)
cause of action in tort 侵權訴訟因由 Cap. 300, s. 4
cause of action survives 訴訟因由仍然存在 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(1)
causes joined in one action 合併在一宗訴訟中的……訟案 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 19(4A)
civil action 民事訴訟 Cap. 32, s. 228A
class action 集體訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
class action lawyer 集體訴訟律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.2
class action proceedings 集體訴訟程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.32
class action regime 集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.2
commence an action 展開訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 1(3)
common action 共同的訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
concomitant action 共同提起的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent rights of action 同時具有訴訟權 Cap. 528, s. 113(1)
consolidated action 合併訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(2)
consolidation of actions 訴訟的合併 Cap. 21, s. 19
consolidation of ... actions 將……訴訟合併 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
continuance of an action 繼續進行訴訟 Cap. 377, s. 5
continuing cause of action 持續的訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 6

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cross action in rem 交相對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 27

debt action 債項訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of tender before action 在訴訟前已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of tender before action 訴訟前已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 19(3)
defend the action 就該訴訟作抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 1(1)
derivative action 派生訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derivative action 衍生訴訟 Cap. 622, s. 734
dismiss an action 撤銷訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 78, r. 5
foreclosure action 止贖訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 19(2)
further conduct of the action 訴訟的繼續進行事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(4)
general class action regime 通用的集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.63
good cause of action 好的訴訟因由 Cap. 4, s. 21B(3)(a)
grounds of action 訴訟理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intervene in an action 介入訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 17(4)
joinder of causes of action 訴訟因由的合併 Cap. 336H, O. 15, r. 1
last preliminary act in the action 訴訟的最後一份預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)(b)
legal action 法律行動 Cap. 155L, s. 98
legal action 法律訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
limitation action 局限法律責任的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(2)
limitation of action 訴訟時效 Cap. 347, s. 4
limitation or barring of causes of action 訴訟因由的時效或禁制 Cap. 172, s. 7(1)(k)

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maintain an action 繼續進行訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 28(2)

maintain an action against 向……提出訴訟 Cap. 26, s. 51(1)
maintain an action against 對……提出訴訟 Cap. 227, s. 126(1)
mixed action (涉及動產及不動產的)混合訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
money lender's action 放債人訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)
mortgage action 按揭訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 1(3)
multi-party action 多方訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.71
multiple actions 多重訴訟 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.3, Footnote 4
no accrued rights of action 訴訟權未有產生 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 20
no action lies against ... in respect of 不得……就……提出針對……的訴訟 Cap. 556, s. 21(6)
no action or suit lies against ... 不得……對……提出訴訟或起訴 Cap. 488, s. 10(3)
notice of an action 訴訟通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13A(7)
original action 原訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 35(1)(b)
party to an action 一宗訴訟的某一方 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(1)
pendency of the action 訴訟待決期間 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 12(b)
pending action [also pendent action] 待決的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 3
personal action 非土地訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
personal injury action 傷亡訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
petitory action 確認財物擁有權的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
possession action 管有權訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

private action 私人訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.54
probate action 遺囑認證訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)
prosecution of actions and proceedings 提起……訴訟及法律程序 Cap. 1143, s. 8(1)(e)
quasi-class action 類似集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.101
real action 土地訴訟 Cap. 36, Schedule
reasonable cause of action 合理的訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 19
recourse action 追索補償訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
recoverable by action 可循訴訟追討 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
redemption action 贖回訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 17
redhibitory action 因貨物有瑕疵而要求取消合約的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
relator action 促訟人訴訟 Cap. 91, Sch. 2
right of action 提出申索的權利 Cap. 453, Schedule
right of action 提起訴訟的權利 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.12
right of action 訴訟權 Cap. 347, s. 13(1)
right of action 訴訟權利 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 1A(1)
right of action accrued 訴訟權產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
right of action against ... 針對……進行訴訟的權利 Cap. 300, s. 8(6)
right of action first accrues to the plaintiff 訴訟權最初在原告人方面產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
salvage action 救助訴訟〔涉及海事救助的索償訴訟〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

securities class action 證券集體訴訟 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.43
separate action 另一宗訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 7(1)
separate action ... 獨立的……訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 35(1)
stay the action 擱置該項訴訟 Cap. 182, s. 5(2)
subsequent action 後繼的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 21, r. 3(1)
substantive cause of action 實質的訴訟因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
summons in the action 在該宗訴訟中發出的傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 3(1)
supposed cause of action 據稱的訴訟因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
there is no defence to (the action) (該宗訴訟)是無可抗辯的 Cap. 4A, O. 86, r. 2
time-bar for actions 喪失時效 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
time-bar for actions 訴訟時效 Cap. 434, s. 8, Heading
title of the action 訴訟的標題 Cap. 4A, O. 10, r. 1(6)
to abide the event of the action 以依從訴訟的結果 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 6
to maintain an action 進行訴訟 Cap. 23, s. 20C(1)
transfer the action to a particular list 將訴訟轉往某特定審訊表 Cap. 4A, O. 72, r. 5(1)
transfers the action to ... 將有關訴訟移交…… Cap. 336H, O. 84A, r. 3(5)
trial of an action is called on 訴訟被傳審 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 1(1)
trial of the action on affidavit evidence 根據誓章證據而審訊該宗訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 12
trust action 信託訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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action chose in action [also thing in action] 據法權產 Cap. 20, s. 2

thing in action [also chose in action] 據法權產 Cap. 514, s. 50
actionable actionable 可予以訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 21
actionable 可被訴諸法律行動的 Cap. 332, s. 48(2)
actionable 可就……提出起訴 Cap. 490, s. 25(2)
actionable 可訴的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actionable 可導致訴訟的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actionable 有理由提起訴訟的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actionable ... at the suit of ... ……可……提出訴訟 Cap. 23, s. 22B(1)
actionable injury 可進行訴訟的傷害 Cap. 23, s. 22B(3)
actionable words 可訴言詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actionable wrong 可訴諸法律行動的過失 Cap. 332, s. 2
is actionable by ... 可就……而提起訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 106(5)
legally actionable 法律上可訴訟 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3
not actionable 不能……進行訴訟 Cap. 453, s. 7(3)
activate activating 啟動 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
activate activate a suspended sentence 執行緩刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
order to activate a suspended sentence 執行緩刑令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
active active partner 積極參與的合夥人 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)

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active service 執勤 Cap. 517A, s. 11(2)

active service 現役服務 Cap. 233, s. 2
in the active pursuance of their duty 積極執行職責的 Cap. 104D, by-law 12
active active foreign exchange market 活躍的外匯市場 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
internationally active 活躍於國際 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 1
large, deep and active markets 龐大、具深度及活躍的市場 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 2
active active abuser 主動施虐者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.80
active records 常用檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
Annex I
active waste active waste [also commissive waste; voluntary waste] 主動性損耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
active waste [also commissive waste; voluntary waste] 積極性損耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
activity authorized betting activity 獲批准投注活動 Cap. 108, s. 1A(1)
causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent 導致他人在不同意的情況下進行涉及性的行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.23
consensual sexual activity 經同意下進行的涉及性的行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.49
cross-jurisdictional activities 跨司法管轄區活動 Cap. 155M, s. 16FF(4)(a)
fraudulent activities 欺詐行為 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
operational activity 運作活動 Cap. 611, Sch. 1
political activities 政治活動 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
professional activities 專業事務 Cap. 428, Long Title

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public benefit activities 公益活動 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

regulated activity 受規管活動 Cap. 571N, s. 56(1)(ia)
religious activities 宗教活動 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32
sexual activity 涉及性的行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.12
sexual activity with a dead person 與死人進行涉及性的行為 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 5.40
syndicated criminal activity 集團式犯罪活動 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unlawful activity 不法活動 Cap. 234A, r. 236(6)
actor actor in identification parade 和疑犯一起供辨認的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
actor in identification parade “戲子” The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Actori incumbit onus Actori incumbit onus probandi. [The burden of proof rests 舉證責任在原告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
probandi. upon the plaintiff.] and Commercial Law Terms
actual actual 真實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actual 實際 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actual 實質 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actual authority 實際權限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actual bodily harm 身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
actual bodily harm 實際身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

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Serious Harm of a Child or

Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
actual care or charge 實際照顧或看管 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.20
actual custody 實際保管 Cap. 145, s. 12(1)(d)(i)
actual custody 實際管養 Cap. 290, s. 5(7)(a)
actual earnings 實際收入 Cap. 282, s. 9(4)
actual gain 實際獲益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
actual intention 實際意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
actual knowledge 實際知悉 Cap. 397, s. 10(1)(a)
actual knowledge 實際得知 Cap. 486, s. 46
actual loss 實際損失 Cap. 329, s. 76
actual notice 實際知悉 Cap. 519, s. 33(5)(a)
actual notice 實際得悉 Cap. 571, s. 52
actual notice 實際通知 Cap. 256, s. 3(2)
actual offender 實際犯罪者 Cap. 169, s. 8(2)
actual or apparent conflict of interest 實際上或表面上的利益衝突 Cap. 401, s. 12B(3)
actual or apprehended emergency 實際發生或意恐發生的緊急事故 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
actual or constructive knowledge 實際知道或憑法律推定而知道 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
actual or contingent 實有的或是或有的 Cap. 556, s. 36(2)(a)

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actual or potential 實在的或潛在的 Cap. 483, s. 7(2)(c)

actual or potential conflict of interest 實在或潛在的利益衝突 Cap. 637, s. 27(1)(b)
actual possession 實際管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
actual violence 實際使用暴力 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊他人致造成身體傷害 Cap. 212, s. 39
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
had no knowledge (whether actual, constructive or imputed) 並不知道(不論實際知道或憑法律構定或認定而知道) Cap. 49, s. 3(2)(b)(ii)
has actual custody over the body of ... 實際看管……的人身 Cap. 4, s. 22A(15)(a)
in actual possession 實際管有 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 10(1)
in actual practice 實際執業 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(d)
in his actual custody 由某人實際保管 Cap. 134, s. 2(2)
in the actual custody of ... 由……實際管養 Cap. 290, s. 5(7)(a)
inflicting grievous or actual bodily harm 使人受到嚴重或實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
without actual malice 不含實際惡意 Cap. 21, s. 4
actually actually and reasonably done 確實且合理地辦理的 Cap. 492A, r. 7(1)(a)
actuarial actuarial 精算 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.67,
Footnote 84
actuarial certificate 精算師證明書 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
actuarial investigation 精算調查 Cap. 622, s. 293(4)(b)
actuarial report 精算師報告 Cap. 112, s. 23(3)
actuarial review 精算檢討 Cap. 426, Sch. 1
actuarial table 精算表 Cap. 89, s. 18A(2)

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actuary actuary 保險精算師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
actuary 精算師 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
report of the actuary 精算師報告 Cap. 112, s. 23(2)
actuate actuated by express malice 被顯明的惡意所驅動 Cap. 4A, O. 82, r. 3(3)
Actus Dei nemini facit Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam. [An act of God does wrong to 天災造成的損害不能歸咎於人 參看 act of God English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
injuriam. no one.] and Commercial Law Terms
Actus non facit reum Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea. [An act does not make a 沒有犯罪意圖的行為不構成犯罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
nisi mens sit rea. person guilty unless his or her mind is guilty.] and Commercial Law Terms
actus reus actus reus 犯罪行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ad colligenda bona ad colligenda bona defuncti ["for collecting the goods of the 保障遺產的特殊管理書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
defuncti deceased"] and Commercial Law Terms
ad damnum pleadings ad damnum pleadings [pleadings demanding damages] 要求作出損害賠償的狀書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad diem ad diem ["on the day"; on the appointed day] 在指定日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad finem; ad fin. ad finem; ad fin. ["to the end"] 直至完結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad hoc ad hoc bodies 專責團體 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.67
ad hoc ["for this purpose"] 特設 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad hoc provisions 專責條文 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
ad idem ad idem ["of the same thing or result"; of the same mind; 一致 參看 consensus ad idem English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
essentially the same] and Commercial Law Terms
ad idem ["of the same thing or result"; of the same mind; 同心 English-Chinese dictionary of law

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essentially the same]

ad idem ["of the same thing or result"; of the same mind; 意見相同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
essentially the same] and Commercial Law Terms
ad infinitum ad infinitum ["without limit"] 永遠 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad infinitum ["without limit"] 無限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad litem ad litem ["for the suit"] 為了訴訟的目的 參看 guardian ad litem English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
agents ad litem 訴訟代理人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.85
guardian ad litem 訴訟監護人 Cap. 416, Sch. 1
guardian ad litem 辯護監護人 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 29(4)(a)
ad rem ad rem ["to the point"] 得其要領 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad rem ["to the point"] 貼切 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad testificandum subpoena ad testificandum 着令出庭作證的傳召證人出庭令 Cap. 221, s. 38A
ad valorem ad valorem ["according to value"] 從價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad valorem fee 從價費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ad valorem stamp duty 從價印花稅 Cap. 621, Sch. 4
ad valorem tax ["tax according to value"; tax paid in 從價稅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
proportion to the value of the article taxed] and Commercial Law Terms
adapt adapt 修改 Cap. 139E, reg. 44
adapt 配合 Cap. 498B, s. 6(1)
adapt for sale 改裝以供出售 Cap. 291, s. 11(2)(a)

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adapted 改造 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)

adapted for ... 經改裝以供…… Cap. 81, s. 2
adapted to distinguish 適合作出識別 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
adaptation adaptation 改編本 Cap. 528, s. 22(1)(g)
adaptations 適應 Cap. 1, s. 2A(1)
adaptations 適應性修改 Cap. 622, s. 640(b)
modifications, adaptations, limitations or exceptions 變更、適應、限制或例外 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
add add 增補 Cap. 515, s. 11(6)
add ... person as a party 將其加入為法律程序的一方 Cap. 352, s. 3(4)
added as a defendant 加入成為被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 10(3)
added as a defendant 加入作為被告人 Cap. 528, s. 113(4)
added defendant 新加入被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 10(3)
added to 增補 Cap. 303, s. 12(1)
adding conditions 增補條件 Cap. 159, s. 6(9)
adding to and deleting from 增減 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 5
add emphasis added 劃線字/斜體字/粗體字為強調部分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
emphasis added 劃線/斜體/粗體自加,以資強調 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
addendum addendum 附加物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
addendum 附件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
addendum 附錄 Cap. 32, Sch. 20

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addendum 補遺 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
addiction addiction treatment centre 戒毒所 Cap. 244, s. 2
addition addition 加稱 Cap. 159, s. 46(1)
addition 附加物 Cap. 219, s. 19(2)(c)
addition 增建 Cap. 132AX, s. 11(a)
addition 增訂 Cap. 295B, reg. 183(4)
addition ... of a new party 新的一方的加入 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(6)
additions 增補 Cap. 405, s. 28(4)
alterations or additions 更改或增添 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
in addition to 在……之上 Cap. 98A, reg. 9(1)(a)
new party ... be added new party ... be added 新的一方加入 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6
additional additional 附加 Cap. 514, s. 103(1)(b)
additional 增補的 Cap. 149, s. 6(2)
additional charges 附加費 Cap. 279A, reg. 61(1)
additional costs 額外訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
additional director 增補董事 Cap. 556, s. 8(1)
additional fine 另處罰款 Cap. 411, s. 17(5)
additional fine 額外罰款 Cap. 313, s. 11C(2)(a)
additional first registration tax 額外首次登記稅 Cap. 330, s. 4E(2)(d)(i)(A)
additional liquidity needs 額外流動性需要 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(k)
additional penalty 附加罰款 Cap. 240, s. 9A
additional pension 額外退休金 Cap. 89, s. 3(4)
additional property 額外財產 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.18, Footnote 60

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Additional Protocol 《附加議定書》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)

additional resources 額外資源 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(d)(v)
additional stamp duty 附加印花稅 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
additive additive 添加劑 Cap. 132W, Sch. 1
food additives 食物添加劑 Cap. 132CM, s. 2
address address 陳詞 Cap. 5A, r. 3(3)(b)
address any public meeting 在公眾集會上致辭 Cap. 208A, reg. 11(1)(a)
address ... by way of mitigation 向……作出請求減輕判處的陳詞 Cap. 161E, s. 29(2)
address ... by way of mitigation 向……作出請求輕判的陳詞 Cap. 428B, s. 35(2)(a)
address in reply 陳詞作答 Cap. 342B, r. 8(8)
address ... in reply 發言作答 Cap. 374J, reg. 8(5)
address (n., v.) 向……發言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
address the court 向法院陳詞 Cap. 5A, r. 3(3)(b)
addresses 發言 Cap. 17A, r. 23(3)(b)
closing address 結案陳詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conclusion of ... addresses 陳詞完結 Cap. 281G, reg. 20(2)
final address 最後陳詞 Cap. 281G, reg. 20(1)
opening address 開審陳詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
address address (n., v.) 註明地址 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
addressed 致送 Cap. 227, s. 19A(4)
addressed 被指明為收件人 Cap. 1167, s. 8(a)

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addressed to 致予 Cap. 164, s. 21(1)

addressed to ... 註明由……收件 Cap. 17A, r. 7(1)(a)
addressed to ... at a specified address 以……為收件人並以某指明的地址為收件地址 Cap. 8, s. 29(1)(a)(i)
properly addressed 正確地註明收件人的名稱及地址 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
properly addressed 妥為註明地址 Cap. 490A, s. 10(5)
... to whom ... addressed ……所致予的…… Cap. 98, s. 10(b)
address address for service 送達文件地址 Cap. 10A, r. 64
address for service 送達地址 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 4
address for service 接收送達文件地址 Cap. 528, s. 133(9)(b)
address ... for the service of documents 供送達文件用的地址 Cap. 446A, s. 3(1)(c)
address (n., v.) 地址 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
business address 業務地址 Cap. 618A, s. 10(1)
business address 辦公地址 Cap. 227, s. 8(2)(e)
business address 營業地址 Cap. 615, s. 53D(1)(b)(i)
correspondence address 通訊地址 Cap. 622, s. 643(1)(a)(ii)
current address 當時的地址 Cap. 478Q, s. 12(3)(b)
electronic address 電子地址 Cap. 50A, by-law 3(8)(b)
electronic mail address 電子郵件地址 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
e-mail address 電郵地址 Cap. 159AC, Sch. 2
fixed address 固定地址 Cap. 1143, s. 12
genuine address for service 真實的送達地址 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 3(4)
home address 住址 Cap. 478Q, s. 5(2)(b)
last known address 最後為人所知的地址 Cap. 456, s. 35(1)(a)(i)

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nominated address [for service of documents] 指定地址〔作送達文件用的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
permanent address 永久地址 Cap. 60, s. 27(3A)(b)
postal address 通信地址 Cap. 332, s. 20(1)
postal address 郵遞地址 Cap. 494, s. 61(a)(iii)
postal box address 郵箱地址 Cap. 362, s. 13E(4)(c)
prescribed address 訂明地址 Cap. 542, s. 28(1B)
principal office address 主要辦事處地址 Cap. 603, s. 28C(2)(b)(i)
principal residential address 主要住址 Cap. 541A, s. 9(1)
registered address 登記地址 Cap. 511, s. 41(a)(ii)
registered address 註冊地址 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
residential address 住址 Cap. 622, s. 49(5)
satisfactory address for service of the summons 令人滿意的傳票送達地址 Cap. 615, s. 48(1)(b)(iii)
shore address 岸上地址 Cap. 548D, s. 7(2)(b)
usual residential address 通常住址 Cap. 622, s. 643(1)(a)(ii)
valid address 有效地址 Cap. 615, s. 48(1)(b)(iv)
addressee addressee 收件人 Cap. 98, s. 2(2)(a)
addressee 收訊者 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
adduce adduce 援引 Cap. 524, s. 12(5)
adduce evidence 援引……證據 Cap. 221, s. 65D(1)
adduce evidence 舉出證據 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.29
adduce evidence 舉證 Cap. 237, s. 20(1)
adduce further evidence 援引進一步證據 Cap. 188, s. 6(9)(a)

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adduce material 援引材料 Cap. 514, s. 33(8)

adduce or point to sufficient evidence 援引或顯示足夠的證據 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.69, Footnote 27
adduced 提出 Cap. 408, s. 29(4)
adduced 舉出 Cap. 362, s. 26A(a)
adduced as evidence 援引……為證據 Cap. 631, s. 5(2)(c)
elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不援引證據 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)
elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不舉證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence adduced 援引的證據 Cap. 8, s. 49(2)(g)
adduce evidence adduce evidence 提出證據 Cap. 159AC, s. 18
adduce evidence 提供證據 Cap. 406, s. 46
adduce evidence 援引證據 Cap. 179A, r. 9
adeem adeem 廢止 Cap. 1137, s. 5
adeem 廢除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adeem 撤銷 Cap. 1154, s. 6
adeem 贖出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ademption of gift ademption of gift 撤銷贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adequacy capital adequacy 資本充足程度 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.85
capital adequacy 資本充裕程度 Cap. 485, s. 20(7)(b)

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capital adequacy ratio 資本充足比率 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)

capital adequacy requirement 資本充足要求 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.62
prescribed capital adequacy requirements 訂明資本充裕程度規定 Cap. 485A, s. 2
adequate adequate 妥當 Cap. 490A, s. 11(1)
adequate 完備 Cap. 162, Long Title
adequate 足夠 Cap. 155, s. 59(6)
adequate 健全 Cap. 584, s. 12B(6)
adequate 週全 Cap. 41, s. 35AA(1)(c)
adequate alternative forum 適當的替代訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 16
adequate evidence 充分的證據 Cap. 362, s. 30C(1)
adequate financial capability 充足財政能力 Cap. 571Y, s. 2(1)
adequate precautions 足夠防範措施 Cap. 218A, reg. 15(b)
adequate provision 足夠準備金 Cap. 155, s. 63(3A)(a)(iii)
adequate signature 足以作為有效簽署 Cap. 138, s. 2(3)
adequate warning 充分警告 Cap. 374G, reg. 22(2)
adequate working balance 足夠的營運資金結餘 Cap. 234A, r. 268
an adequate margin of safety 足夠安全度 Cap. 123N, s. 35(c)(iii)
management structure is adequate 管理架構是妥善的 Cap. 123N, s. 12(5)(c)(i)
adequate and proper adequate and proper record 充分和妥善的紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
record and Commercial Law Terms
adequately adequately 充分地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adequately 妥當地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

and Commercial Law Terms

adequately and effectively served on sb. 妥當而有效地送達某人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adequately disclose a cause of action 充分披露訴訟因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adequately informed of ... 充分知悉…… Cap. 276, s. 21(5)
adequately secured by the land 該土地……能夠作為足夠的按揭抵押 Cap. 276, s. 25(2)
adequately state 充分述明 Cap. 400, s. 8(7)
fairly and adequately represent 公平和充分地代表 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.20
adhere adhered to 依循 Cap. 10A, r. 2A(2)
adherent adherents 附從者 Cap. 245, s. 5(1)
adhesion contract adhesion contract [also contract of adhesion; take-it-or-leave- 定式合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
it contract] and Commercial Law Terms
adhesion contract [also contract of adhesion; take-it-or-leave- 附意合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
it contract] and Commercial Law Terms
adjacent adjacent 鄰近 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(j)
adjacent to ... 毗連…… Cap. 621, Sch. 1
adjacent to ... 毗鄰…… Cap. 374A, reg. 72(3)
contiguous or adjacent to ... 與……相連或毗鄰 Cap. 519, s. 28(1)
immediately adjacent thereto 緊貼……的 Cap. 374, s. 123(1)
adjective law adjective law [also adjectival law; procedural law] 程序法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adjoin adjoin 毗鄰 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoin 鄰接 Cap. 478I, s. 33
adjoining land 毗鄰土地 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoining land 鄰接土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

adjoining occupier 毗鄰佔用人 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoining occupier 相鄰佔用人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adjoining owner 毗鄰擁有人 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoining adjoining 相鄰 Cap. 257, s. 5(b)(i)
adjoining 鄰接的 Cap. 478AF, s. 30(2)(b)
adjoining ... 與……毗連的 Cap. 81, s. 3(1)
adjoining areas 毗鄰地區 Cap. 247, Long Title
adjoining owner 毗鄰擁有人 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoining owners 毗鄰的擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
4.24, Footnote 13
adjoining premises 毗連處所 Cap. 132AD, s. 7(c)(vi)
adjourn adjourn 延期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adjourn 押後 Cap. 504, s. 33(2)
adjourn a hearing 將聆訊押後 Cap. 159AE, s. 12
adjourn ... proceedings 將……法律程序押後 Cap. 311A, reg. 12(3)
adjourn ... sine die 將……無限期押後 Cap. 6A, r. 83
adjourn the claim 押後聆訊該宗申索 Cap. 25, s. 15(3)
adjourn the court 將法庭聆訊押後 Cap. 369A, reg. 15
adjourn the hearing 延期聆訊 Cap. 68, s. 20(5)
adjourn the hearing 將聆訊延期 Cap. 227, s. 20
adjourn the hearing 將聆訊押後 Cap. 433A, s. 10
adjourn ... to a fixed date 押後至另一已指定……的日期 Cap. 504, s. 33

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

adjourned 中止待續 Rules of Procedure of the Legislative

Council of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, s. 67(2)
adjourned generally 一般地予以押後 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 5(2)
adjourned sine die 無限期押後 Cap. 6A, r. 85
adjourned sine die with liberty to restore 無限期押後,但可隨時申請恢復 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adjourned to a date to be fixed 押後至另一尚待指定的日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leave to adjourn 准予延訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
meeting which has stood adjourned 延期舉行的會議 Cap. 321, s. 24(4)
stand adjourned to 將會議延期 Cap. 321, s. 24(3)(b)
stand and remain adjourned until ... 暫停……並延期至……為止 Cap. 62, s. 3(1)
the court adjourns 休庭 Cap. 3, s. 22(1)
adjourned adjourned date 押後聆訊的日期 Cap. 131B, reg. 7(1)
adjourned hearing 押後聆訊 Cap. 60, s. 28(3A)
adjourned meeting 延會 Cap. 32, s. 209A(1)(b)
adjourned poll 押後的投票 Cap. 541L, s. 77(2)(a)
adjournment adjournment 延期 Cap. 227, s. 80B(6)
adjournment 延會 Cap. 571, s. 346(2)(a)
adjournment 押後 Cap. 221, s. 5
adjournment into court 將案件押後轉往法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 30, r. 7(1)
adjournment of judicial proceedings 將司法程序延期 Cap. 62, Long Title
adjournment of ... meeting 將會議延期 Cap. 6A, r. 99V(1)

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entitled to a reasonable adjournment 有權獲准將案件押後一段合理時間 Cap. 342B, r. 9(2)

notice of adjournment 押後研訊通知書 Cap. 162C, s. 2
adjudge adjudge 判定 Cap. 298, s. 5
adjudged bankrupt 被判定破產 Cap. 6, s. 132
adjudged to be paid 被判定繳付的 Cap. 298, s. 5(4)
it was adjudged that ... 現經判決…… Cap. 227C, Schedule
sum adjudged to be paid by a conviction 根據定罪而判決須繳付的款項 Cap. 227, s. 2
sum adjudged to be paid by an order 根據命令而判決須繳付的款項 Cap. 227, s. 2
adjudicate adjudicate 作出判決 Cap. 515, s. 6(11)
adjudicate 判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adjudicate 判定 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6
adjudicate 裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adjudicate cases 審判案件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 84
adjudicated bankrupt 被判定破產 Cap. 6, s. 131
adjudicated bankrupt ... by judgment of a court 被法院藉判決而判定破產 Cap. 401, s. 30(1)
adjudicates on 裁定 Cap. 591, s. 7(2)
adjudicating body 審裁機構 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.28
adjudication adjudication 判決 Cap. 227, s. 19(3)
adjudication 審裁 Cap. 280A, reg. 22
adjudication of bankruptcy 破產判決 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
adjudication of cases 審理案件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
adjudication officer [小額薪酬索償仲裁處]仲裁官 Cap. 453, s. 2

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company names adjudication system 公司名稱審裁機制 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

6.37, Footnote 23
date of adjudication 判決……作出當日 Cap. 401, s. 30(2)(a)
final adjudication 終審 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 2
final adjudication 終審判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
order of adjudication 判決令 Cap. 6, s. 40
power of final adjudication 終審權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 82
adjudicator adjudicator [人事登記審裁處]審裁員 Cap. 177, s. 3C(2)
adjudicator [入境事務審裁處]審裁員 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
adjudicator [小額錢債審裁處]審裁官 Cap. 338, s. 2
adjudicator [淫褻物品審裁處]審裁委員 Cap. 390, s. 5(6)
adjudicator 審裁官 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
chief adjudicator [人事登記審裁處]總審裁員 Cap. 177, s. 3C(2)
deputy adjudicator [小額錢債審裁處]暫委審裁官 Cap. 338, s. 2
deputy adjudicator 暫委審裁官 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
deputy chief adjudicator [人事登記審裁處]副總審裁員 Cap. 177, s. 3C(2)
panel of adjudicators 審裁委員小組 Cap. 390, s. 5(1)
adjunct adjunct 附屬 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.64
adjusted liabilities adjusted liabilities 經調整負債 Cap. 571N, s. 2
adjuster adjusters 核算人 Cap. 159M, r. 11(1)(c)
adjustment audit adjustments 審計調整 Cap. 485A, s. 56(1)(b)
corresponding adjustment 相應調整 Cap. 34, s. 6(6)

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administer administer 主持 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
administer 行政 Cap. 581, s. 5(b)
administer 施加 Cap. 213A, reg. 7
administer 施行 Cap. 4, s. 16(1)
administer 負責……的行政管理 Cap. 132AT, s. 4
administer 執行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administer 管治 Cap. 1079, s. 4(a)
administer 管理 Cap. 485, s. 43(2)
administer an oath 監誓 Cap. 397, s. 13(2)
administer an oath or affirmation 監誓 Cap. 421, s. 44(5)
administer interrogatories to ... 向……提出質詢 Cap. 6A, r. 24
administer oaths and take declarations 監誓及監理聲明 Cap. 4A, O. 114, r. 1
administer ... statutory declaration 監理……法定聲明 Cap. 41, s. 41C(3)
administer this Ordinance 執行本條例的規定 Cap. 476, s. 4(c)
administered 經管 Cap. 159M, r. 14(1)
administering and receiving an oath 監誓及接受宗教式誓言 Cap. 159, s. 7A(1)
administering ... oath or declaration 監誓及主持聲明 Cap. 17B, Schedule
approval requirements administered by ... ……所實施的……審批規定 Cap. 311J, Sch. 16
administer administering a substance for sexual purposes 為性目的而施用物質 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.4
administering a substance with intent 有所意圖而施用物質 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.22
administering a substance with intent 故意施用物質 "Rape and Other Non-consensual

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Sexual Offences" Consultation

Paper, para. 1.32
administering drugs 施用藥物 Cap. 200, Sch. 1
administering drugs, matter or thing to obtain or facilitate an 施用藥物、物質或物品以獲得或便利作非法的性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
unlawful sexual act Offences" Report, para. 4.66
administering drugs to obtain ... unlawful sexual act 施用藥物以獲得……非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 121, Heading
administering poison 施用毒藥 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.22
administering administering authority 管理當局 Cap. 369, s. 47(2)
administration administration 主持 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administration 行政 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
administration 執行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administration 掌管 Cap. 584, s. 8I(2)(b)
administration fee 管理費 Cap. 229, s. 4(c)
administration fees 行政費用 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(d)
administration of justice 司法 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(c)
administration of justice 秉行公正 Cap. 575, s. 21(2)(b)
administration of justice 執行公義 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
administration of justice 執行司法工作 Cap. 227, s. 5(1)
administration of justice 執法 Cap. 204A, para. 17
administration of this Ordinance 本條例的執行 Cap. 68, Long Title
administration of ... trust 信託管理 Cap. 29B, r. 28(4)

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

administration order 破產管理令 "Charities" Consultation Paper,

Annex 9, para. 48
administration order 管理令 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.41
bad ... administration 行政……拙劣 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
costs of administration 行政費用 Cap. 6, s. 38(4)
detrimental to good administration 有損良好的行政運作 Cap. 4, s. 21K(6)
district administration 地區管理 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 97
improper administration 行政……不妥善 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
inefficient ... administration 行政欠效率 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
prejudicial to the due administration ... 損及……妥善執行 Cap. 123, s. 7(1)(b)
regulate its administration 規管其本身的行政管理 Cap. 571, Sch. 2
the interests of the administration of justice require that ... 為了執行司法工作的利益,有需要…… Cap. 4, s. 10(1)(b)
administration administration 遺產管理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administration action 遺產管理訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 85, r. 1
administration expenses 遺產管理費 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
administration in bankruptcy (of the estate of a deceased (對已故破產人的遺產進行)破產遺產管理 Cap. 6, s. 44
administration of estate 遺產管理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administration order 遺產管理令 Cap. 6, s. 112
administration pendente lite 訴訟待決期間的遺產管理 參看 pendente lite English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cessate letters of administration 終止遺產管理書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
due administration of ... estate 遺產的妥為管理 Cap. 29, s. 88(1)

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due course of administration 遺產管理的適當階段 Cap. 38, s. 11

grant of administration ad colligenda bona 為收存財產而作出遺產管理授予 Cap. 10A, r. 51
grant of administration [also grant of letters of administration ] 遺產管理的授予 參看 letters of administration Cap. 10, s. 2
letters of administration 遺產管理書〔在沒有遺囑或沒有指定遺囑執行人的情況 Cap. 10, s. 48
下,由法院發出委任遺產管理人的授予書〕 參看
administrator ※比較 probate
letters of administration 遺產管理證明書 Cap. 347, s. 16
(letters of) administration ad colligenda bona 為收存財產而授予的遺產管理(書) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
(letters of) administration cum testamento annexo 附有遺囑的遺產管理(書) 參看 cum testamento English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
annexo and Commercial Law Terms
letters of administration de bonis non 未作管理的遺產的遺產管理書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
(letters of) administration de bonis non 未作管理的遺產的遺產管理(書) 參看 de bonis non Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
(letters of) administration de bonis non 待管遺產管理(書) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
(letters of) administration with the will annexed 附有遺囑的遺產管理(書) 參看cum testamento Cap. 29, s. 83
Probate and Administration 遺囑認證及遺產管理 Cap. 10, s. 1
renunciation of probate or administration 放棄遺囑認證或遺產管理 Cap. 10, s. 31
summary administration ... of the estate 簡易方式管理遺產 Cap. 585, s. 64(4)(c)
taken out letters of administration 取得遺產管理書 Cap. 10, s. 32(1)
administration normal governmental administration 正常施政 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 28
administrative administrative 行政 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(1)

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

administrative 行政的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
administrative action 在行政上所採取的行動 Cap. 546, s. 2
administrative action 行政行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative actions 在行政上……的行動 Cap. 397, Long Title
administrative affairs 行政事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 16
Administrative Appeals 行政上訴 Cap. 1A, r. 1
administrative cost 行政費用 Cap. 465, s. 2
administrative costs 行政成本 Cap. 374, s. 12(1)(n)
administrative directions 行政指示 Cap. 2, s. 11(1)
administrative division 行政區域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 12
administrative expenses 行政費用 Cap. 528D, r. 17(4)(b)
administrative expenses 行政開支 Cap. 13A, r. 7(2)(c)
administrative instructions 行政指令 Cap. 382, s. 8(3)
administrative law 行政法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative on-cost 附加行政費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative organ 行政機關 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative overhead 行政費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative procedure 行政程序 Cap. 311, s. 31(5)(a)(ii)
administrative proceedings 行政法律程序〔與民事法律程序相對〕 Cap. 36, Schedule

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administrative proceedings 行政程序〔與司法程序相對〕 Cap. 552, s. 5

administrative receiver 行政接管人〔由債權證持有人委任的接管人〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative records 行政檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.6
administrative records management regime 檔案管理行政制度 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.1
administrative regulations 行政法規 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 18
administrative rules 行政規則 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.3
constitutional and administrative law 憲制與行政法 Cap. 159Q, s. 5
in the normal course of the administrative practices 在……行政慣例的正常過程中 Cap. 112BI, Schedule
Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements 《行政安排備忘錄》 Cap. 558F, s. 2
Administrative Appeals Administrative Appeals Board 行政上訴委員會 Cap. 442, s. 2
Administrative Administrative Secretary 政務司長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 53
administrator administrator 破產管理人〔(英)《破產清盤法》所指的〕 ※比較 Cap. 155, s. 53C
administrator 管理人 Cap. 485A, s. 176(1)
administrator 遺產管理人〔在沒有遺囑或沒有指定遺囑執行人的情況 Cap. 10, s. 2
administrator ad colligenda bona ["administrator for collecting 負責收存財產的遺產管理人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
goods of the deceased"] and Commercial Law Terms
administrator de bonis non ["administrator of goods not 待管遺產管理人 參看 de bonis non administratis English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administered"] and Commercial Law Terms

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administrator of the estate 遺產管理人 Cap. 1137, s. 5(1)

administrator pendente lite 訴訟待決期間遺產管理人 Cap. 10, s. 40
administrator's bond 遺產管理人的擔保契據 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
general administrator 一般遺產管理人 Cap. 10, s. 40(2)
incoming administrator 新任管理人 Cap. 426J, s. 6(2)(f)
joinder of administrator 共同遺產管理人 Cap. 10A, r. 23
outgoing administrator 離任管理人 Cap. 426J, s. 6(2)(e)
administratrix administratrix 遺產管理人(女) 參看 administrator English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admiralty admiralty 海事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Admiralty action 海事訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(4)
Admiralty action in personam 海事對人訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(2)
Admiralty action in rem 海事對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(2)(c)
Admiralty causes and matters 海事訟案及事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(1)
admiralty claim 海事申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admiralty jurisdiction 海事司法管轄權 Cap. 281, s. 56(1)
admiralty proceedings 海事法律程序 Cap. 4B, r. 16
assessor in admiralty proceedings 海事法律程序的裁判委員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Admiralty, Court of Admiralty, Court of 海事法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admissibility admissibility 可接納性 Cap. 8, s. 19A(4)
admissibility of confession 招認的可接納性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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admissibility of confession 招認是否可接納為證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
admissibility of evidence 證據的可接納性 Cap. 374, s. 19(2)
matter of admissibility 證據的可接納性問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
right to challenge admissibility 質疑供詞的採納性的權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admissibility of admissibility of evidence 證據的可接納性 Cap. 374, s. 19
admissible admissible 可接納 Cap. 1173, s. 11(1)
admissible 可獲接納 Cap. 515, s. 12(2)
admissible 接納 Cap. 1142, s. 9(1)
admissible against ... 獲接納為對……不利的證據 Cap. 486, s. 60A(2)
admissible as evidence 獲……接納為證據 Cap. 311, s. 33(5)(b)
admissible evidence 可接納的證據 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(i)
admissible in evidence 可接納為證據 Cap. 618, s. 151(1)
admissible on behalf of the prosecution 獲接納為控方證據 Cap. 374, s. 39R(6)
admissible evidence admissible evidence 可接納的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admission Convention on Temporary Admission 《暫准進口公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
admission of goods
admission admission 入獄 Cap. 234A, r. 12(1)
admission 收納 Cap. 243, s. 18(2B)(e)
admission 取錄 Cap. 320, s. 4(g)
admission 進入 Cap. 7, s. 130

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fitness for admission 適宜進入 Cap. 161, s. 30(1)

gain admission to ... 取得進入……的許可 Cap. 521, s. 5(1)
admission admission 承認 Cap. 221, s. 65C(1)
admission 招認 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.53
admission 認罪 Cap. 359F, Sch. 2
admission of debt 承認債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admission of debt 債項承認書 Cap. 6B, Schedule
admission of liability 承認法律責任 Cap. 360, s. 13
admissions of fact 對事實……作出承認 Cap. 4A, O. 27, r. 3
bald admission 空洞的承認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
formal admission 正式承認 Cap. 221, s. 65C
formal admission of guilt 正式承認有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incriminating admission 牽連罪責的招認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inculpatory admission 承認罪責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
part admission 部分承認 Cap. 336H, App. A
verbal admission 口頭承認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admission admission 認許 Cap. 159, Long Title
admission as a barrister 獲認許為大律師 Cap. 159, s. 74C

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admission as ... a barrister 認許……為大律師 Cap. 297, s. 4(1)(a)

admission as a solicitor 獲認許為律師 Cap. 159, s. 4
admission as an advocate 獲認許為訟辯人 Cap. 159E, r. 2(1)
certificate of eligibility for admission 符合資格獲認許證明書 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
certificate of qualification for admission 具備認許資格證明書 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
jurisdiction of admission 獲認許的司法管轄區 Cap. 159Q, s. 1
seeks admission 謀求認許 Cap. 159, s. 4(1)(b)
admission admission of a new partner 接納新的合夥人 Cap. 485A, s. 193(d)
improper admission ... of evidence 證據的不當接納 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7(7)
admit admit 承認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(3)
admit any charge 承認……任何控罪 Cap. 549D, s. 15(1)
admit the claim 承認申索 Cap. 4A, O. 13A, r. 4(2)
admit the truth of a complaint 承認申訴的內容屬實 Cap. 283C, s. 16(1)
admits the entire claim 接納整項索償 Cap. 438, s. 12(7)(a)
admits the truth of ... information 承認告發內容屬實 Cap. 227, s. 7F(4)
expressly admit 明示承認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice to admit documents 要求承認文件通知書 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 3
notice to admit facts 承認事實通知書 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 3(5)
notice to admit facts 要求承認事實通知書 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 3
admit admit 認許 Cap. 159, s. 4(1)
admitted as a member of ... 被收納為……的成員 Cap. 151, s. 26G(2)
admitted as a solicitor 獲認許為律師 Cap. 159B, r. 4(1)
admitted as lawyer 獲認許為律師 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 3.36

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admitted to the bar [also called to the bar] 獲認許為大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly admitted 妥為認許 Cap. 87, s. 2
admit admit that person to ... 錄取該人為…… Cap. 602, s. 26(1)(a)
admitted to membership 獲收納為社員 Cap. 33, s. 2
admitted to the register 列入註冊紀錄冊內 Cap. 50, s. 7(c)
admit admit 接納 Cap. 495, s. 5
admit ... as evidence 接納為證據 Cap. 631, s. 8(2)
admit in evidence ... 接納……為證據 Cap. 17, s. 10(6)
admit of a construction 容納……的釋義方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admit of a construction 容得下……的釋義方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admits the ... claim 接納……申索 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)(a)
is to be admitted as evidence 須接納為證據 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZG(2)
admit admit or exclude ... from the inquiry 容許或禁止……旁聽研訊 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(c)
admitted to bail 准予保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
admitted to bail 獲准保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
admitted to be heard for ... 獲准代表……陳詞的 Cap. 484A, r. 12
where the context admits 在文意許可的情況下 Cap. 109A, reg. 37
admitted admitted facts 控辯雙方承認的事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admitted lie 已承認的謊言 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of admitted facts 承認事實書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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admonish admonish 訓誡 Cap. 408, s. 24(1)(f)

admonition admonition 訓誡 Cap. 227, s. 96(a)
due admonition 適當的訓誡 Cap. 227, s. 96(a)
adnepos adnepos [also ~ abnepos] 玄孫 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adneptis adneptis [also ~ abneptis] 玄孫女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adopt adopt 領養 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adopted 受領養 Cap. 290A, Sch. 1
adopted child 領養子女 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.79
adopted person 受領養人 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.77,
Footnote 82
adopt adopt estimates of income and expenditure 通過……收支預算 Cap. 398, s. 9(2)
adopted 採用 Cap. 369Y, reg. 123(1)
adopted as laws 採用為……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
code or standard ... adopted 採納守則或標準 Cap. 406, s. 59(3)
freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice 保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
adoptability adoptability 是否可受領養 Cap. 290A, r. 31A(3)(a)
adopted adopted 被領養的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adopted child 受領養子女 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
adopted child 被領養的子女 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
adopted child 領養子女 Cap. 6, s. 51B(7)(a)

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adopted person 受領養人 Cap. 22, s. 2(2)(a)

adopted person 被領養人士 Cap. 429, s. 4(2)(c)
Adopted Children Adopted Children Register 領養子女登記冊 Cap. 290, s. 18(1)
adopter adopter 領養人 Cap. 290, s. 10(2)
proposed adopter 擬領養人 Cap. 290D, r. 6(2)
prospective adopter 準領養人 Cap. 290, s. 8(1A)
adopting adopting parent 領養父親或母親 Cap. 136, s. 2(3)
adoption adoption 沿用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adoption 採納 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adoption of measures 採取措施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adoption adoption 領養 Cap. 429, s. 4(2)(c)
adoption order 領養令 Cap. 290, s. 2
Convention adoption 公約領養 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention adoption certificate 公約領養證書 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention adoption order 公約領養令 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in 《關於跨國領養的保護兒童及合作公約》 Cap. 290, Long Title
respect of Intercountry Adoption
dissolution of adoption 終止領養 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full adoption 完全領養 Cap. 290, s. 20F(2)
subject of an adoption 領養對象 Cap. 290, s. 10(1)
adoptive adoptive grandparent 領養祖父母或領養外祖父母 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)

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adoptive parent 領養父母 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)

adoptive parent adoptive parent [also adopting parent] 領養父母 Cap. 290, s. 17
adult adult 成人 Cap. 1, s. 3
adult 成年人 Cap. 1, s. 3
adult guardian 成年人監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.34
adult person 成年人 Cap. 382, s. 10(2)
vulnerable adult 易受傷害成年人 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.8
adulterate adulterated 經攙雜 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
adulteration adulteration 劣等貨 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adulteration 偽造 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adulteration 攙雜 Cap. 132V, Long Title
adulterator adulterator 偽造者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adulterator 造假者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adulterator 摻假者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adulterer adulterer 通姦者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adultery adultery 通姦 Cap. 16, s. 6
advance advance 預付 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)(a)

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advance 墊支 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)

advance (n.) 放款 Cap. 155M, s. 2
advance (n.) 預支款項 Cap. 163, s. 2
advance (n.) 墊付款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advance (v.) 預支 Cap. 78, s. 5
advance (v.) 墊付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advance of money 預付款項 Cap. 38, s. 4
advances 先付的款項 Cap. 23, s. 15(2)
advances 墊款 Cap. 2B, Schedule
advances warrant 墊款令 Cap. 2, s. 20
charged as an advance 以預支方式記帳 Cap. 61, s. 5(2)
further or continuing advance 進一步或持續的貸款 Cap. 48, s. 2(1)
future advances 未來貸款 Cap. 1176, s. 7(g)(iv)
future advances 將來的貸款 Cap. 1146, s. 7(g)(iv)
impaired loans and advances 已減值貸款及放款 Cap. 155M, s. 95(2)(a)
original advance 原來的貸款 Cap. 48, s. 2(1)
repayment of advances 歸還放款 Cap. 159, s. 7AA(1)
rescheduled loans and advances 經重組貸款及放款 Cap. 155M, s. 27(4)(a)
unsecured advances 無抵押放款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advance advance 增進 Cap. 1141, s. 4(a)
advance in advance 事先 Cap. 622, s. 141(1)
in advance 預先 Cap. 81A, reg. 22(2)

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in advance of 在……之前 Cap. 285A, reg. 31

sufficiently in advance of 事先在有充分時間的情況下 Cap. 609, s. 57(3)
advance sexual advance 性要求 Cap. 480, s. 2(5)(a)(i)
unwelcome sexual advance 不受歡迎的性要求 Cap. 480, s. 2(5)(a)(i)
advance submissions advanced 提出的呈述 Cap. 484A, r. 27(1)(c)
advance advance notice 事先通知 Cap. 155, s. 71(5)(b)
advance notice 預先通知 Cap. 485, s. 20(12)(b)(i)
advance advance directive 預設醫療指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 3.29
advance health care directive 預設健康護理指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.83
advance health directive 預設健康指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.9
model form of advance directive 預設醫療指示表格範本 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
advance notice advance notice 事先通知 Cap. 571, s. 135
advancement advancement 預付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advancement 預付財產 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(c)
advancement of an infant 幼年人的……預付受託財產 Cap. 336, s. 37(1)(e)
advancement of gift 預早贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
presumption of advancement 預早饋贈的推定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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statutory power of advancement 關於預付受託財產的法定權力 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(b)

advancement for the advancement or benefit of ... 為……的進步或利益 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)(a)
advantage accepts an advantage 接受利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(c)
advantage 利益 Cap. 57, s. 50(1)
afford ... advantage 付出……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(a)
asks for ... advantage 問取……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(b)
demands ... advantage 需索……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(b)
economic ... advantage 經濟……利益 Cap. 528, s. 25(2)
financial advantage 經濟利益 Cap. 200, s. 70(1)(c)
financial advantage or benefit 財務優惠或利益 Cap. 621, s. 31(5)(c)
give ... advantage 給予……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(a)
hold out ... advantage 供給……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(a)
hope of advantage 希望得到利益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
indicates willingness to receive ... advantage 表示願意收取……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(b)
invites ... advantage 招引……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(b)
obtain any advantage 獲得任何利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(c)
offers an advantage 提供利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(a)
operational advantage 運作上的優勢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pecuniary advantage 金錢利益 Cap. 210, s. 18(1)
pecuniary or other material advantage 金錢或其他物質利益 Cap. 57, s. 50(1)
potential advantage 潛在利益 Cap. 112, s. 50AAJ(1)
public advantage 公眾利益 Cap. 507, s. 4(j)
solicit or accept an advantage 索取或接受利益 Cap. 201, s. 3

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solicits an advantage 索取利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(b)

take ... advantage 拿取……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(c)
takes unfair advantage of ... 對……構成不公平的利用 Cap. 559, s. 21(2)(a)
to the advantage of 有利於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the public advantage 令公眾得益 Cap. 514, s. 66(2)(b)
to the public advantage 符合公眾利益 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
trivial advantage 輕微好處 Cap. 91, s. 10(3)(a)
unfair advantage 不公平的利用 Cap. 559, s. 21
unfair advantage 在不公平的情況下獲取利益 Cap. 571, s. 371
unfair advantage has accrued 在不公平的情況下獲取利益 Cap. 571, s. 371(4)(a)(ii)
advantage take advantage of 把握 Cap. 115, s. 37ZD(1)(b)
adventitious adventitious 外來的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adventitious 附加的 ※比較 profectitious English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adventitious 偶然獲得的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adversarial adversarial 對辯式 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.14
adversarial system of criminal justice 對訟式刑事司法體系 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
adversarial system of justice 對辯式訴訟的司法制度 Cap. 492, s. 18(3)
adversarial trial 對訟式審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
adversarial trial 對辯式審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
adversary system adversary system 對訟制 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adversary system 辯論式訴訟制度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse adverse 不利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse 相反 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse 敵對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adverse action 不利行動 Cap. 486, s. 46(10)(c)(i)
adverse changes 不利改變 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(k)(vi)
adverse claims 敵對申索 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1(1)(a)
adverse conditions 不利情況 Cap. 406E, reg. 15
adverse consequence 不良後果 Cap. 549, s. 138C(a)(iii)
adverse costs 不利訟費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.87
adverse costs 不利費用 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.7
adverse costs award 不利訟費裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.37
adverse costs award 不利費用裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.35
adverse costs order 不利訟費令 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.15
adverse costs order 不利費用令 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,

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para. 5.52
adverse decision 不利的決定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
adverse deviation 不利偏差 Cap. 41E, r. 4(2)(b)
adverse effects 不良影響 Cap. 354, s. 20I(3)
adverse environment 不利環境 Cap. 155L, Sch. 3
adverse environmental impact 不良環境影響 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
adverse inference 不利的推論 Cap. 501, s. 19(c)
adverse observation or comment 負面觀察所得或評語 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
adverse occupant 逆權佔用人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
adverse party 對立一方 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.65
adverse possession 逆權管有 Cap. 347, s. 13(1)
adverse possessor 逆權管有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
adverse title to land 相逆土地業權 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
adverse to ... 相逆於…… Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 6(5)(b)
adverse to ... 與……相逆 Cap. 179A, r. 72(3)
adverse witness 敵對證人 Cap. 8, s. 13
have adverse effects on ... 對……構成不利影響 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
interest adverse to ... 與……有對立的利害關係 Cap. 91C, reg. 15
material adverse event 重大不利事件 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
most adverse conditions 最惡劣的情況 Cap. 374A, reg. 13(1)
person in adverse possession 逆權管有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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proves adverse 有敵對的表現 Cap. 8, s. 12
adversely adversely 不利 Cap. 514, s. 135
adversely affect ... 對……有不利影響 Cap. 313A, reg. 12A(a)
adversely affect the public's confidence in ... 削弱公眾對……的信心 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(a)
advertent negligence advertent negligence 罔顧後果的疏忽 ※比較 inadvertent negligence English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advertise advertise 刊登 Cap. 6, s. 78(1)(f)
advertise 發出廣告 Cap. 262, s. 2
advertise 廣告宣傳 Cap. 159, s. 19(3)
advertise ... 為……作廣告宣傳 Cap. 133A, reg. 16(2)(a)
advertise for sale 為出售而宣傳 Cap. 132AC, s. 7(1)
advertise in the Gazette 在憲報刊登 Cap. 32, Sch. 12
advertised for sale 宣傳出售 Cap. 106B, reg. 3(1)
advertises 宣傳 Cap. 610, s. 49(3)(c)
advertising of ... 為……而進行廣告宣傳 Cap. 486, s. 35A(1)
decree ... advertised 判令……刊登公告 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 39(1)
advertisement advertisement 公告 Cap. 514, s. 41(3)
advertisement 宣傳品 Cap. 362, s. 2
advertisement 廣告 Cap. 571, s. 102(1)
advertisement 廣告宣傳 Cap. 133, s. 19(1)(n)
advertisement 廣告宣傳品 Cap. 208A, reg. 10(1)(a)
advertisement fee 公告費 Cap. 514, s. 114(1)(b)
displaying or exhibiting any material for the purpose of 為作廣告或宣傳而陳列或展示任何資料 Cap. 627, s. 16(1)(c)
advertisement or publicity

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the advertisement contains an indication to the contrary 該廣告顯示相反的意圖 Cap. 602, s. 42(3)
advertising advertising circulars 廣告宣傳傳單 Cap. 562, Sch. 2
advertising material 廣告宣傳材料 Cap. 106, s. 13O(a)
advertising matter 宣傳品 Cap. 104E, by-law 14
bait advertising 餌誘式廣告宣傳 Cap. 362, s. 13G(1)
for advertising purposes 作廣告宣傳用途 Cap. 374, s. 114A(2)
means of advertising or marketing 宣傳或推銷的方法 Cap. 159AI, s. 4(2)
advice advice 忠告 Cap. 41, s. 15B(2)(c)(ii)
advice 提示 Cap. 498B, s. 3
advice 意見 Cap. 17, s. 9(4)(b)
advice on evidence 關於證據的意見〔大律師因應案件證據作出的勝訴機會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
評估〕 and Commercial Law Terms
advice privilege 意見保密權 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.22
expert advice 專家意見 Cap. 282, s. 16E(4)
impartial advice 不偏不倚的意見 Cap. 478AF, s. 52(a)
independent and unbiased advice 獨立而不偏頗的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent legal advice 獨立法律意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal advice 法律意見 Cap. 405, s. 22(2)(a)
letter of advice 意見書 Cap. 549G, s. 13(3)
on the advice of ... 在諮詢……後 Cap. 301, s. 3(1AA)
seek advice 徵詢意見 Cap. 352, s. 3B(1)
sound, balanced and informed advice 明智的、不偏不倚的和有根據的意見 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(e)

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with the advice and consent of 參照……意見並得……同意 Cap. 1155, Preamble

advice advice of delivery of ... 派遞……通知書 Cap. 98A, reg. 16(2)
advice of payment 兌付通知書 Cap. 98A, reg. 19(5)
advice advice 報知 Cap. 313A, reg. 3
advisability advisability 可取性 Cap. 609, s. 24(1)
advisability 是否可取 Cap. 628, s. 14(3)(c)
advisable advisable 合宜 Cap. 63, s. 2(2)
advise advise 提出意見 Cap. 5, s. 4C(1)(a)
advise on ... 就……提供意見 Cap. 571, s. 271(4)(b)
advise the applicant accordingly 據此告知申請人 Cap. 490, s. 13(6)(b)
advise advise 通知 Cap. 25, s. 15(5)
adviser commodity trading adviser 商品交易顧問 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
exempt investment adviser 獲豁免投資顧問 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
financial adviser 財務顧問 Cap. 571, s. 222
independent investment adviser 獨立投資顧問 Cap. 622, s. 238(3)(a)
investment adviser 投資顧問 Cap. 485A, s. 45(4)
legal advisers 法律顧問 Cap. 159M, r. 11(1)(c)
panel of advisers 顧問小組 Cap. 392, s. 6(1)
panel of legal advisers 法律顧問小組 Cap. 115, s. 53G(2)
tax adviser 稅務顧問 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
adviser's representative commodity trading adviser's representative 商品交易顧問代表 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
advising advising counsel 提供法律指引的律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
advisory advisory board 顧問局 Cap. 1040, s. 2

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advisory bodies 諮詢組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 65

advisory committee 諮詢委員會 Cap. 633, s. 99(3)
advisory organs 諮詢機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 13
advisory panel 諮詢小組 Cap. 349, s. 12N(1)
Appointment Advisory Board 委任諮詢委員會 Cap. 609C, r. 2
statutory advisory body 法定諮詢團體 Cap. 602, s. 34(2)(a)
Advisory Council on Advisory Council on the Environment 環境諮詢委員會 Cap. 603, s. 21(1)
the Environment
advisory opinion of the advisory opinion of the court 法庭的不具約束力意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
court and Commercial Law Terms
advocacy advocacy 出庭訟辯 Cap. 159, s. 27(4)(b)
advocacy 訟辯 Cap. 336, s. 87(d)
mediation advocacy 調解訟辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
test of flagrantly incompetent advocacy 明顯辯護失職的評定標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
advocate advocate 訟辯人 Cap. 190, s. 4
public advocate 公眾訟辯人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.20
solicitor advocate 訟辯律師 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
to practise as ... advocate 執業為……訟辯人 Cap. 4, s. 9(1)(a)
advocate advocate 提倡 Cap. 601, s. 4(1)(d)
aerial aerial photograph 鳥瞰照片 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
aerodrome aerodrome 機場 Cap. 448, s. 2(1)

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aeronautical International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue 《國際航空和海上搜尋救助手冊》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(5)
affair personal affair 個人事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.12
property and affairs 財產及事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.13
property and financial affairs 財產及財政事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
affairs administrative affairs 行政事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 16
affairs 事務 Cap. 466, s. 25(9)
affairs ... fully wound up 事務……全部結束 Cap. 32, s. 239(1)
external affairs 對外事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 13
foreign affairs 外交 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
foreign affairs 外交事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 13
government affairs 政府公務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
internal affairs 內部事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 141
local affairs 地方事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
report on the activities and affairs of ... ……的活動及事務報告 Cap. 469, s. 11(a)
state affairs 國家事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
state of affairs 事務狀況 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)
state of affairs 狀況 Cap. 571, s. 129(2)(d)
state of affairs 業務狀況 Cap. 155M, s. 5(a)(i)(A)
statement of affairs 資產負債狀況說明書 Cap. 32H, r. 39(1)

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take part in the conduct of public affairs 參與政事 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(a)
affect adversely affect 有不良影響 Cap. 155, s. 53E(1)(a)
adversely affect ... 對……有不利影響 Cap. 313A, reg. 12A(a)
adversely affect the public's confidence in ... 削弱公眾對……的信心 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(a)
affect 影響 Cap. 1, s. 23(b)
affect prejudicially 損害 Cap. 528, s. 31(1)(d)
affected lot 受影響地段 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
affecting land 涉及土地 Cap. 405, s. 10(11)(a)
calculated to affect prejudicially 刻意……造成不利影響的 Cap. 637, s. 71(1)(a)
detrimentally affects 嚴重影響 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(1)(b)
does not substantially affect ... 對……沒有重大影響 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
injuriously affected by ... 受到……的損害性影響 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)
instrument affecting land 影響土地的文書 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
materially affects 有關鍵性的影響 Cap. 630, s. 44(3)(b)
person affected 受影響的人 Cap. 17A, Schedule
prejudicially affect 損及 Cap. 336, s. 52(2)(b)
prejudicially affect ... ……蒙受不利影響 Cap. 602, s. 68(3)
significantly affected 受到重大影響 Cap. 513, s. 9(2)(b)
substantially affect 造成重大影響 Cap. 559, s. 55(2)
substantially affects 在相當程度上……影響 Cap. 413K, s. 21
without affecting the generality of ... 在不影響……的一般性的原則下 Cap. 584, s. 14(1)
affected affected entity 受影響實體 Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
affection injurious affection 損害性影響 Cap. 127, s. 9(2)(c)

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affidavit affidavit 宗教式誓章 ※比較 affirmation Cap. 11, s. 9

affidavit 誓章 Cap. 1, s. 3
affidavit evidence 誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(1)
affidavit in reply 答覆誓章 Cap. 179A, r. 56B(3)
affidavit of default on the part of the judgment debtor 關於判定債務人沒有付款的誓章 Cap. 336H, O. 90A, r. 2(8)(b)
affidavit of fitness 關於……適當與否的誓章 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 18(2)
affidavit of service 有關送達的誓章 Cap. 17A, r. 10
affidavit of service 送達誓章 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(c)
affidavit of service 確證文件已予送達的宗教式誓章 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affidavit verifying list of documents 核實文件清單的誓章 Cap. 4A, App. A
corrective affidavit 修正誓章 Cap. 10, s. 60J(6)(b)
evidence by affidavit 以誓章形式提供的證據 Cap. 138D, reg. 9(3)
evidence upon affidavit 以誓章提出的證據 Cap. 256, s. 6(2)
exhibited to the affidavit 附於誓章作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 6(3)(b)
exhibits to affidavits 誓章所附同的證物 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(9)
further affidavit evidence 進一步誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(5)
self-proving affidavit 遺囑確認誓章〔附在遺囑後面由見證人簽署的誓章〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
supplementary affidavit 補充誓章 Cap. 32, s. 190(2A)
supported by affidavit 由誓章支持 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 3(2)
swearing an affidavit 為誓章進行宣誓 Cap. 4C, Schedule
take affidavits 監理誓章 Cap. 11, s. 11
trial of the action on affidavit evidence 根據誓章證據而審訊該宗訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 12
affiliate affiliate 有聯繫者 Cap. 615, Sch. 2

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affiliate 附屬成員 Cap. 480, s. 64(2)(i)

affiliate 聯屬公司 Cap. 571AN, r. 8(5)
affiliates 聯繫會員 Cap. 50, s. 8(1)(la)
affiliated affiliated 相關聯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affiliated 聯營 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affiliated company 相關聯公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affiliated interest 相關聯權益 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)
affiliated member 團體會員 Cap. 321, s. 11(3)
affiliated person 關聯人士 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
HK affiliated operational entity 香港相聯營運實體 Cap. 628B, r. 2(1)
affiliation affiliation 從屬 Cap. 320, s. 4(j)
affiliation order 親父鑑定令 Cap. 184, Schedule
affiliation proceedings 親父鑑定法律程序 參看 paternity suit (Am.) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affinity affinity 姻親 ※比較 consanguinity Cap. 527, s. 2
affinity 姻親關係 Cap. 179, s. 20(1)(a)(i)
prohibited degrees of affinity 親等限制以內的姻親關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
relationship by affinity 因婚姻而產生的關係 Cap. 604, s. 15(3)(b)
relationship by affinity 姻親關係 Cap. 22, s. 2(2)(b)
affirm affirm 以非宗教方式宣誓 Cap. 17A, Schedule
affirm 非宗教式宣誓 Cap. 1, s. 3

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affirm 確認 Cap. 11, s. 7

affirm and declare 作出宣言及聲明 Cap. 233, Schedule
affirmed at ... 於(某地點)以非宗教方式宣誓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
declare and affirm 聲明及宣誓 Cap. 92, Sch. 2
solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm 謹以至誠,據實聲明及確認 Cap. 11, s. 7(3)(a)
affirm affirm 維持(下級法院的判決等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affirm ... order 維持……命令 Cap. 50A, by-law 36(3)(a)
affirm the decision 維持……決定 Cap. 159, s. 6
affirm the decision of ... 維持……的決定 Cap. 159, s. 6(11)(a)
case affirmed 案例獲得確認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contract ... affirmed 肯定承認合約存在 Cap. 71, s. 13(2)
affirmation affirmation 非宗教式宣誓 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.33
affirmation 非宗教式誓詞 Cap. 1, s. 3
affirmation 非宗敎式誓詞 ※比較 affidavit Cap. 11, s. 7
affirmation 誓詞 Cap. 11, s. 9
affirmation in reply 非宗教式答覆誓章 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affirmation of secrecy 非宗教式保密宣誓 Cap. 310, s. 4(2)
affirmation of service 有關送達的……非宗教式誓詞 Cap. 17A, r. 10
affirmation of service 確證文件已予送達的非宗教式誓章 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
examine on oath, affirmation or otherwise ……經宗教式宣誓、非宗教式宣誓後或沒有宣誓的情況 Cap. 123, s. 50(1)(c)(iv)

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on oath or affirmation 宣誓或非宗敎式宣誓 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3A
solemn affirmation 鄭重宣誓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take ... an oath or affirmation of secrecy 作出宗教式或非宗教式保密宣誓 Cap. 310, s. 4(2)
affirmative vote affirmative vote 贊成票 Cap. 444, Schedule
affix affix 加蓋 Cap. 34, s. 2
affixing 蓋印 Cap. 50, s. 6(1)
affixing an official seal 蓋上正式印章 Cap. 622, s. 125(5)
affixing of a chop 蓋章 Cap. 138, s. 2(3)
affixing of the seal 使用該印章蓋印 Cap. 474, s. 32(2)
affix affix 張貼 Cap. 200, s. 153B(2)(a)
affix an acknowledgement 加上認收標記 Cap. 354, s. 16C(3)
affixed 加於 Cap. 424C, s. 6(5)
affixed 固定 Cap. 123, s. 18(1)
affixed 附加 Cap. 369W, reg. 64(9)
affixed 附貼 Cap. 303, s. 17
affixed 貼上 Cap. 59AD, s. 19(1)
affixed 緊附於 Cap. 374, s. 107(3)(a)(ii)
affixed ... signature 簽署 Cap. 549F, s. 9(2)(b)
affixing 緊貼 Cap. 498, s. 23(2)(b)
permanently affixed to ... 永久附加於…… Cap. 369AD, reg. 20(2)
afflict not afflicted by ... deafness 無……失聰……的情況 Cap. 3, s. 4(1)(a)
afford afford 提供 Cap. 112, s. 51B(1)(i)

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afford 給予 Cap. 406, s. 23(3)

afford 讓 Cap. 155, s. 50(1)(d)
afford ... access to 讓……取用 Cap. 155, s. 50(1)(d)
afford ... access to services, facilities or opportunities 獲得或享用服務、設施或機會 Cap. 602, s. 49(b)
afford all reasonable facilities 提供一切合理便利 Cap. 296, s. 11(5)
afford an opportunity 給予機會 Cap. 493, s. 16(2)
afford evidence as to ... 提供……的證據 Cap. 525, s. 12(6)(a)
afford ... facilities 提供……方便 Cap. 104, s. 38(2)
afford ... goods 提供貨品 Cap. 602, s. 49(b)
affording relief 給予……寬免 Cap. 112O, s. 1
afford assistance afford assistance 給予協助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
affray affray 毆鬥 Cap. 221, Sch. 3
affront affront to the public conscience 對公眾良知的公然冒犯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
aforethought malice aforethought 預懷惡意 Cap. 339, s. 2(1)
afresh afresh 重新 Cap. 7, s. 51C(2)
after ... days after the date of ... 在……日期翌日起計……天 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(5)
after before, on or after 之前、之時或之後 Cap. 584, Sch. 5
after the fact after the fact [also ex post facto] 事後 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
after-acquired after-acquired 事後取得的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
afterborn afterborn 事後出生的(如父親死亡後或遺囑公布後等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
afterborn 遺腹 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

afterborn child 事後出生的子女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
afterborn child 遺腹子女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
after-the-event after-the-event insurance 事後保險 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.40
again again becoming viable 恢復可持續經營 Cap. 628, s. 25(3)
against against 不利於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against 反對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against 針對 Cap. 212, s. 8B(1)(b)
against 違背 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against common sense 有違常理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against conscience 有昧良心 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against good morals [also contra bonos mores] 有傷風化的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against good morals [also contra bonos mores] 有違道德的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against the peace and order 破壞安寧與秩序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against the weight of the evidence 與整體證據相悖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against the weight of the evidence 證據不足以支持…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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against the will of ... 違反……的意願 Cap. 200, s. 126

appeal against conviction 不服定罪的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against conviction 針對定罪的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83A(1)
appeal against ... order 不服命令的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against ... order 針對……命令提出上訴 Cap. 221, s. 109B(5)(b)
appeal against sentence 不服判刑的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against sentence 針對刑罰的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83I(1)
civil proceedings against the Government 控告政府的民事法律程序 Cap. 525, s. 15(10)
costs awarded against the defendant 判被告人繳付的訟費 Cap. 237, s. 2
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
enter judgment for ... as against ... 就……登錄……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 4(1)
establishes a counterclaim against ... 確立針對……的反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 2(4)
evidence against the person 針對該人的證據 Cap. 571, s. 166
judgment ... against ... in favour of ... 判……敗訴……勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 4(3)(a)
judgment against sb. 判某人敗訴的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of appeal against the judgment 針對判決的上訴通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 13(3)(e)
obtains judgment ... against ... 取得……判……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 8(1)
offer no evidence against ... 不針對……舉出證據 Cap. 221, s. 51A
person against whom the judgment is given 判決中被判敗訴的人 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
principle against self-incrimination 不必自我指證的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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principle against self-incrimination 免使自己入罪的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
privilege against incrimination of self or spouse 免導致自己或配偶入罪的特權 Cap. 8, s. 65A, Heading
privilege against self-incrimination 免使自己入罪的特權 Cap. 575, s. 2(5)(c)
proved against ... 證明……犯有…… Cap. 521, s. 3(2)
register in the Land Registry against the title of ... 針對……的業權在土地註冊處註冊 Cap. 123, s. 33
rule against duplicity 控罪不得包含多項罪行的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rule against hearsay 排除傳聞證據的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rule against retrospective incrimination 新訂罪行不具追溯力的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
show cause against ... 對……提出反對的因由 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 4(1)
verdict against ... 判……敗訴的裁決 Cap. 21, s. 19
age age 年齡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
age 齡期 Cap. 56, s. 33(4)(b)
age of consent 同意年齡 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.40
age of majority 成年歲數 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
first offender of full age 成年的初犯者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full age 成年 Cap. 410, s. 2(1)
full age 法定年齡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
minimum age 最低年齡 Cap. 548, s. 16(6)(a)

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minimum age of criminal responsibility 須負刑事責任的最低年齡 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.57, Footnote 46
natural person of full age 成年自然人 Cap. 622, s. 115(1)
of age 已屆成年 Cap. 73, Sch. 2
of full age and capacity 已屆成年並具行為能力 Cap. 481, s. 2(2)
of marriageable age 已達結婚年齡 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(2)
retirement age 退休年齡 Cap. 484, s. 14(2)(a)
similarity-in-age defence “年齡相若”免責辯護 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.21
under the age of ... 不足……歲 Cap. 47A, reg. 9(1)(a)(i)
under the age of ... 未滿……歲 Cap. 225, s. 28(5)
years of age 年歲 Cap. 1, s. 3
years of age 年齡 Cap. 1, s. 3
years of age 歲 Cap. 1, s. 3
agency agency 代理 Cap. 511, s. 2
agency 代理人 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
agency 代理處 Cap. 41, s. 2(3)(a)
agency 代理機構 Cap. 494, s. 8(4)(a)
agency 機構 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
agency 機關 Cap. 494, s. 44(1)
agency agreements 代理協議 Cap. 511, Long Title
agency by estoppel 藉不容反悔原則訂立的代理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

agency of the Government 政府機構 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
approved credit rating agency 核准信貸評級機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
assessment agency 評估機構 Cap. 592, s. 5(4)
clearing agency 結算機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the 《各專門機關特權及豁免公約》 Cap. 558B, s. 2
Specialized Agencies
credit rating agency 信貸評級機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
dual agency 雙邊代理 Cap. 511C, Schedule
employment agency 職業介紹所 Cap. 57, s. 50(1)
estate agency agreement 地產代理協議 Cap. 511C, s. 6(1)
exclusive agency 獨家代理 Cap. 511C, Schedule
government agency 政府機構 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
humanitarian non-governmental organization or agency 人道主義非政府組織或機構 Cap. 590, s. 2
law enforcement agency 執法機構 Cap. 564, s. 15(b)
law of agency 代理法 Cap. 553, s. 18(2)
licensed insurance agency 持牌保險代理機構 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed long term insurance agency 持牌長期業務保險代理機構 Cap. 485, s. 34E
multilateral international agency 多邊國際機構 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
news agency 通訊社 Cap. 268A, reg. 3
ostensible agency 顯然的代理關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reporting agency 呈報機構 Cap. 134, s. 49A
single agency 單邊代理 Cap. 511C, Schedule

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terms of ... agency 代理權條款 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(d)

agenda agenda 議程 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 72
agent agent 代理人 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
agent and patient [party to whom the debt is due and who pays 身兼施事者與受事者身分的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
the same] and Commercial Law Terms
agent by necessity 在緊急情況下出任的代理人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
agent of necessity 必要代理人 Cap. 182, s. 11
agents 媒體 Cap. 139I, reg. 2(1)
agents ad litem 訴訟代理人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.85
authorized agent 指定代理人 Cap. 68, s. 28
authorized agent 獲授權代理人 Cap. 528, s. 126
certified patent agent 認可專利代理人 Cap. 514, s. 144A(2)(a)
collection agent 募捐代理人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 16
commission agent 佣金經紀人 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》
Diplomatic Agents
counting agents 監察點票代理人 Cap. 541I, s. 83(1)(g)
del credere agent (擔保買方支付能力的)保付貨價代理人 參看 del English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
credere and Commercial Law Terms
diplomatic agent 外交代表 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)
diplomatic or consular agent 外交代表或領事代理人 Cap. 609, s. 85(c)
election agent 選舉代理人 Cap. 541I, s. 23
election expense agent 選舉開支代理人 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)

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estate agent [also estate agency] 地產代理 Cap. 511, s. 2

handling agent 經辦代理人 Cap. 60, s. 15(1A)(d)
lawful agents 合法代理人 Cap. 483A, s. 61(2)
licensed individual insurance agent 持牌個人保險代理 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed insurance agent 持牌保險代理人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed long term individual insurance agent 持牌長期業務個人保險代理 Cap. 485, s. 34E
licensed technical representative (agent) 持牌業務代表(代理人) Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
local agent 本地代理人 Cap. 313A, reg. 6A(1)
local agent 當地代理人 Cap. 413A, reg. 31
Mainland travel agent 內地旅行代理商 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
management agent 管理代理人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mercantile agent 商業代理人 Cap. 26, s. 27(3)
ostensible agent 顯然的代理人 Cap. 265, s. 31(b)
patent agent 專利代理人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
polling agent 監察投票代理人 Cap. 541F, s. 45(4)
recovery agent 索償代理 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.95
registered patent agent 註冊專利代理人 Cap. 514, s. 144A(2)(b)
remittance agent 匯款代理人 Cap. 615, s. 82(2)
sales agent 經銷商 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
sub-agent 分銷代理商 Cap. 334A, r. 9(5)
sub-listing agent 分銷放盤代理 Cap. 511C, s. 14(1)
tax agent 稅務代理人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
tourist agent 旅遊代理人 Cap. 374D, reg. 15(2)(a)

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trade-mark agent 商標代理人 Cap. 159M, r. 2

travel agent 旅行代理商 Cap. 218, s. 2
travel agent licence 旅行代理商牌照 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
agent provocateur agent provocateur 臥底 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
aggravate aggravate 加重 Cap. 21, s. 7
aggravated burglary 嚴重入屋犯法罪 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
aggravated damages 加重的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aggravated sexual assault 嚴重的性侵犯 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
factors which aggravate 加重刑罰因素 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.41
aggravated aggravated 加重 Cap. 21, s. 7(3)
aggravated act 嚴重作為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.71
aggravated assault 嚴重侵犯 Cap. 503B, Schedule
aggravated assault 嚴重襲擊 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52

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aggravated burglary 嚴重入屋犯法罪 Cap. 210, s. 12(1)

of an aggravated character 性質嚴重 Cap. 16, s. 3(1)(a)
aggravating aggravating circumstances 加重刑罰的情況 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.78
aggravating factor 加重刑罰因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
aggravating feature 加重刑罰因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
aggravation aggravation 加重罪行 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
aggravation of crime 罪加一等 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
aggregate aggregate 合計 Cap. 159M, Sch. 1
aggregate 合計所得的數額 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
aggregate 併合的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aggregate 總共 Cap. 344, s. 3(2)(b)
aggregate 總和 Cap. 405, s. 4(1)(b)
aggregate amount 合計總額 Cap. 581, s. 38(1C)
aggregate amount 總額 Cap. 89A, reg. 9(3)
aggregate capital commitment 資本認繳總額 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
aggregate funding liabilities 出資的總體負債 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.82

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aggregate liability 總法律責任 Cap. 500, s. 6(1)(b)

aggregate nominal value 總面值 Cap. 1022, s. 6(c)
aggregate sentence 總刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
aggregate service 總計服務期 Cap. 89A, reg. 33
aggregate value 合計價值 Cap. 60E, reg. 8(1)(a)
aggregated 併合 Cap. 7, s. 10(3A)
corporation aggregate 集體法團 Cap. 219, s. 20
in the aggregate 總計 Cap. 104, s. 29(2)
periods in aggregate of ... 合計為期……的多於一段期間 Cap. 159B, r. 12B(3)(b)
total aggregated funding 整體借款總額 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
aggregation aggregation 合計 Cap. 112, s. 18E(3)
aggregation 併合 Cap. 7, s. 10C(3)
aggressive aggressive 具威嚇性 Cap. 362, s. 13F(1)
aggrieved aggrieved 受屈 Cap. 68, s. 29
aggrieved 感到受屈 Cap. 245, s. 16(1)
aggrieved party 感到受屈的一方 Cap. 347, s. 22(1)(d)
aggrieved person 感到受屈的人 Cap. 564, s. 13(2)
claims to be aggrieved 聲稱受屈 Cap. 622, s. 422(7)
person aggrieved 受屈人士 Cap. 486, s. 66A(1)(a)
person aggrieved 感到受屈的人 Cap. 571, s. 371(2)(a)
agnate agnate 父系親屬關係 ※比較 cognate English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
agree agree 同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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agree 議同 Cap. 212, s. 5

agree 議定 Cap. 7, s. 9B
agree as to ... 就……達成協議 Cap. 127, s. 13(3)(b)
agree to 同意 Cap. 25, s. 25(3)(c)
agree to murder 議同謀殺 Cap. 212, s. 5
agree with ... 與……達成協議 Cap. 127, s. 13(2)
agreed 以協議議定 Cap. 61, s. 3(1)
agreed 協議 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
agreed ... by agreement 藉協議協定 Cap. 106, s. 13(3)
agreed fact 經同意的事實 Cap. 549D, s. 15
expressly or tacitly agreed 明示或默示協議 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
expressly or tacitly agreed 明示或默然同意 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
agreed Agreed Amendment 商定修訂 Cap. 112Q, s. 2
agreed contribution 協定注資 Cap. 637, s. 2
agreed facts 同意的事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
agreed facts 經議定的事實 Cap. 159AD, s. 9(1)(c)
agreed fee 已議定的費用 Cap. 159F, r. 9(2)(c)(ii)
Agreement World Trade Organisation Agreement 《世界貿易組織協議》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
agreement agency agreements 代理協議 Cap. 511, Long Title
agreement 協定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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agreement 協議 Cap. 271, s. 3

agreement ... be frustrated 協議……受挫失效 Cap. 379, s. 6(4)
agreement collateral to a contract of service 僱用合約的附屬協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Agreement Establishing ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research 《關於設立東盟10+3宏觀經濟研究辦公室的協議》 Cap. 558J, s. 3(1)
agreement for ... 為……而訂立的協議 Cap. 91A, reg. 19
agreement for a Crown lease 同意訂立官契的協議 Cap. 1, s. 3
agreement for a lease 有關租約的協定 Cap. 337, s. 2(1)
agreement for a lease 租契協議 Cap. 283, s. 2
agreement for an under-lease 分租租契協議 Cap. 4, s. 21H(1)
agreement for mutual release 相互解除協議 Cap. 159J, r. 8(1)(c)
agreement for sale 售賣協議 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
agreement for sale and purchase (土地等的)買賣協議 Cap. 511C, s. 13
agreement for sale and purchase 買賣合約 Cap. 621, s. 11
agreement for the payment of fees and costs 關於支付……費用及訟費的協議 Cap. 87A, r. 3
agreement in writing 書面協議 Cap. 192, s. 14(2)
agreement of hire purchase 租購協議 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 《與貿易有關的知識產權協議》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications 與國際通信衞星組織“INTELSAT”有關的協定(連同業 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Satellite Organization "INTELSAT" (with Operating 務協定)
agreement terms 合約形式條款 Cap. 363, s. 2(1)
agreement to grant a lease 批出租契的協議 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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agreement to marry 結婚協議 Cap. 23, s. 24(1)

agreement to mediate 調解協議 Cap. 620, s. 2
agreement to sell 售賣協議 Cap. 26, s. 3(4)
agreement to the contrary 相反協議 Cap. 38, s. 20
agreement under sb.'s hand 經某人簽署的協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
agreements for debenture 債權證協議 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
air service agreements 民用航空運輸協定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133
antecedent agreement or understanding 事前協議或諒解 Cap. 272, s. 12
arbitration agreement 仲裁協議 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
best alternative to negotiated agreement [BATNA] 談判協議的最佳替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bilateral agreement 雙邊協議 Cap. 155L, s. 226Z(2)(b)
bilateral ... agreements 雙邊……協定 Cap. 503AB, Schedule
binding agreement 具約束力的……協議 Cap. 511C, Schedule
champertous agreements 包攬訴訟協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 3.7
chargeable agreement for sale 可予徵收印花稅的買賣協議 Cap. 117, s. 29D(1)(a)
charter agreement 租船協議 Cap. 548D, s. 6(2)(a)
collective conditional fee agreement 按條件收費集體協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
common agreement 共同協議 Cap. 339, s. 5(3)
common interest confidentiality agreement 共同權益保密協議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.30
conclude ... Agreement 締結……協定 Cap. 503B, Schedule
conditional fee agreement 按條件收費協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.

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conditional sale agreement 有條件售賣協議 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
Consular Agreement between the People’s Republic of 《中華人民共和國和菲律賓共和國領事協定》 Cap. 557I, s. 2
China and the Republic of the Philippines
credit-sale agreement 以信貸方式售賣的協議 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
crew agreement 船員協議 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
custodial agreement 保管協議 Cap. 485A, s. 50(3)
del credere agreement 擔保買方支付能力的協議 參看 del credere English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter into agreements 訂立協議 Cap. 563, s. 6(2)(l)
entire agreement 整份協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entire agreement 整體協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equity-linked agreement 股票掛鈎協議 Cap. 622D, s. 6(1)
essence of any agreement 協議的要素 Cap. 106, s. 36A(3C)(a)
estate agency agreement 地產代理協議 Cap. 511, s. 2
exclusive licence agreement 專用特許協議 Cap. 528, s. 35(3)(b)
execution of an agreement 簽立協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express agreement 明訂協議 Cap. 38, s. 27
failing an agreement 如沒有協議 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
franchise agreement 特許經營協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise agreement 專營加盟店協議 Cap. 603, s. 18C
funding agreement 資助協議 Cap. 609, s. 98G(a)

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gentlemen's agreement 君子協定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
group practice agreement 律師聯合執業事務所協議 Cap. 159X, s. 2(1)
hire purchase agreement 分期付款租購協議 Cap. 436, s. 56(1)
hire purchase agreement 租購協議 Cap. 112, s. 37A(1)
hiring agreement 分期付款協議 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
hiring agreement 租用協議 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong, China—New Zealand Closer Economic 《中國香港與新西蘭緊密經貿合作協定》 Cap. 362, Sch. 1
Partnership Agreement
Host Country Agreement 《東道國協定》 Cap. 558D, s. 2
in default of agreement 未能達成協議 Cap. 21, s. 25(4)(a)
in default of agreement 在沒有達成協議的情況下 Cap. 8, s. 60(4)
in default of agreement 並無……協議 Cap. 514, s. 62(4)(b)
in default of agreement between ... as to ... 如……不能就……達成協議 Cap. 301, s. 15(9)
in the absence of agreement 未能達成協議 Cap. 247, s. 8
international agreement 國際協議 Cap. 528, s. 56(5)(a)(ii)
international agreement 國際性協議 Cap. 458, s. 8(1)(b)
international agreements 國際協定 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
International Air Services Transit Agreement 《國際民用航空運輸過境協議》 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
international trade agreements 國際貿易協定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
knock-for-knock agreement (車輛保險)互損免賠協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
knock-out agreement (拍賣中)聯手壓價協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leniency agreement 寬待協議 Cap. 619, s. 80

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licensing agreement 特許協議 Cap. 1116, s. 2

limited partnership agreement 有限合夥協議 Cap. 637, s. 2
loan agreement 貸款協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International 《設立工業外觀設計國際分類法洛迦諾協議》 Cap. 522A, s. 2(1)
Classification for Industrial Designs
lock-out agreement 互鎖協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lock-out agreement 物業買賣的初步協議〔物業的準買賣雙方在簽訂正式合 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
約前訂立的〕 and Commercial Law Terms
maintenance agreement 贍養協議 Cap. 179A, r. 100(1)
margin agreement 保證金協議 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade 《馬拉喀什建立世界貿易組織協定》 Cap. 558B, s. 2
master agreements 主協議 Cap. 628A, Schedule
mediated settlement agreement 經調解的和解協議 Cap. 620, s. 2
multilateral agreement 多邊協定 Cap. 503E, Schedule
multilateral agreement 多邊協議 Cap. 559, s. 41
mutual agreement 雙方協議 Cap. 577, s. 19(13)
mutual recognition agreement 相互承認協議 Cap. 59AD, s. 15(1)(b)
mutual recognition agreement 相互認可協議 Cap. 588, s. 20ZT(8)
non-disclosure agreement 不透露(商業秘密)的協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary 即使有任何相反協議 Cap. 379, s. 4(1)
operating agreement 營運協議 Cap. 556, s. 2(1)
participation agreement 參與協議 Cap. 485A, s. 2

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partnership agreement 合夥協議 Cap. 38, s. 22(1)

party to an agreement 協議的一方 Cap. 571, s. 326(7)
personal insolvency agreement 個人無力償債協議 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.23
plurilateral agreement 多邊協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
preliminary agreement for sale and purchase 臨時買賣合約 Cap. 621, s. 10(1)(a)
private tenancy agreement 私人租賃協議 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
provisional agreement for sale and purchase 臨時買賣協議 Cap. 283, Schedule
reach agreement 達成協議 Cap. 528D, r. 29(1)
realistic alternative to negotiated agreement [RATNA] 談判協議的現實替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
regulated investment agreement 受規管投資協議 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 24
relevant international agreement 有關國際協議 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
renewal of an agreement 續訂協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
repurchase agreement 回購協議 Cap. 485A, s. 51(1)
resolution of agreement 解約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reverse repurchase agreement 反向回購協議 Cap. 485A, s. 51(4)
running-account credit agreement 流水帳目借貸協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
securities borrowing and lending agreement 證券借貸協議 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
security lending agreement 證券借出協議 Cap. 485A, s. 52(4)

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separate agreements 獨立協議 Cap. 372, Sch. 3

set aside an agreement 取消協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
set aside an agreement 將協議作廢 Cap. 159, s. 60
settlement agreement 和解協議 Cap. 609, Sch. 3
share pledge agreement 股份質押協議 Cap. 448A, reg. 15A(4)
signed agreement 經簽署協議 Cap. 159H, r. 5D(b)
solus agreement ["alone"; agreement to buy from a single 獨家採購協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
person] and Commercial Law Terms
standstill agreement 維持現狀協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
stock borrowing and lending agreement 證券借用及借出協議 Cap. 112, s. 15E(1)(a)
subject to any agreement to the contrary 除任何協議有相反的規定外 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
subject to any agreement to the contrary 除非有任何相反的協議 Cap. 559, s. 28
subsisting agreement 存續的協議 Cap. 256, s. 4(1)
surrender agreement 退租協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tenancy agreement 租約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tenancy agreement 租賃協議 Cap. 7, s. 2
term of an agreement 協議的有效期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
underwriting agreement 包銷協議 Cap. 571, s. 292(1)(b)
unwritten sale agreement 非書面買賣協議 Cap. 117, s. 29A(1)
valid bilateral netting agreement 有效雙邊淨額結算協議 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
verification agreement 核實協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

visa abolition agreements 互免簽證協議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 155
worst alternative to negotiated agreement [WATNA] 談判協議的最壞替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
written agreement 書面協議 Cap. 159, s. 7AB(b)
agreement in agreement with 吻合 Cap. 622, s. 407(1)(b)
agriculture agriculture and fisheries 漁農業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 119
Agriculture, Fisheries Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department 漁農自然護理署 Cap. 476B, Schedule
and Conservation
aid aid 協助 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
aid in 協助 Cap. 50, s. 32H(1)(a)
aiding and abetting 協助及教唆 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.6
in aid of 協助 Cap. 123F, reg. 2(1)
interim relief in aid of arbitration 協助仲裁的臨時濟助 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 3.17
aid charitable aid 慈善援助 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(m)
grant in aid 資助 Cap. 1145, s. 4(k)
aided aided person 受助人 Cap. 91B, Sch. 3
legally aided 獲法律援助的 Cap. 492A, r. 2
aided person aided person (法律援助)受助人 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4
aider by pleading over aider by pleading over 藉申辯作出救助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

aider by verdict aider by verdict 藉裁決作出救助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aiding aiding and abetting 協助及教唆 Cap. 503Q, Schedule
aim pursue a legitimate aim 貫徹一個正當的目標 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
ultimate aims 最終……目標 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
air air consignment note 航空托運單 Cap. 60, s. 2
air navigation 航空 Cap. 354N, s. 2
air operator’s certificate 航空營運人許可證 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
air service agreements 民用航空運輸協定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133
air service ... arrangements 民用航空運輸……協議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133
air space 空域 Cap. 483, s. 2(1)
air traffic control 航空交通管制 Cap. 448E, s. 3(2)(a)
air traffic services 空中交通服務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130
air waybill 空運提單 Cap. 60, s. 2
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for 《統一國際航空運輸某些規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to 《統一關於若干國際航空運輸規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》

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air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約

signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961
International Air Services Transit Agreement 《國際民用航空運輸過境協議》 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(ii)
relating to International Carriage by Air
Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》的議定 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air 書
regional air navigation procedures 區域性航行規劃程序 Cap. 448, s. 2A(1)(b)(iii)
regularity of air traffic 空中交通的……規律 Cap. 448E, s. 3(3)
through air waybill 空運全程提單 Cap. 296, s. 2(1)
through ... air waybill 全程航空運貨單 Cap. 133, s. 2(4)(a)
air consignment note air consignment note 航空托運單 Cap. 60, s. 2
Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Control Officer 航空交通管制主任 Cap. 99J, Sch. 1
air transhipment cargo air transhipment cargo 航空轉運貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
aircraft aircraft 飛機 Cap. 448E, s. 2(2)(a)
aircraft 航空器 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
aircraft register 飛機登記冊 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 129
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft 《關於制止非法劫持航空器的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on 《關於在飛機上進行犯罪和某些其他行為的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
board Aircraft
foreign state aircraft 外國國家航空器 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 129
nationality marks ... of aircraft 飛機國籍標誌 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 129
non-Hong Kong-controlled aircraft 非香港控制的飛機 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
registration marks of aircraft 飛機……登記標誌 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 129
airline airlines 航空公司 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 131

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airport airports 機場 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130

Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at 《制止在為國際民用航空服務的機場上的非法暴力行為 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Airports Serving International Civil Aviation 的議定書》
airship airship 飛船 Cap. 448E, s. 2(2)(a)
airspace airspace 上空 Cap. 448E, s. 2(2)(b)
al common ley al common ley ["at common law"] 在普通法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
al common ley ["at common law"] 根據普通法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alarm alarm 使……受驚 Cap. 200, s. 24(i)
alarm 恐慌 Cap. 575, s. 11(2)
humiliating, distressing or alarming ... 使……感到受侮辱、困擾或驚恐 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.76
intent to alarm 意圖使……受驚 Cap. 200, s. 5(b)
alcohol alcohol free area 禁酒區 Cap. 132BY, s. 10D(1)
intoxication (whether by alcohol or drugs) 神智不清(不論是酒精還是藥物引致) "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.14
under the influence of alcohol, medicine or drug 受到酒精、藥物或毒品影響 Cap. 627, s. 17(3)(a)
aleatory contract aleatory contract 取決於尚待確定事項的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aleatory contract 射幸合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aleatory contract 射倖合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alegal alegal ["without law"] 非法律的 ※比較 extralegal; illegal; nonlegal English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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alias alias 別名 Cap. 6A, r. 53

alias; alias dictus alias; alias dictus ["otherwise called"; assumed or additional 別名 Cap. 218F, Schedule
alias writ alias writ 再度發出的令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alibi alibi 不在犯罪現場 Cap. 221, s. 65D(1)
alibi direction 就被告辯稱不在犯罪現場所作的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
alibi evidence 不在犯罪現場的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence of alibi 以不在犯罪現場為辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence of alibi 以不在犯罪現場為辯護理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence in support of an alibi 證明不在犯罪現場的證據 Cap. 336, s. 75A(8)
notice of alibi 不在犯罪現場的通知 Cap. 221, s. 65D, Heading
notice of particulars of the alibi 不在犯罪現場詳情的通知 Cap. 336, s. 75A(1)
alien alien 外籍人士 Cap. 1, s. 3
alienable alienable 可轉讓的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alienage alienage 身為外地人 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.6
alienate alienated 讓與 Cap. 152, s. 2
alienation alienation 讓與 Cap. 283, s. 22(b)
alienation 讓與權 Cap. 182, s. 4(2)
alienation of property 讓與財產 Cap. 192, s. 6A

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covenant or condition against alienation 禁止讓與契諾或條件 Cap. 1129, s. 12C(d)

restraint on alienation 讓與權的限制 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
restriction on alienation 讓與權的限制 Cap. 515A, s. 1
alignment alignment with 與……一致 Cap. 602, Long Title
alimony alimony 生活費 ※比較 palimony Cap. 192, s. 22
alimony 贍養費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aliunde aliunde [from another source; from elsewhere] 本文件以外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aliunde [from another source; from elsewhere] 來自其他方面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aliunde rule 他證原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidence aliunde 他證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidence aliunde 來自其他方面的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alive alive 在生 Cap. 112, s. 54
born alive 活產 Cap. 174, s. 7
all all due diligence 一切應盡努力 Cap. 230A, reg. 23(1)
all monies 一切款項 Cap. 398, s. 6(1)(b)
all the members 全體成員 Cap. 622, s. 571(3)(b)
at all times 任何時間 Cap. 104, s. 12(1)
at all times 時刻 Cap. 622, s. 351(6)(a)
at all times 整段期間 Cap. 622, s. 359(1)(b)(i)

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each and all 每人及全體 Cap. 109, s. 22(5)

substantially all 接近全部 Cap. 628, s. 47(1)(a)
all and singular all and singular [each and every] 全部及個別 Cap. 20, Schedule
all that piece or parcel all that piece or parcel of ground 整塊或整幅土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
of ground 4.5
all that piece or parcel all that piece or parcel of land 整片或整幅土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
of land and Commercial Law Terms
all that portion of the all that portion of the messuage and premises 宅院及處所的整個部分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
messuage and premises and Commercial Law Terms
Allegans suam Allegans suam turpitudinem non est audiendus. [A person 倚賴己過之證詞,不應聽取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
turpitudinem non est alleging his own wrong is not to be heard.] and Commercial Law Terms
allegation allegation 指稱 Cap. 405, s. 5(1B)(a)
allegation of fraud 詐騙指稱 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(2)(b)
allegations of fact 事實的指稱 Cap. 21, s. 27
an allegation that ... 一項指稱,謂…… Cap. 311W, s. 18(2)
counter allegations 反指稱 Cap. 179A, r. 35(1)
false and malicious allegations 虛假及惡意指稱 Cap. 234A, r. 61(s)
grounds for the allegations 該等指稱的理據 Cap. 549G, s. 4(1)(a)
substantiate the allegation 提出證據證明該項指稱 Cap. 541J, s. 33(1)(b)
allege allege [allegation (n.)] 指稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alleged 聲稱 Cap. 628A, s. 15(2)(b)
alleged breach 指稱的違反 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alleged offender 被控罪犯 Convention Against Torture and

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Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading

Treatment or Punishment, Art.
alleged to have committed any offence 被控犯有……罪行 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(1)
alleging a justification 指稱有理可據 Cap. 21, s. 7(2)
expressly alleged ... 明示地指稱…… Cap. 227, s. 125
guilty as alleged or charged 犯了所指稱或指控的事項 Cap. 359A, reg. 35(a)
alleged alleged 指稱中的 Cap. 524, s. 14(1)(b)
alleged 被指稱 Cap. 159, s. 60(1)
alleged accomplice 指稱從犯 Cap. 221, s. 60(1)
alleged breach 指稱違反事項 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
alleged contravention 指稱違反……的個案 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
alleged contributory 指稱分擔人 Cap. 32, Sch. 25
alleged fact 指稱事實 Cap. 200, s. 39
alleged liability 所指稱的法律責任 Cap. 619, s. 151A(3)(b)(i)
alleged liability of ... 指稱……須負的法律責任 Cap. 300, s. 34(3)(a)
alleged members 指稱成員 Cap. 622, s. 633(3)(a)(i)
alleged offence 所控罪名 Cap. 409, s. 21(6)(a)
alleged offence 指控罪行 Cap. 115, s. 17C(4)
alleged offence 指稱所犯罪行 Cap. 348, s. 8(7)
alleged offence 指稱罪行 Cap. 498, s. 17(3)(a)
alleged offence 被指控罪行 Cap. 374, s. 63(1)
alleged offender 被指稱的犯罪者 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1

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alleged owner 據稱是擁有人的人 Cap. 166, s. 23(4)

alleged will 指稱已訂立的遺囑 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(2)
allegiance allegiance to ... 向……效忠 Cap. 200, s. 6(a)
pledge allegiance 保證效忠 Cap. 542, s. 40(1)(b)(i)
pledge allegiance 願意效忠 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 13
swear allegiance 宣誓……效忠 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 4
allision allision 船舶單向碰撞〔航行中的船舶與靜止的船舶等的碰撞〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
※比較 collision and Commercial Law Terms
allocate allocate 編配 Cap. 81A, reg. 5C(1)
allocated 分配 Cap. 569, Schedule
allocated to 配予 Cap. 569, Schedule
allocation allocation warrant 撥款令 Cap. 2, s. 14(4)
allocation allocation 分配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allocation 編配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allocation of costs 訟費分配 "Conditional Fees" Report, Preface ,
para. 13
allocation of ... land 編配……土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equitable allocation 公平的編配 Cap. 106, s. 32F(2)
notice of allocation 編配通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
seat allocation 議員名額的分配 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
allocatur allocatur ["it is allowed"] 訟費評定證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 1

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allot allot 分配 Cap. 1136, s. 3(2)

allotted 編配 Cap. 56, s. 20(2)
allot allot shares 配發……股份 Cap. 622, s. 140(1)(a)
allotment allotment 分配 Cap. 117, s. 19(16)
allotment 配發 Cap. 622, s. 113(1)(b)
allotment of shares 股份配發 Cap. 622, s. 142(1)
allotment period 分配時段 Cap. 117, Sch. 8
allotment of shares allotment of shares 股份配發 Cap. 622, s. 141
allottee allottee 獲分配人 Cap. 346, s. 8(1)
allottee 獲配發者 Cap. 32, s. 44(2)
allow allow 允許給予 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
allow 准予 Cap. 484A, r. 60(1)
allow 准許 Cap. 1, s. 34(5)
allow 容許 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allow 得直 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allow 寬限 Cap. 398, s. 22(1)
allow an appeal 判決……上訴得直 Cap. 221, s. 83(1)
allow ... free entry 容許……自由進入 Cap. 296, s. 11(5)
allow ... free ingress 容許……自由進入 Cap. 324, s. 11(5)
allow the appeal 判上訴得直 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7
allowed in full 全數獲准予 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
allowed in part 判決……部分得直 Cap. 138, s. 30A
allowing 扣減 Cap. 18, s. 5

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allowing for depreciation 扣除折舊 Cap. 218, s. 32L(1)

amount allowed on provisional assessment 經臨時評估而准予的訟費額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amount fixed or allowed 經釐定或准予的款額 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(10)
appeal being allowed in whole or in part 上訴全部或部分得直 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
appeals ... allowed 上訴得直 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.56
costs allowed 准予訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62A, r. 20(2)
costs have been taxed and allowed at ... 訟費已作評定並准予為…… Cap. 4A, App. A
costs were allowed at ... [as used in a bill of costs] (經法院)准予的訟費為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sentence that allowed immediate release 令其即時釋放的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
to such extent as the law would allow 在法律許可的範圍內 Cap. 372, s. 4(3)
allowable allowable 可容許 Cap. 112, s. 16C(1)
costs allowable to a solicitor 准予支付給律師的訟費 Cap. 87A, r. 2(2)(a)
allowance additional allowance 額外免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30(3)(b)
allowance 免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 5(1A)(b)(ii)
annual allowance 每年免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 23B(8)(b)
balancing allowance 結餘免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 23B(7)(b)(ii)
basic allowance 基本免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 28(1)
child allowance 子女免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 31(1)
dependent brother or dependent sister allowance 供養兄弟姊妹免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
dependent grandparent allowance 供養祖父母或外祖父母免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30A(1AA)

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dependent parent allowance 供養父母免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30(1AA)

disabled dependant allowance 傷殘受養人免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
initial allowance 初期免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 23B(8)(a)
married person's allowance 已婚人士免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 28(2)(a)
rebuilding allowance 重建免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 36(1)
single parent allowance 單親免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 32(1)
allowance allowance 津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annual allowance 年積金 Cap. 80, s. 5(3)
award of allowances 津貼的發給 Cap. 232, s. 45(1)(c)
dependency allowance 扶養或撫養津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expert witness allowance 專家證人津貼 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
loss allowance 補償津貼 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
personal allowance 個人津貼 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
professional witness allowance 專業人士證人津貼 Cap. 221B, r. 3(1)
retraining allowance 再培訓津貼 Cap. 423, s. 2
shift duty allowance 輪班工作津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sickness allowance 疾病津貼 Cap. 57, s. 33(1)
special allowance 特別津貼 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
subsistence allowance 生活津貼 Cap. 6A, r. 151
subsistence allowance 膳食津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
subsistence allowance 膳宿津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

superannuation allowances 離職津貼 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
support and maintenance allowance 生活給養津貼 Cap. 4A, App. A
witness allowance 證人津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
witness allowance 證人費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allowance allowance 寬容 Cap. 130, s. 8(3)(a)
just allowances 公正的扣減項目 Cap. 18, s. 5
allowance allowances for interest payments 預留利息支付 Cap. 601, s. 33(1)(c)(ii)
allowance just allowances 屬於公正的酌量餘地 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 6
all-risk insurance policy all-risk insurance policy 綜合保險單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allude allude 暗指 Cap. 586, s. 2
describes, makes reference or alludes in any other way 描述、提述或以其他方式暗指 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
alms alms 施捨 Cap. 132E, s. 14
gather alms 收取施捨 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(h)
solicit alms 索取施捨 Cap. 556B, by-law 29
alone a judge ... sitting alone 法官單獨開庭 Cap. 4, s. 32(1)
alone or jointly with ... 單獨或聯同…… Cap. 6, s. 131(a)
alone or with others 單獨或連同其他人 Cap. 218, s. 4(3)
either alone or jointly with ... 單獨或與……聯合…… Cap. 469, Sch. 1
judge sitting alone 一名單獨開庭的法官 Cap. 336, s. 6(1)
whether alone or jointly with others 不論是單獨或與其他人共同…… Cap. 588, s. 20A
alter alter 改建 Cap. 563, s. 6(2)(e)

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alter 改動 Cap. 474C, s. 23(h)(i)

alter 更改 Cap. 390, s. 17(1)
alter a franchised service 更改專營服務 Cap. 104, s. 14(5)
altered 變更 Cap. 372, s. 4(3)(a)
altered fittings, fabric or structure 經更改的裝置、構造物或結構 Cap. 60, s. 14(1)
alters 修改 Cap. 145, s. 8(4)(a)
alters 竄改 Cap. 178, s. 23
alters a document 更改……文件 Cap. 155, s. 117(7)(a)(i)
alters the lyrics or score of the national anthem 篡改國歌歌詞或國歌曲譜 National Anthem Ordinance, s.
materially alter 在要項上更改 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.19
substantially altered 經過相當程度改裝 Cap. 406E, reg. 11(5)(b)
substantially to alter 有實質改動 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13A(5)
unlawfully altered 經非法改動的 Cap. 177A, reg. 12(2)
alter ego alter ego ["other self"] 藉法人假借的身分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alteration alteration 改動 Cap. 208, s. 10(3)(a)
alteration 改裝 Cap. 548J, s. 11(1)(a)
alteration 更改 Cap. 132AX, s. 11(a)
alteration 修改 Cap. 116, s. 16(3A)(b)
alteration 竄改 Cap. 517A, s. 7(3)(a)
alteration in circumstances 情況有變 Cap. 30, s. 13(2)
alterations or additions 更改或增添 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
formal alterations 形式上的修改 Revised Edition of the Laws

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Ordinance 1965, s. 5(c)

major alteration 主要更改 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
material alteration 重大的更改 Cap. 295B, reg. 31(a)
no material alterations 無重要改動 Cap. 369, s. 61(3)(c)
rights ... of ... alteration 更改權 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(g)
substantial alteration 大幅改動 Cap. 276, s. 10(1)(a)
verbal alterations and modifications not affecting its substance 在語句上作出不影響其本質的……修改及變通 Cap. 336, s. 79(4)
alternate alternate 候補 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
alternate chief executive 候補行政總裁 Cap. 581, s. 2(1)
alternate director 候補董事 Cap. 622, s. 478(1)
alternate member 候補成員 Cap. 1, s. 50(a)
alternate trustee 候補受託人 Cap. 485B, Sch. 3
alternates 候補者 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
alternate alternate annual general meeting 每隔一次的……周年大會 Cap. 344, Sch. 2
alternate year 隔一年 Cap. 3, s. 7(3)
alternate director alternate director 候補董事 Cap. 622, s. 478
alternative adequate alternative forum 適當的替代訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 16
alternative 另一……選擇 Cap. 415, s. 13(1)(d)
alternative (adj., n.) 替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative (adj., n.) 替代的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative charge 交替控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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alternative claim 交替申索 Cap. 4A, O. 86, r. 1(1)(a)

alternative count 交替罪名 Cap. 221, s. 83E(2)(c)
alternative criteria 替代準則 Cap. 369AL, reg. 10(2)
alternative directions 替代指示 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(17)
alternative dispute resolution 解決糾紛的另類辦法 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.37
alternative dispute resolution procedure 另類爭端排解程序 Cap. 159M, r. 2
alternative dispute resolution procedure 另類排解程序 Cap. 4A, O. 1A, r. 4
alternative dispute resolution procedure 另類解決爭議程序 Cap. 528D, r. 24(2)(e)
alternative dispute resolution procedure 爭議解決替代程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative forum 替代訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 11
alternative ground 替代理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative holiday 另定假日 Cap. 57, s. 2
alternative offence 交替罪行 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.21
alternative procedure 交替程序 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
alternative procedure 替代程序 Cap. 227, s. 113
alternative verdicts 轉以他罪裁決 Cap. 212, s. 8A, Heading
alternatives 互相替代 Cap. 155, s. 133(3)(b)
as an alternative to ... 以代替…… Cap. 46, Long Title

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best alternative to negotiated agreement [BATNA] 談判協議的最佳替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
in the alternative 以交替形式 Cap. 221C, r. 5
... in the alternative 交替的…… Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 10(2)
lesser alternative 較輕微的交替控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
no other ... alternative 無其他……方法可供選擇 Cap. 123, s. 16(1A)(b)(ii)
practicable alternative 切實可行的選擇 Cap. 123F, reg. 41C(4A)
realistic alternative to negotiated agreement [RATNA] 談判協議的現實替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable alternative 其他合理選擇 Cap. 155Q, r. 6(b)
statutory alternative charge 法定交替控罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.30, Footnote 50
statutory alternative offence 法定交替罪行 "Voyeurism and Non-consensual
Upskirt-photography" Report, para.
statutory alternative verdict 法定交替裁決 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.37
worst alternative to negotiated agreement [WATNA] 談判協議的最壞替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative dispute alternative dispute resolution 另類爭端排解 Cap. 633, s. 85
alterum non laedere alterum non laedere ["not to injure another"] 不損他人原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
altogether execution on the judgment be suspended ... altogether 判決完全停止執行 Cap. 9A, r. 12

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always regarded as always having had 視為一向具有 Cap. 622, s. 328(2)

amalgamate amalgamated 合併 Cap. 414, s. 23(6)(b)
amalgamation amalgamation 合併 Cap. 622, s. 675
amalgamation 合組 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
horizontal amalgamation 橫向合併 Cap. 622, s. 681
vertical amalgamation 縱向合併 Cap. 622, s. 680
ambiguity ambiguity 含糊之處 Cap. 514, s. 76
ambiguity 歧義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intrinsic ambiguity 本質上的模棱兩可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
latent ambiguity 潛在的歧義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
latent ambiguity 隱晦的不明處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
patent ambiguity 明顯的歧義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ambiguous ambiguous 含糊 Cap. 362, s. 13E(2)(c)
ambulatory ambulatory 不必卧牀的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ambulatory 可變更的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ambulatory 流動的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ambulatory 能走動的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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ambulatory will 可變更的遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
ameliorating waste ameliorating waste 改良性損耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amelioration Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
amenability amenability (to a jurisdiction) 向(司法管轄機關)負責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amenable not amenable to 不容 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
not ... amenable to the jursidiction of ... 不受……之管轄 Cap. 557, Schedule
amend amend 修改 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
amend ... charge 修訂……控罪 Cap. 428B, s. 33(1)
amend [amendment (n.)] 修訂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leave to amend 修訂許可 Cap. 484A, r. 71(2)
amend amends 賠罪 Cap. 4B, r. 16(3)(a)
amends 賠償 Cap. 227, s. 131(d)
amended amended charge sheet 經修訂的控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Amended Ordinance 經修訂條例 Cap. 1098, s. 9(1)
amended to the extent 按……的限度……修訂 Cap. 214C, para. 5
amended writ 經修訂的令狀 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
amended writ for commencement of a cause 經修訂的展開訟案的令狀 Cap. 4C, Schedule

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amending amending Ordinance 修訂條例 Cap. 159, s. 74C

amending resolution 修訂決議 Cap. 311, s. 37C(a)
amendment amendment 修正案 Cap. 503J, Schedule
amendment 修改 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 159
amendment 修訂 Cap. 116, s. 14A(1)(a)
amendment bills 修改議案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 159
amendment ... substantial 重大修訂 Cap. 519, s. 34(3)
bill for amendment to [the Basic Law] [基本法]的修改議案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 159
bills on the amendments 修改……法案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 22
editorial amendment 編輯修訂 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
material amendment 關鍵性的修改 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
power of amendment [of the Basic Law] [基本法的]修改權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 159
amends amends (n.) 賠罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amends (n.) 賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by way of amends 作為賠償之用 Cap. 21, s. 4
offer of amends 提出賠罪 Cap. 21, s. 25(1)
tendering amends 提供賠償 Cap. 227, s. 131(d)
amenities loss of amenities 喪失生活樂趣 Cap. 360, s. 4(1)(a)
amenity amenity 使人舒適、愉快的性質或事物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amenity 設施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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amenity 舒適環境 Cap. 374A, reg. 31

coastal amenity 海岸設施 Cap. 247, s. 2
loss of amenity 失去舒適環境 Cap. 374A, reg. 31
loss of amenity 生活享受的喪失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pain, suffering and loss of amenities 疼痛、痛苦與喪失生活樂趣 Cap. 360, s. 6
amiable amiable compositeur 友好仲裁員 Cap. 609, Sch. 1
amicable amicable 友好(的) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amicable 友善的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amicable settlement 友好地解決爭議 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
amicus curiae amicus curiae ["friend of the court"] 法庭之友〔不屬訴訟一方而主動或應法庭邀請就案件提 Cap. 221, s. 81D
AML/CTF requirement AML/CTF requirement 反洗錢及恐怖分子集資規定 Cap. 50, s. 34(4)
ammunition ammunition 彈藥 Cap. 238, s. 2(1)
amnesty amnesty 大赦 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(4)
amoral amoral 不屬道德範疇的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amoral 非道德的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amorphous amorphous classes 無組織的集體 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.20
amortization amortization 轉讓(不動產) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amortization 攤銷 Cap. 41, Sch. 3

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amortization 攤還 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
amortization of capital 資本攤銷額 Cap. 285A, reg. 34(2)(e)
subject to an early amortization provision 受提早攤銷規定所規限 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
amortize amortized on a straight line basis 直線遞減法攤銷 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4C
amortized measured at amortized cost 以攤餘成本衡量 Cap. 112, s. 18J(5)
amount a fine of an unlimited amount 款額無限的罰款 Cap. 526, s. 4(4)(b)
aggregate amount 合計總額 Cap. 581, s. 38(1C)
aggregate amount 總額 Cap. 89A, reg. 9(3)
amount 金額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amount 款額 Cap. 174, s. 31
amount allowed on provisional assessment 經臨時評估而准予的訟費額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
amount at credit 貸方款額 Cap. 571, s. 242(2)
amount claimed 申索數額 Cap. 607, s. 42(5)(b)
amount fixed or allowed 經釐定或准予的款額 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(10)
amount now due and owing 現已到期須付的欠款 Cap. 4A, App. A
amount of bail 保釋金款額 Cap. 313, s. 77(3)
amount of compensation 補償額 Cap. 17, s. 8(1)
amount of error 誤差程度 Cap. 68, s. 37(1)(c)
amount of ... tax 稅款額 Cap. 112, Sch. 20
amount of the liability of ... ……須負的法律責任的程度 Cap. 300, s. 4(4)
amount of variation 變動幅度 Cap. 68, s. 37(1)(n)
carrying amount 帳面值 Cap. 32L, s. 6(7)

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deductible amount 可扣除款額 Cap. 485A, s. 8(1)(e)

equivalent amount 相等款額 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
exposure amount 風險承擔數額 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
face amount [par value; face value] 面值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face amount [par value; face value] 面額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face amount [par value; face value] 票面值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed amount 固定款額 Cap. 571, s. 394(2)(a)(ii)
full amount 全部款項 Cap. 32, s. 270(1)
gross amount 總額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
has paid the full amount of ... 已……悉數繳付…… Cap. 600, s. 6(5)
judgment amount 判決款額 Cap. 611, s. 2
monetary amount 款額 Cap. 485A, s. 154(1)(c)
net amount 淨額 Cap. 581, s. 38(5)
paid amount 已支付款額 Cap. 581, s. 37(5)
principal amount 本金額 Cap. 155L, s. 139(1)
recovery ... of an amount 款額被追回 Cap. 112, s. 18K(4)(b)
reference amount 參照款額 Cap. 581, s. 37(5)
reversal of an amount 款額被……逆轉 Cap. 112, s. 18K(4)(b)
significant amount of costs 可觀的訟費 Cap. 528D, r. 38(d)(iii)
the amount at stake 牽涉的款額 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13(2)(c)
the amount in dispute 爭議的金額 Cap. 609C, r. 9(1)(a)

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the amount ... is nil 款額為零 Cap. 405, s. 6(3)(b)

the amount that might be realised 變現可得的款額 Cap. 405, s. 5(4)(a)
total weighted amount 總加權數額 Cap. 155Q, r. 32
transitional amount 過渡期款額 Cap. 112, s. 18D(2A)(a)
uncalled amounts 未催繳的款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
valued at a stated amount 按已定款額計值 Cap. 637, s. 2
whichever amount is less 以較低的款額為準 L.N. 37 of 2018, s. 3
amount amount to 相當於 Cap. 210, s. 4(2)
amount to 達到 Cap. 377, s. 4(2)
amount to 構成 Cap. 339, s. 2(1)
amplification amplification 補充 Cap. 41, s. 15B(2)(c)(i)
in amplification 引伸 Cap. 48, s. 14
amplify amplifying 闡述 Cap. 429, s. 13(4)
amusement game centre amusement game centre 遊戲機中心 Cap. 435, s. 2(1)
anachronism anachronism 不合時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anachronism 時間上的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
analogical analogical 類推的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
analogous analogous 相類 Cap. 221K, r. 14
analogous 類似 Cap. 427, s. 2(2)
analogous expression 對應的詞句 Cap. 1, s. 10C(1)
caste and analogous systems of inherited status 世襲階級及相類似的世襲地位制度 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(c)

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generally analogous 大致上類似 Cap. 426, s. 7(4)(a)

similar or analogous 相似或類似 Cap. 427, s. 2(2)
analogy analogy 類推法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
analysis analysis 分析或化驗 Cap. 478AF, s. 99(e)
breath analysis 呼氣分析 Cap. 374, s. 39U(1)(b)
anchor lying at anchor 採用碇泊方式停放 Cap. 313A, Sch. 13
scheduled to be berthed or anchored within the Terminal Area 已編定在郵輪碼頭區內停泊或碇泊 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)
anchorage anchorage dues 碇泊費 Cap. 313A, reg. 50(1)
ancient lights ancient lights [also right of (ancient) lights] 古老採光權〔窗户光線不受阻礙經過20年,即受法律保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
障〕 and Commercial Law Terms
ancient lights [also right of (ancient) lights] 採光權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ancillary ancillary 附帶 Cap. 455, Long Title
ancillary 附屬 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ancillary and incidental to 有附屬或附帶關係的 Cap. 304, s. 6(f)
ancillary buildings 附屬建築物 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(j)
ancillary contract 附屬合約 Cap. 514, s. 58(2)(c)
ancillary facilities 附屬設施 Cap. 601, s. 2
ancillary functions 附帶職能 Cap. 95, s. 19C(2)
ancillary jurisdiction 附帶司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 48
ancillary liquidation 從屬清盤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ancillary matter 附帶事宜 Cap. 1117, s. 24

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ancillary powers 附帶權力 Cap. 136, s. 59G(2)(g)

ancillary premises 附屬的房產 Cap. 113, s. 2(1)
ancillary provisions 附帶條文 Cap. 47, s. 48(f)
ancillary relief 附屬濟助 Cap. 192, s. 25(2)(a)
ancillary risk 附屬風險 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
ancillary structure 附屬構築物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ancillary to 附屬於 Cap. 252, s. 5(a)
ancillary vessel 附屬船隻 Cap. 548D, s. 2(1)
incidental, ancillary or supplemental to ... 附帶或補充…… Cap. 159, s. 73(1)(df)(ii)
matters ancillary to or connected with 附帶或與……相關的事宜 Cap. 50, Long Title
animal buggery with an animal 與動物作出違反自然性交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.52
cruelty to animals 殘酷對待動物 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.10
sexual intercourse with an animal 與動物性交 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.30
animus animus ["will"; intention; animosity] 惡意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
animus ["will"; intention; animosity] 意念 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
animus ["will"; intention; animosity] 意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
animus ["will"; intention; animosity] 敵意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
animus domini animus domini ["intention to exercise dominion over a thing"] 支配某物的意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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animus possidendi animus possidendi 管有意圖 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

animus possidendi ["intention to possess a thing"] 擁有某物的意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
animus testandi animus testandi ["intention to make a testament or will"] 訂立遺囑的意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annex annex 附文 Cap. 318, s. 2
annex 附件 Cap. 290A, Sch. 1
annex 附則 Cap. 413, s. 3(1)
annexed 夾附 Cap. 159L, Schedule
annexed 附有 Cap. 622, s. 245(4)
annexed 附載 Cap. 159B, Schedule
annexed 從屬於 Cap. 219, s. 30(1)
annexed thereto 內……附連的 Cap. 8, s. 77F(1)
annexed to 附錄 Cap. 125, s. 10(1)
annexed to ... 所附連的 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
annexed to ... 附連於…… "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
permanently annexed to ... 永久附錄於…… Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 16(2)
anniversary anniversary 周年日 Cap. 622, s. 368(1)
anniversary date 周年日期 Cap. 369T, reg. 2
the ... anniversary of ... ……的……周年之日 Cap. 610B, s. 7(1)(a)(i)
the most recent anniversary 對上一個周年日 Cap. 622J, s. 9(1)(a)
annotate accompanied by any annotated photo and marked-up plan 隨附任何有註明的相片及有記號的圖則 Cap. 123P, s. 18(2)(d)

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annotated annotated 註解的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
annotated 註釋的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annotation annotation 註明 Cap. 586, Sch. 1
announce announce 公布 Cap. 359A, reg. 34(5)
announce 宣布 Cap. 394, s. 19(4)
announce ... determination or decision 公布……裁定或決定 Cap. 359J, s. 40
announce ... vote 公布……表決取向 Cap. 359J, s. 43(2)
announcement announcement 公告 Cap. 71, s. 2(1)
announcements in the public interest 政府宣傳聲帶 National Anthem Ordinance, s.
oral public announcement 口頭公告 Cap. 245, s. 17(5)
annoyance annoyance 滋擾 Cap. 374D, reg. 45(1)(j)
annoyance 煩擾 Cap. 7, s. 33(1)(h)
annoyance 騷擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annoyance, damage, or nuisance to ... 對……造成煩擾、損害或滋擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
is a ... source of nuisance or annoyance 造成妨擾或煩擾 Cap. 627, s. 17(3)(b)
source of annoyance 煩擾的根源 Cap. 400, s. 4(1)
to the annoyance of ... 致使……感到煩擾 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(g)
annual annual 一年一次的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annual 每年的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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annual 須每年繳付的 Cap. 229, s. 12(2)

annual accounts 周年帳目 Cap. 155, s. 16(9)(b)(i)
annual allowance 年積金 Cap. 80, s. 5(3)
annual budget estimates 周年財政預算 Cap. 1165, s. 14(2)(b)
annual fee 年費 Cap. 571, s. 138(1)
annual general meeting 周年成員大會 Cap. 622, s. 239(3)
annual leave 年假 Cap. 57, s. 41AA(1)
annual leave pay 年假薪酬 Cap. 57, s. 2
annual levy 每年徵款 Cap. 229, s. 5(1)
annual meeting 周年會議 Cap. 426B, s. 6(1)
annual registration cycle 年度登記周期 Cap. 541M, s. 2(1)
annual rent 年租 Cap. 352, s. 9
annual return 周年申報表 Cap. 622, s. 662(1)
annual statement of accounts 周年帳目報表 Cap. 342C, s. 10(1)(b)
annual survey 年度檢驗 Cap. 369Z, reg. 5(1)(d)
ordinary annual business 通常周年事務 Cap. 50A, by-law 15(1)
statements of the annual accounts 周年帳目報表 Cap. 430, s. 7(4)
annuitant annuitant 年金受益人 Cap. 29, s. 33(4)
annuitant 年金領取人 Cap. 112, s. 26N(1)
annuity annuity 年金 Cap. 18, s. 2
annuity on human life 人壽年金 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
annuity payment 年金款項 Cap. 112, s. 26N(1)
qualifying annuity premiums 合資格年金保費 Cap. 112, s. 26N(1)
qualifying deferred annuity policy 合資格延期年金保單 Cap. 112, s. 26N(1)

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vested annuity 既得年金 Cap. 29, s. 33(4)

annul annul 作廢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annul 廢止 ※比較 avoid Cap. 6, s. 20I
annul a bankruptcy order 廢止一項破產令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annul a marriage 廢止婚姻 Cap. 192, s. 29AB
annul a sale 取消售賣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annul a sale 廢止售賣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
annul ... order 廢止……命令 Cap. 221, s. 83X(4)
marriage was ... annulled 婚姻……無效 Cap. 182, s. 8
annulment annulment 廢止 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.40
annus et dies annus et dies ["a year and a day"] 一年另加一日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anomalous anomalous 破例的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anomalous 破格的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anomalous 異常的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anonymity anonymity order 身分保密命令 Cap. 336G, Appendix
anonymity order anonymity order 姓名保密令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anonymous anonymous 匿名 Cap. 287, s. 5(1A)

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another's life another's life [also autre vie] 他人的壽命〔以他人有生之年作為權益期〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
answer answer 回答 Cap. 426, s. 36(5)(c)
answer 回答書 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 33
answer 回覆 Cap. 32, s. 296(2A)
answer 答辯 Cap. 227, s. 16
answer 答辯書 Cap. 192, s. 25(2)(a)
answer a judgment ... 應付……判決 Cap. 4A, App. A
answer ... charge 就……被控告的罪名答辯 Cap. 12, s. 6
answer ... future claim 應付日後……的申索 Cap. 29, s. 28(1)
answer interrogatories 回答質詢 Cap. 300, s. 24(1)(b)
answer interrogatories 答覆質詢書 Cap. 336H, O. 26, r. 6(4)
answer such reply 就該項答覆作回應 Cap. 549C, s. 16(b)
answer the complaint 就有關申訴答辯 Cap. 611, s. 18(2)(b)
answer to the charge 就控罪作出答辯 Cap. 227, s. 73
answer to the complaint or information 就申訴或告發作出答辯 Cap. 227, s. 8(1A)
answer to the indictment 就公訴書作出答辯 Cap. 221, s. 27(1)
answer truthfully 據實……回答 Cap. 426, s. 36(5)(c)
answering to bail 應保 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appear before the court ... in answer to the summons 因應傳票而到法庭席前 Cap. 378, s. 10(4)
appears in answer to the summons 應傳票而出席 Cap. 109, s. 48A(6)(a)
case to answer 須作答辯 Cap. 50, s. 42C(2)(a)
false answer 虛假的回答 Cap. 382, s. 18(1)
full answer and defence 全面答辯及抗辯 Cap. 227, s. 16(1)

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in answer to ... 回應…… Cap. 227, s. 82(1)(b)

in answer to ... 在回應……時 Cap. 201, s. 14(5)
no case to answer 無須答辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
submission of no case to answer 律師陳詞要求法庭判決被告無須答辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
truly and fully answer 據實全面回答 Cap. 218, s. 24(b)
answer answer an annuity 支付年金 Cap. 10, s. 68(10)
answer demands 償付……的要求 Cap. 32, s. 294(1)
answer the estate duty 繳納遺產稅 Cap. 10, Sch. 1
answerable answerable 有義務的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
answerable 應負責的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
answerable for (須)對(某事)負責 Cap. 29, s. 13
answerable for ... 負……的責任 Cap. 4A, O. 66, r. 4(3)
answerable for ... 須對……負責 Cap. 29, s. 13(1)
answerable for any loss or damage 須對……的損失或損壞負責 Cap. 84, s. 24
answerable to (須)對(某人)負責 Cap. 314, s. 4
antecedent antecedent 先在 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
antecedent 先前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
antecedent 事先 Cap. 26, s. 16
antecedent 事前 Cap. 272, s. 12(2)
antecedent agreement or understanding 事前協議或諒解 Cap. 272, s. 12

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antecedent breach 先前的違反 Cap. 285, s. 65(3)

antecedent debt 先前的債項 Cap. 19, s. 27(1)(b)
antecedent debt 先前債項 Cap. 48, s. 5
antecedent negotiation 事先商議 Cap. 26, s. 16
antecedent parties 以前各方 Cap. 19, s. 59(2)(b)
antecedent right 先在權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
antecedent right 先前權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condition antecedent 先決條件 Cap. 6, s. 138
antecedent antecedent statement 身世背景書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
antecedents antecedents 經歷 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)
antecedents 履歷 Cap. 136, s. 45(1)(c)
antecedents of the accused person 被控人的履歷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ante-date ante-date 把日期提前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ante-date 倒填日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ante-date 註明過去(的)日期 ※比較 postdate Cap. 19, s. 13
ante-dated ante-dated 註明過去日期 Cap. 19, s. 13(2)
ante-nuptial ante-nuptial [also pre-nuptial (Am.)] 婚前 ※比較 post-nuptial Cap. 192, s. 6
ante-nuptial or post-nuptial settlement 婚前或婚後授產安排 Cap. 192, s. 6
ante-nuptial ... settlement 婚前……授產安排 Cap. 192, s. 6(1)(c)
anterior anterior to ... ……之前的 Cap. 227, s. 5(6)

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anthem national anthem 國歌 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 3

anticipate anticipated 預料 Cap. 528, s. 57(2)
anticipated 預期 Cap. 394, s. 13(13)
anticipated claims against ... 預期會針對……提出的聲請 Cap. 365, s. 4(d)
anticipation anticipation 預用權 Cap. 182, s. 4(2)
anticipatory breach anticipatory breach 預期違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
anti-competitive (serious) anti-competitive conduct (嚴重)反競爭行為 Cap. 619, s. 2
anti-money laundering anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing controls 打擊洗錢及打擊恐怖分子資金籌集的管控措施 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
antinomy antinomy 不同法律間的矛盾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
antinomy 法律上的自相矛盾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
antioxidant antioxidant 抗氧化劑 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
permitted antioxidant 准許抗氧化劑 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
Antiquities Advisory Antiquities Advisory Board 古物諮詢委員會 Cap. 53, s. 17(1)
anti-social anti-social behaviour 反社會行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.223,
Footnote 19
anti-social behaviour anti-social behaviour 反社會行為 Cap. 514C, s. 89
anti-trust anti-trust 反壟斷 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.24
antitrust law antitrust law 反壟斷法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Anton Piller order Anton Piller order [Anton Piller KG v. Manufacturing Process 安東皮勒命令〔容許查察令;即查閱或移走被告人可能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Ltd. [1976] Ch 55] 毀滅的文件等證據的命令〕 and Commercial Law Terms

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any ... of any other kind 任何其他種類的…… Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)

apart set apart 預留 Cap. 29, s. 28(1)(i)
apart from apart from ... 在……以外的情況下 Cap. 47, s. 42(3A)
apart from ... 除……外 Cap. 23, s. 21(10)
apart from ... 撇開……不論 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZQ(1)(d)(ii)
apart from this subrule 若無本款規定……便 Cap. 528D, r. 55(6)
would apart from ... have ... 若非有……本會…… Cap. 300, s. 4(1)
would, apart from this Ordinance, arise ... 若非因本條例,便會……產生 Cap. 584, s. 52A(1)
apartment bedspace apartment 床位寓所 Cap. 447, s. 2
apology apology 道歉 Cap. 631, s. 3
full apology 全面的道歉啟事 Cap. 21, s. 4
made or offered an apology 作出或提出道歉 Cap. 21, s. 3
sufficient apology 充分的道歉 Cap. 21, s. 25(3)(a)
apostille; apostil apostille; apostil ["postscript, footnote"] 旁註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apostille; apostil ["postscript, footnote"] 註腳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apparatus apparatus 儀器 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
apparatus 器具 Cap. 374, s. 2
apparatus for ... 作……之用的器具 Cap. 106A, reg. 11(1)
equipment and apparatus 設備與器具 Cap. 498, s. 27(2)(d)
telecommunications apparatus 電訊器具 Cap. 106Z, Sch. 2
apparel wearing apparel and bedding 衣物及寢具 Cap. 336, s. 68B(1)(c)
apparent actual or apparent conflict of interest 實際上或表面上的利益衝突 Cap. 401, s. 12B(3)
apparent 表面上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

apparent authority 表面權限 Cap. 38, s. 13(a)
apparent bias 看似偏袒 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apparent conflict 表面上的衝突 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apparent control 表面控制 Cap. 503, s. 8(1)
apparent owner 表面擁有人 Cap. 26, s. 23(2)(a)
apparent partner 表面合夥人 Cap. 38, s. 16
apparent possession 表面管有 Cap. 20, s. 2
apparent apparent 顯然 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apparent on the face of ... ……明顯 Cap. 583, s. 50
apparently apparently 表面上 Cap. 98, s. 32A(f)
apparently 表面看來 Cap. 226, s. 4
apparently 看來 Cap. 239, s. 4(1A)
apparently 顯然 Cap. 38, s. 9
appeal a finding subject to appeal 可予上訴的裁定 Cap. 622, s. 508(3)(b)
abandonment of appeal 放棄上訴 Cap. 227, s. 117, Heading
allow an appeal 判決……上訴得直 Cap. 221, s. 83(1)
allow the appeal 判上訴得直 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7
an appeal against a conviction 針對……判罪……而提出的上訴 Cap. 484, s. 16(8)(b)
an appeal is pending 上訴仍未了結 Cap. 319, s. 3(3)
an appeal is taken 已提出……上訴 Cap. 23, s. 25B(3)(a)
any appeal from a decision of ... 就……的決定而提出的任何上訴 Cap. 17, s. 10(3)(c)

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appeal 上訴 Cap. 4, s. 14
appeal against conviction 不服定罪的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against conviction 針對定罪的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83A(1)
appeal ... against ... decision of the Registrar 不服處長……作出的決定的上訴 Cap. 490, s. 6
appeal against ... order 不服命令的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against ... order 針對……命令提出上訴 Cap. 221, s. 109B(5)(b)
appeal against sentence 不服判刑的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against sentence 針對刑罰的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83I(1)
appeal aid certificate 上訴援助證書 Cap. 221D, r. 2(1)
appeal as of right 上訴屬當然權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal being allowed in whole or in part 上訴全部或部分得直 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
appeal being dismissed for non-prosecution 上訴因遲滯進行而被駁回 Cap. 484, s. 25(2)(a)
appeal board 上訴委員會 Cap. 51, s. 18(1)
appeal bundle 上訴文件冊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appeal bundle 上訴宗卷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal by case stated 藉案件呈述提出的上訴 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 1
appeal by way of ... 以……形式……提出上訴 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.2
appeal by way of case stated 以案件呈述方式上訴 Cap. 227, s. 105
appeal by way of petition to ... 以呈請方式向……提出上訴 Cap. 348, s. 7(1)

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appeal ... competent 有權提出……上訴 Cap. 405, s. 2(13)

appeal ... decided 上訴獲判決 Cap. 607, s. 18(2)(b)
appeal from order for discharge 不服釋放命令的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal has been disposed of 上訴已獲處理 Cap. 115, s. 37V(2)(b)
appeal is abandoned 放棄上訴 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
appeal is disposed of 上訴被處置 Cap. 1112A, r. 12(8A)
appeal is disposed of 上訴獲得解決 Cap. 464, s. 10(2)
appeal is ... frustrated 上訴的目的不能達致 Cap. 245, s. 44A(6)
appeal is withdrawn 上訴撤回 Cap. 571, s. 28(8)(b)
appeal is ... withdrawn 上訴被……撤銷 Cap. 1112A, r. 12(8A)
appeal lies ... as of right 提出上訴……屬當然權利 Cap. 619D, r. 44(1)
appeal lies as of right to ... from ... 針對……而向……提出上訴,屬當然權利 Cap. 17, s. 11AA(2)
appeal lies to the court 上訴可向法院提出 Cap. 559, s. 84(1)
appeal may by way of a case stated 上訴……用案件呈述的方式 Cap. 123, s. 53C(1)
appeal notice 上訴通知書 Cap. 569A, s. 2(1)
appeal out of time 逾期上訴 Cap. 405A, Sch. 2
appeal out of time 逾期提出上訴 Cap. 503, s. 15
appeal panel 上訴委員會 Cap. 571, Sch. 8
appeal ... reopened 重新處理……上訴 Cap. 221A, Schedule
appeal reserved for hearing ... before the Court of Appeal 留待上訴法庭聆訊……的上訴 Cap. 227, Sch. 5
appealed against ... 提出上訴,反對…… Cap. 218, s. 30(1)(b)
appeals ... allowed 上訴得直 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

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Paper, para. 2.56

appeals ... consolidated 上訴……合併 Cap. 484A, r. 1
appeals from ... 來自……的上訴 Cap. 4, s. 13(2)(a)
application for bail pending appeal 申請保釋等候上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
application for leave to appeal 上訴許可申請 Cap. 484, s. 33(3)
application to strike out notice of appeal 申請剔除上訴通知書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
begin and carry on an appeal 展開和進行上訴 Cap. 490, s. 33(2)
costs on appeal 上訴的訟費 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
court of appeal 上訴法院〔泛稱〕 ※比較 Court of Appeal Cap. 6A, r. 2
criminal appeals 刑事上訴 Cap. 4, s. 30(1)(a)
cross-appeal 交相上訴 Cap. 91, s. 16C(1)(b)(i)
dismiss an appeal 駁回……上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83K(2)
dismissed the appeal 駁回上訴 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.34
due prosecution of the appeal 妥為進行上訴 Cap. 484, s. 25(2)(a)
enter ... as an appeal 將……登記為……上訴 Cap. 227, Sch. 5
further appeal 再上訴 Cap. 405, s. 17(3A)
further appeal 進一步上訴 Cap. 279, s. 66(2)(b)(i)
ground of appeal permitted by ... ……所准許的上訴理由 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
grounds of appeal 上訴理由 Cap. 1A, r. 4
have the appeal disposed of by ... 使該上訴得以由……完成處理 Cap. 319, s. 7(1)
hear ... appeal 聆訊上訴 Cap. 1, s. 43(2)

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hearing of appeals 上訴聆訊 Cap. 493, s. 27(2)

hearing of appeals 聆訊上訴 Cap. 338, s. 36(1)(a)(ii)
interlocutory appeal 非正審上訴 Cap. 4, s. 14AA
intermediate appeal 中級上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
intermediate appeal 中期上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
... is not subject to appeal 不得針對……提出上訴 Cap. 609, s. 20(10)
leapfrog appeal 越級上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
leave (of court) to appeal (上訴法院已給予)上訴許可 Cap. 484, s. 23
leave to appeal 准予上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
leave to appeal out of time 逾期上訴許可 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
list of appeals 上訴案件聆訊表 Cap. 221A, r. 57
list of appeals 上訴審訊表 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 5(2)
lodge an appeal against ... 針對……而提出上訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lodges an appeal 提出上訴 Cap. 60, s. 29B(1)
... may still be subject to appeal 仍有可能針對……提出上訴 Cap. 319, s. 3(3)
merits of appeal 上訴理據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
no appeal lies 任何人不得提出上訴 Cap. 17, s. 11AB
no appeal lies ... from ... 任何人不得……就……提出上訴 Cap. 354, s. 24(1B)
notice of appeal 上訴通知 Cap. 221, s. 83Q(1)
notice of appeal 上訴通知書 Cap. 227, s. 116(1)

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notice of appeal against the judgment 針對判決的上訴通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 13(3)(e)
notice of motion of appeal 上訴動議通知書 Cap. 159, s. 13(1)
notification of dismissal of appeal 駁回上訴通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
oppose an appeal 對上訴抗辯 Cap. 484A, r. 20(1)
parties to the appeal 上訴當事人 Cap. 220, s. 2(1)
party to an appeal 上訴的當事人 Cap. 624, s. 26(6)
pending the appeal 等待上訴結果 Cap. 374, s. 71(4)
pending the determination of the appeal 在上訴裁定之前 Cap. 244A, reg. 15(2)
perfected grounds of appeal 完備上訴理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
perfected grounds of appeal 完備上訴理由書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
president of the Court of Appeal 上訴法庭庭長 Cap. 4, s. 5(3)
prosecute ... appeal 進行上訴 Cap. 227, s. 110(1)
question before an appeal board 有待上訴委員會裁定的問題 Cap. 624, s. 26(2)
registrar of civil appeals 民事上訴案的司法常務官 Cap. 4A, O. 68, r. 1(3)
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭考慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 保留法律問題待上訴法庭考慮 Cap. 221, s. 81, Heading
review and appeal mechanism 覆核及上訴機制 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.4
right of appeal 上訴的權利 Cap. 569, Schedule
right of appeal 上訴權 Cap. 159, s. 12(6)

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right of appeal from ... 就……提出上訴的權利 Cap. 188, s. 13(3)

single appeal 單一宗上訴 Cap. 490, s. 35(2)
subject to appeal to the court 可……向法院提出上訴 Cap. 514, s. 133(1)(b)
successfully appeals against ... 就……上訴成功 Cap. 200, s. 153H(3)
the appeal be dismissed for non-prosecution 因上訴延滯進行而駁回上訴 Cap. 484A, r. 18(4)
the appeal has a reasonable prospect of success 有關上訴有合理機會得直 Cap. 41, s. 112(4)(a)
unmeritorious appeal 沒有好的成功機會的上訴案件 Cap. 492, s. 13, Heading
unmeritorious appeal 缺乏理據的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
with liberty to restore an appeal 可隨時申請恢復上訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appeal board appeal board panel 上訴委員團 Cap. 624, s. 2
Appeal Cases; A.C. Appeal Cases; A.C. (英國上議院、最高法院及樞密院的)上訴案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Appeal Committee Appeal Committee 上訴委員會 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
appealable appealable 可予上訴 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.122
appear appear 出庭 Cap. 514, s. 130(3)(a)
appear 應訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appear as the respondent 以答辯人身分出席 Cap. 542, s. 34(3)
appear at the hearing 出席該聆訊 Cap. 528D, r. 34(3)
appear at the hearing of ... 在……的聆訊中出庭 Cap. 68, s. 20(5)
appear before ... 到……席前應訊 Cap. 336, s. 77A(7)

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appear before (a judge) 到(法官)席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
appear before the court 出現法庭席前 Cap. 221, s. 113
appear before the Court 在法庭席前出庭 Cap. 4, s. 22A(5)(b)
appear by counsel or solicitor 由大律師或律師代表出庭 Cap. 336H, O. 42, r. 5B
appear ... by counsel or solicitor 由大律師或律師應訊 Cap. 359A, Sch. 2
appear in ... any proceedings 在法律程序中出庭 Cap. 486, s. 66B(4)
appear in person 親自出席 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.20
appear in the proceedings 在訴訟中出席 Cap. 405, s. 29(1)(b)
appear separately 各自出庭 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(5)
appears as a witness 出席作為證人 Cap. 446B, s. 8(c)
appears in answer to the summons 應傳票而出席 Cap. 109, s. 48A(6)(a)
committed or bailed to appear for trial 被押交或保釋等候出庭應訊 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
failure to appear (at a hearing) 缺席(聆訊) Cap. 541M, s. 17
have the right to appear and be heard 有權……出庭及陳詞 Cap. 201, s. 33A(4)
to appear in, or attend at ... 出席或列席…… Cap. 62, s. 7(1)(a)
voluntarily appear 自願到……法院應訊 Cap. 9, s. 3(2)(b)
appear appeared 看似 Cap. 501, s. 5(2)(d)(ii)
appearing 覺得 Cap. 490, s. 9(4)
... appears from the instrument 據該文書顯示有…… Cap. 150, s. 7(1)
appears to be 看似 Cap. 311, s. 28(1)(ivd)
appears to be reasonable 覺得合理 Cap. 23, s. 16(4)
it appears that 照現時看來 Cap. 118, Preamble
it appears to the court that 法院覺得 Cap. 13, s. 12A(3)

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it has now been made to appear to me that ... 本席根據情況顯示,覺得…… Cap. 227C, Schedule
it is ... made to appear that ... 情況使人覺得…… Cap. 6, s. 66
it is made to appear to ... that ... 情況使……覺得…… Cap. 106B, reg. 5(5)
unless a contrary intention appears 除非顯示相反的用意 Cap. 282, s. 4(2)
appearance appearance 外形 Cap. 238, s. 21(1)
appearance 外觀 Cap. 26, s. 2(5)(b)
appearance 表象 Cap. 571, s. 295(1)
general appearance 一般外貌 Cap. 237, s. 21(2A)
general appearance 一般外觀 Cap. 374, s. 110
having the appearance of ... 具有……外觀 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
having the appearance of ... 狀似…… Cap. 354L, s. 4(2)(b)(ii)
misleading appearance 具誤導性的表象 Cap. 571, s. 274
appearance appearance 出庭 Cap. 227, s. 18
appearance 應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appearance to ... 就……應訊 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(a)
appearance under protest 否認有應訴義務的應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditional appearance 有條件的應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss the application for want of appearance 因無人出庭而撤銷該申請 Cap. 619D, r. 32(1)
enter an appearance 應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for want of appearance 因無人出庭 Cap. 17A, r. 23(1)
in default of appearance 沒有應訴 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(c)

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make an appearance (in court) 出庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
appearance appearance 應訴狀 Cap. 9A, r. 4
appearance 應訴書 Cap. 179A, r. 124(3)
enter an appearance 呈交應訴書 Cap. 484A, r. 20
enter an appearance to the petition 就該呈請書呈交應訴書 Cap. 179A, r. 124(3)
entry of appearance 呈交應訴書 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 10
appellant appellant 上訴人 Cap. 221, s. 83V(3)
Between ... Appellant, and ... Respondent 上訴人……訴……答辯人…… Cap. 227C, Schedule
appellate appellate court 審理上訴的法院 Cap. 91A, reg. 5(1)(b)
appellate judge 審理上訴的法官 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appellate jurisdiction 上訴司法管轄權 Cap. 6A, r. 2
appellate tribunal 上訴審裁處 Cap. 282, s. 26(4)
intermediate appellate court 審理上訴的中級法院 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appellate court appellate court 審理上訴的法院 Cap. 91A, reg. 5
appellate jurisdiction appellate jurisdiction 上訴司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 12
append appended to ... 附錄於…… Cap. 478AF, s. 83(1)
appertain appertain 附屬 Cap. 172, s. 7
appertain 與……有關 Cap. 219, s. 16
land appertaining to a building 附屬於建築物的土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
licence appertaining to ... 與……有關的牌照 Cap. 303B, reg. 6
appertain to appertaining to 附屬 Cap. 172, s. 7(1)(d)

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appertaining to 與……有關的 Cap. 219, s. 16(1)

appetite risk appetite 風險取向 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
appliance appliance 裝置 Cap. 369AW, s. 11(1)
appliances 設備 Cap. 621, s. 41(5)(a)
hunting or trapping appliance 獵捕或陷阱類器具 Cap. 208A, reg. 2
International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code 《國際救生設備規則》 Cap. 369AY, s. 2(1)
surgical appliance 外科用具 Cap. 231, s. 8(2)(a)(i)
applicable applicable accounting guideline 適用的會計指引 Cap. 485A, s. 2
applicable company 適用公司 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
applicable law 適用法律 Cap. 1146, s. 2(1)
applicable provisions 適用條文 Cap. 369AL, reg. 53(4)
applicable requirements 適用規定 Cap. 637, s. 51(2)
conveniently applicable 方便適用 Cap. 336, s. 79(4)
laws applicable in the Region 適用於香港特別行政區的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 84
so far as applicable 在可予適用的範圍內 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 9(5)
where applicable 在適用情況下 Cap. 369R, reg. 32(4)
applicant applicant 申請人 Cap. 200, s. 156(5)(b)
applicant for and on behalf of ... 代表……提出申請的申請人 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
applicant partner 申請合夥人 Cap. 637, s. 71(4)
intended applicant 有意提出申請的申請人 Cap. 484A, r. 3
original applicants 原有申請人 Cap. 514C, s. 5(1)
representative applicant 申請代表人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.12
sole applicant 單一的……申請人 Cap. 290, s. 5(3)
application application 申請 Cap. 174, s. 20(a)

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application 申請書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
application by motion 藉動議提出的申請 Cap. 4A, O. 8, r. 2(1)
application by summons 藉傳票提出的申請 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(2)
application for a new trial 申請重新審訊 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
application for bail pending appeal 申請保釋等候上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
application for judicial review 申請司法覆核 Cap. 4, s. 21K(1)
application for leave to appeal 上訴許可申請 Cap. 484, s. 33(3)
application for leave to appeal 上訴許可申請書 Cap. 25A, r. 8A(2)
application for leave to appeal 上訴許可的申請 Cap. 25A, r. 8A(2)
application for leave to apply for judicial review 申請司法覆核的許可 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 4(1)
application for reversing the guilty plea 推翻認罪的申請 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
application for review 覆核申請 Cap. 571, Sch. 8
application ... for review of sentence 申請覆核刑罰 Cap. 221, s. 81A, Heading
application ... for review of sentence 要求覆判 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
application for summary judgment 簡易判決申請 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
application for the registration of a trade mark 商標註冊申請 Cap. 559, s. 51(1)(a)
application is not properly made 申請並非妥當作出 Cap. 354N, s. 8(3)(a)
application ... pending 申請待決 Cap. 522, s. 22(1)
application period 申請期限 Cap. 349, s. 12C(3)(a)
application to fix a date for trial 申請編定審訊日期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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application to set down (訴訟)排期的申請 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
application to strike out notice of appeal 申請剔除上訴通知書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
basic application 基礎申請 Cap. 559, s. 90A(1)
concurrent application 同步申請 Cap. 177J, s. 6(1)(b)(ii)
consent application 經同意申請 Cap. 484A, r. 49(3)
consider ... application 審理……申請 Cap. 602, s. 80(2)(a)
determine ... application 裁斷……申請 Cap. 354N, s. 11(4)
dismiss an application 駁回申請 Cap. 4, s. 22A(6)
dismiss the application with costs 駁回申請兼判訟費須予支付 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 7(1)
divisional application 分開的申請 Cap. 514, s. 36
entertain an application for ... 受理……的申請 Cap. 621, s. 77(4)(b)
ex parte application 單方面申請 Cap. 455, s. 4(1)
file an application 提交申請 Cap. 559A, r. 51
forfeiture application 沒收申請 Cap. 559, s. 96G(2)
fresh application 新的申請 Cap. 406D, reg. 13(5)
further conduct of the application 就申請繼續進行的事宜 Cap. 619D, r. 78(1)
grant the application 批准申請 Cap. 6A, r. 48(5)
guardianship application 監護申請 Cap. 136, s. 59N(1)
hearing an application 聆聽……申請 Cap. 123, s. 3(5H)
interlocutory application 非正審申請 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 8
international application 國際申請 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
joint application 聯合申請 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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meritorious application 有理據的申請 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
notice of application 申請通知書 Cap. 336H, O. 52, r. 2(4)
on the application of ... 應……的申請 Cap. 17, s. 11A(2)(a)
originating application 原訴申請 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 2
originating application 原訴申請書 Cap. 17A, r. 15(3)
pending application 待決申請 Cap. 200, s. 147B(5)(c)(iii)
proceeds application 收益申請 Cap. 559, s. 96H(5)
re-export licence application 再出口許可證申請 Cap. 586, Sch. 4
sale application 售賣申請 Cap. 559, s. 96H(3)(b)
substantive application 正式的申請 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unopposed ... applications 無人反對的……申請 Cap. 6, s. 99(2)
application application 引用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
application 援用 Cap. 503K, Schedule
application 運用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
application 適用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
application 適用範圍 Cap. 1, Long Title
application of an order 命令的適用範圍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
application of proceeds 收益的運用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
application of the law 法律施行 Cap. 17, s. 9(1A)

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cessation of application 停止適用 Cap. 347, Schedule

departs from the strict application of ... 沒有嚴格地按照……行事 Cap. 541, s. 18(1A)(b)
exclude from the application of this Ordinance ... 將……摒除於本條例適用範圍之外 Cap. 150, s. 5(1)
excluding the application of ... 豁除……的適用 Cap. 23, s. 25B(5)(a)
extent of extra-territorial application 域外適用範圍 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.1
industrial application 工業應用 Cap. 514, s. 9A(1)(c)
of general or special application 一般地適用或適用於特別情況 Cap. 588, s. 60B(3)(a)
special application 特別實施 National Anthem Ordinance, s.
special application 適用於特別情況 Cap. 584, s. 49(3)(a)
strict application ... 嚴格地按照……行事 Cap. 541, s. 18(1A)(b)
apply application for leave to apply for judicial review 申請司法覆核的許可 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 4(1)
applied ... for sanction of ... 提出申請……要求認許…… Cap. 32, s. 190A(2)(a)(i)
applies for 申領 Cap. 554, s. 15(1)(a)
apply 申請 Cap. 9A, r. 12
apply by summons to the court 以傳票方式向法院申請 Cap. 9A, r. 12
apply ... for an order ……申請頒令 Cap. 505, s. 34(2)
properly applies 循正當手續申請 Cap. 516, s. 19(5)(b)
apply applied 引用 Cap. 347, s. 4(7)
applies as respects ... 就……而適用 Cap. 529, s. 4(3)
apply 適用 Cap. 402, Sch. 2
apply by reference to ... 按……而適用 Cap. 359, s. 29(4)(b)
apply in relation to ... 就……而適用 Cap. 628, s. 32
apply ... the provisions of ... 應用……的條文 Cap. 471, s. 9(3)

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apply to 適用於 Cap. 159, s. 2(3)

as applied ... in connexion with ... 在……與……連用時 Cap. 29, s. 2
cease to apply to 停止適用於 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.9
Nothing in this Part applies to ... 本部不適用於 … Cap. 602, s. 23(1)
principles previously applied in Hong Kong 原在香港適用的原則 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 87
to apply accordingly 據此適用 Cap. 589, s. 58A(7)(b)
apply applied to ... 加於…… Cap. 311W, s. 2
applied to ... 施用於…… Cap. 311W, Sch. 1
apply apply 撥作 Cap. 1085, s. 12(1)(a)
apply ... deposit towards the payment of ... 運用……按金支付…… Cap. 354N, s. 10(3)
be applied ... for ... 運用作…… Cap. 425, s. 5(2)
appoint appoint 任命 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 15
appoint 委出 Cap. 1132, s. 13(1)
appoint 委任 Cap. 1, s. 47A(1)
appoint 指派 Cap. 84, s. 4(9)
appoint by warrant under his hand ... 經他親自簽署……的委任令委出 Cap. 369, s. 74(1)
appoint ... from among their number 從他們當中委出…… Cap. 1073, s. 11
appoint or remove 任免 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
appointed 受聘 Cap. 89, s. 2C(1)
appointed 委派 Cap. 6, s. 29(6)
appointed by 由……任命 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 45
appointed by 由……委任 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 55
appointed by ... by writing under his hand 由……親自簽署文書委任 Cap. 93, s. 3(1)

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appointed ... by order of ... court 法庭命令任命 Cap. 1146, s. 6(1)

appointed by way of equitable execution 由於衡平法執行而委任的 Cap. 4A, O. 51, r. 3
appointed to act either jointly or jointly and severally 獲委任以共同行事或共同和各別行事 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.59
appointed under hand 經簽字……任命 Cap. 1146, s. 6(1)
appointed under ... seal 經……蓋章……任命 Cap. 1146, s. 6(1)
... be appointed to ... ……被委任擔任 Cap. 602, s. 34(1)(f)
duly appointed 妥為委任 Cap. 1073, s. 5
duly appointed 妥獲委派 Cap. 498, s. 21(1)(a)
stands appointed under section ... 根據第……條委任而……委任仍有效 Cap. 541C, s. 1(1)
appoint appoint 指定 Cap. 244, s. 3
appoint a date 指定任何日期 Cap. 519, s. 45(1)
appoint appoint ... property 處理……財產 Cap. 111, s. 3(2)(a)
appointed appointed day 指定日期 Cap. 150, s. 3(1)
appointed examiner 委任檢驗師 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
appointed member 委任成員 Cap. 1150, s. 2(1)
appointed officer 獲委任人員 Cap. 60, s. 2
appointed person 獲委任人 Cap. 426, s. 36(1)
appointee appointee 獲委任的人 Cap. 93, s. 7(1)
appointer appointer 指定人 Cap. 347, s. 2(2)
appointment appointment 受益的指定 Cap. 30, s. 2
appointment of property 財產受益指定 Cap. 481, s. 12(7)(b)
general power of appointment 一般指定受益的權力 Cap. 10, s. 64(1)
power of appointment 指定受益的權力 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)

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power of appointment 指定受益權 Cap. 112, s. 16(3)

special power of appointment 特別指定受益的權力 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)
appointment appointment 任命 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
appointment 委任 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
appointment 委任書 Cap. 425, s. 11(1)
appointment 聘用 Cap. 279A, reg. 77(c)
appointment and removal of members 成員……任免 Cap. 444, s. 22(1)(b)
appointment ... of public servants 公務人員……予以任用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103
appointment on ... terms 按……條款聘用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appointments 任命書 Cap. 8, s. 35(b)
conditions of appointment 聘用條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed of appointment of new trustees 委任新受託人的契據 Cap. 128B, Schedule
dismissed or removed from an appointment 被革職或免職 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in default of appointment 如無……委任 Cap. 1168, s. 7(a)(iii)
instrument of appointment 任命文書 Cap. 569, s. 3(1)(b)
instrument of appointment 委任文書 Cap. 336, s. 4
letter of appointment 委任狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of appointment 委任書 Cap. 467, s. 6(2)(a)
letter of appointment 聘書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of appointment of a solicitor 委任律師通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 3

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offer an appointment 要約聘用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
offer an appointment 提出聘用要約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
period of appointment 委任期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
period of appointment 聘用期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pleasure appointment 隨個人意願〔而非依程序〕 作出的委任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prior appointment 預約 Cap. 604, s. 37
remove ... the appointment of ... 將……免除……委任 Cap. 1, s. 42(a)
revoke ... appointment 撤銷……委任 Cap. 601, s. 8(8)(b)
substantive appointment 實任職位 Cap. 94, s. 2A(2)(i)
suspend ... appointment 暫停……委任 Cap. 1, s. 42(a)
terminate the appointment of ... 終止……的委任 Cap. 197A, reg. 15
termination of appointment 終止聘用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
terms of appointment 委聘條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
terms of appointment 聘用條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appointment appointment 預約時間 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 2(1)
appointment to tax [in relation to taxation of costs] 預約時間進行訟費評定 Cap. 336C, r. 8
appointor appointor 委任人 Cap. 29, s. 41(1)(a)
apportion apportion 分攤 Cap. 352, s. 5(1)(a)
apportion 攤分 Cap. 6A, r. 41

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apportion between ... 在……之間作分配 Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 15

apportioned equally 平均分攤 Cap. 508, s. 3(2)
apportioned ... to ... 分配給…… Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 15(2)
apportionable apportionable 可予分攤 Cap. 18, s. 5
apportionable 可拆分 Cap. 329, s. 76(1)
apportionment apportionment 分配 Cap. 514, s. 72J(6)(c)
apportionment 分攤 Cap. 18, Long Title
apportionment 攤分 Cap. 17A, Schedule
apportionments of rateable values 應課差餉租值……分攤 Cap. 515, s. 34(1)(j)
basis of apportionment 分攤基準 Cap. 125, s. 2
apposite apposite 合適的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apposite 適當的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appraisal appraisal 評估 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.44
appraisal 評定 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.30
appraisal 鑑定 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.40
financial appraisal 財政評估 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(vii)
paper appraisal 文件鑑定 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
Annex II, para. 2.2
physical appraisal 實物鑑定 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
Annex II, para. 2.2
records pending appraisal 待鑑定檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

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Annex II, para. 2.2

appraisal of tender appraisal of tender 投標書的評價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appraise appraising 評核 Cap. 486, s. 63D(a)
appraisement appraisement 估價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appraisement 估價單 Cap. 7, Sch. 5
appraisement 評價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of appraisement 估價證明書 Cap. 4A, App. B
commission for appraisement and sale 估價及出售的委任狀 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 23(3)
commission of appraisement 估價委任狀 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
commission of appraisement 評價委託書 Cap. 10, s. 12(1)
writ of appraisement 估價令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of appraisement 評價令狀 Cap. 300, Sch. 1
writ of appraisement 鑑定令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appraiser appraiser 估價人 Cap. 4A, App. B
appreciable appreciable risk 明顯風險 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.34
appreciable value appreciable value 可鑑定的價值 Cap. 353, s. 18(7)
appreciate appreciated 增值 Cap. 485G, s. 3(2)(e)
appreciate appreciate 意識 Cap. 314, s. 3(3)(b)
appreciate 意識到 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

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Serious Harm of a Child or

Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.13
appreciation appreciation 增值 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
capital appreciation 資本增值 Cap. 485A, s. 87
appreciation appreciation 欣賞 Cap. 601, s. 4(1)(d)
appreciation margin of appreciation 酌情判斷餘地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
apprehend apprehend 拘捕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
power to apprehend 拘捕權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apprehend apprehend 意恐 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apprehend danger to persons employed 意恐……對受僱於該處的人造成危險 Cap. 59I, reg. 41A
apprehended 預料 Cap. 313, s. 60A(2)(a)
apprehended act of infringement 意恐作出的侵犯行為 Cap. 514, s. 80
apprehended loss or damage 意恐出現的滅失或損壞 Cap. 462, Schedule
threatened or apprehended 受威脅會發生或惟恐會發生 Cap. 4, s. 21L(4)
apprehend apprehended violence order 暴力威脅令 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.4
apprehension apprehension 拘捕 Cap. 492, s. 14(2)
apprehension 逮捕 Cap. 313, s. 77(3)
detained on apprehension 在被拘捕後受拘留 Cap. 226, s. 18
safe from apprehension or inquiry 不會被拘捕或偵訊 Cap. 210, s. 25
apprehension apprehension 恐怕 Cap. 332, s. 2

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apprenticeship contract of apprenticeship 學徒訓練合約 Cap. 453, Schedule

indenture of apprenticeship 學徒契約 Cap. 6, s. 39(1)
approach approach to sentencing 量刑方法 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.66
inquisitorial approach 以查訊的方式進行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
opt-in approach 選擇加入制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.79
opt-out approach 選擇退出模式 "Class Actions" Report, para. 4.6
purposive approach 目標為本的方法 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.11
sentencing approach 判罰處理方法 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sentencing approach 量刑取向 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
approbate and approbate and reprobate 取利拒責〔(不可)只取有利部分而拒絕不利部分〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reprobate 參看 Qui approbat non reprobat. and Commercial Law Terms
approbation approbation 認可 Cap. 179, s. 20(6)
appropriate appropriate authority 有關當局 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
appropriate appropriate 恰當 Cap. 113, s. 4(d)
appropriate 適當 Cap. 112, Sch. 31
appropriate authority 有關主管當局 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
appropriate authority 適當主管當局 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
appropriate authority 適當的授權 Cap. 106, s. 27A(2)(b)(iii)
appropriate degree 適度 Cap. 155, s. 7(2)(g)(i)
appropriate forum 適當訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.14

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appropriate measures 適當措施 Cap. 247, Long Title

appropriate person 適當的人 Cap. 200, s. 145A(3)
appropriate proportion 適當份額 Cap. 112AI, s. 1
appropriate representative 合適代表 Cap. 503G, Sch. 2
appropriate sentence 恰當的刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appropriate sentence 適當的判處 Cap. 200, s. 153A(2)(d)
appropriate starting point 適當的刑期基準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appropriate starting point 適當的量刑起點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appropriate to ... ……適用的 Cap. 313A, reg. 7
appropriate tribunal 適當審裁體 Cap. 232A, reg. 2
as appropriate to ... 與……相符 Cap. 369W, reg. 58(3)(b)
as may be appropriate 視何者適用而定 Cap. 469, s. 34(1)
as may be appropriate 視何者屬適當而定 Cap. 541L, s. 38(10)(a)
considers appropriate in the particular circumstances 在個別情況下適宜顧及的 Cap. 32, s. 209A(2)(j)
languages which is appropriate to ... ……適用的語文 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3(4)
person who may have power to take appropriate action 主事者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
person who may have power to take appropriate action 可具有採取適當行動的權力的人 Cap. 504, s. 44(2)(c)
person who may have power to take appropriate action 有權採取適當行動的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
where appropriate 如屬適當的話 Cap. 607, Sch. 2
whichever is appropriate 視乎何者適用而定 Cap. 369Y, reg. 143(6)(e)

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appropriate appropriate (v.) 撥付 Cap. 481, s. 4

appropriate (v.) 撥出 Cap. 74, s. 6
appropriate (v.) 撥用 Cap. 64, s. 4
appropriated ... for 撥作 Cap. 294, s. 2
appropriated for ... purpose 撥作……用途 Cap. 443, s. 12(a)(i)
appropriated to ... 撥歸 Cap. 430, s. 4
appropriated to the contract 撥歸該合約 Cap. 26, s. 20
appropriate appropriated 取用 Cap. 26, s. 11(1)
appropriated 據有 Cap. 145, s. 3
appropriates 挪佔 Cap. 210, s. 2(1)
appropriation appropriation 分派 Cap. 10, s. 68(2)(a)
appropriation 撥付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appropriation 撥用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appropriation 撥地 Cap. 28, s. 4
appropriation 撥款 Cap. 2, s. 2
appropriation of property 分派財產 Cap. 10, s. 68
appropriation ... of property 對財產……作出的撥配 Cap. 241, s. 2(2)(f)
appropriation of public funds 撥款 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 51
deed of appropriation 撥地契據 Cap. 28, s. 10(1)
memorandum of appropriation 撥地備忘錄 Cap. 28, s. 4
provisional appropriations 臨時撥款 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 51
supplementary appropriation 追加撥款 Cap. 2, s. 2
appropriation appropriation 挪佔 Cap. 210, s. 2(2)

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appropriation 挪佔行為 Cap. 210, s. 4(1)

appropriation of property belonging to another 挪佔他人財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appropriation of property belonging to another 挪佔屬於……另一人的財產 Cap. 210, s. 3(1)
approval approval 同意 Cap. 26, s. 20
approval 批准 Cap. 227, s. 133
approval 認同 Cap. 484A, r. 33
Approval-in-Principle Letter 原則批准書 Cap. 171, s. 14(1)(b)(i)
certificate of approval 核准證明書 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
certificate of approval 認可證明書 Cap. 406H, Schedule
prior approval 事先批准 Cap. 159, s. 72AA
prior approval 事先核准 Cap. 607, s. 23(3)
provisional approval 臨時批准 Cap. 171, s. 14A(2)
resolution ... which has the approval of ... 獲……批准的決議 Cap. 155, s. 53C(3)(a)(ii)
subject to the approval of ... 經……批准 Cap. 547, s. 8(1)
submitted for approval 呈予批准 Cap. 50, s. 16(5)
written approval 書面批准 Cap. 470, s. 15(b)
approval approval letters 批函 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
approve approve 批准 Cap. 1, s. 40(2)(c)
approve 核准 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
approve a bill of costs 核准訟費單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
approved 獲允許 Cap. 567, s. 2

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approved by resolution 經……決議通過 Cap. 1, s. 10E(2)

approved by resolution of ... 獲……藉決議批准 Cap. 87, s. 10(1)
approved person 核准人士 Cap. 571, s. 102
approved trustee 核准受託人 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
fully approve 全盤批准 Cap. 112BI, s. 6(1)
partially approve 局部批准 Cap. 112BI, s. 6(1)
approved approved 認可 Cap. 159, s. 6(1)
approved accounting experience 認可會計經驗 Cap. 50, s. 29A(5)(a)
approved assessor 認可評估員 Cap. 608A, s. 2(1)
approved body 認可機構 Cap. 324, s. 2
approved charitable donation 認可慈善捐款 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
approved consumer 獲准用户 Cap. 624, s. 2
approved credit rating agency 核准信貸評級機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
approved currency 核准貨幣 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
approved degree 認可學位 Cap. 279A, Sch. 2
approved design type 批准定型設計 Cap. 506A, s. 2
approved development plan 核准發展圖則 Cap. 601, s. 2
approved estimates of expenditure 核准開支預算 Cap. 2, s. 2
approved form 認可格式 Cap. 51, s. 34(a)
approved institution 核准院舍 Cap. 298, s. 2(1)
approved insurer 認可保險人 Cap. 50, s. 28D(12)
approved money broker 核准貨幣經紀 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
approved organization 認可機構 Cap. 218, s. 2
approved overseas bank 核准海外銀行 Cap. 485A, s. 2

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approved overseas insurer 核准海外保險人 Cap. 485A, s. 2

approved overseas trust company 核准海外信託公司 Cap. 485A, s. 2
approved person 核准人士 Cap. 571, s. 102(1)
approved plan 獲批准圖則 Cap. 446, s. 17(1)(a)
approved plans 經批准圖則 Cap. 630, s. 2(1)
approved pooled investment fund 核准匯集投資基金 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(wa)
Approved Post Secondary College 認可專上學院 Cap. 320, s. 2
approved pupillage 認可實習大律師實習 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
approved social worker 認可社工 Cap. 213, s. 2
approved social worker 認可社會工作者 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
approved subvented hospital 經批准補助醫院 Cap. 161, s. 2(1)
approved trustee 核准受託人 Cap. 485, s. 20(12)(b)
approved website 認可網站 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
approving approving authority 批准當局 Cap. 564, s. 2
approximation approximation [also doctrine of approximation; 執行信託時使用的近似原則〔衡平法〕 ※比較 cy près English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
approximation doctrine] rule and Commercial Law Terms
appurtenance appurtenances 從屬權 Cap. 219, s. 16(1)
appurtenant appurtenant 從屬 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
appurtenant rights 從屬權利 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
appurtenant to 附帶 Cap. 276, s. 4(3)(a)
appurtenant to 附屬於 Cap. 102, s. 2
grounds appurtenant thereto 其附屬場地 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
rights appurtenant to ... ……的從屬權利 Cap. 372, Sch. 2
apt apt 合適 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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apt 恰當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
apt 適當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apt to be ... 傾向於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arbitrability arbitrability 可仲裁性 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.2
arbitrage arbitrage 套戥 Cap. 155L, s. 4
index arbitrage 指數套戥 Cap. 571Y, s. 4D(3)
arbitral arbitral 仲裁的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arbitral authority 仲裁當局 Cap. 609, s. 95(2)(e)
arbitral award 仲裁裁決 Cap. 609, s. 2
arbitral procedure 仲裁的程序 Cap. 609, s. 95(2)(e)
arbitral proceedings 仲裁程序 Cap. 1167, s. 8(h)(ii)
arbitral tribunal 仲裁庭 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
arbitral tribunal 仲裁機構 Cap. 21, s. 2
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign 《承認及執行外國仲裁裁決公約》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitral Awards
mutual enforcement of arbitral awards 相互執行仲裁裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.2
permanent arbitral institution 常設仲裁機構 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
resuming the arbitral proceedings 恢復進行仲裁程序 Cap. 609, s. 33(4)
arbitrament arbitrament (arch.) 仲裁結果 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

arbitrarily arbitrarily deprived of ... life 生命……無理剝奪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(1)
arbitrary arbitrary 武斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arbitrary 專斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arbitrary arbitrary 無理 Cap. 383, s. 8
arbitrary arrest 無理……逮捕 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(1)
arbitrary ... detention 無理……拘禁 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(1)
arbitrary ... interference 無理……侵擾 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
arbitrary arbitrary 任意 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.61
arbitrary ... arrest 任意……逮捕 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arbitrary ... deprivation of the life 任意……剝奪……生命 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arbitrary ... detention 任意……拘留 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arbitrary ... imprisonment 任意……監禁 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arbitrary ... intrusion 任意……侵入 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 29
arbitrary ... search 任意……搜查 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arbitration arbitration 仲裁 Cap. 55, s. 2
arbitration agreement 仲裁協議 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
arbitration award 仲裁裁決 Cap. 571F, s. 26
arbitration body 仲裁機構 Cap. 609, s. 98F
arbitration decision 仲裁裁定 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.2
arbitration funding 仲裁資助 Cap. 609, s. 98F

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arbitration jurisdiction 仲裁管轄區 "Third Party Funding for

Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.3
arbitration panel 仲裁小組 Cap. 571, s. 118(2)(a)
arbitration proceedings 仲裁程序 Cap. 609, Sch. 1
arbitration tribunal 仲裁庭 Cap. 55, s. 2
consensual nature of arbitration 仲裁需經同意的本質 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.14
domestic arbitration 本地仲裁 Cap. 609, s. 100(a)
interim relief in aid of arbitration 協助仲裁的臨時濟助 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 3.17
international commercial arbitration 國際商事仲裁 Cap. 609, Sch. 1
legal arbitration 法律仲裁 Cap. 1052, s. 4(1)
place of arbitration 仲裁地點 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.19
proceedings on an arbitration 仲裁法律程序 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
proper conduct of the arbitration 仲裁恰當地進行 Cap. 609, s. 20(2)(b)
refer a dispute to arbitration 將爭議事項提交仲裁 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
refer disputes to arbitration 將爭議提交仲裁 Cap. 33, s. 42(1)(d)
refer ... to arbitration 將……轉交仲裁 Cap. 6, s. 61(f)
submit to arbitration 交付仲裁 Cap. 609, s. 103D(2)
third party funding of arbitration 第三者資助仲裁 Cap. 609, s. 98F
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial 《貿易法委員會國際商事仲裁示範法》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)

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arbitrator arbitrator 仲裁人 Cap. 71, s. 3(1)

arbitrator 仲裁員 Cap. 87, s. 2
emergency arbitrator 緊急仲裁員 Cap. 609, s. 98F
single arbitrator 單一仲裁員 Cap. 265, s. 11D(3)(b)
sole arbitrator 獨任仲裁員 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
substitute arbitrator 替代仲裁員 Cap. 609, Sch. 1
archaism archaism 古風 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
archaism 古詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
archaism 古語 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
archaism 過時事物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
architect authorized architect 核准建築師 Cap. 354N, s. 9(3)
registered architect 註冊建築師 Cap. 408, s. 14(1)
Architects Registration Architects Registration Board 建築師註冊管理局 Cap. 408, s. 4(1)
architectural architectural body 建築師團體 Cap. 408, s. 13(1)(a)(ii)
architectural profession 建築師專業 Cap. 1147, s. 4(c)
architectural services 建築服務 Cap. 1147, s. 4(b)
archival archival authority 檔案管理機關 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.24
archival institution 檔案管理機構 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.27
archival records 歷史檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.78

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archival resources 歷史檔案資源 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

para. 7.14
archival value 歷史價值 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.14
potential archival value 潛在歷史價值 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.33
archival purposes for archival purposes 作存檔之用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for archival purposes 為存檔 Cap. 528, s. 84
archive archive (v.) 將……存檔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
archive archive (n.) 檔案室 Cap. 528, s. 84
archives 歷史檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.7
archives 檔案館 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.7
archives law 檔案法 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.20
archives matters 歷史檔案事宜 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.25
consular archives 領館檔案 Cap. 557, Schedule
digital archives 數碼檔案庫 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.112
archives consular archives 領館檔案 Cap. 557, Schedule
archiving archiving purposes 存檔目的 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.20
area Airport Area 機場區 Cap. 483, s. 2(1)

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area 地方 Cap. 528, s. 35(5)(a)

area 地區 Cap. 285, s. 44(a)
area 區域 Cap. 371, Sch. 2
area 範圍 Cap. 374, s. 120(1)(i)
area of operations 經營地區 Cap. 33, s. 21(b)
area of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的區域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 11
area of water 水域 Cap. 81, s. 3(1)
cargo transhipment area 貨物轉運區 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
closed area 封閉區域 Cap. 601A, s. 8(1)
closed area 禁區 Cap. 245, s. 2(1)
common area 公用地方 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
defined areas 界定範圍 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(j)
geographical area 地區 Cap. 460, s. 21(5)(d)
geographical area 地區範圍 Cap. 541, s. 2(1)
leased area 批租地區 Cap. 601, s. 2
no smoking area 禁止吸煙區 Cap. 371, s. 2
non-permanent restricted area 非永久限制區 Cap. 627, s. 2
permanent restricted area 永久限制區 Cap. 627, s. 2
Prohibition Area 禁區 Cap. 448E, s. 2(1)
public area 公眾地方 Cap. 132BK, s. 8(2)(a)
public cargo working area 公眾貨物裝卸區 Cap. 81, s. 2
rabies control area 狂犬病控制區 Cap. 421, s. 2
restricted area 限制區 Cap. 372, s. 31(1)(o)(iii)

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restricted area 限制區域 Cap. 313H, reg. 2

Rural Area 鄉郊地區 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)
scheduled to be berthed or anchored within the Terminal Area 已編定在郵輪碼頭區內停泊或碇泊 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)
set aside ... area 撥出……地方 Cap. 208A, reg. 13A(3)(a)
special area 特別地區 Cap. 406, s. 59(2)
surrounding areas 周邊範圍 Cap. 615, s. 48(6)(a)
toll area 收費區 Cap. 474, s. 2(1)
urban area 市區 Cap. 28, s. 2
village areas 鄉村範圍 Cap. 208, s. 25(a)
WTO member country, territory or area 世界貿易組織成員國、地區或地方 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
area floor area 樓面面積 Cap. 7, s. 51(3)(c)(i)
gross floor area 總樓面面積 Cap. 95C, reg. 3
roofed-over area 有蓋面積 Cap. 95C, reg. 3
saleable area 實用面積 Cap. 511C, Schedule
total floor area 總樓面面積 Cap. 376, s. 22(5)(a)(iii)
arena enter the arena 逾越其份 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judge entering the arena 法官加入控辯雙方的訟辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judge entering the arena 法官加入戰團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
arguable arguable 可爭辯的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arguable 可論證的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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reasonably arguable 可合理爭議 The Judge Over Your Shoulder

(Third Edition)
argue argue 爭辯 Cap. 112, s. 82B(2)
argue before the court ... 出庭就……進行爭辯 Cap. 179, s. 16(1)(a)
fully argued 全面辯論 Cap. 429, s. 7(2)(b)
argument argument 爭辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
argument 論據 Cap. 490A, s. 13(4)(b)
argument 論點 Cap. 221, s. 81D
argument 辯論 Cap. 227, s. 108
argument as to fact 事實……上的論點 Cap. 221, s. 9G(11)(a)
argument as to ... law 法律上的論點 Cap. 221, s. 9G(11)(a)
arguments 爭論點 Cap. 504, s. 47(1)(c)
beneficial argument 有利的論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flawed argument 有謬誤的論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal argument 法律爭議 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
legal argument 法律爭辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
legal argument 法律論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
oral argument 口頭辯論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
respondent’s skeleton arguments 答辯提綱 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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set down case for argument 對案件呈述定出辯論日期 Cap. 227, s. 108

set down for argument 定出……辯論日期 Cap. 227, s. 108
skeleton argument 論點綱要 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
skeleton arguments 論點大綱 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
summary of argument 論據概要 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arise a prosecution arising out of the investigation 該偵查所導致的檢控 Cap. 525, s. 9(2)(c)(i)
arise out of 由……引起的 Cap. 571, s. 81(2)(a)
arise out of 在……下產生 Cap. 602B, s. 3(2)(b)
arises out of ... 源於…… Cap. 347, s. 35(6)(a)
arising 引起 Cap. 1A, r. 13(3)
arising 出現 Cap. 459, s. 21(2)(b)
arising 因……而引起的 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
arising from 引致 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
arising from 因……而產生的 Cap. 229, s. 13
arising or resulting from ... ……所引起或導致的 Cap. 462, Schedule
arising out of or incident to ... ……所產生或附帶的 Cap. 6, s. 2
cause of action arose 訴訟因由產生 Cap. 4, s. 48(1)
charges arising out of ... 由……引起的控罪 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iii)
claims arise out of ... 申索源自…… Cap. 25, s. 24(1)(b)
liability arises 有法律責任……產生 Cap. 414, s. 6(2)(a)

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offence arising from a breach of trust 違反誠信的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
question of law arising out of ... ……所產生的法律問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
arising out of arising out of 由……引起 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arising out of 起源於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arising out of or in consequence of ... 由……引起或造成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
matters arising out of a contract 由合約引起的事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arithmetic arithmetic mean 算術平均數 Cap. 155M, s. 3(17)
arithmetical error 算術錯誤 Cap. 112, s. 70A(1)
arm at arm's length 基於各自獨立利益 Cap. 112, s. 15E(1)(d)
armed armed conflict 武裝衝突 Cap. 479, s. 6(1)(a)
armed forces 武裝部隊 Cap. 383, s. 9
armed robbery 持械搶劫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
law of international armed conflict 國際武裝衝突法 Cap. 590, s. 2
members of the armed forces and of the police 軍警人員 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(2)
organized armed forces 有組織的武裝部隊 Cap. 590, s. 2
organized armed forces 武裝部隊 Cap. 590, s. 2

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armorial armorial bearings 盾徽 Cap. 522A, s. 12

arms arms 軍火 Cap. 537AC, s. 1
arms 槍械 Cap. 170, s. 2
arms embargoes 武器禁運 Cap. 537, s. 2(1)
arm's length arm's length [also arm's-length] 基於各自獨立利益 Cap. 112, s. 15E
arm's length [also arm's-length] 雙方均不受對方控制 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arm's length transaction 基於各自獨立利益的交易 Cap. 155L, s. 2
dealing at arm's length 基於各自獨立利益而作出交易 Cap. 330, s. 2
arm's length provision arm's length provision 獨立交易條款 Cap. 112, s. 50AAC(1)
arraign arraigned 公訴提控 Cap. 221, s. 16(3)
arraigned 被提審 Cap. 3, s. 29
arraigned on any indictment or presentment 循公訴程序或根據控訴狀被提審 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.6, Footnote 7
arraignment arraignment 公訴提控 Cap. 221, s. 49
arrangement air service ... arrangements 民用航空運輸……協議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133
arrangement 安排 Cap. 408, s. 5(4)(a)
arrangement 協定 Cap. 313, s. 23(ii)
arrangement 債務安排 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
arrangement 債務償還安排 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
arrangement for ... 為……而訂的……安排 Cap. 106, s. 36A(4)
arrangements for mutual legal assistance 相互法律協助的安排 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
arrangements for the surrender of fugitive offenders 移交逃犯安排 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
arrangements for the transfer of sentenced persons 移交被判刑人士的安排 Cap. 513, s. 2
arrangements regarding international trade in textiles 關於國際紡織品貿易安排 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116

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asset arrangement 資產安排 Cap. 1167, s. 2

co-funding arrangement 共同出資安排 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.21
composition ... of arrangement 債務重整協議 Cap. 218, s. 12(2)(c)
contingency arrangements 應變安排 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
custodial arrangement 保管安排 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(j)
deed of arrangement 債務人與債權人和解契據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default investment arrangement 預設投資安排 Cap. 485, s. 34DF
double taxation arrangements 雙重課稅安排 Cap. 112, s. 48A
enter into an arrangement with 與……訂立安排 Cap. 587, s. 18(3)
financial arrangements 財務安排 Cap. 192, s. 14(1)
flawed asset arrangement 無效資產安排 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
franchise arrangement 專營權安排 Cap. 112, s. 20AM(5)(d)
individual voluntary arrangement (無力償債時所作的)個別自願安排 Cap. 6A, r. 122X
joint venture litigation funding arrangement 聯手訴訟出資安排 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.65
legal arrangement 法律安排 Cap. 637, s. 2
Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements 《行政安排備忘錄》 Cap. 558F, s. 2
netting arrangement 淨額結算安排 Cap. 628A, s. 5(1)
operational matter or arrangement 運作事宜或安排 Cap. 604, s. 38(1)(d)
ownership arrangement 擁有權安排 Cap. 112, s. 14Z(a)
preferential trade arrangements 優惠貿易安排 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
protected clearing and settlement systems arrangement 受保障結算及交收系統安排 Cap. 628A, s. 3(1)
protected structured finance arrangement 受保障結構式金融安排 Cap. 628A, s. 4(1)

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provisional arrangements 臨時協議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133

reciprocal arrangements 互惠性安排 Cap. 1, s. 2A(2)(b)
rectification and indemnity arrangements 更正及彌償安排 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
release arrangement 解除義務安排 Cap. 112, s. 14Z(b)
rendition arrangement 歸還罪犯安排 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
resiting arrangement 遷徙安排 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
scheme of arrangement 債務償還安排 Cap. 6, s. 2
secured arrangement 抵押保證安排 Cap. 628A, s. 9(1)
set-off arrangement 抵銷安排 Cap. 628A, s. 5(1)
Stock Connect arrangement 互聯互通安排 Cap. 571T, s. 2
surrogacy arrangement 代母安排 Cap. 561, s. 2(1)
survivorship arrangement 尚存安排 Cap. 10, s. 60I(1)
title transfer arrangement 所有權轉讓安排 Cap. 628A, s. 5(1)
transitional arrangement 過渡安排 Cap. 1, s. 2A(2)(e)
voluntary arrangement 自願安排 Cap. 529, Sch. 1
arrangement life-saving arrangements 救生布置 Cap. 369AY, s. 4A(2)(a)
array array (n., v.) 將(某人)列入陪審團名單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
array (n., v.) 陪審團名單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrears arrear of rent 欠租 Cap. 7, s. 108
arrears 欠款 Cap. 192, s. 10(4)

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arrears of pay 欠付薪酬 Cap. 112, s. 11D(b)(i)

arrears of wages 欠付工資 Cap. 608, s. 6(4)
certificate of arrears 欠款證明書 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
distrain for arrears of rent 為追討欠繳租金而扣押 Cap. 347, s. 2(3)
duty in arrear 欠稅 Cap. 111, s. 12(8)
in arrear 拖欠 Cap. 188A, r. 8(2)
arrears; arrear arrears; arrear 欠款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrears; arrear 拖欠 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrears of rent [also rent in arrears] 欠租 Cap. 7, s. 81
in arrears 拖欠 Cap. 91A, reg. 8
payable in arrears 下期支付 ※比較 payable in advance English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
payment in arrears 欠款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rent in arrear [also arrears of rent] 欠租 Cap. 4, s. 21F
arrest arbitrary arrest 無理……逮捕 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(1)
arbitrary ... arrest 任意……逮捕 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arrest 拘捕 Cap. 68, s. 24(3)
arrest 逮捕 Cap. 221, s. 101(2)
arrest without warrant 無需手令而逮捕 Cap. 204, s. 10AA(1)
arrest ... without warrant 在無手令的情況下逮捕…… Cap. 494, s. 13(1)(b)
arresting 扣押 Cap. 508, s. 7(3)
caveat against arrest 針對扣押的知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(2)

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effect the arrest 執行拘捕 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)

effect the arrest 執行逮捕 Cap. 60, s. 23(3)
effect the arrest 進行逮捕 Cap. 526, s. 8(3)
evade arrest 規避逮捕 Cap. 612, s. 49(2)
evades arrest 逃避……逮捕 Cap. 204, s. 10C(1)(b)
keep ... under safe arrest 對……加以穩妥扣押 Cap. 4A, App. B
lawful arrest 合法逮捕 Cap. 339, s. 2(2)
lawfully arrested 合法拘捕 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 87
liable to be arrested under ... 可根據……被逮捕 Cap. 586, s. 37(3)
order for arrest 逮捕……命令 Cap. 4, s. 21A(4)(a)
power of arrest 逮捕權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
preventing ... arrest 阻止……逮捕 Cap. 339, s. 2(2)
property arrested 扣押的……財產 Cap. 414, s. 11(a)
property under arrest 被扣押的財產 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 12(4)
provisional arrest 暫時逮捕 Cap. 503B, Schedule
provisional warrant of arrest 臨時逮捕手令 Cap. 503M, Schedule
release ... from the arrest 將……發還……,使之免受扣押 Cap. 4A, App. B
release of ... from arrest 發還……使之受免扣押 Cap. 4C, Schedule
resist arrest 抗拒逮捕 Cap. 238, s. 18(1)
ship or property ... arrested 船舶或財產被扣押 Cap. 434, s. 21
under the arrest of the Court 在法庭扣押之下 Cap. 4A, App. B
unlawful arrest 非法逮捕 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
warrant of arrest 扣押令 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 7

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warrant of arrest 逮捕手令 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)

warrant of arrest 逮捕令 Cap. 86, s. 10
writ of arrest 扣押令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrest arrest 阻止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrest of judgment 阻止判決 Cap. 336, Sch. 2
in arrest of judgment 阻止判決 Cap. 221, s. 53(1)
arrestable arrestable offence 可逮捕的罪行 Cap. 1, s. 3
serious arrestable offence 嚴重的可逮捕罪行 Cap. 134, s. 54AA(9)
arrested arrested or incomplete development of mind 心智發育停頓或不完全 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
arresting arresting officer 拘捕人員 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
arrival arrival clearance 到港證 Cap. 548F, s. 3(1)
arrogate arrogate 侵佔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrogate 冒稱具有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arrogate 僭取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
arson arson 縱火 Cap. 200, s. 60(3)
arson causing death 縱火導致死亡 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
art art 詭計 Cap. 112, s. 82(1)(g)
prior art 先有技術 Cap. 514, s. 113(8)(a)

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Article Article ... 第……條 Cap. 212, s. 9A(1)

Articles 條文 Cap. 462, s. 2(2)
articles of association 組織章程細則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.67
memorandum and articles of association 組織章程大綱及章程細則 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
article any implement, utensil and article 任何工具、器具及物品 Cap. 112A, r. 2(1)
article 物件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
article 物品 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.6
article in transit 過境物品 Cap. 60, s. 2
article liable to seizure 可予扣押的物件 Cap. 134, s. 52(10)
concealed articles 隱藏物品 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
dutiable article 應課稅物品 Cap. 98, s. 12
indecent article 不雅物品 Cap. 390, s. 24(1)
infringing article 侵犯權利物品 Cap. 528, s. 95(2)
patented article 已獲專利的物品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
patented article 專利品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
postal article 郵遞品 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
prohibited article 禁運物品 Cap. 60, s. 2
prohibited articles 禁寄物品 Cap. 98, s. 3(n)
publish an indecent article 發布不雅物品 Cap. 390, s. 24(1)
restricted article 受限制物品 Cap. 295B, reg. 177H

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articled clerk articled clerk 見習律師 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)

articles articles 條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
articles 組織細則 Cap. 1146, s. 15
articles 章程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
articles 章程細則 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
articles of agreement 協議條款 Cap. 58, s. 3
articles of association (公司)組織章程細則 Cap. 622, s. 2
articles of association 組織細則 Cap. 1154, s. 16
articles of clerkship (見習律師)受業合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
memorandum and articles of association 組織章程大綱及章程細則 Cap. 565, s. 36(1)
articulated articulated vehicle 掛接式車輛 Cap. 374B, reg. 12(6)
artificial artificial person [also juristic person; legal person] 法人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
artificial person [also juristic person; legal person] 非自然人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
artificial artificial 人工的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
artificial 非自然的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
artificial 虛假 Cap. 112, s. 61
artificial 虛假的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
artificial transaction 非真實的交易 Cap. 571, s. 275
artificial insemination artificial insemination 人工受精 Cap. 429, s. 10(1)

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artist artist's impression 畫家想像圖 Cap. 621, s. 73(7)

artistic artistic expression 藝術表達 Cap. 472, s. 4(c)
artistic work 藝術作品 Cap. 528, s. 35A(6)(a)(ii)
as as regards ... 就……而言 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
as as 作為 Cap. 48, s. 11
as a matter of law as a matter of law 在法律上 Cap. 347, s. 27(6)
as a principal as a principal 以主犯身分 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.109
as against as against ... 相對於……而言 Cap. 514, s. 52(1)
as against all persons 相對於所有人 Cap. 32, s. 215(2)
as appropriate as appropriate 視何者適用而定 Cap. 369S, reg. 60(3)(e)
as at the date of this as at the date of this agreement 截至本協議簽立之日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
agreement and Commercial Law Terms
as extensive as as extensive as 一如……般廣泛 Cap. 50, s. 28D(2)(b)(iii)
as far as as far as is reasonable and practicable 在合理和切實可行的範圍內……盡量 Cap. 369AM, reg. 71(1)
as far as possible 在盡可能的範圍內 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 12(2)
as far as practicable 在切實可行範圍內 Cap. 369W, reg. 4(5)
as far as reasonably practicable 在合理的切實可行範圍內 Cap. 541H, s. 9(1)(b)
as from as from ... 由……起計 Cap. 127, s. 14(3)
as if as if 猶如……一樣 Cap. 1155, s. 3
as if ... had not been enacted 猶如……沒有制定一樣 Cap. 622, s. 454(3)
as long as as long as ... 在……的整段期間內 Cap. 106, s. 13(2)
as long as ... 於……期間 Cap. 547, s. 62(5)

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for as long as it is necessary 在……所需的期間內 Cap. 512, s. 19(2)(b)

as of course as of course 理所當然地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
as of course 當然的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
as of right appeal as of right 上訴屬當然權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
as of right 以當然權利為依據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
as of right 有當然權利 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.21
as of right 有權 Cap. 514, s. 5(1)(b)
as of right 作為應有權利 Cap. 301, s. 24(e)
as of right 按應有權利 Cap. 208, s. 19(5)(a)
as of right 屬當然權利 Cap. 4, s. 14
made ... as of right 有當然權利而作出 Cap. 17A, r. 12(4)
as of the same kind as of the same kind [also ejusdem generis] 同類 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
[also ejusdem generis] and Commercial Law Terms
as respects ... as respects ... 在……方面 Cap. 6, s. 34(8)(c)
as respects ... 對於……而言 Cap. 38, s. 33(2)
as soon as as soon as 盡快 Cap. 403, s. 11(4)
as soon as ... 一俟…… Cap. 33A, r. 68(4)
as soon as is practicable 在切實可行的範圍內盡快 Cap. 1175, s. 13(5)
as soon as it is reasonable 在合理範圍內盡快 Cap. 405, s. 25A(2)(b)(iii)
as soon as may be 在可能範圍內盡快 Cap. 6, s. 53(1)
as soon as may be 盡速 Cap. 156, s. 13A(1)

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as soon as possible 盡早 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 12(5)(b)

as soon as possible 盡快 Cap. 11, s. 17
as soon as reasonably practicable 在合理地切實可行的範圍內盡快 Cap. 571, s. 146(7)
as the case may be as the case may be 視屬何情況而定 Cap. 453, s. 36
as the context permits as the context permits 在文意許可的情況下 Cap. 1146, s. 6(2)
as ... thinks fit as ... thinks fit ……認為合適的 Cap. 1145, s. 4(i)
ascertain ascertain 確定 Cap. 403, s. 10(1)(e)
ascertained 已查實的 Cap. 332, s. 15(1)(f)
ascertaining 查明 Cap. 406, s. 26
readily ... ascertained 輕易核實 Cap. 476, s. 25(2)(a)
readily be ascertained 即行予以確定 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13(2)(a)
readily be ascertained 輕易確定 Cap. 615, s. 48(1)(b)(i)
so far as can be ascertained 據所能確定的資料 Cap. 280A, Schedule
ascertainable ascertainable 可確定的 Cap. 112CL, Schedule
consideration ... ascertainable by reference to ... 可參照……而確定的……的代價 Cap. 354N, s. 9(4)
readily ascertainable 可輕易確定 Cap. 612, s. 33(2)
ascertainment ascertainment of profits 確定利潤 Cap. 112, s. 22(2)
ascribe ascribed 屬 Cap. 515A, s. 4(2)(a)
meanings ascribed to ... 給予……的涵義 Cap. 282, s. 29(4)
to ascribe blame ... to ... 將責任歸咎於…… Cap. 556A, reg. 5(2)
ASEAN+3 Agreement Establishing ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research 《關於設立東盟10+3宏觀經濟研究辦公室的協議》 Cap. 558J, s. 3(1)
Macroeconomic Office
Research Office
ashes ashes 骨灰 Cap. 630, s. 2
Asia Pacific Economic APEC business travel card 亞太經合組織商務旅遊證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)

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Asia Pacific Regional Asia Pacific Regional Office of the Hague Conference on 海牙國際私法會議亞太區域辦事處 Cap. 558H, s. 2
Office Private International Law
Asian Development Asian Development Bank 亞洲開發銀行 Cap. 190M, Art. 1
Asian Infrastructure Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行 Cap. 558K, s. 2
Investment Bank
Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 亞太地區電信組織 Cap. 190N, Art. 1
"as-is" condition "as-is" condition (on handing over of premises) (處所在移交時的)"原樣"狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ask price ask price (證券)賣出價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aspect Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 《與貿易有關的知識產權協議》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 知識產權理事會 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
aspiration aspirations 期許 Cap. 587, s. 5(b)
assault aggravated assault 嚴重侵犯 Cap. 503B, Schedule
aggravated assault 嚴重襲擊 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52
aggravated sexual assault 嚴重的性侵犯 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.

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assault 襲擊 Cap. 16, s. 3(1)(a)

assault causing bodily harm 襲擊導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.70
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊他人致造成身體傷害 Cap. 212, s. 39
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
assault occasioning bodily harm 侵犯他人致造成身體傷害 Cap. 503B, Schedule
assault with intent to commit buggery 意圖作出肛交而襲擊 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
5.3, Footnote 5
assault with intent to commit murder 意圖謀殺而襲擊 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
assault with intent to rob 意圖搶劫而襲擊他人 Cap. 210, s. 10(2)
assaults another person with intent to commit buggery 襲擊另一人,意圖作出肛交 Cap. 200, s. 118B
commits any assault 襲擊他人 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
common assault 普通襲擊 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.69
common assault 普通襲擊罪 Cap. 210, Schedule
indecent assault 猥褻侵犯 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
sexual assault 性侵犯 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
sexual assault by penetration 以插入方式進行性侵犯 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.23
violent assault 暴力襲擊 "Rape and Other Non-consensual

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Sexual Offences" Consultation

Paper, para. 4.14
assemble assemble 聚集 Cap. 374D, reg. 45(1)(j)
assembled 集結 Cap. 245, s. 18(1)
assembled 集會 Cap. 1, s. 52(2)
riotously assembled 集結暴動 Cap. 245, s. 19(1)
assembly assembly 集結 Cap. 245, s. 2(1)
assembly 集會 Cap. 332, s. 48(4)
assembly or council 議院或議會 Cap. 541, s. 3(5)(h)
freedom ... of assembly 集會……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
right of peaceful assembly 和平集會之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 17
unauthorized assembly 未經批准集結 Cap. 245, s. 17A(2)
unlawful assembly 非法集結 Cap. 245, s. 18(1)
unlawful assembly 非法集會 Cap. 332, s. 48(4)
assembly assembly 組合 Cap. 406, s. 2
single integrated assembly 單一集成組件 Cap. 598, Sch. 1
assent assent 允許 Cap. 10, s. 66
assent 允許書 Cap. 219, s. 2
assent 同意 Cap. 19, s. 64(2)
assent 遺產代理人作出的允許書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assent and confirmation 允許及確認書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
receive assent 獲得批准 Cap. 528, s. 185(3)(a)(ii)
the date of assent to this Ordinance 本條例獲批准的日期 Cap. 509, Sch. 5

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assert assert 主張 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 1(1)(i)

assert 堅稱 Cap. 4A, O. 82, r. 7
asserted in a vacuum 空泛地聲稱 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
asserting 宣示 Cap. 571, s. 186(2E)(d)(ii)
asserts 聲稱 Cap. 159Z, s. 8(2)
assertion assertion 主張 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assertion 宣示權利 Cap. 528, s. 272C(3)(a)
assertion 宣稱 Cap. 514, s. 90
assertion 指稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assertion 聲稱 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
bare assertion [also ipse dixit] 未經證實之言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bare assertion [also ipse dixit] 武斷的話 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assess assessed 評估 Cap. 213, s. 34E(1A)(a)
assessed 評定 Cap. 398, s. 2
assessing 評計 Cap. 405, s. 4(2)
damages to be assessed 損害賠償(有待評估) Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 2
assessable assessable income 應評稅入息 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
assessable profits 應評稅利潤 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
assessable value 應評稅值 Cap. 112, s. 5(1A)
net assessable income 應評稅入息實額 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)

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assessable income assessable income 應評稅入息 Cap. 112, s. 2

assessable profits assessable profits 應評稅利潤 Cap. 112, s. 2
assessed assessed value 經評估價值 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 9
rates assessed 評定的差餉 Cap. 116, s. 21(2)
assessment academic assessment 學業評核 Cap. 1126, s. 16(7)
assessment 評估 Cap. 492, s. 15(b)
assessment 評核 Cap. 493, s. 2(2)(a)(ii)
assessment agency 評估機構 Cap. 592, s. 5(4)
assessment of costs 訟費評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assessment of damages 損害賠償的評估 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.43
assessment of degree of risk 風險程度評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assessment of tender 投標書的評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assessment of tender 投標評核 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assessment of the standard rent 評估……標準租金 Cap. 7, s. 8(1)
assessment of the value 評定價值 Cap. 519, s. 24(1)
assessment scheme (of tender) (投標的)評標準則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate for detailed assessment 詳細評估證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of review of assessment 覆檢評估證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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final and conclusive assessment 最終及不可推翻的評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
pre-sentence assessment panel 判刑前評估專責小組 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
provisional assessment (of costs) (訟費的)臨時評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
review of assessment 評估的覆核 Cap. 28, s. 10M
the weighting ... given to ... in the marking of the assessment 在評核的評分中,給予……的比重 Cap. 159AK, r. 18(2)(b)
assessment additional assessment 補加評稅 Cap. 112, s. 11D(a)
assessment 評稅 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
assessment 評稅單 Cap. 112, s. 4(3)
assessment 評稅額 Cap. 112, s. 69AA(1)(a)(ii)
most recent notice of assessment 最近期評稅通知書 Cap. 485A, s. 119
non-assessment 不……被評稅 Cap. 112, s. 60(1)(b)
notice of assessment 評稅通知書 Cap. 112, s. 64(1)
notice of objection against such assessment 針對該項評稅的反對通知書 Cap. 112, s. 64(1A)(b)
personal assessment 按個人入息課稅辦法接受評稅 Cap. 112, s. 19C(2)(b)
preceding year of assessment 上一課稅年度 Cap. 112, s. 63B(2)(b)
single assessment 單一評稅 Cap. 112, s. 42A(1)
under-assessment 評稅偏低 Cap. 112, s. 60(1)(b)
year of assessment 課稅年度 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
assessor assessor 評稅主任 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
chief assessor 總評稅主任 Cap. 112, s. 51B(1)
assessor assessor 裁判委員 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 26
assessor 審裁員 Cap. 161, s. 2(1)

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assessor in admiralty proceedings 海事法律程序的裁判委員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
nautical assessor 海事裁判委員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assessor assessor 評核人 Cap. 610, s. 2
registered energy assessors 註冊能源效益評核人 Cap. 610A, s. 2
asset asset 資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
asset arrangement 資產安排 Cap. 1167, s. 2
asset management 資產管理 Cap. 571Q, s. 3
asset management vehicle 資產管理工具 Cap. 628, s. 33(2)(c)
asset sale with recourse 有追索權的資產出售 Cap. 155S, Sch. 1
assets 資產項 Cap. 271, s. 5(3)
assets and liabilities 資產及負債 Cap. 155, s. 50(1)(a)
assets held in Hong Kong 在香港持有的資產 Cap. 485A, s. 2
capital assets 資本資產 Cap. 112, s. 14(1)
current asset 流動資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
custody of assets 資產保管 Cap. 41, Sch. 9
declare ... assets 申報財產 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 47
distribution of assets 資產分派 Cap. 622, s. 290(1)
fixed asset 固定資產 Cap. 112, s. 16
flawed asset arrangement 無效資產安排 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
freezing of asset 凍結資產 Cap. 426, s. 44
general assets 總資產 Cap. 29, s. 89

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intangible asset 無形資產 Cap. 41G, r. 10

intangible assets 無形財產 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 115
liquefiable assets 流動資產 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
liquid assets 速動資產 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
marshalling of assets 資產的分配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
movable assets 可動資產 Cap. 1058, s. 5(2)
net asset value 淨資產值 Cap. 571AB, s. 2
net asset value 資產淨值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
net assets 淨資產 Cap. 622, s. 274(1)
net tangible assets 有形資產淨額 Cap. 41G, r. 2
off-balance sheet assets 資產負債表外資產 Cap. 155Q, r. 42(1)(a)(ii)
on-balance sheet assets 資產負債表內資產 Cap. 155Q, r. 42(1)(a)(ii)
partnership assets 合夥資產 Cap. 38, s. 33(2)
principal assets 主要資產 Cap. 112, s. 23B(12)
public asset 公有資產 Cap. 531, s. 3
realizable assets 可變現資產 Cap. 584, s. 2
realization of asset 資產變現 Cap. 6A, r. 122U
repossessed asset 經收回資產 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
scheme assets 計劃資產 Cap. 485, s. 34D(1)
separate pool of assets 獨立的資產組別 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
short-term asset 短期資產 Cap. 112, s. 20AP
special public asset 特別公有資產 Cap. 531, s. 3(1)
specified assets 指明的資產 Cap. 628A, s. 6(2)(b)

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spot assets 現貨資產 Cap. 155M, s. 29(2)(a)

statement of assets and liabilities 資產負債表 Cap. 122, s. 12(1)(b)(i)
surplus assets 剩餘資產 Cap. 38, s. 41
tangible assets 有形資產 Cap. 41G, r. 2
tangible assets 實體資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
total managed assets 管控的總資產 Cap. 485A, s. 8(1)(b)
trust assets 信託資產 Cap. 76, Schedule
underlying assets 基礎資產 Cap. 628A, s. 4(4)(a)
unencumbered asset 沒有產權負擔的資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wasting assets 損耗性資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assign assign 轉付 Cap. 363, s. 3(1)
assign 轉讓 Cap. 29, s. 11(5)(c)
assigned 轉讓予 Cap. 159, s. 23
consent to assign 轉讓同意 Cap. 621, s. 4(1)(a)(i)(B)
assign assign 定出 Cap. 374, s. 6(1)(aa)
assign 指配 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
assign 給予 Cap. 540, s. 5(1)(b)
assigned 編配 Cap. 169A, reg. 18(2)
assigned for ... 歸因於…… Cap. 405, s. 18(1)
assigned for use by ... 指配予……使用 Cap. 106AA, s. 4(1)(a)
assigned to 分配予 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
assigned to 指派予 Cap. 159, s. 20(4A)(a)

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assigned to ... 編配予…… Cap. 254, s. 2(1)

meaning assigned 給予……的涵義 Cap. 121, s. 2(1)
meaning is so assigned to an expression 詞句的涵義經如此設定 Cap. 362, s. 33
assign assign (n.) 受讓人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
successors and assigns 繼承人及受讓人 Cap. 515, s. 2
assignable assignable 轉讓 Cap. 106A, reg. 8(1)
not assignable 不得轉付 Cap. 477, s. 6(11)
assignation assignation in security 抵押轉讓書 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
assignation or disposition ex facie absolute 任何形式上的絕對轉讓或絕對產權處置 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
assigned assigned place of quarantine 指派檢疫地點 Cap. 599C, s. 2
assignee assignee 承付人 Cap. 363, s. 3(3)
assignee assignee 受配人 Cap. 106AD, s. 2(3)
assignee assignee 受讓人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assignee 承讓人 Cap. 38, s. 33
intermediary assignees 中間受讓人 Cap. 32H, Appendix
assignee assignee in insolvency 破產清算人 Cap. 33, s. 16
assignment absolute assignment 絕對轉讓 Cap. 23, s. 9
accept the assignment of ... 承受……的轉讓 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(ga)
accept the assignment of ... 接受……轉讓 Cap. 1116, s. 5(1)(b)
assignment 轉讓 Cap. 185, s. 2
assignment 轉讓契 Cap. 219, s. 2
assignment 轉讓書 Cap. 20, s. 2
assignment by way of security 作為抵押的轉讓 Cap. 1146, s. 2(1)

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assignment of benefits 利益的轉讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
assignment of claims 申索權轉讓 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.6, Footnote 8
assignment of copyright 版權轉讓 Cap. 528, s. 77(1)
covenant against assignment 不許轉讓契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
deed of assignment 轉讓契據 Cap. 283, s. 17AA(1)
Japanese assignment 日佔期轉讓契 Cap. 256, s. 2
register of assignment of book debts 帳面債項轉讓登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 95, r. 6(1)
statutory assignment 法定轉讓 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
assignor assignor 轉讓人 Cap. 219, s. 16(2)
assimilate assimilated 視同 Cap. 494, Sch. 2
assist assisting an escape ... from ... 協助他人逃離…… Cap. 339, s. 2(2)
assisting an offender 協助犯罪者 Cap. 204, s. 10(5)(e)
assistance arrangements for mutual legal assistance 相互法律協助的安排 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
assistance 協助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assistance 援助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assistance fund 援助基金 Cap. 229, s. 2(1)
assistance in criminal matters 在刑事事宜上的協助 Cap. 525, Long Title
financial assistance 財政資助 Cap. 304, s. 7(q)
financial assistance 經濟協助 Cap. 192, s. 8(5)

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financial assistance 經濟援助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
financial assistance 資助 Cap. 622, s. 274(1)
furnish ... assistance 提供……協助 Cap. 599, s. 10
go to the assistance of 對……給予協助 Cap. 115, s. 37I(2)(b)
judicial assistance 司法協助 Cap. 503I, Schedule
legal assistance 法律協助 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
mutual judicial assistance 司法互助 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mutual judicial assistance 相互提供司法協助 Cap. 503I, Schedule
mutual legal assistance 相互法律協助 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
reciprocal assistance 交互協助 Cap. 571, s. 186(4)(a)(ii)
render assistance 提供……協助 Cap. 311, s. 28(1)(ivd)
summoning assistance 求援 Cap. 106, s. 10(3)
writ of assistance 恢復土地管有令狀(古) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of assistance 給予援助令狀 Cap. 4, Schedule
assistance defend himself ... through legal assistance of his own choosing 由其選任辯護人答辯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
have legal assistance assigned to him 為其指定公設辯護人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
assistant approved assistants 認可助理員 Cap. 343, s. 2
assistant 助手 Cap. 134, s. 24(5)
assistant bailiffs 助理執達主任 Cap. 4, s. 38A
assistant registrar 助理司法常務官 Cap. 4, s. 37B(1)(a)
assistant solicitor 助理律師 Cap. 159M, r. 2
immigration assistant 入境事務助理員 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)

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temporary assistant registrar 暫委助理司法常務官 Cap. 4, s. 37B(1)

Assistant Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise 海關助理關長 Cap. 559, s. 96A
Commissioner of
Customs and Excise
Assistant Assistant Commissioner of Police 警務處助理處長 Cap. 254C, Schedule
Commissioner of Police
Assistant Electoral Assistant Electoral Registration Officer 助理選舉登記主任 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
Registration Officer
Assistant Official Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management) 助理破產管理署署長(個案處理) Cap. 6, Sch. 2
Receiver (Case
Assistant Official Assistant Official Receiver (Legal) 助理破產管理署署長(法律) Cap. 6, Sch. 2
Receiver (Legal)
Assistant Presiding Assistant Presiding Officers 助理投票站主任 Cap. 541F, s. 68(1)
Assistant Registrar, Assistant Registrar, High Court 高等法院助理司法常務官 Cap. 92, Sch. 1
High Court
Assistant Returning Assistant Returning Officers 助理選舉主任 Cap. 1097, s. 7(1)
assisted certificate of an assisted person 受助人證書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 6(4)
assize assize 巡迴法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assize 陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assize 陪審團的裁斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assize 議會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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associate associate (n.) 有聯繫人士 Cap. 487, s. 2

associate (n.) 有聯繫者 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
associate (n.) 有關連人士 Cap. 426, s. 73
associate (n.) 相聯者 Cap. 562, s. 2
associate of the bankrupt 破產人的有聯繫人士 Cap. 6, s. 60(4)
associated entities 相聯機構 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.85
associated person 相聯人士 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.13, Footnote 23
associated person 相聯者 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 17
terrorist associate 與恐怖分子有聯繫者 Cap. 575, s. 2(1)
associate associate with ... 與……交往 Cap. 226, s. 6(1)
associate ... with ... 將……與……相聯 Cap. 490, s. 30
associated 相關連的 Cap. 106B, reg. 2(1)(c)
associated with 與……相聯的 Cap. 218, s. 12(1)(a)(ii)
associated with ... 與……有聯繫 Cap. 159S, s. 13(1)
associated with ... 與……有關 Cap. 448B, reg. 2(1)
associated associated 有聯繫的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
associated 相聯的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
associated 相關的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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associated company 相聯公司 Cap. 57, s. 31K

associated corporation 有聯繫法團 Cap. 514, s. 61(8)
associated corporation 相聯法團 Cap. 330, s. 2
associated entity 有聯繫實體 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
associated entity 聯繫實體 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
associated operations 相聯行動 Cap. 111, s. 7(3)
associated parties 有聯繫各方 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
associated partnership 相聯合夥 Cap. 112, s. 14O(1)
associated person 相聯的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
associated person 相聯者 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
associated person 相聯繫的人 Cap. 330, s. 2(1)
associated personnel 有關人員 Cap. 590, s. 7
associated resources 附帶資源 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(iii)
associated trade marks 聯繫商標 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
association articles of association (公司)組織章程細則 Cap. 622, s. 2
association 社團 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
association 協會 Cap. 302, s. 2
association 相聯組織 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
association 組織 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
association 會社 Cap. 21, Schedule
association 聯營組織 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
association 聯繫組織 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

association of persons 一人以上的組織 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
association of persons 多於一人的組織 Cap. 252, s. 2
association of underwriters 承保人組織 Cap. 41, s. 6(1)(c)
charitable unincorporated association 非屬法團的慈善組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
incorporated association 法團組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
lawful association or combination 合法會社或組合 Cap. 332, s. 33(1)(h)
memorandum and articles of association 組織章程大綱及章程細則 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
memorandum of association 組織章程大綱 Cap. 622, s. 98(1)
protection and indemnity association 保障及彌償組織 Cap. 548, s. 2
trade, professional or business association 行業協會、專業協會或業務協會 Cap. 112, s. 24(3)
unincorporated association 非法團組織 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
unincorporated association 非屬法團的組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
unlawful association 非法聯會 Cap. 200, s. 16(a)(vii)
association association 聯繫 Cap. 86, s. 4(1)(ma)(ii)
dissolve the association 將聯繫解除 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
in association with 聯同 Cap. 411, s. 5(2)(c)
in association ... with 與……相聯 Cap. 573, s. 2(1)
association remove ... from association with ... 使……不能與……交往 Cap. 226, s. 4(b)
removed from association 被中止與其他囚犯交往 Cap. 234A, r. 68B(2)
association freedom of association 結社……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27

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right to freedom of association with others 自由結社之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(1)
assume assume 假設 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume assume 承擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume 接受 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume 採取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume control of ... 對……加以控制 Cap. 106, s. 13(1)
assume jurisdiction over a case 對某案行使審判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assume the defence of their rights 自行辯護其權利 Cap. 557, Schedule
assume the functions 承擔……職能 Cap. 364, Long Title
assume the office of ... 上任為…… Cap. 161B, s. 26(1)
assumes ... power 行使……權力 Cap. 227, s. 93(a)
assuming the duties 代理……職務 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
obligations assumed 承擔的義務 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
assume takes or assumes the name, designation or character of ... 使用或冒用……的名義、職銜或身分 Cap. 200, s. 90
assumed real and assumed property 土地及其他財產 Cap. 1163, s. 6(a)
assumed assumed name 稱號 Cap. 19, s. 23(a)
assumed responsibility 承擔……責任 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
assumed name assumed name 別名 參看 alias English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assumpsit assumpsit ["he undertook; he promised"] (arch.) 口頭契約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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assumpsit ["he undertook; he promised"] (arch.) 承諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
assumpsit ["he undertook; he promised"] (arch.) 就違反承諾而提起的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assumption assumption of a right to ... 就……行使權利 Cap. 210, s. 4(1)
assumption of liability 承擔……法律責任 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
assumption ... of the rights of an owner 行使擁有人的權利 Cap. 210, s. 4(1)
letter of assumption of responsibility 承擔責任書 Cap. 290A, r. 31A(4)(h)
assumption assumptions 假設 Cap. 405, s. 4(3)
key assumptions 主要假設 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
realistic assumptions 合乎現實的假設 Cap. 448A, reg. 11A(2)(b)
assurance assurance 保險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assurance 確保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assurance 擔保 Cap. 71, s. 10(2)(b)
equivalent assurance 相等的擔保 Cap. 362, s. 30C(2)
level of assurance 保證水平 Cap. 155M, s. 6(1B)(b)
policies of assurance 保險單 Cap. 18, s. 6
policy of assurance 人壽保單 Cap. 182, s. 13(1)
temporary assurances 短期保險 Cap. 41E, r. 15(4)(e)
assurance assurance 財產轉讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assurance 轉易 Cap. 111, s. 6(7)
assurance 轉易書 Cap. 29, s. 2

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assurance of ... interest 權益的轉易 Cap. 184, s. 2

assurances 轉易契 Cap. 20, s. 2
without any further assurance 無須再作任何轉易 Cap. 364, s. 22(1)
assurance accounting, auditing and assurance practices 會計、核數及核證執業 Cap. 50, s. 18A(1)(b)
assurance 核證 "Charities" Report, para. 5.60,
Footnote 49
assurance quality assurance 質素保證 Cap. 592, s. 10(3)(a)(i)
assure ... are ... reasonably assured 須合理地確保 Cap. 613A, s. 29
assure 保證 Cap. 1146, s. 12(3)(b)
assure assure 轉易 Cap. 1129, s. 12B(2)(d)
assured ... to ... 轉易予…… Cap. 347, s. 8(3)
assured assured 受保的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sum assured 保額 Cap. 41E, r. 15
the assured 受保人 Cap. 329, s. 52
asylum Treaties on Asylum 庇護條約 Cap. 503H, Sch. 1
at all material times at all material times 在所有關鍵時間 Cap. 528, s. 160
at all reasonable times at all reasonable times 在任何合理時間 Cap. 139E, reg. 112(b)
at all reasonable times 在所有合理時間 Cap. 137, s. 9(2)(a)
at all times at all times 一直 Cap. 148A, Sch. 2
at all times 無論何時 Cap. 374D, reg. 35(1)(b)
at any time at any time 隨時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at arm's length at arm's length 基於各自獨立利益 Cap. 112, s. 15E(1)(d)
at call deposit at call 通知存款 Cap. 32, s. 294(1)

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at common law at common law [also al common ley] 在普通法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at common law [also al common ley] 根據普通法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at intervals at intervals 每隔一段時期 Cap. 506, s. 12(2)
at large at large 不在羈留中 Cap. 221, s. 109AC(1)
go at large 不受拘押 Cap. 227, s. 52
patient ... at large 病人……不受監控 Cap. 136, s. 42(1)(ii)(A)
unlawfully at large 不合法地不受管束 Cap. 475, s. 19(1)
unlawfully at large 非法地不在羈留中 Cap. 239, s. 8(1)
unlawfully at large 逍遙法外 Cap. 503B, Schedule
at law at law 在法律上 Cap. 13, s. 10(2)
at law and in equity at law and in equity 在普通法及衡平法上 Cap. 256, s. 6
at law and in equity 根據普通法和衡平法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at liberty at liberty 隨意 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
be at liberty to ... 可自由…… Cap. 462, Schedule
be at liberty to ... 可隨意…… Cap. 559, Sch. 5
at liberty to at liberty to 可…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at liberty to 可自由…… Cap. 462, Schedule
at one's own cost at one's own cost 自費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at one's sole cost at one's sole cost 由某人獨自負擔費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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at par at par 以票面值 Cap. 483, s. 23(3)(a)

at the court's own at the court's own initiative 由法庭主動…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
initiative and Commercial Law Terms
at the pleasure of at the pleasure of 由……酌情決定;由……發落 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at the public expense at the public expense 由公帑撥款 Cap. 132CH, r. 4(1)
at the risk of at the risk of 風險由……承擔 Cap. 329, s. 16
at will at will 隨意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interests at will 可隨時及隨意取消的權益 Cap. 219, s. 6
lease at will 不定期租契 Cap. 7, s. 102
possession at will [also precarious possession] 不定的管有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
possession at will [also precarious possession] 隨意的管有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tenancy at will 隨意終止的租賃 Cap. 347, s. 12
Athens Convention Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and 1974年海上運輸旅客及其行李雅典公約 Cap. 434, s. 2
relating to the Carriage their Luggage by Sea, 1974
of Passengers and their
Luggage by Sea, 1974
atrocity atrocities 暴行 Cap. 537BF, s. 7(4)
attach attach 附加 Cap. 155, s. 60(6)
attach conditions 附加條件 Cap. 155, s. 71(5)
attach conditions 附帶條件 Cap. 599C, s. 4(2)
attach to 加於 Cap. 158, s. 3(1)
attached to 依附於 Cap. 571, s. 286

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attached to 附同 Cap. 354N, s. 11(3)(b)

attached to 隨附 Cap. 32, s. 38D(5)(a)(ii)
attached to ... 附加於…… Cap. 155, s. 24(6)
attached to land 附連在土地的 Cap. 1, s. 3
attaching ... to ... 依存於……的 Cap. 300, s. 4(1)(c)
liability that would ... attach to ... 須承擔的法律責任 Cap. 622, s. 468(2)
permanently attached thereto 固定附連於 Cap. 369Y, reg. 79(2)
special rights attaching to ... shares 附於……股份的特別權利 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
the weight ... attached to ... 所具的分量 Cap. 8, s. 22B(3)
attach attach debts 對債項作扣押 Cap. 336, s. 52C(1)
attached 扣押 Cap. 99, s. 31(1)
attached ... debt 扣押……債項 Cap. 6, s. 45(1)
pension ... attached 退休金……被扣押 Cap. 89, s. 12(1)
ship or property ... attached 船舶或財產……被查封 Cap. 434, s. 21
attach attached 隸屬 Cap. 514, s. 61(2)(b)
attached to 派駐 Cap. 25, s. 6(1)
attach attach too much weight 給予過份比重 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attach weight to ... evidence 給予……證據分量 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attachable attachable 可予以扣押 Cap. 336, s. 52C(2)
attachment attachment 扣押 Cap. 13, s. 20(1AA)
attachment 扣押書 Cap. 300, s. 21(4)
attachment of debt 涉債扣押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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attachment of debt 就債項作扣押 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 1

attachment of earnings 入息扣押 Cap. 6, s. 43E
attachment order 扣押令 Cap. 13, s. 20(1AA)
execution of an attachment 執行扣押 Cap. 4C, Schedule
interim attachment 臨時扣押 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 7
writ of attachment 扣押令狀 Cap. 136, s. 53
writ of attachment 逮捕令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of foreign attachment 訴訟外債務人物業查封令 Cap. 128B, Schedule
attachment attachment 夾附 Cap. 505, s. 37(3)(a)
attachment 附件 Cap. 374A, reg. 36
attachment 附屬物 Cap. 556D, s. 8(2)
attack attack 攻擊 Cap. 228, s. 4(11)
sexual attack 性襲擊 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.4
unlawful attacks 非法破壞 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
attain attain the retirement age 年屆退休年齡 Cap. 484, s. 14(1)
attains the age of ... 年屆…… Cap. 89, s. 2(1)
has attained the age of ... years 年滿……歲 Cap. 290, s. 5(1)(b)
person who has not attained full age 未屆成年的人 Cap. 30, s. 4(1)
attainment attainment and maintenance of ... objective 達致與保持……指標 Cap. 311, s. 26G(2)(b)
attempt an attempt to commit ... offence 犯……罪行的企圖 Cap. 1, s. 3
attempt 企圖 Cap. 1, s. 3
attempt 嘗試 Cap. 528D, r. 29(1)
attempt to commit an offence 企圖犯罪 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"

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Consultation Paper, para. 6.1

attempt to escape from lawful custody 企圖從合法羈押逃脫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attempt to pervert the course of public justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attempting to choke 企圖使人窒息 Cap. 243, Schedule
attempting to pervert the course of justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
attempts to evade 企圖逃避 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)
bona fide attempt to 真誠地企圖 Cap. 497, s. 5(2)
... has been attempted 曾試圖…… Cap. 25, s. 15(1)(b)
attempted attempted conciliation 試圖調停 Cap. 55, s. 4(1)
attempted contravention of ... 試圖違反…… Cap. 106, s. 36
attempted murder 企圖謀殺 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
attempted offence 企圖罪行 Cap. 221, Sch. 3
attempted rape 企圖強姦 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
attend attend 出席 Cap. 4, s. 2
attend 到場 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attend 到場參加 Cap. 374B, reg. 12B(4)(a)
attend as a witness 以證人身分出席 Cap. 550, s. 30(a)
attend as a witness 列席作為證人 Cap. 382, s. 6(2)
attend as summoned 奉召出庭 Cap. 369A, Sch. 1
attend at ... 留守在…… Cap. 81A, reg. 11(2)
attend at ... place 於……地點現身 Cap. 413N, s. 13(3)(i)(i)
attend before 到……席前 Cap. 91, s. 26(2)

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attend before 面見 Cap. 622, s. 846(1)(c)

attend court 出庭 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
attend ... meeting 出席……會議 Cap. 1, s. 50(a)
attend on a jury 出席作陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 28(2)
attend the ... hearing 在……聆訊中出庭 Cap. 62, s. 9(1)
attend the meeting in person 親身與會 Cap. 581, Sch. 2
attending taxation [as item description in a bill of costs] 出席訟費評定程序 Cap. 336H, O. 62, Sch. 1
attends to give evidence 出庭作證 Cap. 528D, r. 32(4)
do not wish to attend the hearing 不欲出席聆訊 Cap. 465B, s. 9(3)(b)
failure to attend 沒有出席 Cap. 525A, s. 4
properly attending a court 正式出庭 Cap. 221, s. 9B(3)(b)
to appear in, or attend at ... 出席或列席…… Cap. 62, s. 7(1)(a)
to attend as a witness 出庭作證人 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(c)(i)
attend attend 辦理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unable to attend to the business 未能處理……事務 Cap. 50, s. 4(5)
attendance attendance 辦理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incidental attendances 附帶處理的事情 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attendance attendance 出席 Cap. 159, s. 11(1)(a)
attendance 到場 Cap. 466, s. 15(5)(b)
attendance certificate 修習證書 Cap. 374, s. 102A
attendance in court 出席區域法院 Cap. 336, s. 20(a)
attendance of witness 證人出庭 Cap. 4A, O. 32, r. 7

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attendance order 入學令 Cap. 279, s. 73

attendance order 上課令 Cap. 47, s. 2
attendance register 點名冊 Cap. 279A, reg. 90
attendances 出庭或出席 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
attendances on ... [as item description in a bill of costs] 與……會晤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attendances on counsel in conference 與大律師舉行會議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
certificate of attendance 到診證明書 Cap. 57, s. 33(5B)
enforce the attendance of 強制……出庭 Cap. 227, s. 104A(2)
in attendance 在場留守 Cap. 81A, reg. 11(3)(b)
in attendance 留駐……當值 Cap. 608, s. 2
personal attendance 親自出席 Cap. 512, s. 7(1)(b)
secure his attendance 確使其出庭 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(c)(ii)
securing the attendance of witnesses 確保證人出庭 Cap. 600, s. 10(4)
separate attendance 另行出庭 Cap. 336F, Sch. 1
subpoena to attendance 傳召出庭令 Cap. 8, s. 77A
attending default in attending 沒有出席 Cap. 386, s. 13(7)(a)
attention attention 注意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attention 專注 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
bring to the attention of the judge 使法官知悉 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(2)
bringing ... to the debtor's attention 使……得到債務人的注意 Cap. 6A, r. 46(2)
call the attention of the court 促請法院注意 Cap. 32, s. 168Q
care and attention 護理及照顧 Cap. 360, s. 11(1)
drawing attention to ... 促使……注意…… Cap. 227, s. 18E(2)

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due attention 適當注意 Cap. 369Y, reg. 50A

due care and attention 適當的謹慎及專注 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
due care and attention 應有的謹慎和專注 Cap. 104D, by-law 14(a)
attest attest 核簽 Cap. 155M, s. 8(3)
attest 簽署見證 Cap. 97, s. 15
attested 見證 Cap. 20, s. 9(1)
attested by ... 經……簽署見證 Cap. 97, s. 15
attestation attestation 見證 Cap. 6A, r. 132
attestation 核簽 Cap. 78, s. 6
attestation 簽名為證 Cap. 181, s. 21(4)(a)(i)
attestation clause 見證條款 Cap. 10A, r. 10
attestation clause 核簽條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attestation in print 書面見證 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
attestation on honour 信譽保證 Cap. 6, s. 2
attestations of honour 勳章見證 Cap. 4A, O. 114, r. 1(1)
due attestation 妥善見證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
form of attestation 見證的格式 Cap. 30, s. 5(1)
attesting attesting witness 見證人 Cap. 8, s. 42
attorney attorney 代辯人 Cap. 159B, Schedule
attorney 受託代表人 Cap. 279, s. 89(1)
attorney 受權人 Cap. 7, s. 81
attorney 律師或大律師 Cap. 6, s. 53(5)
certified patent attorney 認可專利師 Cap. 514, s. 144A(2)(c)

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duly authorized attorney 獲正式授權的受權人 Cap. 285, s. 7(1)

joint attorney 共同受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.7
lawful attorney 合法受權人 Cap. 1155, s. 5
personal attorney 個人事務受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.48
property attorney 財產事務受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.12
prospective attorney 準受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.16
registered patent attorney 註冊專利師 Cap. 514, s. 144A(2)(d)
remaining joint attorney 餘下的共同受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.38
replacement attorney 替代受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.5
substitute attorney 替代受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.29
welfare attorney 福利事宜受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.17
attorney continuing power of attorney 持續授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.55

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enduring power of attorney 持久授權書 Cap. 29, s. 40B

general power of attorney 一般授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.1
lasting power of attorney 永久授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.38
non-enduring power of attorney 非持久授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.8
power of attorney 授權書 Cap. 501, s. 2(2)
powers of attorney 委託書 Cap. 6, s. 60(2)(d)
"reviewable" power of attorney “可予覆核”的授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.28
warrant of attorney 委託書 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
welfare power of attorney 福利事宜授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.17
Attorney General; A.G. Attorney General; A.G. 司法部長(美) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Attorney General; A.G. 律政司(香港)〔律政司司長舊稱〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Attorney General; A.G. 檢察總長(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attornment attornment 承認新業主或新擁有人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attornment 新擁有人承認書 Cap. 20, s. 5
attornment 轉讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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attract attract a penalty 招致……處罰 Cap. 470, s. 31(2)

terms which attract pension 享有退休金……的條款 Cap. 89, s. 2C(1)
attributable attributable 可歸因於 Cap. 311, s. 47A(1)
attributable 可歸咎於 Cap. 290, s. 24
attributable share value 可歸屬股份價值 Cap. 41G, r. 6(7)
attributable consideration attributable to ... 可歸於……的代價 Cap. 354N, s. 9(4)
wholly attributable to circumstances that it would not be 完全歸因於按理不能期望……防止或避免的情況 Cap. 622, s. 164(6)(b)
reasonable to have expected ... to prevent or avoid
attributable to attributable to 可歸因於…… Cap. 571, s. 193
attributable to 可歸咎於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attribute main attribute 主要特質 Cap. 469, s. 2
personal attributes 個人特質 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.59
attribute meaning attributed to ... 給予……的涵義 Cap. 111, s. 44(11)(c)
attribution false attribution 虛假署名 Cap. 528, s. 96(2)(a)
auction auction 拍賣 Cap. 26, s. 60
Dutch auction 荷蘭式拍賣〔高開低成拍賣〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mock auction 假拍賣 Cap. 255, s. 3(1)
public auction 公開拍賣 Cap. 265, s. 16
sale by auction 拍賣 Cap. 26, s. 60
without reserve auction 無底價拍賣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
auctioneer auctioneer 拍賣人 Cap. 7, s. 99(1)

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auctioneer 拍賣商 Cap. 6, s. 85A(4)

audi alteram partem audi alteram partem ["hear the other side"] 聽另一方之詞 ※比較 parte inaudita English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
audience audience 出庭發言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
audience 聽訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general right of audience 一般出庭發言權 Cap. 159, s. 24
higher rights of audience 較高級法院出庭發言權 Cap. 159AK, r. 3(1)
right of audience 出庭發言權 Cap. 55, s. 27(1)
right of audience 發言的權利 Cap. 604, s. 20(6)
audio digital audio player 數碼音響播放器 Cap. 362O, s. 2(1)
audiometric audiometric test 聽力測量試驗 Cap. 469, s. 48(5)(b)(i)
audiometry audiometry 聽力測量法 Cap. 469, s. 2
audit accounting, auditing and assurance practices 會計、核數及核證執業 Cap. 50, s. 18A(1)(b)
audit 審核 Cap. 499, Sch. 4
audit adjustments 審計調整 Cap. 485A, s. 56(1)(b)
audit (n., v.) 審計 Cap. 563, s. 18
audit report 審計報告 Cap. 364A, by-law 31
audited accounts 經審計帳目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
audited accounts 經審核的帳目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
internal audit 內部審核 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
internal audits or inspections 內部審核或審查 Cap. 584, Sch. 6

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audited audited accounts 經審計的帳目 Cap. 556, s. 43(1)(b)

audited accounts 審計帳目 Cap. 467, s. 7(3)
auditor auditor 核數師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
auditor's report 核數師報告 Cap. 50, s. 16(4)
auditors' report 核數師報告書 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
auditor's report is qualified or otherwise modified 核數師報告是有保留或以其他方式修改 Cap. 622E, s. 4(1)(b)
certified auditor 執業核數師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
employed ... as auditor 受聘……為核數師 Cap. 32, s. 277(4)
former auditor 前核數師 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
safety auditor 安全審核員 Cap. 59AF, s. 2(1)
surviving or continuing auditor 尚存或留任的核數師 Cap. 485A, s. 96(4)
augment augment the basis of ... control 擴大……控制的基礎 Cap. 106, s. 13H(1)
augmenting 擴增 Cap. 562, s. 26(9)
auspices under the auspices of ... ……所主辦的 Cap. 406, s. 32(3)
austere austere 嚴肅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
austere 嚴厲 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authentic authentic 真確 Cap. 1, s. 10B(1)
authentic text 真確本 Cap. 5, s. 4(2)(b)
equally authentic 同等真確 Cap. 1, s. 10B(1)
held authentic and effectual 認定為真確和有效 Cap. 8, s. 37
... version being equally authentic ……文本均同樣作準 Cap. 525N, Sch. 1

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authenticate authenticate 認證 Cap. 484A, r. 15(3)

authenticated 以示真確 Cap. 1, s. 53
authenticated by the signature 簽署認證 Cap. 1145, s. 5
authenticated by the signature of ... 由……加簽以示真確 Cap. 291, s. 12(1)
authenticated by the signatures 署名認證 Cap. 113, Sch. 3
authenticating information 對……資料作出認證 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ua)
duly authenticated 妥為認證 Cap. 512, s. 9(1)
duly authenticated 經正式確認 Cap. 503Q, Schedule
to authenticate documents 以認證……文件 Cap. 426, s. 5(2)
authenticate authenticated copies 經認證副本 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 8.49
authenticated duly authenticated copy 妥為認證的……副本 Cap. 9A, r. 2
authenticating authenticating signature 認證署名 Cap. 155S, r. 48(1)(g)(i)(B)
authentication filing and authentication of ... translation 譯文的提交和認證 Cap. 490, s. 42(2)(d)
authenticity authenticity 真確性 Cap. 4A, O. 27, r. 4(1)
authenticity of authenticity of documents 文件的真確性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
documents and Commercial Law Terms
author author of ... trust 信託創立人 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
authorisation disposal authorisation 檔案存廢授權書 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.66
authorised authorised person 獲授權人 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.32
authoritative authoritative 具權威性 Cap. 493, s. 8(1)(a)(iii)(B)(II)
authority administering authority 管理當局 Cap. 369, s. 47(2)
administrative authority 行政當局 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)

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Airport Authority 機場管理局 Cap. 483, s. 3(1)

appropriate authority 有關主管當局 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
appropriate authority 有關當局 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
appropriate authority 適當主管當局 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
approving authority 批准當局 Cap. 564, s. 2
arbitral authority 仲裁當局 Cap. 609, s. 95(2)(e)
archival authority 檔案管理機關 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.24
authorities of the receiving State 接受國當局 Cap. 557, s. 3(2)
authorities of the receiving State 接受國當局、接受國官吏、接受國機關 Cap. 557, s. 3(2)
authorities of the receiving State 接受國機關 Cap. 557, s. 3(2)
authority 主管當局 Cap. 1, s. 3
authority 主管機構 Cap. 449, s. 48(2)
authority 當局 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 31(5)
Authority 監督 Cap. 51, s. 2
Authority 總監 Cap. 476, s. 2
authority 權力機關 Cap. 166, s. 21(1)(c)
banking supervisory authority 銀行業監管當局 Cap. 155, s. 2(9)
Broadcasting Authority 廣播事務管理局 Cap. 616, s. 2
Building Authority 建築事務監督 Cap. 337, s. 2(1)
Central Authority 中心機關 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
Central Authority 中央機關 Cap. 290D, r. 24(2)(a)
certification authority 核證機關 Cap. 553, Long Title
certification authority disclosure record 核證機關披露紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)

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collection authority 廢物收集當局 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)

Communications Authority 通訊事務管理局 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
competent authorities 主管機關 Cap. 1, Sch. 8
competent authorities 具有權限的主管當局 Cap. 494, s. 2(2)(a)(ii)
competent authority 主管當局 Cap. 1, s. 3
competent authority 有關當局 Cap. 560A, Sch. 3
competent judicial authority 主管司法機關 Cap. 557, Schedule
competent judicial authority 管轄司法機構 Cap. 4A, App. A
competent public authorities 公共主管當局 Cap. 33A, r. 33(1)
competition authority 競爭事務當局 Cap. 619, s. 126(1)(h)
consular authority 領事機構 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 5(5)(a)
document of authority 由主管當局簽發的文件 Cap. 415A, reg. 11(1)
enforcement authority 執行當局 Cap. 502, s. 3(1)
executive authorities 行政部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
executive authorities 行政機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 3
executive authority 行政當局 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
Film Censorship Authority 電影檢查監督 Cap. 392, s. 3
food or health authority 食物或衞生主管當局 Cap. 612, s. 30(3)(c)
Hospital Authority 醫院管理局 Cap. 113, s. 2(1)
Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Authority 旅館業監督 Cap. 349, s. 2(1)
insurance supervisory authority 保險監管機構 Cap. 41, s. 53C(1)
issuing authority 發證當局 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(2)(f)
judicial authorities 司法機構 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 5(5)(b)
judicial authority 司法主管當局 Cap. 513, s. 2

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lawful authority 合法主管當局 Cap. 11, s. 10

lead resolution authority 主導處置機制當局 Cap. 628, s. 7
licensing authority 發牌當局 Cap. 132, s. 125(1)
local authorities 地方主管當局 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
local authority 地方當局 Cap. 89, s. 2(1)
local authority 地區主管當局 Cap. 112, Sch. 45
management authority 管理機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
municipal government authority 市政府當局 Cap. 571, s. 175(9)
national authority 國家主管當局 Cap. 369AO, reg. 4(1)
postal authority 郵政當局 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
principal officials of the executive authorities 行政機關的主要官員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 55
public authorities 公共權力機關 Cap. 300, s. 26
public authority 公共主管當局 Cap. 71, s. 2(1)
public authority 公共機構 Cap. 372, s. 3(1)
public authority 政府當局 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(3)
recognized certification authority 認可核證機關 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
registration authority 註冊當局 "Charities" Report, para. 4.53
regulatory authorities 規管當局 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.54
regulatory authority 監管機構 Cap. 485A, s. 45(4)
relevant authorities 有關機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30
relevant authority 有關主管當局 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)

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relevant authority 有關當局 Cap. 571, s. 180(17)

resolution authority 處置機制當局 Cap. 628, s. 6(1)(a)(ii)
responsible authority 負責當局 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
Seafarers' Authority 海員事務監督 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority 保安及護衞業管理委員會 Cap. 460, s. 4(1)
sole authority 唯一主管當局 Cap. 106, s. 37(3)(a)
statutory authority 法定主管當局 Cap. 499, s. 4(3)(a)
statutory ... authority 法定權力機關 Cap. 166, s. 21(1)(c)
successor authorities 後繼機構 Cap. 89, s. 2(1)
supervisory authority 監管當局 Cap. 112, s. 16(4)
taxing authority 訟費評定當局 Cap. 492A, r. 2
Telecommunications Authority 電訊管理局局長 Cap. 616, s. 2
the executive authorities of the Government 政府的行政機關 Cap. 542, s. 78(6)
waste disposal authority 廢物處置當局 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)
Water Authority 水務監督 Cap. 102, s. 2
West Kowloon Cultural District Authority 西九文化區管理局 Cap. 601, s. 2
authority acting under the authority of ... 在……授權下行事 Cap. 132AI, s. 34(5)
actual authority 實際權限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
apparent authority 表面權限 Cap. 38, s. 13(a)
appropriate authority 適當的授權 Cap. 106, s. 27A(2)(b)(iii)
authority 授權文件 Cap. 214D, para. 7
authority 授權書 Cap. 4B, r. 6(4)(a)
authority 獲授權的證明 Cap. 218, s. 45(1)

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authority 權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
authority 權力依據 Cap. 397, s. 13(3)(b)
authority 權威 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authority 權限 Cap. 1, s. 3
authority 權限文件 Cap. 1, s. 3
authority is deficient 授權……有欠完備 Cap. 32, s. 207A(4)(b)
authority is deficient 權限……不足 Cap. 6A, r. 122ZJ(3)
authority of the power 授權權限 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.7
authority over another person 凌駕於另一人之上的權限 Cap. 487, s. 44(a)
authority ... to bind the firm 約束商號的權能 Cap. 38, s. 40
authority to operate 經營權 Cap. 104, s. 25(1)(a)
authority to operate 操作授權書 Cap. 106, s. 32K(3)
authority to proceed 授權進行書 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
continuous authority 持續的權限 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
corporate power and authority 法團的權力和權限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delegated authority 轉授的權力 Cap. 1, s. 3
exceed ... authority 超逾……權限 Cap. 48, s. 13(1)
exclusive jurisdiction and authority 獨有的管轄權及權限 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
exercise of authority 行使權力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47

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express authority 明示授權 Cap. 369U, reg. 4(1)(c)

general authority 一般授權 Cap. 6, s. 75(6)
general authority 概括權限 Cap. 501A, Sch. 1
good authority 有效根據 Cap. 227, s. 103(2)
immediate authority 直接授權 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
immediate authority 直接權限 Cap. 41, s. 9(2)
immediate authority 直接權能 Cap. 112, s. 21A(3)
lawful authority 合法授權 Cap. 455, s. 7
lawful authority 合法權限 Cap. 201, s. 8(1)
legal authority 合法權限 Cap. 332, s. 47(1)
legal authority 法律權限 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 1
letter of authority 授權書 Cap. 6A, r. 122ZJ(2)
of authority 具有權威性 Cap. 151, s. 39
on the authority of ... 在……的權限下 Cap. 312A, reg. 15
ostensible authority 表面的權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
person in a position of authority 處於權威地位的人 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.43
person in authority 當權者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
person in authority 權威人士 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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position of authority 權威地位 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.38
released under the authority of ... 在……授權之下發還 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 13(1)
scope of authority 權限範圍 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 9.3
specific authority 明確……授權 Cap. 109, s. 58(2)
statutory authority 法定權限 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 111
subject to the authority or under the suzerainty of ... 受……的權限所管轄或以……為宗主國 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
subject to the authority or under the suzerainty of any country 受……的任何國家所管轄或以任何該等國家為宗主國 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
submission to authority 服從權威 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
submission to authority 對權力順從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sufficient authority 充分的權限 Cap. 296A, reg. 9(2)(b)
sufficient authority 充分權限依據 Cap. 503, s. 15(6)
sufficient authority 充足依據 Cap. 280, s. 9(2)
sufficient authority 充足權力根據 Cap. 225, s. 32(1)
sufficient authority 足夠權限 Cap. 32H, r. 142(7)
sufficient authority 足夠權限依據 Cap. 226, s. 17(1)
supreme authority 最高權力 Cap. 33A, r. 21
those set in authority over me 上級長官 Cap. 233, Schedule
to be of authority 具權威地位 Cap. 8, s. 35(c)
under the authority of ... 獲……授權 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(2)(a)

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under the immediate authority of 在……的直接授權下 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)

unlawful ... exercise of authority 不合法……地行使權能 Cap. 233, s. 14(k)
unnecessary exercise of authority 不必要地行使權能 Cap. 233, s. 14(k)
unquestioned authority 公認的權威 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unquestioned authority 毫無疑問的權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
want of authority 缺乏授權 Cap. 19, s. 24
warrant of authority 授權書 Cap. 426, s. 66B(6)(a)
with authority 具有權限 Cap. 113, s. 3(4)
with lawful authority 在合法權限下 Cap. 521, s. 20(3)(a)
with the authority of ... 在……的授權下 Cap. 547, s. 75(3)
with the authority of ... 獲得……授權 Cap. 300, s. 5(1)
without lawful authority 無合法權限 Cap. 201, s. 5(3)
without proper authority 無恰當授權 Cap. 637, s. 51(1)(f)(ii)
without proper authority 無適當授權 Cap. 260, s. 4(1)(b)(i)
written authority 書面特准 Cap. 301, s. 8(1)
written authority 書面授權 Cap. 336H, O. 42, r. 1A(1)
written authority 書面許可 Cap. 296A, reg. 9(2)
authority authority 判例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authority 典據 Cap. 484A, r. 42
authority of an expert 專家的權威意見 Cap. 32, s. 40(2)(d)(i)
binding authority 具約束力的典據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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cited as an authority 被引述作為根據 Cap. 8, s. 59(5)

cites ... authority 引用……典據 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(7)
judicial authority 案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leading authority 主要典據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
line of authorities 一系列相關的典據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
line of authorities 一系列相關的案例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
list of authorities 典據列表 Cap. 484A, r. 42, Heading
list of authorities 案例一覽表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
persuasive authority 具說服力的判例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
authorization any of the terms or conditions to which the authorization is 規限該授權的任何條款或條件 Cap. 354O, s. 9(7)(a)
authorization 授權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 96
authorization 授權書 Cap. 571, s. 179(12)
authorization 認可 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
authorization of arrest 逮捕授權書 Cap. 189, s. 5(1)
conferment of an authorization or qualification 授予任何授權或資格 Cap. 602, s. 19(2)
export authorization 出口授權書 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
official authorization 正式授權 Cap. 521, s. 21(5)
special authorization 特別授權書 Cap. 295B, reg. 3
specific authorizations 具體授權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133

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written authorization 授權書 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 11

authorization authorization 批准 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
notice of authorization 批准公告 Cap. 127, s. 10(1)
special authorization 特別批准 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
authorize authorize 批准 Cap. 127, s. 7
authorize 特准 Cap. 7, s. 53(7A)(a)(i)
authorize authorize 授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorize 認可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized ... as a bank 獲認可……為銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(b)(i)
authorized by ... either generally or specially 獲……一般授權或特別授權 Cap. 399, s. 4(b)
duly authorised 正式授權 Cap. 503B, Schedule
duly authorized 正式授權 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 3
duly authorized 妥為授權 Cap. 344, s. 28(4)
duly authorized 經正式授權的 Cap. 447A, Schedule
expressly authorize 明示授權 Cap. 606, s. 12
authorize authorized by law 法律規定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
authorized authorized 授權 Cap. 1, s. 3
authorized 獲授權的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized 獲認可的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized agent 指定代理人 Cap. 68, s. 27(3)(a)

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authorized agent 獲授權代理人 Cap. 528, s. 126

authorized architect 核准建築師 Cap. 354N, s. 9(3)
authorized automated trading services 認可自動化交易服務 Cap. 571Z, s. 14
authorized betting activity 獲批准投注活動 Cap. 108, s. 1A(1)
authorized by resolution 藉決議授權 Cap. 1141, s. 22(a)
authorized capital 法定股本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized capital 法定資本 Cap. 571, Sch. 7
authorized ... engineer 核准……工程師 Cap. 354N, s. 9(3)
authorized entity 獲授權實體 Cap. 528, s. 40A(1)
authorized fares 認可車費 Cap. 556B, by-law 11
authorized financial institution 認可財務機構 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
authorized increase 特准增加額 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
authorized institution 認可機構 Cap. 66, s. 3A(2)
authorized insurer 獲授權保險人 Cap. 41, s. 13B(1)
authorized insurers 獲認可保險人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
authorized investments 特准投資項目 Cap. 29, s. 2
authorized land surveyor 認可土地測量師 Cap. 473, s. 2
authorized mutual fund 認可互惠基金 Cap. 485A, s. 6(1)
authorized officer 特准人員 Cap. 51, s. 12(4)
authorized officer 獲授權人員 Cap. 68, s. 2
authorized person 認可人士 Cap. 123, s. 2
authorized person 獲授權人 Cap. 571, s. 179(17)
authorized personnel 獲授權人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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authorized person's certificate 認可人士證明書 Cap. 349, s. 2(1)

authorized persons' register 認可人士名冊 Cap. 123, s. 2(1)
authorized representative 獲授權代表 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
authorized share capital 法定股本 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
authorized signatory 獲授權簽署人 Cap. 123N, s. 2(1)
authorized signature 認可簽署 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized signature 獲授權簽署 Cap. 406G, reg. 7
authorized statutory office 認可法定職位 Cap. 155, s. 120(5A)
authorized surveyor 特許驗船師 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
authorized ... surveyor 核准……測量師 Cap. 354N, s. 9(3)
authorized unit 認可單位 Cap. 68, s. 2
authorized unit trust 認可單位信託 Cap. 485A, s. 6(1)
authorized waste collector 獲授權廢物收集者 Cap. 354O, s. 2
duly authorized 獲妥為授權 Cap. 6A, r. 131
duly authorized attorney 獲正式授權的受權人 Cap. 285, s. 7(1)
expressly authorized by ... 獲……明示授權 Cap. 521, s. 2(2)
former authorized institution 前認可機構 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
impliedly authorized 默示授權 Cap. 19, s. 44(2)
proposed authorized representative 建議獲授權代表 Cap. 637, Sch. 1
separate authorized institution 獨立的認可機構 Cap. 155, s. 63A(2)
Authorized Loose-leaf Authorized Loose-leaf Edition [Laws of Hong Kong] 認可活頁版(香港法例) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Edition and Commercial Law Terms
authorship joint authorship 共同撰寫 Cap. 362, s. 16G(2)(g)
automated automated means 自動化方法 Cap. 115, s. 4B(1)

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automated teller machine 自動櫃員機 Cap. 600A, s. 3(1)(c)

automated trading services 自動化交易服務 Cap. 571, s. 101J(2)(a)(ii)
automated transaction automated transaction 自動化交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
automatic automatic 自動的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
automatic direction 自動指令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
automatic discovery 自動作出文件透露 參看 discovery English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
automatic strike-out 自動剔除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
automatic transfer 自動移交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
automatism state of automatism 不自覺的狀態 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
autonomous autonomous region 自治區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
autonomy autonomy 自主性 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
autonomy 自治 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 2
autonomy 自治權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 12
high degree of autonomy 高度自治 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 2
principle of sexual autonomy 性自主權的原則 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.49
sexual autonomy 性自主權 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.37

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

autopsy autopsy 屍體剖驗 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)

autre droit autre droit ["another's right"] 他人權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
autre vie autre vie ["another's life"] 他人的壽命〔以他人有生之年作為權益期〕 參看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cestui que vie and Commercial Law Terms
autrefois acquit autrefois acquit 曾就同一罪行獲裁定無罪 Cap. 221, s. 31(1)
autrefois convict autrefois convict 曾就同一罪行被定罪 Cap. 221, s. 31(1)
autumn Autumn sittings 秋季開庭期 Cap. 4A, O. 64, r. 1(1)(c)
auxiliary auxiliary equipment 輔助設備 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
auxiliary forces 輔助隊 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
auxiliary police 輔助警務人員 Cap. 1120, Long Title
auxiliary superintendent of police 輔警警司 Cap. 233, s. 6(1)(b)
inspector of police (Auxiliary) 警務督察(輔警) Cap. 233, s. 2
auxiliary naval auxiliaries 海軍輔助船艦 Cap. 582, s. 4(2)(b)
avail avail 引用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avail 求取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avail 借助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avail himself ... of any right 為本身求取任何權利 Cap. 252, s. 3
avail himself of the provisions of ... 引用……的條文 Cap. 35, s. 3
avail oneself of a provision 引用條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avail oneself of a right 求取權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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availability availability 可予提供 Cap. 625, s. 47(8)

availability 可供使用情況 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(d)(iii)
available available 可用的 Cap. 238, s. 15(2)
available 可知的 Cap. 139A, reg. 24
available 可得 Cap. 188, s. 4(4)(f)
available 備有 Cap. 406, s. 30(6)
available 備呈 Cap. 13, s. 3(1)(a)(i)(B)
available documents 可用的文件 Cap. 210, s. 30(4)
available for ... 可供…… Cap. 313, s. 60(1)(d)(iii)
available for acceptance 可供接受 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
available for employment 可供受僱 Cap. 478, s. 64(1)
available for immediate use 供即時使用 Cap. 369Y, reg. 73
available for inspection 供……查閱 Cap. 208, s. 9(3)
available for use 可供使用 Cap. 104, s. 15(1)
available income 可動用收益 Cap. 1037, s. 6(2)
available information 可知資訊 Cap. 628, s. 36(a)(i)
available particulars 可知的詳細資料 Cap. 337, s. 15
available to ... ……可得到的 Cap. 104, s. 10(2)
best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
best evidence available 最佳可用證據 Cap. 434A, para. 3
has pursued all means available 已用盡……所有可用的方法 Cap. 112BI, Schedule
immediately available 即時……可供使用 Cap. 369W, reg. 4(5)
made available for inspection by the public 供公眾人士查閱 Cap. 541J, s. 8(1)
made available for public inspection 提供予公眾查閱 Cap. 571, s. 99(4)

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made available to ... 提供予…… Cap. 521, s. 20(3)(b)

made available to the public 向公眾提供 Cap. 514, s. 5(1)(a)
make available copies of ... to the public 向公眾提供……的複製品 Cap. 528, s. 22(1)(d)
make ... available for public inspection 提供……讓公眾查閱 Cap. 612, s. 15(4)
publicly available 可供公眾取閱 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
publicly available market data 公眾可用的市場數據 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
readily available 可隨時取用 Cap. 115, s. 37Y(1)(b)
readily available 可隨時取閱 Cap. 172A, reg. 39(3)
readily available for inspection 可供隨時查閱 Cap. 138A, s. 9(4)(d)
readily available for inspection 可便捷地供查閱 Cap. 311AB, s. 14(1)(b)
readily available for use by ... 可供……便捷地使用 Cap. 593A, s. 9(3)(b)
reasonably available 合理可用 Cap. 238, s. 15(2)
reasonably available 合理可得 Cap. 572, s. 5(9)(b)
the best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
the maximum sums available 可動用的款項的最高限額 Cap. 425, s. 8(3)(a)(i)
to distribute, disseminate or make available to the public 向公眾分發、傳布或提供 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(8)
avails avails (n., arch.) 銷售收益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avails of a trust fund 信託基金的收益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aver aver 申明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aver 提出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aver 聲言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

average average rate 平均率 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
average value 平均值 Cap. 155M, s. 103(3)(a)
general average 共同海損 Cap. 462, Schedule
weighted average 加權平均數 Cap. 41E, r. 8(8)
averment averment 聲言 Cap. 221, s. 20
averments of fact 事實聲言 Cap. 8, s. 77F(2)(a)(iii)
material averment 重要的聲言 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
negative averments 否定的聲言 Cap. 221, s. 94A, Heading
averment, negative averment, negative 否定的聲言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
averment, negative 負面指稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
aviation civil aviation 民用航空 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130
Convention on International Civil Aviation 《國際民用航空公約》 Cap. 448, s. 2(1)
international and regional aviation 國際和區域航空 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 128
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at 《制止在為國際民用航空服務的機場上的非法暴力行為 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Airports Serving International Civil Aviation 的議定書》
avoid avoid 失效 Cap. 26, s. 9
avoid 無效※比較 annul Cap. 504, s. 51
avoid 廢止 Cap. 218, s. 31
avoid a contract 廢止合約 Cap. 329, s. 20
avoided 被致無效 Cap. 630, s. 51(1)
avoiding 使……無效 Cap. 282, s. 16CB(1)(c)

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avoid avoid 避免 Cap. 466, s. 3(3)

avoid offending the religious susceptibilities 避免傷害……宗教感情 Cap. 602, s. 23(1)
avoid payment 避付帳款 Cap. 210, s. 16
avoid payment ... 逃避支付…… Cap. 210, s. 18C(1)
avoid the recurrence 避免……再度發生 Cap. 133, s. 3A(6)
avoided 逃避 Cap. 71, Long Title
avoiding ... arrest 避免……逮捕 Cap. 339, s. 2(2)
avoiding section ... 規避第……條的限制 Cap. 584, s. 8D(1)
avoiding service 逃避送達 Cap. 6A, r. 46(3)(a)
liability may be avoided 法律責任可予免除 Cap. 49, Long Title
wilfully avoided service 故意逃避送達 Cap. 382, s. 12(1)
avoidable avoidable 原可避免 Cap. 169, s. 3(1)(d)
avoidable delay 可避免的延誤 Cap. 98, s. 20
avoidable- avoidable-consequences doctrine [also doctrine of avoidable 後果本可避免原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
consequences doctrine consequences] and Commercial Law Terms
avoidance confession and avoidance 既供認又提出異議的申辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confession and avoidance 既承認事實又提出法律爭議的申辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avoidance avoidance [also voidance] 使無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avoidance [also voidance] 廢止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avoidance of disposition order 廢止產權處置令 Cap. 179A, r. 2(2)
avoidance for the avoidance of doubt 為免生疑問 Cap. 155, s. 52(3H)

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avow avow 承認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
avow 招認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avowal avowal 公開的聲明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avowal 供認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
avowry avowry 聲明收回財物的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
await awaiting trial 聽候審訊 Cap. 347, s. 22(3)
award adverse costs award 不利訟費裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.37
adverse costs award 不利費用裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.35
arbitral award 仲裁裁決 Cap. 609, s. 2
(arbitral) award (n., v.) (仲裁)裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 1
arbitration award 仲裁裁決 Cap. 571F, s. 26
award 判令 Cap. 57, s. 43N(1)
award 判處 Cap. 232A, reg. 11(3)
award costs 判給……訟費 Cap. 394, s. 25(2)(c)
award damages 判給損害賠償 Cap. 4, s. 17
award damages to ... 將損害賠償判給…… Cap. 4, s. 21K(4)
award interest 判給利息 Cap. 300, s. 20(3)
award (n., v.) 判給 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

award of costs 判給訟費 Cap. 492A, r. 10(1)
award of damages 損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4, s. 56A(3)
award of further damages 進一步損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 10(8)
award of provisional damages 判給暫定損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.2
award of provisional damages 暫定損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 7(2)
awarding or refusing compensation 給予賠償或拒絕給予賠償 Cap. 7, s. 97(2)
awards costs to or against a party 判定某一方獲得訟費,或須支付訟費 Cap. 528D, r. 25(4)(t)
compensatory award 補償裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Convention award 公約裁決 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign 《承認及執行外國仲裁裁決公約》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitral Awards
costs awarded against the defendant 判被告人繳付的訟費 Cap. 237, s. 2
declaratory award 屬宣布性質的裁決 Cap. 609, s. 79(3)
final award 最終判給額 Cap. 337, s. 2(1)
legal expenses awarded against sb. 某人被判須付的法律開支 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Mainland award 內地裁決 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
make an award 作出裁決 Cap. 609, s. 26(1)
mutual enforcement of arbitral awards 相互執行仲裁裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.2
original award 裁決……正本 Cap. 609, s. 85(a)

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remit the award 免除該項判處 Cap. 232A, reg. 14(1)(b)(iii)

remit the award 將……裁決……發還 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
set aside an award 撤銷……裁決 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
to disallow or to award costs 不准予或判給訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 7(4)
award award 發給 Cap. 232, s. 45(1)(c)
award of allowances 津貼的發給 Cap. 232, s. 45(1)(c)
award award 償金 Cap. 89, s. 19(1)
award award a contract 批出合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
award a contract to ... 將合約批給…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
award of ... academic qualification 頒授……學術資格 Cap. 608, s. 2
being awarded ... contract 獲授予……合約 Cap. 354N, s. 9(1)
aware aware 知悉 Cap. 50, s. 40
aware 得悉 Cap. 369AV, s. 8B(3A)
become aware of 察覺 Cap. 571, s. 36(1)(f)
should reasonably be aware 按理應可察覺 Cap. 581A, s. 6F(2)(b)
awareness promote public awareness of ... 加強公眾……的認識 Cap. 604, s. 8(1)(e)
security awareness 保安意識 Cap. 478AJ, s. 2
back back (adj., v.) 回程的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back (adj., v.) 拖欠的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back (adj., v.) 背面的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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back (adj., v.) 背書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
back freight 退貨運費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back freight 額外運費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back pay 追補薪金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back sheet 背頁 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
backing of a warrant [also endorsement of a warrant] 手令的背書〔作引渡疑犯或罪犯用〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
backdate backdate 追溯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
backdate 註明較早的日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back-door listing back-door listing 借殼上市 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back-door listing 買殼上市 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad bad character 不良品格 Cap. 8, s. 12
bad character 品格不良 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)
bad debt 不良貸款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad debt 壞帳 Cap. 112, s. 16
bad faith 不真誠 Cap. 554, s. 40(2)
bad influence 負面影響 Cap. 239, s. 8A(b)
bad law [also dysnomy] 徒具空名的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

bad law [also dysnomy] 惡法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad law [also dysnomy] 無效的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad title 不妥善的業權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad title 無效所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidence of bad character 不良品格的……證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
hard cases make bad law 難斷之案導致偏離先例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in bad faith 不真誠地 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.17
bad faith bad faith 不真誠 Cap. 554, s. 40(2)
bag plastic shopping bag 塑膠購物袋 Cap. 603, s. 18(1)
bail abscond from bail 棄保潛逃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
abscond while on bail 保釋期間潛逃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admit ... to bail 准許……保釋 Cap. 227, s. 20(3)
admitted to bail 准予保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
admitted to bail 獲准保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
amount of bail 保釋金款額 Cap. 313, s. 77(3)
answering to bail 應保 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
application for bail pending appeal 申請保釋等候上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
bail 保釋 Cap. 221, s. 9C
bail 保釋金 Cap. 134, s. 38F(2)
bail bond 保釋的擔保契據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 16(2)
bail bonds 保釋保證 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
bail justice 保釋官 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.9
bail on behalf of a ship 船舶保釋 Cap. 134, s. 38E(3)
bail proceedings 保釋法律程序 Cap. 221, s. 9P(1)
breach of bail condition 違反保釋條件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
committed or bailed to appear for trial 被押交或保釋等候出庭應訊 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
estreatment of the bail 沒收保釋金 Cap. 134, s. 38F(2)
give bail 提供保釋 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 9
has refused bail 拒絕保釋 Cap. 405, s. 2(11)(aa)
notice of bail 保釋通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 16(4)
on bail 在保釋中 Cap. 336, s. 76(2)
on bail 獲得保釋 Cap. 526, s. 14(2)
order for bail 保釋命令 Cap. 221A, r. 50, Heading
recognizance of bail 保釋擔保 Cap. 221, s. 9D(3)(a)
release on bail 在保釋的情況下釋放 Cap. 4, s. 50(3)
release on bail 保釋外出 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.3
release ... on bail 准其保釋 Cap. 298, s. 6(4)
released on bail 已獲保釋 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)

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revoke order for bail 撤銷保釋命令 Cap. 221A, r. 52, Heading

taking bail 接受保釋 Cap. 4C, Schedule
terms of bail 保釋條款 Cap. 221A, r. 46, Heading
bail out bail out 保釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bailable offence bailable offence 可保釋的罪行 Cap. 227, s. 102(3)
bailee bailee 受託保管人 Cap. 294, s. 2(1)
bailee 受寄人 Cap. 622, s. 494(2)
bailee for reward 收取報酬的受託保管人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bailiff assistant bailiffs 助理執達主任 Cap. 4, s. 38A
bailiff 執達主任 Cap. 7, s. 109
bailiff's fees 執達主任的費用 Cap. 4A, App. A
bailiff's notes 執達主任紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Chief Bailiff 總執達主任 Cap. 4A, App. A
the bailiff's list 執達主任名單 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 6(3)
bail-in bail-in provision 內部財務重整條文 Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
bailment bailment 委託保管 Cap. 1146, s. 7(f)
bailment of goods 委託保管貨品 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
contract of bailment 委託保管合約 Cap. 314, s. 6(3)
gratuitous bailment 無酬委託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bailor bailor 委託保管人 Cap. 294, s. 2(1)
bailor 寄貨人 Cap. 514, s. 62(6)(b)

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bait bait advertising 餌誘式廣告宣傳 Cap. 362, s. 13G(1)

bait and switch 先誘後轉銷售行為 Cap. 362, s. 13H(1)
balance adequate working balance 足夠的營運資金結餘 Cap. 234A, r. 268
balance 差額 Cap. 13A, r. 7(3)(i)(B)
balance 結餘 Cap. 1131, s. 3(3)(a)
balance 餘款 Cap. 405, s. 13(7)
balance 餘量 Cap. 549F, s. 13(1)(f)
balance 餘額 Cap. 10, s. 23B(1)(a)
balance of the term of imprisonment 餘下的監禁期 Cap. 244, s. 8A(2)
balance sheet 資產負債表 Cap. 32, s. 349
cash balance 現金結餘 Cap. 32, s. 294(1)
cash balance 現金餘款 Cap. 6, s. 128A(1)
credit balance 貸方餘額 Cap. 279C, r. 11(2)
credit balance 貸餘 Cap. 6, s. 52(2)
credit balances 貸方結餘 Cap. 571B, s. 2
debit balances 借方結餘 Cap. 571B, s. 2
inter-company balances 公司之間的債項結餘 Cap. 41G, r. 14(1)(e)(ii)
outstanding balance 尚欠的餘額 Cap. 155Q, r. 53(1)(d)
unexpended balance 未動用結餘 Cap. 6A, r. 52(6)
balance balance of probabilities 在相對可能性下 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
balance of probabilities 相對可能性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
balance of probabilities 相對可能性的衡量 Cap. 405, s. 24D(4)
balancing prosecution and defence evidence 衡量控辯雙方的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
"fair balance" test “公正平衡”測試 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 37
prove on a balance of probabilities 按相對可能性衡量標準證明 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.2
balance of convenience balance of convenience 適宜性的平衡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
balance of probabilities balance of probabilities 相對可能性的衡量 ※比較 beyond reasonable doubt Cap. 405, s. 3
may be rebutted by proof on a balance of probabilities 在證明並非如此的可能性較高時,可予推翻 Cap. 429, s. 5(2)
show on the balance of probabilities 以相對可能性的衡量準則證明 ※比較 prove beyond English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reasonable doubt and Commercial Law Terms
balanced sound, balanced and informed advice 明智的、不偏不倚的和有根據的意見 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(e)
ballot ballot 暗標 Cap. 262, s. 2
ballot (n., v.) 抽籤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by balloting 以抽籤方式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ballot ballot box 投票箱 Cap. 554, s. 17(1)(b)
ballot (n., v.) 投票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ballot paper 選票 Cap. 50A, by-law 3(1)
ballot paper account 選票結算表 Cap. 541I, s. 1(1)
elimination ballots 淘汰投票 Cap. 547, Sch. 5
first ballot 第一輪投票 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
postal ballot 郵遞投票 Cap. 161B, s. 24(3)

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questionable ballot paper 問題選票 Cap. 541D, s. 81(4)

replacement of ... ballot papers 補發……選票 Cap. 161B, s. 18(b)
secrecy of the ballot 投票保密 Cap. 332, s. 18(2)(b)(iv)
secret ballot 不記名投票 Cap. 332, s. 18(2)(b)(iv)
secret ballot 不記名投票方式 Cap. 542, s. 47(1)(b)
secret ballot 無記名投票 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
spoilt ballot papers 損壞的選票 Cap. 554, s. 16(3)(b)
tendered ballot paper 重複的選票 Cap. 541I, s. 1(1)
Baltime charterparty Baltime charterparty 巴爾的摩租船合約〔船舶租用標準合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Bancus Bancus ["bench"] 法官(席) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Bancus ["bench"] 法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Bancus Reginae Bancus Reginae (Eng.) [Queen's Bench] 后座法庭(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Bancus Regis Bancus Regis (Eng.) [King's Bench; also blanc le roy] 皇座法庭(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
band frequency bands 頻帶 Cap. 106AA, s. 2(1A)(a)
band lowest band 最低判刑級別 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sentencing band 判刑級別 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sentencing band 量刑級別 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
banishment banishment 驅逐出境 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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bank a bank incorporated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方成立為法團的銀行 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
approved overseas bank 核准海外銀行 Cap. 485A, s. 2
authorized ... as a bank 獲認可……為銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(b)(i)
bank 銀行 Cap. 65, s. 2
bank book 銀行存摺 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
bank guarantee 銀行保證書 Cap. 106, s. 34(1B)
bank guarantee 銀行擔保 Cap. 571N, s. 12(2)(b)(iii)
bank guarantee 銀行擔保書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bank note 鈔票 Cap. 221, s. 20
bank note 銀行紙幣 Cap. 65, s. 3
bank statements 銀行結單 Cap. 159F, r. 11(1)
central bank 中央銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(a)
first demand bank guarantee 優先銀行擔保 Cap. 562, s. 2
foreign bank 外地銀行 Cap. 155, s. 86(4)
former bank 前有銀行 Cap. 8, s. 20A(3)
former bank 前銀行 Cap. 155, s. 138
investment bank 投資銀行 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
licensed bank 持牌銀行 Cap. 364, s. 2
Mainland incorporated banks 各內地成立銀行 Cap. 1167, Preamble
merchant bank 商人銀行 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
merging bank 合併銀行 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
multilateral development bank 多邊發展銀行 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
net due from banks 存放銀行同業淨額 Cap. 155Q, r. 43

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note-issuing bank 發鈔銀行 Cap. 65, s. 2

overseas bank 海外銀行 Cap. 485A, s. 71(1)(c)
parent bank 母銀行 Cap. 155M, s. 15(b)
private bank 私人銀行 Cap. 155D, s. 2
respondent bank 受代理銀行 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
restricted licence bank 有限制牌照銀行 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
savings bank 儲蓄銀行 Cap. 1098, s. 5(1)
settlement bank 結算銀行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
specified bank regulator 指明銀行規管當局 Cap. 571B, s. 2
transferring bank 移轉銀行 Cap. 1174, s. 2(1)
wholesale bank 批發銀行 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
Bank for International Bank for International Settlements 國際清算銀行 Cap. 558D, s. 2
Protocol regarding the immunities of the Bank for 《關於國際清算銀行豁免的議定書》 Cap. 558D, s. 2
International Settlements
banker banker 莊家 Cap. 148, s. 2
bankers 銀行 Cap. 155, s. 118(6)(c)
banker's books 銀行簿冊 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
banker's records 銀行紀錄 Cap. 1136, s. 10(3)
banker's books banker's books 銀行簿冊 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
banking banking account 銀行帳户 Cap. 1182, s. 2(1)
banking book 銀行帳 Cap. 155L, s. 123A(1)
banking book positions 銀行帳持倉 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZP
banking licence 銀行牌照 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)

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banking supervisory authority 銀行業監管當局 Cap. 155, s. 2(9)

banking system 銀行業體系 Cap. 155, Long Title
corporate banking 公司銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
correspondent banking 代理銀行服務 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
general banking facilities 一般銀行融資 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
institutional banking 機構銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
international banking 國際銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
overdraft banking facility 銀行的透支服務 Cap. 485, s. 6QA(b)
prevailing banking supervisory standards 現行銀行業監管標準 Cap. 155Q, r. 22(2)(b)(i)
regulatory reserve for general banking risks 一般銀行業務風險監管儲備 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
retail banking 零售銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
Banking Advisory Banking Advisory Committee 銀行業務諮詢委員會 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
bankrupt adjudged bankrupt 被判定破產 Cap. 6, s. 132
adjudicated bankrupt 被判定破產 Cap. 6, s. 131
adjudicated bankrupt ... by judgment of a court 被法院藉判決而判定破產 Cap. 401, s. 30(1)
bankrupt (adj., n.) 破產 Cap. 405, s. 7
declared bankrupt 被宣布破產 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
bankrupt associate of the bankrupt 破產人的有聯繫人士 Cap. 6, s. 60(4)
bankrupt (adj., n.) 破產人 Cap. 6, s. 2
refuse to discharge a bankrupt 拒絕為……破產人解除破產 Cap. 6, s. 43A(8)
undischarged bankrupt 未獲解除破產的人 Cap. 542, s. 39(1)(i)
undischarged bankrupt 未獲解除破產的破產人 Cap. 6, s. 52(2)
bankruptcy act of bankruptcy 構成破產的行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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adjudication of bankruptcy 破產判決 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2

administration in bankruptcy 破產遺產管理 Cap. 6, s. 44(1)
bankruptcy 破產 Cap. 6, s. 20(2)(a)
bankruptcy 破產案 Cap. 6, s. 44(1)
bankruptcy court 破產法庭 Cap. 6, s. 118
bankruptcy debt 破產債項 Cap. 6, s. 2
Bankruptcy Estate Account 破產人產業帳戶 Cap. 6, s. 128(1)(b)
bankruptcy order 破產令 Cap. 6, s. 27
bankruptcy petition 破產呈請 Cap. 6, s. 13
bankruptcy petition 破產呈請書 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
bankruptcy proceedings 破產法律程序 Cap. 6, s. 99(1)
criminal bankruptcy order 刑事破產令 Cap. 6, s. 74A
discharge from bankruptcy 解除破產 Cap. 6, s. 99(3)(d)
discharge in bankruptcy 獲解除破產 Cap. 542, s. 39(1)(i)
discharge in bankruptcy [also discharge from bankruptcy] 解除破產 Cap. 542, s. 39
law of bankruptcy 破產法 Cap. 6, s. 112(1)
notorious bankruptcy 公開破產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
petition for bankruptcy 破產呈請 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.29
practice in bankruptcy 破產常規 Cap. 4, s. 15(2)
sitting in its bankruptcy jurisdiction 行使破產司法管轄權 Cap. 6, s. 2
trustee in bankruptcy 破產案受託人 Cap. 49, s. 10(a)
trustee in bankruptcy 破產管理人 Cap. 405, s. 2(8)
trustee in bankruptcy of a bankrupt's estate 破產案中破產人的產業的受託人 Cap. 6, s. 2

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bannitus bannitus ["one outlawed or banished"] 被驅逐出境者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
bar admitted to the bar 參看 called to the bar English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bar 大律師行業 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
called to the bar [also admitted to the bar] 獲認許為大律師 Cap. 159, s. 74C
counsel of the local bar 本地大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leader at the bar [also lead counsel; leading counsel] (代表一方的)首席大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bar bar 犯人欄 Cap. 336, Sch. 2
bar 法庭審判席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
placed at the bar 置於犯人欄內 Cap. 221, s. 49(1)
bar bar 禁止 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 5(2)
bar the claims of the mortgagees 禁制承按人提出申索 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
bar to an action 禁制……提出訴訟 Cap. 377, s. 5
barred 阻止 Cap. 159, s. 70
barred 阻截 Cap. 245, s. 17(4)
barred 被禁止 Cap. 336, s. 69(7)
barred 被禁制 Cap. 519, s. 33(1)
barred 撤銷 Cap. 503E, Schedule
barred person 受禁制者 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 3.51

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be a bar to ... 對……構成禁制 Cap. 227, s. 19(4)

is barred 不得受理 Cap. 485, s. 17A(3)
operate as a bar to 阻止 Cap. 25, s. 31(3)
operate as a bar to 禁制 Cap. 227, s. 18C(2)
bar at bar 會審 Cap. 221, s. 42
case at bar [also case at bench] 審訊中的案件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trial at bar 會審 Cap. 221, s. 42
trial at bar 審訊中的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bar statute bar 法定的提控時限 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
time bar 時限 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
time-barred 喪失時效 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
Bar Association Bar Association 大律師公會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Bar Council of the Bar Council of the Hong Kong Bar Association 香港大律師公會執行委員會 Cap. 92, s. 3(1A)
Hong Kong Bar
bare bare 不附義務或代價的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bare 未證實的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bare assertion [also ipse dixit] 未經證實之言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

bare assertion [also ipse dixit] 武斷的話 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
bare naked lie 無佐證的不確表述 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bare promise [also gratuitous promise] 不附代價的承諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bare bare trust 被動信託 Cap. 581, s. 2(3)
bare trustee 被動受託人 Cap. 571, s. 323(1)(a)(ii)
bare trustee 虛責受託人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bargain bargain 買賣 Cap. 112, s. 38A
bargain 議價 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
corrupt bargain 有舞弊成分的協定 Cap. 547, s. 56(3)
bargain plea bargaining 答辯商討 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
bargaining bargaining positions 議價地位 Cap. 458, s. 6(1)(a)
bargaining power 議價能力 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.115
the relative bargaining power 相對議價能力 Cap. 528, s. 167(1)(d)
barge steel hopper barge 鋼開底泥躉 Cap. 354N, s. 12(3)(a)
barrator common barrator 唆訟者 Cap. 609, s. 98K
barratry barratry 船上人員不當行為 Cap. 329, s. 3(3)
barratry barratry 教唆訴訟 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.148
barrier gates, barriers or turnstiles 票閘、欄障或旋轉柵閘 Cap. 577A, s. 3(b)
barrier physical barrier 實體屏障 Cap. 607, s. 3(2)(a)

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barrier barriers 障礙 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"

Consultation Paper, para. 4.30
barring limitation or barring of causes of action 訴訟因由的時效或禁制 Cap. 172, s. 7(1)(k)
barrister admission as a barrister 獲認許為大律師 Cap. 159, s. 74C
admission as ... a barrister 認許……為大律師 Cap. 297, s. 4(1)(a)
barrister [also barrister-at-law; counsel] 大律師 Cap. 159, s. 2
barristers' chambers 大律師事務所 Cap. 480, s. 36(4)
barrister's clerk 大律師書記 Cap. 480, s. 36(1)
barristers-at-law 大律師 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(d)
employed barrister 受僱大律師 Cap. 159K, Schedule
represented by a barrister 由大律師……代表 Cap. 435A, s. 10(a)
roll of barristers 大律師登記冊 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
the giving, withholding or acceptance of instructions to a 發出、拒發或接受委聘大律師的指示 Cap. 602, s. 35(3)
Barristers Disciplinary Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal 大律師紀律審裁組 Cap. 159J, r. 20(1)(c)(ii)
barter barter 以物相易 Cap. 1, s. 3
base any matter on which ... is based ……所根據的任何事宜 Cap. 405, s. 25A(1)
base 依據 Cap. 392, s. 10(6)
... on which ... is based ……所依據的…… Cap. 566, s. 24(3)(b)(ii)
... on which the conviction was based 該定罪所據的…… Cap. 8, s. 62(2)(b)
base base station 基地電台 Cap. 106AC, s. 2
base no-fault based compensation scheme 不論過失補償計劃 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

paper-based 紙本 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

para. 5.111
Basel Committee Basel Committee 巴塞爾委員會 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 巴塞爾銀行監管委員會 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
Basel Committee on Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 巴塞爾銀行監管委員會 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
Banking Supervision
basic basic allowance 基本免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 28(1)
basic condition 基本條款 Cap. 354N, s. 8(8)
basic costs 基本訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
basic limitation period 基本時效期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
basic registration 基礎註冊 Cap. 559, s. 90A(1)
basic tariff in sentencing 基本的判刑基準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Basic Law Basic Law 基本法 Cap. 1, s. 3
Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 Cap. 11, Sch. 2
the People's Republic of China
uphold the Basic Law 擁護《基本法》 Cap. 542, s. 40(1)(b)(i)
basin wash basins, wash tubs or scuppers 洗滌盆、洗滌缸或排水口 Cap. 413K, s. 2
basis accounting basis 會計基準 Cap. 41, s. 25A(1)
augment the basis of ... control 擴大……控制的基礎 Cap. 106, s. 13H(1)
basis 依據 Cap. 159R, s. 10(1)
basis 基準 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
basis 基礎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
basis for proceedings 法律程序的依據 Cap. 159F, r. 11(1)

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basis for sentencing 量刑基礎 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
basis of a decision 作出決定的依據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
basis of apportionment 分攤基準 Cap. 125, s. 2
basis period 評稅基期 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
cash-against-delivery basis 銀貨兩訖形式 Cap. 571N, s. 21(1)
common fund basis 共同基金基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs on an indemnity basis 按彌償基準計算的訟費 Cap. 394, s. 25(2)(c)
discrimination on the basis of disability 殘疾歧視 "Charities" Report, para. 6.89
factual basis of the claim 申索所根據的事實 Cap. 377, s. 3(4)
full indemnity basis 完全彌償基準 Cap. 159, s. 10(2)(e)
indemnity basis 彌償基準 Cap. 514, s. 84(2)
legal basis 法律根據 Cap. 377, s. 2(3)
legal basis 法律理據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal basis 法律論據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
on a case by case basis 按個別情況而定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on a cash basis 按現金基準 Cap. 485A, s. 56(3)(h)
on a collateralized basis 有抵押品基礎 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
on a full or part time basis 全職或非全職 Cap. 1145, s. 4(g)
on a full time basis 以全職性質 Cap. 406, s. 35(3)
on a genuine domestic basis 在真正的家庭基礎上 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)

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on a limited basis 在有限度的基準上 Cap. 161E, s. 14(2)(b)

on a periodic basis 以定期方式 Cap. 584, s. 12(3)(b)
on a reciprocal basis 在互惠情況下 Cap. 112L, Schedule
on a reciprocal basis 在對等的基礎上 Cap. 112J, Schedule
on a reciprocal basis 基於互惠原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on a solo basis 按單獨基礎 Cap. 155M, s. 11(1)
on a without prejudice basis 在(某方)權益不受損害的基礎上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on an accrual basis 按累算基準 Cap. 485A, s. 56(3)(h)
on an indemnity basis 按彌償基準 Cap. 21, s. 25(4)(b)
on solicitor and own client basis 按律師與當事人議定基準(評定訟費) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on the basis 基於 Cap. 514, s. 15(2)(e)
on the basis of 根據 Cap. 159, s. 4(1)(b)
on the basis of 據 Cap. 369AL, reg. 9A(6)
on the basis of the information 根據資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準(評定訟費) Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28
on the indemnity basis 按彌償基準(評定訟費) Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 1A
on the party and party basis 按訴訟各方對評基準(評定訟費) Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28
party and party basis 訴訟各方對評基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
shared basis 共用形式 Cap. 106AE, Schedule
solicitor and own client basis 事務律師與當事人議定基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.

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solo basis 單獨基礎 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4D

statutory basis 法定依據 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
taxed on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(4)
taxed ... on the indemnity basis 按……彌償基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(3)
taxed on the party and party basis 按訴訟各方對評基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(2)
unconsolidated basis 非綜合基礎 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
basket a basket of ... 一籃子…… Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
batch one batch 同一批次 Cap. 629, s. 10(1)
BATNA BATNA [best alternative to negotiated agreement] 談判協議的最佳替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
battery battery 毆打 Cap. 212, s. 37
bear bear 附有 Cap. 313H, reg. 16(a)
bear his signature 載有該人簽名 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 11
bear interest 衍生利息 Cap. 414, s. 23(7)(i)
bear on its face 表面……載有 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 6(1)
bears 帶有 Cap. 98, s. 32(1)(i)
bear bear its own costs 各自負擔其訟費 Cap. 336, s. 73E(3)
bear the cost 承擔……費用 Cap. 102, s. 17(1)
bearing the loads and stresses 承受……荷載及應力 Cap. 123N, s. 30(a)(iv)
borne by ... 由……承擔 Cap. 512, s. 13
borne by public funds 由公帑撥付 Cap. 4A, O. 68, r. 4(2)
bearer bearer 持票人 Cap. 19, s. 2
bearer 持證人 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
bearer bill (of lading) 不記名提單 Cap. 440, s. 2

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bearer bond 不記名債券 Cap. 64, s. 3

bearer certificate 不記名證書 Cap. 581A, s. 2
bearer debentures 不記名債權證 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(1)
bearer instrument 不記名文書 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
bearer instrument 不記名票據 Cap. 581, Sch. 1
bearer share holding 持票人股份 Cap. 112, s. 50A(6)(a)(i)(A)
cheques payable to bearer 須付款予持有人的支票 Cap. 98A, reg. 17
debenture stock bearer certificates 債權股證持有人證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(1)
in bearer form 持有人形式 Cap. 485A, Sch. 3
office bearer 幹事 Cap. 541, s. 16(1)
office bearer 擔任職位……的人 Cap. 336G, r. 6(c)
securities payable to bearer 須付款予持有人的證券 Cap. 29, s. 2
securities to bearer 不記名證券 Cap. 622, s. 352(2)(b)(iii)
bearing armorial bearings 盾徽 Cap. 522A, s. 12
bearish bearish return 看跌式回報 Cap. 571N, s. 2F(2)
beat beats 毆打 Cap. 200, s. 25
bedding wearing apparel and bedding 衣物及寢具 Cap. 336, s. 68B(1)(c)
Beddoe order Beddoe order [Re Beddoe [1893] 1 Ch 547] 貝多命令〔受託人特許令;即准許受託人為受益人提起 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
訴訟或抗辯的命令〕 and Commercial Law Terms
before appear before ... 到……席前應訊 Cap. 336, s. 77A(7)
appear before the Court 在法庭席前出庭 Cap. 4, s. 22A(5)(b)
before 在……席前、面前等 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
before a judge 在法官席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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before (a judge, registrar, etc.) in chambers 在內庭的(法官、司法常務官等)席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
before a witness 在見證人面前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
before ... court 由法庭審理 Cap. 151, s. 26D(1)(j)
before me 在本人面前 Cap. 17A, Schedule
before the witnesses 在……見證人前 Cap. 178, s. 9(5)(b)
brought before the Court 帶到法庭席前 Cap. 4, s. 22A(5)(a)
charged before ... 在……席前被控 Cap. 136, s. 51(1)(a)
put before the judge 在法官席前提出 Cap. 221, s. 9H(4)
before before, on or after 之前、之時或之後 Cap. 584, Sch. 5
begin action begun by writ 藉令狀開展的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 21(4)
begin and carry on an appeal 展開和進行上訴 Cap. 490, s. 33(2)
begin any proceedings 開展任何法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 2, r. 1(1)
the party to begin 先開始的一方 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(1)
begin begin 生效 Cap. 104, s. 15(2)
beginning on ... 由……起計 Cap. 104, s. 7(2)
beginning on ... 自……起計 Cap. 619, s. 151B(1)
behalf act on his behalf 代表該人行事 Cap. 405, s. 3(11)
acts on its own behalf 只代表本身行事 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
applicant for and on behalf of ... 代表……提出申請的申請人 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
behalf 方面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
behalf 利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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by or on behalf of ... 由……或代表…… Cap. 521, s. 2(1)

by or on behalf of ... 由……或其代表 Cap. 462, s. 7(2)
for or on behalf of ... 為或代…… Cap. 522A, s. 58(1)
in behalf of ... 為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in behalf of ... 就……事而…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in that behalf 為此 Cap. 204, s. 10(1)
in that behalf 就此事而…… Cap. 324, s. 7(1)(b)
on behalf of ... 代…… Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
on behalf of ... 代表…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on whose behalf 由他人代為 Cap. 490, s. 2
behave behave in a disorderly manner 作出……不檢的行為 Cap. 382A, s. 12(3)
behave in an ... indecent manner 作出……不雅的行徑 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(d)
behave in an offensive ... manner 作出令人厭惡……的行徑 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(d)
behaves in a ... disorderly manner 作出……擾亂秩序的行為 Cap. 245, s. 17B(2)
behaves in an insulting manner 行為有侮辱成分 Cap. 359, s. 23(6)(a)
behaves in an insulting manner 作出侮辱性行為 Cap. 25, s. 42(1)(b)
behaviour abnormal behaviour 反常行為 Cap. 234A, r. 91(3)
anti-social behaviour 反社會行為 Cap. 514C, s. 89
be of good behaviour 保持行為良好 Cap. 212, s. 41
behaviour 行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
behaviour 表現 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

bind over to be of good behaviour 簽保以保證保持行為良好 Cap. 221, s. 109I
disturbed behaviour 行為紊亂 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
give security for good behaviour 提供守行為的保證 Cap. 226, s. 10(3)
offending behaviour 犯罪行為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.77
period of good behaviour 在保持行為良好期間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
period of good behaviour 守行為期間 參看 quamdiu se bene gesseri(n)t English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
power to bind over to be of good behaviour 判……簽保以保證保持行為良好的權力 Cap. 221, s. 109I
responsible for the good behaviour ... of ... 對……保持行為良好一事負責…… Cap. 227, s. 96(b)
to be of good behaviour towards ... 對……保持行為良好 Cap. 227, s. 61(1)
belated belated 逾期 Cap. 604, s. 9(3)(c)
belief belief 所信之事 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 7A(4)
belief 信念 Cap. 51, s. 36(1)
belief ... honestly held 誠實地相信 Cap. 200, s. 64(3)
belief in the truth of the facts 相信該事實為真確無訛 Cap. 359J, s. 19(2)(b)
belief in the truth of those facts 相信該等事實屬真實 Cap. 549G, s. 4(2)(b)
freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice 保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs 表示其宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
genuine belief 真意相信 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.15

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

genuine belief 真確相信 "Rape and Other Non-consensual

Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.38
genuine mistaken belief 出於真意而錯誤相信 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.42
"genuine though unreasonable belief" test “真確但不合理地相信”的測試 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.49
honest belief 真誠地相信 Cap. 4A, O. 41A, r. 4(3)(c)
honest belief 真誠相信 Cap. 13A, r. 3(2)(f)(i)
honest belief 誠實地相信 Cap. 572, s. 21(1)
honest belief 誠實相信 Cap. 311, s. 42(2)
in the belief that 相信 Cap. 210, s. 3(1)(a)
in the bona fide belief 是真誠相信 Cap. 526, s. 10(3)(a)
in the honest belief 誠實地相信 Cap. 502, s. 20(1)
in the honest belief that 真誠相信 Cap. 59, s. 14A(1)
in the reasonable belief that ... 基於有合理理由相信…… Cap. 300, s. 25(2)
innocent belief 無不軌意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent belief 無犯罪意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
lead to the belief that ... 令人相信 Cap. 60H, reg. 2
mistaken belief 錯誤相信 Cap. 192, s. 23(1)(b)
reasonable belief 合理相信 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental

290 / 3.093
Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Impairment" Consultation Paper,

para. 4.1, Footnote 1
reasonable belief 有合理理由相信 Cap. 300, s. 25(2)
reasonable mistaken belief 合理的錯誤相信 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.3, Footnote 5
reasonably give rise to a belief that ... 合理地令人相信…… Cap. 167A, reg. 22(3)
religious belief 宗教信仰 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32
... so closely resembles ... as to lead to the reasonable belief that ……與……的相似程度,足以使人合理地相信…… National Anthem Ordinance, s. 8(a)
to the best of his knowledge and belief 盡其所知所信 Cap. 316, s. 13(1)
to the best of the information and belief of ... ……盡其所知所信 Cap. 9A, r. 2
to the best of the information or belief ... 盡……所知或所信 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief 盡其所知所悉及所信 Cap. 6A, r. 49(5)(c)
true belief 真正相信 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
upon reasonable belief as to ... 合理地相信…… Cap. 312A, reg. 6(a)
without any reasonable belief 並非合理地相信 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.55
believe believe 相信 Cap. 3, s. 7(3)(a)
believe otherwise 相信情況並非如此 Cap. 521, s. 21(4)
believes with reasonable cause 有合理因由相信 Cap. 6A, r. 46(3)
believing the same to be true 確信其為真確無訛 Cap. 11, Sch. 1
genuinely believe, albeit wrongly 真確但錯誤相信 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Paper, para. 4.37

knowing or having reason to believe 知道或有理由相信 Cap. 490, s. 38(2)
reasonably believe 合理地相信 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
belong belonging to ... 由……擁有 Cap. 201, s. 14(1)(a)(i)
belongs to ... 屬於…… Cap. 1, s. 6(1)
vested in or belonged to ... 歸屬或屬於…… Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 31(2)
belong belong to ... 隸屬於…… Cap. 234, s. 21(b)
belonger United Kingdom belonger 聯合王國本土人 Cap. 115, Sch. 3
belongings personal belongings 個人物品 Cap. 374A, reg. 73(1)(c)
below court below 下級法庭 Cap. 221, s. 83I(3)
the court below 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 1
the court below 較下級法院 Cap. 484A, r. 6(1)
bench bench 法官(席) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bench 法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bench memo 法官備忘錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bench warrant 法庭逮捕令〔因藐視法庭或不服從法庭命令而發出的逮 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
捕令〕 and Commercial Law Terms
case at bench [also case at bar] 審訊中的案件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bencher bencher 掌管四所大律師學院的資深會員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
beneficial beneficial 有利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

beneficial 實益 Cap. 409, s. 29(4)(a)
beneficial argument 有利的論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
beneficial enjoyment ... of land 在……土地實益享有的利益 Cap. 372, Sch. 2
beneficial interest 實益權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
beneficial owner 實益擁有人 Cap. 117, s. 45(2)
beneficial ownership 實益擁有權 Cap. 155, s. 64(1)(a)
beneficial rights 實益權利 Cap. 1008, s. 5(b)
beneficial title 實益業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
beneficial use 實益用途 Cap. 358AA, Schedule
beneficial use 實益使用 Cap. 112, s. 7A
beneficial winding up 在有利情況下結束 Cap. 6, s. 61(a)
beneficially beneficially entitled 有實益權 Cap. 182, s. 7(1)(a)
beneficially interested 享有實益權益 Cap. 38, s. 15
beneficially owned 實益擁有 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(p)(i)
held beneficially 實質持有 Cap. 405, s. 11(4)(a)
interest held ... beneficially in property 在某項財產上實益持有的權益 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
take ... beneficially 承受……實益權益 Cap. 73, s. 9
beneficiary beneficiary 受益人 參看 cestui Cap. 179A, r. 102
beneficiary under a trust 信託受益人 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
intended beneficiary 預定受益人 Cap. 30, s. 23(1)(b)
living beneficiaries 在生受益人 Cap. 179A, r. 102(3)(b)
principal beneficiary 主要受益人 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)

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benefit accrued benefit 累算權益 Cap. 485, s. 19F

additional benefits 附加的利益 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(fa)
applied for the benefit of ... 為……的利益……運用 Cap. 234, s. 21A(3)
benefit 利益 Cap. 571, s. 171(5)
benefit 受益 Cap. 458, s. 3(1)(c)
benefit accruing to ... 歸於……的利益 Cap. 528, s. 108(2)(b)
benefit entitlement 利益享有權 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
benefit likely to accrue to ... 對……可能帶來的利益 Cap. 525, s. 15(5)(b)(i)
benefit of an interest ……權益所賦予的利益 Cap. 208, s. 19(5)(d)
benefit of ... doubt 疑點的利益 Cap. 202, s. 2(3)(b)(ii)
benefit of doubt (to be given to the defendant) 疑點利益(歸於被告人) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
benefit of the limitation of liability 限制法律責任的利益 Cap. 462, Schedule
benefit statement 權益報表 Cap. 485A, s. 56(1)(a)
benefit structure 利益結構 Cap. 485B, Sch. 1
benefited from 從……獲利 Cap. 405, s. 9(2)(b)
benefited from drug trafficking 從販毒獲利 Cap. 405, s. 5(1)(b)
benefits 福利 Cap. 411, s. 5(2)(a)
benefits 福利待遇 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 93
benefits 福利費 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 93
benefits in kind 實物利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claiming the benefit of ... 聲稱受益於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure to the benefit of sb. 有利於某人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

financial advantage or benefit 財務優惠或利益 Cap. 621, s. 31(5)(c)
financial benefit 財務利益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.2
for the benefit of ... 令……受惠 Cap. 279, s. 85(1)
for the benefit of ... 以……為受益人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for the benefit of ... 使……受益的 Cap. 480, s. 85(4)
for the benefit of ... 為了令……受惠 Cap. 486, s. 64(1)(a)
for the benefit of ... 為使……得益 Cap. 336, s. 72D(5)
for the benefit of ... 為……的利益 Cap. 192, s. 5
for the benefit of ... generally 為……的一般利益 Cap. 6, s. 48(1)
fringe benefit 附帶利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fringe benefit 附帶福利 Cap. 316R, Schedule
gratuity benefits 酬金利益 Cap. 1176, s. 11(2)
group retirement benefit fund 集團退休利益基金 Cap. 1138, s. 9(1)
have the sole benefit of ... 單獨享有……的利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
identifiable benefit 可以確定的利益 "Charities" Report, para. 2.200
minimum MPF benefits 最低強制性公積金利益 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
monetary benefits 金錢利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
obtain some benefit for ... 為……取得利益 Cap. 98, s. 27
of benefit to ... 惠澤…… Cap. 154, s. 3(e)
pecuniary benefits 金錢利益 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)

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pecuniary benefits 金錢福利 Cap. 1116, s. 6(1)

pension benefits 退休金利益 Cap. 80, s. 6(2)(f)
potential benefit 潛在利益 Cap. 94, s. 15B
private benefit 私利 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
proportionate benefit 合乎比例的利益 Cap. 112, s. 8(4)
public benefit 公益 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
public benefit 公眾利益 Cap. 21, s. 7(1)
public benefit activities 公益活動 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
public benefit entities 公益實體 "Charities" Report, para. 5.60
public benefit organisation 公益機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
reduced benefits 扣減的利益 Cap. 112, Sch. 9
retirement benefits 退休利益 Cap. 113, Sch. 3
sickness benefit rights 疾病利益權利 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 8(4)
substantial benefit 實質利益 Cap. 182, s. 5(2)(a)
tax benefit 稅項利益 Cap. 112, s. 61A(3)
the benefits of this Ordinance being extended to ... 將本條例的利益引伸而適用於…… Cap. 9, s. 6
transfer of accrued benefits 累算權益的轉移 Cap. 485A, s. 152(a)
unclaimed benefits 無人申索的權益 Cap. 485A, s. 161(3)
undue benefit 不應有的利益 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.13
valuable benefit 有價值的利益 Cap. 23, s. 16(3)

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vested benefit 既有利益 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)

welfare benefits 福利待遇 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 36
without the benefit of counsel 沒有律師代表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
benevolent public benevolent collection 公開慈善募捐 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 53
public benevolent institution 公益機構 "Charities" Report, para. 7.30
Benjamin order Benjamin order [Re Benjamin [1902] 1 Ch 723] 本傑明命令〔受益人失蹤令;即在受益人下落不明時法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
庭頒布的財產分配命令〕 and Commercial Law Terms
bequeath abandoned or bequeathed 遺棄歸予或遺贈予 Cap. 1163, s. 6(c)
bequeath (v.) 遺贈 Cap. 185, s. 2
specifically bequeathed 特別遺贈 Cap. 73, s. 8(1)(a)
bequest bequest (n.) (動產的)遺贈 Cap. 30, s. 23
bequest nugatory 無效的遺贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gift, devise or bequest 饋贈或遺贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
2.41, Footnote 44
monetary bequest [also pecuniary bequest ] 金錢遺贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bereavement bereavement 親屬喪亡之痛 Cap. 22, s. 4(1)
damages for bereavement 親屬喪亡之痛的損害賠償 Cap. 22, s. 4
berth scheduled to be berthed or anchored within the Terminal Area 已編定在郵輪碼頭區內停泊或碇泊 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)
berth berth 泊位 Cap. 313A, reg. 3
bespeak bespeak 表明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bespeak 預先要求取得 Cap. 91A, reg. 12(2)(b)

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bespeak 預先請求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
bespeak a transcript of shorthand notes of proceedings 預先要求取得法律程序的速記紀錄謄本 Cap. 91A, reg. 12
best act in the best interests of ... 為……的最佳利益而行事 Cap. 159AI, s. 3(c)
best 最大 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best 最好 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best 最佳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best alternative to negotiated agreement [BATNA] 談判協議的最佳替代方案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best efforts 最大努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best endeavours 最大的努力 Cap. 569, s. 39
best evidence 最佳證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
best evidence available 最佳可用證據 Cap. 434A, para. 3
best evidence rule 最佳證據法則 English-Chinese dictionary of law
best interests 最佳利益 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.2
best lending rate 最優惠貸款利率 Cap. 91D, reg. 2
best practicable steps 最佳的切實可行步驟 Cap. 499, s. 3(4)
best practices 最佳作業方法 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

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para. 1.3
best reconciles the texts 最能兼顧及協調兩文本 Cap. 1, s. 10B(3)
best regulatory practice 最佳規管實務 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 12
best rent 最佳租金 Cap. 219, s. 4(2)(d)
for the best consideration 以……最佳代價 Cap. 29, s. 11(5)(c)
in the best interests 符合最佳利益 Cap. 136, s. 59ZA
in the best interests of ... 符合……的最佳利益 Cap. 234A, r. 47A(4)(d)
the best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
best best endeavours 盡力 Cap. 520, s. 9(5)
the best knowledge and belief of ... 盡……所知及所信 Cap. 311P, s. 7(2)(b)(i)
to the best of one's knowledge and belief 盡某人所知所信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of 盡……所知所悉及所信 Cap. 10, s. 60K
best practice best commercial practice 最佳商業慣例 Cap. 485A, s. 49(7)(b)
bestiality bestiality 獸交 Cap. 200, s. 118L
bet bet 投注 Cap. 104E, by-law 15
pay a dividend on the bet 就投注派發彩金 Cap. 108, s. 6GA(2)(b)
settling of a bet 結清賭注 Cap. 148, s. 2
betrothal bona fide betrothals 真正訂婚 Cap. 212, s. 44(3)
better better carrying out 更有效地執行 Cap. 68, s. 37(1)
better carrying out 更佳地施行 Cap. 547, s. 81(1)
better carrying out of the provisions 更有效施行……條文 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ag)
better enforcement of the Ordinance 更有效地強制執行本條例 Cap. 312, s. 9(1)(g)
better or more effectual 更佳地或更有效地 Cap. 494, s. 53(2)(d)

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better provision 更完備的條文 Cap. 106, Long Title

better title to ... 較……更有權獲得…… Cap. 519, s. 36(2)
further and better statement 更詳盡清楚的陳述 Cap. 4A, O. 77, r. 3(2)
generally for the better carrying into effect of the purposes of 概括而言,為更有效施行本條例的目的 Cap. 50, s. 8(1)(q)
this Ordinance
make further and better provision 訂定更詳盡完備的條文 Cap. 201, Long Title
the better and more effectual carrying out of ... 更佳和更有效施行…… Cap. 525, s. 33(b)
betting authorized betting activity 獲批准投注活動 Cap. 108, s. 1A(1)
fixed odds betting 固定賠率投注 Cap. 108, s. 6I(1)
horse race betting duty 賽馬博彩稅 Cap. 108, s. 6GA(1)
pari-mutuel betting 彩池投注 Cap. 108, s. 6I(1)
Betting and Lotteries Betting and Lotteries Commission 博彩及獎券事務委員會 Cap. 108, s. 6D(1)
between as between himself and ... 就他本身與……之間而言 Cap. 126, s. 2
as between the parties thereto 對訴訟各方而言 Cap. 319, s. 3(2)(a)
Between A.B., Plaintiff Between A.B., Plaintiff AND C.D. Defendant A.B. 原告人及C.D. 被告人 Cap. 4A, App. A
AND C.D. Defendant
between parties between parties [also inter partes] 各方之間 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 2A
between parties [also inter partes] 訴訟各方之間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
beyond beyond ... control ……無法控制 Cap. 524, s. 19(2)
beyond his control 非他所能控制 Cap. 151, s. 10(2)
beyond the control of 不能控制的 Cap. 265, s. 8E(2)(a)
circumstances beyond its control 非其所能控制的情況 Cap. 104, s. 18(5)
beyond beyond reasonable doubt 在無合理疑點的情況下 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

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Serious Harm of a Child or

Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.7
proof beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑點的證明 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3
beyond reasonable beyond reasonable control 不能合理地控制的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
control and Commercial Law Terms
beyond reasonable control 在合理控制範圍以外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
beyond reasonable beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑點 ※比較 balance of probabilities Cap. 455, s. 8
prove a case beyond reasonable doubt 證明案件無合理疑點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
satisfied beyond reasonable doubt 在無合理疑問下信納 Cap. 134, s. 56A(1)(a)
satisfied beyond reasonable doubt 在無合理疑點的情況下信納 Cap. 455, s. 8(9)(b)
the contrary is not proved by the prosecution beyond 控方沒有提出足以排除合理疑點的相反證明 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)(b)
reasonable doubt
the contrary is not proved by the prosecution beyond 控方沒有提出足以排除合理疑點的證據,證明並非如此 Cap. 241K, s. 4(2)(b)
reasonable doubt
beyond the pale beyond the pale 法律範圍以外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bias apparent bias 看似偏袒 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bias 偏見 Cap. 232A, reg. 6
bias 偏頗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on the grounds of partiality or bias 以偏袒或偏見為理由 Cap. 232A, reg. 6(1)
poses a real risk of partiality or bias 構成偏袒或偏見的實際風險 Cap. 529B, s. 53(2)

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rule against bias (審判時)免除偏私規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
unconscious bias 不自覺的偏見 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
bicameral bicameral 上下議會制的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bicameral 兩院制的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bid bid 出價 Cap. 27, s. 3(1)
bid 投標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bid 進行競投 Cap. 352, s. 6(5)
bid 競投 Cap. 26, s. 60(b)
bid bond 投標保證 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
bid challenge 投標投訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bid price (證券)買入價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bid-rigging 圍標 Cap. 619, s. 2
financial bid 報價書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
quote bid 出價投標 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
bidder bidder 競投人 Cap. 26, s. 60(b)
connected bidder 有關連的競投人 Cap. 106AG, s. 7(4)
highest bona fide bidder 出價最高的真誠競投人 Cap. 27, s. 5
bid-rigging bid-rigging 圍標 Cap. 619, s. 2(2)

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bigamy bigamy 重婚 ※比較 deuterogamy; polygamy Cap. 212, s. 45

bilateral bilateral 雙邊 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
bilateral agreement 雙邊協議 Cap. 559, s. 41
bilateral ... agreements 雙邊……協定 Cap. 503AB, Schedule
bilateral contract 雙邊合約 ※比較 unilateral contract English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bilateral ... convention 雙邊……公約 Cap. 528, s. 180(4)
valid bilateral netting agreement 有效雙邊淨額結算協議 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
Bilingual Laws Advisory Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee 雙語法例諮詢委員會 Cap. 5, s. 2
bill bearer bill (of lading) 不記名提單 Cap. 440, s. 2
bill of costs 事務費單 Cap. 159F, r. 7(a)(iv)
bill of costs 訟費單 Cap. 4C, Schedule
bill of lading 提單 Cap. 60, s. 2
bill of quantities 工程量清單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bills of costs 訟費單或事務費帳單 Cap. 159, s. 7AK(2)
gross sum bill 總款額訟費單 Cap. 159, s. 63(a)
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約》 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
of Law relating to Bills of Lading
post office delivery bill 郵政局交接清單 Cap. 112, s. 23C(5)
“shipped” bill of lading “已裝船”提單 Cap. 462, Schedule
solicitor's bill 律師帳單 Cap. 159, s. 67(1)
straight bill of lading 記名提單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
taxing a bill of costs 對訟費單作訟費評定 Cap. 4C, Schedule

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through bill of lading 全程提單 Cap. 133, s. 2(4)(a)

bill amendment bills 修改議案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 159
bill 法案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 76
Bill 條例草案 Cap. 5, s. 4(3)(a)
bills 法律草案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 74
bills on the amendments 修改……法案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 22
government bills 政府法案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
government bills 政府提出的議案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 72
member's bill 議員條例草案 Cap. 528, s. 185(1)
omnibus bill 綜合法案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
omnibus bill 綜合條例草案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
original bill 原案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 49
private bill 私人條例草案 Cap. 69, s. 2
bill bill 票據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bill 單據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bill head 票據頭 Cap. 155, s. 97(1)(b)
bill of exchange 匯票 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
bill of sale 賣據 Cap. 20, s. 2
bills 庫券 Cap. 74, Preamble
Export bills 出口匯票 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5

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note or protest bills of exchange 在匯票上作拒付紀錄或拒付證明 Cap. 159, s. 40B(2)(b)

presentment of a bill for payment 出示匯票以求付款 Cap. 19, s. 73A(1)
prior bill of sale 居先賣據 Cap. 20, s. 8
prior unregistered bill of sale 未經登記的居先賣據 Cap. 20, s. 8
protest of bills 匯票的拒付證明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trade bill 貿易票據 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
bill bill of peace 息訟狀 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.78
Bill of Rights Bill of Rights 人權法案 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
derogating from the Bill of Rights 減免履行人權法案 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)
billable billable 可收費的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
billable hour 可收費小時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
billable time 可收費時段 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
billing billing account ... established 繳費帳戶……開立 Cap. 354N, s. 3(2)
valid billing account 有效繳費帳戶 Cap. 354N, s. 3(1)(c)
binaural binaural hearing loss 雙耳聽力損失 Cap. 469, s. 2
bind authority ... to bind the firm 約束商號的權能 Cap. 38, s. 40
bind 使……受約束 Cap. 38, s. 10
bind ... 對……具約束力 Cap. 311, s. 44(1)
bind any youthful offender ... as an apprentice 使……少年罪犯受約束而成為學徒 Cap. 225, s. 21(1)
bind over 簽保 Cap. 221, s. 109I
bind over to be of good behaviour 簽保以保證保持行為良好 Cap. 221, s. 109I

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bind over to keep the peace ... his own recognizances 自簽守行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
bind over to keep the peace ... his own recognizances 自簽擔保……以保證遵守法紀 Cap. 221, s. 109I
bound by 受……約束 Cap. 220, s. 2(1)
bound by law 受法律約束 Cap. 29, s. 33(1)(a)(ii)
bound by recognizance 受擔保約束 Cap. 221, s. 110(1)
bound over 簽保 Cap. 62, s. 7(1)(a)
power to bind over to be of good behaviour 判……簽保以保證保持行為良好的權力 Cap. 221, s. 109I
power to bind over to keep the peace 判……簽保以保證遵守法紀的權力 Cap. 221, s. 109I
binding binding 有約束力 Cap. 181, s. 21(4)(a)(i)
binding 具有約束力 Cap. 609, s. 38
binding 具約束力 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
binding agreement 具約束力的……協議 Cap. 511C, Schedule
binding authority 具約束力的典據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
binding commitment 具約束力承諾 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZD(3)
binding contract 具約束力的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
binding effect 約束力 Cap. 383, s. 7
binding on ... 對……具約束力 Cap. 1, s. 2(2)
binding period 約束期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
binding precedent 具約束力的判例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legally binding 有法律約束力 Cap. 155L, Sch. 10

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legally binding 具有法律約束力 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference

Document 26
legally binding 具法律約束力 Cap. 548, s. 23I(5)
remain binding upon ... 持續對……具約束力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bind-over bind-over order 簽保命令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
biological biological process 生物學的方法 Cap. 514, s. 9A(6)(b)
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on 《〈生物多樣性公約〉的卡塔赫納生物安全議定書》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Biological Diversity
Convention on Biological Diversity 《生物多樣性公約》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
biosafety Biosafety Clearing-House 生物安全資料交換所 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on 《〈生物多樣性公約〉的卡塔赫納生物安全議定書》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Biological Diversity
birth birth 出生 Cap. 115, Sch. 1
birth certificate 出生證明書 Cap. 290A, r. 31A(4)(a)
births register 出生冊 Cap. 174, s. 2(1)
Certificate of Registration of Birth 出生登記證明書 Cap. 174, Sch. 2
register forms of births 出生登記表格 Cap. 174, s. 4(1)
registers of births 出生登記冊 Cap. 290D, r. 26(1)(b)
short birth certificate 簡略出生證明書 Cap. 174A, reg. 2
black rainstorm black rainstorm warning 黑色暴雨警告 Cap. 362, s. 30D(11)
black rainstorm warning day 黑色暴雨警告日 Cap. 362, s. 30D(11)
blackmail blackmail 勒索 Cap. 461, s. 2(2)(a)
blackmail 勒索罪 Cap. 210, s. 23(1)

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blackmail claims 勒索式的申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.28

blackmail litigation 勒索式的訴訟 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3
blame to ascribe blame ... to ... 將責任歸咎於…… Cap. 556A, reg. 5(2)
blameworthiness blameworthiness 過失責任 Cap. 362, s. 35(2)
blameworthiness 應受責備程度 Cap. 406, s. 25A(2)
comparative blameworthiness 相對的過失責任 Cap. 311, s. 33(6)
comparative blameworthiness 相對過失程度 Cap. 618, s. 139(4)
degree of blameworthiness 過失責任 Cap. 115, s. 37F(7)(b)
blanc le roy blanc le roy [King's Bench; also Bancus Regis] 皇座法庭(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
blank blank 空白的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
blank 留有空白處的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
blank transfer of shares 空白的股份轉讓書〔沒有填上受讓人名字的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sign in blank (a document) 以留空待填的方式簽署(文件) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
blasphemous blasphemous ... libels 褻凟神明……的永久形式誹謗 Cap. 227, Sch. 2
publishing blasphemous, seditious or defamatory libels 發布褻凟神明、煽動性或誹謗名譽的永久形式誹謗 Cap. 227, Sch. 2
blasting mine blasting certificate 礦場燃爆證書 Cap. 285B, Sch. 3
block Block Crown Lease 集體官契 Cap. 488, s. 2
block block plan 建築物區劃圖則 Cap. 311A, reg. 5
Block Crown Lease Block Crown Lease 集體官契 Cap. 488, s. 2
block exemption block exemption order 集體豁免命令 Cap. 619, s. 9(1)(b)

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block exemption order block exemption order 集體豁免命令 Cap. 619, s. 15

blood blood 血緣 Cap. 527, s. 2(1)
full blood 全血親 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.13
half blood 半血親 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.13
his siblings of the whole or half blood 其同胞兄弟姊妹,或其同父異母或同母異父兄弟姊妹 Cap. 465, s. 5A(2)(b)
related by blood 有血緣……關係 Cap. 501, s. 5(2)(aa)
relationship of the half blood 半血親關係 Cap. 500, s. 5(4)(b)
relationship of the whole blood 全血親關係 Cap. 500, s. 5(4)(b)
whole blood 全血親 Cap. 22, s. 2(2)(b)
blue-pencil test blue-pencil test "藍鉛筆"驗證〔即法庭刪除合約內不合法條款所依據的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
標準〕 and Commercial Law Terms
board Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on 《關於在飛機上進行犯罪和某些其他行為的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
board Aircraft
board Academic Board 教務委員會 Cap. 1135, s. 2
Administrative Appeals Board 行政上訴委員會 Cap. 442, s. 2
advisory board 顧問局 Cap. 1040, s. 2
appeal board 上訴委員會 Cap. 51, s. 18(1)
Appointment Advisory Board 委任諮詢委員會 Cap. 609C, r. 2
board 委員會 Cap. 1, s. 42
board (董事、理事)會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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board (管理)局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
Board member 董事 Cap. 601, s. 29(2)(a)
board of directors 董事局 Cap. 32, s. 2(4)(a)(i)
board of directors 董事會 Cap. 1040, s. 2
Board of Governors 校董會 Cap. 1126, Long Title
board of governors 董事會 Cap. 1035, s. 2
Board of Inquiry 研訊委員會 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
board of inquiry 調查委員會 Cap. 55, s. 2
board of mediation 調解委員會 Cap. 55, s. 11A
Board of Review 稅務上訴委員會 Cap. 112, s. 4(4)(c)
Board of Review 審核委員會 Cap. 392, s. 16(1)
board of review 覆核委員會 Cap. 448B, reg. 12(1)
Board of Trustees 受託人委員會 Cap. 425, s. 2
Boards of Discipline 紀律委員會 Cap. 233, s. 2
Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board 中醫組 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese Medicines Board 中藥組 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
composition of the board of directors 董事局的組成 Cap. 32, s. 2(4)(a)(i)
disciplinary board 紀律委員會 Cap. 95, s. 25(1)(g)
disciplinary board 紀律審裁委員會 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
disciplinary board panel 紀律委員團 Cap. 610B, s. 16(1)
disciplinary board panel 紀律審裁委員團 Cap. 618, s. 108(1)
Guardianship Board 監護委員會 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.26

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managing board 管理局 Cap. 372, s. 3(2)

managing board of partners 合夥人管理會 Cap. 588, s. 20A
medical board 醫事委員會 Cap. 254I, s. 3(2)
question before an appeal board 有待上訴委員會裁定的問題 Cap. 624, s. 26(2)
Review Board 覆核委員會 Cap. 28, s. 2
Town Planning Board 城市規劃委員會 Cap. 131, s. 2(1)
Trade Board 行業委員會 Cap. 63, s. 2(2)
board boarding ... vessel 登上……船隻 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)(a)(ii)
forcibly board 強行登上 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(b)
board of directors board of directors 董事局 Cap. 32, s. 2(4)(a)(i)
board of directors 董事會 Cap. 1040, s. 2
Board of Governors of Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心監督團 Cap. 304, s. 8(1)
the Hong Kong Arts
Board of Inland Board of Inland Revenue 稅務委員會 Cap. 112, s. 3(1)(a)
boarding-house boarding-house 旅館 Cap. 7, s. 2
bodily actual bodily harm 身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
actual bodily harm 實際身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
assault causing bodily harm 襲擊導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.70
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊他人致造成身體傷害 Cap. 212, s. 39

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assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)

assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
bodily harm 身體受傷害 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
bodily injury 身體受傷 Cap. 548, s. 23G(2)(a)
bodily injury 身體受損傷 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.2
bodily injury 身體傷害 Cap. 313, s. 43(1)
bodily injury 身體損傷 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.24
bodily sample 身體樣本 Cap. 429, s. 14(1)
causing grievous bodily harm 導致身體受嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.7
criminal negligence causing bodily harm 刑事疏忽導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52
grievous bodily harm 身體受嚴重傷害 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
grievous bodily harm 身體嚴重傷害 Cap. 503B, Schedule
inflicting grievous bodily harm 使他人身體受到嚴重傷害 Cap. 210, Schedule
inflicting grievous bodily harm 對他人身體加以嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or

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Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

Paper, para. 2.64
inflicting grievous or actual bodily harm 使人受到嚴重或實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
really serious bodily harm 真正嚴重的身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.6
striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm 意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而……打人 Cap. 243, Schedule
body accountancy body 會計團體 Cap. 50, s. 24(1A)
ad hoc bodies 專責團體 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.67
adjudicating body 審裁機構 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.28
advisory bodies 諮詢組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 65
approved body 認可機構 Cap. 324, s. 2
arbitration body 仲裁機構 Cap. 609, s. 98F
body 團體 Cap. 1, s. 50
body 機構 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
body corporate 法人團體 Cap. 41, s. 2
body corporate 法團 Cap. 1, s. 10D
body corporate with perpetual succession 永久延續的法人團體 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 33
body of persons 團體 Cap. 1, s. 3
body of persons corporate or unincorporate 屬法團或並非法團的團體 Cap. 91, s. 5(2)
body politic 政治團體 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
body politic 政治體 Cap. 1144, s. 2(3)

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body unincorporate 並非法團的團體 Cap. 583, s. 14(3)(e)

certification body 核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
charitable incorporated body 慈善法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
consultative body 諮詢團體 Cap. 208, s. 5(1)(a)
corporate bodies 法定團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
corporate body 法人團體 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(g)
examining body 主考當局 Cap. 359, s. 12(1)(a)(i)
excluded body 除外組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 15
exempted body 獲豁免團體 Cap. 571, s. 102(1)
exempted body 豁免團體 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
fit and proper body 適當團體 Cap. 548H, s. 5(2)
governing and executive body 管治及行政機構 Cap. 1156, s. 7(2)
governing body 管治組織 Cap. 279, s. 72A(2)
governing body 管治團體 Cap. 571, s. 93(1)(i)
governing body 管治機構 Cap. 113, s. 19(1)
governing body 管理機構 Cap. 21, Schedule
Government subvented body 政府補助團體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
granting body 頒授者 Cap. 592, s. 5(4)
incorporated body 法人團體 Cap. 1050, Preamble
incorporated or unincorporated body 屬法團或不屬法團的團體 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
industry body regulation 行業內機構的規管 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,

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para. 4.4
inspection body 檢驗機構 Cap. 56, s. 13(a)
licensing body 特許機構 Cap. 528, s. 145(4)
municipal body 市政團體 Cap. 8, s. 35(d)(ii)
national controlling body 國家級管理當局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
political body 政治性團體 Cap. 541, s. 2(1)
political organizations or bodies of the Region 香港特別行政區的政治性組織或團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
professional body 專業團體 Cap. 493, s. 13(1)(b)
profit-making bodies 牟利團體 Cap. 316R, s. 2
public body 公共團體 Cap. 602, s. 34(2)(a)
public body 公共機構 Cap. 1, s. 3
public body 公共機關 Cap. 192, s. 29AA
quasi-judicial body 半司法機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
recognized certification body 認可核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
regulatory body 規管團體 Cap. 609, s. 18(2)(b)
responsible body 負責組織 Cap. 602, s. 26(2)
scheduled body 附表所列機構 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.28
self-regulatory body 自我規管機構 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.17
servant of a public body 公共機構……僱員 Cap. 56, s. 56(1)
single and continuing body 單一及延續的團體 Cap. 581, Sch. 4
special bodies 專門機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103

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specified body 指明團體 Cap. 60, s. 2

statutory advisory body 法定諮詢團體 Cap. 602, s. 34(2)(a)
statutory body 法定組織 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statutory body 法定團體 Cap. 619, s. 2
statutory body 法定機構 Cap. 166, s. 21(1)(c)
supreme governing body 最高管治團體 Cap. 320A, reg. 2(a)(i)
unincorporated body 不是法團的團體 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
unincorporated body 不屬法團的團體 Cap. 569, Schedule
unincorporated body 非法人團體 Cap. 7, s. 39
unincorporated body 非屬法人團體的團體 Cap. 218A, reg. 13(2)(a)
unincorporated body of persons 非屬法團的團體 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
body dead body 屍體 Cap. 174, s. 14(2)
dead body 遺體 Cap. 218E, s. 5C
has actual custody over the body of ... 實際看管……的人身 Cap. 4, s. 22A(15)(a)
has power or control over ... body 對……的人身具有支配權或控制權 Cap. 4, s. 22A(15)(a)
infirmity of body or mind 體力或智力衰弱 Cap. 484, s. 14(6)
prevention of lawful burial of a dead body 阻止合法埋葬屍體 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 5.1,
Footnote 1
the body of a deceased person 死者軀體 Cap. 278, s. 3(1)
body of law body of law [also corpus juris] 法令大全 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
body of law [also corpus juris] 法典 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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bodywork secured to the bodywork of the vehicle 固定於該車輛車身 Cap. 374G, reg. 53(2)
Boilers and Pressure Boilers and Pressure Vessels Authority 鍋爐及壓力容器監督 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
Vessels Authority
bombing United Nations International Convention for the Suppression 聯合國《制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
of Terrorist Bombings
bona fide bona fide 真正 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.62
bona fide 真誠 Cap. 227, s. 127
bona fide betrothals 真正訂婚 Cap. 212, s. 44(3)
bona fide cause 真誠的因由 Cap. 197A, reg. 9(3)
bona fide claim 真正的申索 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 40(2)
bona fide class action 真正的集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.95
bona fide contract 真誠合約 Cap. 426, s. 55(b)
bona fide crew member 真正船員 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)
bona fide employee 真正的僱員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide employee 真正僱員 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
bona fide gift to another individual 真正作為給予另一名個人的禮物 Cap. 60A, reg. 6(1)(c)(ii)
bona fide ["in/of good faith"] 真正的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide ["in/of good faith"] 真誠地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide ["in/of good faith"] 善意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide leases 真正租契 Cap. 128, s. 3(2)

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bona fide misinterpretation 真正誤解 Cap. 123A, reg. 6(2)

bona fide passenger 真正乘客 Cap. 627, s. 14(1)
bona fide pecuniary consideration 真正金錢代價 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
bona fide purchaser 真誠買方 Cap. 128, s. 3(2)
bona fide purchaser 真誠買主 Cap. 200, s. 153C(2)
bona fide purchaser 真誠購買人 Cap. 33, s. 14(a)
bona fide purchaser for value 付出價值的真誠購買人 Cap. 1093, s. 5
bona fide representatives 真正代表 Cap. 226, s. 3D(3)(c)
bona fide series of law reports 真正法律彙報系列 Cap. 287, s. 3(4)
bona fide settlement 真誠和解 Cap. 377, s. 3(4)
bona fide third party 真誠第三方 Cap. 525N, Sch. 1
bona fide third party 善意第三方 Cap. 503J, Schedule
bona fide transaction 真誠的交易 Cap. 426, s. 55
bona fide ... transferee without notice [對上述情況]不知悉的真誠……受讓人 Cap. 33, s. 14(a)
conveyance to a bona fide purchaser for value without notice 由對……情況不知悉的真誠購買人所作的有值轉易 Cap. 159, s. 70
highest bona fide bidder 出價最高的真誠競投人 Cap. 27, s. 5
in the bona fide belief 是真誠相信 Cap. 526, s. 10(3)(a)
Bona fides exigit ut Bona fides exigit ut quod convenit fiat. [Good faith demands 信實原則要求協議之事必須履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
quod convenit fiat. that what is agreed upon shall be done.] and Commercial Law Terms
Bona fides non patitur Bona fides non patitur ut bis idem exigatur. [Good faith does 信實原則不容就同一事情雙重收費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
ut bis idem exigatur. not allow payment to be exacted twice for the same thing.] and Commercial Law Terms
Bona gratia Bona gratia matrimonium dissolvitur. [The marriage is 已在和睦氣氛下解除婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
matrimonium dissolved with good grace.] and Commercial Law Terms
bona vacantia bona vacantia ["goods that belong to no one"] 無主財物 Cap. 73, s. 4

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bond bond 連繫 Cap. 119, s. 15

bond bond 保稅倉庫 Cap. 371, s. 8(2)(a)
held ... in bond 扣存在保稅倉庫 Cap. 371, s. 8(2)(a)
bond administrator's bond 遺產管理人的擔保契據 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
bail bond 保釋的擔保契據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 16(2)
bail bonds 保釋保證 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
bid bond 投標保證 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
bond 保證金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bond 保證書 Cap. 57, Sch. 2
bond 約據 Cap. 332, s. 44
bond 擔保 Cap. 7, s. 134
bond 擔保契據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 16(1)
bond 擔保書 Cap. 78, s. 8(a)
bonds 保證契據 Cap. 109, s. 6(1)(j)
bottomry bond 船舶抵押借款擔保契據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 5(6)
defeasance to a bond 撤銷擔保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first demand performance bond 優先履約保證 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
performance bond 履約保證 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
short in bond 欠缺保證契據 Cap. 109A, Schedule
taking a ... bond 接受……擔保契據 Cap. 4C, Schedule
tender bond 標書保證金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bond alternative bonds 另類債券 Cap. 61, s. 2A(1)(b)

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bearer bond 不記名債券 Cap. 64, s. 3

bond 債券 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
bond dividend 債券股利(以債券支付的股利) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bond dividend 債券攤還債款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bond of cash credit 現金信貸債券 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
bond power 債券轉名授權書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bond proceeds 發債所得 Cap. 61, s. 2A(1)(c)
bond-issuer 發債人 Cap. 61, s. 2A(1)(a)(ii)
bonds with warrants 附認股權證債券 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
convertible bonds 可換股債券 Cap. 155L, s. 80
covered bond 資產覆蓋債券 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
Government bond 政府債券 Cap. 64, s. 2
Government bond 國債 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indexed bonds 指數債券 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
personal bond 個人債券 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
samurai bond 外國日元債券 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
samurai bond 武士債券 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
secured bond 有擔保債券 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
treasury bond 長期國庫券 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

treasury bond 國庫債券 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
zero coupon bond 零息債券 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bond divorced from the bond of the first marriage 憑離婚解除上一次婚姻約束 Cap. 212, s. 45
bonded general bonded warehouse 一般保稅倉 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
bonded sum bonded sum 保證款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bonded warehouse bonded warehouse 保稅倉 Cap. 109A, reg. 89
bonus bonus 花紅 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
bonus 紅利 Cap. 18, s. 2
bonus issue 派發的……紅利 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
bonus issue 紅利派發 Cap. 4, s. 20A(3)
bonus issue of shares 派發紅股 Cap. 622, s. 140(2)(b)
bonus share 紅股 Cap. 112, s. 15E(8)
non-discretionary bonuses 非酌情而支付的花紅 Cap. 159H, Schedule
reversionary bonus 復歸紅利 Cap. 41E, r. 15(4)
bonus share bonus share [also bonus stock] 紅股 Cap. 112, s. 15E
book account book 帳簿 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
bank book 銀行存摺 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
banker's books 銀行簿冊 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
banking book 銀行帳 Cap. 155L, s. 123A(1)
banking book positions 銀行帳持倉 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZP
book 書刊 Cap. 142, s. 2

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book 登記冊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
book 簿冊 Cap. 174, s. 20(a)
book and paper 簿冊及文據 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
book debt 帳面債項 Cap. 6, s. 60
book value 帳面價值 Cap. 372, s. 8(2)
books of account 帳簿 Cap. 41, s. 16
books or accounts 簿冊或帳目 Cap. 6, s. 93(3)
bound books 釘裝簿冊 Cap. 218A, reg. 2(3)(a)
business books 營業簿冊 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 14(1)
cash book 現金帳 Cap. 6A, r. 189
cash book 現金簿冊 Cap. 159F, r. 10(2)(a)
cause book 訟案登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)
caveat book 知會備忘登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(2)
closing of the transfer books 過戶登記冊閉封 Cap. 4B, r. 7
company books 公司簿冊 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
counterfoil receipt book 連存根收據簿 Cap. 33A, r. 61(e)
current book value 現行帳面價值 Cap. 155, s. 119A(1)(a)
day book 日記帳 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
entered in the caveat book 登錄於知會備忘登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 15(1)
factor ... book debts 將……帳面債項讓售 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
journey log book 航程日誌 Cap. 173A, reg. 3(2)
licence book 牌照簿 Cap. 81A, Schedule

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log book 日誌簿 Cap. 225B, r. 6(b)

official log book 正式航海日誌 Cap. 478, s. 119(1)
partnership books 合夥的簿冊 Cap. 38, s. 26(i)
proper books 適當簿冊 Cap. 37, s. 13
proper books of account 妥當的帳簿 Cap. 218A, reg. 15(a)
register books 登記冊 Cap. 174, s. 2(1)
register of assignment of book debts 帳面債項轉讓登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 95, r. 6(1)
security book 保證登記冊 Cap. 227A, r. 8(1)
stock book 存貨冊 Cap. 295B, reg. 60(6)
to be noted in the cause book 註於訟案登記冊上 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 7(4)
transferable by a book-entry 可藉記帳……作轉讓 Cap. 584, s. 2
book booked 入帳 Cap. 155M, s. 46(4)
book-entry book-entry securities 記帳證券 Cap. 584, s. 2
bookmaker bookmaker 收受賭注者 Cap. 148, s. 8
bookmaking bookmaking 收受賭注 Cap. 148, s. 2
born born 已出生 Cap. 29, s. 49
born alive 活產 Cap. 174, s. 7
born disabled 出生時有先天殘障 Cap. 479, s. 12(2)
born out of wedlock 非婚生 Cap. 184, Long Title
children born out of wedlock 非婚生子女 Cap. 184, Long Title
borrow borrow 借入 Cap. 61, s. 2
borrow 借用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
borrow 借取 Cap. 132AL, s. 6

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borrow money at interest 納息借入款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
borrow money on ... credit 以……信用借款 Cap. 182, s. 11
borrow or raise any sum ... which ... 借入或籌措……的款項 Cap. 601, s. 24(3)
borrowed borrowed stock 被借用證券 Cap. 112, s. 15E(8)
borrower borrower 借用人 Cap. 112, s. 15E(1)(d)
borrower 借款人 Cap. 219, s. 2
borrowing outstanding borrowings 未清償債項 Cap. 571, s. 396(1)(b)
securities borrowing transaction 證券借入交易 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
stock borrowings 證券借用 Cap. 117, s. 19(13)
both both 兩者兼備 Cap. 59, s. 2(1)
both dates inclusive 包括首尾兩日 Cap. 316Y, s. 3(1)
both dates inclusive 該兩日亦包括在內 Cap. 295D, s. 13A(1)
both sides 兩造 Cap. 4A, App. A
either or both of the following ... 以下兩項或其中一項…… Cap. 584, s. 2A(1)(b)
bottomry bottomry 船舶抵押借款 Cap. 329, s. 10
bottomry bond 船舶抵押借款擔保契據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 5(6)
bought and sold notes bought and sold notes 買賣貨單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bought and sold notes 經紀代買代賣帳單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bound bound to 必須 Cap. 98, s. 22
bound legally or equitably bound 在法律上或衡平法上有責任 Cap. 622, s. 757(1)(b)(i)
bound bound books 釘裝簿冊 Cap. 218A, reg. 2(3)(a)
bound to bound to 必須 Cap. 26, s. 31

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bound to 有責任 Cap. 232, s. 9

not bound to 不必 Cap. 26, s. 38
not bound to 無須 Cap. 10, s. 71
not bound to accept the lowest or any tender 不一定要接納索價最低的投標或任何一份投標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
boundary boundaries 分界 Cap. 541, s. 4(a)
boundaries 邊界 Cap. 1, Sch. 8
boundary 界線 Cap. 1, Sch. 1
boundary control point 邊境管制站 Cap. 374E, reg. 49(1C)(c)
boundary line 分界線 Cap. 369AD, Sch. 2
constituency boundary 選區分界 Cap. 542L, s. 2
land boundary 土地界線 Cap. 473, s. 2
legal boundary 法定界線 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
4.20, Footnote 12
physical boundary 具體界線 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
resultant land boundary plan 測量所得的土地界線圖 Cap. 585, s. 94(3)(d)(i)
box jury box 陪審團席 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.33
Boyd rule, the Boyd rule, the 博爾德規則〔公司重組規則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
branch branch of a triad society 三合會社團……分支機構 Cap. 151, s. 20(2)
branch branch register 登記支冊 Cap. 622, s. 307
branch merging branches 各合併分行 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
breach act in breach of trust 破壞誠信的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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act in breach of trust 違反誠信的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
alleged breach 指稱的違反 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alleged breach 指稱違反事項 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
antecedent breach 先前的違反 Cap. 285, s. 65(3)
anticipatory breach 預期違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach 沒有履行 Cap. 71, s. 2(2)
breach 違反 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
breach 違反事項 Cap. 498, s. 28(4)
breach 觸犯 Cap. 1, s. 3
breach of a covenant 違反契諾 Cap. 150, s. 10
breach of a disclosure requirement 違反披露規定 Cap. 571, s. 307A(1)
breach of an oath 違反……誓言 Cap. 542, s. 15(3)
breach of bail condition 違反保釋條件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
breach of close [also breaking a close] 侵入某人地界 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of close [also breaking a close] 擅入他人地方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of ... condition 違反……條件 Cap. 295, s. 9(2)
breach of condition of stay 違反逗留條件 Cap. 115, s. 41, Heading
breach of confidence 洩漏機密 Cap. 234A, r. 76
breach of confidence 違反保密原則 "Charities" Report, Annex 2, para. 29
breach of confidence 違反保密責任 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

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para. 3.14
breach of contract 違反合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of contract 違約 Cap. 71, Long Title
breach of covenant 違反契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
breach of deportation order 違反遞解離境令 Cap. 115, s. 43, Heading
breach of duty 不履行責任 Cap. 159, s. 8A(2)(f)
breach of duty 不履行責任的作為 Cap. 71, Long Title
breach of duty 失職 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.27
breach of duty 失職行為 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(db)
breach of duty 違反責任 Cap. 347, s. 26(3)
breach of good faith 有違真誠 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.15
breach of ... international obligations 違反……國際義務 Cap. 523, s. 6(2)(e)(iii)
breach of law 違法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
breach of oath 違反誓言 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
breach of professional duty 違反專業責任 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
breach of promise 違反承諾 Cap. 23, Long Title
breach of statutory duty 違反法定責任 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.12
breach of the peace 破壞社會安寧 Cap. 245, s. 3(1)
breach of trust 破壞誠信 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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breach of trust 違反信任 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.17
breach of trust 違反信託 Cap. 29, s. 60
breach of trust 違反信託行為 Cap. 32, s. 276(1)
breach of trust 違反信託的事項 Cap. 38, s. 15
breach of trust 違背信託 Cap. 503B, Schedule
breaches of ... confidence 破壞信用 Cap. 528, s. 192(1)(e)
continuing breach 持續的違反 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuing breach 持續的違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flagrant breach 公然違反 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fraudulent breach of trust 欺詐違反信託 Cap. 6, s. 32(4)
fundamental breach of contract 基本性違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gross breach 嚴重違反 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in breach of ... confidence 破壞信用 Cap. 210, s. 5(2)(a)
in breach of good faith 有違真誠 Cap. 522, s. 9(1)(b)
material breach 嚴重違反 Cap. 485A, s. 74(3)(b)
more honoured in the breach 不值得遵守的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
more honoured in the breach 違反多於遵從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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offence arising from a breach of trust 違反誠信的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
persistent breaches of ... 屢次違反……的情況 Cap. 2, s. 16(2)(d)
radical or total breach of contract 徹底或全然違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remedy other breaches 就其他違反事項作出補救 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
repudiatory breach of contract 廢除性違約〔可導致對方拒絕履行合約的違約行為〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
serious breach of law 嚴重違法 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
severable breach 可劃分的違約 Cap. 26, s. 33(2)
technical breach 技術違規 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
technical breach of the law 技術上違反法律 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
threatened breach 威脅違反 Cap. 622, s. 466
total breach of contract 全然違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trivial breaches 微不足道的違反情況 Cap. 159A, Schedule
break break into 使用武力進入 Cap. 56, s. 66(1)(a)
break into 破門進入 Cap. 123, s. 22(1A)
break into 破啟 Cap. 109, s. 11(3)
break into 強行進入 Cap. 96, s. 19(a)
break open 破啟 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(a)
break open 破開 Cap. 68, s. 24(2)(b)
break open 強行開啟 Cap. 7, s. 91(1)

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break break clause 解約條款 Cap. 511C, Schedule

break broken down 細分 Cap. 155M, s. 94(a)
break break of service 服務期中斷 Cap. 89A, reg. 21
without a break in service 服務期沒有中斷 Cap. 602, Sch. 2
break clause break clause 中斷條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
break clause 解約條款 Cap. 511C, Schedule
"break" clause “中斷租期”條款 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
breakage ordinary leakage and breakage 尋常滲漏及破損 Cap. 329, s. 55(2)(c)
breakdown breakdown in law and order 法律與秩序崩潰 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(b)
substantial breakdown 大規模停頓 Cap. 104, s. 24(1)(b)
substantial breakdown 重大故障 Cap. 265, s. 8A(a)(i)
breakdown breakdown 細目 Cap. 581, s. 48(2)(c)
breakdown 細目分類 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZU(a)
breaking a case breaking a case 上訴法庭法官之間的非正式意見交流 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breaking and entering breaking and entering 破門入屋 Cap. 503B, Schedule
breath breath analysis 呼氣分析 Cap. 374, s. 39U(1)(b)
breath test centre 呼氣測試中心 Cap. 374, s. 2
breed breeding 育種 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
breeder breeder 繁育者 Cap. 139B, reg. 2
breeding breeding 繁育 Cap. 139B, reg. 2
bribe bribe 賄賂 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
solicits or accepts a bribe 索取或接受賄賂 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2

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bribery bribery 賄賂 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(h)

bridge bridge institution 過渡機構 Cap. 628A, s. 15(7)(b)
bridge loan bridge loan [also bridging loan] 過渡性貸款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief brief (v., n.) 委託書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief (v., n.) 委聘(大律師) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief (v., n.) 委聘書 Cap. 91B, Sch. 3
brief fee (大律師的)委聘費用〔一般指大律師首日出庭的費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
〕 參看 refresher fee and Commercial Law Terms
brief to counsel 大律師出庭的授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief to counsel 大律師委聘書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold a brief for sb. 為某人當代訟律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
watching brief 監察委託書〔非訴訟一方但與案件有利害關係者請求律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
師代為注意訴訟程序的委託書〕 and Commercial Law Terms
brief brief description 扼要描述 Cap. 604, s. 9(2)
brief brief 參考資料摘要 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.95,
Footnote 130
brief (v., n.) 案件論據摘要 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief facts 案情摘要 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
brief out brief out 外判 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.43

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briefed-out counsel briefed-out counsel 外聘的大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
briefing out procedure briefing out procedure (案件)外判程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief-writing brief-writing (Am.) 律師論據摘要撰寫法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bright-line rule bright-line rule 是非分明的司法原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bright-line rule 簡單而直接的斷案方式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bring bring about 促成 Cap. 561A, s. 14(a)(i)(A)
bring an action against ... 針對……提起訴訟 Cap. 619, s. 156D(2)
bring ... any action 提出……任何訴訟 Cap. 6, s. 61(b)
bring before ... 在……席前,呈遞 Cap. 21, s. 10
bring discredit upon ... 損及……的聲譽 Cap. 50, s. 34(2)
bring ... into disrepute 致使……的聲譽受損 Cap. 233, s. 14(m)
bring ... into disrepute 損及……的聲譽 Cap. 428, s. 16(1)(f)
bring into hatred 引起憎恨 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(a)
bring ... proceedings 提出……法律程序 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.71
bring ... prosecution 提出……檢控 Cap. 509, s. 34(1)
bring ... to the action of the judge 將……提交法官行動 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(1)
bring to the attention of the judge 使法官知悉 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(2)
bring to the notice 通知 Cap. 123, s. 7(1)
bringing a charge 提出控告 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"

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Consultation Paper, para. 6.9

bringing of an action 提出訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 2(4)
bringing of proceedings in ... 在……提起法律程序 Cap. 46, Long Title
bringing the information up to date 更新……資料 Cap. 622, s. 40(1)
bringing ... to the debtor's attention 使……得到債務人的注意 Cap. 6A, r. 46(2)
brought before a District Judge 被帶到區域法院法官席前 Cap. 57, Sch. 2
brought before the Court 帶到法庭席前 Cap. 4, s. 22A(5)(a)
brought into 帶進 Cap. 330, s. 6(1)
brought suspicion upon himself 自招嫌疑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
brought suspicion upon himself 自招懷疑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
brought under ... 根據……提出的 Cap. 25, s. 15A(1)(a)
brought up 帶上法庭 Cap. 227, s. 110(2)
brought up for discussion or consideration 被提出以供討論或考慮 Cap. 601, Schedule
prosecutions for ... may be brought in the name of ... ……的檢控可以……名義提出 Cap. 372, s. 37(1)
bring a finding of non bring a finding of non liquet (on the ground of the obscurity of (以法律規定含糊為理由而)不作出建議 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
liquet the law)
bring proceedings bring proceedings against a person 針對某人提出法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 32, r. 9
against a person
bring proceedings against a person 對某人提出法律訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bring the profession of bring the profession of ... into disrepute 令……專業的聲譽受損 Cap. 159, s. 40F
… into disrepute
British British ... nationals 英籍……人士 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 101
British Dependent British Dependent Territories Citizens Passport 英國屬土公民護照 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference

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Territories Citizens Document 16

British National British National (Overseas) Passport 英國國民(海外)護照 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
(Overseas) Passport Document 16
British Nationality British Nationality Selection Scheme 居英權計劃 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Selection Scheme Document 16
British Standard British Standard Specification 英國標準規格 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
British Standards British Standards Institution 英國標準協會 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
broad broad community notification 社區內作出廣泛通告 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.8
broadcast broadcast 廣播 Cap. 21, s. 2
broadcast live 直播 Cap. 155, s. 92(7)
Broadcast Relay Station Licence 廣播轉播電台牌照 Cap. 106, Sch. 1
Broadcast Complaints Broadcast Complaints Committee 廣播投訴委員會 Cap. 616, s. 2
broadcaster broadcaster 廣播業者 Cap. 155, s. 92(5)(d)(i)
broadcaster 廣播業界人士 Cap. 621, s. 83(1)(a)
broadcasting broadcasting 廣播 Cap. 528, s. 8(3)
broadcasting guidelines 廣播指引 Cap. 621, s. 83(1)(d)(i)
broadcasting licence 廣播牌照 Cap. 621, s. 83(1)(d)(i)
broadcasting service 廣播服務 Cap. 562, s. 5(1)
commercial television broadcasting licence 商營電視廣播牌照 Cap. 562, Sch. 8
sound broadcasting 聲音廣播 Cap. 391, s. 17
subscription television broadcasting licence 收費電視廣播牌照 Cap. 562, Sch. 8

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Broadcasting Authority Broadcasting Authority 廣播事務管理局 Cap. 616, s. 2

broadly broadly consistent 大致上一致 Cap. 628, s. 189(2)
brochure sales brochure 售樓說明書 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
broker broker 經紀 Cap. 227, s. 47(1)
broker 經紀人 Cap. 411, s. 2
licensed insurance broker 持牌保險經紀 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed insurance broker company 持牌保險經紀公司 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed long term insurance broker company 持牌長期業務保險經紀公司 Cap. 485, s. 34E
licensed technical representative (broker) 持牌業務代表(經紀) Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
money brokers 貨幣經紀 Cap. 155, Long Title
brokerage brokerage 經紀費 Cap. 112, s. 51(4A)(c)
prime brokerage services 主要經紀服務 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
retail brokerage 散戶經紀業務 Cap. 155L, Sch. 15
broking money broking 安排貨幣拆放 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(i)
budget annual budget 每年預算 Cap. 344, s. 20A(2)(b)
annual budget estimates 周年財政預算 Cap. 1165, s. 14(2)(b)
budget 預算 Cap. 344, s. 20A(2)(b)
budgets 財政預算 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 62
budgets 財政預算案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
buffer buffer 用作緩衝的餘裕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
buffer 緩衝 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capital conservation buffer ratio 防護緩衝資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)
countercyclical capital buffer ratio 逆周期緩衝資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)

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buggery assault with intent to commit buggery 意圖作出肛交而襲擊 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
5.3, Footnote 5
assaults another person with intent to commit buggery 襲擊另一人,意圖作出肛交 Cap. 200, s. 118B
buggery 肛交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(b)
buggery with an animal 與動物作出違反自然性交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.52
buggery with girl under 21 與21歲以下女童作出肛交 Cap. 200, s. 118D, Heading
buggery with mentally incapacitated person 與精神上無行為能力的人作出肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.97
commits buggery with an animal 與動物作出違反自然性交 Cap. 200, s. 118L
homosexual buggery 同性肛交 Cap. 200, Sch. 1
homosexual buggery with or by man under 16 由16歲以下男子作出或與16歲以下男子作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.122
non-consensual buggery 未經同意下作出的肛交 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.73
non-consensual buggery 未經同意下進行的肛交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
procuring others to commit homosexual buggery 促致他人作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.20
build primitive build 構造簡單 Cap. 478T, s. 3(2)(d)
builder's certificate builder's certificate 建造證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
builder's lien builder's lien 建造商的留置權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
building ancillary buildings 附屬建築物 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(j)
building 建築物 Cap. 1, s. 3

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building construction 建築物建造 Cap. 132BF, s. 2

building encroachment 據用建築物 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.2, Footnote 1
certifiable building 可核證建築物 Cap. 630, Sch. 2
condition of buildings 樓宇的……狀況 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(iv)
domestic building 住用建築物 Cap. 95C, reg. 3
industrial building 工業建築物 Cap. 459A, s. 19(a)
multi-unit building 多單位建築物 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
non-domestic building 非住用建築物 Cap. 95C, reg. 3
protected building 受保障建築物 Cap. 337, s. 2(1)
re-development of sites of ... demolished buildings 已拆卸建築物的原址的重新發展 Cap. 337, Long Title
religious buildings 宗教建築物 Cap. 208, s. 25(a)
unauthorized building 未經批准的建築物 Cap. 372, s. 31
building building 建築 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
building contract 建造合約 Cap. 369W, reg. 49(1)(a)
building covenant 建築契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
building licence 建築許可證 Cap. 116C, s. 2
building operation 建築作業 Cap. 354N, s. 2
building works 建築工程 Cap. 123, s. 2
registered general building contractor 註冊一般建築承建商 Cap. 123, s. 30E(6)
Building Authority Building Authority 建築事務監督 Cap. 337, s. 2(1)
build-up build-up levy 建立期徵費 Cap. 581, s. 2(1)
bulk Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)

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Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

in bulk 大量 Cap. 51, s. 2
in bulk 散裝 Cap. 414, s. 15(1)
International Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 《國際散裝穀物安全運輸規則》 Cap. 369AA, reg. 2
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage 國際有毒液體物質證書 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
bullion gold bullion 金錠 Cap. 537A, s. 1(2)
gold bullion 黃金 Cap. 316M, s. 1
bullish bullish return 看漲式回報 Cap. 571N, s. 2F(2)
Bullock order Bullock order [Bullock v. London Omnibus Co. [1907] 1KB 布洛克命令〔訟費轉嫁令之一〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
264] and Commercial Law Terms
bundle a bundle of documents 一疊文件 Cap. 336H, O. 35, r. 11(4)
appeal bundle 上訴宗卷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal bundles 上訴文件冊 Cap. 221D, Schedule
bundle 文件冊 Cap. 484A, Sch. 2
bundles of documents 以疊計的文件 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 5(1)
bunker International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 《2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Pollution Damage, 2001
bunkering bunkering 燃料裝艙 Cap. 537AE, s. 10A(4)
burden burden 負擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

burden 責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
burden of adducing evidence 援引證據的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
burden of proof [also onus of proof] 舉證責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
burden of proof ... shifted 舉證責任……轉移至 Cap. 19, s. 30(2)
burden of proving ... lies on ... ……負有舉證責任,證明…… Cap. 486, s. 35C(7)
burden of rebuttal 反駁的責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
burden on prosecution 舉證責任在於控方 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
burdened with ... covenants 負有……契諾 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
discharge the burden of proof 履行舉證責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharged ... burden 履行……[舉證]責任 Cap. 514, s. 134(2)
evidential burden 證供責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidentiary burden 舉證責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.82
excessive burden 過大的負擔 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
legal burden 法律責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
onerous burden 過重的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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onerous burden 嚴苛的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
persuasive burden of proof 具說服力的舉證責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
real right or burden 土地權利或負擔 Cap. 1174, s. 2(1)
reverse burden 反向的舉證責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
subject to the burden of ... 須承擔……的義務 Cap. 6, s. 59(5)
burden of proof burden of proof 舉證責任 Cap. 421, s. 46(2)
burden of proof lies on ... ……須負舉證責任 Cap. 19, s. 63(3)
burdensome unduly burdensome 過重的負擔 Cap. 571AF, s. 11(1)
unduly burdensome or inappropriate 過分沉重的負擔或屬不適當 Cap. 354P, s. 5(1)
bureau bureau 政策局 Cap. 1, s. 3
bureaux 局 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
Directors of Bureaux 各局局長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
burglar opportunistic burglar 機會主義的爆竊者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
burglary aggravated burglary 嚴重入屋犯法罪 Cap. 210, s. 12(1)
burglary 入屋犯法 Cap. 503B, Schedule
burglary 入屋犯法罪 Cap. 210, s. 11(1)
domestic burglary 住宅爆竊案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
domestic burglary 進入住宅犯入屋犯法罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
going equipped for burglary 外出時備有入屋犯法用的物品 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.33

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multiple burglaries 多次犯入屋犯法罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
burial traditional burial grounds 傳統葬地 Cap. 208, s. 25(a)
burial prevention of lawful burial of a dead body 阻止合法埋葬屍體 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 5.1,
Footnote 1
prevention of the lawful and decent burial of a corpse 阻止屍體被合法及適當地埋葬 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
buried-facts doctrine buried-facts doctrine 假定事實被隱藏的原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bursting-bubble theory bursting-bubble theory 法律假設破滅論〔指假設的證據不能成立〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bus bus 巴士 Cap. 374, s. 2
business APEC business travel card 亞太經合組織商務旅遊證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
at the close of business 於營業結束時 Cap. 155Q, r. 48(8)(b)
business 企業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
business 商業 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
business 業務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130
business 營業 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
business address 業務地址 Cap. 618A, s. 10(1)
business address 辦公地址 Cap. 227, s. 8(2)(e)
business address 營業地址 Cap. 615, s. 53D(1)(b)(i)
business books 營業簿冊 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 14(1)
business capacity 做事能力 Cap. 163, s. 25(5)(a)
business carried on in or operated from ... 在……經營或由……營運的業務 Cap. 537B, s. 7(5B)(b)

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business conduct 業務操守 Cap. 571, s. 168

business day 工作天 Cap. 4A, O. 65, r. 5(4)
business day 辦公日 Cap. 622, s. 218(7)
business day 營業日 Cap. 19, s. 14(a)
business dealings 業務往還 Cap. 502, s. 21(3)
business firm 營業商號 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
business hours 辦公時間 Cap. 359, s. 10(6)
business hours 營業時間 Cap. 571, s. 355(1)
business letters 業務信件 Cap. 159R, s. 5(1)
business liability 業務性法律責任 Cap. 71, s. 2(2)
business model 業務模式 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
business name 商業名稱 Cap. 622, Sch. 6
business name 營業名稱 Cap. 349, s. 2(1)
business plans 業務計劃 Cap. 155Q, r. 15(1)
business practice 業務手法 Cap. 584, s. 54(1B)
business practices 營業手法 Cap. 155, s. 82(1)
business registration certificate 商業登記證 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
business registration fee 商業登記費 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
business relationships 業務關係 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
business review 業務審視 Cap. 622, s. 388(3)(c)
business status 業務組織模式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
business undertaking 商業經營 Cap. 316G, para. 2
business undertaking 業務經營 Cap. 316R, s. 2

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business undertaking 業務實體 Cap. 112, Sch. 17A

businesses 行業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 135
by way of trade or business 以生意或業務的方式 Cap. 238, s. 14(1)
by way of trade or business 以生意或業務的形式 Cap. 148, s. 3(2)
by way of trade or business 由於生意或業務 Cap. 400, s. 14(1)
chief place of business 主要的業務地點 Cap. 151, s. 2(1)
classes of insurance business 保險業務類別 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
conduct of ... business 業務……的處理 Cap. 32, s. 168IA(1)
corporate banking business 公司銀行業務 Cap. 1177, s. 2
course of business 業務經營過程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course of business 業務運作 Cap. 48, s. 2
course of the business 業務運作 Cap. 26, s. 24(1)
designated non-financial businesses and professions 指定非金融企業及行業人士 Cap. 615, Long Title
financial business 金融企業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
food business 食物業 Cap. 132X, s. 4(1)
for the purpose of trade or business 作貿易或業務目的 Cap. 522, s. 31(1)(a)(ii)
has carried on business as a fund 有經營基金的業務 Cap. 637, s. 24(2)(c)(i)
in the course of a business 在業務運作中 Cap. 26, s. 2A(1)(a)
in the course of a business 在業務過程中 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.11
in the course of business 在業務過程中 Cap. 571, s. 393(1)(a)(i)
in the course of trade or business 在營商過程或業務運作中 Cap. 562, s. 6(1)
in the ordinary course of business 在日常業務運作中 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
in the ordinary course of business 在……日常業務過程中 Cap. 571, Sch. 1

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in the ordinary course of business 在通常業務運作中 Cap. 32, s. 265

in the ordinary course of business 在業務的通常運作中 Cap. 155, s. 2(3)
in the ordinary course of the business of ... 在……的業務的日常運作過程中 Cap. 621, s. 83(1)(a)
jobbing business 證券經銷業務 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
last business day 最後一個營業日 Cap. 155, s. 63(1)(b)
line of business 業務系列 Cap. 41, s. 64L(2)
linked long term business 相連長期業務 Cap. 41, s. 64ZZC(1)(d)(ii)
local place of business 本地營業地點 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
logistics service business 物流服務業務 Cap. 629, s. 10(4)
long term business 長期業務 Cap. 32, s. 265(6)
method of business 業務方法 Cap. 584, Sch. 5
non-insurance business 非保險業務 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
normal business 通常業務 Cap. 612, s. 25(1)(a)
normal course of business 正常業務過程 Cap. 478AF, s. 103(b)
normal daily business 日常業務 Cap. 155, s. 56(1)
open for business 開放營業 Cap. 50, s. 10(2A)
ordinary business 通常業務 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
ordinary business hours 日常辦公時間 Cap. 485A, s. 172C(5)
ordinary business hours 平常辦公時間 Cap. 490, s. 16
ordinary business hours 通常辦公時間 Cap. 547, s. 3(3)
ordinary course of business 通常業務運作 Cap. 159F, r. 9(1)(a)
ordinary hours of business 通常營業時間 Cap. 571Q, s. 14(2)
otherwise than by way of business 並非經營業務的方式 Cap. 637, s. 3(2)(a)
partnership business 合夥業務 Cap. 38, s. 26(e)

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person carrying on business 經營業務的人 Cap. 310, s. 3(1)

place of business 業務地點 Cap. 151, s. 5
place of business 營業地點 Cap. 622, s. 803
predecessor in his business 其業務的……前任人 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
principal business 主要業務 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)
principal place of business 主要業務地點 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
principal place of business 主要營業地 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 134
proper business 正當業務 Cap. 159H, r. 5(4)
register of businesses 商業登記冊 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
restricted scope travel business 有限制旅保業務 Cap. 41, s. 64ZZC(6)
retail business 零售業務 Cap. 134A, reg. 2
shipping-related businesses 與航運有關的企業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 127
the business of giving guarantees 擔保的業務 Cap. 1115, s. 9(1)
trust or company service business 信託或公司服務業務 Cap. 615, Sch. 1
unincorporated business 並非法團的業務 Cap. 1177, s. 2
usual and ordinary course of business 慣常及通常業務運作 Cap. 1142, s. 10(2)
usual place of abode or business 慣常居住或營業的地點 Cap. 17A, r. 7(1)(b)(ii)
business business 事務 Cap. 50A, by-law 6(2)
business of the Court 法院事務 Cap. 336, s. 12(1)
business of the court 該法庭事務 Cap. 281, s. 52(3)
business pending in the Court 在……法院待決的事務 Cap. 336, s. 12(2)
common form probate business 普通形式的遺囑認證事務 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(2)
contentious business 爭訟事務 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)

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contentious business 爭議事務 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 1(1)

day-to-day business 日常事務 Cap. 472, s. 6(1)
internal business or risk management strategy 內部事務或風險管理策略 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
lawful business 合法事務 Cap. 106, s. 7I(4)(b)
non-contentious business 非爭訟事務 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
non-contentious probate business 無爭議的遺囑認證事務 Cap. 10A, r. 65(1)
official business 公務 Cap. 267, s. 2
ordinary annual business 通常周年事務 Cap. 50A, by-law 15(1)
procedure and business 處事程序及事務 Cap. 50, s. 32A(10)
transact business 處理事務 Cap. 547, s. 72(1)
transact ... business 辦理……事務 Cap. 208, s. 6(1)
unable to attend to the business 未能處理……事務 Cap. 50, s. 4(5)
but for but for 若非因…… Cap. 49, s. 3(2)(a)
but for 若非有 Cap. 547, s. 38(4)
but for this section 如非因本條 Cap. 490, s. 19(c)
but for this section 若無本條規定 Cap. 117, s. 71(2)
but for ... would ... 若非因……便本應…… Cap. 112, s. 14M(2)
would have ... but for ... 若無……本應…… Cap. 459, s. 9(6)
butts and bounds butts and bounds [also metes and bounds] 分界標誌 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
butts and bounds [also metes and bounds] 地界 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
buy buy 買入 Cap. 34, s. 2
buy back 回購 Cap. 622, s. 203(1)
buy-back buy-back 回購 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

buy-back 贖回 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent buy-back contract 待確定回購合約 Cap. 622, s. 203(1)
share buy-back 股份回購 Cap. 622, s. 244
buyer buyer 買方 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
potential buyer 準買家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
willing buyer 自願的買方 Cap. 485A, s. 2
by by 由 Cap. 1, s. 51
by 按 Cap. 311L, Sch. 2
by 根據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by 通過 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by 透過 Cap. 542, s. 48(8)
by 藉 Cap. 1, s. 10E(1)
By Consent 按同意作出 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5A
by consent 藉同意 Cap. 4A, O. 3, r. 5
by counsel or solicitor, represented 由大律師或律師代表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by mutual consent 經雙方同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the court [also per curiam; per cur.] 引用法官判詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the court [also per curiam; per cur.] 由法庭作出的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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by the court [also per curiam; per cur.] 由法院決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the same token 同樣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the same token 根據同一理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by these presents 根據本文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by these presents 據此 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by abduction by abduction 以擄拐方式 Cap. 554, s. 13(2)(d)
by consent by consent 按同意作出 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5A(3)
by force by force 使用武力 Cap. 512, s. 17(2)(c)
by force 強行 Cap. 201, s. 17(1A)
by hand delivered by hand to ... 由專人送交…… Cap. 553, s. 27(3)
served by hand 專人送遞 Cap. 541D, s. 25(10)
by implication by implication 默示的 Cap. 554, s. 7(3)
by implication of law by implication of law 法律上所隱含的 Cap. 71, s. 12(1)
by law by law 在法律上 Cap. 336, s. 71(3)
by law 藉法律運作 Cap. 32H, r. 206
by legal proceedings by legal proceedings 通過法律程序 Cap. 252, s. 3
by means of by means of 以…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by means of 通過 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by means of 藉…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

by means of ... 藉……使…… Cap. 311W, Sch. 3
by means of or through ... 藉着或透過…… Cap. 571, s. 97(3)
indicated by means of 以……顯示 Cap. 374D, reg. 30
made by means of the patented process 藉專利方法製成 Cap. 514, s. 71
proved by means of a statement 由一項陳述加以證明 Cap. 8, s. 50
by notice by notice in the Gazette 藉憲報公告 Cap. 1, s. 10E(1)
by or on behalf of by or on behalf of ... 由……或其代表 Cap. 462, s. 7(2)
by order in writing by order in writing under his hand 藉親自簽署的書面命令 Cap. 68, s. 25(4)
by order of the court by order of the court 按法院命令 Cap. 181, Sch. 3
by ... post by registered post 以……掛號郵遞方式 Cap. 1, s. 8
by post by post 以普通……郵遞方式 Cap. 1, s. 8
serve on ... by post 用郵遞送達 Cap. 403, s. 5(7)
served by post 以郵遞方式送達 Cap. 227, s. 8(2)(b)
by proxy by proxy 委派代表 Cap. 50, s. 8(3)
by reason of by reason of 由於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by reason of 因…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by reason of any infirmity of mind or body 由於精神欠妥或身體衰弱 Cap. 79, s. 2
by reason of dismissal 因遭解僱而…… Cap. 57, s. 31C
by reason only of 只因 Cap. 490, s. 7(2)
retired by reason of ... marriage 因結婚而退休 Cap. 89A, reg. 19
by reference to by reference to 只適用於 Cap. 573, s. 3(3)(a)
by reference to 按 Cap. 257, s. 8(4)(a)

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by reference to 參照 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(a)

by reference to the law of Hong Kong 依據香港法律 Cap. 482, s. 7(2)
calculated by reference to ... 按……計算 Cap. 254, s. 8(3)
consideration ... ascertainable by reference to ... 可參照……而確定的……的代價 Cap. 354N, s. 9(4)
by resolution by resolution passed 藉通過決議 Cap. 1, s. 34(2)
by serving by serving ... personally 面交送達 Cap. 446, s. 45(1)(a)
by the date by the date ... 在……的日期或之前 Cap. 127, s. 15(2)
by the name by the name 以……名目 Cap. 18, s. 2
by virtue of by virtue of ... 憑藉…… Cap. 1, s. 2(1)
by virtue of a transaction, instrument or event 憑藉……交易、文書或事件 Cap. 522, s. 34
by virtue of [also in virtue of (arch.)] 因…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
order made by virtue of section ... 憑藉第……條作出的命令 Cap. 192, s. 9
powers conferred ... by, or by virtue of, this Ordinance 由或憑藉本條例賦予……的權力 Cap. 529, s. 27(1)
by way of appeal by way of case stated 以案件呈述方式上訴 Cap. 227, s. 105
appeal by way of case stated 以案件呈述的方式……提出的上訴 Cap. 4A, O. 61
appeal by way of petition to ... 以呈請方式向……提出上訴 Cap. 348, s. 7(1)
by way of 作為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by way of ... 以……方式 Cap. 17A, Schedule
by way of ... 以……方法 Cap. 17A, Schedule
by way of ... 作為……的 Cap. 6, s. 48(2)
by way of ... 藉…… Cap. 32, s. 275(2)
by way of ... 藉……辦法 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(c)
by way of an action 以法律行動 Cap. 352, s. 3(1)

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by way of case stated 以案件呈述的方式 Cap. 499, s. 21(1)

by way of case stated 用提交案件呈述的方式 Cap. 442, s. 24(1)
by way of case stated 藉案件呈述 Cap. 493, s. 31(1)
by way of equitable execution 由於衡平法執行 Cap. 4, s. 21L(5)
by way of exception 作為例外情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by way of gift 藉饋贈方式 Cap. 501, s. 8(3)(c)
by way of lien as against ... 以向……行使留置權的方式 Cap. 48, s. 13(2)
by way of security 以保證金方式 Cap. 60, s. 29(1)
by way of security 作為抵押 Cap. 474, s. 7(1)
by way of service 以送達方式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by way of trade or business 以生意或業務的方式 Cap. 238, s. 14(1)
claim by way of set-off or counterclaim 以抵銷或反申索方式作出的……申索 Cap. 347, s. 35(2)
by whatever means by whatever means 以任何方式 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
bye-laws bye-laws 則例 Cap. 1148, s. 10(1)
by-election by-election 補選 Cap. 541, s. 2(1)
rural by-election 鄉郊補選 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)
bylaw bylaw 附例 Cap. 1, s. 3
bylaw by-laws 章程 Cap. 33, s. 2
registered by-laws 註冊章程 Cap. 33, s. 2
bystander bystanders 旁聽者 Cap. 3, s. 30
bystander informed bystander 知情的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
objective bystander 客觀的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
ordinary prudent bystander 一般的審慎旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reasonable bystander 合理的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cable Convention for the Protection of Submarine Cables 《保護海底電纜公約》 Cap. 497, s. 2
cab-rank rule cab-rank rule "的士站"規則〔大律師不得拒絕接辦案件的規則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caducary caducary (遺贈或遺產)因沒收或過時而轉移 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
C.A.F. C.A.F. [cost, assurance and freight; also C.I.F.] 成本加保險費及運費價格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
C.A.F. [cost, assurance and freight; also C.I.F.] 到岸價格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calamity calamity 災禍 Cap. 337, s. 3(1)
calamity 災難 Cap. 95, s. 2
emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the 緊急危難或災害禍患危及社會生命安寧 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(iii)
natural calamities 自然災害 National Flag and National Emblem
Ordinance, Sch. 3
calculate calculated by reference to ... 按……計算 Cap. 254, s. 8(3)
calculated from ... 由……起計 Cap. 229, s. 5(7)
calculate calculated 經審度後 Cap. 321, s. 6(i)
calculated to 用意在 Cap. 622, s. 436(1)(b)
calculated to 旨在 Cap. 567A, s. 10(1)
calculated to 刻意 Cap. 212, s. 20(b)
calculated to cause 刻意導致 Cap. 159AI, Schedule

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calculated to lead to the belief 旨在令人相信 Cap. 60H, reg. 2

calculated calculated 旨在 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated 刻意 Cap. 212, s. 20(b)
calculated 相當可能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated 處心積慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
calculated 經審度後 Cap. 321, s. 6
calculated for ... 特為……而設的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated risk 已知後果的風險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated risk 估算過的風險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated risk 意料之內的風險 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
calculated risk 經計算的風險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated to affect prejudicially 刻意……造成不利影響的 Cap. 637, s. 71(1)(a)
calculated to be subject to ... 相當可能會受……規限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated to bring sb. into disrepute 旨在破壞某人聲譽的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated to facilitate ... 旨在便利…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calculated to lead to the belief ... 旨在令人相信 Cap. 60H, reg. 2

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calculated to lead to the belief ... 相當可能會令人相信…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
reasonably calculated to suggest that ... 按理是刻意使人聯想到…… Cap. 109B, reg. 26A(2)
to be calculated to deceive 相當可能會使人受欺騙的 Cap. 362, s. 9(2)
calculation standard calculation methodology templates 標準計算方法模板 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(8)
Calderbank letter Calderbank letter [Calderbank v. Calderbank [1976] Fam 93] 考爾德班克信函〔保留訟費權利的和解要約書〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Caldwell recklessness Caldwell recklessness [R. v. Caldwell [1982] AC 341; criminal 考德威爾魯莽〔輕率魯莽〕 ※比較 Cunningham English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
recklessness] recklessness and Commercial Law Terms
calendar actual calendar date 實際公曆日期 Cap. 614, s. 17(g)
calendar 公曆 Cap. 50, s. 30
calendar 日誌 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calendar 審訊日程表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calendar month 公曆月 Cap. 1, s. 3
calendar monthly rental 每一曆月的租金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
calendar of sentences 判刑日誌 Cap. 221, s. 85(1)
calendar quarter 季度 Cap. 155L, s. 2
calendar year 公曆年 Cap. 1, Sch. 9
Chinese calendar 農曆 Cap. 154, s. 5(a)
Gregorian calendar 公曆 Cap. 1, s. 3
call called to the bar [also admitted to the bar] 獲認許為大律師 Cap. 159, s. 74C
call call (n.) 付款、償債的要求或通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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call (n.) 催繳股款 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1

call (n.) 認購權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call (n.) 購買權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call deposit 通知存款 Cap. 360, s. 31
call notice 催繳通知書 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
call option 認購期權 Cap. 571N, s. 2
call up 催繳 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
call warrant 認購權證 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
called up share capital 已催繳股本 Cap. 622, s. 290(1)
calls 催繳 Cap. 32, Sch. 25
collateral call 催繳抵押品通知 Cap. 155L, s. 226L(1)(b)(ii)
money at call 短期通知款項 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
period of call 短期通知的期間 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
call be called as a witness 被傳召作證人 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(c)(vi)
be called upon to plead 被提問是否認罪 Cap. 201, s. 31(3)
call (v.) 要求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call (v.) 傳召 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call a loan 要求歸還貸款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call a witness 傳召證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call and give evidence 傳喚他人作證 Cap. 453, s. 24(3)(a)

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call ... evidence 傳喚他人作證 Cap. 453, s. 24(3)(a)

call ... meeting 召開……會議 Cap. 155, s. 53C(3)(a)(iv)
call the attention of the court 促請法院注意 Cap. 32, s. 168Q
call upon 要求 Cap. 310, s. 7(1)
call upon 喚請 Cap. 359J, s. 43(1)
call upon 傳召 Cap. 484A, r. 55(1)
call ... witness 傳召……證人 Cap. 155, s. 53D(3)
call ... witnesses in reply 傳召……證人作答 Cap. 369A, reg. 13
called as an expert 以專家身分出席 Cap. 338B, Schedule
called ... at the instance of the court 由法庭提出傳召 Cap. 221, s. 9B(3)(b)
called for trial 被傳喚作審訊 Cap. 221, s. 5
called on for trial 被傳審 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 30(1)
called upon 傳喚 Cap. 374J, reg. 9(a)
lawfully called 被合法傳召 Cap. 11, s. 3
to call [further witness] and put in evidence in rebuttal 傳召[另外的證人]以提出反駁證據 Cap. 201, s. 32(3)
trial of an action is called on 訴訟被傳審 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 1(1)
witnesses to be called 會傳召的證人 Cap. 376A, s. 4
call be called in question 被質疑 Cap. 504, s. 29
be called into question 受到質疑 Cap. 490, s. 35(3)
called in question 受到質疑 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.32
called in question 質疑 Cap. 397, s. 7(2)
call by whatever name called 不論其名稱為何 Cap. 584, Sch. 8
call call options 贖回權 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4B

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call call out 動員 Cap. 233, s. 16(1)

called out 徵召 Cap. 202, Long Title
called out on active service 被動員執勤 Cap. 518, s. 14(2)
call casual call of ... ship 船舶……偶然停留 Cap. 112, s. 23B(6)
call words of ... calling to witness 祈求上天見證的字句 Cap. 11, s. 7(3)
call call over 過堂聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
call out full call out 全面動員 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
limited call out 有限動員 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
callable callable 可要求即付 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(5)(a)
callable at its option 可按其選擇而屬要求即付 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(6)(a)
called to the Bar called to the Bar 獲認許為大律師 Cap. 159J, r. 20(1)(a)
called up share capital called up share capital 已催繳股本 Cap. 622, s. 290
calling calling 事業 Cap. 201, s. 19
calling 職業 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
call-over call-over 傳召出席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call-over hearing 指示聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call-over list 提堂列表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call-over list 過堂表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
call-over taxation 傳召出席評定訟費的聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Calvo doctrine Calvo doctrine 卡爾沃學說〔國家免責論,即一國政府無責任為外國人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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在該國境內所受損失作彌償的原則〕 and Commercial Law Terms

camera be heard in camera 以非公開形式審理 Cap. 429, s. 8(3)
be heard in camera 以閉門形式聆訊 Cap. 561, s. 35(3)(b)
be heard in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 112, s. 68(5)
conducted in camera 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
court sitting in camera 閉門法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
hearing ... be in camera 聆訊均須以非公開形式進行 Cap. 1A, r. 10(2)
in camera 以非公開形式 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.30
in camera 閉門 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.28
proceedings ... conducted ... in camera 法律程序……以非公開形式進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
sit in camera 進行非公開形式的聆訊 Cap. 159, s. 9B(4)
trial in camera 以非公開形式進行審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cancel cancel 取消 Cap. 1, s. 3
cancel 撤銷 Cap. 369W, reg. 74(2)
cancel a contract 取消合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cancel a licence 取消牌照 Cap. 145, s. 9
cancel the registration of ... 撤銷……的註冊 Cap. 493, s. 14(1)
cancelled 註銷 Cap. 74, s. 7
earlier cancelled 提早取消 Cap. 81A, reg. 7D(2)(b)
cancellation cancellation 取消 Cap. 313H, reg. 16(d)(ii)
cancellation 註銷 Cap. 64, s. 8(2)

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cancellation of a licence 取消牌照 Cap. 340, s. 17(1)

cancellation of registration 取消註冊 Cap. 343, s. 4(3)(b)
cancellation of shares 股票註銷 Cap. 1168, s. 4(2)
cancelling cancelling marks 註銷標記 Cap. 98, s. 32A(g)
candidate candidate 候選人 Cap. 21, s. 28
disqualified candidate 喪失資格的候選人 Cap. 541D, s. 22B(2)(a)(i)
eligible candidate 合資格候選人 Cap. 542, s. 60A(1)
elimination of all other candidates 所有其他候選人……被淘汰 Cap. 569, s. 27(2)(b)
independent candidate 獨立候選人 Cap. 542, s. 60B(2)
next-in-line candidate 候補候選人 Cap. 161F, s. 33(1)(b)
nominated candidates 獲提名候選人 Cap. 161B, s. 8(3)
prospective candidate 準候選人 Cap. 541C, s. 3(1)(a)(i)
quitting candidate 棄任候選人 Cap. 161F, s. 33(1)(a)
remaining candidate 剩餘候選人 Cap. 529B, s. 19(3)
candidature eligibility for candidature for the election 在該選舉中參選的資格 Cap. 569, s. 6(2)(b)
right of candidature 參選權 Cap. 279, s. 40AN(2)(c)(ii)
withdraw his candidature 退出,不再作為有關的選舉的候選人 Cap. 569, s. 19(1)
withdrawn candidature 退選 Cap. 161F, s. 9(2)(e)
candour trust and candour 誠信公正品格 Cap. 106, s. 13C(5)(b)
caning caning 笞刑 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
cannot reasonably be cannot reasonably be expected 在合理情況下料想不能 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(c)(v)

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... cannot reasonably be expected to ... 無法合理期望…… Cap. 179, s. 15A(4)

canon law canon law 教會法規 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
canvass canvass 討論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
canvass 遊說 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
canvass 察看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
canvass 徵求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
canvass canvassing for votes 拉票 Cap. 541D, s. 41(1)(aa)
canvassing no canvassing zone 禁止拉票區 Cap. 541D, s. 2(1)
cap cap (n., v.) 上限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cap (n., v.) 訂明上限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnity with cap 有上限的彌償 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
settlement cap 交收限價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cap.; capitula cap.; capitula ["chapters"] 典章 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cap.; capitula ["chapters"] 法律彙編 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capability adequate financial capability 充足財政能力 Cap. 571Y, s. 2(1)
capable capable of ... 有……的能力 Cap. 182, s. 3(1)(b)

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capable of acting 能夠行事 Cap. 622, s. 474(5)(a)

capable of being read 能供閱讀 Cap. 622, s. 2(4)(a)(ii)
capable of corroborating the evidence 能作為……證據……的佐證 Cap. 8, s. 4(2)
capable of distinguishing ... from ... 能夠將……與……作出識別 Cap. 559, s. 3(1)
capable of registration ... 可……註冊 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name 能夠以其法團名稱起訴及被起訴 Cap. 601, s. 3(2)(c)
capable of suing and being sued in its ... name 可以……名義起訴與被起訴 Cap. 489, s. 3(2)
mentally capable 精神上有能力行事 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
reasonably capable of ... 在合理程度上可…… Cap. 200, s. 97(1)(a)(i)
to be capable of being mistaken for 能使人誤會 Cap. 1116, s. 21(1)(c)
capacitor capacitor 電容器 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
capacity capacity 行為能力 Cap. 26, s. 4(1)
capacity 能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capacity for work 工作能力 Cap. 282, s. 19(4)
capacity to consent 給予同意的行為能力 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 2.28
capacity to contract 訂約的行為能力 Cap. 19, s. 22(1)
capacity to contribute to ... own support 自立謀生的能力 Cap. 99A, reg. 23(1B)
cognitive capacity 認知能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.8
earning capacity 謀生能力 Cap. 192, s. 7(1)(a)
earning capacity 賺取收入能力 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
full legal capacity 完全法律行為能力 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or

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Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

Paper, para. 4.27
has the capacity to 有行為能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.10
have the capacity ... to ... 有能力…… Cap. 430, s. 3(2)(b)
having the capacity to ... 有行為能力…… Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
impaired decision-making capacity 作決定能力受損 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.19
lack capacity 欠缺行為能力 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.48
lacking full capacity 無充分行為能力 Cap. 557, Schedule
legal capacity 法律行為能力 Cap. 1020, s. 10
loss of earning capacity 喪失謀生能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
loss of earning capacity 喪失賺取收入能力 Cap. 282, s. 9
loss-absorbing capacity 吸收虧損能力 Cap. 628B, r. 2(1)
mental capacity 智能 Cap. 136, s. 9
mental capacity 精神上行為能力 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
mental capacity to commit offence 犯罪的精神上行為能力 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
of full age and capacity 已屆成年並具行為能力 Cap. 481, s. 2(2)
testamentary capacity 訂立有效遺囑的能力 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.61, Footnote 72
then capacity 當時……的行為能力 Cap. 19, s. 54(b)(iii)

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capacity acting in a professional capacity 以專業身分……行事 Cap. 571, s. 103(2)(e)(iv)

acting in the solicitor’s professional capacity 以專業身分行事的律師 Cap. 637, s. 3(2)(d)
capacities in relation to, ... land 在……土地……所佔的……身分 Cap. 128A, reg. 6(2)(c)
capacity 身分 Cap. 1, s. 3
capacity 資格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capacity 職分 Cap. 201, s. 33A(1)(a)
capacity 職位 Cap. 478AF, s. 11(1)
capacity 職務 Cap. 478AD, s. 4(1A)
collective capacity 集體身分 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
fiduciary capacity 受信人身分 Cap. 159, s. 73(1)(b)(iv)
in a civil capacity 以文職身分 Cap. 89A, reg. 4(1)
in a paid capacity 有酬金 Cap. 608B, s. 3(b)
in ... capacity 以……的身分 Cap. 155, s. 118(3)(c)
in ... capacity as 以……身分 Cap. 494, s. 16(1)(b)(ii)
in ... capacity as 基於……身分 Cap. 486, s. 15(7)
in the capacity of ... 以……的身分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the capacity of ... 以……的職分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the capacity of a limited partner 以有限責任合夥人的身分 Cap. 637, s. 2
legal capacity 法律身分 Cap. 219, s. 25(1)
natural capacity 自然人身分 Cap. 1044, s. 4
natural or personal capacity 自然人或個人身分 Cap. 1015, s. 3
official capacity 公務身分 Cap. 571AG, s. 3(1)(b)

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official capacity 公職身分 Cap. 427, s. 2

official capacity 官方身分 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
personal capacity 個人身分 Cap. 528, s. 169(2)(b)
private capacity 私人身分 Cap. 300, s. 2(3)
privileged capacity 享有特權的身分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
professional capacity 專業身分 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
similar capacity 相近身分 Cap. 408, s. 30(4)(a)
capias capias ["that you take"] 拘捕令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capias ad capias ad computandum, writ of 提訊到庭交代帳目令狀* 參看 writ of capias ad English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
computandum, writ of computandum and Commercial Law Terms
capias ad capias ad satisfaciendum, writ of; ca. sa. 拘捕未清付民事賠償的被告人的令狀 參看 writ of capias English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
satisfaciendum, writ of; ad satisfaciendum and Commercial Law Terms
ca. sa.
capias in withernam, capias in withernam, writ of 檢取被告人財物作賠償令狀 參看 writ of capias in English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
writ of withernam and Commercial Law Terms
capital aggregate capital commitment 資本認繳總額 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
amortization of capital 資本攤銷額 Cap. 285A, reg. 34(2)(e)
authorized capital 法定股本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized capital 法定資本 Cap. 571, Sch. 7
authorized share capital 法定股本 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
called up share capital 已催繳股本 Cap. 622, s. 290(1)
capital 本金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

capital 股本 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4A
capital 資本 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 115
capital 資金 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 112
capital account 資本帳 Cap. 571N, s. 60(3)(d)
capital adequacy 資本充足程度 Cap. 155M, s. 105(a)(i)
capital adequacy ratio 資本充足比率 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
capital adequacy requirement 資本充足要求 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.62
capital and initial shareholdings clause (公司章程細則的)資本及最初的股份持有情況條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capital appreciation 資本增值 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
capital assets 資本資產 Cap. 112, s. 14(1)
capital base 資本基礎 Cap. 155L, s. 36
capital commitment 資本承擔 "Charities" Report, para. 5.46
capital commitment 資本認繳 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
capital conservation buffer ratio 防護緩衝資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)
capital contributions 注入資本 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(g)
capital expenditure 非經常開支 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capital expenditure 資本開支 Cap. 112, s. 12(1)(a)
capital gains 資本增益 Cap. 36, Schedule
capital investment 資本投資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capital items 資本項目 Cap. 155L, s. 38(1)

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capital money 資本款項 Cap. 29, s. 15(2)

capital of the trust property 信託財產資本 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)
capital position 資本狀況 Cap. 628, s. 178(3)(a)
capital preservation fund 保本基金 Cap. 485A, s. 37(1)
capital redemption 資本贖回 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
capital redemption reserve 資本贖回儲備 Cap. 622, s. 290(2)
capital requirement rule 資本規定規則 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
capital shortfall 資本短欠 Cap. 155L, s. 43(2)
capital structure 資本結構 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(h)(i)
capital taxes 資本稅項 Cap. 36, Schedule
core capital 核心資本 Cap. 155L, s. 226(3)(d)(i)
countercyclical capital buffer ratio 逆周期緩衝資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)
cumulative capital contributions 累積投放資本 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
debt capital 債券資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debt capital 債務資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disposable capital 可動用資產 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)
equity share capital 權益股本 Cap. 622, s. 194(1)
equivalent capital value 等值本金 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
fixed capital 固定資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guaranteed return of capital 保證資本回報 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
issued share capital 已發行股本 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
legal capital [also stated capital] 面值資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

legal capital [also stated capital] 設定資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
liquid capital 速動資金 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
loan capital 借貸資本 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
minimum capital requirement 最低資本要求 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.138
minimum capital requirements 最低資本規定 Cap. 155L, s. 45(1)
nominal capital 名義股本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
nominal capital 註冊股本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ordinary share capital 普通股股本 Cap. 155L, s. 35
paid up capital 已繳款股本 Cap. 622, s. 202
paid up capital 繳足款股本 Cap. 485A, s. 68(4)(a)
paid up capital 繳足資本 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
paid up share capital 繳足款股本 Cap. 485A, s. 68
paid-up share capital 已繳股本 Cap. 622, s. 210
prescribed capital adequacy requirements 訂明資本充裕程度規定 Cap. 485A, s. 2
receipt of a capital nature 資本性質收入 Cap. 112, s. 23(4)(b)(ix)
reconstruction of ... capital 資本重整 Cap. 155, s. 69(2)(b)
reduction of capital 資本減少 Cap. 622L, r. 8
reduction of share capital 股本減少 Cap. 1168, s. 4(2)
regulatory capital 監管資本 Cap. 155M, s. 16FC(a)(i)
regulatory capital security 監管資本證券 Cap. 112, s. 17A(1)

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reimbursement of capital 資本償還 Cap. 18, s. 2

reorganization of capital 股本重組 Cap. 622, s. 290
return of capital 資本退還 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
return of contributions to capital 歸還投入的資本 Cap. 159, s. 7AA(1)
seed capital 種子資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
share capital 股本 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
shares in the capital 資本中股份 Cap. 379, s. 5(2)(a)
stated capital [also legal capital] 面值資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
stated capital [also legal capital] 設定資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statement of capital 股本說明 Cap. 622, s. 142(2)(b)
supplementary capital 附加資本 Cap. 155L, s. 226
tier 1 capital ratio 一級資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 2
total capital ratio 總資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 2
trust capital 信託資本 Cap. 425, s. 5(3)
uncalled capital 未催繳股本 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
uncalled share capital 未催繳股本 Cap. 622, s. 290(1)
unissued share capital 未發行股本 Cap. 1174, s. 2(1)
unpaid share capital 未繳股本 Cap. 622, s. 226(2)(a)
unpaid share capital 未繳股款股本 Cap. 41, s. 35AA(3)
working capital 營運資本 Cap. 33A, r. 68(5)
capital capital punishment 死刑 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(6)
Capital Adequacy Capital Adequacy Review Tribunal 資本充足事宜覆核審裁處 Cap. 155, s. 101A(6A)

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Review Tribunal
Capital Investment Capital Investment Fund 資本投資基金 Cap. 430, s. 4(2)
capital stock capital stock 股本 Cap. 200, s. 84
Capital Works Reserve Capital Works Reserve Fund 基本工程儲備基金 Cap. 2, Sch. 1
capitalist capitalist economy 資本主義經濟 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
capitalist system 資本主義制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 5
capitalization capitalization 資本化 Cap. 622, s. 113
capitalization 資本估價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capitalization 撥兌資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capitalization issue 資本化發行 Cap. 571V, s. 4(a)(i)
capitalization of profits 利潤的資本化 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
capitalization of reserves 儲備資本化 Cap. 111, s. 9
capitalize capitalize profits 將利潤資本化 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
capitula; cap. capitula; cap. ["chapters"] 典章 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capitula; cap. ["chapters"] 法律彙編 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
captive captive insurer 專屬自保保險人 Cap. 41, s. 10(4)(ba)
captivity captivity 關禁 Cap. 169, s. 3(1)(b)
keep in captivity 關禁 Cap. 607, s. 37(2)(a)(i)
capture capture ... records 收納……檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.27

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carat carats 開數 Cap. 362N, s. 3(2)(e)(i)

card APEC business travel card 亞太經合組織商務旅遊證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
arrival ... card 抵港……申報表 Cap. 115, s. 5(5)(a)(ii)
debit cards 扣帳咭 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
departure card 離港申報表 Cap. 115, s. 5(4)(b)
identification card 身分識別證 Cap. 167F, s. 4(2)(a)
identity card 身分證 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
registration card 註冊證 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
smart card 聰明卡 Cap. 556H, s. 1(2)
Vietnamese refugee card 越南難民證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
cardinal-change cardinal-change doctrine 重大修改原則〔作為合約一方的政府單方面作出重大修 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
doctrine 改時,對方可將合約作廢的原則〕 and Commercial Law Terms
care actual care or charge 實際照顧或看管 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.20
advance health care directive 預設健康護理指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.83
care 照料 Cap. 1, s. 3
care 照管 Cap. 478AG, s. 4(6)(e)
care 照顧 Cap. 290, s. 6(4)
care and attention 護理及照顧 Cap. 360, s. 11(1)
care and control 照顧和管束 Cap. 290A, r. 31A(1)
care and custody 看管和保管 Cap. 1073, s. 13
care and custody 照顧及看管 Cap. 8, s. 81(3)

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care and medical treatment and appliance 照顧、醫治及醫療裝置 Cap. 91B, Sch. 2
care and supervision 照顧與監管 Cap. 243, s. 2(1)
care, custody and control 照顧、管養及管束 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.5
care or charge 照顧或看管 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.15
due care 應有照顧 Cap. 226, s. 10(1)
duty of care 照顧責任 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.17
exercise proper care and guardianship 行使妥善照顧及監護 Cap. 486, s. 59A(a)
exercise proper care and guardianship 作出適當的照顧及監護 Cap. 213, s. 34(1)(c)
general care and conduct of the proceedings 對法律程序的整體關顧和負責進行 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
had the sole or predominant care of ... 獨力或主力撫養 Cap. 112, s. 32(1)
health care 健康護理 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
health care decision 健康護理決定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.5
hospital care 醫院護理服務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.62
lack of care 疏忽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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lack of care 疏於照顧 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
lack of sufficient care 照顧不足 Cap. 98, s. 19(3)(c)
lawful care or charge 合法照顧或監督權 Cap. 213, s. 26
medical care 醫療照顧 Cap. 478AF, s. 45(1)(a)(i)
medical care 醫療護理 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
person having the lawful care or charge of ... 合法照顧或監管……的人 Cap. 200, s. 126(2)
personal care 個人照顧事宜 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
personal care and welfare 個人照顧和福利事宜 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.16
personal care decision 個人照顧事宜的決定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 1.3
removing ... out of the custody, care or control of ... 將……帶離……管養、照顧或管束之外 Cap. 336H, O. 90, r. 5(3)
residential care expenses 住宿照顧開支 Cap. 112, Sch. 25
special care relationship 特別照顧關係 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.27
under his direct care 由……直接治理 Cap. 549, s. 158(2)(a)
under the care and custody of ... 由……看管和保管 Cap. 1078, s. 14
care care 小心 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
care 謹慎 Cap. 314, s. 3

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care and diligence 謹慎及努力 Cap. 622, s. 332(1)

care and prudence of driver 司機的謹慎和審慎程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common duty of care 一般謹慎責任 Cap. 314, s. 3(1)
degree of care 謹慎程度 Cap. 314, s. 3(3)
degree ... of want of care 欠缺謹慎的程度 Cap. 314, s. 3(3)
due care 應有的謹慎 Cap. 104D, by-law 14
due care and attention 適當的謹慎及專注 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
due care and attention 應有的謹慎和專注 Cap. 104D, by-law 14(a)
due care and diligence 應有的謹慎和盡其應盡的努力 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(a)
duties of care and skill 以謹慎和技巧行事的責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
6.37, Footnote 23
duty of care 謹慎責任 Cap. 314, s. 3
exercise due care 以應有的謹慎 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
exercise due care 採取應有的謹慎措施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general duty of care 一般謹慎責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 32
lack of care 欠謹慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable care 合理水平的謹慎 Cap. 571, s. 112U(3)(b)
reasonable care 合理的謹慎 Cap. 287, s. 4(1)
reasonable care 合理的謹慎措施 Cap. 169, s. 3(2)
reasonable care 合理程度的謹慎 Cap. 71, s. 2(1)
reasonable care, skill and diligence 合理水平的謹慎、技巧及努力 Cap. 622, s. 465(1)

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standard of care 謹慎標準 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
statutory duty of care 法定謹慎責任 Cap. 29, s. 2
take reasonable care for ... 為……採取合理的謹慎措施 Cap. 59, s. 6B(1)(a)
want of care 欠缺謹慎 參看 per incuriam Cap. 314, s. 3
want of due care or caution 欠缺適當謹慎或小心 Cap. 21, s. 8
want of ... due care or caution 不小心或不謹慎 Cap. 268, s. 15
without reasonable care 沒有採取合理程度的謹慎 Cap. 571, s. 108(7)(c)(iii)
care to the care of 由……轉交 Cap. 622, s. 744(2)(b)
care home care and attention home 高度照顧安老院 Cap. 459A, s. 3(a)
residential care home 安老院 Cap. 459A, s. 3
residential care home for PWDs 殘疾人士院舍 Cap. 459, s. 6(4)
careful careful and reasonable inquiry 小心及合理查詢 Cap. 178, s. 9(3)(c)
competent and careful driver 合格而謹慎的駕駛人 Cap. 374, s. 36(4)(a)
careless careless 不小心 ※比較 reckless; wanton Cap. 374, s. 68
careless 不謹慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
careless cycling 不小心騎踏單車 Cap. 374, s. 46, Heading
carelessly drives carelessly 不小心駕駛 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
carelessness carelessness 不小心 Cap. 234A, r. 239(1)(c)(ii)
carer carer 照顧者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.49
carer 護理人員 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,

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para. 2.70
carer 護理員 Cap. 608, s. 2
paid carer 獲付酬勞的護理人員 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.36
cargo air transhipment cargo 航空轉運貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
cargo 貨物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cargo depositing permit 貨物存放許可證 Cap. 81A, reg. 2
cargo transhipment area 貨物轉運區 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
public cargo working area 公眾貨物裝卸區 Cap. 81, s. 2
transfer of ... cargo 轉運……貨物 Cap. 413A, reg. 16A(1)
transhipment cargo 轉運貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
unmanifested cargo 未列艙單貨物 Cap. 60, s. 2
Carltona principle Carltona principle 放權原則 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
carnet Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
admission of goods
carriage Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and 《1974年海上運輸旅客及其行李雅典公約》 Cap. 434, s. 2
their Luggage by Sea, 1974
carriage 載運 Cap. 537B, s. 7(2)
carriage 運送 Cap. 98, s. 6(1)(v)
carriage 運載 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
carriage licence 運載許可證 Cap. 60, s. 6E(5)(k)
carriage of goods by sea 海上貨物運輸 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.4

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contract of carriage 運輸合約 Cap. 434, s. 4(c)

Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for 《統一國際航空運輸某些規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to 《統一關於若干國際航空運輸規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約
signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961
International Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 《國際散裝穀物安全運輸規則》 Cap. 369AA, reg. 2
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(ii)
relating to International Carriage by Air
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage 國際有毒液體物質證書 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》的議定 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air 書
carriage having the carriage of the order 須製備……命令 Cap. 4B, r. 13(1)
carrier bulk carrier 散裝貨輪 Cap. 369BD, s. 2(1)
carrier 承運人 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
carrier 運載工具 Cap. 106, s. 9C(1)(b)(i)
carrier 運載裝置 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
combination carrier 油類/散貨兩用船 Cap. 369BD, s. 2(1)
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》

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by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting

Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約
signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961
Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships 《現有船舶氣體運輸船規則》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
international scheduled air carrier 國際定期空運商 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
ore carrier 礦石船 Cap. 369BD, s. 2(1)
performing carrier 實際承運人 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
public transport carrier 公共交通工具 Cap. 371, s. 2
carrier mobile carrier licence 移動傳送者牌照 Cap. 106V, s. 2(1)
unified carrier licence 綜合傳送者牌照 Cap. 106V, s. 2(1)
carry carry 附有 Cap. 106, s. 13K(1)(a)
carry interest 衍生利息 Cap. 478, s. 84(3)
carry interest 帶有利息 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 9(2)
carry rights 附有權利 Cap. 622, s. 272(5)(b)
carry simple interest 帶有單利 Cap. 4, s. 49(1)
carry simple interest 孳生單利息 Cap. 619, s. 153B(1)
offence which carries the death penalty 屬可判死刑的罪行 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
carry carried from 運載自 Cap. 81A, reg. 2
carry 攜帶 Cap. 81A, reg. 3(3)(c)
carry carried forward 結轉入…… Cap. 112, s. 12A(1)
carry to reserves 結轉至儲備金 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
carry to the credit thereof 將……轉入……帳的貸方 Cap. 372, s. 13(1)

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carry carrying into effect 施行 Cap. 498, s. 27(2)(y)

carrying into effect 執行 Cap. 622, s. 287(2)
generally for the better carrying into effect of the purposes of 概括而言,為更有效施行本條例的目的 Cap. 50, s. 8(1)(q)
this Ordinance
carry on begin and carry on an appeal 展開和進行上訴 Cap. 490, s. 33(2)
business carried on in or operated from ... 在……經營或由……營運的業務 Cap. 537B, s. 7(5B)(b)
carry on business as ... 經營……業務 Cap. 218, s. 4(2)
carry on proceedings 進行法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 6(1)
carrying on a trade, profession or business 經營任何行業、專業或業務 Cap. 112, s. 14(1)
person carrying on business 經營業務的人 Cap. 310, s. 3(1)
person carrying on trade 從事商業的人 Cap. 68, s. 36(1)
carry out better carrying out of the provisions 更有效施行……條文 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ag)
carry out agreements 履行……協議 Cap. 372, s. 4(2)(a)
carry out the direction 遵行該項指示 Cap. 607, s. 12(8)
carrying out the objects of ... 貫徹……的宗旨 Cap. 119, s. 5(2)(d)
in the course of carrying out professional work 在履行專業工作的過程中 Cap. 50, s. 34(2)
proper carrying out of the purposes 妥善貫徹該等宗旨 Cap. 1112, s. 7(1)(g)
the better and more effectual carrying out of ... 更佳和更有效施行…… Cap. 525, s. 33(b)
carrying carrying amount 帳面值 Cap. 32L, s. 6(7)
carrying value 帳面價值 Cap. 1168, s. 8(1)(b)
carte blanche carte blanche ["blank card"; free permission] 自由處理權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
carte blanche ["blank card"; free permission] 無限制授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cartridge cartridges 彈藥筒 Cap. 295E, s. 8(2)

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carve out carve out 開闢出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
carve out 劃分出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
carve out a piece of land 劃分出土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
carve out an exception 劃分出例外情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case adjudicate cases 審判案件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 84
adjudication of cases 審理案件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
as the case may be 視屬何情況而定 Cap. 453, s. 36
as the case may require 視情況所需而定 Cap. 374A, Sch. 16
as the case may require 視情況需要而定 Cap. 3, s. 20(a)
as the case requires 視乎情況所需而定 Cap. 494, s. 47(3)
as the circumstances of the case require 案中情況所需的 Cap. 484A, r. 8(2)(c)
as the justice of the case may require 在案中秉持公正所需的 Cap. 484A, r. 7(2)
case 個案 Cap. 93A, reg. 4
case 案件 Cap. 227, s. 105
case 情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case at bar [also case at bench] 審訊中的案件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case by case 按每個個案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case by case 按個別情況而定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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case management 個案處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
case management 案件處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case management conference 案件管理會議 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 1A
case memorandum 個案備忘錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case ... sent back 將案件呈述發還 Cap. 442, s. 24(2)
case ... to meet ……須應付的案 Cap. 4A, O. 72, r. 7(2)
cases arising out of ... 由……引起的個案 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iv)
cases between subjects 子民與子民之間的案件 Cap. 300, s. 17
close the case without further action 結束個案,而不採取進一步行動 Cap. 588, s. 31B(2)(a)
closing his case 結束其案 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)
comes within one of the cases in which ... 屬……的情況 Cap. 9A, r. 12
determination of a case 個案的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determination of a case 案件的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss the case 撤銷該案 Cap. 21, s. 15
fair disposal of the case 公平處置有關案件 Cap. 528D, r. 30(3)(d)
generally or in a particular case 一般地或就個別個案 Cap. 571, s. 20(1)(b)
generally or in a particular case 一般情況或個別個案 Cap. 208A, reg. 18A
generally or in any particular case 一般地或在任何個別情況下 Cap. 60, s. 5(1)
having regard to all the circumstances of the case 在顧及該個案的整體情況後 Cap. 138, s. 16(2A)(b)(i)
having regard to the circumstances of the case 考慮案件的情況 Cap. 298, s. 3(2)
his case is brought within the provisions of ... 其情況變成由……條文規管 Cap. 89A, reg. 19(4)(b)

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hypothetical case 假設的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
if the case so requires 如情況有需要的話 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
in a case falling within ... 如屬……的情況 Cap. 369, s. 49(3)(a)
in a particular case 在個別情況下 Cap. 133, s. 19(1A)(b)
in all the circumstances of the case 在該個案的所有情況下 Cap. 41G, r. 15
in any particular case 在任何特定情況下 Cap. 547, s. 77(1)
in case 在……的情況下 Cap. 50, s. 28D(10)(b)(i)
in each particular case 就每一個別個案 Cap. 369AD, Sch. 5
in either case 在兩者中任何一種情況下 Cap. 106B, reg. 4(1)(b)
in every case where ... 凡…… Cap. 33, s. 20(1)
in the circumstances of the case 在該個案的情況下 Cap. 239, s. 4(1)
like cases 同類個案 Cap. 559, s. 83(2)(c)
merits of the case 個案的是非曲直 Cap. 161E, s. 16(2)
opening his case 開展其案 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(2)
present the case against... 提出針對……的案 Cap. 549D, s. 16(2)
present the case against ... 提出提控……的案 Cap. 50, s. 37(1)
presenting ... case 陳述……案情 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 3A(1)(d)
refer the case back to ... 將該個案轉回…… Cap. 161E, s. 15(1)(a)
refer the case to ... 將案件轉交……審理 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)(a)
reference of a case 案件轉介 Cap. 227, Sch. 5
remit the case to ... 將個案轉交…… Cap. 188, s. 15(3)
remit the case to ... 將案件移交…… Cap. 226, s. 3F(1)
re-open the case 重開該案 Cap. 227, s. 104(5)

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state of the case 訟案的發展 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
statement of case 個案陳述 Cap. 559A, r. 99
substantial merits of the case 案件的主要是非曲直 Cap. 336, s. 73B(5)
Summary Case 簡易案件 Cap. 6A, r. 149A(3)
the case has been left with the jury 案件已交由陪審團判斷 Cap. 3, s. 22(2)
the case is sealed 案件已判定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the case raises a question of principle 該個案帶出一個原則問題 Cap. 480, s. 85(2)(a)
to impeach that case 質疑該案 Cap. 8, s. 66(2)
to know the case he has to meet 了解他所須應付的案 Cap. 17A, r. 36
to remit the case to ... 將該案件發還…… Cap. 503, s. 11(3)(a)
uncontested case 無爭議的案件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
with such variations as the circumstances of the particular case 按個別案件的情況所需而更改 Cap. 179A, r. 2(5)
may require
within a period reasonable in all the circumstances of the case 於在有關個案的整體情況下屬合理的期間內 Cap. 155Q, r. 16(4)(d)
case amended case 經修訂的案件呈述 Cap. 227, s. 107
Case 案由述要 Cap. 484A, r. 1
case stated 案件呈述 Cap. 499, s. 21
file a case 將案由述要送交存檔 Cap. 484A, r. 24(2)
original case 原案件呈述 Cap. 227, s. 107
other than by way of case stated 以案件呈述以外的方式 Cap. 4A, O. 60A, r. 1
set down case for argument 對案件呈述定出辯論日期 Cap. 227, s. 108
special case stated for the opinion of the court under ... 根據……陳述以提請法院意見的特別案件呈述 Cap. 107, s. 2

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state a case 呈述案件 Cap. 4A, O. 61, r. 2(1)

state and sign a case 作出及簽署案件呈述 Cap. 227, s. 105
state his case 陳述其案 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)
stated case 案件呈述 Cap. 484A, r. 5(2)(a)
statement of case 案件呈述 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Supplemental Case 補充案由述要 Cap. 484A, r. 29(1)
the case stated ... to be sent back 將……案件呈述發還 Cap. 227, s. 109
case case 案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case 案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case 訟案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case affirmed 案例獲得確認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case citation 案例引用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case disapproved 案例不獲認同 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case distinguished 案例須予區分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case followed 案例須予遵循 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case law 判例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case law 案例 Cap. 619, s. 9(2)(b)

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case law 案例法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
case reversed 案例被推翻 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case reversed 案例遭否決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
citation of case 援引案例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common law case 普通法案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decided cases 判例 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 1.2
fatal case 致命個案 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
2.31, Footnote 31
hard cases make bad law 難斷之案導致偏離先例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landmark case 重大標誌案例 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
lead case 先導案件 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.71
lead case 具指引作用的訟案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lead case 指引性的訟案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leading case 主要案例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
leading case 主導案例 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.55
leading case 先導案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leading case 確立法律規定的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
personal injury case 人身傷害個案 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 5.1
reported case 經彙報的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
running-down case 行人對車輛駕駛者提起的人身傷害訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
slip-and-fall case 跌傷訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
test case 測試案件 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.7
test case 試驗案件〔測試判案標準的案件〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trespass on the case 侵權訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unreported case 未經案例彙編報導的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unreported case 未經彙報的案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unreported case 未經彙報案例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
case case management 案件管理 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.14

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Case Management Summons 案件管理傳票 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.51

case to answer 須作答辯 Cap. 50, s. 42C(2)(a)
cases ... pending 個案……有待裁定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.46
close of prosecution case 控方結案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
close of the prosecution case 控方舉證完畢 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.52
conclusion of the prosecution case 控方舉證完畢 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.1
contested case 爭訟案件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contested case 提出抗辯的案件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence case 辯方案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence case 辯方論據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
establish a prima facie case 構成表面證據 Cap. 221, s. 81E(2)(b)
establish a prima facie case 確立表面的案 Cap. 221, s. 16(1)
establish a prima facie case 確立表面證據 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.20
establishes a presumptive case of ... 足可推定…… Cap. 21, s. 8

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in support of his case 支持其案 Cap. 359A, reg. 34(7)

in the conduct of its case 在處理其論據方面 Cap. 276, s. 19(4)
no case to answer 無須答辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
present ... cases 提出……論點 Cap. 57, s. 32N(3C)(a)
present his case 提出其案 Cap. 138D, reg. 8
present his or her case 展呈其論點 Cap. 486, s. 66A(1)
presentment of a case 對案件的陳述 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prima facie case 表面的案 Cap. 221, s. 16(1)
prima facie case 表面證據 Cap. 221, s. 81E(2)(b)
primary facts of the case 案件的基礎事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prove a case beyond reasonable doubt 證明案件無合理疑點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
put case 指出 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
remit the case 將案件移交…… Cap. 226, s. 3F(1)
remit the case 將案件發還……處理 Cap. 484, s. 17(2)
re-open the prosecution case 控方重開案件提證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
submission of no case to answer 律師陳詞要求法庭判決被告無須答辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the case against ... 對……的不利指控 Cap. 475, s. 14(3)
case by case on a case-by-case basis 以逐案處理方式 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(12)(b)
case management case management conference 個案處理會議 Cap. 559A, r. 86(1)

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case management summons 案件管理傳票 Cap. 619D, r. 97(3)(b)

case stated appeal by way of case stated 以案件呈述方式上訴 Cap. 227, s. 105
by way of case stated 以案件呈述的方式 Cap. 499, s. 21(1)
by way of case stated 用提交案件呈述的方式 Cap. 442, s. 24(1)
by way of case stated 藉案件呈述 Cap. 493, s. 31(1)
case stated 案件呈述 Cap. 227, s. 105
case stated question 以案件呈述方式提出的法律問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cash bond of cash credit 現金信貸債券 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
cash 現金 Cap. 112, s. 15A(2)
cash advance 現金墊支 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
cash book 現金帳 Cap. 6A, r. 189
cash consideration 金錢代價 Cap. 622, s. 142(2)(d)
cash flow 現金流 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.10
cash flow statement 現金流動表 Cap. 155, s. 16(9)(b)(iv)
cash in hand 手頭現金 Cap. 33, s. 36
cash in the till 庫存現金 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
cash inflow 現金流入 Cap. 155Q, r. 18(2)
cash on 代收 Cap. 98, s. 3(a)
cash outflows 現金流出 Cap. 155M, s. 103A(5)(c)
cash payment 現金付款 Cap. 41E, r. 10
cash security 現金保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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cash settled equity derivatives 現金結算股本衍生工具 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)

cash wages 現金工資 Cap. 282A, Schedule
cash-sweeps 現金彩票活動 Cap. 108, s. 2
collateralized by cash deposits 以現金存款作附加保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equivalent of cash 現金的等值 Cap. 289A, r. 6
non-cash asset 非現金資產 Cap. 622, s. 294
non-cash consideration 非金錢代價 Cap. 622, s. 142(2)(d)
on a cash basis 按現金基準 Cap. 485A, s. 56(3)(h)
redeemable for cash 可變為現金 Cap. 584, Sch. 8
settled in cash 以現金交收 Cap. 571AP, Schedule
total net cash outflows 淨現金流出總額 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
cash-against-delivery cash-against-delivery basis 銀貨兩訖形式 Cap. 571N, s. 21(1)
caste caste and analogous systems of inherited status 世襲階級及相類似的世襲地位制度 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(c)
casting vote casting vote 決定票 Cap. 547, s. 67
entitled to a second or casting vote 有權投第二票或決定票 Cap. 17, s. 9(5)
has a casting vote 有權投決定票 Cap. 489, s. 9(3)
original or ... casting vote 原有票或……決定票 Cap. 164, s. 3(5B)
casual casual call of ... ship 船舶……偶然停留 Cap. 112, s. 23B(6)
casual employee 臨時僱員 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
casual landing of ... aircraft 飛機……偶然降落 Cap. 112, s. 23D(5)
casual nature 臨時性質 Cap. 282, s. 2(1)(b)
casual payments 偶然付款 Cap. 469, Sch. 5
casual vacancy 期中空缺 Cap. 622, s. 397(1)

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casual ejector casual ejector (arch.) (收回土地訴訟中的)虛擬被告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
casually casually 臨時性 Cap. 332, s. 17(1B)
casualty casualty 災害事故 Cap. 281, s. 51(1)
serious casualties 重大傷亡 National Flag and National Emblem
Ordinance, Sch. 3
shipping casualty 船舶災害事故 Cap. 281, s. 51(1)
casus casus ["case"; occasion; circumstances] 情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus ["case"; occasion; circumstances] 場合 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus belli casus belli ["case belligerent"] 足以引起戰爭的挑釁 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus belli ["case belligerent"] 宣戰原因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus belli ["case belligerent"] 開戰理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus foederis casus foederis ["case of the treaty"] 就挑釁行為要求盟國履行盟約的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus male inclusus casus male inclusus ["case wrongly included"] 法例中錯誤納入的情況〔因法例條文涵義太廣所致〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus omissus casus omissus ["case omitted"] 法例本應有所規定但卻沒有規定的遺漏情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
casus omissus ["case omitted"] 法例無明文規定的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Casus omissus et Casus omissus et oblivioni datus dispositioni communis juris 法例無明文規定者按普通法處置 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oblivioni datus relinquitur. [A case omitted and forgotten is left to the disposal and Commercial Law Terms
dispositioni communis of the common law.]

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juris relinquitur.
catalogue catalogues 商品目錄 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
trade catalogues 商品目錄 Cap. 311W, s. 16N(1)
catastrophic event catastrophic event 災難性事件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
catch caught by ... 受……囿制 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
caught by this Ordinance 受本條例囿制 Cap. 405, s. 7(1)(b)
categorize categorized 歸類為 Cap. 604, s. 11
category categories 組別 Cap. 406, s. 38(1)
category 類別 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(aa)
cater cater for operational needs 配合運作需要 Cap. 627, s. 10(1)(a)
caucus caucus (在調解過程中與調解員單獨進行的)非聯合會議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causa causans causa causans ["the initial cause"; direct cause; immediate 直接原因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cause] and Commercial Law Terms
causa causans ["the initial cause"; direct cause; immediate 近因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cause] and Commercial Law Terms
causa mortis causa mortis ["in contemplation of death"] 預期死亡而作的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causa mortis ["in contemplation of death"] 臨終作出的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causa sine qua non causa sine qua non ["cause without which not"] 不可缺少的原因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causal causal link 因果關係 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
causation causation 因果律〔侵權法〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

causation 因果關係 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.20

causation 成因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chain of causation 因果序列 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chain of causation 因果連鎖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
chain of causation 因果關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
causative causative conduct 可導致事情發生的行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.21
cause an order to show cause 着令提出反對因由的命令 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 14(2)
any cause of action ... has accrued to any person 有訴訟因由在任何人方面產生 Cap. 347, s. 5(1)
believes with reasonable cause 有合理因由相信 Cap. 6A, r. 46(3)
bona fide cause 真誠的因由 Cap. 197A, reg. 9(3)
cause 成因 Cap. 470, s. 25(e)
cause 案由 Cap. 383, s. 8
cause 起因 Cap. 406, s. 3(2)
cause (n.) 因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause (n.) 原因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause and effect 因果(關係) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause of action 訴因 Cap. 182, s. 5(5)
cause of action 訴訟因由 Cap. 4, s. 12B(4)(b)

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cause of action arose 訴訟因由產生 Cap. 4, s. 48(1)

cause of action in tort 侵權訴訟因由 Cap. 300, s. 4(1)
cause of action survives 訴訟因由仍然存在 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(1)
cause of death 死因 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.57
challenge for cause 有因由的反對 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.43
continuing cause of action 持續的訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 6
due cause 適當因由 Cap. 280A, reg. 18(2)
for good cause 基於良好因由 Cap. 600, s. 10(7)
for sufficient cause 基於充分因由 Cap. 563, s. 15(2)
for sufficient cause shown 基於有充分因由提出 Cap. 484A, r. 68(1)
good cause 正當因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good cause 充分理由 Cap. 322A, s. 4(a)
good cause 好的因由 Cap. 6, s. 27
good cause 妥善因由 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.35
good cause of action 好的訴訟因由 Cap. 4, s. 21B(3)(a)
inherent causes 與生俱來的因素 Cap. 339, s. 3(1)
just cause 公正因由 Cap. 197, s. 10
just cause 確當因由 Cap. 227C, Schedule
lawful cause 合法因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

legal cause [also proximate cause ] 法律因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
legal cause [also proximate cause ] 近因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
limitation or barring of causes of action 訴訟因由的時效或禁制 Cap. 172, s. 7(1)(k)
may challenge ... without cause 可無須提出因由而反對 Cap. 3, s. 29
may ... for cause 如有因由,則可…… Cap. 3, s. 29
natural cause 自然原因 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.28
non-natural cause 非自然原因 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.101
on cause shown 基於所表明的因由 Cap. 221, s. 10A(4)
on cause shown to the satisfaction of the court 在提出使法庭信納的因由後 Cap. 369A, reg. 13
on good cause 根據好的因由 Cap. 25, s. 32(1)
operative cause 主要的成因 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
originating cause 原訴因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
physical cause 身體……問題 Cap. 541D, s. 59(1)
probable cause 頗有可能的因由 Cap. 4, s. 21B(2)
probable cause 頗能成立的因由 Cap. 227, s. 100(1)
probable cause 頗能成理的因由 Cap. 336, s. 52E(2)
proper cause 合宜的因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

proximate cause [also causa proxima] 近因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable cause 合理因由 Cap. 68, s. 24
satisfaction of the cause of action ... 了結……訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 15(2)
show cause 提出因由 Cap. 227, s. 100(2)
show cause against ... 對……提出反對的因由 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 4(1)
showing sufficient cause 提出充分理由 Cap. 609, s. 53(3)
shows sufficient cause 提出……充分因由 Cap. 490, s. 24(3)
sole cause 唯一的成因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
special cause 特殊因由 Cap. 8, s. 20(2)(a)
sufficient cause 充分因由 Cap. 484A, r. 68
sufficient cause 充分理由 Cap. 608, Sch. 4
sufficient cause to the contrary 充分的反對因由 Cap. 4A, App. A
superseding cause 取代前因的因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ultimate cause 最終因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without cause 無故 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without good cause 並無好的因由 Cap. 360, s. 13(4)(ba)
without reasonable cause 在無合理因由的情況下 Cap. 483A, s. 20(1)
cause arson causing death 縱火導致死亡 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

assault causing bodily harm 襲擊導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.70
calculated to cause 刻意導致 Cap. 159AI, Schedule
cause 安排 Cap. 571, s. 13(3)
cause 促使 Cap. 406, s. 8(1)
cause 致使 Cap. 313, s. 64(1)
cause 導致……他人 Cap. 415, s. 17(2)
cause (v.) 引起 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause (v.) 導致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause an investigation to be initiated 安排展開調查 Cap. 413K, s. 24(2)
cause confusion 導致混淆 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
cause ... deception or confusion 導致欺騙或混淆 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
cause harm to the public 對公眾造成損害 Cap. 637, s. 43(1)(a)
cause inconvenience to ... 對……造成不便 Cap. 104A, reg. 12(1)
cause ... loss or damage 導致……損失或損毀 Cap. 448, s. 8(2)
cause maliciously 惡意造成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause offence to ... 令……感到厭惡 Cap. 104A, reg. 5
cause ... to be automatically recorded 使……自動記錄 Cap. 405, s. 20(8)(c)
cause to be done 致使他人作出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause ... to be filed 安排將……存檔 Cap. 37, s. 12

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cause to be made 安排作出 Cap. 159M, Sch. 1

cause to disappear 促使……消失 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(g)
cause wilfully 故意造成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caused by 因……而出現 Cap. 622, s. 400(3)(b)(ii)
caused by 導致 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
causes death or injury to a person 引致……人命傷亡 Cap. 406, s. 2
causing a nuisance 造成滋擾 Cap. 265B, Schedule
causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent 導致他人在不同意的情況下進行涉及性的行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.23
causing damage 造成損壞 Cap. 265B, Schedule
causing death by dangerous driving 危險駕駛引致他人死亡 Cap. 504B, r. 12
causing fluctuations ... 引致……波動 Cap. 571, s. 275(1)(a)
causing grievous bodily harm 導致身體受嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.7
causing prejudice to ... 使……蒙受不利 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(d)
causing prostitution 導致賣淫 Cap. 200, s. 131, Heading
causing serious injury recklessly 罔顧後果而導致嚴重損傷 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
criminal negligence causing bodily harm 刑事疏忽導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52

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criminal negligence causing death 刑事疏忽導致他人死亡 "Excepted Offences under Schedule

3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
criminal negligence causing death 刑事疏忽導致死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.73
dangerous driving causing death 危險駕駛引致他人死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.60
dishonest intent to cause loss to another 不誠實地意圖導致他人蒙受損失 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(d)
driving causing danger 駕駛構成危險 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
... has caused or contributed to ... in the whole or in the greater ……全部或較大部分是由……所引致或促成的 Cap. 166, s. 23(3)(b)
intentionally cause 故意導致 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.29, Footnote 21
knowingly causes 明知而致使 Cap. 615, s. 5(7)
may reasonably cause ... 按常理可令到…… Cap. 505, s. 35(h)(iv)
potentially causing 有機會致使 Cap. 155Q, r. 14(3)(a)(ii)
there would be no likelihood of ... being caused 不會相當可能導致…… Cap. 559, Sch. 5
to cause personal service of ... to be effected 安排將……以面交方式送達 Cap. 6A, r. 46(2)
with intent to cause 意圖造成 Cap. 357, s. 11(2)
cause a cause or matter 訟案或事項 Cap. 484, s. 2
a cost in the cause 歸於訟案中的訟費 Cap. 221A, r. 12(3)
Admiralty causes and matters 海事訟案及事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(1)

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amended writ for commencement of a cause 經修訂的展開訟案的令狀 Cap. 4C, Schedule

... be entitled in all those causes or matters 以所有該等訟案或事宜的標題為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 9
cause (n.) 訟案 Cap. 4, s. 2
cause (n.) 訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause book 訟案登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)
cause list 法院訟案排期表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause list 聆訊案件表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause list 審訊案件表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cause lists 訟案聆訊表 Cap. 221A, r. 68
causes joined in one action 合併在一宗訴訟中的……訟案 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 19(4A)
causes or matters 訟案或事宜 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.28
civil cause 民事訟案 Cap. 4, s. 16(1)
civil cause or matter 民事訟案或事宜 Cap. 4, s. 14
costs in the cause 訟費歸於訟案中 Cap. 4A, App. A
criminal cause 刑事訟案 Cap. 4, s. 14A
criminal cause or matter 刑事訟案或事項 Cap. 484A, r. 5(2)
criminal causes and matters 刑事訟案及事宜 Cap. 221, s. 9(3)
defended cause 有抗辯訴訟 Cap. 179A, r. 2(2)
matrimonial cause 婚姻訟案 Cap. 8, s. 63(5)
matrimonial cause 婚姻訴訟 Cap. 179, s. 2

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pending cause 待決的訴訟 Cap. 29B, r. 2(a)

probate causes and matters 遺囑認證訟案及事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(1)
proceeding not in a cause 不在訟案內的法律程序 Cap. 4, s. 2
short causes 短訟案 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(d)
title of the cause or matter 訟案或事宜的標題 Cap. 4B, r. 2
to be noted in the cause book 註於訟案登記冊上 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 7(4)
trial of the cause 訟案審訊 Cap. 21, s. 3
undefended cause 無抗辯訴訟 Cap. 179A, r. 2(2)
writ for commencement of a cause 展開訟案的令狀 Cap. 4C, Schedule
cause of action in all proceedings founded on the same cause of action 在基於同一訴因的一切法律程序中 Cap. 319, s. 10(1)
satisfaction of the cause of action ... 了結……訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 15(2)
caution caution 告誡 Cap. 374J, reg. 12(1)(a)
caution 警誡 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)
caution against conversion 抗轉換警告書 Cap. 585, Sch. 1
consent caution 同意警告書 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
non-consent caution 非同意警告書 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
opt-out caution 退出警告書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
reminded caution 提醒警誡 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
warning or caution 警示或警告 Cap. 424C, s. 6(1)
caution acting with prudence and caution 小心謹慎行事 Cap. 29, s. 9(3)
caution 謹慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
want of due care or caution 欠缺適當謹慎或小心 Cap. 21, s. 8

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want of ... due care or caution 不小心或不謹慎 Cap. 268, s. 15

caution money caution money 保證金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cautioned cautioned statement 警誡口供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cautioned statement 警誡供詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cautioning cautioning officer 警誡人員 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
caveat caveat against arrest 針對扣押的知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(2)
caveat against release and payment 針對發還及付款的知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(2)
caveat book 知會備忘登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1(2)
caveat ["let him or her beware"] 知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1
enter ... a caveat 登錄……知會備忘 Cap. 4C, Schedule
enter or withdraw a caveat 登錄或撤回知會備忘 Cap. 4C, Schedule
entered in the caveat book 登錄於知會備忘登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 15(1)
entry of the caveat 登錄該知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 14(2)
lodge a caveat 提交知會備忘 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
lodging caveats 提交知會備忘 Cap. 10, s. 2
removing caveat 撤銷知會備忘 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
successive caveats 後繼的知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 15(2)
warning to caveat 就知會備忘發出警告書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
withdraw a caveat 撤回知會備忘 Cap. 4C, Schedule
caveat actor caveat actor ["let the doer beware"] 行動者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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caveat emptor caveat emptor ["let the buyer beware"] 買者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveat subscriptor caveat subscriptor ["let the signer beware"] 簽署者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveat venitor caveat venitor ["let the vendor beware"] 賣者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveat viator caveat viator ["let the traveller beware"] 旅者自慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
caveator caveator 知會備忘登記人 Cap. 10A, r. 44(2)
caveator 登錄知會備忘的人 Cap. 4A, App. B
CBNI CBNI 現金類物品 Cap. 629, s. 2(1)
cease cease 終止 Cap. 111, s. 44(5)(b)
cease to apply to 停止適用於 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.9
cease to be a party 停止成為一方 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(2)(a)
cease to be in operation 停止施行 Cap. 151B, s. 2
cease to be viable 不再可持續經營 Cap. 628, s. 6(2)
cease to have effect 失效 Cap. 589, s. 57(5)
... cease to have effect ……的效力即告終止 Cap. 280, s. 5A(1)(b)
cease to have force 停止生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
cease to run for ... period 在……期間內終止計算 Cap. 6, s. 30A(3)
ceased to be 不再是 Cap. 155, s. 53C(2)
ceased to be a legal officer 終止出任律政人員 Cap. 87, s. 12(a)
ceased to be under a disability 不再無行為能力 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
ceased to exist 不再存在 Cap. 584, s. 5(1)(b)(ii)

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ceased to exist 停止存在 Cap. 151, s. 13(1)

ceased to have any estate or interest in the land 停止擁有土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
ceased to have effect 停止有效 Cap. 537, s. 3(6)
ceased to have effect 終止有效 Cap. 188, s. 6(8)
ceased to have those rights 喪失該等權利 Cap. 159, s. 39Q(1)
ceases to be 停任 Cap. 155, s. 59A(1)(b)
ceases to be effective 停止具有效力 Cap. 548H, s. 12(1)
ceases to be effective for ... 不再具有……的效力 Cap. 571, s. 121(1B)(b)
ceases to be satisfied 不再信納 Cap. 613A, s. 8(b)
ceases to be valid 不再有效 Cap. 81A, reg. 5B(3)
ceases to carry on business 停業 Cap. 406, s. 34(10)
ceases to have effect 即告失效 Cap. 624, s. 18(4)
ceases to have effect from ... 自……起失效 Cap. 123P, s. 25(3)
ceases to hold a qualification ... 不再具備……資格 Cap. 610B, s. 12(1)
ceases to hold office 停任 Cap. 159AK, r. 17(7)
ceasing to be a member 終止成為成員 Cap. 113, Sch. 3
the date on which ... ceases to take effect 失效日期 Cap. 625, s. 10(5)(b)
cease and desist order cease and desist order 終止及停止令〔市場失當行為審裁處可對干犯市場失當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
行為者施加的民事制裁之一。在命令生效期間,受處分 and Commercial Law Terms
ceiling ceiling 上限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
celebration celebration of marriage 舉行婚禮 Cap. 178, s. 7(2)

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cell cell 囚室 Cap. 234, s. 6(1)

special cells 特別囚室 Cap. 234, s. 6(5)
censor censor 檢查 Cap. 225B, r. 11(1)
censor 檢查員 Cap. 392, s. 2
panel of censors 檢查員小組 Cap. 392, s. 4(1)
censorship censorship 審查 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.10
censorship 檢查 Cap. 241, s. 2(2)(a)
censure censure (v., n.) 責備 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
censure (v., n.) 譴責 Cap. 159, s. 10
deserving of censure 應受責難 Cap. 610B, s. 13(1)(b)(iii)
reprimands or censures 嚴厲譴責或譴責 Cap. 541, s. 6(4)
census census 普查 Cap. 316, s. 9(2)(a)(i)
census reference census reference moment 普查參考時刻 Cap. 316Z, s. 2
cent a fraction of a cent 不足一仙之數 Cap. 571Z, s. 2A
fractions of a cent 不足一仙的尾數 Cap. 227, s. 37(2)
central Central Authority 中心機關 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
Central Authority 中央機關 Cap. 290D, r. 24(2)(a)
central central counterparty 中央交易對手方 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)
central counting station 中央點票站 Cap. 541D, s. 2(1)
central securities depository 中央證券寄存處 Cap. 485A, s. 2
central central reservation 中央分道帶 Cap. 374Q, reg. 8(a)
central central issue at trial 審訊時的主要爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
Central Authorities Central Authorities 中央 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
Central Authorities of Central Authorities of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國中央當局 Cap. 1, s. 3
the People's Republic of
Central Authority Central Authority 中心機關 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
Central Authority 中央機關 Cap. 290D, r. 24(2)(a)
central bank central bank 中央銀行 Cap. 155, s. 46(9)(a)
central clearing system central clearing system 中央結算系統 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
central government central government 中央政府 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
Central Government Central Government 中央 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
municipalities directly under the Central Government 直轄市 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
central issue central issue 主要爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Central Military Central Military Commission 中央軍事委員會 Constitution of the People’s
Commission Republic of China, Art. 62
Central People's Central People's Government 中央人民政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 12
competent authorities of the Central People's Government 中央人民政府主管部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the 中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的機構 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Central People's Central People's Government Committee 中央人民政府委員會 National Flag and National Emblem
Government Ordinance, s. 2
Central People's Central People's Government of the People's Republic of 中華人民共和國中央人民政府 Cap. 1, s. 2A(2)(a)
Government of the China
People's Republic of

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centre addiction treatment centre 戒毒所 Cap. 244, s. 2
child care centre 幼兒中心 Cap. 243, s. 2(1)
detention centre 勞敎中心 Cap. 239, s. 2
detention centre 羈留中心 Cap. 115, s. 53(8)(g)
Green Island Reception Centre 青洲接待中心 Cap. 115B, Sch. 1
reception centre 收容所 Cap. 480, s. 34(1)(a)
refugee centre 難民中心 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
regional command and control centre 地區指揮及控制中心 Cap. 520A, s. 5(1)(a)(i)
rehabilitation centre 更生中心 Cap. 567, s. 2
San Uk Ling Holding Centre 新屋嶺拘留中心 Cap. 115B, Sch. 1
training centre 教導所 Cap. 225, s. 28
CEPA CEPA [Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic 內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Partnership Arrangement] and Commercial Law Terms
certain certain 已確定的 Cap. 6, s. 61(f)
certain 確定 Cap. 622, s. 274(1)
certainty certainty 確切 Cap. 329, s. 26(1)
certainty virtual certainty direction 就幾乎必然發生的情況給予指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
certifiable certifiable building 可核證建築物 Cap. 630, Sch. 2
certificate accepted Convention certificate 獲認可的公約證明書 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
air operator's certificate 航空營運人許可證 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
air operator’s certificate 航空營運人許可證 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
appeal aid certificate 上訴援助證書 Cap. 221D, r. 2(1)
attendance certificate 修習證書 Cap. 374, s. 102A

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authorized person's certificate 認可人士證明書 Cap. 349, s. 2(1)

bearer certificate 不記名證書 Cap. 581A, s. 2
birth certificate 出生證明書 Cap. 290A, r. 31A(4)(a)
branch registration certificate 分行登記證 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
builder's certificate 建造證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
business registration certificate 商業登記證 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
certificate 證明文件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
certificate 證明書 Cap. 178, s. 13(1)
certificate 證書 Cap. 178, s. 13(1)
certificate for counsel 大律師證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate for detailed assessment 詳細評估證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Certificate for Funeral and Medical Attendance Expenses 殯殮費和醫護費證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
certificate in lieu 代用證明書 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
certificate of a master 聆案官證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 27(1)
certificate of a solicitor 律師發出的證明書 Cap. 128A, reg. 7(b)
certificate of acceptance of vessel 船隻驗收合格證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of an assisted person 受助人證書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 6(4)
certificate of appraisement 估價證明書 Cap. 4A, App. B
certificate of approval 核准證明書 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
certificate of arrears 欠款證明書 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
certificate of attendance 到診證明書 Cap. 57, s. 33(5B)
certificate of award or order 裁定或命令證明書 Cap. 453A, Schedule

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Certificate of Compensation Assessment for Fatal Case 致命個案補償評估證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
certificate of competency 合格證書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
certificate of competency 適任證書 Cap. 478AJ, s. 2
certificate of completion 結業證明書 Cap. 159J, r. 7(a)
certificate of completion 結業證書 Cap. 47, s. 2
certificate of compliance 合格證明書 Cap. 116C, s. 2
certificate of compliance 符合安全證明書 Cap. 572, s. 13
Certificate of Compliance Registration 遵行規定登記證明書 Cap. 610A, Schedule
Certificate of Conciliation 調停證明書 Cap. 25C, Schedule
certificate of conviction 定罪證明書 Cap. 503B, Schedule
certificate of costs 訟費證明書 Cap. 91C, reg. 16
certificate of deletion 終止註冊證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
certificate of deposit 存款證 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
certificate of determination of compensation 補償裁定證明書 Cap. 469, s. 15(1A)
certificate ... of dissolution of a writ of foreign attachment 解除訴訟外債務人物業查封令證明書 Cap. 128B, Schedule
certificate of eligibility 合資格證明書 Cap. 171, s. 21A(2)
certificate of eligibility for admission 符合資格獲認許證明書 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
certificate of eligibility for pupillage 符合資格為實習大律師證明書 Cap. 159AB, s. 2
certificate of exemption 豁免證明書 Cap. 115, s. 17G(1)
certificate of finality 終局性證明書 Cap. 584, s. 2
certificate of fitness 效能良好證明書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
certificate of identification 識別證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(2)
certificate of identity 身分證明書 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
certificate of identity ... for a seaman 海員身分證明書 Cap. 115A, reg. 3(a)

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certificate of incorporation 公司註冊證明書 Cap. 622, s. 71(1)

certificate of incorporation 法團註冊證書 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
certificate of incorporation 法團證明書 Cap. 279, s. 40BN(1)(d)
certificate of indebtedness 負債證明書 Cap. 66, s. 4(1)
certificate of inspection during construction 建造期檢驗證明書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
certificate of insurance 保險證書 Cap. 272, s. 6(3)
Certificate of Interim Payment 臨時付款證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
certificate of judgment 判決證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate ... of marking 標記證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
certificate of marriage 結婚證書 Cap. 181, s. 22
certificate of membership 會員證書 Cap. 321, s. 14(2)
certificate of nationality ... for a seaman 海員國籍證明書 Cap. 115A, reg. 3(a)
Certificate of No Criminal Conviction 無犯罪紀錄證明書 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.57
certificate of origin 產地來源證 Cap. 324, s. 2
certificate of ownership 擁有權證明書 Cap. 548, s. 2
certificate of ... participation 參與證明書 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
certificate of point of law 法律論點證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of posting 投寄證明書 Cap. 98A, reg. 14
certificate of posting 郵遞證明書 Cap. 237, s. 15(6)
certificate of proficiency 培訓合格證書 Cap. 478AH, s. 2
certificate of provisional registry 臨時註冊證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)

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certificate of qualification for admission 具備認許資格證明書 Cap. 159AC, s. 2

certificate of registration 註冊證明書 Cap. 406, s. 30(2)
certificate of registration 註冊證書 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
Certificate of Registration of Birth 出生登記證明書 Cap. 174, Sch. 2
Certificate of Registration of Death 死亡登記證明書 Cap. 174, Sch. 2
certificate of registry 註冊證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
certificate of review of assessment 覆檢評估證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of roadworthiness 車輛宜於道路上使用證明書 Cap. 543, s. 2
certificate of safety compliance 符合安全規格證明書 Cap. 406, s. 29(1)(b)
certificate of sale 出售證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7(5)(b)
certificate of satisfaction 清償證明書 Cap. 499, s. 25(10)
certificate of satisfactory completion 圓滿結業證明書 Cap. 159J, r. 7(a)
certificate of sentence 判處刑罰證明書 Cap. 455, Sch. 5
certificate of sentences 判刑證明書 Cap. 221, s. 86, Heading
certificate of service 送達證明書 Cap. 115A, Sch. 1
certificate of solvency 有償債能力證明書 Cap. 32, s. 2
certificate of standing 專業操守證明書 Cap. 359, s. 14A
certificate of substantive examination 實質審查證明書 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
certificate of survey 驗船證明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
certificate of the Registrar 司法常務官的證明書 Cap. 4B, r. 9
certificate of the Registrar 司法常務官證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 22A, r. 2(3)
certificate of title 業權證明書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
certificate of validity 有效證明書 Cap. 559, Sch. 5

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certificates 證件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160

certificates of good character 良好品格證明書 Cap. 159E, r. 3(b)
certificates of interest 權益證明書 Cap. 571, s. 245(2)
certificates of satisfactory service 服務滿意證明書 Cap. 89A, reg. 33
completion certificate 完工證明書 Cap. 573A, s. 3(1)(g)(i)
conclusive certificate 確證證明書 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 12.1
Convention adoption certificate 公約領養證書 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention certificates 公約證明書 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(3)
copy certificate 證書副本 Cap. 159B, r. 2
course certificate 課程證書 Cap. 374, s. 102A
current certificate 現有證明書 Cap. 369C, para. 254
current certificate 現行證明書 Cap. 159Q, s. 3(4)
current practising certificate 有效執業證書 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
death certificate 死亡證明書 Cap. 132CB, s. 10(1)(e)
debenture stock bearer certificates 債權股證持有人證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(1)
discharge ... legal aid certificate 取消……法律援助證書 Cap. 91, s. 11
duplicate certificate 證書複本 Cap. 159B, r. 2
evidenced by certificates 由證書證明的 Cap. 41, Sch. 8
evidentiary certificate 證據證明書 Cap. 603, s. 28G(5)(c)
exemption certificate 豁免證明書 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
export certificate 出口證明書 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
external law immunity certificate 外地法律豁免權證明書 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
final costs certificate 最終訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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floating rate certificate of deposit 浮息的存款證 Cap. 571G, Schedule

full certificate 足額證明書 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
general safety certificate 一般安全證明書 Cap. 478B, s. 3(2)(c)
generalized preference certificate 普及特惠稅證 Cap. 60B, Schedule
hand-over certificate 移交證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
health certificate 衞生證明書 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
Hong Kong Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate 香港防油污證書 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
interim certificate 中期證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 17(1)
interim certificate of costs 中期訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim certificate of payment 中期付款證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim costs certificate 中期訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate 國際防油污證書 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage 國際有毒液體物質證書 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
inventor's certificate 發明人證書 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
joint certificate 聯合證明書 Cap. 372, Sch. 3
latest certificate 最新近的證書 Cap. 311S, s. 2
legal aid certificate 法律援助證書 Cap. 91, s. 11
limited practising certificate 具限定範圍的執業證書 Cap. 159K, Schedule
local certificate of competency 本地合格證明書 Cap. 548, s. 2
maker's certificate 製造商證明書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)

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medical certificate 醫學證明書 Cap. 132M, s. 4(2)(c)(ii)

mine blasting certificate 礦場燃爆證書 Cap. 285B, Sch. 3
negotiable certificate or document 可流轉證明書或文件 Cap. 537A, s. 1(2)
notarial certificate 公證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
official certificate 官方證明書 Cap. 132AK, reg. 9(4)
practising certificate 執業證書 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
public collections certificate 公開籌款證明書 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 11
recognized certificate 認可證書 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
registrar's certificate 司法常務官證明書 Cap. 4A, App. A
Review Certificate for Funeral and Medical Attendance 殯殮費和醫護費審核證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
Review Certificate of Compensation Assessment for Fatal Case 致命個案補償評估審核證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
Review Certificate of Interim Payment 臨時付款審核證明書 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
school attendance certificate 在學證明書 Cap. 57B, reg. 2
sewage certificate 污水證書 Cap. 413K, s. 11(1)
share certificate 股份證明書 Cap. 622, s. 162
short birth certificate 簡略出生證明書 Cap. 174A, reg. 2
taxing master's certificate 訟費評定官證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 35(6)
temporary ... certificates 臨時證明書 Cap. 571, s. 245(2)
title certificate 業權證明書 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
transhipment certificate 轉運證明書 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
unconditional practising certificate 無條件執業證書 Cap. 159Y, s. 4(1)(a)(ii)
work completion certificate 完工證明書 Cap. 172A, reg. 3(3)(a)(i)

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Certificate of Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Hong 香港特別行政區居留權證明書 Cap. 115, s. 2
Entitlement to the Right Kong Special Administrative Region
of Abode in the Hong
Kong Special
Administrative Region
certificated certificated 持有證書的 Cap. 281, s. 57(1)(a)
certificated 領有證明書 Cap. 548, s. 2
certificated vessel 領有證明書船隻 Cap. 548D, s. 13(1)(a)
certification certification 核證 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
certification 證明 Cap. 602, s. 19(5)
certification authority 核證機關 Cap. 553, Long Title
certification authority disclosure record 核證機關披露紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
certification body 核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
certification practice statement 核證作業準則 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
certification trade mark 證明商標 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
international certification scheme 國際發證計劃 Cap. 60A, reg. 6DA
International Convention on Standards of Training, 《1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約》 Cap. 478V, s. 2
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
recognized certification authority 認可核證機關 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
recognized certification body 認可核證團體 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
representative certification criterion 訴訟代表的核證準則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.11
certification authority certification authority 核證機關 Cap. 553, s. 2
certification of origin certificate of origin 產地來源證 Cap. 324, s. 2
certified certified 經核證的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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certified 簽署核證 Cap. 405A, para. 4(2)

certified as correct 核證為正確的 Cap. 1102, s. 7(1)(b)
certified auditor 執業核數師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certified copy 核證文本 Cap. 136, s. 28
certified copy 核證本 Cap. 336H, O. 38, r. 14
certified copy 核證副本 Cap. 514, s. 51
certified extract 核證摘錄 Cap. 522, s. 65(5)
certified extract 經核證的……摘錄 Cap. 227A, r. 8(3)
certified patent agent 認可專利代理人 Cap. 514, s. 144A(2)(a)
certified patent attorney 認可專利師 Cap. 514, s. 144A(2)(c)
certified point of law 獲法院給予證明的法律論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
certified public accountant 會計師 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
certified public accountant (practising) 執業會計師 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
certified question 獲法院證明的問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
certified statements 經證明的報表 Cap. 430, s. 2(1)
certified to be correct by ... 由……核證無誤 Cap. 32H, r. 38(1)
certified translation 核證譯本 Cap. 5B, r. 2, Heading
certified true copy 經核證為真實的副本 Cap. 200, s. 153F(5)(a)
certified true copy 經核證真實副本 Cap. 413P, s. 72(1)
certified under the hand of ... 經……簽署核證後 Cap. 332, s. 4(2)
duly certified 妥為核證 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
certified copy certified copies of documents 經核證的文件副本 Cap. 413, s. 3(5)(k)

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certified copy 核證文本 Cap. 136, s. 28

certified copy 核證副本 Cap. 453B, r. 4
certified copy 經核證文本 Cap. 597, s. 21(2)
duly certified copy 經妥為核證的副本 Cap. 609, s. 85(a)
certified true copy certified true copy 經核證為真實的副本 Cap. 200, s. 153F(5)(a)
certified true copy 經核證真實副本 Cap. 413P, s. 72(1)
certify certified as correct 核證為正確 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
certifies in writing 以書面證明 Cap. 571, s. 179(6)
certify 核證 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 14(2)(a)
certify 證明 Cap. 227, s. 102(3)
certify 驗證 Cap. 406, s. 32(1)(a)
I certify that ... 現證明…… Cap. 56B, Schedule
this is to certify that ... 茲證明…… Cap. 405, Sch. 3
Certifying Authority Certifying Authority 核證當局 Cap. 369R, reg. 1
certiorari certiorari 移審令 Cap. 1, s. 64(3)
order of certiorari 移審令 Cap. 4, s. 21K(5)
order of certiorari 移審撤銷令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
certiorari; certiorari, certiorari; certiorari, writ of 移審令 參看 writ of certiorari; order of certiorari Cap. 4, s. 21K
writ of
Cessante ratione legis Cessante ratione legis cessat et ipsa lex. [When the reason of 法律本身隨法理消失而告終 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cessat et ipsa lex. the law ceases, the law itself also ceases.] and Commercial Law Terms
cessate cessate letters of administration 終止遺產管理書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2

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cessate probates 終止遺囑認證 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2

cessation cessation 停業 Cap. 330, s. 3A(7)
cessation 終止資格 Cap. 610B, s. 12(1)(a)(i)
cessation of any right 終止任何權利 Cap. 379, s. 9(2)
cessation of application 停止適用 Cap. 347, Schedule
cessation of employment 終止受僱 Cap. 485A, s. 145(6)(a)
cessation of existence 不再存在 "Charities" Report, para. 4.39
cessation of powers 權力終止 Cap. 520, s. 16(5)
premature cessation 提前結束 Cap. 493, s. 10(3)(e)(ii)
cesser cesser 終止 Cap. 219, s. 30(1)
cesser clause [also cesser provision] 提早終止條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cestui cestui ["he who"; a beneficiary] 受益人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cestui que trust cestui que trust ["he for whom is the trust"; also cestui à que 信託受益人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
trust] and Commercial Law Terms
cestui que use cestui que use ["he to whose use property was conveyed"; in 享有土地使用權的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
full cestui à que use le feoffment fuit fait] and Commercial Law Terms
cestui que vie cestui que vie ["he for whose life ..."; also cestui à que vie] 以本身生存期作他人權益期的人 參看 autre vie English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cestuis que trustent cestuis que trustent 信託受益人 Cap. 159A, r. 4(1)(d)(i)
chain chain 一系列 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chain 一連串 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chain of causation 因果序列 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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chain of causation 因果連鎖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
chain of causation 因果關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chain of evidence 證據的連鎖性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
chain of representation 連鎖承辦 Cap. 10, s. 34(5)
chain of representation (遺產)承辦的連鎖 Cap. 10, s. 34
chain of title 所有權紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chair vacate the chair 不作會議主持 Cap. 216, s. 9(c)
vacates the chair 不主持會議 Cap. 604, Sch. 1
chairman chairman 主席 Cap. 1, s. 48
deputy chairman 代理主席 Cap. 1, s. 48
deputy chairman 副主席 Cap. 112, s. 65(4)(a)(i)
Chairman of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission 中央軍事委員會主席 Constitution of the People’s
Central Military Republic of China, Art. 62
Chairman of the Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's 中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會主席 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
National Committee of Political Consultative Conference Ordinance, Sch. 4
the Chinese People's
Political Consultative
Chairman of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's 全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Standing Committee of Congress Ordinance, Sch. 4
the National People's
chairmanship chairmanship 主席身分 Cap. 359A, Sch. 5

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challenge bid challenge 投標投訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
challenge 反對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
challenge 質疑 Cap. 609, s. 26(2)
challenge for cause 有因由的反對 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.43
challenge ... jurors 反對……陪審員的人選 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.31
challenge of a juror 反對某人出任陪審員 Cap. 221, s. 83O(c)
challenge of jurors 反對陪審員人選 Cap. 3, s. 29, Heading
challenge to the jury array 對陪審團的組成有異議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
challenge to the jury array 對陪審團甄選程序的質疑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
challenged by the accused 被控人……提出異議 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.28
decision under challenge 受質疑的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
is challenged 受到……質疑 Cap. 549C, s. 20(2)
may challenge ... without cause 可無須提出因由而反對 Cap. 3, s. 29
peremptory challenge 無因由的反對 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.5
peremptory challenge 無需說明理由而要求陪審員迴避 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
peremptory challenge 無需說明理由的質疑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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right to challenge admissibility 質疑供詞的採納性的權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
chamber barristers' chambers 大律師事務所 Cap. 480, s. 36(4)
by summons in chambers 藉內庭發出傳票 Cap. 128, s. 20
chambers 內庭 Cap. 405, s. 10(4)(b)
chambers 辦事處 Cap. 159E, r. 2(1)(c)
chambers of counsel 大律師……的事務所 Cap. 201, s. 17(2)
judge in chambers 在內庭的法官 Cap. 576B, s. 10(1)
proceedings in chambers 內庭法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 2
sit in chambers 在內庭開庭 Cap. 159, s. 4(1B)
chamber Chamber 會議廳 Cap. 382, s. 2(1)
chambers before (a judge, registrar, etc.) in chambers 在內庭的(法官、司法常務官等)席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers 大律師事務室 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers 內庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers 法官室 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers hearing (open to public) 內庭聆訊(公開) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers list 內庭聆訊案件表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hearing in chambers 內庭聆訊 Cap. 179A, r. 52(1)
in chambers 在內庭 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.56

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

judge in chambers 內庭法官 Cap. 29A, r. 2

sit in chambers 在內庭進行聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sit in chambers 在內庭開庭 Cap. 159, s. 4
champertous champertous agreements 包攬訴訟協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 3.7
champerty champerty 分享訴訟成果 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
champerty 包攬訴訟罪 Cap. 609, s. 98K
champerty 包攬訴訟〔幫助他人訴訟,勝訴後分享訴訟利益〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
maintenance and champerty 助訟及包攬訴訟 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
chancellor chancellor 大法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chancellor 首席法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chancellor (衡平法院)司法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chancellor's foot 非客觀判決準則〔衡平法院司法官以一己的主觀標準量 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
度的判決準則〕 and Commercial Law Terms
chance-of-survival chance-of-survival doctrine [also lost-chance-of-survival 生還機會原則〔在醫療過失引致死亡的訴訟中,原告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
doctrine doctrine] 只需證明若非因被告人的過失,受害人或許有生還機會 and Commercial Law Terms

Chancery Division; Chancery Division; Chancery; Ch. (Eng.) 大法官法庭(英) Cap. 4, s. 12
Chancery; Ch.
change adverse changes 不利改變 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(k)(vi)
change 改變 Cap. 1, s. 55

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change in circumstances 情況有所改變 Cap. 607, s. 11(3)(a)

changes 修改 Cap. 204, s. 12(f)
have materially changed 已有具關鍵性的改變 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
material change 事關重要的改變 Cap. 413B, reg. 24E(1)(a)
necessary changes 必需更改 Cap. 372, s. 7B(1)
notice of change 更改通知書 Cap. 1148, s. 11(3)
notice of change of solicitor 轉換律師通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 3
notification of change 更改通知 Cap. 637, s. 25(1)
registrable change 須登記更改 Cap. 622, s. 653F
significant change 重大改變 Cap. 155L, s. 27(4)(d)
significant changes 顯著的改變 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
change of party change of party 與訟一方的轉換 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
change of solicitor change of solicitor 轉換律師 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 1
changer money changer 貨幣兌換商 Cap. 34, s. 2
character character 身分 Cap. 29, s. 58
in a representative character 以……代表人身分 Cap. 6, s. 59(6)
judicial character 司法職銜 Cap. 8, s. 31
official character 官方身分 Cap. 494, s. 6(3)
official character 官職 Cap. 282, s. 30A(1)
official character 職銜 Cap. 514C, s. 97(3)
takes or assumes the name, designation or character of ... 使用或冒用……的名義、職銜或身分 Cap. 200, s. 90
character bad character 不良品格 Cap. 8, s. 12
bad character 品格不良 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)

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certificates of good character 良好品格證明書 Cap. 159E, r. 3(b)

character 秉性 Cap. 227, s. 19(1)
character 品性 Cap. 239, s. 4(1)
character 品格 Cap. 374, s. 72(1)
character and repute 品格與聲譽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
character evidence [also evidence as to character] 有關品格方面的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
character evidence [also evidence as to character] 品格證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
character reference 品格證明的參考資料 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
depraved ... character 秉性……敗壞 Cap. 226, s. 5(b)
direction on good character 良好品格指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence of bad character 不良品格的……證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
exemplary character 模範品格 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full character direction 就被告人的品格作出全面指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general character 一般秉性 Cap. 227, s. 19(1)
good character 良好品格 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(ii)
good character 品格良好 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(ii)
good character direction 良好品格指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
imputations on the character of ... the witnesses for the 貶損……控方證人的品格 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(ii)

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known character 為人所知的品格 Cap. 521, s. 3(2)

of good character 具有良好品格 Cap. 164, s. 8(1)(b)
person of known immoral character 已知為不道德的人 Cap. 200, s. 135(2)
persons of ... bad character 不良分子 Cap. 132BA, s. 10(c)
persons of good reputation and character 有良好聲譽和品格的人 Cap. 485A, s. 16(2)(a)
persons of notoriously bad character 眾所周知的不良分子 Cap. 114A, reg. 68(f)
positive good character 正面的良好品格 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unruly character 難受管束的秉性 Cap. 226, s. 7
character character 特性 Cap. 559, s. 52
character or repute of a trade mark 商標的特性或聲譽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charitable institution or trust of a public character 屬公共性質的慈善機構或慈善信託 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 4
charitable ... trust of a public character 屬公共性質的……慈善信託 Cap. 1077, s. 2
distinctive character 顯著特性 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(b)
essential character 主要性質 Cap. 480, s. 12(2)(e)(iii)
essential character of the organization 該組織的主要性質 Cap. 602, s. 18(6)(a)
for purposes of a public character 為公眾目的 Cap. 521, s. 2(1)
informal character 不拘形式 Cap. 285, s. 32(3)
of a non-distinctive character 不具顯著特性的 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
... of a political character 具政治性質的…… Cap. 8, s. 77B(3)
offence of a political character 屬政治性質的罪行 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
publication of a technical character 屬技術性質的刊物 Cap. 561, s. 15A(3)(a)
trivial character 輕微性質 Cap. 21, s. 16

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true character 真正性質 Cap. 151, s. 9(1)(b)

character characters 字樣 Cap. 1, s. 3
Chinese characters 中文字樣 Cap. 98, s. 32D(1)
characteristic characteristic requirements 特性規定 Cap. 155Q, r. 25(b)
characteristics 特有工作 Cap. 159B, Schedule
inheritable characteristics 可遺傳特徵 Cap. 429, s. 2
new or modified traits and characteristics 新的或經改造的特性及特徵 Cap. 607A, s. 4(2)(e)
significant characteristics 主要特徵 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
charge a debt secured by a charge 以押記作保證的債項 Cap. 601, s. 26(2)
any charge on any land 任何土地押記 Cap. 97, s. 2
charge (n., v.) 押記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charge of a portion 分與遺贈財產的押記 Cap. 219, s. 2
charge on ... land 土地押記 Cap. 97, s. 2
charge on the property 財產上的……押記 Cap. 6, s. 46(1)
charged in favour of ... 押記予……作受惠人 Cap. 155A, Sch. 2
charged property 已予押記的財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charging order 押記令 Cap. 4, s. 20
charging order absolute 絕對押記令 Cap. 4A, App. A
creating the charge 設立該項押記 Cap. 622, s. 333(3)
enforcement of ... a charge 執行押記權 Cap. 455, s. 18(1)(b)
equitable charge 衡平法押記 Cap. 49, s. 2(1)
first charge 第一押記 Cap. 91, s. 18A(1)
first legal charge 第一法律押記 Cap. 155L, s. 65(1)(b)

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fixed charge 固定押記 Cap. 128, s. 2A(2)(a)

floating charge 浮動押記 Cap. 128, s. 2A
further charge 再進行押記 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
intended charge 擬施加的押記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land charges register 土地押記註冊紀錄 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
legal charge 法定押記 Cap. 219, s. 2
market charge 市場押記 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
outstanding charge 尚未清償的押記 Cap. 571, s. 323(8)(b)
prior registered charge 優先登記的押記 Cap. 33, s. 14
property comprised ... the charge 組成該項押記……的財產 Cap. 273, s. 2(1)(b)
provide for the charge to extend to ... 規定將押記範圍擴及…… Cap. 525, Sch. 2
redeemable charge 可贖回的押記 Cap. 38, s. 33(1)
register of charges 押記登記冊 Cap. 622, s. 352(1)
registered charge 已登記押記 Cap. 49, s. 2(1)
registered charge 註冊押記 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
release of a charge 解除押記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
released from the charge 解除押記 Cap. 622, s. 345(1)(b)(i)
secured by a charge on ... 對……作出押記以作為……的保證 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
specific ... charge 特定押記 Cap. 563, s. 13(4)
stand charged 須予押記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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subject to a charge 受限於……押記 Cap. 525, Sch. 2

terminable charge 有限期押記 Cap. 111, s. 18(5)
charge a charge made jointly against ... 針對……而提出的共同檢控 Cap. 226, s. 3C(2)(a)
a charge under ... may be framed accordingly 根據……而提出的控罪,亦可據此而擬定 Cap. 238, s. 25(1)
alternative charge 交替控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
amend ... charge 修訂……控罪 Cap. 428B, s. 33(1)
amended charge sheet 經修訂的控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
amended or new charge 經修訂或新增的控罪 Cap. 342B, r. 9(2)
bringing a charge 提出控告 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.9
charge 控告書 Cap. 8, s. 62(2)(b)
charge 控訴 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
charge 檢控 Cap. 213, s. 27
charge (n., v.) 控告 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charge (n., v.) 控罪 Cap. 200, s. 3
charge (n., v.) 罪名 Cap. 383, s. 8
charge sheet 控罪書 Cap. 227, s. 8(2)(d)
charge ... stayed 控罪……被擱置 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.70
charged 被控 Cap. 571, s. 59(6)
charged before ... 在……席前被控 Cap. 136, s. 51(1)(a)

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charged with a criminal offence 受刑事控告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
charged with an offence 被落案起訴刑事罪名 Cap. 405A, Sch. 2
charged with an offence under ... 被控犯……所訂罪行 Cap. 521, s. 15(3)
charges against him 被控案由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(2)
charges arising out of ... 由……引起的控罪 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iii)
consolidated charge sheet 合併控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal charge 刑事控告 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 35, Footnote 32
criminal charge 刑事罪名 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
dealing with the charge 審理該控罪的 Cap. 318, s. 24(3)
defective charge 欠妥的控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dismiss the charge 駁回控罪 Cap. 336, Sch. 2
dismiss the charge 撤銷控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
distinct charges 不同控罪 Cap. 21, s. 26
duplicity of charge 多項罪行的控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
formulation of charges 控罪的擬定 Cap. 161, s. 35(5)
formulation of charges 擬定……控罪 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iii)
framing of charge 擬定控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty as alleged or charged 犯了所指稱或指控的事項 Cap. 359A, reg. 35(a)
It is a defence to the charge for the person to establish that ... 如上述的人證明……即為對上述控罪的免責辯護 Cap. 354, s. 18(4)
joinder of charges 合併控罪 Cap. 221, s. 18, Heading

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joint charge 共同控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
nature and cause of the charge 被控罪名及案由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(a)
on a charge of murder 在謀殺罪的檢控中 Cap. 339, s. 3(2)
part of the charge 部分指控 Cap. 3, s. 26
pending charge 待決控罪 Cap. 200, s. 147B(5)(c)(iii)
re-amended charge sheet 再修訂的控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sample charge 代表性的控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
separately charged in distinct counts 以不同罪名來分別控告 Cap. 221, s. 51(4)
specimen charge 控罪範本 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statutory alternative charge 法定交替控罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.30, Footnote 50
the act charged 被控的作為 Cap. 200, s. 92
the person charged 被控人 Cap. 115, s. 17C(3)
withdraw the charge 撤回控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
written charge 書面控罪 Cap. 227, s. 86(1)(a)
charge actual care or charge 實際照顧或看管 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.20
be in the charge of ... 由……負責管理 Cap. 484, s. 41

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care or charge 照顧或看管 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.15
charge 掌管 Cap. 1, s. 3
charge 管理 Cap. 1, s. 3
charge (n., v.) (使負起)管理、掌管、保管等的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charge (n., v.) (委以……)職責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charged with ... 負責…… Cap. 6, s. 2
charged with the execution of process 負責執行法律程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1(2)
has the ... charge ... of ... 對……負有……看管……責任 Cap. 212, s. 27(1)
has ... the charge of or control over ... 對……具有監管或控制權 Cap. 226, s. 2(1)
have the general charge and control of ... 有全盤主管及控制……的權力 Cap. 239A, reg. 3(1)
having charge of ... 負責監理 Cap. 192, s. 27
having command or charge of ... 指揮或掌管…… Cap. 281, s. 2
in charge of 掌管 Cap. 311, s. 71
jury ... charged with the person accused 陪審團……被委以被控人所涉及的案件 Cap. 3, s. 22(1)
lawful care or charge 合法照顧或監督權 Cap. 213, s. 26
person in charge 主管 Cap. 171A, reg. 5
person in charge 掌管人 Cap. 200, s. 153A(3)(b)
take charge 負起管理責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take charge of 接管 Cap. 232, s. 57(1)
charge a charge on the general revenue 從政府一般收入中撥款支付 Cap. 311, s. 33(12)

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by charges on the general revenues of Hong Kong 由香港政府一般收入撥款支付 Cap. 342, s. 6

charge fees 收取費用 Cap. 563, s. 6(2)(g)
charge (n., v.) 收取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charge on the general revenue 由政府一般收入支付 Cap. 155, s. 101A(4)
charge on the general revenue 由政府一般收入撥付 Cap. 438, s. 12(12)
charge upon general revenue 從政府一般收入中撥款支付 Cap. 380, s. 14(1)
charged as an advance 以預支方式記帳 Cap. 61, s. 5(2)
charged on and paid out of ... 由……撥出和支付 Cap. 89, s. 4
charged on the general revenue 記在政府一般收入上 Cap. 2, s. 4
charged upon ... land 就土地而支取 Cap. 347, s. 2(1)
charges a commission 收取佣金 Cap. 34, s. 8(2)(a)
price charged 所索價格 Cap. 68, s. 19(1)
rents ... charged on lands 就土地……而收取的租費 Cap. 18, s. 5
without charge by ... 在無需向……繳費的情況下 Cap. 486, s. 35C(2)(c)
without charge to ... 在不向……收費的情況下 Cap. 486, s. 35F(1)
charge balancing charge 結餘課稅 Cap. 112, s. 35(1)
charge (n., v.) 收費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
copyright royalty charges 版權使用費 Cap. 528, s. 149(1)(b)
evasion of charges 規避繳付……費用 Cap. 354L, s. 4(1)(g)
fee or charge 費用 Cap. 1, s. 29(1A)
fees and charges 費用及收費 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(f)
fees or charges 收費 Cap. 1145, s. 4(n)
free of charge 免費 Cap. 459, s. 22(2)

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handling charge 手續費 Cap. 411, s. 15(5)(a)

impose a fee or charge 徵收費用 Cap. 1, s. 29(1A)
impounding charge 鎖押費 Cap. 556D, s. 32
landfill charge 堆填費 Cap. 354N, s. 2
make charges 收取費用 Cap. 318, s. 6(1)(e)
outstanding prescribed charge 尚欠的訂明收費 Cap. 354N, s. 19(2)(a)(ii)
primary charge 基本收費 Cap. 624, s. 2
prior charge 事先收費 Cap. 336H, O. 28, r. 1A(7)
rebate of charges 退回收費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
removal charge 移走費 Cap. 556D, s. 34(1)
sewage charge 排污費 Cap. 463A, s. 3
sorting charge 篩選分類費 Cap. 354N, s. 2
storage charge 存放費 Cap. 556D, s. 34(1)
surrender charges 贖回收費 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
trade charge 商業收費 Cap. 98A, reg. 18(1)
usual charges 通常收費 Cap. 159, s. 17
utility charges 公用設施收費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without charge 免費 Cap. 406, s. 30(5)
charge to the jury charge to the jury [also direction to the jury] (法官)給予陪審團的指示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chargeable chargeable 可予徵收 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
chargeable 可收取 Cap. 6A, r. 64
chargeable 附有支付……的責任 Cap. 159, s. 60(5)

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chargeable 徵收 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)

chargeable 應收費 Cap. 159G, r. 3(2)
chargeable 應徵收的 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
chargeable agreement for sale 可予徵收印花稅的買賣協議 Cap. 117, s. 29D(1)(a)
chargeable amount 應收款額 Cap. 374D, reg. 2(1)
chargeable on the gross value 須按……總值徵收 Cap. 10, s. 19
chargeable period 收費期 Cap. 485C, s. 3
chargeable profits 應課稅利潤 Cap. 112, s. 15E(3)
chargeable to ... 可……記入 Cap. 283, s. 13(2)(a)
chargeable to revenue 在收入帳報銷 Cap. 1115, s. 9(4)
chargeable to tax 應課稅的 Cap. 112, s. 15(4)
chargeable to the Fund 須由計劃基金支付 Cap. 91, s. 30(1)
chargeable with stamp duty 可予徵收印花稅 Cap. 117, s. 8
net chargeable income 應課稅入息實額 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
not chargeable to tax 無須課稅 Cap. 112, s. 15(4)
chargeable chargeable as security for ... 可予以押記作為……的保證 Cap. 1080, s. 8
charged matters charged 所控告事項 Cap. 21, s. 7(1)
chargee chargee 承押記人 Cap. 91, s. 18A(3A)
charge-holder charge-holder 受押人 Cap. 49, s. 2(1)
charging charging order 押記令 Cap. 455, s. 2(3)
discharging ... the charging order 解除……押記令 Cap. 4, s. 20B(4)
single charging order 單一項押記令 Cap. 4A, O. 50, r. 1(5)
charging charging period 課稅期 Cap. 108, s. 1A(1)

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charging charging or collecting of fees 徵收或收取費用 Cap. 571, s. 112ZQ(1)(a)

chargor chargor 押記人 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
chargor's right 押記人……的權利 Cap. 219, s. 56A(1)
charitable charitable 慈善 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(m)
charitable aid 慈善援助 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(m)
charitable companies 慈善公司 "Charities" Report, para. 5.58,
Footnote 45
charitable entity 慈善實體 "Charities" Report, para. 2.208
charitable incorporated body 慈善法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
charitable incorporated organisation 慈善法團機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
charitable institution 慈善機構 Cap. 1077, s. 2
charitable institution or trust of a public character 屬公共性質的慈善機構或慈善信託 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 4
charitable instrument 慈善文書 Cap. 487, s. 51(4)
charitable organization 慈善組織 Cap. 528, s. 81(3)(a)
charitable purpose 慈善用途 Cap. 33, s. 34(2)
charitable purpose 慈善目的 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
charitable purpose 慈善宗旨 "Charities" Report, para. 1.3
charitable status 慈善地位 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
charitable trade 慈善業務 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 7, para. 34
charitable trust 慈善信託 Cap. 29, s. 63(1)
charitable ... trust of a public character 屬公共性質的……慈善信託 Cap. 1077, s. 2

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charitable trustee 慈善受託人 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

charitable unincorporated association 非屬法團的慈善組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
exclusively charitable 完全屬慈善性質的 Cap. 602, s. 50(3)
general charitable testamentary gift 屬遺囑性質的一般慈善饋贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
public charitable collection 公開慈善募集 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
charitable fund charitable fund 慈善基金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charity charity 慈善組織 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
charity proceedings 慈善事務法律程序 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 62
charity tax concessions 慈善組織稅項寬減 "Charities" Report, para. 7.32
charity trustee 慈善受託人 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
de-register charities 撤銷慈善組織的註冊 "Charities" Report, para. 5.93
excepted charities 例外慈善組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
exempted charities 獲豁免慈善組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
existing charity trustee 在任的慈善受託人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 67
merger of charities 慈善組織合併 "Charities" Report, para. 9.49
non-company charity 非公司慈善組織 "Charities" Report, para. 5.58,
Footnote 45

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protector of charities 慈善事務守護人 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

public register of charities 慈善組織公共註冊紀錄冊 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 47
register of charities 慈善組織註冊紀錄冊 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
chart Chromaticity Chart (1975) 《1975年色度表》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(3)
large-scale charts 大比例尺海圖 Cap. 413K, s. 2
shareholding chart 股權表 Cap. 41, Sch. 2
Charta de non ente non Charta de non ente non valet. [A deed of a thing not in being is 標的不存在之契據無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
valet. not valid.] and Commercial Law Terms
charter charter 成立章程 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
charter 章程 Cap. 66, s. 5
charter 憲章 Cap. 132, s. 2
Charter of the United Nations 《聯合國憲章》 Cap. 558C, s. 2
supplemental charter 補充憲章 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
charter charter (v., n.) 租用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charter (v., n.) 租賃 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charter (v., n.) (船舶、飛機等的)租用合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charter a vessel by demise 以轉管租約形式租用船隻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charter agreement 租船協議 Cap. 548D, s. 6(2)(a)
charter by demise [also demise charter ] 轉管租約 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 5
charter hire 租船費 Cap. 112, s. 23B(12)

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charter hire 租機費 Cap. 112, s. 23C(5)

charter party 租船合約 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
chartered by demise 以轉管租約形式租給 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
demise charter 轉管租約 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
flight charter 按航次計費的……租賃合約 Cap. 112, s. 23D(7)(a)
sub-demise charter 再轉管租約 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
time charter 按時間計費的飛機租賃合約 Cap. 112, s. 23D
time charter 按時間計費的……租賃合約 Cap. 112, s. 23D(7)(b)
time charter 船隻定期租賃合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Charter of the United Charter of the United Nations 聯合國憲章 Cap. 503H, Sch. 1
charterer charterer 承租人 Cap. 496, s. 4(1)
charterer 租用人 Cap. 60, s. 2
charterer 租船人 Cap. 369P, Schedule
charterer by demise [also demise charterer] 轉管租約承租人 Cap. 369, s. 2
charterer of ... ship 船舶承租人 Cap. 112, s. 23B(12)
demise charterer of ... ship 船舶的……轉管租約承租人 Cap. 415, s. 17(2)
sub-demise charterer 再轉管租約承租人 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
charterparty Baltime charterparty 巴爾的摩租船合約〔船舶租用標準合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charter-party 飛機租賃合約 Cap. 112, s. 23C(4)(b)
charterparty [also charter party; charter-party] 租船合約 Cap. 23, s. 17
charterparty [also charter party; charter-party] (船舶、飛機等的)租用合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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charter-party by demise 轉管租約形式的飛機租賃合約 Cap. 112, s. 23C(5)

charterparty by way of demise 轉管租約形式的租船合約 Cap. 23, s. 17(5)(a)
demise charterparty 光殼租用合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demise charterparty 轉管租約形式的租船合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Gencon charterparty 金康租船合約〔航次租船合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
time charterparty 按時計租的租船合約 Cap. 23, s. 17(5)(a)
chattel chattels 實產 Cap. 6A, r. 27
chattels personal 非土地實產 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
goods and chattels 財物及實產 Cap. 227, s. 51
goods and chattels 貨品及實產 Cap. 6A, r. 27
personal chattels 非土地實產 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
specific chattel 特定實產 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 9
chattels chattels 實產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chattels personal [also personal chattels] 非土地實產 Cap. 26, s. 2
chattels real [also real chattels] 土地實產 Cap. 347, s. 2
chattels real [also real chattels] 不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
recaption of chattels 實產的取回、復取或再度扣押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cheat cheat 行騙 Cap. 210, s. 27(3)
conspiracy to cheat at gambling 串謀在賭博時作弊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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check "clean" record check “清白”的查核結果 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.66
sexual conviction record check 性罪行定罪紀錄查核 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, Preface , para. 7
Check List Review Check List Review 核對表評檢聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
check-list check-list 核對表 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.97
chemical chemical weapons 化學武器 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 種武器的公約》
on their Destruction
chemical chemical tanker 化學品液貨船 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
chemical tanker 化學品船 Cap. 478AG, s. 2
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
International Trade
chemically chemically differentiated 化學特性不同 Cap. 311W, s. 2
chemist Government Chemist 政府化驗師 Cap. 8, Schedule
cheque a cheque in favour of ... 以……為抬頭人的支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cheque 支票 Cap. 19, s. 73
cheques payable to bearer 須付款予持有人的支票 Cap. 98A, reg. 17

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clearing ... of ... cheque 支票……的結算 Cap. 112, s. 51(4A)(d)

clearing of cheques and other instruments 結算支票與其他工具 Cap. 364, s. 4(i)
crossed cheque 劃線支票 Cap. 453A, r. 2
encash a cheque 將支票兌現 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorse a cheque 背書支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kiting cheque 空頭支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kiting cheque 虛假支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
postdated cheque 期票 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
traveller's cheque 旅行支票 Cap. 34, s. 2
unindorsed cheque 未經背書的支票 Cap. 19, s. 85(2)
cheque-kiting cheque-kiting 開出空頭支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chief alternate chief executive 候補行政總裁 Cap. 581, s. 2(1)
chief executive 行政總裁 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
chief executive 最高行政人員 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
chief executive officer 行政總裁 Cap. 485A, s. 16(5)(c)
chief mate 大副 Cap. 478AL, s. 4(4)(b)
chief place of business 主要的業務地點 Cap. 151, s. 2(1)
evidence in chief 主問證供 Cap. 226, s. 8(3)
evidence in chief 主問證據 Cap. 8, s. 48(a)
examined in chief 主問 Cap. 221, s. 79C(6)(b)

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Chief Bailiff Chief Bailiff 總執達主任 Cap. 4A, App. A

Chief District Judge Chief District Judge 首席區域法院法官 Cap. 92, Sch. 1
Chief Electoral Officer Chief Electoral Officer 總選舉事務主任 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
Chief Executive Acting Chief Executive 署理行政長官 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
Chief Executive 行政長官 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 43
Chief Executive in Council 行政長官會同行政會議 Cap. 1, s. 3
serving Chief Executive 在任行政長官 Cap. 569, s. 11(3)(a)
Chief Inspector Chief Inspector 總督察 Cap. 254C, Schedule
Chief Inspector Chief Inspector 總調查主任 Cap. 448B, reg. 2(1)
Chief Judge of the High Chief Judge of the High Court 高等法院首席法官 Cap. 484, s. 12(1)(a)
Chief Judicial Clerk Chief Judicial Clerk 總司法書記 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 13(1)
Chief Justice Chief Justice (HK) 首席法官(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Chief Justice of the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal 終審法院首席法官 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 89
Court of Final Appeal
Chief Magistrate Chief Magistrate 總裁判官 Cap. 92, Sch. 1
Chief Pharmacist Chief Pharmacist 總藥劑師 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Chief Returning Officer Chief Returning Officer 總選舉主任 Cap. 541D, s. 44(4)(aa)
Chief Secretary for Chief Secretary for Administration 政務司司長 Cap. 1, s. 3
Chief Superintendent Chief Superintendent 總警司 Cap. 254C, Schedule
child a child en ventre sa mere 尚在其母腹中的子女 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)
a child not born in wedlock 非婚生子女 Cap. 1077, s. 2
a child of a union of concubinage 夫妾關係中的子女 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)

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access to the child (子女)探視權 Cap. 174, s. 12

adopted child 受領養子女 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
adopted child 被領養的子女 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
adopted child 領養子女 Cap. 6, s. 51B(7)(a)
afterborn child 事後出生的子女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
afterborn child 遺腹子女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
child 子女 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
child 兒童 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 20(1)
child abduction 拐帶兒童 Cap. 503R, Schedule
child abduction 擄拐兒童 Cap. 512, s. 2
child abuse 虐待兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.95
child born out of wedlock [also illegitimate child; vulgo 非婚生子女 Cap. 184, Long Title
child care centre 幼兒中心 Cap. 243, s. 2(1)
child cruelty 殘酷對待兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.95
child endangerment 危害兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.107
child grooming offences 誘識兒童的罪行 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

442 / 3.093
Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

and Persons with Mental

Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.55
child homicide 殺害兒童 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
child molestation 狎弄兒童 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.6
child neglect 忽略兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.9
child of the family 家庭子女 Cap. 192, s. 2(1)
child pornography 兒童色情物品 Cap. 579, s. 2(1)
child theft 盜竊兒童 Cap. 503R, Schedule
child-related work 與兒童有關工作 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, Preface , para. 4
competency of a child witness 兒童證人的作證資格 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2
cruelty to a child 殘酷對待兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.138
eldest child 長子或長女 Cap. 548A, s. 7(2)

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female child 女童 Cap. 212, s. 42

Gillick child competency [Gillick v. West Norfolk Wisbeck 吉利克小孩能力〔未成年人有足夠成熟程度和智力明白 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Area HA [1986] AC 112] 醫療的性質和後果者,具自決接受醫療能力〕 and Commercial Law Terms
infant child 幼年子女 Cap. 481, s. 3(1)(v)
legitimate child 婚生子女 Cap. 184, s. 12
mantle child (arch.) 斗篷下子女〔出生後才藉父母的婚姻取得婚生地位的子 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
女〕 參看 legitimatio per subsequens matrimonium and Commercial Law Terms
meeting a child following grooming 誘識兒童後與其會面 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.26
natural child 親生子女 Cap. 189, s. 2
penetration of a child under 13 對13歲以下兒童作出插入行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.58
penetration of a child under 16 對16歲以下兒童作出插入行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.58
posthumous child 遺腹子女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
still-born child 非活產嬰兒 Cap. 174, s. 19
surviving child 尚存子女 Cap. 365, s. 2(1)
surviving children 尚存子女 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.117
unborn child 尚未出生的子女 Cap. 257, s. 4
unsworn testimony of child 兒童在未經宣誓下所作的證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
children children's pension 子女撫恤金 Cap. 79, s. 2(1)

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Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in 《關於跨國領養的保護兒童及合作公約》 Cap. 290, Long Title
respect of Intercountry Adoption
dependent children 受供養子女 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(c)
maltreatment of children 虐待兒童 Cap. 279F, Sch. 2
China-Appointed China-Appointed Attesting Officer 中國委託公證人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
Attesting Officer
Chinese Chinese 華人 Cap. 174, s. 4(5)
Chinese characters 中文字樣 Cap. 98, s. 32D(1)
Chinese citizen 中國公民 Cap. 1, s. 3
Chinese custom 中國習俗 Cap. 97, s. 13(1)
Chinese customary marriage 中國舊式婚姻 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
Chinese equivalent 中文對等詞句 Cap. 609, s. 2(5)
Chinese herbal medicine 中藥材 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese law and custom 中國法律與習俗 Cap. 178, s. 2
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫 Cap. 549, s. 4(b)(iii)
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫師 Cap. 569, Schedule
Chinese national 中國公民 Cap. 540, s. 2(1)
Chinese nationality 中國國籍 Cap. 540, s. 2(1)
Chinese nationality 中國籍 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
Chinese people 中國人民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Preamble
Chinese calendar Chinese calendar 農曆 Cap. 154, s. 5
Chinese customary Chinese customary marriage 中國舊式婚姻 Cap. 202, s. 2
Chinese law and Chinese law and custom 中國法律與習俗 Cap. 178, s. 2

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Chinese medicine Chinese medicine 中醫藥學 Cap. 549, s. 76(2)(c)

Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong 香港中醫藥管理委員會 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫 Cap. 549, s. 4(b)(iii)
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫師 Cap. 569, Schedule
Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board 中醫組 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination 中醫執業資格試 Cap. 549, s. 59(1)
Chinese medicine safety order 中藥安全令 Cap. 549, s. 138A
Chinese medicines trader 中藥業者 Cap. 549, s. 146(2)(a)
practising Chinese medicine 以中醫方式行醫 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
practising Chinese medicine 作中醫執業 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
proprietary Chinese medicines 中成藥 Cap. 549, Long Title
trade of Chinese medicines 中藥業 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese medicine or Chinese medicine or related product 中藥或相關產品 Cap. 549, s. 138A
related product
Chinese medicine Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫 Cap. 549, s. 4(b)(iii)
Chinese medicine practitioners 中醫師 Cap. 569, Schedule
registered Chinese medicine practitioner 註冊中醫 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese Medicines Chinese Medicines Board 中藥組 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese Medicines Chinese Medicines Committee 中藥管理小組 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Chinese Medicines Chinese Medicines Traders Committee 中藥業管理小組 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
Traders Committee
Chinese People's Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中國人民政治協商會議 National Flag and National Emblem
Political Consultative Ordinance, s. 2

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Chinese Temples Chinese Temples Committee 華人廟宇委員會 Cap. 153, s. 3(1)
Chinese Temples Fund Chinese Temples Fund 華人廟宇基金 Cap. 153A, reg. 3
Chinese Wall Chinese Wall 職能分隔制度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Chinese Wall 職能分管制度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chirograph chirograph 正式簽字的契據〔以剪刀一分為二的一式兩份文件〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chiropractor chiropractor 脊醫 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
registered chiropractor 註冊脊醫 Cap. 428, s. 2
Chiropractors Council Chiropractors Council 脊醫管理局 Cap. 428, s. 3(1)
chit fund chit fund 銀會 Cap. 151, Schedule
chit-fund chit-fund 銀會 Cap. 262, s. 2
choice any other media of his choice 自己選擇之其他方式 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
choice of law rules 法律選擇規則 Cap. 76, Schedule
freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice 保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
modelling choices 模擬選擇 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZK(b)
choke attempting to choke 企圖使人窒息 Cap. 243, Schedule
choke 使……哽嗆 Cap. 212, s. 20(a)
choosing counsel of his own choosing 其選任之辯護人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(b)
defend himself ... through legal assistance of his own choosing 由其選任辯護人答辯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
chose chose in action [also thing in action] 據法權產 Cap. 20, s. 2
chose in possession [tangible thing or chattel in possession of 佔有物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sb.] and Commercial Law Terms

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chose in possession [tangible thing or chattel in possession of 所有物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sb.] and Commercial Law Terms
chose local 土地附有物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose local 固定物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose ["thing"] 物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose ["thing"] 財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose transitory 流動物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal chose in action 法律據法權產 Cap. 23, s. 9
chose in action chose in action 據法權產 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 26
legal chose in action 法律據法權產 Cap. 23, s. 9
release, that chose in action 使該據法權產……解除 Cap. 23, s. 15A
chose jug chose jug 既判案件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chose jugée chose jugée [also res judicata] 已判決的事項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Christian Christian marriage 基督教婚禮 Cap. 401, s. 2(1)
Christian ... name 教名 Cap. 622, s. 643(4)
chromaticity Chromaticity Chart (1975) 《1975年色度表》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(3)
chronological chronological tables 年表 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(m)
in chronological order 按時間順序 Cap. 145A, reg. 3(1)

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reversed chronological sequence 先後次序的逆序 Cap. 13, s. 20A(5)(d)

Chuk Kam Chuk Kam 足金 Cap. 362A, Sch. 1
Chuk Pak Kam Chuk Pak Kam 足白金 Cap. 362B, Sch. 1
Chuk Pak Kam 足鉑金 Cap. 362B, Sch. 1
C.I.F. C.I.F. [cost, insurance, freight; also C.A.F.] 成本加保險費及運費價格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
C.I.F. [cost, insurance, freight; also C.A.F.] 到岸價格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circa circa ["about"] 大約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circular circular 通告 Cap. 622, s. 148(2)(c)(ii)
circulate circulate 使……流通 Cap. 65, s. 3(4)
circulate 傳播 Cap. 364, s. 4(e)
circulate 傳閱 Cap. 32, s. 342(1)
circulate ... information 傳播……資料 Cap. 364, s. 4(e)
circulates 傳遞 Cap. 571, s. 276(1)
circulates 轉傳 Cap. 579, s. 2(2)(a)
circulating 行銷 Cap. 32, s. 241(2)
circulating 流通 Cap. 172A, reg. 4
circulating generally 廣泛流通的 Cap. 622, s. 311(2)(a)(ii)
newspaper circulating generally in Hong Kong 於香港廣泛流通的報章 Cap. 622, s. 632(2)(a)(ii)
circulation by circulation of papers 以傳閱文件方式 Cap. 549, s. 49(a)
by the circulation of papers among its members 藉在各成員之間傳閱文件 Cap. 616, s. 11(1)
circulation 流通 Cap. 19, s. 36(3)
circulation 傳閱 Cap. 32, s. 342D

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circulation of papers 傳閱文件 Cap. 50A, by-law 21(4)

currency in circulation 流通貨幣 Cap. 67, s. 8(b)
international circulation permit 國際通行許可證 Cap. 374E, reg. 31(1)
circumspection circumspection 小心謹慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumspection 慎重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstances according to circumstances 按照個別情況 Cap. 289A, Sch. 1
aggravating circumstances 加重刑罰的情況 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.78
as nearly as circumstances permit 在情況容許下盡量 Cap. 569E, s. 3
as the circumstances may require 因應情況所需 Cap. 114A, reg. 9
as the circumstances may require 視乎情況所需而…… Cap. 25C, r. 2
as the circumstances may require 視屬何情況而定 Cap. 256, s. 9(2)
as the circumstances of the case require 案中情況所需的 Cap. 484A, r. 8(2)(c)
change in circumstances 情況有所改變 Cap. 607, s. 11(3)(a)
circumstances 情況 Cap. 25C, r. 2
circumstances beyond its control 非其所能控制的情況 Cap. 104, s. 18(5)
circumstances so warrant 按情況有足夠理由 Cap. 547, s. 28(4)
circumstances so warrant 根據情況有此必要 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(1)
circumstances which warrant 構成……的情況 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(4)

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compelling circumstances 極有需要的情況 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
considers appropriate in the particular circumstances 在個別情況下適宜顧及的 Cap. 32, s. 209A(2)(j)
due to circumstances beyond the person's control 是該人所不能控制的情況所致的 Cap. 354O, s. 5(5)(b)
exceptional circumstances 例外情況 Cap. 374, s. 2
exceptional circumstances 特殊情況 Cap. 227, s. 8A(5)
exceptional circumstances 極其特殊情況 Cap. 115, Sch. 1A
exceptional circumstances 極為特殊的情況 Cap. 611, s. 6(1)
exceptional circumstances of the case 有關個案的情況極其特殊 Cap. 599G, s. 5(1)(b)
extenuating circumstances 可使罪責減輕的……的情況 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)
extraordinary circumstances 特殊情況 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
having regard to all the circumstances 在考慮所有有關情況後 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.54
having regard to all the circumstances of the case 在顧及該個案的整體情況後 Cap. 138, s. 16(2A)(b)(i)
having regard to the circumstances of the case 考慮案件的情況 Cap. 298, s. 3(2)
in all the circumstances 在所有情況下 Cap. 490, s. 29(5)
in all the circumstances 在整體有關情況下 Cap. 311W, s. 18(4)
in all the circumstances of the case 在該個案的所有情況下 Cap. 41G, r. 15
in any particular circumstances 在特定情況下 Cap. 115, Sch. 1A
in the circumstances 在有關情況下 Cap. 300, s. 25(2)
in the circumstances 在當時情況下 Cap. 6, s. 84(1A)
in the circumstances of the case 在該個案的情況下 Cap. 239, s. 4(1)
mitigating circumstances 可減輕處罰的情況 Cap. 524A, Sch. 1
mitigating circumstances 求情的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
mitigating circumstances 減刑因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reasonable in all the circumstances 在整體情況下屬合理 Cap. 628, s. 14(4)
reasonable in the circumstances 在有關情況下屬合理者 Cap. 436D, s. 13(1)(f)(ii)
so far as circumstances permit 在情況允許下 Cap. 446B, s. 8
strong mitigating circumstances 有力的求情因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
surrounding circumstances 周圍情況 Cap. 51D, reg. 25(3)
surrounding circumstances 周圍環境 Cap. 30, s. 23B(1)(c)
surrounding circumstances 相關情況 Cap. 571, s. 165(6)
the circumstances in which the offence was committed 犯罪情節 Cap. 374, s. 36(2AB)(b)
there are exceptional circumstances 情況特殊 Cap. 13, s. 13(1)(a)
to bring ... into conformity with the circumstances of ... 使……符合……的情況 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(q)
within a period reasonable in all the circumstances of the case 於在有關個案的整體情況下屬合理的期間內 Cap. 155Q, r. 16(4)(d)
circumstantial circumstantial evidence 環境證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
circumstantial evidence circumstantial evidence 旁證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 情況證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 環境證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumvent circumvent 規避 Cap. 528, s. 273(1)
citable citable 可引述 Cap. 8, s. 59(2)(a)

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citable form 可引述的形式 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 7(2)

citation case citation 案例引用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
citation 引文 Cap. 1, s. 10E(1)
citation 引稱 Cap. 1, s. 13(1)(a)
citation (案例的)引用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
citation of case 援引案例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
citation citation 傳喚書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
cite cited 引稱 Cap. 185, s. 1
cited as an authority 被引述作為根據 Cap. 8, s. 59(5)
cites ... authority 引用……典據 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(7)
cite cited 傳喚 Cap. 10, s. 28(b)
citizen Chinese citizen 中國公民 Cap. 1, s. 3
citizen 公民 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.11
citizenship citizenship 公民地位 Cap. 1, Sch. 9
citizenship 公民身分 Cap. 461, s. 4(1)(a)
civic right civic right 公民權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil Christian marriage or the civil equivalent of a Christian 基督敎婚禮或相等的世俗婚禮 Cap. 181, s. 40(1)
civil 公民的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil and political rights 公民及政治權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(2)

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civil aviation 民用航空 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130

civil defence purposes 民防用途 Cap. 436D, s. 3(2)
civil disobedience 公民抗命 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil marriage 不按宗教儀式締結的婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil marriage 世俗婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil obligations 公民義務 Cap. 383, s. 8
civil ... rights 公民權利 Cap. 383, Long Title
Convention on International Civil Aviation 《國際民用航空公約》 Cap. 448, s. 2(1)
normal civil obligations 正常公民義務 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(iv)
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at 《制止在為國際民用航空服務的機場上的非法暴力行為 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Airports Serving International Civil Aviation 的議定書》
rite of a civil ... nature 世俗……儀式 Cap. 181, s. 21(4)(a)(i)
civil civil 民事的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil action 民事訴訟 Cap. 7, s. 15(3)
civil cause or matter 民事訟案或事宜 Cap. 4, s. 14
civil cause or matter 民事訟案或事項 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
civil claim 民事申索 Cap. 4, s. 21A(1)
civil court 民事法院或法庭 Cap. 227, s. 126(3)
civil death (arch.) (因出家、犯重罪、遞解出境等)在法律上死亡(古) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil debt 民事債項 Cap. 571, s. 93(13)
civil jurisdiction 民事司法管轄權 Cap. 484, s. 21

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civil law enforcement personnel 民事……執法人員 Convention Against Torture and

Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 10(1)
civil liability 民事法律責任 Cap. 21, s. 29
civil liability regime 民事責任制度 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
civil matter 民事事宜 Cap. 91, s. 28(2)(r)
civil matters 民事案件 Cap. 359, s. 22(5)
civil procedure 民事程序〔民事訴訟程序〕 Cap. 4, s. 31
civil procedure rules 民事程序規則 Cap. 181, s. 18A(2)
civil procedures 民事訴訟程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.92
civil proceedings 民事法律程序 Cap. 463, s. 8(1)
civil proceedings 民事訴訟 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 87
civil ... proceedings 民事……程序 Cap. 1, Long Title
civil proceedings against the Government 控告政府的民事法律程序 Cap. 525, s. 15(10)
civil proceedings ... are hereby abolished ……民事法律程序現予廢除 Cap. 300, s. 10
civil process 民事法律程序文件 Cap. 212, s. 34(b)
civil registrar 民事登記員 Cap. 557, Schedule
civil remedy 民事補救 Cap. 166, s. 23(5)
civil remedy 民事補救方法 Cap. 562, s. 7B
civil rights 民事權利 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.57, Footnote 84
civil suit 民事起訴 Cap. 525, s. 17(1)(ii)
civil trial 民事審訊 Cap. 3, s. 24(2)
civil wrong 民事過失 Cap. 1, s. 3
contemplated civil proceedings 預計進行的民事法律程序 Cap. 4, s. 55B(8)

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Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2

enforceable as a civil debt 可作為民事債項追討 Cap. 400, s. 21(10)
in its civil jurisdiction 在行使其民事司法管轄權時 Cap. 4, s. 21E(1)
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 《2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Pollution Damage, 2001
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《1992年國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
Damage, 1992
recoverable as a civil debt 可作為民事債項……追討 Cap. 406, s. 27(3)
registrar of civil appeals 民事上訴案的司法常務官 Cap. 4A, O. 68, r. 1(3)
unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction 無限民事及刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 3(2)
civil civil commotion 社會騷亂 Cap. 1112A, r. 23
civil disturbance 內亂 Cap. 517, s. 2
civil in a civil capacity 以文職身分 Cap. 89A, reg. 4(1)
civil civil servant 公務員 Cap. 606, s. 2(1)
civil service 公務員體制 Cap. 521, s. 12(1)
civil service pay scale 公務員薪級表 Cap. 606, s. 2(1)
civil civil law 大陸法 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.109
civil law jurisdiction 大陸法司法管轄區 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.109
Civil Aid Services Unit Civil Aid Services Unit 民眾安全服務隊單位 Cap. 518, s. 32(2)
civil celebrant civil celebrant of marriages 婚姻監禮人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
civil law civil law [also jus civile; law of the citizen] 民事法律〔civil law亦指:羅馬法;相對於普通法而言的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
大陸法;相對於國際法及教會法規而言的國內法〕 and Commercial Law Terms
參看 continental law

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

civil law [also jus civile; law of the citizen] 民法〔civil law亦指:羅馬法;相對於普通法而言的大陸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
法;相對於國際法及教會法規而言的國內法〕 參看 and Commercial Law Terms
continental law
Civil Procedure Civil Procedure Convention 民事訴訟程序公約 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 6(2)
civil servant civil servant 公務員 Cap. 606, s. 2(1)
civil service civil service 公務員體制 Cap. 521, s. 12(1)
Civil Service Civil Service Regulations 公務員事務規例 Cap. 480, Sch. 5
civil suit civil suit 民事起訴 Cap. 525, s. 17(1)(ii)
civil war civil war 內戰 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
civilian civilian 民用 Cap. 537CF, s. 20(4)(e)(i)(D)
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian 《日內瓦關於戰時保護平民公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Persons in Time of War
civilian civilian officer 文職人員 Cap. 232, s. 39(1)
civilian police departmental grade office 警察部門職系中的文職職位 Cap. 232, s. 39(1)
civilly civilly liable 承擔民事法律責任 Cap. 637, s. 97(1)
is not civilly liable for ... 無須為……承擔民事法律責任 Cap. 636, s. 45(1)
liable civilly 在民事上負法律責任 Cap. 117, s. 29DG(3)
recoverable civilly 可循民事程序追討 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ab)
claim a monetary claim 金錢申索 Cap. 23, s. 30(1)
abandonment of claim 放棄申索 Cap. 2, s. 38
admiralty claim 海事申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admit the claim 承認申索 Cap. 4A, O. 13A, r. 4(2)
admits the ... claim 接納……申索 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)(a)

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adverse claims 敵對申索 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1(1)(a)

alternative claim 交替申索 Cap. 4A, O. 86, r. 1(1)(a)
assignment of claims 申索權轉讓 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.6, Footnote 8
bar the claims of the mortgagees 禁制承按人提出申索 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
blackmail claims 勒索式的申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.28
bona fide claim 真正的申索 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 40(2)
civil claim 民事申索 Cap. 4, s. 21A(1)
claim 申索書 Cap. 25C, Schedule
claim 申索款額 Cap. 453A, Schedule
claim (v., n.) 申索 Cap. 25, s. 15
claim (v., n.) 申索權 Cap. 571, s. 150
claim against estate 針對遺產的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claim against state 針對國家的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claim ... be forfeited 申索權……喪失 Cap. 32H, r. 169
claim brought for money had and received 以對方已收到款項為由而提出的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claim by way of set-off or counterclaim 以抵銷或反申索方式作出的……申索 Cap. 347, s. 35(2)
claim ... dividend 申索……攤還債款 Cap. 6, s. 41
claim for an account 要求作出帳目的申索 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 1(1)
claim for compensation 申索補償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

claim for compensation 申索賠償 Cap. 7, s. 97(1)

claim for compensation 索償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claim for compensation 補償申索 Cap. 357, s. 11(3)
claim for damages 損害賠償申索 Cap. 22, s. 4(1)
claim for damages of harassment 侵擾損害賠償申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claim for payment of ... money 金錢申索 Cap. 252, s. 2
claim of infringement 侵犯版權的申索 Cap. 528, s. 143(2)(c)
claim of infringement 侵犯權利的申索 Cap. 528, s. 270(2)(c)
claim through, under or in trust for the vendor 透過或藉着賣方而提出申索或以信託形式為賣方提出申 Cap. 219, Sch. 1

claim under an indemnity 彌償申索 Cap. 628A, s. 5(2)(f)
claimed 索回 Cap. 132AL, s. 33(5)
claiming an indemnity 申索彌償 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
claiming by, from or under ... 經由、透過……或在……之下作申索 Cap. 1073, s. 16
claiming by, from or under them 經由、透過或藉著他們提出申索 Cap. 1174, s. 20
claiming through ... 透過……提出申索 Cap. 514, s. 54(5)
claiming through or under 透過……提出申索 Cap. 1155, s. 7(2)(b)
claiming under ... 在……之下作申索 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 5(3)
claims arise out of ... 申索源自…… Cap. 25, s. 24(1)(b)
claims intermediaries 申索中介人 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 1.6
claims no interest 不申索任何權益 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 3(4)(a)
claims on 對……的申索 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5

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claims possession of land 申索收回土地的管有 Cap. 336H, O. 113, r. 1

Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 《1976年海事索賠責任限制公約》 Cap. 434, s. 2
defeat the claim 令有關申索失敗 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
derivative claim 派生申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derivative claim 衍生申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss a claim 駁回申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss a claim 撤銷申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disputes the claim 對該申索有爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 2(2)
dormant claim 已擱置的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement of claim 申索的批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enforce a claim 強制執行……申索 Cap. 4, s. 12A(3)(b)
establish ... claim 確立……申索 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(9)(a)
examine the claims 審查……申索 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 6(1)(a)
external claim 對外申索 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)
factual basis of the claim 申索所根據的事實 Cap. 377, s. 3(4)
fatal accident claim 致命意外申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fatal to the claim 導致申索失敗的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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free from all liens, claims or encumbrances 不受任何留置權、申索權或產權負擔所約束 Cap. 630, s. 63(2)(b)(ii)(A)
frivolous claim 瑣屑無聊的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
further prosecution of the claim 繼續進行該申索 Cap. 4A, O. 80, r. 11(1)(b)
give judgment for the claim 作出該申索勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(5)
good claim 有良好理據的申索 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.9
has a claim 具有申索權 Cap. 115, s. 47(6)
joint claim 聯名索償 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.113
joint ... claim 共同申索 Cap. 25, s. 11(5)
legal claims and demands 法律申索及索求 Cap. 4, s. 16(2)(b)
legally-enforceable claims 在法律上可強制執行的申索 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZE(8)(b)
liquidated ... claims 已算定……的申索 Cap. 1143, s. 8(1)(b)
liquidated pecuniary claim 經算定金額的申索 Cap. 347, s. 25
liquidated pecuniary claim 算定金額的申索 Cap. 347, s. 23(3)
lodge with ... a claim 向……提交……申索 Cap. 485A, s. 164A(1)
loss of dependency claim 失去生活依靠的申索 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
maritime claims 海事索償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
meritorious claim 有勝訴機會的申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.65
mixed money and non-money claim 涉及金錢與不涉及金錢的混合申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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moral claim 道義上……有權利 Cap. 28, s. 12(5)

moral claim 道義上的申索 Cap. 145, s. 14(4)
moral claim 道義申索 Cap. 115, s. 50(2)
mortgage claim 有關按揭的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
most subordinated claim 最後償的申索權 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4A
multifariousness of claims 不適當的申索合併〔訴訟因由或訟方的合併〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
multi-party claim 由多方提出的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
multiple claims 多重申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
new claim 新申索 Cap. 347, s. 35(1)
opposing or conflicting claims to ... 與……對立或有衝突的申索 Cap. 23, s. 9
outstanding claim 未決申索 Cap. 372, s. 39
outstanding claim 未獲償付的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
particular claim 特定申索 Cap. 4A, O. 21, r. 2(2)(b)
particulars of claim 申索詳情 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pecuniary claim 金錢索賠 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
person who has a claim 有權作出……申索的……人 Cap. 130, s. 4(3)
person who has a claim 具有申索權的人 Cap. 281, s. 34A(5)
preferential claim 具優先權的申索 Cap. 32H, r. 93
principal claim 本訴 Cap. 557, Schedule
prior claim 優先申索權 Cap. 33, s. 14

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proof of claim form 申索證明表格 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,

Annex 5, para. 10
prosecuting his claim 進行其申索 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 5(3)
pursuance of a ... claim 進行……申索 Cap. 619, s. 151A(1)(b)
quantum of ... claim 申索的額量 Cap. 159M, r. 13
reallocation of claims 申索的再編配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reject the claim 駁回申索 Cap. 115, s. 50(3)(b)
rejected claim 被拒的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rejects the ... claim 拒絕……申索 Cap. 127, s. 13(1)(b)
relinquish one's claim 放棄提出申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
render the claim unenforceable 令有關申索無法予以強制執行 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(6)(e)
re-open ... the claim 將……申索……重新處理 Cap. 25, s. 31(1)
reply to ... right or claim 對……權利或申索作出答辯 Cap. 91A, reg. 12(2)(e)
representative claim 代表申索 Cap. 25, s. 2
residual claim 剩餘申索 Cap. 155S, r. 9(2)(e)(iii)
salvage claim 救助的申索 Cap. 4, s. 12E(2)(b)
satisfies ... the claim 了結申索 Cap. 4, s. 21B(4)(b)
satisfy a claim 了結申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
senior claims 優先申索 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4A
settle a claim 就申索達成和解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
settle a claim 繳付申索款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

settling claims 了結申索 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
settling claims 結清……申索 Cap. 41, s. 2(4)
simple claims 簡單申索 Cap. 155L, Sch. 1A
small claim 小額申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.52
small claim 小額錢債申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
stale claim 逾期提出的申索 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
statement of claim 申索陳述書 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 18(a)
subject matter of a claim 申索的標的事項〔申索所涉及的主體或主題事項〕 Cap. 159M, r. 18
subject of the claim 申索的標的 Cap. 4, s. 21B(3)(b)(i)
substantiate a claim 確立申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
test claim 測試申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.50
third party claim 第三者申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tortious claim 基於侵權而提出的申索 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.9
unliquidated claim 尚未算定的申索 Cap. 1143, s. 8
unmeritorious claim 無勝訴機會的申索 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 2
valid claim 有效申索 Cap. 313A, reg. 60(7)
claim claim 索請 Cap. 8, s. 77(2)
claim (v., n.) 聲請 Cap. 115, s. 37U
claims 權利要求 Cap. 514, s. 15(2)(a)
established claim 已確認聲請 Cap. 115, Sch. 4

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priority claim 對優先權的權利要求 Cap. 514, s. 31(2)

rejected claim 遭駁回聲請 Cap. 115, Sch. 4
substantiated claim 已確立聲請 Cap. 115, s. 17G(2)(ba)
torture claim 酷刑聲請 Cap. 115, s. 37U(1)
torture claim form 酷刑聲請表格 Cap. 115, s. 37U(1)
claim claim (v., n.) 主張 Cap. 557, Schedule
claim (v., n.) 聲稱 Cap. 514, s. 111
claim for priority 享有優先權的聲稱 Cap. 490, s. 20(c)
claim of title 聲稱的業權 Cap. 4, s. 21L(4)(a)
claimed to be due 聲稱須付的 Cap. 227, s. 2
claiming an estate or interest in the land 聲稱在……土地享有任何產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
claiming exemption 聲稱可獲豁免 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(m)
claiming priority 聲稱具有優先權 Cap. 514, s. 37E
claiming the benefit of ... 聲稱受益於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claims 聲稱具有 Cap. 232A, reg. 7
claims to be aggrieved 聲稱受屈 Cap. 622, s. 422(7)
defence of claim of right 以聲稱擁有權利作為辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
establish ... claims 確立……聲稱 Cap. 352, s. 3(6)(b)
false claim 虛假聲稱 Cap. 553, s. 48
proper claim of privilege 恰當的特權聲稱 Cap. 179A, r. 28(3)
validity of any claim 任何聲稱的真確性 Cap. 171, s. 6(2)
claim claimed by ... 由……認領 Cap. 104E, by-law 19

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claim international claim 國際債權 Cap. 155M, s. 25(5)

claimant claimant 申索人 Cap. 130, s. 8
claimants 索償人 Cap. 434, s. 20
eligible claimant 合資格申索人 Cap. 630, Sch. 5
notice to claimant 致申索人通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
potential claimant 準申索人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.36
prescribed claimant 訂明申索人 Cap. 630, Sch. 5
prospective claimant 準申索人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.25
representative claimant 申索代表人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.34
unascertained claimants 未經確定的申索人 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 4(a)
claimant claimant 聲請人 Cap. 60, s. 2
torture claimant 酷刑聲請人 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
clan clan 宗族 Cap. 97, s. 15
clarification clarification 澄清 Cap. 528D, r. 41(6)
clarity lacking in clarity 欠清晰 Cap. 528D, r. 9(1)
class any class or description of persons 任何界別或種類的人 Cap. 115, s. 5(9)
class 界別 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(ia)
class 級別 Cap. 56, s. 6(1)(a)
class 職類 Cap. 93, s. 6(1)(b)
class 類別 Cap. 5, s. 4A(1)(a)
class or description 級別或種類 Cap. 413, s. 3(5)(iii)
class or description 類別或種類 Cap. 520, s. 7(6)(a)
class or description of ships 級別或種類的船舶 Cap. 413K, s. 3(4)

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classes of insurance business 保險業務類別 Cap. 41, Sch. 1

particular classes 特定類別 Cap. 188, s. 3(1)
type or class 類型或種類 Cap. 498, s. 27(2)(e)(i)
class amorphous classes 無組織的集體 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.20
bona fide class action 真正的集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.95
class action 集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, Preface ,
para. 8
class action lawyer 集體訴訟律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.2
class action proceedings 集體訴訟程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.32
class action regime 集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.2
class counsel 代表集體的律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.107
class judgment 集體判決 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 5, para. 9, Footnote 6
class lawyer 代表集體的律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.33
class member 集體成員 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.10
class orders 集體命令 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.37
class proceedings 集體訴訟程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.14
class representative 集體代表 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.1
general class action regime 通用的集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.63
putative class members 被指認為集體成員的人 "Class Actions" Report, Preface ,
para. 11

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

quasi-class action 類似集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.101

securities class action 證券集體訴訟 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.43
class action class action 集體訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
class member class member 申訴委託人 Cap. 527A, s. 2(1)
classes of shares classes of shares 股份的類別 Cap. 622, s. 178
classification classification 分類 Cap. 41G, r. 5(2)
classification 級別 Cap. 392A, s. 12(4)
food classifications 食物分類 Cap. 612, s. 7(3)(b)
International Patent Classification 國際專利分類法 Cap. 514C, s. 2(1)
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International 《設立工業外觀設計國際分類法洛迦諾協議》 Cap. 522A, s. 2(1)
Classification for Industrial Designs
pay classification 薪酬級別 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
records classification 檔案分類 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.4
security classifications 保密等級 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.47
clause attestation clause 見證條款 Cap. 10A, r. 10(1)
attestation clause 核簽條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
break clause 中斷條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
break clause 解約條款 Cap. 511C, Schedule
"break" clause “中斷租期”條款 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

capital and initial shareholdings clause (公司章程細則的)股本及最初的股份持有情況條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
cesser clause [also cesser provision] 提早終止條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clause 條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clause 條款 Cap. 571F, s. 5(7)(c)
clause heading 條文的標題 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clause number 條次 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractual clauses 合約條款 Cap. 478, s. 68(1)(d)
cross liability clause 交叉法律責任條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross liability clause 相互法律責任承擔條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default clause 違約條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispositive clause (Scots law) (契據內的)產業處置條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enacting clauses 制定語條文 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 4(1)(f)
escalator clause 加價條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escape clause 免負責任條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exception clause 例外條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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exclusion clause 除外條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
exemption clause 免責條款 Cap. 71, s. 5
foreign jurisdiction clause 外地司法管轄權條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustration clause 受挫失效條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grandfather clause 不追溯條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Himalaya clause 喜馬拉雅號條款〔航運減責條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Inchmaree clause 英奇馬伊號條款〔航運疏忽條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnity clause 彌償損失條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpretation clause 釋義條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Jason clause [The Jason Case (1912) 225 U.S. 32] 賈森條款〔提單中的海損共分條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
limitation clause 限制責任條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
material adverse event clauses 重大不利事件條款 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(k)(i)
mediation clause 調解條款 Cap. 620, s. 2
moribund clause 行將廢止的條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
most-favoured-nation clause 最惠國條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
name clause (公司章程細則的)名稱條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

new Jason clause 新賈森條款 參看 Jason clause English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
non-molestation clause (分居期間)禁制騷擾條款 ※比較 matrimonial English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
injunction and Commercial Law Terms
objects clause (公司章程細則的)宗旨條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ouster clause 剝奪權利的條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
parcel clause 土地描述條款 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
penalty clause (違約)罰款條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
penalty clause 罰則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
price variation clause 價格變動條款 Cap. 563, s. 13(2)
probity clause 誠信條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
retention of title clause 所有權保留條款 參看 Romalpa clause English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Romalpa clause [Aluminium Industrie Vasseen BV v. Romalpa 羅馬爾帕條款〔所有權保留條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Aluminium Ltd. [1976] 2 All ER 552; also retention of title and Commercial Law Terms
saving clause 保留條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
saving clause 保留條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
severability clause 分割條文效力條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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superseding clause 替代條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
surrender clause 退回條款 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
testatum clause ["now witnesseth ..."] 契據正文的開始條款〔"(各方)現訂立(本契據等)如 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
下﹕……"〕 and Commercial Law Terms
testimonium clause ["in witness whereof"] 契據或遺囑的結尾條款〔"謹簽署或簽立(本契據等)為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
證"〕 and Commercial Law Terms
"that is to say" clause [ancillary clause explaining the meaning "即是"條款〔解釋主要條款涵義的附屬條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
of main clauses] and Commercial Law Terms
underwriter clause 承保條款 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.13
valuation clause 估值條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
verification clause 核實條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
verification clause 核實條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
whereas clause 鑑於條款[合約中用以引起事實陳述部分的文字,常以" English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
whereas"開頭] and Commercial Law Terms
Clausula generalis non Clausula generalis non refertur ad expressa. [General words are 概括的條文不干預具體明訂之事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
refertur ad expressa. taken not to be intended to disturb express stipulations.] and Commercial Law Terms
claw back claw back 扣除 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.34
claw back 取回已分發的金錢或已給予的稅項寬免 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clawback clawback (n.) 扣除額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clawback (n.) 遞減額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clawback order 退扣令 Cap. 628, s. 145(1)

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clawback obligations clawback obligations 回扣義務 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(g)

Clayton's rule Clayton's rule [also rule in Clayton's case] [Devaynes v. Noble 克萊頓原則〔"先入先出"財產追蹤規則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
(1816) 1 Mer. 572] and Commercial Law Terms
clean clean copy 謄清副本 Cap. 514C, s. 31ZT(3)(a)
clean "clean" record check “清白”的查核結果 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.66
clean-hands clean-hands 自身清白 English-Chinese dictionary of law
clean-hands doctrine 清白原則〔尋求衡平法濟助者本身不得有欺詐行為〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clear clear days 整天 Cap. 4A, O. 3, r. 2(4)
clear days 整日 Cap. 466, s. 26(3)
clear working days 整個工作天 Cap. 283C, s. 18(2A)
clear clear his contempt 抵償其藐視罪 Cap. 4A, App. A
cleared off 剔除 Cap. 10A, r. 21(4)
clearing 清除 Cap. 374, s. 61A(1)
clear clear and legible 清晰可閱 Cap. 311Z, Sch. 2
clear clear record 無定罪紀錄 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
clear day clear day 整天 Cap. 4A, O. 3, r. 2
clear working day clear working day 完整工作日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clear working day 整個工作天 Cap. 283C, s. 18
clearance clearance 結算 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clearance arrival clearance 到港證 Cap. 548F, s. 3(1)

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clearance 出入境檢查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
clearance 清關 Cap. 369, s. 25(4)
clearance 船舶出港許可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clearing and settlement system 結算及交收系統 Cap. 584, s. 2
port clearance 出港證 Cap. 313, s. 15
clearing central clearing system 中央結算系統 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clearing 票據交換 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clearing 結算 Cap. 155, s. 137B(1)(a)(ii)
clearing agency 結算機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
clearing and settlement system 結算及交收系統 Cap. 584, s. 2
Clearing and Settlement Systems Appeals Tribunal 結算及交收系統上訴審裁處 Cap. 584, Sch. 9
clearing house 結算公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clearing house 結算所 Cap. 571, s. 38
clearing member 結算成員 Cap. 155L, s. 226L(3)
clearing ... of ... cheque 支票……的結算 Cap. 112, s. 51(4A)(d)
clearing of cheques and other instruments 結算支票與其他工具 Cap. 364, s. 4(i)
clearing participant 結算所參與者 Cap. 637, s. 3(3)
clearing threshold 結算門檻 Cap. 571AN, r. 6(1)(a)(i)(A)
exchange and clearing arrangement 交易及結算安排 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
protected clearing and settlement systems arrangement 受保障結算及交收系統安排 Cap. 628A, s. 3(1)

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Clearing and Settlement Clearing and Settlement Systems Appeals Tribunal 結算及交收系統上訴審裁處 Cap. 584, Sch. 9
Systems Appeals
clearing house clearing house 結算所 Cap. 571, s. 37(1)
recognized clearing house 認可結算所 Cap. 571, s. 38(1)
clearing system designated clearing and settlement system 指定結算及交收系統 Cap. 584, s. 2
clearing-house Biosafety Clearing-House 生物安全資料交換所 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
clearly clearly and conspicuously 清楚而顯眼地 Cap. 390, s. 24(1B)
clearly and permanently marked with ... 清楚持久地標明…… Cap. 369W, Sch. 3
clearly identifiable as ... 可清楚識別其為…… Cap. 374A, reg. 28(1)(c)
clearly legible 可清楚閱讀 Cap. 56, s. 16(2)
clearly legible 清晰可讀 Cap. 138A, s. 38A(1)
clearly legible 清晰易讀 Cap. 374A, Sch. 16
clearly legible 清楚易讀 Cap. 369W, Sch. 5
clearly marked 清楚標明 Cap. 145A, reg. 4(3)(a)
clearly visible 清晰可見 Cap. 132AI, s. 10A(3)
clearly visible and legible 清楚可見和可閱 Cap. 34, s. 6(3)(a)
displays clearly and distinctly 清楚而明確地展示 Cap. 133A, reg. 11(1)(d)
... is clearly visible 清楚看見…… Cap. 374B, reg. 12K(1)(a)(i)
to clearly differentiate 以清楚區別 Cap. 123N, s. 39(2)
clearly clearly inappropriate forum 明顯不適當的訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.16
"clearly inappropriate forum" test “明顯不適當訴訟地”測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 8
clemency executive clemency 行政機關給予赦免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

clerical clerical error 文書上的錯誤 Cap. 174, s. 27(1)(b)

clerical mistakes 文書錯誤 Cap. 17A, r. 30
typographical or clerical error 排印或文書方面的錯誤 Cap. 622, s. 41(1)
clerical error clerical error [also vitium clerici] 文書上的錯誤 Cap. 174, s. 27
clerk articled clerk 見習律師 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
authorized clerks 獲授權文員 Cap. 159H, Schedule
Chief Judicial Clerk 總司法書記 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 13(1)
clerk 書記主任 Cap. 4A, O. 61, r. 2(2)
clerk of the court 法庭的書記 Cap. 394, s. 4(4)
clerk of the Court 法院書記 Cap. 336, s. 14(2)
first clerk 書記長 Cap. 227, s. 93A(a)
judicial clerk 司法書記 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 10
magistrates' clerk 裁判官書記 Cap. 227, s. 2
prosecution clerk 檢控書記 Cap. 227, s. 115(2)
Clerk of Court Clerk of Court 法庭書記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Clerk to the Executive Clerk to the Executive Council 行政會議秘書 Cap. 1, s. 3
Clerk to the Legislative Clerk to the Legislative Council 立法會秘書 Cap. 1, s. 3
client client 委託人 Cap. 201, s. 15(4)
client 客戶 Cap. 571, s. 202(3)
client 當事人 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
client account 客户帳户 Cap. 571, s. 40(7)
client account 客戶戶口 Cap. 344, Sch. 7

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client accounts 當事人帳戶 Cap. 159, s. 26B

existing client 原有客戶 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
lay client 非法律專業當事人 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
separate client accounts 獨立客户帳目 Cap. 41, s. 73(1)(e)(iii)
solicitor and client costs 事務律師與當事人議定的訟費 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.3, Footnote 3
solicitor and own client basis 事務律師與當事人議定基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
clientless "clientless" litigation “無當事人”的訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.22
clinic medical clinics 診療所 Cap. 343, Long Title
clinical clinical trial 臨牀試驗 Cap. 138A, s. 36(1A)(c)
has clinical responsibility 負有臨床診治責任 Cap. 465, s. 5C(2)(a)
clinical dispute protocol clinical dispute protocol 醫療爭議議決書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clog on the equity of clog on the equity of redemption 贖回業權的障礙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
redemption and Commercial Law Terms
close close corporation [also closed corporation; closely-held 不公開轉售股份的法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
corporation] and Commercial Law Terms
close breach of close [also breaking a close ] 侵入他人地界 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of close [also breaking a close ] 擅入他人地方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close (n.) 地界 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close after the close of polling for an election 在選舉投票結束後 Cap. 547, s. 32(2)

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at the close of business 收市時 Cap. 112, s. 15(1A)

at the close of business 於營業結束時 Cap. 155Q, r. 48(8)(b)
close (n.) 終結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close (n.) 結束 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close his case against the defendant 為其針對被告人的案作結 Cap. 549D, s. 16(1)(a)
close of account 結算……帳目 Cap. 2, s. 9
close of ... financial year 財政年度終結 Cap. 155, s. 60(3)
close of nominations 提名期結束 Cap. 569, s. 22(3)(a)
close of pleadings 狀書提交期結束 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(2)(a)
close of prosecution case 控方結案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
close of tender 截止投標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close of tender 截止招標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close of the evidence 完成提出證據 Cap. 179, s. 14
close of the evidence 提供證據完畢 Cap. 221, s. 55
close of the prosecution case 控方舉證完畢 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.52
close the case without further action 結束個案,而不採取進一步行動 Cap. 588, s. 31B(2)(a)
closing his case 結束其案 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)
closing out 結清 Cap. 584, s. 2

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closing the mails 截郵 Cap. 98, s. 17(6)

close close (adj.) 密切的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close (adj.) 親密的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close relative 近親 Cap. 485, s. 2
close ties 密切聯繫 Cap. 513, s. 4(2)(b)(i)
close closed to the public 關閉不准公眾入內 Cap. 172A, reg. 8
closing of the transfer books 過戶登記冊閉封 Cap. 4B, r. 7
close closed records 封存檔案 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.3
close out close out 平倉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
close out 結清 Cap. 584, s. 2
close proximity close proximity 貼近 Cap. 132W, Sch. 1A
closed closed area 封閉區域 Cap. 601A, s. 8(1)
closed area 禁區 Cap. 245, s. 2(1)
closed court 非公開法庭 Cap. 221, s. 123(1)
closed road 封閉道路 Cap. 374E, reg. 49(1D)
closed road permit 封閉道路通行許可證 Cap. 374E, reg. 49(1A)
close-in-age "close-in-age" defence “年齡相近”免責辯護 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.22
"close-in-age" exception “年齡相近”例外情況 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,

479 / 3.093
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para. 6.23
closely closely connected 有密切聯繫 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.54
closely related 密切有關 Cap. 41, s. 22(1A)
closely resemble 非常相似 Cap. 374A, reg. 53(2)(b)
closer Hong Kong, China—New Zealand Closer Economic 《中國香港與新西蘭緊密經貿合作協定》 Cap. 362, Sch. 1
Partnership Agreement
closing closing order 封閉令 Cap. 132, s. 127(5)
closing closing address 結案陳詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
closing speech 結案時的陳詞 Cap. 394, s. 24
closing speech 結案陳詞 Cap. 221, s. 56(2)(b)
closing submission 結案陳詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
closing closing 結束的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
closing 截止的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
nomination closing date 截止提名日 Cap. 161F, s. 2
tender closing date 截標日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tender closing time 截標時間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
closure closure of ... registration 註冊的終止 Cap. 415, s. 59(1)(a)
closure closure day 關閉日 Cap. 1, s. 71(2)

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closure order 封閉令 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)

effect the closure 以達到封閉的目的 Cap. 200, s. 153B(3)(a)
effecting the closure 執行封閉 Cap. 349, s. 20(7)
rights ... of ... closure 封閉權 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(g)
closure closure for defendants 為被告人鎖定爭議 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.31
closure period 封存期 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.1
cloud on title cloud on title (Am.) 所有權的瑕疵 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
club club 會社 Cap. 376, s. 2
co-accused co-accused 同案被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
co-accused 同案被控人 Cap. 221, s. 57(1)
simultaneous sentencing of co-accused 同案被控人一同判刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
coast low-water line along the coast 沿岸低潮線 Cap. 413K, s. 2
coastal coastal and river trade 沿海及內河貿易 Cap. 81A, reg. 5C(6)(a)
coastal state 海岸國家 Cap. 413K, s. 2
coastal-going ship 沿岸船舶 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
coastal amenity coastal amenity 海岸設施 Cap. 247, s. 2
cocktail drug cocktail drug 混合藥物 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
co-conspirator co-conspirator 共同串謀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
co-contractor co-contractor 共同立約人 Cap. 23, s. 15(2)
C.O.D. C.O.D. [cash on delivery; collect on delivery] 貨到付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

C.O.D. [cash on delivery; collect on delivery] 貨到收款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
code code 密碼 Cap. 36, Schedule
codes 編碼 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
constituency code 選區代號 Cap. 542L, s. 2
solicitors code 律師代號 Cap. 128A, reg. 6(4)
sound codes 聲音編碼 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
stock code 股份代號 Cap. 316Q, Schedule
transformation event code 轉基因事件編碼 Cap. 607A, s. 2
unique identifier code 獨特標識編碼 Cap. 607A, s. 2
code code 守則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
code of conduct 行為守則 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
code of conduct 行動守則 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
code of conduct 操守守則 Cap. 571, s. 169(2)
code of governance 管治守則 "Charities" Report, para. 5.47
code of practice 工作守則 Cap. 51, s. 2
code of practice 執業守則 Cap. 343, s. 8
code of practice 實務守則 Cap. 374, s. 77A
code of professional conduct or practice 專業操守或實務守則 Cap. 408, s. 22(7)
codes 守則 Cap. 406, s. 59(1)(o)
Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 《班輪公會行動守則公約》 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)

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Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships 《現有船舶氣體運輸船規則》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
International Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 《國際散裝穀物安全運輸規則》 Cap. 369AA, reg. 2
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft 《高速船國際安全守則》 Cap. 478J, s. 2(1)
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 《2000年國際高速船安全規則》 Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Signals 《國際訊號規則》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(4)
International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code 《國際救生設備規則》 Cap. 369AY, s. 2(1)
International Management Code For The Safe Operation Of 《船舶安全營運及防止污染國際管理規則》 Cap. 369AX, s. 1
Ships And For Pollution Prevention
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 《國際海運危險貨物守則》 Cap. 413C, reg. 2
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
International Safety Management Code 《國際安全管理規則》 Cap. 369AW, s. 2(1)
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code 《國際船舶和港口設施保安規則》 Cap. 582, s. 3(1)
recognized engineering ... code 認可工程……守則 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
road users' code 道路使用者守則 Cap. 374, s. 109(2)
self-regulatory code of conduct 自我規管行為守則 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.13
code of conduct code of conduct 行為守則 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
code of conduct 操守守則 Cap. 571, s. 169(2)
code of practice code of practice 工作守則 Cap. 51, s. 2
code of practice 執業守則 Cap. 343, s. 8(4)(c)

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code of practice 業務守則 Cap. 155, s. 92(5)(d)(iv)

code of practice 實務守則 Cap. 374, s. 77A
establish codes of practice 制定實務守則 Cap. 470, s. 11(1)
Code of Practice for the Code of Practice for the Provision of Means of Escape in Case 提供火警逃生途徑守則 Cap. 573A, Sch. 2
Provision of Means of of Fire
Escape in Case of Fire
Code of Safe Working Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen 商船海員安全工作守則 Cap. 478B, s. 2
Practices for Merchant
Code on Takeovers and Code on Takeovers and Mergers 公司收購及合併守則 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
co-debtor co-debtor 共同債務人 Cap. 23, s. 15(2)
coded coded data 以密碼存錄的資料 Cap. 556B, by-law 18(1)(a)
coded data 密碼資料 Cap. 594A, s. 19(1)(a)
co-defendant co-defendant 同案被告人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
co-defendant [also codefendant] 共同被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 6
Codex Alimentarius Codex Alimentarius Commission 食品法典委員會 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
codicil codicil 遺囑修訂附件 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(3)
codification codification 成文法例的整理修訂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
codification 法律編纂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
codify codified 以法例條文訂明 "Charities" Report, para. 1.22
codified 編定 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 11

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codified ... in legislation 編纂為法例 "Charities" Report, para. 8.15

codify 編集 Cap. 38, Long Title
codify 編纂為成文法則 Cap. 329, Long Title
codifying statute codifying statute 編纂式法規 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
coerce coerce 威脅 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
coerces 脅迫 Cap. 541A, s. 22(2)
coercion coercion 威迫 Cap. 465, s. 5D(1)(c)
coercion 脅迫 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(2)
sexual coercion 性脅迫 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.9
coercive coercive measure 強制措施 Cap. 557, Schedule
coextensive coextensive 範圍相同的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
co-extensive co-extensive with 與……範圍相同 Cap. 19, s. 22(1)
co-funding co-funding arrangement 共同出資安排 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.21
cogent cogent evidence 強而有力的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cogent factor 令人信服的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cognate cognate 母系親屬關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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cognate 同性質物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
cognate 同根詞 ※比較 agnate English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cognate 同源物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cognate 親屬 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cognate expressions 同根詞句 Cap. 514, s. 2
cognate expressions 同語族詞句 Cap. 1, s. 5
cognate references 對同根詞的提述 Cap. 429, s. 4(1)
cognitive cognitive 認知 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 5.50,
Footnote 14
cognitive capacity 認知能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.8
cognitive impairment 認知缺損 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.10
person with a cognitive impairment 認知缺損的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.44
cognizable cognizable 可審理的 Cap. 227, s. 12
cognizance cognizance 認定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cognizance 認知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

judicial cognizance [also judicial notice] 司法認知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cognizance cognizance 審判常識 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cognizance 審理權 Cap. 336, s. 82(2)
cognizance 審理權範圍 Cap. 336, s. 73B(2)
cognizance of the offence 審理有關罪行 Cap. 8, s. 70
having cognizance of 審理 Cap. 226, s. 2(1)
take cognizance of 審理 Cap. 6, s. 84(1)
within the cognizance of... ……審理權範圍以內 Cap. 336, s. 73B(2)
cohabit cohabit 同居 Cap. 179A, r. 9(8)(a)
cohabited 同居 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.27
obligation to cohabit 同居的義務 Cap. 210, s. 31(4)(a)(ii)
cohabitant cohabitant 同居人士 Cap. 32, s. 265B(1)(a)
cohabitation cohabitation relationships 同居關係 Cap. 189, Long Title
resumption of cohabitation 恢復同居 Cap. 16, s. 6A
cohabitee cohabitee 同居者 Cap. 282, s. 3
coin coin 硬幣 Cap. 454, s. 2(2)
imitation Hong Kong coin 香港硬幣的仿製品 Cap. 200, s. 104(2)
protected coin 受保護硬幣 Cap. 200, s. 96
co-lessee co-lessee 共同承租人 Cap. 219, s. 29(3)
collapse collapse, either totally or partially 整體或局部坍塌 Cap. 123, s. 16(1)(l)(ii)
collate collating 整理 Cap. 571, Sch. 5

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collateral agreement collateral to a contract of service 僱用合約的附屬協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
collateral (adj.) 附屬 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral (adj.) 非直系親屬(的) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral (adj.) 旁系親屬(的) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral (adj.) 從屬 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral (adj.) 間接 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral consanguinity 非直系血親關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral estoppel 已決事項不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral issue 附帶事項 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附帶爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附屬事項 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附屬爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral security 附屬保證 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
collateral to 附屬於 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
collateral use of documents 間接使用文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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collateral collateral call 催繳抵押品通知 Cap. 155L, s. 226L(1)(b)(ii)

collateral (n., adj.) 抵押品 Cap. 571, s. 148
collateral (n., adj.) 擔保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral obligation 保證人的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral obligation 保證人的義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateral security 附屬抵押品 Cap. 19, s. 89(3)
excess non-segregated collateral 超額非分隔抵押品 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
margin collateral 保證金抵押品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
market collateral 市場抵押品 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
pledged as collateral against ... 作為……的抵押品,予以質押 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(2)(a)
securities collateral 證券抵押品 Cap. 571, s. 164
collateralize collateralized by ... 以……作抵押品 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
collateralized debt obligations 有抵押債務責任 Cap. 628, s. 74
on a collateralized basis 有抵押品基礎 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
collateralized collateralized 以……作附加保證的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateralized 有抵押的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateralized by cash deposits 以現金存款作附加保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collateralized loan 抵押品貸款 Cap. 155L, s. 160
collateralized transaction 有抵押交易 Cap. 155L, s. 93

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collateralized warrant 有抵押權證 Cap. 571N, s. 2

collect collect property 籌集財產 Cap. 575, s. 8(b)
collect records 收存檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.17
collect the tax 收取稅款 Cap. 140, s. 17A(1)
collected 收集 Cap. 486, s. 46(10)(e)
collecting charging or collecting of fees 徵收或收取費用 Cap. 571, s. 112ZQ(1)(a)
collection collection agent 募捐代理人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 16
collection authority 廢物收集當局 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)
collection of money 籌款 Cap. 104E, by-law 14
collection of records 收存檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.13
"hijack" collection “敲詐”式募捐 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 11
public benevolent collection 公開慈善募捐 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 53
public charitable collection 公開慈善募集 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
public collections certificate 公開籌款證明書 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 11
waste collection licence 廢物收集牌照 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)
collective collective capacity 集體身分 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
collective conditional fee agreement 按條件收費集體協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
collective expertise 集體專業知識 Cap. 1147, s. 4(e)

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collective mark 集體商標 Cap. 559, s. 3(4)

collective investment collective investment scheme 集體投資計劃 Cap. 571, s. 19(10)
collectively collectively 共同 Cap. 155, s. 79(4)
collectively or separately 集體或個別 Cap. 609, s. 33(3)(a)
collector authorized collector 獲授權收款人 Cap. 218, s. 32A(1)
authorized waste collector 獲授權廢物收集者 Cap. 354O, s. 2
default collector 預定收集者 Cap. 603B, s. 31(4)
Collector of Rates Collector of Rates 差餉徵收官 Cap. 515, Schedule
Collector of Stamp Collector of Stamp Revenue 印花稅署署長 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
collegiate body ... collegiate 學術團體 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
collision collision 航行中船隻的碰撞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collision 碰撞 ※比較 allision Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 《1972年國際海上避碰規則》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(1)
colloquy colloquy (arch.) 法官與代表律師的正式會談 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collude collude 串通 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.118
collude with ... 與……串通 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 3(4)(b)
collusion collusion 勾結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collusion 共謀 Cap. 179, s. 18A
collusion 同謀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

collusion 串通 Cap. 227, s. 127
collusion 串謀 Cap. 29, s. 14(2)
significant likelihood of collusion 極有可能串通 Cap. 527, s. 8(4)
collusive tendering collusive tendering 串通投標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collusive tendering 圍標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
colour under any colour of title 以任何所有權為藉口 Cap. 336, s. 52B(4)(a)
under any colour of title 假托任何業權之名 Cap. 4, s. 21L(4)(a)
under any false colour or pretence of ... 根據任何偽裝或假裝的…… Cap. 336, s. 27(b)
colour colour 膚色 Cap. 383, s. 5(2)(b)
colourable colourable 似是而非 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
colourable 看似有理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
colourable imitation 形似的仿冒品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
columbarium columbarium 骨灰安置所 Cap. 630, s. 2
columbarium premises 骨灰安置所處所 Cap. 630, s. 2
combat combat 打擊 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
combatant combatants 戰鬥人員 Cap. 590, s. 2
combination combination 組合 Cap. 159, s. 18(3)
combined combined with ... 與……組合 Cap. 374H, reg. 2
combined combined outbreak 集體騷動 Cap. 234A, r. 238(3)
come come before the court 出庭 Cap. 6, s. 29(2)

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come by the property ... without stealing it 並非藉偷竊而……獲得財產 Cap. 210, s. 4(1)
come into existence 出現 Cap. 104, s. 24(1)(a)
come into operation 開始實施 Cap. 1, s. 32(1)
come into operation 實施 Cap. 1, s. 25
come into the possession of ... 歸……管有 Cap. 200, s. 65(3)
come to an end 終結 Cap. 7, s. 52(1)
comes into question 成為問題 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
comes to ... knowledge 知悉 Cap. 514B, s. 13(3)
comes to the knowledge of ... ……得悉 Cap. 576, s. 30(1)
comes to the notice of ... ……知悉 Cap. 618, s. 142
comes to the notice of ... 得知…… Cap. 622, s. 653K(1)
comes to the notice of ... ……得悉 Cap. 41, s. 125(a)
coming into force 生效 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
coming to his knowledge 獲悉 Cap. 51, s. 15(1)(a)
come and defend come and defend [also venit et defendit] 出庭辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
come and defend [also venit et defendit] 前來辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comfort interests, welfare and comfort 權益、福利及舒適 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(e)
comfort letter of comfort 聯繫證明書 Cap. 155S, r. 116
comfort letter comfort letter [also letter of comfort] 安心書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comfort letter [also letter of comfort] 聯繫證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comity comity 友誼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

comity 禮讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comity of nations 國際間的相互尊重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial comity 司法管轄權的相互尊重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
command command 指揮 Cap. 1, s. 3
command 飭令 Cap. 227C, Schedule
having command or charge of ... 指揮或掌管…… Cap. 281, s. 2
regional command and control centre 地區指揮及控制中心 Cap. 520A, s. 5(1)(a)(i)
under the command ... of ... 由……負責指揮 Cap. 233, s. 7
commandeer commandeer 強佔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commander commander 機長 Cap. 448E, s. 2(1)
commander 總指揮 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
commence commence an action 展開訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 1(3)
commence proceedings with ... 在……展開法律程序 Cap. 276, s. 21(6)(b)
commenced 開始進行 Cap. 1, s. 55
commencing on ... 由……的日期起計 Cap. 229, s. 5(3)
commencing on ... 於……開始的 Cap. 112, s. 89(9)(a)
enable the hearing to commence ... 令聆訊可……展開 Cap. 376A, s. 7
prosecution... be commenced 提出……檢控 Cap. 618, s. 142
commence proceedings commence proceedings 展開法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commencement amended writ for commencement of a cause 經修訂的展開訟案的令狀 Cap. 4C, Schedule

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before, on or after the commencement of this Ordinance 於本條例生效日期之前、當日或之後 Cap. 155, s. 50(3)
commencement 生效日期 Cap. 1, s. 2(1)
commencement 開始 Cap. 6, s. 40
commencement 開始發生 Cap. 1, s. 57(2)(b)
commencement date 生效日期 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
commencement of the prosecution 展開檢控 Cap. 132, s. 104B(3)
commencement of this Ordinance 本條例開始實施 Cap. 1148, s. 6
commencement of ... trial 開審日期 Cap. 227, s. 85A(1)(d)
commencement of winding up 清盤的開始 Cap. 32, s. 184
on and from the commencement of ... Ordinance 在……條例生效日期當日及自該日起 Cap. 155, s. 139(1)
upon the commencement of such proceedings 於該等法律程序……展開時 Cap. 91, s. 14(1)(b)
upon the commencement of this section 本條一經生效 Cap. 219, s. 44(3)
writ for commencement of a cause 展開訟案的令狀 Cap. 4C, Schedule
commencement date commencement date 生效日期 Cap. 383, s. 2
commencement date 開始日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rent commencement date 起租日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commensurable commensurable 相當的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commensurable 相稱的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commensurate commensurate with ... 與……相匹配 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
commensurate with ... 與……相稱 Cap. 362, s. 13E(5)
comment adverse observation or comment 負面觀察所得或評語 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1

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fair comment 公允評論 Cap. 21, s. 27

judicial comment 司法評論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
with or without comments 不論是否附加評論 Cap. 541, s. 5(e)
commentary commentary 評註 Cap. 485A, s. 86(2)(a)
commerce commerce 商事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commerce 商業 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
use in commerce 商業使用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial best commercial practice 最佳商業慣例 Cap. 485A, s. 49(7)(b)
commercial 商務的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial 商業的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial ... affairs 商務 Cap. 565, s. 31(2)
commercial crimes 商業罪案 Cap. 394, Long Title
commercial document 商業文件 Cap. 471, s. 4(7)
commercial domicile [also quasi-domicile] 在敵方領域營商或居住時的居籍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial domicile [also quasi-domicile] 營商地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial entity 商業實體 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
commercial exploitation 商業利用 Cap. 528, s. 208
commercial exploitation 商業開發 Cap. 445, s. 5

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commercial fundraiser 商業籌款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,

Annex 6, para. 22
commercial information 商業情報 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
commercial insurers 商業保險人 Cap. 1115, s. 9(3)
commercial law 商事法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial law 商法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial law 商業法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial leasing 以商業方式招租 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial list 商業案件審訊表 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 1(2)(f)
commercial litigation funder 商業訴訟出資者 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.94
commercial occasion or event 商業場合或事項 Cap. 112, s. 20B(1)(b)
commercial or non-residential premises 商用或非住用處所 Cap. 106B, Sch. 3
commercial practice 商業常規 Cap. 139E, reg. 75
commercial practice 營業行為 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
commercial premises 商業處所 Cap. 502, Long Title
commercial principles 商業原則 Cap. 565, s. 7
commercial proceedings 商業法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 69, r. 2
commercial purpose 商業目的 Cap. 170, s. 2
commercial radio 商用無線電 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
commercial reservation 商事保留 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.33, Footnote 41

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commercial return 商業回報 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)

commercial sales 商業銷售 Cap. 112, s. 20B(4)
commercial secret 商業上的秘密 Cap. 68, s. 31(2)
commercial standards 商業標準 Cap. 372, s. 14B(2)
commercial trafficking 商業性質的販毒 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
commercial ... undertaking 商業……經營 Cap. 28, s. 13(iii)
commercial usage 商業習慣 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
commercial waste 商業廢物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
international commercial arbitration 國際商事仲裁 Cap. 609, Sch. 1
manufacturing or commercial secrets 製造秘密或商業秘密 Cap. 514, s. 134(2)
prudent commercial principles 審慎的商業原則 Cap. 565, s. 7
prudent commercial principles 審慎商業原則 Cap. 372, s. 6(1)
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial 《貿易法委員會國際商事仲裁示範法》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
used ... other than for commercial purposes ……用於非商業用途 Cap. 313, s. 11(b)
Commercial Court Commercial Court 商事法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Commercial Register Commercial Register 商業登記處 Cap. 1142, Preamble
commercial television commercial television broadcasting licence 商營電視廣播牌照 Cap. 562, Sch. 8
commercially commercially sensitive information 敏感的商業資料 Cap. 465B, s. 6(3)(b)
commercially sensitive commercially sensitive information 商業敏感資料 Cap. 155, s. 101F
commission charges a commission 收取佣金 Cap. 34, s. 8(2)(a)

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commission 手續費 Cap. 98A, reg. 30(2)

commission 佣金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illicit commission 非法佣金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sales commission 銷貨佣金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
secret commissions 秘密回扣 Cap. 503B, Schedule
commission by commission 以委託方式 Cap. 6, s. 100(5)
commission 委任狀 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 23(1)
commission 委任書 Cap. 336, s. 59(1)
commission 委託 Cap. 522, s. 3(2)
commission for appraisement and sale 估價及出售的委任狀 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 23(3)
commission, mount or present ... 委託製作、舉辦或推出…… Cap. 601, s. 5(2)(m)
commission of appraisement 估價委任狀 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
commission of appraisement 評價委託書 Cap. 10, s. 12(1)
commissioned 委託進行 Cap. 490A, s. 3(c)
dormant commission 候補委任 Cap. 1014, s. 3(2)
enabling evidence to be taken on commission 賦權……用委託方式錄取證據 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(f)
order for a commission 委任狀命令 Cap. 4C, Schedule
commission commission 委員會 Cap. 1, s. 42
commission 專責委員會 Cap. 21, Schedule
commissions 署 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
commissions of inquiry 調查委員會 Cap. 86, Long Title
independent commission 獨立委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 88

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commission act of commission 作出的作為 Cap. 212, s. 8B(2)

commission of a tort 犯侵權行為 Cap. 182, s. 17(b)
commission of an offence 犯罪 Cap. 528, s. 93(6)(a)
commission of ... crime 犯罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
commission of ... offence 犯罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12(1)
property used in or derived from the commission of offences 用於犯罪或從犯罪得來的財產 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
Commission of Audit Commission of Audit 審計署 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 58
Commission of the Office of the Commission of the European Communities in 歐洲共同體委員會駐香港辦事處 Cap. 558A, s. 3(2)
European Communities Hong Kong
commissioner commissioner 監誓員 Cap. 57, Sch. 2
commissioner for declarations 監誓員 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.12
commissioner for oaths 監誓員 Cap. 159, s. 7A(1)
commissioner commissioners 暫時扣押人 Cap. 4A, O. 52, r. 8(2)
commissioner commissioner 委託人 Cap. 528, s. 15(1)
Commissioner for Commissioner for Labour 勞工處處長 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
commissioner for oaths commissioner for oaths 監誓員 Cap. 159, s. 7A
Commissioner for Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing 影視及娛樂事務管理處處長 Cap. 616, s. 27(15)
Television and
Commissioner of Commissioner of Correctional Services of Hong Kong 香港懲教署署長法團 Cap. 234, s. 24D(1)
Correctional Services of Incorporated
Hong Kong
Commissioner of Commissioner of Customs and Excise 海關關長 Cap. 342, s. 2

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Customs and Excise

Commissioner of Commissioner of Customs and Excise Incorporated 海關關長法團 Cap. 342, s. 19(1)
Customs and Excise
Commissioner of Police Commissioner of Police 警務處處長 Cap. 227, s. 86(4)
Commissioner of Police Commissioner of Police Incorporated 警務處處長法團 Cap. 232, s. 39A(1)
Commissioner of Commissioner of Registration 人事登記處處長 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
Commissioner of the Commissioner of the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance 香港出口信用保險局總監 Cap. 1115, s. 2
Hong Kong Export Corporation
Credit Insurance
Commissioner of the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against 廉政專員 Cap. 204, s. 2
Independent Corruption
Commission Against
Commissioner on Commissioner on Interception of Communications and 截取通訊及監察事務專員 Cap. 589, s. 39(1)
Interception of Surveillance
Communications and
commissive waste commissive waste [also active waste; voluntary waste] 主動性損耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commissive waste [also active waste; voluntary waste] 積極性損耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commit assault with intent to commit buggery 意圖作出肛交而襲擊 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
5.3, Footnote 5
attempt to commit an offence 企圖犯罪 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"

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Consultation Paper, para. 6.1

commit an act outraging public decency 作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
commit ... offence 犯……罪行 Cap. 1, s. 3
commit torture 施行酷刑 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 4(1)
commits a disciplinary offence under ... 作出……所訂的違紀行為 Cap. 239A, reg. 16(1)
commits an offence 犯法 Cap. 415, s. 13(1)(j)
commits an offence 犯罪 Cap. 459, s. 6(1)
commits any assault 襲擊他人 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
commits buggery with an animal 與動物作出違反自然性交 Cap. 200, s. 118L
commits contempt of the Court 作出藐視法庭行為 Cap. 336, s. 20(b)
commits ... nuisance 製造……滋擾 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
committed an act 所作……的行為 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
committed an offence 犯有……罪行 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(1)
committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence 意圖犯性罪行而犯罪 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.30
conspiracy to commit false imprisonment 串謀非法禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to commit forcible detention 串謀強行禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on 《關於在飛機上進行犯罪和某些其他行為的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
board Aircraft

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disposition to commit ... violence 使用……暴力的傾向 Cap. 136, s. 42B(1)(a)

mental capacity to commit offence 犯罪的精神上行為能力 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
probability to commit crime 干犯罪行的可能性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
procuring others to commit homosexual buggery 促致他人作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.20
propensity to commit crime 犯罪傾向 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
public abhorrence of the crime committed 所犯罪行惹起公憤 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence 意圖犯性罪行而侵入 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.42
with intention to commit a sexual offence 意圖犯性罪行 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.2
commit commit ... to custody 將……交付羈押 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)(b)
commit ... to prison 將……押交監獄 Cap. 227, s. 2
commit ... to prison 將……關押於監獄 Cap. 504, s. 47(1)(i)
commits ... for trial 將……交付審訊 Cap. 504B, r. 12
committed for trial 交付審訊 Cap. 221, s. 9D(1)
committing magistrate 將被控人交付羈押的裁判官 Cap. 221D, r. 6(a)
committing ... to the care of ... 付託予……照顧 Cap. 290, s. 14(3)
... stand committed for trial at ... 將……交付……審訊 Cap. 227, s. 85(2)
commit committed to 具有承擔 Cap. 265, s. 2B(6)(a)
commitment commitment 交付 Cap. 226, s. 7(2)
commitment 交付羈押 Cap. 4C, Schedule

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commitment 交付羈押令 Cap. 280, s. 4A(2)

order of commitment 交付羈押令 Cap. 336H, O. 90A, r. 2(5)(c)
warrant of commitment 交付羈押令 Cap. 221A, r. 51(2)
commitment amount of the undrawn commitment 承諾的數額中未提取的數額 Cap. 155L, s. 105
binding commitment 具約束力承諾 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZD(3)
commitment 承擔 Cap. 571N, s. 47
commitment 承諾 Cap. 41, s. 25C(1)
contractually irrevocable commitment 在合約上不可撤銷的承諾 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
financial commitments 財務承擔 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(b)(iv)
irrevocable commitment 不可撤銷的承諾 Cap. 60, s. 3(3)
tender commitment 投標項目承付款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commitment aggregate capital commitment 資本認繳總額 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
capital commitment 資本承擔 "Charities" Report, para. 5.46
capital commitment 資本認繳 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
committal committal 交付 Cap. 227, s. 71A
committal 交付審判 Cap. 227, s. 71A
committal 交付羈押 Cap. 6, s. 110
committal for contempt of court 因犯藐視法庭罪而被交付羈押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
committal for debt 因債項而交付羈押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
committal for failure to comply with an order 因沒有遵從命令而被交付羈押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
committal for trial 交付審判 Cap. 503E, Schedule

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committal for trial or sentence 交付……審訊或判處 Cap. 227, s. 71A

committal order 交付審判令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
committal order 交付羈押令 Cap. 4A, O. 52, r. 7
committal order 拘押令 Cap. 504, s. 2
committal proceedings 交付審判程序 Cap. 227, s. 71A
committal to custody 交付……羈押 Cap. 280, s. 4A(1)
court of committal 負責交付拘押的法院 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
order of committal 交付羈押令 Cap. 4A, O. 52, r. 1
paper committal 書面交付審判 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
paper committal 書面偵訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
warrant of committal to prison 交付監獄的手令 Cap. 159, s. 11(1)
committed committed for sentence 被交付判處 Cap. 227, s. 80C(3)(a)
committed for trial 交付審判 Cap. 1, s. 3
committed for trial 交付審訊 Cap. 492, s. 4
committed for trial 將……交付審判 Cap. 394, s. 3(1)(b)(i)
committed or bailed to appear for trial 被押交或保釋等候出庭應訊 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
committed to custody 被交付扣押 Cap. 221, s. 67A(1)
committed to prison 交付監獄 Cap. 280, s. 4A(2)
committed to prison 施以監禁 Cap. 557, Schedule
committed to prison 被押交監獄 Cap. 234, s. 7(1)
committed to prison 將……交付監獄羈押 Cap. 57, Sch. 2
committed committed facility 有承諾融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 39

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committed liquidity facility 有承諾流動性融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 39

committed market makers 有承諾市場莊家 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
committee committee 小組委員會 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
committee 委員會 Cap. 1, s. 42
committee 理事會 Cap. 33, s. 2
committee 轄下的委員會 Cap. 630, Sch. 1
Committee against Torture 禁止酷刑委員會 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 17(1)
committee member 委員 Cap. 601, s. 29(2)(b)
committee of inspection 審查委員會 Cap. 32, s. 227B(1)(a)
committee of the estate 產業受託監管人 Cap. 485A, s. 165A(4)
Committee of the United Nations Security Council 聯合國安全理事會的委員會 Cap. 575, s. 2(1)
consultative committee 諮詢委員會 Cap. 426, s. 34(2)
disciplinary committee 紀律委員會 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
Election Committee 選舉委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
Human Rights Committee 人權事務委員會 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 17(2)
industry advisory committee 業界諮詢委員會 Cap. 41, Sch. 1C
inquiry committee 研訊委員會 Cap. 428, s. 17(1)
investigation committee 調查委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organization 國際海事組織法律委員會 Cap. 605, s. 3(5)
nominating committee 提名委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 45
Registration Committee 註冊事務小組 Cap. 549, s. 26

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registration committee 註冊事務委員會 Cap. 408, s. 17(5)

review committee 檢討委員會 Cap. 529B, s. 50(1)
review committee 覆檢委員會 Cap. 1150, s. 2(1)
select committee 專責委員會 Cap. 382, s. 2(1)
standing committee 常設委員會 Cap. 382, s. 9(1)
visiting committees 巡獄委員會 Cap. 234, s. 23(1)(b)
Committee for the Basic Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區基本法委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
Law of the Hong Kong Administrative Region
Special Administrative
Hong Kong members of the Committee for the Basic Law of 香港特別行政區基本法委員會香港委員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Document 20
Committee on Payment Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems 支付及結算系統委員會 Cap. 155L, s. 226V(1)
and Settlement Systems
commodity commodity 商品 Cap. 296, s. 2(1)
commodity exchange 商品交易所 Cap. 82, s. 2
commodity exposures 商品風險承擔 Cap. 155L, s. 18
commodity trading adviser's representative 商品交易顧問代表 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
dutiable commodities 應課稅品 Cap. 342, s. 3
reserved commodity 儲備商品 Cap. 296, s. 2(1)
strategic commodity 戰略物品 Cap. 60, s. 3(3)
commodity exchange commodity exchange 商品交易所 Cap. 82, s. 2
commodity trading commodity trading adviser 商品交易顧問 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
commodity-related commodity-related derivative contract 商品關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
derivative contract
Commodum ex injuria Commodum ex injuria sua non habere debet. [The wrongdoer 犯過失者不得從其過失中取利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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sua non habere debet. should not derive any benefit from his own wrong.] and Commercial Law Terms
common common 公共的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common 共同的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common 共有的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common 共通的 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
common action 共同的訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
common agreement 共同協議 Cap. 339, s. 5(3)
common area 公用地方 Cap. 311, s. 2
common conduits 共用的管道 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common design 共同策劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common employment 共同受僱(於同一僱主) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common employment 受僱共同作業 Cap. 23, s. 22
common facilities 公用設施 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
common facilities 公共設施 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
common features 共同特徵 Cap. 155, s. 64(1)(c)
common fund 共同基金 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.21
common fund basis 共同基金基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
common fund costs 共同基金訟費 Cap. 336F, Sch. 2
common intention 共同意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
common interest 共同權益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.15
common interest confidentiality agreement 共同權益保密協議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.30
common issue 共通爭論點 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.20
common mistake 共同的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common name 通用名稱 Cap. 559, s. 52(2)(b)(i)
common parts 公共地方 Cap. 565, s. 26
common parts (of land or a building) (土地或建築物的)共用部分 Cap. 200, s. 160
common parts (of land or a building) 公用部分 Cap. 515, s. 38
common parts (of land or a building) 公共部分 Cap. 601, s. 39
common property 分權共有財產 Cap. 38, s. 4(a)
common purpose 共同目的 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.104
common question of ... fact 同一……事實問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law 同一法律問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law or fact 共同的法律或事實問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
common residence 共同居所 Cap. 189, s. 3(1)(c)(i)
common seal 法團印章 Cap. 1, s. 53
common to 共有 Cap. 602, s. 23(1)
common welfare 共同福祉 Cap. 112, s. 50A(5)(a)(ii)
common witness 共同證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
for common use 供共同享用 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
in common employment with ... 與……受僱共同作業 Cap. 23, s. 22(1)
in common use 共用的 Cap. 200, s. 160(4)(b)
members in common 共通成員 Cap. 4A, O. 81, r. 6(1)(b)
on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準(評定訟費) Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28
owner in common 分權共有人 Cap. 112, s. 42
taxed on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(4)
tenancy in common 分權共有〔兩人或多於兩人按不分割份數的均等或不均 Cap. 38, s. 4
業權歸其繼承人〕 ※比較 joint tenancy
tenant in common 分權共有人 參看 tenancy in common Cap. 7, s. 107
under common control 共同受同一……控制 Cap. 112, s. 50A(2)(b)
common a matter of common knowledge 眾所周知的事宜 Cap. 490, s. 13(2)(a)(iii)
common duty of care 一般謹慎責任 Cap. 314, s. 3(1)
common intent and understanding 一般用意及理解 Cap. 112, s. 63
common knowledge 眾所周知 Cap. 490, s. 13(8)
common common assault 普通襲擊 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.69
common assault 普通襲擊罪 Cap. 210, Schedule
common form probate business 普通形式的遺囑認證事務 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(2)
common juror 普通陪審員 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.5
common law conspiracy 普通法串謀罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions 普通法中關於司法裁定的宣布論 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
common law doctrine of secondary participation 普通法的次級參與原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common law jurisdiction 普通法司法管轄區 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.35
common law presumption 普通法推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, Preface , para. 8
common law principle of finality 普通法下的終結性原則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
common law privilege 普通法特權 Cap. 486, s. 44(2)(d)(ii)
common law wife 普通法妻子 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mortgage by deed in common form 普通形式的按揭契據 Cap. 123, s. 33(9)(b)
common common barrator 唆訟者 Cap. 609, s. 98K
Common Bench Common Bench 前英格蘭高等司法院民事訴訟庭(英) 參看 Common English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Pleas Division and Commercial Law Terms
common bond common bond 共同連繫 Cap. 119, s. 15
common law at common law 在普通法下 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
at common law [also al common ley] 在普通法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at common law [also al common ley] 根據普通法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law 不成文法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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common law 普通法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 84

common law case 普通法案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law damages 普通法損害賠償 Cap. 91B, reg. 15
common law duty 普通法責任 Cap. 71, s. 2(1)
common law jurisdiction 普通法司法管轄區 Cap. 159Q, s. 1
common law jurisdictions 普通法適用地區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 84
common law marriage 同居者的事實婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law marriage 根據普通法締結的婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law marriage 普通法婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law offence of ... 普通法的……罪行 Cap. 200, s. 67
common law pains [also pain of the law] 普通法的懲罰 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law powers 普通法權力 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 24(1)
rule of common law 普通法規則 Cap. 25, Schedule
Common Pleas Common Pleas Division; C.P.D.; Court of Common Pleas 前英格蘭高等司法院民事訴訟庭(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Division; C.P.D.; Court (Eng.) [formerly Common Bench] and Commercial Law Terms
of Common Pleas
commonly commonly understood 一般人明瞭所指 Cap. 542, s. 55(1)
such as to be commonly understood 足以令一般人明瞭所指 Cap. 542, s. 55(1)
commonly commonly used 通用 Cap. 34, s. 4(1)(a)
commorientes commorientes ["persons dying together"; persons who die on 推定為同時死亡者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
the same occasion at the same time] and Commercial Law Terms

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commotion civil commotion 社會騷亂 Cap. 1112A, r. 23

communal communal 公用 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
communally communally used 公用的 Cap. 313H, reg. 4(5)
communicable communicable disease 傳染病 Cap. 132CA, s. 3(1)
venereal disease in a communicable form 可傳染的性病 Cap. 179, s. 20(2)(e)
communicate communicate 傳達 Cap. 155, s. 120(1)(b)
communicated 通知 Cap. 285, s. 65(1)
communicated 轉達 Cap. 6, s. 100B(2)
communicate an offer communicate an offer 傳達要約 Cap. 571, s. 175
communication communication 交流 Cap. 398, s. 4(g)
communication 訊息 Cap. 290, s. 19(5)
communication 通訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
communication 傳達 Cap. 38, s. 34(2)
communication in writing 書面通訊 Cap. 89, s. 15A(2)(a)
communication made to ... 向……傳達的任何訊息 Cap. 329, s. 18(5)
communication network 通訊網絡 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZI(1)(c)
confidential communication 機密通訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effective communication 有效的通訊 Cap. 211A, reg. 27(1)
electronic communication 電子通訊 Cap. 541D, s. 45(1)(b)
false or misleading public communication 虛假或具誤導性的公開通訊 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 27
freedom and privacy of communication 通訊自由和通訊秘密 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30
freedom of communication 自由通訊 Cap. 557, Schedule

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inspect communication 對通訊進行檢查 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30

mediation communication 調解通訊 Cap. 620, s. 5
official communications 官方通訊 Cap. 8, s. 35(b)
privileged communication 享有特權的通訊 Cap. 155, s. 118(3)(c)
privileged communication 受專業保密權涵蓋的通訊 Cap. 485, s. 32(10)(a)
privileged communication 特權通訊 Cap. 362, s. 17(4)(b)
without prejudice communication "內容不得損害權益"的通訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Communications Communications Authority 通訊事務管理局 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
community broad community notification 社區內作出廣泛通告 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.8
community 社群 Cap. 132M, s. 19(a)
community of persons 社群 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
community organizations 社會團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 136
community service order 社會服務令 Cap. 378, s. 2(1)
community service order report 社會服務令報告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general principles of law recognized by the community of 各國公認之一般法律原則 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12(2)
in community with others 集體 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
legal community 法律界 Cap. 155L, s. 226B(2)(d)(i)
commutation commutation 互換 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commutation 交換 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

commutation 替代 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commutation commutation 折算 Cap. 99, s. 13(b)
commutation 減輕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commutation of pension 退休金……的折算 Cap. 89, s. 6A(b)
commutation of pension benefits 退休金利益的折算 Cap. 99, s. 13
commutation of ... sentence 減刑 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(4)
commutative contract commutative contract 等價交易合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commutative contract 雙方相互依賴履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commute commute 折算為 Cap. 254I, s. 6(9)
commute 減輕 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
commuted from a sentence of life imprisonment to a 從終身監禁改為有期徒刑 Cap. 475, s. 22(1)(b)
determinate sentence
commuted pension gratuity 經折算的退休酬金 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
Companies Court Companies Court 公司案件法庭 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.60
Companies Register Companies Register 公司登記冊 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
company affiliated company 相關聯公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
applicable company 適用公司 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
approved overseas trust company 核准海外信託公司 Cap. 485A, s. 2
associated company 有聯繫公司 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)

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associated company 相聯公司 Cap. 57, s. 31K(1)

charitable companies 慈善公司 "Charities" Report, para. 5.58,
Footnote 45
companies inspector 公司審查員 Cap. 571, s. 186(2)
company 公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
company books 公司簿冊 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
company chop 公司印章 Cap. 511A, Sch. 1
company chop 公司圖章 Cap. 460B, Sch. 1
company goes into liquidation 公司進入清盤程序 Cap. 32, s. 265D(1)
company having a share capital 有股本公司 Cap. 32, s. 43(1)
company limited by guarantee 擔保有限公司 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
company limited by guarantee without a share capital 無股本的擔保有限公司 Cap. 622, s. 66(e)
company limited by shares 股份有限公司 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
company limited by shares or by guarantee 股份有限公司或擔保有限公司 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
company names adjudication system 公司名稱審裁機制 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
6.37, Footnote 23
company not having a share capital 並無股本的公司 Cap. 1148, s. 11(6)
company seal 公司印章 Cap. 406G, reg. 7
company seal 公司圖章 Cap. 17A, Schedule
company secretary 公司秘書 Cap. 622, s. 474
company with limited liability 有限法律責任法團公司 Cap. 159X, s. 7
company's reserves 公司的儲備 Cap. 622, Sch. 4
connected company 有連繫公司 Cap. 155L, s. 35

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defunct company 不營運公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
deposit-taking company 接受存款公司 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
dissolution of a company 公司……的……解散 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
dormant company 不活動公司 Cap. 622, s. 5(1)
duration of ... company 公司存在期限 Cap. 32, s. 228(1)(a)
existing company 原有公司 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
facilitating company 促進公司 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZD(2)(b)
finance company 財務公司 Cap. 29, s. 77(3)(a)
formation ... of a company 公司……的成立 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
holding company 控權公司 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
incorporated company 具法團地位的公司 Cap. 622, s. 73(2)
incorporated company 法團公司 Cap. 336G, r. 6(d)
insolvent company 無力償債公司 Cap. 32, s. 264A(1)
investee company 獲投資公司 Cap. 112, Sch. 16
issuing company 發行公司 Cap. 622, s. 194(1)
joint venture company 聯營公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
licensed insurance broker company 持牌保險經紀公司 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed long term insurance broker company 持牌長期業務保險經紀公司 Cap. 485, s. 34E
limited company 有限公司 Cap. 622, s. 7
listed company 上市公司 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
non-Hong Kong company 非香港公司 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
non-listed company [also unlisted company] 非上市公司 Cap. 155S, r. 84
not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee 非牟利擔保有限公司 "Charities" Report, para. 7.30

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one-dollar company 壹圓股本有限公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
one-dollar company 無實質資產的公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
open-ended fund company 開放式基金型公司 Cap. 571, s. 112A
oversea company 海外公司 Cap. 32, s. 2
overseas trust company 海外信託公司 Cap. 485A, s. 5
parent company 母公司 Cap. 32, s. 2B(1)
parent company 控股公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
permitted company 核准公司 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
private company 私人公司 Cap. 32, s. 2
private company limited by shares 私人股份有限公司 Cap. 622, s. 66(b)
private unlimited company with a share capital 有股本的私人無限公司 Cap. 622, s. 66(d)
proposed company 擬成立公司 Cap. 571, s. 112A
public company 公眾公司 Cap. 622, s. 12
public company limited by shares 公眾股份有限公司 Cap. 622, s. 66(a)
public unlimited company with a share capital 有股本的公眾無限公司 Cap. 622, s. 66(c)
public utility company 公用事業公司 Cap. 155, s. 3(1)(f)
qualified company 合資格公司 Cap. 50, s. 28D(2)(b)
recognized investor compensation company 認可投資者賠償公司 Cap. 571, s. 381C(1)(r)
reconstruction of companies 公司重組 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reconstruction of ... company 重整……公司 Cap. 29, s. 11(4)(a)
register of companies 公司登記冊 Cap. 622, s. 27(2)

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registered company 註冊公司 Cap. 571, s. 103(12)

registered insurance company 註冊保險公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
registered non-Hong Kong company 註冊非香港公司 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
registration of a company 公司註冊 Cap. 622, s. 112
related company 關連公司 Cap. 32, s. 265
revival of a company 公司重新開業 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
subsidiary company 附屬公司 Cap. 32, s. 2B
transferee company 受讓人公司 Cap. 32, s. 237(1)
transferor company 出讓人公司 Cap. 32, s. 237(2)
trust company 信託公司 Cap. 29, s. 2
ultimate holding company 最終控權公司 Cap. 155L, s. 15B(b)(ii)
unincorporated ... company 非法團公司 Cap. 336G, r. 6(d)
unlimited company 無限公司 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
unlisted company 非上市公司 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
unregistered company 非註冊公司 Cap. 32, s. 326(1)
company secretary company secretary 公司秘書 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
company service trust or company service business 信託或公司服務業務 Cap. 615, Sch. 1
comparability comparability of data 數據的可比性 Cap. 628B, r. 6(3)(b)
comparable comparable 類似 Cap. 525G, Sch. 1
comparable copy 可比擬書本 Cap. 528, Sch. 1AA
comparable overseas jurisdiction 相若的海外司法管轄區 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
comparable status 可相比擬地位 Cap. 553, s. 20(5)(a)
comparable to 相若 Cap. 505, s. 27(2)(b)(ii)

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comparable to 相當於 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)

comparable to ... 堪與……比擬 Cap. 610B, s. 5(2)(a)(i)
comparable with ... 可與……比擬 Cap. 493, s. 8(1)(a)(iii)(A)(II)
comparative comparative blameworthiness 相對的過失責任 Cap. 311, s. 33(6)
comparative blameworthiness 相對過失程度 Cap. 618, s. 139(4)
comparative gravity of offence 罪行的相對嚴重性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
compare compare ... with 將……與……對照 Cap. 586, s. 17(b)
compartment compartment 隔間 Cap. 285B, reg. 49
voting compartment 投票間 Cap. 541I, s. 54(5)
compartment insulated compartment 非居住間 Cap. 295E, s. 2
compassionate compassionate grounds 恩恤理由 Cap. 226D, r. 15(1)(a)
compassionate grounds 體恤的理由 Cap. 232, s. 23(2)
compassionately compassionately 恩恤 Cap. 524, s. 14(1)(d)(iv)
compatible compatible 不矛盾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compatible 在符合……的原則下 Cap. 204, s. 12(f)
compatible 協調的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compatible 兼容的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compatible 符合 Cap. 400, s. 37
compatible 無衝突 Cap. 485A, s. 20(1)
compatible with ... 與……相容 Cap. 369AL, reg. 19(1)
not compatible with 與……不相容 Cap. 563, s. 25(4)

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compel compel 迫使 Cap. 362, s. 17(4)(b)

compel 強令 Cap. 332, s. 15(4)
compel 強制 Cap. 93, s. 10
compel 強迫 Cap. 33, s. 42
compel attendance of defendant at court 迫使被告人親自出庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compelled conduct 強迫行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.4
compelled ... to submit to prostitution 強迫……賣淫 Cap. 16, s. 3(1)(g)
compellable compellable 可予強迫 Cap. 221, s. 57(2)
compellable witness 可予強迫的證人 Cap. 221, s. 83V(1)(b)
compellable witness 可予強迫提供證據的證人 Cap. 221, s. 83V(3)
competent and compellable 有資格並可予強迫 Cap. 8, s. 5
not compellable to ... 不可被強迫…… Cap. 525, s. 10(7)
not compellable to give evidence 不可被強迫作證 Cap. 525, s. 10(6)
compellable witness compellable witness 可予強迫(提供證據)的證人 Cap. 221, s. 83V
compelling compelling circumstances 極有需要的情況 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
compelling evidence 具說服力的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
compelling reason compelling reason 令人信服的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compellor compellor 強迫者 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.2

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compensatable compensatable 可獲補償 Cap. 519, s. 2

compensatable interest 可獲補償權益 Cap. 208, s. 19(1)(ii)
compensate be compensated 受損害賠償 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
reducing, compensating for or hedging against any financial 減低、補償或對沖任何財務風險 Cap. 601, s. 25
compensation awarding or refusing compensation 給予賠償或拒絕給予賠償 Cap. 7, s. 97(2)
claim for compensation 申索賠償 Cap. 7, s. 97(1)
claim for compensation 補償申索 Cap. 357, s. 11(3)
compensation 補償 Cap. 1, s. 3
compensation 補償金 Cap. 438, s. 12(12)
compensation 賠償 Cap. 405, s. 27(1)
compensation for injury to feelings 對感情損害的補償 Cap. 480, s. 76(6)
compensation for loss of time 時間損失補償 Cap. 179A, r. 88(3)
compensation fund 賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 238(1)
compensation fund coverage 補償基金……保障內容 Cap. 485B, Sch. 1
compensation money 補償金 Cap. 127, s. 15(5)
compensation order 補償令 Cap. 221, s. 84A(1)
compensation payable 須付的補償 Cap. 282, s. 16A(1)
compensation practices 酬報做法 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZS
compensation scheme 補償計劃 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
employees' compensation 僱員補償 Cap. 282, s. 16D
enforceable right to compensation 有權要求執行損害賠償 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(5)
entitlement to receive compensation 獲得補償的權利 Cap. 276, s. 24(2)
ex gratia compensation 特惠補償 Cap. 360, s. 4(3)(a)

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final compensation 最終補償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
full compensation 十足的補償 Cap. 106, s. 14(2)(i)
full compensation 十足補償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
no-fault based compensation scheme 不論過失補償計劃 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
pecuniary compensation 補償金 Cap. 227, s. 2
recognized investor compensation company 認可投資者賠償公司 Cap. 571, s. 381C(1)(r)
right to compensation 申索補償的權利 Cap. 311, Sch. 4
right to compensation 得到補償的權利 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 14
right to compensation 獲得補償的權利 Cap. 98A, reg. 21
right to compensation 獲償權利 Cap. 276, s. 20(2)
right to compensation for lawful deprivation of property 財產被依法徵用時得到補償的權利 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
compensatory compensatory damages 補償性質的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
compensatory damages 賠償性質的損害賠償 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 20
compensatory payment 補償付款 Cap. 112, s. 15E(1)(b)

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compensatory remedy 賠償性質的補救 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.17

compensatory award compensatory award 補償裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compete competing rights 對立權利 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.8
competence competence 能力 Cap. 374B, reg. 12G(3A)(a)
competence 稱職 Cap. 511, s. 5(b)
professional competence 專業才能 Cap. 159AK, r. 4(2)
professional competence 專業能力 Cap. 155, s. 7(2)(g)(i)
with competence 合乎水準 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
competence competence 權限範圍 Cap. 234A, r. 245(3)
competency certificate of competency 合格證書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
certificate of competency 資格證書 Cap. 243A, reg. 43(2)
certificate of competency 適任證書 Cap. 478AJ, s. 2
competency 能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
competency 資格 Cap. 258, s. 4
competency of a child witness 兒童證人的作證資格 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Gillick child competency [Gillick v. West Norfolk Wisbeck 吉利克小孩能力〔未成年人有足夠成熟程度和智力明白 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Area HA [1986] AC 112] 醫療的性質和後果者,具自決接受醫療能力〕 and Commercial Law Terms
good repute and competency 聲譽良好並適任 Cap. 156, s. 18(2)
local certificate of competency 本地合格證明書 Cap. 548, s. 2
standard of competency 技能標準 Cap. 132CA, s. 12
standards of competency 合格標準 Cap. 281, s. 55(1A)

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competent a competent witness for ... 有資格……作……的證人 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)

competent 合格 Cap. 374, s. 36A(10)(a)
competent 合資格 "Adverse Possession" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.24
competent 有足夠能力 Cap. 313X, s. 45(2)(c)
competent 有能力 Cap. 592, s. 8(2)
competent 有資格 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
competent 勝任 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.41
competent and careful driver 合格而謹慎的駕駛人 Cap. 374, s. 36(4)(a)
competent and compellable 有資格並可予強迫 Cap. 8, s. 5
competent ... driver 合格……的駕駛人 Cap. 374, s. 36(4)(a)
competent examiner 合資格檢驗師 Cap. 311T, s. 2
competent minister 合資格的神職人員 Cap. 181, s. 19(1)
competent operator 合資格的操作員 Cap. 470, s. 2(1)
competent person 合格人員 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
competent person 合資格人士 Cap. 311W, s. 16(2)(a)
competent person 合資格的人 Cap. 211A, reg. 2
competent person 勝任人士 Cap. 51G, s. 1
competent professionals 合資格的專業人員 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
competent to vote 有資格……投票 Cap. 444, s. 11(6)
competent witness 有資格……作……證人 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)
competent witness 有資格作證的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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competent witness 有資格的證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
competent witness 有資格提供證據的證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
competent worker 合資格人員 Cap. 470, s. 2(1)
mentally competent 精神上有能力行事 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 2
competent appeal ... competent 有權提出……上訴 Cap. 405, s. 2(13)
competent 具有權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
competent 具有權限的 Cap. 597, s. 19(b)
competent 具管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
competent authorities 主管機關 Cap. 1, Sch. 8
competent authorities 具有權限的主管當局 Cap. 494, s. 2(2)(a)(ii)
competent authority 主管當局 Cap. 1, s. 3
competent authority 有關當局 Cap. 560A, Sch. 3
competent court 具管轄權的法院 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
competent court 管轄法院 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
competent court of jurisdiction in ... 在……具司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 556B, by-law 46 (1)
competent, independent and impartial tribunal 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s. 8
competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
competent judicial authority 主管司法機關 Cap. 557, Schedule
competent judicial authority 管轄司法機構 Cap. 4A, App. A

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competent jurisdiction 司法管轄權 Cap. 219, s. 15(e)

competent public authorities 公共主管當局 Cap. 33A, r. 33(1)
competent tribunal 具管轄權的審裁處 Cap. 109, s. 49
competent warrants 具法律效力手令 Cap. 234A, r. 50
court of competent jurisdiction 具司法管轄權的法院 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 18
court of competent jurisdiction 具有司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 312, s. 7(3)(b)
of competent jurisdiction 具司法管轄權 Cap. 258, s. 5
Competent Judicial Competent Judicial Authority 管轄司法機構 Cap. 4A, App. A
competently competently 稱職地 Cap. 628, s. 108(6)(a)
competing free from all competing rights 不附有……對立權利 Cap. 123, s. 29(7)(b)(i)
competing rights competing rights 對立權利 Cap. 123, s. 29
competition competition 競爭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
competition authority 競爭事務當局 Cap. 619, s. 126(1)(h)
competition law 競爭法 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.111
non-competition covenant [covenant not to compete] 不競爭契諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prevent, restrict or distort competition 妨礙、限制、扭曲競爭 Cap. 619, s. 7
restrict, impede or restrain a competition 限制、妨礙或制約競爭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unfair competition 不公平競爭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Competition Competition Commission 競爭事務委員會 Cap. 619, s. 129(1)

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competitive competitive 競爭的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
competitive bidding 競投 Cap. 255, s. 2
competitive tender 競爭性投標 Cap. 71, s. 4(2)
compilation compilation 編製 Cap. 541A, s. 2(1)
compile compiled 編彙 Cap. 155S, r. 17(1)(b)(ii)
compiled 編製 Cap. 155, s. 50(1)(c)
compiled 編纂 Cap. 571, s. 402(4)(ii)
complain complain 申訴 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.4
complain 投訴 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.5
complain to 向……申訴 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 13
... complained of 被申訴的…… Cap. 21, s. 25(3)(a)
complainant complainant 申訴人 Cap. 227, s. 20(2)(a)
complainant 投訴人 Cap. 372, s. 37(2)
complainant 事主 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
complainant 原訴人 Cap. 7, s. 134
handle in ... complainant's stead 代替……投訴人處理 Cap. 604, s. 40(5)(c)(ii)
complaint a complaint is made 有人……作出申訴 Cap. 227, s. 8(1)
admit the truth of a complaint 承認申訴的內容屬實 Cap. 283C, s. 16(1)
by way of complaint 以申訴方式 Cap. 375, s. 8(2)
complaint 申訴 Cap. 492, s. 2

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complaint 投訴 Cap. 68, s. 31(1)

complaint of maladministration 行政失當申訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
complaints 申訴事項 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
ground of complaint 申訴理由 Cap. 159F, r. 11(3)
notifiable complaint 須知會投訴 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)
original complaint 原申訴 Cap. 227, s. 104(8)
originates a complaint 作出投訴 Cap. 232A, reg. 5(3)
recent complaint 近期投訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reportable complaint 須匯報投訴 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)
representative complaint 代表申訴 Cap. 480, s. 84(2)
substance of the complaint 申訴……的實質內容 Cap. 227, s. 19(1)
written complaint 書面申訴 Cap. 159H, r. 5B(1)(b)
complement complements 補充 Cap. 159G, r. 2A(1)
complement contains the full complement of ... 已滿載…… Cap. 104A, reg. 13
full complement 滿額 Cap. 374D, reg. 46(1)(j)(ii)
complete complete and correct 詳盡及正確 Cap. 41, Sch. 2
complete a complete month 一整月 Cap. 99A, reg. 2
complete indemnity 十足彌償 Cap. 377, s. 4(2)
last complete financial year 上一個完整財政年度 Cap. 1167, s. 10(2)(b)
complete duly completed 填妥 Cap. 344B, s. 5(1)
effect and complete the title 使……所有權有效及完整 Cap. 29, s. 2
to complete title 將……擁有權……予以完備 Cap. 1176, s. 16(3)
completed completed development 已完成的發展 Cap. 159H, r. 1A

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completed development 已落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 4(1)(a)

completed development pending compliance 尚待符合條件的已落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 4(2)(a)
completed offence 既遂罪行 Cap. 221, s. 51(3)
completed phase 已落成期數 Cap. 621, s. 4(1)(c)
completely completely contained in ... 完整地載於…… Cap. 514, s. 114(3)(c)(ii)
effectually and completely 有效地及完全地 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(2)(b)(i)
truthfully and completely 從實及詳盡 Cap. 426, s. 66(b)
completeness efficiency or completeness of ... equipment 設備的有效性或完備性 Cap. 413K, s. 21(c)
completion certificate of completion 結業證明書 Cap. 159J, r. 7(a)
completion 完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion certificate 完工證明書 Cap. 573A, s. 3(1)(g)(i)
completion date 交易完成日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 完工日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 完成日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion of sale 完成買賣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
work completion certificate 完工證明書 Cap. 172A, reg. 3(3)(a)(i)
complex commercial complex commercial crimes 複雜商業罪案 Cap. 394, Long Title
complexity complexity 複雜性 Cap. 486, s. 66B(2)(b)
complexity 複雜程度 Cap. 159G, r. 5(a)
factual complexity 事實情節複雜 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
undue complexity 過度複雜 Cap. 559, s. 58(5)
compliance certificate of compliance 合格證明書 Cap. 116C, s. 2
certificate of compliance 符合安全證明書 Cap. 502, s. 12(2)
certificate of safety compliance 符合安全規格證明書 Cap. 406, s. 29(1)(b)
completed development pending compliance 尚待符合條件的已落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 4(2)(a)
completed phase pending compliance 尚待符合條件的已落成期數 Cap. 621, s. 4(2)(b)
compliance 符合 Cap. 502, s. 3(1)
compliance 符合……規定 Cap. 406, s. 27(3)
compliance 遵行 Cap. 51, s. 6(2)(a)
compliance 遵從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compliance notice 遵行通知 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3, para. 39
compliance period 遵從限期 Cap. 374, s. 72A(11)
compliance report 合規報告 Cap. 478AF, s. 2(1)
compliance with conditions 符合……條件 Cap. 402, Sch. 1
compliance with the international obligations of ... 履行……國際義務 Cap. 523, Long Title
deadline for compliance 遵從期限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due compliance 妥為遵從 Cap. 106, s. 13E
fire safety compliance order 符合消防安全令 Cap. 636, s. 2
Form of Compliance 遵行規定表格 Cap. 610A, Schedule
full compliance 完全遵從 Cap. 403, s. 16(1)(h)
in compliance with ... 遵從…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

in compliance with ... 遵照…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ongoing compliance 持續遵守 Cap. 584, s. 8T(1)(b)
purported compliance 充作遵守 Cap. 548D, s. 52(a)(ii)
purported compliance 充作遵從 Cap. 622, s. 871(4)(a)
reasonable opportunity for compliance 合理的遵從機會 Cap. 311U, s. 7(2)
relieve ... from compliance with ... ……獲寬免遵從…… Cap. 295B, reg. 127(3)
strict compliance with ... 嚴格地遵從……的規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
subject to compliance with ... requirements 在符合……的……規定下 Cap. 369AM, reg. 8(1)
substantial compliance 實質符合 Cap. 369AL, reg. 91(1)
sufficient compliance 充分遵守 Cap. 115L, reg. 11(2)
sufficient compliance 充分遵從 Cap. 32, s. 360C(3)
sufficient compliance 足夠遵從 Cap. 221A, r. 9
sufficient compliance with the order 對命令的充分遵從 Cap. 4A, O. 81, r. 7(3)
complicity complicity 同謀關係 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.24
complicity 合謀 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 4(1)
comply complied with 順應 Cap. 525, s. 34(3)(d)(i)
complied with the requirements 遵從……規定 Cap. 582A, r. 19(2)
comply 遵守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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comply 遵行 Cap. 51, s. 6

comply 遵從 Cap. 113, s. 7(2)
comply 遵循 Cap. 584, s. 8ZH(3)(b)
comply 遵照 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comply generally with 全面遵從 Cap. 123, s. 4(3)(c)
comply with 遵守 Cap. 1, s. 29A(2)(b)
comply with 遵從 "Adverse Possession" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.24
comply with 遵照……辦理 Cap. 201, s. 13(3)
comply with a request 依從要求 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 8.2
comply with a requirement 遵行……要求 Cap. 405, s. 5(3)
comply with an order 遵從命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comply with ... an order 履行命令 Cap. 405, s. 23(10)
comply with requirements 遵從規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comply with the request 依從該項要求 Cap. 486, s. 20(3)(ea)
comply with this subsection 符合本款的規定 Cap. 485A, s. 46(3)
default is made in complying with the order 命令不獲遵從 Cap. 227, s. 121(5)
excused from complying 獲免遵從 Cap. 41, s. 41G(6)
fail to comply with ... 不遵守…… Cap. 219, Sch. 2
failure to comply 沒有遵從 Cap. 268, s. 2
failure to comply with ... 不遵從 Cap. 474, s. 60

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failure to comply with ... 沒有遵守 Cap. 514, s. 29

observe and comply 遵守和遵從 Cap. 388B, s. 9(4)
compos mentis compos mentis ["master of one's mind"; full possession of 精神健全 ※比較 non compos mentis English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mental powers] and Commercial Law Terms
compos sui compos sui ["master of one's self"] 四肢活動能力自如 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Composite Indigenous Composite Indigenous Village 共有代表鄉村 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)
compositeur amiable compositeur 友好仲裁員 Cap. 609, Sch. 1
composition composition 成分 Cap. 454, s. 2(1)
composition 組成 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
composition 組成成分 Cap. 133, s. 19(1)(j)(iii)
composition of the board of directors 董事局的組成 Cap. 32, s. 2(4)(a)(i)
composition composition 債務重整協議 Cap. 50, s. 15(c)
composition ... of arrangement 債務重整協議 Cap. 218, s. 12(2)(c)
entered into a composition 達成債務重整協議 Cap. 155, s. 73(1)(a)
composition of composition ... of arrangement 債務重整協議 Cap. 218, s. 12
compound compound 了結 Cap. 29, s. 16(f)
compound an offence 有代價地就某罪行不予檢控 Cap. 109A, reg. 105(1)
compound an offence 就……罪行作出了結 Cap. 348, s. 8(8)
compound any compoundable offence 就任何可罰款抵罪的罪行,實行罰款抵罪 Cap. 633, s. 96(1)(a)
compound any offence 就……任何罪行而准以罰款代替起訴 Cap. 310, s. 15(1B)
compound or abandon ... legal proceedings 了結或放棄……法律程序 Cap. 50, s. 18(1)(j)
compounded offence 有代價地不予檢控的罪行 Cap. 109A, reg. 105(1)

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compounding 有代價地……不予檢控 Cap. 109, s. 6(1)(ka)

compounding 私下了結 Cap. 227, s. 50
compounding for the debt to the satisfaction of the creditor 作出令該債權人滿意的了結 Cap. 6A, r. 45(2)(a)
compounding of an offence 有代價地就罪行……不予檢控或作出任何妨礙檢控的行 Cap. 221, s. 91(4)

compounding record 有代價地不予檢控的紀錄 Cap. 109A, reg. 105(2)(g)
stay or compound ... proceedings 擱置……法律程序或以罰款了結 Cap. 310, s. 15(1B)
compound compounds 訂立債務重整協議 Cap. 485, Sch. 1A
compound compound interest 複利 Cap. 163, s. 22(1)(a)
compound interest 複息 Cap. 29, s. 33(2)
simple or compound interest 單利息或複利息 Cap. 609, s. 79(1)
compound for a debt compound for a debt 就債項作出了結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compound legal compound legal proceedings 了結法律程序 Cap. 50, s. 18
compounded compounded food 合成食物 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
comprehensive comprehensive test 綜合測試 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
Comprehensive Social Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme 綜合社會保障援助計劃 Cap. 91B, reg. 8A
Security Assistance
comprise comprise 由……組成 Cap. 322, s. 4(1)
comprise exclusively ... 內容……僅限於…… Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
comprise ... managing board 構成……管理當局 Cap. 398, s. 3(2)
comprised in ... 包括在……內 Cap. 525, Sch. 2

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property comprised ... the charge 組成該項押記……的財產 Cap. 273, s. 2(1)(b)

those premises comprise ... tenements 該處所包含……物業單位 Cap. 7, s. 55A(4)
comprising comprising 構成 Cap. 229, s. 3(2)(d)
compromise compromise 妥協 Cap. 91, s. 6
compromise 債務妥協 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
compromise and settlement 妥協與和解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compromise compromises 危及 Cap. 159R, s. 2
compromises 危害 Cap. 564, s. 17(1)(b)
compromises 損害 Cap. 564, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
compulsion of law compulsion of law 法律的強制規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compulsory compulsory 強制 Cap. 98, s. 10(a)
compulsory 強迫 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compulsory acquisition 強制取用 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 24
compulsory acquisition 強制性徵用 Cap. 17, s. 8
compulsory contributors 強制供款人 Cap. 279, s. 85(1)(b)
compulsory licence 強制性特許 Cap. 514, s. 9
compulsory liquidation 強制清盤 Cap. 562, s. 32(4)(b)(i)
compulsory national service 強制國民服役 Cap. 89A, reg. 17A(1)(b)
compulsory pilotage 強制領港 Cap. 84, s. 10A
compulsory purchase 強迫購買 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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compulsory registration 強制掛號 Cap. 98A, reg. 17

compulsory retirement 迫令退休 Cap. 89, s. 6(1)(d)
compulsory winding up 強制清盤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forced or compulsory labour 強迫或強制之勞役 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(a)
compurgation compurgation (arch.) [also wager of law] 宣誓斷訟法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compurgation (arch.) [also wager of law] 宣誓證明無罪的程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compute be computed 計算 Cap. 10D, r. 3(1A)(c)
computer access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
computing mode of computing 計算方法 Cap. 25, s. 45(3)(c)
conceal conceal 隱瞞 Cap. 8, s. 22B(3)(a)
conceal 隱藏 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(b)
conceal ... name 隱匿……姓名或名稱 Cap. 622, s. 228(1)(a)(i)
concealed from view 掩蓋 Cap. 145, s. 17(1)(b)
concealed from view 遮掩 Cap. 586, s. 45(2)
concealing ... offence 隱匿……罪行 Cap. 426, s. 79(2)(a)
conceals 藏匿 Cap. 200, s. 7(2)(b)
conceals ... document 收藏……文件 Cap. 426, s. 79(2)
conceals ... document 隱藏……文件 Cap. 602, s. 66(6)(a)
conceals ... marking 隱藏……標記 Cap. 415, s. 18(6)
concealed concealed articles 隱藏物品 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
concealment concealment 隱瞞 Cap. 347, s. 26(1)
concealment 隱瞞事實 Cap. 528, s. 110(2)(b)

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concealment of treasure trove 隱藏埋於地下的無主寶藏 Cap. 210, s. 34(1)

concede concede (v.) [concession (n.)] 承認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concede (v.) [concession (n.)] 接受 Cap. 8, s. 77
concede (v.) [concession (n.)] 讓步 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concentration level of concentration 集中程度 Cap. 155Q, r. 28(1)(a)
concept single inventive concept 單一項發明構思 Cap. 514, s. 78(2)
concept concept of relativity of title 業權的相對概念 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
restorative justice concepts 復和司法的概念 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
conception conception 受孕 Cap. 429, s. 5(3)
concern domestic concern 本身的業務 Cap. 32, s. 48A(2)
going concern 正營運中的事業 Cap. 41, s. 46(2)
going concern 營業機構 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
individual concern 獨自經營商號 Cap. 166A, Sch. 1
concern be concerned 擔心 Cap. 200, s. 160(3)
of public concern 公眾所關注 Cap. 21, s. 14(3)
public concern 公眾……關注 Cap. 32, s. 209A(2)(i)
concern concerned in 涉及 Cap. 98, s. 32C
concerned in 參與 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
concerned in 關涉 Cap. 509, s. 47(b)(i)
concerned in ... proceedings 牽涉入……法律程序 Cap. 91B, reg. 6

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concerned in the management of ... 關涉……的管理 Cap. 32, s. 168H(1)(b)

concern concern group 關注團體 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 2.1
concerned the person concerned 有關的人 Cap. 478AJ, s. 12(3)(c)
concerning of and concerning ... 指……以及涉及…… Cap. 21, s. 25(5)(a)
Concessio versus Concessio versus concedentem latam interpretationem habere 應對授予者從寬解釋所授 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
concedentem latam debet. [A grant ought to have a liberal interpretation against the and Commercial Law Terms
interpretationem habere grantor.]
concession concession 經營權 Cap. 556, s. 2(1)
concessions 特許 Cap. 50, s. 8(1)(f)
concession charity tax concessions 慈善組織稅項寬減 "Charities" Report, para. 7.32
concession period 寬免期 Cap. 218I, s. 2
conciliation attempted conciliation 試圖調停 Cap. 55, s. 4(1)
conciliation 和解 Cap. 503J, Schedule
conciliation 調停 Cap. 55, s. 2
conciliation 調解 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 14
conciliation officer 調停員 Cap. 55, s. 2
conciliation proceedings 調解程序 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
international mandatory conciliation 國際強制調解 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
special conciliation 特別調停 Cap. 55, s. 2
undertake conciliation 承擔進行調停 Cap. 55, s. 2
conciliator conciliator 調停人 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
concise concise statement 扼要陳述 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 2(1)(a)

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conclude conclude 作結論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
conclude 斷定 Cap. 115, s. 17I(1A)
conclude conclude 訂立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclude 簽訂 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
conclude ... Agreement 締結……協定 Cap. 503B, Schedule
concluded between 相互之間締結的 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 8(1)
conclude conclude 結束 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trial, plea or sentence is not concluded 審訊、答辯或判刑沒有……完結 Cap. 221D, Schedule
conclusion conclusion 結論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclusion of law 法律上的結論 ※比較 finding of fact English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclusion at the conclusion of the evidence 作供完畢後 Cap. 232A, reg. 9(1)
conclusion 結束 Cap. 50, s. 4(2)
conclusion 結案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclusion 審結 Cap. 47, s. 29(1)(d)
conclusion of the evidence 提供證據完畢 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, Annex D, Part 2
conclusion of the inquiry 查訊完結 Cap. 426, s. 36(11)
conclusion of the proceedings 法律程序完結 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 4(1)

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conclusion of the prosecution case 控方舉證完畢 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.1
conclusion of the trial of ... action 訴訟的審訊完結 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 10
conclusion conclusion of the contract 合約訂立 Cap. 71, s. 16(3)(c)(i)
conclusive ... be final and conclusive ……為最後及最終定論 Cap. 87, s. 4(2)
conclusive 不可推翻的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclusive 決定性的 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
conclusive 具決定性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclusive 定論 Cap. 405, s. 5(2)
conclusive certificate 確證證明書 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 12.1
conclusive evidence 不可推翻的證據 Cap. 8, s. 62(3)
conclusive evidence 確證 Cap. 576, s. 3(2)
conclusive evidence of that fact 該事實的不可推翻的證據 Cap. 8, s. 77(3)
conclusive presumption [also irrebuttable presumption] 不可推翻的推定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conclusive proof 確證 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
final and conclusive 最終及具決定性的 Cap. 155, s. 119(1)
final and conclusive 最終及不可推翻的 Cap. 319, s. 3(2)(a)
final and conclusive 最終及決定性的 Cap. 112, Sch. 17A
presumption ... conclusive 不可推翻……的推定 Cap. 115, s. 2(2)(a)

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the judgment is final and conclusive between the parties to it 有關判決對判決各方而言,屬最終及不可推翻的判決 Cap. 605, s. 21(3)(a)
conclusively conclusively 不可推翻地 Cap. 240, s. 5(2)
conclusively 確切地 Cap. 150, s. 4(2)
conclusively presumed 不可推翻地推定 Cap. 501, s. 14(1)(c)
conclusively presumed 不可推翻地推定為 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
shows conclusively 確實證明 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
conclusiveness conclusiveness 決定性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concoction concoction 捏造事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
concoction 捏造證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
concomitant concomitant 伴隨的 Cap. 485A, s. 145
concomitant 相伴的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concomitant action 共同提起的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concomitant evidence 當時在場行事的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concord concord 友好合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concord 協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concrete concrete 實質的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concubinage concubinage 妾侍制度 Cap. 178, Long Title

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union of concubinage 夫妾關係 Cap. 16, s. 2

concubine a concubine lawfully taken 合法納娶的妾侍 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
concubine [also tsip] 妾 Cap. 179, s. 2
concubine [also tsip] 妾侍 Cap. 178, s. 2
concur concur 共同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concur 同時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concur concur 同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concur 贊同 Cap. 38, s. 39
concurrence concurrence 同意 Cap. 549, s. 105(1)(b)(ii)
concurrence 贊同 Cap. 6, s. 82(2)
concurrence by a judge concurrence by a judge 法官對判決的贊同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent concurrent 同時具有的 Cap. 528, s. 112(2)
concurrent 同時發生的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent 並存的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent conditions 同時履行的條件 Cap. 329, s. 52
concurrent findings of fact 並行事實裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent jurisdiction 重疊的司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent order 同期執行的命令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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concurrent performance 同時執行 Cap. 565, s. 11(2)(a)

concurrent remedies 並存的補救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
concurrent rights of action 同時具有訴訟權 Cap. 528, s. 113(1)
concurrent sentence 同期執行的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
concurrent writ 並存令狀 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 6
has concurrent jurisdiction 同時……具有管轄權 Cap. 362, s. 16F(1)
honest concurrent use 誠實的同時使用的情況 Cap. 559, s. 53(7)
concurrently concurrently performing the function ... 同時執行……職能 Cap. 601, s. 13(5)
condemnation condemnation 宣判有罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condemnation 譴責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condemnation condemnation 充公 Cap. 4, s. 12A(2)(r)
condemnation 徵收土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condemned condemned 宣告不合格 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
condemned 被宣告不合格 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
condemned as forfeited 宣告沒收 Cap. 109, s. 48(7)
condemned by ... 由……充公 Cap. 4, s. 12E(3)
Conditio praecedens Conditio praecedens adimpleri debet prius quam sequatur 符合先決條件後始能生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
adimpleri debet prius effectus. [A condition precedent ought to be fulfilled before the and Commercial Law Terms
quam sequatur effectus. effect can follow.]
condition absolutely or subject to conditions 在無條件下或附加條件下 Cap. 537A, s. 1(3)
adding conditions 增補條件 Cap. 159, s. 6(9)

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any of the terms or conditions to which the authorization is 規限該授權的任何條款或條件 Cap. 354O, s. 9(7)(a)
as a condition precedent to ... 作為……的先決條件 Cap. 109A, reg. 10(ii)
attach conditions 附帶條件 Cap. 599C, s. 4(2)
attach conditions to 將……條件附加於 Cap. 6, s. 43D(2)
basic condition 基本條款 Cap. 354N, s. 8(8)
breach of bail condition 違反保釋條件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
breach of ... condition 違反……條件 Cap. 295, s. 9(2)
breach of condition of stay 違反逗留條件 Cap. 115, s. 41, Heading
concurrent conditions 同時履行的條件 Cap. 329, s. 52
condition 條件 Cap. 1, s. 3
condition antecedent 先決條件 Cap. 6, s. 138
condition of an exemption 豁免所附帶的條件 Cap. 406, s. 56(5)
condition of stay 逗留條件 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
condition precedent 先決條件 Cap. 609, s. 15(3)
condition precedent (合約生效前)須予履行的條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condition subsequent 後決條件 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
condition subsequent 解除(合約責任)條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of appointment 聘用條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of exchange 換地條件 Cap. 1133, s. 5(a)
conditions of exemption 豁免條件 Cap. 200A, reg. 16

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conditions of grant 批地條件 Cap. 1058, s. 5

conditions of issue 發出條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of issue 發證條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of issue 發行條件 Cap. 622, s. 144(2)(a)
conditions of regrant 重批條件 Cap. 1133, s. 5(a)
conditions of sale 賣地條件 Cap. 1133, s. 5(a)
conditions of service 服務條件 Cap. 55, s. 35
conditions of stay 居留條件 Cap. 115, s. 13A
conditions of tender 投標條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of tender 招標條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions provided by the law 法律規定的……條件 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 8(2)
conditions subject to which licences are granted 批出牌照時附加的條件 Cap. 166, s. 26(1)(d)
covenant or condition against alienation 禁止讓與契諾或條件 Cap. 1129, s. 12C(d)
free from conditions 不具條件 Cap. 159, s. 6(11)(b)
fulfils the conditions 符合……條件 Cap. 469, s. 14(1)
general conditions of contract 合約一般條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impose conditions 施加條件 Cap. 245, s. 11
licensing condition 發牌條件 Cap. 571N, s. 2
licensing conditions 持牌條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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memorandum on conditions of service 服務條件說明書 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

para. 8.6
onerous conditions 繁苛的條件 Cap. 71, s. 5
prescribed conditions 訂明條件 Cap. 528, s. 47
reorganisation condition 重組條件 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 8, para. 32
requirements and conditions of the probation order 感化令的規定及條件 Cap. 298A, r. 17
restrictive ... conditions 有局限性……的條件 Cap. 71, s. 5(1)(a)
satisfies the conditions 符合……條件 Cap. 571E, s. 4(1)(a)
satisfy a condition 履行某項條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
special conditions of contract 合約特別條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
stipulate conditions 訂定條件 Cap. 60, s. 30(2)(b)
subject to conditions 在施加條件的規定下 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(1)(a)
subject to conditions 有條件 Cap. 59, s. 7(2)(b)
subject to conditions 受條件規限 Cap. 571, s. 322(6)(a)
subject to such conditions 須依……的條件 Cap. 1, s. 57(1)
subject to such conditions 須符合……條件 Cap. 1, s. 29(2)
subject to such conditions as he may specify 以他所指明的條件 Cap. 369AL, reg. 2
subject to such conditions as he may specify 受他指明條件的規限下 Cap. 57, s. 73(2)
subject to such conditions as he may think fit 在他認為合適的條件的規限下 Cap. 133, s. 5(5)
subsisting conditions 存續條件 Cap. 358AL, s. 11(3)
terms and conditions 條款及條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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terms and conditions of service 服務條款和條件 "Charities" Report, Annex 2, para. 6

with or without conditions 附加或不附加條件 Cap. 311, Sch. 4
condition adverse conditions 不利情況 Cap. 406E, reg. 15
"as-is" condition (on handing over of premises) (處所在移交時的)"原樣"狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condition 狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condition 情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
condition of buildings 樓宇的……狀況 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(iv)
defective or damaged condition 欠妥或損壞的狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial condition 財務狀況 Cap. 265, s. 8B(3)
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
good condition 良好狀況 Cap. 107, s. 11(a)
hazardous condition 危險情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hygienic conditions 合乎衞生的環境 Cap. 478AF, s. 38(b)
in an unfit or improper condition 處於不合適或不正常狀況 Cap. 556H, s. 23
in good condition 在良好狀況下 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
in good condition 狀況良好 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good order and condition 狀況良好 Cap. 295C, reg. 7(1)(a)

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in good order and condition 運作及狀況良好 Cap. 172A, reg. 7(1)

in good order and condition 運作妥當,狀況良好 Cap. 295B, reg. 78C(1)(b)
in good repair and condition 修葺妥善及狀況良好 Cap. 344, s. 34H
in good repair and condition 維修妥善及操作良好 Cap. 132BU, s. 27
in good ... repair and condition 維修妥善和狀況良好 Cap. 106B, reg. 4(1)(b)
industrial conditions 實務情形 Cap. 63, s. 2(7)
kept in good condition and repair 保持狀況及性能良好 Cap. 285B, reg. 8
mental condition 精神狀況 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)
mental condition 精神狀態 Cap. 347, s. 2(1)
normal conditions 正常情況 Cap. 369S, reg. 27
original condition 原來狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
physical ... condition 身體……狀態 Cap. 347, s. 2(1)
prevailing conditions 當時情況 Cap. 369N, Schedule
ready to use condition 即用狀態 Cap. 311W, Sch. 1
safe and sound condition 狀況安全良好 Cap. 372, s. 25(1)
serviceable condition 可使用的狀況 Cap. 509A, s. 18
serviceable condition 在能使用狀況 Cap. 132BK, s. 18(4)(a)
serviceable condition 效用良好的狀況 Cap. 59I, reg. 64
sound structural condition 結構狀況良好 Cap. 573A, Sch. 2
sound structural condition 結構穩妥 Cap. 279, s. 12(1)(e)
special condition 特殊狀況 Cap. 313A, reg. 3
tenantable condition 可租用狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
working condition 操作狀況 Cap. 313A, reg. 5(2)

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working conditions 操作情況 Cap. 56, s. 29(3)(b)(i)

conditional absolute or conditional discharge 無條件或有條件的釋放 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
an order for conditional discharge 有條件釋放令 Cap. 221, s. 83H(2)(b)
collective conditional fee agreement 按條件收費集體協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
conditional 有條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditional 附有條件的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditional appearance 有條件的應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditional discharge 有條件釋放 Cap. 298, s. 2(1)
conditional exemptions 有條件豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.6
conditional fee 按條件收費 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.28
conditional fee agreement 按條件收費協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
conditional leave 有條件許可 Cap. 484A, r. 13(1)
conditional notice of consent 有條件同意通知書 Cap. 155, s. 70(2)
conditional offer 有條件要約 Cap. 571AG, s. 2
conditional on ... 以……為條件 Cap. 4A, O. 31, r. 2(2)(b)
conditional pardon 有條件赦免 Cap. 221, s. 116

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conditional release 假釋 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(i)

conditional release order 有條件釋放令 Cap. 524, s. 4(1)
conditional revocation 有條件撤銷 Cap. 514, s. 55(5)(c)
conditional ... right 附有條件的權利 Cap. 29, s. 11(5)
conditional sale agreement 有條件售賣協議 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
conditional sentence of imprisonment 有條件監禁刑罰 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
conditional surrender 有條件交出 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
conditional witness order 附有條件的證人令 Cap. 221, s. 2
order of conditional discharge 有條件釋放令 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.17
conditionally absolutely or conditionally 無條件或有條件地 Cap. 622, s. 342(1)(a)(i)
detained ... conditionally upon ... 在……條件下扣留 Cap. 369A, Sch. 1
conditions of sale Conditions of Sale 賣地條款 Cap. 372, Sch. 2
condone condone 寬容 Cap. 99A, reg. 15A
condoned 寬容 Cap. 99A, reg. 15A(4)
conduce conduced 引致 Cap. 16, s. 6(1)
conduced to 導致 Cap. 226, s. 10(1)
conducive conducive to 有利 Cap. 380, s. 4(2)
conducive to 有利於 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
conducive to 有助於 Cap. 411, s. 5(1)

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incidental or conducive to ... 附帶於或有助於…… Cap. 601, s. 5(1)

conduct abnormally aggressive ... conduct 有異常侵略性……的行為 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
business conduct 業務操守 Cap. 571, s. 168
by conduct 藉行為作出 Cap. 631, s. 4(2)
by implication from his conduct 憑其行為的默示 Cap. 359, s. 2(3)
causative conduct 可導致事情發生的行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.21
code of conduct 行為守則 Cap. 159AC, s. 2
code of conduct 行動守則 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
code of conduct 操守守則 Cap. 571, s. 169(2)
compelled conduct 強迫行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.4
conduct 行為操守 Cap. 571, s. 168(1)
conduct 行徑 Cap. 480, s. 2(2)(b)
conduct (n.) 行為 Cap. 136, s. 2
conduct (n.) 操守 Cap. 409, s. 8
conduct as a director 董事的行為操守 Cap. 32, s. 168H(1)(b)
conduct in breach of the oath 違反誓言行為 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
conduct of a sexual nature 涉及性的行徑 Cap. 480, s. 2(7)
conduct sheet 行為紀錄 Cap. 95, Sch. 2
conduct test of jurisdiction 司法管轄區行為測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 25
consensual conduct 經同意而作出的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Criminal Proceedings
continuing conduct 持續行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.55
continuing or repeating the conduct 繼續從事或重複該行為 Cap. 554, s. 28(1)(a)
control of conduct 行為管制 Cap. 115, s. 13C(2)
Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 《班輪公會行動守則公約》 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
corrupt conduct 舞弊行為 Cap. 554, s. 3(a)
course of conduct 一連串的行為 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.30
course of conduct 一連串的行徑 Cap. 602, s. 70(4)(b)
court conduct 在法庭的行為操守 Cap. 159AK, r. 18(3)
decent conduct 合乎體統的行為 Cap. 132, s. 116(2)(d)
dishonourable conduct and practices 不名譽行為及做法 Cap. 1162, s. 4(c)
disorderly conduct 行為不檢 Cap. 1112A, r. 24
disorderly conduct 擾亂秩序的行為 Cap. 114A, reg. 68(d)
disorderly conduct in public place 在公眾地方行為不檢 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.22
disorderly or improper conduct 不檢或不當的行為 Cap. 139A, reg. 50
flagrant and incompetent conduct 明顯失職行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
good conduct 行為良好 Cap. 298, s. 3(2)
illegal conduct 非法行為 Cap. 554, s. 3(a)
illegal conduct 違法行為 Cap. 485, s. 17(1)

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improper conduct 不當行為 Cap. 181, s. 44

indecent conduct 猥褻行為 Cap. 200, s. 146, Heading
insulting or disorderly conduct 侮辱或不檢的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
previous conduct 過往行為 Cap. 280, s. 4(1)
professional conduct 專業操守 Cap. 161, s. 20Q(b)
prohibited conduct 受禁行為 Cap. 569E, s. 2
proscribed conduct 被禁止的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rule of conduct 操守規則 Cap. 405, s. 25A(3)(a)
self-regulatory code of conduct 自我規管行為守則 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.13
seriously irresponsible conduct 極不負責任的行為 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
sexual conduct 涉及性的行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.7
standards of conduct 操守標準 Cap. 41, s. 4A(2)(c)
standards of conduct and practice 操守標準及實務標準 Cap. 359, s. 26(1)(a)
unprofessional conduct 不專業行為 Cap. 359, s. 22(1)(b)
unreasonable conduct 不合理行為 Cap. 179A, Appendix
unreasonable conduct 不合理的行為 Cap. 397, s. 2
unwelcome conduct 不受歡迎的行徑 Cap. 602, s. 7(1)
wrongful conduct 錯誤行為 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 2
conduct conduct 處理方式 Cap. 622, s. 725(2)(a)(iv)(A)
conduct 舉辦 Cap. 374, s. 88F(1)(c)

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conduct (v., n.) 處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
conduct (v., n.) 進行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conduct of ... business 業務……的處理 Cap. 32, s. 168IA(1)
conduct of the proceedings 法律程序的進行 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 10(1)
conducted ... in a manner that is unbecoming of a notary 作出與公證人身分不相稱的行為 Cap. 159AF, s. 2(1)(b)(i)
conducted in camera 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
conducted in open court 在公開法庭進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
conducted in private 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 604, s. 20(4)
conducted wholly in Hong Kong 全部在香港進行 Cap. 485A, s. 16(6)(a)
conducts 主持 Cap. 255, s. 3(1)
further conduct of the action 訴訟的繼續進行事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(4)
further conduct of the application 就申請繼續進行的事宜 Cap. 619D, r. 78(1)
general care and conduct of the proceedings 對法律程序的整體關顧和負責進行 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
have the conduct of a matter 負責處理某事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
having the conduct of the proceedings 負責進行該法律程序 Cap. 352, s. 3(4)
improperly conducted 運作不當 Cap. 114A, reg. 7(1)(d)
in the conduct of its case 在處理其論據方面 Cap. 276, s. 19(4)
proceedings ... conducted ... in camera 法律程序……以非公開形式進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
proper conduct of the arbitration 仲裁恰當地進行 Cap. 609, s. 20(2)(b)
securing the just, expeditious and economical conduct of ... 確使……得以在公正、迅速和合乎經濟原則的情況下進 Cap. 615, Sch. 4

conduct conduct money 證人補助費 Cap. 8, s. 76(5)

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conduct conduct 經營 Cap. 106, s. 37(1)(a)

conduct 經營權 Cap. 374, s. 88A
conduct or control 經營權或控制權 Cap. 374, s. 102J(1)(d)
conductor football betting conductor 足球投注舉辦商 Cap. 108, s. 1A(1)
lottery conductor 獎券活動舉辦商 Cap. 108, s. 1A(1)
confederate confederate 同謀 Cap. 212, s. 5
confer confer 交換意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confer 商議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confer 磋商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confer confer 授予 Cap. 1, s. 28
confer 給予 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confer 賦予 Cap. 412, s. 3
confer a privilege 給予特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confer degrees 頒授學位 Cap. 1109, s. 5(2)
confer power 授予權力 Cap. 1, s. 40
confer title 賦予業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
conferred power 獲授予權力 Cap. 584, s. 8ZO(4)
duties ... conferred on ... 委予……的職責 Cap. 25, s. 5
entrust to and confer on 委託及授予 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
perform or exercise ... functions ... imposed or conferred ... by 執行或行使本條例委予或授予……的……職能 Cap. 490, s. 5(2)

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this Ordinance
powers conferred 賦予……的權力 Cap. 159, s. 6(9)
powers conferred by 所賦權力 Cap. 271, s. 3(2)
protection conferred by ... ……賦予……的保障 Cap. 602, s. 62(2)
rights conferred 所賦予權利 Cap. 528, s. 244(1)
to confer a larger right ... than is granted in ... 授予較……本身所授予的權利為多的權利 Cap. 97, s. 44
conference Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 《班輪公會行動守則公約》 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
liner conference 班輪公會 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
conference case management conference 個案處理會議 Cap. 559A, r. 86(1)
Conference of the Parties 締約方大會 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Conference of the Parties 締約國大會 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
conference venues 會議場地 Cap. 221D, Schedule
counsel in conference 與大律師舉行會議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
international conference 國際會議 Cap. 21, Schedule
conferencing video conferencing 視像會議 Cap. 50A, by-law 8(3)
conferment conferment of an authorization or qualification 授予任何授權或資格 Cap. 602, s. 19(2)
confess confess 供認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confess guilt 認罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(g)
Confessio facta in Confessio facta in judicio omni probatione major est. [A 在法庭上所作供認的效力大於其他舉證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
judicio omni confession made in court is of greater effect than any proof.] and Commercial Law Terms
probatione major est.
confessio in judicio confessio in judicio [also confession in court] 在法庭上供認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confession admissibility of confession 招認的可接納性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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admissibility of confession 招認是否可接納為證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
confession 供狀 Cap. 503I, Schedule
confession 供認 Cap. 227, s. 51
confession 招認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
confession and avoidance 既供認又提出異議的申辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confession and avoidance 既承認事實又提出法律爭議的申辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confession in court [also confessio in judicio] 在法庭上供認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confession of ... guilt 供認有罪 Cap. 227, s. 82(2)
confession statement 招認口供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
confession statement 招認供詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
oral confession 口頭招認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
voluntary confession 自願供認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
confidence breach of confidence 洩漏機密 Cap. 234A, r. 76
breach of confidence 破壞信用〔一般指"違反保密責任"〕 Cap. 528, s. 192
breach of confidence 違反保密原則 "Charities" Report, Annex 2, para. 29
breach of confidence 違反保密責任 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.14
confidence 保密 Cap. 514, s. 69(4)(b)

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confidence (律師與委託人等之間的)密談 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
duty of confidence 保密責任 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.6
in breach of ... confidence 破壞信用 Cap. 210, s. 5(2)(a)
in confidence 在保密情況下 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.5
in confidence 在機密情況下 Cap. 521, s. 20
in strict confidence 嚴格保密 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of confidence 保密法 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.22
obligation of confidence 保密義務 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.6
confidence adversely affect the public's confidence in ... 削弱公眾對……的信心 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(a)
confidence 信任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confidence 信任關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confidence 信賴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confidential confidential 保密 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confidential 機密 Cap. 32H, r. 158
confidential 屬機密性質 Cap. 342B, r. 7(b)
confidential communication 機密通訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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confidential information 機密資料 Cap. 134, s. 49A

confidential material 機密材料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confidential relationship 保密關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confidential report 機密報告 Cap. 50A, by-law 3(5)
kept confidential 獲保密 Cap. 478AF, s. 49(a)
confidentiality common interest confidentiality agreement 共同權益保密協議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.30
confidentiality 保密 Cap. 525, s. 8(2)(e)
duty of confidentiality 保密責任 Cap. 514, s. 60(3)
maintain confidentiality 保持秘密 Cap. 621, s. 93(1)
obligation of confidentiality 保密責任 Cap. 455, s. 3(4)(d)(iv)
confidentially confidentially 以機密方式 Cap. 200A, reg. 5
confine be separately confined 隔離拘禁 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
confined space 密閉空間 Cap. 59AE, s. 2
confines 禁閉 Cap. 200, s. 20(1)(b)(v)
confine confine ... to ... 局限於…… Cap. 602, s. 65(3)
confinement confinement 囚禁 Cap. 234, s. 6(1)
confinement 禁閉 Cap. 169, s. 3(1)(b)
forcible confinement 強行禁閉 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.55
separate confinement 隔離囚禁 Cap. 234A, r. 65
separate confinement 隔離拘禁 Cap. 115, s. 13C(3)(a)

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solitary confinement 單獨囚禁 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
solitary confinement 隔離囚禁 Cap. 239A, reg. 16(1)(c)
unlawful confinement 非法關禁 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
confinement confinement 分娩 Cap. 57, s. 15E(2)(b)
confirm confirm 維持 Cap. 17, s. 11A
confirm 確認 Cap. 406, s. 42(5)(a)
confirm 證實 Cap. 406D, reg. 10(4)(b)
confirm ... decision 維持……決定 Cap. 1, s. 64(5)
confirm the decision of a court 維持法院的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confirm the decision of a court 確認法院的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confirmed in an ... office 獲實聘擔任某一……職位 Cap. 89, s. 2(2)
confirming 確定 Cap. 51, s. 19(4)(a)
determination is confirmed 裁定維持不變 Cap. 360, s. 24(6)(a)
will is confirmed 確立……遺囑 Cap. 429, s. 3(3)
confirmation assent and confirmation 允許及確認書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
confirmation 批准確認 Cap. 233, s. 14(iv)
confirmation notice 確認通知書 Cap. 10, s. 60K(2)
written confirmation 書面確認 Cap. 486, s. 35E(1)(b)
confirmer confirmer 確認人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confirmor confirmor (in conveyancing) (物業轉易的)確認人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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confiscate confiscated 充公 Cap. 234, s. 21A(2)(d)

confiscation confiscation 充公 Cap. 190M, Art. 4
confiscation 沒收 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
confiscation of property 充公財產 Cap. 525K, Sch. 1
confiscation order 沒收令 Cap. 6, s. 32(1)(aa)
external confiscation order 外地沒收令 Cap. 405, s. 28(1)(a)
satisfaction of a Hong Kong confiscation order 香港沒收令……的……履行 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
confiscatory confiscatory 具有沒收(或充公、或徵用)效力的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflict actual or potential conflict 實際或潛在的衝突 Cap. 608B, s. 3(b)
apparent conflict 表面上的衝突 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
armed conflict 武裝衝突 Cap. 479, s. 6(1)(a)
conflict (n., v.) 矛盾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflict (n., v.) 抵觸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflict (n., v.) 衝突 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflict of evidence 證據上的……衝突 Cap. 448B, reg. 10(3)
conflict of evidence 證據矛盾 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conflict of interest 利益衝突 Cap. 571, s. 75
conflict of interest or duty 利益衝突或職責上的衝突 Cap. 32, s. 262D(1)(b)(ii)(B)
conflict of laws 法律上的衝突 Cap. 19, s. 72
conflict or inconsistency 衝突或抵觸 Cap. 336, s. 73B(8)(b)

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

conflict transaction 有衝突的交易 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:

Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.27
conflict with ... 與……有所抵觸 Cap. 528, s. 37(3)
conflict with ... 與……有抵觸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflicting claims 主張重疊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflicting claims 有衝突的申索 Cap. 23, s. 9
in conflict with ... 與……有抵觸 Cap. 369E, reg. 32
inconsistent or in conflict with ... 與……不一致或相抵觸的 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
law of international armed conflict 國際武裝衝突法 Cap. 590, s. 2
real conflict 實質上的衝突 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rules of conflict of laws 法律衝突規則 Cap. 76, Schedule
without direct conflict with ... 在與……沒有直接矛盾的情況下 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
conflict of interest actual or apparent conflict of interest 實際上或表面上的利益衝突 Cap. 401, s. 12B(3)
actual or potential conflict of interest 實在或潛在的利益衝突 Cap. 637, s. 27(1)(b)
conflict of interest 利益衝突 Cap. 91, s. 12(1)
potential ... conflict of interest 潛在……的利益衝突 Cap. 108, s. 6C(e)
conflicting conflicting evidence 矛盾證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
opposing or conflicting claims to ... 與……對立或有衝突的申索 Cap. 23, s. 9
conform conform to 符合 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
conform to 與……相符 Cap. 630, s. 25(4)(b)

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conforms with 符合 Cap. 32, s. 38D(7)(a)(iv)

conforms with ... 與……一致 Cap. 295B, reg. 30(1)(a)
conform with conform with 依循 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conform with 符合 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conform with 與……一致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conformity acting in conformity with ... 遵照……行事 Cap. 332, s. 44(c)(ii)
conformity 依循 Cap. 413E, reg. 5(4)(c)
in conformity with or according to ... 與……相符或相依循 Cap. 112, s. 63
substantially in conformity with ... 實質上與……相符 Cap. 503, s. 3(9)
to bring ... into conformity with the circumstances of ... 使……符合……的情況 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(q)
confrontation confrontation 當面認人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
confuse confused 混淆 Cap. 490A, s. 5(1)(f)
confusion cause confusion 導致混淆 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
cause ... deception or confusion 導致欺騙或混淆 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
conglomerate merger conglomerate merger 多元化大企業的合併 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
congress national, regional or municipal congress 國家級、地區級或市級國會 Cap. 541, s. 3(5)(h)
people's congress 人民代表大會 Cap. 547, s. 19(1)(f)
congruous congruous 一致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
congruous 協調 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

564 / 3.093
Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

and Commercial Law Terms

congruous 和諧 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
congruous 適當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conjecture conjecture 猜想 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conjecture 揣測 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conjugal conjugal 夫婦的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conjugal 婚姻的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conjugal offence 婚姻中的違法行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conjugal rights 夫妻同居權 ※比較 consortium Cap. 192, s. 21
connect connect 接駁 Cap. 406, s. 42(5)(c)
connected closely connected 有密切聯繫 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.54
connected 關連 Cap. 159, s. 9(1)
connected company 有連繫公司 Cap. 155L, s. 35
connected person 有關連人士 Cap. 424C, s. 5(3)
connected purposes 有關連目的 Cap. 412, Long Title
connected purposes 有關連事宜 Cap. 466, Long Title
connected ... with 與……有關連 Cap. 1150, s. 23(1)(a)(ii)

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connected with ... 與……相關 Cap. 266, s. 8(2)(b)

matters ancillary to or connected with 附帶或與……相關的事宜 Cap. 50, Long Title
relating to or connected with ... 與……有關或相關連 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 1(1)(b)
connected company connected company 有連繫公司 Cap. 155L, s. 35
connection familial connection 親屬關係 Cap. 282, s. 6B(2)(c)
sexual connection 性接觸 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.11
substantial connection 密切聯繫 Cap. 429, s. 6(2)(c)
connection connection 接駁 Cap. 51, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)
connexion adequate connexion 充分連接 Cap. 123, s. 16(1)(p)
connexion connexion with ... 與……之間的關係 Cap. 32H, r. 149
connivance connivance 默許 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
connivance 縱容 Cap. 109, s. 17(11)
with the consent or connivance of ... 在……的同意或縱容下 Cap. 502, s. 18(1)(b)
connive connive at 縱容 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.97
connives at ... 縱容他人…… Cap. 521, s. 5(1)(b)
connotation connotation 詞的內涵意義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consanguineous consanguineous 同父異母的 ※比較 uterine English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consanguineous 同血緣的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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consanguineous 有血親關係的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
consanguinity collateral consanguinity 非直系血親關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consanguinity 血親 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consanguinity 血親關係 ※比較 affinity Cap. 290, s. 13
prohibited degrees of consanguinity 親等限制 Cap. 290, s. 13(3)
prohibited degrees of consanguinity 親等限制以內的血親關係 Cap. 290, s. 13
relationship by consanguinity 血親關係 Cap. 22, s. 2(2)(b)
conscience affront to the public conscience 對公眾良知的公然冒犯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conscience 良心 Cap. 93, s. 8
each according to his conscience 各從其良心 Cap. 93, s. 8
conscience freedom of conscience 信仰的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32
freedom of thought, conscience and religion 思想、信念及宗教之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
conscientious conscientious objection 本其信念反對 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(ii)
conscientious objection 良知上認為不對 Cap. 561, s. 20(2)
conscientious objectors 本其信念反對……之……人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(ii)
conscientious manner conscientious manner 認真的態度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conscientious manner 謹慎盡責的態度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conscientiously conscientiously 衷誠 Cap. 174, Sch. 2
conscientiously and truly 忠誠盡實地 Cap. 510, Sch. 2
make this solemn declaration conscientiously 衷誠作此項鄭重聲明 Cap. 4B, Schedule

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conscionable conscionable 公平合理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
conscionable 合情理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consciousness impaired state of consciousness 神智不清的狀態 Cap. 465, s. 5E(1)(a)(ii)(D)
consciousness consciousness of guilt 意識自己有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consecutive consecutive 連接 Cap. 1, s. 69
consecutive 連續的 Cap. 405, s. 8(5)(a)
consecutive order 連續次序 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
consecutive sentence 分期執行的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consecutive sentences 分期執行的刑罰 Cap. 524, s. 4(2)
consecutive sentences of imprisonment 分期執行的監禁刑期 Cap. 227, s. 57, Heading
consecutive terms 連續……任期 Cap. 304, s. 12(4)(a)
partially consecutive sentences 部分分期執行的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consecutively joining consecutively ... 按序連接…… Cap. 413K, s. 2
numbered consecutively 順序編號 Cap. 622, s. 77
terms of imprisonment ... run consecutively in whole or in part 監禁刑期……予以全部或部分分期執行 Cap. 227, s. 57
consensual consensual conduct 經同意而作出的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consensual nature of arbitration 仲裁需經同意的本質 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.14
consensual sexual activity 經同意下進行的涉及性的行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.49

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consensual sexual intercourse 經同意下性交 "Review of Substantive Sexual

Offences" Report, para. 3.47
consensus broad consensus 廣泛共識 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
consensus 一致意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consensus 共識 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consensus ad idem consensus ad idem ["a meeting of minds"] 意見一致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consensus ad idem ["a meeting of minds"] 達成協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consent age of consent 同意年齡 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.40
by mutual consent 經雙方同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cannot in law give any consent 在法律上……不能給予同意 Cap. 200, s. 122(2)
capacity to consent 給予同意的行為能力 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 2.28
causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent 導致他人在不同意的情況下進行涉及性的行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.23
conditional notice of consent 有條件同意通知書 Cap. 155, s. 70(2)
consent 同意 Cap. 1, s. 42
consent application 經同意申請 Cap. 484A, r. 49(3)
consent caution 同意警告書 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
consent judgment 在(與訟各方)同意下作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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consent of the Chief Executive 行政長官同意 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
consent order 同意令 Cap. 528D, r. 43(6)
consent order 在(與訟各方)同意下作出的命令 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 1
consent summons 同意傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 1
consent to assign 轉讓同意 Cap. 621, s. 4(1)(a)(i)(B)
consent to prosecute 同意提出檢控 Cap. 57, s. 43S(2)
consent to prosecute 同意檢控書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consenting parties 同意的當事人 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 6
express consent 明示的同意 Cap. 200A, reg. 14(3)
filed a consent 送交同意書存檔 Cap. 4, s. 34B(4)(c)
free and full consent 自由完全同意 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(3)
fresh consent 重新簽發的同意書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general form of consent 一般同意書表格 Cap. 290, s. 5(5A)
has the consent of ... 取得……的同意 Cap. 155, s. 52(2A)(a)
imply consent 暗示同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.54
incapable of giving consent 無行為能力給予同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.4
incapacity to consent 無能力同意 Cap. 200, s. 122(4)
informed consent 知情下的同意 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,

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Preface , para. 6
informed consent 知情的同意 Cap. 503AC, Schedule
joining consent 參與同意 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
judgment by consent 按同意而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(1)(a)
mutual consent 互相同意 Cap. 159J, r. 13(1)(c)
non-consent caution 非同意警告書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
prior consent 事先同意 Cap. 155L, s. 157(4)
prior consent 事先給予的同意 Cap. 498B, s. 11(3)(a)
prior written consent 事先書面同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
refuse consent to 拒絕同意 Cap. 218, s. 18(c)
renews ... consent 重新同意 Cap. 123A, reg. 34
requisite consent 所需的同意 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
seeking the consent ... of ... 尋求……給予同意 Cap. 446A, s. 2
sharing consent 互通同意 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
signifying consent 表示同意 Cap. 290, s. 7(2)
subsisting consent 存續的同意 Cap. 370, s. 22(1)(b)
tacit consent 默許 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unanimous consent 一致同意 Cap. 622, s. 473(6)(a)
vitiate consent 使同意成為無效 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.70
vitiate consent 導致同意無效 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation

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Paper, para. 3.35

vitiation of consent 使同意失效 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
with the advice and consent of 參照……意見並得……同意 Cap. 1155, Preamble
with the consent of ... 在……的同意下 Cap. 48, s. 3(1)
with the consent or connivance of ... 在……的同意或縱容下 Cap. 502, s. 18(1)(b)
with the knowledge and consent of ... 在……知悉和同意的情況下 Cap. 41, Sch. 4
with the knowledge and consent of ... 在……知情和同意的情況下 Cap. 554, s. 29(1)
withholding ... consent 不給予同意 Cap. 480, s. 30(1)
without consent 未經同意的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without consent 違反意願的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without the prior written consent of sb. 事先未經某人書面同意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
written consent 同意書 Cap. 181, s. 14(1A)
written consent 書面同意 Cap. 159J, r. 11(2)
consequence adverse consequence 不良後果 Cap. 549, s. 138C(a)(iii)
consequences 後果 Cap. 32, s. 205(2)
disciplinary consequences 紀律處分後果 Cap. 159H, r. 5(4)
natural and probable consequence 自然和頗有可能的後果 Cap. 221, s. 65A(1)(a)
consequent consequent on ... 因……而 Cap. 117, s. 29DE(3)(b)(ii)
consequent upon 隨……而作出的 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
... consequent upon ... 因……而…… Cap. 218F, Schedule
consequential consequential amendment 相應修訂 Cap. 283, s. 17AB(2)

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consequential directions 相應指示 Cap. 159, s. 56(4)

consequential loss 相應而生的損失 Cap. 556, s. 15A(3)(b)
consequential order 相應命令 Cap. 622, s. 42(5)
consequential provisions 相應條文 Cap. 571, s. 398(8)(e)
consequential relief 相應濟助 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 16
consequential upon 相應引致 Cap. 389, s. 4(1)
incidental to or consequential upon 附帶或引起的 Cap. 304, s. 5(1)
consequential damages consequential damages 相應而生的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conservation capital conservation buffer ratio 防護緩衝資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)
conservation heritage conservation 保存文物 Cap. 610, s. 20(4)
conservation conservation 修復 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.11
consider consider ... application 審理……申請 Cap. 602, s. 80(2)(a)
considered 考慮 Cap. 426, s. 34(6)
consider be considered as 視作 Cap. 18, s. 3
considered as 視為 Cap. 3, s. 17(2)
considered as 當為 Cap. 1, s. 71(1)(c)
consider considered view 經深思熟慮的意見 Cap. 155M, s. 15(d)
consider considers appropriate in the particular circumstances 在個別情況下適宜顧及的 Cap. 32, s. 209A(2)(j)
considers relevant to ... 認為屬攸關…… Cap. 374B, reg. 45B(1)(a)
consideration consideration 考慮 Cap. 476, s. 11(2)
consideration 考慮因素 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consideration 審議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

consideration of a case 個案的考慮 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consideration of ... proceedings 法律程序中的審議過程 Cap. 136E, s. 21
consideration of the Appropriation Bill 審議撥款法案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due consideration 適當考慮 Cap. 13, s. 3(1)(a)(i)
extraneous considerations 外在因素 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.61
first and paramount consideration 首要考慮事項 Cap. 13, s. 3(1)(a)(i)
in consideration of 考慮到 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in consideration of 鑑於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
material considerations 考慮因素 Cap. 548D, s. 2(1)
primary consideration 基本考慮因素 Cap. 528, s. 37(3)
recommendation under consideration 考慮中的建議 Cap. 391, s. 21
reputation risk considerations 信譽風險的考慮 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭考慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 保留法律問題待上訴法庭考慮 Cap. 221, s. 81, Heading
reserved for the consideration of ... 保留以待……考慮 Cap. 4, s. 34(7)
sentencing considerations 判刑時須考慮的事宜 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
such other considerations as appear ... 看似……的其他考慮因素 Cap. 7, s. 50B(3)(c)

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take into consideration 考慮 Cap. 29, s. 74(2)

without reasonable consideration for ... 未有合理顧及…… Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
consideration bona fide pecuniary consideration 真正金錢代價 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
cash consideration 金錢代價 Cap. 622, s. 142(2)(d)
consideration 代價 Cap. 117, s. 25
consideration 約因 Cap. 424, s. 2
consideration ... ascertainable by reference to ... 可參照……而確定的……的代價 Cap. 354N, s. 9(4)
consideration attributable to ... 可歸於……的代價 Cap. 354N, s. 9(4)
consideration by way of marriage 藉婚姻付出的代價 Cap. 32, s. 275(2)
consideration for an assignment 轉讓的代價 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
consideration in money 以金錢……為代價 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
corrupt consideration 有舞弊成分的代價 Cap. 542, s. 68(3)
for the best consideration 以……最佳代價 Cap. 29, s. 11(5)(c)
full consideration 十足代價 Cap. 257, s. 13(1)
full valuable consideration 十足有值代價 Cap. 112, s. 30(3)(b)
good consideration 良好代價 Cap. 219, s. 60(3)
good consideration 善意代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous consideration 無償代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal consideration 不合法的代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal consideration 非法代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal consideration 違法代價 參看 Ex turpi causa non oritur actio. Cap. 19, s. 29

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immoral consideration 不道德代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
in consideration of ... 以……為代價 Cap. 98, s. 20
in consideration of a loan 作為……貸款的代價 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
in good faith and for good consideration 真誠地並以良好代價 Cap. 155, s. 53C(10)
monetary consideration 金錢上的代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
money consideration 金錢代價 Cap. 26, s. 3(1)
nominal consideration 象徵式代價 Cap. 136, s. 21
non-cash consideration 非金錢代價 Cap. 622, s. 142(2)(d)
past consideration 已過去的代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
past consideration 以過去的事物作為代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pecuniary consideration 金錢代價 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
reasonable consideration 合理代價 Cap. 587, s. 52(1)(b)
receipt for consideration 代價收據 Cap. 219, s. 18(1)
true consideration 真正代價 Cap. 128, s. 27(2)
valuable consideration 有值代價 Cap. 38, s. 5
valuable consideration 有價值代價 Cap. 584, s. 2B(1)(b)
value of the consideration 代價所值 Cap. 405, s. 7(10)(b)
want of consideration 欠缺代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without consideration 無償 Cap. 626, s. 7(4)
consideratum est per consideratum est per curiam ["it is considered by the court"] 經法庭考慮 ※比較 ideo consideratum est English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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curiam and Commercial Law Terms

consign consign 托運 Cap. 60, s. 2
consign 託付 Cap. 132U, reg. 3
consign 寄售 Cap. 48, s. 2(1)
consign for transport 託運 Cap. 133A, reg. 13
consignee consignee 代售人 Cap. 48, s. 8(1)
consignee 收貨人 Cap. 440, s. 2(2)(a)
consignment a consignment of ... 托運的…… Cap. 296A, reg. 6(1)
air consignment note 航空托運單 Cap. 60, s. 2
consignment 托運 Cap. 60A, Sch. 5
consignment 託付 Cap. 132, s. 55(1A)
consignment 寄售 Cap. 48, s. 8(1)
consignment note 托運單 Cap. 622B, s. 2(1)
consignment of cargo 貨物托運 Cap. 60, s. 2
consignment specific import licence 個別托運專用的進口許可證 Cap. 60B, Schedule
consignor consignor 付貨人 Cap. 26, s. 40(2)
consignor 托運人 Cap. 384A, reg. 2
consist consisting entirely of ... 完全由……組成的…… Cap. 354L, Sch. 2
consisting of 組成 Cap. 159, s. 9(1)
consistency consistency 前後一致 Cap. 17, s. 9(1A)
consistency 相符 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consistent broadly consistent 大致上一致 Cap. 628, s. 189(2)
consistent with 符合 Cap. 1, s. 2A(2)(a)

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consistent with 與……相符的 Cap. 87, s. 11

consistent with attaining justice 符合秉行公正的原則 Cap. 17, s. 10(5)(a)
consistent with the interest of ... 符合……的考慮 Cap. 618, s. 123
in ... manner consistent with ... 不抵觸……的方式 Cap. 602, s. 63(5)
so far as consistent with ... 在符合……的情況下 Cap. 260, s. 4(1)(b)
so far as is consistent with ... 在與……相符的範圍內 Cap. 155, s. 50(1)(d)
consistent consistent 一貫 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 3(2)
previous consistent statement 先前一貫陳述 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consolidate appeals ... consolidated 上訴……合併 Cap. 484A, r. 1
consolidate 將……合併 Cap. 6, s. 101
consolidate 綜合 Cap. 1, Long Title
consolidated 合併處理 Cap. 609, s. 5(3)(c)
consolidating and dividing 合併及劃分 Cap. 111, s. 44(10)
consolidated annual consolidated financial statements 周年綜合財務報表 Cap. 622, s. 357(1)
consolidated accounts 合併報表 Cap. 1176, s. 8(1)(b)
consolidated accounts of the group 集團合併報表 Cap. 1168, s. 8(1)(b)
consolidated action 合併訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 19(2)
consolidated basis 綜合基礎 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
consolidated charge sheet 合併控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
consolidated group 綜合集團 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
consolidated statement of financial position 綜合財務狀況表 Cap. 622E, s. 3(3)(b)(i)

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consolidated statements 綜合報表 Cap. 155, s. 63(4)

solo-consolidated basis 單獨—綜合基礎 Cap. 155L, s. 30(1)
consolidating statute consolidating statute 綜合式法規 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consolidation accounting consolidation 會計綜合 Cap. 155M, s. 16D(1)(a)
consolidation 合併 Cap. 571F, s. 24
consolidation 綜合 Cap. 23, Long Title
consolidation of actions 訴訟的合併 Cap. 21, s. 19
consolidation of ... actions 將……訴訟合併 Cap. 21, s. 19(1)
consolidation of shares 股份合併 Cap. 622, s. 668(1)
regulatory consolidation 監管綜合 Cap. 155M, s. 16D(1)(b)
regulatory scope of consolidation 就監管而言的綜合範圍 Cap. 155M, s. 16FD(a)(i)
consortium consortium 企業間的國際性協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consortium 國際財團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consortium ["partnership"] 配偶情誼〔包括伴侶間的慰藉、相伴、相親與相助等〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
※比較 conjugal rights and Commercial Law Terms
loss of consortium 配偶情誼的喪失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conspicuous conspicuous 當眼處 Cap. 636, s. 48(d)
conspicuous 顯眼 Cap. 7, s. 19(1)
conspicuous lettering 顯著的字樣 Cap. 353A, reg. 7(a)
conspicuous part 顯眼部分 Cap. 311, s. 50(b)
conspicuous place 顯眼地方 Cap. 343, s. 5(4)

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conspicuous place 顯眼位置 Cap. 630, s. 52(1)

conspicuous place 顯眼處 Cap. 459, s. 20(3)(c)
conspicuous position 當眼處 Cap. 406E, reg. 17(1)
conspicuous position 顯眼位置 Cap. 561, s. 30
conspicuously conspicuously 顯明地 Cap. 109, s. 71
conspicuously displayed 顯明地……展示 Cap. 369AM, reg. 38(1)
conspicuously marked 顯眼地註明……的字樣 Cap. 98A, reg. 5(3)
conspicuously visible 顯而易見 Cap. 519, s. 44(1)(b)
durably and conspicuously 以耐久和顯眼的方式 Cap. 311W, s. 4(1)
conspiracy common law conspiracy 普通法串謀罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy 串謀 Cap. 200, s. 159A(1)
conspiracy to cheat at gambling 串謀在賭博時作弊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to commit false imprisonment 串謀非法禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to commit forcible detention 串謀強行禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to corrupt public morals 串謀敗壞公眾道德 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to defraud 串謀行騙 Cap. 503B, Schedule
conspiracy to defraud 串謀欺詐 Cap. 200, s. 159C(6)
conspiracy to defraud 串謀詐騙罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings

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conspiracy to forcibly take away or detain a person with intent 串謀將人強行帶走或禁錮而意圖取得贖金 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
to procure a ransom Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to kidnap 串謀綁架 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to outrage public decency 串謀作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice 串謀妨礙司法公正 Cap. 455, Sch. 1
conspiracy to procure a miscarriage 串謀促致流產 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to procure girls under 21 to have unlawful sexual 串謀促致年齡在21歲以下的女童與人非法性交 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
intercourse Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to procure the execution of valuable securities by 串謀以欺騙手段促致有價產權書的簽立 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
deception Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 促成串謀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 將串謀[計劃]付諸實行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 落實串謀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statutory conspiracy 法定串謀罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
tort of conspiracy 串謀侵權 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.10
conspiracy to defraud conspiracy to defraud 串謀欺詐 Cap. 200, s. 159E
conspirator conspirator 串謀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspire conspire 串謀 Cap. 212, s. 5
constable constable 警員 Cap. 232, s. 3

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police constable 警員 Cap. 232, s. 3

special constable 特務警察 Cap. 245, s. 40
constituency constituency 選區 Cap. 547, s. 2
constituency 選區居民 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constituency 選區或選舉界別 Cap. 542, s. 3
constituency 選區或選舉組別 Cap. 541, s. 7(7)
constituency boundary 選區分界 Cap. 542L, s. 2
division of geographical constituencies 選區劃分 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
functional constituencies 功能團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
functional constituency 功能界別 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
geographical constituencies final register 地方選區正式選民登記冊 Cap. 541B, s. 2(1)
geographical constituency 地方選區 Cap. 541, s. 17(1)
give names to those constituencies 為該等選區命名 Cap. 542, s. 18(2)(b)
constituent constituent element 構成元素 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.13
constituent elements 構成要素 Cap. 155M, s. 16FB(a)
constituent elements of the offence 罪行……構成元素 Cap. 589, s. 61(8)
constituent elements of the offence 該項罪行的構成因素 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
constituent fund 成分基金 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
constitute a quorum is not constituted 不構成法定人數 Cap. 601, Schedule
constitute a single person 是單一人 Cap. 372, Sch. 3
constituting a quorum 計算法定人數 Cap. 547, s. 71(4)
duly constituted 妥為構成 Cap. 7, s. 81

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constitute constitute 成為 Cap. 1, s. 3

constitute 組織 Cap. 1, s. 42
constitute ... as ... 將……成立為…… Cap. 106, s. 37(3)(a)
constituted 成立 Cap. 1163, s. 4(2)
constituted 組成 Cap. 159, s. 8A(3)
constituted as ... 以……模式組成 Cap. 159, s. 7AL(8)
duly constituted 妥為組成 Cap. 4, s. 34(2)
... held to be legally constituted ……視為合法構成 Cap. 1021, s. 3(4)
lawfully constituted 合法組成 Cap. 1066, s. 3(3)
legally constituted 合法組成 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
properly constituted 恰當地組成 Cap. 3, s. 25(2)
the firm as newly constituted 新組成的商號 Cap. 38, s. 19(3)
constitute constitute an offence under ... 構成……所訂的罪行 Cap. 134, s. 40(1)(c)
constitute ... risk 構成……危險 Cap. 265, s. 14D(1)
constitutes the contravention 構成該項違反 Cap. 486, s. 50(1A)(b)(ii)
likely to constitute 相當可能構成 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
what constitutes ... 何謂…… Cap. 104A, reg. 6(2)
constitution change in the constitution of 改組 Cap. 38, s. 20
constitution 組成 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
constitution of courts 法庭的組成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constitution constitution 章程 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
constitution 會章 Cap. 408, s. 31(2)
constitution of the Institute 學會章程 Cap. 1148, s. 2

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constitution constitution 憲制 Cap. 200, s. 9(2)(b)

constitution 憲法 Cap. 468, s. 2
constitution 憲章 Cap. 1095, s. 2
Constitution and Convention of the International 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》 Cap. 106V, Sch. 1
Telecommunication Union
Constitution and Constitution and Convention of the International 國際電信聯盟憲章及公約 Cap. 369BB, s. 2
Convention of the Telecommunication Union
Constitution of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國憲法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 11
People's Republic of
constitutional constitutional 符合憲法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 10
constitutional 符合憲法、規章或章程的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constitutional 憲制的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constitutional 憲法的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constitutional and administrative law 憲制與行政法 Cap. 159Q, s. 5
constitutional principles 憲法原則 Cap. 503J, Schedule
constitutional responsibility 憲制責任 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
exercise of constitutional right to demonstrate 行使示威的憲法權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
constitutional constitutional order 憲制秩序 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference

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Document 28
Constitutional Constitutional Development Task Force of the Government of 香港特別行政區政府政制發展專責小組 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Development Task the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Document 20
Force of the
Government of the
Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region
Constitutiones tempore Constitutiones tempore posteriores potiores sunt his quae ipsas 較後的法律取代較前者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
posteriores potiores praecesserunt. [Later laws prevail over those that preceded and Commercial Law Terms
sunt his quae ipsas them.]
constraint by ... constraint 以……強制手段 Cap. 200, s. 3(1)(b)
put ... constraint upon 向……施加……強制力 Cap. 200, s. 3(1)(b)
construct construct 興建 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
constructed 建造 Cap. 621, s. 3(4)
construct constructed to ... 經構造以…… Cap. 311J, reg. 7F(2)(b)
properly constructed seat 構造適當……的座位 Cap. 374G, reg. 53(2)
construction Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
construction construction 建造 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(b)
construction 興建 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
construction contract 建造合約 Cap. 587, s. 2(1)
construction industry 建造業 Cap. 406H, s. 13(1)(b)
construction operations 建造工程 Cap. 587, s. 2(1)

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construction waste 建築廢物 Cap. 499, Sch. 2

inert construction waste 惰性建築廢物 Cap. 354L, s. 2(1)
specified construction operations 指明建造工程 Cap. 583, s. 2B(4)
construction admit of a construction 容納……的釋義方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
admit of a construction 容得下……的釋義方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
construction 解釋 Cap. 76, Schedule
construction 詮釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
construction 釋義 Cap. 4A, O. 103, r. 27(1)
construction 釋疑 Cap. 1, Long Title
construction of a contract 合約的解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
construction ... of laws 法例的釋疑 Cap. 1, Long Title
construction of ordinances 條例的釋疑 Cap. 1, s. 10B, Heading
construction of statutes 法規的詮釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
construction or interpretation of a document 對文件內容的解釋或詮釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
literal rule of construction (of law and legal documents) (法例及法律文件)按字面詮釋規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
purposive construction 目的為本的詮釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remedial construction 具補救作用的詮釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
remedial construction 補缺除弊的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
remedial construction 補救性的詮釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
remedial construction 補救為本的詮釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rhadamanthine construction 極嚴格的詮釋 參看 rhadamanthine English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rules of construction 釋義規則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
strained construction [also strained interpretation] 牽強解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
true construction 真正解釋 Cap. 528, s. 193(3)
true construction 真實解釋 Cap. 23, s. 17(3)
true construction 確實解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Construction Industry Construction Industry Council 建造業議會 Cap. 587, s. 4(1)
Construction Workers Construction Workers Qualifications Board 建造業工人資格評審委員會 Cap. 583, s. 2(1)
Qualifications Board
Construction Workers Construction Workers Registration Authority 建造業工人註冊管理局 Cap. 583, s. 70
Registration Authority
Construction Workers Construction Workers Review Board 建造業工人覆核委員會 Cap. 583, s. 2(1)
Review Board
constructive actual or constructive knowledge 實際知道或憑法律推定而知道 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
constructive 法律構定 Cap. 219, s. 56A
constructive 推定 Cap. 128, s. 4
constructive dismissal 推定解僱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

constructive fraud 推定欺詐 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constructive knowledge 法律構定的知悉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constructive knowledge 法律構定的知情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
constructive knowledge 法律構定知悉 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.115
constructive notice 法律構定的知悉 Cap. 219, s. 56A(1)
constructive notice 推定的通知 Cap. 415, s. 45(1)
constructive possession 法律構定的管有 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
constructive possession 推定管有 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
constructive total loss 被推定已完全消失 Cap. 415, s. 11(2)(d)
constructive total loss 推定全損 Cap. 329, s. 27(4)
constructive trust 法律構定信託 Cap. 159, s. 26A(3)
constructive trustee 法律構定的受託人 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 1(1)(p)
constructive trustee 法律構定信託人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
had no knowledge (whether actual, constructive or imputed) 並不知道(不論實際知道或憑法律構定或認定而知道) Cap. 49, s. 3(2)(b)(ii)
pledge (whether actual or constructive) 質押(實有的或推定的) Cap. 1146, s. 2(1)
construe construe 解釋 Cap. 159, s. 26A
construed accordingly 據此解釋 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)

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construed as 解釋為 Cap. 1, s. 3

construed as 詮釋為 Cap. 415, s. 71(4)
construed as a reference to ... 解釋為對……的提述 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
construed as one with ... 與……一併解釋 Cap. 258, s. 1
construed in accordance with laws 按照法律解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
read and construed with 一併參閱和解釋 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
reasonably be construed 合理地理解為 Cap. 504, s. 35(2)(b)
the provisions of ... are to be construed independently of each ……各條條文的解釋互相獨立 Cap. 528, s. 37(5)
consul consul 領事 Cap. 1, s. 3
consular accredited consular officer 認可領事館官員 Cap. 478, s. 34(4)
career consular officers 職業領事官員 Cap. 557, Schedule
Consular Agreement between the People’s Republic of 《中華人民共和國和菲律賓共和國領事協定》 Cap. 557I, s. 2
China and the Republic of the Philippines
consular archives 領館檔案 Cap. 557, Schedule
consular authority 領事機構 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 5(5)(a)
consular conventions 領事協定 Cap. 267, Long Title
consular district 領館轄區 Cap. 557, Schedule
consular employee 領館僱員 Cap. 557, Schedule
consular function 領事職務 Cap. 557, Schedule
consular ... missions 領事機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 157
consular office 領事辦事處 Cap. 267, s. 2
consular officer 領事官員 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)

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consular officer 領事館官員 Cap. 1, s. 3

consular post 領事館 Cap. 36, Schedule
consular post 領館 Cap. 557, s. 2
consular premises 領館館舍 Cap. 557, Schedule
consular ... registration 領事……登記 Cap. 115A, Sch. 2
consular relations 領事關係 Cap. 557, Long Title
consular representative 領事代表 Cap. 503, s. 6(3)(a)
consular status 領事身份 Cap. 557, Schedule
diplomatic or consular agent 外交代表或領事代理人 Cap. 609, s. 85(c)
exemption from taxation of consular premises and consular 領館館舍和領館財產免稅 Cap. 557C, Schedule
head of consular post 領館館長 Cap. 557, Schedule
honorary consular officers 名譽領事官員 Cap. 557, Schedule
Immunity from requisition of consular premises 領館館舍免予徵用 Cap. 557H, Schedule
members of the consular post 領館人員 Cap. 557, Schedule
members of the consular staff 領館館員 Cap. 557, Schedule
personal inviolability of consular officers 領事官員人身不得侵犯 Cap. 557, Schedule
principal consular officer 主要領事人員 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 《維也納領事關係公約》 Cap. 557, s. 3(1)
consulate consulate 領事館 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(b)
consult consult 磋商 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 132
consult 諮詢意見 Cap. 5, s. 4C(6)(c)
consult the public 諮詢公眾 Cap. 601, s. 19
consulted 諮詢 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(a)

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consulting 徵詢 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17

consulting ... 徵求……意見 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 22
to be consulted 接受……諮詢 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 97
consultancy consultancy fee 顧問酬金 Cap. 606, s. 2(1)
consultant Associate Consultant (HA) 副顧問醫生(醫院管理局) Cap. 99J, Sch. 2
consultant 顧問 Cap. 159Y, s. 3(i)
Consultant (Hospital Services) (HA) 顧問醫生(醫院服務)(醫院管理局) Cap. 99J, Sch. 2
consultants 專家顧問 Cap. 261, s. 7(2)(e)
tax-consultant 稅務顧問 Cap. 50, s. 29(3)(a)(i)
consultation consultation 諮詢 Cap. 155, s. 25(1)
consultation panel 諮詢會 Cap. 601, s. 20(1)
consultations 協商 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 45
consultations 商談 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 132
in consultation with 徵詢……意見 Cap. 136, s. 59ZC(1)
public consultation 公眾諮詢 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
reasonable consultation 合理的商議 Cap. 3, s. 24(1)
consultative consultative body 諮詢團體 Cap. 208, s. 5(1)(a)
people's consultative body 人民協商機構 Cap. 547, s. 19(1)(f)
consumable consumable fuel 可耗燃料 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
consumable item 消耗品 Cap. 112, Sch. 45
consume orally consumed product 口服產品 Cap. 231, s. 2(1)
consumer consumer credit 消費信貸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consumer average consumer 一般消費者 Cap. 362, s. 2

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consumer 用戶 Cap. 463, s. 2

consumer 消費者 Cap. 155, s. 3(1)(f)
consumer affairs 消費者事務 Cap. 41, s. 4AA(3)(b)
consumer fraud 欺詐消費者行為 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 8
consumers of goods and services 貨品及服務的消費者 Cap. 216, s. 4(1)
deal as a consumer 以消費者身份交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in consumer use 由消費者使用 Cap. 71, s. 10(2)(a)
consumer consumer pack exempt quantity 消費裝豁免量 Cap. 295E, s. 2
consumer packs 消費裝 Cap. 295E, s. 2
Consumer Council Consumer Council 消費者委員會 Cap. 216, s. 2
consummate consummate 完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consummate 圓房 Cap. 179, s. 20(2)(a)
consummate the marriage 圓房 Cap. 179A, r. 30
marriage has not been consummated 未有完婚 Cap. 179, s. 20(2)(a)
consumption consumption 耗用 Cap. 456, s. 2
consumption human consumption 供人食用 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
intended for direct consumption as food or feed or for 擬作為食物或飼料而直接食用或擬作加工 Cap. 607A, s. 3(1)
unfit for human consumption 不適宜人類使用 Cap. 599B, reg. 5
unfit for human consumption, unsound or unwholesome 不適宜供人食用、並非狀況良好或不合乎衞生 Cap. 132AK, reg. 5(1)(c)
contact contact 傳染病接觸者 Cap. 599, s. 2
physical contact 身體接觸 Cap. 480, s. 34(2)

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sexual contact 性接觸 "Rape and Other Non-consensual

Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.58
contagion contagion 不良連鎖效應 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)
contain completely contained in ... 完整地載於…… Cap. 514, s. 114(3)(c)(ii)
contain 容納 Cap. 139I, reg. 2(1)
contain 載有 Cap. 1, s. 47A(2)
contain evidence 包含……證據 Cap. 238, s. 40(1)(b)(ii)
contain evidence 含有證明 Cap. 491, s. 5(1)(c)(ii)
contains 裝載 Cap. 98, s. 32(1)(i)
contains evidence of ... 含有……證據 Cap. 204, s. 10B
contains the full complement of ... 已滿載…… Cap. 104A, reg. 13
notwithstanding anything contained in ... 儘管……另有規定 Cap. 118, s. 8(2)
contain contain 遏制 Cap. 413, s. 2
contained contained use 圍封使用 Cap. 607, s. 3(1)(a)
intended for contained use 擬作圍封使用 Cap. 607A, s. 4(1)
container International Convention for Safe Containers 《國際集裝箱安全公約》 Cap. 506, s. 2(1)
sharps container 利器容器 Cap. 354O, s. 2
container terminal container terminals 集裝箱碼頭 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 127
containerize containerized 以貨櫃運載 Cap. 132AK, reg. 4(2A)(d)
containment containment 困囿 Cap. 139I, reg. 2(1)
containment intermediate containment 中間載體 Cap. 295E, s. 2
contaminated contaminated 污染 Cap. 599, s. 2
contemnor contemnor 藐視法庭者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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contemplate contemplated 考慮 Cap. 504, s. 35(2)(b)

contemplated 考慮中的 Cap. 628, s. 14(3)(a)
contemplated 預料 Cap. 57, s. 10(a)
contemplated 預期 Cap. 514, s. 76(3)(b)
contemplated 預期進行的 Cap. 98, s. 14(b)
contemplated civil proceedings 預計進行的民事法律程序 Cap. 4, s. 55B(8)
contemplated proceedings 打算……進行的法律程序 Cap. 528, s. 168(4)
contemplates 預算 Cap. 221, s. 9F(3)
contemplation contemplation 考慮 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contemplation 預計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contemplation 預期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contemplation 籌劃 Cap. 55, s. 35(1)(a)
in contemplation of 預期 Cap. 117, s. 28
in contemplation of death [also causa mortis] 預期死亡而作的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in contemplation of death [also causa mortis] 臨終作出的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in contemplation of legal proceedings 在預期進行法律程序的情況下 Cap. 455, s. 2(1)
in contemplation of marriage 預期結婚而作的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the contemplation of 預料 Cap. 71, s. 3(1)
outside reasonable contemplation 不能合理地預料的 Cap. 528, s. 173(a)
reasonable contemplation 合理預期 Cap. 609, s. 58(4)(a)(i)

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reasonable contemplation test [relating to damages awarded 可合理預期測試〔用於違約損害賠償裁決〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
for breach of contract] and Commercial Law Terms
contemporaneous contemporaneous 同時 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
contemporaneous record 即時紀錄 Cap. 221A, r. 1A
contempt clear his contempt 抵償其藐視罪 Cap. 4A, App. A
commits contempt of the Court 作出藐視法庭行為 Cap. 336, s. 20(b)
contempt 藐視 Cap. 159, s. 11(1)(c)
contempt 藐視行為 Cap. 499, s. 19
contempt 藐視罪 Cap. 234A, r. 215(1)
contempt of court 藐視法庭 Cap. 4, s. 21A(6)(a)
contempt of court 藐視法庭罪 Cap. 4, s. 50
contempt of the Court 藐視法庭 Cap. 336, s. 20
criminal contempt 刑事藐視罪 Cap. 4, s. 50(1)
criminal contempt of court 刑事藐視法庭罪 Cap. 3, s. 32(3)
incite ... serious contempt for ... 煽動對……的……嚴重的鄙視 Cap. 487, s. 46(1)
summary contempt proceedings 循簡易程序審訊藐視法庭案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the contempt has been purged 該藐視罪已予抵償 Cap. 86, s. 9(4)
contend contend 爭訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contend 提出爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
contend 辯稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contending parties 與訟各方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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interested contending parties 有利害關係的爭訟各方 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 2

content contents 內載物 Cap. 132BL, s. 6A
contents 內載物件 Cap. 98, s. 11
contents 盛載物 Cap. 132CH, r. 6(d)
content discover the contents of ... 找出……的內容 Cap. 106, s. 27(b)
content narcotic content 毒品的成份 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contention contention 爭議 Cap. 484A, r. 29(3)(a)
contention contention 主張 Cap. 609C, r. 9(2)
contention 爭訟點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contention 指稱 Cap. 547C, r. 12(2)
contention 論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contentions 辯稱 Cap. 221, s. 76A
grounds for his contention 其爭議的理據 Cap. 569E, s. 10(2)(a)
contentious contentious 具爭訟性的 Cap. 6A, Schedule
contentious 爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 1(1)
contentious business 具爭訟性的事務 Cap. 6A, Schedule
contentious business 爭訟事務 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
contentious business 爭議事務 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 1(1)
contentious case 爭議案件 Cap. 10, s. 2
contentious proceedings 爭訟法律程序 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.2
conterminous conterminous 具有共同邊界的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

contest contest 就……提出爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 1, r. 4(1)

contest 就……進行爭辯 Cap. 179A, r. 19(1)
contest by action 藉訴訟提出爭辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contest (n., v.) 爭議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contest (n., v.) 爭辯 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
contested 抗辯 Cap. 490, s. 11(1)
contest contest (n., v.) 競逐 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contested election 有競逐的選舉 Cap. 542F, r. 4(b)(ii)
contested contested case 爭訟案件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contested case 提出抗辯的案件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contested trial 爭訟審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contested trial 爭辯審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
context as the context permits 在文意許可的情況下 Cap. 1146, s. 6(2)
context 內容 Cap. 1, s. 2(1)
context 文意 Cap. 68, s. 2
in ... form and context 形式及……文意 Cap. 32, s. 41A(1)(a)
in the context of ... 在提及……的文意中 Cap. 528, s. 198(1)
so far as the context permits 在文意許可的情況下 Cap. 1176, s. 6(2)
unless the context otherwise requires 除文意另有所指外 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)

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where by the context ... is not indicated 凡文意未有顯示為……時 Cap. 281, s. 2

where the context permits 如文意准許 Cap. 621, s. 6(3)
where the context requires 凡文意所需之處 Cap. 511C, s. 2(1)
context considered in the context of ... 結合……予以考慮 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
in the context of ... 在……方面 Cap. 528, s. 8(3)
in the context of ... 就……而言 Cap. 528, s. 10(1)
within this context 在這前提下 Cap. 1163, s. 5
contiguous contiguous or adjacent to ... 與……相連或毗鄰 Cap. 519, s. 28(1)
contiguous to 鄰近 Cap. 172A, reg. 56(3)
contiguous or adjacent contiguous or adjacent land 相連或毗鄰的土地 Cap. 276, s. 8
continental United Nations Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts 聯合國《制止危及大陸架固定平台安全非法行為議定書 Cap. 575, Long Title
Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the 》
Continental Shelf
continental law continental law 大陸法〔大陸法系國家的法律制度〕 參看 civil law; jus English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
civile and Commercial Law Terms
contingency contingencies 或有項目 Cap. 155L, s. 71(1)
contingencies relating to ... 關乎……而可能發生的事情 Cap. 108, s. 6I(1)
contingency 或有事件 Cap. 6, s. 34(4)
specified contingency 指明的或有事件 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.80
subject to any contingency 繫於任何或有事件的發生 Cap. 4A, O. 102, r. 8(1)(b)
trade-related contingency 貿易關聯或有項目 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(2)
transaction-related contingencies 交易關聯或有項目 Cap. 155M, s. 97(1)(b)
contingency contingency arrangements 應變安排 Cap. 584, Sch. 3

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contingency fund 應變儲備金 Cap. 411, s. 6(3)(d)

contingency measures 應變措施 Cap. 311, s. 71(3)(g)
contingency plans 應變計劃 Cap. 571S, Sch. 2
contingency procedures 應變程序 Cap. 607, Sch. 2
contingency contingency fee 按判決金額收費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.91
percentage contingency fee 按判決金額百分率收費 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 2.4
contingent actual or contingent 實有的或是或有的 Cap. 556, s. 36(2)(a)
certain or contingent 或有的或確定的 Cap. 332, s. 68(1)
contingent 或有的 Cap. 332, s. 68(1)
contingent 待確定的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent ... contract 待確定……合約 Cap. 622, s. 203(1)
contingent debt 或有債權 Cap. 6A, r. 99H
contingent fee [also contingency fee] 成功酬金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent fee [also contingency fee] 或有的律師費〔勝訴才須繳付的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent funding obligations 或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(o)
contingent interest 或有權益 Cap. 329, s. 7(1)
contingent interest 待確定權益 Cap. 29, s. 33
contingent ... interest 待確定的權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
contingent legacy 待確定的非土地遺贈 Cap. 29, s. 33(3)
contingent liability 或有法律責任 Cap. 10, Sch. 1
contingent liability 或有負債 Cap. 112, Sch. 17C
contingent liability 或有債務 Cap. 155L, s. 213(h)

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contingent on ... 以……為前提 Cap. 486, s. 35A(2)(a)

contingent on ... 視乎……而定 Cap. 38, s. 4(c)
contingent on [also contingent upon] 取決於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent right 或有的權利 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 16(1)
contingent right 待確定權利 Cap. 29, s. 2
contingently 待確定地 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)
contingently interested 具有待確定權益 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(d)
future or contingent legacy 未來或待確定的非土地遺贈 Cap. 29, s. 33(3)
non-contractual contingent funding obligation 非合約或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
other contingent funding obligation 其他或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
continuance continuance 延續 Cap. 125, s. 2
continuance 持續有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuance 持續期 Cap. 374D, reg. 39(a)
continuance 繼續生效 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)
continuance in force 繼續生效 Cap. 7, s. 52(1)
continuance in force 繼續施行 Cap. 245D, s. 2
continuance in office 在任期間 Cap. 6, s. 58(3)
continuance of an action 繼續進行訴訟 Cap. 377, s. 5
continuance of any offence 續犯……罪行 Cap. 245, s. 45(a)
during the continuance of ... 在……持續有效期間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
secure the continuance of an insurance policy 確保保險單一直有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

continuation continuation 延續 Cap. 1037, Long Title
continue continue in force 繼續生效 Cap. 462, s. 8(2)(a)
continue in force 繼續有效 Cap. 166, s. 29(1)
continue to have effect 仍繼續有效 Cap. 227, s. 5(5)
continued 持續 Cap. 494, s. 37(10)
continued in existence 繼續存在 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
continuing conduct 持續行為 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.55
continuing power of attorney 持續授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.55
the offence has continued 該罪行持續 Cap. 476, s. 9(6)(ii)
continued continued default 持續失責 Cap. 155, s. 2(16)
continued registration 繼續註冊 Cap. 403, s. 5(2)
continuing continuing operation 繼續運作 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 28
continuing continuing 持續的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuing 繼續 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuing account 並未間斷的帳戶 Cap. 1168, s. 7(c)
continuing breach 持續的違反 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuing breach 持續的違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuing cause of action 持續的訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 6

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continuing judicial education; C.J.E. 法官法律進修 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
continuing legal education 法律進修 Cap. 159, s. 6(5)(c)
continuing legal education; C.L.E. (律師的)法律進修 Cap. 159, s. 6
continuing nuisance 持續的妨擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuing obligation 持續性的責任 Cap. 485, s. 17
continuing offence 持續的犯法行為 Cap. 51, s. 8(6)
continuing offence 持續罪行 Cap. 33, s. 56(2)
continuing or repeating the conduct 繼續從事或重複該行為 Cap. 554, s. 28(1)(a)
continuing partnership 持續合夥 Cap. 637, s. 67(2)(c)(i)
continuing professional development 專業進修 Cap. 50, s. 30(8)(a)
continuing rent 連續租金 Cap. 18, s. 4
continuing trustee 留任受託人 Cap. 29, s. 20(2)
single continuing account 連續的同一帳戶 Cap. 1144, s. 6(c)
single continuing employment 連續受僱於同一僱主 Cap. 1144, s. 7(1)
surviving or continuing auditor 尚存或留任的核數師 Cap. 485A, s. 96(4)
continuity continuity 連貫性 Cap. 625, s. 28
continuity 連續性 Cap. 1176, Preamble
securing the continuity of the law 確使法律延續 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
continuous continuous 連續性 Cap. 254I, s. 6(4)(a)
continuous actual custody 連續實際管養期 Cap. 290, s. 5(8)
continuous authority 持續的權限 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
continuous contract 連續性合約 Cap. 57, s. 3(1)
continuous contributory service 供款無間年資 Cap. 279D, r. 14(9)(b)

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continuous employment 連續受僱 Cap. 57, s. 3(1)

continuous examination programme 持續檢驗方案 Cap. 506D, s. 2
continuous file 連續的檔案 Cap. 32H, r. 14
continuous financial support 持續財政支援 Cap. 485A, s. 2
continuous full-time education 連續性全日制教育 Cap. 401, s. 20(4)(a)(ii)
continuous service 連續服務期 Cap. 89A, reg. 15(1)
continuous residence continuous residence 連續居住 Cap. 1112A, r. 3
continuously continuously 連續 Cap. 208A, reg. 2
contra contra items 對銷項目 Cap. 155, s. 119A(2)(a)
contra bonos mores contra bonos mores ["against good morals"] 有傷風化的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contra bonos mores ["against good morals"] 有違道德的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contra mundum contra mundum ["against the world"] 反世界 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contra proferentem contra proferentem ["the words of a contract are to be taken 解釋合約條文時應以不利於條文提出者的解釋為準(的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
most strongly against the person who proposes it"; in full verba 原則) and Commercial Law Terms
chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem]
contraband contraband 違禁品 Cap. 60, s. 2
contract abandonment of contract 放棄合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adhesion contract [also contract of adhesion; take-it-or-leave- 定式合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
it contract] and Commercial Law Terms
adhesion contract [also contract of adhesion; take-it-or-leave- 附意合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
it contract] and Commercial Law Terms
aleatory contract 取決於尚待確定事項的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

aleatory contract 射幸合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
aleatory contract 射倖合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ancillary contract 附屬合約 Cap. 514, s. 58(2)(c)
avoid a contract 廢止合約 Cap. 329, s. 20
award a contract 批出合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
award a contract to ... 將合約批給…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
being awarded ... contract 獲授予……合約 Cap. 354N, s. 9(1)
bilateral contract 雙邊合約 ※比較 unilateral contract English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
binding contract 具約束力的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of contract 違反合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of contract 違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
building contract 建造合約 Cap. 369W, reg. 49(1)(a)
cancel a contract 取消合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commodity-related derivative contract 商品關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
commutative contract 等價交易合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commutative contract 雙方相互依賴履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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construction contract 建造合約 Cap. 587, s. 2(1)

construction of a contract 合約的解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
continuous contract 連續性合約 Cap. 57, s. 3(1)
contract 合同 Cap. 609, s. 19
contract 合約 Cap. 1, s. 59
contract 訂約規定 Cap. 29, s. 11(1)
contract for differences 差價合約 Cap. 148, s. 2
contract for services 外判合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract for services 承包合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract for services 服務合約 Cap. 32, Sch. 17
contract for the sale of goods by description 憑貨品說明售貨的合約 Cap. 26, s. 15(1)
contract for work done and materials supplied 工程與物料供應合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract in restraint of trade 限制貿易的合約 Cap. 33, s. 13(2)
contract note 成交單據 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
contract of apprenticeship 學徒訓練合約 Cap. 282, s. 3
contract of bailment 委託保管合約 Cap. 314, s. 6(3)
contract of benevolence [also gratuitous contract] 單方受益合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract of benevolence [also gratuitous contract] 無代價合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract of benevolence [also gratuitous contract] 無償合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

contract of carriage 運輸合約 Cap. 434, s. 4(c)

contract of employment 僱用合約 Cap. 51, s. 2
contract of employment [also employment contract] 僱傭合約 Cap. 57, s. 2
contract of guarantee 擔保合約 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
contract of indemnity 彌償合約 Cap. 112, s. 17(1)(e)
contract of insurance 保險合約 Cap. 41, s. 3(2)
contract of ... learnership 見習生合約 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
contract of sale 售賣合約 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
contract of sale of goods 售貨合約 Cap. 26, s. 3(1)
contract of ... security 保證合約 Cap. 414, s. 15(2)
contract of service 服務合約 Cap. 622, s. 543
contract of service 僱用合約 Cap. 282, s. 2(1)
contract of tenancy 租賃合約 Cap. 7, s. 17(2)
contract period 合約期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract price 合約價 Cap. 622, s. 147
contract price 合約價格 Cap. 109, s. 30
contract sum 合約價款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract terms 合約條款 Cap. 71, Long Title
contract under seal 蓋上印章的合約 Cap. 622, s. 86(1)(a)
contract under seal [also deed] 契約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract under seal [also deed] 蓋印合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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contract value 合約價值 Cap. 59AF, Sch. 3

contract year 合約年度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contracted 訂約承擔 Cap. 32, s. 308A(1)(a)
contracting parties 立約各方 Cap. 71, s. 8(1)
contracting party 簽訂一方 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
contracting State 締約國家 Cap. 462, s. 4(1)(a)
contracts 契約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention 《1939年僱傭合約(土生工人)公約》 Cap. 78, s. 11(1)(h)
contracts written or renewed 簽訂或續訂的合約 Cap. 41G, r. 2
control contract 控制合約 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
currency forward contract 貨幣遠期合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
debt-related derivative contract 債務關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
derivative contract 衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
discharge a contract 解除合約 Cap. 565, s. 38
duration of ... contract 合約的……有效期 Cap. 622, s. 543(2)(a)
effect any contracts of insurance 訂立任何保險合約 Cap. 41, s. 13(3)
enter into a contract 訂立合約 Cap. 284, s. 3
equity swap contract 股權掉期合約 Cap. 155L, s. 292(1)(d)(i)
equity-related derivative contracts 股權關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
essence of contract 合約要素 Cap. 23, s. 11
essence of ... contracts 合約的要素 Cap. 23, s. 11
exchange rate contracts 匯率合約 Cap. 155L, s. 71
executed contract 已履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

executed contract 已簽立的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory contract 尚待履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expiration of a contract 合約有效期屆滿 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express terms of contract 合約的明訂條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express words of contract 合約的明訂語句 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fellow contract worker 共事的合約工作者 Cap. 602, s. 24(5)
financial contract 金融合約 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
financial futures contract 財務期貨合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
financial option contract 財務期權合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
fixed term contract 固定合約 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.145
forward contract 遠期合約 Cap. 155L, s. 289
forward exchange rate contract 遠期匯率合約 Cap. 155L, s. 71(2)
freedom of contract 訂立合約的自由 Cap. 637, s. 16(1)
freedom of contract 訂約自由(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustrate a contract 夭約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustration of contracts 合約受挫失效 Cap. 514, s. 63(6)
frustration of the contract 合約受挫失效 Cap. 23, s. 16
fundamental breach of contract 基本性違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

futures contract 期貨合約 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
gaming contract 博彩合約 Cap. 329, s. 4
gaming contract 賭博合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general conditions of contract 合約一般條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go to the root of a contract 觸及合約的根本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 單方受益合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 無代價合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 無償合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal contract 非法合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
index futures contract 指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Z, s. 2
integral contract 整體合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interest rate contract 利率合約 Cap. 155L, s. 2
interest rate derivative contract 利率衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
invalidate a contract 使合約失效 Cap. 41, s. 64C
legal contracts 合法合同 Cap. 1163, s. 6(b)
leonine contract 對一方片面有利的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leveraged foreign exchange contract 槓桿式外匯交易合約 Cap. 571, Sch. 1

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lump sum contract 定額工程合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
main contract 主體合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
market contract 市場合約 Cap. 117, s. 19(1C)
naked contract 無保證的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
naked contract 無償合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
net long or short contracts 好倉或淡倉淨額合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
non-performance of the contract 合約不獲履行 Cap. 6, s. 59(5)
nude contract 無償合約 參看 nudum pactum English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
open contract 開放式合約 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
open contracts 未平倉合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
open market contracts 未平倉市場合約 Cap. 571, Sch. 3
options contract 期權合約 Cap. 117A, s. 2
original contract of tenancy 原租賃合約 Cap. 7, s. 3(3)
parol contract 口頭合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
parol contract 不蓋印合約 參看 simple contract English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
partnership contract 合夥合約 Cap. 38, s. 37(b)
party to a contract 立約的一方 Cap. 71, s. 4(1)
party to ... contract 合約一方 Cap. 314, s. 4(3)

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party to the contract 合約一方 Cap. 314, s. 4

performance of a contract 合約的履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
performance of a contract 履約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
private contract 私人合約 Cap. 155, Sch. 9
privity of contract 立約各方的相互關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
privity of contract 合約相互關係 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
privity of contract 合約參與關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
procurement contract 採購合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
promotion, execution, or procuring of ... contract 合約的促進、簽立或促致 Cap. 201, s. 5(3)(a)
provisional contract 臨時合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public contracts 政府或公共機構合約 Cap. 1, Long Title
ratification of a contract 合約的追認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
repudiates the contract 悔約 Cap. 410, s. 3(b)
repudiation of a contract 不履行合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
repudiation of a contract 悔約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
repudiation of the contract 不履行……合約 Cap. 47, s. 31(1)(b)
rescind a contract 廢除合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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rescind a contract 撤銷合約 Cap. 284, s. 2

rescind the contract 撤銷合約 Cap. 284, s. 3(2)
root of a contract 合約的根本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sanctity of contract 合約神聖(原則)〔自由訂約者必須履行其合約義務〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
simple contract [contract not under seal and requiring 不蓋印合約〔可為口頭或書面形式並須涉及代價的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
consideration] and Commercial Law Terms
simple contract [contract not under seal and requiring 簡單合約 Cap. 347, s. 4
simple contract debt 簡單合約債項 Cap. 132, s. 130(6)
social contract 社會契約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
special conditions of contract 合約特別條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
special contract 特別合約 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
specific performance of a contract 強制履行合約 Cap. 347, s. 4(7)
spot contract 現貨合約 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
stock futures contract 股票期貨合約 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
stock options contract 股票期權合約 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
stranger to the contract 合約的局外人 Cap. 314, s. 4(3)
sub-contracting 分判 Cap. 583, s. 19(4)(a)
subject to contract 訂定合約方可作實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
subunderwriting contract 分包銷合約 Cap. 155S, r. 14(1)(c)
suspend a contract 暫時中止合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

swap contract 掉期合約 Cap. 155L, s. 312
synallagmatic contract 相互義務合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tacit contract 以行動訂定的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tacit contract 默示合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take-it-or-leave-it contract [also adhesion contract; contract of 定式合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
adhesion] and Commercial Law Terms
take-it-or-leave-it contract [also adhesion contract; contract of 附意合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
adhesion] and Commercial Law Terms
take-it-or-leave-it contract [also adhesion contract; contract of 標準格式合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
adhesion] and Commercial Law Terms
term contract 固定期合約 Cap. 587, s. 2(1)
terminate a contract of ... 終止……合約 Cap. 57, s. 6(2)
trainee solicitor contract 實習律師合約 Cap. 6, s. 39(1)
turnkey contract 整套承包合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
tying contract 兼買合約〔買方須兼買賣方另一貨品的合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unconscionable contract 不合情理(的)合約 Cap. 458, s. 1
under contract with ... 與……訂有合約 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
underwriting ... contract 包銷合約 Cap. 155S, r. 14(1)(c)
unenforceable contract 不能強制執行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unfair and unconscionable contract terms 不公平及不合情理的合約條款 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,

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Annex 1, para. 10
unfair contract 不公平合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unilateral contract 單方義務合約 ※比較 bilateral contract English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unprofitable contracts 無利可圖的合約 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
variation of contract 合約的更改 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wagering contract 打賭合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
yellow-dog contract 禁止僱員加入職工會的僱傭合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contract arising in contract 在合約法……上產生的 Cap. 588, s. 54(1)
law of contract 合約法 Cap. 528, s. 98(4)
contracted contracted amount 立約數額 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
liabilities contracted 承擔的債務 Cap. 10, s. 15A(1)(b)(i)
contracted years of contracted years of service 訂約的服務年期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
service and Commercial Law Terms
contracting Contracting Party 締約國 Cap. 482, s. 5(a)
Contracting State 締約國 Cap. 290, s. 20A(2)
contracting State 締約國家 Cap. 462, s. 4(1)(a)
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約

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signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961

High Contracting Party 締約方 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
contractor building contractor 承建商 Cap. 621, s. 73(3)(c)
contractor 承包人 Cap. 483, s. 7(2)(g)
contractor 承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractor 承判商 Cap. 28, s. 2
contractor 承建商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractor 承造商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractor 承辦商 Cap. 406D, reg. 3
government contractor 政府承辦商 Cap. 521, s. 12(2)
independent contractor 獨立承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent contractor 獨立承辦商 Cap. 300, s. 2(2)
individual contractor 個人承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
main contractor 主承建商 Cap. 115, s. 38A(1)
main contractor 總承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
nominated sub-contractor 指定次承判商 Cap. 57, s. 43A(1)
principal contractor 總承判商 Cap. 57, s. 43A(1)
principal contractor 總承建商 Cap. 583, s. 2(1)
registered contractor 註冊承建商 Cap. 470, s. 2(1)
registered contractor 註冊承辦商 Cap. 95A, reg. 2

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registered electrical contractor 註冊電業承辦商 Cap. 406, s. 2

registered escalator contractor 註冊自動梯承辦商 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered general building contractor 註冊一般建築承建商 Cap. 123, s. 30E(6)
registered lift contractor 註冊升降機承辦商 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered minor works contractor 註冊小型工程承建商 Cap. 123, s. 30E(6)
responsible registered escalator contractor 負責的註冊自動梯承辦商 Cap. 618, s. 71(4)
site contractor 工地承建商 Cap. 406H, s. 2
sub-contractor 次承判商 Cap. 57, s. 43A(1)
succeeding contractor 繼任的承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
term contractor 定期合約承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractual contractual 合約的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractual 合約訂明的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractual clauses 合約條款 Cap. 478, s. 68(1)(d)
contractual duty 合約訂明的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractual effect 合約效力 Cap. 71, s. 3(3)
contractual liability 合約上的法律責任 Cap. 548, s. 23D(3)(b)
contractual obligation 合約訂明的義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contractual obligation 契約義務 Cap. 383, s. 8
contractual obligations 合約訂明的責任 Cap. 406, s. 13(2)(c)
contractual or other means 合約規範方法或其他方法 Cap. 486, Sch. 1

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contractual period 合約期 Cap. 7, s. 52(1)

contractual provision 合約條文 Cap. 71, s. 18(1)
contractual relationship 合約關係 Cap. 485A, s. 44(4)(b)
contractual right 合約權利 Cap. 528, s. 60(2)
contractual tenancy 合約下的租賃 Cap. 7, s. 53(6C)(a)
contractual terms 合約條款 Cap. 406, s. 13(2)(b)
earliest possible contractual maturity date 可能的最早合約到期日 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(5)(b)
express contractual right 合約所明訂的權利 Cap. 377, s. 9(3)
inability to fulfil a contractual obligation 無力履行契約義務 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 7
other contractual cash outflow 其他合約現金流出 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
residual contractual maturity 距離合約到期日 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
contractually contractually irrevocable commitment 在合約上不可撤銷的承諾 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
term funds that are explicitly and contractually repayable on 明示及有合約責任按通知付還的定期資金 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
Contractus ex turpi Contractus ex turpi causa vel contra bonos mores nullus est. [A 不道德的或基於不合法約因的合約無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
causa vel contra bonos contract founded on a wrongful consideration or against good and Commercial Law Terms
mores nullus est. morals is null.]
Contractus legem ex Contractus legem ex conventione accipiunt. [Contracts receive 合約的法律效力來自雙方的協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
conventione accipiunt. legal validity from the agreement of the parties.] and Commercial Law Terms
contradict contradict 反駁 Cap. 8, s. 12
contradict 否定 Cap. 237, s. 20(1)
contradiction contradiction 反駁 Cap. 21, s. 14(2)
contradiction in evidence 證據前後矛盾 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contradictory contradictory 互相矛盾的 Cap. 200, s. 39

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contradictory 矛盾 Cap. 332, s. 18(2)(b)(iii)

contradictory proof 作反駁用的證明 Cap. 8, s. 14
contradictory statement 互相矛盾的陳述 Cap. 8, s. 51(4)
contradictory statements of fact 互相矛盾的事實陳述 Cap. 200, s. 39
contrary contrary (adj., n.) 相反(的情況等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contrary effect 相反規定 Cap. 1146, s. 7
contrary intention 相反用意 Cap. 410, s. 2(3)
contrary intention 相反意向 Cap. 8, s. 67(1)
contrary intention 相反意圖 Cap. 344, s. 3
contrary intention 相反意願 Cap. 290, s. 15(2)(a)
contrary intention appears from the context 文意顯示用意相反 Cap. 342, s. 7(1)
contrary rights 反對的權利 Cap. 528, s. 173(e)
contrary to 不理會 Cap. 519, s. 27(2)(a)
contrary to 有悖 Cap. 503K, Schedule
contrary to accepted principles of morality 違反廣為接受的道德原則 Cap. 559, s. 11(4)(a)
contrary to ... decency or morality 不合乎體統或道德標準的 Cap. 226, s. 20
contrary to good faith 有違真誠 Cap. 522, s. 9(1)(a)
contrary to his duty 違反其責任 Cap. 521, s. 6(1)(a)
contrary to law 違反法律 Cap. 301, s. 24(c)
contrary to ... morality 違反……道德 Cap. 522, s. 7(1)
contrary to public order 違反公共秩序 Cap. 522, s. 7(1)
contrary to the interest of ... 有違……的利益 Cap. 615, s. 49(4)(b)
contrary to the interest of the investing public 違反投資大眾的利益 Cap. 571, s. 378

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contrary to the public interest 違反公眾利益 Cap. 459, s. 10(1)(e)(iii)

evidence to the contrary 相反證據 Cap. 115, s. 37K(1)
except as expressly provided to the contrary 除有明文的相反規定外 Cap. 522, s. 27
in the absence of contrary evidence 無相反證據 Cap. 406, s. 58
in the absence of evidence to the contrary 在沒有相反證據的情況下 Cap. 476A, s. 3(3)
not contrary to ... 與……並無抵觸 Cap. 33, s. 7(1)
notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary 即使有任何相反協議 Cap. 379, s. 4(1)
notwithstanding anything to the contrary 即使有任何相反的規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
provision ... to the contrary effect ……另有相反條文規定 Cap. 1137, s. 6
provisions to the contrary 相反規定 Cap. 218, s. 32R(6)
require the contrary 有相反規定 Cap. 369AD, reg. 11(2)
save where the contrary intention appears 除(文意)顯示用意相反外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
save where the contrary is indicated 除(文意)表明相反用意外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
subject to any agreement to the contrary 除任何協議有相反的規定外 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
subject to any agreement to the contrary 除非有任何相反的協議 Cap. 559, s. 28
sufficient cause to the contrary 充分的反對因由 Cap. 4A, App. A
the advertisement contains an indication to the contrary 該廣告顯示相反的意圖 Cap. 602, s. 42(3)
the contrary is not proved 未有……證明情況相反 Cap. 630, s. 11(4)(b)
the contrary is not proved by the prosecution beyond 控方沒有提出足以排除合理疑點的相反證明 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)(b)
reasonable doubt
the contrary is not proved by the prosecution beyond 控方沒有提出足以排除合理疑點的證據,證明並非如此 Cap. 241K, s. 4(2)(b)
reasonable doubt
the contrary is proved 相反證明成立 Cap. 247, s. 10(3)

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the contrary is ... proved by the prosecution beyond reasonable 控方……提出無合理疑點的相反證明 Cap. 579, s. 4(5)(b)
to the contrary 相反 Cap. 514, s. 90
unless a contrary intention appears 除非顯示相反的用意 Cap. 282, s. 4(2)
unless a contrary intention is expressed 除非有明示的相反意願 Cap. 528, s. 272I(5)
unless the contrary appears 除看來另作別解外 Cap. 114A, reg. 2
unless the contrary intention is expressed 除非明訂有相反用意 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)
unless the contrary is proved 除非相反證明成立 Cap. 1, s. 8
unless the contrary is shown 除非證明事實並非如此 Cap. 494, s. 6(3)
unless the contrary is shown 除非證明情況相反 Cap. 525, s. 27(2)
until the contrary is proved 直至相反證明成立 Cap. 1, s. 80
until the contrary is proved to the satisfaction of ... 在證明並令……信納實情並非如此之前 Cap. 495, s. 9
until the contrary is shown 直至有相反證明為止 Cap. 483, s. 9(6)
contravene contravene 抵觸 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 11
contravene 違反 Cap. 1, s. 3
contravenes ... 與……有抵觸 Cap. 41, s. 23(4)
contravenes a condition of ... 違反……條件 Cap. 403, s. 5(8)
in respect of which ... is contravened 凡有人就……違反 Cap. 295B, reg. 60(3)
knowingly contravenes 明知而違反 Cap. 245, s. 17A(1)(b)
contravening if the contravening act is done for a gainful purpose 如作出有關違例作為是為圖利目的 Cap. 28, s. 6(4B)(b)(i)
contravention a contravention continues 觸犯規例的行為持續 Cap. 403, s. 16(2)(a)
alleged contravention 指稱違反……的個案 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
attempted contravention of ... 試圖違反…… Cap. 106, s. 36
constitutes the contravention 構成該項違反 Cap. 486, s. 50(1A)(b)(ii)

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contravention 違反 Cap. 332, s. 17(6)

contravention 違例 Cap. 132, s. 70(1)
contraventions 違例事項 Cap. 68, Long Title
in contravention of ... 在違反……的情況下 Cap. 106B, reg. 5(4)
refrain from continuing or repeating the contravention 停止繼續或重覆該違例事項 Cap. 509, s. 9(2)(e)(ii)
repeated occurrence of contraventions 非只一次違反 Cap. 584, s. 33Q(3)(m)
suspected contravention 懷疑違反 Cap. 486, s. 46(9)
contribute contribute 分擔 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.124
contribute 分擔提供 Cap. 32, s. 170(1)
contribute to pensions 分擔退休金的供款 Cap. 1148, s. 5(f)
contribute capacity to contribute to ... own support 自立謀生的能力 Cap. 99A, reg. 23(1B)
contribute to his own support 自立謀生 Cap. 89A, reg. 31(1)(ii)
contribute contribute 有份造成 Cap. 466, s. 12
contribute 有助於 Cap. 537AE, s. 5C(1)
contribute 促成 Cap. 504, s. 2
contribute to 促成 Cap. 504, s. 2
contribute to the death of ... 作為原因之一而導致(某人)死亡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contributed to 助成 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
contributing to 有份造成 Cap. 466, s. 12(1)
cruelty contributing to death 殘酷對待而促成死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.16
... has caused or contributed to ... in the whole or in the greater ……全部或較大部分是由……所引致或促成的 Cap. 166, s. 23(3)(b)

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contribution agreed contribution 協定注資 Cap. 637, s. 2
contribution 注資 Cap. 637, s. 2
contribution by way of contribution 以分擔款項方式 Cap. 508, s. 5(1)
contribution 分擔 Cap. 159, s. 10(2)(e)
contribution 分擔款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contribution 分擔費 Cap. 398, s. 2
contribution 分擔費用 Cap. 221, s. 9A(1)(d)
contribution 法律責任分擔 Cap. 500, s. 6(1)(a)
contribution as to costs 訟費的分擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Contribution Order 分擔開支令 Cap. 225C, Schedule
draw out or receive back ... contribution 提取或收回……分擔款項 Cap. 37, s. 3(3)
making a substantial contribution ... towards ... 在相當程度上分擔…… Cap. 481, s. 3(3)
offer of contribution 分擔提議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 5(a)
rate of contribution 分擔費用率 Cap. 91B, Sch. 3
rateable contribution 按比率獲得分擔 Cap. 329, s. 66(3)
right of contribution 獲得分擔的權利 Cap. 329, s. 32(2)(d)
contribution contribution 供款 Cap. 35, s. 3(a)
contribution account 供款帳户 Cap. 485, s. 11A(1)(a)
contribution day 供款日 Cap. 485A, s. 2
contribution period 供款期 Cap. 485E, Schedule
contribution summary 供款概要 Cap. 485A, s. 56A(2)
contribution surcharge 供款附加費 Cap. 485A, s. 81(2)(b)

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cumulative capital contributions 累積投放資本 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)

mandatory contribution 強制性供款 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
outstanding contributions 未清繳的供款 Cap. 485A, s. 154(1)(f)
quantum of ... liability for ... contribution 供款額的法律責任 Cap. 159M, r. 13
return of contributions to capital 歸還投入的資本 Cap. 159, s. 7AA(1)
significant contribution 重要的供款 Cap. 6, s. 30A(4)(a)
special contribution 特別供款 Cap. 485, s. 19E(5)
tax deductible MPF voluntary contribution 可扣稅強積金自願性供款 Cap. 112, s. 26S
voluntary contribution 自願性供款 Cap. 485, s. 2
contribution contributions 捐獻 Cap. 1007, s. 3(1)(f)
contributions 資助 Cap. 332, s. 33(1)(h)
military contributions 軍事捐獻 Cap. 557, Schedule
soliciting of contributions 募捐 Cap. 104E, by-law 14
voluntary contributions 自願捐助 Cap. 154, s. 6
contributor compulsory contributors 強制供款人 Cap. 279, s. 85(1)(b)
contributor 供款人 Cap. 35, s. 4(1)
exempt ... from the obligation to be contributors 豁免……使其無須……負上成為供款人的責任 Cap. 206, Long Title
contributory contributory fault 分擔過失 Cap. 57, s. 32P(3)(f)
contributory negligence 共分疏忽 Cap. 23, s. 21(10)
contributory negligence 共同疏忽 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 11(1)
full contributory value 分擔價值的十足數額 Cap. 329, s. 73(1)
contributory continuous contributory service 供款無間年資 Cap. 279D, r. 14(9)(b)
contributory 需供款 Cap. 571, s. 9(2)
contributory service 供款服務 Cap. 35, s. 3(c)

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contributory service 供款服務期 Cap. 79, s. 2(1)

contributory contributory (n.) 分擔人 Cap. 622, s. 2
contributory (n.) 負連帶償還責任人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contributory entity 分擔人實體 Cap. 637, s. 75(7)
list of contributories 分擔人列表 Cap. 32H, r. 68(1)
provisional list of contributories 分擔人臨時列表 Cap. 32H, r. 67A
contributory negligence contributory negligence 共分疏忽 Cap. 23, s. 21
contributory negligence 共同疏忽 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 11
contrivance contrivance 手段 Cap. 112, s. 82(1)(g)
contrivance 詭計 Cap. 98, s. 32C
fraudulent ... contrivance or device 欺詐……詭計或手段 Cap. 98, s. 32C
contrivance contrivance 裝置 Cap. 1, s. 3
control access control 接觸管制 Cap. 584, s. 8(1)(c)
air traffic control 航空交通管制 Cap. 448E, s. 3(2)(a)
anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing controls 打擊洗錢及打擊恐怖分子資金籌集的管控措施 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
apparent control 表面控制 Cap. 503, s. 8(1)
assume control of ... 對……加以控制 Cap. 106, s. 13(1)
beyond ... control ……無法控制 Cap. 524, s. 19(2)
beyond his control 非他所能控制 Cap. 151, s. 10(2)
beyond the control of 不能控制的 Cap. 265, s. 8E(2)(a)
beyond the control of ... 非……所能控制 Cap. 374, s. 78(4)(b)(i)
care and control 照顧及管束 Cap. 179A, r. 92(4)
care and control 照顧和控制 Cap. 104D, by-law 5

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care and control 照顧和管束 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.24
care, custody and control 照顧、管養及管束 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.5
circumstances beyond its control 非其所能控制的情況 Cap. 104, s. 18(5)
control 控制權 Cap. 111, s. 44(1)
control 掌管 Cap. 113, Long Title
control 管制 Cap. 1, s. 40(2)(a)
control 管控 Cap. 33, s. 43
control 管轄範圍 Cap. 87, s. 4(1)(a)
control and surveillance 管制和監察 Cap. 520, s. 17(3)(c)
control contract 控制合約 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
control function 管控職能 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
control objectives 控制目標 Cap. 485A, s. 2
control of conduct 行為管制 Cap. 115, s. 13C(2)
control ... over the judgment 對該判決……的控制權 Cap. 9, s. 3(3)(b)
control procedures 管制程序 Cap. 584, s. 8(1)(e)
control test 控制權測試 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.32, Footnote 37
controlled disclosure 有限制的披露 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 3.56
crowd control 維持人群秩序 Cap. 172, s. 10(2)(d)
day-to-day control 日常控制 Cap. 637, s. 3(1)(b)

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deliver ... into the custody and control of ... 將……交付……保管和控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(7)
disciplinary control 紀律管制 Cap. 409, Long Title
due to circumstances beyond the person's control 是該人所不能控制的情況所致的 Cap. 354O, s. 5(5)(b)
exclusive control 獨有控制 Cap. 159R, s. 7(1)
exercise ... significant influence or control 行使重大影響力或控制 Cap. 622, Sch. 5A
financial control 財務管控 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
has power or control over ... body 對……的人身具有支配權或控制權 Cap. 4, s. 22A(15)(a)
has ... the charge of or control over ... 對……具有監管或控制權 Cap. 226, s. 2(1)
have the general charge and control of ... 有全盤主管及控制……的權力 Cap. 239A, reg. 3(1)
in a person's effective control 受某人的實際控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(2)(c)
in charge or control of ... 掌管或控制……的 Cap. 115, s. 37H(2)(b)
in his control 受其支配 Cap. 91, s. 9(f)
internal control 內部管控 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
internal control measures 內部控制措施 Cap. 485A, s. 39(4)
internal controls 內部監控 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(m)(i)
key persons in control functions 管控要員 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
person in control 負責人 Cap. 406E, reg. 4(5)
physical control 實質控制 Cap. 593, s. 4(6)
placed under the control and management of ... 交由……控制和管理 Cap. 283, s. 34(2)
placed under the control of ... 置於……的控制下 Cap. 76, Schedule
quality control measures 品質控制措施 Cap. 506A, s. 8(2)(a)
regional command and control centre 地區指揮及控制中心 Cap. 520A, s. 5(1)(a)(i)
removing ... out of the custody, care or control of ... 將……帶離……管養、照顧或管束之外 Cap. 336H, O. 90, r. 5(3)
retains any control over ... 維持對……的任何控制 Cap. 486, s. 63B(6)

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riot control agents 暴動控制劑 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1

river control 河道管制 Cap. 354N, s. 2
scheme of import or export control 進口或出口管制計劃 Cap. 362, s. 2(2A)
significant control 重大控制權 Cap. 622, s. 653E
statutory control 法定監管 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
stringent statutory overall control 嚴格的法定全面監管 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
subject to the control of ... 在……的管轄下 Cap. 1132, s. 14(1)(a)
subject to the effective control of ... 實際上受……控制 Cap. 405, s. 7(1)(c)
sufficient degree of exclusive physical control 充分程度的獨有及實質控制 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
sufficient presence and control in Hong Kong 在香港有足夠的規模及控制權 Cap. 485A, s. 16(4)
system of control 管控制度 Cap. 549F, s. 11(i)
ultimate control 最終控制權 Cap. 637, s. 29(7)(a)(i)(C)
ultimately owns or controls 最終擁有或控制 Cap. 637, s. 29(7)(d)(i)
under common control 共同受同一……控制 Cap. 112, s. 50A(2)(b)
under his power or control 由其支配或控制 Cap. 499, s. 19(9)(b)
under ... official control 在……職權管轄下 Cap. 32H, r. 193
under the absolute control of ... 受到……全權控制 Cap. 153, s. 7(1)
under the control of ... 由……控制 Cap. 411, s. 12(2)
controlled controlled trust 受控制信託 Cap. 159, s. 26A(3)
controller construction site controller 建築地盤主管 Cap. 115, s. 38A(1)
controller 控制人 Cap. 460, s. 21(3)(b)
controller 控制員 Cap. 211A, reg. 15(1)

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controller 控權人 Cap. 41, s. 9(1)

controller of a company 公司的控權人 Cap. 485A, s. 98
controller of a corporation 法團的控制人 Cap. 571, Sch. 3
indirect controller 間接控制人 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
indirect controller 間接控權人 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
majority shareholder controller 大股東控權人 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
minority controller 次要控制人 Cap. 571, s. 61(20)
minority shareholder controller 小股東控權人 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
qualified voting controller 一般表決控權人 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
recognized exchange controller 認可控制人 Cap. 571, s. 63(1A)
shareholder controller 股東控制人 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
shareholder controller 股東控權人 Cap. 155, s. 2
significant controller 重要控制人 Cap. 622, s. 653A
significant controllers register 重要控制人登記冊 Cap. 622, s. 653A
voting controller 表決控權人 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
controlling controlling entity 控權實體 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
controlling interest 控制性權益 Cap. 330, s. 2
controlling interest 控制權益 Cap. 111, s. 9(4)
controlling officer 管制人員 Cap. 2, s. 2
controlling person 控權人士 Cap. 571, s. 317(7)
controversy in controversy 所爭議的 Cap. 4A, O. 20, r. 8(1)
contumacy contumacy [contumacious (adj.)] 違抗法庭命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conundrum conundrum 謎團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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conundrum 難解的問題 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
convene convene 召開 Cap. 622, s. 421(1)
convenience for convenience of reference 作方便參考之用 Cap. 600, s. 2(2)
for his own convenience 為他本身的方便 Cap. 159F, r. 9(2)(a)
convenience conveniences 便利設施 Cap. 265, s. 3(1)(b)
convenient convenient form 方便形式 Cap. 117, s. 35(2)
enumerate ... in a convenient order 以適當的次序編列 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 5(1)
from time to time and from place to place as may be most 在最方便的時間及地點進行 Cap. 369A, reg. 15
just and convenient 公正及適宜 Cap. 4, s. 21K(2)
necessary or convenient 必需或適宜 Cap. 1115, s. 14
practicable and convenient 切實可行及適宜 Cap. 4, s. 32(2)
so far as is practicable and convenient 在切實可行及適宜的情況下 Cap. 336, s. 6(2)
with all convenient speed 在方便範圍內盡快 Cap. 32H, r. 68(2)
conveniently as soon as conveniently may be 在方便的範圍內盡快 Cap. 518, s. 12(5)
as soon as conveniently may be 於方便情況下盡快 Cap. 260, s. 4(1)
conveniently applicable 方便適用 Cap. 336, s. 79(4)
conveniently near 鄰近 Cap. 161, s. 9(5)(b)
conveniently operate 方便地操作 Cap. 374A, reg. 68(1)(d)
convenor convenor 召集人 Cap. 344, s. 3(3)
Tribunal Convenor 審裁組召集人 Cap. 159AD, s. 2
convention convention 會議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
convention 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone 《1985年保護臭氧層維也納公約》 Cap. 403, Long Title

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accepted Convention certificate 獲認可的公約證明書 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and 《1974年海上運輸旅客及其行李雅典公約》 Cap. 434, s. 2
their Luggage by Sea, 1974
bilateral ... convention 雙邊……公約 Cap. 528, s. 180(4)
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on 《〈生物多樣性公約〉的卡塔赫納生物安全議定書》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Biological Diversity
Constitution and Convention of the International 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》 Cap. 106V, Sch. 1
Telecommunication Union
consular conventions 領事協定 Cap. 267, Long Title
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention 《1939年僱傭合約(土生工人)公約》 Cap. 78, s. 11(1)(h)
convention 公約 Cap. 1, s. 3
Convention adoption 公約領養 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention adoption certificate 公約領養證書 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention adoption order 公約領養令 Cap. 290, s. 20A(1)
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰 Convention Against Torture and
Degrading Treatment or Punishment 公約 Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment
Convention award 公約裁決 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Convention certificates 公約證明書 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(3)
Convention country 公約國 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
convention country 協約國 Cap. 4A, O. 69, r. 1
Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property 《建立世界知識產權組織公約》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 《保護工業產權公約》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)

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Convention for the Protection of Submarine Cables 《保護海底電纜公約》 Cap. 497, s. 2

Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft 《關於制止非法劫持航空器的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for 《統一國際航空運輸某些規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to 《統一關於若干國際航空運輸規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention instrument 《公約》文書 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 《班輪公會行動守則公約》 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
Convention on Biological Diversity 《生物多樣性公約》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Convention on International Civil Aviation 《國際民用航空公約》 Cap. 448, s. 2(1)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
Wild Fauna and Flora
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 《1976年海事索賠責任限制公約》 Cap. 434, s. 2
Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on 《關於在飛機上進行犯罪和某些其他行為的公約》 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
board Aircraft
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in 《關於跨國領養的保護兒童及合作公約》 Cap. 290, Long Title
respect of Intercountry Adoption
Convention on Psychotropic Substances 《精神藥物公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Convention on Temporary Admission 《暫准進口公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2
Convention on the Grant of European Patents 《歐洲專利批予公約》 Cap. 514A, s. 2
Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization 《國際活動衞星組織(Inmarsat)公約》 Cap. 190P, Art. 1
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》

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Diplomatic Agents
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
of Genocide
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by 《防止傾倒廢物和其他物料污染海洋的公約》 Cap. 466, s. 2
Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the 《各專門機關特權及豁免公約》 Cap. 558B, s. 2
Specialized Agencies
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United 聯合國特權和豁免公約 Convention Against Torture and
Nations Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 23
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 種武器的公約》
on their Destruction
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign 《承認及執行外國仲裁裁決公約》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitral Awards
Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated 《聯合國人員和有關人員安全公約》 Cap. 590, s. 2
Convention passenger ship 公約客船 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
Convention ship 公約船 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
Convention State 公約國 Cap. 134, s. 38P(1)
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約
signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961
Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)

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admission of goods
denounce the convention 退出公約 Cap. 369, s. 4
Geneva Convention 日內瓦公約 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian 《日內瓦關於戰時保護平民公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Persons in Time of War
Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of 《日內瓦關於戰俘待遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Hague Convention on the law applicable to trusts and on their 規定適用於信託的法律及信託的承認的海牙公約 Cap. 76, Long Title
international Convention 國際公約 Cap. 462, Schedule
International Convention against the Taking of Hostages 《反對劫持人質國際公約》 Cap. 468, Long Title
International Convention for Safe Containers 《國際集裝箱安全公約》 Cap. 506, s. 2(1)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 《國際防止船舶造成污染公約》 Cap. 413, s. 3(1)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 《1973年國際防止船舶造成污染公約》 Cap. 413K, s. 2
Ships, 1973
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 《國際海上人命安全公約》 Cap. 369, s. 2(1)
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約》 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
of Law relating to Bills of Lading
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(ii)
relating to International Carriage by Air
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 《2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Pollution Damage, 2001

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International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《1992年國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
Damage, 1992
International Convention on Load Lines 《國際載重線公約》 Cap. 369, s. 2(1)
International Convention on Salvage 1989 《1989年國際救助公約》 Cap. 508, s. 9(1)
International Convention on Standards of Training, 《1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約》 Cap. 478V, s. 2
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 《1969年國際船舶噸位丈量公約》 Cap. 415C, reg. 2
international labour conventions 國際勞工公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
multilateral ... convention 多邊……公約 Cap. 528, s. 180(4)
multi-lateral international conventions 多邊國際公約 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
national or territorial waters of a Convention State 公約國的領海或水域 Cap. 466, s. 25(5)(a)
Paris Convention country 巴黎公約國 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for 《1974年國際海上人命安全公約》1978年議定書 Cap. 369X, reg. 1(3)
the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
protocol supplementary to a convention 公約內的議定書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》的議定 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air 書
Rome Convention 《羅馬公約》 Cap. 575, s. 11C
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》

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International Trade
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 《麻醉品單一公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants 《關於持久性有機污染物的斯德哥爾摩公約》 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic 《聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉品和精神藥物公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, 《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處 Cap. 427, s. 2(1)
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 罰公約》
United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful 聯合國《制止危及海上航行安全非法行為公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
United Nations International Convention for the Suppression 聯合國《制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
of Terrorist Bombings
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 《維也納領事關係公約》 Cap. 557, s. 3(1)
convention convention 慣例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by convention 既有協約不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by convention 慣例不容反悔 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
Convention for the Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 保護工業產權公約 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
Protection of Industrial
Convention for the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the 制止危及海上航行安全非法行為公約 Cap. 575, Long Title
Suppression of Safety of Maritime Navigation
Unlawful Acts Against
the Safety of Maritime
Convention on a Code Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 班輪公會行動守則公約 Cap. 482, Long Title
of Conduct for Liner

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Convention on Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 Cap. 586, Long Title
International Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora
Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora
Convention on Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976年海事索賠責任限制公約 Cap. 434, s. 2
Limitation of Liability 1976
for Maritime Claims,
Convention on Convention on Psychotropic Substances 精神藥物公約 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Convention on Convention on Temporary Admission 暫准進口公約 Cap. 60E, reg. 2
Temporary Admission
Convention on the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization 國際移動衞星組織(Inmarsat)公約 Cap. 106, s. 10(9)(b)
International Mobile (Inmarsat)
Satellite Organization
Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表的 Cap. 468, Long Title
Prevention and against Internationally Protected Persons, including 罪行的公約
Punishment of Crimes Diplomatic Agents
against Internationally
Protected Persons,
including Diplomatic
Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 防止及懲治危害種族罪公約 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
Prevention and of Genocide
Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 防止及懲治殘害人群罪公約 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
of Genocide
Convention on the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by 防止傾倒廢物和其他物料污染海洋的公約 Cap. 466, s. 2

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Prevention of Marine Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter

Pollution by Dumping
of Wastes and Other
Convention on the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此種 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Prohibition of the Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 武器的公約
Development, on their Destruction
Production, Stockpiling
and Use of Chemical
Weapons and on their
Convention on the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra- 在海外送達民事或商業事宜中的司法及非司法文件的公 Cap. 4A, O. 69, r. 1
Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters 約
Judicial and Extra-
Judicial Documents in
Civil or Commercial
conventional conventional 常規 Cap. 537B, s. 1(1)
conversant conversant 熟悉 Cap. 520A, s. 3(b)(iii)
conversant 熟識 Cap. 374B, Sch. 6
conversation purport of any conversation 任何對話的大意 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 7(2)
conversion conversion 侵佔 Cap. 347, s. 5(1)
conversion 轉為己用 Cap. 10, s. 59
conversion caution against conversion 抗轉換警告書 Cap. 585, Sch. 1
conversion 折算 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
conversion 轉換 Cap. 29, s. 34(2)
held upon trust for sale calling in and conversion 以信託方式持有作售產收回及轉換 Cap. 29, s. 34(2)
liquidity conversion factor 流動性換算因數 Cap. 155Q, r. 48(6)(b)
right of conversion into stock 兌換證券……的權利 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)

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convert assets ... converted into money 資產……折成現金 Cap. 332, s. 16(a)
convert into money 轉為款項 Cap. 399, s. 6(3)(b)
convert ... into stock 轉換為股額 Cap. 622, s. 138
converting the property 轉換該財產 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
converts into a firearm ... 將……改換為火器 Cap. 238, s. 21(1)
convert converts 非法挪用 Cap. 115M, r. 35(f)
converts to his own use any ... property 將……財產……轉為己用 Cap. 10, s. 59
convertible convertible 可……兌換 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
convertible debt securities 可轉換債務證券 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
convertible loan stock 可轉換債權股額 Cap. 485A, s. 2
freely convertible 可自由兌換 Cap. 66, s. 2
securities that are convertible into, or entitle the holder to 可轉換為……股份的證券,或給予持有人認購……股份 Cap. 622D, s. 6(3)
subscribe for ... shares 的權利的證券
convertible bonds convertible bonds 可換股債券 Cap. 155L, s. 80
convey convey 傳達 Cap. 1, s. 6(1)
convey ... information 傳達……資料 Cap. 622, s. 413(3)(a)
conveyed 傳遞 Cap. 1, s. 3
conveying a warning 傳達警告 Cap. 374G, reg. 15
convey convey 轉易 Cap. 29, s. 2
conveys ... any property 轉讓……某項財產 Cap. 1146, s. 12(2)(b)
convey convey 移送 Cap. 599C, s. 7(a)
convey 搬運 Cap. 68, s. 2
convey 解送 Cap. 280A, Schedule
conveyed 運送 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)

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conveyed to or from 被解往或解離 Cap. 226, s. 6(1)(b)

conveyance conveyance 運送 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
conveyance 運送工具 Cap. 81A, reg. 12(1)
conveyance 運輸工具 Cap. 210, s. 14(4)
conveyance by water 水上運載 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)
cross-boundary conveyance 跨境運輸工具 Cap. 629, s. 2(1)
means of conveyance 運輸工具 Cap. 218, s. 4(1)(a)
taking conveyance without authority 未獲授權而取用運輸工具 Cap. 238, Schedule
conveyance conveyance 轉易 Cap. 29, s. 2
conveyance 轉易契 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
conveyance 轉易書 Cap. 556, s. 38(4)(a)
conveyance 轉讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conveyance ... assignment 轉易契 Cap. 6, s. 125(2)
conveyance ... for value 有值轉易 Cap. 159, s. 70
conveyance on sale 售賣轉易契 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
conveyance to a bona fide purchaser for value without notice 由對……情況不知悉的真誠購買人所作的有值轉易 Cap. 159, s. 70
conveyances 財產轉讓證書 Cap. 1146, s. 7(a)
execute a conveyance 簽立轉易契 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
fraudulent conveyances 有欺詐成分的物業轉易 Cap. 128, Preamble
order for conveyance 物業轉易令 Cap. 219, s. 12A(2)
without any conveyance 在無需作任何轉易……的情況下 Cap. 276, s. 4(3)
conveyance routine conveyance 例行傳遞 Cap. 593, s. 21(1)
conveyancer conveyancer 物業轉易律師 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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conveyancing conveyancing 物業轉易 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
conveyancing scale charges 物業轉易收費標準 Cap. 6A, Schedule
unregistered conveyancing 非註冊的物業轉易 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
convict convict 將……定罪 Cap. 227, s. 92A
convicted by ... 被……定罪 Cap. 584, s. 33F(10)
convicted of ... 被裁定……罪名成立 Cap. 200, s. 143(2)(b)
convicted of a criminal offence 判定犯罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
convicted of an offence ... 被裁定犯了……罪行 Cap. 459, s. 10(1)(b)(i)
convicted of an offence under ... 根據……而被定罪 Cap. 47, s. 19
convicted of that offence 被判有罪 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
convicted of the offence ... 被裁定犯有……的罪行 Cap. 227, s. 8A(5)
convicted upon a plea of guilty 於認罪後……被定罪 Cap. 8, s. 62(1)
could have been convicted 本可……被判有罪 Cap. 405, s. 5(1)(a)
duly convicted of an offence ... 就……的罪行被依法定罪 Cap. 280A, Schedule
finally convicted or acquitted 經終局判決判定有罪或無罪開釋 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(6)
on each subsequent occasion on which the person is convicted 在該人其後每次被裁定犯該罪行時 Cap. 28, s. 6(4AA)(b)
of the offence
on the first occasion on which the person is convicted of the 在該人首度被裁定犯該罪行時 Cap. 28, s. 6(4AA)(a)
properly convicted 適當判罪 Cap. 161, s. 21(3)
remains convicted 定罪依然有效 Cap. 200, s. 153H(3)(a)
convict sb. of an offence convict sb. of an offence 判某人罪名成立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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convict sb. of an offence 裁定某人罪名成立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
convicted convicted person 被判有罪的人 Cap. 467, s. 2
convicted person 被定罪的人 Cap. 336, s. 81(1)
convicted persons 判決有罪之人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(2)(a)
convicted prisoner 經定罪的囚犯 Cap. 234A, r. 188(2)
person convicted 被定罪的人 Cap. 221A, r. 12(2)
conviction appeal against conviction 不服定罪的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
appeal against conviction 針對定罪的上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83A(1)
certificate of conviction 定罪證明書 Cap. 503B, Schedule
Certificate of No Criminal Conviction 無犯罪紀錄證明書 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.57
conviction 有罪判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(4)
conviction 定罪 Cap. 227, s. 2
conviction 定罪判決 Cap. 4, s. 25(3)
conviction 定罪書 Cap. 227, s. 28(1)
conviction has been reversed 經撤銷原判 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
conviction ... quashed 判罪被推翻 Cap. 405, s. 27(1)(c)(i)
conviction record 定罪紀錄 Cap. 297, s. 2(1A)(e)
conviction statement 定罪紀錄聲明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court conviction 法庭定罪 Cap. 311, s. 64
criminal conviction 刑事定罪 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim

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Proposals" Report, para. 2.25

first conviction 首次定罪 Cap. 406, s. 56(9)
good and valid conviction 有效的定罪 Cap. 212, s. 59
liable on conviction to ... 一經定罪,可處…… Cap. 490, s. 40
minute ... of the conviction 定罪紀錄 Cap. 298, s. 6(4)
on conviction on indictment 一經循公訴程序定罪 Cap. 622, s. 875(8)(a)
on summary conviction 循簡易程序定罪 Cap. 405, s. 21(6)(b)
... on which the conviction was based 該定罪所據的…… Cap. 8, s. 62(2)(b)
previous conviction 定罪紀錄 Cap. 227, s. 29
previous convictions 以往定罪 Cap. 221, s. 9G(2)(f)
previous convictions 犯罪紀錄 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prior conviction 曾被判罪 Cap. 503J, Schedule
propriety of conviction 定罪是否恰當問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
quash a conviction 撤銷定罪 Cap. 221, s. 83X
quashing the conviction 將定罪判決撤銷 Cap. 4, s. 25(1)
reasonable prospect of a conviction 有合理的定罪機會 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
record a conviction 將定罪予以記錄 Cap. 336, s. 84(c)(ii)
record of criminal conviction 刑事犯罪紀錄 Cap. 486, s. 19(1A)(a)
restores a conviction 回復定罪的裁決 Cap. 484, s. 17(3)
sexual conviction record check 性罪行定罪紀錄查核 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, Preface , para. 7
spent conviction 喪失時效的定罪紀錄 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for

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Child-related Work: Interim

Proposals" Report, para. 2.6
spent conviction scheme 定罪已失時效計劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of "no conviction" "無定罪紀錄"聲明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
subsequent conviction 再次定罪 Cap. 374, s. 39J(3)(b)
subsequent conviction 其後再定罪 Cap. 148, s. 11(1)(c)
subsequent conviction 其後再度定罪 Cap. 132AI, s. 56(1)(b)
subsequent conviction 其後再被定罪 Cap. 311, s. 79(7)(b)
summary conviction 簡易程序定罪 Cap. 1, s. 3
conviction convictions 信仰 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(4)
Convocation Convocation 評議會 Cap. 1132, s. 2
cooling-off period cooling-off period 冷靜期 Cap. 55, s. 35
cooperation Patent Cooperation Treaty 《專利合作條約》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
co-operation Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in 《關於跨國領養的保護兒童及合作公約》 Cap. 290, Long Title
respect of Intercountry Adoption
legal or law enforcement cooperation 法律合作或執法合作 Cap. 486, s. 58(6)
mutual co-operation 互相合作地 Cap. 159X, s. 3(1)
co-operative co-operative markets 合作市場 Cap. 277, Long Title
co-operative society 合作社 Cap. 33, s. 2
co-operative entity co-operative entity 合作實體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
co-opt co-opt 增選 Cap. 548, s. 6(6)
co-opt 額外委任 Cap. 419B, reg. 11(2)(c)
co-option co-option 增選 Cap. 480, s. 55(1)(b)

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re-co-option 再增選 Cap. 304, s. 17

co-ordinate co-ordinate 統籌 Cap. 621, s. 7(2)
co-ordinate co-ordinates of a point 某一點的坐標 Cap. 313A, Sch. 2
Coordinated Universal Coordinated Universal Time 世界協調時 Cap. 448B, reg. 5(2)(e)
co-ordinator co-ordinator 統籌人 Cap. 123, s. 4(1)(a)
programme coordinator 計劃統籌者 Cap. 167F, s. 3
co-owner co-owner 分權擁有人 Cap. 112, s. 56A
co-owner 共同業主 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
co-owner 共同擁有人 Cap. 559, s. 28
co-owners 共同東主 Cap. 4, s. 12A(2)(b)
co-owners 共有船東 Cap. 171, s. 2
remaining co-owner or co-owners 餘下的共有船東 Cap. 171, s. 2
co-ownership co-ownership 共同擁有權 Cap. 559, s. 31
co-ownership 共有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
under co-ownership 共有權名下的 Cap. 352, Long Title
co-partner co-partners 共同合夥人 Cap. 38, s. 14
co-partnership co-partnership 共同合夥 Cap. 6A, r. 131
co-plaintiff co-plaintiff [also coplaintiff] 共同原告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Copulatio verborum Copulatio verborum indicat acceptationem in eodem sensu. 並列的詞語應按相同的意義理解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
indicat acceptationem [Coupling words together shows that they ought to be and Commercial Law Terms
in eodem sensu. understood in the same sense.]
copy accessible copy 便於閱讀格式版 Cap. 528, s. 40A

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an examined copy 經審核副本 Cap. 8, s. 18

authenticated copies 經認證副本 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 8.49
carbon copies 複寫紙副本 Cap. 484A, r. 69(3)
certified copy 核證文本 Cap. 136, s. 28
certified copy 核證本 Cap. 336H, O. 38, r. 14
certified copy 核證副本 Cap. 514, s. 51
certified true copy 經核證為真實的副本 Cap. 200, s. 153F(5)(a)
certified true copy 經核證真實副本 Cap. 413P, s. 72(1)
clean copy 謄清副本 Cap. 514C, s. 31ZT(3)(a)
comparable copy 可比擬書本 Cap. 528, Sch. 1AA
consolidated copy 編訂文本 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
copies of the work 該作品的……製成本 Cap. 6, s. 65
copy 文本 Cap. 1, s. 80
copy 副本 Cap. 1, s. 86(2)(a)
copy 製成本 Cap. 1, s. 3
copy 複製 Cap. 159, s. 8AA(2)(a)(ii)
copy 複製本 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Ordinance, s. 8
copy 複製品 Cap. 528, s. 6(2)
copy certificate 證書副本 Cap. 159B, r. 2
copy of any exhibit 任何證物的複本 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 4(6)
copy of the film 影片……拷貝 Cap. 392, s. 9(3A)
copy ... records 抄錄及複印……紀錄 Cap. 411, s. 18(4)
copying 抄錄或臨摹 Cap. 132, s. 105I(d)

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duly authenticated copy 妥為認證的……副本 Cap. 9A, r. 2

duly certified copy 經妥為核證的副本 Cap. 609, s. 85(a)
electronic copy 電子版本 Cap. 621, s. 32(4)(b)
facsimile copy 摹本 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 5(3)
gazetted copy 刊憲文本 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
Government Printer's copy of this Ordinance 由政府印務局印製的本條例文本 Cap. 1156, s. 12(2)
hard copy 印本 Cap. 625, s. 18(2)
infringing copy 侵犯版權複製品 Cap. 528, s. 30
make copies 複印 Cap. 405, s. 22(1)
make copies 複製副本 Cap. 509, s. 23(1)(j)
make ... copies 製作……複製品 Cap. 528, s. 32(1)
make copies of 抄錄或複製 Cap. 133, s. 15A(3)(c)
make ... copies of ... 將……複製成副本 Cap. 104, s. 21(3)
master copy 原版文本 Cap. 528, s. 40B(1)
official copy 正式文本 Cap. 10, s. 74
original copy 正本 Cap. 571U, s. 3(2)
pretended copy 偽冒的文本 Cap. 8, s. 32(3)
printed copies 印本 Cap. 104, s. 45(4)
printed copy 印刷本 Cap. 32, s. 203(5)
qualifying copy 限定複製品 Cap. 528, Sch. 1AA
sealed copy 經蓋印文本 Cap. 221, s. 65G
sealed copy 蓋印文本 Cap. 179A, r. 5(3)
sealed copy 蓋印副本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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sealed copy 蓋章文本 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13A(3)

signed copy 具簽署文本 Cap. 159, s. 12(2)
stamped copy 蓋印文本 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 2A(4)
take copies 複製……副本 Cap. 17, s. 10(2)(b)(ii)
take copies of 予以抄錄或複印 Cap. 447A, s. 5(1)
take copies of 抄印 Cap. 362, s. 15(1)(d)
the first or top copy 首份或最頂一份的副本 Cap. 17B, Schedule
true copy 真正副本 Cap. 81, s. 3(2)
true copy 真實文本 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 12(a)
true copy 真實副本 Cap. 17A, Schedule
true copy 真確副本 Cap. 494, s. 7(1)
true copy 真確複製品 Cap. 528, s. 121(15)
typed copy 以打字形式印出的……副本 Cap. 453A, Schedule
typed copy 打字本 Cap. 95, Sch. 2
verified copy 核實副本 Cap. 514C, s. 102
verified copy 經核證文本 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
written copies 手寫本 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
copyright acts restricted by the copyright 受版權所限制的作為 Cap. 528, s. 22(1)
copyright 具有版權的 Cap. 528, s. 92(1)
copyright film 具有版權的影片 Cap. 528, s. 89
copyright licences 版權特許 Cap. 528, s. 145(2)
copyright mark 版權標記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
copyright (n., adj.) 版權 Cap. 71, Sch. 1

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copyright owner 版權擁有人 Cap. 528, s. 22(2)

copyright protection 版權保護 Cap. 528, s. 2(3)
copyright reserved 版權所有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
copyright reserved 保留版權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
copyright royalty charges 版權使用費 Cap. 528, s. 149(1)(b)
copyright work 版權作品 Cap. 528, s. 2(2)
duration of copyright 版權期限 Cap. 528, s. 17(1)
entitlement to the copyright 版權的享有權 Cap. 528, s. 15(1)
future copyright 未來版權 Cap. 528, s. 102(2)
infringe copyright 侵犯版權 Cap. 528, s. 70
infringement of copyright 侵犯版權 Cap. 528, s. 36(1)
law of copyright 版權的法律 Cap. 528, s. 193(1)
owner of the copyright 版權擁有人 Cap. 528, s. 3(2)
subsistence of copyright 有版權存在 Cap. 528, s. 37(1)
Copyright Register Copyright Register 版權註冊紀錄冊 Cap. 528, s. 121(2)(a)(i)
Copyright Tribunal Copyright Tribunal 版權審裁處 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
coram coram ["before"] 在(法官)席前〔在判決書上所列明的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
coram judice coram judice ["before a judge"] 在法官席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
coram non judice coram non judice ["not before a judge"; or before a judge not 不在法官席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
authorised to take cognizance] and Commercial Law Terms
coram non judice ["not before a judge"; or before a judge not 在無審判權的法官席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
authorised to take cognizance] and Commercial Law Terms

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core core capital 核心資本 Cap. 155L, s. 226(3)(d)(i)

core capital core capital 核心資本 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4H
core-bundle core-bundle 主要文件冊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
co-respondent co-respondent [also corespondent] 共同答辯人 Cap. 179A, Appendix
corollary corollary (n., adj.) 具有推斷性質的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corollary (n., adj.) 推論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corollary (n., adj.) 推斷的結果 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
coroner coroner 死因裁判官 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(b)(i)
coroners' court 死因裁判法庭 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 5.72
coroner's officer 死因裁判人員 Cap. 504B, r. 8
deputy coroner 暫委死因裁判官 Cap. 504, s. 2
corporal corporal punishment 體罰 Cap. 298A, r. 37(2)(a)
corporal oath corporal oath 手按聖經宣誓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporal punishment corporal punishment 體罰 Cap. 213, s. 39(2)
corporate body corporate 法人團體 Cap. 41, s. 2
body corporate 法團 Cap. 1, s. 10D
body corporate with perpetual succession 永久延續的法人團體 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 33
body of persons corporate or unincorporate 屬法團或並非法團的團體 Cap. 91, s. 5(2)
capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name 能夠以其法團名稱起訴及被起訴 Cap. 601, s. 3(2)(c)

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corporate 公司的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
corporate 法團 Cap. 1, s. 3
corporate 法團的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate action 法團行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate banking 公司銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
corporate banking business 公司銀行業務 Cap. 1177, s. 2
corporate bodies 法定團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
corporate body 法人團體 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(g)
corporate elector 團體選民 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
corporate finance 公司融資 Cap. 155L, Sch. 15
corporate finance 企業融資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate finance 機構融資 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
corporate governance 企業管治 Cap. 155M, s. 52
corporate group 公司集團 "Charities" Report, para. 5.53,
Footnote 32
corporate identity 法團身分 Cap. 571, s. 3
corporate judgment debtors 屬法團的判定債務人 Cap. 4, s. 54(2)(h)(ii)
corporate member 法定會員 Cap. 624, s. 24(1)(b)
corporate member 團體成員 Cap. 569, Schedule
corporate members 正式會員 Cap. 406, s. 38(1)(a)
corporate membership 正式會員資格 Cap. 95A, reg. 4(2)(a)

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corporate name 法人名稱 Cap. 95, s. 19(1)

corporate name 法團名稱 Cap. 601, s. 3(1)
corporate personality 法人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate personality 法人身分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate power and authority 法團的權力和權限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate practice 執業法團 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
corporate seal 法團印章 Cap. 565, s. 5(1)
corporate veil 法團面紗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate voter 團體投票人 Cap. 541B, s. 2(1)
lifting the corporate veil [also piercing the corporate veil] 揭開法團面紗〔就法團的不法行為追究法團高級人員、 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
董事、控股股東等的個人法律責任〕 and Commercial Law Terms
non-corporate entities 非法團實體 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(b)(i)
non-Hong Kong body corporate 非香港法人團體 Cap. 622, s. 357
whether corporate or not corporate 不論是否已成立為法團的 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance of Locally Incorporated Authorized 本地註冊認可機構的企業管治 Cap. 155M, s. 52(b)
of Locally Incorporated Institutions
Authorized Institutions
corporation associated corporation 有聯繫法團 Cap. 514, s. 61(8)
associated corporation 相聯法團 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
close corporation [also closed corporation; closely-held 不公開轉售股份的法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
corporation] and Commercial Law Terms
corporation 法團 Cap. 1, s. 54A(4)
corporation aggregate 集體法團 Cap. 219, s. 20(1)

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corporation created 設立的法團 Cap. 1, s. 54A(4)

corporation sole 單一法團 Cap. 1, s. 59
eleemosynary corporation 慈善法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign corporations 外地法團 Cap. 23, Long Title
guarantor corporation 提供擔保的法團 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
licensed corporation 持牌法團 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
listed corporation 上市法團 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
listed corporation (equity) 上市股權法團 Cap. 588, s. 3(1)
mutual fund corporation 互惠基金法團 Cap. 426, s. 27
mutual insurance corporation 相互保險法團 Cap. 112, s. 23AA
non-resident insurance corporation 非居於香港的保險法團 Cap. 112, s. 23A(2)
owners' corporation [also incorporated owners] 業主立案法團 Cap. 344, Sch. 7
private corporation 私營法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public corporation 公營法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
qualified corporation 合資格法團 Cap. 571, s. 313(12)
related corporation 有連繫法團 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
relevant corporation 相關法團 Cap. 571, s. 18
solicitor corporation 律師法團 Cap. 159A, r. 2
statutory corporation 法定法團 Cap. 372, s. 4(4)
surviving corporation (合併後)存續的法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
target corporation 目標法團 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)

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trust corporation 信託法團 Cap. 29, s. 2

trustee corporation 受託人法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
corporators corporators 法團成員 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
corporeal corporeal 有體 Cap. 29, s. 2
corporeal hereditament 有體可繼承產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporeal property 有體財產〔有實體的財產,即看得見和摸得着的實物財 Cap. 4, s. 42
corpse prevention of the lawful and decent burial of a corpse 阻止屍體被合法及適當地埋葬 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
corpus corpus ["body"; substance] 主體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus ["body"; substance] 身體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus ["body"; substance] 財產 Cap. 112, s. 39E
corpus ["body"; substance] 彙編 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus delicti corpus delicti ["the body of a crime"] 犯罪事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus delicti ["the body of a crime"] 犯罪遺體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus delicti ["the body of a crime"] 罪體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus juris corpus juris ["the body of law"; the law as the sum of laws] 法令大全 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corpus juris ["the body of law"; the law as the sum of laws] 法典 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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correct certified as correct 核證為正確 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

complete and correct 詳盡及正確 Cap. 41, Sch. 2
correct 正確 Cap. 342, s. 17FA(a)
correct translation 正確譯本 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 6(6)
corrected 經改正 Cap. 173, s. 2(5)
duly corrected 妥為更正 Cap. 128A, reg. 20(2)(a)
give a correct view of ... 正確反映…… Cap. 32H, r. 158
substantially correct 實質上正確 Cap. 329, s. 20(4)
true and correct 真實無誤 Cap. 266A, Sch. 1
correction correction 改正 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.15
correction 更正 Cap. 116, s. 14A(1)(a)
data correction request 改正資料要求 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
suitable correction 適當的更正 Cap. 21, s. 25(3)(a)
correction correction 懲戒 Cap. 213, s. 39(2)
intensive correction 加強感化 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.8
correction of errors correction of errors 更正錯誤 Cap. 176, s. 12
correctional institution correctional institution 懲教機構 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
correctional services correctional services officer 懲教人員 Cap. 567, s. 2
Correctional Services Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre 懲教署精神病治療中心 Cap. 221, Sch. 4
Department Psychiatric
corrective corrective 糾正 Cap. 413A, reg. 3B(g)

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corrective 矯正 Cap. 374B, reg. 9(4)

corrective action 糾正行動 Cap. 413K, s. 26A(1)
corrective affidavit 修正誓章 Cap. 10, s. 60J(6)(b)
corrective penal, corrective or remand establishment 懲治、懲教及羈留機構 Cap. 316, s. 12(2)(a)
correctness correctness of identification 辨認的正確性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
correctness or validity 正確性或有效性 Cap. 490, s. 7(1)
correlation correlation 相關性 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
correspond correspond 對應 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
correspond to 相當於 Cap. 485, s. 42AAB(2)(b)
correspond to ... 與……相符 Cap. 159, s. 8(2)(d)
correspond corresponds with any pirate 與海盜……通訊 Cap. 200, s. 21(d)
correspondence correspondence 信息互通 Cap. 382, s. 14(2)
correspondence 通信 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
correspondence address 通訊地址 Cap. 622, s. 643(1)(a)(ii)
corresponding corresponding 相當於 Cap. 494, s. 4(5)(b)(ii)
corresponding 相應 Cap. 173, s. 3(4)(a)
corresponding adjustment 相應調整 Cap. 34, s. 6(6)
corresponding amount 對應款額 Cap. 622, Sch. 11
corresponding enactment 對應成文法則 Cap. 347, s. 4(7)
corresponding entitlements 相應待遇 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
corresponding institutional safeguards 相應的制度保障 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
corresponding law 相應法律 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)

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corresponding meanings 相應涵義 Cap. 490, s. 2

corresponding operation 相應的效力 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
corresponding provision 相應的條文 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.26
corresponding provisions of that law 相應法律條文 Cap. 414, s. 13
corresponding rules of court 相應法院規則 Cap. 319, s. 9(2)(b)(iii)
correspondingly correspondingly 對應 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Ordinance, Sch. 1
corrigendum corrigendum 更正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corrigendum 勘誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corrigendum 勘誤表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corroborate capable of corroborating the evidence 能作為……證據……的佐證 Cap. 8, s. 4(2)
corroborating evidence 佐證 Cap. 8, s. 22(5)
... may be taken by the court as corroborating ... 法庭……可以此作為……的佐證 Cap. 201, s. 21(1)
corroboration corroboration (以附加證據)證實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corroboration 佐證 Cap. 8, s. 4A
corroboration 旁證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
corroboration rule 佐證規則 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.170

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corroborative corroborative evidence 佐證 Cap. 179A, r. 33(2A)(i)

supporting or corroborative evidence 輔助性或脗合性的證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
corrupt corrupt bargain 有舞弊成分的協定 Cap. 547, s. 56(3)
corrupt conduct 舞弊行為 Cap. 554, s. 3(a)
corrupt consideration 有舞弊成分的代價 Cap. 542, s. 68(3)
corrupt intent 舞弊意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
corrupt practice 舞弊行為 Cap. 161B, s. 29(2)
corrupt practices 貪污行為 Cap. 204, s. 12(f)
corruption 貪污 Cap. 503B, Schedule
corrupt conspiracy to corrupt public morals 串謀敗壞公眾道德 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
corrupt gift corrupt gift 行賄饋贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corruption corruption 貪污 Cap. 204, s. 12(g)
corruption 舞弊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corruptly acted fraudulently, corruptly or dishonestly 有欺詐性、舞弊或不誠實的作為 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(iii)
corruptly 以舞弊方式 Cap. 56, s. 56(2)
corruptly 有貪污成分 Cap. 478, s. 56(1)(e)
cost a cost in the cause 歸於訟案中的訟費 Cap. 221A, r. 12(3)
costs in the cause 歸於訟案中的訟費 Cap. 221A, r. 12
cost administrative cost 行政費用 Cap. 465, s. 2
at his own cost 自費 Cap. 375, s. 8AA(3)
at one's own cost 自費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

at one's sole cost 由某人獨自負擔費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at the cost of 費用由……支付 Cap. 519, s. 24(2)
at the person's cost 自費 Cap. 607, s. 12(8)
cost 成本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cost 費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cost of the asset 資產成本 Cap. 112, s. 37(2A)
cost price 成本價 Cap. 233A, reg. 9
cost-consultant 成本顧問 Cap. 50, s. 29(3)(a)(i)
cost-related basis 與成本掛鈎的基準 Cap. 594, s. 25(3)
fixed investigation cost 定額調查費用 Cap. 159AD, s. 2
full costs recovery 收回全部成本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
measured at amortized cost 以攤餘成本衡量 Cap. 112, s. 18J(5)
operating cost 經營成本 Cap. 474, s. 36
operating cost 運作成本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
operating cost 營運成本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
replacement cost 重置成本 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
cost-book company cost-book company 以英式成本帳原則組成的公司 Cap. 38, s. 25(4)
cost-effective cost-effective 具成本效益 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.91
cost-effectiveness cost-effectiveness 成本效益 Cap. 528D, r. 3(a)

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costs additional costs 額外訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2

adverse costs 不利訟費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.87
adverse costs 不利費用 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.7
adverse costs award 不利訟費裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.37
adverse costs award 不利費用裁決 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.35
adverse costs order 不利訟費令 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.15
adverse costs order 不利費用令 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.52
allocation of costs 訟費分配 "Conditional Fees" Report, Preface ,
para. 13
an order as to costs 關於訟費的命令 Cap. 221, s. 9H(7)
an order for costs 支付訟費命令 Cap. 221, s. 9B(3)(b)(i)
an order ... in favour of ... with costs 判……勝訴兼得訟費……的命令 Cap. 17A, r. 15(3)
assessment of costs 訟費評估 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
award costs 判給訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 7
award costs on an indemnity basis 判給按彌償基準計算的訟費 Cap. 394, s. 25(2)(c)
award of costs 判給訟費 Cap. 492A, r. 10(1)
awards costs to or against a party 判定某一方獲得訟費,或須支付訟費 Cap. 528D, r. 25(4)(t)
basic costs 基本訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
bear its own costs 各自負擔其訟費 Cap. 336, s. 73E(3)

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bill of costs 訟費單 Cap. 4C, Schedule

bills of costs 訟費單或事務費帳單 Cap. 159, s. 7AK(2)
certificate of costs 訟費證明書 Cap. 91C, reg. 16
common fund costs 共同基金訟費 Cap. 336F, Sch. 2
contribution as to costs 訟費的分擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs 訟費 Cap. 492, s. 20(1)
costs 訟費或事務費 Cap. 159, s. 45(2)(b)
costs 訴訟費 Cap. 111, s. 22(3)
costs allowable to a solicitor 准予支付給律師的訟費 Cap. 87A, r. 2(2)(a)
costs allowed 准予訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62A, r. 20(2)
costs ... as between party and party 訟費……按訴訟各方對評基準 Cap. 336F, r. 3(1)
costs as between solicitor and client 按律師與委託人的基準而評定的訟費 Cap. 490, s. 11(2)
costs awarded against the defendant 判被告人繳付的訟費 Cap. 237, s. 2
costs be taxed 評定訟費 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 9A(1)(c)
costs be to A against B 乙方須付給甲方訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs be to A in any event 甲方不論勝訴與否均可獲付訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs follow success rule “訟費歸勝訴一方”規則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.17
costs follow the event 訟費視乎訴訟結果而定〔勝訴一方可得訟費〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
"costs follow the event" rule “訟費視乎訴訟結果而定”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.5
costs have been taxed and allowed at ... 訟費已作評定並准予為…… Cap. 4A, App. A

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costs immunity 訟費豁免權 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.23

costs in favour of ... ……獲得訟費 Cap. 473B, s. 8(1)
costs in the cause 在法律程序中產生的訟費 Cap. 5A, r. 3
costs in the cause 有關訴訟的訟費 Cap. 3, s. 15
costs in the cause 訟費歸於訟案中 Cap. 4A, App. A
costs in the cause of the proceedings 在法律程序中產生的訟費 Cap. 619D, r. 54(7)
costs indemnity rule 彌償訟費原則 "Conditional Fees" Report, Preface ,
para. 12
costs judge 訟費評核官 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs liability 訟費方面的法律責任 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs not following the event 訟費不因訴訟結果而定 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs of and incidental to proceedings 法律程序的訟費及附帶費用 Cap. 4, s. 43
costs of establishing the debt 為確立該債項所需的訟費 Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
costs of ... hearing 進行聆訊的訟費 Cap. 1A, r. 13(3)
costs of or incidental to ... proceedings 法律程序的……訟費或附帶費用 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(1)
costs of this application be costs in the cause 本項申請的費用歸於本訟案的訟費中〔勝訴一方可得本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
項申請的訟費〕 and Commercial Law Terms
costs on an indemnity basis 按彌償基準計算的訟費 Cap. 394, s. 25(2)(c)
costs on appeal 上訴的訟費 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
costs order 訟費命令 Cap. 4, s. 55D
costs order nisi 暫准訟費命令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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costs reserved 訟費容後判定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
costs rules 訟費原則 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 1.7
costs sanction 訟費制裁 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.49
costs shifting 訟費轉嫁 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.67
costs sustained 付出的訟費 Cap. 21, s. 9(1)
costs taxed on common fund basis 按共同基金基準評定的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs taxed on indemnity basis 按彌償基準評定的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs taxed on party and party basis [also party and party costs] 按訴訟各方對評基準評定的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs taxed on solicitor and own client basis 按律師與當事人議定基準評定的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs thrown away 浪費(掉)的訟費 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 24
costs to be taxed 訟費有待評定 Cap. 4A, App. A
costs to be taxed if not agreed 雙方如無協議,訟費須由法院評定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs to follow the event 訟費須視乎訴訟結果而定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(2)
costs to follow the event 訟費隨結果而定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
costs were allowed at ... [as used in a bill of costs] (經法院)准予的訟費為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs-only proceedings 純粹關乎訟費的法律程序 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 4.4
costs-shifting regime 訟費轉嫁機制 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,

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para. 20
defence costs 辯方訟費 Cap. 492, s. 3, Heading
disallow costs ... 不准予……訟費 Cap. 484A, r. 27(3)
dismiss the application with costs 駁回申請兼判訟費須予支付 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 7(1)
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
entitlement to costs 獲付訟費的權利 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3
estimate of costs 訟費的估計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final costs certificate 最終訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed costs 定額訟費 Cap. 91C, reg. 2
full costs 一切訟費 Cap. 332, s. 35(5)
full costs 十足訟費 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
give security for costs 就訟費而……提供保證 Cap. 6A, r. 55
interim certificate of costs 中期訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim payment of costs 訟費的中期付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law costs draftsman 訟費單草擬人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lien for costs 訟費留置權 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 30(5)
limit of costs 訟費限額 Cap. 528, s. 121(14)
no costs on appearances 無須繳付出庭費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
"no costs order" rule “無訟費令”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.31
"no costs" rule “無訟費”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.5

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no order as to costs 不作出關於訟費的命令〔各自負責己方訟費〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
non-taxable costs 不可予評定的訟費 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.122
on such terms as to costs 就訟費……施加……的條款 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(d)
order as to costs 關於訟費的命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
order as to costs in favour of ... 判……獲得訟費的命令 Cap. 484A, Sch. 1
order for costs 訟費令 Cap. 311, s. 31(5)(d)
order for costs in one's favour 判某方獲得訟費的命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
party and party costs 訴訟各方對評的訟費 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.17
party and party costs [also costs taxed on party and party basis] 按訴訟各方對評基準評定的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
payment into court on account of costs 為預支訟費而繳存於法院的款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
plaintiff's costs in any event [costs of this application to the 原告人無論勝訴與否,可得本項申請的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
plaintiff in any event of the cause] and Commercial Law Terms
plaintiff's costs in the cause [costs of this application to the 原告人如勝訴,可得本項申請的訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
plaintiff in the cause] and Commercial Law Terms
pronouncement on costs 關於訟費的宣告 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 42(2)(a)
protected his position as to costs 就訟費作自保 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 5(1)(d)
protective costs orders 訟費保護令 Designing Hong Kong Limited 訴
quantum of costs 訟費金額 Cap. 4A, O. 62A, r. 5

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recovery of costs 討回……費用 Cap. 609, s. 76

reserve the costs 保留訟費〔押後作出關於訟費的裁定〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
review of taxation of costs 覆核訟費的評定 Cap. 492A, r. 8, Heading
scale of costs 事務費表 Cap. 159G, r. 3(2)
scale of costs 訟費收費表 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 32(1)
scale of fees and costs 費用及訟費表 Cap. 221, s. 9A(1)(g)
security for costs 訟費的保證 Cap. 559, s. 87
security for costs 訟費保證 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.95
security for costs 訟費保證金 Cap. 91, s. 18B
security for costs 就訟費提供的保證 Cap. 4A, O. 23, r. 1
security for costs order 訟費保證令 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.67
security for costs order 費用保證令 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 2.2
security for costs rule 訟費保證規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.16
significant amount of costs 可觀的訟費 Cap. 528D, r. 38(d)(iii)
solicitor and client costs 事務律師與當事人議定的訟費 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.3, Footnote 3
solicitor's costs 律師訟費 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
statement of costs 訟費陳述書 Cap. 336F, r. 4(2)
taxation of costs 訟費評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 8D(3)
taxed costs 經評定的訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 1
taxing a bill of costs 對訟費單作訟費評定 Cap. 4C, Schedule
to disallow or to award costs 不准予或判給訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 7(4)
waiver of costs 免除訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5A(2)(b)(ix)

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wasted costs 浪費訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
wasted costs 虛耗訟費 Cap. 4, s. 52A
wasted costs order 虛耗訟費命令 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 1
whole costs 訟費的全數 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 19(2)(b)
with costs 兼判某方支付訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
with costs to a party 兼判某方可得訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without prejudice save as to costs 除訟費外無損權利 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 25(1)
costs administrative costs 行政成本 Cap. 374, s. 12(1)(n)
costs of administration 行政費用 Cap. 6, s. 38(4)
costs of execution 執行的費用 Cap. 4A, App. A
costs of levying 實施執行的費用 Cap. 4A, App. A
costs of the reference 轉介費用 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
overhead costs 經營成本 Cap. 583, s. 20(3)(d)
overhead costs 總體經營成本 Cap. 587, s. 52(3)(d)
profit costs 利潤收費 Cap. 159H, r. 4
recoverable costs 可予追討的費用 Cap. 609, s. 57(1)
security for costs 費用保證 Cap. 609, s. 53(2)
transaction costs 交易成本 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.2
co-surety co-surety 共同擔保人 Cap. 10A, r. 41A
co-tenant co-tenant 共有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
coterminous coterminous 同時間的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

coterminous 同期的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
coterminous 處於同一範圍內的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
co-trustee co-trustee 共同受託人 Cap. 6, s. 32(8)
council assembly or council 議院或議會 Cap. 541, s. 3(5)(h)
Council 校董會 Cap. 1121, s. 3
Council 董事會 Cap. 1129, s. 2
council 議局 Cap. 87, s. 2
Council Directive 議會指令 Cap. 374A, Sch. 4
executive, legislative, municipal, or urban council 行政、立法、城市或市區議局 Cap. 87, s. 2
rural ... council 郊區……議局 Cap. 1, s. 3
State Council 國務院 Cap. 591, Preamble
urban council 市區議局 Cap. 8, s. 54(4)
urban council 市區議會 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
Council for Trade- Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 知識產權理事會 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Related Aspects of Rights
Intellectual Property
Council of the Council of the European Union 歐洲聯盟議會 Cap. 374A, Sch. 4
European Union
Council of the Hong Council of the Hong Kong Bar Association 香港大律師公會執行委員會 Cap. 159K, Schedule
Kong Bar Association
Council of the Law Council of the Law Society of Hong Kong 香港律師會理事會 Cap. 92, s. 3(1A)
Society of Hong Kong
Council on Human Council on Human Reproductive Technology 人類生殖科技管理局 Cap. 561, s. 2(1)

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counsel advising counsel 提供法律指引的律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
brief to counsel 大律師出庭的授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
brief to counsel 大律師委聘書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
briefed-out counsel 外聘的大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by counsel or solicitor 由大律師或律師代表 Cap. 32H, r. 51
certificate for counsel 大律師證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers of counsel 大律師……的事務所 Cap. 201, s. 17(2)
class counsel 代表集體的律師 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.107
counsel 代表律師 Cap. 227, s. 2
counsel (n.) [also barrister; barrister-at-law] 大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel in conference 與大律師舉行會議 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
counsel of his own choosing 其選任之辯護人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(b)
counsel of the local bar 本地大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel on behalf of ... 代表……的大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel on fiat 外聘律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
counsel retained 聘請的律師 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2

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counsel's fees 大律師的收費 Cap. 179A, r. 88(6)(b)(iv)

counsel's fees 大律師的費用 Cap. 492A, r. 6(3)(c)
dismissal of counsel 撤銷由律師代表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
employment of counsel 延聘大律師 Cap. 87A, r. 2(2)(a)
incompetence of counsel 律師失職 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in-house counsel 公司或機構聘用的律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instruct counsel 委託大律師 Cap. 179, s. 16
lead counsel 牽頭律師 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 2
lead counsel [also leading counsel; leader (at the bar)] (代表一方的)首席大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
learned counsel [also learned friend] 法庭上對大律師的敬稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legislative counsel 法律草擬律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
of counsel [also a consiliis] 非主要發言大律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
of counsel [also a consiliis] 屬大律師身分的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
panels of counsel 大律師名冊 Cap. 221D, r. 3(1)
prosecuting counsel 控方律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
represented by counsel 由大律師代表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
retainer of counsel 大律師的聘用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

Senior Counsel 資深大律師 Cap. 159, s. 31A(1)
the solicitor instructing counsel 向大律師發出指示的律師 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
trial counsel 原審律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
without the benefit of counsel 沒有律師代表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel counsel (v.) 慫使 Cap. 155, s. 120
counsel (v.) 勸說 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel or procure 慫使或促致 Cap. 571, s. 291(1)(b)
counselling and procuring murder 慫使和促致謀殺 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
counsel and advice counsel and advice 意見 Cap. 92, Sch. 2
count alternative count 交替罪名 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.71
count 罪名 Cap. 221, s. 51(6)
separately charged in distinct counts 以不同罪名來分別控告 Cap. 221, s. 51(4)
count double count 雙重計算 Cap. 155Q, r. 18(1)
recording and counting votes 記錄和點算所投的選票 Cap. 161F, s. 27(b)
count count towards the period of ... 計算在……限期內 Cap. 360, s. 12B(6)
counter counter allegations 反指稱 Cap. 179A, r. 35(1)
counter counter notice 反通知書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
counter charge counter-charges 反指控 Cap. 179A, r. 19(1)

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counter-charges 反控告 Cap. 287, s. 3(1)(b)(ii)

counterclaim counterclaim 反申索 Cap. 514, s. 101
counterclaim 反申索書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence to counterclaim 反申索的抗辯書 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 3
counter-claim claim by way of set-off or counterclaim 以抵銷或反申索方式作出的……申索 Cap. 347, s. 35(2)
counterclaim 反申索書 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 3(2)
counterclaim against ... 針對……的反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(7)
defence to counterclaim 反申索的抗辯書 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 3(2)
defence to ... counter-claim 對反申索的抗辯 Cap. 609, s. 2(3)(b)
entering a counterclaim 提出反申索 Cap. 453, s. 2
establishes a counterclaim against ... 確立針對……的反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 2(4)
original counterclaim 原訴反申索 Cap. 347, s. 35(4)
probate counterclaim 遺囑認證反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 15(1)
setting up the counterclaim 確立反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 78, r. 1(2)
countercyclical countercyclical capital buffer ratio 逆周期緩衝資本比率 Cap. 155L, s. 3E(1)
counterfeit counterfeit 偽製 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
counterfeit 偽製品 Cap. 200, s. 97(1)(a)
counterfeiting 贋製 Cap. 503B, Schedule
counterfeiting of coins 贋製錢幣 Cap. 503R, Schedule
counterfeiting of currency 製造偽鈔 Cap. 503R, Schedule
deliver counterfeit currency notes 交付偽製流通紙幣 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
countermand countermand (a) payment 下令停止付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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countermand (a) payment 取消付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
countermand an election 撤銷選舉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
countermand (n., v.) 取消 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
countermand (n., v.) 撤銷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
countermand of payment 付款的取消 Cap. 19, s. 75(a)
declare that the election is countermanded 宣布已撤銷有關選舉 Cap. 529B, s. 37(2)(a)
counteroffer counteroffer 反要約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counterpart counterpart 相對之物或人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counterpart 對應本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counterpart of the Government lease 政府租契的對應本 Cap. 40, s. 16
duplicate or counterpart 複本或對應本 Cap. 117, s. 8
counterparty central counterparty 中央交易對手方 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)
central counterparty 中央對手方 Cap. 571, s. 101J(1)(a)
counterparty 對手方 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
counterparty consent limitation 對手方的同意限制 Cap. 571AL, r. 26(6)
counterparty identifying particulars 識別對手方身分的詳情 Cap. 571AL, r. 26(6)
counterparty masking particulars 掩蓋對手方身分的詳情 Cap. 571AL, r. 26(6)
non-defaulting counterparty 非違責對手方 Cap. 628A, s. 5(1)(c)
non-defaulting counterparty 無違責的對手方 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)

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swap and credit protection counterparties 掉期及信用保障對手方 Cap. 628A, s. 4(4)

countersign countersigned 加簽 Cap. 1, Sch. 5
counter-statement counter-statement 反陳述 Cap. 514C, s. 3(7)
countervail countervail 平衡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
countervail 抵銷 Cap. 4, s. 21G
countervail 補救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
countervail the arrears 抵銷欠租 Cap. 7, s. 101
counting vote counting system 點票制度 Cap. 529, s. 28(1A)(e)
counting station central counting station 中央點票站 Cap. 541D, s. 2(1)
dominant counting station 主要點票站 Cap. 541F, s. 2(1)
country parent of the country [also parens patriae] 政府代為起訴原則〔指政府可就牽涉政府利益的案件代 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
表個人起訴的原則〕 and Commercial Law Terms
parent of the country [also parens patriae] 政府作為監護人〔指政府作為未成年或無行為能力的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
的監護人〕 and Commercial Law Terms
parent of the country [also parens patriae] 政府保護社會利益的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
country Convention country 公約國 Cap. 369, s. 4(1)
convention country 協約國 Cap. 4A, O. 69, r. 1
country 地區 Cap. 76, s. 2(5)
country 國家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
country ... of destination 目的國家 Cap. 324, s. 2
country of final destination 最終目的國家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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country of incorporation 成立為法團的……所在國家 Cap. 32, Sch. 3

country of origin 來源地 Cap. 466, s. 6(2)(d)(iii)
country of origin 來源國 Cap. 132A, Sch. 3
country of origin 原產國家 Cap. 132W, Sch. 3
country of origin 原籍國 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
country of the original court 原訟法院的國家 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
exporting country 出口國 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exporting country 出口國家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign countries 世界各國 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 149
foreign country 外地國家 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
foreign country 外國 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 44
Host Country Agreement 《東道國協定》 Cap. 558D, s. 2
issuing country 發證國家 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(2)(b)
issuing country 簽發國家 Cap. 637, s. 29(3)(a)(ii)
one country, two systems 一個國家,兩種制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Preamble
Other countries or regions of the British Commonwealth 英聯邦其它國家或地區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 17
overseas country 海外國家 Cap. 46, s. 2
parent country 母國家 Cap. 369, s. 47(1)
Paris Convention country 巴黎公約國 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
reciprocating country 交互執行國 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
WTO member country, territory or area 世界貿易組織成員國、地區或地方 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)

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country put ... upon the country for trial 交付陪審團審訊 Cap. 221, s. 50
Country and Marine Country and Marine Parks Authority 郊野公園及海岸公園管理局總監 Cap. 476, s. 3(1)
Parks Authority
Country and Marine Country and Marine Parks Board 郊野公園及海岸公園委員會 Cap. 476, s. 2
Parks Board
coupon coupon 息票 Cap. 155L, s. 289(1)(a)
interest coupons 利息券 Cap. 64, s. 5(3)
reply coupons 回郵券 Cap. 98, s. 3(p)
courier courier 帶家 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
courier 帶貨人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
course acting in the course of his duties 正在執行職務中的 Cap. 208A, reg. 20(2)
course 運作 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course 過程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course of business 業務經營過程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
course of business 業務運作 Cap. 48, s. 2
course of conduct 一連串的行為 Cap. 480, s. 76(3A)(b)
course of conduct 一連串的行徑 Cap. 602, s. 70(4)(b)
course of conduct 行為過程 Cap. 455, s. 2(2)(a)
course of dealing 交易過程 Cap. 38, s. 19(3)
course of the business 業務運作 Cap. 26, s. 24(1)
in the course of a business 在業務運作中 Cap. 26, s. 2A(1)(a)

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in the course of a business 在業務過程中 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.11

in the course of ... bankruptcy 在……破產過程中 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(b)
in the course of business 在業務過程中 Cap. 571, s. 393(1)(a)(i)
in the course of carrying out professional work 在履行專業工作的過程中 Cap. 50, s. 34(2)
in the course of employment 在受僱工作期間 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(ia)
in the course of employment 受僱工作期間 Cap. 282, s. 30B
in the course of ... employment 在受……僱用中 Cap. 68, s. 13(2)(a)
in the course of his duties 在執行其職責期間的 Cap. 98, s. 2(2)(b)
in the course of official duty 正執行公務 Cap. 68, s. 31(1)
in the course of trade or business 在營商過程或業務運作中 Cap. 562, s. 6(1)
in the normal course of the administrative practices 在……行政慣例的正常過程中 Cap. 112BI, Schedule
in the ordinary course of business 在日常業務運作中 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
in the ordinary course of business 在……日常業務過程中 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
in the ordinary course of business 在通常業務運作中 Cap. 32, s. 265
in the ordinary course of business 在業務的通常運作中 Cap. 155, s. 2(3)
in the ordinary course of the business of ... 在……的業務的日常運作過程中 Cap. 621, s. 83(1)(a)
in the ordinary course of the discharge of ... duties 在履行……的責任的通常過程中 Cap. 622, s. 63(2)(a)
in the ordinary course of trading 在……日常交易過程中 Cap. 571, s. 175(5)(e)
made in good faith and in the ordinary course of the discharge 在履行……責任的通常過程中真誠地作出 Cap. 622, s. 63(2)(a)
of ... duties
normal course of business 正常業務過程 Cap. 478AF, s. 103(b)
ordinary course 一般過程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ordinary course 通常運作 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

ordinary course of business 通常業務運作 Cap. 159F, r. 9(1)(a)

ordinary course of post 一般郵遞程序 Cap. 1, s. 8
ordinary course of post 通常郵遞過程 Cap. 161E, s. 51(1)(c)
ordinary course of practice 日常執業過程 Cap. 637, s. 3(2)(d)
ordinary course of trade 通常營商過程中 Cap. 109, s. 31(2)
police officer in the course of his duty 正在執行職務的警務人員 Cap. 447, s. 30(5)(a)
course order of course 當然命令 Cap. 4C, Schedule
course pre-service course 職前課程 Cap. 374, s. 2
refresher course 複習課程 Cap. 478AF, s. 45(2)(b)
course delivery by due course of law 循正常的法律途徑移送 Cap. 227, s. 85A(1)(a)
discharged in due course of law 循適當法律途徑獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
due course of administration 遺產管理的適當階段 Cap. 38, s. 11
holder in due course 正當執票人〔在票據到期前真誠地以有值代價取得票據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
的人〕 and Commercial Law Terms
holder in due course 當期持有人 Cap. 19, s. 29
in due course 在適當時間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in due course of law 循適當法律途徑 Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
payment in due course 按期付款 Cap. 19, s. 59
course attempt to pervert the course of public justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice 串謀妨礙司法公正 Cap. 455, Sch. 1
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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public justice Criminal Proceedings

pervert or obstruct the course of justice 破壞或妨礙司法公正 Cap. 221, s. 9G(1)(c)
court abuse of the process of the court 濫用……法院的程序 Cap. 4, s. 27A(1)(a)
abuse of the process of the court 濫用法院程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.2
access to the courts 向法院提起訴訟 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
adjourn the court 將法庭聆訊押後 Cap. 369A, reg. 15
adjournment into court 將案件押後轉往法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 30, r. 7(1)
appear before the court 出現法庭席前 Cap. 221, s. 113
appear before the Court 在法庭席前出庭 Cap. 4, s. 22A(5)(b)
appellate court 審理上訴的法院 Cap. 91A, reg. 5(1)(b)
attend court 出庭 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
bankruptcy court 破產法庭 Cap. 6, s. 118
before ... court 由法庭審理 Cap. 151, s. 26D(1)(j)
by the court [also per cur.; per curiam] 引用法官判詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the court [also per cur.; per curiam] 由法庭作出的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by the court [also per cur.; per curiam] 由法院決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
civil court 民事法院或法庭 Cap. 227, s. 126(3)
clerk of the court 法庭的書記 Cap. 394, s. 4(4)
clerk of the Court 法院書記 Cap. 336, s. 14(2)
closed court 非公開法庭 Cap. 221, s. 123(1)
closed court proceedings 非公開法院程序 Cap. 609, s. 17(1)
come before the court 出庭 Cap. 6, s. 29(2)

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commits contempt of the Court 作出藐視法庭行為 Cap. 336, s. 20(b)

Companies Court 公司案件法庭 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.60
competent court 具管轄權的法院 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
competent court 管轄法院 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
competent court of jurisdiction in ... 在……具司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 556B, by-law 46 (1)
conducted in open court 在公開法庭進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
constitution of courts 法庭的組成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contempt of court 藐視法庭 Cap. 4, s. 21A(6)(a)
contempt of court 藐視法庭罪 Cap. 4, s. 50
coroners' court 死因裁判法庭 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 5.72
country of the original court 原訟法院的國家 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
court 法庭 Cap. 1, s. 3
court 法院 Cap. 1, s. 3
court a quo [the court from which ...] 原審法院 ※比較 court ad quem English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court ad quem [court to which the proceedings are 法律程序移交所至的法庭 ※比較 court a quo English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
transferred] and Commercial Law Terms
court below 下級法庭 Cap. 221, s. 83I(3)
court conduct 在法庭的行為操守 Cap. 159AK, r. 18(3)
court conviction 法庭定罪 Cap. 311, s. 64
court document 法院文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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court expert 法院的專家 Cap. 4A, O. 40, r. 1(1)

court fee 法院費用 Cap. 91, s. 16B
court house 法院大樓 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7(5)(b)
court identification 庭上辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
court of appeal 上訴法院〔泛稱〕 ※比較 Court of Appeal Cap. 6A, r. 2
court of committal 負責交付拘押的法院 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
court of competent jurisdiction 具司法管轄權的法院 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 18
court of competent jurisdiction 具有司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 312, s. 7(3)(b)
court of first instance 初審法院〔泛稱〕 ※比較 Court of First Instance (HK) Cap. 91A, reg. 5
court of full jurisdiction 具有全面司法管轄權的法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court of justice 法院 Cap. 8, s. 31
court of last resort 最終審理法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court of law 法庭 Cap. 447, s. 28(4)(b)(i)
court of record 紀錄法庭 Cap. 17, s. 3
court of record 紀錄法院 Cap. 336, s. 3
court of summary jurisdiction 具簡易司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 212, s. 27(2)
court of survey 驗船法庭 Cap. 369, s. 12(1)
court of trial 主審法庭 Cap. 221, s. 2
court of trial 主審法院 Cap. 221, s. 2
court of trial 原審法庭 Cap. 484, s. 28
court of trial 審訊的法庭 Cap. 8, s. 20(2)(b)

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court of unlimited jurisdiction in either civil or criminal 民事或刑事司法管轄權不設限的法院 Cap. 484, s. 12(4)(a)
court office 法院辦事處 Cap. 1, s. 71(2)
court order 法庭裁定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
court order 法院命令 Cap. 512, s. 21(1)(a)
court proceedings 法律程序 Cap. 480B, s. 6(1)(e)
court proceedings 法院程序 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
court process 法律程序文件 Cap. 62, s. 9(1)
court record 法院紀錄 Cap. 524, s. 14
court registrar 司法常務官 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.15
court sitting in camera 閉門法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
court sitting in private 非公開法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
court translator 法院的翻譯人員 Cap. 528, s. 121(7)(a)
court's processes 法院程序 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.16
criminal court 刑事法庭 Cap. 226, s. 6(1)(b)
current court rate (of interest) 法院現行的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit of money in court 存放於法院的款項 Cap. 4, s. 57(2)(a)
derogate the court from its function 減損法院的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direction by court 法院的……指示 Cap. 514C, s. 52, Heading

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District Court 區域法院 Cap. 1, s. 3

divisional court 下屬法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divisional court 分庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equal before the courts and tribunals 在法院或法庭之前,悉屬平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
examiner of the Court 法院……訊問員 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 1(1)
family court 家事法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
file in Court 送交法院存檔 Cap. 352, s. 3B(1)
follow the court's ruling 依循法院的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Full Court 合議庭 Cap. 4, s. 59(a)
fund in court 法院儲存金 Cap. 4A, O. 22A, r. 3(a)
funds in court 由法院保管的款項 Cap. 29, s. 2
funds in court 存於法院的儲存金 Cap. 4, s. 20A(2)(c)
go to court (到法庭)起訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
heard in open court 公開聆訊 Cap. 369, s. 75
High Court 高等法院 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區高等法院 Cap. 1, s. 3
higher court 更高級法院 Cap. 91, Sch. 3
higher court [also upper court; higher tribunal] 上級法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
higher court [also upper court; higher tribunal] 較高級的法庭 Cap. 109, s. 52A
hold a court 開庭 Cap. 369A, reg. 16

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incompetent court 無司法管轄權的法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
inferior court 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 19(2)
inferior court 下級法院 Cap. 4, s. 27(2)(a)
intermediate appellate court 審理上訴的中級法院 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
international court 國際法院 Cap. 21, Schedule
International Court of Justice 國際法院 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 30(1)
International Court of Justice 聯合國國際法院 Cap. 190, s. 4(2)
juvenile court 少年法庭 Cap. 213, s. 2
lawful order of a court 法院依法命令 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(i)
licensing court 牌照法庭 Cap. 163, s. 2(1)
lodge in court 向法院交存 Cap. 4B, r. 2
lodgment in court 交存於法院 Cap. 4B, r. 2
lower court 下級法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lower court 下層法院 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
lower court 較下級法院 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
magistrate's court 裁判法院 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)
magistrates' courts 裁判署法庭 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
marine court 海事法庭 Cap. 281, s. 52(1)
may it please the court 請法庭(聆聽)……〔律師在法庭上陳詞時的開場白〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

money in court 存於法院的款項 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 11(6)
money paid into court 繳存於法院的款項 Cap. 115, s. 49(2)
moot court 模擬法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
move (that) the court ... 動議法庭…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
naval court 海軍法庭 Cap. 281, s. 53(3)
officer of the court 法院人員 Cap. 6, s. 75(6)
officer of the court 律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
open court 公開法庭 Cap. 227, s. 80
opinion of the court 法庭意見 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
original court 原訟法院 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
original court 原審法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 3(1)(c)(iv)
out of court 在法院以外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
out of court 庭外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
paid out of court 自法院支出 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 9(2)
payment into court 向法院繳存款項 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 1
payment into court 將款項繳存法院 Cap. 4, s. 56(1)
payment into court 繳存於法院……的款項 Cap. 377, s. 3(4)
payment of money into court 向法院繳存……款項 Cap. 21, s. 4
permissible with the leave of the Court 在法庭許可下是容許的 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 9(4)
petition the court for ... 就……向法院提出呈請 Cap. 179, s. 54B

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practice of the court 法院常規 Cap. 8, s. 9

president of the Court of Appeal 上訴法庭庭長 Cap. 4, s. 5(3)
primary people's court 基層人民法院 Cap. 597, s. 2
process of court 法庭程序文件 Cap. 200, s. 87(b)
process of the court 法庭的法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 19(1)(d)
properly attending a court 正式出庭 Cap. 221, s. 9B(3)(b)
recorder of the Court of First Instance 原訟法庭特委法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
refer to ... the court ... 將……轉介……法院 Cap. 514, s. 13(1)(a)
registering court 登記法院 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
remit the matter to (the court, etc. concerned) 將有關事宜發回(有關的法院等) Cap. 4, s. 21K
requesting court 提出請求的法院 Cap. 8, s. 74
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭考慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 保留法律問題待上訴法庭考慮 Cap. 221, s. 81, Heading
right to access to court 向法院提起訴訟的權利 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.76
rules of court 法院規則 Cap. 1, s. 3
sanction of the court 法院……認許 Cap. 32, s. 199(2)
sentencing court 判刑法院 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
shows to the satisfaction of the court that ... 能向法庭表明並使法庭信納…… Cap. 56, s. 49(9)
sit in open court 在公開法庭上進行聆訊 Cap. 4A, O. 52, r. 2(4)
sitting in court 在法庭進行聆訊 Cap. 4, s. 33(2)
sittings of a court 法庭的開庭期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

special courts 專門法庭 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
structure, powers and functions of the courts 法院的組織和職權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 83
submit to the jurisdiction of that court 接受該法院的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 9, s. 3(2)(b)
submit to the jurisdiction of the court 願受法院的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 4, s. 12C(5)
summon the court 發出傳票,召開法庭 Cap. 369A, reg. 4
superior court 高級法院 Cap. 9, s. 3(1)
superior court of record 高級紀錄法院 Cap. 4, s. 12(1)
supervising court 監管法院 Cap. 298A, r. 2
Supreme Court of England and Wales 英格蘭及威爾斯最高法院 Cap. 4, s. 38(1)(a)
Supreme Court of Western Australia 西澳大利亞最高法院 Cap. 319A, Sch. 1
take proceedings before a court 聲請法院提審 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(4)
the court below 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 1
the court below 較下級法院 Cap. 484A, r. 6(1)
the court holds that ... 法庭裁定…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the court holds that ... 法院裁定…… Cap. 179, s. 17A
the court reassembles 再度開庭 Cap. 3, s. 22(1)
the seal of the court 法院印章 Cap. 6A, r. 2
this Honourable Court 本法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trial court 主審法庭 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.127
tried in open court 在公開法庭進行審訊 Cap. 569, s. 36(2)

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under the arrest of the Court 在法庭扣押之下 Cap. 4A, App. B

upper court [also higher court] 上級法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ward of court 由法庭判令……的受監護者 Cap. 218E, s. 2
ward of court 受法院監護的人 Cap. 4, s. 26(1)
court Court 顧問委員會 Cap. 1141, s. 2
Court of the University 諮議會 Cap. 1126, s. 2
Court Interpreter Court Interpreter (HK) 法庭傳譯主任(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Court Liaison Officer Court Liaison Officer 法庭聯絡主任 Cap. 227C, Schedule
Court Martial Court Martial 軍事法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Court of Admiralty Court of Admiralty 海事法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Court of Appeal Court of Appeal 上訴法庭 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
vice-presidents of the Court of Appeal 上訴法庭副庭長 Cap. 4, s. 5(1A)
Court of Exchequer Court of Exchequer (Eng.) 財務法院(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Court of Final Appeal Court of Final Appeal 終審法院 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
Court of Final Appeal, Court of Final Appeal, Hong Kong 香港終審法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Hong Kong and Commercial Law Terms
Court of Final Appeal Court of Final Appeal Rules Committee 終審法院規則委員會 Cap. 484, s. 39
Rules Committee
Court of First Instance Court of First Instance 原訟法庭 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
recorder of the Court of First Instance 原訟法庭特委法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
Court of First Instance Court of First Instance of the High Court 高等法院原訟法庭 Cap. 1, Sch. 8

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of the High Court

court of jurisdiction competent court of jurisdiction in ... 在……具司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 556B, by-law 46 (1)
Court of Protection Court of Protection (Eng.) 保護法庭(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Court Prosecutor Court Prosecutor 法庭檢控主任 Cap. 99J, Sch. 1
Court Reporter Court Reporter (HK) 法庭速記主任(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
courtroom courtroom 法庭 Cap. 221, s. 79A
covenant breach of covenant 違反契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
building covenant 建築契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
covenant against assignment 不許轉讓契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
covenant in gross 不伴隨土地而獨立存在的契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
covenant (n., v.) 契諾 Cap. 219, s. 41
covenant or condition against alienation 禁止讓與契諾或條件 Cap. 1129, s. 12C(d)
covenant responsibilities 契諾責任 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
covenant running with the land 隨土地轉移的契諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
covenant to repair 修葺契諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
curtilage covenant 工地範圍契諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed of covenant 契諾契據 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

deed of mutual covenant 大廈公契 Cap. 626B, Sch. 1

deed of mutual covenant 公契 Cap. 515, s. 38
enforcement of covenant 強制執行契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
express or implied covenant 明示或隱含的契諾 Cap. 6, s. 34(8)(b)
express restrictive covenant 明文限制性契諾 Cap. 630, s. 23(3)
implied covenant 隱含契諾 Cap. 7, s. 117
mutual covenants 相互契諾 Cap. 150, s. 7(1)(a)(iii)
negative covenant 消極性契諾〔規定承諾人不得作出某些行動的契諾〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
※比較 positive covenant and Commercial Law Terms
non-competition covenant [covenant not to compete] 不競爭契諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
onerous covenants 責任繁苛的契諾 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
positive covenant 積極性契諾〔規定承諾人必須作出某些行動的契諾〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
※比較 negative covenant and Commercial Law Terms
restrictive covenant 限制性契諾 Cap. 219, s. 41
Covenant International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
covenantee covenantee 契諾受益人 Cap. 219, s. 35(1B)
covenantor covenantor 契諾承諾人 Cap. 219, s. 41(2)(a)
cover as cover for bank notes lawfully issued in Hong Kong 作為在香港合法發行的銀行紙幣的保證 Cap. 66, Schedule
cover 承保 Cap. 272, s. 6(1)(b)
insurance cover 承保額 Cap. 485A, s. 8(1)(c)
to cover ... by insurance 在保險方面……受保 Cap. 71, s. 3(5)(b)
cover cover 涵蓋 Cap. 159, s. 8(2)(b)

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cover cover for margin 作支付保證金之用 Cap. 628, s. 84(1)(h)

coverage compensation fund coverage 補償基金……保障內容 Cap. 485B, Sch. 1
insurance coverage 保險保障 Cap. 159, s. 7AD(5)
coverage liquidity coverage ratio 流動性覆蓋比率 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
coverage maximum site coverage 最大上蓋面積 Cap. 123F, reg. 19(1)
covered covered bond 資產覆蓋債券 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
covering covering note 暫保單 Cap. 272, s. 2
covering facial covering 蒙面物品 Cap. 241K, s. 2
covert covert surveillance 秘密監察 Cap. 589, s. 2(1)
covert operation covert operation 秘密行動 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
coverture coverture 在法律上屬有夫之婦身分 Cap. 182, s. 14
craft a dynamically supported craft 動力承托的航行器 Cap. 602, s. 16(2)(b)
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft 《高速船國際安全守則》 Cap. 478J, s. 2(1)
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 《2000年國際高速船安全規則》 Cap. 369N, Schedule
cramdown cramdown (Am.) (破產案中)法庭強制執行的重組計劃(美) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
create a trust created 設立的信託 Cap. 76, Schedule
corporation created 設立的法團 Cap. 1, s. 54A(4)
create 訂立 Cap. 501, s. 3(3)
create 設立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
create 設定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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create a mortgage 設定按揭 Cap. 283, s. 27A

create a partnership 造成合夥 Cap. 38, s. 4(a)
create a tenancy 設立租賃 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 5
create an easement 設定地役權 Cap. 370, s. 5
create offences ... 訂立……的罪行 Cap. 405, Long Title
created 設定 Cap. 219, s. 4(1)
creates ... any disturbance 引起……任何擾亂 Cap. 382, s. 17(c)
creating ... power 設定……權力 Cap. 257, s. 3(2)
creating the charge 設立該項押記 Cap. 622, s. 333(3)
encumbrance created 設定的產權負擔 Cap. 485A, s. 70(7)
instrument creating a power of attorney 訂立為授權書的文書 Cap. 31, s. 2(1)
penalty created 訂立的罪行 Cap. 313H, reg. 4(5)
post ... created 設立……職位 Cap. 1, s. 57(3)
creation creation 成立 Cap. 229, Long Title
creation ... of an interest in land 產生土地權益 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
creation of ... easements 地役權的設立 Cap. 17, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)
creation of records 開立檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
credibility credibility 公信力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
credibility 可信性 Cap. 8, s. 22(4)(a)
credibility 可信程度 Cap. 455, s. 3(12)(b)
credibility as a witness 證人的可信性 Cap. 8, s. 22
credibility direction 可信程度的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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credibility of witness 證人的可信程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
credible credible 可信 Cap. 221, s. 9N(e)
credible witness 可信證人 Cap. 8, s. 70
credit approved credit rating agency 核准信貸評級機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
bond of cash credit 現金信貸債券 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
borrow money on ... credit 以……信用借款 Cap. 182, s. 11
cash credits 現金信貸 Cap. 33, s. 51(2)(k)
consumer credit 消費信貸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
credit 信用 Cap. 38, s. 9
credit 信貸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
credit arrangement 信貸安排 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)(i)
credit conversion factor 信貸換算因數 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
credit default swap 信用違責掉期 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
credit deterioration 信貸變壞 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
credit facility 信貸安排 Cap. 61, s. 2
credit facility 信貸服務 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)(i)
credit facility 信貸融通 Cap. 155, s. 124
credit history 信貸歷史 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
credit migration risk 信用遷移風險 Cap. 155L, s. 281
credit protection 信用保障 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
credit protection provider 信用保障提供者 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
credit quality grade 信用質素等級 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(2)

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credit rating 信貸評級 Cap. 112M, s. 1

credit rating agency 信貸評級機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
credit risk 信用風險 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
credit risk mitigation 減低信用風險措施 Cap. 155M, s. 27(3)(a)
credit worthiness 值得信貸 Cap. 406, s. 13(2)(b)
enter into a credit transaction 訂立信貸交易 Cap. 622, s. 503(1)(a)
extending credit 提供信貸 Cap. 584, s. 2
give credit as against the valuation 從估值中抵免 Cap. 329, s. 32(2)(b)
letter of credit; L.C. 信用狀 Cap. 41, s. 25C
letter of credit; L.C. 信用證 Cap. 622B, s. 2
minimum credit rating 最低信貸評級 Cap. 485A, s. 13(b)
mutual credits 相互信貸 Cap. 6, s. 35
pledges the credit of the firm 以商號信用作擔保 Cap. 38, s. 9
provision of credit 提供信貸 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)
qualifying credit rating 合資格信貸評級 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
revolving credit 循環信貸 Cap. 155L, s. 64
security for credit 信貸的保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
standby letter of credit 備用信用證 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
swap and credit protection counterparties 掉期及信用保障對手方 Cap. 628A, s. 4(4)
third party providers of credit enhancements 提供信用提升的第三方 Cap. 155L, Sch. 9
upon the credit of ... 以……為抵押 Cap. 227, s. 47(1)
credit amount at credit 貸方款額 Cap. 571, s. 242(2)
any sums standing to the credit (or debit) of ... 貸方(或借方)所記的任何數額 Cap. 1174, s. 9(2)

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carry to the credit thereof 將……轉入……帳的貸方 Cap. 372, s. 13(1)

credit 貸方 Cap. 1146, s. 8(2)
credit 貸項 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)(iii)
credit balance 貸方結餘 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
credit balance 貸方餘額 Cap. 279C, r. 11(2)
credit balance 貸餘 Cap. 6, s. 52(2)
credit into those funds 撥入該等儲備金 Cap. 601, s. 27(1)(b)
credited as 入帳列為 Cap. 622, s. 142(2)(e)
credited to ... 記入……的貸方帳目 Cap. 279C, r. 11(2)
credited to ... 記入……貸項 Cap. 571Q, s. 8(2)(f)
credited to ... 撥歸 Cap. 33A, r. 68(4)
standing to the credit of ... 存於……的貸方 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 9(1)
standing to the credit of ... 記入……的貸方 Cap. 628, s. 178(1)
credit impeach ... credit 質疑……的可信性 Cap. 8, s. 12
credit emission credits 排放配額 Cap. 311, s. 26K(2)(a)(ii)
credit credit union 儲蓄互助社 Cap. 119, s. 2
Credit Union League of Credit Union League of Hong Kong 香港儲蓄互助社協會 Cap. 41, s. 51(g)
Hong Kong
crediting crediting of interest 利息的……記入貸方事宜 Cap. 619, s. 158A(2)(a)
creditor compounding for the debt to the satisfaction of the creditor 作出令該債權人滿意的了結 Cap. 6A, r. 45(2)(a)
creditor 債權人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
creditors' voluntary winding up 債權人自動清盤 Cap. 32, s. 2
creditors who have proved their debts 已證明債權的債權人 Cap. 6, s. 72(2)

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execution creditor 執行債權人 Cap. 7, s. 104(1)

general meeting of ... creditors 債權人的大會 Cap. 6, s. 17(1)
individual creditor 個人債權人 Cap. 32, s. 285A(2)
joint creditors 共同債權人 Cap. 6A, r. 141
judgment creditor 判定債權人 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
list of creditors 債權人列表 Cap. 6, s. 87
meeting of creditors 債權人會議 Cap. 6, s. 2
net creditor 淨額債權人 Cap. 628A, s. 5(1)(c)
petitioning creditor 提出呈請的債權人 Cap. 6, s. 6(1)
prospective creditor 預期的債權人 Cap. 32, s. 179(1)
secured creditor 有抵押債權人 Cap. 6, s. 2
separate creditors 各別的債權人 Cap. 6A, r. 138
unsecured creditor 無抵押債權人 Cap. 32, s. 264
unsubordinated creditors 非後償債權人 Cap. 485A, s. 7(2)(a)
credit-sale credit-sale agreement 以信貸方式售賣的協議 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
creditworthiness creditworthiness 信用可靠性 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
deterioration in the creditworthiness 信貸能力變壞 Cap. 155M, s. 23(2)(f)(iii)
credulity credulity 輕信他人 Cap. 362, s. 13D(3)(b)(i)
crematorium government crematorium 政府火葬場 Cap. 132, s. 124D(1A)
crew flight crew 空勤人員 Cap. 537B, s. 1(1)
crime aggravation of crime 罪加一等 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
commercial crimes 商業罪案 Cap. 394, Long Title
commission of ... crime 犯罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)

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Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》
Diplomatic Agents
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
of Genocide
crime 刑事罪 Cap. 1, s. 3
crime 罪行 Cap. 2, s. 18A(1)
crime of genocide 殘害人群罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(3)
crimes of violence 暴力罪行 Cap. 564, s. 4(3)(a)
grave crime 嚴重罪行 Cap. 226, s. 4(a)
hate-crime 仇恨犯罪 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.17
organized crime 有組織罪行 Cap. 455, s. 2(1)
probability to commit crime 干犯罪行的可能性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proceeds of crime 犯罪得益 Cap. 455, Long Title
propensity to commit crime 犯罪傾向 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
public abhorrence of the crime committed 所犯罪行惹起公憤 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
wilful crime against ... 蓄意針對……的罪行 Cap. 503D, Sch. 1
crimen falsi crimen falsi ["the crimes of falsifying"; dishonesty, fraud, 與偽造、欺詐、貪污、作偽證等有關的罪行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
corruption, perjury, forgery, etc; also falsi crimen] and Commercial Law Terms
criminal adversarial system of criminal justice 對訟式刑事司法體系 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
charged with a criminal offence 受刑事控告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)

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criminal 屬刑事罪行 Cap. 425, s. 14(2)

criminal act 刑事作為 Cap. 200, s. 58
criminal appeals 刑事上訴 Cap. 4, s. 30(1)(a)
criminal bankruptcy administration petition 刑事破產管理呈請 Cap. 6, s. 74A
criminal bankruptcy order 刑事破產令 Cap. 6, s. 74A
criminal bankruptcy petition 刑事破產呈請 Cap. 6, s. 74A
criminal cause 刑事訟案 Cap. 4, s. 14A
criminal cause or matter 刑事訟案或事項 Cap. 484A, r. 5(2)
criminal causes and matters 刑事訟案及事宜 Cap. 221, s. 9(3)
criminal charge 刑事控告 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 35, Footnote 32
criminal charge 刑事罪名 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
criminal contempt 刑事藐視罪 Cap. 4, s. 50(1)
criminal contempt of court 刑事藐視法庭罪 Cap. 3, s. 32(3)
criminal conviction 刑事定罪 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 2.25
criminal culpability 刑事罪責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal culpability 刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal damage 刑事損壞 Cap. 200, s. 65, Heading
criminal damage 刑事毀壞 Cap. 503B, Schedule
criminal information 刑事告發 Cap. 221, s. 2
criminal intimidation 刑事恐嚇 Cap. 232, Sch. 2

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criminal jurisdiction 刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 461, s. 1(1)

criminal jurisdiction 刑事管轄權 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 5(3)
criminal justice system 刑事司法體系 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, Long Title
criminal liability 刑事法律責任 Cap. 581, s. 8(4)
criminal litigation 刑事訴訟 Cap. 159H, r. 5D
criminal matters 刑事事宜 Cap. 4, s. 9(1)(a)
criminal negligence 刑事疏忽 Cap. 503B, Schedule
criminal negligence causing bodily harm 刑事疏忽導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52
criminal negligence causing death 刑事疏忽導致他人死亡 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
criminal negligence causing death 刑事疏忽導致死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.73
criminal offence 刑事罪行 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
criminal offences 刑事犯罪 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30
criminal offences 刑事罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12, heading
criminal proceedings 刑事法律程序 Cap. 234, s. 20D(1)
criminal proceedings 刑事程序 Cap. 1, Long Title
criminal ... proceedings 刑事訴訟 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 87

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criminal prosecution 刑事檢控 Cap. 21, s. 18(1)

criminal prosecutions 刑事檢察工作 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 63
criminal provisions 刑事條文 Cap. 528, s. 35(4)
criminal record 刑事紀錄 Cap. 290D, Sch. 1
criminal responsibility 刑事責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.47
criminal sanction 刑事制裁 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.12
criminal standard of proof 刑案的舉證準則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal trials 刑事審訊 Cap. 3, s. 3
degree of criminal culpability 刑事罪責程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
further criminal proceedings 進一步刑事法律程序 Cap. 513, s. 4(1)(d)
joint and several criminal liability 共同及各別的刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judgment rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law 刑事民事之判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
minimum age of criminal responsibility 須負刑事責任的最低年齡 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.57, Footnote 46
offence under ... criminal law 刑事罪行 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 4(1)
persons convicted of criminal offences 刑事罪犯 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
pleads guilty to a criminal offence 承認犯任何刑事罪行 Cap. 95, s. 14A(2)

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prosecution of criminal offences 檢控刑事罪行 Cap. 628, s. 198(5)

record of criminal conviction 刑事犯罪紀錄 Cap. 486, s. 19(1A)(a)
unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction 無限民事及刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 3(2)
criminal access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
Certificate of No Criminal Conviction 無犯罪紀錄證明書 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.57
convicted of a criminal offence 判定犯罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
criminal 有罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12(2)
criminal enterprise 犯罪行動 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal enterprise 犯罪計劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal gains 犯罪得益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal gains 犯罪獲益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal intent 犯罪意圖 Cap. 221, s. 65A, Heading
criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
criminal organization offence 涉及犯罪組織的罪行 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
criminal purpose 犯罪目的 Cap. 525, s. 13(1)(c)
syndicated criminal activity 集團式犯罪活動 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal jurisdiction criminal jurisdiction 刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 87

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criminal law general criminal law 普通刑事法 Cap. 503R, Schedule

ordinary criminal law 普通刑事法律 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(c)
Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Rules Committee 刑事訴訟程序規則委員會 Cap. 221, s. 9(1)
Rules Committee
criminalise criminalise 刑事化 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminality criminality 刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double criminality principle 雙重罪責原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
greater degree of criminality 更高的刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
level of criminality 刑責程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
overall criminality 整體犯罪行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
overall criminality 整體罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
total criminality of offence 整體罪行刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
total criminality of offence 整體罪行嚴重性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminally criminally culpable 構成刑事罪行 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 6
criminally liable 負刑事法律責任 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.47
criminally responsible 負上刑事責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

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Serious Harm of a Child or

Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.36
criminate tending to criminate 傾向於導致……入罪 Cap. 8, s. 10
criteria criteria 準則 Cap. 426, s. 35(9)(a)
criteria as to merits and means 個案理據及入息方面的準則 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.36
minimum criteria 最低準則 Cap. 584, s. 2
qualifying criteria 合資格準則 Cap. 155Q, r. 25(a)
criterion representative certification criterion 訴訟代表的核證準則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.11
"superiority" criterion “優越性”準則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 9.5
critical critical financial functions 關鍵金融功能 Cap. 628, s. 4(a)
cross cross action in rem 交相對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 27
cross references 相互參照的提述 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(o)
cross liability cross liability 交叉法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross liability 相互法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross liability clause 交叉法律責任條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross liability clause 相互法律責任承擔條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross-appeal cross-appeal 交相上訴 Cap. 91, s. 16C(1)(b)(i)
cross-boundary cross-boundary conveyance 跨境運輸工具 Cap. 629, s. 2(1)

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cross-claim cross-claim 交相申索 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 11(1)

cross-default cross-default 交叉違責 Cap. 155L, s. 226T(1)(e)
crossed cheque crossed cheque 劃線支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross-examination cross-examination 盤問 參看 examination Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2
oral cross-examination 口頭盤問 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 1(3)
submit to...cross-examination 接受盤問 Cap. 161E, s. 31(4)
cross-examine being cross-examined 接受盤問 Cap. 159AE, s. 9(2)
cross-examine 盤問 Cap. 8, s. 48(a)
cross-examine ... witness 盤問……證人 Cap. 155, s. 53D(3)
cross-interrogatories cross-interrogatories 交相質詢 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3
cross-interrogatories 交相質詢書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cross-interrogatory cross-interrogatories 交相質詢 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3(3)
cross-interrogatories 交相質詢書 Cap. 4A, App. A
cross-judgment cross-judgments 交相……判決 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 16
cross-judgments for cross-judgments for money 交相付款判決 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 16
cross-jurisdictional cross-jurisdictional activities 跨司法管轄區活動 Cap. 155M, s. 16FF(4)(a)
crossover crossover offending 跨類別犯罪 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 1.20
cross-petition cross-petition 交相呈請 Cap. 91, s. 16C(1)(b)(i)
cross-proceedings cross-proceedings 反訴 Cap. 179, s. 57(1)
cross-product valid cross-product netting agreements 有效跨產品淨額結算協議 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A

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cross-section cross-section 橫截面 Cap. 621, Sch. 1

cross-undertaking cross-undertaking [cross-undertaking in damages] 反承諾〔申請強制令的一方向法庭作出的承諾:若該方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
最終敗訴,即賠償對方因強制令而蒙受的損失〕 and Commercial Law Terms
Crown lease Crown lease 官契 Cap. 1, s. 3
cruel cruel 殘忍 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 殘忍、不人道或侮辱之處遇或懲罰 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 3
United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, 《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處 Cap. 427, s. 2(1)
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 罰公約》
cruelty child cruelty 殘酷對待兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.95
cruelty contributing to death 殘酷對待而促成死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.16
cruelty to a child 殘酷對待兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.138
cruelty to animals 殘酷對待動物 Cap. 169, Long Title
offence of cruelty 殘暴罪行 Cap. 221, s. 79A
persistent cruelty 經常虐待 Cap. 16, s. 3(1)(d)
cryptography cryptography 密碼學範疇 Cap. 528, s. 273D(3)(a)
crystallisation crystallisation of the floating charge 浮動押記具體化 Cap. 219, s. 56A(1)
Cui jus est donandi Cui jus est donandi eidem et vendendi et concedendi jus est. 有權贈與即有權售賣和授予 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
eidem et vendendi et [A person who has a right to give has also a right to sell and to and Commercial Law Terms

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concedendi jus est. grant.]

Cujus est commodum, Cujus est commodum, ejus est onus. [The person who has the 有權利必有責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
ejus est onus. benefit has also the burden.] and Commercial Law Terms
Cujus est dominium, Cujus est dominium, ejus est periculum. [The risk lies upon 風險由擁有人承擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
ejus est periculum. the owner.] and Commercial Law Terms
culpa culpa [actionable negligence in civil law] 疏忽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
culpa [actionable negligence in civil law] 過失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
culpa [actionable negligence in civil law] 過錯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
culpability criminal culpability 刑事罪責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal culpability 刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
culpability 刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
culpability 罪責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
degree of criminal culpability 刑事罪責程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
culpable criminally culpable 構成刑事罪行 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 6
culpable 構成罪行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
culpable 構成罪行的 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
culpable 應受懲處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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culpable homicide 構成罪行的殺人 Cap. 503, Sch. 1

culpable homicide 應受懲處的殺人罪 Cap. 503P, Schedule
culpable misconduct 負刑責的不當行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
culpable misconduct 構成罪行的不當行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
culpable negligence 可構成罪行的疏忽 Cap. 497, s. 4(2)
cultural cultural activities 文化活動 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
culture culture 文化 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 149
enjoy their own culture 享受其固有文化 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 23
legal culture 法律文化 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.91
Cum aliquis Cum aliquis renunciaverit societati, solvitur societas. [When 任何合夥人放棄合夥,合夥即告解散 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
renunciaverit societati, any partner has renounced the partnership, the partnership is and Commercial Law Terms
solvitur societas. dissolved.]
Cum duo inter se Cum duo inter se pugnantia reperiuntur in testamento, 遺囑中有互相矛盾的條款時,以最後者為準 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
pugnantia reperiuntur ultimum ratum est. [When two clauses in a will are found to be and Commercial Law Terms
in testamento, ultimum contradictory, the last in order prevails.]
ratum est.
cum testamento cum testamento annexo; c.t.a. ["with the will annexed"] 附有遺囑的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
annexo; c.t.a. and Commercial Law Terms
cumulative cumulative 累積性的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cumulative capital contributions 累積投放資本 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
cumulative distributions 累積派發 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
cumulative rights 累積性的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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cumulative sentences of imprisonment 累積監禁期 Cap. 227, s. 44

Cunningham Cunningham recklessness [R. v. Cunningham [1957] 2QB 坎寧安魯莽〔蓄意魯莽〕 ※比較 Caldwell recklessness English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
recklessness 396; criminal recklessness] and Commercial Law Terms
curator curator 保佐人 Cap. 310, s. 3(5)
curator bonis curator bonis 財產保佐人 Cap. 6, s. 126
cure injustice ... would be cured by ... 不公正情況,可藉……而得以糾正 Cap. 227, s. 27(2)(b)
curfew curfew 宵禁 Cap. 245, s. 31(1)
curfew order 宵禁令 Cap. 245, s. 31(1)
curfew requirement 宵禁規定 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
curia advisari vult; cur. curia advisari vult; cur. adv. vult ["the court will advise"; the 容後判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
adv. vult court will consider] and Commercial Law Terms
curial curial proceedings 法庭的法律程序 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
curing title curing title 糾正業權上的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
currency currency 有效的期間 Cap. 283A, by-law 11(1)
currency 有效期 Cap. 238A, reg. 5(2)
currency 通行期 Cap. 159M, r. 10(2)
currency approved currency 核准貨幣 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
currency 流通貨幣 Cap. 65, s. 4
currency 貨幣 Cap. 34, s. 2
currency forward contract 貨幣遠期合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
currency in circulation 流通貨幣 Cap. 67, s. 8(b)

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currency mismatch 貨幣錯配 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)

currency notes 流通紙幣 Cap. 98A, reg. 5(2)(d)
currency notes 紙幣 Cap. 65, s. 3
deliver counterfeit currency notes 交付偽製流通紙幣 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
demonetized currency note 停止通用紙幣 Cap. 67, s. 7(3)
effective currency exposure 有效貨幣風險 Cap. 485A, s. 37(2)(c)
foreign currency 外幣 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong currency 港幣 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 111
lawful currency 合法貨幣 Cap. 155L, s. 51
settlement currency 交收貨幣 Cap. 155L, s. 82(4)(a)(ii)
silver currency 銀製流通貨幣 Cap. 65, s. 4
current current 流通的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
current asset 流動資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
current current 現行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
current 現時的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
current address 當時的地址 Cap. 478Q, s. 12(3)(b)
current at ... 在……仍有效 Cap. 4A, O. 20, r. 5(2)
current book value 現行帳面價值 Cap. 155, s. 119A(1)(a)
current certificate 現有證明書 Cap. 369C, para. 254
current certificate of registration 現行註冊證明書 Cap. 343, s. 5(4)

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current court rate (of interest) 法院現行的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
current days 連續日 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
current exposure 現行風險承擔 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
current object 現有宗旨 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
current ownership 當時的擁有權 Cap. 511, s. 36(2)(a)
current practising certificate 有效執業證書 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
current quarter 現季度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
current registration 現有註冊 Cap. 528, s. 151(3)
current term of office 現屆任期 Cap. 542, s. 36(2)(a)
existing or current purpose 現有或現時用途 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
expiry of ... current registration 註冊有效期屆滿 Cap. 408, s. 16(4)
current current account 來往帳户 Cap. 32, s. 265
current account 往來戶口 Cap. 344, s. 20(5)
current current 通用 Cap. 98A, reg. 21
curtail curtailed 削減 Cap. 301, s. 15(6)
curtail curtailed 終止調查 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)
curtilage curtilage 範圍 Cap. 487, s. 84(2)(a)
within the curtilage of ... ……園地內 Cap. 208, s. 10(3)(c)
curtilage covenant curtilage covenant 工地範圍契諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
custodial custodial agreement 保管協議 Cap. 485A, s. 50(3)
custodial and safekeeping services 託管及保管服務 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(k)

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custodial arrangement 保管安排 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(j)

custodial institution 託管機構 Cap. 112, Sch. 17C
custodial-related services 託管關聯服務 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
custodial custodial discipline 囚禁紀律 Cap. 383, s. 9
custodial institution 羈押院所 Cap. 510, s. 2
custodial officer 羈押人員 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.5
custodial sentence 扣押刑罰 Cap. 221, s. 83Z(a)
custodial sentence 監禁刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
custodial wards 羈留病房 Cap. 115B, Sch. 1
immediate custodial sentence 判處即時監禁 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immediate custodial sentence 即時監禁刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
preservation of service and custodial discipline 維持部隊紀律及囚禁紀律 Cap. 383, s. 9
custodian custodian 保管人 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(f)
Custodian of Property 財產保管人 Cap. 7, s. 3(1)(g)
custodian trustee 保管受託人 Cap. 1034, s. 2
official custodian 官方保管人 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
custody attempt to escape from lawful custody 企圖從合法羈押逃脫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
can be delivered into the custody of ... 可被交付……羈押或保管 Cap. 498, s. 13(2)(e)

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commit ... to custody 將……交付羈押 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)(b)

committal to custody 交付……羈押 Cap. 280, s. 4A(1)
committed to custody 被交付扣押 Cap. 221, s. 67A(1)
custody 扣押 Cap. 221, s. 5
custody 拘留 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(1)
custody 羈押 Cap. 170, s. 17(3)
deliver ... into the custody of ... 將……交付……看管 Cap. 600, s. 4(4)
delivered into the custody of ... 送交……羈押 Cap. 324, s. 11(2)
delivery into the custody of ... 交付給……羈押 Cap. 513, s. 5(2)(a)
detained in custody 加以羈押 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
detained in custody 被羈押 Cap. 200, s. 159C(7)
detained in custody 羈留扣押 Cap. 221, s. 9G(3)
discharge ... from the custody of ... 將羈押在……的……釋放 Cap. 225, s. 20A(1)
discharged out of the custody of ... 從……的看管下獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
escape from custody 非法從羈留中逃走 Cap. 503B, Schedule
escape from custody 逃離羈押 Cap. 331C, s. 8(1)
escape from lawful custody 從合法羈押逃脫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
escape from legal custody 逃離合法羈押 Cap. 521, s. 17(2)(a)(ii)
escapes out of custody 逃離羈押 Cap. 513, s. 5(3)(a)
escapes out of custody 從羈押中逃走 Cap. 503, s. 21
held in custody 被羈押 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
in custody 受羈押 Cap. 83, s. 5

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in custody 被拘押 Cap. 405, s. 3(2)(c)(ii)(A)(II)

in lawful custody 遭合法羈押 Cap. 115, s. 35(4)
in legal custody 受合法羈押 Cap. 234, s. 10(1)
in the custody of ... 在……的羈押下 Cap. 525, s. 23(1)(i)(B)
lawful custody 合法羈押 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
legal custody 合法羈押 Cap. 521, s. 17(5)
person in custody 受羈押的人 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.95
placed in the custody of ... 交由……負責羈押 Cap. 331C, s. 2
receive ... into custody 將……收納並予羈押 Cap. 6A, r. 28(1)
release from custody 從羈押中獲釋 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.136
remand in custody 還押看守 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.3
remand in custody 還押羈留 Cap. 221, s. 90(5)
remand in custody 羈押 Cap. 503, s. 10(2)(a)
remand ... into the custody of ... 將……還押,由……羈押 Cap. 280, s. 4(3)
remanded in custody 遭還押看守 Cap. 62, s. 7(2)
remanding in custody 將……羈押 Cap. 494, s. 3(3)
safe custody 穩妥羈押 Cap. 227, s. 52
surrender to custody 歸押 Cap. 221, s. 9C
take into custody ... 拘押…… Cap. 313, s. 59(2)(a)
taken and detained under your custody 已被捉拿並在你看管之下受羈押 Cap. 4A, App. A

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transfer in custody 轉解 Cap. 234, s. 12(1)

transport in custody 押送 Cap. 503, s. 20(1)
custody actual custody 實際保管 Cap. 145, s. 12(1)(d)(i)
care and custody 照顧及看管 Cap. 8, s. 81(3)
custody 保管 Cap. 1, s. 3
custody 看管 Cap. 132BC, s. 13(2)
custody of assets 資產保管 Cap. 41, Sch. 9
custody of ... document 對……文件……的保管權 Cap. 1146, s. 7(f)
deliver ... into the custody and control of ... 將……交付……保管和控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(7)
delivered into ... custody 交付……保管 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 10(7)
delivered out of the custody of ... 脫離……的保管而交出 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 13(1)
for safe custody 作安全保管 Cap. 158, s. 4(3)(b)
hand ... over to the custody of ... 將……交付……看管 Cap. 96, s. 19A
has actual custody over the body of ... 實際看管……的人身 Cap. 4, s. 22A(15)(a)
in his actual custody 由某人實際保管 Cap. 134, s. 2(2)
in official custody 在官方機構看管下 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in official custody 受官方看管 Cap. 504, s. 15(1)
in one's custody 由某人保管 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the custody ... of 由……保管 Cap. 473B, s. 7
in the person's possession or custody or power 該人所管有或保管或在其權力控制下的 Cap. 528D, r. 32(1)(b)
in the possession, custody or power of ... 由……管有、保管或控制 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 11
in their custody or power 在他們保管或權力管轄下的 Cap. 86, s. 7A(1)
lawful custody 合法保管 Cap. 603, s. 7(4)

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proper custody 妥善保管 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

para. 8.5
proper custody 妥當保管 Cap. 8, s. 18
retain custody of ... 繼續保管…… Cap. 528, s. 138(9)
safe custody 安全保管 Cap. 374, s. 103(1)
safe custody 妥為保管 Cap. 97, s. 4(1)
safe custody 妥善保存 Cap. 78, s. 11(3)(b)
safe custody 穩妥看管 Cap. 4A, App. A
under the care and custody of ... 由……看管和保管 Cap. 1078, s. 14
custody actual custody 實際管養 Cap. 290, s. 5(7)(a)
care, custody and control 照顧、管養及管束 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.5
continuous actual custody 連續實際管養期 Cap. 290, s. 5(8)
custody 管養 Cap. 4A, O. 52, r. 6(1)(a)
custody 管養權 Cap. 181, s. 18A(3)
custody dispute 管養權爭議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
custody order 管養令 Cap. 512, s. 2
has the custody ... of 對……負有管養……責任 Cap. 212, s. 27(1)
in the actual custody of ... 由……實際管養 Cap. 290, s. 5(7)(a)
joint custody 共同管養 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
jointly have custody of ... 對……擁有共同管養權 Cap. 181, Sch. 3
lawful custody 合法管養權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

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Serious Harm of a Child or

Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.42, Footnote 80
legal custody 法定管養權 Cap. 16, s. 5(1)(b)
removing ... out of the custody, care or control of ... 將……帶離……管養、照顧或管束之外 Cap. 336H, O. 90, r. 5(3)
rights of custody 管養權 Cap. 512, Sch. 1
custom Chinese custom 中國風俗 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
Chinese law and custom 中國法律與習俗 Cap. 178, s. 2
custom 風俗 Cap. 41, s. 51(a)(ii)
custom 習俗 Cap. 383, s. 2(5)
established local custom 當地成規習俗 Cap. 97, s. 16
subject to Chinese law and custom 受中國法律與習俗約束 Cap. 178, s. 7(3)
custom custom of the trade 有關行業的慣例 Cap. 71, Sch. 2
customarily customarily 慣常 Cap. 485, s. 34DD(3)(b)(ii)
customary customary 合乎慣例 Cap. 514C, s. 60(2)(g)
customary 習慣上的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
customary 照慣例的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
customary course of ... business 慣常業務運作 Cap. 48, s. 2(1)
customary discount 慣常的減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
customary international law 國際習慣法 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
customary international law 習慣國際法 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(c)
customary law 習慣法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
customary memorandum 慣用備忘錄 Cap. 329, s. 21

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customary practice 慣例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
customary range of sentence 慣常的判刑幅度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
customary sentence 慣常判刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
departure from customary discount 偏離慣常減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
is customary in ... 對……而言已成習慣 Cap. 201, s. 19
customary Chinese customary marriage 中國舊式婚姻 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
customary ceremonies 傳統儀式 Cap. 153, s. 8(1)
customary marriage 舊式婚姻 Cap. 178, s. 2
customary religious observances 傳統宗教典禮 Cap. 154, s. 3(a)
customary right 傳統權利 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(a)
customary right 傳統權益 Cap. 97, s. 13(1)
parties to a customary marriage 舊式婚姻的雙方 Cap. 178, s. 2
customer approved consumer 獲准用户 Cap. 624, s. 2
customer due diligence measures 客戶盡職審查措施 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
customers 客戶 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
potential customer 準顧客 Cap. 34, s. 7(1)
customs Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
admission of goods
customs duties 關稅 Cap. 525K, Sch. 1
customs officer 關員級人員 Cap. 342, s. 2
customs territory 關稅地區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116

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entered for customs 報關 Cap. 414, s. 23(9)

preferential customs tariffs 特惠關稅稅率 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(l)
Separate Customs Territory of ... ……單獨關稅區 Cap. 559, Sch. 1
customs traditional Chinese customs 傳統中國習俗 Cap. 178, s. 7(2)
Customs and Excise Customs and Excise Service 香港海關 Cap. 217, s. 3(b)(v)
member of the Customs and Excise Service 海關人員 Cap. 115, s. 56A(7)
Customs and Excise Customs and Excise warehouse 海關保稅倉 Cap. 109, s. 2
Customs Convention Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the Temporary 就暫時讓貨品入口而協定的暫准進口證的海關公約 Cap. 60E, reg. 2
on the A.T.A. Carnet Admission of Goods
for the Temporary
Admission of Goods
customs duty customs duty 關稅 Cap. 558A, s. 4
cut-off cut-off date 截數日期 Cap. 603B, s. 2(1)
cut-off date cut-off date 截止日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cut-throat cut-throat defence “割喉式”辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cutting edge of the law cutting edge of the law 法律先驅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cy pres cy pres rule 近似原則 Cap. 1085, s. 20
cy près rule cy près rule ["as near as"] 近似原則 Cap. 1085, s. 20
cy près rule ["as near as"] 執行饋贈時使用的近似原則〔衡平法〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cycle economic cycle 經濟周期 Cap. 155L, s. 153(b)
cycling careless cycling 不小心騎踏單車 Cap. 374, s. 46, Heading

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cy-près cy-près doctrine 近似原則 "Charities" Consultation Paper,

Preface , para. 12
cy-près scheme 近似原則機制 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 8, para. 34
statutory cy-près regime 法定近似原則機制 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
cy-près doctrine cy-près doctrine 力求實現遺囑願望原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
daily accrue daily 逐日累算 Cap. 94, s. 26
daily default fine 按日計算的失責罰款 Cap. 32, s. 301(2)
daily fee 每日費用 Cap. 28A, Sch. 3
daily pay 日薪 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
daily rate of pay 日薪額 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
normal daily business 日常業務 Cap. 155, s. 56(1)
daily rate daily rate 按日計費率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damage cause ... damage to property 引致……損壞財產 Cap. 56, s. 63(1)(b)
criminal damage 刑事損壞 Cap. 200, s. 65, Heading
damage (n., v.) 破壞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damage (n., v.) 損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damage (n., v.) 損毀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damage (n., v.) 損壞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damage to property 財產受損 Cap. 245, s. 28(1)

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damage to property 財產損毀 Cap. 470, s. 25(f)(ii)

destroy or damage property 摧毀或損壞財產 Cap. 200, s. 64(1)
doing unlawful damage to 非法損壞 Cap. 210, s. 11(2)(c)
expose ... to damage 令……受損 Cap. 313X, s. 56(3)
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 《2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Pollution Damage, 2001
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《1992年國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
Damage, 1992
International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
malicious damage 惡意損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
material damage 重大損害 Cap. 637, s. 59(3)(a)
material damage 重大損毀 Cap. 281, s. 53(1)(c)
material loss or damage 實際損失或損毀 Cap. 448, s. 8(5)
occurrence of the damage 發生損毀 Cap. 413K, s. 29(b)
pecuniary damage 金錢損失 Cap. 21, s. 24(1)(a)
physical damage 有形損害 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
physical damage 實物的損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
physical damage 實質損害 Cap. 106, s. 14
physical damage 實質損壞 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
pollution damage 污染損害 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)

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potentially damaging or detrimental to 造成潛在損害或不利 Cap. 571, s. 203C(3)(b)(ii)

rectification of damage 修復損壞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
redress ... loss or damage suffered by ... 彌補……所蒙受的損失或損害 Cap. 602, s. 70(4)(b)
remoteness of damage 損害的可預見程度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
serious damage 嚴重損害 Cap. 575, s. 2(1)
significant damage 重大損毀 Cap. 51E, reg. 2(1)
special damage 特殊損害 Cap. 21, s. 21
structural damage 結構損壞 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
substantial material damage 重大物質損害 Cap. 575, s. 11A(1)
suffering damage 蒙受損害 Cap. 413, s. 7(1)
sustain damage 蒙受損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to destroy or damage property 摧毀或損壞財產 Cap. 200, s. 64(1)
wilful damage 故意破壞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wilful damage 故意損壞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damaged damaged 破損 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Ordinance, s. 4
damages abridgement of damages (由法庭)削減損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
action for damages 要求損害賠償的訴訟 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.12
action for damages 損害賠償訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 56A(2)

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action for damages for personal injuries 就人身傷害要求獲得損害賠償的訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 56A(1)

aggravated damages 加重的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
assessment of damages 損害賠償的評估 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.43
award damages 判給損害賠償 Cap. 4, s. 17
award damages to ... 將損害賠償判給…… Cap. 4, s. 21K(4)
award of damages 損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4, s. 56A(3)
award of further damages 進一步損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 10(8)
award of provisional damages 判給暫定損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.2
award of provisional damages 暫定損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 7(2)
claim for damages 損害賠償申索 Cap. 22, s. 4(1)
common law damages 普通法損害賠償 Cap. 91B, reg. 15
compensatory damages 補償性質的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
compensatory damages 賠償性質的損害賠償 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 20
consequential damages 相應而生的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damages 賠償 Cap. 23, s. 29
damages (n.) 損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damages for bereavement 親屬喪亡之痛的損害賠償 Cap. 22, s. 4

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damages for future pecuniary loss 未來金錢損失的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
damages for past pecuniary loss 過去金錢損失的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
damages for personal injuries 人身傷害損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
damages for repudiation of contract 悔約損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damages in tort 侵權法下損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 1.2
damages of harassment 侵擾損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damages to be assessed 損害賠償(有待評估) Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 2
distinct head of damages 個別損害賠償項目 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 11(4)(b)
exemplary damages 懲戒性的損害賠償 Cap. 487, s. 72(4)(f)
exemplary damages 懲罰性的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
exemplary damages [also punitive damages; retributory 懲罰性損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8
damages; vindictive damages]
further damages 進一步損害賠償 Cap. 4, s. 56A(2)(b)
general damages 一般損害賠償 ※比較 specific damages English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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head of damages 損害賠償項目 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 11

hedonic damages 喪失在生樂趣的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in mitigation of damages 為減低損害賠償 Cap. 21, s. 3
indirect damages 間接的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
liable in damages for ... 須對……負上支付損害賠償的法律責任 Cap. 405, s. 25A(3)(b)
liquidated damages 經算定的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
liquidated damages 算定損害賠償 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
liquidated or unliquidated damages 算定損害賠償或未經算定損害賠償 Cap. 498, s. 28(8)
measure of damages 損害賠償估量 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
measure of damages 損害賠償的計算 Cap. 26, s. 53
measure of damages 損害賠償的衡量 Cap. 19, s. 57
multiple damages 倍計損害賠償 Cap. 471, s. 7(2)(a)
nominal damages 象徵性的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pactional damages 協定的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pecuniary damages 金錢損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.1
provisional damages 暫定損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(3)
punitive damages 懲罰性的損害賠償 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.90

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punitive ... damages 懲罰性……損害賠償 Cap. 487, s. 72(4)(f)

recoverable ... by way of damages ……以損害賠償方式追討 Cap. 508, s. 2(2)
retributory damages 懲罰性損害賠償 參看 punitive damages English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sounding only in damages 僅具要求損害賠償性質的 Cap. 332, s. 15(1)(f)
sounding only in damages 僅是要求損害賠償 Cap. 32, s. 263
special damages 特別損害賠償 Cap. 26, s. 56
special damages 專項損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 12(1A)(b)
specific damages 具體損害賠償 ※比較 general damages English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statement of damages 損害賠償陳述書 Cap. 336G, Appendix
substantial damages 可觀損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 11(1)(c)
total damages 損害賠償總額 Cap. 4, s. 56A(4)(b)
unliquidated damages 未經算定的損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 2
unliquidated damages 未算定損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
vindictive damages [also punitive damages] 懲罰性損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
damaging damaging disclosure 具損害性的披露 Cap. 521, s. 14(1)
damnify damnified 受損 Cap. 300, s. 7(3)
danger cause danger to 危及 Cap. 374C, reg. 9
cause danger to life 引致危害生命 Cap. 56, s. 63(1)(b)
danger 危險 Cap. 234A, r. 238(4)
danger to public health or safety 危害公眾健康或安全的事故 Cap. 541, s. 7(2)(ii)
driving causing danger 駕駛構成危險 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2

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expose ... to danger 使……蒙受危險 Cap. 98, s. 32(1)(a)

grave and imminent danger 重大及迫切的危險 Cap. 313, s. 11B(2)(a)
imminent danger 迫切的危險 Cap. 630, s. 21(3)
imminent danger to ... ……即將遇到危險 Cap. 447, s. 30(2)
in danger of life, or limb 有生命或肢體傷殘的危險 Cap. 234A, r. 238(4)
involve danger to others 危及其他人 Cap. 556H, s. 32
is a probable danger 很可能……構成危險 Cap. 627, s. 17(3)(b)
on an occasion of danger to ... 在……遇到危險時 Cap. 106, s. 10(3)
physical danger 身體……遭受……危害 Cap. 57, s. 10(a)
public danger 危害公安 Cap. 241, Long Title
real, substantial and imminent danger 真實、重大而迫切的危險 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
remove danger 解除危險 Cap. 406E, reg. 8(1)
risk of danger 可能遇到危險 Cap. 459, s. 20(1)(a)
significant danger 嚴重危害 Cap. 577, s. 24(2)(e)
source of danger to the public 對公眾構成危險 Cap. 374B, reg. 9(1)
dangerous Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
dangerous 有危險性 Cap. 167, s. 5(1)
dangerous driving causing death 危險駕駛引致他人死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.60
dangerous drug 危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
dangerous goods 危險品 Cap. 384, s. 2

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dangerous to health 危害健康 Cap. 132, s. 12(1)(a)

International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 《國際海運危險貨物守則》 Cap. 413C, reg. 2
perishable, noxious, dangerous or otherwise offensive 容易毀消、有害、具危險性或在其他方面屬厭惡性 Cap. 577A, s. 50(1)(a)
possession of dangerous drugs 管有危險藥物 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.119
scheduled dangerous drug 附表的危險藥物 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of 《聯合國關於危險貨物運輸的建議書》 Cap. 560A, s. 43(1)(c)
Dangerous Goods
dangerous hillside order dangerous hillside order 危險山坡命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
data coded data 以密碼存錄的資料 Cap. 556B, by-law 18(1)(a)
coded data 密碼資料 Cap. 594A, s. 19(1)(a)
data 資料 Cap. 486, s. 2
data access request 查閱資料要求 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
data correction request 改正資料要求 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
data processor 資料處理者 Cap. 486, Sch. 1
data protection law 保障資料法律 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.30
data protection principles 保障資料原則 Cap. 486, s. 8
data sharing 資料互通 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
data subject 資料當事人 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.20

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data user 資料使用者 Cap. 486, s. 18(5)(a)

data user return 資料使用者申報表 Cap. 486, s. 2(1)
data-protection rights 資料保障權 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.35
health data 健康資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
identifiable data 可識辨身分資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
index data 索引資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
non-identifiable data 非可識辨身分資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
personal data 個人資料 Cap. 486, s. 2(1)
right to data portability 資料可攜權 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.21, Footnote 28
scope of data sharing 資料互通範圍 Cap. 625, s. 17(1)(b)
sharable data 可互通資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
data card face data 證面數據 Cap. 625, s. 57(3)
comparability of data 數據的可比性 Cap. 628B, r. 6(3)(b)
data material 數據材料 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
electronic data recording device 電子數據記錄儀 Cap. 374A, reg. 2
publicly available market data 公眾可用的市場數據 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
running data 行車數據 Cap. 374A, reg. 2
database database instrument 資料庫文書 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
electronic database 電子資料庫 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
date actual calendar date 實際公曆日期 Cap. 614, s. 17(g)
adjourned date 押後聆訊的日期 Cap. 131B, reg. 7(1)
anniversary date 周年日期 Cap. 369T, reg. 2
application to fix a date for trial 申請編定審訊日期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
as at the date of this agreement 截至本協議簽立之日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commencement date 生效日期 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
commencement date 開始日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 交易完成日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 完工日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
completion date 完成日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cut-off date 截止日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cut-off date 截數日期 Cap. 603B, s. 2(1)
date 日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
date of adjudication 判決……作出當日 Cap. 401, s. 30(2)(a)
date of commencement 生效日期 Cap. 26, s. 62(6)
date of diagnosis 判傷日期 Cap. 360, s. 2(1)
date of entry into force 生效日期 Cap. 362, s. 2A(1)
date of execution 簽立日期 Cap. 159J, r. 8(9)
date of expiry 屆滿日期 Cap. 369T, reg. 2
date of expiry 期滿日期 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
date of first occupation 最初佔用日期 Cap. 7, s. 19(3)
date of first registration 首次註冊日期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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date of issue 發出日期 Cap. 369AW, s. 5(1)(c)

date of issue 發證日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
date of knowledge 知悉日期 Cap. 347, s. 28
date of landing 入境日期 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(5)
date of renewal 續期日期 Cap. 374B, reg. 16(2)
date of shipment 付運日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
date of termination 終止的日期 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
delivery date 交付日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharge date 解除責任日期 Cap. 577, s. 25(5)(a)
discontinuation date 中止日期 Cap. 241L, s. 2
due date 到期日 Cap. 7, s. 117
earliest possible contractual maturity date 可能的最早合約到期日 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(5)(b)
effective date 生效日期 Cap. 515A, s. 6
effective date 實施日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estimated material date 預計關鍵日期 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
even date 同日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expiry date 失效日期 Cap. 549F, s. 2
expiry date 使用期限 Cap. 138A, s. 31(2)(d)
expiry date 限期日 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
final redemption date 最後贖回日期 Cap. 64, s. 7(1)

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fix a date 定出……的日期 Cap. 473B, s. 3(1)

fix a date and place 定出……日期及地點 Cap. 453B, r. 5(1)(c)(i)
fix a date (for hearing) 編定(聆訊)日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fix a date for the hearing 擇定聆訊日期 Cap. 460, s. 18(2)(a)
full and up to date records 詳盡和最新紀錄 Cap. 51G, s. 2(7)
implementation date 實施日期 Cap. 511A, s. 2
inception date 開立日 Cap. 41J, s. 2
material date 關鍵日期 Cap. 99, s. 22(1)(b)(i)
maturity date 到期日 Cap. 571G, Schedule
milestone date 進度指標日期 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.51
nearest practicable date 最近的切實可行的日期 Cap. 6A, r. 122H(4)
nomination closing date 截止提名日 Cap. 161F, s. 2
notification date 公布日期 Cap. 529B, s. 57(3)
payment due date 付款到期日 Cap. 41C, s. 1A
polling date 投票日 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
quantification date 截算日 Cap. 581, s. 25
settlement date 交收日期 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
soonest practical date 在切實可行範圍內的最早日期 Cap. 520, s. 18(2)
the date falls on ... 該日期適逢…… Cap. 541A, s. 2A(4)(c)
the date of assent to this Ordinance 本條例獲批准的日期 Cap. 509, Sch. 5
the date on which ... ceases to take effect 失效日期 Cap. 625, s. 10(5)(b)
the date set for trial 編定的審訊日 Cap. 336, s. 77B(6)
the earliest date of priority 最早的優先權的日期 Cap. 514, s. 37E(3)

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trial date 審訊日期 Cap. 4A, O. 2, r. 5(1)(h)

vacate ... date 取消……日期 Cap. 4A, O. 34, r. 4(c)
year in which the date falls 該日期所在的年份 Cap. 138A, s. 30D(5)
date date (v.) 註明日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dated 註上日期 Cap. 336, s. 77(4)
dated draft 註冊日期的擬定……草稿 Cap. 50, s. 32C(4)
properly dated 妥為註明日期的 Cap. 343, s. 11(2)
datum datum 基準面 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
day accruing from day to day 逐日累算 Cap. 18, s. 3
black rainstorm warning day 黑色暴雨警告日 Cap. 362, s. 30D(11)
business day 工作天 Cap. 4A, O. 65, r. 5(4)
business day 辦公日 Cap. 622, s. 218(7)
business day 營業日 Cap. 571, s. 327
clear day 整天 Cap. 4A, O. 3, r. 2
clear days 整日 Cap. 466, s. 26(3)
clear working day 完整工作日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clear working day 整個工作天 Cap. 283C, s. 18
closure day 關閉日 Cap. 1, s. 71(2)
contribution day 供款日 Cap. 485A, s. 2
current days 連續日 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
day 天 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
day book 日記帳 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)

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each day 每日 Cap. 554, s. 39(2)

effective day 生效日期 Cap. 1155, s. 3
excluded day 非辦公日 Cap. 514C, s. 100A(4)
excluded day 除外日 Cap. 559A, r. 96(4)
last day of service 服務的最後一天 Cap. 380, s. 16(4)
next quarter day 下一個季度日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
non-sitting day 非開庭日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
non-working day 非工作日 Cap. 124, s. 2
normal business day 正常營業日 Cap. 584, s. 4(4A)(a)
on fixed days 定期 Cap. 98, s. 17(1)
paid sickness days 有薪病假日 Cap. 57, s. 33A(4)(a)
plea day 答辯日 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
plea day 對控罪作出回答的當日 Cap. 461A, r. 2(b)(i)
rate publication day 報價日 Cap. 629, s. 2(1)
rest day 休息日 Cap. 57, s. 2
return day 回報日 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 2(3)
return day 提訊日 Cap. 227, s. 80A(1)
sickness day 病假日 Cap. 57, s. 33(1)
standard working days 標準工作日 Cap. 316R, Schedule
surcharged day 附加費徵收日 Cap. 81A, reg. 5C(6)
the day following 翌日 Cap. 459, s. 9(4)
the day immediately preceding ... 緊接……之前一天 Cap. 59, s. 6BA(7)(c)(ii)

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the day next following that day 該日隨後一日 Cap. 138, s. 28(3)
working day 工作天 Cap. 586, s. 22(4)
working day 工作日 Cap. 57, s. 7
year and a day rule 一年零一日規則 Cap. 212, s. 33C(1)
day and year first above day and year first above written, the 上文首述日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
written, the and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse de bene esse deposition 先行錄取的證人供詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse evidence 先行錄取的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse ["of well-being"; in anticipation of a future need] 暫先處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bene esse ["of well-being"; in anticipation of a future need] 暫行 Cap. 336C, Schedule
examined de bene esse 暫行訊問 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
heard de bene esse 暫行聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
de bonis de bonis ["of goods"] 財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis ["of goods"] 遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis non letters of administration de bonis non 未作管理的遺產的遺產管理書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
de bonis non de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. ["(of) the goods not 未分配的遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administratis; d.b.n. administered"] and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. ["(of) the goods not 未作管理的遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administered"] and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis non administratis; d.b.n. ["(of) the goods not 待管遺產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administered"] and Commercial Law Terms

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de bonis propriis de bonis propriis ["of his own goods"] 遺產管理人的財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis testatoris de bonis testatoris ["of the goods of the testator"] 立遺囑者的財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de bonis testatoris ac si de bonis testatoris ac si ["from the goods of the testator if he has 如無立遺囑者財產則取遺產管理人財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
any, and if not, from those of the executor"] and Commercial Law Terms
de facto de facto 事實 Cap. 609, s. 27
de facto director 事實董事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de facto ["of fact"; in fact] 事實上 ※比較 de jure English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de facto ["of fact"; in fact] 實際上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de facto partner 事實伴侶 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.49
de gratia de gratia ["as a matter of grace"] 人情上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de jure de jure 法律 Cap. 609, s. 27
de jure ["of law"; according to law] 法律上 ※比較 de facto English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de jure ["of law"; according to law] 按照法律的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
De minimis non curat De minimis non curat lex. [The law does not take account of 法律不問瑣事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
lex. trifles.] and Commercial Law Terms
de minimis principle de minimis principle “法律不問瑣事”的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
de novo be heard de novo 重審 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
de novo ["anew"] 更始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

de novo ["anew"] 重新 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
heard de novo 重新聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
heard de novo 重審 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
trial de novo 重審 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
De similibus idem est De similibus idem est judicium. [Concerning like things the 對同樣的事物作同樣的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
judicium. judgment is the same.] and Commercial Law Terms
de son tort de son tort ["by his own wrongdoing"] 干預 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de son tort ["by his own wrongdoing"] 擅自處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executor de son tort 無權遺囑執行人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executor de son tort 擅自處理他人遺產的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trustee de son tort 無權信託人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trustee de son tort 擅自處理他人信託的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
de una parte de una parte ["one party"] 單方 ※比較 inter partes English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dead dead 去世 Cap. 98, s. 21(4)(b)
dead body 屍體 Cap. 174, s. 14(2)
dead body 遺體 Cap. 218E, s. 5C
prevention of lawful burial of a dead body 阻止合法埋葬屍體 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"

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Consultation Paper, para. 5.1,

Footnote 1
sexual activity with a dead person 與死人進行涉及性的行為 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 5.40
dead letter dead letter 徒具空文的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dead letter 無法投遞的函件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dead pledge dead pledge [also mortuum vadium; vadium mortuum] 死質押〔質押人如不履行償債承諾,即喪失抵押物的贖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
回權的一種質押〕 ※比較 live pledge and Commercial Law Terms
deadline for compliance deadline for compliance 遵從期限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deadlocked jury deadlocked jury [also hung jury] (因陪審員意見不一致而)不能作出裁決的陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deafness deafness 失聰 Cap. 469, Long Title
noise-induced deafness 噪音所致的失聰 Cap. 469, Long Title
not afflicted by ... deafness 無……失聰……的情況 Cap. 3, s. 4(1)(a)
deal deal in 交易 Cap. 132E, s. 7(1)
deal in 經銷 Cap. 528, s. 35B(6)
deal in 經營 Cap. 238, s. 2(1)
deal in ... 經營……的買賣 Cap. 81A, reg. 8(1)
dealing as consumer 以消費者身分交易 Cap. 71, s. 4(2)
deal deal with 處理 Cap. 522, s. 35(4)
deal with 處置 Cap. 298, s. 5(2)(a)
dealing with property 處理……財產 Cap. 405, Sch. 1
dealing with the charge 審理該控罪的 Cap. 318, s. 24(3)

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restrain dealing in any property ... 限制處理任何……財產 Cap. 525, s. 25(b)

dealer dealer 交易商 Cap. 571G, Schedule
dealer 經銷商 Cap. 264, s. 2
dealer 經營人 Cap. 238, s. 2(1)
dealer 經營商 Cap. 374A, reg. 40B(2)(e)
dealer in second-hand property 二手貨商人 Cap. 227, s. 47(1)
dealer's representative 交易商代表 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
exempt dealer 獲豁免交易商 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
insider dealer 內幕交易者 Cap. 571, s. 258(2)(c)
retail dealer 零售商 Cap. 134A, reg. 2
securities dealer 證券交易商 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
wholesale dealer 批發商 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
dealing business dealings 業務往還 Cap. 502, s. 21(3)
course of dealing 交易過程 Cap. 38, s. 19
dealing 交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dealing 往來 Cap. 622, s. 45(1)(a)
dealing 買賣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dealing 經營 Cap. 238, s. 10
dealing at arm's length 基於各自獨立利益而作出交易 Cap. 330, s. 2
dealing in securities 證券交易 Cap. 571, s. 274(3)
dealing in slaves 買賣奴隸 Cap. 503B, Schedule
dealing or trafficking in slaves 買賣或販運奴隸 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
dealing service 交易服務 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)

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dealings 事務往來 Cap. 177, s. 5(1)

fair dealing 公平交易 Cap. 6, s. 71A
insider dealing [also insider trading] 內幕交易 Cap. 571, s. 245
intercourse or dealings with ... enemy 與敵人……往來或交易 Cap. 346, s. 4(2)(a)
mutual dealings 相互交易 Cap. 6, s. 35
share dealing 股票交易 Cap. 112A, r. 2B
suspend dealings in any securities 暫停任何證券的交易 Cap. 571V, s. 18(1)
wholesale dealing 批發經營 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
dealing dealings 收支 Cap. 453C, r. 4
dealing fair dealing [defence in copyright cases; also fair use (Am.)] 公平處理 Cap. 528, s. 38
death arson causing death 縱火導致死亡 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
cause of death 死因 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.57
Certificate of Registration of Death 死亡登記證明書 Cap. 174, Sch. 2
civil death (arch.) (因出家、犯重罪、遞解出境等)在法律上死亡(古) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
criminal negligence causing death 刑事疏忽導致他人死亡 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
criminal negligence causing death 刑事疏忽導致死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

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Paper, para. 6.73

cruelty contributing to death 殘酷對待而促成死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.16
dangerous driving causing death 危險駕駛引致他人死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.60
death 去世 Cap. 3, s. 25(3)
death 死亡 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 14(1)
death certificate 死亡證明書 Cap. 132CB, s. 10(1)(e)
death gratuity 死亡恩恤金 Cap. 80, s. 6(1)(c)(i)
death inquest 死因研訊 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.11
death inquiry 死因研訊 Cap. 234A, r. 104(2)
death penalty 死刑 Cap. 525, s. 5(3)(c)(ii)
deaths register 死亡冊 Cap. 174, s. 2(1)
gift in contemplation of death [also donatio mortis causa; gift 預期死亡而作出的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
gift in contemplation of death [also donatio mortis causa; gift 臨終遺贈 Official Administrator, the Personal
mortis causa] Representative of the Estate of Lung
Nga Lai Elly v Kong Mei Sin & Ors
[2014] 4 HKLRD 823
gift in contemplation of death [also donatio mortis causa; gift 臨終贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
judgments of death 死刑判決 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(k)

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offence which carries the death penalty 屬可判死刑的罪行 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
penalty of death 死刑 Cap. 241, s. 3(1)
presumption of death 推定死亡 Cap. 179, s. 2
presumptive death 推定的死亡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
property passing on the death 去世時轉移的財產 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
punishable with death 可判處死刑的 Cap. 525, s. 5(3)(c)(i)(A)
punishable with death 可處死刑 Cap. 227, Sch. 2
register forms of deaths 死亡登記表格 Cap. 174, s. 4(1)
reportable death 須予報告的死亡個案 Cap. 504, s. 2
reportable death 須呈報的死亡個案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sentence of death 死刑 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(4)
simultaneous death 同時死亡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
suffered death 死亡 Cap. 229, s. 2(2)(c)
wrongful death 過失致死 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 11
death-bed death-bed and funeral expenses 臨終及殯殮費用 Cap. 4B, Schedule
debar be debarred from taking any further part 不得繼續參與 Cap. 528D, r. 27(a)
debar 阻止 Cap. 33, s. 26
debar 禁制 Cap. 347, s. 29(2)
debar ... all 全部人……受到禁制 Cap. 347, s. 29(2)
debate freedom of ... debate 辯論的自由 Cap. 382, s. 3
debenture agreements for debenture 債權證協議 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1

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bearer debentures 不記名債權證 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(1)

debenture 債權證 Cap. 49, s. 2(1)
debenture stock 債權股證 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
debenture stock bearer certificates 債權股證持有人證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(1)
debentures over ... a company 就……公司發行的債權證的情況 Cap. 405, s. 7(11)(b)(A)
register of debenture holders 債權證持有人登記冊 Cap. 622, s. 307
re-issue debentures 再發行債權證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debit any sums standing to the credit (or debit) of ... 貸方(或借方)所記的任何數額 Cap. 1174, s. 9(2)
debit 支帳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debit 扣數 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debit 借方 Cap. 1146, s. 8(2)
debit balances 借方結餘 Cap. 571B, s. 2
debit cards 扣帳咭 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
debit side 借方 Cap. 159F, r. 10(2)(a)
debited to 記入……的借方帳目 Cap. 279C, r. 11(3)
net debit balance 借方淨差額 Cap. 155, Sch. 11
debt a debt secured by a charge 以押記作保證的債項 Cap. 601, s. 26(2)
abate a debt 減除債務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admission of debt 承認債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admission of debt 債項承認書 Cap. 6B, Schedule

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antecedent debt 先前的債項 Cap. 19, s. 27(1)(b)

antecedent debt 先前債項 Cap. 48, s. 5
attach debts 對債項作扣押 Cap. 336, s. 52C(1)
attachment of debt 涉債扣押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
attachment of debt 就債項作扣押 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 1
bad debt 不良貸款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad debt 壞帳 Cap. 112, s. 16
bankruptcy debt 破產債項 Cap. 6, s. 2
book debt 帳面債項 Cap. 6, s. 60
civil debt 民事債項 Cap. 571, s. 93(13)
collateralized debt obligations 有抵押債務責任 Cap. 628, s. 74
committal for debt 因債項而交付羈押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compound for a debt (以妥協方式)了結債務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compound for a debt 就債項作出了結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent debt 或有債權 Cap. 6A, r. 99H
convertible debt securities 可轉換債務證券 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
costs of establishing the debt 為確立該債項所需的訟費 Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
debt 債務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debt 債項 Cap. 6, s. 6
debt 債權 Cap. 6A, r. 122Q(3)

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debt action 債項訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
debt capital 債券資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debt capital 債務資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debt due on demand 一經要求即成為到期須付給……的債項 Cap. 483A, s. 61
debt financing 債務融資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debt holding 債務持有 Cap. 155L, s. 145(1)(b)(vi)(D)(II)
debt instrument 債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 26A(1)(d)
debt instrument 債項文書 Cap. 485A, s. 7(2)
debt obligations 債務責任 Cap. 537AE, s. 1
debt provable in bankruptcy 在破產案中可予證明的債項 Cap. 273, s. 2(2)
debt provable in bankruptcy 破產案中可證債項 Cap. 6, s. 2
debt provable in bankruptcy 破產案中可證債權 Cap. 6, s. 2
debt security 債務證券 Cap. 112, s. 18J(4)(d)
debts 債權款額 Cap. 32H, r. 27A(5)
debts and liabilities contracted 招致的債項及債務 Cap. 622, s. 84(2)(a)
... debts provable against ... 針對……可予證明的……債權 Cap. 6, s. 44(1)
declaration of inability to pay ... debts 無能力償付債項聲明書 Cap. 6A, r. 133
discharge of a debt 清償債項 Cap. 1146, s. 2
discharge of a debt 解除債務 Cap. 111, s. 6
discharge of ... debts 解除債務 Cap. 401, s. 30(4)
doubtful debt 呆帳 Cap. 571N, s. 22

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EF debt security 外匯基金債務證券 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)

enforceable as a civil debt 可作為民事債項追討 Cap. 400, s. 21(10)
established his debt 確立其債項 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 9(2)
external sovereign debt 對外國債 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
extinguishment of a debt 債項的終絕 Cap. 111, s. 3
factor ... book debts 將……帳面債項讓售 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
false debt 虛假的債權 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(g)
formal proof of debt 正式的債權證明 Cap. 6, s. 100H(1)
joint debts 共同債項 Cap. 6, s. 38(7)
judgment debt 判定債項 Cap. 159M, r. 16
judgment debts 經法院裁定的債項 Cap. 438, s. 12(11)(b)
maximum total amount of debts 最高債項總額 Cap. 33A, r. 20(1)
mortgage debt 按揭債項 Cap. 276, s. 25(1)
mutual debts 相互債項 Cap. 6, s. 35
net debt 淨額債項 Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
non-recourse debt 無追索權債項 Cap. 112, s. 39E(1)(b)(ii)
outstanding debt 未清償債項 Cap. 41, s. 135(2)(b)
owes a debt to ... 欠下……一筆債項 Cap. 89, s. 12(2)(b)(i)
payment of ... debts and liabilities 償付……債項及債務 Cap. 32, s. 170(1)
perpetual ... subordinated debt 永久……後償債項 Cap. 155L, s. 22(2)(b)(ii)
preferential debt 優先債項 Cap. 405, s. 7
preferential debt 優先償付的債項 Cap. 6, s. 71
prisoner for debt 錢債案囚犯 Cap. 4A, App. A

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proof of debt 債權證明表 Cap. 380, s. 23(2)

proof of ... debt 債權證明 Cap. 6, s. 9(2)
provable debt 可證債項 Cap. 6, s. 2
provable debt 可證債權 Cap. 6, s. 2
public debt 公債 Cap. 571, Sch. 7
qualifying debt securities 合資格債務證券 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
recoverable as a civil debt 可作為民事債項……追討 Cap. 406, s. 27(3)
recoverable as a debt due to the Government 作為欠政府的債項而追討 Cap. 116, s. 22(3)
register of assignment of book debts 帳面債項轉讓登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 95, r. 6(1)
release of a debt 解除債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
satisfaction of a judgment debt 清償判定債項 Cap. 4B, r. 16(3)(e)
satisfaction of debts 清償……債項 Cap. 155S, r. 14(1)(b)
satisfaction or partial satisfaction of ... debt 清償或部分清償……債項 Cap. 401, s. 35(2)
secure a debt 作為償還債項的保證 Cap. 155L, s. 40
secure a debt 就債項提供抵押 Cap. 6, s. 6D
security for debt 債務抵押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
security for debt 債務保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
security for debt 對債項的保證 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 6
separate debts 各別的債項 Cap. 6, s. 38(7)
separate debts 獨有的債項 Cap. 38, s. 11
settle a debt 清繳債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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short-term ... debt securities 短期……債務證券 Cap. 29, Sch. 2

simple contract debt 簡單合約債項 Cap. 132, s. 130(6)
sovereign debt 國債 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
special debt securities 特別債務證券 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
specialty debt 蓋印文據債項 Cap. 622, s. 86(3)(b)
statutory debt 法定債項 Cap. 6, s. 38(10)
subordinated debt 後償債項 Cap. 155L, s. 22
term debt 有期債務 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4H
term subordinated debt 有期後償債項 Cap. 155L, s. 22(2)(b)(ii)
trading debt 貿易債項 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
unliquidated ... debt 未經算定債權 Cap. 6A, r. 99H
unsatisfied judgment debt 判定債項尚未清償 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
unsatisfied judgment debt 尚未清償的判定債項 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
unsecured debt instrument 無抵押債務票據 Cap. 628A, s. 13(2)(c)
unsecured debts 無抵押債項 Cap. 346, s. 6(3)
unsettled debt 未清償債務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of debt 確認或清償債務令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debtor corporate judgment debtors 屬法團的判定債務人 Cap. 4, s. 54(2)(h)(ii)
debtor 債務人 Cap. 6, s. 2
debtor for money 須付款的債務人 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 4(3)
debtor rehabilitation 恢復債務人業務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
debtor under a judgment for money 受制於付款判決的債務人 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 4(2)

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debtor's petition 債務人的呈請 Cap. 6, s. 12(1A)

execution debtor 執行債務人 Cap. 4, s. 21C(1)
insolvent debtors 無償債能力的債務人 Cap. 485, Sch. 1A
joint debtors 共同債務人 Cap. 6, s. 101
judgment debtor 判定債務人 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
principal debtor 主要債務人 Cap. 23, s. 15(2)
principal debtor 主債務人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decal decal 移劃印花 Cap. 506D, s. 10(1)(a)(ii)
decease decease 死亡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deceased deceased 去世的 Cap. 1081, s. 13(1)(c)
deceased (n.) [also decedent] 死者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deceased (n.) [also decedent] 剛逝世者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deceased (adj.) 已故 Cap. 38, s. 4
deceased officer 已故人員 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
deceased partner 已故合夥人 Cap. 38, s. 31(2)
deceased person 死者 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
insolvent estate of a deceased person 無力償債死者的遺產 Cap. 584, s. 2
personal estate of a deceased person 死者非土地遺產 Cap. 347, s. 21
the body of a deceased person 死者軀體 Cap. 278, s. 3(1)
deceased person deceased person 死者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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deceit deceit 欺騙 Cap. 78, s. 5

deceive deceive 欺騙 Cap. 415, s. 16(1)(c)(i)
deceive 騙 Cap. 41, s. 8(3)(h)
likely to deceive 相當可能會欺騙 Cap. 559, s. 11(4)(b)
so nearly resembling ... as to be calculated to deceive 與……相似至屬旨在欺騙的 Cap. 521, s. 5(1)(a)
to be calculated to deceive 相當可能會使人受欺騙的 Cap. 362, s. 9(2)
to be likely to deceive 相當可能會欺騙 Cap. 332, s. 27(1)(d)
with intent to deceive ... 有欺詐意圖而…… Cap. 324, s. 7(2)
with intention to deceive 意圖欺騙 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.19
decency commit an act outraging public decency 作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to outrage public decency 串謀作出有違公德的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
decency 莊重氣氛 Cap. 132BY, s. 10E(1)(b)
decency 體統 Cap. 234A, r. 9(2)
outraging public decency 有違公眾道德 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.22
outraging public decency 敗壞公眾道德 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper, para.
preserve decency 合乎體統 Cap. 480, s. 12(2)(b)
standards of morality, decency and propriety 道德禮敎標準 Cap. 390, s. 10(1)(a)
decent decent 合乎體統 Cap. 1156A, s. 16(1)
decent conduct 合乎體統的行為 Cap. 132, s. 116(2)(d)

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in a decent manner 合乎體統的方式 Cap. 132, s. 116(2)(b)

decent prevention of the lawful and decent burial of a corpse 阻止屍體被合法及適當地埋葬 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
deception conspiracy to procure the execution of valuable securities by 串謀以欺騙手段促致有價產權書的簽立 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
deception Criminal Proceedings
deception 欺騙 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
deception 欺騙手段 Cap. 210, s. 18(1)
evasion of liability by deception 以欺騙手段逃避法律責任 Cap. 210, Schedule
obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception 以欺騙手段取得金錢利益 Cap. 210, Schedule
obtaining property by deception 以欺騙手段取得財產 Cap. 210, Schedule
obtaining services by deception 以欺騙手段取得服務 Cap. 210, Schedule
deceptive deceptive 有欺騙性 Cap. 41, s. 119(1)(a)
deceptive 具欺騙性 Cap. 622, s. 895(1)
false, misleading or deceptive 有虛假、誤導或詐騙成分 Cap. 132W, Sch. 6A
misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular 在要項上具誤導性、屬虛假或具欺騙性 Cap. 622, s. 413(3)(b)
deceptive device deceptive device 欺騙手段 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decide be decided by a majority of votes 以過半數票決定 Cap. 112, s. 3(1)(c)
be decided by the majority of votes 以過半數票取決 Cap. 17, s. 9(5)
decide 判定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decide 決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decide without delay 迅速決定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(4)
decided in favour of ... 有利於……的決定 Cap. 359A, reg. 43(3)

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decided in favour of ... ……獲判勝訴 Cap. 559, s. 47(1)(b)

decided decided cases 判例 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 1.2
decision adverse decision 不利的決定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
affirm or reverse a decision 確認或推翻……決定 Cap. 582A, r. 31(4)
affirm the decision 維持……決定 Cap. 159, s. 6
announce ... determination or decision 公布……裁定或決定 Cap. 359J, s. 40
appeal ... against ... decision of the Registrar 不服處長……作出的決定的上訴 Cap. 490, s. 6
arbitration decision 仲裁裁定 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.2
basis of a decision 作出決定的依據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions 普通法中關於司法裁定的宣布論 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
confirm the decision of a court 維持法院的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
confirm the decision of a court 確認法院的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decision 判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decision 判定 Cap. 383, s. 8
decision 決定 Cap. 1, s. 64(5)
... decision is final ……的決定屬終局決定 Cap. 29, s. 80(2A)
decision reached in accordance with law 依法判定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 9

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decision taken by simple majority 以過半數票作出的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
decision under challenge 受質疑的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decision-maker 決策者 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
decision-making procedures 決策程序 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(c)
defer ... decision 延遲作出……決定 Cap. 311A, reg. 12(3)
deliberate and informed decision 經考慮兼知情的決定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
delivers ... decision 宣告……決定 Cap. 221A, r. 61(4)
delivery of a written decision 宣告書面決定 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5B(3)
final and conclusive 最終及具決定性的 Cap. 155, s. 119(1)
final decision 終局判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
final decision 最終決定 Cap. 571, s. 140(1)
final decision 最終裁決 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
final decision of the Court of Appeal 上訴法庭的最終決定 Cap. 484, s. 31(a)
hand down a decision 宣布判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand down a decision 發下判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hands down its decision 宣布決定 Cap. 123, s. 5(2A)
health care decision 健康護理決定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.5
impaired decision-making capacity 作決定能力受損 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:

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Personal Care" Report, para. 2.19

incidental decision 附帶決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
informed decisions 有根據的決定 Cap. 485, s. 42(1)(g)(ii)
interlocutory decision 非正審決定 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 2BA(1)
judicial decision of final effect 有確定效力之司法判決 Cap. 557, Schedule
landmark decision 重大標誌判決〔改變現行法律或確立新的法律原則的重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
要判決〕 and Commercial Law Terms
notice of decision 決定通知書 Cap. 116, s. 37(5)
personal care decision 個人照顧事宜的決定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 1.3
personal decision-maker 個人事務決定人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.50
policy decisions 決策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 56
property decision-maker 財產事務決定人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.50
quash a decision 推翻(下級法院的)判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
quash a decision 推翻決定 Cap. 485, s. 36
quash the decision 推翻該項決定 Cap. 159AC, s. 18(5)
quashing the decision ... 撤銷……決定 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 9(4)
rationale of a decision 判決理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rationale of a decision 判案的理據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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reporter of decisions 審判記錄員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
reversal of a decision 對……決定作出的推翻 Cap. 56, s. 5A(7)
reverse ... decision 推翻……決定 Cap. 311, s. 33(2)
reverse the decision of a court 推翻法院的決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reviewable decision 可覆核決定 Cap. 584, s. 33X
reviews a decision 覆核一項決定 Cap. 484A, r. 5(1)(b)
right of final decision 最終決定權 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
set aside a decision 推翻決定 Cap. 628, s. 108
set aside ... decision 推翻……決定 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.15
substitute decision maker 代決人 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
surrogate decision-making standard 代作決定準則 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.22
suspend the decision 令有關決定暫緩執行 Cap. 612, s. 16(2)
suspendable decision 可暫緩執行的決定 Cap. 349, s. 17A(4)
uphold ... that decision 維持……該決定 Cap. 485, s. 36(4)
vary the decision of a court 更改法院的決定 Cap. 40, s. 21
decisive decisive of ... 對……具決定性 Cap. 300, s. 15(1)
declarant declarant 聲明人 Cap. 428B, s. 10(3)(b)
declaration administer ... statutory declaration 監理……法定聲明 Cap. 41, s. 41C(3)
commissioner for declarations 監誓員 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.12
declaration 申報 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

declaration 宣布 Cap. 1, s. 10E(2)
declaration 宣告 Cap. 429, s. 6(1)
declaration 聲明 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 3
declaration 聲明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
declaration form 聲明書 Cap. 529B, s. 28
declaration of conformity 符合標準聲明 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
declaration of distinctiveness 成立標識性的聲明書 Cap. 159I, Schedule
declaration of inability to pay ... debts 無能力償付債項聲明書 Cap. 6A, r. 133
declaration of interest 申報利害關係 Cap. 28, s. 10O
declaration of interest 申報利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
declaration of marking 標記……聲明書 Cap. 415, s. 2(1)
declaration of parentage or legitimacy 父母身分或婚生地位的宣告 Cap. 173A, reg. 7(1A)(b)
declaration of secrecy 保密聲明 Cap. 106W, s. 2(4)
declaration of solvency 有償債能力聲明 Cap. 32, s. 233(5)
declaration of survey 檢驗聲明書 Cap. 413K, s. 9(2)(b)
declaration of title 業權聲明 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
declaration of trust 信託聲明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being 保護人人不受酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待 Convention Against Torture and
Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading 遇或處罰宣言 Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
declarations of right 權利聲明 Cap. 336, s. 52(1)
Doha Declaration 《多哈宣言》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)

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false declaration 虛假聲明 Cap. 200, s. 34(a)

in reliance on false declaration 倚賴虛假的聲明 Cap. 528, s. 35(7)(j)
interim declaration 臨時宣布 Cap. 139A, reg. 25
Joint Declaration 聯合聲明 Cap. 1, s. 3
make a declaration to that effect 作出示明此事的宣布 Cap. 576, s. 58(3)(a)
make a declaration to that effect 作出表明此事的宣布 Cap. 619, s. 97(3)
make a declaration to that effect 發表示明此事的聲明 Cap. 547, s. 79(3)(a)
make this solemn declaration conscientiously 衷誠作此項鄭重聲明 Cap. 4B, Schedule
making a declaration 作出……宣言 Cap. 233, s. 11
oath or declaration of office 就職誓言或宣言 Cap. 232, s. 26
solemn declaration 鄭重聲明 Cap. 11, Sch. 1
solemn declaration 嚴正聲明 Cap. 200, s. 42(1)(b)
stage two declaration 次階段聲明 Cap. 610A, Schedule
statutory declaration 法定聲明 Cap. 1, s. 3
take a declaration 監理某項聲明 Cap. 514C, s. 97(3)
take and receive declarations 監理和接受聲明 Cap. 510, s. 5(1)(b)
take or receive statutory declarations 監理或接受……法定聲明 Cap. 172, s. 7(1)(ja)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 世界人權宣言 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
vacancy declaration 空缺宣布 Cap. 569, Schedule
vesting declaration 歸屬宣告 Cap. 219, s. 4(2)(g)
vesting declaration 歸屬聲明 Cap. 29, s. 39(2)
vesting declaration 轉歸聲明 Cap. 1167, s. 16(2)(f)
written declaration 書面聲明 Cap. 630, s. 21(2)(b)(ii)

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written declaration 聲明書 Cap. 296A, reg. 6(1)(b)

declaration declaration 報關單 Cap. 60E, reg. 8(3)
export declaration 出口報關單 Cap. 60E, reg. 5
import declaration 進口報關單 Cap. 60E, reg. 4
declarator declarator of nullity of the marriage 宣布婚姻無效的命令 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.71
declaratory an order declaratory of ... 屬宣布……的命令 Cap. 300, s. 16(1)
common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions 普通法中關於司法裁定的宣布論 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
declaratory 宣布性質 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.102
declaratory 屬宣布性質 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 16
declaratory ... order 屬宣布性質的……命令 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 16
declaratory relief 宣布性質的濟助 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.67
declaratory relief 屬宣布性質的濟助 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
declaratory judgment or declaratory judgment or order 屬宣布性質的判決或命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
order and Commercial Law Terms
declare affirm and declare 作出宣言及聲明 Cap. 233, Schedule
declare 表明 Cap. 104, s. 45(1)(e)(iii)
declare 宣布 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
declare 宣告 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
declare 報上 Cap. 169, s. 4(1)
declare a dividend 宣布攤還債款 Cap. 32H, r. 142(3)

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declare ... vote 宣布……表決取向 Cap. 359J, s. 43(2)

declared 聲明 Cap. 494, s. 5
declared bankrupt 被宣布破產 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
declaring 申明 Cap. 132X, s. 32(2)
I ... do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm and say 本人……謹以非宗教方式鄭重、至誠及據實聲明及宣誓 Cap. 17A, Schedule
that ... ,並聲言……
I ... solemnly and sincerely declare that ... 本人……謹以至誠鄭重聲明…… Cap. 25D, Schedule
it is hereby declared that ... 現宣布…… Cap. 115, s. 13D(5)
solemnly and sincerely declare 謹以至誠鄭重聲明 Cap. 4B, Schedule
solemnly promise and declare 謹鄭重承諾及聲明 Cap. 86, Schedule
solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare 謹鄭重至誠據實聲明 Cap. 3, s. 36
solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm 謹以至誠,據實聲明及確認 Cap. 11, s. 7(3)(a)
declare declare 申報 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 47
declare ... interest 申報……利害關係 Cap. 622, s. 536(4)
declared declared election expenses 申報選舉開支 Cap. 541N, s. 2(1)
declared medium of exchange 經宣布兌換媒介 Cap. 584, s. 2
declared member 獲宣布委員 Cap. 569A, s. 2(1)
declared return 已公布收益 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
decline decline 拒絕 Cap. 490, s. 8(2)(a)
decline jurisdiction 拒絕行使司法管轄權 Cap. 25, s. 10(1)
decline to give evidence 拒絕作證 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
declines to act as 拒絕出任 Cap. 609, s. 32(3)(b)
declining to take the oath 拒絕宣誓 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
decoy decoying 誘引 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1

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decoys ... away 誘走 Cap. 212, s. 43(1)(a)

decree before the decree is made absolute 於判令轉為絕對判令之前 Cap. 179, s. 15C(1)
decree 判令 Cap. 4, s. 20(4)
decree absolute 絕對判令 Cap. 177A, reg. 4
decree ... advertised 判令……刊登公告 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 39(1)
decree nisi 暫准判令 Cap. 179A, Appendix
decree of divorce 離婚判令 Cap. 192, s. 4(1)
decree of judicial separation 法院作出的分居裁決 Cap. 73, s. 4A(1)
decree of judicial separation 裁判分居令 Cap. 16, s. 5(1)(a)
decree of nullity 婚姻無效判令 Cap. 177A, reg. 4
decree of nullity 無效判令 Cap. 184, s. 11(3)
decree of nullity of marriage 婚姻無效判令 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)
decree of separation 分居判令 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.71
final decree 最後判令 Cap. 192, s. 19(1)(a)
granted a decree 獲批出一項判令 Cap. 336F, r. 3(1)(a)
judicial decree 司法判令 Cap. 210, s. 31(4)(a)(ii)
rescission of a decree 撤銷判令 Cap. 179A, r. 56A
decree absolute decree absolute 絕對判令 Cap. 179, s. 18(1)(a)
decree nisi decree nisi 暫准判令 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(d)
decretals decretals 教令集 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decretals 教宗教令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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dedicate dedicated to the public 撥供公眾用途 Cap. 621, Sch. 1

dedicated dedicated 專用 Cap. 541D, s. 42(8A)(a)
dedicated polling station 專用投票站 Cap. 541D, s. 39(1)(a)(i)
dedicated dedicated person 受供奉者 Cap. 630, s. 2(1)
dedication deed of dedication 撥出私人地方供公眾使用的契據 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
deduce deduce 追溯 Cap. 514, s. 61
deduce 推演 Cap. 73, s. 2
deduce 推論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deduce 推斷 Cap. 22, s. 2
deduce title (to landed property) 追溯(土地的)業權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deducing any relationship 推究關係 Cap. 500, s. 2B(4)
to deduce title 追溯該所有權 Cap. 1138, s. 17
deduct deducting 扣減 Cap. 155L, s. 7(a)(i)
deductible tax deductible MPF voluntary contribution 可扣稅強積金自願性供款 Cap. 112, s. 26S
deductible deductible(s) (n.) 免賠額 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
deductible (adj.) 可扣除的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deductible amount 可扣除款額 Cap. 485A, s. 8(1)(e)
deduction deduction 扣除 Cap. 112, s. 26E(4)(d)(i)
deduction 扣減 Cap. 34, s. 4(6)
deduction allowable 可容許作出的扣除 Cap. 112, s. 16EA(7)
regulatory deductions 監管扣減 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4F
deductive reasoning deductive reasoning [also deduction] 演繹法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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deductive reasoning [also deduction] 演繹推理 ※比較 inductive reasoning English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed deed 行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed 既成之事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evil deed 惡行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed by deed under ... seal 藉蓋上……印章的契據 Cap. 1078, s. 4(2)
deed 契約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed 契據 Cap. 410, s. 2(3)
deed in escrow 條件尚待完成的契據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed in lieu (of foreclosure) 替代財產止贖轉易契 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed of appointment of new trustees 委任新受託人的契據 Cap. 128B, Schedule
deed of appropriation 撥地契據 Cap. 28, s. 10(1)
deed of arrangement 債務人與債權人和解契據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed of assignment 轉讓契據 Cap. 283, s. 17AA(1)
deed of covenant 契諾契據 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
deed of dedication 私產捐作公用契據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deed of dedication 撥出私人地方供公眾使用的契據 Cap. 621, Sch. 1

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deed of grant 批地契據 Cap. 132, s. 116(1)

deed of mutual covenant 大廈公契 Cap. 626B, Sch. 1
deed of mutual covenant 公契 Cap. 515, s. 38
deed of separation 分居契據 Cap. 112, s. 2(3)(b)
deed of settlement 組織安排契據 Cap. 622, s. 806
Deed of Submission 願受管轄契據 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.23
deed poll 平邊契據 Cap. 1062, Preamble
deed poll 單邊契據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deeds of exchange 交換契據 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
deeds of title 業權契據 Cap. 219, s. 47(1)
deeds of trust 信託契據 Cap. 1050, Preamble
deeds registration 契據註冊 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
deeds registration system 契據註冊制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
mortgage by deed in common form 普通形式的按揭契據 Cap. 123, s. 33(9)(b)
mortgage deed 按揭契據 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
prior unregistered deed 較先的未註冊契據 Cap. 128, s. 4
stopped deed 暫止註冊契約 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
sub-sub-deed 再分契 Cap. 128B, Schedule
supplemental deed 增補契 Cap. 128B, Schedule
title deed 業權契據 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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transferable by any deed or written instrument 可以契據或文書轉讓 Cap. 200, s. 84
trust deed 信託契據 Cap. 571, s. 316(7)(b)
without further act or deed 無需其他作為或契據 Cap. 1174, s. 7(2)(b)
Deed of Mutual Deed of Mutual Covenant 公契 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
Deed Poll Deed Poll 平邊契據 Cap. 1062, Preamble
deem deem 推定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deem 視為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deem 當作 Cap. 158, s. 3
deem 認為 Cap. 5, s. 4C
deem fit 認為適宜 Cap. 138, s. 30(3)
deem fit 認為適當 Cap. 5, s. 4C(6)(c)
deem just 認為公平 Cap. 310, s. 6
deemed a bill of sale 當作賣據 Cap. 20, s. 2
deemed a nullity 當作無效 Cap. 21, s. 4
deemed spouse (Am.) 推定配偶 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deemed to be 當作 Cap. 41, s. 3(2)
deemed to be necessary 視為需要 Cap. 2, s. 34
deems necessary 認為需要 Cap. 50, s. 18(1)(b)
deeming deeming provision 推定條文 Cap. 549, s. 80, Heading
deeming provision deeming provision 推定條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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deemster deemster (arch.) [a judge; also dempster (arch.)] 法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deep large, deep and active markets 龐大、具深度及活躍的市場 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 2
deface accidentally defaced 意外污損 Cap. 132AC, s. 40(3)(a)
deface 塗污 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.30
defaced 毀損 Cap. 454, s. 2(4)
defaces 污損 Cap. 415, s. 18(6)(a)
defaced lost, defaced or destroyed 遺失、遭污損或遭損毀 Cap. 478AG, s. 10(1)
defalcation defalcation 虧空 ※比較 embezzlement; peculation Cap. 571, Sch. 1
defamacast defamacast [defamatory broadcast] 構成誹謗的廣播 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defamation action for defamation 誹謗訴訟 Cap. 21, s. 3
defamation 誹謗 Cap. 21, s. 3
defamation per quod ["whereby"; defamation requiring 不明顯的誹謗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reference to additional facts] and Commercial Law Terms
defamation per quod ["whereby"; defamation requiring 非直接的誹謗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
reference to additional facts] and Commercial Law Terms
defamation per se ["of, in, or by itself"; defamation by itself] 本質即屬誹謗者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defamation arising in ... defamation 在……誹謗法……上產生的 Cap. 588, s. 54(1)
law of defamation 誹謗法 Cap. 604, s. 41(2)
proceedings for defamation 誹謗法律程序 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(b)(ii)
defamatory defamatory 有誹謗性 Cap. 21, s. 29
defamatory 含有誹謗意思 Cap. 4A, O. 82, r. 3
defamatory 帶有誹謗成分的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

defamatory 誹謗的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defamatory libels 誹謗名譽的永久形式誹謗 Cap. 227, Sch. 2
defamatory matter 帶誹謗成分的事宜 Cap. 622, s. 423(5)(b)
defamatory statement 誹謗性陳述 Cap. 21, s. 28
defamatory words 誹謗言詞 Cap. 21, Long Title
publishing blasphemous, seditious or defamatory libels 發布褻凟神明、煽動性或誹謗名譽的永久形式誹謗 Cap. 227, Sch. 2
default continued default 持續失責 Cap. 155, s. 2(16)
credit default swap 信用違責掉期 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
daily default fine 按日計算的失責罰款 Cap. 32, s. 301(2)
default 不履行責任 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
1.33, Footnote 51
default 失責 Cap. 114, s. 8
default 失責行為 Cap. 159, s. 7AA(1)
default 失職 Cap. 57, s. 32(2)(b)
default 缺失 Cap. 484A, r. 18(1)
default 違責 Cap. 571, s. 235
default 過失 Cap. 411, s. 28(2)
default 錯失 Cap. 405, s. 27(2)(a)
default clause 違約條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default fine 失責罰款 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
default in attending 沒有出席 Cap. 386, s. 13(7)(a)
default in performance 不履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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default in performance 履行上的失責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default is made in complying with the order 命令不獲遵從 Cap. 227, s. 121(5)
default notice 失責通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default notice 違約通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default of obligation 不履行義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default proceedings 違責處理程序 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
default risk 違責風險 Cap. 155M, s. 16Z(a)
default rules 違責處理規則 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
event of default 失責事件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
event of default 違責事件 Cap. 448A, reg. 15A(4)
in default 有……失責行為 Cap. 265, s. 8(2)
in default of appearance 沒有應訴 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(c)
in default of appointment 如無……委任 Cap. 1168, s. 7(a)(iii)
in default of compliance with 不遵從 Cap. 227, s. 36(4)
in serious default of 嚴重違反 Cap. 478Q, s. 3D(2)
joint default 共同違責 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(a)(iii)
makes default 沒有 Cap. 406A, reg. 40(1)
probability of default 違責或然率 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 2
serious default 嚴重錯失 Cap. 405, s. 27(2)(a)
wilful default 故意失責 Cap. 50A, by-law 47

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wilful default 故意過失 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 12

default affidavit of default on the part of the judgment debtor 關於判定債務人沒有付款的誓章 Cap. 336H, O. 90A, r. 2(8)(b)
default in payment 拖欠付款 Cap. 13A, r. 3
default in payment 拖欠繳付 Cap. 112, s. 75
default of payment 欠繳 Cap. 336, s. 82(2)(b)
defaulting mortgagor in possession 不履行還款責任而仍管有物業的按揭人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
in default 欠繳 Cap. 515, s. 15(1)
in default 拖欠 Cap. 426K, s. 9
mortgagor in default 不履行責任的按揭人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
mortgagor's default 按揭人拖欠還款 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
serving imprisonment in default of such payment 以接受監禁抵償未繳付的款項 Cap. 525, s. 28(4)(a)
tax in default 拖欠稅款 Cap. 112, s. 4(6)
default default 預設 "Class Actions" Report, para. 4.17
default collector 預定收集者 Cap. 603B, s. 31(4)
default investment arrangement 預設投資安排 Cap. 485, s. 34DF
default investment strategy 預設投資策略 Cap. 485, s. 34DB(1)(a)
default default judgment [also judgment by default] 因欠缺行動而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 8
default judgment [also judgment by default] 缺席判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in default of agreement 未能達成協議 Cap. 21, s. 25(4)(a)
in default of agreement 在沒有達成協議的情況下 Cap. 8, s. 60(4)
in default of agreement 並無……協議 Cap. 514, s. 62(4)(b)

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in default of agreement between ... as to ... 如……不能就……達成協議 Cap. 301, s. 15(9)

in default of defence 欠缺抗辯書 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 3
in default of distress 財物扣押無法達成 Cap. 227, s. 56(2)
in default of ... pleading 欠缺狀書 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(c)
judgment by default [also default judgment] 因欠缺行動而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 21
judgment in default of (acknowledgment of) service 在欠缺送達認收書的情況下作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment in default of appearance 缺席判決 Cap. 338, s. 17
judgment in default of defence 基於欠缺抗辯書而取得判決 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
order in default 在無人反對的情況下作出的命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defaulted defaulted 違責 Cap. 155M, s. 16I(a)
defaulter defaulter 失責者 Cap. 10, s. 59
defaulter 犯規人員 Cap. 374J, reg. 2
defaulter 拖欠供款人 Cap. 485A, s. 119
defaulter 違紀者 Cap. 232A, reg. 2
defaulter 違責者 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
Defaulter Report Defaulter Report 違紀者報告 Cap. 232A, reg. 11(1)
defaulting defaulting employee 未能履職僱員 Cap. 423, s. 15(2)
defaulting party 失責方 Cap. 112, s. 68AA(2)
defeasance defeasance 廢止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defeasance 廢止條款 Cap. 20, s. 9(1)(c)
defeasance 撤銷 Cap. 7, s. 134
defeasance to a bond 撤銷擔保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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defeasible defeasible 可予廢除 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
defeasible interest 可廢除權益 Cap. 329, s. 7(1)
defeat defeat 消除 Cap. 273, s. 4
defeat 推翻 Cap. 23, s. 21(1)(a)
defeat a title 廢止……業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
defeat or delay the ends of justice 妨礙或拖延達到公正的目的 Cap. 233, s. 25
defeat the claim 令有關申索失敗 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
defeat the ends of justice 有礙公正 Cap. 226, s. 4(c)
defeat the trust 破壞該信託 Cap. 210, s. 6(2)
defeated 不得進行 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(1)
defeated 敗訴 Cap. 23, s. 21(1)
defeating 令……失卻意義 Cap. 481, s. 12(2)(a)
defeating 令……失敗 Cap. 192, s. 17(1)(a)
defeating 打擊 Cap. 192, s. 29AK(1)(d)
defeating 使……無效 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
defeating 廢止 Cap. 48, s. 11
defect defect 不妥善之處 Cap. 467, s. 6(4)
defect 不準確的地方 Cap. 516, s. 19(5)(d)
defect 欠妥 Cap. 159, s. 16(1)
defect 欠妥之處 Cap. 10, s. 57(1)
defect 缺失 Cap. 4A, O. 20, r. 8(1)
defect 缺陷 Cap. 8, s. 68(6)

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defect 缺點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
defect in title 業權欠妥問題 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 7
defect in ... title 所有權欠妥 Cap. 210, s. 4(2)
defect of title 所有權欠妥之處 Cap. 19, s. 38
defect of title 所有權有缺點 Cap. 26, s. 25
defect of title 所有權(的)缺點 Cap. 26, s. 25
defects will be made good 解決貨品欠妥的問題 Cap. 71, s. 10(2)(b)
formal defect 形式上的缺點 Cap. 6, s. 124(1)
inherent defect 本質上欠妥 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inherent defect 固有的缺陷 Cap. 462, Schedule
inherent defect 固有缺陷 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
latent defect 潛在的欠妥之處 Cap. 436, s. 18
latent defect 潛在缺陷 Cap. 462, Schedule
make good a defect 把欠妥之處修復 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
material defect 重大欠妥之處 Cap. 413K, s. 21
material defect 重大缺失 Cap. 2, s. 16(2)(d)
mental defect 精神上缺陷 Cap. 23, s. 22A(4)
minor defects 輕微缺點 Cap. 26, s. 2(5)(c)
outstanding defect 未修妥的缺損 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
patent defect 明顯欠妥之處 Cap. 313X, s. 28(1)

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physical ... defect 身體上……缺陷 Cap. 23, s. 22A(4)

significant defect 重大的欠妥之處 Cap. 506D, s. 7(3)
defect defect of reason 喪失理智 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defective defective 不完備 Cap. 68, s. 13(1)(b)
defective 欠妥 Cap. 71, s. 10(1)(a)
defective 欠妥善 Cap. 238, s. 2(4)
defective 有欠妥之處 Cap. 473B, s. 8(1)
defective 有缺陷 Cap. 436D, s. 20(1)(e)
defective charge 欠妥的控罪書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defective deliveries 交付不妥 Cap. 26, s. 33(2)
defective document 欠妥文件 Cap. 161F, s. 24(1)
defective information 欠妥的告發書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defective or damaged condition 欠妥或損壞的狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mentally defective person 精神不健全的人 Cap. 276, s. 22
defence a defence afforded by this section 本條授予的免責辯護 Cap. 287, s. 4(3)
a defence to criminal charges 刑事控罪免責辯護 Cap. 200, s. 64(5)
assume the defence of their rights 自行辯護其權利 Cap. 557, Schedule
balancing prosecution and defence evidence 衡量控辯雙方的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
"close-in-age" defence “年齡相近”免責辯護 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.22

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cut-throat defence “割喉式”辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
defence 免責辯護 Cap. 200, s. 26
defence 抗辯 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(ii)
defence 抗辯理由 Cap. 500, Sch. 1A
defence 抗辯理據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence 答辯 Cap. 232A, reg. 7
defence 辯方 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)
defence 辯方理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence 辯護 Cap. 336, s. 87(e)
defence case 辯方案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence case 辯方論據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence costs 辯方訟費 Cap. 492, s. 3, Heading
defence evidence 辯方提證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence evidence 辯方證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence of absolute privilege 絕對特權免責辯護 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(b)(ii)
defence of alibi 以不在犯罪現場為辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence of alibi 以不在犯罪現場為辯護理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence of claim of right 以聲稱擁有權利作為辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
defence of fair comment [also rolled up plea] 以公允評論為理由的抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of ... is pleaded 所訴的抗辯是…… Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of money already paid 以款項已付為理由的抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of necessity 以迫不得已為理由的抗辯〔如緊急自衞、緊急避難等〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of non assumpsit ["he did not promise"] 否認曾作承諾或有契約義務的抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of non est factum ["not my deed"] 否認曾訂立合約(或聲稱簽署文件時不知道文件內容) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
的抗辯 and Commercial Law Terms
defence of plene administravit ["he has fully administered"] 以遺產已予全部處理為理由的抗辯 參看defence of plene English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
administravit and Commercial Law Terms
defence of reasonable diligence 以合理的努力作為免責辯護 Cap. 60A, reg. 6E, Heading
defence of set-off 以抵銷作為抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 17
defence of set-off 以抵銷為免責辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence of set-off 抵銷的抗辯 Cap. 336, s. 41(3)(b)
defence of tender 已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of tender before action 在訴訟前已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 16
defence of tender before action 訴訟前已提供付款的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 22, r. 19(3)
defence to ... counter-claim 對反申索的抗辯 Cap. 609, s. 2(3)(b)
defence witness 辯方證人 Cap. 394, s. 16(2)(a)
establishes the defence 確立……免責辯護 Cap. 466, s. 26(2)
excluding any defence of ... 令……免責辯護不得提出 Cap. 528, s. 59(2)

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full answer and defence 全面答辯及抗辯 Cap. 227, s. 16(1)

good defence 充分的免責辯護 Cap. 227, s. 126(2)
good defence 好的免責辯護 Cap. 336, s. 71(3)
ground of defence 抗辯理由 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(2)
has no defence to ... 對……無法抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(1)
incredible defence 不可信的辯護理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
It is a defence to the charge for the person to establish that ... 如上述的人證明……即為對上述控罪的免責辯護 Cap. 354, s. 18(4)
It is not a defence for a person charged with ... to show that ... 即使被控犯……的人證明……,亦不構成該人的免責辯 Cap. 459, s. 6(4)

marital defence 婚姻關係免責辯護 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.4
offered in defence 提出作為辯護 Cap. 499, s. 19(10)(b)
partial defence 局部免責辯護 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.44
preparation of ... defence 準備答辯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(b)
reasonable (ground of) defence 合理的抗辯理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rely on the defence 援引該項免責辯護 Cap. 311W, s. 18(2)
right of defence 抗辯權利 Cap. 508, s. 4(2)
second line of defence 第二線的抗辯理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
set up as a defence that ... 提出……作為免責辯護 Cap. 21, s. 4

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similarity-in-age defence “年齡相若”免責辯護 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.21
statutory defence 法定免責辯護 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statutory defence 法定的免責辯護理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
strike out a defence 將答辯剔除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
striking out of defence 剔除抗辯 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
substantial defence 實質的抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 4(3)(b)
sufficient defence 充分的免責辯護 Cap. 479, s. 10(5)
take away ... any defence 取消……免責辯護 Cap. 21, s. 7(3)(c)
take over the defence 接手抗辯 Cap. 365, s. 25A(a)
taken to have established a fact that needs to be established for 視為已證明需要就上述免責辯護而證明的事實 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)
the defence
testify in one's own defence 在替自己辯護時作供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
there is no defence 無可抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 77, r. 7(2)
there is no defence to (the action) (該宗訴訟)是無可抗辯的 Cap. 4A, O. 86, r. 2
this Ordinance had been pleaded in defence 以本條例抗辯 Cap. 347, s. 20(3)
without prejudice to his defence 並不損害其抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(1)
defence defence 抗辯書 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 6(2)
defence response 答辯書 Cap. 394, s. 2
defence to counterclaim 反申索的抗辯書 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 3(2)

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in default of defence 欠缺抗辯書 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 3

judgment in default of defence 基於欠缺抗辯書而取得判決 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
statement of defence 抗辯陳述書 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.62
statement of defence 答辯書 Cap. 609, s. 34(1)
statement of defence 答辯陳述書 Cap. 571F, s. 23
statement of defence 辯護書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defence civil defence purposes 民防用途 Cap. 436D, s. 3(2)
defence 防務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
defence 防衞 Cap. 575, s. 21(2)(a)
defence 國防 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
defence purposes 防務用途 Cap. 436D, s. 3(2)
in his own defence 出於自衞 Cap. 212, s. 8
national defence 國防 Cap. 448, s. 2A(3)(a)
defend come and defend [also venit et defendit] 出庭辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
come and defend [also venit et defendit] 前來辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defend 抗辯 Cap. 8, s. 81(1)
defend 答辯 Cap. 6, s. 61(b)
defend 辯護 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defend ... 就……作抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 2(2)
defend himself in person 親自答辯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
defend himself ... through legal assistance of his own choosing 由其選任辯護人答辯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)

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defend sb.'s rights 維護某人的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
defend the action 就該訴訟作抗辯 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 1(1)
defending ... proceedings 在法律程序中抗辯 Cap. 91, s. 10(3)
notice of intention to defend 擬抗辯通知書 Cap. 4, s. 21F(10)(a)
defendant added as a defendant 加入成為被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 10(3)
added defendant 新加入被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 10(3)
closure for defendants 為被告人鎖定爭議 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.31
costs awarded against the defendant 判被告人繳付的訟費 Cap. 237, s. 2
defendant 被告人 Cap. 227, s. 56(1)
defendant firm 被告商號 Cap. 4A, O. 81, r. 4(2)
defendant in the original proceedings 原訟法律程序的被告人 Cap. 319, s. 6(3)(c)
defendant squatter 擅自佔地的被告人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
6.22, Footnote 26
enter judgment against the defendant 登錄被告人敗訴的判決 參看 enter judgment English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
give the defendant the benefit of doubt 疑點利益歸於被告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joined as a defendant 加入成為被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 113, r. 5
person added as a defendant 加入成為被告人的人 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 10(3)
potential defendant 準被告人 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.32
qualifying defendant 具資格被告人 Cap. 471, s. 8(1)
unnamed defendant 不指名的被告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

unnamed defendant 隱名的被告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defended defended cause 有抗辯訴訟 Cap. 179A, r. 2(2)
defensive defensive or military purposes 防衞或軍事目的 Cap. 265, s. 19
defensive trade mark 防禦商標 Cap. 559A, r. 2(3)
domestic or defensive purposes 家務或防衞用途 Cap. 245, s. 32(2)(a)
defer defer [deference (n.)] 敬服 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defer [deference (n.)] 遵從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defer [deference (n.)] 聽從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defer defer 延遲 Cap. 127, s. 8(1)(b)
defer 延遲處理 Cap. 311, s. 58(1)(b)
defer 押後 Cap. 426, s. 14(2)
defer 推遲 Cap. 227, s. 79(1)(a)
defer ... decision 延遲作出……決定 Cap. 311A, reg. 12(3)
defer payment of ... 延期支付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defer payment of ... 延遲發放 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defer sentence 押後判刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defer the determination 將……裁定押後 Cap. 123N, s. 12(3)(d)
defer [deferment; deferral (n.)] 延緩 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

defer [deferment; deferral (n.)] 展期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
deferred pay 延付薪酬 Cap. 112, s. 11D(b)(i)
deferred pension 延付退休金 Cap. 89, s. 12(2)(a)
deferred tax 遞延稅項 Cap. 155L, s. 43(1)(a)
deferral deferral of transfer of records 延遲移交檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.8
deferred qualifying deferred annuity policy 合資格延期年金保單 Cap. 112, s. 26N(1)
deficiency deficiency 不足之處 Cap. 374G, reg. 24(1)
deficiency 不足之數 Cap. 98, s. 21(6)
deficiency 不敷之數 Cap. 282, s. 46(2)
deficiency 毛病 Cap. 374A, reg. 18(1)
deficiency 短缺 Cap. 109A, reg. 99(1)
deficiency 虧絀 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
deficiency in quantity 分量不足 Cap. 478, s. 98(1)
deficiency ... rectified 缺失……獲糾正 Cap. 413K, s. 29A(8)
dividend deficiency account 股息不敷帳目 Cap. 279C, r. 11(5)(a)
fault or deficiency 缺失或不足之處 Cap. 604, s. 8(1)(c)
supply of deficiencies 補缺 Cap. 41, s. 20(4)
deficient authority is deficient 授權……有欠完備 Cap. 32, s. 207A(4)(b)
authority is deficient 權限……不足 Cap. 6A, r. 122ZJ(3)
deficient 不足 Cap. 98, s. 11
deficit deficit 赤字 Cap. 622, s. 293(2)(b)
defile defile 弄污 Cap. 374D, reg. 46(1)(d)
defile 弄髒 Cap. 476A, s. 9(1)(a)

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define as defined in ... ……所界定的 Cap. 112, s. 16(2B)(b)

define 下定義 Cap. 1, Long Title
defined 界定 Cap. 406, s. 21(1)(e)
defined areas 界定範圍 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(j)
defined benefit scheme 界定利益計劃 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
defined contribution scheme 界定供款計劃 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
defining his rights 界定他……的權利 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
defined defined legal relationship 確定的法律關係 Cap. 609, s. 103D(2)
definite definite ... period 限定期間 Cap. 494, s. 36(3)(b)
of definite ... duration 有確定限期 Cap. 252, s. 2
definition definition 定義 Cap. 1, s. 3
definition 界定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
definition 說明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
excluded from the definition of ... 不包括在……的定義範圍內 Cap. 201B, para. 3
fallen within the definition of ... 符合……的定義 Cap. 493, s. 40(1)(a)
falling within the definition of ... ……定義範圍內的 Cap. 212, s. 9A(1)
included in the definition of ... 包括在……的定義內 Cap. 90, s. 4(a)
legal definition 法律定義 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
lexical definition 詞匯定義〔詞典式全面解釋的詞義〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statutory definition 法定定義 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.5

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

stipulative definition 訂明定義〔在法例、文件中特別界定的詞義〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
within the definition of ... ……的定義所指的 Cap. 106V, s. 2(1)
defraud an intent to defraud 欺詐意圖 Cap. 200, s. 92
conspiracy to defraud 串謀行騙 Cap. 503B, Schedule
conspiracy to defraud 串謀欺詐 Cap. 200, s. 159C(6)
conspiracy to defraud 串謀詐騙罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defraud 欺詐 Cap. 29, s. 95
defraud 詐取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defraud 詐騙 Cap. 622, s. 863(3)
defraud 騙取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
with intent to defraud 意圖欺詐 Cap. 200, s. 86
with intent to defraud 意圖詐騙 Cap. 571, s. 151(4)
with intent to defraud ... 出於詐騙……的意圖 Cap. 615, s. 5(8)
without intent to defraud 無詐騙意圖 Cap. 362, s. 7(3)
defray defray 支付 Cap. 91, s. 9(f)
defrayed 扣除 Cap. 64, s. 4(4)
defunct defunct 已故的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defunct 已倒閉的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defunct 非現存的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

defunct company 不營運公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
defunct marriage 名存實亡的婚姻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
degradation fear, degradation or harm 恐懼、低貶或傷害 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.26
degrading cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 殘忍、不人道或侮辱之處遇或懲罰 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 3
degrading 有辱人格 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, 《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處 Cap. 427, s. 2(1)
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 罰公約》
degree appropriate degree 適度 Cap. 155, s. 7(2)(g)(i)
are within the prohibited degrees of kindred or affinity 血親或姻親關係是在親等限制以內 Cap. 179, s. 20(1)(a)(i)
degree 階層 Cap. 221C, r. 6(1)
degree of care 謹慎程度 Cap. 314, s. 3(3)
degree of criminal culpability 刑事罪責程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
degree of discount 減刑的幅度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
degree of incompetence 失職程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
degree of involvement 參與的程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
entitled in the same degree 享有相同等級優先權 Cap. 10A, r. 31(2)
first degree murder 一級謀殺 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure

781 / 3.093
Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.

greater degree of criminality 更高的刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
high degree of autonomy 高度自治 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 2
material degree 關鍵程度 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
prohibited degrees 親等限制 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.22
related ... in ... degree 具……親等關係的 Cap. 290, s. 15(2)(c)
second degree murder 二級謀殺 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
sufficient degree of exclusive physical control 充分程度的獨有及實質控制 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
to take through all degrees, according to their stocks 按照其家系親等而承受…… Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(a)
del credere del credere agent (擔保買方支付能力的)保付貨價代理人 參看 del English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
credere and Commercial Law Terms
del credere agreement 擔保買方支付能力的協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
del credere ["of belief or trust"] (對買方)支付能力的保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delay avoidable delay 可避免的延誤 Cap. 98, s. 20
decide without delay 迅速決定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(4)
delay 延誤 Cap. 98, s. 7(1)
delay 拖延 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delay 耽擱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

delays 延滯 Cap. 51, s. 27(5)(a)
delays 阻延 Cap. 56, s. 55(1)(i)
improper delay 不當延誤 Cap. 159, s. 61(2)
inordinate delay 過份拖延 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
significant delay 嚴重延遲 Cap. 525M, Sch. 1
tried without undue delay 立即受審,不得無故稽延 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(c)
undue delay 不當延誤 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(c)(vi)
undue delay 不當延遲 Cap. 32, s. 207E(2)(b)
undue delay 無故拖延 Cap. 541J, s. 36(1)
unreasonable delay 不合理的延遲 Cap. 5, s. 4(3)(a)
unreasonable delay 不合理的延擱 Cap. 1, s. 70
without delay 不作延誤 Cap. 159F, r. 6A(1)
without delay 不作延擱地 Cap. 628, s. 47(1)
without delay 不延誤地 Cap. 556B, by-law 41L
without delay 不得延擱 Cap. 313A, reg. 29(2)
without delay 及時 Cap. 413Q, s. 8(2)(a)
without undue delay 在沒有不當延遲的情況下 Cap. 582A, r. 3(4)(b)
without unreasonable expense or delay 在不承受不合理支出或不合理延誤的情況下 Cap. 622, s. 292(6)(b)
delay defeat or delay the ends of justice 妨礙或拖延達到公正的目的 Cap. 233, s. 25
delay 延遲 Cap. 519, s. 33(2)
delay 延遲處理 Cap. 98, s. 12
delay the trial 延遲審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 5(1)

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unduly delay 不當地阻延 Cap. 581, s. 27(4)(d)(ii)

wilfully obstructs or delays 故意妨礙或阻延 Cap. 603, s. 10(1)
delegable delegable function 可轉委職能 Cap. 29, s. 21(4)
delegate delegate 獲……轉授權力或職能的人 Cap. 478, s. 125(3)
delegate (n.) 受委人 Cap. 132, s. 125
delegate (n.) 獲轉授人 Cap. 155, s. 53C
delegate (n.) 獲轉授權力的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delegate (v.) 轉委 Cap. 1097, s. 10
delegate (v.) 轉授 Cap. 342, s. 19I
delegate ... functions 將……職能轉授 Cap. 1145, s. 9(3)
delegated 轉授予 Cap. 601, s. 8(2)(b)
delegated authority 轉授的權力 Cap. 1, s. 3
delegated power 獲轉授的權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delegated a function purportedly delegated or sub-delegated ... 看來是……轉授或再轉授的職能 Cap. 601, s. 40
delegated duties 獲轉授的責任 Cap. 155, s. 53C(12)(a)
delegated ... functions 既授職務 Cap. 398, Schedule
delegated powers 既授權力 Cap. 398, Schedule
delegated powers 獲轉授的權力 Cap. 155, s. 53C(12)(a)
delegation delegation 委派 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delegation 轉委 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delegation 轉授 Cap. 1, s. 44(1)(c)

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delegation 權力轉授 Cap. 2, s. 8(3)

instrument of delegation 轉授文書 Cap. 589, s. 53A(3)
power of delegation 轉委權 Cap. 29, s. 27(6)
power of delegation 轉授權 Cap. 389, s. 6(1)
written delegation 書面轉授 Cap. 498, s. 2
Delegatus non potest Delegatus non potest delegare. [A delegate cannot sub- 代理人不得委託他人代理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
delegare. delegate.] and Commercial Law Terms
delete delete whichever is inapplicable 刪去不適用者 Cap. 17A, Schedule
deleted 刪除 Cap. 324, s. 5(4)
deleterious deleterious substance 有害的物質 Cap. 98, s. 30
deliberate deliberate 商議 Cap. 359J, s. 46(1)
deliberate and informed decision 經考慮兼知情的決定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
deliberated 審議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 17
deliberate deliberate (adj.) 故意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliberate (adj.) 蓄意 Cap. 466, s. 2
deliberate lie 蓄意編造的謊言 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
deliberate omission 故意的不作為 Cap. 527, s. 2(1)
deliberately deliberately 故意 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.49
deliberately 故意地 Cap. 486, s. 66A(2)(b)

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deliberately 蓄意 Cap. 528, s. 40(3)

deliberately omitting to offer ... 故意不……提供…… Cap. 602, s. 17(1)(c)
deliberation deliberation 議事會 Cap. 1, s. 52(3)
deliberation [deliberate (v.)] 商議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliberation [deliberate (v.)] 慎重考慮 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliberation [deliberate (v.)] 審議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury deliberations 陪審團的商議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
private deliberations 閉門商議紀錄 Cap. 220, s. 9(1A)
deliberative deliberative vote 投普通票 Cap. 1145, Schedule
delict delict 不法行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delict 侵權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delimitation delimitation 劃分 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
delineate delineate 勾劃輪廓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delineate 劃定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delineate particularly 具體地劃定範圍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delineate the boundary of an area 劃定某地區的界線 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delineating 勾劃 Cap. 473, s. 30(1)(a)

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delineating 描繪 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(v)

more particularly delineated and described 更具體地劃定和描述 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
delineation delineation 劃定 Cap. 498, Long Title
delinquency delinquency ratio 拖欠比率 Cap. 155L, s. 273(3)
delirium delirium 精神錯亂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliver can be delivered into the custody of ... 可被交付……羈押或保管 Cap. 498, s. 13(2)(e)
deliver 交付 Cap. 68, s. 2
deliver 送遞 Cap. 541J, s. 9
deliver 移交 Cap. 374, s. 93(4)(b)
deliver counterfeit currency notes 交付偽製流通紙幣 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
deliver interrogatories 交付質詢書 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(e)
deliver ... into the custody and control of ... 將……交付……保管和控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(7)
deliver ... into the custody of ... 將……交付……看管 Cap. 600, s. 4(4)
deliver up vacant possession (of ... ) 交回……在空置情況下的管有 Cap. 7, s. 53
deliver vacant possession 交出空置土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
7.21, Footnote 16
delivered 提交 Cap. 406, s. 41(5)
delivered a defence 遞交答辯書 Cap. 394, s. 13(2)(a)
delivered into ... custody 交付……保管 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 10(7)
delivered into the custody of ... 送交……羈押 Cap. 324, s. 11(2)
delivered out of the custody of ... 脫離……的保管而交出 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 13(1)
delivered personally 面交 Cap. 279, s. 91(1)(a)

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delivered up vacant possession (of ... ) 交回(……的)在空置情況下的管有 Cap. 545, s. 11

delivering 專人……交付 Cap. 519, s. 44(3)(b)
delivering ... personally to ... 將……面交…… Cap. 313, s. 78(1)(a)
delivers any message 傳遞任何訊息 Cap. 106, s. 23
signed, sealed and delivered 簽署、蓋章和交付 Cap. 6B, Schedule
deliver deliver 宣告 Cap. 4, s. 11
deliver 發表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliver ... determination 宣告……裁定 Cap. 25, s. 22(1)
deliver judgment 宣判 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliver judgment 宣告判決 Cap. 4, s. 11
delivered orally 以口述方式宣告 Cap. 336, s. 80(1)
delivers ... decision 宣告……決定 Cap. 221A, r. 61(4)
deliver up deliver up 交出 Cap. 414, s. 16(4)
deliver up 交回 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 4(3)
deliver up 交還 Cap. 227, s. 47(2)
deliver up possession of ... to ... 將……的管有權,交予…… Cap. 6, s. 26(4)
deliver up vacant possession of the premises 交回處所在空置情況下的管有 Cap. 7, s. 53(7F)(b)
deliverable deliverable state 可交付狀態 Cap. 26, s. 2(4)
deliverable state deliverable state (of goods) (貨品的)可交付狀態 Cap. 26, s. 20
deliverables deliverables 可交付的項目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliverables (研究項目、計劃等)所得成果 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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delivery advice of delivery of ... 派遞……通知書 Cap. 98A, reg. 16(2)

cash on delivery parcel 代收貨價包裹 Cap. 98A, reg. 18(1)
defective deliveries 交付不妥 Cap. 26, s. 33(2)
delivery 交 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
delivery 交付 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
delivery 派遞 Cap. 98, s. 2(2)(c)
delivery 送交 Cap. 311L, s. 3(5)(b)
delivery 移送 Cap. 227, s. 85A(1)(a)
delivery by due course of law 循正常的法律途徑移送 Cap. 227, s. 85A(1)(a)
delivery by hand 由專人交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delivery date 交付日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delivery into the custody of ... 交付給……羈押 Cap. 513, s. 5(2)(a)
delivery note 送貨單 Cap. 68, s. 17(3)
delivery of a deed in escrow 條件尚待完成的契據的交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delivery of possession 將管有交付 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 1(1)(d)
effect delivery of documents 完成文件的交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
goods ... take delivery of 收貨 Cap. 26, s. 33(2)
manual delivery 人手交付 Cap. 6, s. 53(1)
order for delivery up 交付令 Cap. 445, s. 8(2)
order for the delivery of goods 交貨單 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
payment and delivery obligations 付款及交付義務 Cap. 628A, s. 8(2)(a)

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physical delivery 實物交付 Cap. 511D, s. 30(1)

recorded delivery 記錄派遞 Cap. 98A, reg. 5(4)
recorded delivery 記錄派遞方式 Cap. 498, s. 23(2)(a)
remedy of delivery up 以交付作補救 Cap. 528, s. 109(2)
served on delivery 於送交時送達 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take delivery of 提取 Cap. 294, s. 2(2)(b)
take delivery of the goods 提貨 Cap. 26, s. 39
take or give delivery of ... 收取或交付 Cap. 296A, reg. 9(2)
takes delivery of any message 收取任何……訊息 Cap. 106, s. 23
transferable ... by delivery and endorsement 可用交付與背書的形式轉讓 Cap. 29, s. 2
transferable by delivery (with or without endorsement) 可藉交付(不論是否有背書)而轉讓 Cap. 485A, s. 10(e)
transferor by delivery 以交付方式轉讓匯票的移轉人 Cap. 19, s. 58(1)
warrants ... for the delivery of goods 交貨授權證 Cap. 20, s. 2
writ of delivery 交付令狀 Cap. 4, Schedule
writ of delivery 歸還財產令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of specific delivery 強制交付令狀 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 4(1)(a)
wrongful delivery 非法交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
delivery delivery 宣告 Cap. 336, s. 80(1)
delivery of a written decision 宣告書面決定 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5B(3)
delivery of the judgment 宣告判決 Cap. 484A, r. 45(1)
delivery of the judgment 宣讀判詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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delivery of verdict 宣告裁決 Cap. 221, s. 123(1A)(a)(iii)

delivery of verdict 宣讀裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
demand bank notes payable to bearer on demand 憑票要求付款予持票人的銀行紙幣 Cap. 65, s. 3(4)
cross demand 反要求 Cap. 6A, r. 48(5)(a)
debt due on demand 一經要求即成為到期須付給……的債項 Cap. 483A, s. 61
demand 付款要求 Cap. 33, s. 14(a)
demand 限令 Cap. 68, s. 30(1)(b)
demand 索求款額 Cap. 4A, O. 19, r. 2(1)
demand 索取租金 Cap. 4, s. 21G
demand 需求量 Cap. 406E, reg. 7(1)
demand (n., v.) 要求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demand (n., v.) 索求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demand (n., v.) 催繳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demand note 繳款單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demand note 繳費通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demand on title [also requisition on title] 就業權提出的要求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demand or receive ... rent 索取或收取……租金 Cap. 7, s. 11
demanded 需索 Cap. 132BF, s. 15(4)
first demand 首次徵收差餉通知書 Cap. 116, s. 29(1)(b)

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first demand bank guarantee 優先銀行擔保 Cap. 562, s. 2

first demand performance bond 優先履約保證 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
formal demand 正式要求 Cap. 364A, by-law 30
legal claims and demands 法律申索及索求 Cap. 4, s. 16(2)(b)
legally demand 以法律形式提出要求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
liquidated demand 經算定的索求款項 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 2
liquidated demand 經算定的追討金額 Cap. 49, s. 6(2)
notice of demand 繳費通知 Cap. 354N, s. 18(1)
on demand 在要求下 Cap. 60I, reg. 5(2)
on demand 應要求 Cap. 353A, reg. 3(3)
on demand by ... 在……提出要求時 Cap. 106O, s. 1(a)
outstanding demand 未清償付款要求 Cap. 33, s. 14(a)
payable on demand 可憑票要求付款 Cap. 19, s. 92(1)
payable on demand (須)應要求而支付的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
projected demand 預計需求 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(d)(i)
repayable on demand 凡作要求即須付還 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
statutory demand 法定要求償債書 Cap. 6, s. 6
unwarranted demand 不當的要求 Cap. 210, s. 23(1)
written demand 要求償債書 Cap. 32, s. 178(1)(a)(i)
demandant demandant (arch.) (不動產訴訟中的)原告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demarcated demarcated 劃出 Cap. 132, s. 108(2)(a)
demarcated 劃定 Cap. 132AG, para. 3

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demarcation demarcation 劃定 Cap. 541, s. 19(1)(a)

demarcator demarcator 劃界人員 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
demeanour demeanour 言行舉止 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
demeanour 態度 Cap. 221, s. 9G(2)(b)
demeanour 舉止 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.51
demeanour evidence demeanour evidence 作證態度方面的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demeanour evidence 態度證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demerit demerit 缺點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demerit 過失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demi-sangue demi-sangue ["half-blood"] 半血親(關係) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demi-sangue ["half-blood"] 同父異母或同母異父者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demise charter a vessel by demise 以轉管租約形式租用船隻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chartered by demise 以轉管租約形式租給 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
charterparty by way of demise 轉管租約形式的租船合約 Cap. 23, s. 17(5)(a)
demise 出租事項 Cap. 7, s. 101(2)
demise 批租 Cap. 107, s. 42
demise 藉遺囑或租契轉讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

demise 轉管租約 Cap. 508, s. 8(3)
demise charter [also charter by demise] 轉管租約 Cap. 415, s. 2
demise charterer [also charter by demise] 轉管租約承租人 Cap. 415, s. 2
demise charterparty 光殼租用合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demise charterparty 轉管租約形式的租船合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demised, let or hired out 以轉管租約形式或其他方式出租 Cap. 448, s. 8(5)(a)
demised premises 已出租的處所 Cap. 6A, r. 130
demised property 出租物業 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
democracy represented major strides towards the direction of enhancing 向擴大民主的方向邁出了重大步伐 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
democracy Document 24
democratic democratic elections 民主選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
democratic procedures 民主程序 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 45
democratic society 民主社會 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
demolish demolish 拆卸 Cap. 113, s. 5(f)
demolish 拆掉 Cap. 28, s. 6(2A)(ii)
demolished re-development of sites of ... demolished buildings 已拆卸建築物的原址的重新發展 Cap. 337, Long Title
demolition demolition 拆卸 Cap. 123, s. 24
rights ... of ... demolition 清拆權 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(g)
demonetization demonetization 停止通用 Cap. 67, Long Title
demonstrate demonstrates to the satisfaction of ... 向……顯示並使其信納 Cap. 155Q, r. 10(3)(a)
demonstrate exercise of constitutional right to demonstrate 行使示威的憲法權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
demonstration freedom ... of demonstration 示威的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
demote demote 降級 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demotion demotion 降級 Cap. 602, s. 10(5)(c)
dempster dempster (arch.) [a judge; also deemster (arch.)] 法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demur demur (v.) [demurrer (n.)] 抗訴 Cap. 221, s. 53
demurrage demurrage 延期停泊費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demurrage 滯留 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demurrage 滯留費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demurrer demurrer 抗訴 Cap. 221, s. 53(1)
denial denial 否認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(2)
denial 拒絕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
denial by joinder of issue 以有爭論點提出而作的否認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)
denial of justice [also justitia denegata] 拒予司法公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general denial 概括否認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(3)
denominate denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元作為單位 Cap. 581, s. 27(4)(a)
denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元計值 Cap. 584, s. 4(2)(b)(i)
denomination denomination 宗派 Cap. 181, s. 19(1)
denomination denomination 股份面額 Cap. 565, s. 17(4)

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denomination 面額 Cap. 112M, s. 2

minimum denomination 最低面額 Cap. 112, s. 14A(4)
regular postage denomination 普通郵資面額 Cap. 98, s. 4A(1)
denotation any other term having a similar denotation 具有相似意義的任何其他專用名詞 Cap. 155Q, r. 42(4)
denote denoted by figures 用數字表明 Cap. 32H, r. 9(1)
denoting denoting 表示 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
denounce denounce 告發 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
denounce 譴責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
denounce denounce 宣布終止(條約) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
denounce the convention 退出公約 Cap. 369, s. 4
dentist registered dentist 註冊牙醫 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
denunciation denunciation 退約 Cap. 503G, Sch. 2
deny deny 否定 Cap. 21, s. 7
deny 否認 Cap. 232A, reg. 3C
deny deny 拒絕 Cap. 525I, Sch. 1
denying or postponing assistance 拒絕或暫緩提供協助 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
deny denied 剝奪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 23
depart depart from 偏離 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
departs from the strict application of ... 沒有嚴格地按照……行事 Cap. 541, s. 18(1A)(b)
depart from depart from 偏離 Cap. 48, s. 13
depart with possession depart with possession of 放棄管有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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of and Commercial Law Terms

department department 部門 Cap. 1, s. 3
Government department 特區政府部門 Cap. 1, s. 57(3)
government departments 政府……部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 99
police department 警察部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 100
public department 公共機關 Cap. 228, s. 2(1)
Secretaries ... of Departments 各司司長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
Department of Department of Administration 政務司 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
Department of Finance Department of Finance 財政司 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
Department of Justice Department of Justice 律政司 Basic Law of the HKSAR
departmental departmental practice 部門慣例 Cap. 98, s. 32(6)
departmental rules 部門規則 Cap. 98, s. 32(6)
departure departure 離開 Cap. 81A, reg. 5E(1)
departure 離境 Cap. 115, s. 9(1)
departure card 離港申報表 Cap. 115, s. 5(4)(b)
departure prevention direction 阻止離境指示 Cap. 112, s. 77(8)
immigration legislation governing entry into, stay in and 管限……進入、逗留於及離開香港的出入境法例 Cap. 383, s. 11
departure from Hong Kong
permanent departure from Hong Kong 永久性地離開香港 Cap. 485A, s. 163(4)(a)
departure departure from customary discount 偏離慣常減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
departure from the guideline 偏離……指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
departure from the guideline 偏離指引行事 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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depecage depecage ["to cut up"] 不同地區的法律應用於同案的不同爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
depend depending 未審決 Cap. 8, s. 81(3)
depending 待決 Cap. 221, s. 33
depend depends on 取決於 Cap. 31, s. 5(4)
dependant dependant pension 受養人退休金 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
dependant pension 受養人撫恤金 Cap. 254, s. 16(2)(a)(v)
dependants 受撫養人 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 14(1)
dependants 家屬 Cap. 36, s. 2
disabled dependant allowance 傷殘受養人免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
surviving dependants 尚存的受養人 Cap. 112, Sch. 9
dependency dependency 從屬物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dependency 屬土 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dependency dependency 依賴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dependency allowance 扶養或撫養津貼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
loss of dependency 失去生活依靠 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
loss of dependency claim 失去生活依靠的申索 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.

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Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms

relationship of dependency 受養關係 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.164
dependent dependent 受養人 Cap. 398, s. 5(2)(e)
dependent 所供養的人 Cap. 318, s. 13
dependent brother or dependent sister allowance 供養兄弟姊妹免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
dependent children 受供養子女 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(c)
dependent grandparent allowance 供養祖父母或外祖父母免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30A(1AA)
dependent parent allowance 供養父母免稅額 Cap. 112, s. 30(1AA)
dependents 受扶養人 Cap. 503Q, Schedule
dependent dependent on ... 所供養的 Cap. 411, s. 5(2)(b)
dependent upon 取決於 Cap. 257, s. 11
wholly or mainly dependent on ... financially 經濟上……完全或主要依靠…… Cap. 89, s. 18(1)(v)(A)
dependent dependent territory 屬土 Cap. 179, s. 62(1)
deplete 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone 《1987年關於消耗臭氧層的物質的蒙特利爾議定書》 Cap. 403, Long Title
deployment deployment 調配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deponent deponent 作供詞人 Cap. 394, s. 18(4)
deponent 宣誓人 Cap. 159C, r. 14
deponent 證人 Cap. 227C, Schedule
deponent to a document 以文件宣誓作證的人 Cap. 359A, reg. 42(4)
deponent to the affidavit 誓章的宣誓人 Cap. 528, s. 121(5)
deport deport themselves with dignity 舉止莊重 National Anthem Ordinance, s.

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deport deport 驅逐……出境 Cap. 383, s. 12

deportation breach of deportation order 違反遞解離境令 Cap. 115, s. 43, Heading
deportation 遞解離境 Cap. 234A, r. 17(1)(a)(iii)
deportation order 遞解離境令 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
depose depose 宣誓證實 Cap. 6A, r. 58
depose [also depone] 宣誓作證 Cap. 4A, O. 102, r. 8
depose [also depone] 宣誓證明(某事宜) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
depose [also depone] 證明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit deposit 儲存 Cap. 182, s. 12(a)
deposit (v.) 交存 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit (v.) 存入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit (v.) 存放 Cap. 520, s. 3
deposit (v.) 寄存 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit (v.) 繳存 Cap. 272, s. 4
deposit a tender 投遞投標書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposited in the Registry 存放於登記處 Cap. 4A, O. 63, r. 5
deposited sum 存放的款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposits 棄置 Cap. 353, s. 11
deposits ... waste 擺放廢物 Cap. 354, s. 16A(1)

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place of deposit 存放地點 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

para. 7.20
safe deposit box 保管箱 Cap. 10, s. 60C(2)(c)
throw, deposit, leave or drop 拋擲、棄置、遺下或丟掉 Cap. 313H, reg. 32(1)(a)
deposit apply ... deposit towards the payment of ... 運用……按金支付…… Cap. 354N, s. 10(3)
call and notice deposits 短期通知及通知存款 Cap. 155M, s. 94(b)(ii)(C)
call deposit 通知存款 Cap. 360, s. 31
certificate of deposit 存款證 Cap. 155M, s. 2
collateralized by cash deposits 以現金存款作附加保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit (n.) 存款 Cap. 112, s. 2
deposit (n.) 保證金 Cap. 541, s. 7
deposit (n.) 按金 Cap. 463, s. 4
deposit at call 通知存款 Cap. 32, s. 294(1)
deposit for goods 貨物按金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit liabilities 存款債務 Cap. 155, s. 55(2)(a)
deposit money 訂金 Cap. 511C, s. 12(7)(c)
deposit of money in court 存放於法院的款項 Cap. 4, s. 57(2)(a)
deposit of securities collateral 存放證券抵押品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit of title deeds 以業權契據作抵押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit slip 存款收據 Cap. 511C, s. 12(4)
fixed deposit 定期存款 Cap. 32, s. 294(1)

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forfeiture of the deposit 沒收按金 Cap. 542, s. 82(2)(c)

forward forward deposits placed 遠期有期存款 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
hold a deposit 持有存款 Cap. 155, s. 2(10)
making of a deposit 作出存款 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
money placed on deposit 存放的款項 Cap. 4, s. 57(2)(a)
pledged deposit 質押存款 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
preliminary deposit 臨時訂金 Cap. 621, s. 52(1)
renewing a deposit 將存款續期 Cap. 155, s. 2(10)
repay ... deposit 付還……存款 Cap. 155, s. 12(3)
retail deposit 零售存款 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
retail term deposit 零售定期存款 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
savings deposit 儲蓄存款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
security deposit 保證金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
short notice and time deposits 短期通知及定期存款 Cap. 2B, Schedule
short-term deposit 短期存款 Cap. 155, s. 12(2)
structured deposit 結構性存款 Cap. 581, s. 56(3)
taking ... of a deposit 接受存款 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
tender deposit 標書訂金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
time deposit 定期存款 Cap. 571N, s. 20
transfer of deposit 按金轉撥 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Deposit Protection Deposit Protection Appeals Tribunal 存款保障上訴審裁處 Cap. 581, s. 40(1)
Appeals Tribunal

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depositary depositary 存放人 Cap. 1138, s. 7(1)(d)

depositary 寄存處 Cap. 29, s. 71(1)
Depositary Notification 保存通知 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 3.40,
Footnote 11
deposition de bene esse deposition 先行錄取的證人供詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposition 供詞 Cap. 494, s. 6(1)
deposition in writing 書面供詞 Cap. 221, s. 79E(1)
depositions upon oath 經宣誓而作的口供 Cap. 12, s. 3
mixed deposition 混合書面供詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
take depositions 錄取供詞 Cap. 227, s. 104A(1)
written deposition 書面供詞 Cap. 161E, s. 31(2)
depositor depositor 存款人 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
potential depositors 潛在存款人 Cap. 155, s. 24(1)(b)(i)
depository central securities depository 中央證券寄存處 Cap. 485A, s. 2
depository 寄存處 Cap. 155S, r. 20(4)(b)
depository depository institution 存款機構 Cap. 112, Sch. 17C
deposit-taker deposit-taker 接受存款人 Cap. 155, Sch. 5
Deposit-taking Deposit-taking Companies Advisory Committee 接受存款公司諮詢委員會 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
Companies Advisory
deposit-taking deposit-taking company 接受存款公司 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
depraved depraved 敗壞 Cap. 226, s. 5

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depraved ... character 秉性……敗壞 Cap. 226, s. 5(b)

depravity exceptional depravity 行為異常敗壞 Cap. 179, s. 12(2)
depreciate depreciated 貶值 Cap. 485G, s. 3(3)(e)
depreciated depreciated value 折舊價值 Cap. 358D, reg. 15B(2)(a)
depreciation accumulated depreciation 累計折舊 Cap. 41G, r. 2
allowing for depreciation 扣除折舊 Cap. 218, s. 32L(1)
depreciation 折舊 Cap. 112, s. 33A
depreciation 貶值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
depreciation by wear and tear 損耗折舊 Cap. 112, s. 34(2)(a)
rates of depreciation 折舊率 Cap. 112A, r. 2(2)
depredation depredation 掠奪行為 Cap. 494, Sch. 2
deprivation deprivation of earnings 剝奪……工資 Cap. 244A, reg. 15(1)(d)
deprivation of liberty 剝奪自由 Cap. 513, s. 2
deprivation of life 生命之剝奪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(3)
deprivation of privileges 取消特惠 Cap. 280A, reg. 20(2)(b)
deprivation of property 剝奪財產 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
deprivation ... of the freedom of the person 剝奪……人身自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
deprivation of the life 剝奪……生命 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
lawful deprivation of ... property 依法徵用……財產 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 105
right to compensation for lawful deprivation of property 財產被依法徵用時得到補償的權利 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
deprive arbitrarily deprived of ... life 生命……無理剝奪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(1)
deprive 失去 Cap. 329, s. 60
deprive 剝奪 Cap. 200, s. 70

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deprived of an opportunity to ... 被剝奪……的機會 Cap. 200, s. 70(1)(b)

deprived of ... liberty 剝奪……自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(1)
depriving ... of membership 剝奪……成員資格 Cap. 602, s. 36(2)(d)
fraudulently deprived of ... 被人以欺詐手段騙去…… Cap. 166A, Sch. 1
permanently depriving ... of ... 永久地剝奪……的…… Cap. 210, s. 2(1)
depute deputed 委託 Cap. 114A, reg. 78(1)(e)
deputed 指派 Cap. 109, s. 7(1)(a)
deputed ... by ... 獲……委任代理 Cap. 281, s. 2
deputy deputies 副手 Cap. 549, s. 145(2)
deputies 替手 Cap. 132, s. 83A(1)(f)
deputies of the Region to the National People's Congress 香港特別行政區的全國人民代表大會代表 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 159
deputy 代理 Cap. 139E, reg. 10(2)(b)
deputy adjudicator [小額錢債審裁處]暫委審裁官 Cap. 338, s. 2
deputy adjudicator 暫委審裁官 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
deputy chairman 代理主席 Cap. 1, s. 48
deputy chairman 副主席 Cap. 112, s. 65(4)(a)(i)
deputy coroner 暫委死因裁判官 Cap. 504, s. 2
deputy District Judge 區域法院暫委法官 Cap. 336, s. 2
deputy judge 暫委法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
deputy magistrate 暫委裁判官 Cap. 227, s. 5A(1)
deputy of the President 代理庭長 Cap. 17, s. 5(1)
deputy registrar 副司法常務官 Cap. 336, s. 2
Deputy Secretaries of Departments 各司……副司長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48

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President's deputy 代理主席 Cap. 382A, s. 1

Registrar or deputy registrar 處長或處長的副手 Cap. 37, s. 14(2)
Deputy Clerk to the Deputy Clerk to the Executive Council 行政會議副秘書 Cap. 1, s. 3
Executive Council
Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner of the Independent Commission 副廉政專員 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
of the Independent Against Corruption
Commission Against
Deputy Director of Deputy Director of Intellectual Property 知識產權署副署長 Cap. 4, s. 9(2)(x)
Intellectual Property
deputy judge deputy judge (HK) 暫委法官(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Deputy President Deputy President 常務副校長 Cap. 1132, s. 2
Deputy Presiding Deputy Presiding Officer 副投票站主任 Cap. 541F, s. 68(1)
Deputy Presiding Deputy Presiding Officer, Labour Tribunal 勞資審裁處暫委審裁官 Cap. 11, Sch. 3
Officer, Labour
Deputy Registrar, High Deputy Registrar, High Court 高等法院副司法常務官 Cap. 92, Sch. 1
Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary 副秘書長 Cap. 1, Sch. 6
Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary General ... of the Legislative Council 立法會秘書處副秘書長 Cap. 1, s. 3
General of the Secretariat
Legislative Council
derecognize derecognized 被撤銷確認 Cap. 155L, s. 43(1)(l)
de-register de-register 將……的註冊撤銷 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

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de-register charities 撤銷慈善組織的註冊 "Charities" Report, para. 5.93

de-registration de-registration [also deregistration] 將……登記取消 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
de-registration [also deregistration] 撤銷註冊 Cap. 95, s. 25
deregistration deregistration 撤銷登記 Cap. 571, s. 101A
deregistration 撤銷註冊 Cap. 622, s. 751(2)
de-registration 取消登記 Cap. 541M, s. 21
deregulation deregulation 解除管制 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dereliction dereliction 拋棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dereliction dereliction 怠忽職守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dereliction of duty 怠忽職守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dereliction of duty 瀆職 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
dereliction of duty 瀆職行為 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
derivative cash settled equity derivatives 現金結算股本衍生工具 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
commodity-related derivative contracts 商品關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
derivative 派生的 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
derivative action 派生訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derivative action 衍生訴訟 Cap. 622, s. 734
derivative (adj., n.) 派生 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
derivative (adj., n.) 衍生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derivative (adj., n.) 衍生工具 Cap. 29, Sch. 2

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derivative claim 派生申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
derivative claim 衍生申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derivative contract 衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
derivative landlord 轉接業主 Cap. 7, s. 2
derivative product 衍生產品 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.126
derivative trust [also sub-trust] 衍生信託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derivative under-lease 派生的分租租契 Cap. 4, s. 21H(1)
derivative under-lessee 派生的承轉租人 Cap. 4, s. 21H(1)
derivative under-lessor 派生的分租人 Cap. 4, s. 21H(1)
derivatives of securities 證券衍生工具 Cap. 91, Sch. 2
equity derivatives 股本衍生工具 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
equity-related derivative contracts 股權關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
financial derivatives 金融衍生工具 Cap. 316Q, Schedule
OTC derivative products 場外衍生工具產品 Cap. 571, s. 71(1)(a)(iia)
OTC derivative transactions 場外衍生工具交易 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
over-the-counter derivative 場外衍生工具 Cap. 155L, s. 2
physically settled equity derivatives 實物結算股本衍生工具 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
derivative derivatives 派生詞 Cap. 155, s. 97(1)(a)
derivative derivatives 衍生物 Cap. 586, Long Title
derive derive from 起源於 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble

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derived 派生 Cap. 379, s. 5(2)(a)

derived 得自 Cap. 490, s. 25(2)(b)
derives 源自 Cap. 514, s. 69(10)
derives title from ... 從……取得所有權 Cap. 445, s. 15(2)
deriving title under ... 從……得到業權 Cap. 29, s. 55(b)
deriving title under ... 透過……取得業權 Cap. 336, s. 69C(1)
deriving title under ... 藉……取得業權 Cap. 97, s. 2
income derived ... from ... 得自……的收入 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(d)(i)
right acquired, derived or subsisting 取得、派生或存續的……權利 Cap. 379, s. 5(2)(a)
title deriving from registered instruments 從註冊文書所得到的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
derive derived from reliable data 從可靠數據推算出 Cap. 123Q, s. 4(4)
derogate derogate 廢除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derogate derogate 忽視 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derogate 減損 Cap. 28, s. 12
derogate 輕視 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derogate from ... 減損……的施行 Cap. 591, s. 8(2)
derogate from ... 減損……的效力 Cap. 313, s. 3(2)
derogate from the generality of ... 對……的概括性有所減損 Cap. 1, s. 28(1)(d)
derogate the court from its function 減損法院的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
derogated 排除……適用 Cap. 76, Schedule
derogating from the Bill of Rights 減免履行人權法案 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)

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without derogating from ... 在不減損……的原則下 Cap. 50, s. 18(1)

derogation derogation 減免 Cap. 383, s. 2(5)
derogation 減損 Cap. 245, s. 17G
in addition to and not in derogation from 增補而非減損 Cap. 28, s. 12(8)
in derogation of 造成減損 "Adverse Possession" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.11
in derogation of the title 對……業權造成減損 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
without derogation from the generality of ... 在無損……的一般性的情況下 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
without derogation from the generality of the foregoing 在不減損前述條文的一般性的原則下 Cap. 106, s. 10(7)
derogation from the derogation from the grant 批予效力的減損 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
grant and Commercial Law Terms
derogatory derogatory treatment 貶損處理 Cap. 528, s. 272E(1)
Derogatur legi, cum Derogatur legi, cum pars detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum 法律局部刪除,其功能即受減損 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
pars detrahitur; prorsus tollitur. [There is derogation from a law when part of it and Commercial Law Terms
abrogatur legi, cum is taken away; there is abrogation of a law when it is abolished
prorsus tollitur. entirely.]
Derogatur legi, cum pars detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum 法律局部刪除,其功能即受減損;法律全部取消,其功 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
prorsus tollitur. [There is derogation from a law when part of it 能即廢除。 and Commercial Law Terms
is taken away; there is abrogation of a law when it is abolished
descendant descendant 後裔 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
descended a person descended through the male line from such person 上述居民的父系後裔 Cap. 602, s. 8(3)(a)(ii)
descent descent 世系 Cap. 257, s. 8(5)(c)
describe describe 描述 Cap. 17A, Schedule
described as 稱為 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
describes, makes reference or alludes in any other way 描述、提述或以其他方式暗指 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)

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describing himself as ... 自稱為…… Cap. 409, s. 29(3)

however described 不論如何描述 Cap. 588, s. 37ZJ(f)
however described 不論實際如何稱述 Cap. 571, s. 5(4)(f)
however described 不論實際稱謂如何 Cap. 405A, para. 5(1)(e)
howsoever described 不論如何描述[其身分] Cap. 480, s. 2(5)
more particularly delineated and described 更具體地劃定和描述 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
description brief description 扼要描述 Cap. 604, s. 9(2)
class or description 級別或種類 Cap. 413, s. 3(5)(iii)
class or description 類別或種類 Cap. 520, s. 7(6)(a)
class or description of ships 級別或種類的船舶 Cap. 413K, s. 3(4)
description 身分 Cap. 161E, s. 8(4)(a)
description 性質 Cap. 426, s. 32(2)(a)
description 述明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
description 貨品說明 Cap. 26, s. 2(5)
description 描述 Cap. 17A, Schedule
description 種類 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(ia)
description 稱謂 Cap. 408, s. 30(4)
description 說明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
description 類別 Cap. 18, s. 6
description 類型 Cap. 5, s. 4A(1)(a)
descriptions 形式 Cap. 68, s. 37(2)(a)
false description 虛假說明 Cap. 369, s. 87(2)(a)

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false trade description 虛假商品說明 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)

full description 詳盡描述 Cap. 519, s. 34(1)(b)
general description 一般描述 Cap. 415, s. 20(2)(e)
general description 概述 Cap. 208, s. 9(1)(a)
lease description 租約描述 Cap. 150, s. 3(2)
missing description 欠交說明 Cap. 514, s. 37N(6)
of all descriptions 各類 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(i)
sale by description 憑貨品說明的售賣 Cap. 26, s. 15(2)
same description 同類 Cap. 571N, s. 53(1)(e)
short description 簡要描述 Cap. 4A, App. A
short description 簡略描述 Cap. 32H, r. 28(2)
specified description 指明描述 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.7
sufficient description 充分描述 Cap. 294, s. 2(7)
trade description 商品說明 Cap. 362, s. 8
true description 真實說明 Cap. 133, s. 18(2)
unlawful act of the like description 同一種類的違法作為 Cap. 602, s. 48(1)
verbal description 文字描述 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
descriptive descriptive matter 描述性質的事項 Cap. 131, s. 4(1)
descriptive trade mark descriptive trade mark [also descriptive mark] 描述性質的商標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
desecrate desecrates 侮辱 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Ordinance, s. 7
desert deserted his ship 離棄其所屬船舶 Cap. 478, s. 21(1)(b)

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deserts 棄置 Cap. 7, s. 101(1)

deserts 棄職 Cap. 322, s. 11
deserts 遺棄 Cap. 94, s. 28
deserted premises deserted premises 棄置的處所 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deserter deserter 棄職者 Cap. 200, s. 7(2)(b)
desertion desertion 棄置 Cap. 7, s. 101
desertion 棄職 Cap. 95, s. 15
desertion 遺棄 Cap. 336F, Sch. 2
deserve deserving of censure 應受責難 Cap. 610B, s. 13(1)(b)(iii)
deserving of suspension from ... 應被暫時從……除名 Cap. 123, s. 7(1)(c)
design approved design type 批准定型設計 Cap. 506A, s. 2
design 外觀設計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
design 設計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
design of the national emblem 國徽圖案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 5
design right 外觀設計權利 Cap. 522, Long Title
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International 《設立工業外觀設計國際分類法洛迦諾協議》 Cap. 522A, s. 2(1)
Classification for Industrial Designs
registered design 註冊外觀設計 Cap. 522, s. 2(1)
registered design 註冊設計 Cap. 4, s. 44A(5)
representation of a design 外觀設計的表述 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unregistered corresponding design 未經註冊的相應外觀設計 Cap. 528, s. 87(3)

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design common design 共同策劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
designate designate 委派 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 62
designate 指定 Cap. 571, Sch. 2
designate 指明 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(c)
designated 指定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 111
designated as ... 指定為…… Cap. 600, Schedule
designated ... as ... 指派為…… Cap. 36, s. 2
designated designated area 指定範圍 Cap. 400, s. 2
designated country 指定國家 Cap. 405, s. 28(1)(a)
designated non-financial businesses and professions 指定非金融企業及行業人士 Cap. 615, Long Title
designated public officer 指明公職人員 Cap. 178, s. 2
designated system 指定系統 Cap. 584, s. 2
designated trade division 指定工種分項 Cap. 583, s. 2(1)
proposed designated area 擬定指定範圍 Cap. 560A, s. 31(a)(vi)(A)
designated account designated account 指定帳户 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
designation designation 名稱 Cap. 149, s. 6(1)(b)(ii)
designation 指定 Cap. 208, Long Title
designation 稱銜 Cap. 50, s. 29(3)(a)(ii)
designation 稱謂 Cap. 221C, r. 6(2)
international designation (HK) 國際指定(香港) Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
official designation 官方職銜 Cap. 29, s. 67(1)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 《經濟合作與發展組織指引——為轉基因植物指定獨特 Cap. 607A, s. 2
Guidance for the Designation of a Unique Identifier for 標識》

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Transgenic Plants
register of designations 指定代表登記冊 Cap. 364A, by-law 29(1)
desirability desirability 可取性 Cap. 489, s. 4(5)(b)
desirability 適切性 Cap. 571, s. 6(2)(a)
desirability 適宜性 Cap. 475, s. 5(2)(a)
desirable be necessary or desirable 有需要或屬適宜 Cap. 384A, reg. 8(2)
desirable 可取 Cap. 571, s. 186(3)(a)
desirable 合宜 Cap. 47, s. 4(2)
desirable 適宜 Cap. 406, s. 49(5)
desirable 應當 Cap. 113, s. 5(e)
desirable in the public interest 合乎公眾利益 Cap. 342, s. 15(b)
desirable or expedient 可取或合宜的 Cap. 571, s. 381B(3)(b)(i)
desirable or expedient 適宜或合宜 Cap. 155, s. 121(1)(b)(ii)
necessary or desirable 必需或合宜 Cap. 290D, r. 11(5)
necessary or desirable 屬必要或可取的 Cap. 465B, s. 6(1)
desire desire 意欲 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.7
desires 有意 Cap. 343, s. 6(1)(a)
desires 要求 Cap. 91, s. 12(1)(b)
desirous desirous 希望 Cap. 556B, by-law 28C(4)
desirous 意欲 Cap. 29, s. 40(1)
despatch despatch [also dispatch] 派遣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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despatch [also dispatch] 發送 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
despatched 送交 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
despatched permanently from Hong Kong 被永久遣離香港 Cap. 548D, s. 24(d)
prosecuting the proceedings with due despatch 妥為從速進行法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 10
with all reasonable despatch 在合理範圍內從速 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
with due despatch 妥為從速 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 10(1)
despite Despite ... 儘管有……的規定 Cap. 541L, s. 36(1A)
destination country ... of destination 目的國家 Cap. 324, s. 2
destination 目的地 Cap. 98, s. 19(2)
port of destination 目的港 Cap. 112, s. 23B(12)
ultimate destination 最終目的地 Cap. 147, s. 3(1)
destine destined for ... 以……為目的地 Cap. 133, s. 3(3)
destitution state of ... destitution 貧困的境況 Cap. 94, s. 28
destroy destroy 摧毀 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.4
destroy 銷毀 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.23
destroy or damage property 摧毀或損壞財產 Cap. 200, s. 64(1)
destroyed 毀掉 Cap. 125, s. 23(1)
destroyed 遭毀滅 Cap. 166, s. 22(1)(a)(ii)
destroying 損毀 Cap. 233, s. 14(l)
destroys ... a document 銷毀……文件 Cap. 155, s. 117(7)(a)(i)
destroys ... document 毀滅……文件 Cap. 602, s. 66(6)(a)

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to destroy or damage property 摧毀或損壞財產 Cap. 200, s. 64(1)

totally destroyed 完全喪失能力 Cap. 99A, reg. 23(1B)
destroy a tender destroy a tender 銷毀投標書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
destroyed lost, defaced or destroyed 遺失、遭污損或遭損毀 Cap. 478AG, s. 10(1)
destruction child destruction 殺胎罪 Cap. 212, s. 47B(1)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 種武器的公約》
on their Destruction
destruction 毀滅 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(c)
destruction 毀壞 Cap. 521, s. 2(1)
destruction 摧毀 Cap. 96, s. 3(1)(a)
destruction 銷毀 Cap. 456, s. 8(2)(b)
destructive destructive thing 殘害性物品 Cap. 212, s. 10(a)
detail details 細節 Cap. 409, s. 11(1)(d)
precise details 確實詳情 Cap. 17A, Schedule
technical details 技術詳情 Cap. 56, s. 13(b)(iv)
detain conspiracy to forcibly take away or detain a person with intent 串謀將人強行帶走或禁錮而意圖取得贖金 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
to procure a ransom Criminal Proceedings
detain 扣押 Cap. 491, s. 5(1)(c)
detain 扣留 Cap. 57, s. 59(1)(b)
detain 羈留 Cap. 494, s. 13(1)(b)(i)
detained 被拘禁 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.28

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detained at Executive discretion 被拘留等候行政酌情決定 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)

detained ... conditionally upon ... 在……條件下扣留 Cap. 369A, Sch. 1
detained finally 作最終的扣留 Cap. 369A, Sch. 1
detained in custody 加以羈押 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
detained in custody 被羈押 Cap. 200, s. 159C(7)
detained in custody 羈留扣押 Cap. 221, s. 9G(3)
detained on apprehension 在被拘捕後受拘留 Cap. 226, s. 18
detaining any ship 扣留……船舶 Cap. 413, s. 3(5)(j)
detains 禁錮 Cap. 212, s. 42
lawfully detained in penal establishments 懲治機構內受合法拘禁 Cap. 383, s. 9
taken and detained under your custody 已被捉拿並在你看管之下受羈押 Cap. 4A, App. A
unlawfully detained 非法禁錮 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.9
detained detained person 被扣留者 Cap. 510, s. 2
unlawfully detained 被非法羈留 Cap. 4, s. 22A(4)
detainee detainee 受訓生 Cap. 239, s. 2
detainee 被扣留者 Cap. 204A, para. 2
detainees 被拘禁者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.27
detainees 被羈留者 Cap. 115, s. 13H(5)
detainer detainer 扣留 Cap. 212, s. 17
detect detecting the occurrence of any offence 偵測罪行的發生 Cap. 460, s. 2

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detect detecting 偵測 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1

detecting 探查 Cap. 282, Sch. 2
detection detection 發現 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
offence detection equipment 罪行偵查裝備 Cap. 374, s. 11(m)
detective detectives 偵緝人員 Cap. 232, s. 3
detention arbitrary ... detention 任意……拘留 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
arbitrary ... detention 無理……拘禁 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(1)
conspiracy to commit forcible detention 串謀強行禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
detention 扣押 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(4)
detention 拘留 Cap. 405, s. 3(2)(a)(i)
detention 拘禁 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(i)
detention 置留 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
detention 羈留 Cap. 245, s. 33(2)(b)(iv)
detention centre 勞教中心 Cap. 225, s. 28(1)
Detention Centre [廉政公署的]扣留中心 Cap. 204A, para. 2
detention centre 羈留中心 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
detention facilities 扣留設施 Cap. 204A, para. 2
detention facility 拘留地方 Cap. 475, s. 2
detention order 扣留令 Cap. 528, s. 135
detention order 拘留令 Cap. 226, s. 2(1)
detention order 羈留令 Cap. 239, s. 2
detention room 羈留室 Cap. 115B, Sch. 3

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detention warrant 羈留令 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)

home detention 家居羈留 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
house of detention 羈留所 Cap. 174, s. 2(1)
lawful detention 合法拘留 Cap. 159, s. 8AA(2)(a)
lawfulness of ... detention 拘禁是否合法 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(4)
person ... subject to an order for detention 受……拘留令所規限的人 Cap. 475, s. 15(2)(a)
release of ... from detention 將……從羈留中釋放 Cap. 4, s. 22A(9)
released from detention 放行 Cap. 415, s. 89(1)
sentence of detention 羈留刑罰 Cap. 280, s. 5A(1)(a)
unlawful ... detention 非法……拘禁 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(5)
deter deter 阻嚇 Cap. 57, s. 21B
deterioration deterioration 損耗 Cap. 211A, reg. 22(2)
deterioration credit deterioration 信貸變壞 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
deterioration 有惡化的情況 Cap. 155L, Sch. 10
deterioration in the creditworthiness 信貸能力變壞 Cap. 155M, s. 23(2)(f)(iii)
determinable determinable 可以確定的 Cap. 19, s. 89(1)
determinable determinable 可予終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determinable 終結 Cap. 111, s. 6(6)(a)
determinable estate 可終止產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
determinable interest 可終止權益 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)

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determinable interest 可終結的權益 Cap. 111, s. 6(6)(a)

determinant determinant 決定性的因素 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determinate determinate 確定限期 Cap. 524, s. 11(6)
determinate sentence 有期徒刑 Cap. 475, s. 22(1)(b)
determinate sentence 確定限期刑罰 Cap. 475, s. 3(3)
determinate sentences 確定限期的刑罰 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
determination announce ... determination or decision 公布……裁定或決定 Cap. 359J, s. 40
defer the determination 將……裁定押後 Cap. 123N, s. 12(3)(d)
deliver ... determination 宣告……裁定 Cap. 25, s. 22(1)
determination 作出定奪 Cap. 630, s. 16(4)(a)
determination 評定 Cap. 592, s. 14(2)(a)(i)
determination is confirmed 裁定維持不變 Cap. 360, s. 24(6)(a)
determination of a case 個案的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determination of a case 案件的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determination proceedings 審裁程序 Cap. 511D, s. 2
determination [determine (v.)] 決定 Cap. 541J, s. 43
determination [determine (v.)] 裁定 Cap. 4A, O. 14A, r. 1
determination [determine (v.)] 釐定 Cap. 155, s. 53G
final determination 最終裁定 Cap. 221A, r. 19(2)
in the determination of ... ……須予判定時 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10

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in the determination of ... 審判……時 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)

interim ... determination 臨時裁定 Cap. 511D, s. 22(4)
interlocutory ... determination 中期裁定 Cap. 511D, s. 22(4)
partial determination 部分裁定 Cap. 511D, s. 22(4)
pending the determination of the appeal 在上訴裁定之前 Cap. 244A, reg. 15(2)
reasoned determination 附有理由的裁定 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 12.9
reverse the determination of a court 推翻法院的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
summary determination 循簡易程序裁定 Cap. 221, s. 83S
vary the determination of a court 更改法院的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determination determination of a tenancy 終止租賃 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determination [determine (v.)] 終止 Cap. 257, s. 14
determination [determine (v.)] 終結 Cap. 48, s. 3
earlier determination 提前終止 Cap. 7, s. 121(2)(a)
earlier determination of a contract [also earlier (sooner) 合約提早終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
termination of a contract] and Commercial Law Terms
sooner determination of a term 期限提早完結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
determine determine 終止 Cap. 159, s. 6(7)
determine the partnership 終止合夥 Cap. 38, s. 28(1)
determined 終結 Cap. 1, s. 49
lease determined 批租契終止 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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mode of determining a dispute 終結爭議的……方式 Cap. 294, s. 2(5)

retainer is determined 被終止聘用 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 6(4)
determine determine 裁定 Cap. 25, s. 7(1)
determine 裁斷 Cap. 628A, s. 15(4)
determine 斷定 Cap. 155Q, r. 32
determine 釐定 Cap. 125, s. 5
determine ... application 裁斷……申請 Cap. 354N, s. 11(4)
determine the amounts 釐定……數額 Cap. 414, s. 10(2)(a)
determine the proceedings 就該等法律程序作出裁定 Cap. 4, s. 11
determined 決定 Cap. 397, s. 3(5)
determined by a majority of votes 由……以過半數票決定 Cap. 112, s. 65(4)(e)
determined by the court 由法院裁定 Cap. 298, s. 7(4)
determined ... either generally from time to time or specifically 不時就一般情況而釐定,或特定就個別個案而釐定 Cap. 84, s. 19A(2)
in a particular case
determined otherwise than in favour of 裁定對……不利 Cap. 310, s. 6(4F)
determines an appeal 裁定一項上訴 Cap. 484A, r. 5(1)(b)
determining the application 裁奪有關申請 Cap. 584, s. 8E(4)
finally determined 最終裁定 Cap. 115, s. 37U(1)
finally determined 獲最終決定 Cap. 588, s. 20N(1)
heard and determined by ... sitting alone 由……單獨開庭聆訊及裁定 Cap. 25, s. 3(2)
is finally determined 獲最終裁定 Cap. 138, s. 16(2A)(b)(ii)
determine determine 指定 Cap. 459, s. 8(4)(a)
determined determined annual instalment of premium 已釐定的每年的地價分期付款 Cap. 125, s. 2
determined Government rent 已釐定的地稅 Cap. 125, s. 2

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determining determining factor 決定因素 Cap. 106, s. 7(12)

deterrent deterrent sentence 阻嚇性刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
retributive and deterrent sentence 懲罰性及阻嚇性的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
detinet detinet ["he detains"] 物件追討訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detinue detinue 要求發還被扣押的貨物的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 19, r. 4
writ of detinue 交還財物令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detinuit detinuit ["he has detained"] 原物曾遭佔用的訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detonate detonate an explosive or other lethal device 引爆任何爆炸性或其他致命裝置 Cap. 575, s. 11B(1)
detonating 引爆 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
detract detract from 減損 Cap. 559, s. 60(1)
detriment detriment 不利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detriment 損害 Cap. 2, s. 21(1)(b)
monetary detriment 金錢方面損害 Cap. 1115, s. 9(2)
subjecting the person to ... detriment 使該人遭受……損害 Cap. 602, s. 22(2)(d)
to the member's detriment 以對該成員不利的方式 Cap. 426, Sch. 1
undue detriment 不當損害 Cap. 1055, s. 2(2B)
without undue detriment to 在不會造成不當損害的情況下 Cap. 1055, s. 2
detrimental detrimental 不利的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detrimental 造成損害的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

detrimental reliance 信賴承諾以致蒙受損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detrimental to ……不利於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
detrimental to ... 對……不利 Cap. 171, Long Title
detrimental to ... 對……有害 Cap. 301, s. 24(c)
detrimental to ... 對……造成損害 Cap. 559, s. 21(2)(b)
detrimental to good administration 有損良好的行政運作 Cap. 4, s. 21K(6)
detrimental to the interest of ... 損害……的利益 Cap. 581C, s. 5(1)(b)
detrimental to the interests of ... 有損……的利益 Cap. 155, s. 52(1)(c)(i)
not detrimental 無損 Cap. 155, s. 7(2)(g)(ii)
not ... likely to be detrimental 相當不可能損及 Cap. 155, s. 7(2)(g)(ii)
potentially damaging or detrimental to 造成潛在損害或不利 Cap. 571, s. 203C(3)(b)(ii)
detrimentally detrimentally affects 嚴重影響 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(1)(b)
deuterogamy deuterogamy [also digamy] 再婚 ※比較 bigamy; polygamy English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
devasta devasta(i)vit ["he has wasted"; failure to administer estate 怠忽管理遺產〔未能從速妥善管理遺產〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
properly and promptly] and Commercial Law Terms
develop develop 發展 Cap. 113, s. 4(c)
development a phase of a development 發展項目的某一期 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
approved development plan 核准發展圖則 Cap. 601, s. 2
completed development 已完成的發展 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
completed development 已落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 4(1)(a)
completed development pending compliance 尚待符合條件的已落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 4(2)(a)

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Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, 《關於禁止發展、生產、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此 Cap. 578, s. 2(1)

Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and 種武器的公約》
on their Destruction
development 發展工程 Cap. 476, s. 2
development 發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
development parameters 發展參數 Cap. 601, s. 21(5)(b)
development permission area plan 發展審批地區圖 Cap. 621, s. 19(2)(h)(i)
proper and equitable development 妥善和公平的發展 Cap. 123F, reg. 25(1)(a)
real estate development project 地產發展計劃 Cap. 621, s. 3(1)
rights ... of ... development 發展……權 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(g)
sustainable market development of the insurance industry 保險業市場的可持續發展 Cap. 41, s. 4A(2)(ec)
unauthorized development 違例發展 Cap. 131, s. 1A
uncompleted development 未完成的發展 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
uncompleted development 未落成發展項目 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
development arrested or incomplete development of mind 心智發育停頓或不完全 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
continuing professional development 專業進修 Cap. 50, s. 30(8)(a)
development 發展 Cap. 113, s. 4(h)
devest devest [also divest] 剝奪權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
devest [also divest] 脫除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
devest [also divest] 褫奪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deviate deviates from ... provision 偏離……條文 Cap. 313A, reg. 14(2)
deviation adverse deviation 不利偏差 Cap. 41E, r. 4(2)(b)

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deviation 偏差 Cap. 132AX, s. 11

deviation 偏離 Cap. 123, s. 39A
deviations 差異 Cap. 1, s. 37(1)
material deviation 重大偏差 Cap. 132AC, s. 20(a)
material deviation 顯著偏離 Cap. 630, s. 53(1)
material divergence or deviation ... 嚴重偏離……或……嚴重相歧 Cap. 123, s. 2(1)
device amusement device 娛樂裝置 Cap. 618, s. 3(2)(a)
device 工具 Cap. 34, s. 2
device 設備 Cap. 583, s. 47(4)(a)
device 裝置 Cap. 59Q, s. 2
device 器件 Cap. 494, s. 15(1)
device 器材 Cap. 471, s. 4(7)
device 器具 Cap. 469, s. 2
electronic data recording device 電子數據記錄儀 Cap. 374A, reg. 2
electronic device 電子器材 Cap. 494, s. 12B(7)
emergency device 緊急裝置 Cap. 618A, s. 8(4)
hearing assistive device 聽力輔助器具 Cap. 469, s. 2
incendiary device 縱火器 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
physical device 實物裝置 Cap. 615, s. 5(4)(b)
security device 保安裝置 Cap. 460, s. 2
device device 方法 Cap. 47, s. 11(1)
fraudulent ... contrivance or device 欺詐……詭計或手段 Cap. 98, s. 32C
misleading device 誤導的設計 Cap. 148, s. 16(1)(a)

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devise devise (v., n.) 遺贈(不動產) ※比較 bequeath Cap. 30, s. 15

gift, devise or bequest 饋贈或遺贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
2.41, Footnote 44
devise devise strategies 制訂策略 Cap. 628, s. 13(1)(a)
devised 設定 Cap. 155, s. 92(5)(c)(ii)
devisee devisee 土地遺贈繼承人 Cap. 29, s. 28(1)
devisee 受遺贈人 Cap. 10A, r. 19(iii)
devisees 承遺贈人 Cap. 97, s. 20
devisor devisors 遺贈人 Cap. 97, s. 20
devoid of devoid of 欠缺 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(b)
devoid of merit 缺乏理據 Cap. 25, s. 31(4C)(a)(i)
devolution devolution 移交 Cap. 1146, s. 13(b)
devolution 轉移 Cap. 628, Sch. 4
devolution in law 法律上轉予 Cap. 219, Sch. 1
devolution of right 權利轉予 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
devolve devolve 傳予 Cap. 528, s. 106(6)
devolve (after death) (死後)轉予 Cap. 30, s. 3
devolved 已轉予 Cap. 182, s. 4(1)(c)
diagnosis medical diagnosis 診斷 Cap. 343, s. 2
dicta dicta 附帶意見 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.89
dictum dictum ["a saying"] 法官的意見 參看 obiter dictum English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial dictum 法庭意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
die die 印模 Cap. 200, s. 68(1)

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die die 死亡 Cap. 528, s. 17(7)(a)(i)

dies intestate 未有立下遺囑而去世 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
die intestate die intestate 未立遺囑而去世 Cap. 73, s. 2
die without issue die without issue [also leave no issue; obi(i)t sine prole] 死後無嗣 Cap. 30, s. 22
die without issue [also leave no issue; obi(i)t sine prole] 無嗣而終 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
diem clausit extremum writ ... of diem clausit extremum 去世債務人財產官方扣押令狀 Cap. 300, s. 29
dies juridicus dies juridicus 司法工作天 English-Chinese dictionary of law
dies non dies non (juridicus) 非司法工作天 English-Chinese dictionary of law
dies non juridicus dies non (juridicus) 非司法工作天 English-Chinese dictionary of law
differ differs in a material respect 在要項上有所分別 Cap. 602, s. 15(6)
differs materially from ... 與……有重大不同 Cap. 112, s. 23E
differs slightly 稍有不同 Cap. 374, s. 110
difference considerable differences 較大分歧 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
contract for differences 差價合約 Cap. 148, s. 2
difference 分歧 Cap. 106, s. 13(3)
difference 歧見 Cap. 159M, r. 13
difference 差額 Cap. 622, s. 213(1)
difference 異議 Cap. 256, s. 6(1)
difference 意見有分歧 Cap. 17, s. 9(5)
resolution of differences 分歧的解決方法 Cap. 71, s. 15(2)(b)
different materially different 有重大分別 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.14
not materially different 無重大分別 Cap. 527, s. 7

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significantly different from ... 與……有顯著差異 Cap. 588, s. 60C(4)

substantially different 有頗大的分別 Cap. 71, s. 8(2)(b)(i)
differential differential treatment 有差異的待遇 Cap. 602, s. 14(1)(a)
differentiate chemically differentiated 化學特性不同 Cap. 311W, s. 2
to clearly differentiate 以清楚區別 Cap. 123N, s. 39(2)
difficulty difficulty 困難 Cap. 400, s. 13(3)
difficulty 困難程度 Cap. 159G, r. 5(a)
extraordinary difficulty 特別複雜 Cap. 112, s. 69A(2)
digamy digamy [also deuterogamy] 再婚 ※比較 bigamy; polygamy English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
digital digital 數碼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
digital archives 數碼檔案庫 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.112
digital audio player 數碼音響播放器 Cap. 362O, s. 2(1)
digital form 數碼形式 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
digital image 數碼影像 Cap. 177, s. 7
digital signature 數碼簽署 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
dignity deport themselves with dignity 舉止莊重 National Anthem Ordinance, s.
dignity 尊嚴 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 3
inherent dignity 固有尊嚴 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
treated ... with respect for the inherent dignity of the human 受……尊重其天賦人格尊嚴之處遇 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(1)

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undermine the dignity of the national anthem 損害國歌……的尊嚴 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(8)
diligence after exercising reasonable diligence 在付出合理的努力後 Cap. 159, s. 7AN(2)(b)
by the exercise of ... reasonable diligence 作出……合理的努力 Cap. 459, s. 21(2)(b)
care and diligence 謹慎及努力 Cap. 622, s. 332(1)
defence of reasonable diligence 以合理的努力作為免責辯護 Cap. 60A, reg. 6E, Heading
diligence 努力 Cap. 622, s. 465(1)
due care and diligence 應有的謹慎和盡其應盡的努力 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(a)
due diligence 盡職審查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due diligence 應盡的努力 Cap. 155, s. 126
exercised ... diligence 盡……努力 Cap. 41, s. 15A(4)
failure to use due diligence 沒有盡應盡的努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable care, skill and diligence 合理水平的謹慎、技巧及努力 Cap. 622, s. 465(1)
reasonable diligence 合理努力 Cap. 19, s. 50(1)
reasonable diligence 合理的努力 Cap. 268, s. 11
reasonable ... diligence 合理水平的……努力 Cap. 571, s. 112U(3)(b)
special diligence 特殊的努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
used due diligence 盡了應盡的努力 Cap. 522, s. 86(3)
with the exercise of reasonable diligence 作出合理的努力 Cap. 268, s. 11(b)
diligent ordinarily prudent and diligent man 一般審慎及盡力的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
diligently diligently 勤勉 Cap. 159AC, s. 10(4)(a)(i)
dimension dimensions 尺寸 Cap. 621, s. 36(1)(b)

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diminish diminish 減輕 Cap. 313, s. 61(5)

diminish any rights 削弱……權利 Cap. 630, s. 49(5)
diminished 消損 Cap. 454, s. 2(3)
diminishes 減少 Cap. 255, s. 4(5)
diminishes 縮減 Cap. 469, s. 29(1)
diminishing any liability ... 減免任何……法律責任 Cap. 511, s. 36(7)
diminished diminished responsibility 減責神志失常 Cap. 221, s. 76A(b)
diminution diminution in the value 減值 Cap. 155, s. 63(3A)(a)(iii)
diminution in value 減值 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
diminution of liability 減輕……法律責任 Cap. 622, s. 226(2)(a)
diminution of ... powers 權力有所減損 Cap. 232, s. 50(6)
significant diminution 顯著的消損 Cap. 6, s. 20C(5)
diplomat diplomat 外交官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
diplomatic Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》
Diplomatic Agents
diplomatic acts 外交事務 Cap. 557, Schedule
diplomatic agent 外交代表 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)
diplomatic immunities 外交豁免權 Cap. 190, s. 3(1)
diplomatic mission 外交使節團 Cap. 36, Schedule
diplomatic mission 使館 Cap. 557, s. 3(4)
diplomatic ... office 外交……辦事處 Cap. 494, s. 4(6)(a)(ii)
diplomatic or consular agent 外交代表或領事代理人 Cap. 609, s. 85(c)
diplomatic privileges and immunities 外交特權及豁免 Cap. 557, Schedule

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diplomatic relations 外交關係 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 157

diplomatic privilege diplomatic privilege 外交特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct direct (adj.) 直接 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct economic interest 直接經濟利益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.28
direct elections 直接選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
direct estoppel [controversies involving the same cause of 已決訴訟因由不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
action cannot be relitigated] and Commercial Law Terms
direct evidence 直接證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct evidence of knowledge 證實知情的直接證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct examination (Am.) [also examination in chief] 主問 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct ... interest 直接……的利害關係 Cap. 218, Sch. 2
direct oral evidence 直接口頭證據 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(a)
direct personal knowledge 有直接親身認識的人 Cap. 6A, r. 49(5)
direct possession [also immediate possession] 直接管有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct racial discrimination 直接種族歧視 Ord. No. 8 of 2020, Long Title
Members returned by geographical constituencies through 分區直接選舉的議員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
direct elections
without direct conflict with ... 在與……沒有直接矛盾的情況下 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
direct directed towards 以……導向 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
the intent of the person need not be directed at ... 該人的意圖不一定要針對…… Cap. 106, s. 27A(2)(a)

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... to whom ... directed ……所寄給的…… Cap. 98, s. 6(1)(d)(i)

direct direct (v.) 指引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct (v.) 指示 Cap. 1, s. 29A
direct a retrial 指令重審 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct oneself in law (法官)對自己作出法律指引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
except insofar as ... may direct 除……另有指示外 Cap. 227A, r. 15(1)
except where ... directs otherwise 除……另有指示外 Cap. 490, s. 9(2)
unprejudiced jury properly directed 不存偏見且得到妥善指引的陪審團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct marketing direct marketing 直接促銷 Cap. 486, s. 35A(1)
directed directed verdict 經指引後作出的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
properly directed jury 經恰當指引的陪審團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direction a further direction 另一指示 Cap. 405, s. 5(1C)
administrative directions 行政指示 Cap. 2, s. 11(1)
alibi direction 就被告辯稱不在犯罪現場所作的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
alternative directions 替代指示 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(17)
at the direction of ... 應……的指示 Cap. 208, s. 8(1)
automatic direction 自動指示 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 1
by direction of ... 按照……的指示 Cap. 382, s. 10(1)
consequential directions 相應指示 Cap. 159, s. 56(4)

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credibility direction 可信程度的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
departure prevention direction 阻止離境指示 Cap. 112, s. 77(8)
direction 指引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direction 指令 Cap. 1146, s. 7(d)
direction 指示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direction 指揮 Cap. 233, s. 12(1)
direction and guidance 指示及指引 Cap. 4, s. 40
direction by court 法院的……指示 Cap. 514C, s. 52, Heading
direction of law 法律指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direction on good character 良好品格指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direction to the jury [also charge to the jury] (法官)給予陪審團的指示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
directions in writing 書面指示 Cap. 565, s. 8(3)(b)
favourable direction 有利指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fire safety direction 消防安全指示 Cap. 636, s. 2
full character direction 就被告人的品格作出全面指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full direction 全面的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full lies direction 就謊言的全面指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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general direction 一般指示 Cap. 283, s. 14(1)

good character direction 良好品格指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
interim directions 臨時指示 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 9
lawful directions 合法指示 Cap. 283A, by-law 26(1)
lies direction 謊言指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
official direction 正式指示 Cap. 521, s. 22(1)(b)
practice direction 執業指引 Cap. 159, s. 8AA(1)(a)
practice direction 實務指示 Cap. 4A, O. 1B, r. 1(1)
practice directions 程序指引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
practice directions 實務指引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
propensity direction 犯罪傾向指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Rules and Directions for the Questioning of Suspects and the 查問疑犯及錄取口供的規則及指示 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Taking of Statements Criminal Proceedings
specific direction 具體指示 Cap. 6B, Schedule
specific directions 特定指示 Cap. 399, s. 8(b)
specimen direction 指引範本 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
standard direction 標準的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
standard Judicial Studies Board direction 司法人員培訓委員會標準指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
summing up direction 法官對陪審團的結案指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
summons for directions 要求作指示的傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 11(1)
virtual certainty direction 就幾乎必然發生的情況給予指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direction direction ... of ... property 監督……財產 Cap. 310, s. 3(5)
directive advance directive 預設醫療指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 3.29
advance health care directive 預設健康護理指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.83
advance health directive 預設健康指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.9
directive 指令 Cap. 234A, r. 61(a)
directive 指示 Cap. 374F, Sch. 2
model form of advance directive 預設醫療指示表格範本 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
directly directly or indirectly interested in 有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 511, s. 10(2)
directly or indirectly interested in ... 在……中有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 489, s. 8(1)
director a majority of the directors 過半數董事 Cap. 362, s. 20(3)
additional director 增補董事 Cap. 556, s. 8(1)
alternate director 候補董事 Cap. 622, s. 478(1)
board of directors 董事局 Cap. 622, s. 13
board of directors 董事會 Cap. 336H, O. 5A, r. 2
de facto director 事實董事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Director 校長 Cap. 1135, s. 2

director 董事 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
director 總理 Cap. 1040, s. 2
directors 一眾董事 Cap. 622, s. 488(1)(b)
Directors of Bureaux 各局局長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
Executive Director 執行幹事 Cap. 1130, s. 2
executive director 執行董事 Cap. 571, s. 113(1)
former director 前董事 Cap. 379, s. 2
independent director 獨立董事 Cap. 485A, s. 2
loss of office as a director 失去董事職位 Cap. 622, s. 516(2)(b)
non-executive director 非執行董事 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
professionally qualified director 具備專業資格的董事 Cap. 359, s. 20(2)(a)
register of directors' and chief executives' interests and short 董事及最高行政人員權益及淡倉登記冊 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
remunerated director 受薪董事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remuneration of directors 董事酬金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
replacement director 替代董事 Cap. 485B, Sch. 3
reserve director 備任董事 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
shadow director 幕後董事 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
shadow director 影子董事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sole director 唯一董事 Cap. 32, s. 228A(18)
Director of Accounting Director of Accounting Services 庫務署署長 Cap. 247, s. 10(3)

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Director of Director of Apprenticeship 學徒事務專員 Cap. 47, s. 2
Director of Audit Director of Audit 審計署署長 Cap. 122, s. 2
Director of Fire Services Director of Fire Services Incorporated 消防處處長法團 Cap. 95, s. 19(1)
Director of Director of Immigration 入境事務處處長 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
Director of Lands Director of Lands 地政總署署長 Cap. 17A, Schedule
Director of Legal Aid Director of Legal Aid 法律援助署署長 Cap. 492A, r. 2
Director of Public Director of Public Prosecutions 刑事檢控專員 Cap. 221, s. 79F(1)
Director of Public Director of Public Prosecutions; DPP 刑事檢控專員(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Prosecutions; DPP and Commercial Law Terms
Director-General of Director-General of Civil Aviation 民航處處長 Cap. 448A, reg. 3(4)
Civil Aviation
Director-General of Director-General of Communications 通訊事務總監 Cap. 616, s. 2
directorship directorship 董事席位 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
directorship 董事職務 Cap. 32I, Sch. 2
directorships of a company 公司的董事組成 Cap. 405, s. 7(11)(b)(A)
directory directory 指示性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disability ceased to be under a disability 不再無行為能力 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disability 身體殘障 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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disability 身體傷殘 Cap. 374, s. 2

disability 弱能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disability 殘疾 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
disability 無行為能力 Cap. 447, s. 2
disability discrimination 殘疾歧視 Cap. 487, s. 1(1)
disability of mind 精神上無能力 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
disability of mind or body 精神上無能力或身體傷殘 Cap. 343, s. 2
disability of personality 性格上無能力 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
disability period 無行為能力期 Cap. 252, s. 2
discrimination on the basis of disability 殘疾歧視 "Charities" Report, para. 6.89
intellectual disability 智力障礙 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.21
is under disability 無行為能力 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
mental disability 精神殘障 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.25
mental or physical disability 精神或身體不健全 Cap. 481, s. 3(1)(v)
people with intellectual disabilities 智障人士 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.25
permanent disability 永久殘疾 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

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Paper,附錄I, para. 18
person under disability 無行為能力的人 Cap. 179A, r. 105(1)
person with a disability 殘疾人士 Cap. 487, s. 2(7)(a)
person with a mental disability 精神殘障人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.73
person with disabilities 殘疾人士 "Charities" Report, para. 6.89
person with intellectual disability 智力殘障人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
person without a disability 非殘疾人士 Cap. 487, s. 2(7)(b)
physical disability 身體殘疾 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.28
physical or mental disability 身體上或精神上的無能力 Cap. 192, s. 7(1)(e)
print disability 閱讀殘障 Cap. 528, s. 40A
under a disability 無行為能力 Cap. 492, s. 9(2)(d)
under a disability 無行為能力的 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5A
wound and disability pensions 傷殘撫恤金 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(e)
disability disability 資格喪失 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
disable disable 令……失去活動能力 Cap. 234A, r. 238(7)
disable 使……成為傷殘 Cap. 212, s. 17
disabled born disabled 出生時有先天殘障 Cap. 479, s. 12(2)
disabled dependant allowance 傷殘受養人免稅額 Cap. 112, Sch. 4
disabled person 傷殘人士 Cap. 374, s. 2

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mentally or physically disabled 精神上或身體上無能力 Cap. 89, s. 18(1AB)

disablement disablement 殘疾 Cap. 1077, s. 4(1)(b)
disablement 傷殘 Cap. 202, Long Title
industrial disablement 工傷導致傷殘 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 8(4)
disadvantage of ..., to disadvantage of ..., to the 不利於…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
the and Commercial Law Terms
disaffection disaffection 離叛 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(a)
disagreement disagreements 異議 Cap. 448A, reg. 11A(7)
point in disagreement 沒有達成協議的事項 Cap. 104, s. 22(2)
disallow disallow 不准 Cap. 32H, r. 150
disallow 否決 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.11
disallow costs ... 不准予……訟費 Cap. 484A, r. 27(3)
disallow ... request 駁回……要求 Cap. 336G, r. 11(3)(a)
disallowing 推翻 Cap. 51, s. 19(4)(a)
disallows 不接納 Cap. 426, s. 37(3)
to disallow or to award costs 不准予或判給訟費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 7(4)
disallowance disallowance of interest 不容許將利息扣除 Cap. 112A, r. 2B(2)
disappear cause to disappear 促使……消失 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(g)
disapply disapply 不引用 Cap. 159, s. 6(10)
disapply 使……不適用 Cap. 347, s. 30(2)
disapproval letter of disapproval 指責書 Cap. 159, s. 73(1)(cb)
disapprove disapproved 不獲批准 Cap. 549, s. 124(3)(c)
disapprove case disapproved 案例不獲認同 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disaster disaster relief 救助災害 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14

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natural disaster 天災 Cap. 132AI, s. 34(4)

natural disaster 天然災害 Cap. 1112A, r. 23
disbar disbarred 取消大律師資格 Cap. 159J, r. 20(1)(d)
disburse disburse 墊付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disbursement disbursement 代墊付費用 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28A
disbursement 開銷 Cap. 332, s. 35(1)
disbursement 墊支 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disbursements 銷費 Cap. 68, s. 27(2)
expense disbursement 開支支出 Cap. 112, s. 23(4)(b)(iii)
discharge discharge 排出 Cap. 247, s. 10(4)(a)
discharge 排放 Cap. 466, s. 2
discharge permit 燃放許可證 Cap. 560, s. 2
discharged into the sea 排放入海 Cap. 413K, s. 28(1)
discharge a good discharge ... as against the liquidator 妥為解除……對清盤人所負的責任 Cap. 32H, r. 207(3)
absolute discharge 完全解除 Cap. 515, Schedule
be a sufficient discharge of ... 充分解除 Cap. 33, s. 18(2)
discharge 解約 Cap. 23, s. 18
discharge 解除破產 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
discharge 解職 Cap. 197A, reg. 15
discharge ... 令……獲得解除 Cap. 1144, s. 11(d)
discharge a contract 解除合約 Cap. 565, s. 38
discharge a guarantee 解除保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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discharge an injunction 撤銷……強制令 Cap. 362, s. 30R

discharge any incumbrance 消除……任何產權負擔 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
discharge date 解除責任日期 Cap. 577, s. 25(5)(a)
discharge from bankruptcy 解除破產 Cap. 6, s. 99(3)(d)
discharge himself of his suretyship 解除其本人作為擔保人的責任 Cap. 221A, r. 54
discharge in bankruptcy 獲解除破產 Cap. 542, s. 39(1)(i)
discharge in bankruptcy [also discharge from bankruptcy] 解除破產 Cap. 542, s. 39
discharge ... legal aid certificate 取消……法律援助證書 Cap. 91, s. 11
discharge ... liability 解除……法律責任 Cap. 600, s. 3(1)
discharge (n., v.) 清償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharge (n., v.) 解除 Cap. 571, s. 18
discharge (n., v.) 撤銷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharge of a debt 清償債項 Cap. 1146, s. 2(1)
discharge of a debt 解除債務 Cap. 111, s. 6
discharge of any mortgage 按揭解除 Cap. 219, s. 56(6)
discharge of ... debts 解除債務 Cap. 401, s. 30(4)
discharge of ... indebtedness 清償……債項 Cap. 601, s. 26(1)
discharge of ... lien 解除……留置權 Cap. 556B, by-law 44A(2)
discharge of the receiver 解除接管人的委任 Cap. 4A, O. 30, r. 7(1)
discharge ... security 解除……抵押 Cap. 32, s. 266C(1)(c)
discharge the order 把命令撤銷 Cap. 405, s. 9(4)
discharge ... to serve as a juror 解除……出任陪審員的責任 Cap. 3, s. 4(2)
discharged from the further performance of ... obligations 已獲解除進一步履行……義務 Cap. 379, s. 6(4)

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discharges 責任解除文件 Cap. 50, s. 18(1)(l)

discharging ... a judgment 撤銷……判決 Cap. 405, s. 29(2)(a)
discharging ... the charging order 解除……押記令 Cap. 4, s. 20B(4)
form of discharge (of a claim) 解除(申索)保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good discharge 充分的責任解除 Cap. 29, s. 33(2)(a)
good discharge 妥為清償 Cap. 23, s. 9
in full discharge of ... 完全了結…… Cap. 336, s. 34(3)
lawfully discharged 合法解職 Cap. 478, s. 79(1)
notice of ... discharge 解職通知 Cap. 478, s. 50(1)
obtained ... discharge from ... insolvency 獲對……無力償債的解除 Cap. 401, s. 30(2)(b)
obtains ... discharge from bankruptcy 獲得解除破產 Cap. 89, s. 13(5)
order of discharge 破產解除令 Cap. 6, s. 32(1)
partial discharge 部分解除 Cap. 585, s. 40(b)
recognizances ... be discharged 擔保……予撤銷 Cap. 227, s. 15(1)
refuse to discharge a bankrupt 拒絕為……破產人解除破產 Cap. 6, s. 43A(8)
sufficient discharge from ... 足以解除…… Cap. 23, s. 27
time of discharge 解約時間 Cap. 23, s. 16(2)
valid discharge 有效責任解除 Cap. 116, s. 32(2)
discharge better discharge of its functions ... 更妥善履行其……的職能 Cap. 1081, s. 10(1)
discharge 擔當 Cap. 1, s. 45(b)
discharge duties 履行職責 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 28
discharge ... duties 履行……責任 Cap. 155, s. 53C(2)
discharge ... functions 執行職能 Cap. 411, s. 11(1)

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discharge (n., v.) 履行 Cap. 57, s. 9

discharge of ... duties 履行職責 Cap. 57, s. 9(1)(a)(ii)
discharge of obligation 履行義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharge of the rights 行使權利 Cap. 571, s. 18(5)
discharge the burden of proof 履行舉證責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharged ... burden 履行……[舉證]責任 Cap. 514, s. 134(2)
full and sufficient discharge of obligation 完全而充分地履行義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in ... partial discharge of ... 以……局部履行…… Cap. 49, s. 8(1)
in the ordinary course of the discharge of ... duties 在履行……的責任的通常過程中 Cap. 622, s. 63(2)(a)
lawful discharge of any duty ... 合法履行……的職責 Cap. 208A, reg. 17
proper discharge of ... 適當地履行…… Cap. 260, s. 4(1)(b)
sufficient discharge of the obligation 已充分履行……責任 Cap. 354P, s. 4(2)
discharge absolute discharge 無條件釋放 Cap. 221, s. 76(2)(b)(iii)
absolute or conditional discharge 無條件或有條件的釋放 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
an order for conditional discharge 有條件釋放令 Cap. 221, s. 83H(2)(b)
appeal from order for discharge 不服釋放命令的上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conditional discharge 有條件釋放 Cap. 298, s. 2(1)
discharge 釋放 Cap. 221, s. 10B(1)(b)
discharge from prison 出獄 Cap. 234, s. 21A(3)(c)

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discharge ... from the custody of ... 將羈押在……的……釋放 Cap. 225, s. 20A(1)
discharged by law 藉法律運作而獲釋 Cap. 32H, r. 206
discharged in due course of law 循適當法律途徑獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
discharged out of the custody of ... 從……的看管下獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
order for discharge 釋放令 Cap. 136, s. 42B(1)(b)
order of conditional discharge 有條件釋放令 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.17
the discharge of ... may be on licence 釋放……可以是特許的釋放 Cap. 225, s. 20A(2)
discharge discharge ... cargo 卸載……貨物 Cap. 413A, reg. 16B(2)
discharge discharging 發射 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
disciplinary disciplinary action 紀律行動 Cap. 571, s. 303(2)(c)
disciplinary action 紀律制裁 Cap. 473B, s. 2
disciplinary action 紀律處分 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.7
disciplinary board 紀律委員會 Cap. 95, s. 25(1)(g)
disciplinary board 紀律審裁委員會 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
disciplinary board panel 紀律委員團 Cap. 610B, s. 16(1)
disciplinary board panel 紀律審裁委員團 Cap. 618, s. 108(1)
disciplinary committee 紀律委員會 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
disciplinary consequences 紀律處分後果 Cap. 159H, r. 5(4)
disciplinary control 紀律管制 Cap. 409, Long Title
disciplinary hearing 紀律聆訊 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.34

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disciplinary inquiry 紀律研訊 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)

disciplinary offence 違反紀律罪 Cap. 428, s. 2
disciplinary offence 違紀行為 Cap. 516, s. 2(1)
disciplinary order 紀律制裁命令 Cap. 505, s. 2(1)
disciplinary powers of punishment 紀律懲處權 Cap. 89, s. 6(1)(j)
disciplinary proceedings 紀律處分程序 Cap. 232, s. 45(2)
disciplinary proceedings 紀律程序 Cap. 567, s. 10(1)
disciplinary sanction 紀律處分 Cap. 588, s. 9(a)
disciplinary tribunal 紀律審裁小組 Cap. 406, s. 36(1)(a)
disciplinary tribunal panel 紀律審裁委員會 Cap. 406, s. 38(1)
disciplinary tribunal panel 紀律審裁委員團 Cap. 470, s. 32(1)
guilty of a disciplinary offence 犯了違紀行為 Cap. 550, s. 4(4)(e)
disciplinary action disciplinary action 紀律行動 Cap. 571, s. 117
disciplinary action 紀律制裁 Cap. 473B, s. 2
disciplinary inquiry disciplinary inquiry 紀律研訊 Cap. 359A, Sch. 2
discipline an offence against discipline 違紀行為 Cap. 95, s. 13
Boards of Discipline 紀律委員會 Cap. 233, s. 2
discipline 紀律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103
disciplining 紀律制裁 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 56
good order and discipline 良好秩序及紀律 Cap. 233, s. 14(c)
order and discipline 秩序和紀律 Cap. 494, s. 12B(2)(b)
preservation of service and custodial discipline 維持部隊紀律及囚禁紀律 Cap. 383, s. 9
prison discipline 監獄紀律 Cap. 234A, r. 61
proper discipline 適當紀律 Cap. 285B, reg. 92

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discipline disciplines 界別 Cap. 624, s. 24(1)(b)

disciplines within the profession 業內界別 Cap. 409, Long Title
disclaim disclaim 放棄 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
disclaim ... transaction 卸棄……交易 Cap. 379, s. 6(3)
disclaimed property 遭卸棄的財產 Cap. 6, s. 59(6)
disclaimer disclaimer 免責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclaimer 免責聲明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclaimer 卸責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclaimer 卸責聲明 Cap. 528, s. 93(7)
disclaimer 卸棄 Cap. 32, s. 268(2)
disclaimer 卸棄書 Cap. 8, s. 33
disclaimer 放棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclaimer of property 放棄財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclaimer of property 財產的卸棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclaimer ... relating to a trade mark 與商標有關的卸棄 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
notice of disclaimer 卸棄通知 Cap. 379, s. 6(4)
sufficient disclaimer 足夠的卸責聲明 Cap. 528, s. 93(7)
disclosable disclosable 應披露 Cap. 626, s. 48
disclosable interest 應予披露的利害關係 Cap. 349, s. 17E(2)

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disclosable interest 應披露利害關係 Cap. 626, s. 48

disclose adequately disclose 充分披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclose 公開 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclose 披露 Cap. 316, s. 22(4)
disclose a cause of action 披露訴訟因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclose no reasonable cause of action 並無披露合理的訴訟因由 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 19
disclose no reasonable defence 並無披露合理的抗辯理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclosed principal 公開的主事人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discloses 顯示 Cap. 484A, r. 7(1)
wilfully omits or refuses to disclose to ... 故意不向或拒絕向……披露…… Cap. 521, s. 4(c)
discloseable discloseable transaction 須予披露交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclosure certification authority disclosure record 核證機關披露紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
controlled disclosure 有限制的披露 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 3.56
damaging disclosure 具損害性的披露 Cap. 521, s. 14(1)
disclosure 公開 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclosure 披露 Cap. 521, s. 14
disclosure of documents 文件的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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disclosure of documents 文件透露 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 7A

disclosure of evidence 證據的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclosure of identity 身分的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclosure of information 資料的披露 Cap. 405, s. 20(9)(b)
disclosure policy 披露政策 Cap. 155M, s. 5
disclosure proceedings 關於披露的研訊程序 Cap. 571, s. 307I(1)
disclosure request 披露請求 Cap. 112BI, s. 2
disclosure statement 披露陳述書 Cap. 32, s. 237A(1B)
disclosure statement 披露報表 Cap. 155M, s. 2
disclosure statement 關於披露的聲明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
documented disclosure policy 以文件……記錄……的披露政策 Cap. 155M, s. 5
duty of disclosure 披露責任 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
enhanced disclosure 加強級別的資料披露 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 3.38
foreign disclosures 非本地披露 Cap. 155M, s. 15(b)
full and true disclosure 全面而真實地披露 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full disclosure 全面披露 Cap. 4A, O. 49B, r. 1A
make prompt and full disclosure 迅速及全面地披露 Cap. 115, s. 37ZA(1)(a)
non-prejudicial disclosure 不具損害性的披露 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
pre-claim disclosure 申索前的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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presumption of disclosure 披露資料的推定 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 2.4
pre-tax profit disclosure 稅前利潤的披露 Cap. 155M, s. 90
privileged from disclosure 享有免予披露的特權 Cap. 336, s. 72B(3)
privileged from disclosure 享有免予披露特權 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 6
protected against disclosure 禁止披露 Cap. 521, s. 18(2)
quantitative disclosure 量化披露 Cap. 155M, s. 90(1)
special disclosure order 特殊文件披露命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
specific disclosure 特定的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
staged disclosure 分階段披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
standard disclosure 標準披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
standard disclosure 標準級別的資料披露 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 3.38
standard disclosure templates 標準披露模版 Cap. 155M, s. 6(1)(ab)
withholding disclosure and inspection (of documents) (文件的)不予披露和不准查閱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discomfort discomfort 不安 Cap. 159AI, Schedule
discontinuance discontinuance 中止 Cap. 336H, O. 21, r. 2
discontinuance of possession 中止管有 Cap. 347, s. 2(4)
discontinuance of proceedings 法律程序的中止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discontinuance of ... proceedings 法律程序中止 Cap. 455, s. 2(16)(a)

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discontinuance of ... proceedings 訴訟中止 Cap. 405, s. 2(12)(a)

notice of discontinuance 中止通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 106, r. 17
notice of discontinuance 中止訴訟通知書 Cap. 179A, r. 7
discontinuation date discontinuation date 中止日期 Cap. 241L, s. 2
discontinue discontinue 中止 Cap. 208, s. 16(2)(a)
discontinue ... registration 終止……註冊 Cap. 610B, s. 9(1)(b)
discontinue the operation 中止……實施 Cap. 247, s. 4(2)
discontinued in its operation 停止實施 Cap. 115, s. 17A(1)(b)
dispossessed or discontinued possession 被剝奪管有權或中止管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
permanently discontinued 永久停業 Cap. 112, s. 16EB(2)(c)(ii)
discontinued election discontinued election 已中止的選舉 Cap. 241L, s. 2
discount discount 貼現 Cap. 155, s. 124
discount rate 折扣率 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
discounted 折減 Cap. 155L, s. 226S(1)(d)
issue of ... at a discount 按折扣發行…… Cap. 622, s. 342(8)
trade discounts 營業折扣 Cap. 32H, r. 86
discount customary discount 慣常的減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
degree of discount 減刑的幅度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
departure from customary discount 偏離慣常減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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discount for guilty plea 因認罪而減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discount of 1/3 三分一刑期減免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discount of 1/3 三分一刑期寬減 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
extensive discount 大幅扣減刑期 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.12
full discount of one-third of the sentence 足三分一刑期減免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reduced discount 削減可扣減的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
usual discount 慣常減刑幅度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discounted discounted negotiable instrument 已貼現可流轉票據 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
discounting irrevocable re-discounting facilities 不可撤銷的再貼現融通 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5
discover discover 披露 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(a)
discover 透露 Cap. 200, s. 16(a)(vii)
discover the contents of ... 找出……的內容 Cap. 106, s. 27(b)
discovering 查明 Cap. 106B, reg. 6
discovert discovert (女子)獨身的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discovery automatic discovery 自動作出文件透露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discovery 文件及資料的披露 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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discovery 文件透露〔民事訴訟程序。訴訟各方互相透露己方與訴 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 1

discovery [身分]被揭露 Cap. 201, s. 30A(1)
discovery 透露 Cap. 145, s. 17(1)(b)(ii)
discovery 透露文件 Cap. 8, s. 65(5)
discovery by interrogatories 藉質問書作出文件透露 Cap. 179A, r. 29(1)
discovery of documents 文件透露 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 1(2)
discovery of documents 透露文件 Cap. 609, s. 56(1)(b)
discovery order 文件透露令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general discovery 一般性的文件透露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mutual discovery and inspection of documents 互向對方透露和查閱文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
obtain discovery of documents from ... 向……要求透露文件 Cap. 6A, r. 24
particular discovery (of documents) 特定文件的透露 參看discovery English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pre-action discovery 訴訟前的文件透露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
specific discovery (of document) 透露特定的文件 參看discovery English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discovery discovery 發現 Cap. 287, s. 5(1)(d)
first discovery of the offence 首次發現該罪行 Cap. 564, s. 17(5)
first discovery of the offence 最初發現該罪行之日 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
discovery discovery 申請查閱對方準備呈堂的文件及證物表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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discredit bring discredit upon ... 損及……的聲譽 Cap. 50, s. 34(2)

discredit discredited 令誠信成疑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discredited 令誠信受質疑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discredited 令誠信盡失 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discrediting 使……不可信 Cap. 8, s. 12, Heading
discreditable discreditable 有損信譽 Cap. 159, s. 2(2)
discreditable act 有損信譽的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discrepancy discrepancy 不相符之處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discrepancy 歧義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discrepancy 差異 Cap. 485A, s. 137(2)
discrepancy 意義差歧 Rules of Procedure of the Legislative
Council of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, s. 57(4)(e)
discrepancy in evidence 證據前後不符 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rectify ... discrepancy 糾正……差異 Cap. 485, s. 7AD(2)
discrete discrete offence 不同的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discretion absolute discretion 絕對的酌情權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
absolute discretion 絕對酌情決定權 Cap. 159, s. 30(1)(a)
absolute discretion 絕對酌情權 Cap. 17A, r. 23(3)

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abuse of discretion 濫用酌情決定權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
detained at Executive discretion 被拘留等候行政酌情決定 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)
discretion 酌情決定 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)
discretion 酌情決定權 Cap. 1, s. 3
discretion 酌情決定權範圍 Cap. 87, s. 4(1)(a)
discretion 酌情權 Cap. 155L, s. 103
executive discretion 行政酌情決定 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)
exercising ... discretion 行使……酌情決定權 Cap. 311, s. 14A(1)
fettering discretion 酌情決定權受到約束 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
general discretion 一般酌情權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, Annex D, Part 2
in his discretion ... 可酌情…… Cap. 227, s. 102(4)
in the discretion of ... 由……酌情決定 Cap. 25B, Schedule
in the discretion of ... 經……酌情決定後 Cap. 106B, reg. 5(1)
judicial discretion 司法酌情權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
left to the discretion of ... 交由……酌情決定 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(e)
prosecutorial discretion 檢控酌情權 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.24
residual discretion to exclude evidence 豁除證據的剩餘酌情權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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sole and absolute discretion 獨有絕對酌情決定權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
sole discretion 全權酌情決定 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
sole discretion 全權酌情決定權 Cap. 132, s. 125(1)(b)
sole discretion 獨有酌情決定權 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
unfettered discretion 絕對的酌情權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discretionary discretionary 酌情決定 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
discretionary 酌情性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discretionary exemptions 酌情豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.30
discretionary life sentence 酌情性終身監禁刑罰 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)
discretionary object 酌情對象 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
discretionary power 酌情決定權 Cap. 172, s. 9(1)
discretionary power 酌情性權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discretionary trust 酌情信託 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
discrimination act of discrimination 歧視作為 Cap. 480, s. 42(1)
direct racial discrimination 直接種族歧視 Ord. No. 8 of 2020, Long Title
disability discrimination 殘疾歧視 Cap. 487, s. 1(1)
discrimination 歧視 Cap. 383, s. 5(2)(b)
discrimination of 歧視 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)

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discrimination on the basis of disability 殘疾歧視 "Charities" Report, para. 6.89

discrimination on the ground of marital status or pregnancy 基於婚姻狀況或懷孕的歧視 Cap. 480, Long Title
discrimination solely on the ground of ... 純粹以……為根據之歧視 Cap. 383, s. 5(2)(b)
elimination of ... discrimination 消除……歧視 Cap. 480, Long Title
family status discrimination 家庭崗位歧視 Cap. 527, s. 1(1)
racial discrimination 種族歧視 Cap. 602, s. 4
sex discrimination 性別歧視 Cap. 480, Long Title
unlawful discrimination 違法歧視 Cap. 487, s. 83(2)
discriminator discriminator 歧視者 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
discriminatory discriminatory 歧視性 Cap. 487, s. 41
discriminatory 帶有歧視性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discriminatory act 歧視性作為 Cap. 480A, Sch. 2
discriminatory practice 歧視性的做法 Cap. 480, s. 42(1)
discussion brought up for discussion or consideration 被提出以供討論或考慮 Cap. 601, Schedule
disease communicable disease 傳染病 Cap. 132CA, s. 3(1)
disease of the mind 精神病 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disease surveillance 疾病的監察 Cap. 625, s. 30(1)(b)
infectious disease 傳染病 Cap. 487, s. 61(3)
venereal disease in a communicable form 可傳染的性病 Cap. 179, s. 20(2)(e)
disembark disembark from a ship 離開船舶 Cap. 84D, Schedule
disembarkation disembarkation 下船 Cap. 313A, reg. 8(a)
port of disembarkation 離船的港口 Cap. 115A, reg. 6(b)
disenfranchise disenfranchise 剝奪權利 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,

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para. 8.100
disentitle disentitle 剝奪稱號、權利等 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disentitle sb. from ... 令某人不能(擔任……的職務) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disentitled to ... 喪失……的權利 Cap. 294, s. 6
disfavour disfavour 虧待 Cap. 201, s. 9(1)(b)
disfigure disfigure 使……外貌毀損 Cap. 212, s. 17
disfigure 毀損……的形貌 Cap. 98, s. 30
disfigures 毀損 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
disfigurement disfigurement 毀容 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
disfigurement 毀損 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
disgorgement disgorgement 被迫交出、歸還非法所得、不義之財等 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disgraceful disgraceful 不名譽 Cap. 164, s. 17(3)
disgraceful 可耻 Cap. 159, s. 2(2)
disguise disguising 掩飾 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
dishonest access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
dishonest 不誠實 Cap. 210, s. 3(1)
dishonest gain 不誠實地獲益 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(c)
dishonest intent to cause loss to another 不誠實地意圖導致他人蒙受損失 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(d)
with a dishonest intent to ... 不誠實地意圖…… Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(b)
dishonestly acted fraudulently, corruptly or dishonestly 有欺詐性、舞弊或不誠實的作為 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(iii)
dishonestly 不誠實地 Cap. 210, s. 2(1)

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dishonesty dishonesty 不忠實行為 Cap. 57, s. 9(1)(a)(iii)

dishonesty 不誠實 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
offence involving fraud or dishonesty 涉及欺詐或不誠實行為的罪行 Cap. 485A, s. 16(2)(a)
dishonour dishonour (v., n.) (票據)不兌現 Cap. 19, s. 48
dishonourable dishonourable 不名譽 Cap. 159, s. 2(2)
dishonourable 敗壞名譽 Cap. 164, s. 17(3)
dishonourable conduct and practices 不名譽行為及做法 Cap. 1162, s. 4(c)
dishonoured dishonoured bill 不兌現的匯票 Cap. 19, s. 67(1)
disinherit disinherit 剝奪繼承權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disinterested disinterested shares 無利害關係股份 Cap. 622, s. 674(3)
dismantle dismantled 被拆除 Cap. 598, Sch. 1
dismiss dismiss 駁回 Cap. 159B, r. 5(2)
dismiss 撤銷 Cap. 234A, r. 251(a)(i)
dismiss a claim 駁回申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss a claim 撤銷申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismiss an action 撤銷訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 78, r. 5
dismiss an appeal 駁回……上訴 Cap. 221, s. 83K(2)
dismiss an application 駁回申請 Cap. 4, s. 22A(6)
dismiss ... summarily 循簡易程序將……駁回 Cap. 221, s. 83S
dismiss the application for want of appearance 因無人出庭而撤銷該申請 Cap. 619D, r. 32(1)
dismiss the application with costs 駁回申請兼判訟費須予支付 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 7(1)
dismiss the case 撤銷該案 Cap. 21, s. 15

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dismiss the charge 駁回控罪 Cap. 336, Sch. 2

dismiss the charge 撤銷控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dismiss the information or complaint 撤銷告發或申訴 Cap. 227, s. 18C(1)(a)
dismissed the appeal 駁回上訴 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.34
the appeal be dismissed for non-prosecution 因上訴延滯進行而駁回上訴 Cap. 484A, r. 18(4)
dismiss dismiss ... appointment 解除……委任 Cap. 1, s. 42(a)
dismissed 革職 Cap. 95, s. 12
dismissed 解僱 Cap. 57, s. 2(3)(a)
dismissed or removed from an appointment 被革職或免職 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismissal constructive dismissal 推定解僱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismissal 免職 Cap. 1150, s. 6(2)
dismissal 革職 Cap. 398, Schedule
dismissal 解僱 Cap. 113, Sch. 3
dismissal 罷免 Cap. 1145, s. 11(6)
dismissal of a person from employment 解僱某人 Cap. 480, s. 2(2)
dismissal without due notice 沒有給予妥當通知而解僱 Cap. 57, s. 32O(3)(b)
summary dismissal 即時革職 Cap. 322, s. 14
summary dismissal 即時解僱 Cap. 78, s. 5
unfair dismissal 不公平的解僱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
wrongful dismissal 不當解僱 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3

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wrongful dismissal 非法解僱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
dismissal dismissal 駁回 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismissal 撤銷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dismissal of counsel 撤銷由律師代表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dismissal of proceedings 撤銷法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notification of dismissal of appeal 駁回上訴通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
order of dismissal 撤銷令 Cap. 227, s. 93(d)
voluntary dismissal 自行撤訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.104
voluntary dismissal 自動撤銷訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disobedience disobedience to law or to any lawful order 不守法或不服從合法命令 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(g)
disobey disobeys 不遵從 Cap. 537AC, s. 12(1)
disorder disorder 功能失調 Cap. 282, Sch. 1
disorder 失調 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
disorder 混亂 Cap. 354L, s. 5(1)
disorder ... of mind 精神失常 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
disorder ... of personality 性格失常 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
mental disorder 精神紊亂 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
mentally disordered person 精神紊亂的人 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.14
person with a mental disorder 精神紊亂的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

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and Persons with Mental

Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.33
personality disorder 人格障礙 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.17
psychopathic disorder 精神病理障礙 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
public disorder 擾亂公共秩序 Cap. 55, s. 35(1)(b)(i)
disordered disordered state of mind 精神失常的狀態 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mentally disordered 精神紊亂 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
mentally disordered person 精神紊亂的人 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
disorderly behave in a disorderly manner 作出……不檢的行為 Cap. 382A, s. 12(3)
behaves in a ... disorderly manner 作出……擾亂秩序的行為 Cap. 245, s. 17B(2)
disorderly conduct 行為不檢 Cap. 1112A, r. 24
disorderly conduct 擾亂秩序的行為 Cap. 114A, reg. 68(d)
disorderly conduct in public place 在公眾地方行為不檢 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.22
disorderly manner 行為不檢 Cap. 228, s. 28(2)
disorderly manner 擾亂秩序的行為 Cap. 132A, s. 42(d)
disorderly or improper conduct 不檢或不當的行為 Cap. 139A, reg. 50
insulting or disorderly conduct 侮辱或不檢的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
keeping a disorderly house 經營不道德場所 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disparage disparage 貶低 Cap. 21, s. 23

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disparity disparity in sentence 判刑差異 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
dispatch dispatch [also despatch] 派遣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispatch [also despatch] 發送 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispatch prosecuted ... with reasonable dispatch 合理迅速地進行 Cap. 329, s. 48
dispensation dispensation 施行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispensation 處置 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispensation 管理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispensation 體制 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
under the dispensation of ... 在……管治下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
under the dispensation of ... 在……體制下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispensation dispensation 免除 Cap. 622, s. 613
dispensation 特免 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispensation 豁免 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispensation dispensation 配發 Cap. 343, s. 2
dispense dispense with 免除 Cap. 17A, r. 9
dispense dispense 配發 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)

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dispense with service dispense with service 免予送達 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispense with service 免除送達 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 2
dispense with service 免除送達的規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispersable dispersable gathering 須解散聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 10(2)
dispersal dispersal 解散 Cap. 245, s. 11(6)(a)
disperse disperse a gathering 解散……聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 10(3)(b)
displace displaced from ... 自……排出 Cap. 311S, s. 2
displace displaced 失去業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
displaced owner 失去業權的擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
displaced residential occupier 失去業權的住宅佔用人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
displace displace presumption 推翻推定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
displacement displacement of a person from land 將人遷離土地 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
display display 展示 Cap. 571, s. 397(1)(b)
display 顯示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
displaying or exhibiting any material for the purpose of 為作廣告或宣傳而陳列或展示任何資料 Cap. 627, s. 16(1)(c)
advertisement or publicity
displays clearly and distinctly 清楚而明確地展示 Cap. 133A, reg. 11(1)(d)
disponer disponer 財產處置人 Cap. 111, s. 6(6)(a)
disposable disposable capital 可動用資產 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)
disposable income 可動用收入 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)

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disposable income disposable income 可動用收入 Cap. 91B, Sch. 1

disposal disposal 棄置 Cap. 466, s. 2
final disposal 最終棄置 Cap. 466, s. 8(5)(g)
waste disposal 廢物處置 Cap. 354, s. 3(1)(b)
disposal compulsory disposal 強制處置 Cap. 622, s. 238(3)(a)
disposal 支配 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disposal 安排 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disposal 處理 Cap. 111, s. 6(7)
disposal 處置 Cap. 247, s. 2
disposal hearing 關於處置的聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disposal of the business 事務的……處理 Cap. 17, s. 10(4)(c)
distribution and disposal of the business of the Tribunal 審裁處事務的分配及處理 Cap. 17, s. 10(4)(c)
economical disposal 合乎經濟原則的處置 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 9(3)
Exhibits Disposal List 證物處理表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fair disposal of the case 公平處置有關案件 Cap. 528D, r. 30(3)(d)
just and expeditious disposal 公正而迅速地處理 Cap. 5C, r. 3(1)
necessary for the fair disposal of the proceedings 對公平了結有關法律程序屬必要 Cap. 619D, r. 24(3)(d)
summary disposal 循簡易程序處置 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disposal disposal authorisation 檔案存廢授權書 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.66
disposal of ... records 檔案的……處置 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,

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para. 8.66
disposal schedule 存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.35
draft disposal schedule 暫擬存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.89
records disposal 檔案存廢 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.40
records disposal schedule 檔案存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.23
records retention and disposal schedule 檔案存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.28
dispose appeal has been disposed of 上訴已獲處理 Cap. 115, s. 37V(2)(b)
appeal is disposed of 上訴被處置 Cap. 1112A, r. 12(8A)
dispose of ... interest in severalty 將……權益分開脫手 Cap. 415, s. 12(b)
dispose of ... records 處置……檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.24
dispose of shares 處置……股份 Cap. 601, s. 5(2)(i)
disposed 處置 Cap. 219, s. 4(1)
disposed of 了結 Cap. 622, s. 508(3)(a)(ii)
disposed of 處置 Cap. 145, s. 18(2)
disposed of in chambers 在內庭處理 Cap. 189A, s. 8
disposed of to 處置而轉予 Cap. 519, s. 42
finally disposed of 終局了結 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
finally disposed of 最終處置 Cap. 511A, s. 16(1)
have the appeal disposed of by ... 使該上訴得以由……完成處理 Cap. 319, s. 7(1)
otherwise disposed of 以其他方式處置 Cap. 547, s. 60H(7)

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treat ... as his own to dispose of 將……視為自己的……處置 Cap. 210, s. 7(1)

dispose of dispose of 處理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispose of 處置 Cap. 219, s. 4
disposer disposer 處置者 Cap. 487, s. 29(3)(a)(i)
disposition assignation or disposition ex facie absolute 任何形式上的絕對轉讓或絕對產權處置 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
disposition 產權處置 Cap. 111, s. 3(2)(b)
disposition 產權處置書 Cap. 1174, s. 2(1)
disposition 處置 Cap. 159H, r. 5C(1)
disposition 業權處置 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disposition in wills 遺囑中的產權處置 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
disposition of ... interest 權益……處置 Cap. 1146, s. 13(b)
disposition of property 產權處置 Cap. 347, s. 25(8)
non-testamentary disposition 非遺囑性質的產權處置 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
person taking under the disposition 根據該項處置而承受的人 Cap. 48, s. 3(1)
power of disposition 處置權 Cap. 60, s. 2
testamentary disposition 遺囑性質的產權處置 Cap. 111, s. 3
testamentary disposition 遺囑性質的處置 Cap. 528, s. 101
testamentary disposition 遺囑處置 Cap. 559, s. 27(2)
testamentary disposition 屬遺囑性質的產權處置 "Charities" Report, para. 1.44
testamentary dispositions 在遺囑中所作出的產權處置 Cap. 111, s. 9(5)
voluntary disposition 無償產權處置 Cap. 219, s. 35(1)(c)
disposition disposition to commit ... violence 使用……暴力的傾向 Cap. 136, s. 42B(1)(a)

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dispositive clause dispositive clause (Scots law) (契據內的)產業處置條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispossess dispossess 剝奪管有 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7
dispossessed land 被剝奪管有權的土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed of ... land 被剝奪對土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed or discontinued possession 被剝奪管有權或中止管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed owner 被剝奪管有權的擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossession dispossession 失去……管有 Cap. 519, Schedule
dispossession 剝奪 Cap. 347, s. 2(4)
dispossession 剝奪管有 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7(6)(b)
dispossession 剝奪管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disproportionate disproportionate 不相稱 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.34
disproportionate punishment 不相稱的懲罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disproportionate to ... 與……不相稱 Cap. 276, s. 20(1)
disproportionate to disproportionate to 與……不相稱 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 9A
disproportionately disproportionately less than 遠少於 Cap. 413, s. 7(1)(b)
disprove disprove 反駁 Cap. 221, s. 65D(4)
disprove 反證 Cap. 8, s. 52
disproving 作反證 Cap. 329, s. 75(2)

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evidence given to prove or to disprove ... 證明……是否屬實的證據 Cap. 21, s. 7(3)

dispute alternative dispute resolution 解決糾紛的另類辦法 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.37
alternative dispute resolution procedure 另類爭端排解程序 Cap. 159M, r. 2
alternative dispute resolution procedure 另類排解程序 Cap. 4A, O. 1A, r. 4
alternative dispute resolution procedure 爭議解決替代程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
clinical dispute protocol 醫療爭議議決書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
custody dispute 管養權爭議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dispute 就……提出爭議 Cap. 347, s. 27(7)
dispute 對……提出異議 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
dispute liability 就……法律責任提出抗辯 Cap. 603, s. 28D(2)(b)
dispute liability 就……法律責任提出爭議 Cap. 283C, s. 12(1)(a)
dispute liability for the offence 就該罪行的法律責任提出抗辯 Cap. 600, s. 6(2)(b)
dispute (n., v.) 爭端 Cap. 503K, Schedule
dispute (n., v.) 爭議 Cap. 7, s. 127A
dispute (n., v.) 提出異議 Cap. 178, s. 9
dispute resolution 解決爭議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.3
disputed land 爭議土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be 爭議的理由是法院覺得重要的 Cap. 6A, r. 48(5)(b)

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disputed writing 受爭議的字迹 Cap. 8, s. 17

disputes the claim 對該申索有爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 2(2)
disputes the existence of the marriage 對該婚姻的存在提出異議 Cap. 178, s. 9(3)(a)
entirety of the dispute 整項爭議 Cap. 609, s. 31(9)(b)
facts not in dispute 不爭事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
facts not in dispute 沒有爭議的案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in dispute 在爭議中 Cap. 330, s. 4B(5)
in dispute 受爭議 Cap. 115, s. 37ZC(1)
in dispute 爭議中的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issues in dispute 所爭議的爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 21(2)
labour dispute 勞資糾紛 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.27
matrimonial disputes 婚姻爭執 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
matter in dispute 有爭議的事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 5
matters in dispute 爭議事宜 Cap. 4, s. 16(2)
mode of determining a dispute 終結爭議的……方式 Cap. 294, s. 2(5)
parties to the dispute 爭議各方 Cap. 514C, s. 83(2)
point of dispute 爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
point of dispute 爭議點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
refer disputes to arbitration 將爭議提交仲裁 Cap. 33, s. 42(1)(d)
resolution of disputes 爭議……排解 Cap. 528D, r. 4(2)

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resolution of disputes 排解糾紛 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:

Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.25
satellite dispute 衍生爭議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 7.13
substantial dispute of fact 實質事實爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 4(2)(b)
the amount in dispute 爭議的金額 Cap. 609C, r. 9(1)(a)
trade dispute 勞資糾紛 Cap. 332, s. 2
dispute resolution alternative dispute resolution procedure 另類解決爭議程序 Cap. 528D, r. 24(2)(e)
dispute resolution procedure 解決爭議的程序 Cap. 609, s. 58(1)(b)
resolution of disputes 解決爭議 Cap. 609, s. 3(1)
disputes settlement of disputes 解決爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 1A, r. 1(e)
disqualification disqualification 取消資格 Cap. 47, s. 31(2)
disqualification 被取消駕駛資格 Cap. 375, s. 8(3)(a)
disqualification 喪失資格 Cap. 1097, s. 3(3)(d)(ii)
disqualification 褫奪資格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disqualification from holding or obtaining a driver's licence 吊銷或不准領取駕駛執照 Cap. 227C, Schedule
disqualification order 取消資格令 Cap. 622, s. 45(5)
disqualification order 取消駕駛資格令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disqualification order 停牌令 Cap. 374, s. 72A(11)
disqualification period 停牌期 Cap. 374, s. 72A(11)
disqualification period 駕駛資格取消期間 Cap. 374, s. 69A(2)
disqualification proceedings [to disqualify directors] 取消(董事)資格的法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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disqualified disqualified 被取消資格 Cap. 6A, r. 122I(2)(c)

disqualified candidate 喪失資格的候選人 Cap. 541D, s. 22B(2)(a)(i)
disqualified from use in the prosecution of ... 不會被採用作檢控…… Cap. 525, s. 23(2)(b)
disqualified person 喪失資格的人 Cap. 106, s. 13G(1)
disqualify disqualified 喪失……資格 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
disqualifying period 喪失資格限期 Cap. 547, s. 19(6)
is disqualified from 喪失……的資格 Cap. 541A, s. 7(1)(a)(iv)
disregard disregard 不理會 Cap. 112, Sch. 17A
disregard of law and order 漠視法紀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
disregarded 不予理會 Cap. 112, s. 18A(4)
disregarded 不得……計算在內 Cap. 398, Schedule
disregarded 無須理會 Cap. 89A, reg. 21
with reckless disregard for the safety of others 在罔顧他人安全的情況下 Cap. 238, s. 22(1)
disrepute bring ... into disrepute 使……蒙上壞名聲 Cap. 374J, reg. 3(2)(k)
bring ... into disrepute 致使……的聲譽受損 Cap. 233, s. 14(m)
disrepute 損及……的聲譽 Cap. 408, s. 21(1)(f)
disrepute 聲譽受損 Cap. 232A, reg. 3(2)(m)
disrespectful disrespectful to the national anthem 不尊重國歌 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 4
disrupt disrupt 令……無法繼續進行 Cap. 494, s. 15(2)(b)
disrupted 干擾 Cap. 547, s. 38(1)
disrupted 中斷 Cap. 265, s. 11C(2)
disrupts 擾亂 Cap. 359, s. 23(6)(b)
disrupts any sitting of the Tribunal 干擾審裁處聆訊使其無法進行 Cap. 615, s. 61(2)(b)

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disrupts the proceedings ... 干擾……法律程序使其無法進行 Cap. 115, s. 43A

seriously disrupting 嚴重擾亂 Cap. 575, s. 2(1)
disruption disruption 干擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
operational disruptions 運作方面的干擾 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
significant disruption 顯著干擾 Cap. 584, s. 4(3)(a)
undue disruption 不當干擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
without risk to human life or serious disruption to a public 不危及人命或不嚴重干擾公共服務 Cap. 311, s. 78(1)(a)
dissatisfy dissatisfied 感到不滿 Cap. 172, s. 9(1)
dissatisfied with 不滿 Cap. 25, s. 32(1)
disseise disseise 強佔或霸佔不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disseise disseise 沒收財產 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.4
disseminate disseminate 散發 Cap. 571, s. 297(1)
disseminate 傳布 Cap. 1130, s. 6(2)(g)
disseminate information 傳布資料 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(d)
disseminating 發布 Cap. 1150, s. 4(1)(c)
distribute, make available and disseminate 分發、提供及傳播 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
to distribute, disseminate or make available to the public 向公眾分發、傳布或提供 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(8)
dissemination dissemination 散布 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dissemination 散播 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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dissemination 發布 Cap. 486, s. 61

distribution or dissemination of ... matter 材料的分發或傳布 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(b)(i)
innocent dissemination 無辜傳播 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dissent dissent 不同意 Cap. 6A, r. 122ZP(2)
dissent 反對 Cap. 290, s. 13
dissent 持不同意見 Cap. 504, s. 42(1)
dissent 異議 Cap. 352, s. 6(2)
dissenting from ... 與……意見分歧 Cap. 3, s. 24(1)
dissentient dissentient members 持異議的成員 Cap. 622, s. 221(1)
dissenting joint dissenting opinion 聯合的異議意見 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dissenting opinion dissenting opinion 不同的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dissenting opinion 異議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Dissimilium dissimilis Dissimilium dissimilis est ratio. [Of dissimilars the rule is 對不同的事物作不同的裁斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est ratio. dissimilar.] and Commercial Law Terms
dissipate dissipate 消耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dissipate 耗散 Cap. 571, s. 207
dissociate dissociating ... from ... 說明……與……無涉 Cap. 528, s. 114(2)
dissolution dissolution 消滅 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(4)
dissolution 終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dissolution 解除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

dissolution 解散 Cap. 1, s. 34(3)(a)
dissolution of a company 公司……的……解散 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
dissolution of adoption 終止領養 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dissolution of marriage 解除婚姻 Cap. 179, s. 26
dissolution of marriages 婚姻的解除 Cap. 178, Long Title
dissolution of partnership 合夥解散 Cap. 38, s. 46
dissolution of the Legislative Council 立法會解散 Cap. 541, s. 23(2)
dissolution procedures 解散程序 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(k)
dissolve dissolve 解散 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 50
dissolve the association 將聯繫解除 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
notice of intention to dissolve a marriage 擬解除婚姻通知書 Cap. 178A, reg. 2(1)
distinct distinct 獨特的 Cap. 490A, s. 4(1)(a)
distinct account 獨立帳目 Cap. 32H, r. 163(1)
distinct charges 不同控罪 Cap. 21, s. 26
distinct from 與……有所區別 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
distinct head of damages 個別損害賠償項目 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 11(4)(b)
distinct offence 不同罪行 Cap. 227, s. 10(2)
distinct proceedings 獨立法律程序 Cap. 91, s. 28(2)(d)
kept separate and distinct 分開及有所區別 Cap. 426, s. 18(4)(b)(i)
separate and distinct offence 個別及不同的罪行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
distinction without distinction 不分區別 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1, heading
without distinction 無分 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(1)

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distinctive distinctive character 顯著特性 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(b)

distinctive elements 顯著要素 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
distinctive mark 顯著標記 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
distinctiveness distinctiveness 顯著性 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
distinctly displays clearly and distinctly 清楚而明確地展示 Cap. 133A, reg. 11(1)(d)
distinctly 明確 Cap. 8, s. 13
distinguish adapted to distinguish 適合作出識別 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
capable of distinguishing ... from ... 能夠將……與……作出識別 Cap. 559, s. 3(1)
case distinguished 案例須予區分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
distinguish 區別 Cap. 159F, r. 10(1)(b)
distinguish 識別 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
distinguishing 作分辨用的 Cap. 56A, reg. 3(1)(a)(v)
distorted in a distorted or disrespectful way 以歪曲或貶損的方式 National Anthem Ordinance, s.
distortion distortion 扭曲 Cap. 528, s. 272E(3)(b)
distrain distrain 扣押 Cap. 7, s. 91(2)
distrain for arrears of rent 為追討欠繳租金而扣押 Cap. 347, s. 2(3)
power to distrain 作出財物扣押的權力 Cap. 257, s. 5(a)
distrained distrained property 遭扣押的財物 Cap. 7, s. 99(1)
distraint distraint 扣押財物 Cap. 97, s. 42
recovery of ... by distraint or other proceedings 藉扣押財物或其他法律程序追討…… Cap. 97, s. 42
distress distress 困擾 Cap. 406, s. 11(1)
distress 苦惱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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emotional distress 精神上的痛苦 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
humiliating, distressing or alarming ... 使……感到受侮辱、困擾或驚恐 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.76
distress distress 扣押 Cap. 413, s. 10
distress 扣押物 Cap. 227, s. 60(1)
distress for rent 為追索欠租而作出的扣押 Cap. 6, s. 40
in default of distress 財物扣押無法達成 Cap. 227, s. 56(2)
levied by distress 以扣押財物的方式予以徵取 Cap. 227, s. 55(1)
no sufficient distress 並無足夠財物可供扣押 Cap. 7, s. 101
recovered by distress 以扣押……方式追討 Cap. 59, s. 15(1)(c)
release of distress 發還扣押物品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
release of distress 發還扣押財物 Cap. 7, s. 93
seized under a distress for rent 在因欠租而作的扣押中被檢取的 Cap. 336, s. 29
sufficient distress 足夠扣押物 Cap. 227C, Schedule
sufficient distress 足夠財物可供扣押 Cap. 4, s. 21G(c)
warrant of distress 財物扣押令 Cap. 7, s. 77
distress distress 遇險〔船舶〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in distress 遇險 Cap. 212, s. 16(a)
signal of distress 遇險訊號 Cap. 369, s. 84(1)
distressed distressed ... persons 遇險的人 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
distributable distributable profits 可分派利潤 Cap. 622, s. 203(1)
distributable profits 可供派發利潤 Cap. 430, s. 10(1)

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distributable profit distributable profits 可分派利潤 Cap. 622, s. 282

distribute distribute 分發 Cap. 405, s. 13(2)
distribute 分銷 Cap. 145, s. 2A(1)
distribute, make available and disseminate 分發、提供及傳播 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
to distribute, disseminate or make available to the public 向公眾分發、傳布或提供 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(8)
distribution cumulative distributions 累積派發 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
distribution 分派 Cap. 622, s. 290(1)
distribution 分配 Cap. 406, s. 2
distribution 分發 Cap. 352, s. 6(4)
distribution 利益分發 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
distribution and disposal of the business of the Tribunal 審裁處事務的分配及處理 Cap. 17, s. 10(4)(c)
distribution of assets 資產分派 Cap. 622, s. 290(1)
distribution of profits 利潤的……分配 Cap. 104, s. 37(1)
distribution or dissemination of ... matter 材料的分發或傳布 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(b)(i)
food distribution business 食物分銷業務 Cap. 612, s. 5(1)
geographical distribution 地域分佈 Cap. 155M, s. 16FG(1)
remote distribution 遙距分發 Cap. 109B, reg. 35
distributor distributor 分銷商 Cap. 330, s. 2(1)
distributor 發行人 Cap. 405, s. 26(7)(a)
registered distributor 註冊分銷商 Cap. 330, s. 2(1)
registered food distributor 登記食物分銷商 Cap. 612, s. 11(1)
wholesale distributor 批發經銷商 Cap. 371, s. 10(2)
District District 地方行政區 Cap. 547, s. 2
district consular district 領館轄區 Cap. 557, Schedule

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district administration 地區管理 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 97

district courts 區域法院 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
district organizations 區域組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 97
district registrar of births and deaths 分區生死登記員 Cap. 174, s. 2(1)
district registry office 分區登記處 Cap. 174, s. 22(1)
District Council District Council 區議會 Cap. 547, s. 2
members of the District Councils 區議會議員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 2
District Court District Court 區域法院 Cap. 1, s. 3
District Court of Hong Kong 香港區域法院 Cap. 227, s. 2
District Court Rules District Court Rules Committee 區域法院規則委員會 Cap. 336, s. 2
District Judge deputy District Judge 區域法院暫委法官 Cap. 336, s. 2
District Judge 區域法院法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
distringas distringas (arch.) ["you are to distrain"] 扣押令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disturb disturb 干擾 Cap. 6, s. 70
disturb 騷擾 Cap. 132AL, s. 43
disturbed 擾動 Cap. 59AD, s. 2(1)
disturbs 擾亂 Cap. 220, s. 18(b)
disturb disturbed behaviour 行為紊亂 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
disturbance cause ... disturbance 引起……騷亂 Cap. 541F, s. 68(5)
civil disturbance 內亂 Cap. 517, s. 2

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creates ... any disturbance 引起……任何擾亂 Cap. 382, s. 17(c)

creating a disturbance 製造騷亂 Cap. 115M, r. 30(1)(a)
disturbance 打擾 Cap. 208, s. 18(2)(b)
disturbance 動亂 Cap. 313A, reg. 36(b)
disturbance of the peace 擾亂治安 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disturbance payment 騷擾補償金 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
disturbance [disturb (v.)] 干擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disturbance [disturb (v.)] 妨礙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disturbance [disturb (v.)] 騷擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lawful interruption or disturbance 合法干擾或擾亂 Cap. 219, Sch. 1
personal disturbance 對個人的騷擾 Cap. 276, s. 17(b)(ii)
disturbed disturbed 受擾 Cap. 519, s. 25(1)
disturbed disturbed behaviour 行為紊亂 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
divergence material divergence or deviation ... 嚴重偏離……或……嚴重相歧 Cap. 123, s. 2(1)
divers divers [severalty] 各種各樣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divers [severalty] 若干 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
diversity Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on 《〈生物多樣性公約〉的卡塔赫納生物安全議定書》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
Biological Diversity
Convention on Biological Diversity 《生物多樣性公約》 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
divest divest 剝奪 Cap. 200, s. 47(4)

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divest [also devest] 剝奪權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
divest [also devest] 脫除 Cap. 111, s. 6
divest [also devest] 褫奪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divest such land 將該土地不再如此歸屬 Cap. 372, s. 7B(1)
divested 歸屬他人 Cap. 117, s. 29A(1)
interests ... divested 剝奪……權益 Cap. 483, s. 40(6)
divestiture divestiture 出售資產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divestiture 脫除 Cap. 1174, s. 10(2)
divide consolidating and dividing 合併及劃分 Cap. 111, s. 44(10)
divide ... [panel of jurors] ... into ... sets 將……[陪審員小組]分成……組別 Cap. 3, s. 13(1)
divide the ... undertaking into shares 將……業務分成股份 Cap. 622, s. 99(3)
divided 瓜分 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
divided 攤分 Cap. 98, s. 38(6)
divided into paragraphs 分成段落 Cap. 622, s. 77
divided into sections 分割為分段 Cap. 152, s. 4(1)
votes ... are equally divided 票數均等 Cap. 588, Sch. 2
dividend accrued dividends 已累算紅利 Cap. 111, s. 10(ga)(i)
dividend 股息 Cap. 405, s. 11(5)
dividend deficiency account 股息不敷帳目 Cap. 279C, r. 11(5)(a)
dividend warrant 股息單 Cap. 200, s. 86
dividends 派息 Cap. 4B, r. 7
fixed cumulative dividends 固定累積股息 Cap. 41, Sch. 3

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scrip dividend scheme 以股代息計劃 Cap. 571V, s. 4(a)(ii)

dividend dividend 攤還債款 Cap. 6, s. 60(c)
final dividend 末期攤還債款 Cap. 6, s. 128(1)(b)
receive dividends 收取攤還債款 Cap. 32H, r. 89
right to a dividend 收取攤還債款的權利 Cap. 218E, s. 5(1)(b)(i)
dividend pay a dividend on the bet 就投注派發彩金 Cap. 108, s. 6GA(2)(b)
divisible divisible 可……分配的 Cap. 6, s. 26(4)
divisible into shares 可分割為份額 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(c)
divisible profits 可分攤利潤 Cap. 622, s. 99(2)
divisible revenue 可予分配的收益 Cap. 18, s. 2
division division 分拆 Cap. 329, s. 72(2)
division 分割 Cap. 73, s. 4(10)
division 劃分 Cap. 112, s. 18E(3)
division of geographical constituencies 選區劃分 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
division of land 土地分割 Cap. 128, s. 23(2)
major trade division 主要工種分項 Cap. 583, s. 3A(1)
portion or division of a lot 地段的……部分或分割部分 Cap. 125, s. 2
division divisions 處 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
divisional divisional application 分開的申請 Cap. 514, s. 36
divisional court divisional court 下屬法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divisional court 分庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divorce decree of divorce 離婚判令 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,

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para. 2.71
divorce 離婚 Cap. 192, s. 6(1)
divorced from the bond of the first marriage 憑離婚解除上一次婚姻約束 Cap. 212, s. 45
petition for divorce 離婚呈請 Cap. 179, s. 15(3)
divorcement divorcement 完全分開 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divulge divulge 泄漏 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
divulge 泄露 Cap. 330, s. 4K(2)(b)
divulge 透露 Cap. 310, s. 4(3)(a)
do conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
do ... acts and things 作出……作為及事情 Cap. 6, s. 26(2)
do justice 秉行公正 Cap. 445, s. 9(3)
do notarial acts 作出公證作為 Cap. 557, s. 6(1)
doing an act preparatory to ... 作出準備……的作為 Cap. 134, s. 45
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
done or taken in due time 已依時作出或辦理 Cap. 1, s. 71(1A)(b)
to do justice between the parties 在各方之間秉行公正 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(2)
dock dock identification 庭上辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dock identification 庭上辨認犯人欄內的被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dock identification 辨認在犯人欄內的被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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dock warrant dock warrant 碼頭倉單 Cap. 26, s. 2

doctrine avoidable-consequences doctrine [also doctrine of avoidable 後果本可避免原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
consequences] and Commercial Law Terms
buried-facts doctrine 假定事實被隱藏的原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cardinal-change doctrine 重大修改原則〔作為合約一方的政府單方面作出重大修 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
改時,對方可將合約作廢的原則〕 and Commercial Law Terms
chance-of-survival doctrine [also lost-chance-of-survival 生還機會原則〔在醫療過失引致死亡的訴訟中,原告人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
doctrine] 只需證明若非因被告人的過失,受害人或許有生還機會 and Commercial Law Terms

clean-hands doctrine 清白原則〔尋求衡平法濟助者本身不得有欺詐行為〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law doctrine of secondary participation 普通法的次級參與原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cy-près doctrine 力求實現遺囑願望原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
cy-près doctrine 近似原則 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 12
doctrine 法則 Cap. 252, s. 3
doctrine 原則 Cap. 29, s. 49
doctrine 學說 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of approximation 執行信託時使用的近似原則〔衡平法〕 ※比較 cy près English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
rule and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of avoidable consequences [also avoidable- 後果本可避免原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
consequences doctrine] and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of dèsuètude 廢棄法則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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doctrine of election 選擇原則 Cap. 29, s. 49

doctrine of election of remedies 選擇補救方式原則〔選擇追討賠償或撤銷合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of enterprise entity 同一企業實體原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of issue estoppel 已裁決的問題不容推翻的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
doctrine of mitigation (of loss) 減少損失原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of notice 知情原則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
doctrine of recent possession 於案發後不久被發現管有贓物的法律原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
doctrine of recent possession 新近管有原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
doctrine of vagueness “因含糊而無效”的原則 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.6
emergency doctrine 緊急情況原則〔謹慎標準的例外情況〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable doctrine 衡平法則 Cap. 252, s. 3
equitable doctrine 衡平法原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable doctrine of ... acquiescence 默許的衡平法則 Cap. 252, s. 5
equitable doctrine of election 衡平法的選擇原則〔須同時選取利益與義務〕 參看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Qui approbat non reprobat. and Commercial Law Terms
impossibility of performance doctrine 無法履行(合約)原則〔合約因而作廢〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Merrill doctrine [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation v. 梅理爾學說〔政府不容卸責論;政府對其所授權者的作 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Merrill, 332 U.S. 380 (1947)] 為不得卸責〕 and Commercial Law Terms
mitigation-of-damages doctrine 減輕損害賠償的原則〔原告人應減低有關傷害或違約事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
後所造成的影響〕 and Commercial Law Terms
public duty doctrine 公眾責任原則〔對公眾負有謹慎責任的原則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
relation back doctrine 追溯原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reverse-confusion doctrine 反向混淆理論〔知識產權法中因名稱使用上的混淆而引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
起不公平競爭的理論〕 and Commercial Law Terms
special duty doctrine 特別責任原則〔(政府)對個人的謹慎責任原則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial performance doctrine 大體上履行原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial performance doctrine 實質履行原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
worthier title doctrine (arch.) 繼承者比購買者優先的原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
document a bundle of documents 一疊文件 Cap. 336H, O. 35, r. 11(4)
accompanying document 連同的文件 Cap. 159B, r. 12C
approved document 認可文件 Cap. 115, s. 17G(1)
authenticity of documents 文件的真確性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
available documents 可用的文件 Cap. 210, s. 30(4)
bundle of documents 以疊計的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bundle of documents 成疊的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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collateral use of documents 間接使用文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
commercial document 商業文件 Cap. 471, s. 4(7)
conceals ... document 隱藏……文件 Cap. 602, s. 66(6)(a)
court document 法院文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defective document 欠妥文件 Cap. 161F, s. 24(1)
deponent to a document 以文件宣誓作證的人 Cap. 359A, reg. 42(4)
destroys ... document 毀滅……文件 Cap. 602, s. 66(6)(a)
disclosure of documents 文件的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
disclosure of documents 文件透露 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 7A
discovery of documents 文件透露 參看 discovery Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 1
document 文件 Cap. 1, s. 3
document exchange 文件轉遞處 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 5(2)(a)
document of authority 由主管當局簽發的文件 Cap. 415A, reg. 11(1)
document of identification 身分證明文件 Cap. 549G, s. 4(2)(a)
document of identity 簽證身分書 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
document of title 所有權文件 Cap. 48, s. 2(1)
document of title 業權文件 Cap. 219, s. 13(4)
document used ... to refresh ... memory 用以恢復記憶的文件 Cap. 8, s. 51(6)
document used ... to refresh ... memory 提點記憶的文件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
documented disclosure policy 以文件……記錄……的披露政策 Cap. 155M, s. 5
documents ... comprising ... security 涉及抵押品之文件 Cap. 1146, s. 7(a)

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documents of title to goods 貨品所有權文件 Cap. 48, s. 2(2)

entitlement document 權利文件 Cap. 495, s. 2
equivalent document 同等文件 Cap. 478, s. 82(2)(b)
examine any document 查驗任何文件 Cap. 578, s. 19(2)(b)
examine any witness and documents ... 訊問證人和審查……文件 Cap. 505, s. 27(6)(b)
extra-judicial document 司法以外文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial document 非司法文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forged document 偽造文件 Cap. 8, s. 78
identification document 身分證明文件 Cap. 208A, reg. 16A(2)
identification document 識別文件 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
identity document 身分證明文件 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
impounded document 被扣管的文件 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 13
inspection of documents 查閱文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inspection of documents 檢視文件 Cap. 528D, r. 25(4)(q)
judicial documents 司法文件 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
land grant documents 批地文件 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
lease documents 租契文件 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
list of documents 文件清單 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 3
negotiable certificate or document 可流轉證明書或文件 Cap. 537A, s. 1(2)
official document 官方文件 Cap. 521, s. 5(1)(c)

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original document 文件正本 Cap. 218F, s. 3(3)(b)(ii)(A)

originating document 原訴文件 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
pre-contractual document 訂約前文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
printed document 印刷文件 Cap. 268, s. 2
privileged document 享有特權的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
privileged documents 受法律專業保密特權保障的文件 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.158
public document 公共文件 Cap. 8, s. 19
relevant document 有關文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
security document 抵押文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
shipping documents 裝運單據 Cap. 440, Long Title
specified document 指明文件 Cap. 51, s. 31(2)
supplementary document 補充文件 Cap. 637, s. 52(3)(a)
supporting documents 支持文件 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
tamper with a document 篡改文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
technological document 技術文件 Cap. 60, s. 6A(4)
tender document 投標文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
testamentary document 遺囑性質的文件 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.29
the requisite legal aid documents 必需的法律援助文件 Cap. 4A, O. 34, r. 3(3)

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to authenticate documents 以認證……文件 Cap. 426, s. 5(2)

travel document 旅行證件 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
utter a forged or false document 行使偽造或虛假的文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
valid documents 有效證件 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 16
documentary documentary 文件的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
documentary 書面的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
documentary evidence 文件證據 Cap. 159, s. 28
documentary evidence 書面證據 Cap. 57, s. 31RA
documentary exhibits 文件證物 Cap. 221, s. 10A(1)(c)
documentary exhibits 呈堂文件證物 Cap. 227, s. 86(4)
documentary form 文件形式 Cap. 490, s. 8(3)
documentary hearsay evidence 書面傳聞證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
documentary identification 證明文件 Cap. 115, s. 17C(2)
documentary proof 書面證明 Cap. 312, s. 3(1)(b)
documentary proof 證明文件 Cap. 170, s. 9
documentary proof ... to the satisfaction of ... that ... 令……信納的文件,證明…… Cap. 295B, reg. 177D(2)(b)
documentary title 書面業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
documentary verification of service 證實送達的文件 Cap. 609C, r. 6(3)(b)
in documentary form 以文件形式 Cap. 514, s. 51(8)
retrieved in a documentary form 還原為文件形式 Cap. 151, s. 11(3)

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documentation documentation 文件 Cap. 446A, s. 3(2)(e)

documentation 文件紀錄 Cap. 607, Sch. 2
supporting documentation 支持文件 Cap. 446A, s. 3(2)(e)
documented well documented 備有齊全的文件 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4
documented, documented, sufficiently 具備足夠的文件資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sufficiently and Commercial Law Terms
does not operate so as does not operate so as to ... 不得用作…… Cap. 218, s. 31
doli capax doli capax 有能力犯罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
doli incapax doli incapax 無犯罪能力 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.57, Footnote 46
doli incapax 無能力犯罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rebuttable presumption of doli incapax “無犯罪能力”的可推翻推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.6
dolus dolus ["guile; deceitfulness"; fraud, deceit, or intentional 欺騙、詐騙或蓄意侵犯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
aggression] and Commercial Law Terms
domain domain 土地所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domain 版圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domain 領土 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domain 領域 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

eminent domain 國家徵用權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public domain 公共領域 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
domestic domestic 住宅用的 Cap. 7, s. 53A(1)(a)
domestic building 住用建築物 Cap. 95C, reg. 3
domestic burglary 住宅爆竊案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
domestic burglary 進入住宅犯入屋犯法罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
domestic flat 住用樓宇單位 Cap. 123N, Sch. 1
domestic or residential premises 住宅或住用處所 Cap. 106B, Sch. 3
domestic premises 住用處所 Cap. 60, s. 2
domestic premises 住宅 Cap. 403, s. 2
domestic premises 住宅處所 Cap. 282, s. 38
domestic purpose 住宅用途 Cap. 102, s. 2
domestic sewage 住宅污水 Cap. 463, s. 2
domestic sub-tenancy 住宅分租租賃 Cap. 7, s. 51(1)
domestic tenancy 住宅租賃 Cap. 7, s. 51(1)
domestic tenement 住宅物業單位 L.N. 21 of 2020, s. 2
premises other than domestic premises 非住宅的處所 Cap. 68, s. 26(2)(a)
domestic domestic 家居的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domestic animal 家居動物 Cap. 601A, s. 9(1)
domestic concern 本身的業務 Cap. 32, s. 48A(2)

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domestic helper 家務助理 Cap. 282, s. 2(1)(b)

domestic or defensive purposes 家務或防衞用途 Cap. 245, s. 32(2)(a)
domestic proceedings 家事法律程序 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)
domestic service 家務 Cap. 78, s. 2
domestic worker 家庭傭工 Cap. 608, s. 2
for ... private and domestic use 供……作私人用途和家居用途 Cap. 362F, r. 6(4)(b)
for ... private and domestic use 供……私人和家居使用 Cap. 528, s. 30
general domestic use 一般家居用途 Cap. 133, s. 4(a)
on a genuine domestic basis 在真正的家庭基礎上 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
domestic domestic 本地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domestic 國內 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domestic arbitration 本地仲裁 Cap. 609, s. 100(a)
domestic law 國內法 Cap. 503AA, Schedule
domestic laws 本地法律 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
domestic wire transfer 本地電傳轉賬 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
domicile commercial domicile [also quasi-domicile] 在敵方領域營商或居住時的居籍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial domicile [also quasi-domicile] 營商地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
died domiciled ... 去世時以……作為其居籍 Cap. 10A, r. 6(4)
domicile 本籍 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
domicile 居籍 Cap. 528, s. 121(1)(ba)(i)
domicile 居籍或本籍 Cap. 4, s. 12A(7)(a)

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domicile of birth 出生居籍 English-Chinese dictionary of law

domicile of choice 自選居籍 Cap. 596, s. 14
domicile of choice 選擇居籍 English-Chinese dictionary of law
domicile of origin 出生時的居籍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domicile of origin 原本居籍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
domicile of origin 原生居籍 Cap. 596, s. 14
domiciled in ... 以……為居籍 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.31
domiciled in Hong Kong 以香港為其居籍 Cap. 429, s. 6(2)(a)
dominant dominant counting station 主要點票站 Cap. 541F, s. 2(1)
dominant purpose 主要目的 Cap. 112, s. 61A(1)
dominant reason 主要原因 Cap. 602, s. 9(b)
dominant exercise a dominant influence 發揮支配性影響力 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
dominant tenement dominant tenement 需役地 ※比較 servient tenement English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dominions dominions 領土 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(a)
dominions 領地 Cap. 9A, r. 1
dominium dominium 所有權 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 28
donatio donatio ["a gift"; also donum] 贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
donatio ["a gift"; also donum] 饋贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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donatio mortis causa donatio mortis causa 臨終贈予 Cap. 111, s. 6(1)(c)
donatio mortis causa ["gift in contemplation of death"; also gift 預期死亡而作出的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
donatio mortis causa ["gift in contemplation of death"; also gift 臨終遺贈 Cap. 481, s. 10
mortis causa]
donatio mortis causa ["gift in contemplation of death"; also gift 臨終贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
Donatio non Donatio non praesumitur. [A gift is not presumed.] 贈與不是推定的〔法律上否定贈與的推定〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
praesumitur. and Commercial Law Terms
Donatio perficitur Donatio perficitur possessione accipientis. [A gift is rendered 受贈人管有贈品,贈與才告完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
possessione accipientis. complete by the possession of the receiver.] and Commercial Law Terms
donation approved charitable donation 認可慈善捐款 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
donation 贈款 Cap. 279D, r. 2(1)
donations 捐贈 Cap. 601, s. 5(2)(f)
election donation 選舉捐贈 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
private gifts and donations 私人捐贈 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(h)
solicitation of donations 募捐 "Charities" Report, para. 6.75
Donator nunquam Donator nunquam desinit possidere antequam donatarius 受贈人取得管有後,贈與人的管有權才告終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
desinit possidere incipiat possidere. [A donor never ceases to have possession and Commercial Law Terms
antequam donatarius until the donee obtains possession.]
incipiat possidere.
donee donee 受贈人 Cap. 481, s. 12(2)(b)
donee 獲授權人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 7
donee of the power 獲授權人 Cap. 31, s. 4(1)(a)
donor donor 捐贈者 Cap. 554, s. 19(1)
donor 授權人 Cap. 4E, s. 2(b)(i)

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donor 器官捐贈人 Cap. 465A, s. 2(ii)

donor 贈與人 Cap. 219, Sch. 1
donor of the power 授權人 Cap. 31, s. 2(1)
retail incentive donor 零售獎勵捐款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 34
dormant dormant 暫停活動的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant 潛伏的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant claim 已擱置的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant company 不活動公司 Cap. 622, s. 5(1)
dormant legislative intent [also latent legislative intent] 隱含的立法意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant partner 不任事合夥人 Cap. 511B, s. 3
dormant partner 不管事合夥人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant partner 隱名合夥人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant title 懸空所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dormant dormant commission 候補委任 Cap. 1014, s. 3(2)
double double count 雙重計算 Cap. 155Q, r. 18(1)
double criminality principle 雙重罪責原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double insurance 重複保險 Cap. 329, s. 32(2)
double jeopardy 一罪兩審 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
double penalty 重複懲處 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double penalty 雙重刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double ... probates 雙重遺囑認證 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
double taxation 雙重課稅 Cap. 112, s. 49(1)
relief from double taxation 雙重課稅寬免 Cap. 112, s. 23C(2A)
double jeopardy double jeopardy 同罪兩審〔就同一罪名受兩次審理〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
double taxation double taxation 雙重課稅 Cap. 112, s. 49
double taxation arrangements 雙重課稅安排 Cap. 112, s. 48A
relief from double taxation 雙重課稅寬免 Cap. 112, s. 23C
doubt benefit of ... doubt 疑點的利益 Cap. 202, s. 2(3)(b)(ii)
benefit of doubt (to be given to the defendant) 疑點利益(歸於被告人) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
beyond reasonable doubt 在無合理疑點的情況下 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.7
beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑問 Cap. 134, s. 38F(1)
beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑點 ※比較 balance of probabilities Cap. 455, s. 8
casting doubt on 對……有所質疑 Cap. 200, s. 64(5)
doubt 疑點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
doubt 懷疑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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for the avoidance of doubt 為免生疑問 Cap. 155, s. 52(3H)

for the purpose of removing doubt 為免除疑問 Cap. 93, s. 14(2)
for the removal of doubt 為免除疑問 Cap. 115, s. 53(7)
in any doubt 有任何疑問 Cap. 32, Sch. 18
lurking doubt 潛在疑點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
open to serious doubt 令人有重大疑問 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
proof beyond reasonable doubt 無合理疑點的證明 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3
prove a case beyond reasonable doubt 證明案件無合理疑點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prove beyond reasonable doubt 在毫無合理疑點下證明 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.8
reasonable doubt 合理疑點 Cap. 455, s. 8(9)(b)
removal of doubt 免除疑問 Cap. 398, s. 3(5)
the contrary is not proved by the prosecution beyond 控方沒有提出足以排除合理疑點的相反證明 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)(b)
reasonable doubt
to avoid doubt 為免生疑問 Cap. 336, s. 73F(9)
to remove doubts 旨在免除……的疑問 Cap. 185, Long Title
doubtful doubtful debts 呆帳 Cap. 112, s. 16(1)(d)
doubtful debt doubtful debt 呆帳 Cap. 571N, s. 22
downgrade downgrade 下調 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
draconian draconian [法律]嚴酷的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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draft dated draft 註冊日期的擬定……草稿 Cap. 50, s. 32C(4)

draft 草案 Cap. 1, s. 10E(2)
draft 草稿 Cap. 1, s. 29A(4)(b)(ii)
draft 擬稿 Cap. 621, s. 19(2)(n)(i)
draft disposal schedule 暫擬存廢期限表 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.89
draft map 未定案地圖 Cap. 208, s. 8(3)
draft notice 通知的擬本 Cap. 485G, s. 4(3)(b)
draft plan 草圖 Cap. 131, s. 16(1)
draft writ 令狀文稿 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 1(2)(a)
drafts 擬本 Cap. 485G, s. 4(3)(a)
exposure drafts 徵求意見初稿 "Charities" Report, para. 5.53,
Footnote 28
latest draft 最新擬稿 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
draft draft 銀票 Cap. 159F, r. 5(a)
drainage drainage 排出物 Cap. 413K, s. 2
Drainage Authority Drainage Authority 排水事務監督 Cap. 463, s. 2
drama television drama 電視劇或電視電影 Cap. 528, s. 35A(3)(a)
dramatic dramatic work 戲劇作品 Cap. 528, s. 35A(6)(a)(ii)
draw draw any inference of fact 作出任何事實的推論 Cap. 336, s. 64(1)
draw any reasonable inference from ... 從……作出任何合理推斷 Cap. 8, s. 22B(2)
draw ... inferences 作出……推論 Cap. 429, s. 15(1)
draw order for payment of money drawn on ... ……被要求兌現……付款單 Cap. 1146, s. 7(e)
person for whose account the bill is drawn 以自己帳戶出票的人 Cap. 19, s. 65(1)
power to draw upon a credit facility 憑信貸安排取得款項的權力 Cap. 61, s. 2

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draw draw up ... proposals 擬備……建議 Cap. 602, s. 59(1)(e)

drawing up 編定 Cap. 604, s. 38(1)(c)
drawing up 擬備 Cap. 4C, Schedule
drawn up 草擬 Cap. 179A, r. 51
drawn up 擬訂 Cap. 290D, r. 22(1)
draws 草擬 Cap. 159, s. 47(1)(a)
draw draw under ... 按……支取 Cap. 621, Sch. 5
draw drawing attention to ... 促使……注意…… Cap. 227, s. 18E(2)
draw down draw down 提取 Cap. 571N, s. 2
draw out draw out or receive back ... contribution 提取或收回……分擔款項 Cap. 37, s. 3(3)
drawback drawback 退稅 Cap. 2, s. 3(2)
drawdown potential drawdown 潛在提取 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(l)
drawee drawee 受票人 Cap. 19, s. 5
drawer drawer 出票人 Cap. 19, s. 5
refer to drawer 請與出票人接洽〔銀行在支票不兌現時所作的指示〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
drawing drawing 繪圖 Cap. 621, s. 73(7)
missing drawing 欠交繪圖 Cap. 514, s. 37N(6)
drawing special drawing rights 特別提款權 Cap. 434, s. 25(1)
drawn drawn 支取 Cap. 80, s. 6(4)
drawn 提取 Cap. 159F, r. 8(2)
partially drawn facility 已部分提取融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
drill drill 演習 Cap. 243A, reg. 30(1)(b)(i)
drink drink driving 酒後駕駛 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure

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Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.

under the influence of drink 受酒類的影響 Cap. 374, s. 39(1)
drive drives carelessly 不小心駕駛 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
drives recklessly or negligently 罔顧後果或疏忽地……駕駛 Cap. 228, s. 4(8)
driver care and prudence of driver 司機的謹慎和審慎程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
competent and careful driver 合格而謹慎的駕駛人 Cap. 374, s. 36(4)(a)
competent ... driver 合格……的駕駛人 Cap. 374, s. 36(4)(a)
driver 司機 Cap. 374, s. 2
driver 駕駛人 Cap. 374, s. 2
driver identity plate 司機證 Cap. 374D, reg. 63(2)
learner drivers 學習駕駛人士 Cap. 374B, reg. 21A(2)(c)
driver key drivers 主要驅動因素 Cap. 155M, s. 16AB(d)
driving causing death by dangerous driving 危險駕駛引致他人死亡 Cap. 504B, r. 12
dangerous driving causing death 危險駕駛引致他人死亡 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.60
drink driving 酒後駕駛 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
driving causing danger 駕駛構成危險 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
driving-offence points 違例駕駛分數 Cap. 375, s. 2(1)
furious driving 狂亂駕駛 Cap. 212, s. 33
probationary driving period 暫准駕駛期 Cap. 374B, reg. 2

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restricted driving instructor 受限制駕駛教師 Cap. 374B, reg. 2

driving licence driving instructor's licence 駕駛教師執照 Cap. 374B, reg. 2
driving licence 駕駛執照 Cap. 374, s. 2
full driving licence 正式駕駛執照 Cap. 229, s. 6(1)(a)
learner's driving licence 學習駕駛執照 Cap. 229, s. 6(1)(a)
probationary driving licence 暫准駕駛執照 Cap. 374, s. 2
droit droit ["a right"] 權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
droit ["a right"] 權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Droit ne poet pas Droit ne poet pas morier. [Right cannot die.] 權利不死 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
morier. and Commercial Law Terms
drop drop ... rubbish 扔棄……垃圾 Cap. 104A, reg. 11
throw, deposit, leave or drop 拋擲、棄置、遺下或丟掉 Cap. 313H, reg. 32(1)(a)
drown drown 淹溺 Cap. 212, s. 13(d)
drug administering drugs, matter or thing to obtain or facilitate an 施用藥物、物質或物品以獲得或便利作非法的性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
unlawful sexual act Offences" Report, para. 4.66
administering drugs to obtain ... unlawful sexual act 施用藥物以獲得……非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 121, Heading
cocktail drug 混合藥物 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dangerous drug 危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
drug abuser 嗜毒者 Cap. 503J, Schedule
drug abuser 濫用藥物者 Cap. 134, s. 49A
drug trafficking 販毒 Cap. 405, s. 2(1)
excessive quantity of dangerous drugs 過量的危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 38B(a)

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habitual taking or using ... dangerous drug 慣性吸食或使用……危險藥物 Cap. 16, s. 2

illicit drug 毒品 Cap. 374, s. 2
intoxication (whether by alcohol or drugs) 神智不清(不論是酒精還是藥物引致) "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.14
narcotic drugs 麻醉品 Cap. 145, Long Title
overpowering drug 使人……軟弱無力的藥物 Cap. 212, s. 21
possession of dangerous drugs 管有危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 28(1)(a)(i)
preliminary drug test 初步藥物測試 Cap. 374, s. 39M(2)
prescription prescribing a dangerous drug 開出危險藥物的處方 Cap. 134, s. 31(2)
proceeds of drug trafficking 販毒得益 Cap. 405, s. 24D(1)(a)
scheduled dangerous drug 附表的危險藥物 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 《麻醉品單一公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
smoke, inhale, ingest or inject ... a dangerous drug 吸食、吸服、服食或注射危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 8(1)
supply a dangerous drug on a prescription 按照……處方供應危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 31(1)
traffic in a dangerous drug 販運危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
trafficking in a substance represented or held out to be a 販運表示或顯示為危險藥物的物質 Cap. 134, Sch. 3
dangerous drug
trafficking in purported dangerous drug 販運看來是危險藥物的物質 Cap. 405, Sch. 1
under the influence of alcohol, medicine or drug 受到酒精、藥物或毒品影響 Cap. 627, s. 17(3)(a)
under the influence of drugs 處於受藥物影響的狀態 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(f)
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic 《聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉品和精神藥物公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
unlawful manufacturing of dangerous drug 非法製造危險藥物 Cap. 134, Sch. 3
unlawful ... storage of a dangerous drug 非法……儲存危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 37(1)(a)

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unlawful trafficking in dangerous drug 非法販運危險藥物 Cap. 134, Sch. 3

Drug Influence Drug Influence Recognition Observation 識認藥物影響觀測 Cap. 374, s. 2
dual dual agency 雙邊代理 Cap. 511C, Schedule
duces tecum duces tecum 着令攜帶文件出庭 Cap. 4A, App. A
subpoena duces tecum 着令攜帶文件出庭的傳召證人出庭令 Cap. 221, s. 38A
due delivery by due course of law 循正常的法律途徑移送 Cap. 227, s. 85A(1)(a)
discharged in due course of law 循適當法律途徑獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
done or taken in due time 已依時作出或辦理 Cap. 1, s. 71(1A)(b)
due 合適的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due 妥為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due 妥善 Cap. 174, s. 29(2)(e)
due 恰當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due 應有的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due and faithful performance 妥善而忠誠地履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due and proper performance 妥善而適當地履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due and proper regard to 充分和妥為顧及 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due attention 適當注意 Cap. 369Y, reg. 50A
due attestation 妥善見證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

due care 應有的謹慎 Cap. 104D, by-law 14
due care 應有照顧 Cap. 226, s. 10(1)
due care and attention 適當的謹慎及專注 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
due care and attention 應有的謹慎和專注 Cap. 104D, by-law 14(a)
due care and diligence 應有的謹慎和盡其應盡的努力 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(a)
due cause 適當因由 Cap. 280A, reg. 18(2)
due compliance 妥為遵從 Cap. 106, s. 13E
due consideration 適當考慮 Cap. 13, s. 3(1)(a)(i)
due course of post 正常的郵遞程序 Cap. 622, s. 335(5)(a)(ii)
due course of post 適當郵遞程序 Cap. 32H, r. 20(1)
due diligence 盡職審查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due diligence 應盡的努力 Cap. 155, s. 126
due execution 妥為簽立 Cap. 20, s. 9(1)(b)
due inquiry 適當的研訊 Cap. 156, s. 2(1)
due presentment 妥為出示 Cap. 19, s. 66(1)
due process 正當的法律程序 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.26
due process of law 正當法律程序 Cap. 525W, Sch. 1
due process of law 適當的法律程序 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
due process (of law) 正當程序權 Cap. 503AE, Schedule
due proof 妥為證明 Cap. 196, s. 8(2)
due prosecution of the appeal 妥為進行上訴 Cap. 484, s. 25(2)(a)
due provision 應有生活費 Cap. 478, s. 78(1)

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due publication 妥為公布 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
due publication 妥為發布 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due publication 妥為發表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due regard 充分顧及 Cap. 23, s. 22B(5)
due regard 妥為顧及 Cap. 32, s. 179(2)
due regard 適當照顧 Cap. 285, s. 29
due sealing 妥為蓋章 Cap. 1061, s. 11
due service has not been effected 未有妥為送達 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(d)
due time 適當的時間 Cap. 285, s. 65(3)
exercise due care 採取應有的謹慎措施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure to use due diligence 沒有盡應盡的努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holder in due course 當期持有人 Cap. 19, s. 29(1)
in due course 在適當時間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in due course of law 循適當法律途徑 Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
in due time 在限期之內 Cap. 514, s. 18(1)(b)
in due time 在適當時間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in due time 依時 Cap. 1, s. 71
make due payment of 妥為繳付 Cap. 218, s. 32G(2)(c)
obstructs ... police officer in the due execution of his duty 阻撓在正當執行職務的……警務人員 Cap. 212, s. 36(b)

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paid in due time 在限期內繳付 Cap. 514, s. 114(1)(b)

... with all due expedition 以應有速度,迅速…… Cap. 621, Sch. 5
with due despatch 妥為從速 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 10(1)
with due regard to ... 在適當顧及……下 Cap. 115E, Sch. 1
due accruing due 累算欠 Cap. 4A, O. 77, r. 16(1)
amount now due and owing 現已到期須付的欠款 Cap. 4A, App. A
become due to 到期應付給 Cap. 344, s. 23(1)
debt due on demand 一經要求即成為到期須付給……的債項 Cap. 483A, s. 61
due 到期 Cap. 18, s. 4
due 到期須付 Cap. 619, s. 155A(2)
due 到期償付 Cap. 6A, r. 46(3)
due 到期應收 Cap. 4B, r. 7
due 到期應繳 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
due and payable 到期並須予支付 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 5(6)
due and payable 到期須支付 Cap. 282, s. 38
due and payable 到期應支付 Cap. 398, s. 20(1)
due and unpaid 已到期支付而未獲支付 Cap. 380, s. 15(1)(a)
due and unpaid 已到期須予支付但仍未支付 Cap. 4A, App. A
due and unpaid 到期支付而未獲支付 Cap. 380, s. 15
due and unpaid 到期而尚未支付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
due date 到期日 Cap. 7, s. 117
due from ... ……應繳付的 Cap. 289A, r. 4
due or payable 支付 Cap. 247, s. 8

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due or payable 拖欠或須付 Cap. 388, s. 13(1)(g)

due or payable to ... 到期或須向……繳交 Cap. 374, s. 88(6)
due or payable to ... 拖欠……或應付予…… Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 30(4)
fall due 到期支付 Cap. 80, s. 6
fall due 到期應繳 Cap. 6E, r. 19
legally due 在法律上須付的 Cap. 1081, s. 13(1)(c)
legally due 在法律上應付的 Cap. 113, Sch. 3
legally due 法律上到期應付 Cap. 563, s. 14(2)(b)(ii)
legally due 法律上應予支付的 Cap. 587, s. 18(2)
legally due 法律上應得的 Cap. 389, s. 11(1)(b)
money due and owing 到期應付欠款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
money due and owing 須償還及欠下的款項 Cap. 111, s. 6
paid in full when due 準時全數發放 Cap. 279A, reg. 78
payment due date 付款到期日 Cap. 41C, s. 1A
payment in due course 按期付款 Cap. 19, s. 59(1)
due anchorage dues 碇泊費 Cap. 313A, reg. 50(1)
mortgage dues 按揭費用 Cap. 36, Schedule
net due from banks 存放銀行同業淨額 Cap. 155Q, r. 43
pilotage due 領港費 Cap. 84D, Schedule
due care due care 應有照顧 Cap. 226, s. 10(1)
due care and attention 適當的謹慎及專注 Cap. 374, s. 38(2)
due care and attention 應有的謹慎和專注 Cap. 104D, by-law 14(a)
due care and diligence 應有的謹慎和盡其應盡的努力 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(a)

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due course in a due course of ... 在……的適當階段 Cap. 38, s. 11

due diligence all due diligence 一切應盡努力 Cap. 230A, reg. 23(1)
due care and diligence 應有的謹慎和盡其應盡的努力 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(a)
due diligence 應盡的努力 Cap. 155, s. 126(1)
exercised all due diligence 已作出一切應有的努力 Cap. 612, s. 52(4)
exercised all due diligence 已盡一切應盡的努力 Cap. 311W, s. 18(1)
exercised all due diligence 作出一切應作出的努力 Cap. 486, s. 35C(6)
exercised all due diligence 作出所有應盡的努力 Cap. 285, s. 58
exercised all due diligence 盡了一切應盡的努力 Cap. 571, s. 103(9)
used due diligence 盡了應盡的努力 Cap. 522, s. 86(3)
due diligence customer due diligence measures 客戶盡職審查措施 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
due diligence 盡職審查 Cap. 112, s. 50A(2)(c)(ii)
due diligence exercise 盡職審查 Cap. 486, s. 63B(1)
due to due to ... 因……所致 Cap. 469, s. 48(5)(e)
due to circumstances beyond the person's control 是該人所不能控制的情況所致的 Cap. 354O, s. 5(5)(b)
due to inadvertence 出於無心 Cap. 20, s. 20
was due to, or in consequence of, an evident abuse 是……明顯濫用所造成,或屬……明顯濫用的後果 Cap. 514C, s. 31ZR
due to due to 拖欠 Cap. 411, s. 19(1)
due to ... 欠……的 Cap. 6, Sch. 1
due to ... 應付予……的 Cap. 1037, s. 11(1)
dues dues 欠款 Cap. 33, s. 14(b)
dues 應繳費用 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.70
dues dues and taxes, personal or real 對人或對物課徵之……捐稅 Cap. 557, Schedule
exempt from dues and taxes 免納捐稅 Cap. 557, Schedule

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duly duly 正式地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
duly 妥當 Cap. 397, s. 9
duly 妥當地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly 恰當地 Cap. 1, s. 38
duly 適當 Cap. 1, s. 23(b)
duly admitted 妥為認許 Cap. 87, s. 2
duly appointed 妥為委任 Cap. 1073, s. 5
duly appointed 妥獲委派 Cap. 498, s. 21(1)(a)
duly authenticated 妥為認證 Cap. 512, s. 9(1)
duly authenticated 經正式確認 Cap. 503Q, Schedule
duly authenticated copy 妥為認證的……副本 Cap. 9A, r. 2
duly authorised 正式授權 Cap. 503B, Schedule
duly authorize 妥為授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly authorized 正式授權 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 3
duly authorized 經正式授權的 Cap. 447A, Schedule
duly authorized 獲妥為授權 Cap. 6A, r. 131
duly authorized attorney 獲正式授權的受權人 Cap. 285, s. 7(1)
duly certified 妥為核證 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
duly certified copy 經妥為核證的副本 Cap. 609, s. 85(a)
duly completed 填妥 Cap. 344B, s. 5(1)
duly constituted 妥為組成 Cap. 4, s. 34(2)
duly constituted 妥為構成 Cap. 7, s. 81

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duly convicted of an offence ... 就……的罪行被依法定罪 Cap. 280A, Schedule

duly corrected 妥為更正 Cap. 128A, reg. 20(2)(a)
duly elected 妥為選出 Cap. 542, s. 36(1)(d)
duly executed 正式簽立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly executed 妥為簽立 Cap. 30, s. 5
duly executed under the seal 用……印章妥為簽立 Cap. 1145, s. 19(1)
duly incorporated 妥為成立為法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly indentured 經正式立約……的 Cap. 281, s. 2
duly measured 妥為測量 Cap. 414, s. 4(c)
duly paid 妥為繳付 Cap. 405, s. 8(1)(a)(i)
duly qualified 符合適當資歷 Cap. 56B, Schedule
duly registered 妥為註冊 Cap. 343, s. 2
duly sealed 妥為蓋印 Cap. 525, s. 29(1)(a)
duly served 妥為送達 Cap. 3, s. 17(2)
duly served on ... 妥為送達…… Cap. 4A, O. 10, r. 3(1)
duly signed 已正式簽署 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly signed 妥為簽署 Cap. 138A, s. 5(4)
duly submitted 妥為送交 Cap. 571AJ, r. 4A(b)
duly surrenders himself 妥為自動出庭 Cap. 227, s. 117(2)(c)
duly duly stamped 加蓋適當印花 Cap. 117, s. 4(3)
dumping dumping (廉價)傾銷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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dumping Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by 《防止傾倒廢物和其他物料污染海洋的公約》 Cap. 466, s. 2

Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
dumping 傾倒 Cap. 466, s. 2
marine dumping area 海洋傾倒物料區 Cap. 466, s. 7(1)
duplicate duplicate 副本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duplicate 複本 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.6
duplicate 複製品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duplicate certificate 證書複本 Cap. 159B, r. 2
duplicate licence 牌照複本 Cap. 435, s. 18(1)(a)
duplicate or counterpart 複本或對應本 Cap. 117, s. 8
duplicate permit 許可證複本 Cap. 618, s. 29(1)
in duplicate 一式兩份 Cap. 446A, s. 3(1)
duplicative duplicative litigation 重複訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.8
duplicitous pleading duplicitous pleading 重複而無用的申辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duplicity duplicity 欺詐 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duplicity duplicity 兩重性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duplicity of charge 多項罪行的控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rule against duplicity 控罪不得包含多項罪行的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
durably durably and conspicuously 以耐久和顯眼的方式 Cap. 311W, s. 4(1)

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duration definite or indefinite duration 有確定限期或無確定限期 Cap. 252, s. 2

duration 持續的時間 Cap. 313A, reg. 70(1)(d)
duration 持續期 Cap. 519, s. 22(1)(c)
duration 為期 Cap. 607, s. 10(6)(a)
duration 時間 Cap. 132BR, s. 9(c)
duration 期限 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(g)
duration 期間 Cap. 295C, reg. 17(1)(e)(i)
duration 歷時多久 Cap. 584, s. 33Q(3)(g)
duration of ... company 公司存在期限 Cap. 32, s. 228(1)(a)
duration of ... contract 合約的……有效期 Cap. 622, s. 543(2)(a)
duration of copyright 版權期限 Cap. 528, s. 17(1)
duration of the tenancy 租賃期 Cap. 7, s. 22
probable duration 可能存在的時間 Cap. 130, s. 8(4)(a)
relevant duration provision 有關時限條文 Cap. 589, s. 58A(8)
duration of registration duration of registration (of a trade mark) (商標)註冊的有效期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duress duress 威迫 Cap. 179, s. 20(2)(c)
duress 威脅 Cap. 19, s. 29(2)
duress 脅迫 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.49
duress 脅迫手段 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
economic duress 經濟脅迫 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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under duress 在脅迫下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
use force or duress 施用武力或脅迫手段 Cap. 554, s. 13
during during normal office hours 在正常辦公時間內 Cap. 138A, s. 38B(2)(a)
during the basis period 在該評稅基期內 Cap. 112, s. 23B(9)
during during the pleasure of ... 隨……意願而定 Cap. 33A, r. 41(2)
during good behaviour during good behaviour 在保持良好行為期間 參看 quamdiu se bene gesseri(n)t English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Dutch auction Dutch auction 荷蘭式拍賣〔高開低成拍賣〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dutiable dutiable 應課稅的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dutiable article 應課稅物品 Cap. 98, s. 12
dutiable commodities 應課稅品 Cap. 109, s. 1
dutiable goods 應課稅貨物 Cap. 120, s. 4
dutiable goods 應課稅貨品 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
duty ad valorem stamp duty 從價印花稅 Cap. 621, Sch. 4
additional stamp duty 附加印花稅 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
customs duty 關稅 Cap. 558A, s. 4
duties on transfers 讓與稅 Cap. 557, Schedule
duty 稅項 Cap. 68, s. 10(b)
duty 關稅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duty exempt goods 獲豁免繳稅貨品 Cap. 109A, reg. 12(2)
duty in arrear 欠稅 Cap. 111, s. 12(8)
estate duty 遺產稅 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)

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exempt from duty 獲豁免繳付稅款 Cap. 109A, reg. 12(1)

football betting duty 足球博彩稅 Cap. 108, s. 6H
inheritance duties 遺產承受稅 Cap. 36, Schedule
special stamp duty 額外印花稅 Cap. 621, Sch. 4
stamp duty 印花稅 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
stamp duty 釐印費 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
succession ... duties 繼承稅 Cap. 36, Schedule
succession or inheritance duties 遺產取得稅或繼承稅 Cap. 557, Schedule
duty absence from duty 缺勤 Cap. 1115, s. 8(1)
absence from duty 曠職 Cap. 374J, reg. 3(2)(a)
absent from duty without leave 擅離職守 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(l)
abuse ... of duty 濫用職權 Cap. 204, s. 11(1)(e)
additional duties 額外職責 Cap. 37, s. 15(b)
breach of duty 失職 Cap. 622, s. 415
breach of duty 違反責任 Cap. 347, s. 26(3)
breach of statutory duty 違反法定責任 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.12
conflict of interest or duty 利益衝突或職責上的衝突 Cap. 32, s. 262D(1)(b)(ii)(B)
contractual duty 合約訂明的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contrary to his duty 違反其責任 Cap. 521, s. 6(1)(a)
delegated duties 獲轉授的責任 Cap. 155, s. 53C(12)(a)
dereliction of duty 怠忽職守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dereliction of duty 瀆職 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)

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dereliction of duty 瀆職行為 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73

discharge of duty 履行職責 Cap. 233A, reg. 10
duties ... conferred on ... 委予……的職責 Cap. 25, s. 5
duties of care and skill 以謹慎和技巧行事的責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
6.37, Footnote 23
duty 責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duty 職責 Cap. 1, s. 39(1)
duty of candour 坦誠責任 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
duty of care 照顧責任 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.17
duty of care 謹慎責任 Cap. 314, s. 3
duty of confidence 保密責任 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.6
duty of confidentiality 保密責任 Cap. 514, s. 60(3)
duty of disclosure 披露責任 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
duty owed (by A to B) (甲對乙)負有的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duty roster 執勤輪值表 Cap. 604, s. 38(1)(c)
duty to give reasons 提供理由的責任 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
employ ... for duty 遣派……執行職責 Cap. 233, s. 18(1)
enforceable duty 可強制職責 Cap. 200, s. 70(2)
engaged in duty 擔任……職責 Cap. 436C, s. 2(1)(u)

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express duty 明訂責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
extend a duty 擴大職責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiduciary duty 受信責任 Cap. 571, s. 52(2)
general duty of care 一般謹慎責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 32
impose a duty 委以職責 Cap. 1, s. 57
impose a duty 施加責任 Cap. 571, s. 341
imposes any duty 委以職責 Cap. 1, s. 39(1)
in the active pursuance of their duty 積極執行職責的 Cap. 104D, by-law 12
in the course of his duties 在執行其職責期間的 Cap. 98, s. 2(2)(b)
interdict sb. from duty 停止某人的職務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
magisterial duty 裁判官職責 Cap. 227, s. 99
misfeasance in the performance of a duty 履責失當 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
moral or legal duty 道德或法律義務 Cap. 2, s. 18A(1)
neglect of duty 疏於職守 Cap. 571, Sch. 9
neglect of duty or orders 怠忽職守或命令 Cap. 517A, Sch. 1
normal duty 正常職責 Cap. 254, s. 13
obstructs ... police officer in the due execution of his duty 阻撓在正當執行職務的……警務人員 Cap. 212, s. 36(b)
off duty 休班 Cap. 342, s. 17
official duties 公務 Cap. 427, s. 3(1)
official duty 公務上的職責 Cap. 521, s. 21(1)

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on duty 值勤 Cap. 342, s. 17

on duty 執勤 Cap. 541F, s. 47(4)(i)
on duty 當值 Cap. 104E, by-law 13
on duty as such 以該身分當值 Cap. 300, s. 8(1)
otherwise than in the course of duty 在執行職責的過程以外 Cap. 93, Sch. 2
owe a duty 負有責任 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
owe a duty to 負有義務 "Charities" Report, para. 5.42
owe a duty to ... 對……負有……義務 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
parental ... duties 父母的……職責 Cap. 290, s. 5(5D)
perform ... duties 執行……職責 Cap. 403, s. 9
perform ... duties 履行……責任 Cap. 6, s. 26(4)
police officer in the course of his duty 正在執行職務的警務人員 Cap. 447, s. 30(5)(a)
positive duty 積極性責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
proper and effective performance of ... duties 妥善和有效執行……職責 Cap. 526, s. 9(2)
public duty 公共責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public duty 公務 Cap. 228, s. 23
public duty 公職 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public duty doctrine 公眾責任原則〔對公眾負有謹慎責任的原則〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
resumes the duties 恢復執行職責 Cap. 4, s. 8(2)
scope of ... duty 職責範圍 Cap. 342, s. 21(2)

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special duties 特別責任 Cap. 383, s. 8

special duties and responsibilities 特別責任及義務 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(3)
statutory duty 法定責任 Cap. 282, s. 26
statutory duty 法定職責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statutory duty of care 法定謹慎責任 Cap. 29, s. 2
underlying duty 基本責任 Cap. 622, s. 537(3)
unfit for duty 不適宜執行職責 Cap. 233, s. 14(h)
voluntary duty 志願職責 Cap. 233, s. 2
while proceeding to ... duty 於前往執行職責……途中 Cap. 233, s. 2
while ... returning from duty 於……執行職責後回程途中 Cap. 233, s. 2
duty discharge duties 履行職責 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 28
duty judge duty judge 當值的法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Duty Lawyer Service Duty Lawyer Service 當值律師服務辦事處 Cap. 227C, Schedule
duty of care common duty of care 一般謹慎責任 Cap. 314, s. 3(1)
duty-paid duty-paid goods 已完稅貨品 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
dwell dwell 居住 Cap. 316X, s. 3(1)(c)
dwelling dwelling 住宅 Cap. 91B, reg. 2(3)
dwelling house 住宅房屋 Cap. 7, s. 50(6)(c)
dwelling purpose 居住用途 Cap. 582, s. 12(1)
dwelling purposes 住宅用途 Cap. 167, s. 2
independent dwelling 獨立住宅 Cap. 511C, s. 2(1)
main dwelling 主要住宅 Cap. 91B, reg. 2(3)

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persons dwelling in Hong Kong 在香港居住的人 Cap. 316Z, s. 3(1)(a)

premises used for dwelling purposes 作居住用的處所 Cap. 106, s. 35(2)
same dwelling 同一居所 Cap. 380, s. 2
dwelling-place dwelling-place 居住地方 Cap. 542, s. 28(3)
dyad dyad 兩人組合 Cap. 465, s. 5DA(3)
dynamically a dynamically supported craft 動力承托的航行器 Cap. 602, s. 16(2)(b)
dysnomy dysnomy [also bad law ] 徒具空名的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dysnomy [also bad law ] 惡法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
dysnomy [also bad law ] 無效的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
each and all each and all 每人及全體 Cap. 109, s. 22(5)
each and all of ... 全體及每名…… Cap. 227C, Schedule
Eadem est ratio, eadem Eadem est ratio, eadem est lex. [If the reason is the same, the 法理同則法律同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est lex. law is the same.] and Commercial Law Terms
earlier earlier 早於 Cap. 1, s. 47
earlier cancelled 提早取消 Cap. 81A, reg. 7D(2)(b)
earlier determination 提前終止 Cap. 7, s. 121(2)(a)
earlier rights to possess 在先的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
earlier trade mark 在先商標 Cap. 559, s. 5(1)
whichever is the earlier 以較早的期間為準 Cap. 6, s. 38(1)(b)(ii)
earlier determination of earlier determination of a contract [also earlier (sooner) 合約提早終止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
a contract termination of a contract] and Commercial Law Terms
earlier trade mark earlier trade mark 在先商標 Cap. 559, s. 2

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earliest earliest opportunity 最早的機會 Cap. 21, s. 4

earliest possible contractual maturity date 可能的最早合約到期日 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(5)(b)
earliest provable date 可證明最早日期 Cap. 586, Sch. 3
earliest suitable opportunity 最早合適機會 Cap. 155S, r. 14(1)(b)(i)(A)
the earliest date of priority 最早的優先權的日期 Cap. 514, s. 37E(3)
early as early as practicable 在切實可行的範圍內盡早 Cap. 447, s. 30(4)
at an early stage 及早 Cap. 528D, r. 24(2)(b)
early plea 及早認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
early trial 盡早進行審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 5
obtaining an early payment 較早取得還款 Cap. 581, s. 7(c)
early determination of a early determination of a tenancy 提前終止租賃 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
tenancy and Commercial Law Terms
early repayment early repayment 提早還款 Cap. 163A, Sch. 3
earmark earmarked 指定 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
earned income earned income 勞動所得收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
earned income 賺取的收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
earnest money earnest money [also God's penny] 定金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
earnest money [also God's penny] 誠意金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
earning earning capacity 謀生能力 Cap. 192, s. 7(1)(a)
earning capacity 賺取收入能力 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
earning potential 賺錢能力 Cap. 91, s. 10(2)

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earning capacity earning capacity 謀生能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
earning capacity 賺取收入能力 Cap. 282, s. 3
loss of earning capacity 喪失謀生能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
loss of earning capacity 喪失賺取收入能力 Cap. 282, s. 9
earnings attachment of earnings 入息扣押 Cap. 6, s. 43E
earnings 入息 Cap. 469, Sch. 5
earnings 工資 Cap. 244A, reg. 15(1)(e)
earnings 收入 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
earnings scheme 賺取工資計劃 Cap. 280A, reg. 12(3)
knowingly living on the earnings of prostitution 明知而依靠賣淫的收入為生 Cap. 200, s. 137(2)
lost earnings 損失的收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reckonable earnings 可計算的入息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
earnings retained earnings 保留溢利 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
earth earth station 地球站 Cap. 106, s. 10(9)(a)
mobile earth station 移動地球站 Cap. 106Z, Sch. 1
easement create an easement 設定地役權 Cap. 370, s. 5
creation of ... easements 地役權的設立 Cap. 17, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)
easement 地役權 Cap. 1, s. 3
easement of light 採光權 參看 right of (ancient) lights English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
easements in, over or under any land 任何土地的地役權或其上或其下的地役權 Cap. 17, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)

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easements of necessity 必要的地役權 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(e)

negative easement 消極性地役權〔例如阻止鄰居遮擋陽光的採光權〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
positive easement 積極性地役權〔例如進入他人土地的通道權〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
easily easily accessible 易於取用 Cap. 548G, Sch. 3
easily accessible 易於接觸 Cap. 369Y, Sch. 10
easily accessible 容易到達 Cap. 369AL, reg. 103(2)(b)
easily accessible 容易接觸 Cap. 369S, reg. 13(3)
easily read 容易地辨讀 Cap. 374A, reg. 24(2)(b)
easily readable 易於閱讀 Cap. 486, s. 35C(4)
easily understandable 易於理解 Cap. 486, s. 35C(4)
eavesdropping eavesdropping 偷聽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ebb and flow ebb and flow [in marine matters] 海事司法管轄權的範圍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ecclesiastical law ecclesiastical law 宗教法 ※比較 temporal law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
e-commerce e-commerce 電子商貿 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
economic direct economic interest 直接經濟利益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.28
economic ... advantage 經濟……利益 Cap. 528, s. 25(2)
economic and trade embargoes 經濟及貿易禁運 Cap. 537, s. 2(1)
economic and trade missions 經濟和貿易機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 156
economic cycle 經濟周期 Cap. 155L, s. 153(b)

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economic interests 經濟利益 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 132

economic loss 經濟損失 Cap. 575, s. 11B(2)(b)
economic rights 經濟權利 Cap. 528, s. 215(2)
economic sector 經濟環節 Cap. 571, Sch. 7
economic systems 經濟制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 11
Hong Kong, China—New Zealand Closer Economic 《中國香港與新西蘭緊密經貿合作協定》 Cap. 362, Sch. 1
Partnership Agreement
immediate economic needs 迫切經濟需要 Cap. 500, s. 22(3)(a)
economical economical 合乎經濟原則地 Cap. 489, s. 4(2)(b)
economical disposal 合乎經濟原則的處置 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 9(3)
securing the just, expeditious and economical conduct of ... 確使……得以在公正、迅速和合乎經濟原則的情況下進 Cap. 615, Sch. 4

economy economy 節約情況 Cap. 218, s. 32M(1)
economy 經濟原則 Cap. 411, s. 12(1)
judicial economy 節約司法資源 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.23
procedural economy 程序精簡 Cap. 528D, r. 3(c)
edifice edifice 大廈 Cap. 354N, s. 2
edition edition 版本 Cap. 1, s. 13(1)(c)(ii)
revised edition 編正版 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 2
editorial editorial amendment 編輯修訂 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
editorial modification 編輯方面的更改 Cap. 549D, s. 5(4)
editorial privilege editorial privilege 編輯特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
educated guess educated guess 具識見的推測 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

education continuing legal education 法律進修 Cap. 159, s. 6(5)(c)
continuous full-time education 連續性全日制教育 Cap. 401, s. 20(4)(a)(ii)
education institution 教育機構 Cap. 608, s. 2
freedom to pursue ... education 求學的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
full-time education 全日制教育 Cap. 89, s. 18(1A)(a)(ii)
kindergarten education 幼稚園教育 Cap. 279, s. 3(1)
nursery education 幼兒教育 Cap. 243, s. 3(1)(c)(i)
order ... for maintenance and education 贍養及敎育令 Cap. 16, s. 9(1)
post secondary education 專上教育 Cap. 608, s. 2
post-primary education 小學修業後的教育 Cap. 467, s. 2
post-secondary or tertiary education 專上敎育 Cap. 354, Sch. 4
primary education 小學教育 Cap. 279, s. 3(1)
religious and moral education 宗教及道德教育 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(4)
religious education 宗教教育 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
secondary education 中學教育 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3A
teacher education 師範敎育 Cap. 444, Long Title
Education University of Education University of Hong Kong 香港教育大學 Cap. 444, Long Title
Hong Kong
educational educational establishment 教育機構 Cap. 192, s. 10(3)(a)
educational institution 教育院校 Cap. 400A, Schedule
educational institution 教育機構 Cap. 368A, reg. 2(1)
educational institutions 院校 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
educational qualifications 學歷 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 136

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educational system 教育制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 136

educational system 教育體制 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 136
educational training 教育訓練 Cap. 279A, Sch. 2
educational undertakings 教育事業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 136
effect adverse effects 不良影響 Cap. 354, s. 20I(3)
binding effect 約束力 Cap. 383, s. 7
carrying into effect 施行 Cap. 498, s. 27(2)(y)
carrying into effect 執行 Cap. 622, s. 287(2)
cause and effect 因果(關係) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
... cease to have effect ……的效力即告終止 Cap. 280, s. 5A(1)(b)
ceased to have effect 終止有效 Cap. 188, s. 6(8)
ceases to have effect from ... 自……起失效 Cap. 123P, s. 25(3)
continue to have effect 仍繼續有效 Cap. 227, s. 5(5)
contractual effect 合約效力 Cap. 71, s. 3(3)
contrary effect 相反規定 Cap. 1146, s. 7
does not have effect 不具效力 Cap. 622, s. 590(3)
effect (n.) 作用 Cap. 1155, s. 3
effect (n.) 效力 Cap. 159, s. 60
effect (n.) 影響 Cap. 311, s. 10
effect of the evidence 證據的效力 Cap. 4, s. 33A(5)
effect or operation in law 在法律上的效力或運作 Cap. 336, s. 73B(2)
enable effect to be given to ... 使……得以實施 Cap. 496, Long Title
evidential effect 證據上的效力 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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force and effect 效力及作用 Cap. 519, s. 20

full effect 十足效力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full effect 全面效力 Cap. 462, s. 8(2)(b)
full force and effect 十足效力及作用 Cap. 577, s. 10(3)
general effect 一般效力 Cap. 300, s. 6(3)
give effect to 執行 Cap. 81, s. 6(1)(d)(ii)
give effect to ... 使……有效 Cap. 471, s. 6(1A)
give effect to the underlying objectives of ... 達致……的基本目標 Cap. 528D, r. 4(1)
has effect with respect to 適用於 Cap. 469, s. 12(2)
has the same effect 具有同等效力 Cap. 528D, r. 44(1)
have adverse effects on ... 對……構成不利影響 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
have effect 具有效力 Cap. 462, s. 6(2)
have effect according to its tenor 據其意旨具有效力 Cap. 166, s. 29(1)
have effect as if ... 所具有的效力……猶如……一樣 Cap. 179, s. 56(2)
have effect for the purpose of ... 對……具有效力 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
have ... force or effect 有效力或作用 Cap. 155, s. 152(9)
have full effect 具有全面效力 Cap. 359, s. 29(1A)(g)
have had their effect 已失效力 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 4(1)(a)
have immediate effect 即時生效 Cap. 56, s. 5A(4)
having effect by virtue of ... 憑藉……而具有效力 Cap. 494, s. 51(2)
in full force and effect 具有十足效力及作用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in substance and effect 在實質及效力上 Cap. 112, s. 63

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intent and effect 目的及作用 Cap. 1155, s. 3

judicial decision of final effect 有確定效力之司法判決 Cap. 557, Schedule
legal effect 法律效力 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 17
legislative effect 立法效力 Cap. 1, s. 3
like effect 相同效力 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
material adverse effect 具關鍵性的不良影響 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
material adverse effect 重大不良影響 Cap. 448A, reg. 15B
of no effect 不具效力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
of no effect 並無效用 Cap. 369, s. 25(2)(b)
of no effect 無效 Cap. 37, s. 9
of the same force and effect 具有相同效力及效果 Cap. 319, s. 4(2)(a)
policy was effected 令投保生效 Cap. 182, s. 13(4)
prejudicial effect 造成偏見的影響 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
purported purpose or effect 宣稱的目的或作用 Cap. 637, s. 3(1)(c)
retroactive effect 溯及力 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
retrospective effect 追溯效力 Cap. 1, s. 55
sole or substantial effect 唯一或實質的作用 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 13(1)(b)
take effect 生效 Cap. 188, s. 10(9)
take effect 有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take effect immediately 即時生效 Cap. 155, s. 53A(1)(c)

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takes effect for accounting purposes alone 只在會計上有效 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
this section does not have effect in relation to ... 本條並不就……而具有效力 Cap. 581A, s. 6E(2)
to the effect 作用 Cap. 159, s. 26A(1)(m)
to the effect of ... 具……的效用 Cap. 34, s. 4(3)(d)
to the like effect 具有相類效果的 Cap. 487A, s. 5
to the like effect 效果相同的 Cap. 227, s. 4
unable to meet ... obligations to such an extent as to cause a 不能夠履行……義務,而不能履行的程度對……有重大 Cap. 448A, reg. 15B(1)
material adverse effect on ... 不良影響
with immediate effect 即時生效 Cap. 132, Sch. 7
with prospective effect 日後生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect contract effected 達成的合約 Cap. 571, s. 49(1)(b)
due service has not been effected 未有妥為送達 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(d)
effect (v.) 完成 Cap. 1, s. 8
effect (v.) 執行 Cap. 68, s. 24
effect (v.) 導致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect and complete the title 使……所有權有效及完整 Cap. 29, s. 2
effect any contracts of insurance 訂立任何保險合約 Cap. 41, s. 13(3)
effect delivery of documents 完成文件的交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect insurance 投購保險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect service 完成送達 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 6(3)(a)
effect the arrest 執行拘捕 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)

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effect the arrest 執行逮捕 Cap. 60, s. 23(3)

effect the arrest 進行逮捕 Cap. 526, s. 8(3)
effect the closure 以達到封閉的目的 Cap. 200, s. 153B(3)(a)
effected outside Hong Kong 在香港境外實行 Cap. 112, s. 15(1)(l)(ii)
effected payment 完成支付 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 14(9)(b)
effecting 立出 Cap. 4A, App. A
effecting the closure 執行封閉 Cap. 349, s. 20(7)
effecting the sale 完成該宗出售 Cap. 4A, O. 31, r. 2(2)
instrument effecting the sealing 完成……蓋章程序的文書 Cap. 10, s. 49AA(8)
is empowered to effect 獲賦權進行 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(d)
to cause personal service of ... to be effected 安排將……以面交方式送達 Cap. 6A, r. 46(2)
effect contains information to the effect that ... 載有資料,表明…… Cap. 613A, s. 15(1)
make a declaration to that effect 作出示明此事的宣布 Cap. 576, s. 58(3)(a)
make a declaration to that effect 作出表明此事的宣布 Cap. 619, s. 97(3)
provision ... to the contrary effect ……另有相反條文規定 Cap. 1137, s. 6
to that effect 表明此意的 Cap. 26, s. 13(3)
to that effect 意思如此的 Cap. 200, s. 57
to the effect of 意思一如 Cap. 514, s. 90(a)
to the effect that 示明 Cap. 576, s. 24
to the effect that 致令 Cap. 541L, s. 18(4)(c)
to the effect that ... 表明…… Cap. 31, s. 3(1)(b)(i)
to the effect that ... 意思是表示…… Cap. 112, s. 86(2)
to the effect that ... 意指…… Cap. 155, s. 96(2)
to the like effect 同樣意思的 Cap. 132, s. 147(1)

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to the like effect 意思相同的 Cap. 392, s. 15D(a)

to the opposite effect 表明相反意思 Cap. 4A, O. 20, r. 2(2)
words to the like effect 以具相同意思的用詞描述 Cap. 562, s. 2(9)(d)
words to the like effect 意思相同的措詞 Cap. 155, s. 2(15)(c)
effective an effective search of ... 有效地搜查…… Cap. 525, s. 12(10)(a)
ceases to be effective 停止具有效力 Cap. 548H, s. 12(1)
ceases to be effective for ... 不再具有……的效力 Cap. 571, s. 121(1B)(b)
effective 生效的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effective 有效 Cap. 159, s. 22
effective 有效的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effective 具有效力 Cap. 622, s. 245(5)
effective and serious preparations 有效而認真的準備工作 Cap. 514, s. 37K(5)(a)(ii)
effective currency exposure 有效貨幣風險 Cap. 485A, s. 37(2)(c)
effective date 生效日期 Cap. 515A, s. 6
effective date 實施日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effective day 生效日期 Cap. 1155, s. 3
effective employment 有效僱用 Cap. 159J, r. 6(2)
effective exposure 有效風險 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
effective voting power 有效投票權 Cap. 571, s. 245(3)
effective working 有效運作 Cap. 155, s. 7(1)
efficient and effective 有效率和有效益 Cap. 480B, s. 4(2)(b)
equal and effective protection 平等而有效之保護 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 22

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not effective to bring ... to the notice of ... 起不到使……知悉……的作用 Cap. 622, s. 55(1)(b)
proper and effective performance of ... duties 妥善和有效執行……職責 Cap. 526, s. 9(2)
effective effective rate 實際利率 Cap. 163, s. 2(1)
in a person's effective control 受某人的實際控制 Cap. 525, s. 12(2)(c)
subject to the effective control of ... 實際上受……控制 Cap. 405, s. 7(1)(c)
effectively effectively secured against ... 有效防止…… Cap. 502, s. 15(4)
effectiveness effectiveness 效能 Cap. 374A, reg. 40A(5)
effectiveness 效驗 Cap. 469, s. 10(1)
effectiveness 效驗的情況 Cap. 505, Sch. 1
effects effects (n.) 財物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effects (n.) 財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effects (n.) 動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
goods or effects 物品或財物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
personal effects 個人物品 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
personal effects 個人財物 Cap. 374, s. 2
property and effects 財產及財物 Cap. 60, s. 24(f)
real effects 不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effectual as valid and effectual as if 的效力及作用,猶如……一樣 Cap. 549, s. 48
as valid and effectual as if ... 其有效性及效力與猶如……一樣 Cap. 156, s. 5A
as valid and effectual as if ... 其效力及作用與……的無異 Cap. 1150, Sch. 2

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better or more effectual 更佳地或更有效地 Cap. 494, s. 53(2)(d)

effectual 有作用 Cap. 185, s. 3
effectual 有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effectual in law 在法律上有效 Cap. 293, s. 2(2)
effectual in law 法律上有效 Cap. 1117, s. 25
effectual receipts 有效的收據 Cap. 219, s. 50(6)
held authentic and effectual 認定為真確和有效 Cap. 8, s. 37
the better and more effectual carrying out of ... 更佳和更有效施行…… Cap. 525, s. 33(b)
valid and effectual 有效和有作用 Cap. 127, s. 16
effectually effectually 有效 Cap. 283C, s. 14(1)
effectually and completely 有效地及完全地 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(2)(b)(i)
fully and effectually 完全而有效 Cap. 556D, s. 45(1)
effectuate effectuate 使有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effectuate 使實現 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Effectus sequitur Effectus sequitur causam. [The effect follows the cause.] 果隨因生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
causam. and Commercial Law Terms
efficacy efficacy 效力 Cap. 501, s. 15(3)(a)
efficacy 效能 Cap. 133A, reg. 3(1)(c)
efficiency efficiency 效率 Cap. 411, s. 12(1)
efficiency or completeness of ... equipment 設備的有效性或完備性 Cap. 413K, s. 21(c)
efficient efficient 性能良好 Cap. 374, s. 9(1)(f)
efficient 高效率 Cap. 406, s. 59(1)(i)

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efficient and effective 有效率和有效益 Cap. 480B, s. 4(2)(b)

efficient working order 有效的工作運作 Cap. 374A, reg. 5(4)
efficient working order 有效率操作狀態 Cap. 506, s. 11(2)
efficient working order 有效操作狀態 Cap. 95, s. 2
in an efficient state 有效率狀況 Cap. 59AD, s. 11(b)
proper and efficient service 適當而有效率的服務 Cap. 230, s. 2
safe and efficient operation 安全而有效率運作 Cap. 104, s. 44(1)(f)
effluent effluent 流出物 Cap. 413K, s. 28(1)(c)(ii)
trade effluent 工商業污水 Cap. 463, s. 2
trade effluent surcharge 工商業污水附加費 Cap. 463, s. 4(1)
effluxion by effluxion of time 因時間屆滿 Cap. 548H, s. 12(1)
by effluxion of time 因時間期滿 Cap. 7, s. 52(1)
by effluxion of time 因期滿 Cap. 359A, Sch. 5
effluxion 流逝 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effluxion 期滿 Cap. 313, s. 16B(2)
effluxion of time 時間過去 Cap. 272A, reg. 10
effluxion of time 期滿 Cap. 359F, Sch. 5
expire by effluxion of time (因)自然期滿(而)失效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expire by effluxion of time 期滿失效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effort intellectual effort 智力勞動成果 Cap. 445, s. 3(1)(a)
reasonable effort 合理努力 Cap. 406D, reg. 10(4)(b)
e.g.; exempli gratia e.g.; exempli gratia ["for the sake of example"; as an example] 例如 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

egress ingress and egress 出入 Cap. 459, s. 8(3)(b)
ingress and egress 進出 Cap. 123H, reg. 2
means of access to and egress from ... ……出入口 Cap. 478I, s. 6(3)(a)
means of access to and egress from ... 進出……的途徑 Cap. 59, s. 6A(2)(d)
means of egress 途徑 Cap. 95, s. 2
egress, ingress and egress, ingress and 進出 Cap. 123H, reg. 2
either appointed to act either jointly or jointly and severally 獲委任以共同行事或共同和各別行事 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.59
either expressly or by implication 以明示或默示的方式 Cap. 216, s. 20(1)
either generally or for any particular occasion 一般地或就任何個別情況 Cap. 106, s. 14(1)
either generally or in specified proceedings 在一般或指明的法律程序中 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
either mechanically or electronically 以機械或電子方式 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.6
either of the parties to a marriage 婚姻的任何一方 Cap. 182, s. 8
either or both of the following ... 以下兩項或其中一項…… Cap. 584, s. 2A(1)(b)
in either case 在兩者中任何一種情況下 Cap. 106B, reg. 4(1)(b)
ejection ejection 強迫……離開 Cap. 7, s. 17(1)
ejection 驅趕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ejectment ejectment 強迫……離開 Cap. 7, s. 17(1)
ejectment, writ of ejectment, writ of 驅逐以恢復土地佔有令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ejus est nolle, qui potest Ejus est nolle, qui potest velle. [A person who can consent has 有權同意者方有權作不同意的表示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
velle. a right to refuse to consent.] and Commercial Law Terms

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ejusdem generis ejusdem generis 同類原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ejusdem generis ["as of the same kind"] 同類 Cap. 130, s. 2
elapse as if no period of time had elapsed 猶如……並無任何時間逝去一樣 Cap. 252, s. 3
elapse 相隔 Cap. 408, s. 6(1)
elapses 屆滿 Cap. 26, s. 3(4)
the time limited for ... has elapsed ……的期限已過 Cap. 17A, r. 14(1)(a)
elder elder abuse 虐待長者 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.39
eldest eldest child 長子或長女 Cap. 548A, s. 7(2)
elect duly elected 妥為選出 Cap. 542, s. 36(1)(d)
elect 選出 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
elect 選擇 Cap. 7, s. 21(4)
elect ... from among themselves 互選 Cap. 406, s. 39(2)
elect ... from amongst themselves 互選選出 Cap. 547, s. 64(2)
elect one of their number 互選其中一位 Cap. 1037, s. 10(3)
elected 被選 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
elected 當選 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 67
elected 選出 Cap. 1097, s. 4(2)(b)
elected 獲推選 Cap. 359A, Sch. 5
elected Executive or Legislative Council 由選擧產生的行政會議或立法會 Cap. 383, s. 13
elected to act as Chairman 選出以主席身分行事 Cap. 161, s. 2(1)
elected to an office or membership of a body 當選任何職位或晉身任何團體 Cap. 554, s. 39(1)

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elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不援引證據 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)

elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不舉證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
elected elected member 民選議員 Cap. 547, s. 60A(1)
elected members 選任委員 Cap. 364, s. 8(1)(b)
election a further round of an election 某次選舉的再一輪選舉 Cap. 161F, s. 11(2)
contested election 有競逐的選舉 Cap. 542F, r. 4(b)(ii)
countermand an election 撤銷選舉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
declare that the election is countermanded 宣布已撤銷有關選舉 Cap. 529B, s. 37(2)(a)
democratic elections 民主選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
direct elections 直接選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
discontinued election 已中止的選舉 Cap. 241L, s. 2
doctrine of election 選擇原則 Cap. 29, s. 49
doctrine of election of remedies 選擇補救方式原則〔選擇追討賠償或撤銷合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
election 甄選 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
election 選擇 Cap. 112, s. 10(2)
election 選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 45
election agents 選舉代理人 Cap. 541I, s. 83(1)(g)
election donation 選舉捐贈 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
election expense agent 選舉開支代理人 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
election ... has failed 選舉……未能完成 Cap. 542, s. 36(1)(c)

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election methods 選舉辦法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2

election petition 選舉呈請 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
election petition 選舉呈請書 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
election return 選舉申報書 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
eligibility ... to stand for election to ... ……參選資格 Cap. 602, s. 34(1)(a)
general election 換屆選舉 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
genuine periodic elections 真正、定期之選舉 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
notice of election 選舉通知 Cap. 529B, s. 9(1)
postpone the holding of ... election 押後……選舉 Cap. 541D, Sch. 2
promoting or procuring the election of ... 推動或促致……獲選 Cap. 161B, Sch. 3
right to stand for election 被選舉權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 26
rural ordinary election 鄉郊一般選舉 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)
series of rural ordinary elections 系列鄉郊一般選舉 Cap. 541, s. 8(7)
stand for election 參選 Cap. 480, s. 35(3)(a)
stands for the election 參選 Cap. 569, s. 16(7)(a)(i)
statutory election 法定選擇 Cap. 622E, s. 7(4)(c)
subsector election 界別分組選舉 Cap. 569A, s. 3(1)
uncontested election 無對手競逐的選舉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
uncontested election 無競逐的選舉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
uncontested election 無競逐選舉 Cap. 541J, s. 2(1)
Election Committee Election Committee 選舉委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
Election Committee subsector 選舉委員會界別分組 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
members of the Election Committee 選舉委員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1

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elector corporate elector 團體選民 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)

elector 選民 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
elector 選舉人 Cap. 529B, s. 5
eligible electors 合資格選民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
free expression of the will of the electors 選民意志之自由表現 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
register of electors 選民登記冊 Cap. 576, s. 17(1)(a)
registered electors 合資格選民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 22
electoral electoral general meeting 選舉大會 Cap. 364A, by-law 2(1)
electoral law 選舉法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
electoral officer 選舉事務人員 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
electoral officer 選舉事務主任 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
electoral roll 投票人名冊 Cap. 1014A, reg. 15(2)
Electoral Affairs Electoral Affairs Commission 選舉管理委員會 Cap. 547, s. 2
Electoral Registration Electoral Registration Officer 選舉登記主任 Cap. 547, s. 2
electrical registered electrical contractor 註冊電業承辦商 Cap. 406, s. 2
registered electrical worker 註冊電業工程人員 Cap. 406, s. 2
electrically electrically powered passenger vehicles 電動載客車輛 Cap. 436, Sch. 1
electronic electronic address 電子地址 Cap. 50A, by-law 3(8)(b)
electronic communication 電子通訊 Cap. 541D, s. 45(1)(b)
electronic copy 電子版本 Cap. 621, s. 32(4)(b)
electronic data recording device 電子數據記錄儀 Cap. 374A, reg. 2

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electronic database 電子資料庫 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)

electronic device 電子器材 Cap. 494, s. 12B(7)
electronic form 電子形式 Cap. 622, s. 2(4)(b)(ii)
electronic funds transfer 電子轉帳過戶 Cap. 511C, s. 12(5)(b)
electronic health record 電子健康紀錄 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
electronic mail 電子郵件 Cap. 354N, s. 21(2)(a)
electronic mail address 電子郵件地址 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
electronic medical record system 電子醫療紀錄系統 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
electronic payment facility 電子繳費設施 Cap. 368A, reg. 2(1)
electronic publication system 電子登載系統 Cap. 571, s. 307C(2)
electronic record 電子紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
electronic reporting system 電子匯報系統 Cap. 571AL, r. 2
electronic signature 電子簽署 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
electronic transactions 電子交易 Cap. 553, Long Title
electronic transmission 電子傳送 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
electronic transmission system 電子傳送系統 Cap. 571, s. 374(2)(a)
other electronic means 其他電子模式 Cap. 50A, by-law 8(3)
regulated electronic product 受規管電子產品 Cap. 362O, s. 2(1)
Electronic Health Electronic Health Record Research Board 電子健康紀錄研究委員會 Cap. 625, s. 54(1)
Record Research Board
Electronic Health Electronic Health Record Sharing System 電子健康紀錄互通系統 Cap. 625, s. 5(1)
Record Sharing System
electronic record electronic record 電子紀錄 Cap. 553, s. 2
Electronic Electronic Recordkeeping System 電子檔案保管系統 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
Recordkeeping System para. 2.46

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electronic signature electronic signature 電子簽署 Cap. 553, s. 2

electronic transaction electronic transaction 電子交易 Cap. 553, Long Title
electronically either mechanically or electronically 以機械或電子方式 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.6
electronically 以電子方式 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
electronically searchable 可供電子方式搜尋 Cap. 112, s. 50G(1)(c)
eleemosynary eleemosynary corporations 慈善法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 7
eleemosynary eleemosynary corporation 慈善法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
corporation and Commercial Law Terms
elegit, writ of elegit, writ of 扣押債務人土地令狀 參看 writ of elegit English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
element constituent element 構成元素 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.13
constituent elements 構成要素 Cap. 155M, s. 16FB(a)
constituent elements of the offence 該項罪行的構成因素 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
distinctive elements 顯著要素 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
element of the offence 犯罪元素 Cap. 499, s. 26(7)
element of the offence 罪行的……元素 Cap. 358, s. 10
elements of an offence 罪行的……元素 Cap. 238, s. 25(1)
fault element 過失元素 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.63
mental element 意念元素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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mental element 精神意念元素 "Rape and Other Non-consensual

Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.29
elevation elevations 立面 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
elicit elicit evidence 引出……證據 Cap. 221, s. 76A
eligibility certificate of eligibility 合資格證明書 Cap. 171, s. 21A(2)
certificate of eligibility for pupillage 符合資格為實習大律師證明書 Cap. 159AB, s. 2
eligibility requirements 資格規定 Cap. 485A, s. 50(4)
eligibility ... to stand for election to ... ……參選資格 Cap. 602, s. 34(1)(a)
eligible eligible 合資格 Cap. 515, s. 4
eligible 有資格 Cap. 279, s. 85(1)(b)
eligible 具有資格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
eligible candidate 合資格候選人 Cap. 542, s. 60A(1)
eligible claimant 合資格申索人 Cap. 630, Sch. 5
eligible electors 合資格選民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
eligible for a pension 具有領取退休金的資格 Cap. 89, s. 18(3)(a)
eligible for re-appointment 有資格再獲委任 Cap. 208, s. 5(3)
eligible loan repayment 合格貸款付還 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5
eligible officer 合資格人員 Cap. 35, s. 2
not eligible 無資格 Cap. 123N, s. 7(2)
eliminate reduce or eliminate that risk 減低或消除該風險 Cap. 354, s. 23EA(1)(c)
elimination elimination 消除 Cap. 483, s. 30(2)
elimination ballots 淘汰投票 Cap. 547, Sch. 5

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elimination of all other candidates 所有其他候選人……被淘汰 Cap. 569, s. 27(2)(b)

elimination of ... discrimination 消除……歧視 Cap. 480, Long Title
elisor elisor (Am.) 法庭指派臨時任司法行政官或驗屍官者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
eloin eloin (arch.) [also eloign] 移走 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
eloin (arch.) [also eloign] 移離司法管轄區 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
elope elope (arch.) 私奔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
elope (arch.) 棄職 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
e-mail e-mail 電郵 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
e-mail address 電郵地址 Cap. 159AC, Sch. 2
embargo arms embargoes 武器禁運 Cap. 537, s. 2(1)
economic and trade embargoes 經濟及貿易禁運 Cap. 537, s. 2(1)
embargo 扣押(船舶、貨物等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
embargo 封港 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
embargo 徵用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hostile embargo 扣押敵方船舶 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trade embargo 貿易禁運 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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embark embark on 展開 Cap. 602, s. 65(1)

embarkation embarkation 上船 Cap. 313A, reg. 8(a)
port of embarkation 登船的港口 Cap. 115A, reg. 6(b)
embarrass embarrass 令……受妨礙 Cap. 6, s. 136
embarrass proceedings 妨礙法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
embarrass the trial 使審訊變得複雜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
embarrass ... the trial 妨礙……審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 5(1)
embarrass [to encumber, hamper, impede] 妨礙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
embarrass [to encumber, hamper, impede] 使複雜化 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
embarrassed 遭受……妨礙 Cap. 221, s. 23(3)
embarrassed 遭受……為難 Cap. 227, s. 10(2)(a)
embarrassing proceedings 妨礙……法律程序 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(a)
embezzlement embezzlement 盜用公款 ※比較 defalcation; peculation Cap. 503, Sch. 1
embezzlement 監守自盜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emblem design of the national emblem 國徽圖案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 5
emblem 標誌 Cap. 541M, s. 15(1)(b)
emblem 徽號 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emblems and insignia 標記及徽章 Cap. 602, s. 45(4)(b)
national emblem 國徽 Cap. 559, s. 11(6)(b)

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national emblem of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國……國徽 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 10
regional emblem 區徽 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 10
embody embodied 載於 Cap. 528, s. 35A(2)(b)
embody 體現 Cap. 30, s. 5(2)
embodying 收錄 Cap. 32, s. 38D(4)
embodying 載錄 Cap. 503, s. 3(1)(a)
embracery embracery 賄賂陪審員罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency actual or apprehended emergency 實際發生或意恐發生的緊急事故 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency 緊急事故 Cap. 374, s. 57(2)
emergency 緊急情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency arbitrator 緊急仲裁員 Cap. 609, s. 98F
emergency device 緊急裝置 Cap. 618A, s. 8(4)
emergency doctrine 緊急情況原則〔謹慎標準的例外情況〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emergency excavation permit 緊急挖掘准許證 Cap. 28, s. 2
emergency incident 緊急事故 Cap. 28, s. 2
emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the 緊急危難或災害禍患危及社會生命安寧 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(iii)
emergency sessions 緊急會議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 72
emergency trustee 臨時受託人 Cap. 485B, Sch. 3
life threatening emergency 危及性命的緊急情況 Cap. 406, s. 19(2)
occasion of emergency 緊急情況 Cap. 241, s. 2

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public emergency 社會緊急狀態 Convention Against Torture and

Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(2)
public emergency 緊急狀態 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)
state of emergency 緊急狀態 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
unforeseen emergency 未能預見的緊急情況 Cap. 102, s. 11(1)
emigration freedom of emigration 移居……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
eminent domain eminent domain 國家徵用權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emissary emissary 使者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emissary 密使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emissary 間諜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emission emission 放射 Cap. 466, s. 2
emission 排放 Cap. 374, s. 9(1)(b)
emission 排放物 Cap. 311J, reg. 7F(2)
emission 發射 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
emission credits 排放配額 Cap. 311, s. 26K(2)(a)(ii)
exhaust emission 排氣污染物 Cap. 374A, reg. 2
noxious or offensive emission 有害或厭惡性排放物 Cap. 311, s. 2
emit emit 排放 Cap. 311, s. 2
emolument emolument 報酬 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
emolument 薪酬 Cap. 401, s. 23

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highest pensionable emoluments 最高可供計算退休金的薪酬 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)

notional highest pensionable emoluments 理論上最高可供計算退休金的薪酬 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
office of emolument 受薪職位 Cap. 521, s. 12(1)
official emoluments 官職薪酬 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(b)
pensionable emoluments 可供計算退休金的薪酬 Cap. 89, s. 2(1)
emotional emotional abuse 精神虐待 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 8.31
emotional distress emotional distress 精神上的痛苦 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
empanel empanelled 被選任 Cap. 504, s. 33(3)
empanelled 選任 Cap. 504, s. 33(4)
jury ... empanelled 選任……陪審團 Cap. 3, s. 27
jury is empanelled 陪審團組成 Cap. 394, s. 15(5)
emphasis emphasis added 劃線字/斜體字/粗體字為強調部分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
emphasis added 劃線/斜體/粗體自加,以資強調 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
emphasis supplied 劃線字/斜體字/粗體字為強調部分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
emphasis supplied 劃線/斜體/粗體自加,以資強調 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
employ employ 聘用 Cap. 1037, s. 8
employ 僱用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
employ ... for duty 遣派……執行職責 Cap. 233, s. 18(1)

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employed 受僱 Cap. 57, s. 10(aa)(i)

employed 遣派 Cap. 169A, reg. 11(2)
employed ... as auditor 受聘……為核數師 Cap. 32, s. 277(4)
employed on secondment 借調受僱 Cap. 99A, reg. 7(2)(a)
self-employed person 自僱人士 Cap. 485A, s. 119
employability employability 就業能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
employable lawfully employable 可合法受僱 Cap. 115, s. 17G(2)
employed employed barrister 受僱大律師 Cap. 159K, Schedule
Employed Barrister's Employed Barrister's Certificate 受僱大律師證書 Cap. 159K, Schedule
employee bona fide employee 真正的僱員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bona fide employee 真正僱員 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
casual employee 臨時僱員 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
consular employee 領館僱員 Cap. 557, Schedule
defaulting employee 未能履職僱員 Cap. 423, s. 15(2)
employee 僱員 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
employee share scheme 僱員股份計劃 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
employee share scheme 僱員參股計劃 Cap. 622, s. 486(3)
employees' compensation 僱員補償 Cap. 282, s. 16D
female employee 女性僱員 Cap. 57, s. 14(7)
former employees 前僱員 Cap. 601, s. 10(2)(b)
imported employee 外來僱員 Cap. 423, s. 2
male employee 男性僱員 Cap. 57, Sch. 10

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prospective employee 準僱員 Cap. 57, s. 21A

record of employees 僱員紀錄 Cap. 115, s. 17G(1)
salaried employee 受薪僱員 Cap. 159, s. 27(2)(a)
Employees Employees Compensation Assistance Fund 僱員補償援助基金 Cap. 6, s. 38(10)
Assistance Fund
Employees' Employees' Compensation Insurance Levies Management 僱員補償保險徵款管理局 Cap. 469, s. 2
Compensation Board
Insurance Levies
Management Board
Employees Retraining Employees Retraining Board 僱員再培訓局 Cap. 423, s. 2
employer employer 僱主 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
employer and employee 僱主與僱員 Cap. 57, s. 4
employer sponsored scheme 僱主營辦計劃 Cap. 485A, s. 23(4)
participating employer 參與僱主 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
potential employer 準僱主 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prospective employer 會成為僱主的人 Cap. 485, s. 23(5)
representative employer 僱主代表 Cap. 485B, s. 2(1)
employment ... arising out of and in the course of the employment 在受僱工作期間因工…… Cap. 282, s. 5(1)
available for employment 可供受僱 Cap. 478, s. 64(1)
cessation of employment 終止受僱 Cap. 485A, s. 145(6)(a)
common employment 共同受僱(於同一僱主) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common employment 受僱共同作業 Cap. 23, s. 22

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continuous employment 連續受僱 Cap. 57, s. 3(1)

contract of employment 僱用合約 Cap. 51, s. 2
contract of employment [also employment contract] 僱傭合約 Cap. 57, s. 2
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention 《1939年僱傭合約(土生工人)公約》 Cap. 78, s. 11(1)(h)
effective employment 有效僱用 Cap. 159J, r. 6(2)
employment 工作 Cap. 1, s. 3
employment 受僱工作 Cap. 469, Sch. 5
employment 僱用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103
employment 僱傭 Cap. 57, Long Title
employment 僱傭關係 Cap. 485B, s. 3(a)
employment agency 職業介紹所 Cap. 57, s. 50(1)
employment at ... 受僱在……工作 Cap. 459A, s. 4
employment of counsel 延聘大律師 Cap. 87A, r. 2(2)(a)
employment of profit 有收益的……受僱工作 Cap. 112, s. 8(1)(a)
employment period 僱用期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
employment period 僱傭期 Cap. 57, s. 31V
in common employment with ... 與……受僱共同作業 Cap. 23, s. 22(1)
in gainful employment 受僱從事有報酬的工作 Cap. 192, s. 10(3)(a)
in the civil employment 擔任文職 Cap. 282, s. 4(1)(b)
in the course of employment 在受僱工作期間 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(ia)
in the course of employment 受僱工作期間 Cap. 282, s. 30B
in the part-time or full-time employment of ... 非全職或全職受僱於…… Cap. 159R, s. 8(4)
in the permanent and exclusive employment of ... 受……以常設職位獨家僱用 Cap. 336, s. 15(1A)

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in the regular employment of ... ……的常任僱員 Cap. 32H, r. 132(b)

offer of employment 僱用要約 Cap. 602, Sch. 2
offer of employment 僱傭要約 Cap. 57, s. 31S(4)(b)
overtime employment 超時受僱 Cap. 47A, reg. 2
prevailing terms of employment 現行僱用條款 Cap. 602, s. 13(1)(c)(i)
prospective employment 待受僱 Cap. 478, s. 40(1)(a)
regular full time employment 固定的全職工作 Cap. 480, s. 53(2)
remain in employment 留用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 93
remunerated employment 有報酬的工作 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remunerated employment 接受薪酬的僱傭關係 Rules of Procedure of the Legislative
Council of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, s. 83
scope of ... employment 受僱範圍 Cap. 500, s. 7(1)
secondary employment 兼職 Cap. 316U, Schedule
single continuing employment 連續受僱於同一僱主 Cap. 1144, s. 7(1)
take employment 接受僱傭工作 Cap. 115, s. 37ZX(1)
terms of employment 僱用條款 Cap. 112, s. 9(6)
trial period of employment 僱傭試工期 Cap. 608, s. 2
wasteful employment of the police 警力的浪費 Cap. 221, s. 91(2)
empower empower 賦權 Cap. 247, Long Title
empowered 獲授……權力 Cap. 1, s. 41(1)
empowered 獲賦予權力 Cap. 439, s. 32
empowered 獲賦權 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
is empowered to effect 獲賦權進行 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(d)

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specifically empowered 明確賦權 Cap. 622, s. 42(3)

emulsified emulsified sauces 乳化醬汁 Cap. 132BD, Sch. 1
en banc en banc ["on the bench"; in full court; also in banc] 全體法官聽審 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
en banc ["on the bench"; in full court; also in banc] 法官席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
en bloc en bloc 全體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
en bloc 全體同時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
en route en route 在航 Cap. 413O, s. 5A(4)(a)
is proceeding en route at ... 正在以……的航行速度航行 Cap. 413K, s. 28(1)(a)(iv)
en ventre sa mere a child en ventre sa mere 尚在其母腹中的子女 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)
en ventre sa mere 在母胎中 Cap. 257, s. 2(1)
en ventre sa mère en ventre sa mère 腹中胎兒 Cap. 73, s. 2(3)
en ventre sa mère ["not yet born"; also in utero] 尚屬腹中 Cap. 73, s. 2
enable enable 使……得以實現 Cap. 115, s. 37C(1)(c)
enable effect to be given to ... 使……得以實施 Cap. 496, Long Title
enable the hearing to commence ... 令聆訊可……展開 Cap. 376A, s. 7
enable ... to ... 使……能夠…… Cap. 610B, s. 5(2)(a)(ii)
enabling 使受到 Cap. 405, s. 16(3)
enabling 使……能…… Cap. 359, s. 29(1A)(g)
enabling legislation 賦權法例 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.24
enabling power 賦權權力 Cap. 342, s. 17B(4)
enabling power 獲賦予的權力 Cap. 276, Sch. 1

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enabling law enabling law 賦權的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
enact enact 制定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
enact laws on its own 自行立法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
enacted 制定 Cap. 1, s. 3
enacting enacting clauses 制定語條文 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 4(1)(f)
enacting ... provision 制定語式條文 Cap. 614, s. 12(e)
enactment corresponding enactment 對應成文法則 Cap. 347, s. 4(7)
enactment 成文法則 ※比較 act; statute Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 10
existing enactment 現行成文法則 Cap. 8, s. 65(5)
penal enactments 刑事成文法則 Cap. 200, Long Title
principal enactment 主體法例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
repealed enactment 被廢除的成文法則 Cap. 552, s. 7(3)
specified enactment 指明成文法則 Cap. 102A, reg. 19A(2)
statutory enactment 成文法則 Cap. 29, s. 37
enactment enactment 成文法的制定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enactment 制定 Cap. 527, s. 21(3)
enactment of law 制定法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encash encash 折算為現金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encash a cheque 將支票兌現 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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encode encode 以密碼存錄 Cap. 374, s. 2

encode 編碼 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encoded 用密碼所錄 Cap. 374C, reg. 12(7)(a)
encompass encompass 涵蓋 Cap. 591, s. 11(1)(b)
encounter fleeting encounter 瞬間的接觸 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
encroach encroach 據用 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 7
encroachment building encroachment 據用建築物 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.2, Footnote 1
encroachment 侵入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encroachment 侵犯(權利) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encroachment 侵佔(財產) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encroachment 據用 Cap. 7, s. 132
illegal encroachment 非法據用 Cap. 7, s. 132
illegal encroachment of land 非法侵佔土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal encroachment or inclosure 非法據用或圍佔 Cap. 7, s. 132
principle of encroachment 據用原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encrypt in encrypted form 經編碼處理 Cap. 528, s. 35A(5)(a)
encryption encryption 加密保護 Cap. 528, s. 273(2)(a)
encryption technology 加密技術 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

encumber encumber 妨礙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encumber 使負擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encumber the title of ... 使……的所有權負有產權負擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
encumbered by any encumbrance 負有產權負擔 Cap. 485A, s. 102(2)(c)
encumbrance encumbered by any encumbrance 負有產權負擔 Cap. 485A, s. 102(2)(c)
encumbrance 產權負擔 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
encumbrance created 設定的產權負擔 Cap. 485A, s. 70(7)
free from all liens, claims or encumbrances 不受任何留置權、申索權或產權負擔所約束 Cap. 630, s. 63(2)(b)(ii)(A)
free from encumbrances 沒有產權負擔 Cap. 155Q, r. 49(2)(c)
order of encumbrance 產權負擔次序 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
subject to any encumbrance 受任何產權負擔所規限 Cap. 485A, s. 65(1)
encumbrancer encumbrancer 產權負擔人 Cap. 219, s. 2
end at the end of ... 在……結束時 Cap. 112, s. 23B(9)
come to an end 終結 Cap. 7, s. 52(1)
end of year payment 年終酬金 Cap. 57, s. 2(2)(a)
ending 屆滿 Cap. 159, s. 6(4)
ending 終止 Cap. 159, s. 8(1)
ending on 截至……為止 Cap. 453C, r. 8
the end of a tenancy 租賃期滿 Cap. 210, s. 5(3)
end defeat or delay the ends of justice 妨礙或拖延達到公正的目的 Cap. 233, s. 25

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endanger endanger 危害 Cap. 459, s. 19(1)(c)

endanger life 危害生命 Cap. 200, s. 54(a)
endanger ... property 危害……財產 Cap. 200, s. 54, Heading
endanger the integrity of the judicial process 危害司法程序的公正不阿 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.92
endangering 危及 Cap. 96, s. 16(1)(ii)
endangering national security 危害國家安全 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27
endangers the interests of ... 危害……的利益 Cap. 521, s. 15(2)(c)
negligently endanger 因疏忽而危害 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(e)
to endanger life 危害生命 Cap. 238, s. 16(1)
endangered Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
Wild Fauna and Flora
endangerment child endangerment 危害兒童 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.107
endeavour endeavour 盡力 Cap. 47, s. 39
endeavours 力圖 Cap. 233, s. 24
endeavours to 嘗試 Cap. 382, s. 19(a)
has used his best endeavours 已盡其最大努力 Cap. 561A, s. 15(3)(b)
reasonable endeavour 合理的努力 Cap. 484A, r. 23(3)
resists the endeavour to arrest 反抗逮捕 Cap. 586, s. 37(3)
use its or his best endeavours 盡其最大的努力 Cap. 218, s. 32H(4)
endorse endorse 加簽註明 Cap. 415, s. 41(1)
endorse 批署 Cap. 7, s. 9B(4)

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endorse a cheque 背書支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
endorse ... a note 加上……附註 Cap. 453A, r. 3
endorse [also indorse] 加簽 Cap. 406, s. 31
endorse [also indorse] 批註 Cap. 541L, s. 11
endorse [also indorse] 背書 Cap. 4, s. 25A
endorse [also indorse] 註明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorse on ... 在……上批註 Cap. 413K, s. 14(b)
endorsed 簽註 Cap. 159J, r. 8(11)
endorsed on 在……上註明 Cap. 17A, r. 4(2)
endorsed on 附註 Cap. 125, s. 10(1)
endorse endorse [also indorse] 認可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsed endorsed 註明 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
endorsee endorsee [also indorsee] 承背書人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement endorsement 註明 Cap. 227, s. 18E(2)
endorsement 簽註 Cap. 117, s. 19(1)(d)
endorsement [also indorsement] 加簽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement [also indorsement] 批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement [also indorsement] 背書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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endorsement of a warrant [also backing of a warrant] 手令的背書〔作引渡疑犯或罪犯用〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement of claim 申索的批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement of service 送達的批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement of transfer ... of a licence 牌照轉讓的批註 Cap. 464, s. 12(1)(d)
endorsement on an insurance policy 保險單上的批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement on the warrant 手令上的批註 Cap. 382, s. 12(4)
renewal ... by endorsement 以批註方式……續期 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
visa endorsement 簽證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
endorsement endorsement [also indorsement] 認可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement [also indorsement] 認同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement of goods or services 對貨品或服務的保證 Cap. 112, s. 20B(4)
endorsements 認可證明 Cap. 478, s. 13(2)(d)
endorsement endorsement 通過 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
endow endowed 撥捐 Cap. 1037, s. 2
endowing 捐助 Cap. 1181, s. 8(3)
endowment endowment 捐贈 Cap. 1133, s. 4
endowment 授予 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endowment 給女子以嫁妝或亡夫遺產(古) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endowment 儲蓄壽險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

endowment policy 儲蓄壽險保單 Cap. 91B, Sch. 2
endowments 捐助 Cap. 1007, s. 1A(1)(a)
policy of ... endowment 儲蓄壽險保單 Cap. 182, s. 13(1)
enduring enduring guardian 持久監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.6
enduring power 持久授權 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
enduring power of attorney 持久授權書 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
enduring power of enduring power of attorney 持久授權書 Cap. 501, s. 2
end-user end-user 最終使用者 Cap. 112, s. 39E(1)(a)
enemy dealings with ... an enemy 與敵人……交易 Cap. 346, s. 4(2)(a)
enemy subject 敵人子民 Cap. 346, s. 2(1)
enemy territory 敵人領地 Cap. 346, s. 2(1)
energy registered energy assessors 註冊能源效益評核人 Cap. 610A, s. 2
Energy Audit Form Energy Audit Form 能源審核表格 Cap. 610A, Schedule
enforce ... be enforced against ... 針對……強制執行…… Cap. 298, s. 7(5)(a)
enforce 強制 Cap. 332, s. 15(4)
enforce 強制執行 Cap. 19, s. 22(2)
enforce a claim 強制執行……申索 Cap. 4, s. 12A(3)(b)
enforce a recognizance 強制執行擔保 Cap. 347, s. 4(1)(b)
enforce any obligation against ... 強制……履行任何義務 Cap. 49, s. 9
enforce payment of ... 強制執行……的繳付 Cap. 4, s. 21E(2)(b)
enforce, secure or pursue ... 對……作強制執行、保證或追索 Cap. 336, s. 52D(1)

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enforce the attendance of 強制……出庭 Cap. 227, s. 104A(2)

enforce the doing of ... 確使作出…… Cap. 1, s. 40(1)
enforced 執行 Cap. 1, s. 23(e)
enforced by execution 藉執行程序強制執行 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 11
enforcing ... right 執行……權利 Cap. 1146, s. 7(h)
enforcing ... security 行使……抵押品 Cap. 1146, s. 7(g)(iii)
judgment which ... cannot be recognized or enforced in Hong 不能在香港獲得承認或強制執行的判決 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
enforce one's rights enforce one's rights 行使某人的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enforceability enforceability 可執行性 Cap. 630, s. 31(b)
enforceability 可執行範圍 Cap. 71, Long Title
enforceability 可強制執行性 Cap. 117, s. 29B(10)
enforceable enforceable 可予強制執行 Cap. 342C, s. 14(1)(b)
enforceable 可強制執行 Cap. 7, s. 4(8)(a)(iii)
enforceable 可強制執行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enforceable 強制執行 Cap. 1142, s. 6(i)
enforceable duty 可強制職責 Cap. 200, s. 70(2)
enforceable in rem 可對物強制執行的 Cap. 347, s. 4(6)
enforceable right 強制執行權利 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 14(1)
judgement ... enforceable by ... 判決……可由……強制執行 Cap. 1146, s. 7(i)
legally enforceable 在法律上可強制執行 Cap. 581, s. 33

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legally enforceable right 在法律上可強制執行的權利 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 6.12
valid and enforceable 有效和可予強制執行 Cap. 271, s. 6(1)
enforcement better enforcement of the Ordinance 更有效地強制執行本條例 Cap. 312, s. 9(1)(g)
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign 《承認及執行外國仲裁裁決公約》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitral Awards
enforcement 執行 Cap. 406, Long Title
enforcement 強制執行 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.1
enforcement 強制履行 Cap. 272, s. 12(2)(b)
enforcement action upon a judgment 強制執行某項判決的行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enforcement authority 執行當局 Cap. 502, s. 3(1)
enforcement notice 執行通知 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
enforcement notice 執法通知 Cap. 630, s. 40(2)(b)(ii)
enforcement notice 強制執行通知 Cap. 494, s. 47
enforcement of ... a charge 執行押記權 Cap. 455, s. 18(1)(b)
enforcement of a sentence 強制執行判刑 Cap. 503, s. 4
enforcement of covenant 強制執行契諾 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
enforcement of foreign judgment 外地判決的強制執行 Cap. 46, Long Title
enforcement officer 執法人員 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
law enforcement agency 執法機構 Cap. 564, s. 15(b)
law enforcement officer 執法人員 Cap. 627, s. 2
legal or law enforcement cooperation 法律合作或執法合作 Cap. 486, s. 58(6)
likely to frustrate the timely enforcement 相當可能會使……及時強制執行……行動受挫 Cap. 112BI, Schedule

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mutual enforcement of arbitral awards 相互執行仲裁裁決 "Third Party Funding for

Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.2
mutual recognition and enforcement 相互認可及執行 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.9
reciprocal enforcement 交互強制執行 Cap. 9, Long Title
enforcer enforcer 執行人 Cap. 637, s. 29(6)(b)(i)
enforcer ... of a trust 信託的……執行人 Cap. 112, s. 50A(1)
enfranchise enfranchise 給予公民選舉權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enfranchisement enfranchisement 賦權予租客購置批租土地的永久產權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
engage engage 延聘 Cap. 411, Sch. 1
engage 聘用 Cap. 624, s. 27(3)
engage 聘請 Cap. 436, s. 39(1)
engaged 任用 Cap. 415, s. 22(3)(b)
engaged 受聘 Cap. 47, s. 3
engaged 僱用 Cap. 104D, by-law 3(1)(d)
engage engages 允諾 Cap. 19, s. 55(1)(a)
engage causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent 導致他人在不同意的情況下進行涉及性的行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.23
engage in 參與 Cap. 528D, r. 29(1)
engage in 從事 Cap. 353, s. 6(1)
engaged in 作出 Cap. 569, s. 32(1)(a)(iv)
engaged in duty 擔任……職責 Cap. 436C, s. 2(1)(u)
engages 採取 Cap. 584, Sch. 5

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engagement engagement 協定 Cap. 6, s. 34(8)(c)

engagement 聘用 Cap. 601, s. 12(4)
engagement 聘用協定 Cap. 115, s. 9(1)
engagement partner 項目合夥人 Cap. 588, s. 2(1)
engagement quality control review 項目質素監控審視 Cap. 588, s. 2(1)
solicit for engagement 招攬受聘 Cap. 556B, by-law 39B
engineer authorized ... engineer 核准……工程師 Cap. 354N, s. 9(3)
Register of Escalator Engineers 自動梯工程師名冊 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
Register of Lift Engineers 升降機工程師名冊 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered escalator engineer 註冊自動梯工程師 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered lift engineer 註冊升降機工程師 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered professional engineer 註冊專業工程師 Cap. 409, s. 2(1)
engineering recognized engineering ... code 認可工程……守則 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
recognized engineering standard 認可工程標準 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
Engineers Registration Engineers Registration Board 工程師註冊管理局 Cap. 610B, s. 15(1)(e)
engross engross 謄寫 Cap. 159, s. 47
engrossment engrossment 文本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
engrossment 謄本 Cap. 10A, r. 9
enhance enhanced disclosure 加強級別的資料披露 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 3.38
enhanced enhanced sentence 加重刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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enhancement third party providers of credit enhancements 提供信用提升的第三方 Cap. 155L, Sch. 9
enjoin enjoin 命令 Cap. 4A, App. A
enjoin 責令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enjoin 責成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enjoin 禁止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enjoy enjoy 享用 Cap. 1, s. 3
enjoy quiet possession of ... 安寧地享有對……的管有 Cap. 26, s. 14(1)(b)
enjoy their own culture 享受其固有文化 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 23
enjoyed 享受 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(1)
enjoyed possession of the land 享有對……土地的管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.5, Footnote 22
enjoyed title 所享有的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
enjoyment beneficial enjoyment ... of land 在……土地實益享有的利益 Cap. 372, Sch. 2
enjoyment 享用(土地) Cap. 515, s. 38
enjoyment 享用價值 Cap. 208, s. 16(1)
enjoyment 享有(權利) Cap. 372, Sch. 5
enjoyment 享受 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(2)
loss of enjoyment of life 生活享受的喪失 參看 loss of amenity English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
loss of use and enjoyment 使用及享用權利的喪失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
nullify or impair ... enjoyment of human rights 取消或減損……享有人權的權利 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(c)

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peaceful enjoyment 安寧地享用 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

quiet enjoyment 不受他人干擾的土地享有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
quiet enjoyment 平靜受益權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
quiet enjoyment 安寧享用權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right to the exclusive possession, use, occupation or enjoyment 獨有管有權、使用權、佔用權或享用權 Cap. 7, s. 6(1)(b)
use and enjoyment of land 土地的使用和享用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enlarge enlarge the time 將……期限延長 Cap. 17, s. 10(2)(d)
enlarging the powers of ... 擴大……的權力 Cap. 253, s. 3(1)
enlargement enlargement of recognizances 增延擔保 Cap. 221, s. 23(5)(c)
enmity feelings of ill-will and enmity 惡感及敵意 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(e)
enquire enquire into 查究 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
enquire into 對……進行查訊 Cap. 133, s. 3A(5)
enrol enrol in ... 將……登記加入 Cap. 233, s. 5(2)
enrolled 修讀 Cap. 608, s. 2
enrolled 登記 Cap. 159E, r. 3(c)(ii)
enrolled as 登記為 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
enrolled enrolled nurse 登記護士 Cap. 164, s. 2
roll of enrolled nurses 登記護士名冊 Cap. 459A, s. 2
enrolment enrolment 取錄 Cap. 480, s. 17(4)
enrolment 登記加入 Cap. 197, s. 2

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ensue ensue [also insue] 因而產生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
ensue [also insue] 接着發生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ensuing financial year ensuing financial year 下一財政年度 Cap. 389, s. 16
ensure ensure 確保 Cap. 610, s. 12(4)
sufficient to ensure ... 足以確保…… Cap. 446B, s. 3(1)(g)
entail entail 引起 Cap. 140, s. 13
entail ipso jure 在法律上……導致 Cap. 609, s. 34(1)
entail ... the following steps 採取下列步驟 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
enter cause to be entered 安排記入 Cap. 369, s. 84(7)
enter 列入 Cap. 159, s. 5(2)
enter 記下 Cap. 181, s. 20(4)
enter 將……登記 Cap. 227, s. 116(1)
enter ... a caveat 登錄……知會備忘 Cap. 4C, Schedule
enter a note of 加註 Cap. 159, s. 12(2)
enter a plea of guilty 認罪 Cap. 227, s. 8A(7)
enter a plea of guilty or not guilty 承認或否認控罪 Cap. 227, s. 19A(1)
enter an appearance 呈交應訴書 Cap. 484A, r. 20
enter an appearance 應訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter an appearance to the petition 就該呈請書呈交應訴書 Cap. 179A, r. 124(3)
enter ... as an appeal 將……登記為……上訴 Cap. 227, Sch. 5
enter in force 生效 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
enter into possession 行使管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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enter into possession of mortgaged land 行使按揭土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
enter judgment 登錄判決〔司法行政行為。判決作出後,將判決正式登 Cap. 336H, O. 37, r. 2
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
enter judgment for ... as against ... 就……登錄……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 4(1)
enter or withdraw a caveat 登錄或撤回知會備忘 Cap. 4C, Schedule
enter [entry (n.)] 呈交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter [entry (n.)] 登錄 Cap. 4A, O. 19, r. 2
entered 記載 Cap. 279, s. 8(1)(a)
entered for customs 報關 Cap. 414, s. 23(9)
entered in the caveat book 登錄於知會備忘登記冊 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 15(1)
entering a counterclaim 提出反申索 Cap. 453, s. 2
entering of partial judgment 登錄部分判決 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
entering up 登錄 Cap. 128, s. 5
enters a nolle prosequi 提出中止檢控 Cap. 336, s. 75(2)
fails to enter any plea 沒有作出答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
judgment ... entered 判決……已……登錄 Cap. 338, s. 9(2)
judgment entered for A against B 登錄甲方勝訴而乙方敗訴的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
plea of not guilty to be entered 登錄不認罪的答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
enter enter 進入 Cap. 28, s. 12(2)
enter and search 進入及搜查 Cap. 68, s. 24(1)(i)

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enter and search 進入和搜查 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 14.9
enter ... land 進入……土地範圍 Cap. 28, s. 13
enter upon and take possession of ... 行使對……的管有權和取得對……的管有 Cap. 4A, App. A
forcibly ... enter 強行……進入 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(b)
persons not having the right to enter and remain in Hong 無權進入及停留於香港的人 Cap. 383, s. 11
reasonably visible to any person entering the place 合理地能讓任何進入該地點的人看見 Cap. 581A, s. 6F(2)(a)
right to enter Hong Kong 進入香港之權 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(4)
enter entered on his office 就任 Cap. 11, s. 21(a)
enter enter into ... recognizance 自簽擔保 Cap. 227, s. 39
enter enter the arena 逾越其份 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judge entering the arena 法官加入控辯雙方的訟辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judge entering the arena 法官加入戰團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
enter into contract entered into 訂立的合約 Cap. 571O, s. 2
contracts ... entered into 締結……的合約 Cap. 1146, s. 7(a)
enter into 作出(保證等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter into 訂立(協議等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter into a contract 訂立合約 Cap. 284, s. 3
enter into a credit transaction 訂立信貸交易 Cap. 622, s. 503(1)(a)
enter into a recognizance ... in a sum ... 以……的款項作出擔保 Cap. 212, s. 41

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enter into agreements 訂立協議 Cap. 563, s. 6(2)(l)

enter into an arrangement with 與……訂立安排 Cap. 587, s. 18(3)
enter into any exchange 進行交換 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(n)
enter into good ... security 作出一項妥善……的保證 Cap. 484, s. 25(2)(a)
enter into his own recognizances 作自簽擔保 Cap. 212, s. 58
enter into partnership 成立合夥 Cap. 1145, s. 4(q)
enter into recognizance 辦理擔保手續 Cap. 213, s. 34(1)(c)
entered into 訂定 Cap. 569E, s. 12(2)(a)(ii)
entered into a composition 達成債務重整協議 Cap. 155, s. 73(1)(a)
entered into a marriage 締結婚姻 Cap. 481, s. 19(4)
entered into a transaction 訂立任何交易 Cap. 379, s. 6(3)
entered into partnership 締結合夥 Cap. 38, s. 6
entered into ... possession of ... 取得……的管有 Cap. 97, s. 2
entering into possession 行使管有權 Cap. 622, s. 349(1)
entering into ... recognizance for ... 作出擔保以保證…… Cap. 382, s. 12(2)
enters into possession of ... 就……行使管有權 Cap. 622, s. 349(1)
no marriage shall be entered into 婚姻……不得締結 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(3)
offer to enter into ... agreements 要約訂立……協議 Cap. 155, s. 2(2)(c)(ii)
enterprise ownership of enterprises 企業所有權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 105
state-owned enterprise 國有企業 Cap. 1167, Preamble
enterprise criminal enterprise 犯罪行動 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal enterprise 犯罪計劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 共同犯罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.15
enterprise entity, enterprise entity, doctrine of 同一企業實體原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
doctrine of and Commercial Law Terms
entertain entertain 受理 Cap. 7, s. 127A(a)
entertain an application for ... 受理……的申請 Cap. 621, s. 77(4)(b)
entertainment entertainment 娛樂 Cap. 172, s. 2
public entertainment 公眾娛樂 Cap. 172, s. 4
entertainment entertainment 款待 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
lavish entertainment 過度的款待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entice entices 誘使 Cap. 233, s. 21
entices away 騙走 Cap. 212, s. 43(1)(a)
enticing 慫恿 Cap. 134, s. 56A(2)(d)
entire entire portion 整份 Cap. 18, s. 4
entire agreement entire agreement 整份協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entire agreement 整體協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entirely consisting entirely of ... 完全由……組成的…… Cap. 354L, Sch. 2
entirety entirety 全數 Cap. 485B, Sch. 2
entirety of the dispute 整項爭議 Cap. 609, s. 31(9)(b)

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entitle absolutely entitled 絕對有權享有的 Cap. 336H, O. 92, r. 2(2)

beneficially entitled 有實益權 Cap. 182, s. 7(1)(a)
entitle 使有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entitle 使享有……權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entitle 給予……稱號 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entitle 給予權利或資格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entitled 有權 Cap. 406, s. 23(1)
entitled in the same degree 享有相同等級優先權 Cap. 10A, r. 31(2)
entitled to 有……的權利 Cap. 1A, r. 13(4)
entitled to 有權 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(4)
entitled to 享有 Cap. 18, s. 5
entitled to 獲得……的權利 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 14(1)
entitled to a reasonable adjournment 有權獲准將案件押後一段合理時間 Cap. 342B, r. 9(2)
entitled to a second or casting vote 有權投第二票或決定票 Cap. 17, s. 9(5)
entitled to be heard on ... 有權就……陳詞 Cap. 405, s. 3(14)
entitled to exclusive possession 有權取得獨有管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
entitled to his estate 有權承受其遺產 Cap. 10A, r. 38(1)(b)
entitled to immunity from the jurisdiction of ... 有權免受……的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 319, s. 6(3)(c)
entitled to possession of land 有權管有土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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entitled to priority 有權獲優先償還 Cap. 380, s. 2
entitled to priority 享有優先權 Cap. 581, s. 35(a)
entitled to the land in reversion immediately expectant on ... 有權享有預期於……時立即復歸的土地 Cap. 347, s. 12(3)
entitles 賦權 Cap. 541L, s. 2(4)
indefeasibly entitled 不能廢止地有權 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)(b)
not absolutely entitled 沒有絕對享有權 Cap. 571, s. 323(8)(a)
not entitled to ... 無權…… Cap. 522, s. 46(1)
person entitled to the remainder of an estate 有權享有剩餘產業權的人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rightfully entitled 依法有權 Cap. 191, s. 2
rightfully entitled 依法有權享有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rightly and justly entitled to ... 基於正確及公正原則有權…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
that judgment ... not ... entitled to recognition in Hong Kong 該項判決在香港……無資格獲承認 Cap. 46, s. 5(1)
entitle ... be entitled in all those causes or matters 以所有該等訟案或事宜的標題為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 9
be entitled in the matter of ... 以有關……事宜……為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 13(3)
entitled in ... 以……為標題 Cap. 4A, O. 41, r. 1(1)
entitlement entitlement 享有……的權利 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(f)
entitlement 享有權 Cap. 365, s. 35(1)
entitlement 權利 Cap. 365, s. 28(1)
entitlement document 權利文件 Cap. 495, s. 2
entitlement proceedings 享有權法律程序 Cap. 514, s. 101(6)
entitlement to 對……的享有 Cap. 89, s. 5

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entitlement to 獲得……的權利 Cap. 57, s. 14(5)

entitlement to costs 獲付訟費的權利 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3
entitlement to receive compensation 獲得補償的權利 Cap. 276, s. 24(2)
entitlement to the copyright 版權的享有權 Cap. 528, s. 15(1)
fractional entitlements 零碎的權利 Cap. 571V, s. 4(a)(i)
Letter “A” or Letter “B” land exchange entitlements “甲種”換地權益書或“乙種”換地權益書 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
statutory entitlements 法定權利 Cap. 57, s. 32N(5)(a)
entitlement corresponding entitlements 相應待遇 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
entity affected entity 受影響實體 Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
associated entities 相聯機構 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.85
associated entity 有聯繫實體 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
associated entity 聯繫實體 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
authorized entity 獲授權實體 Cap. 528, s. 40A(1)
charitable entity 慈善實體 "Charities" Report, para. 2.208
commercial entity 商業實體 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
contributory entity 分擔人實體 Cap. 637, s. 75(7)
controlling entity 控權實體 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
co-operative entity 合作實體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entity 實體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entity assumption 實體獨立假設〔商業實體有別於其擁有人或其他實體的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
假設〕 and Commercial Law Terms

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for-profit entities 牟利實體 "Charities" Report, para. 5.60

government entity 政府單位 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
HK affiliated operational entity 香港相聯營運實體 Cap. 628B, r. 2(1)
interposed entity 中間實體 Cap. 112, s. 14AAB(4)
legal entity 法律實體 ※比較 legal person Cap. 559A, r. 83
non-corporate entities 非法團實體 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(b)(i)
overseas entity 境外實體 Cap. 588, s. 2(1)
partner entity 合夥人實體 Cap. 637, s. 77(3)
private entities 私人實體 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 8.39
public benefit entities 公益實體 "Charities" Report, para. 5.60
registrable legal entity 須登記法律實體 Cap. 622, s. 653D
reporting entity 報告實體 "Charities" Report, para. 5.60,
Footnote 52
separate entities 獨立個體 Cap. 57, s. 52(2C)
special purpose entity 特定目的實體 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
specified entity 指明實體 Cap. 625, s. 19(6)
territorial entity 領地實體 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
transferring entity 移轉實體 Cap. 1174, s. 2(1)
entrant unauthorized entrant 未獲授權進境者 Cap. 115, s. 37A
entrap entrap 設圈套 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
entrapment entrapment 圈套 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
entrust entrust to and confer on 委託及授予 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1

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entrusted 受託 Cap. 1, s. 3
entrusted by ... 受……委託 Cap. 200, s. 86
entrusted to ... 交託……處理 Cap. 87, s. 4(1)(a)
entrusted to ... 交託給…… Cap. 234, s. 21(b)
entrusted to ... 託付 Cap. 32, s. 216(1)
entrusted with ... 受託負責…… Cap. 122, s. 2
lawfully entrusted 合法受託 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.19
entry entry 記分記項 Cap. 375, s. 3(3)
entry 記項 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
entry 記載事項 Cap. 51, s. 8(3)(i)(ii)
entry of appearance 呈交應訴書 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 10
entry of judgment 登錄判決 Cap. 338, s. 17(2)
entry of the caveat 登錄該知會備忘 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 14(2)
false entry 虛假記項 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(j)
wilfully inserts ... any false entry of ... 故意載入……方面的虛假記項 Cap. 200, s. 84
entry entry 收地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.51, Footnote 85
entry into Hong Kong 進入香港 Cap. 448, s. 10(1)
entry permit 入境證 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
entry permit for multiple entries 多次入境證 Cap. 115A, Sch. 2
entry [enter (v.)] 入境 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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entry [enter (v.)] 進入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
forcible entry 強行進入 Cap. 245, s. 23
formal entry 在形式上進入 Cap. 347, s. 15
free entry 自由進入 Cap. 296, s. 11(5)
immigration legislation governing entry into, stay in and 管限……進入、逗留於及離開香港的出入境法例 Cap. 383, s. 11
departure from Hong Kong
lawful entry 合法進入 Cap. 448, s. 10
point of entry 入境點 Cap. 60A, reg. 6(1D)(b)(iii)
point of entry 進口地點 Cap. 139A, reg. 1A
power of entry 進入權 Cap. 276, s. 6(5)
power of entry to ... 進入……的權力 Cap. 557, s. 3(2)
right of entry 收地權 Cap. 29, s. 2
right of entry 恢復佔用權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right of entry 進入土地的權利 Cap. 219, s. 26
right of entry 進入權 Cap. 578, s. 27(7)(a)
vehicle entry ticket 車輛通行票證 Cap. 81A, reg. 2
writ of entry 重收被侵佔土地令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of entry 進入令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entry entry ... into ... transaction 進行……交易 Cap. 139B, reg. 2
entry entry into force 生效 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble

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entry into force of ... laws 法律的生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
enumerate enumerate ... in a convenient order 以適當的次序編列 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 5(1)
enumerated in ... ……所列舉的 Cap. 280A, reg. 19
enunciate enunciate 闡明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure enure [also inure] 生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure [also inure] 有效 Cap. 150, s. 3
enure [also inure] 使適用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure [also inure] 施行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enure [also inure] 致使 Cap. 79, s. 11
enure to the benefit of sb. 有利於某人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
environment a hostile or intimidating environment 有敵意或具威嚇性環境 Cap. 602, Long Title
environment environmental sanitation 環境衛生 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 97
intended for release into the environment 擬向環境釋出 Cap. 607A, s. 5(1)
environmental adverse environmental impact 不良環境影響 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
environmental permit 環境許可證 Cap. 499, s. 5(1)(b)
environmental control environmental control 環境管制 Cap. 354, Sch. 11
envoy envoy 公使 Cap. 8, s. 34(1)
equal equal 平等的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equal 同等的 Cap. 166, s. 23(3)(a)(ii)
equal 相等的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

equal and effective protection 平等而有效之保護 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 22
equal and inalienable rights 平等與不可剝奪的權利 Cap. 503I, Schedule
equal before the courts and tribunals 在法院或法庭之前,悉屬平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
equal before the law 在法律上一律平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 22
equal before the law 法律面前一律平等 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 25
equal fault or carelessness 同等的過失或不小心 Cap. 166, s. 23(3)(a)(ii)
equal opportunities 平等機會 Cap. 480, s. 63
equal prominence 同樣顯眼 Cap. 34, s. 8(1)(a)
equal protection of the law 法律平等保護 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 22
equal right 權利……一律平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 1(2)
equal rights and responsibilities 權利責任平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(4)
equal undivided share 相等的不分割份數 Cap. 514, s. 54(1)
equal undivided share 相等的不分割份數額 Cap. 522, s. 33(1)
equal wrong [also par delictum] 同等的過失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in equal monthly instalments 以相等的每月分期付款方式 Cap. 112, s. 5B(3)
in equal proportions 按相等比例 Cap. 32, s. 265(3)(c)
in equal shares 以相等份額 Cap. 112, s. 26O(3)
in equal shares 平均 Cap. 166, s. 23(3)
on equal terms 在平等的條款下 Cap. 480, s. 35
on equal terms 按照同等條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on equal terms 處於平等地位 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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universal and equal suffrage 選舉權……普及而平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
equal equals to 相等於 Cap. 528D, r. 17(4)(a)
Equal Opportunities Equal Opportunities Commission 平等機會委員會 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
Equal Opportunities Equal Opportunities Register 平等機會登記冊 Cap. 336G, r. 2
equality equality of opportunity 平等機會 Cap. 480, Long Title
equality of votes 票數均等 Cap. 33, s. 24(a)
equality of votes 票數相等 Cap. 283, s. 3(8)
in full equality 平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)
on general terms of equality 以一般平等之條件 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(c)
equally apportioned equally 平均分攤 Cap. 508, s. 3(2)
equally acceptable 同樣可接受 Cap. 311P, s. 3(a)(ii)
equally authentic 同等真確 Cap. 1, s. 10B(1)
equally authentic as the Chinese text 和中文本同樣使用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 15
... version being equally authentic ……文本均同樣作準 Cap. 525N, Sch. 1
votes ... are equally divided 票數均等 Cap. 588, Sch. 2
equidistantly equidistantly placed on ... 等距地置於……上 Cap. 413K, Schedule
equip equip 裝備 Cap. 113, s. 5(f)
equipped with 裝有 Cap. 311X, s. 2
Going equipped for stealing 外出時備有偷竊用的物品 Cap. 210, Schedule
properly equipped 設備妥善 Cap. 571, s. 38(5)(a)
equipment associated equipment or machinery 相聯設備或機械 Cap. 618, s. 19
auxiliary equipment 輔助設備 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)

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Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying 《散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
data equipment 數據設備 Cap. 405, s. 20(7)
efficiency or completeness of ... equipment 設備的有效性或完備性 Cap. 413K, s. 21(c)
equipment 設備 Cap. 413, s. 3(5)(d)
equipment 裝備 Cap. 313, s. 80(1)(d)
equipment and apparatus 設備與器具 Cap. 498, s. 27(2)(d)
equipment list 設備清單 Cap. 95B, reg. 2
essential equipment 必要設備 Cap. 265, s. 11C(1)
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
military equipment 軍事裝備 Cap. 537AC, s. 1
offence detection equipment 罪行偵查裝備 Cap. 374, s. 11(m)
telecommunications equipment 電訊設備 Cap. 374G, reg. 42(2)
equipped vessel equipped for the purposes of piracy 配備作海盜用途的船隻 Cap. 200, s. 22(1)
equitable equitable 公平 Cap. 490, s. 29(5)
equitable 公平的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable allocation 公平的編配 Cap. 106, s. 32F(2)
equitable geographical distribution 公平地區分配 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 17(1)
equitable ... grounds 公平合理的……理由 Cap. 285, s. 59(3)
equitable remuneration 公平的酬報 Cap. 528, Sch. 2

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just and equitable 公正公平 Cap. 466, s. 29(7)(d)

proper and equitable development 妥善和公平的發展 Cap. 123F, reg. 25(1)(a)
equitable appointed by way of equitable execution 由於衡平法執行而委任的 Cap. 4A, O. 51, r. 3
by way of equitable execution 由於衡平法執行 Cap. 4, s. 21L(5)
equitable 衡平法的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable charge 衡平法押記 Cap. 49, s. 2(1)
equitable doctrine 衡平法則 Cap. 252, s. 3
equitable doctrine 衡平法原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable doctrine of ... acquiescence 默許的衡平法則 Cap. 252, s. 5
equitable doctrine of election 衡平法的選擇原則〔須同時選取利益與義務〕 參看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Qui approbat non reprobat. and Commercial Law Terms
equitable estate 衡平法上的產業權 Cap. 112, s. 15A(3)
equitable estate 衡平法產業權 ※比較 legal estate Cap. 347, s. 2
equitable execution 衡平法執行 Cap. 4, s. 21L
equitable interest 衡平法上的權益 Cap. 528, s. 131(5)
equitable interest 衡平法權益 Cap. 219, s. 2
equitable interests in land 土地的衡平法權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equitable jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 347, s. 36
equitable jurisdiction; equity jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 37
equitable lien 衡平法留置權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable mortgage 衡平法按揭 Cap. 219, s. 46(1)

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equitable owner 衡平法上的擁有人 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)

equitable ownership 衡平法上的擁有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable principles 衡平法原則 Cap. 621, s. 53(4)
equitable relief 衡平法濟助 Cap. 347, s. 4(7)
equitable right 衡平法上的權利 Cap. 112, s. 2
equitable right to redeem 衡平法贖回權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equitable title 衡平法上的所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equitable waste 衡平法上的損耗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full legal and equitable title 法律上及衡平法上的全部所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legal or equitable force 法律上或衡平法上的效力 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
legal or equitable interest 法律上或衡平法上的權益 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
equitably legally or equitably bound 在法律上或衡平法上有責任 Cap. 622, s. 757(1)(b)(i)
equitably share equitably 公平地分擔 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.54
equity equity 股權 Cap. 155L, s. 281
equity derivatives 股本衍生工具 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
equity holding 股份的權益 Cap. 622, s. 197(1)
equity index 股票指數 Cap. 155S, r. 17(1)(b)
equity ownership 股權擁有權 Cap. 316Q, Schedule
equity securities 權益證券 Cap. 571W, s. 2(1)
equity share capital 權益股本 Cap. 622, s. 194(1)

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equity shares 權益股份 Cap. 622, s. 194(1)

equity swap contract 股權掉期合約 Cap. 155L, s. 292(1)(d)(i)
equity-linked agreement 股票掛鈎協議 Cap. 622D, s. 6(1)
equity-related derivative contracts 股權關聯衍生工具合約 Cap. 155L, s. 281
physically settled equity derivatives 實物結算股本衍生工具 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
total equity 總股權 Cap. 155M, s. 16FD(a)(iv)
underlying equity 基礎股權 Cap. 155S, r. 18(3)
equity at law and in equity 在普通法及衡平法上 Cap. 256, s. 6
at law and in equity 根據普通法和衡平法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
either at law or in equity 在法律上或在衡平法上 Cap. 6, s. 125(1)(a)
equitable jurisdiction; equity jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 37
equity 衡平法 ※比較 common law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equity by estoppel 衡平法的不容反悔原則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equity jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
equity of redemption 衡平法贖回權 參看 clog on the equity of redemption Cap. 219, Sch. 2
equity right of redemption 衡平法贖回權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
principles of equity 衡平法原則 Cap. 426, s. 2(2)(a)
right in equity 衡平法權益 Cap. 20, s. 2
rule of law and equity 法律規則及衡平法規則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rules of equity 衡平法 Cap. 1, s. 2A(4)

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rules of equity 衡平法規則 Cap. 4, s. 16(1)

system ... of equity 衡平法制度 Cap. 426, s. 2(2)(a)
unwritten equities 非書面的衡平法權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equivalent Chinese equivalent 中文對等詞句 Cap. 609, s. 2(5)
equivalent 相等 Cap. 311P, s. 3(b)
equivalent 相當 Cap. 80, s. 6(3)(c)
equivalent 等值 Cap. 34, s. 3(1)(c)
equivalent 等值物 "Charities" Report, para. 4.41
equivalent 對等項目 Cap. 117, s. 19(16)
equivalent 對應詞 Cap. 614, s. 12(g)
equivalent amount 相等款額 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
equivalent assurance 相等的擔保 Cap. 362, s. 30C(2)
equivalent capital value 等值本金 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
equivalent document 同等文件 Cap. 478, s. 82(2)(b)
equivalent jurisdiction 對等司法管轄區 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
equivalent of cash 現金的等值 Cap. 289A, r. 6
equivalent rank 同等職級 Cap. 542, s. 20E(a)
equivalent right 相等的權利 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
equivalent standards 同等的標準 Cap. 369S, reg. 25(3)
equivalent status 同等地位 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(c)
equivalent to ... 相等於…… Cap. 159, s. 11(1)
equivalent to ... 等同於…… Cap. 313X, s. 50(11)
equivalent values 等值 Cap. 214, s. 2(1)

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the equivalent of ... 相當於…… Cap. 369, s. 34(2)

equivocal equivocal 不明確 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equivocal 含糊不清 Cap. 480, s. 83(2)(b)
equivocal 模棱兩可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equivocal plea 含糊不清的認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
equivocal plea 模稜兩可及意義不明的認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
erase erase 刪除 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.6
erased 消除 Cap. 436D, s. 19(1)(a)
erased 清除 Cap. 594A, s. 19(1)(a)
erases 除去 Cap. 177, s. 12
erases 擦除 Cap. 98, s. 32A(f)
erasure erasure 刪除 Cap. 486, s. 2(1)
erasure 塗掉 Cap. 128A, reg. 20(1)
erasure 塗掉部分 Cap. 33A, r. 4
erasure 塗擦 Cap. 109, s. 36(3)
erasure 擦除 Cap. 132AI, s. 14(1)
erect erect 建造 Cap. 113, s. 5(f)
erect 豎立 Cap. 520, s. 24(12)
erect 豎設 Cap. 132B, s. 6
erected 建立 Cap. 7, s. 3(1)(b)
erection erection 架設 Cap. 51B, reg. 3(3)

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erection 架設物 Cap. 172, s. 7(1)(c)

erection 豎立 Cap. 374, s. 11(a)
erection 豎設物 Cap. 132BC, s. 8(b)
err err in principle 原則上犯錯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
erroneous erroneous 有錯誤 Cap. 478, s. 38(2)
erroneous 錯誤的 Cap. 369, s. 27(1)(b)
erroneous in point of law 在法律論點上有錯 Cap. 25, s. 32(1)(a)
erroneous in point of law 在法律觀點上有錯誤 Cap. 7, s. 68A(1)
error arithmetical error 算術錯誤 Cap. 112, s. 70A(1)
clerical error [also vitium clerici] 文書上的錯誤 Cap. 174, s. 27
correction of errors 更正錯誤 Cap. 176, s. 12
error 誤差 Cap. 4A, O. 20, r. 8(1)
error 錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
error 錯誤之處 Cap. 541I, s. 15(1)(a)
error of fact 事實錯誤 Cap. 175, s. 12(1)(c)
error of fact or law 事實或法律上的錯誤 Cap. 609, s. 81
error of fact or substance 在事實上或實質上有錯誤 Cap. 415, s. 9(8)(a)
error of form 形式上的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
error of substance 實質上的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
errors and omissions excepted; E.&O.E. 錯誤與遺漏除外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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errors of law 法律上的錯誤 "Charities" Report, para. 2.218,

Footnote 142
grammatical, clerical or typographical error 文法、文書或排印上的錯誤 Cap. 614, s. 12(b)
grave procedural error 嚴重程序錯誤 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in error 出於錯誤 Cap. 559, s. 47(1)
material error 重大錯誤 Cap. 311, s. 31(5)(a)(ii)
material error of facts 重大的事實錯誤 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
printing error 印刷上的錯誤 Cap. 569, Schedule
procedural error 程序錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rectification of errors 糾正錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
typographical or clerical error 排印或文書方面的錯誤 Cap. 622, s. 41(1)
writ of error 推翻原判錯誤部分的再審令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of error 謬誤令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escalator escalator 自動梯 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
escalator works 自動梯工程 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
Register of Escalator Contractors 自動梯承辦商名冊 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
Register of Escalator Engineers 自動梯工程師名冊 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
Register of Escalator Workers 自動梯工程人員名冊 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered escalator contractor 註冊自動梯承辦商 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
registered escalator engineer 註冊自動梯工程師 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)

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registered escalator worker 註冊自動梯工程人員 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)

responsible registered escalator contractor 負責的註冊自動梯承辦商 Cap. 618, s. 71(4)
escalator clause escalator clause 加價條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escape attempt to escape from lawful custody 企圖從合法羈押逃脫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
escape 逸漏 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
escape (v., n.) 外溢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escape (v., n.) 逃脫 Cap. 421, s. 12
escape (v., n.) 逸出 Cap. 414, s. 18
escape clause 免負責任條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escape from custody 非法從羈留中逃走 Cap. 503B, Schedule
escape from custody 逃離羈押 Cap. 331C, s. 8(1)
escape from lawful custody 從合法羈押逃脫 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
escape from legal custody 逃離合法羈押 Cap. 521, s. 17(2)(a)(ii)
escape liability 逃避法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escape of nuisance 滋擾物逸漏 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escapes from ... prison 逃離……監獄 Cap. 234, s. 17(a)
escapes out of custody 逃離羈押 Cap. 513, s. 5(3)(a)
escapes out of custody 從羈押中逃走 Cap. 503, s. 21
means of escape 逃生途徑 Cap. 95F, s. 2(3)

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escheat escheat (arch.) 收歸國有的土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
escheat (arch.) 轉歸土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of escheat 進入轉歸土地令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escheat escheated to ... 交還予…… Cap. 112, s. 50A(1)
escort escort 押送 Cap. 234A, r. 17(2)
escort 押送或護送 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(c)
escort 陪同 Cap. 313H, reg. 12
escort officer 押送人員 Cap. 503, s. 16(b)
tour escort licence 領隊牌照 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
tour escort pass 領隊證 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
escrow, in escrow, in 條件尚待完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
escrow, in 暫託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
esoteric esoteric 深奧的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
esoteric 難解的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
essence essence 要素 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
essence of any agreement 協議的要素 Cap. 106, s. 36A(3C)(a)
essence of contract 合約要素 Cap. 23, s. 11
essence of ... contracts 合約的要素 Cap. 23, s. 11

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essence of the offence 罪行要素 Cap. 221, s. 22

is ... of the essence of ... 為……的關鍵元素 Cap. 621, Sch. 5
time is of the essence (of a contract) 時限規定是(合約的)要素 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
essential essential 不可或缺 Cap. 628, s. 29(5)(b)
essential 必要的 Cap. 112, s. 12(1)(b)
essential actions of life 日常生活所需活動 Cap. 282, s. 8(1)
essential character 主要性質 Cap. 480, s. 12(2)(e)(iii)
essential character of the organization 該組織的主要性質 Cap. 602, s. 18(6)(a)
essential equipment 必要設備 Cap. 265, s. 11C(1)
essential interests 基要利益 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(f)
essential particulars 基要詳情 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
essential premises 必要處所 Cap. 265, s. 11B(12)
essential public interest or policy 重大公眾利益或政策 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
essential terms and provisions 重要條款及條文 Cap. 511C, s. 13(1)(a)
essoin essoin (arch.) 未能依時出庭的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
establish as by law established 依法成立的 Cap. 200, s. 9(2)(b)
billing account ... established 繳費帳戶……開立 Cap. 354N, s. 3(2)
establish 設立 Cap. 1, s. 42
establish 開設 Cap. 132AX, s. 9(2)
establish ... a register 設置……登記冊 Cap. 218, s. 6(a)
establish by law 依法設立 Cap. 1, s. 47A(1)
establish codes of practice 制定實務守則 Cap. 470, s. 11(1)
established by statute 由法規成立的 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

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establish claims ... established 提起並勝訴的索償 Cap. 414, s. 10(7)
establish 確立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
establish 證明 Cap. 520, s. 15(b)
establish 證實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
establish a prima facie case 構成表面證據 Cap. 221, s. 81E(2)(b)
establish a prima facie case 確立表面的案 Cap. 221, s. 16(1)
establish a prima facie case 確立表面證據 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.20
establish ... claim 確立……申索 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(9)(a)
establish ... claims 確立……聲稱 Cap. 352, s. 3(6)(b)
establish its jurisdiction 確定……對……有管轄權 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 5(1)
establish ... liability 確定……法律責任 Cap. 59, s. 7A(5)
establish ... title 確立……業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
established his debt 確立其債項 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 9(2)
established to the satisfaction of ... 證明且令……信納 Cap. 520, s. 7(5)
establishes a counterclaim against ... 確立針對……的反申索 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 2(4)
establishes a presumptive case of ... 足可推定…… Cap. 21, s. 8
establishes the defence 確立……免責辯護 Cap. 466, s. 26(2)
establishing standards for ... 確立……的標準 Cap. 106, s. 13O(a)

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facts ... sufficiently established 事實……充分成立 Cap. 25, s. 21

It is a defence to the charge for the person to establish that ... 如上述的人證明……即為對上述控罪的免責辯護 Cap. 354, s. 18(4)
prima facie case ... established 表面證據……成立 Cap. 232A, reg. 21
taken to have established 視為已確立 Cap. 241K, s. 4(2)
taken to have established a fact 視作已確立……事實 Cap. 635, s. 32(2)
taken to have established a fact that needs to be established for 視為已證明需要就上述免責辯護而證明的事實 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)
the defence
established established 已制定的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
established 已確立 Cap. 66, s. 4(5)
established 已確立的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
established 確定 Cap. 290, Sch. 2
established 確定的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
established claim 已確認聲請 Cap. 115, Sch. 4
established procedures 已確立的程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
taken as established 視作已告成立 Cap. 132AI, s. 56(8)
established established local custom 當地成規習俗 Cap. 97, s. 16
established policies and procedures 既定政策及程序 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2
established practices 既有的慣常做法 Cap. 528, s. 36(4)
established procedures 既定程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
established established office 設定職位 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
established post 編制內的職位 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

holding an established office 出任設定職位 Cap. 363, s. 2(1)
establishment International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
establishment educational establishment 教育機構 Cap. 192, s. 10(3)(a)
establishment 場所 Cap. 158, s. 2(1)
establishment 機構 Cap. 112, s. 23C(5)
gambling establishment 賭場 Cap. 148, s. 2
karaoke establishment 卡拉OK場所 Cap. 573, s. 2(1)
penal, corrective or remand establishment 懲治、懲教及羈留機構 Cap. 316, s. 12(2)(a)
permanent establishment 永久機構 Cap. 112, s. 23C(5)
permanent establishment 常設機構 Cap. 112, s. 50AAC(1)
public institution or establishment 公立機構或組織 Cap. 221, s. 97
single-sex establishment 單性別機構 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
vice establishment 賣淫場所 Cap. 200, s. 117(3)
establishment the better establishment of the identity of certain portions of 更清楚地確定將……若干部分土地辨識為…… Cap. 118, Long Title
ground ... with ...
estate Bankruptcy Estate Account 破產人產業帳戶 Cap. 6, s. 128(1)(b)
ceased to have any estate or interest in the land 停止擁有土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
claiming an estate or interest in the land 聲稱在……土地享有任何產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
determinable estate 可終止產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equitable estate 衡平法上的產業權 Cap. 112, s. 15A(3)

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equitable estate 衡平法產業權 ※比較 legal estate Cap. 347, s. 2

estate 產業 Cap. 1, s. 3
estate 產業權 Cap. 219, s. 2
estate agency agreement 地產代理協議 Cap. 511, s. 2
estate agent [also estate agency] 地產代理 Cap. 511, s. 2
estate in freehold 永久業權形式……產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estate in land 房地產權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estate in remainder 業權的剩餘權益 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
estate ... in ... remainder 剩餘產業權 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
estate ... in reversion 復歸……產業權 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
estate in ... reversion 業權的……復歸權益 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
estate in the property 物業的產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estate or interest in reversion or remainder 復歸或剩餘的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estate or interest in the land 土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estates 房地產 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(ii)
estates, rights and interests 產業權、權利及權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
freehold estate 永久產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
future estate or interest 未來產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
having any estate or interest in ... land 具有……土地的任何產業權或權益 Cap. 357, s. 2

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hold estate in freehold 以永久業權形式持有產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

Housing Authority estate 房屋委員會產業 Cap. 132AI, s. 2
insolvent estate 無力償債的產業 Cap. 6A, r. 122C(2)(c)
intermediate estate or interest 中期產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(4)
leasehold estate 批租產業 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
leasehold estate 批租產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
legal estate 法定產業 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
legal estate 法定產業權 Cap. 219, s. 44
legal estate 法律上的產權 Cap. 1015, s. 7(1)
legal estates 法律產業權 Cap. 4, s. 21L(5)
life estate 終身產權 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 28
limited estate or interest 有限制產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 25(8)
person entitled to the remainder of an estate 有權享有剩餘產業權的人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
personal estate 可動產業 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
preceding estate or interest 在先產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
privity of estate 不動產權利的相互關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
privity of estate 產業權相互關係 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
real estate 土地產業 Cap. 38, s. 24

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real estate 不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
real estate 地產 Cap. 316M, s. 1
real estate 房地產 ※比較 personal estate English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
registered estate 註冊產業 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
reversionary estate 復歸產業權 Cap. 219, s. 30(1)
separate estate 各別產業 Cap. 6A, r. 42(1)
succeeding estate or interest 後繼產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(2)
superior registered estate 上一級註冊產業 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
trust estate 信託產業 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
undivided estate 不分割的繼承財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
undivided estate 共有的繼承財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
vested estate 既得產業權 Cap. 29, s. 2
estate administration of estate 遺產管理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
claim against estate 針對遺產的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entitled to his estate 有權承受其遺產 Cap. 10A, r. 38(1)(b)
estate 遺產 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
estate duty 遺產稅 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
estate ... unadministered 遺產……未被處理 Cap. 29, s. 101
having an interest in the estate 在有關遺產中有權益 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(5)

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having an interest in the estate of ... 對……遺產享有權益 Cap. 548D, s. 26(2)(b)

insolvent estate of a deceased person 無力償債死者的遺產 Cap. 584, s. 2
intestates' estates 無遺囑者遺產 Cap. 73, Long Title
net estate 淨遺產 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)
personal estate 非土地產業 Cap. 136, s. 23
personal estate 非土地遺產 ※比較 real estate Cap. 347, s. 2
personal estate of a deceased person 死者非土地遺產 Cap. 347, s. 21
remainder of the estate 剩餘遺產 Cap. 192, s. 11
remainder of the estate 遺產的其餘部分 Cap. 254I, s. 5(3)(b)
residuary estate 剩餘遺產 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
residue of the estate [also residuary estate] 剩餘遺產 Cap. 10, s. 40
summary administration ... of the estate 簡易方式管理遺產 Cap. 585, s. 64(4)(c)
estimate approved estimates of expenditure 核准開支預算 Cap. 2, s. 2
estimate (v., n.) 估計 Cap. 6, s. 34
estimate (v., n.) 預算 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estimate of costs 訟費的估計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estimate of duration of trial 審訊持續期的估計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estimates of expenditure 開支預算 Cap. 2, s. 6(1)
estimates of income and expenditure 收支預算 Cap. 216, s. 15
estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the Government 政府收支預算 Cap. 2, s. 5(1)
estimated estimated 預計 Cap. 520, s. 16(3)
estimated future requirements 預計未來需要 Cap. 430, s. 10(1)

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estimated liability 估計負債 Cap. 112, s. 23(4)(a)

estimated material date 預計關鍵日期 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
estimated money value 估計金錢價值 Cap. 622G, s. 4(5)
estimated operating expenses 預算營運開支 Cap. 571, s. 396(1)(a)
estimation estimation 估算 Cap. 485G, s. 4(2)(g)
estop estop (v.) 不容 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estop (v.) 不得 參看 estoppel English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estop (v.) 禁止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estopped from challenging ... 不得對……重提反對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel collateral estoppel 已決事項不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct estoppel [controversies involving the same cause of 已決訴訟因由不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
action cannot be relitigated] and Commercial Law Terms
doctrine of issue estoppel 已裁決的問題不容推翻的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
equity by estoppel 衡平法的不容反悔原則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estoppel 不容反悔原則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estoppel (n.) 不容反悔(原則) Cap. 528, s. 98
estoppel (n.) 不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel (n.) 禁止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

estoppel by convention 既有協約不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by convention 慣例不容反悔 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estoppel by deed 契據不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by representation 已作表述不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estoppel by representation 陳述不容反悔 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
issue estoppel [also issue preclusion] 已裁決的爭論點不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of contract or estoppel 合約法或不容反悔法 Cap. 528, s. 98(4)
promissory estoppel 已作承諾不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
proprietary estoppel 擁有人不容反悔(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estranged estranged 失和 Cap. 179, s. 18B(b)
estreat estreat (v.) 沒收(罰款等) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estreat (v.) 追收(擔保款項) Cap. 232, s. 52
estreated 沒收 Cap. 221, s. 45(1)
recognizances ... estreated 擔保……沒收 Cap. 221, s. 45(1)
estreatment estreatment of the bail 沒收保釋金 Cap. 134, s. 38F(2)
et alia; et al. et alia; et al. ["and others"] 以及其他的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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et alib; et al. et alib; et al. ["and elsewhere"] 以及別處的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et punctatim et punctatim ["point for point"] 逐條 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et punctatim ["point for point"] 逐點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et sequentes; et seq. et sequentes; et seq. ["and those which follow"] 及以下的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et sequentes; et seq. ["and those which follow"] 以及下列各項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
et sequentes; et seq. ["and those which follow"] 以及其後的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ethical ethical 合乎道德 Cap. 625, s. 33(2)(a)
ethics ethics 道德守則 Cap. 159, s. 73CA(1)(a)(i)
medical ethics 醫學道德 Cap. 161, s. 20Q(b)
statement of professional ethics 專業道德守則 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
Ethics Committee Ethics Committee 倫理委員會 Cap. 561, Sch. 1
ethnic ethnic or national origins 人種或國族本源 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(a)
ethnic origin 族裔 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
national or ethnic origin 民族或人種 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(a)
persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities 屬於種族、宗教或語言少數團體之人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 23
ethnical national, ethnical, racial or religious group 國族、人種、種族或宗教團體 Cap. 212, Schedule
ethnicity Ethnicity 種族 Cap. 316U, Schedule
etiquette etiquette 禮儀 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 4(2)
etiquette of the legal etiquette of the legal profession [also legal professional ethics] 法律界的專業操守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
profession and Commercial Law Terms

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Eurobond issue Eurobond issue prospectus 歐洲債券發行章程 Cap. 571AF, Sch. 1

European Atomic European Atomic Energy Community 歐洲原子能共同體 Cap. 558A, s. 2
Energy Community
European Coal and European Coal and Steel Community 歐洲煤鋼共同體 Cap. 558A, s. 2
Steel Community
European Communities European Communities 歐洲共同體 Cap. 558A, s. 2
European Community European Community 歐洲經濟共同體 Cap. 558A, s. 2
European Patent Office European Patent Office 歐洲專利局 Cap. 514A, s. 2
European Patent European Patent Organization 歐洲專利組織 Cap. 514B, s. 2(1)
European Union European Union 歐洲聯盟 Cap. 514, Sch. 1
euthanasia euthanasia [also mercy killing] 人道毀滅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
euthanasia [also mercy killing] 安樂死 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
euthanasia [also mercy killing] 無痛苦致死術 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evacuation evacuation 撤離 Cap. 243A, reg. 30(1)(b)(ii)
evade attempts to evade 企圖逃避 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)
evade 規避 Cap. 456, s. 19(5)
evade arrest 規避逮捕 Cap. 612, s. 49(2)
evade tax 逃稅 Cap. 112, s. 82(1AA)(a)
evaded 逃避 Cap. 1, s. 40(2)(a)
evades arrest 逃避……逮捕 Cap. 204, s. 10C(1)(b)
evading postage 規避繳付郵資 Cap. 98A, reg. 8

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to evade payment of the tax 逃繳稅款 Cap. 140, s. 15(1)(b)

evaluate evaluate 評核 Cap. 490A, s. 4(1)(iv)
evaluate evidence 評估證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evaluation evaluation 評核 Cap. 1150, s. 2(1)
evaluation 評價 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
evaluation 評斷 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
evasion evasion 逃稅 Cap. 112, s. 60(1)(b)
evasion 逃避 Cap. 398, s. 24(1)
evasion 規避 Cap. 537B, s. 8(6)(c)
evasion of charges 規避繳付……費用 Cap. 354L, s. 4(1)(g)
evasion of liability by deception 以欺騙手段逃避法律責任 Cap. 210, Schedule
evasion of the payment of a levy 逃繳徵款 Cap. 360, s. 39
fraudulent evasion of the payment of ... 欺詐性逃繳…… Cap. 318, s. 33(1)
prevention of fiscal evasion 防止逃稅 Cap. 112AJ, Schedule
wilful evasion 蓄意逃稅 Cap. 112, s. 60(1)(b)
evasive evasive 言詞閃爍 Cap. 480, s. 83(2)(b)
evasive witness 閃避的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
even date even date 同日 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
event in the event of 一旦 Cap. 369W, reg. 70(3)
in the event of ... 在……的情況下 Cap. 501, s. 4(3)
in the event of ... 在……時 Cap. 273, Long Title
in the event of ... being wound up 在……清盤時 Cap. 32, s. 170(3)

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event "costs follow the event" rule “訟費視乎訴訟結果而定”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.5
costs not following the event 訟費不因訴訟結果而定 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs to follow the event 訟費須視乎訴訟結果而定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(2)
costs to follow the event 訟費隨結果而定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in any event 不論結果如何 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
to abide the event of the action 以依從訴訟的結果 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 6
event commercial occasion or event 商業場合或事項 Cap. 112, s. 20B(1)(b)
event of default 違責事件 Cap. 448A, reg. 15A(4)
event of significant nature 性質重要的事件 Cap. 485A, s. 62(1)
major event at sea 大型海上活動 Cap. 548F, s. 91C(5)
material event 重大事件 Cap. 485A, s. 74(3)
relevant liquidity event 流動性相關事件 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
reportable event 須申報事件 Cap. 426, s. 33A(1)
event of default event of default 失責事件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
eventual eventual 最終 Cap. 628, s. 52
eventual publication 最終……發表 Cap. 602, s. 63(3)
every every $100 or part of $100 每$100或不足$100 Cap. 17B, Schedule
every other party 其他每一方 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 3(1)
every subsequent offence 其後每次犯罪 Cap. 109A, reg. 104(1)(b)
every successive period of ... 每段接續的為期……的期間 Cap. 604, s. 18(2)
evict evict 逐出 Cap. 200, s. 153B(3)(b)
evict 驅逐 Cap. 134, s. 38(3)(a)(i)

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evicted 逐離 Cap. 283, s. 21(3)

eviction eviction 迫遷 Cap. 7, s. 17(2)
eviction 逐出 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
eviction 逐離 Cap. 283, s. 21
eviction 驅離 Cap. 113, s. 21(2)(d)
protection from eviction 免受驅逐的保障 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidence evidence (v.) 證明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidenced by certificates 由證書證明的 Cap. 41, Sch. 8
evidenced in writing 以書面證明 Cap. 76, Schedule
evidence accomplice evidence 從犯證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
adduce evidence 提出證據 Cap. 159AC, s. 18
adduce evidence 提供證據 Cap. 406, s. 46
adduce evidence 援引……證據 Cap. 221, s. 65D(1)
adduce evidence 舉出證據 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.29
adduce further evidence 援引進一步證據 Cap. 188, s. 6(9)(a)
adduce or point to sufficient evidence 援引或顯示足夠的證據 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.69, Footnote 27
adduced as evidence 援引……為證據 Cap. 631, s. 5(2)(c)
adequate evidence 充分的證據 Cap. 362, s. 30C(1)

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admissibility of evidence 證據的可接納性 Cap. 374, s. 19(2)

admissible as evidence 獲……接納為證據 Cap. 311, s. 33(5)(b)
admissible evidence 可接納的證據 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(i)
admissible in evidence 得獲接納為證據 Cap. 369, s. 30(2)
admissible in evidence 可接納為證據 Cap. 618, s. 151(1)
admit ... as evidence 接納為證據 Cap. 631, s. 8(2)
admit in evidence 接納……為證據 Cap. 17, s. 10
admitted in evidence 作為證據提出 Cap. 5B, r. 1(2)
advice on evidence 關於證據的意見〔大律師因應案件證據作出的勝訴機會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
評估〕 and Commercial Law Terms
affidavit evidence 誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(1)
afford evidence as to ... 提供……的證據 Cap. 525, s. 12(6)(a)
alibi evidence 不在犯罪現場的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
at the conclusion of the evidence 作供完畢後 Cap. 232A, reg. 9(1)
attach weight to ... evidence 給予……證據分量 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attends to give evidence 出庭作證 Cap. 528D, r. 32(4)
balancing prosecution and defence evidence 衡量控辯雙方的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
best evidence 最佳證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
best evidence available 最佳可用證據 Cap. 434A, para. 3
best evidence rule 最佳證據法則 English-Chinese dictionary of law

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burden of adducing evidence 援引證據的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
call and give evidence 傳喚他人作證 Cap. 453, s. 24(3)(a)
call or hear fresh evidence 傳喚或聆聽新的證據 Cap. 25, s. 31(1)
capable of corroborating the evidence 能作為……證據……的佐證 Cap. 8, s. 4(2)
chain of evidence 證據的連鎖性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
character evidence [also evidence as to character] 有關品格方面的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
character evidence [also evidence as to character] 品格證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 旁證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 情況證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
circumstantial evidence 環境證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
close of the evidence 完成提出證據 Cap. 179, s. 14
close of the evidence 提供證據完畢 Cap. 221, s. 55
cogent evidence 強而有力的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
compelling evidence 具說服力的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conclusion of the evidence 提供證據完畢 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, Annex D, Part 2
conclusive evidence 不可推翻的證據 Cap. 8, s. 62(3)

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conclusive evidence 確證 Cap. 576, s. 3(2)

concomitant evidence 當時在場行事的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conflict of evidence 證據上的……衝突 Cap. 448B, reg. 10(3)
conflict of evidence 證據矛盾 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
conflicting evidence 矛盾證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contain evidence 包含……證據 Cap. 238, s. 40(1)(b)(ii)
contain evidence 含有證明 Cap. 491, s. 5(1)(c)(ii)
contains evidence of ... 含有……證據 Cap. 204, s. 10B
contradiction in evidence 證據前後矛盾 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
corroborating evidence 佐證 Cap. 8, s. 22(5)
corroborative evidence 佐證 Cap. 179A, r. 33(2A)(i)
de bene esse evidence 先行錄取的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
decline to give evidence 拒絕作證 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
defence evidence 辯方提證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
defence evidence 辯方證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
demeanour evidence 作證態度方面的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
demeanour evidence 態度證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direct evidence 直接證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
direct evidence of knowledge 證實知情的直接證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct oral evidence 直接口頭證據 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(a)
disclosure of evidence 證據的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discrepancy in evidence 證據前後不符 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
documentary evidence 文件證據 Cap. 159, s. 28
documentary evidence 書面證據 Cap. 57, s. 31RA
documentary hearsay evidence 書面傳聞證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
effect of the evidence 證據的效力 Cap. 4, s. 33A(5)
elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不援引證據 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(3)
elects not to adduce evidence 選擇不舉證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
elicit evidence 引出……證據 Cap. 221, s. 76A
enabling evidence to be taken on commission 賦權……用委託方式錄取證據 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(f)
evaluate evidence 評估證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence 憑證 Cap. 374, s. 12(1)(n)
evidence (n.) 證據 Cap. 8, s. 9
evidence adduced 援引的證據 Cap. 8, s. 49(2)(g)
evidence against the person 針對該人的證據 Cap. 571, s. 166
evidence aliunde 他證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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evidence aliunde 來自其他方面的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
evidence by affidavit 以誓章形式提供的證據 Cap. 138D, reg. 9(3)
evidence for the prosecution is called 控方被要求提出證據 Cap. 232A, reg. 9(1)
evidence given to prove or to disprove ... 證明……是否屬實的證據 Cap. 21, s. 7(3)
evidence in chief 主問證供 Cap. 226, s. 8(3)
evidence in chief 主問證據〔證人接受己方律師的主問時所提供的證據〕 Cap. 8, s. 48
參看 examination
evidence ... in proof of ... 證明……的證據 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
evidence in rebuttal 反駁證據 Cap. 201, s. 32(3)
evidence in support of an alibi 證明不在犯罪現場的證據 Cap. 336, s. 75A(8)
evidence in writing 書面證據 Cap. 354N, s. 2
evidence is tendered 有證據……提出 Cap. 8, s. 17A(3)
evidence of access 交合的證據 Cap. 221, s. 57(7)
evidence of bad character 不良品格的……證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
evidence of guilt 有罪證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence of guilt 罪證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence of identity 身分證據 Cap. 342, s. 17C(1A)
evidence of ... identity 身分證明 Cap. 556, s. 26(3)
evidence of ... reputation 關於名譽的證據 Cap. 8, s. 52(3)(b)(ii)
evidence of user 以使用過程作為證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidence of user 使用證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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evidence on oath 經宣誓而作的證供 Cap. 5, s. 2

evidence on oath 經宣誓而提供的證據 Cap. 221, s. 37(1)
evidence on oath 經宣誓後作出的證供 Cap. 200, s. 28
evidence tending to show ... 有助於顯示……的證據 Cap. 336, s. 75A(8)
evidence to rebut ... may be called 可援引證據以反駁…… Cap. 136, s. 46(3)(c)
evidence to the contrary 相反證據 Cap. 115, s. 37K(1)
evidence upon affidavit 以誓章提出的證據 Cap. 256, s. 6(2)
evidence which is ... inadmissible 不可接納的證據 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A
evidencing the trust 證明該信託 Cap. 76, Schedule
examine evidence 審查……證供 Cap. 287, s. 2
examine evidence 審查……證據 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.14
exclude evidence 將證據豁除 Cap. 8, s. 60(5)(a)
exclude ... evidence 拒絕接納……證據 Cap. 528D, r. 30(3)
exclusionary rules of evidence 證據排除規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expert evidence 專家證供 Cap. 91A, reg. 12(3)
expert evidence 專家證據 Cap. 8, s. 58(1)
expert medical evidence 專家醫學證據 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(13)(b)
extrinsic evidence [also extraneous evidence] 外在證據 Cap. 30, s. 23B
fabricated evidence 揑造的證據 Cap. 8, s. 51
false evidence 虛假證據 Cap. 221, s. 115
fingerprint evidence 指紋證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fingerprint evidence 指模證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
forensic evidence 司法科學鑑證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fresh evidence 新證據 Cap. 4, s. 23
full evidence 十足的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full evidence 全部的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
further affidavit evidence 進一步誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(5)
further evidence 進一步證據 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 10
general evidence 一般證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
give evidence 作出證供 Cap. 525, s. 10(12)
give evidence 作供 Cap. 516, s. 24(1)(b)
give evidence 作證 Cap. 50, s. 36(1)(b)
give evidence 提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 3
give evidence ... against ... 提供證據指證…… Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence for ... 為……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence of ... 就……提出證據 Cap. 21, s. 7(2)
give evidence ... viva voce 以口頭方式……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 5
give in evidence any information 提供……資料作為證據 Cap. 316, s. 25
give sworn evidence 在宣誓下作證 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.30
give weight to ... evidence 給予……證據分量 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
given in evidence 作為證據 Cap. 227, s. 82(1)(b)

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giving evidence as a witness 以證人身分提供證據 Cap. 221A, r. 66(1)

giving unsworn evidence 未經宣誓的情況下提供證據 Cap. 221, s. 79E(6)(e)
hear evidence 聽取證據 Cap. 311, s. 65(1)
hear ... evidence 聆聽……證供 Cap. 232A, reg. 15(3)(b)
hear, receive, and examine evidence 聆聽、收取及審查證據 Cap. 178, s. 11
hearken to the evidence 聆聽證供 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.2
hearsay evidence 傳聞證據 Cap. 8, s. 46
highly probative evidence 具高度證案價值的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
identification evidence 認人證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
improper admission ... of evidence 證據的不當接納 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7(7)
improper ... rejection of evidence 證據的……不當拒納 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7(7)
impugn a piece of evidence 質疑一項證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the absence of contrary evidence 無相反證據 Cap. 406, s. 58
in the absence of evidence to the contrary 在沒有相反證據的情況下 Cap. 476A, s. 3(3)
inadmissible as evidence 不得……接納為證據 Cap. 566, s. 23(1)
inadmissible in evidence 不可接納為證據 Cap. 329, s. 22
incompetent evidence 法律上無效的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inconsistent evidence 不一致的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inconsistent evidence 不相符的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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incriminating evidence 會導致入罪的證據 Cap. 41, s. 103, Heading

inculpatory evidence 涉嫌罪責的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inculpatory evidence 牽連罪責的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
indirect evidence 間接證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indisputable evidence 不容爭辯的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inferential evidence 推論證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
insufficient evidence 沒有足夠的證據 Cap. 478, s. 27
insufficient evidence 沒有足夠證據 Cap. 109, s. 58(3)
is to be admitted as evidence 須接納為證據 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZG(2)
judicial evidence 法庭認定的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacuna in the evidence 證據上的空隙 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
lead evidence 舉出證據 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.26
likely to be or to contain evidence 相當可能是……證據或相當可能含有……證據 Cap. 311, s. 28(3)
material evidence 關鍵性證供 Cap. 504C, Schedule
material evidence 關鍵性證據 Cap. 509, s. 17(3)(b)
materiality of the evidence 證據的關鍵性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
medical evidence 醫學證據 Cap. 89, s. 6(1)(e)

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multiple admissibility of evidence 證據的多重可接納性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
non-contentious evidence 無爭議的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
not compellable to give evidence 不可被強迫作證 Cap. 525, s. 10(6)
offer no evidence 不提證據起訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
offer no evidence 不……舉出證據 Cap. 221, s. 51A
offer no evidence against ... 不針對……舉出證據 Cap. 221, s. 51A
on the evidence of ... 基於有……作為證據 Cap. 413K, s. 9(2)(b)
on the face of the evidence 表面證據 Cap. 159AE, s. 5
opinion evidence 意見證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
oral evidence 口述證供 Cap. 571, s. 253(1)(a)
oral evidence 口述證據 Cap. 493, s. 27(3)(a)
oral evidence 口頭證供 Cap. 159AE, s. 9(2)
oral evidence 口頭證據 參看 viva voce Cap. 8, s. 22A
original evidence 直接證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
original evidence 原始證據〔相對於傳聞證據而言〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
overwhelming evidence 證據確鑿 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
parol evidence 口頭證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
parol evidence 合約以外的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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preponderance of the evidence 證據更具說服力或更為可信(的優勢) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
preservation of evidence 保存證據 Cap. 448B, reg. 9(f)
presumptive evidence 推定證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prima facie evidence 表面證據 Cap. 8, s. 22A(1)
primary evidence 主要證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
primary evidence 基本證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
privilege of giving evidence twice 作證兩次的特權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.110
produced in evidence 呈堂作為證據 Cap. 504, s. 45(c)
produced in evidence 呈堂為證物的 Cap. 227, s. 86(1)(d)
professional evidence 專業證供 Cap. 504E, r. 3(1)
professional evidence 專業證據 Cap. 221B, r. 3(1)
proofs of evidence 證據的證明 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
prosecution evidence 控方的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prosecution evidence 檢控證據 Cap. 394, s. 15, Heading
put in evidence 提出……作為證據 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 7
read and given in evidence 予以宣讀並提供作為證據 Cap. 4A, App. A
read and received in evidence 予以參閱並收取為證據 Cap. 8, s. 70
read ... in evidence, either for or against ... 將……作為對……有利或針對……的證據 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)

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real evidence 物證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
real evidence 實物證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rebuttable evidence 可被推翻的證據 Cap. 554, s. 28(4)
rebutting evidence 反駁證據 Cap. 132, s. 70(2)(a)
receivable in evidence 可收取為證據 Cap. 336H, O. 37, r. 1(1A)(c)
receive evidence 收取……證據 Cap. 21, s. 15
receive evidence 聽取證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
receive evidence on oath 收取經宣誓而提出的證據 Cap. 466, s. 29(7)(a)
received in evidence 收取為證據 Cap. 221, s. 9O
received in evidence 接受為證據 Cap. 459, s. 8(5)
recognition evidence 認出……的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
record of evidence 證據紀錄 Cap. 382, s. 7(1)
re-evaluation of evidence 對證供重新評估 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reject the evidence 拒絕收取該證據 Cap. 8, s. 17A(3)
relevant evidence 有關聯的證據 Cap. 221, s. 9N(c)
relevant evidence 相關證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
requires evidence of life 要求提供證據,證明……仍在世 Cap. 336E, r. 19
residual discretion to exclude evidence 豁除證據的剩餘酌情權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rules of evidence 證據法規則 Cap. 115H, r. 35(3)

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rules of evidence 證據規則 Cap. 336, s. 73C(5)

satisfactory evidence 使人信納的證據 Cap. 1005, s. 9(2)
schedule of evidence 證據附表 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 9(1)(h)
secondary evidence 次要證據 Cap. 382, s. 14(2)
similar fact evidence 類同事實證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
strict rules of evidence 嚴格的證據規則 Cap. 8, s. 60(1)(a)
substance of that evidence 該證據的實質內容 Cap. 360C, r. 10(1)(c)
substantial evidence 充分證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sufficient evidence 充分證據 Cap. 159J, r. 14
sufficient evidence 足夠證據 Cap. 8, s. 15
summary of evidence 證據撮要 Cap. 394, s. 9(1)
summary of the evidence 證據的撮要 Cap. 394, s. 6
supporting evidence 用以支持的證據 Cap. 4A, O. 115, r. 9(2)
supporting evidence 助控證據 Cap. 622, s. 900(2)
supporting evidence 輔助證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
supporting or corroborative evidence 輔助性或脗合性的證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
tainted evidence 有污點的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
take evidence 錄取證供 Cap. 162, s. 11(1)(a)
take ... evidence 錄取證言 Cap. 557, Schedule
take evidence on oath 錄取經宣誓而作的證供 Cap. 50, s. 36(1)(a)

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take the evidence 錄取證據 Cap. 188, s. 15(1)

tender ... in evidence 將……提出作為證據 Cap. 8, s. 19A(4)
tendered in evidence 提出作為證據 Cap. 8, s. 77F(1)(a)
tendered in evidence 提交作為證據 Cap. 528, s. 121(4)
tenuous evidence 證據薄弱 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
testimonial evidence 證人證言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
testimonial evidence 證供 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the best evidence available 所得到的最好的證據 Cap. 109, s. 29(2)
there is sufficient evidence to raise an issue 有足夠證據,帶出……爭議點 Cap. 630, s. 11(4)(a)
there is sufficient evidence to raise an issue with respect to the 有足夠證據,就該事宜帶出爭論點 Cap. 548F, s. 91K
to call [further witness] and put in evidence in rebuttal 傳召[另外的證人]以提出反駁證據 Cap. 201, s. 32(3)
to take evidence on oath 聽取經宣誓而作出的證供 Cap. 626, s. 25(1)(a)
totality of the evidence 全部證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
totality of the evidence 證據總體 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
transcript of evidence 證供謄本 Cap. 287, s. 3(4)
trial of the action on affidavit evidence 根據誓章證據而審訊該宗訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 12
uncorroborated evidence 無佐證證供 Cap. 200, s. 159H(2)(k)
uncorroborated evidence 無佐證證據 Cap. 8, s. 4A(1)
undermine evidence 削弱證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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undisputed evidence 不被爭議的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
unsupported evidence 沒有支持的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unsworn evidence 在未經宣誓下所提供的證據 Cap. 8, s. 4(3)
unsworn evidence 在未經宣誓的情況下……證據 Cap. 221, s. 79E(6)(e)
video link evidence 錄影影像證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
video reconstruction evidence 罪案重演的錄像證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
video recorded evidence 錄影紀錄證據 Cap. 221, s. 79B(2)
viva voce evidence 口述證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
weight of evidence 證據分量 Cap. 227C, Schedule
weight of the evidence 證據的……分量 Cap. 221, s. 9G(2)(g)
witness evidence 證人證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidencing evidencing 證明 Cap. 549F, s. 13(1)(e)
evident evident 明顯 Cap. 514, s. 109(a)
was due to, or in consequence of, an evident abuse 是……明顯濫用所造成,或屬……明顯濫用的後果 Cap. 514C, s. 31ZR
evidential evidential burden 證供責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidential effect 證據上的效力 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidential finding 就證據所作的裁斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidential onus 證據舉證責任 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
evidential presumption 證據推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.25
evidential provisions 證據條文 Cap. 500, s. 22(2)(g)
evidential ... provisions 證據方面……條文 Cap. 525, s. 33(b)
evidential ... provisions 關於證據的條文 Cap. 571, s. 376(2)
evidential value 證據價值 Cap. 175, s. 8(3)
of evidential value 具有可作為證據的價值 Cap. 86, s. 4(1)(l)
evidential value evidential value 可作為證據的價值 Cap. 86, s. 4
evidential value 證據價值 Cap. 176, s. 8
evidentiary evidentiary burden 舉證責任 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.82
evocation evocation (arch.) 移送上級法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evocation (arch.) 提審 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
e-waste e-waste 電器廢物 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)
ex aequo et bono ex aequo et bono 公平善意原則 Cap. 609, s. 64
ex ante ex ante ["from before"; based on assumption and prediction] 事前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex ante ["from before"; based on assumption and prediction] 預期 ※比較 ex post English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex cathedra ex cathedra ["from the chair"; with authority] 來自權威方面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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ex contractu ex contractu ["from a contract"] 由合約引起的(訴訟) ※比較 ex delicto English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex contractu ["from a contract"] 在合約法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex debito justitiae ex debito justitiae ["from or as debt of justice"; rights or 法律上應得的權利或補救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
remedies under the law] and Commercial Law Terms
ex delicto ex delicto ["from a tort"; offence against the law; in tort] 由於侵權而引起的(訴訟) ※比較 ex contractu English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex delicto ["from a tort"; offence against the law; in tort] 在侵權法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ex dolo malo non Ex dolo malo non oritur actio. [From a fraud no action arises.] 欺詐者無作訴權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur actio. and Commercial Law Terms
ex facie assignation or disposition ex facie absolute 任何形式上的絕對轉讓或絕對產權處置 Cap. 1138, s. 2(1)
ex facie ["from the face"; in view of what is apparent] 形式上 Cap. 1138, s. 2
ex facie ["from the face"; in view of what is apparent] 從表面看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex gratia ex gratia compensation 特惠補償 Cap. 360, s. 4(3)(a)
ex gratia ["out of grace"; as a favour; not by legal necessity] 特惠 Cap. 218, s. 32E
ex gratia payment 特惠款項 Cap. 380, s. 16(1)
ex gratia payment 特惠賠償 Cap. 218, s. 32A(1)
ex gratia payments 特惠或恩恤付款 Cap. 411, s. 5(2)(b)
ex gratia payments 特惠金 Cap. 398, s. 5(2)(e)
make payments, whether ex gratia or legally due 支付恩恤金或在法律上應付的款項 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
ex hypothesi ex hypothesi ["hypothetical"] 假設的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex maleficio ex maleficio ["by malfeasance"] 違法行為 參看 malfeasance English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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ex necessitate ex necessitate ["of necessity"] 有需要 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
Ex nihilo nihil fit. Ex nihilo nihil fit. [From nothing nothing comes.] 無中不能生有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ex nudo pacto non Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio. [Out of a naked contract no 不能就無償合約興訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur actio. action arises.] and Commercial Law Terms
ex officio ex officio ["by virtue of one's office"] 依職權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex officio ["by virtue of one's office"] 當然 Cap. 547, s. 18
Ex pacto illicito non Ex pacto illicito non oritur actio. [From an illicit contract no 不能就非法合約興訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur actio. action arises.] and Commercial Law Terms
ex parte ex parte application 單方面申請 Cap. 455, s. 4(1)
ex parte ["from a party"; from or on behalf of only one side to a 單方面※比較 inter partes; sua sponte Cap. 4A, O. 7, r. 2
law suit]
ex parte hearing 單方面的聆訊 Cap. 6A, r. 128D(4)
ex parte leave 單方面申請的許可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex parte originating summons 單方面原訴傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 7, r. 2(1)
ex parte summons 單方面傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 7, r. 2(1)
originating ex parte application 原訴單方面申請書 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
ex parte materna ex parte materna ["next of kin"] 近親 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex parte materna ["next of kin"] 最近親 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex post ex post ["from after"; based on knowledge and facts] 具追溯力的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex post ["from after"; based on knowledge and facts] 根據過去 ※比較 exante English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

ex post facto ex post facto 事後的 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ex post facto ["form what is done afterward"; after the fact] 事後 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ex procedentibus et Ex procedentibus et consequentibus optima fit interpretatio. 最佳的釋義得自前文後理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
consequentibus optima [The best interpretation is made from things that precede and and Commercial Law Terms
fit interpretatio. follow.]
ex proprio motu ex proprio motu ["of his own motion"] 出於自願的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex proprio motu ["of his own motion"] 自動作出的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex turpi causa ex turpi causa ["base cause"] 非法或不道德代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ex turpi causa ["base cause"] 非法或不道德約因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Ex turpi causa non Ex turpi causa non oritur actio. [No action arises out of illegal 代價非法或不道德的,即不能據此而興訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur actio. or immoral considerations.] and Commercial Law Terms
Ex turpi contractu non Ex turpi contractu non oritur actio. [No action arises from a 不能就非法或不道德的合約興訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur actio. wrongful contract.] and Commercial Law Terms
exact exact number of hours 整數時數 Cap. 313A, Sch. 13
exact reproduction 十足重現 Cap. 8, Schedule
exact translation 精確翻譯 Cap. 559A, r. 120(5)
exact whereabouts 確實下落 Cap. 405, s. 3(2)(c)(ii)(A)
exact exact (v.) [exaction (n.)] 索取 Cap. 227, s. 59
exact (v.) [exaction (n.)] 勒索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exact (v.) [exaction (n.)] 強求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

exact (v.) [exaction (n.)] 無理要求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exact obedience from sb. 迫使某人服從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exalt form over exalt form over substance 重形式而輕實質 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
substance and Commercial Law Terms
examination certificate of substantive examination 實質審查證明書 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
continuous examination programme 持續檢驗方案 Cap. 506D, s. 2
examination 查驗 Cap. 498, s. 13(2)(c)(i)
examination 審查 Cap. 155, s. 47(1)(b)
examination 檢驗 Cap. 406, s. 4(1)
examination period 檢驗期間 Cap. 618, Sch. 5
examination requirement 審查規定 Cap. 514, s. 37S
examinations 審核 Cap. 218, s. 32M(1)
forensic examination 法醫學的檢驗 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 1.3
forensic examination 法醫驗證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forensic examination 科學鑑證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immigration examination signal 入境檢查訊號 Cap. 115A, reg. 4
medical examination 身體檢驗 Cap. 8, s. 76(2)(e)
medical examination 醫療檢驗 Cap. 469, s. 48(9)(c)
medical examination in relation to ... pregnancy 產前檢查 Cap. 57, s. 33(5B)
periodic examination scheme 定期檢驗計劃 Cap. 506D, s. 2

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test and examination 測試及檢驗 Cap. 470, s. 22(2)

visual examination 肉眼檢驗 Cap. 59J, reg. 3(1)
examination compulsory examination 強制性訊問 Cap. 6, s. 141
cross-examination 盤問 Cap. 179A, r. 39(5)
examination 訊問〔證人在庭上作供時,依次接受己方律師的主問 Cap. 221A, r. 65
(examination in chief),對方律師盤問 (cross-
examination),以及己方律師覆問 (re-examination)〕
examination in chief [also direct examination (Am.)] 主問 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 43
examination of a witness 對證人進行訊問 Cap. 221A, r. 65(1)
examination of witnesses 訊問證人 Cap. 8, s. 76(2)(a)
examination on oath 經宣誓的訊問 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 1
oral examination 口頭訊問 Cap. 382, s. 11(1)
order for examination 訊問令 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 9
preliminary examination 初步訊問 Cap. 6A, r. 82B(3)
public examination 公開訊問 Cap. 6, s. 19
redirect examination 覆問 參看 re-examination English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
submit to ... examination 接受……訊問 Cap. 6, s. 26(2)
examination examination 審議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
examination-in-chief examination-in-chief 訊問 Cap. 86, s. 5(a)
examine examine 查看 Cap. 51, s. 12(1)(a)
examine 查驗 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.9
examine 審查 Cap. 155, s. 55(1)

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examine 審視 Cap. 290, s. 21(1)

examine 審閱 Cap. 478AF, s. 104(2)
examine 檢視 Cap. 621, s. 17(1)
examine 檢驗 Cap. 498, s. 13(2)(d)
examine any document 查驗任何文件 Cap. 578, s. 19(2)(b)
examine evidence 審查……證供 Cap. 287, s. 2
examine evidence 審查……證據 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.14
examine the claims 審查……申索 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 6(1)(a)
examined 審核 Cap. 430, s. 2(1)
has examined ... with ... 曾對照……以審核…… Cap. 8, s. 20(1)(b)
hear, receive, and examine evidence 聆聽、收取及審查證據 Cap. 178, s. 11
examine be publicly examined 接受公開訊問 Cap. 32, s. 168IA(1)
examine 訊問 Cap. 50, s. 36(1)(b)
examine 詰問 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(e)
examine a witness 訊問證人 Cap. 504, s. 32
examine a witness 詰問證人 Cap. 383, s. 8
examine any witness and documents ... 訊問證人和審查……文件 Cap. 505, s. 27(6)(b)
examine ... on oath 宣誓後……進行訊問 Cap. 571, s. 162(1)(g)
examine on oath ... 經宣誓的訊問 Cap. 32H, r. 200(1)
examine on oath, affirmation or otherwise ……經宗教式宣誓、非宗教式宣誓後或沒有宣誓的情況 Cap. 123, s. 50(1)(c)(iv)
examine on oath or otherwise ... any officer 訊問經宣誓或未經宣誓的……任何高級人員 Cap. 571, s. 162(1)(a)
examine ... witness 訊問……證人 Cap. 155, s. 53D(3)
examined 發問 Cap. 394, s. 22(5)

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examined de bene esse 暫行訊問 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1

examined in chief 主問 Cap. 221, s. 79C(6)(b)
examined on oath 在宣誓後接受訊問 Cap. 32, s. 168IA(6)
examined viva voce 口頭訊問 Cap. 4A, App. A
examining witnesses ... viva voce 口頭訊問證人…… Cap. 4C, Schedule
examined an examined copy 經審核副本 Cap. 8, s. 18
examiner examiner 訊問員 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 1(1)
examiner of the Court 法院……訊問員 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 1(1)
special examiner 特別訊問員 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 2(1)(b)
examiner appointed examiner 委任檢驗師 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
competent examiner 合資格檢驗師 Cap. 311T, s. 2
register of examiners 檢驗員名冊 Cap. 470, s. 2(1)
registered examiner 註冊檢驗員 Cap. 470, s. 2(1)
examiner authorized examiner 經授權考牌主任 Cap. 374B, reg. 24(2)
examiners 主考人員 Cap. 548, s. 16(1)
examining examining body 主考當局 Cap. 359, s. 12(1)(a)(i)
excavation emergency excavation permit 緊急挖掘准許證 Cap. 28, s. 2
excavation 挖掘 Cap. 28, s. 2
excavation permit 挖掘准許證 Cap. 28, s. 2
exceed exceed 超逾 Cap. 116, s. 36(1)(l)
exceed ... authority 超逾……權限 Cap. 48, s. 13(1)
exceeding 高逾 Cap. 406, s. 2
exceeding 超過 Cap. 218, s. 4(2)(b)
except except 另外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

except 但如……則除外 Cap. 6, s. 59(6)
except 除外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
except as expressly provided to the contrary 除有明文的相反規定外 Cap. 522, s. 27
except as otherwise prescribed 除另有條文訂明外 Cap. 490, s. 6
except at the suit of ... 但由……起訴者則除外 Cap. 300, s. 7(1)
except in cases of strict necessity 但屬絕對必要者除外 Cap. 29, s. 64(i)
except insofar as ... 但如……則屬例外 Cap. 369AE, reg. 8
except insofar as ... may direct 除……另有指示外 Cap. 227A, r. 15(1)
except to the extent of 但……則屬例外,惟亦僅以……為限 Cap. 127, s. 11
except to the extent that ... 但……除外 Cap. 56, s. 43(1)(c)
except where ... directs otherwise 除……另有指示外 Cap. 490, s. 9(2)
except where otherwise expressly provided 除另有明文規定者外 Cap. 344, s. 34C(1)
except where otherwise provided 除另有規定外 Cap. 360, s. 4
except where otherwise specially provided 除另有特別規定外 Cap. 313, s. 3(1)
except with the permission of ... 除獲……許可外 Cap. 483A, s. 17(2)
excepting ... from the operation of ... 將……豁除於……的適用範圍之外 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(d)
means, except in ... 指……但本定義並不適用於…… Cap. 218, s. 32A(1)
save and except 除……外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
except with the except with the permission of ... 除非獲……允許 Cap. 548F, s. 18A
permission of
excepted excepted 列為例外 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3, para. 10

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excepted 屬於例外的 Cap. 115, s. 37A

excepted charities 例外慈善組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
excepted material 列為例外材料 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
excepted offence 例外罪行 Cap. 221, s. 109A(1A)
excepted trade, profession or business 特定行業、專業或業務 Cap. 112, s. 18D(2A)(a)
exceptio exceptio ["exception"; deny] 抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exceptio ["exception"; deny] 例外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exceptio ["exception"; deny] 除外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exceptio ["exception"; deny] 異議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Exceptio firmat regulam Exceptio firmat regulam in contrarium. [An exception affirms 例外即相反規定之確認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
in contrarium. an opposite rule.] and Commercial Law Terms
exception exception 抗辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exception 異議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exception by way of exception 作為例外情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
carve out an exception 劃分出例外情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
"close-in-age" exception “年齡相近”例外情況 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.23

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exception 例外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
exception clause 例外條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exceptions 例外情形 Cap. 200, s. 150
exceptions 例外情況 Cap. 245, s. 38A(1)
exceptions 例外規定 Cap. 1, s. 57(1)
just exceptions 公正的例外情況 Cap. 408, s. 25(1)(b)
just exceptions 公正原則的例外情況 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(b)
just exceptions 屬公正的例外情況 Cap. 281, s. 112
minor exceptions 微不足道的例外情況 Cap. 480, s. 33(2)(a)
modifications, adaptations, limitations or exceptions 變更、適應、限制或例外 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
saving all just exceptions 屬公正的所有例外者除外 Cap. 4A, App. A
statutory exceptions 法定的例外情況 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.44
subject to exceptions 受……例外情形規限 Cap. 200, s. 150
with the exception of ... ……除外 Cap. 56, s. 4(3)
exception exception (of land granted) (土地)原權益保留條款 Cap. 150, s. 7
exceptional exceptional 異常 Cap. 91, s. 13(2)
exceptional circumstances 例外情況 Cap. 374, s. 2
exceptional circumstances 特殊情況 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 8A(5)
exceptional circumstances 極其特殊情況 Cap. 115, Sch. 1A
exceptional circumstances 極為特殊的情況 Cap. 611, s. 6(1)

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exceptional circumstances of the case 有關個案的情況極其特殊 Cap. 599G, s. 5(1)(b)

exceptional depravity 行為異常敗壞 Cap. 179, s. 12(2)
exceptional hardship 異常的困苦 Cap. 179, s. 12(2)
exceptional hardship 極度困苦的情況 Cap. 375, s. 8(4)(b)
exceptional skill and labour 超常的技巧和努力 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
there are exceptional circumstances 情況特殊 Cap. 13, s. 13(1)(a)
exceptionally exceptionally well known 極為馳名 Cap. 559, s. 60(1)
excess excess 超出額 Cap. 279C, r. 11(4)
excess first registration tax 超額首次登記稅 Cap. 330, s. 4E(2D)
excess non-segregated collateral 超額非分隔抵押品 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
excess remuneration 附加報酬 Cap. 89A, reg. 17A(6)
in excess of jurisdiction 超越司法管轄權 Cap. 227, s. 105
in excess of the prescribed limit 超過訂明限制 Cap. 311W, s. 3(1)
excessive excessive 超乎適度 Cap. 486, Sch. 1
excessive 過多 Cap. 377, s. 3(5)
excessive burden 過大的負擔 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
excessive interest rates 過高利率 Cap. 163, s. 24, Heading
excessive quantity of dangerous drugs 過量的危險藥物 Cap. 134, s. 38B(a)
insufficient or excessive prominence 過分突顯或不夠顯著 Cap. 511, s. 46(4)(c)
manifestly excessive 明顯過重 Cap. 221, s. 81B(1)(a)
rules against perpetuities and excessive accumulations of 禁止財產恆繼的規則及禁止收益過度累積的規則 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
income 6.15
excessive hospitality or excessive hospitality or entertainment 過度的招待或款待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
entertainment and Commercial Law Terms
exchange conditions of exchange 換地條件 Cap. 1133, s. 5(a)

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declared medium of exchange 經宣布兌換媒介 Cap. 584, s. 2

deeds of exchange 交換契據 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
document exchange 文件轉遞處 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 5(2)(a)
enter into any exchange 進行交換 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(n)
exchange 交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exchange 交流 Cap. 1147, s. 4(h)
exchange 交換 Cap. 82, s. 2
exchange 兌換 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exchange 換算 Cap. 374, s. 12(1)(n)
exchange of letters 交換的函件 Cap. 112P, s. 2
exchange of notes 交換的照會 Cap. 112N, s. 2
exchange rate ... prevailing 通用的匯率 Cap. 108, s. 6L(2)(a)
exchange rates 匯率 Cap. 34, Long Title
exchange risk 兌換風險 Cap. 41E, r. 6
exchange transaction 兌換交易 Cap. 34, s. 2
facilitate the exchange of information ... 促進交流……資訊 Cap. 1147, s. 4(h)
foreign exchange 外匯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
international foreign exchange markets 國際外匯市場 Cap. 66, s. 2
land exchange 換地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land exchange entitlement 土地交換權利 Cap. 495, s. 2
Letter “A” or Letter “B” land exchange entitlements “甲種”換地權益書或“乙種”換地權益書 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1

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medium of exchange 交換媒介 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
medium of exchange 兌換媒介 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
reference exchange rate 參考匯價 Cap. 629, s. 2(1)
exchange commodity exchange 商品交易所 Cap. 82, s. 2
exchange 交易所 Cap. 82, s. 2
exchange and clearing arrangement 交易及結算安排 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
exchange participant 交易所參與者 Cap. 637, s. 3(3)
futures exchange 期貨交易所 Cap. 571B, s. 3(a)
recognized exchange 認可交易所 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
recognized exchange controller 認可控制人 Cap. 571, s. 63(1A)
stock exchange 證券交易所 Cap. 41G, r. 2
exchange company exchange company 交易所 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
exchange company 交易所公司 Cap. 571, s. 19(2)
recognized exchange company 認可交易所 Cap. 571, s. 307C(2)
Exchange Fund Exchange Fund 外匯基金 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 113
Exchange Fund debt certificates 外匯基金債務證明書 Cap. 2B, Schedule
Exchange Fund debt instrument 外匯基金債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 26A(2)
Exchange Fund Exchange Fund Advisory Committee 外匯基金諮詢委員會 Cap. 66, s. 3(1)
Advisory Committee
Exchange Fund Bill Exchange Fund Bill 外匯基金票據 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
Exchange Fund Notes Exchange Fund Notes 外匯基金債券 Cap. 73A, s. 2(1)
exchange market active foreign exchange market 活躍的外匯市場 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
exchange rate exchange rate contracts 匯率合約 Cap. 155L, s. 71
exchange traded fund exchange traded fund 交易所買賣基金 Cap. 117, Sch. 8

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Exchequer, Court of Exchequer, Court of (Eng.) 財務法院(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
excision excision 刪減 Cap. 476, s. 16(8)(a)(ii)
excite excite 激起 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(a)
exclude admit or exclude ... from the inquiry 容許或禁止……旁聽研訊 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(c)
be excluded from 使……不能成為 Cap. 1109, s. 3(3)
be excluded from ... 被拒[出席]…… Cap. 86, s. 4(1)(i)(i)
be excluded from ... 被排除於……之外 Cap. 6, s. 59(6)
exclude 免除 Cap. 284, s. 4
exclude 排除 Cap. 329, s. 35(3)
exclude 豁除 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 2.99
exclude evidence 將證據豁除 Cap. 8, s. 60(5)(a)
exclude ... evidence 拒絕接納……證據 Cap. 528D, r. 30(3)
exclude from ... 豁免……[納入]…… Cap. 208, s. 25
exclude from Part II ... the tenancy ... 將……租賃豁除於第II部的適用範圍 Cap. 17A, Schedule
exclude from the application of this Ordinance ... 將……摒除於本條例適用範圍之外 Cap. 150, s. 5(1)
exclude ... liability 卸除……法律責任 Cap. 71, s. 3(2)
exclude one's liability 卸除某人的法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
excluded 摒除 Cap. 336, s. 15(1A)
excluded 豁免 Cap. 459, s. 3(1)(c)
excluded body 除外組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 15
excluded from all or part of a trial 禁止……旁聽審判程序之全部或一部 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10

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excluded information 豁除資料 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 6.11
excluding any defence of ... 令……免責辯護不得提出 Cap. 528, s. 59(2)
excluding ... right or remedy 免除……權利或補救機會 Cap. 71, s. 5(1)(b)
excluding the application of ... 豁除……的適用 Cap. 23, s. 25B(5)(a)
in so far as ... do not exclude or modify 只要……並無將……排除或變通 Cap. 622, s. 80(3)
residual discretion to exclude evidence 豁除證據的剩餘酌情權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
excluded excluded day 非辦公日 Cap. 514C, s. 100A(4)
excluded day 除外日 Cap. 559A, r. 96(4)
excluded fine 非規定罰款 Cap. 221, s. 113C(1)
excluded from 禁止進入 Cap. 243A, reg. 41(1)
excluded from ... right 排除於……的權利之外 Cap. 622, s. 227(3)(b)
excluded from the application of 豁除於……的適用範圍之外 Cap. 619, s. 15(5)
excluded from the definition of ... 不包括在……的定義範圍內 Cap. 201B, para. 3
excluded liability 獲豁除負債 Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
excluded person 豁除人士 Cap. 581, Sch. 1
excluded property 除外財產 Cap. 1152, s. 2(1)
excluded reserves 除外儲備 Cap. 1152, s. 2(1)
excluded vessel 豁除船隻 Cap. 316Z, s. 3(2)
excluded water-front 例外的海旁 Cap. 81, s. 2
exclusion exclusion 免除 Cap. 159M, Sch. 1
exclusion (責任等的)排除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusion 摒除 Cap. 111, s. 6(1)(b)

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exclusion 豁除 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 4.16
exclusion 驅逐 Cap. 241, s. 2(2)(b)
exclusion clause 除外條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusion of the public from any proceedings 不許公眾旁聽任何法律程序 Cap. 200, s. 57
Exclusion Order 豁除令 Cap. 621, Sch. 5
exclusions 除外情況 Cap. 354, s. 33(1)(eb)
express exclusion 明訂的摒除條文 Cap. 528, s. 182(5)
having the entire ... interest to the exclusion of any other 摒除任何其他人而獨享全部……權益 Cap. 106, s. 13I(5)
having the entire interest to the exclusion of the other persons 獨享全部權益 Cap. 562, s. 2(7)
to the exclusion of 在被摒除的情況下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the exclusion of 排除 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
to the exclusion of ... 在摒除……的情況下 Cap. 528, s. 103
... to the exclusion of the other or others 摒除其他人後的…… Cap. 89, s. 13(3)
exclusionary exclusionary rule 排除(證據)規則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exclusionary rules of exclusionary rules of evidence 證據排除規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
evidence and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive exclusive 純粹 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive of ... 不計在內 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive of ... 將……摒除於外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

exclusive of rates 不包括差餉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mutually exclusive 不能共存 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mutually exclusive 互不相容 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.46
mutually exclusive 互相排除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive acts of exclusive physical possession 獨有的實質管有行為 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
entitled to exclusive possession 有權取得獨有管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
exclusive 專用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive 專有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive 獨有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive 獨家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive agency 獨家代理 Cap. 511C, Schedule
exclusive control 獨有控制 Cap. 159R, s. 7(1)
exclusive economic zone 專屬經濟區 Cap. 414, s. 2
exclusive jurisdiction 專有司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 40
exclusive jurisdiction 專有審判權 Cap. 390, s. 29(1)
exclusive jurisdiction 獨有管轄權 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
4.8, Footnote 6

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exclusive jurisdiction and authority 獨有的管轄權及權限 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1

exclusive licence 專用特許 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
exclusive licence 專利牌照 Cap. 106, s. 7
exclusive licence agreement 專用特許協議 Cap. 528, s. 35(3)(b)
exclusive licensee 專用特許持有人 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
exclusive occupation 獨有佔用 Cap. 106, s. 14
exclusive occupation 獨有佔用權 Cap. 219, s. 34A
exclusive possession 獨有享有權 Cap. 515, s. 4(13)(a)
exclusive possession 獨有管有 Cap. 125, s. 2
exclusive possession 獨有管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
exclusive possession or joint possession 單獨管有或共同管有 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exclusive power 獨有的權力 Cap. 344, Sch. 7
exclusive privilege 專有特權 Cap. 98, s. 6(1)
exclusive property 專有財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive property 獨有的財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exclusive right 專有權利 Cap. 104, s. 6(2)
exclusive right 獨有權利 Cap. 230, s. 5(2)
exclusive right 獨家權利 Cap. 562, Sch. 4
exclusive right to the use 獨有的使用 Cap. 344, s. 34H(1)
exclusive right to the use of ... 使用……的專有權利 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
exclusive right to use 獨有使用權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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exclusive use 專用 Cap. 132, s. 44(1)(a)
exclusive use 獨有使用 Cap. 519, s. 18(5)
exclusive use 獨有使用權 Cap. 563, s. 2
exclusive use and occupation 獨有使用和佔用 Cap. 276, s. 4(6)
in the permanent and exclusive employment of ... 受……以常設職位獨家僱用 Cap. 336, s. 15(1A)
right to the exclusive possession, use, occupation or enjoyment 獨有管有權、使用權、佔用權或享用權 Cap. 7, s. 6(1)(b)
right to the exclusive use 專有使用權利 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
single and exclusive possession 單一和獨有的管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
sufficient degree of exclusive physical control 充分程度的獨有及實質控制 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
exclusive economic exclusive economic zone 專屬經濟區 Cap. 413A, reg. 16B(1)
exclusively comprise exclusively ... 內容……僅限於…… Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
exclusively charitable 完全屬慈善性質的 Cap. 602, s. 50(3)
exclusively for official use 專供公務之用 Cap. 557, Schedule
exclusively used 獨家使用 Cap. 123, s. 30C(4)
intended exclusively for 專供以 Cap. 311W, Sch. 1
occupy ... for its use exclusively 獨家佔用…… Cap. 548D, s. 41(1)
relates exclusively to the land 單與該土地有關 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)(b)
right to exclusively occupy 有權獨有佔用 Cap. 636, s. 5(2)
used exclusively 專供 Cap. 132X, s. 4(2)(d)
used exclusively for ... 純粹用於…… Cap. 357, s. 11(2)(b)
exclusively responsible exclusively responsible 單獨承擔責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

exculpate exculpate 辯白 Cap. 211, s. 28(3)(b)
exculpatory exculpatory part 開脫罪責部分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exculpatory statement 開脫罪責的供詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
excusable excusable 可予寬宥的 Cap. 32, s. 274(1)
excusal excusal 豁免 Cap. 484A, r. 68(2)
excuse excuse 寬宥 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
excuse 豁免 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, Annex D, Part 2
excuse ... from ... 豁免…… Cap. 484A, r. 68(1)
excused 獲……豁免 Cap. 280A, reg. 12(1)
excused from ... 無須 Cap. 521, s. 8(6)
excused from ... 獲免…… Cap. 512, s. 15(8)
excused from complying 獲免遵從 Cap. 41, s. 41G(6)
excuse excuse 辯解 Cap. 234, s. 17A
excuse or explanation 辯解或解釋 Cap. 584, s. 33Q(3)(d)
excusing 作為……的辯解理由 Cap. 546, s. 4(A)
just excuse 確當的辯解 Cap. 227, s. 21(2)
just excuse 確當辯解 Cap. 221, s. 37(2)(b)
reasonable excuse 合理辯解 Cap. 115, s. 42(2)(a)(ii)
without lawful excuse 無合法辯解 Cap. 200, s. 61

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without reasonable excuse 無合理辯解 Cap. 282, s. 10AA(2)(d)

execute execute 執行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execute 履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execute ... a warrant 執行……手令 Cap. 1, s. 86(2)
execute the trusts 執行……信託 Cap. 29, s. 16
executing the provisions 執行……條文 Cap. 470, s. 44(2)
execute contract ... executed 簽立……的合約 Cap. 1, s. 59
duly executed 正式簽立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duly executed 妥為簽立 Cap. 1150, s. 20
execute 簽立 Cap. 1, s. 59
execute a conveyance 簽立轉易契 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
execute a will 簽立遺囑 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.61, Footnote 72
executed contract 已履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executed contract 已簽立的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executed ... transfer 簽立……轉讓書 Cap. 622, s. 163(2)(b)(iii)
executed under the seal 以……印章簽立 Cap. 50, s. 6(2)
partly executed 部分簽立 Cap. 511, s. 2(1)
execution acting in the execution of his duty 正在執行職責的 Cap. 313, s. 13(2)

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appointed by way of equitable execution 由於衡平法執行而委任的 Cap. 4A, O. 51, r. 3

by way of equitable execution 由於衡平法執行 Cap. 4, s. 21L(5)
charged with the execution of process 負責執行法律程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1(2)
costs of execution 執行的費用 Cap. 4A, App. A
enforced by execution 藉執行程序強制執行 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 11
equitable execution 衡平法執行 Cap. 4, s. 21L
execution 執行 Cap. 29, s. 27(1)
execution 執行令 Cap. 500, s. 9(3)
execution 執行死刑 Cap. 234A, r. 144(k)
execution 執行判決 Cap. 6, s. 45(1)
execution 執行書 Cap. 300, s. 21(4)
execution 執行程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 6(2)
execution creditor 執行債權人 Cap. 7, s. 104(1)
execution debtor 執行債務人 Cap. 4, s. 21C(1)
execution levied against ... 針對……實施的……執行 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 8
execution levied against ... 對……實施執行 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 8
execution levied upon goods or effects 對物品或財物實施的執行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execution may issue against ... 可……針對……發出執行程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 8
execution of a request 應……的請求 Cap. 405A, para. 7(2)
execution of a trust 信託執行 Cap. 4A, O. 85, r. 2(2)(a)
execution of a warrant 執行……手令 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.11
execution of an attachment 執行扣押 Cap. 4C, Schedule
execution of duties 執行職責 Cap. 234A, r. 108

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execution of judgment 強制執行判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
execution of process 執行法律程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1
execution of the judgment 執行判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
immediate execution 即時執行 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 14(1)
in execution under any process 根據……法律程序文件作執行時 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 1(1)(b)
in the execution of his office 執行其職務……時 Cap. 92, s. 10
institute execution (of a sum) against sb. 循法律程序向某人追討(一筆款項) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
... is liable to process of execution 可針對……進行執行的法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 7(4)(b)
... is under execution for a civil debt 針對……執行民事債項判決 Cap. 6, s. 14(3)
issue execution on the judgment 為執行判決而提起法律程序 Cap. 9A, r. 11
issue of execution 發出執行程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 10
issued execution against ... property 針對……財產提起法律程序以執行判決 Cap. 6, s. 45(1)
levy of execution 執行判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
levy of execution 實施執行 Cap. 571, s. 195(1)(a)(ii)
measure of execution 執行判決的措施 Cap. 190A, Art. 2
obstructs ... police officer in the due execution of his duty 阻撓在正當執行職務的……警務人員 Cap. 212, s. 36(b)
operate as a stay of execution of ... 具有暫緩執行……的效力 Cap. 41, s. 110(1)
process of execution 執行法律程序文件 Cap. 4, s. 21D(2)
seized in execution 檢取以執行判決 Cap. 4A, App. A
seized in execution 檢取以執行命令 Cap. 4A, App. A
stay of execution (裁定或命令的)暫緩執行 Cap. 453, s. 36
stay of execution 擱置執行 Cap. 338, s. 31

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suspend execution on the judgment 暫停執行判決 Cap. 9A, r. 12

suspension of execution 暫停執行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
... taken in execution 在執行時所扣押的…… Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 3(2)
warrant of execution 執行令 Cap. 179A, r. 86
writ of execution 執行令 Cap. 38, s. 25
writ of execution 執行令狀 Cap. 4A, O. 46, r. 1
execution conspiracy to procure the execution of valuable securities by 串謀以欺騙手段促致有價產權書的簽立 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
deception Criminal Proceedings
date of execution 簽立日期 Cap. 159J, r. 8(9)
due execution 妥為簽立 Cap. 20, s. 9(1)(b)
execution 簽立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execution of a valuable security 有價產權書的簽立 Cap. 461, s. 2(2)(a)
execution of an agreement 簽立協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execution requirement 簽立規定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.14
power of execution (of a document) 簽立文件的權力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
promotion, execution, or procuring of ... contract 合約的促進、簽立或促致 Cap. 201, s. 5(3)(a)
executive chief executive 最高行政人員 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
chief executive officer 行政總裁 Cap. 485A, s. 16(5)(c)
detained at Executive discretion 被拘留等候行政酌情決定 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)
executive 行政 Cap. 1, s. 64(4)

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executive 理事 Cap. 332, s. 2

executive 理事會 Cap. 332, s. 2
executive authorities 行政部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
executive authorities 行政機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 3
executive authority 行政當局 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
executive body 行政團體 Cap. 320A, reg. 2(a)(ii)
executive clemency 行政機關給予赦免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
executive director 執行董事 Cap. 571, s. 113(1)
executive discretion 行政酌情決定 Cap. 221, s. 67G(1)
executive, legislative, municipal, or urban council 行政、立法、城市或市區議局 Cap. 87, s. 2
executive officer 主管人員 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
executive officer 執行幹事 Cap. 472, s. 2
executive order 行政命令 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 23(3)
executive ... organs 行政……機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 13
executive power 行政管理權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 16
executive-led system 行政主導體制 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
governing and executive body 主管及行政機構 Cap. 304, s. 8(2)
principal officials of the executive authorities 行政機關的主要官員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 55
the executive authorities of the Government 政府的行政機關 Cap. 542, s. 78(6)
the executive, legislative and judicial systems 行政管理、立法和司法方面的制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 11
Executive Committee Executive Committee 執行委員會 Cap. 1150, s. 27(4)

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Executive Council Executive Council 行政會議 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 54
members of the Executive Council 行政會議(的)成員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 55
Executive Director Executive Director 行政總監 Cap. 423, s. 28(3)
Executive Director 執行幹事 Cap. 1130, s. 2
executive director 執行董事 Cap. 571, Sch. 2
executor executor 遺囑執行人〔由立遺囑人指定負責管理其遺產的人〕 Cap. 112, s. 2
※比較 administrator
executor de son tort ["executor by his own wrongdoing"] 無權遺囑執行人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executor de son tort ["executor by his own wrongdoing"] 擅自處理他人遺產的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executor of the will 遺囑執行人 Cap. 1137, s. 5(1)
original executor 原遺囑執行人 Cap. 10, s. 34(5)(b)
sole executor 唯一的遺囑執行人 Cap. 10, s. 39(1)
sole or last surviving executor 唯一或最後一名尚存遺囑執行人 Cap. 10, s. 34(1)
the executor, original or by representation 遺囑執行人,不論是原本指定的或是藉承辦的 Cap. 29, s. 2
executorship renounce ... executorship 放棄遺囑執行 Cap. 10, s. 30(1)
executorship expenses executorship expenses [also testamentary expenses] 遺囑執行費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory executory 未來有效的 Cap. 29, s. 2
executory 待執行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory 待履行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory contract 尚待履行的合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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executory interest 未來有效的權益 Cap. 29, s. 2

executory interest 尚未生效的權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
executory trust 尚待完成的信託 ※比較 imperfect trust English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exemplary exemplary damages 懲戒性的損害賠償 Cap. 487, s. 72(4)(f)
exemplary damages 懲罰性的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
exemplary damages 懲罰性損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(3)
exemplary sentence 懲罰性判刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exemplary exemplary character 模範品格 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exemplary damages exemplary damages [also punitive damages; retributory 懲罰性損害賠償 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8
damages; vindictive damages]
exempli gratia; e.g. exempli gratia; e.g. ["for the sake of example"; as an example] 例如 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exemplification exemplification 謄本 Cap. 4D, Sch. 2
exemplifications 經蓋章核對的謄本 Cap. 4, s. 51(2)
exempt be exempt from this Ordinance 豁免受本條例管限 Cap. 279, s. 9(1)
consumer pack exempt quantity 消費裝豁免量 Cap. 295E, s. 2
duty exempt goods 獲豁免繳稅貨品 Cap. 109A, reg. 12(2)
exempt dealer 獲豁免交易商 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
exempt from 獲豁免 Cap. 159, s. 6(3)
exempt from all rates and taxes 免繳一切差餉及稅項 Cap. 36, Schedule

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exempt from duty 獲豁免繳付稅款 Cap. 109A, reg. 12(1)

exempt from inspection 免受搜查 Cap. 36, Schedule
exempt from registration 獲豁免註冊 Cap. 343, s. 2
exempt from service as jurors 豁免出任陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)
exempt from tax 獲豁免繳稅 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
exempt ... from the necessity to ... 豁免……使其無須…… Cap. 106, s. 8(2)
exempt ... from the obligation to be contributors 豁免……使其無須……負上成為供款人的責任 Cap. 206, Long Title
exempt from the provisions of ... 獲豁免而不受……的條文所管限 Cap. 486, s. 51A(1)
exempt ... from ... the provisions of ... 豁免……受……的條文規限 Cap. 406, s. 24(2)
exempt information 獲豁免資料 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.26
exempt investment adviser 獲豁免投資顧問 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
exempt person 獲豁免人 Cap. 359J, s. 16(3)(a)
exempt person 獲豁免人士 Cap. 218, s. 2
exempt person 獲豁免的人 Cap. 354, s. 2(1)
exempt records 獲豁免檔案 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.45
exempt sums 豁免款項 Cap. 112, s. 23B(7)(a)
exempt (v., adj.) 豁免 Cap. 279, s. 9
exempted body 獲豁免團體 Cap. 571, s. 102
exempted charities 獲豁免慈善組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
exempted from licensing 豁免領牌 Cap. 106, s. 32F(4)
exempted from the provisions of ... 獲豁免受……的條文規管 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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exempted society 獲豁免社團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

exempted ... to the extent of 豁免幅度為…… L.N. 26 of 2017, s. 3
is exempted from the obligation to ... 獲豁免……的義務 Cap. 106Q, s. 2
exempted exempted body 獲豁免團體 Cap. 571, s. 102(1)
exempted body 豁免團體 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
exempted group gathering 豁免羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 3(2)(a)
exempted person 獲豁免人 Cap. 117, s. 43(1)
exempted person 獲豁免人士 Cap. 509, s. 44(2)
exempted practice year 獲豁免執業年度 Cap. 159Z, s. 2(1)
exempted scheme 獲豁免計劃 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
ORSO exempted scheme 職業退休豁免計劃 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
exemption absolute exemption 絕對豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.16
block exemption order 集體豁免命令 Cap. 619, s. 15
claiming exemption 聲稱可獲豁免 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(m)
conditional exemptions 有條件豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.6
conditions of exemption 豁免條件 Cap. 200A, reg. 16
discretionary exemptions 酌情豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.30
exemption 免繳權 Cap. 190H, Art. 14
exemption 豁免 Cap. 1, s. 29(1)(e)
exemption 豁免書 Cap. 217, s. 20
exemption certificate 豁免證明書 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)

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exemption clause 免責條款 Cap. 71, s. 5

exemption from liability 法律責任的豁免 Cap. 515, s. 40(c)
exemption from taxation of consular premises and consular 領館館舍和領館財產免稅 Cap. 557C, Schedule
exemption notice 豁免付款公告 Cap. 571AB, s. 2
exemption permit 豁免許可證 Cap. 139L, s. 9A(1)
full exemption 全面豁免 Cap. 50, s. 24(1)(c)(iii)(A)
grant exemption 批予豁免 Cap. 97, s. 7(3)
legal exemptions 法律豁免權 Cap. 571, s. 186(2E)(d)(ii)
mandatory exemption 強制性豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.6
partial exemption 局部豁免 Cap. 50, s. 24(1)(c)(iii)(B)
qualified exemptions 有限制豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.2
revoking the exemption 撤銷……豁免 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZE(4)
specific exemption 特別豁免 Cap. 159L, Schedule
subject to the exemptions from ... 除非獲得豁免受……規限,否則…… Cap. 98, s. 6(3)
tax exemption 免稅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unconditional exemptions 無條件豁免 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.6
exercisable becomes exercisable 變為可行使 Cap. 628, s. 90(1)
exercisable 可予行使 Cap. 159, s. 26A(1)
exercisable 行使 Cap. 1, s. 54A(1)
power exercisable by will 可憑遺囑行使的權力 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)

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exercisable summarily exercisable summarily 可用簡易程序行使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
exercise bona fide exercised in ... 真正在……作出 Cap. 106, s. 13I(4)(b)
by the exercise of ... reasonable diligence 作出……合理的努力 Cap. 459, s. 21(2)(b)
exercise a dominant influence 發揮支配性影響力 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
exercise dominion over a thing 支配某物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exercise due care 採取應有的謹慎措施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exercise full jurisdiction over ... 對……行使全面的管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exercise his option 作出選擇 Cap. 80, s. 4(3)
exercise judicial power independently 獨立進行審判 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
exercise jurisdiction 行使……管轄權 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 5(3)
exercise (n., v.) 行使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exercise (n., v.) 運用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exercise (n., v.) 實行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exercise of authority 行使權力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
exercise of constitutional right to demonstrate 行使示威的憲法權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exercise of ... functions 行使……職能 Cap. 155, s. 64(2)

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exercise of ... rights 權利之行使 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(3)

exercise of sovereignty 行使主權 Cap. 1129, Sch. 2
exercise price 行使價 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
exercise ... significant influence or control 行使重大影響力或控制 Cap. 622, Sch. 5A
exercise the ... jurisdiction 行使……司法管轄權 Cap. 159, s. 3(3)
exercise the power conferred by ... 行使……所授予的權力 Cap. 155, s. 52(2)
exercised all due diligence 已作出一切應有的努力 Cap. 612, s. 52(4)
exercised all due diligence 已盡一切應盡的努力 Cap. 311W, s. 18(1)
exercised all due diligence 作出一切應作出的努力 Cap. 486, s. 35C(6)
exercised all due diligence 作出所有應盡的努力 Cap. 285, s. 58
exercised all due diligence 盡了一切應盡的努力 Cap. 571, s. 103(9)
exercised any act of ownership 作出行使擁有權的作為 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
exercised by proxy 委託他人行使 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
exercised ... diligence 盡……努力 Cap. 41, s. 15A(4)
exercising ... discretion 行使……酌情決定權 Cap. 311, s. 14A(1)
failure to exercise a right 沒有行使權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forbearance from the exercise of ... 不行使…… Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
has exercised due care 以……應有的謹慎行事 Cap. 10, s. 60H
in ... purported exercise 其意是執行 Cap. 592, s. 16
lawful exercise of any power ... 合法行使……的權力 Cap. 208A, reg. 17
partial exercise of a right 權利的局部行使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
partial exercise of an option 局部行使期權 Cap. 571W, s. 9
perform or exercise ... functions ... imposed or conferred ... by 執行或行使本條例委予或授予……的……職能 Cap. 490, s. 5(2)

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this Ordinance
proper exercise of ... powers 妥善行使……的權力 Cap. 486, s. 46(2)(a)
resumption ... of the exercise of sovereignty 恢復行使主權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
single exercise of a right 權利的一次行使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the lawful exercise 合法行使 Cap. 357, s. 12
unlawful ... exercise of authority 不合法……地行使權能 Cap. 233, s. 14(k)
unnecessary exercise of authority 不必要地行使權能 Cap. 233, s. 14(k)
exercise due diligence exercise 盡職審查 Cap. 486, s. 63B(1)
exhaust exhausted 窮竭 Cap. 609, s. 58(1)(b)
exhaust exhaust emission 排氣污染物 Cap. 374A, reg. 2
exhaust gas 廢氣 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
exhaustive treated as being exhaustive 視作盡列……而並無遺漏 Cap. 123, s. 15(2)
exhibit exhibited 展示 Cap. 406, s. 47(1)(d)
exhibited 陳示 Cap. 313, s. 9
exhibit copy of any exhibit 任何證物的複本 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 4(6)
documentary exhibits 文件證物 Cap. 221, s. 10A(1)(c)
documentary exhibits 呈堂文件證物 Cap. 227, s. 86(4)
exhibit ... 附上……作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 11A(2)(d)
exhibit (n.) 證物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exhibited to ... 附於……作為證物的 Cap. 528, s. 121(1)(e)
exhibited to the affidavit 附於誓章作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 6(3)(b)
exhibiting ... 附有……作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 5(a)

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exhibits 呈堂證物 Cap. 503B, Schedule

Exhibits Disposal List 證物處理表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exhibits to affidavits 誓章所附同的證物 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(9)
list of exhibits 呈堂證物清單 Cap. 227, s. 80B(1)(d)
list of exhibits 證物列表 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 11(3)
mark of an exhibit 證物的標記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
put in as an exhibit 提交作為證物 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 11(1)
schedule of exhibits 證物表 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
exhibit displaying or exhibiting any material for the purpose of 為作廣告或宣傳而陳列或展示任何資料 Cap. 627, s. 16(1)(c)
advertisement or publicity
exhibition temporary exhibition 臨時性的……展覽 Cap. 139F, reg. 8(1)
exigency exigencies 迫切情況 Cap. 196, s. 10(1)(b)
exigencies of the situation 危急情勢 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)
exilement exilement 放逐 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exilement 流放 ※比較 banishment English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exist ceased to exist 不再存在 Cap. 584, s. 5(1)(b)(ii)
ceased to exist 停止存在 Cap. 151, s. 13(1)
existence cessation of existence 不再存在 "Charities" Report, para. 4.39
come into existence 出現 Cap. 104, s. 24(1)(a)
existence of a vacancy 出現空缺 Cap. 547, s. 33(1)(a)
in existence 已存在的 Cap. 343, s. 8(1)

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separate legal existence 獨立法律地位 Cap. 430, s. 2(1)

existing existing 現有 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
existing charity trustee 在任的慈善受託人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 67
existing client 原有客戶 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
existing company 原有公司 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
existing enactment 現行成文法則 Cap. 8, s. 65(5)
existing goods 現貨 Cap. 26, s. 7(1)
existing interest 現有權益 Cap. 571, s. 310(1)(b)
existing licence 現行有效的牌照 Cap. 166, s. 6(2)
existing or current purpose 現有或現時用途 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
existing party 現有的一方 Cap. 347, s. 35(7)(b)
existing practice 現有慣例 Cap. 29B, r. 5(1)
existing registered trade mark 現行註冊商標 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
existing right 現有權利 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.70
existing statutory provision 現有法例條文 Cap. 527, s. 2(5)
existing trade mark 現有商標 Cap. 559, s. 72(7)
Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships 《現有船舶氣體運輸船規則》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
existing partner existing partner 現有的合夥人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exit point of exit 出境點 Cap. 60A, reg. 6(1D)(b)(iii)
ex-offender ex-offender 曾犯罪者 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 2.6

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ex-officio ex officio member 當然議員 Cap. 547, s. 2

ex-officio member 當然成員 Cap. 601, s. 6(6)
ex-officio member 當然委員 Cap. 541B, s. 2(1)
exonerate be exonerated 得獲……寬免 Cap. 357, s. 11(2)
exonerate 免除 Cap. 107, s. 69
exonerate 免除(某人的)法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exonerate 寬免 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
exonerate 寬免……的罪責 Cap. 406, s. 37(5)
exonerate 寬免(某人的)罪責 Cap. 59, s. 7
exonerate ... from liability 寬免……法律責任 Cap. 29, s. 41W(3)(a)
person exonerated 獲寬免罪責的人 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.163
expect cannot reasonably be expected 在合理情況下料想不能 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(c)(v)
... cannot reasonably be expected to ... 無法合理期望…… Cap. 179, s. 15A(4)
could not reasonably be expected to ... 按理不能期望…… Cap. 621, s. 82(1)(e)(ii)(A)
expected 預期 Cap. 313, s. 11A
expected loss levy 預期損失徵費 Cap. 581, s. 2(1)
may reasonably be expected 按理可預期 Cap. 485, s. 34ZL(1)(b)
might reasonably be expected 可合理地預期 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
might reasonably be expected to ... 合理預計會…… Cap. 104A, reg. 5
reasonable to expect 可合理預期 Cap. 26, s. 2(5)
reasonably expect 合理地預期 Cap. 265, s. 11B(10)(a)

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reasonably expected 理當期望 Cap. 71, s. 8(2)(b)(i)

reasonably expected of ... 按理可期望……具備的 Cap. 29, s. 3A(1)(b)
expectancy expectancy 期待 Cap. 301, s. 24(e)
expectancy 預期 Cap. 124, s. 12(c)
interest in expectancy [also expectant interest] 預期權益 Cap. 111, s. 3
life expectancy 估計壽命 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
life expectancy 預期壽命 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 1.2
life expectancy 壽命預期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
life interest ... in expectancy 預期中的終身權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
expectant entitled to the land in reversion immediately expectant on ... 有權享有預期於……時立即復歸的土地 Cap. 347, s. 12(3)
expectant 期待中的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expectant 預期……產生的 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
expectant heir 預期繼承人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expectant interest [also interest in expectancy] 預期權益 Cap. 111A, Schedule
expectant reversion 預期的復歸權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expectant share 預期的股份 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reversion expectant 預期的復歸權 Cap. 556, s. 47(f)
reversion expectant 預期的復歸權益 Cap. 1144, s. 11(e)

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reversion expectant 預期復歸產業權 Cap. 1129, s. 12C(b)

expectation expectation 期待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expectation 預期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expectation of life 預計壽命 Cap. 23, s. 20A(1)(a)
legitimate expectation 合法期望 Cap. 486, s. 2
legitimate expectation 合理期望 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable expectation 合理期望 Cap. 252, s. 5
reasonable expectation 合理預計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expedient desirable or expedient 可取或合宜的 Cap. 571, s. 381B(3)(b)(i)
desirable or expedient 適宜或合宜 Cap. 155, s. 121(1)(b)(ii)
expedient 合宜 Cap. 4, s. 43
expedient 有利 Cap. 247, s. 6
expedient 便利 Cap. 1, s. 54A(2)
expedient 適宜 Cap. 522, s. 36
expedient 適當 Cap. 159, s. 73A(3)(h)
expedient in the public interest 為公眾利益 Cap. 622, s. 879(1)
expedient in the public interest 為公眾利益而……適宜 Cap. 522, s. 36
expedient in the public interest 對於公眾利益乃屬……有利 Cap. 238, s. 45(1)
just and expedient 公正合宜 Cap. 622, s. 346(2)
necessary or expedient 必要或合宜 Cap. 599G, s. 10(3)(a)
necessary or expedient 有所需要或有利於 Cap. 247, s. 6(1)

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necessary or expedient 所需或適當的 Cap. 136, s. 72(1)(h)

necessary or expedient 需要或合宜 Cap. 4, s. 43(1)
necessary or expedient 需要……或適宜……的 Cap. 607, s. 50(2)(c)
expedite expediting ... proceedings 加快……法律程序 Cap. 17A, r. 14(2)
expediting ... the performance of an act 加速……作出……作為 Cap. 201, s. 4(2B)(b)
expedition greatest expedition 盡快 Cap. 245, s. 44A(6)
reasonable expedition 在合理範圍內盡快 Cap. 374A, reg. 39A(6)(b)
... with all due expedition 以應有速度,迅速…… Cap. 621, Sch. 5
expeditious expeditious 迅速 Cap. 4, s. 14AA(3)(b)
for the just and expeditious disposal of the proceedings 為公正而迅速地了結法律程序 Cap. 619D, r. 53(1)
just and expeditious disposal 公正而迅速地處理 Cap. 5C, r. 3(1)
securing the just, expeditious and economical conduct of ... 確使……得以在公正、迅速和合乎經濟原則的情況下進 Cap. 615, Sch. 4

expeditiously as expeditiously as is practicable 在切實可行範圍內盡速 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
as expeditiously as possible 在可能範圍內盡快 Cap. 413A, reg. 10(6)
expel expel 開除 Cap. 321, s. 18(2)
expel 驅逐 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 3(1)
expel a member 開除……會籍 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
expel any partner 將任何合夥人逐出合夥 Cap. 38, s. 27
expel ... from the school 將……開除學籍 Cap. 279A, reg. 96(1)
expelled 驅逐出境 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 9
expelling the person from that position 免除該人的該地位 Cap. 602, s. 17(1)(d)(ii)
expelled expelled 革除 Cap. 41, Sch. 11

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expend expend 耗用 Cap. 91, s. 10(2)

expend 動用 Cap. 1132, s. 7(g)
expend 運用 Cap. 218, s. 32I(4)
expended 支用 Cap. 332, s. 10(1)(b)(v)
expended 墊支 Cap. 159F, r. 9(2)(b)
expended ... resources 使用……資源 Cap. 604, Sch. 1
expenditure approved estimates of expenditure 核准開支預算 Cap. 2, s. 2
capital expenditure 非經常開支 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
capital expenditure 資本支出 Cap. 1152, s. 8(1)(d)
capital expenditure 資本開支 Cap. 112, s. 12(1)(a)
estimates of expenditure 開支預算 Cap. 2, s. 6(1)
estimates of income and expenditure 收支預算 Cap. 216, s. 15
estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the Government 政府收支預算 Cap. 2, s. 5(1)
expenditure 開支 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 74
expenditure be met from the general revenue 開支須由政府一般收入撥支 Cap. 2, s. 8(6)(b)
expenditure for the garrison 駐軍費用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
expenditure for the services of the Government 政府服務開支 Cap. 2, s. 7(1)
head of expenditure 開支總目 Cap. 2, s. 2
incur expenditure 承付開支 Cap. 2, s. 14
incur expenditure 招致開支 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
keeping expenditure within the limits of revenues 量入為出 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 107
level of expenditure 開支水平 Cap. 91B, Sch. 1
projected revenue and expenditure 預計收支 Cap. 601, s. 32(1)(b)

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public expenditure 公共開支 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73

recurrent expenditure 經常性開支 Cap. 487, s. 4(d)
recurrent expenditure 經常開支 Cap. 302, s. 17B(2)(c)
residue of expenditure 開支剩餘額 Cap. 112, s. 35(2)(a)(ii)
significant expenditure or liability 大量開支或法律責任 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
statements of the income and expenditure 收支結算表 Cap. 1145, s. 14(2)
subhead of expenditure 開支分目 Cap. 2, s. 2
expense at his own expense 自費 Cap. 463B, s. 4(1)
at the expense of ... 由……出資 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
at the public expense 以公費…… Cap. 227, s. 24(2)
at the public expense 由公帑撥款 Cap. 132CH, r. 4(1)
election expense agent 選舉開支代理人 Cap. 554, s. 2(1)
expense disbursement 開支支出 Cap. 112, s. 23(4)(b)(iii)
unforeseen expense 不可預見的開支 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
unjustifiable expense 不具充分理由的開支 Cap. 91A, reg. 21(1)(a)
without unreasonable expense or delay 在不承受不合理支出或不合理延誤的情況下 Cap. 622, s. 292(6)(b)
expenses actual out-of-pocket expenses 實際現金付款開支 Cap. 6, s. 37(1)(i)
administrative expenses 行政費用 Cap. 528D, r. 17(4)(b)
administrative expenses 行政開支 Cap. 13A, r. 7(2)(c)
declared election expenses 申報選舉開支 Cap. 541N, s. 2(1)
estimated operating expenses 預算營運開支 Cap. 571, s. 396(1)(a)
executorship expenses [also testamentary expenses] 遺囑執行費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expenses 支出 Cap. 411, s. 6(3)(a)

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expenses 費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
expenses 開支 Cap. 112, s. 12(1)(a)
expenses of self-education 個人進修開支 Cap. 112, Sch. 39
funeral expenses 殯殮費 Cap. 23, s. 20(2)(b)(i)
funeral ... expenses 喪葬費 Cap. 6, s. 112(6)
general expenses 一般開支 Cap. 112A, r. 2C(1)
incur expenses 招致費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
itemised statement of any expenses 開支的分項陳述 Cap. 485A, s. 154(1)(e)
legal expenses 法律開支 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 14(1)
medical expenses 醫療費 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
medical expenses 醫療開支 Cap. 218E, s. 5C
notarial expenses 公證開支 Cap. 19, s. 68(6)
operating expenses 營運開支 Cap. 571, s. 396(1)(a)
operational expenses 運作開支 L.N. 56 of 2018, Schedule
ordinary expenses of ... family 家庭日常開支 Cap. 6, s. 129(1)(a)
out-of-pocket expenses 現付費用 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
out-of-pocket expenses 實付開支 Cap. 485, s. 34DA
overhead expenses 經常開支 Cap. 23, s. 16(4)
preliminary expenses 開辦費用 Cap. 622, s. 149(a)
professional fees and expenses 專業費用及開支 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
residential care expenses 住宿照顧開支 Cap. 112, Sch. 25
subsistence expenses 生活費 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(k)
testamentary ... expenses 遺囑管理……的開支 Cap. 10, s. 63(3)

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testamentary ... expenses 遺囑管理費用 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)

testamentary expenses [also executorship expenses] 遺囑執行費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
travelling expenses 交通費 Cap. 554E, para. 4
witness expenses 傳召證人的費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
experience approved accounting experience 認可會計經驗 Cap. 50, s. 29A(5)(a)
occupational experience 職業方面的經驗 Cap. 41, s. 4AA(3)(b)
requisite experience 所需的經驗 Cap. 159, s. 39I(2)
substantial experience 相當的經驗 Cap. 549, s. 92(1)(b)
substantial experience 豐富的經驗 Cap. 159AC, s. 4(4)
experimentation medical or scientific experimentation 醫學或科學試驗 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 3
expert authority of an expert 專家的權威意見 Cap. 32, s. 40(2)(d)(i)
called as an expert 以專家身分出席 Cap. 338B, Schedule
court expert 法院的專家 Cap. 4A, O. 40, r. 1(1)
expert 專家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expert advice 專家意見 Cap. 282, s. 16E(4)
expert evidence 專家證供 Cap. 91A, reg. 12(3)
expert evidence 專家證據 Cap. 8, s. 58(1)
expert knowledge 專門認識 Cap. 148, s. 20(3)
expert medical evidence 專家醫學證據 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(13)(b)
expert person 專家 Cap. 1075, s. 6(j)
expert reports 專家報告 Cap. 511D, s. 16(1)(b)
expert witness 專家證人 Cap. 17, s. 10(2)(c)

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forensic expert 法證專家 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.43
handwriting expert 字跡鑑證專家 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
handwriting expert 筆跡鑑證專家 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
separate expert witnesses 分開聘任專家證人 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 4A(5)(c)
single joint expert witness 單一共聘專家證人 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 4A(1)
expertise collective expertise 集體專業知識 Cap. 1147, s. 4(e)
expertise 專長 Cap. 456, s. 14(1)(b)
expertise 專門技能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expertise 專業知識 Cap. 475, s. 4
technical expertise 技術專長 Cap. 106, s. 13C(4)(d)
expiration expiration 有效期屆滿 Cap. 166, s. 6(2)
expiration 屆滿 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
expiration 期限屆滿 Cap. 57, s. 31S(2)
expiration 期滿 Cap. 40, s. 4
expiration of a contract 合約有效期屆滿 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expiration of ... licence 牌照期滿 Cap. 464, s. 7(1)
expire expire 失效 Cap. 505, s. 4(12)
expire 屆滿 Cap. 1, s. 34(3)

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expire 期滿 Cap. 40, s. 3(1)(b)

expire 滿期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expire by effluxion of time (因)自然期滿(而)失效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expire by effluxion of time 期滿失效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expired 期滿失效 Cap. 115, s. 2A(2)
sentence ... has not expired 刑罰……尚未屆滿 Cap. 513, s. 10(1)(b)
time has expired 時限……已經屆滿 Cap. 609, s. 72(2)
time-expired records 過期檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.47
expired expired ... provision 有效期已屆滿……的條文 Cap. 614, s. 12(e)
expiry expiry 屆滿 Cap. 159, s. 8(2)(a)
expiry 期滿 Cap. 310, Sch. 1
expiry of a licence 牌照的……有效期屆滿 Cap. 523, s. 7(3)
expiry of ... current registration 註冊有效期屆滿 Cap. 408, s. 16(4)
expiry date date of expiry 屆滿日期 Cap. 369T, reg. 2
date of expiry 期滿日期 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
expiry date 失效日期 Cap. 549F, s. 2
expiry date 使用期限 Cap. 138A, s. 31(2)(d)
expiry date 限期日 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
explain explain ... in simple language 以淺白語言……解釋 Cap. 226, s. 8(1)
explained 說明 Cap. 528D, r. 7(4)(b)
explanation excuse or explanation 辯解或解釋 Cap. 584, s. 33Q(3)(d)

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explanation 解釋 Cap. 581, s. 19(2)(b)

innocent explanation 清白解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent explanation 無辜解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
satisfactory explanation 圓滿解釋 Cap. 201, s. 10(1)
the explanation offered is ... insufficient 所作解釋的理由不充分 Cap. 484A, r. 18(2)
explanatory explanatory guide 指引說明 Cap. 446A, s. 3(2)(a)
explanatory material 解說資料 Cap. 208, s. 8(3)
explanatory statement 說明陳述 Cap. 622, s. 671(2)
prescribed explanatory information 訂明說明資料 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
explicit explicit 明示 Cap. 486, s. 54(1)(b)
explicitly explicitly informed 明確告知 Cap. 486, s. 35D(1)(a)
exploit exploited 利用 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
exploitation criminal exploitation of children 刑事性剝削兒童 Cap. 525F, Sch. 1
exploitation 利用 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
normal exploitation 正常利用 Cap. 528, s. 36(4)
serious exploitation 受他人嚴重利用 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
sexual exploitation 性剝削 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.18
exploitative exploitative 僭名圖利 Cap. 159X, s. 5(3)(d)
explosive explosive 炸藥 Cap. 200, s. 58A
explosive 爆炸品 Cap. 295, s. 2
explosive substance 爆炸性物質 Cap. 295E, Sch. 1

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explosive substance 爆炸品 Cap. 200, s. 52

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) 土製炸彈 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
possession of explosive 管有炸藥 Cap. 200, s. 55, Heading
possession of explosive substance 管有爆炸品 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
export Export bills 出口匯票 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5
export certificate 出口證明書 Cap. 139E, reg. 2
export declaration 出口報關單 Cap. 60E, reg. 5
export licence 出口許可證 Cap. 60, s. 11
export manifest 出口艙單 Cap. 60C, para. 3
export (n., v.) 出口 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
export (n., v.) 輸出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
export notification 出口通知書 Cap. 60A, reg. 2
export notification 輸出通知書 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
export quotas 出口配額 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
exporting country 出口國 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exporting country 出口國家 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
scheme of import or export control 進口或出口管制計劃 Cap. 362, s. 2(2A)
exportation exportation 輸出 Cap. 591, Sch. 4
exporter exporter 出口商 Cap. 318, s. 2
expose expose 展示 Cap. 238, s. 2(1)

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expose 陳列 Cap. 374F, reg. 4(a)

expose for sale 為出售而展出 Cap. 138, s. 2(1)
expose for sale 為售賣而展示 Cap. 133, s. 8(1)(c)
exposed for sale or hire 陳列以作售賣或租賃 Cap. 26, s. 15(2)
exposes for sale or hire 為出售或出租而展示 Cap. 528, s. 31(1)(b)
exposes for show 展覽 Cap. 228, s. 4(10)
exposes for supply 為供應而……展示 Cap. 400, s. 14(1)
exposing for sale 為出售而將其展出 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
exposing ... for sale 展售 Cap. 228, s. 4(5)(i)
indecently exposes any part of his body 猥褻暴露其身體任何部分 Cap. 200, s. 148(1)
expose expose ... to a forfeiture 使……蒙受沒收措施 Cap. 8, s. 66(1)(a)
expose ... to damage 令……受損 Cap. 313X, s. 56(3)
expose ... to danger 使……蒙受危險 Cap. 98, s. 32(1)(a)
expose ... to proceedings 使……被人向其提出法律程序 Cap. 382, s. 16(1)
exposing ... to 使……蒙受 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.7
expose abandons or exposes 拋棄或遺棄 Cap. 212, s. 26
expose 遺棄 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.71
exposes ... child 遺棄……兒童 Cap. 212, s. 26
exposer exposer 露體者 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.8

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exposition expositions 闡釋 Cap. 602, s. 45(3)(c)

exposure commodity exposures 商品風險承擔 Cap. 155L, s. 18
current exposure 現行風險承擔 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
effective currency exposure 有效貨幣風險 Cap. 485A, s. 37(2)(c)
effective exposure 有效風險 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
exposure 風險 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.34
exposure amount 風險承擔數額 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
exposure measure 風險承擔計量 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
financial exposure 財務風險 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
non-securitization exposures 非證券化類別風險承擔 Cap. 155L, s. 10(1)(a)
off-balance sheet exposures 資產負債表外風險承擔 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
private sector credit exposures 私人機構信用風險承擔 Cap. 155M, s. 16FG(2)
revolving retail exposures 循環式零售風險承擔 Cap. 155L, s. 142(1)
underlying exposure 組成項目 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
vulnerability to fluctuations in risk exposures 承受風險波動的能力 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
exposure exposure 暴露身體罪 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.30
exposure for sale ... of ... 為將……出售而……展出…… Cap. 132, s. 55(1A)
indecent exposure 猥褻露體 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.29
sexual exposure 性露體 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.13
exposure exposure drafts 徵求意見初稿 "Charities" Report, para. 5.53,
Footnote 28

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express actuated by express malice 被顯明的惡意所驅動 Cap. 4A, O. 82, r. 3(3)

express 明示的 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.47
express 說明 Cap. 76, Schedule
express (adj.) 明文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express (adj.) 明示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express (adj.) 明訂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express agreement 明訂協議 Cap. 38, s. 27
express authority 明示授權 Cap. 369U, reg. 4(1)(c)
express consent 明示的同意 Cap. 200A, reg. 14(3)
express contractual right 合約所明訂的權利 Cap. 377, s. 9(3)
express duty 明訂責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express exclusion 明訂的摒除條文 Cap. 528, s. 182(5)
express mention 明文規定 Cap. 159X, s. 11(3)
express notice in writing 明確的書面通知 Cap. 23, s. 9
express or implied 明示或默示的 Cap. 339, s. 2(1)
express or implied 明示或隱含 Cap. 7, s. 115(1)
express or implied 明示或隱含的 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
express or implied 明訂或默示 Cap. 622, s. 121(3)
express or implied warranty 明示或隱含的保證 Cap. 329, s. 18(3)(d)
express penalty for ... 就……而明文規定的……罰則 Cap. 313, s. 61(6)

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express permission 明文批准 Cap. 172A, reg. 175

express permission 明文准許 Cap. 109, s. 19(1)
express permission 明示准許 Cap. 109A, reg. 31
express power 明示權力 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.31
express provision 明文規定 Cap. 47, s. 29(1)(a)
express provision 明訂條文 Cap. 553, s. 14
express provision 明確規定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express purpose 明示目的 Cap. 483A, s. 13(b)
express restrictive covenant 明文限制性契諾 Cap. 630, s. 23(3)
express revocation 明訂撤銷 Cap. 501, s. 13(2)
express sanction 明示批准 Cap. 117, s. 58
express saving provision 明訂的保留條文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express stipulation 明文規定 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
express terms 明訂條款 Cap. 528, s. 64(2)
express terms of contract 合約的明訂條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express waiver of ... 以明文寬免…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
express warranty 明示保證 Cap. 329, s. 35(1)
express words of contract 合約的明訂語句 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expressed 表達 Cap. 1098, s. 5(2)

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expressed 訂明 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 4.6
expressed in 以……表示 Cap. 188, s. 17(3)
expressed or intended by the parties to ... 有關各方所示明或擬使其……的 Cap. 150, s. 3(2)(a)
expressed to be ... 明確指出會…… Cap. 104, s. 46(2)
however expressed 不論如何表述 Cap. 29, s. 41I(4)
however expressed 不論如何表達 Cap. 561A, s. 2(2)(a)
payment ... expressed to be made 明示予以支付 Cap. 18, s. 2
unless a contrary intention is expressed 除非有明示的相反意願 Cap. 528, s. 272I(5)
unless the contrary intention is expressed 除非明訂有相反用意 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)
expressed expressed joinder of issue 明示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(4)
Expressio unius est Expressio unius est exclusio alterius. [The expression of one 明示一事即排除他事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
exclusio alterius. thing is the exclusion of another.] and Commercial Law Terms
expression abusive, threatening or insulting expression 帶有辱罵、恐嚇或侮辱性的詞句 Cap. 359, s. 23(6)(a)
cognate expressions 同根詞句 Cap. 514, s. 2
cognate expressions 同語族詞句 Cap. 1, s. 5
expression 詞句 Cap. 1, s. 5
expressions 字樣 Cap. 621, s. 18(1)
gender-neutral word or expression 無性別色彩的字或詞句 Cap. 614, s. 17(i)
the expression ... ……一詞 Cap. 319, s. 2(2)
threatening or insulting expression 威脅或侮辱性的詞句 Cap. 227, s. 99
threatening or insulting expression 恐嚇性或侮辱性的言詞 Cap. 138, s. 16A(5)(a)
uses a threatening or insulting expression 出言恐嚇或侮辱 Cap. 25, s. 42(1)(a)
uses a threatening or insulting expression 採用……恐嚇或侮辱言辭 Cap. 25, s. 42(1)(a)
expression expression of opinion 意見的表達 Cap. 21, s. 27

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for the purpose of securing uniformity of expression 為使在表達方面得以統一 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(c)
free expression of the will of the electors 選民意志之自由表現 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 21(b)
freedom of opinion and expression 意見和發表的自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16, heading
general expression of intent 無明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(1)
right to freedom of expression 發表自由之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
specific expression of intent 有明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(2)
expressly either expressly or by implication 以明示或默示的方式 Cap. 216, s. 20(1)
except as expressly provided to the contrary 除有明文的相反規定外 Cap. 522, s. 27
except where otherwise expressly provided 除另有明文規定者外 Cap. 344, s. 34C(1)
expressly 以明示方式 Cap. 301, s. 24(c)
expressly 明文 Cap. 1, s. 3
expressly 明示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expressly admit 明示承認 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expressly alleged ... 明示地指稱…… Cap. 227, s. 125
expressly authorize 明示授權 Cap. 606, s. 12
expressly authorized by ... 在……明示授權下 Cap. 48, s. 9
expressly authorized by ... 獲……明示授權 Cap. 521, s. 2(2)
expressly or impliedly 以明示或暗示方式 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
expressly or tacitly agreed 明示或默示協議 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
expressly or tacitly agreed 明示或默然同意 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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expressly prohibits 明確禁止 Cap. 287, s. 5(2)

expressly provide otherwise 另有明文規定 Cap. 1182, s. 6(g)(v)(A)
expressly provide that ... 明文規定…… Cap. 87, s. 7(2)(b)
expressly provided 訂明 Cap. 338, Schedule
expressly purport ... 明文表示…… Cap. 336, s. 72(4)
expressly purports ... 明言…… Cap. 336, s. 73B(7)
expressly purports ... to ... 表明其意是…… Cap. 336, s. 73F(7)
expressly repealed 明文廢除 Cap. 528, s. 192(1)(a)
expressly states 明文述明 Cap. 134, s. 31(2)
otherwise expressly provided 另有明文規定 Cap. 300, s. 2(2)
save as otherwise expressly provided 除另有明文規定外 Cap. 106, s. 3
Unless otherwise expressly provided ... 除非另有明文規定,否則…… Cap. 621, s. 9
Expressum facit cessare Expressum facit cessare tacitum. [Something expressed nullifies 明示之事使默示之事無效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
tacitum. what is unexpressed.] and Commercial Law Terms
expropriation expropriation 沒收 Cap. 190M, Art. 4
expropriation 徵用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expropriation of land (for public purposes) (為公共目的)徵用土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
expulsion expulsion 免除 Cap. 602, s. 17(5)(b)
expulsion 開除 Cap. 33, s. 51(2)(e)
expulsion 驅逐 Cap. 383, s. 8
expulsion 驅逐出境 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 9
expulsion of a person from a position as partner 免除某人的合夥人地位 Cap. 480, s. 2(2)
expunge expunge 取消 Cap. 6E, r. 25

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extant extant 現存 Cap. 483, s. 29(3)(c)

extant 維持 Cap. 426, s. 2
extempore extempore judgment 當庭宣判的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ex-tenant ex-tenant 前租客 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extend extend 可引伸適用於 Cap. 329, s. 87(2)
extend 伸延 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extend 延長 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extend 延展 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extend 延續 Cap. 104, s. 7(2)
extend 擴大 Cap. 1, s. 18(2)
extend a duty 擴大職責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extend the application of ... to ... 擴大……的適用範圍,使其擴及…… Cap. 579, Long Title
extend to 引伸而適用於…… Cap. 9, s. 6
extend to 引伸應用於 Cap. 11, s. 9(3)
extend to 擴至 Cap. 134, s. 56A(7)
extended 延伸 Cap. 182, s. 7(2)
extended 展期 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
extended 續期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
extending 伸展 Cap. 1, Sch. 1

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extending to 實施範圍擴及 Cap. 1, s. 3

extends 延及 Cap. 188, s. 3(2)
extends 延伸適用 Cap. 369, s. 47(1)
provide for the charge to extend to ... 規定將押記範圍擴及…… Cap. 525, Sch. 2
renew or extend 續期或延期 Cap. 602, s. 19(5)
that section as extended by ... 經……擴闊的該條規定 Cap. 347, s. 30(8)
the benefits of this Ordinance being extended to ... 將本條例的利益引伸而適用於…… Cap. 9, s. 6
extend extending credit 提供信貸 Cap. 584, s. 2
extended extended period 延長限期 Cap. 554, s. 37(1N)
extended period 延展限期 Cap. 336G, r. 10(1)
extended period 延展期 Cap. 514C, s. 80(b)
extended period 延展期間 Cap. 336, s. 75(4)
extended time 更長的期間 Cap. 351A, r. 13
extension extension 延長部分 Cap. 19, s. 68(3)
extension 延展 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
extension 延續 Cap. 104, s. 7(2)
extension 展期 Cap. 218A, reg. 16(c)
extension 期限的延長 Cap. 125, s. 2
extension 擴展 Cap. 476, s. 16(2)(a)
extension 續期 Cap. 150, Long Title
extension ... of the lease 契約的續期 Cap. 150, s. 3(1)
extension of time 延長時限 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.3, Footnote 8
extension of time 延期 Cap. 621, Sch. 1

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extensions 延續期間 Cap. 104, s. 29(2)

further extension 進一步延展 Cap. 514, s. 149(4)
on granting an extension of the period of validity of ... 在批准延長……的有效期時 Cap. 413K, s. 15(3)
uncontested extension of time 無爭辯的延展期限 Cap. 159I, Schedule
extension of time for extension of time for service 送達期限的延展 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
service and Commercial Law Terms
extensive as extensive as 一如……般廣泛 Cap. 50, s. 28D(2)(b)(iii)
extensive and in-depth public consultation 廣泛、深入的公眾諮詢 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
extensive discount 大幅扣減刑期 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.12
extensive repairs 大修 Cap. 56, s. 2(2)
not sufficiently extensive to ... 幅度不足以令…… Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 13(2)
extent amended to the extent 按……的限度……修訂 Cap. 214C, para. 5
except to the extent of 但……則屬例外,惟亦僅以……為限 Cap. 127, s. 11
except to the extent that ... 但……除外 Cap. 56, s. 43(1)(c)
exempted ... to the extent of 豁免幅度為…… L.N. 26 of 2017, s. 3
extent 規模 Cap. 1148, s. 5(j)
extent 程度 Cap. 405, s. 5(1B)(a)
extent 範圍 Cap. 6, s. 53(3)
extent of extra-territorial application 域外適用範圍 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.1
otherwise than to the extent of ... ……不計 Cap. 148, s. 3(2)

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to a material extent 在很大程度上 Cap. 485A, s. 99(6)(a)

to a material extent 重大程度 Cap. 522, s. 6
to a material extent 關鍵程度的 Cap. 571, s. 157(3)
to a reasonable extent 在合理的範圍內 Cap. 528, s. 41(1)
to any extent 不限數量 Cap. 134, Sch. 1
to such an extent as to ... 並達到……的程度 Cap. 528, s. 31(1)(d)
to such extent as may be necessary 在……所需的限度下 Cap. 188A, r. 13
to such extent as the law would allow 在法律許可的範圍內 Cap. 372, s. 4(3)
to the extent and in the manner provided 在……所訂定的範圍內並以……所訂定的方式 Cap. 490, s. 6
to the extent that ... 以……為限 Cap. 313, s. 8(1)
to the extent that ... 在……的範圍內 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 25(1)
to the extent to which it relates to ... 在該條關乎……的範圍內 Cap. 553B, Sch. 1
to the fullest extent possible 盡可能 Cap. 413C, reg. 4(1)
to the fullest extent practicable 在切實可行範圍內盡量 Cap. 413C, reg. 4(2)
unable to meet ... obligations to such an extent as to cause a 不能夠履行……義務,而不能履行的程度對……有重大 Cap. 448A, reg. 15B(1)
material adverse effect on ... 不良影響
extent writ of extent 收回債款扣押令狀 Cap. 300, s. 29
extent of opposition extent of opposition 反對的範圍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extenuating extenuating 可使罪責減輕的 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)
extenuating circumstances 可使罪責減輕的……的情況 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)
extenuating extenuating circumstances 可使罪責減輕……的情況 Cap. 221, s. 107
extenuation extenuation 減輕罪責 Cap. 234A, r. 245(1)(a)

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extenuation or mitigation of the penalty 減輕罪行或減輕刑罰 Cap. 226, s. 8(7)

external external affairs 對外事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 13
external claim 對外申索 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)
external confiscation order 外地沒收令 Cap. 405, s. 28(1)(a)
external law immunity certificate 外地法律豁免權證明書 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
external liabilities 對外負債 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)
external offence 外地罪行 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
external prisoner 外地囚犯 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
external relations 對外關係 Cap. 521, s. 12(1)
external serious offence 外地嚴重罪行 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
external sovereign debt 對外國債 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
external transaction 對外交易 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)
external foreign or external forces 外國和境外勢力 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27
exterritoriality exterritoriality [also extraterritoriality] 治外法權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
exterritoriality [also extraterritoriality] 領事裁判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extinction extinction 消除 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
extinction 終絕 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
extinguish extinguish 取消 Cap. 405, s. 12
extinguish 終絕 Cap. 57, s. 70
extinguish a right 終絕某項權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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extinguish any interest in ... 將……中任何權益……取消 Cap. 525, Sch. 2

extinguish or reduce ... liability 終絕或減少……法律責任 Cap. 485, s. 19G(1)
extinguish ... right 喪失……權利 Cap. 423, s. 10(4)
extinguished the right 權利終絕 Cap. 377, s. 3(3)
... is extinguished ……即告終絕 Cap. 622, s. 142(6)
title extinguished 所有權已終絕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
title to the land will be extinguished 對……土地的業權即告終絕 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
extinguishment extinguishment 終絕 Cap. 111, s. 3
extinguishment of a debt 債項的終絕 Cap. 111, s. 3
extinguishment of title 所有權的終絕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extinguishment of title 業權終絕 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
extortion extortion 脅迫 Cap. 332, Sch. 1
extortion 勒索 Cap. 57, s. 53(1)(c)(ii)
extortion 敲詐 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
extortion by colour of office or franchise 以偽職或專營權進行勒索 Cap. 210, s. 34(1)
extortionate extortionate 敲詐性 Cap. 163, s. 25(2)
extract certified extract 核證摘錄 Cap. 522, s. 65(5)
extract 摘錄 Cap. 2, s. 17C(4)
extract from ... document 文件的摘錄 Cap. 522, s. 65(3)(b)(ii)
take ... abstract of or extract from ... 撮錄或摘錄…… Cap. 159AI, s. 9(3)
extraditable extraditable offence 可引渡罪行 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1

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extradite extradite 引渡 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1

extradition extradition 引渡 Cap. 503I, Schedule
extradition proceedings 引渡法律程序 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
extradition proceedings 引渡程序 Cap. 525F, Sch. 1
extradition proceedings to ... 引渡至……的法律程序 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.20
extradition treaty 引渡條約 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
extra-judicial extra-judicial document 司法以外文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial document 非司法文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial [out-of-court] 不按法律程序的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial [out-of-court] 司法以外 Cap. 557, Schedule
extra-judicial [out-of-court] 司法程序以外的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial [out-of-court] 法庭管轄範圍以外的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial [out-of-court] 非司法 Cap. 4A, O. 69, r. 1
extra-judicial [out-of-court] 庭外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-judicial statement 法庭以外陳述 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
extra-jurisdictional extra-jurisdictional 治外司法管轄權 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.22
extralegal extralegal ["beyond the province of law"] 未經法律規定或允許的 ※比較 alegal; nonlegal; illegal English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extralegal ["beyond the province of law"] 法律以外的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

extraneous extraneous considerations 外在因素 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.61
extraordinary extraordinary circumstances 特殊情況 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
extraordinary meeting 特別大會 Cap. 1165, Sch. 1
extraordinary power 特殊權力 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
extraordinary resolution 非常決議 Cap. 622, s. 564(5)
extraordinary extraordinary resolution 非常決議 Cap. 622, s. 564
extra-territorial extent of extra-territorial application 域外適用範圍 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.1
extra-territorial 域外 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.11
extra-territorial jurisdiction 境外司法管轄權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
extra-territorial jurisdiction 領域外管轄權 Cap. 575, s. 11I, Heading
extraterritoriality extraterritoriality 域外法律效力 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.50
extraterritoriality [also exterritoriality] 治外法權 Cap. 448, s. 11
extraterritoriality [also exterritoriality] 領事裁判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extrinsic evidence extrinsic evidence [also extraneous evidence] 外在證據 Cap. 30, s. 23B
eyewitness eyewitness 目擊證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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fabricate fabricate 偽造 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
fabricate 揑造 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fabricated evidence 揑造的證據 Cap. 8, s. 51
fabricated fabricated evidence 揑造的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fabrication fabrication 建造 Cap. 51, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)
face face (n., v.) 文件上具條文的一面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face (n., v.) 面對 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face to face [also vis-à-vis] 一起 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face to face [also vis-à-vis] 相比 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face to face [also vis-à-vis] 面對面地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face to face [also vis-à-vis] 對等 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face apparent on the face of ... ……明顯 Cap. 583, s. 50
bear on its face 表面……載有 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 6(1)
card face data 證面數據 Cap. 625, s. 57(3)
face amount [par value; face value] 面值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face amount [par value; face value] 面額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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face amount [par value; face value] 票面值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face (n., v.) 表面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face (n., v.) 面前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
face value 面值 Cap. 454, s. 6(1)
fly in the face of ... [be openly at variance with] 與……公然不符 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
from the face 形式上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
from the face 從表面看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the face of ... 公然(在法庭內) Cap. 3, s. 32
in the face of ... 在……席前 Cap. 221, s. 36
on its face [in the words of; in the plain sense of] 表面 參看 prima facie English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on its face [in the words of; in the plain sense of] 從文字上看來 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on the face of ... 表面上 Cap. 21, s. 25(5)(b)
on the face of the bill 票面上 Cap. 19, s. 4(3)
on the face of the evidence 表面證據 Cap. 159AE, s. 5
on the face of the record 在紀錄上可見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
facial facial covering 蒙面物品 Cap. 241K, s. 2
facilitate administering drugs, matter or thing to obtain or facilitate an 施用藥物、物質或物品以獲得或便利作非法的性行為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
unlawful sexual act Offences" Report, para. 4.66

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facilitate 有助於 Cap. 405, s. 23(4)

facilitate 利便 Cap. 406E, reg. 6(1)(b)
facilitate 便利 Cap. 411, s. 5(1)
facilitate the exchange of information ... 促進交流……資訊 Cap. 1147, s. 4(h)
facilitated 促成 Cap. 571, s. 302(1)
facilitates the commission of 協助作出 Cap. 575, s. 2(1)
facilitating 促進 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
facilitating company 促進公司 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZZD(2)(b)
intentionally facilitating 蓄意便利 Cap. 494, Sch. 2
facilitator facilitator 促進人 Cap. 584, s. 2
facilities afford ... facilities 提供……方便 Cap. 104, s. 38(2)
ancillary facilities 附屬設施 Cap. 601, s. 2
common facilities 公用設施 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
facilities 設施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
facilities banking facilities 銀行融資 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
facility common facilities 公共設施 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
detention facilities 扣留設施 Cap. 204A, para. 2
detention facility 拘留地方 Cap. 475, s. 2
electronic payment facility 電子繳費設施 Cap. 368A, reg. 2(1)
facilities 方便 Cap. 234A, r. 52(1)
facilities 便利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(b)
facilities 設施 Cap. 113, s. 5(d)
facility operator 設施經營人 Cap. 354L, s. 2(1)

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give facilities for ... 在……事宜上,給予方便 Cap. 29B, r. 23(2)

housing facility 畜舍設施 Cap. 139F, reg. 2(1)
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code 《國際船舶和港口設施保安規則》 Cap. 582, s. 3(1)
land set apart for such facilities 劃為該等設施的……土地 Cap. 601, s. 2
more extensive facilities 更為廣泛的便利 Cap. 622, s. 356(5)(a)
reasonable facilities 合理方便 Cap. 234A, r. 52(1)
reasonable facilities 合理便利 Cap. 296, s. 11(5)
reasonable facility 合理的方便 Cap. 109, s. 34(b)
requisite facilities 所需的利便 Cap. 159H, r. 4A(b)
single-purpose stored value facility 單用途儲值支付工具 Cap. 584, s. 2A(5)
sorting facility 篩選分類設施 Cap. 354N, s. 2
state or government facility 國家或政府設施 Cap. 575, s. 11A(1)
stored value facility 儲值支付工具 Cap. 584, s. 2
with the object of affording facilities 為便利起見 Cap. 98A, reg. 5(1)
facility committed facility 有承諾融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
committed liquidity facility 有承諾流動性融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
credit facility 信貸安排 Cap. 61, s. 2
credit facility 信貸服務 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(a)(i)
credit facility 信貸融通 Cap. 155, s. 124
facility 融通 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
facility letters 提供貸款通知書 Cap. 351, s. 2
general banking facilities 一般銀行融資 Cap. 219, Sch. 3
irrevocable re-discounting facilities 不可撤銷的再貼現融通 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5

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partially drawn facility 已部分提取融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 17

revolving underwriting facilities 循環式包銷融通 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
standby facility 備用融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
standby subordinated loan facility 備用後償貸款融通 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
term loan facility 定期貸款融通 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
uncommitted facility 無承諾融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
undrawn facility 未提取融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
facsimile facsimile 精確本 Cap. 31, s. 3(1)(a)
facsimile 摹本 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
facsimile copy 摹本 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 5(3)
facsimile representation 複製品 Cap. 221A, r. 27(b)
facsimile transmission 傳真發送 Cap. 155, s. 134(1)(c)
facsimile transmission 圖文傳真 Cap. 354N, s. 21(2)(a)
fact a judge of fact 事實裁斷者 Cap. 336, s. 79(4)
accomplished fact [also fait accompli] 既成事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
admitted facts 控辯雙方承認的事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
after the fact [also ex post facto] 事後 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
agreed fact 經同意的事實 Cap. 549D, s. 15
agreed facts 同意的事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
agreed facts 經議定的事實 Cap. 159AD, s. 9(1)(c)

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allegations of fact 事實的指稱 Cap. 21, s. 27

alleged fact 指稱事實 Cap. 200, s. 39
argument as to fact 事實……上的論點 Cap. 221, s. 9G(11)(a)
averments of fact 事實聲言 Cap. 8, s. 77F(2)(a)(iii)
belief in the truth of the facts 相信該事實為真確無訛 Cap. 359J, s. 19(2)(b)
brief facts 案情摘要 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
by that very fact [also ipso facto] 因此事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common question of ... fact 同一……事實問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law or fact 共同的法律或事實問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
contradictory statements of fact 互相矛盾的事實陳述 Cap. 200, s. 39
draw any inference of fact 作出任何事實的推論 Cap. 336, s. 64(1)
error of fact 事實上的錯誤 Cap. 415, s. 9
errors of fact or law 事實或法律上的錯誤 Cap. 609, s. 81(3)
fact 事實 Cap. 408, s. 29(3)
fact situation 關於事實的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
facts not in dispute 不爭事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
facts not in dispute 沒有爭議的案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
facts ... sufficiently established 事實……充分成立 Cap. 25, s. 21
finding of fact 事實的裁斷※比較 conclusion of law Cap. 8, s. 62
finding of fact 事實裁斷 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.14

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finding of fact 就事實所作的裁斷 Cap. 179, s. 58(2)

finding of fact 對事實的裁斷 Cap. 619, s. 149(1)
findings on the facts 對有關事實的裁斷 Cap. 227, s. 114(b)
inference of fact 事實的推論 Cap. 336, s. 64(1)
juridical fact [also fait juridique] 法律事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
major findings of facts 對事實的主要裁斷 Cap. 465B, s. 16(1)(d)
material error of facts 重大的事實錯誤 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
material fact 事關重要的事實 Cap. 571, s. 107(3)(a)(iv)
material fact 具關鍵性的事實 Cap. 4, s. 39
material fact 重要事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
material non-disclosure of facts 未有披露關鍵的材料 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
matters of fact 事實事宜 Cap. 615, s. 60(4)
mistake of fact 事實方面的錯誤 Cap. 311, Sch. 4
mistake of fact 事實錯誤 Cap. 370, s. 28
mistake of ... fact 事實上的錯誤 Cap. 380, s. 25
new or newly discovered fact 提出新證據或……發見新證據 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
notice to admit facts 承認事實通知書 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 3(5)
notorious fact 人所共知的事實〔因司法認知而不用證實的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
presumption of fact 事實推定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
primary facts 基礎事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
primary facts of the case 案件的基礎事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proof of the facts stated 所述事實的證明 Cap. 406, s. 58
proven facts 已獲證實的案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
question of fact 事實問題 Cap. 596, s. 8(2)
question of mixed law and fact 法律兼事實問題 Cap. 221, s. 82
rebuttable presumption of facts 從事實上作一個可推翻的假定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
representation of fact 事實陳述 Cap. 272, s. 10(3)
similar fact evidence 類同事實證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of admitted facts 承認事實書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of facts 事實陳述 Cap. 232A, reg. 3C
statement of facts 事實陳述書 Cap. 112, s. 66(1)(a)
statement of the witness as to fact 證人關於事實的陳述書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial dispute of fact 實質事實爭議 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 4(2)(b)
substantiated by specific facts 以具體事實佐證 Cap. 633, s. 82(2)(b)
summary of facts 事實摘要 Cap. 25, s. 14(1)
Summary of Facts 案情事實提要 Cap. 227C, Schedule
summary of facts 案情撮要 Cap. 221, s. 123(1A)(a)(ii)
taken to have established a fact 視作已確立……事實 Cap. 635, s. 32(2)
taken to have established a fact that needs to be established for 視為已證明需要就上述免責辯護而證明的事實 Cap. 354, s. 18(5)

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the defence
tribunal of fact 事實審裁者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
trier of fact 事實裁決者 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
true facts 真正事實 Cap. 173A, reg. 7(1)
under the fact [in the circumstances] 在此情況下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
under the fact [in the circumstances] 事實既然如此 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
undisputed facts 不爭事實 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
undisputed facts 沒有爭議的案情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fact-finding process fact-finding process 實情調查程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factor judicial factor 司法財產保管人 Cap. 1138, s. 6(1)(d)
factor factor 代為管有者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factor 代理商 Cap. 112, s. 2
factor aggravating factor 加重刑罰因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
cogent factor 令人信服的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
determining factor 決定因素 Cap. 106, s. 7(12)
factors which aggravate 加重刑罰因素 "Rape and Other Non-consensual

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Sexual Offences" Consultation

Paper, para. 2.41
latent risk factor 潛在風險的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
material risk factors 重大風險因素 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
mitigating factors 減輕刑罰的因素 Cap. 32K, r. 6(4)(c)
overriding factor 凌駕……的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
post-haircut factor 扣減後因數 Cap. 155Q, r. 35(1)(a)(ii)
relevant factor 相關因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sentencing factor 量刑因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
factor factor ... book debts 將……帳面債項讓售 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
factoring factoring 應收帳融通 Cap. 112, s. 20AM(7)(d)(iv)
factual factual basis of the claim 申索所根據的事實 Cap. 377, s. 3(4)
factual complexity 事實情節複雜 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
factual possession 事實管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
factual situation factual situation 事實的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factual situation 真實情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factually factually inaccurate 有事實方面的不準確之處 Cap. 622, s. 42(1)(b)(i)
factually incorrect 在事實方面不正確 Cap. 112BI, s. 5(3)(b)(ii)

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factum factum ["a fact"; a thing done] 已發生的事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
factum ["a fact"; a thing done] 既成之事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fail election ... has failed 選舉……未能完成 Cap. 542, s. 36(1)(c)
fail 不能成立 Cap. 21, s. 26
fail 失效 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)(a)
fail to comply with ... 不遵守…… Cap. 219, Sch. 2
failed 失敗 Cap. 32, s. 191(1)(b)
failing 未能 Cap. 6, s. 80(2)
failing an agreement 如沒有協議 Cap. 528, s. 14(2)
failing to ... within time 逾期…… Cap. 630, s. 14(6)(a)
fails 未能……及格 Cap. 374B, reg. 12C(4)
fails to enter any plea 沒有作出答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
fail failings 缺陷 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
failure failure 不履行 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
failure 不遵守 Cap. 498, s. 28(4)(a)
failure 不遵從事項 Cap. 520, s. 35(4)
failure ... of ……未能完成 Cap. 541D, s. 2A(1)
failure of issue 死後無嗣 參看 die without issue; leave no issue; obi(i)t sine English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
prole and Commercial Law Terms
failure to accept hire 拒載 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
failure to appear (at a hearing) 缺席(聆訊) Cap. 541M, s. 17
failure to attend 沒有出席 Cap. 525A, s. 4
failure to comply 沒有遵從 Cap. 268, s. 2

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failure to comply with ... 不遵從 Cap. 474, s. 60

failure to comply with ... 沒有遵守 Cap. 514, s. 29
failure to exercise a right 沒有行使權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure to obey a lawful order 沒有服從合法命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure to plead 沒有答辯〔沒有對控罪作出回答〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure to proceed 沒有繼續進行訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure to protect 沒有保護 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 8.1
failure to use due diligence 沒有盡應盡的努力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
refusal or failure to obey any lawful order 拒絕或沒有服從任何合法命令 Cap. 233, s. 14(f)
failure failure 失效 Cap. 498B, s. 11(5)(a)(i)
failure 失敗 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure 失靈 Cap. 369X, reg. 51B(18)
failure 故障 Cap. 374A, reg. 18(1)
failure 缺失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure of justice 不公正的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure of justice 錯判 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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repeated failure 非只一次失效 Cap. 584, s. 33Q(3)(n)

systems failure 系統失誤 Cap. 485A, s. 62(2)(b)(i)
failure failure 倒閉 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
failure 無法經營 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)
fair fair 中肯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair 公允 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair 公平 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair 公正 Cap. 1, s. 19
fair 合理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair and accurate report 公正和準確報導 Cap. 21, s. 13(1)
fair and public hearing 公正公開的聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fair and public hearing 公正公開審問 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
fair and reasonable 公平而合理的 Cap. 112, s. 12(2)
fair and reasonable 屬公正與合理 Cap. 433A, s. 16
fair and reasonable supposition 公正而合理的假設 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
"fair balance" test “公正平衡”測試 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 37
fair comment 公允評論 參看 defence of fair comment Cap. 21, s. 27
fair dealing 公平交易 Cap. 6, s. 71A
fair dealing [defence in copyright cases; also fair use (Am.)] 公平處理 Cap. 528, s. 38

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fair disposal of the case 公平處置有關案件 Cap. 528D, r. 30(3)(d)

fair hearing 公平聆訊 Cap. 336, s. 73B(5)
fair market value 公平市值 Cap. 41, s. 23
fair notice 合理通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair proportion 公平的比例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair report 中肯報導 Cap. 487, s. 46(2)(a)
fair representation 公正的表達 Cap. 32, s. 40(2)(d)(iii)
fair review 中肯審視 Cap. 622, Sch. 5
fair treatment 公平的待遇 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 7(3)
fair trial 公平審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 19
fair trial 公正審判 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 87
fair use (Am.) 公平使用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair use (Am.) 公平處理 參看 fair dealing English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair value 公平價值 Cap. 60E, reg. 10(2)
fair wear and tear [also normal wear and tear] 正常耗損 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fair wear and tear [also normal wear and tear] 正常損耗 Cap. 197A, reg. 14
full and fair trial 全面和公平的審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
give a true and fair view 真實而中肯地反映 Cap. 571, s. 15(2)(a)

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give a true and fair view of 真實而中肯地反映 Cap. 571, s. 15

in a fair and impartial manner 公平和不偏不倚的方式 Cap. 604, s. 37(2)(a)
measured at fair value 以公平價值衡量 Cap. 112, s. 18J(4)
measures ... at fair value 以公平價值計量…… Cap. 155Q, r. 9(1)
orderly and fair market 有秩序和公平的市場 Cap. 571V, s. 8(1)(b)
right to a fair hearing 接受公正審問權利 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 1
right to a fair trial 公正審判的權利 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
show a true and fair view 真實而中肯地反映 Cap. 426, s. 20(2)(a)
true and fair view 真實而中肯地反映 "Charities" Report, para. 5.53
true and fair view 真實和公正地反映的意見 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
fair-dealing fair-dealing 公平交易 Cap. 163, s. 25(2)(b)
fairly act fairly and impartially 公平和公正地行事 Cap. 609, s. 46(3)(b)
be resolved fairly 得到公平解決 Cap. 528D, r. 38(d)(i)
fairly and adequately represent 公平和充分地代表 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.20
fully and fairly 全面而中肯地 Cap. 592A, s. 3(3)(b)
fairness fairness 公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
procedural fairness 程序公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fait accompli fait accompli ["accomplished fact"] 既成事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fait juridique fait juridique ["juridical fact"] 法律事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
faith acts in good faith 秉誠行事 Cap. 489, s. 7(1)

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bad faith 不真誠 Cap. 554, s. 40(2)

breach of good faith 有違真誠 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.15
contrary to good faith 有違真誠 Cap. 522, s. 9(1)(a)
faith 誠信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good faith 真誠 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.96
in bad faith 不真誠地 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.17
in breach of good faith 有違真誠 Cap. 522, s. 9(1)(b)
in good faith 用心真誠 Cap. 197, s. 9
in good faith [also bona fide] 真正的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good faith [also bona fide] 真誠地 Cap. 19, s. 96
in good faith [also bona fide] 善意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good faith and for good consideration 真誠地並以良好代價 Cap. 155, s. 53C(10)
on the faith of ... 因相信…… Cap. 38, s. 16
on the faith of ... 基於信賴…… Cap. 622, s. 154(1)(a)
on the faith of ... 基於對……的信賴 Cap. 32, s. 40(1)
utmost good faith 完全真誠 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
utmost good faith 絕對真誠(原則) 參看 uberrima fides Cap. 329, s. 17
faithful performance of faithful performance of a contract 忠誠地履行合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
a contract and Commercial Law Terms
faithfully faithfully 忠誠地 Cap. 6, s. 84(1)

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fake fake (n., v.) 偽造 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
fake (n., v.) 偽裝 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fall fallen within the definition of ... 符合……的定義 Cap. 493, s. 40(1)(a)
falling within ... 符合……的描述的 Cap. 521, s. 17(3)
falling within ... 屬……範圍 Cap. 347, s. 6(2)(b)
falling within the definition of ... ……定義範圍內的 Cap. 212, s. 9A(1)
falls due 到期支付 Cap. 80, s. 6(3)(c)
falls within ... 符合……的描述 Cap. 117, s. 29BG(1)
falls within ... 屬……所指的 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.15
falls within ... 屬……範圍內 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
in a case falling within ... 如屬……的情況 Cap. 369, s. 49(3)(a)
the date falls on ... 該日期適逢…… Cap. 541A, s. 2A(4)(c)
fall due fall due 到期支付 Cap. 80, s. 6
fall due 到期應繳 Cap. 6E, r. 19
fall short of fall short of 不足以 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fall short of 不構成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fallacy fallacy 謬誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fallacy 謬論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
false conspiracy to commit false imprisonment 串謀非法禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
false 虛假 Cap. 28, s. 16A
false 虛假不確 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)
false accounting 偽造帳目 Cap. 210, Schedule
false and fraudulent representation 虛假和有欺詐成分的陳述 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
false and malicious allegations 虛假及惡意指稱 Cap. 234A, r. 61(s)
false answer 虛假的回答 Cap. 382, s. 18(1)
false attribution 虛假署名 Cap. 528, s. 96(2)(a)
false claim 虛假聲稱 Cap. 553, s. 48
false debt 虛假的債權 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(g)
false declaration 虛假聲明 Cap. 200, s. 34(a)
false description 虛假說明 Cap. 369, s. 87(2)(a)
false entry 虛假記項 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(j)
false evidence 虛假證據 Cap. 221, s. 115
false imprisonment 非法拘禁 Cap. 503B, Schedule
false imprisonment 非法禁錮 Cap. 4, s. 33A
false in a material particular 在要項上屬於虛假的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
false, incorrect, or incomplete in any material particular 在要項上是虛假、不正確或不完整的 Cap. 151, s. 16(3)
false information 虛假資料 Cap. 521, s. 8(5)
false instrument 虛假文書 Cap. 8, s. 78
false lot 不正確地段 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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false, misleading or deceptive 有虛假、誤導或詐騙成分 Cap. 132W, Sch. 6A

false misrepresentation 虛假失實陳述 Cap. 145, s. 9(1)(d)
false oath 虛假宣誓 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
false oath 虛假誓言 Cap. 200, s. 34
false or misleading appearance 虛假或具誤導性的表象 Cap. 571, s. 274
false or misleading information 虛假的或具誤導性的資料 Cap. 490, s. 38(1)
false or misleading public communication 虛假或具誤導性的公開通訊 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 27
false plea [also sham plea (Am.)] 荒謬無聊的答辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
false plea [also sham plea (Am.)] 偽辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
false pretence 虛假表述 Cap. 478AG, s. 11(1)(a)
false pretence 虛假藉口 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 2.88
false pretences 虛假理由 Cap. 503B, Schedule
false report 虛假報告 Cap. 201, s. 29(a)
false representation 虛假申述 Cap. 33, s. 59
false representation 虛假表述 Cap. 586, s. 26(1)(b)
false representation 虛假陳述 Cap. 332, s. 49(1)
false ... signal 虛假訊號 Cap. 106, s. 28
false statement 虛假陳述 Cap. 200, s. 34(d)(i)
false statement 虛假報表 Cap. 37, s. 11
false testimony 虛假證供 Cap. 201, s. 23

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false trade description 虛假商品說明 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)

false trading 虛假交易 Cap. 571, s. 274(1)
knowingly makes a false statement 作出明知虛假的陳述 Cap. 515, s. 40
misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular 在要項上具誤導性、屬虛假或具欺騙性 Cap. 622, s. 413(3)(b)
procurement by false pretences 以虛假藉口促致他人作非法的性行為 Cap. 200, s. 120, Heading
procurement of another person by false pretences 以虛假藉口促致他人作非法的性行為 Cap. 200, Sch. 1
procuring a false entry in certain records 在某些紀錄內促致虛假記項 Cap. 204, s. 10(5)(dd)
recklessly makes a statement that is false or misleading in a 罔顧後果地作出在要項上虛假或有誤導成分的陳述 Cap. 455, s. 3(14)(b)
material particular
under any false colour or pretence of ... 根據任何偽裝或假裝的…… Cap. 336, s. 27(b)
uttering a forged or false document 使用偽造或虛假的文件 Cap. 503B, Schedule
wilfully make a false statement 故意作出虛假陳述 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.36
falsehood falsehood 虛假 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injurious falsehood 造成損害的虛假 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
malicious falsehood 惡意虛假 Cap. 21, s. 19(3)
falsely falsely 失實地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
falsely 虛假地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
falsely pretends 冒認 Cap. 494, s. 59(1)(d)
falsely purporting to be ... 偽稱是…… Cap. 200, s. 87(b)
falsely purporting to be ... 偽稱為…… Cap. 336, s. 27(a)
falsely representing 虛假地作出申述 Cap. 200, s. 34(c)

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falsely represents 偽稱…… Cap. 201, s. 13(4)

falsely represents 虛假地表示 Cap. 490, s. 38(2)
wilfully or falsely 故意或虛假地 Cap. 161, s. 28
falsi crimen falsi crimen 與偽造、欺詐、貪污、作偽證等有關的罪行 參看 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
crimen falsi and Commercial Law Terms
falsification falsification 偽造 Cap. 112, s. 82
falsification 揑改 Cap. 622, s. 656
falsify falsify 揑改 Cap. 329, s. 36(2)
familial familial connection 親屬關係 Cap. 282, s. 6B(2)(c)
familial relationship 親屬關係 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.63
familiar familiar 熟知 Cap. 413Q, s. 9
familiar 諳熟 Cap. 369AV, s. 8B(1)(b)
family family 家事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
family 家庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
family 家族 Cap. 97, s. 15
family court 家事法庭 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
family dependent on and residing with ... 受……供養而又與……同住的家人 Cap. 4, s. 21D(1)
family law 家事法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
family mediation 家事調解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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family member 家人 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)

family status 家庭崗位 Cap. 527, s. 2(1)
family status discrimination 家庭崗位歧視 Cap. 527, s. 1(1)
for the support of ... family 供……家庭生活之用 Cap. 6, s. 63
head of a family 家長 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
immediate family 直系親屬 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
immediate family member 直系家庭成員 Cap. 527, s. 2(1)
immediate family member 家人 Cap. 32, s. 262D(6)
ordinary expenses of ... family 家庭日常開支 Cap. 6, s. 129(1)(a)
right ... to marry and to found a family 結婚及成立家庭之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(2)
Family Court of Family Court of Australia 澳洲家事法院 Cap. 319A, Sch. 1
far in so far as is practicable 在切實可行範圍內 Cap. 2, s. 16(2)(c)
save in so far as ... 除在……的範圍外 Cap. 104, s. 46(2)
fare authorized fares 認可車費 Cap. 556B, by-law 11
legal fare 合法收費 Cap. 374D, reg. 45A(b)(i)
outbound fare 外遊費 Cap. 634, s. 138(1)
fasten securely fastened to ... 穩妥繫於……上 Cap. 374F, reg. 7(1)
fast-track fast-track 快速審訊排期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fatal fatal 導致在法律上無效的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fatal to the claim 導致申索失敗的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fatal fatal 致命的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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fatal accident claim 致命意外申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
fatal accidents 致命意外 Cap. 59Z, reg. 15(1)(h)
fatal case 致命個案 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
2.31, Footnote 31
fatal injury 致命損傷 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.6
father putative father 指認父親 Cap. 174, s. 12(4)
reputed father 據稱的父親 Cap. 500, s. 5(4)(c)
fault at fault 犯錯 Cap. 478, s. 114(4)(a)
contributory fault 分擔過失 Cap. 57, s. 32P(3)(f)
degrees of fault 過失的程度 Cap. 508, s. 3(2)
fault 失誤 Cap. 369R, reg. 46(g)
fault 故障 Cap. 406E, reg. 11(2)
fault 過失 Cap. 98, s. 19(3)(c)
fault 過錯 Cap. 414, s. 6(4)
fault 錯失 Cap. 26, s. 9
fault element 過失元素 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.63
fault or deficiency 缺失或不足之處 Cap. 604, s. 8(1)(c)
liability without fault 無過失法律責任 參看 strict liability English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

fauna Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
Wild Fauna and Flora
fauna 動物群 Cap. 577A, s. 37
favour charged in favour of ... 押記予……作受惠人 Cap. 155A, Sch. 2
favour 優待 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
in ... favour 惠及…… Cap. 514, s. 55(3)
obtains ... judgment in ... favour 取得勝訴的……判決 Cap. 490, s. 11(2)(b)
operates in ... 's favour 對……有利 Cap. 23, s. 22B(6)
order ... in favour of ... 判……勝訴……的命令 Cap. 17A, r. 15(3)
person in whose favour the judgment was given 判決中獲判勝訴的人 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
person in whose favour the order is made 該命令所惠及的人 Cap. 528, s. 160(4)
person in whose favour the period of limitation can run 時效期的計算對其有利的人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
promise of favour 有利承諾 Cap. 227, s. 82(2)
sexual favours 性方面的好處 Cap. 480, s. 2(5)(a)(i)
the person in whose favour such order, ... has been made 所作出……的該等命令……所惠及的人 Cap. 522A, s. 48(1)
transfer in favour of ... 轉讓予…… Cap. 548D, s. 23(6)(b)
favourable favourable 有利 Cap. 19, s. 26(2)
favourable direction 有利指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
least favourable 優惠最少 Cap. 34, s. 6(4)
less favourable than ... 較……為差 Cap. 319, s. 11(1)
more favourable 較優惠 Cap. 34, s. 6(4)
more favourable 優於 Cap. 622G, s. 17(3)(a)

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no less favourable than 不遜於 Cap. 622, s. 509(2)(b)

not less favourable than 不遜於 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(ia)
substantially less favourable than ... 遠較……為差 Cap. 319, s. 11(1)
favourably treats that other person less favourably than ... 給予該另一人差於……的待遇 Cap. 602, s. 4(1)(a)
fax fax 傳真 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
filing by fax 以傳真送交存檔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
service by fax 以傳真送達 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fear by force or fear 用武力或威嚇手段 Cap. 245, s. 26(c)
fear, degradation or harm 恐懼、低貶或傷害 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.26
fear of prejudice 害怕受損 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
witness in fear 惶恐證人 Cap. 221, s. 79B(1)
feasance feasance 作為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
feasance (責任、義務、條件等的)履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
feasible feasible 可行 Cap. 424, s. 24(4)(b)
feasible sentencing option 可行和可供考慮的判罰方式 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
feature aggravating feature 加重刑罰因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
main features 主要特點 Cap. 155M, s. 16FE(1)(a)

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federation amalgamation or federation 合併或聯組 Cap. 332, s. 66(d)

federation 聯會 Cap. 332, s. 57
registered trade union federation 已登記職工會聯會 Cap. 332, s. 57
fee ad valorem fee 從價費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administration fee 管理費 Cap. 229, s. 4(c)
administration fees 行政費用 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(d)
admission fee 入場費 Cap. 371, s. 3(4)
advertisement fee 公告費 Cap. 514, s. 114(1)(b)
agreed fee 已議定的費用 Cap. 159F, r. 9(2)(c)(ii)
annual fee 年費 Cap. 571, s. 138(1)
bailiff's fees 執達主任的費用 Cap. 4A, App. A
branch registration fee 分行登記費 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
brief fee (大律師的)委聘費用〔一般指大律師首日出庭的費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
〕 參看 refresher fee and Commercial Law Terms
business registration fee 商業登記費 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
charging or collecting of fees 徵收或收取費用 Cap. 571, s. 112ZQ(1)(a)
collective conditional fee agreement 按條件收費集體協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
commitment fees 承諾費 Cap. 112, s. 40(1)
conditional fee 按條件收費 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.28
conditional fee agreement 按條件收費協議 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
consultancy fee 顧問酬金 Cap. 606, s. 2(1)

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contingency fee 按判決金額收費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.91

contingent fee [also contingency fee] 成功酬金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
contingent fee [also contingency fee] 或有的律師費〔勝訴才須繳付的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
counsel's fees 大律師的收費 Cap. 179A, r. 88(6)(b)(iv)
counsel's fees 大律師的費用 Cap. 492A, r. 6(3)(c)
court fee 法院費用 Cap. 91, s. 16B
daily fee 每日費用 Cap. 28A, Sch. 3
entrance fees 入會費 Cap. 112, s. 24(1)
fee 費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fee 酬金 Cap. 409, s. 9
fee earner 賺取費用者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fee note 收費單 Cap. 159H, r. 5D(f)
fee or charge 費用 Cap. 1, s. 29(1A)
fees and charges 費用及收費 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(f)
fees and percentages 董事袍金及佣金 Cap. 622, s. 577(2)
fees or charges 收費 Cap. 1145, s. 4(n)
fees ... structured 收費架構 Cap. 430, s. 10(2)
filing fee 提交費 Cap. 514, s. 114(1)(b)
impose a fee or charge 徵收費用 Cap. 1, s. 29(1A)
late payment of a renewal fee 繳付逾期的續期費 Cap. 514C, s. 32(5)
legal fees 法律費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

no win, less fee 不成功、少收費 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.118
no win, no fee 不成功、不收費 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.114
occupation fee of premises 處所佔用費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
penalty fee 懲罰性費用 Cap. 514C, s. 56(9)
percentage contingency fee 按判決金額百分率收費 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 2.4
percentage fees 按比例收費 "Conditional Fees" Report, Preface ,
para. 8
permit ... fee ... to be paid in arrears 准許延繳……費用 Cap. 413L, s. 9(2)
pound fee 動物羈留所費用 Cap. 168, s. 2
prescribed fee 訂明費用 Cap. 28, s. 10A
prescribed restoration fee 重新名列於名冊的訂明費用 Cap. 123, s. 8D(2)(c)
procuration fees 借款代理費 Cap. 112, s. 16(1)(a)
professional fees and expenses 專業費用及開支 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
proportionate underlying investment fund fee 按比例基礎投資項目基金費用 Cap. 485, s. 34DD(5)
refresher fee (大律師)出庭續訟費〔因聆訊超時、超逾一天或押後 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
而應額外付予大律師的費用〕 and Commercial Law Terms
refresher fee 繼續聘用費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
refund fees 退還……費用 Cap. 1132, s. 7(m)
remit ... fee 免除……費用 Cap. 453A, r. 3
retaining fee 聘用費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1

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retention fee 保留費用 Cap. 161, s. 19A(2)(c)

scale of fees 收費率 Cap. 91, s. 28(2)(o)
scale of fees 費用表 Cap. 60B, Schedule
search fee 翻查費用 Cap. 181, Sch. 2
specified fee 指明費用 Cap. 637, s. 2
speculative fee 按推測收費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.32
success fee 成功收費 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.28
taxing fee (訟費的)評定費 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 21
two-stage success fee 二段式的成功收費 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
uplift fee 額外收費 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.9
"uplifts" of lawyers' fees “額外”律師費用 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.97
variable fee 非固定費用 Cap. 41C, s. 1A
fee ownership in fee 絕對擁有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
6.22, Footnote 25
fee simple fee simple 不限制繼承人身分的不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fee simple 永久產權 ※比較 fee tail Cap. 1014, s. 6
fee simple interest 永久產權權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
fee simple owner 永久產權擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
owner in fee simple 永久產權擁有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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fee tail fee tail 限嗣繼承的不動產 ※比較 fee simple English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fellow fellow contract worker 共事的合約工作者 Cap. 602, s. 24(5)
felo de se felo de se (arch.) ["felon of himself"; suicide] 自殺 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
felony felony 重刑罪 Cap. 328, s. 2(1)
female female employee 女性僱員 Cap. 57, s. 14(7)
female rape 女子強姦男子 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.5
feme covert feme covert (arch.) ["a protected woman"; a married woman; 已婚女性 參看 coverture English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
also femme couverte] and Commercial Law Terms
feme sole feme sole (arch.) ["a single woman"; an unmarried woman; a 以獨立名義處理私人產業的已婚女性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
married woman handling her own separate affairs; also femme and Commercial Law Terms
feme sole (arch.) ["a single woman"; an unmarried woman; a 未婚女性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
married woman handling her own separate affairs; also femme and Commercial Law Terms
fetter fetter 束縛 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiat fiat 准照 Cap. 8, s. 19AA
fiat ["let it be done"] 指令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiat counsel on fiat 外聘律師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fiat justitia fiat justitia ["let justice be done"] 讓正義得以伸張 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Fiat justitia ruat caelum. Fiat justitia ruat caelum. [Let justice be done, though the 即使昊天崩塌,也要秉行公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
heaven should fall.] and Commercial Law Terms
fiction of law fiction of law [also legal fiction] 法律上的假定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiction of law [also legal fiction] 法律擬製 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fictitious fictitious 虛構 Cap. 112, s. 61
fictitious 虛構的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fictitious loss 虛構的損失 Cap. 6, s. 129
fictitious losses 虛構的損失 Cap. 32, s. 271(1)(l)
fictitious person 虛構的人 Cap. 554, s. 15
fictitious transaction 虛構的交易 Cap. 571, s. 275
fide; fides fide; fides ["faith"] 忠實 參看 bona fide; mala fide; uberrima fides English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fide; fides ["faith"] 信用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fide; fides ["faith"] 誠實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fidelity Oath of Fidelity 盡職誓言 Cap. 11, s. 16(f)
Fidelity Fund Fidelity Fund 互保基金 Cap. 571N, s. 19(2)(f)
fiduciary fiduciary (adj., n.) 受信 Cap. 29, s. 86
fiduciary (adj., n.) 受信人 Cap. 111, s. 7
fiduciary (adj., n.) 受託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiduciary capacity 受信人身分 Cap. 159, s. 73(1)(b)(iv)

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fiduciary duty 受信責任 Cap. 571, s. 52(2)

fiduciary nature 受信性質 Cap. 501, s. 12(1)
fiduciary position 受信地位 Cap. 585, s. 31(2)
fiduciary relationship 受信關係 Cap. 219, s. 25(3)
fiduciary responsibilities 受信責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
office of a fiduciary nature 受信性質職務 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(a)
field Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
field field notes 外業紀錄 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
fieri facias fieri facias 財物扣押 Cap. 179A, r. 86(2)
fieri facias (fi. fa.), writ of 扣押債務人財產令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fieri facias (fi. fa.), writ of 財物扣押令 參看 writ of fieri facias English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
writ of fieri facias 扣押債務人財產令狀 Cap. 4, s. 21C(1)
writ of fieri facias 財物扣押令 Cap. 179A, r. 86(2)
fieri feci fieri feci ["I have caused to be done"] 確認財物扣押令已予執行的報告 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
figure percentage figure 百分率數字 Cap. 571, s. 314(1)
file cause ... to be filed 安排將……存檔 Cap. 37, s. 12
continuous file 連續的檔案 Cap. 32H, r. 14
file a case 將案由述要送交存檔 Cap. 484A, r. 24(2)
file an application 提交申請 Cap. 559A, r. 51
file in Court 送交法院存檔 Cap. 352, s. 3B(1)

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file (n., v.) 文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
file (n., v.) 送交存檔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
file (n., v.) 提交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
file (n., v.) 檔案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
file with the Court 送交……法院存檔 Cap. 336G, r. 11(1)(b)(i)
filed 存檔 Cap. 159, s. 10(3)
filed 送交……存案 Cap. 412, s. 5(3)
filed a consent 送交同意書存檔 Cap. 4, s. 34B(4)(c)
filing order of ... 將……的命令存檔 Cap. 17B, Schedule
for ... to lie on the file 將……存案 Cap. 503, s. 13(2)
local file 分部檔案 Cap. 112, s. 58C(2)
master file 總體檔案 Cap. 112, s. 58C(2)
on file 存檔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on file 記錄在案 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
filing filing 送交存檔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
filing by fax 以傳真送交存檔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of filing 送交存檔通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
filing filing and authentication of ... translation 譯文的提交和認證 Cap. 490, s. 42(2)(d)

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filing fee 提交費 Cap. 514, s. 114(1)(b)

regular national filing 正規國家提交 Cap. 559, s. 41(4)
fill fill ... vacancy 填補……空缺 Cap. 50, s. 4(4)
final ... be final and conclusive ……為最後及最終定論 Cap. 87, s. 4(2)
... decision is final ……的決定屬終局決定 Cap. 29, s. 80(2A)
final 最後 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final 最終 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final accounts 財政……決算 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
final adjudication 終審 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 2
final adjudication 終審判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final and complete 徹底及完全 Cap. 178, s. 14
final and conclusive 最終及不可推翻的 Cap. 319, s. 3(2)(a)
final and conclusive 最終及決定性的 Cap. 112, Sch. 17A
final audited account 最後的經審計帳目 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final compensation 最終補償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final contract sum 最後合約價款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final costs certificate 最終訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final decision 終局判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
final decision 最終決定 Cap. 571, s. 140(1)

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final decision 最終裁決 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface

, para. 10, Footnote 9
final decision of the Court of Appeal 上訴法庭的最終決定 Cap. 484, s. 31(a)
final decree 最後判令 Cap. 192, s. 19(1)(a)
final determination 最終裁定 Cap. 221A, r. 19(2)
final disposal 最終棄置 Cap. 466, s. 8(5)(g)
final dividend 末期攤還債款 Cap. 6, s. 128(1)(b)
final judgment 終局判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
final judgment 最終判決 Cap. 336H, O. 29, r. 12
final leave 最終許可 Cap. 484A, r. 13(1)
final leave 離職前休假 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 23(2)(b)
final order 最終命令 Cap. 490, s. 11(2)(b)
final payment 最後一次付款 Cap. 583, s. 26(2)
final payment 最後付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final redemption date 最後贖回日期 Cap. 64, s. 7(1)
final register 正式選民登記冊 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
final register of members of the Election Committee 選舉委員會正式委員登記冊 Cap. 569, s. 2(1)
final report 最終報告 Cap. 584, s. 33E(2)
final speech 最終發言 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 7(7)
final statement of the accounts 帳目決算表 Cap. 351A, r. 11(2)
final submission 最後陳詞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
final termination 最後終止 Cap. 80, s. 5(3)

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full and final settlement 完全並最終解決 Cap. 370, s. 29(6)(a)

full and final settlement 完全和最終和解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full and final settlement 完全和最終解決 Cap. 127, s. 13
judgment ... final 最後判決 Cap. 414, s. 27(1)
judicial decision of final effect 有確定效力之司法判決 Cap. 557, Schedule
power of final adjudication 終審權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 82
finality certificate of finality 終局性證明書 Cap. 584, s. 2
common law principle of finality 普通法下的終結性原則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
finality 定局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
finality 終局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
finality 最終結果 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.7
finality rule 終結規則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
settlement finality 交收終局性 Cap. 628A, s. 8(2)(b)
finally application ... finally disposed of 申請……有最後的結果 Cap. 426, s. 3(1)(d)
detained finally 作最終的扣留 Cap. 369A, Sch. 1
finally convicted or acquitted 經終局判決判定有罪或無罪開釋 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(6)
finally determined 獲最終決定 Cap. 588, s. 20N(1)
finally disposed of 終局了結 Cap. 41, Sch. 11
finance finance (v., n.) 提供資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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finance (v., n.) 提供資金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
financed 獲得資本 Cap. 430, Long Title
finance corporate finance 公司融資 Cap. 155L, Sch. 15
corporate finance 企業融資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate finance 機構融資 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
debt financing 債務融資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
finance (v., n.) 融資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
project finance 項目融資 Cap. 155L, Sch. 15
protected structured finance arrangement 受保障結構式金融安排 Cap. 628A, s. 4(1)
terrorist financing 恐怖分子資金籌集 Cap. 615, Sch. 1
finance finances 財政 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 106
Finance Committee Finance Committee 財務委員會 Cap. 2, s. 2
financial adequate financial capability 充足財政能力 Cap. 571Y, s. 2(1)
authorized financial institution 認可財務機構 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
close of ... financial year 財政年度終結 Cap. 155, s. 60(3)
continuous financial support 持續財政支援 Cap. 485A, s. 2
critical financial functions 關鍵金融功能 Cap. 628, s. 4(a)
financial 金融的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial 財務的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial accommodation 財務通融 Cap. 571, Sch. 1

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financial activities 財務活動 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(4)(b)

financial advantage or benefit 財務優惠或利益 Cap. 621, s. 31(5)(c)
financial adviser 財務顧問 Cap. 571, s. 222
financial and monetary ... fields 金融……領域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 151
financial appraisal 財政評估 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(vii)
financial arrangements 財務安排 Cap. 192, s. 14(1)
financial assistance 財政資助 Cap. 304, s. 7(q)
financial assistance 經濟協助 Cap. 192, s. 8(5)
financial assistance 經濟援助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial assistance 資助 Cap. 622, s. 274(1)
financial benefit 財務利益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.2
financial bid 報價書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial business 金融企業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
financial capability 財政能力 Cap. 265, s. 2B(3)(d)
financial centre 金融中心 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 109
financial commitments 財務承擔 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(b)(iv)
financial condition 財務狀況 Cap. 265, s. 8B(3)
financial contract 金融合約 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
financial control 財務管控 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
financial derivatives 金融衍生工具 Cap. 316Q, Schedule
financial exposure 財務風險 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
financial forecast 財政預測 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

financial futures contract 財務期貨合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
financial guarantee 財務擔保 Cap. 155, s. 124
financial implications 財政影響 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(d)(iv)
financial information 財政資料 Cap. 104, s. 37(7)
financial institution 金融機構 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
financial institution 財務機構 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
financial instrument 金融工具 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(2)
financial instrument ... originated by ... ……發起的金融工具 Cap. 112, s. 18K(5)(a)
financial integrity 在財政方面的穩健性 Cap. 571, s. 129(1)(d)
financial interest 財政上的利害關係 Cap. 298A, r. 52
financial interest 財務權益 Cap. 448A, reg. 4
financial interests 財務利益 Cap. 485A, s. 113(5)(a)
financial irregularity 財務方面欠妥之處 Cap. 571, s. 21(5)(b)
financial leasing 租賃式融通 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(c)
financial liabilities 財務法律責任 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
financial loss 經濟損失 Cap. 93A, reg. 4(b)
financial markets 金融市場 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
financial objective 財政目標 Cap. 430, s. 3(1)
financial obligation 經濟責任 Cap. 13, s. 20(1A)(a)
financial obligations 財務義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 14(3)(a)(i)
financial obligations 經濟負擔 Cap. 192, s. 7(2)

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financial option contract 財務期權合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2

financial penalty 經濟罰則 Cap. 104, s. 23(1)
financial penalty 罰款 Cap. 108, s. 6ZE(1)
financial performance 財務表現 Cap. 622, s. 373(2)(b)
financial period 財政期 Cap. 485A, s. 2
financial policies 金融政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
financial position 財務狀況 Cap. 622, s. 380(1)(a)
financial position 經濟狀況 Cap. 192, s. 7(2)
financial pressure 財務壓力 Cap. 163, s. 25(5)(b)
financial procedures 財務程序 Cap. 472, s. 18(2)(c)
financial product 金融產品 Cap. 571, s. 168(2)(f)
financial provision 經濟給養 Cap. 192, s. 17(1)
financial prudence 財政審慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial prudence 財務安排上的審慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial reconstruction 財務重整 Cap. 448A, reg. 15F(3)
financial records 財政紀錄 Cap. 296B, reg. 6(b)
financial regulator 金融監管者 Cap. 155L, s. 157A(1)(b)
financial regulator 財經規管者 Cap. 486, s. 58(3)
financial report 財務報告 Cap. 622, s. 439
financial reporting standards 財務報告準則 Cap. 155Q, r. 9(3)
financial resources 財政資源 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
financial resources 財務資源 Cap. 91B, Sch. 3
financial resources 經濟來源 Cap. 192, s. 7(1)(a)

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financial resources rules 財政資源規則 Cap. 571, Sch. 1

financial responsibilities 經濟責任 Cap. 325A, Sch. 2
financial revenues 財政收入 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 106
financial risk 財務風險 Cap. 483, s. 30(2)
financial sectors 金融界 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
financial security 財務保證 Cap. 285A, reg. 7(1)
financial security 財務擔保 Cap. 478AF, s. 60(1)(a)
financial services 財務服務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
financial services provider 金融服務提供者 Cap. 571AN, r. 3(1)
financial situation 財務狀況 Cap. 571, s. 168(2)(d)
financial soundness 財政穩健程度 Cap. 584, s. 8(1)(f)
financial stability 在金融方面的穩定性 Cap. 571, s. 4(f)
financial stability 財務穩定程度 Cap. 272, s. 7(2)
financial standing 財務狀況 Cap. 571, s. 21(5)(b)
financial statement 財務報表 Cap. 571, s. 240(11)
financial status 財政條件 Cap. 553, s. 21(4)(a)
financial stress 財務壓力 Cap. 155Q, r. 6(a)
financial sustainability 財務上的可持續性 Cap. 601, s. 22(2)(b)
financial system 金融體系 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(b)
financial systems 金融制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
financial transactions 財務交易 Cap. 399, s. 12(1)(a)
financial transactions 財務往來 Cap. 565, s. 23(1)
financial year 財政年度 Cap. 1, s. 3
for financial gain 為財務利益 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1

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grave financial or other hardship 嚴重經濟困境或其他嚴重困境 Cap. 179, s. 15B(1)

interim financial statements 中期財務報表 Cap. 155M, s. 6(1D)(a)(i)
international financial centre 國際金融中心 Cap. 584, s. 4(3)(a)(ii)
intimate personal and financial information 私秘的個人及財務資料 Cap. 465B, s. 6(3)(a)
last complete financial year 上一個完整財政年度 Cap. 1167, s. 10(2)(b)
monetary and financial policies 貨幣金融政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110
monetary or financial stability 貨幣穩定或金融穩定 Cap. 584, s. 4(3)
overseas financial institution 海外財務機構 Cap. 112, s. 16(3)
property and financial affairs 財產及財政事務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
reasonable financial provision 合理經濟給養 Cap. 481, s. 2(1)
reducing, compensating for or hedging against any financial 減低、補償或對沖任何財務風險 Cap. 601, s. 25
right to receive financial assistance 接受資助的權利 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 141
soundness of the financial position 財政穩健程度 Cap. 584, s. 54(1B)(a)
statement of financial position 財務狀況表 Cap. 622E, s. 3(3)(a)(i)
structured financial instrument 結構式金融工具 Cap. 155Q, r. 49(2)(g)
substantial financial institution 具規模財務機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
summary of financial statements 財務報表撮要 Cap. 50, s. 16(7)
Financial Action Task Financial Action Task Force 財務行動特別組織 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
financial eligibility limit financial eligibility limit 財務資格限額 Cap. 91B, reg. 2(1)
Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Council 財務匯報局 Cap. 588, s. 6(1)

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Financial Secretary Financial Secretary 財政司長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 53
Financial Secretary Financial Secretary Incorporated (HK) 財政司司長法團(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Incorporated and Commercial Law Terms
Financial Stability Financial Stability Board 金融穩定理事會 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)
financially financially independent 在經濟上獨立 Cap. 254I, s. 6(5)
financially independent 經濟獨立 Cap. 89, s. 18(1AB)
have been financially interested 曾有經濟上的利害關係 Cap. 571, s. 356(1)
in a financially prudent manner 以審慎理財的方式 Cap. 601, s. 23(1)
financier financier 出資人 Cap. 577, s. 2(1)
securities margin financier 證券保證金融資人 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
financing anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing controls 打擊洗錢及打擊恐怖分子資金籌集的管控措施 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
financing 提供……資金 Cap. 1115, s. 9B(b)
financing 融資 Cap. 622, s. 847(2)(b)
securities financing transaction 證券融資交易 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
securities margin financing 證券保證金融資 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
structured financing transaction 結構式融資交易 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
terrorist financing 恐怖分子資金籌集 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(ii)
find find ... guilty 裁斷……罪名成立 Cap. 21, s. 7A(2)
finding a special verdict 作出特別裁決 Cap. 21, s. 7A(3)
finds 裁斷…… Cap. 330, s. 4B(6)
found a verdict against ... 作出判……敗訴的裁決 Cap. 21, s. 19(2)
found guilty of ... 被裁定犯…… Cap. 212, s. 8A
found guilty of ... 被裁斷……犯…… Cap. 234, s. 20D(2)
found guilty of ... 被裁斷就……有罪 Cap. 8, s. 63(1)

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found not guilty 罪名不成立 Cap. 212, s. 8A

find cannot be found 無法找到 Cap. 98, s. 21(4)(b)
cannot be found 無法尋獲 Cap. 290D, r. 19(2)(a)
found committing ... offence 被發現正在犯……罪行 Cap. 228, s. 27
found in possession of ... 被發現管有…… Cap. 521, s. 3(4)(a)(ii)
finding a finding of guilt 有罪裁斷 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(de)
bring a finding of non liquet (on the ground of the obscurity of (以法律規定含糊為理由而)不作出建議 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
the law)
concurrent finding of facts 並行事實裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
evidential finding 就證據所作的裁斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
finding 裁斷 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(de)
finding 調查所得 Cap. 487, s. 69
finding has been reserved 裁斷經延遲作出 Cap. 232A, reg. 23(1)
finding of fact 事實的裁斷 ※比較 conclusion of law Cap. 8, s. 62
finding of fact 事實裁斷 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.14
finding of fact 就事實所作的裁斷 Cap. 179, s. 58(2)
finding of fact 對事實的裁斷 Cap. 619, s. 149(1)
findings 定論 Cap. 509A, s. 26(1)(a)
findings 調查結果 Cap. 448B, reg. 12(1)
findings on the facts 對有關事實的裁斷 Cap. 227, s. 114(b)
interfere with the findings of the magistrate on this point 干預裁判官在這方面所作的裁斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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major findings of facts 對事實的主要裁斷 Cap. 465B, s. 16(1)(d)

makes a finding of guilt 裁斷……犯了有關事項 Cap. 359A, reg. 38
material finding 具關鍵性的裁斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
significant findings 重要定論 Cap. 509A, s. 26(1)(a)
specific finding 具體的裁斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
statement of findings 裁斷陳述書 Cap. 227, Sch. 5
findings findings 調查結果 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(4)
fine fine 承諾租賃金 Cap. 7, s. 50(6)(n)(ii)
fine a fine at level ... 第……級罰款 Cap. 523, s. 14(2)
a fine at tier ... 第……級罰款 Cap. 155, s. 11(2)(a)
a fine of an unlimited amount 款額無限的罰款 Cap. 526, s. 4(4)(b)
additional fine 另處罰款 Cap. 411, s. 17(5)
additional fine 額外罰款 Cap. 313, s. 11C(2)(a)
daily default fine 按日計算的失責罰款 Cap. 32, s. 301(2)
default fine 失責罰款 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
estreat of fines and recognizances 關於罰款及擔保的法院紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
excluded fine 非規定罰款 Cap. 221, s. 113C(1)
fine 對……處以罰款 Cap. 200, s. 94(1)
fine 罰款 Cap. 1, s. 3
impose a fine 判處罰款 Cap. 336, s. 82(3)
imposing any fine on ... 對……判以罰款 Cap. 405, s. 3(2)(a)(ii)(A)

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level of fines 罰款級數 Cap. 221, Sch. 8

liable to a fine at level ... and to imprisonment for ... 可處第……級罰款及監禁…… Cap. 622, s. 140(5)
liable ... to a further fine of ... for each day during which the 可就罪行持續的每天另處罰款…… Cap. 33, s. 56(2)
offence continues
maximum fine 最高罰款額 Cap. 227, s. 5(3)
non-payment of a fine 不繳罰款 Cap. 244A, Schedule
recover ... such fine 追討……罰款 Cap. 227, s. 132
regulatory fine 規管性罰款 Cap. 571, s. 307N(1)(d)
remit ... fine 將……罰款予以……寬免 Cap. 478, s. 107(4)
unlimited fine 無限額的罰款 Cap. 60, s. 6A(2)(b)
without the option of a fine 不得以罰款代替 Cap. 472, s. 3(6)(l)(i)
fingerprint fingerprint 指紋 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.43
fingerprint evidence 指紋證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fingerprint evidence 指模證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
submit himself to have his finger-prints taken 接受印取其指紋的規定 Cap. 151, s. 26D(4)
the taking of the finger-prints 套取……指紋 Cap. 221, s. 63(2)(b)
finish finish 裝修物料 Cap. 621, s. 36(3)
fire fire fighting 滅火 Cap. 295E, s. 8(1)(b)(i)
fire hazard 火災危險 Cap. 556B, by-law 23A
fire hazard 火警危險 Cap. 95, s. 2
fire hazard abatement notice 消除火警危險通知書 Cap. 95F, s. 2(1)
fire hazard order 火警危險令 Cap. 95F, s. 2(1)

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fire insurance business 火險業務 Cap. 41, Sch. 1

fire protection 防火 Cap. 295E, s. 8(1)(b)(i)
restricted fire risk 有限火警危險 Cap. 369Y, reg. 79(3B)(e)
substantial fire risks 重大的火警風險 Cap. 572, s. 7(7)(e)
fire safety fire safety compliance order 符合消防安全令 Cap. 636, s. 2
fire safety direction 消防安全指示 Cap. 636, s. 2
fire safety risk assessments 消防安全風險評估 Cap. 369AZ, s. 6(1)(a)
firearm firearm 火器 Cap. 238, s. 2(1)
imitation firearm 仿製火器 Cap. 210, s. 12(2)
possession of imitation firearm 管有仿製火器 Cap. 210, Schedule
fireworks manufactured fireworks 爆竹煙花製品 Cap. 295E, s. 7(2)
firm a firm of creditors in partnership 合夥的債權人組成的商號 Cap. 32H, r. 2
business firm 營業商號 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
defendant firm 被告商號 Cap. 4A, O. 81, r. 4(2)
firm 合夥 Cap. 408, s. 30(4)
firm 律師行 Cap. 159M, r. 2
firm 律師事務所 Cap. 221D, r. 3(6)
firm 商號 Cap. 466, s. 25(10)
firm name 事務所名稱 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
firm of certified public accountants (practising) 執業會計師事務所 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
firm of solicitors 律師行 Cap. 159, s. 27(2)(a)
foreign firm 外地律師行 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
law firm 律師行 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.50

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law firm 律師事務所 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,

para. 6.1
securities firm 證券商號 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
separate firm of solicitors 獨立的律師事務所 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
the firm as newly constituted 新組成的商號 Cap. 38, s. 19(3)
firm offer firm offer 確定的要約〔在某期限內不會撤回的要約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first additional first registration tax 額外首次登記稅 Cap. 330, s. 4E(2)(d)(i)(A)
at first sight [also prima facie] 表面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court of first instance 初審法院〔泛稱〕 ※比較 Court of First Instance (HK) Cap. 91A, reg. 5
date of first registration 首次註冊日期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
excess first registration tax 超額首次登記稅 Cap. 330, s. 4E(2D)
first 首先 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first 首度 Cap. 490, s. 13(5)
first accrued 最初……產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
first and paramount consideration 首要考慮事項 Cap. 13, s. 3(1)(a)(i)
first and paramount lien 第一及首要留置權 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
first ballot 第一輪投票 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
first charge 第一押記 Cap. 91, s. 18A(1)
first conviction 首次定罪 Cap. 406, s. 56(9)
first degree murder 一級謀殺 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure

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Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.

first demand 首次徵收差餉通知書 Cap. 116, s. 29(1)(b)
first directors 首任董事 Cap. 622, s. 453(3)
first had and obtained 首先獲得 Cap. 21, s. 18(1)
first instalment 首期款額 Cap. 227C, Schedule
first jury 最初的陪審團 Cap. 3, s. 27
first legal charge 第一法律押記 Cap. 155L, s. 65(1)(b)
first legal mortgages 首次法律按揭 Cap. 29, Sch. 2
first lien 第一留置權 Cap. 155L, s. 226Z(2A)(b)
first limb 第一環節 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
first members 首任成員 Cap. 1121, s. 7
first occasion 首次 Cap. 514C, s. 85(4)
first offence 首次犯罪 Cap. 109, s. 46AA(4)
first offender of full age 成年的初犯者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
first offenders 初犯者 Cap. 221, s. 107
first owner 第一擁有人 Cap. 528, s. 13
first payment of rent 首期租金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first port of call 第一停靠港 Cap. 115, s. 37I(1)(b)
first proceeding 首份法律程序文件 Cap. 32H, r. 9(2)
first registration 首次登記 Cap. 330, Long Title
first succeeding 隨後首個 Cap. 159Z, s. 5(2)(b)

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first wife 首任妻子 Cap. 94, Schedule

in the case of the first such offence 如屬初犯該罪行 Cap. 106B, reg. 3(2)
in the first instance 初步 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 8(1)
judge at first instance 初審法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judge at first instance 原審法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on a first conviction 一經首次定罪 Cap. 561, s. 39(1)(a)
on the first occasion on which the person is convicted of the 在該人首度被裁定犯該罪行時 Cap. 28, s. 6(4AA)(a)
party of the first part (arch.) 甲方〔合約中首述的一方〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right of action first accrues to the plaintiff 訴訟權最初在原告人方面產生 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
first first clerk 書記長 Cap. 227, s. 93A(a)
first first 優先 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first demand bank guarantee 優先銀行擔保 Cap. 562, s. 2
first demand performance bond 優先履約保證 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
first option to buy 優先認購權 ※比較 right of pre-emption English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first refusal 優先拒絕要約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right of first refusal 優先拒絕要約權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first instance first instance tribunal 原審法庭 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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proceedings at first instance 原訟法律程序 Cap. 8, s. 59(4)(a)

first past the post “first past the post” voting system “得票最多者當選”投票制 Cap. 542, s. 51(2)
first-in, first-out; first-in, first-out; F.I.F.O. 先進先出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
F.I.F.O. and Commercial Law Terms
first-in, first-out; F.I.F.O. 舊貨先賣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first-mentioned first-mentioned 首述的 Cap. 32, s. 2(4)(a)(i)
fiscal fiscal balance 收支平衡 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 107
fiscal implications for Hong Kong 對香港財政的影響 Cap. 628, s. 187(7)
fiscal offences 經濟犯罪 Cap. 503J, Schedule
fiscal year 財政年度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 51
prevention of fiscal evasion 防止逃稅 Cap. 112AJ, Schedule
fishery agriculture and fisheries 漁農業 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 119
fishing fishing vessel 漁船 Cap. 369AD, reg. 1B(2)
fishing expedition fishing expedition 無根據的問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fishing expedition 無基礎的試探性問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fit as ... thinks fit 以……認為適合的 Cap. 123N, s. 26(8)(a)(ii)
building ... completed fit for occupation 完成至適宜佔用的建築物 Cap. 337, s. 4(1)
deem fit 認為適宜 Cap. 138, s. 30(3)
deem fit 認為適當 Cap. 5, s. 4C(6)(c)
fit 合宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fit 合適 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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fit 恰當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
fit 適合的 Cap. 466, s. 10(4)(a)
fit and proper 合適和適當 Cap. 510, s. 3
fit and proper 適當 Cap. 84, s. 17
fit and proper 適當和妥善 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fit and proper person 適當人選 Cap. 571, s. 129
fit and suitable 適合 Cap. 159AC, s. 10(4)(a)(ii)
fit person 合適人選 Cap. 493, s. 10(1)(c)(iii)(C)
fit person 合適的人 Cap. 313H, reg. 13(4)(a)
fit person 適當人選 Cap. 459, s. 8(3)(a)
if thought fit 在其認為適當時 Cap. 1138, s. 17
in a fit state 在宜於……的狀況的 Cap. 158, s. 2(1)
medically fit 在體格上……適合 Cap. 517A, s. 2(1)(a)
medically fit 體格上適宜 Cap. 47, s. 15(2)(d)
not fit to ... 不適合…… Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(b)
reasonably fit for ... purpose 在合理程度上適合……用途 Cap. 26, s. 16(3)
see fit 認為適合 Cap. 1048, s. 2
seem fit (to ...) ……認為適合 Cap. 1048, s. 3
seem fit (to ...) ……覺得適當 Cap. 1018, s. 2
such ... as he thinks fit 他認為適當的…… Cap. 216, s. 16(2)
think fit 認為適當 Cap. 55, s. 23
fit and proper fit and proper 合適和恰當 Cap. 505, s. 17(3)(b)
fit and proper 合適和適當 Cap. 510, s. 3(1)(a)

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fit and proper 適宜 Cap. 573, s. 5(3)(a)(i)

fit and proper 適當的 Cap. 84, s. 17(1)(c)
fit and proper body 適當團體 Cap. 548H, s. 5(2)
fit and proper person 適合與適當人選 Cap. 10A, r. 31(4)
fit and proper person 適當人選 Cap. 562, s. 21(1)
fit and proper person 適當的人 Cap. 138, s. 22(1)
fit to proceed fit to proceed to sea 適合出海 Cap. 413E, reg. 4(1)(e)
fitness affidavit of fitness 關於……適當與否的誓章 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 18(2)
certificate of fitness 效能良好證明書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
fitness 性能 Cap. 374, s. 13(c)
fitness 適用性 Cap. 26, s. 16(1)
fitness 適宜程度 Cap. 374B, reg. 9(2)(b)
fitness for a particular purpose 對某特定用途的適用性…… Cap. 26, s. 16(4)
fitness for admission 適宜進入 Cap. 161, s. 30(1)
fitness to practise 是否適合執業 Cap. 161E, s. 14(4)
fitness to practise 執業的適合情形 Cap. 161, s. 24(2)
physical and mental fitness 體格及精神狀況 Cap. 84, s. 7(1)(b)
fitness for purpose fitness for purpose 對用途的合適程度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fitting accessory fitting 附屬配件 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
fitting 附件 Cap. 369AW, s. 11(1)
fitting fitting 裝置 Cap. 621, s. 36(3)
fitting out 裝置 Cap. 621, s. 7(2)
fixtures, fittings or furniture 固定附着物、裝置或家具 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(d)

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fix amount fixed or allowed 經釐定或准予的款額 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(10)

application to fix a date for trial 申請編定審訊日期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
date fixed for the hearing of the claim 該項申索的擇定聆訊日期 Cap. 486, s. 66A(4)
fix 訂定 Cap. 1, s. 28(5)
fix 編定 Cap. 179A, r. 44
fix 釐定 Cap. 571, s. 214(2)(c)
fix a date 定出……的日期 Cap. 473B, s. 3(1)
fix a date and place 定出……日期及地點 Cap. 453B, r. 5(1)(c)(i)
fix a date for the hearing 擇定聆訊日期 Cap. 460, s. 18(2)(a)
fix a day 編定日期 Cap. 32H, r. 50
fix a day ... 定出……日期 Cap. 159C, r. 8(1)
fix fees and charges 釐定……收費 Cap. 1145, s. 4(m)
fix ... price 釐定……價格 Cap. 296B, reg. 13(1)(b)
fixed 規限固定 Cap. 1, s. 3
fixing a term of imprisonment 訂定……監禁期限 Cap. 405, Sch. 3
fixing of the seal 印章蓋印 Cap. 399, s. 4
fix fixed to ... 固定裝設在…… Cap. 406, s. 2
fixing 張貼 Cap. 311, s. 50(b)
... securely fixed at the front of the motor vehicle ... 車輛前方……牢固地附上…… Cap. 374B, reg. 12K(1)(a)(i)
fix fixed interest securities 定息證券 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 5.9
fixed term contract 固定合約 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.145

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fixed term lease 固定期限批租契 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

price-fixing 操控價格 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.111
fix a date fix a date (for hearing) 編定(聆訊)日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixation fixation rights 錄製權 Cap. 528, s. 200(1)(b)
infringing fixation 侵犯權利的錄製品 Cap. 528, s. 207(1)
fixed deposited on fixed term ... deposit 存入……定期存款帳戶 Cap. 380, s. 10(a)
fixed 固定的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed address 固定地址 Cap. 1143, s. 12
fixed amount 固定款額 Cap. 571, s. 394(2)(a)(ii)
fixed and ascertained periods of time 固定及確定的各個期間 Cap. 7, s. 55(5)
fixed appurtenances 固定從屬物 Cap. 20, s. 4(2)(a)
fixed asset 固定資產 Cap. 112, s. 16
fixed capital 固定資本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed charge 固定押記 Cap. 128, s. 2A(2)(a)
fixed costs 定額訟費 Cap. 91C, reg. 2
fixed deposit 定期存款 Cap. 32, s. 294(1)
fixed investigation cost 定額調查費用 Cap. 159AD, s. 2
fixed odds betting 固定賠率投注 Cap. 108, s. 6I(1)
fixed payment 定額付款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed penalty 定額罰款 Cap. 240, s. 2(1)

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fixed remuneration 固定報酬 Cap. 628, s. 2(1)

fixed rules 固定的規則 Cap. 6, s. 34(8)(c)
fixed security interest 固定的抵押權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fixed sum order 定額款項命令 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fixed telecommunications network services licence 固定電訊網絡服務牌照 Cap. 106A, reg. 2(2B)
fixed term 固定刑期 Cap. 221, s. 67C(4)(b)
fixed term 固定時期 Cap. 57, s. 31S(3)
fixed term 固定期限 Cap. 38, s. 28(1)
fixed timetable 固定時間表 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)
on fixed days 定期 Cap. 98, s. 17(1)
United Nations Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts 聯合國《制止危及大陸架固定平台安全非法行為議定書 Cap. 575, Long Title
Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the 》
Continental Shelf
variable or fixed payments 不固定或固定收入 Cap. 112AJ, Schedule
fixed-pitch fixed-pitch hawker licence 固定攤位小販牌照 Cap. 132AI, s. 52(2)
fixture fixture 固定附着物 Cap. 446, s. 2
fixtures, fittings or furniture 固定附着物、裝置或家具 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(d)
fixture Fixture ... List 定期審訊表 Cap. 17A, Schedule
fixture list fixture list 已定審訊日期案件表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Fixture ... List 定期審訊表 Cap. 17A, Schedule
flag flag 國旗 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
flag ... fly 懸掛……旗幟 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
flag rank 將官級 Cap. 330, s. 7

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national flag 國旗 National Flag and National Emblem

Ordinance, Long Title
regional flag 區旗 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Ordinance, Long Title
flagrant flagrant 公然的 Cap. 503I, Schedule
flagrant 罪惡昭彰的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flagrant and incompetent conduct 明顯失職行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
flagrant breach 公然違反 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
flagrant ... violations of human rights 公然……侵犯人權的情況 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 3(2)
flagrant flagrantly interfered 公然干預 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27
flagrantly flagrantly incompetent 明顯地失職 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
test of flagrantly incompetent advocacy 明顯辯護失職的評定標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
flat at a flat rate 按劃一税率 Ord. No. 6 of 2013, Long Title
flat domestic flat 住用樓宇單位 Cap. 123N, Sch. 1
flat 樓宇單位 Cap. 123N, Sch. 1
Flat for Sale Scheme 住宅發售計劃 Cap. 159G, r. 2A(1)
modified show flat 經改動示範單位 Cap. 621, s. 37(1)
non-domestic flat 非住用樓宇單位 Cap. 123N, Sch. 1
show flat 示範單位 Cap. 621, s. 36(1)

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unmodified show flat 無改動示範單位 Cap. 621, s. 36(1)

flawed flawed 有不妥之處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flawed 有謬誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flawed argument 有謬誤的論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flawed asset arrangement 無效資產安排 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
fleeting fleeting encounter 瞬間的接觸 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fleeting glance 瞬間一望 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fleeting hearing 瞬間的聲音 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
flight flight charter 按航次計費的……租賃合約 Cap. 112, s. 23D(7)(a)
flight crew 空勤人員 Cap. 537B, s. 1(1)
flight flight 潛逃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
float float 儲值金額 Cap. 584, s. 2
floating floating 浮動的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
floating charge 浮動押記 Cap. 128, s. 2A
floating list 浮動審訊表 Cap. 17A, Schedule
floating loss 浮動虧損 Cap. 571Q, s. 2
floating policy 流動保單 Cap. 329, s. 29(1)
floating profit 浮動利潤 Cap. 571Q, s. 2

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floating rate certificate of deposit 浮息的存款證 Cap. 571G, Schedule

floating rate notes 浮息票據 Cap. 155M, s. 2(1)
floating security interest 浮動的抵押權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
floor floor area 樓面面積 Cap. 7, s. 51(3)(c)(i)
floor numbering 樓層號數 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
floor plans 樓面平面圖 Cap. 621, s. 19(2)(j)
floor space 樓面空間 Cap. 123F, reg. 2(1)
gross floor area 樓面總面積 Cap. 337, s. 4(1)
gross floor area 總樓面面積 Cap. 95C, reg. 3
refuge floors 庇護層 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
usable floor area 實用樓面面積 Cap. 123I, reg. 3
floor plan floor plan 樓面平面圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
floor plan 樓層平面圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
flora Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
Wild Fauna and Flora
flora 植物群 Cap. 577A, s. 37
flow cash flow 現金流 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.10
cash flow statement 現金流動表 Cap. 155, s. 16(9)(b)(iv)
flow of air, right to flow of air, right to 空氣流通權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fluctuation vulnerability to fluctuations in risk exposures 承受風險波動的能力 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)

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fly flag ... fly 懸掛……旗幟 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)

flywheel flywheel 飛輪 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
folio folio 作為一個單位的某特定字數 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
folio 法律文件的一頁 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
follow case followed 案例須予遵循 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
costs follow success rule “訟費歸勝訴一方”規則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.17
"costs follow the event" rule “訟費視乎訴訟結果而定”規則 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.5
costs not following the event 訟費不因訴訟結果而定 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
costs to follow the event 訟費須視乎訴訟結果而定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(2)
costs to follow the event 訟費隨結果而定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
follow 追尋 Cap. 10, s. 67(1)
following 尾隨 Cap. 374G, reg. 47(2)(b)
following 隨後的 Cap. 430, s. 7(2)
may be followed 可予追回 Cap. 182, s. 12
meeting a child following grooming 誘識兒童後與其會面 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.26
meeting young person following sexual grooming 為性目的誘識少年人後與其會面 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.21

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procedure to be followed 須依循的程序 Cap. 559, s. 91(2)(h)

follow following 徒眾 Cap. 151, s. 26D(1)(f)
follow the court's ruling follow the court's ruling 依循法院的裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
following next following 緊隨 Cap. 50, s. 16(4)
the day following 翌日 Cap. 459, s. 9(4)
follow-up follow-up formula 較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品 Cap. 132W, Sch. 6A
food compounded food 合成食物 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
food additives 食物添加劑 Cap. 132CM, s. 2
food categories 食物類別 Cap. 612, s. 7(3)(b)
food classifications 食物分類 Cap. 612, s. 7(3)(b)
food distribution business 食物分銷業務 Cap. 612, s. 5(1)
food importation business 食物進口業務 Cap. 612, s. 4(1)
food ingredient 食物配料 Cap. 132W, Sch. 1
food safety order 食物安全命令 Cap. 612, s. 30(2)
permitted food additive 准許食物添加劑 Cap. 132BD, s. 2A(2)
prepackaged food 預先包裝食物 Cap. 132W, reg. 4B(1)
primary food commodity 原食品 Cap. 132CM, s. 2
registered food distributor 登記食物分銷商 Cap. 612, s. 11(1)
registered food importer 登記食物進口商 Cap. 612, s. 11(1)
Food and Agriculture Food and Agriculture Organization 糧食及農業組織 Cap. 190A, Art. 1
footing footing 基本立足點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
on the footing that ... 所依據的原則為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

statutory footing 法定地位 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 9.8
for all proper purposes for all proper purposes 為了一切正當的目的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for all purposes for all purposes 就各方面而言 Cap. 7, s. 115A(9)
for and on behalf of applicant for and on behalf of ... 代表……提出申請的申請人 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
for one's own person for one's own person [also pro persona] 為個人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for one's own person [also pro persona] 親自 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for the benefit of for the benefit of 以……為受益人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for the benefit of 為……的利益 Cap. 192, s. 5
for the purpose of for the purpose of ... 目的在於…… Cap. 200, s. 134(2)
for the purpose of ... any trade or business 為任何貿易或業務的目的 Cap. 528, s. 32(1)(c)
for the purpose of justice in a criminal case 為某宗刑事案件的公正 Cap. 340, s. 6(1)(c)
for the purpose of removing doubt 為免除疑問 Cap. 93, s. 14(2)
for the purpose of trade or business 作貿易或業務目的 Cap. 522, s. 31(1)(a)(ii)
for the purposes of ... ……所指的 Cap. 112, s. 24(2)
for the purposes of ... 為……目的 Cap. 51, s. 8(2)(b)
for the purposes of ... 為施行…… Cap. 7, s. 115A(1)
for the purposes of ... 就……而言 Cap. 1, s. 58(2)
for the purposes of any Ordinance 就任何條例而言 Cap. 1, s. 58(2)
for the purposes of justice 為秉行公正 Cap. 4A, App. A
for the purposes of section ... 第……條所指的 Cap. 112, s. 24(2)

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for the purposes of this Ordinance 為本條例的施行 Cap. 476, s. 4

for the purposes of this Ordinance 為施行本條例 Cap. 230, s. 4(4)
for the time being for the time being 在當其時 Cap. 511, s. 21(2)(a)
for the time being 當其時 Cap. 459, s. 6(2)(b)
for want of for want of 因為缺乏…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for want of 因無…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forbear forbear 不作出 Cap. 201, s. 11
forbear 權利的暫不行使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forbearing to do 不作出 Cap. 201, s. 9(1)(a)
forbear money ... forborne to be paid, being payable 款項……須繳付而容許其未繳付 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
forbearance forbearance 容忍 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forbearance 通融 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forbearance forbearance 延期償付 Cap. 6, s. 32(4)
forbearance forbearance from the exercise of ... 不行使…… Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
forbearance to sue 不起訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forbid abstains from doing the thing forbidden 不做違禁的事情 Cap. 227C, Schedule
forbid 不准 Cap. 181, s. 16(1)
forbid forbid acts and activities 禁止…… 行為和活動 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27
forbidden forbidden investment practices 受禁制投資活動 Cap. 485A, s. 39(2)(b)

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force by force 強行 Cap. 201, s. 17(1A)

by force or fear 用武力或威嚇手段 Cap. 245, s. 26(c)
by threat of force 恐嚇以武力 Cap. 575, s. 11E(1)(a)
force 武力 Cap. 28, s. 17
(have) recourse to force 使用武力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
(have) recourse to force 訴諸武力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
more force than is necessary 超乎所需的武力 Cap. 115M, r. 38(1)
reasonable force 合理武力 Cap. 260, s. 5
use any force that is reasonably necessary 使用合理所需的武力 Cap. 599G, s. 10(3)(b)
use force unnecessarily 使用不必要的武力 Cap. 115M, r. 38(1)
uses force on any person 向任何人使用武力 Cap. 210, s. 10(1)
force cease to have force 停止生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
coming into force 生效 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
entry into force of ... laws 法律的生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
force 效力 Cap. 434, s. 12
force and effect 效力及作用 Cap. 519, s. 20
force of law 具有法律效力 Cap. 434, s. 12
force of law 法律效力 Cap. 609, s. 4
full force 十足效力 Cap. 227, s. 31
full force 完全有效 Cap. 219, s. 29
full force 持續有效 Cap. 227, s. 55
full force and effect 十足效力及作用 Cap. 577, s. 10(3)
... full force and effect of law ... so long as ... remains in force 在……有效期內具有十足法律效力 Cap. 120, s. 2

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giving full force and effect of law 具有十足法律效力 Cap. 120, s. 2

have ... force or effect 有效力或作用 Cap. 155, s. 152(9)
in force in respect of ... 對……有效的 Cap. 115A, Sch. 1
in full force 完全有效 Cap. 6, s. 38(12)
laws in force in ... 在……實行的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
laws previously in force 原有法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
legal or equitable force 法律上或衡平法上的效力 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
of the same force and effect 具有相同效力及效果 Cap. 319, s. 4(2)(a)
put into force 行使 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
remains in force 仍然有效 Cap. 214D, para. 7
force armed forces 武裝部隊 Cap. 383, s. 9
auxiliary forces 輔助隊 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善陸上武裝部隊傷者及病者境遇公約》 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of 《日內瓦關於改善海上武裝部隊傷者、病者與遇船難者 Cap. 1129, s. 2
the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed 境遇公約》
Forces at Sea
member of the police force 警隊人員 Cap. 260, s. 4(1)
members of the armed forces and of the police 軍警人員 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(2)
organized armed forces 有組織的武裝部隊 Cap. 590, s. 2
organized armed forces 武裝部隊 Cap. 590, s. 2
force irresistible force 不可抗力 參看 force majeure English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
natural forces 自然力量 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
force majeure force majeure ["superior strength"] 不可抗力 ※比較act of God; vis major Cap. 78, s. 5

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forced forced or compulsory labour 強迫或強制之勞役 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(a)
forcible conspiracy to commit forcible detention 串謀強行禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forcible confinement 強行禁閉 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.55
forcible taking 強行帶走 Cap. 212, s. 42, Heading
forcible detainer forcible detainer 強行扣押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forcible detainer 強佔 Cap. 245, s. 24
forcible entry forcible entry 強行進入 Cap. 245, s. 23
forcibly conspiracy to forcibly take away or detain a person with intent 串謀將人強行帶走或禁錮而意圖取得贖金 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
to procure a ransom Criminal Proceedings
forcibly 強行 Cap. 456, s. 19(2)(c)
forcibly board 強行登上 Cap. 98, s. 23(2)(b)
forcibly enter 強行進入 Cap. 115, s. 56AA(1)
forcibly resists 用武力反抗 Cap. 68, s. 24(5)
forcibly resists 使用武力抗拒 Cap. 96, s. 17(3)
forcibly resists 武力拒捕 Cap. 524, s. 26(2)
forcibly resists 強行反抗 Cap. 208, s. 27(3)
foreclose foreclose (v.) 止贖 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 1
foreclose down 止贖 ※比較 redeem up English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right to foreclose 止贖的權利 Cap. 347, s. 19(2)
foreclosure foreclosure 止贖權 Cap. 219, s. 44(2)

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foreclosure (n.) 止贖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
foreclosure (n.) 取消回贖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreclosure action 止贖訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 19(2)
foreclosure of property 取消財產的贖回權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreclosure of property 財產的止贖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreclosure order 止贖令 Cap. 117, s. 2
foreclosure property 止贖物業〔俗稱"銀主盤"〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
order of foreclosure absolute 絕對止贖令 Cap. 219, s. 53(2)
right of sale or foreclosure 出售或止贖的權利 Cap. 136, s. 10E(6)
foregoing foregoing 上文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign act of foreign enemies 外敵行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
act of foreign enemies 外敵的作為 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign 《承認及執行外國仲裁裁決公約》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitral Awards
foreign 外地的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign 外國的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign affairs 外交 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
foreign affairs 外交事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 13

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foreign airlines 外國航空公司 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 134

foreign bank 外地銀行 Cap. 155, s. 86(4)
foreign consular ... missions 外國……領事機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 157
foreign corporations 外地法團 Cap. 23, Long Title
foreign countries 世界各國 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 149
foreign country 外地國家 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
foreign country 外國 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 44
foreign currency 外幣 Cap. 1, s. 3
foreign exchange 外匯 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 112
foreign firm 外地律師行 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
foreign governments 外國政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 132
foreign judgment 外地判決 Cap. 319, s. 8
foreign jurisdiction 外地司法管轄區 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
foreign jurisdiction 外地司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign jurisdiction clause 外地司法管轄權條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign law 外地法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign law 外地法律 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
foreign lawyer 外地律師 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
foreign nationalities 外籍 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 99
foreign nationals 外籍人士 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 101
foreign nationals 外籍人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 103
foreign note 外地承付票 Cap. 19, s. 89(4)

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foreign political organization 外國政治性組織 Cap. 151, s. 2(1)

foreign political organizations or bodies 外國的政治性組織或團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
foreign process 外地法律程序文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
foreign relations 對外關係 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
foreign sovereign power 外地主權國 Cap. 190A, Art. 3
foreign state 外國 Cap. 1, s. 3
foreign state aircraft 外國國家航空器 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 129
foreign states 世界各國 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 154
foreign states 外國國家 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
foreign states and regions 世界各國、各地區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 151
foreign states or regions 外國或地區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 133
foreign states or regions 各國或各地區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 155
foreign tax 外地稅款 Cap. 112, s. 50(1)
foreign warships 外國軍用船隻 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 126
international foreign exchange markets 國際外匯市場 Cap. 66, s. 2
leveraged foreign exchange contract 槓桿式外匯交易合約 Cap. 571, s. 379(1)
relevant foreign judgment 有關外地判決 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
foreign writ of foreign attachment 訴訟外債務人物業查封令 Cap. 128B, Schedule
foreign foreign or external forces 外國和境外勢力 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27
foreign exchange foreign exchange 外匯 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 112
foreign exchange control policies 外匯管制政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 112

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foreign exchange haircut 外匯扣減 Cap. 155Q, r. 38(1)(b)

foreign exchange risk 外匯風險 Cap. 155Q, r. 27(2)
foreign exchange trading 外匯交易 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
international foreign exchange markets 國際外匯市場 Cap. 66, s. 2
leveraged foreign exchange trader 槓桿式外匯買賣商 Cap. 112, s. 20AC(6)
foreman foreman 首席陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 26
forename forename 名字 Cap. 622, s. 643(1)(a)(i)
forensic forensic 司法的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forensic 法庭的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forensic 法證科學 Cap. 232, s. 59C
forensic accounting 法證會計 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 4.6
forensic analysis 法證科學化驗 Cap. 204, s. 10F
forensic evidence 司法科學鑑證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forensic examination 法醫學的檢驗 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 1.3
forensic examination 法醫驗證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forensic examination 科學鑑證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forensic expert 法證專家 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.43

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forensic medicine [also medical jurisprudence] 法醫學 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
forensic pathologist 法醫科醫生 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forensic scientist 法證科學專家/法證化驗師 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
foresee could reasonably have been foreseen 按理應可預見 Cap. 379, s. 6(3)
foresee 預見 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.36
foreseeable foreseeable 可……預見 Cap. 571E, s. 2
foreseeable future 可預見的將來 Cap. 155M, s. 3(11)(b)(ii)
reasonably foreseeable 可合理預見 Cap. 571, s. 285
reasonably foreseeable risk 可合理預見危險 Cap. 369AO, reg. 8(2)
foresight foresight 預見 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.56
reasonable foresight 合理預見 Cap. 358, s. 25(2)(a)
forestall forestalled 預防 Cap. 369AZ, s. 3(2)
forfaiting forfaiting 應收帳承購 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(b)(iii)
forfeit claim ... be forfeited 申索權……喪失 Cap. 32H, r. 169
condemned as forfeited 宣告沒收 Cap. 109, s. 48(7)
forfeit 沒收物品 Cap. 2, s. 17B(2)
forfeit and pay 繳付 Cap. 227C, Schedule
forfeit to ... 向……償付 Cap. 227, s. 47(2)

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forfeited recognizance 經沒收的擔保 Cap. 221, s. 111

forfeited to ... 被沒收歸於…… Cap. 621, Sch. 4
forfeited to the Government 沒收歸政府所有 Cap. 403, s. 14(4A)
proceeds of any forfeit 出售沒收物品所得收入 Cap. 2, s. 17B(2)
recognizance forfeited, by ... 被……沒收的擔保 Cap. 4, s. 21E(1)
forfeitable forfeitable item 可予沒收物件 Cap. 559, s. 96A
forfeiture expose ... to a forfeiture 使……蒙受沒收措施 Cap. 8, s. 66(1)(a)
forfeiture 充公 Cap. 575, s. 13(1)
forfeiture 沒收※比較expropriation Cap. 1, s. 23
forfeiture 沒收租賃權 Cap. 7, s. 49
forfeiture 取消 Cap. 524, s. 29(1)(c)
forfeiture 財產被沒收或喪失權利 Cap. 1146, s. 13(c)
forfeiture 停止支付 Cap. 374J, reg. 12(1)(d)
forfeiture 權利的喪失 Cap. 1137, s. 12(c)
forfeiture application 沒收申請 Cap. 559, s. 96G(2)
forfeiture hearing 沒收財產聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
forfeiture of a lease 對租契所設租賃權的沒收 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forfeiture of the deposit 沒收按金 Cap. 542, s. 82(2)(c)
forfeiture or other confiscation of ... ……遭充公或以其他方式沒收 Cap. 405, s. 24C(2)(b)(ii)
forfeiture order 沒收令 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
forfeiture proceedings 沒收法律程序 Cap. 60, s. 27(5A)
forfeiture proceedings 沒收案法律程序 Cap. 98, s. 14(b)
liable to forfeiture 可予沒收 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)

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order the forfeiture to ... 命令將……沒收,歸……所有 Cap. 147, s. 6(b)

pecuniary forfeiture 沒收款項 Cap. 227, s. 2
right of forfeiture 沒收租賃權 Cap. 565, s. 38(1)(b)
subject to forfeiture 可予沒收 Cap. 109, s. 14(1)
the forfeiture rule 喪失權利規則 Cap. 23, s. 25A(1)
forge forge [forgery (n.)] 偽造 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forge [forgery (n.)] 假冒 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forges ... signature 假冒……簽名 Cap. 497, s. 8(4)(a)
forged forged 偽造的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forged 假冒的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forged document 偽造文件 Cap. 8, s. 78
forged identity card 偽造(的)身分證 Cap. 177, s. 7A
forged signature 假冒的簽名 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forged trade mark 偽造商標 Cap. 362, s. 9
uttering a forged or false document 使用偽造或虛假的文件 Cap. 503B, Schedule
forgery forgery 偽造 Cap. 200, s. 68(2)
forgery 假冒 Cap. 19, s. 24
forgo forgo 自動放棄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forgo payment 放棄付款要求 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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forgo payment 放棄要求付款 Cap. 210, s. 18B

to forgo payment 放棄要求付款 Cap. 210, s. 18B(1)(b)
form approved form 認可格式 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
citable form 可引述的形式 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 7(2)
common form probate business 普通形式的遺囑認證事務 Cap. 4A, O. 76, r. 1(2)
convenient form 方便形式 Cap. 117, s. 35(2)
digital form 數碼形式 Cap. 622, s. 2(1)
documentary form 文件形式 Cap. 490, s. 8(3)
electronic form 電子形式 Cap. 622, s. 2(4)(b)(ii)
error of form 形式上的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
form 式樣 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(h)
form 形式 Cap. 51, s. 14
form 版本 Cap. 188, s. 5(6)
form 格式 Cap. 7, s. 4(4)
form of ... solemnity 儀式 Cap. 30, s. 7(2)
hard copy form 印本形式 Cap. 32, s. 296A(2)(c)
in a form that is ... served 供食用的形式 Cap. 132W, Sch. 6A
in a summary form 以撮要形式 Cap. 528D, r. 25(4)(g)
in a visible and legible form 以可見和可閱讀的形式 Cap. 526, s. 5(d)
in bearer form 持有人形式 Cap. 485A, Sch. 3
in documentary form 以文件形式 Cap. 514, s. 51(8)
in encrypted form 經編碼處理 Cap. 528, s. 35A(5)(a)
in ... form and context 形式及……文意 Cap. 32, s. 41A(1)(a)

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in paper form 紙張形式 Cap. 60A, Sch. 8

in ... physical form 以……實物形式 Cap. 514C, s. 93A(1)
in registered form 註冊或登記形式 Cap. 485A, Sch. 3
in substance and form 內容及形式上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the form set out in ... 採用……所列明的格式 Cap. 369AM, reg. 9A(8)
in the form set out in ... 符合……所列的格式 Cap. 528D, r. 12(2)(a)
legible form 可閱形式 Cap. 61, s. 4(1A)(b)
legible form 可閱讀形式 Cap. 515, s. 12
manner and form 方式和形式 Cap. 602, s. 66(1)(b)
model form 標準格式 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 11
non-legible form 非可閱形式 Cap. 41, s. 16
non-legible form 非可閱的形式 Cap. 61, s. 4(1A)(b)
non-legible form 非可閱讀形式 Cap. 515, s. 12
non-legible form 非閱讀形式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
perceivable form 可理解形式 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
permanent form 永久形式 Cap. 132BG, s. 7(1)
precise form 確實形式 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 3(2)
prescribed form 訂明格式 Cap. 7, s. 4(4)
printed form 印刷本形式 Cap. 32, s. 296A(1)
publication in permanent form 永久形式的發布 Cap. 21, s. 22
record in permanent form 永久形式的紀錄 Cap. 200, s. 156(8)
retrievable in a perceivable form 可藉可理解形式還原 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)

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retrieved in a documentary form 還原為文件形式 Cap. 151, s. 11(3)

shortened form 簡略格式 Cap. 174, s. 23
specified form 指明格式 Cap. 7, s. 8(1)
statutory form 法定格式 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.15
tabular form 列表格式 Cap. 132W, Sch. 5
tangible form 實體形式 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
form form an opinion 判斷 Cap. 374W, s. 2
form an opinion 得出意見 Cap. 485A, s. 106(1)
form any opinion 得出任何意見 Cap. 628, s. 9(4)(a)
formed 成立 Cap. 21, Schedule
formed the opinion 得出結論 Cap. 32, s. 233(1)
form form 塑造 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
form formed part of ... 構成……的部分 Cap. 537B, s. 7(5B)(b)
forms part of ... 成為……的一部分 Cap. 528D, r. 41(8)
things forming part of land 組成土地一部分……的東西 Cap. 210, s. 5(2)
to form the same transaction 構成同一事件 Cap. 227, s. 10(2)(b)
form acknowledgment form 確認書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
blank nomination forms 留空待填的提名表格 Cap. 364A, by-law 2(1)
declaration form 聲明書 Cap. 529B, s. 28
form 表格 Cap. 1, s. 37(1)
form of discharge (of a claim) 解除(申索)保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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form of indemnity 彌償保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
general form of consent 一般同意書表格 Cap. 290, s. 5(5A)
in the specified form 採用指明表格 Cap. 514C, s. 19(1)
incorporation form 法團成立表格 Cap. 622, s. 27(6)(b)
juror qualification form 陪審員資格表格 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.45
model form of advance directive 預設醫療指示表格範本 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
prescribed form 訂明表格 Cap. 478, s. 53
proof of claim form 申索證明表格 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 5, para. 10
proxy form 委託書表格 Cap. 32H, Appendix
register forms of births 出生登記表格 Cap. 174, s. 4(1)
register forms of deaths 死亡登記表格 Cap. 174, s. 4(1)
tender form 投標表格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
torture claim form 酷刑聲請表格 Cap. 115, s. 37U(1)
vendor's information form 賣方資料表格 Cap. 621, s. 68(2)
form right to form and join trade unions 組織及加入工會之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(1)
formal formal 正式的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
formal admission 正式承認 Cap. 221, s. 65C
formal admission of guilt 正式承認有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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formal demand 正式要求 Cap. 364A, by-law 30

formal investigation 正式調查 Cap. 527B, s. 2
formal possession 正式管有 Cap. 20, s. 2
formal procedure 正式程序 Cap. 179A, r. 28(2)
formal proof of debt 正式的債權證明 Cap. 6, s. 100H(1)
formal formal 形式上的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
formal alterations 形式上的修改 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 5(c)
formal defect 形式上的缺點 Cap. 6, s. 124(1)
formal requirement 形式上的規定 Cap. 30, s. 26
formal requirement 形式方面的規定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.82
formality formality 正式手續 Cap. 10, s. 9(4)
legal formality 法律手續 Cap. 10, s. 15(1)
formation formation 組成 Cap. 32, s. 40(5)(a)
formation ... of a company 公司……的成立 Cap. 71, Sch. 1
formation of marriage 達成婚姻關係 Cap. 179, s. 20(1)(a)(iii)
formation site formation works 地盤平整工程 Cap. 354N, s. 2
formedon, writ of formedon, writ of (arch.) (在限定繼承財產的爭議中)追索財產令狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
former former 先前的 Cap. 478, s. 136
former auditor 前任核數師 Cap. 622, s. 422(1)(c)(iii)
former auditor 前核數師 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
former authorized institution 前認可機構 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)

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former bank 前有銀行 Cap. 8, s. 20A(3)

former banking licence 前銀行牌照 Cap. 155, s. 138
former director 前董事 Cap. 379, s. 2
former employees 前僱員 Cap. 601, s. 10(2)(b)
former husband 前夫 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
former licensed corporation 前持牌法團 Cap. 571, s. 158(3)
former name 前有名稱 Cap. 622, s. 770(1)
former name 舊名稱 Cap. 1167, s. 4(3)
former Ordinance 先前條例 Cap. 541, Sch. 1
former Ordinance 前有條例 Cap. 1, s. 15(2)
former owner 前擁有人 Cap. 126, s. 2
former owner 原擁有人 Cap. 556H, s. 36(2)
former parent 前父母 Cap. 290, s. 5B(1)
former Rules 前規則 Cap. 159M, r. 14(1)
former spouse 前配偶 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.13
former tenant 前租客 Cap. 7, s. 35(3)
former wife 前妻 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
formula follow-up formula 較大嬰兒及幼兒配方產品 Cap. 132W, Sch. 6A
powdered formula 配方粉 Cap. 60A, reg. 2
formula pricing formula 定價公式 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
formulate formulate 制訂 Cap. 443, s. 10(1)(e)
formulate 擬訂 Cap. 486, s. 66A(1)

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formulated 擬定 Cap. 359B, reg. 19(1)

formulation formulation of charges 控罪的擬定 Cap. 161, s. 35(5)
formulation of charges 擬定……控罪 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(d)(iii)
for-profit for-profit entities 牟利實體 "Charities" Report, para. 5.60
forswear forswear 作偽證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forswear 發假誓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forthwith forthwith 立即 Cap. 115I, r. 35(3)
forthwith 盡速 Cap. 403, s. 14(5)
forthwith 隨即 Cap. 50, s. 26(2)(a)
fortuitous fortuitous 偶發 Cap. 227, s. 26A
fortuitous 意外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forum adequate alternative forum 適當的替代訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 16
alternative forum 替代訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 11
appropriate forum 適當訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.14
clearly inappropriate forum 明顯不適當的訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.16
"clearly inappropriate forum" test “明顯不適當訴訟地”測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 8
forum 公開論壇 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forum 法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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forum 訴訟地 Cap. 76, Schedule

forum non conveniens 不便訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.49
forum shopping 擇地行訴 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.1
forum non conveniens forum non conveniens ["an inappropriate forum"] 不便審理的法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forward forward 送交 Cap. 181, s. 39(1)(e)
forward 遞送 Cap. 172A, reg. 3(2)(a)
forward 轉遞 Cap. 282, s. 16G(1A)(a)
forwarded 提交 Cap. 93A, reg. 7
forwarded 發送 Cap. 19, s. 67(2)
forwarded 轉交 Cap. 132BC, s. 20(3)
forwarding 遞交 Cap. 637, s. 6
forward currency forward contract 貨幣遠期合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
forward (adj.) 遠期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
forward contract 遠期合約 Cap. 155L, s. 289
forward exchange rate contract 遠期匯率合約 Cap. 155L, s. 71(2)
forward forward deposits placed 遠期有期存款 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
forwarder forwarder 代運人 Cap. 413H, s. 1(1)
foster foster 寄養 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
foster child 寄養子女 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
foster parent 寄養父母 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.9
foster parent foster parent 寄養父母 Cap. 297, s. 1A
foster parent 養父母 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

foul foul 引致……失效 Cap. 374A, reg. 23
found found by ... to be ... 被……裁斷為…… Cap. 161, s. 3(6)(d)
found action founded on ... 以……為基礎而提出的訴訟 Cap. 336, s. 44A(5)
action founded on ... 基於……而提出的訴訟 Cap. 336, s. 32(1)
founded 依據 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
founded in ... 根據…… Cap. 462, Schedule
founded on the same cause of action 基於同一訴因的 Cap. 319, s. 10(1)
found found 被尋獲 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
found right ... to marry and to found a family 結婚及成立家庭之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 19(2)
foundation without foundation 沒有根據 Cap. 433A, s. 16
foundation foundation of freedom, justice and peace 自由、公正與和平的基礎 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
foundation works 基礎工程 Cap. 354N, s. 2
founded well founded 有充分根據 Cap. 541I, s. 33(3)
well founded 有好的根據 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(4)
founder member founder member 創辦成員 Cap. 622, s. 2
four corners four corners (of an instrument) 在(整份文書)的範圍內 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
four unities four unities (of joint tenancy) 聯權共有權的四項共有 參看 unity English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fours, on all fours, on all 在各方面完全一樣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fours, on all 完全一致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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fourth fourth or subsequent parties 第四方或再後的各方 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 2(1)

fraction a fraction of a cent 不足一仙之數 Cap. 571Z, s. 2A
fraction 部分 Cap. 57, s. 41AB(3)(a)
fraction of ... tonne 未達……公噸的餘數 Cap. 354N, Sch. 1
fractions 分數 Cap. 68, s. 8(2)(b)
fractions of a cent 不足一仙的尾數 Cap. 227, s. 37(2)
fractional fractional certificates 不足一股股份的證明書 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
fractional entitlements 零碎的權利 Cap. 571V, s. 4(a)(i)
frame frame (a person) 揑造事實構陷(某人) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frame (a person) 誣陷(某人) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frame a charge under ... may be framed accordingly 根據……而提出的控罪,亦可據此而擬定 Cap. 238, s. 25(1)
framed 撰寫方式 Cap. 622, s. 881(2)(d)
framed 編纂 Cap. 163, s. 5(2)(a)
framing of charge 擬定控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
framing ... questions 擬定……問題 Cap. 281G, reg. 16(2)
however framed or worded 不論如何擬定或措辭 Cap. 8, s. 67(1)
frame up frame up 誣陷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
framework legal framework 法律框架 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
legislative framework 立法框架 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Cap. 592, s. 18(1)

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statutory framework 法定框架 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

statutory framework 法律框架 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.54
franchise franchise 專營 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise 專營權 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)
franchise agreement 特許經營協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise agreement 專營加盟店協議 Cap. 603, s. 18C
franchise arrangement 專營權安排 Cap. 112, s. 20AM(5)(d)
franchise period 專營期 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)
franchised 專利 Cap. 295B, reg. 177H
franchised bus 專利巴士 Cap. 374G, reg. 2
franchised bus 專營公共汽車 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise franchise 投票選舉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise 投票權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
free exercise of the franchise 自由行使投票權 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
universal franchise 全民投票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
franchise jury franchise 陪審員的資格規定 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.14
franchised franchised bus 專利巴士 Cap. 374, s. 2

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franchised service 專營服務 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)

franchisee franchisee 獲授專營權者 Cap. 603, s. 18C(3)
franchiser franchiser 專營權授予者 Cap. 603, s. 18C(2)
franchisor franchisor 專營權授予者 Cap. 112, s. 20AM(5)(d)
fraud allegation of fraud 詐騙指稱 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(2)(b)
constructive fraud 推定欺詐 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
consumer fraud 欺詐消費者行為 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 8
fraud 欺詐 Cap. 503B, Schedule
fraud 欺詐手段 Cap. 406, s. 36(2)(a)
fraud 欺詐行為 Cap. 68, s. 12
fraud 欺詐罪 Cap. 210, s. 16A(l)
fraud 詐騙 Cap. 159, s. 16(1)
from a fraud no action arises [also ex dolo malo non oritur 欺詐者無訴訟權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
actio] and Commercial Law Terms
in the absence of fraud 在沒有欺詐的情況下 Cap. 29, s. 30
obtained by fraud 以欺詐手段……獲得 Cap. 51D, reg. 25(2)(a)(i)
offence involving fraud or dishonesty 涉及欺詐或不誠實行為的罪行 Cap. 485A, s. 16(2)(a)
prevention of frauds by ... 防止……作出欺詐行為 Cap. 104, s. 45(1)(b)
fraudulent false and fraudulent representation 虛假和有欺詐成分的陳述 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
fraudulent 欺詐的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fraudulent ... accounting 製造欺詐性帳目 Cap. 503R, Schedule

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fraudulent act 欺詐性作為 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3

fraudulent activities 欺詐行為 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
fraudulent breach of trust 欺詐違反信託 Cap. 6, s. 32(4)
fraudulent ... contrivance or device 欺詐……詭計或手段 Cap. 98, s. 32C
fraudulent conveyances 有欺詐成分的物業轉易 Cap. 128, Preamble
fraudulent device 欺詐手段 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
fraudulent evasion of the payment of ... 欺詐性逃繳…… Cap. 318, s. 33(1)
fraudulent evasion of the payment of ... due from 以欺詐手段規避……應繳付的…… Cap. 587, s. 67(1)(a)
fraudulent intent 欺詐意圖 "Charities" Report, para. 9.55
fraudulent intention 欺詐意圖 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 12(1)(b)
fraudulent means 欺詐手段 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.38
fraudulent misrepresentation 有欺詐成分的失實陳述 Cap. 60, s. 3(4)
fraudulent misrepresentation 具欺詐成分的失實陳述 Cap. 511C, s. 13(3)
fraudulent misrepresentation 欺詐的失實陳述 Cap. 571, s. 108
fraudulent misrepresentation of identity 在身分方面有具欺詐成分的失實陳述 Cap. 511C, s. 13(3)
fraudulent omission 欺詐性不作為 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
fraudulent or other unlawful purpose 欺詐或其他非法目的 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 22
fraudulent or reckless misrepresentation 有欺詐成分或罔顧後果的失實陳述 Cap. 155, s. 93(2)
fraudulent preference 欺詐優惠 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fraudulent purpose 欺詐目的 Cap. 571, s. 112ZT(1)
fraudulent representation 有欺詐成分的申述 Cap. 359, s. 12(2)

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fraudulent trading 欺詐營商 Cap. 32, s. 209A(2)(d)

with a fraudulent intent 存欺詐意圖 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(b)
fraudulently acted fraudulently, corruptly or dishonestly 有欺詐性、舞弊或不誠實的作為 Cap. 615, s. 30(4)(b)(iii)
fraudulently 以欺詐手段 Cap. 311, s. 68(5)(c)
fraudulently 藉欺詐手段 Cap. 529, s. 25(1)(c)
fraudulently deprived of ... 被人以欺詐手段騙去…… Cap. 166A, Sch. 1
fraudulently obtained 被欺詐地取得 Cap. 98, s. 32B(1)
fraudulently procures himself to be registered 欺詐地促致其本人……獲得註冊 Cap. 161, s. 28(4)
free free 非繫留 Cap. 173A, reg. 2
free from ... 不受……影響 Cap. 548, s. 89(3)(c)
free from ... 並無…… Cap. 26, s. 2(5)(c)
free from all competing rights 不附有……對立權利 Cap. 123, s. 29(7)(b)(i)
free from all liability 無須承擔任何法律責任 Cap. 336E, r. 6(2)
free from all liens, claims or encumbrances 不受任何留置權、申索權或產權負擔所約束 Cap. 630, s. 63(2)(b)(ii)(A)
free from conditions 不具條件 Cap. 159, s. 6(11)(b)
free from encumbrances 沒有產權負擔 Cap. 155Q, r. 49(2)(c)
free from the rights of ... 不受……的權利所影響 Cap. 548, s. 89(3)(c)
free of ... 不附帶…… Cap. 276, s. 4(3)
free of charge 免費 Cap. 459, s. 22(2)
free pardon 赦免 Cap. 401, s. 33(5)
free pardon 無條件赦免 Cap. 472, s. 3(6)(k)
free free entry 自由進入 Cap. 296, s. 11(5)
free movement of goods 貨物……的流動自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 115
free operation 經營自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 110

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free port 自由港 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 114

free trade 自由貿易 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 115
full and free access 全面和自由地取用 Cap. 1115, s. 26
freedom freedom 自由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freedom and privacy of communication 通訊自由和通訊秘密 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30
freedom ... of assembly 集會……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom of association 結社自由 Cap. 383, s. 8
freedom of association 結社……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom of choice of educational institutions 選擇院校……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
freedom of choice of occupation 選擇職業的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 33
freedom of communication 自由通訊 Cap. 557, Schedule
freedom of conscience 信仰的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32
freedom of contract 訂立合約的自由 Cap. 637, s. 16(1)
freedom of contract 訂約自由(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freedom of ... debate 辯論的自由 Cap. 382, s. 3
freedom ... of demonstration 示威的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom of emigration 移居……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
freedom of marriage 婚姻自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 37
freedom of movement within the Hong Kong Special 在香港特別行政區境內遷徙的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
Administrative Region
freedom of opinion and expression 意見和發表的自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16, heading
freedom ... of procession 遊行……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom ... of publication 出版的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27

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freedom of religious belief 宗教信仰的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32

freedom of speech 言論自由 Cap. 382, Long Title
freedom of speech 言論……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom of the person 人身自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
freedom of the press 新聞自由 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.10
freedom ... of the press 新聞……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom of thought, conscience and religion 思想、信念及宗教之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
freedom to choose ... residence 擇居之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(1)
freedom ... to conduct and participate in religious activities in 公開……舉行、參加宗教活動的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32
freedom to engage in academic research 進行學術研究……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
freedom to engage in ... cultural activities 進行……文化活動的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
freedom to engage in ... literary and artistic creation 進行……文學藝術創作……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 34
freedom ... to enter or leave the Region 出入境的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
freedom to form and join trade unions 組織和參加工會……的……自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice 保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs 表示其宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
freedom to preach 傳教……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 32
freedom to pursue ... education 求學的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of 尋求、接受及傳播各種消息及思想之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
all kinds
freedom ... to strike 罷工的……自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 27
freedom to travel 旅行……的自由 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
fundamental freedoms 基本自由 Convention Against Torture and

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Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading

Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
fundamental rights and freedoms of others 他人之基本權利自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
personal freedom 人身自由 Cap. 557, Schedule
protection of the rights and freedoms of others 保障他人權利自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 17
right to freedom of association with others 自由結社之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(1)
right to freedom of expression 發表自由之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
freehold abatement of freehold (arch.) 侵入自由保有的產業〔在合法繼承人進入前侵入不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
〕 and Commercial Law Terms
estate in freehold 永久業權形式……產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
freehold 永久業權 Cap. 219, s. 2
freehold 自由保有的產業 ※比較 leasehold English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freehold estate 永久產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
freehold land 永久業權土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
hold estate in freehold 以永久業權形式持有產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
freeholder freeholder 永久業權持有人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
freely freely 自願 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(h)
freely 直率地 Cap. 92, Sch. 2
free-on-board free-on-board [also F.O.B.] 離岸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
free-on-board price 離岸價格 Cap. 291A, reg. 4C

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free-on-board value 離岸價值 Cap. 318, s. 2

freezing freezing 凍結 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freezing of assets 凍結資產 Cap. 426, s. 44
freezing order 資產凍結令 參看 Mareva injunction English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freight back freight 退貨運費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
back freight 額外運費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freight 運費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frequency frequency 次數 Cap. 159, s. 8A(2)(c)
frequency 班次 Cap. 104, s. 15(1)
frequency 頻密程度 Cap. 478AF, s. 101(3)
frequency frequency bands 頻帶 Cap. 106AA, s. 2(1A)(a)
frequent frequent 經常出入於…… Cap. 200, s. 131(1)(c)
fresh fresh application 新的申請 Cap. 406D, reg. 13(5)
fresh consent 重新簽發的同意書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fresh evidence 新證據 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 12(1A)(b)
fresh issue of shares 發行新股份 Cap. 622, s. 257(2)(b)
fresh order 新命令 Cap. 4A, O. 46, r. 2(3)
fresh evidence fresh evidence 新證據 Cap. 4, s. 23
friend next friend 起訴監護人 Cap. 4, s. 56(5)(b)
fringe fringe benefit 附帶福利 Cap. 316R, Schedule

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fringe benefit fringe benefit 附帶利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
fringe benefit 附帶福利 Cap. 316R, Schedule
frivolous frivolous 瑣屑無聊 Cap. 7, s. 68B
frivolous claim 瑣屑無聊的申索 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frivolous litigation 瑣屑無聊的訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.150
frivolous or vexatious 瑣屑無聊或無理取鬧 Cap. 570, s. 12
frivolous or vexatious 瑣屑無聊或無理纏擾 Cap. 221, s. 83S
scandalous, frivolous or vexatious 惡意中傷、瑣屑無聊或無理取鬧 Cap. 619D, r. 40(1)(b)
from and after from and after ... 自……起及此後 Cap. 227, s. 93(a)
from time to time from time to time 不時 Cap. 1, s. 15(1)
from time to time and from place to place as may be most 在最方便的時間及地點進行 Cap. 369A, reg. 15
front abuts or fronts upon a street ... accessible to the public 緊連或臨向公眾可進入的街道 Cap. 123C, reg. 3(2)(a)
frontal attack frontal attack (on a judgment, statute, etc.) (對判決、法律等的)正面抨擊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustrate agreement ... be frustrated 協議……受挫失效 Cap. 379, s. 6(4)
appeal is ... frustrated 上訴的目的不能達致 Cap. 245, s. 44A(6)
frustrated 受挫失效 Cap. 23, s. 16(1)
frustrated 阻撓 Cap. 7, s. 44B(2)
frustrating or impeding the enforcement of any order 破壞或阻礙執行……命令 Cap. 192, s. 17(4)
likely to frustrate the timely enforcement 相當可能會使……及時強制執行……行動受挫 Cap. 112BI, Schedule
the object of ... frustrated ……目的……無法達到 Cap. 340, s. 10
the performance of ... duty might be frustrated 令……無法執行職務 Cap. 483A, s. 6(1)

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the purpose of ... could be frustrated 可能令……的目的不能達到 Cap. 466, s. 20

frustrate a contract frustrate a contract 夭約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustration frustration (合約)受挫失效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustration clause 受挫失效條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
frustration of contracts 合約受挫失效 Cap. 514, s. 63(6)
frustration of the contract 合約受挫失效 Cap. 23, s. 16
fuel consumable fuel 可耗燃料 Cap. 112, Sch. 17
fuel tank room 燃料缸室 Cap. 295E, s. 2
low-flashpoint fuel 低閃點燃料 Cap. 369BD, s. 28(3)
fugitive arrangements for the surrender of fugitive offenders 移交逃犯安排 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
fugitive offender 逃犯 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
fulfil fulfilled 落實 Cap. 41E, r. 7
fulfilled 履行 Cap. 1, s. 38
fulfil fulfils the conditions 符合……條件 Cap. 469, s. 14(1)
fulfilment fulfilment 實施 Cap. 503K, Schedule
fulfilment of ... obligations 履行……責任 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
in fulfilment of ... 實行…… Cap. 21, s. 25(4)(a)
fulfilment ongoing fulfilment 持續符合 Cap. 584, s. 8T(1)(a)
full allowed in full 全數獲准予 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
first offender of full age 成年的初犯者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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full 十足 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
full 充分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full 全面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full 全部 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full 完全 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
full age 成年 Cap. 410, s. 2(1)
full age 法定年齡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full amount 全部款項 Cap. 32, s. 270(1)
full and absolute power 全面和絕對權力 Cap. 1112A, r. 10(3)
full and accurate records 完整及準確的檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.23
full and fair trial 全面和公平的審訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full and final settlement 完全並最終解決 Cap. 370, s. 29(6)(a)
full and final settlement 完全和最終和解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full and final settlement 完全和最終解決 Cap. 127, s. 13
full and proper records 完整與妥當的紀錄 Cap. 159M, Sch. 2
full and proper use 全面和正確地使用 Cap. 59AD, s. 22(1)(b)
full and punctual payment 準時足額付款 Cap. 13, s. 20(1)(a)(ii)
full and sufficient discharge of obligation 完全而充分地履行義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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full and true disclosure 全面而真實地披露 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full and up to date records 詳盡和最新紀錄 Cap. 51G, s. 2(7)
full answer and defence 全面答辯及抗辯 Cap. 227, s. 16(1)
full apology 全面的道歉啟事 Cap. 21, s. 4
full blood 全血親 Cap. 290, s. 2
full certificate 足額證明書 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
full character direction 就被告人的品格作出全面指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full compensation 十足的補償 Cap. 106, s. 14(2)(i)
full compensation 十足補償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
full complement 滿額 Cap. 374D, reg. 46(1)(j)(ii)
full compliance 完全遵從 Cap. 403, s. 16(1)(h)
full consideration 十足代價 Cap. 257, s. 13(1)
full costs 一切訟費 Cap. 332, s. 35(5)
full costs 十足訟費 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
full costs recovery 收回全部成本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full direction 全面的指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full disclosure 全面披露 Cap. 4A, O. 49B, r. 1A
full discount of one-third of the sentence 足三分一刑期減免 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
full effect 十足效力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

full effect 全面效力 Cap. 462, s. 8(2)(b)
full evidence 十足的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full evidence 全部的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full exemption 全面豁免 Cap. 50, s. 24(1)(c)(iii)(A)
full force 十足效力 Cap. 227, s. 31
full force 完全有效 Cap. 219, s. 29
full force 持續有效 Cap. 227, s. 55
full force and effect 十足效力及作用 Cap. 577, s. 10(3)
full hearing 全面聆訊 Cap. 390, s. 2(1)
full indemnity basis 完全彌償基準 Cap. 159, s. 10(2)(e)
full inquiry 全面查訊 Cap. 32, s. 233(1)
full jurisdiction 全面的管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full knowledge 完全知悉 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
full legal and equitable title 法律上及衡平法上的全部所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full legal capacity 完全法律行為能力 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.27
full liberty 充分自由 Cap. 95, Sch. 2
full licence 正式牌照 Cap. 548D, s. 2(1)
full lies direction 就謊言的全面指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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full member 正式會員 Cap. 321, s. 10

full membership 正式會員 Cap. 321, s. 10A
full membership rights 正式會員權利 Cap. 332, s. 33A(2)
full minute 詳細紀錄 Cap. 349A, reg. 14
full offence 完整罪行 Cap. 200, s. 159I(2)(b)
full peaceable and quiet possession 和平而安寧的全面管有 Cap. 4A, App. A
full power 全面的權力 Cap. 1016, s. 3
full price 十足價格 Cap. 330, s. 4D(1)(b)
full proof [also probatio plena] 充分的證明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full proof [also probatio plena] 完全證明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full recital 完整敘文 Cap. 219, s. 28
full reconciliation 全面對帳 Cap. 155M, s. 16FC(a)
full report 詳盡報告 Cap. 470, s. 27(2)
full salary 十足薪金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full salary 全薪 Cap. 94, s. 8
full satisfaction of liability 圓滿履行法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full settlement 完全清償 Cap. 247, s. 7(4)
full term of the lease 整段契約年期 Cap. 150, s. 3(2)(a)
full term of the right ……權利的整段期限 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
full time management 全職管理 Cap. 428, s. 23(4)
full trial 全面審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 14A, r. 1(1)(a)

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full valuable consideration 十足有值代價 Cap. 112, s. 30(3)(b)

full wages 十足工資 Cap. 282, s. 5(2)(a)
has paid the full amount of ... 已……悉數繳付…… Cap. 600, s. 6(5)
have full effect 具有全面效力 Cap. 359, s. 29(1A)(g)
in full 十足 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in full 完全 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in full discharge of ... 完全了結…… Cap. 336, s. 34(3)
in full force and effect 具有十足效力及作用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnify in full 作出十足的彌償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacking full capacity 無充分行為能力 Cap. 557, Schedule
paid in full in one lump sum 整筆全數繳付 Cap. 208A, Sch. 3
to the full satisfaction of sb. 務求某人完全滿意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the full satisfaction of sb. 達至令某人完全滿意的程度 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Full Council of the Full Council of the Heung Yee Kuk 鄉議局……議員大會 Cap. 554E, para. 2
Heung Yee Kuk
fullest to the fullest extent possible 盡可能 Cap. 413C, reg. 4(1)
to the fullest extent practicable 在切實可行範圍內盡量 Cap. 413C, reg. 4(2)
full-time full-time education 全日制教育 Cap. 89, s. 18(1A)(a)(ii)
full-time occupation 全時間佔用 Cap. 131, s. 1A
full-time postgraduate students 全日制研究生 Cap. 1075, s. 10(1)(f)(ii)

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full-time staff 全職員工 Cap. 1075, s. 2

full-time students 全日制學生 Cap. 1075, s. 2
full-time undergraduate 全日制本科生 Cap. 1075, s. 10(1)(f)(i)
in full time practice 全職執業 Cap. 50, s. 10(2A)(a)
in the part-time or full-time employment of ... 非全職或全職受僱於…… Cap. 159R, s. 8(4)
on a full time basis 以全職性質 Cap. 406, s. 35(3)
fully as fully as possible 盡可能 Cap. 413C, reg. 6(b)
fully 十足 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fully 充分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fully 全面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fully 全面地 Cap. 131B, reg. 3(1)(f)
fully and effectually 完全而有效 Cap. 556D, s. 45(1)
fully and effectually indemnify sb. 向某人作出十足而有效的彌償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fully argued 全面辯論 Cap. 429, s. 7(2)(b)
fully informed of 獲詳盡告知 Cap. 446B, s. 3(1)(g)
fully insured 十足受保 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
fully paid up shares 已繳足股款的股份 Cap. 29, s. 2
fully satisfied 全部履行 Cap. 336H, O. 49B, r. 4
fully satisfied 完全遵行 Cap. 556, s. 40(3)
judgment ... fully satisfied 判決……獲全部履行 Cap. 4A, O. 49B, r. 4
not fully substantiated 無法完全證明屬實 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)

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function a function purportedly delegated or sub-delegated ... 看來是……轉授或再轉授的職能 Cap. 601, s. 40

ancillary functions 附帶職能 Cap. 95, s. 19C(2)
assume the functions 承擔……職能 Cap. 364, Long Title
better discharge of its functions ... 更妥善履行其……的職能 Cap. 1081, s. 10(1)
concurrently performing the function ... 同時執行……職能 Cap. 601, s. 13(5)
consular function 領事職務 Cap. 557, Schedule
control function 管控職能 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
critical financial functions 關鍵金融功能 Cap. 628, s. 4(a)
day-to-day investment management functions 日常投資管理職能 Cap. 637, s. 20(1)
delegable function 可轉委職能 Cap. 29, s. 21(4)
delegate ... functions 將……職能轉授 Cap. 1145, s. 9(3)
delegated ... functions 既授職務 Cap. 398, Schedule
exercise of ... functions 行使……職能 Cap. 155, s. 64(2)
for ... the furtherance of its functions 為貫徹執行其職能 Cap. 1132, s. 7
function 功能 Cap. 374A, reg. 40B(4)
function 職能 Cap. 615, Sch. 1
functions ... in respect of shipping 在航運方面的……職能 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 124
intermediary management function 管理中介人的職能 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
judicial functions 審判職責 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
key persons in control functions 管控要員 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
managerial functions 管理職能 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
performance or purported performance of any function 執行或其意是執行……任何職能 Cap. 601, s. 40
performs the functions 執行……職能 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
powers and functions 職權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48

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principal function 主要職能 Cap. 95, s. 19C(2)

proper performance of ... functions 妥善執行……的職能 Cap. 486, s. 46(2)(a)
quasi-judicial function 類似司法的職能 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
resumes the functions of his office 恢復執行其職能 Cap. 397, s. 5(1)
review function 覆核功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
scope of ... functions 職能範圍 Cap. 303, s. 5
sub-delegate the function 再轉授該職能 Cap. 601, s. 13(4)
transfer of the functions 職能移交 Cap. 439, Long Title
functional functional constituencies 功能團體 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
functional ingredient 功能配料 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
functional sectors 功能界別 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
functional in a functional state 處於可運作狀態 Cap. 303B, Sch. 2
functional constituency functional constituency 功能界別 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
functionary salaried functionary of a government 受薪政府人員 Cap. 542, s. 39(1)(g)
functioning functioning 運作 Cap. 475, s. 23(2)(h)
proper functioning 正常運作 Cap. 369BA, s. 4(3)
functioning functioning 發揮功能 Cap. 584, s. 2A(5)
functioning of 發揮……的功能 Cap. 584, s. 4(4)(a)(ii)
functioning intellectual functioning 智能 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 9.17
social functioning 適應社會能力 Cap. 399, s. 2

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functus officio functus officio 權責終結 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
functus officio ["having performed his/her office"] 職份已完 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fund approved pooled investment fund 核准匯集投資基金 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(wa)
assistance fund 援助基金 Cap. 229, s. 2(1)
authorized mutual fund 認可互惠基金 Cap. 485A, s. 6(1)
borne by public funds 由公帑撥付 Cap. 4A, O. 68, r. 4(2)
capital preservation fund 保本基金 Cap. 485A, s. 37(1)
charitable fund 慈善基金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chit fund 銀會 Cap. 151, Schedule
common fund 共同基金 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.21
common fund basis 共同基金基準 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
common-good fund 公共利益基金 Cap. 33, s. 34(2)
compensation fund 賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 238(1)
compensation fund coverage 補償基金……保障內容 Cap. 485B, Sch. 1
constituent fund 成分基金 Cap. 485, s. 2(1)
contingency fund 應變儲備金 Cap. 411, s. 6(3)(d)
credit into those funds 撥入該等儲備金 Cap. 601, s. 27(1)(b)
electronic funds transfer 電子轉帳過戶 Cap. 511C, s. 12(5)(b)
exchange traded fund 交易所買賣基金 Cap. 117, Sch. 8
Fidelity Fund 互保基金 Cap. 571N, s. 19(2)(f)
fund 基金 Cap. 33, s. 34(1)

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fund flow 基金流向 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
fund in court 法院儲存金 Cap. 4A, O. 22A, r. 3(a)
fund provider 借款提供者 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(5)(a)
funds 基金撥款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funds 資金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funds 儲存金 Cap. 4B, r. 2
funds in court 由法院保管的款項 Cap. 29, s. 2
funds in court 存於法院的儲存金 Cap. 4, s. 20A(2)(c)
funds in court ... comprising ... 存於法院並……包含……的儲存金 Cap. 4A, O. 92, r. 5(1)(c)
funds warrant 基金支付令 Cap. 2, s. 29(1)
general or special reserve funds 一般儲備金或特別儲備金 Cap. 601, s. 27(2)
grants from public funds 由公帑撥出的資助款項 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(h)
group retirement benefit fund 集團退休利益基金 Cap. 1138, s. 9(1)
Guarantee Fund 保證基金 Cap. 571N, s. 19(2)(g)
guarantee ... fund 擔保基金 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(g)
has carried on business as a fund 有經營基金的業務 Cap. 637, s. 24(2)(c)(i)
hedging fund 對沖基金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
investment fund 投資基金 Cap. 485A, s. 6(1)
local fund 本地基金 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)

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mandatory provident fund 強制性公積金 Cap. 485, s. 2

mandatory provident fund schemes 強制性公積金計劃 Cap. 485, Long Title
mutual fund 互惠基金 Cap. 571N, s. 2(1)
non-resident partner fund 非居港夥伴基金 Cap. 112, Sch. 16
open-ended fund company 開放式基金型公司 Cap. 571, s. 112A
pension fund scheme 退休金計劃 Cap. 556, s. 52E(2)(a)(i)
pension fund scheme 退休基金計劃 Cap. 1168, s. 10(1)
provident fund 公積金 Cap. 279, s. 85
public funds 公帑 Cap. 213, s. 39(1)(c)
raising funds 籌款 Cap. 208A, reg. 11(1)(b)
reallocation of funds 調撥資金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
redemption ... fund 贖回基金 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(g)
reserve fund 準備金 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 111
reserve fund 儲備金 Cap. 279C, r. 11(1)
reserve fund 儲備基金 Cap. 218, Long Title
sinking fund 償債基金 Cap. 64, s. 6(1)
special fund 特別基金 Cap. 29, s. 81
special levy fund 特別徵費基金 Cap. 351, s. 2
specified fund 指定款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
specified fund 指明基金 Cap. 637, s. 78
suitors' funds 訴訟人儲存金 Cap. 4B, r. 1
superannuation fund 退休金 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,

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para. 4.50
superannuation fund 離職基金 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 2
Supplementary Legal Aid Fund 法律援助輔助計劃基金 Cap. 602, s. 79(5)
surplus funds 剩餘資金 Cap. 321, s. 6(c)
taxed on the common fund basis 按共同基金基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(4)
trading fund 營運基金 Cap. 430, s. 2(1)
trust fund 信託基金 Cap. 467, Long Title
Unified Exchange Compensation Fund 聯交所賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 235
fundamental fundamental 基本的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fundamental breach of contract 基本性違約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fundamental human rights 基本人權 Cap. 383, s. 2(5)
fundamental rights and freedom 基本權利和自由 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
fundamental rights and freedoms of others 他人之基本權利自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
fundamental term (合約的)基本條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funded party funded party 受資助方 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 4.8
funder commercial litigation funder 商業訴訟出資者 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.94
funder 出資者 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.10
litigation funder 訴訟出資者 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,

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para. 3.27
potential third party funder 潛在出資第三者 Cap. 609, s. 98F
third party funder 出資第三者 Cap. 609, s. 98F
funding access to funding 籌措資金的渠道 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.48
aggregate funding liabilities 出資的總體負債 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.82
arbitration funding 仲裁資助 Cap. 609, s. 98F
contingent funding obligations 或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(1)(o)
funding 提供經費 Cap. 571, s. 244(1)(a)
funding 提供資金 Cap. 485, Long Title
funding 提供資金或經費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding 撥款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding agreement 資助協議 Cap. 609, s. 98G(a)
funding arrangements 提供款項安排 Cap. 426, s. 18(4)(b)(i)
funding lease 融購租約 Cap. 112, s. 14O(1)
funding schedule 基金撥款時間表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding support 撥款支援 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
funding support 撥款資助 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint venture litigation funding arrangement 聯手訴訟出資安排 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.65
other contingent funding obligation 其他或有出資義務 Cap. 155Q, r. 39

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private funding for litigation 私人訴訟出資 "Third Party Funding for

Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.42
private litigation funding 私人訴訟出資 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.29
secured funding transaction 有抵押借款交易 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
small business funding 小型企業借款 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
third party funding of arbitration 第三者資助仲裁 Cap. 609, s. 98F
total aggregated funding 整體借款總額 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
unsecured wholesale funding 無抵押批發借款 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
fundraiser commercial fundraiser 商業籌款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 22
fundraiser 籌款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 20
outside fundraiser 外聘籌款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 67
professional fundraiser 職業籌款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
funds funds 資助金 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.6
trust funds 信託基金 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
funeral death-bed and funeral expenses 臨終及殯殮費用 Cap. 4B, Schedule
funeral 殯殮 Cap. 174, s. 17(1)
funeral expenses 殯殮費 Cap. 23, s. 20(2)(b)(i)
funeral ... expenses 喪葬費 Cap. 6, s. 112(6)
fungi fungi 真菌 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1

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fungible goods fungible goods [also fungibles] 可互換的貨物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fungible goods [also fungibles] 可替代貨品 Cap. 558D, Sch. 2
furnish furnish 提交 Cap. 571, s. 124(2)(b)
furnish 提供 Cap. 541A, s. 22(4)
furnish a statement 呈交陳述書 Cap. 433, s. 3(2)(a)
furnish ... assistance 提供……協助 Cap. 599, s. 10
furniture fixtures, fittings or furniture 固定附着物、裝置或家具 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(d)
further a further direction 另一指示 Cap. 405, s. 5(1C)
a further round of an election 某次選舉的再一輪選舉 Cap. 161F, s. 11(2)
adduce further evidence 援引進一步證據 Cap. 188, s. 6(9)(a)
award of further damages 進一步損害賠償裁決 Cap. 4A, O. 37, r. 10(8)
discharged from the further performance of ... obligations 已獲解除進一步履行……義務 Cap. 379, s. 6(4)
further affidavit evidence 進一步誓章證據 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 1A(5)
further and better particulars 更詳盡清楚的詳情 Cap. 17A, r. 13(1)
further and better statement 更詳盡清楚的陳述 Cap. 4A, O. 77, r. 3(2)
further appeal 再上訴 Cap. 405, s. 17(3A)
further appeal 進一步上訴 Cap. 279, s. 66(2)(b)(i)
further charge 再進行押記 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
further conduct of the action 訴訟的繼續進行事宜 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(4)
further conduct of the application 就申請繼續進行的事宜 Cap. 619D, r. 78(1)
further criminal proceedings 進一步刑事法律程序 Cap. 513, s. 4(1)(d)
further damages 進一步損害賠償 Cap. 4, s. 56A(2)(b)
further extension 進一步延展 Cap. 514, s. 149(4)

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further grounds of objection 進一步的反駁理由 Cap. 559, Sch. 5

further indicated 進一步標示 Cap. 81A, reg. 5(3)
further interrogatories 進一步的質詢書 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 3(2)
further notice 另作通知 Cap. 459, s. 20(1)
further notice 再行通知 Cap. 406, s. 49(3)
further order 進一步的命令 Cap. 29, s. 56(2)
further particulars 進一步詳情 Cap. 447A, s. 4
further penalty 另加罰款 Cap. 360, s. 2(1)
further period 較長期間 Cap. 528D, r. 42(c)
further period or periods 一段或多段後續期間 Cap. 230, s. 5(9)
further period or periods 較後的一段或多於一段的期間 Cap. 519, s. 11(2)(c)
further pleadings 進一步狀書 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 21(1)
further proceedings 進一步法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 7
further proof 其他證明 Cap. 411, Sch. 1
further proof 進一步證明 Cap. 528, s. 121(1)
further statement 進一步呈述 Cap. 282B, r. 29(f)
liable ... to a further fine of ... for each day during which the 可就罪行持續的每天另處罰款…… Cap. 33, s. 56(2)
offence continues
make further and better provision 訂定更詳盡完備的條文 Cap. 201, Long Title
make further provisions 訂定進一步條文 Cap. 557, Long Title
on production without further proof 一經交出,無須再加證明 Cap. 8, s. 19A(1)
subject to further order 但如有進一步的命令則作別論 Cap. 4A, App. A
without any further notice 無須再作通知 Cap. 476, s. 21(4)
without further act or deed 無需其他作為或契據 Cap. 1174, s. 7(2)(b)

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without further proof 無須再作證明 Cap. 618, s. 151(1)

further further surcharge 額外附加費 Cap. 624, s. 2
further further 推廣 Cap. 1129, Long Title
further the objectives 推進……的目標 Cap. 537AE, s. 10(b)
further the underlying objectives of ... 達成……的基本目標 Cap. 4A, O. 1A, r. 3
further the University's objects 貫徹大學的宗旨 Cap. 1132, s. 8A(3)(d)
with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose 為意圖助長達致犯罪目的 Cap. 525, s. 13(1)(c)
further charge further charge 再進行押記 Cap. 112, s. 2
further evidence further evidence 進一步證據 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 10
furtherance for the furtherance of ... 以促進…… Cap. 399, Preamble
for ... the furtherance of its functions 為貫徹執行其職能 Cap. 1132, s. 7
furtherance 促進 Cap. 132AT, s. 6(1)(d)
furtherance 推動 Cap. 21, Schedule
furtherance 深化 Cap. 55, s. 35(1)(a)
furtherance 貫徹 Cap. 132CH, r. 4(2)
furtherance 達致 Cap. 571, s. 380(1)(b)
furtherance of the objects 貫徹……宗旨 Cap. 50, s. 8(1)(q)
in furtherance of ... 以進一步…… Cap. 398, s. 4
in furtherance of an act 為了推展一項……作為 Cap. 480, s. 87(1)(b)
in furtherance of its object 為貫徹其宗旨 Cap. 1145, s. 4
in furtherance of the conspiracy 促成串謀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 將串謀[計劃]付諸實行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in furtherance of the conspiracy 落實串謀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
is in furtherance of ... 屬推展…… Cap. 602, s. 81(2)
fusion fusion 融合 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
fusion of undertakings 業務合併 Cap. 1137, Preamble
future damages for future pecuniary loss 未來金錢損失的損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
estimated future requirements 預計未來需要 Cap. 430, s. 10(1)
future advances 未來貸款 Cap. 1176, s. 7(g)(iv)
future advances 將來的貸款 Cap. 1146, s. 7(g)(iv)
future copyright 未來版權 Cap. 528, s. 102(2)
future estate or interest 未來產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
future goods 期貨 Cap. 26, s. 7(1)
future or contingent legacy 未來或待確定的非土地遺贈 Cap. 29, s. 33(3)
future pecuniary loss 未來金錢損失 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.3
future foreseeable future 可預見的將來 Cap. 155M, s. 3(11)(b)(ii)
future interest future interest 未來權益 Cap. 347, s. 19
futures financial futures contract 財務期貨合約 Cap. 485A, s. 2
futures 期貨 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
futures contract 期貨合約 Cap. 571, s. 174(7)
futures exchange 期貨交易所 Cap. 571B, s. 3(a)
futures market 期貨市場 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index futures contracts 恒生中國企業指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1

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Hang Seng China H-Financials Index futures contract 恒生中國H股金融行業指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index futures contracts 小型恒生中國企業指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
recognized futures market 認可期貨市場 Cap. 571, s. 20(2)
stock futures 股票期貨 Cap. 571, s. 322
Futures Exchange Futures Exchange Company 期交所 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
Futures Exchange Futures Exchange Compensation Fund 期交所賠償基金 Cap. 571, s. 235
Compensation Fund
gain acquisition of gain 謀取利益 Cap. 306, s. 2(2)
actual gain 實際獲益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
capital gains 資本增益 Cap. 36, Schedule
criminal gains 犯罪得益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal gains 犯罪獲益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dishonest gain 不誠實地獲益 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(c)
for financial gain 為財務利益 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
for gain 牟利 Cap. 392, s. 2
for gain 為利益 Cap. 503B, Schedule
for gain 為得益 Cap. 486, s. 35J(2)(b)(i)
for gain 圖利 Cap. 28, s. 6A
for purposes of gain 圖利 Cap. 20, s. 4(4)
for the gain of the person or another 以便為該人或他人圖利 Cap. 28, s. 6(4B)(a)(i)
for the purpose of gain 為牟利 Cap. 400, s. 2

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gain (n.) 收益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
gain (n.) 獲益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gain-on-sale 出售收益 Cap. 155L, s. 43(1)(e)
ill-gotten gains 不義之財 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ill-gotten gains 非法所得 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
otherwise than for gain 並非為得益 Cap. 486, s. 35I(1)
pecuniary gain 金錢利益 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
private gain 私有收益 Cap. 148, s. 2
unrealized gains 未實現收益 Cap. 155L, s. 41(3)
with a view to gain 為了獲益 Cap. 210, s. 2(2)
with a view to gain for the person's own self or another 為了使自己或另一人得益 Cap. 622, s. 65(1)
gain gain admission to ... 取得進入……的許可 Cap. 521, s. 5(1)
gained 獲得 Cap. 159J, r. 9A(4)
gainful gainful occupation 有報酬職業 Cap. 91B, Sch. 1
if the contravening act is done for a gainful purpose 如作出有關違例作為是為圖利目的 Cap. 28, s. 6(4B)(b)(i)
in gainful employment 受僱從事有報酬的工作 Cap. 192, s. 10(3)(a)
private gainful occupation 私人有償職業 Cap. 557, Schedule
gale gale warning 烈風警告 Cap. 362, s. 30D(11)
gale warning day 烈風警告日 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
gallery press gallery 記者席 Cap. 382A, s. 1
public gallery 公眾席 Cap. 382A, s. 1

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gambling conspiracy to cheat at gambling 串謀在賭博時作弊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
gambling 賭博 Cap. 148, s. 2
gambling equipment 賭博設備 Cap. 148, s. 2
gambling establishment 賭場 Cap. 148, s. 2
game game 博彩遊戲 Cap. 148, s. 2
game 遊戲 Cap. 172, s. 6(1)(a)
gamete gametes 配子 Cap. 429, s. 12(1)(b)
gaming gaming 博彩 Cap. 124, s. 11(3)(a)
gaming contract gaming contract 博彩合約 Cap. 329, s. 4
gaming contract 賭博合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gaming house gaming house 賭場 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gangway gangway 過道 Cap. 627, s. 15(1)(b)
gaoler gaoler 監獄看守員 Cap. 221, s. 29(1)
gaoler 監獄負責人 Cap. 227A, r. 11
garnishee garnishee 第三債務人 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 1(1)
garnishee order 第三債務人的命令 參看 garnishee proceedings Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
garnishee proceedings 第三債務人的法律程序〔在涉及判定債權人與判定債務 Cap. 4A, O. 49, r. 1
garrison garrison 駐軍 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
members of the garrison 駐軍人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
gas exhaust gas 廢氣 Cap. 112, Sch. 17

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Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships 《現有船舶氣體運輸船規則》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems 《惰性氣體系統指南》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
Gas Authority Gas Authority 氣體安全監督 Cap. 51, s. 5
gas mask gas masks 防毒面具 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
gate gates, barriers or turnstiles 票閘、欄障或旋轉柵閘 Cap. 577A, s. 3(b)
gather gather alms 收取施捨 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(h)
gathering disperse a gathering 解散……聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 10(3)(b)
exempted group gathering 豁免羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 3(2)(a)
gathering 聚集 Cap. 245, s. 2(1)
prohibited group gathering 受禁羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 2
gazette gazette (v.) 刊登於憲報 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gazetted officer 憲委級人員 Cap. 233, s. 2
Gazette advertise ... in the Gazette 在憲報公布 Cap. 490A, s. 8(1)
by notice in the Gazette 藉憲報公告 Cap. 1, s. 57
by notice published in the Gazette 藉於憲報刊登的公告 Cap. 618, s.146(2)
by publication in the Gazette 藉在憲報刊登公告 Cap. 32H, r. 142(3)
Gazette 憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
Gazette Extraordinary 憲報號外 Cap. 1, s. 3
Gazette notice 憲報公告 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
give notice in the Gazette 在憲報公告 Cap. 425, s. 11(2)
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區政府憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3

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Hong Kong Government Gazette 香港政府憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
published in the Gazette 在憲報刊登 Cap. 87, s. 10(1)
Special Gazette 特別憲報 Cap. 1, s. 3
gazetted gazetted copy 刊憲文本 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
gazetted officer 憲委級人員 Cap. 233, s. 2
gazetted police officer 憲委級警務人員 Cap. 232, s. 3
regular gazetted police officer 正規憲委級警務人員 Cap. 233, s. 2
gazump gazump 不當的反價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gazump (在不動產買賣中)不當地抬價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gear gear 用具 Cap. 354N, s. 2
gearing ratio gearing ratio 資本負債比率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing ratio 槓桿比率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing-up gearing-up (n., adj.) 履約準備 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing-up period 履約準備期間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gearing-up proposal 履約準備建議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
GEM GEM 創業板 Cap. 32L, s. 2
Gencon charterparty Gencon charterparty 金康租船合約〔航次租船合約〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gender gender 性別 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

gender neutral 無分性別的 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.15
gender neutrality 無分性別 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.14
principle of gender neutrality 無分性別原則 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.15
words denoting any one gender shall include all genders 詞語凡指某一性別的亦指其他性別 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gender-neutral gender-neutral 無性別色彩 Cap. 614, s. 17
gender-neutral word or expression 無性別色彩的字或詞句 Cap. 614, s. 17(i)
general charged on the general revenue 記在政府一般收入上 Cap. 2, s. 4
electoral general meeting 選舉大會 Cap. 364A, by-law 2(1)
for general, special or limited purposes 為一般、特別或有限制的目的 Cap. 10, s. 2
general 一般 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general 概括 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general and specific trust 一般及特別信託 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general appearance 一般外貌 Cap. 237, s. 21(2A)
general appearance 一般外觀 Cap. 374, s. 110
general character 一般秉性 Cap. 227, s. 19(1)
general charitable testamentary gift 屬遺囑性質的一般慈善饋贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

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general class action regime 通用的集體訴訟機制 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.63
general conditions of contract 合約一般條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general damages 一般損害賠償 ※比較 specific damages English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general denial 概括否認 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(3)
general description 一般描述 Cap. 415, s. 20(2)(e)
general description 概述 Cap. 208, s. 9(1)(a)
general direction 一般指示 Cap. 283, s. 14(1)
general discovery 一般性的文件透露 參看 discovery English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general discretion 一般酌情權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, Annex D, Part 2
general domestic use 一般家居用途 Cap. 133, s. 4(a)
general duty of care 一般謹慎責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 32
general effect 一般效力 Cap. 300, s. 6(3)
general election 換屆選舉 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
general evidence 一般證據 Cap. 8, s. 12
general expenses 一般開支 Cap. 112A, r. 2C(1)
general issue [案件的]一般爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general issue 概括否認 Cap. 21, s. 12
general issues 一般事宜 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.3

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general jurisdiction 一般司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
general law 一般法律 Cap. 26, s. 4(1)
general law of contract 一般合約法 Cap. 528, s. 98(4)
general lien 一般留置權 Cap. 556B, by-law 44A(1)
general nature 概括性質 Cap. 240, s. 2(2)
general nature 概略性質 Cap. 622, s. 576(1)(c)
general obligation 一般義務 參看 obligation English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general offence 一般罪行 "Voyeurism and Non-consensual
Upskirt-photography" Report, para.
general or special permission 一般或特別許可 Cap. 201, s. 3
general order 一般命令 Cap. 179, s. 15(5)
general pardon 大赦 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general partner 普通合夥人 Cap. 37, s. 2(1)
general partnership 普通合夥 Cap. 37, s. 4
general power 一般權力 Cap. 394, s. 15(5)
general power of appointment 一般指定受益的權力 Cap. 10, s. 64(1)
general power of attorney 一般授權書 Cap. 31, s. 7(1)
general practice 全科 Cap. 549, s. 74(2)(a)
general principles of law 一般法律原則 Cap. 383, s. 8
general provision 一般條文 Cap. 1, Long Title
general provisions 一般準備金 Cap. 571N, s. 22(3)

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general proxy 一般代表 Cap. 32H, Appendix

general proxy 一般委託書 Cap. 6A, r. 99P
general revenue 政府一般收入 Cap. 1, s. 3
general right 一般權利 Cap. 8, s. 52(3)(b)(ii)
general safety certificate 一般安全證明書 Cap. 478B, s. 3(2)(c)
general specification 一般規格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general venue statute 通用審判地法規 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 10
general verdict 一般裁決 Cap. 3, s. 26
general waiver 一般寬免 Cap. 159L, Schedule
general warrant 普通撥款令 Cap. 2, s. 19(1)
in general terms 一般地 Cap. 260, s. 3(2)
in general terms 概括述明 Cap. 4A, O. 52, r. 6(2)(b)
of general or special application 一般地適用或適用於特別情況 Cap. 588, s. 60B(3)(a)
plead the general issue 提出一般答辯 Cap. 232, s. 60
point of law of great and general importance 具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)
general for general reception 供公眾人士接收 Cap. 21, s. 2
for general reception 供公眾接收 Cap. 106, s. 13A(1)
general holiday 公眾假日 Cap. 1, s. 3
general holiday 公眾假期 Cap. 1, s. 3
general public 公眾 Cap. 424, s. 2
general public importance 對公眾普遍有重要性 Cap. 453, s. 33(2)
general general expression of intent 無明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(1)
general general 總體的 Cap. 413K, s. 26(1)

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general assets 總資產 Cap. 29, s. 89

general control over 全面控制權 Cap. 1145, s. 7(b)
general general meeting 全體大會 Cap. 104, s. 10(2)
general meeting 成員大會 Cap. 622, s. 571
general meeting 會員大會 Cap. 112, s. 24(3)
general meetings 股東大會 Cap. 426, s. 67(1C)(c)(i)
General Agreement on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 關稅和貿易總協定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
Tariffs and Trade
General Assembly General Assembly 大會 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
general public interest general public interest 整體公眾利益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
Generale dictum Generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum. [A general 一般詞句應作一般解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
generaliter est expression is to be construed generally.] and Commercial Law Terms
Generalia specialibus Generalia specialibus non derogant. [Things general do not 常規並不限制殊規 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
non derogant. restrict things special.] and Commercial Law Terms
Generalia verba sunt Generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda. [General words 一般字眼按一般意義理解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
generaliter intelligenda. are to be understood in a general sense.] and Commercial Law Terms
Generalibus specialia Generalibus specialia derogant. [Things special restrict things 殊規可限制常規 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
derogant. general.] and Commercial Law Terms
Generalis clausula non Generalis clausula non porrigitur ad ea quae antea specialiter 一般性條文不能擴及已有具體規定的事情 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
porrigitur ad ea quae sunt comprehensa. [A general clause does not extend to those and Commercial Law Terms
antea specialiter sunt things that have been previously provided for specifically.]
generality derogate from the generality of ... 對……的概括性有所減損 Cap. 1, s. 28(1)(d)
generality 一般性的原則 Cap. 597, s. 14(2)

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prejudice the generality of ... 損害……的一般性 Cap. 525, s. 3(4)

without affecting the generality of ... 在不影響……的一般性的原則下 Cap. 584, s. 14(1)
without affecting the generality of ... 在不影響……的概括性的原則下 Cap. 490, s. 42(2)
without derogation from the generality of the foregoing 在不減損前述條文的一般性的原則下 Cap. 106, s. 10(7)
without limiting the generality of ... 在不限制……的一般性的原則下 Cap. 369AL, reg. 2
without prejudice to ... generality 在不損害……一般性的原則下 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.94
without prejudice to the generality of ... 在不損害……的一般性的原則下 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(2)
generalized generalized preference certificate 普及特惠稅證 Cap. 60B, Schedule
generally acting generally ... for a party thereto 一般性地代表該一方的 Cap. 336, s. 15(1)(c)
adjourned generally 一般地予以押後 Cap. 4A, O. 28, r. 5(2)
authorized by ... either generally or specially 獲……一般授權或特別授權 Cap. 399, s. 4(b)
circulating generally 廣泛流通的 Cap. 622, s. 311(2)(a)(ii)
comply generally with 全面遵從 Cap. 123, s. 4(3)(c)
either generally or for any particular occasion 一般地或就任何個別情況 Cap. 106, s. 14(1)
either generally or in any particular case 就一般或個別情況 Cap. 295B, reg. 66(2)(e)
either generally or in specified proceedings 在一般或指明的法律程序中 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
generally 概括地 Cap. 586, s. 22(3)
generally 概括而言 Cap. 332, s. 59(1)(i)
generally accepted 一般接納 Cap. 106, s. 7H
generally accepted 普遍接受的 Cap. 390, s. 10(1)(a)
generally for the better carrying into effect of the purposes of 概括而言,為更有效施行本條例的目的 Cap. 50, s. 8(1)(q)
this Ordinance
generally for the better carrying out of the provisions 概括而言,為更有效施行……條文 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ag)
generally or in a particular case 一般地或就個別個案 Cap. 571, s. 20(1)(b)

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generally or in a particular case 一般情況或個別個案 Cap. 208A, reg. 18A

generally or in any particular case 一般地或在任何個別情況下 Cap. 60, s. 5(1)
generally or specially 一般地或特別地 Cap. 622, s. 474(5)(b)
generally prevalent 普遍存在 Cap. 547, s. 49(1)(a)(iii)
particularly or generally 特別地或一般地 Cap. 159, s. 8A(1)
stand over generally 全面暫時延辦 Cap. 4A, O. 34, r. 9(2)
generate generated 產生 Cap. 354N, s. 7(1)
genetic genetic relationship 血親關係 Cap. 465A, s. 2
genetic genetic elements 遺傳元素 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
genetically genetically modified organism 基因改造生物 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
genetically modified organisms 已改變遺傳基因的有機體 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
genetically related 有血親關係 Cap. 465, s. 5A(1)(a)(i)
Geneva Convention Geneva Convention 日內瓦公約 Cap. 1129, s. 2
Geneva Conventions Geneva Conventions 日內瓦各項公約 Cap. 503H, Sch. 2
genocide Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 《防止及懲治危害種族罪公約》 Cap. 212, s. 9A(4)
of Genocide
crime of genocide 殘害人群罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(3)
genocide 危害種族 Cap. 212, s. 9A(1)
genocide 種族滅絕 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
Genocide Convention Genocide Convention 危害種族罪公約 Cap. 212, s. 9A(1)
gentlemen's agreement gentlemen's agreement 君子協定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
genuine genuine 真實的 Cap. 134, s. 31(1)(b)
genuine 真確 Cap. 372, s. 32(1)(a)
genuine address for service 真實的送達地址 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 3(4)

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genuine belief 真意相信 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.15
genuine belief 真確相信 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.38
genuine mistaken belief 出於真意而錯誤相信 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.42
genuine occupational qualification 真正的職業資格 Cap. 480, s. 2(1)
genuine relationship 真實關係 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 12.23
"genuine though unreasonable belief" test “真確但不合理地相信”的測試 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.49
on a genuine domestic basis 在真正的家庭基礎上 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
valid and genuine marriage 有效真實的婚姻 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.11
genuinely genuinely believe, albeit wrongly 真確但錯誤相信 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.37
genuinely in issue 確實受爭議 Cap. 528, s. 121(8)(b)
genuineness genuineness 真實性 Cap. 514C, s. 97(3)
geographical division of geographical constituencies 選區劃分 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2

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geographical constituencies through direct elections 分區直接選舉 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
geographical geographical area 地區 Cap. 460, s. 21(5)(d)
geographical area 地區範圍 Cap. 541, s. 2(1)
geographical constituency 地方選區 Cap. 541, s. 17(1)
geographical distribution 地域分佈 Cap. 155M, s. 16FG(1)
geographical indication 地理標誌 Cap. 609, s. 103B(1)(c)
geographical limitations 地區限制 Cap. 435, s. 3(2)(b)
geographical origin 地理來源 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(c)
geographical segments 地域分部 Cap. 155M, s. 98(2)(a)
germane germane 有關的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gesture gestures 姿勢及手勢 Cap. 602, s. 45(4)(b)
gift absolute gift 無條件的饋贈 Cap. 23, s. 25(2)
ademption of gift 撤銷贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
advancement of gift 預早贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by way of gift 作出饋贈 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
by way of gift 藉饋贈方式 Cap. 501, s. 8(3)(c)
corrupt gift 行賄饋贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
general charitable testamentary gift 屬遺囑性質的一般慈善饋贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
gift 贈品 Cap. 621, s. 31(5)(c)
gift [also donatio; donum] 贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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gift [also donatio; donum] 饋贈 Cap. 182, s. 12

gift, devise or bequest 饋贈或遺贈 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
2.41, Footnote 44
gift in contemplation of death [also donatio mortis causa; gift 預期死亡而作出的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
gift in contemplation of death [also donatio mortis causa; gift 臨終遺贈 Official Administrator, the Personal
mortis causa] Representative of the Estate of Lung
Nga Lai Elly v Kong Mei Sin & Ors
[2014] 4 HKLRD 823
gift in contemplation of death [also donatio mortis causa; gift 臨終贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mortis causa] and Commercial Law Terms
gift in contemplation of marriage 預期結婚而作出的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gift inter vivos 生者之間的贈予 Cap. 111, s. 6(7)
gift of property 財產饋贈 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
gift over 期後饋贈 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gift over 轉贈他人 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)
gifts 捐贈 Cap. 469, s. 6(1)(c)
imperfect gift 不完整的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
makes a gift of ... to ... 將……饋贈予…… Cap. 23, s. 25(1)
making a gift 作出饋贈 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
onerous gift 負有義務的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
private gifts and donations 私人捐贈 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(h)
recipient of a gift 饋贈的收受人 Cap. 525, Sch. 2

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residuary gift 剩餘遺產的饋贈 Cap. 10, Sch. 1

solicit gifts 索取饋贈 Cap. 304, s. 7(m)
testamentary gift 遺囑性質的饋贈 Cap. 1144, s. 5(3)
testamentary gift 遺囑遺贈 Cap. 1146, s. 6(3)
Gillick child Gillick child competency [Gillick v. West Norfolk Wisbeck 吉利克小孩能力〔未成年人有足夠成熟程度和智力明白 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
competency Area HA [1986] AC 112] 醫療的性質和後果者,具自決接受醫療能力〕 and Commercial Law Terms
girl buggery with girl under 21 與21歲以下女童作出肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.97
give give 發出 Cap. 181, s. 26(1)
give a satisfactory account 作出令人滿意解釋 Cap. 81A, reg. 16(1)
give ... access to ... 讓……取覽…… Cap. 525, s. 15(2)(a)(ii)
give ... advantage 給予……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(a)
give bail 提供保釋 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 9
give leave 給予許可 Cap. 200, s. 154(2)
give names to 命名 Cap. 542, s. 18(2)(b)
give notice in the Gazette 在憲報公告 Cap. 425, s. 11(2)
give security 提供保證 Cap. 609, s. 22B(2)(f)
give the impression 令人產生……印象 Cap. 622, s. 100(2)(a)
give the reasons for ... 就……發表其理由 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5B(1)
give valid receipts 發出有效的收據 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(b)
gives an undertaking 承諾 Cap. 352A, r. 6(1)(e)
giving a person an opportunity of being heard 給予某人陳詞機會 Cap. 585, s. 96(1)
giving notice of ... 發出……通知 Cap. 179A, r. 103B(6)(a)
giving or refusing of medical treatment 給予或拒絕治療 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,

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para. 1.2
giving validity 賦予效力 Cap. 1085, s. 24(9)
incapable of giving consent 無行為能力給予同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.4
liable to give offence 會令人感到受冒犯 Cap. 490A, s. 5(1)(c)
take or give delivery of ... 收取或交付 Cap. 296A, reg. 9(2)
the giving, withholding or acceptance of instructions to a 發出、拒發或接受委聘大律師的指示 Cap. 602, s. 35(3)
give give possession of ... to ... 將……交予…… Cap. 455, s. 17(4)
give possession of ... to ... 將……交由……管有 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
give possession of ... to ... 將對……的管有交予…… Cap. 200, s. 147B(5)(c)(ii)
gives 交給 Cap. 579, s. 2(2)(a)
give call and give evidence 傳喚他人作證 Cap. 453, s. 24(3)(a)
decline to give evidence 拒絕作證 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
give evidence 作出證供 Cap. 525, s. 10(12)
give evidence 作供 Cap. 516, s. 24(1)(b)
give evidence 作證 Cap. 50, s. 36(1)(b)
give evidence 提供證據 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
give evidence ... against ... 提供證據指證…… Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence for ... 為……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 6
give evidence ... viva voce 以口頭方式……提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 5
give in evidence any information 提供……資料作為證據 Cap. 316, s. 25
give judgment for the claim 作出該申索勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(5)
give security for costs 就訟費而……提供保證 Cap. 6A, r. 55

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give security for good behaviour 提供守行為的保證 Cap. 226, s. 10(3)

give sworn evidence 在宣誓下作證 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.30
give weight to 將……作為考慮因素 Cap. 282, s. 9(4)
give weight to ... evidence 給予……證據分量 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
given in evidence 作為證據 Cap. 227, s. 82(1)(b)
gives a judgment 作出判決 Cap. 609, s. 17(4)(a)
giving judgment against ... 判決……敗訴 Cap. 414, s. 25(11)
judgments given in ... ……作出的判決 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
not compellable to give evidence 不可被強迫作證 Cap. 525, s. 10(6)
privilege of giving evidence twice 作證兩次的特權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.110
read and given in evidence 予以宣讀並提供作為證據 Cap. 4A, App. A
give give up possession of ... 放棄管有…… Cap. 26, s. 47(7)
give effect to give effect in Hong Kong to ... 使……得以在香港施行 Cap. 512, Long Title
give effect to 付諸執行 Cap. 571, s. 54(1)
give effect to 使……得以實施 Cap. 474, s. 64
give effect to 執行 Cap. 81, s. 6(1)(d)(ii)
give effect to 落實 Cap. 485, s. 10(2)
give effect to 實施 Cap. 148, s. 21(2)
give effect to 實現 Cap. 145, s. 14(4)
give effect ... to 使……生效 Cap. 1A, r. 13(3)

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give effect to ... 使……有效 Cap. 471, s. 6(1A)

give effect to ... 使……得以施行 Cap. 527, s. 23(3)(b)
give effect to ... 實行 Cap. 562, s. 42(1)(g)
give effect to the underlying objectives of ... 達致……的基本目標 Cap. 528D, r. 4(1)
giving effect to 施行 Cap. 414, s. 25(11)
giving effect to 為施行…… Cap. 271, s. 4(1)
giving full effect to ... 貫徹施行…… Cap. 138, s. 29(1)(u)
give evidence give evidence 作證 Cap. 51, s. 23
give evidence 提供證據 Cap. 8, s. 3
give full effect to give full effect to 使……具有十足效力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
give rise to give rise to 引起 Cap. 282, s. 15(1C)(a)
give rise to a reasonable suspicion 引起他人合理懷疑 Cap. 60, s. 18A(2)
gives rise to 引發 Cap. 359A, reg. 19(1)
giving rise to 引致 Cap. 272, s. 9
giving rise to 產生 Cap. 522, s. 15(2)
giving rise to 導致 Cap. 459, s. 21(2)(a)
reasonably give rise to a belief that ... 合理地令人相信…… Cap. 167A, reg. 22(3)
given given name 取名 Cap. 622, s. 643(4)
given names 名字 Cap. 115A, reg. 5(a)
glance fleeting glance 瞬間一望 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
global global starting point 整體量刑起點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
global view of sentence 整體地考慮刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
overall or global totality 整體或總刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
GMP GMP 優良製造規範 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
go Going equipped for stealing 外出時備有偷竊用的物品 Cap. 210, Schedule
go to court go to court (到法庭)起訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go to law go to law 訴諸法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go to the root of a go to the root of a contract 觸及合約的根本 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
contract and Commercial Law Terms
go-between go-between 中間人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
go-between 牽線人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
godchild godchild 誼子女 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)(j)
godown warrant godown warrant 倉單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
godown warrant 貨棧單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
godparent godparent 誼父母 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)(j)
God's penny God's penny [also earnest money] 定金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
God's penny [also earnest money] 誠意金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
going concern going concern 正營運中的事業 Cap. 41, s. 46(2)
going concern 營業機構 Cap. 32, Sch. 3

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going concern (n.) 持續營運的公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
going concern (n.) 營業中的機構 Cap. 111, s. 39
going concern (n.) 營運中的業務 Cap. 563, s. 12
going equipped for going equipped for burglary 外出時備有入屋犯法用的物品 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
burglary Consultation Paper, para. 3.33
going-concern value going-concern value 營業中機構的估值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gold gold bullion 金錠 Cap. 537A, s. 1(2)
gold bullion 黃金 Cap. 316M, s. 1
golden rule golden rule 金科玉律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
golden rule 指導原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
golden rule of legal drafting 草擬法律文件的指導原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
golden rule of statutory interpretation 法例釋義的金科玉律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
golden shares golden shares [controlling shares in a corporation] 黃金股份 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good against good morals [also contra bonos mores] 有傷風化的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
against good morals [also contra bonos mores] 有違道德的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
be of good behaviour 保持行為良好 Cap. 212, s. 41
bind over to be of good behaviour 簽保以保證保持行為良好 Cap. 221, s. 109I
breach of good faith 有違真誠 "Access to Information"

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Consultation Paper, para. 11.15

detrimental to good administration 有損良好的行政運作 Cap. 4, s. 21K(6)
direction on good character 良好品格指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
during good behaviour 在保持良好行為期間 參看 quamdiu se bene gesseri(n)t English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for good cause 基於良好因由 Cap. 600, s. 10(7)
good 妥善 Cap. 3, s. 6
good 良好 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good and serviceable order 良好及可使用的狀態 Cap. 197A, reg. 13(1)(b)
good and sufficient grounds 良好而充分的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good and sufficient reason 好的及充分的理由 Cap. 227, s. 35A(1)(i)
good and sufficient security 妥善而足夠的保證 Cap. 484, s. 25(2)(a)
good and valid 妥當而且有效的 Cap. 227, s. 33(d)
good and valid 成立及有效 Cap. 181, s. 28
good and valid conviction 有效的定罪 Cap. 212, s. 59
good authority 有效根據 Cap. 227, s. 103(2)
good cause 正當因由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good cause 充分理由 Cap. 322A, s. 4(a)
good cause 好的因由 Cap. 6, s. 27
good cause 妥善因由 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.35
good cause of action 好的訴訟因由 Cap. 4, s. 21B(3)(a)

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good character 良好品格 Cap. 221, s. 54(1)(f)(ii)

good character direction 良好品格指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
good claim 有良好理據的申索 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.9
good condition 良好狀況 Cap. 107, s. 11(a)
good conduct 行為良好 Cap. 298, s. 3(2)
good consideration 良好代價 Cap. 219, s. 60(3)
good consideration 善意代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good defence 充分的免責辯護 Cap. 227, s. 126(2)
good discharge 充分的責任解除 Cap. 29, s. 33(2)(a)
good discharge 妥為清償 Cap. 23, s. 9
good faith 真誠 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.96
good ground 充分理由 Cap. 374, s. 25(2)(a)
good management 妥善管理 Cap. 208A, reg. 13(1)
good marketable title 妥善的有價業權 "Adverse Possession" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.18
good order 良好秩序 Cap. 551, s. 7(1)(b)
good order and discipline 良好秩序及紀律 Cap. 233, s. 14(c)
good reason 充分理由 Cap. 115, s. 46A(2)
good reason 好的理由 Cap. 571, s. 160(4)(a)
good repute and competency 聲譽良好並適任 Cap. 156, s. 18(2)
good service 妥為送達 Cap. 7, s. 130

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good service 妥善送達 Cap. 4A, O. 10, r. 4(1)(b)

good standing 良好聲望 Cap. 601, s. 6(3)(c)(i)(A)
good standing 良好聲譽 Cap. 159Q, s. 2(b)
good title 妥善所有權 Cap. 26, s. 25
good title 妥善的業權 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
good working order 良好操作性能 Cap. 449B, s. 19
good working order 良好操作狀況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good workmanship 良好工藝 Cap. 406E, reg. 4
in good and substantial repair 修葺良好堅固 Cap. 109A, reg. 38(5)
in good condition 在良好狀況下 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
in good condition 狀況良好 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good faith [also bona fide] 真正的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good faith [also bona fide] 真誠地 Cap. 19, s. 96
in good faith [also bona fide] 善意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good order 狀況良好 Cap. 517, s. 14(1)(a)
in good order and condition 狀況良好 Cap. 295C, reg. 7(1)(a)
in good order and condition 運作及狀況良好 Cap. 172A, reg. 7(1)
in good order and condition 運作妥當,狀況良好 Cap. 295B, reg. 78C(1)(b)
in good order and repair 完好和維修妥善 Cap. 132AC, s. 12
in good repair 妥善維修 Cap. 599B, reg. 2(1)
in good repair 維修妥善 Cap. 630, s. 58(1)

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in good repair and condition 修葺妥善及狀況良好 Cap. 344, s. 34H

in good repair and condition 維修妥善及操作良好 Cap. 132BU, s. 27
in good ... repair and condition 維修妥善和狀況良好 Cap. 106B, reg. 4(1)(b)
in good working order 運作良好 Cap. 413K, s. 9(2)(b)
of good behaviour 行為良好 Cap. 227, s. 61(1)
of good character 具有良好品格 Cap. 164, s. 8(1)(b)
of good repute 具有良好聲譽 Cap. 159, s. 2(2)
positive good character 正面的良好品格 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
preservation of good order 保持秩序良好 Cap. 208, s. 26(1)(c)
put into reasonably good repair 獲合理的良好維修 Cap. 130, s. 8(6)(b)
utmost good faith 絕對真誠 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.17
without good cause 並無好的因由 Cap. 360, s. 13(4)(ba)
good good (n.) 利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good (n.) 福利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public good 公益 Cap. 390, s. 28
public good 社會利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
good faith acting in good faith 在真誠地行事的情況下 Cap. 514, s. 14(3)(a)
acting in good faith 真誠行事的 Cap. 210, s. 4(2)
acts in good faith 秉誠行事 Cap. 489, s. 7(1)
contrary to good faith 有違真誠 Cap. 522, s. 9(1)(a)

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in breach of good faith 有違真誠 Cap. 522, s. 9(1)(b)

in good faith 真誠 Cap. 397, s. 10(2)(c)
in good faith and for good consideration 真誠地並以良好代價 Cap. 155, s. 53C(10)
made in good faith and in the ordinary course of the discharge 在履行……責任的通常過程中真誠地作出 Cap. 622, s. 63(2)(a)
of ... duties
utmost good faith 絕對真誠原則 Cap. 329, s. 17
Good Manufacturing Good Manufacturing Practice Guide 生產質量管理規範指引 Cap. 138A, s. 2(1)
Practice Guide
goods abandonment of goods 放棄(管有)貨品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ascertained goods 已確定的貨品 Cap. 26, s. 19(1)
carriage of goods by sea 海上貨物運輸 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.4
Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary 《暫准進口海關公約》 Cap. 318, s. 2(1)
admission of goods
dangerous goods 危險品 Cap. 384, s. 2
deliverable state of goods 貨品的可交付狀態 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deposit for goods 貨物按金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
documents of title to goods 貨品所有權文件 Cap. 48, s. 2(2)
dutiable goods 應課稅貨物 Cap. 120, s. 4
dutiable goods 應課稅貨品 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
duty exempt goods 獲豁免繳稅貨品 Cap. 109A, reg. 12(2)
duty-paid goods 已完稅貨品 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
endorsement of goods or services 對貨品或服務的保證 Cap. 112, s. 20B(4)
execution levied upon goods or effects 對物品或財物實施的執行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

existing goods 現貨 Cap. 26, s. 7(1)
fungible goods [also fungibles] 可互換的貨物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fungible goods [also fungibles] 可替代貨品 Cap. 558D, Sch. 2
future goods 期貨 Cap. 26, s. 7(1)
goods 貨 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
goods [also bona] 財物 Cap. 227, s. 47
goods [also bona] 貨物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
goods [also bona] 貨品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
goods and chattels 財物及實產 Cap. 227, s. 51
goods and chattels 貨品及實產 Cap. 6A, r. 27
goods and chattels 實產 Cap. 7, Sch. 5
goods in transit 過境貨品 Cap. 112, s. 23B(12)
goods or effects 物品或財物 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
goods pawned 當押物品 Cap. 166, Long Title
goods taken ... in pawn 當押取得的物品 Cap. 166, s. 2
infringing goods 侵犯性貨品 Cap. 559, s. 17(1)
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 《國際海運危險貨物守則》 Cap. 413C, reg. 2
no goods to levy [also nulla bona] 沒有財物可供檢取 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
order for the delivery of goods 交貨單 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
perishable goods 易毀消的貨品 Cap. 109, s. 52

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prohibited goods 違禁品 Cap. 295, s. 7

property in the goods 貨物的產權 Cap. 4, s. 21C(1)
property in the goods 貨品的產權 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
quality of goods 貨品品質 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
sale of goods 售賣貨品 Cap. 71, s. 4(1)(c)
sale of goods 貨品售賣 Cap. 26, s. 1
slander of goods 貨品誹謗 Cap. 21, s. 19(3)
specific goods 特定貨品 Cap. 26, s. 2(1)
stolen goods 贓物 Cap. 210, s. 24(1)
supply of goods 供應貨品 Cap. 279, s. 40CA
trade mark relating to goods 貨品商標 Cap. 362, s. 2(1)
trespass to goods [also trespass de bonis asportatis] 侵物行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
trespass to goods [also trespass de bonis asportatis] 侵害動產行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of 《聯合國關於危險貨物運輸的建議書》 Cap. 560A, s. 43(1)(c)
Dangerous Goods
unmerchantable goods 不可商售的貨品 Cap. 26, s. 2(5)
unpackaged goods 未經包裝貨品 Cap. 603, Sch. 2
warrants ... for the delivery of goods 交貨授權證 Cap. 20, s. 2
goodwill goodwill 商譽 Cap. 111, s. 3(1)
right to protect goodwill 保護商譽的權利 Cap. 609, s. 103B(1)(j)
with goodwill 連同商譽 Cap. 159I, Schedule
without goodwill 不連同商譽 Cap. 159I, Schedule
go-slow go-slow 怠工 ※比較 strike (n.) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

govern govern 管限 Cap. 133, s. 13(1A)
governed 規限 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
governed by ... law of ... 受……的法律管限 Cap. 71, s. 12(1)
governance code of governance 管治守則 "Charities" Report, para. 5.47
corporate governance 企業管治 Cap. 155M, s. 52
good governance 良好管治 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
governance 統治 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
governance 管轄 Cap. 1164, s. 7
governance 管治 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(c)
governed by the laws of governed by the laws of ... 受……法律管限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
... and Commercial Law Terms
governing governing 規限 Cap. 1, s. 64(2)
governing 規管 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
governing 管限 Cap. 485, s. 7A(9)
governing and executive body 主管及行政機構 Cap. 304, s. 8(2)
governing body 管治組織 Cap. 279, s. 72A(2)
governing body 管治團體 Cap. 571, s. 93(1)(i)
governing body 管治機構 Cap. 113, s. 19(1)
governing body 管理組織 Cap. 219, s. 20(1)
governing instrument 規管文書 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
governing rules 管限規則 Cap. 485A, s. 8(5)(f)

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supreme governing body 最高管治團體 Cap. 320A, reg. 2(a)(i)

governing law governing law 管限法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
government annual Government rents 每年地稅 Cap. 152, s. 4(3)(c)
expenditure for the services of the Government 政府服務開支 Cap. 2, s. 7(1)
foreign governments 外國政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 132
Government 政府 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Government 特區政府 Cap. 1, s. 3
government affairs 政府公務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
government agency 政府機構 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
government appointment 政府的委任 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 79
government bills 政府法案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 2
government bills 政府提出的議案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 72
Government bond 政府債券 Cap. 64, s. 2
Government bond 國債 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
government contractor 政府承辦商 Cap. 521, s. 12(2)
Government Counsel (HK) 政府律師(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
government crematorium 政府火葬場 Cap. 132, s. 124D(1A)
Government department 特區政府部門 Cap. 1, s. 57(3)
government departments 政府……部門 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 99
government entity 政府單位 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)

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Government grant 政府批地書 Cap. 116C, s. 2

Government land 政府土地 Cap. 28, Long Title
Government lease 政府租契 Cap. 1, s. 3
Government lessee 政府土地承租人 Cap. 7, s. 2
government notification 政府公告 Cap. 98A, reg. 2
government officials or other personnel 政府官員或其他……人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
government or non-government body or organization 政府或非政府的團體或組織 Cap. 601, s. 4(2)(k)
government policies 政府政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
Government property 政府財產 Cap. 374, s. 59(5)
government records management 政府檔案管理 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.4
Government rent 地租 Cap. 515, s. 2
Government Rent 地稅 Cap. 125, s. 1
government servant 政府人員 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.5
Government stock 政府證券 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
Government subvented body 政府補助團體 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Head of Government 政府首長 Cap. 468, s. 2
new Government lease 新政府租契 Cap. 125, s. 2
operation of the government 政府運作 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 74
requesting government 提出請求政府 Cap. 112BI, s. 2
salaried functionary of a government 受薪政府人員 Cap. 542, s. 39(1)(g)
sovereign government 主權國政府 Cap. 503A, Sch. 1
state or government facility 國家或政府設施 Cap. 575, s. 11A(1)

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trespassers as against the Government 侵佔政府土地的人 Cap. 97, s. 8

unallocated Government land 未撥用的政府土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
5.27, Footnote 21
government bond Government bond 政府債券 Cap. 64, s. 2
Government Chemist Government Chemist 政府化驗師 Cap. 8, Schedule
Government Counsel Government Counsel 政府律師 Cap. 87, Sch. 1
Government Government Laboratory 政府化驗所 Cap. 8, Schedule
Government Lotteries Government Lotteries Management Committee 政府獎券管理委員會 Cap. 334, s. 2
Government of the Government of the HKSAR 特區政府 Cap. 283C, Sch. 3
Government of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region
head of the Government of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區政府的首長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
Administrative Region
Government of the Government of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 150
People's Republic of
Government Printer Government Printer 政府印務局 Cap. 1, s. 3
Government Records Government Records Service 政府檔案處 Cap. 486, s. 63D
government regulations government regulations 政府規例 Cap. 374J, reg. 2
Government Rent Roll Government Rent Roll 地租登記冊 Cap. 515, s. 2
Government Rent Roll 地稅冊 Cap. 152, s. 4(3)(b)

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governmental international governmental organization 國際政府間組織 Cap. 468, s. 4(1)(b)

governor Board of Governors 校董會 Cap. 1126, Long Title
board of governors 董事會 Cap. 1035, s. 2
grace grace period 寬限期 Cap. 571AL, r. 2
period of grace 寬限期 Cap. 514, s. 15(5)
grace period grace period 寬限期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grade grade 級別 Cap. 406, s. 30(1)
grade credit quality grade 信用質素等級 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(2)
investment grade 投資等級 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
grade grade 職系 Cap. 93, s. 6(1)(b)
grading grading 釐定……級別 Cap. 406, s. 59(1)(b)
security grading 保密級別 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 7.1
graduated graduated rate 漸進稅率 Cap. 111, s. 11(1)
grain International Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 《國際散裝穀物安全運輸規則》 Cap. 369AA, reg. 2
grammatical grammatical variations 文法變體 Cap. 155, s. 2(17)
grand grand jury 大陪審團 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.53
grand jury grand jury (Am.) 大陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grandfather clause grandfather clause 不追溯條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grandparent step grandparent 繼祖父母或繼外祖父母 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
grandparented grandparented into ... 在新規定不溯既往的情況下過渡至…… "Charities" Report, para. 3.31
grandparenting grandparenting 不溯既往的豁免安排 "Charities" Report, para. 2.220

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grant be granted early release 提早獲釋 Cap. 475, s. 6(1)

Convention on the Grant of European Patents 《歐洲專利批予公約》 Cap. 514A, s. 2
derogation from the grant 批予效力的減損 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grant 批准 Cap. 123, s. 3(7B)
grant 授予書 Cap. 10, s. 2
grant 授權證 Cap. 490, s. 2
grant 發給 Cap. 306, s. 4(1)
grant 給予 Cap. 57, s. 15A(1)(a)
grant a licence 批出牌照 Cap. 114, s. 5(4)
grant a licence 批給牌照 Cap. 615, s. 30(3)
grant an order 批予命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grant ... by licence 以特許方式批出…… Cap. 6, s. 65
grant exemption 批予豁免 Cap. 97, s. 7(3)
grant ... general permission for ... 全面准許…… Cap. 295B, reg. 59(3)
grant guarantees 作出擔保 Cap. 563, s. 13(1)
grant ... interest in ... property 將有關財產的……權益……授予 Cap. 405, s. 12(6)
grant leave 准予 Cap. 503, s. 11(11)
grant leave (to appeal) 批予(上訴)許可 Cap. 453, s. 33
grant (n., v.) 批予 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grant (n., v.) 批出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grant (n., v.) 批給 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

grant (n., v.) 授予 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grant of a licence 發給牌照 Cap. 435B, Schedule
grant ... of a licence 批給……牌照 Cap. 311, s. 16(5)
grant ... of administration 授予……遺產管理 Cap. 10, s. 2
grant of administration ad colligenda bona 為收存財產而作出遺產管理授予 Cap. 10A, r. 51
grant of administration [also grant of letters of administration] 遺產管理的授予 參看 letters of administration Cap. 10, s. 2
grant of conditional leave 給予有條件許可 Cap. 484A, r. 13(1)
grant of leave 批予許可 Cap. 4A, O. 73, r. 7(4)
grant of probate 授予遺囑認證 參看 probate Cap. 10, s. 3
grant of probate 授予遺囑認證書 Cap. 159, s. 48(1)
grant of probate 遺囑認證……的授予 Cap. 10, s. 3(2)
grant of probate 遺囑認證的授予書 Cap. 1176, s. 6(2)
grant of probate 遺囑認證書 Cap. 279D, r. 13A(2)(b)
grant of probate in respect of ... will 遺囑的認證書 Cap. 585, s. 44(2)(a)
grant of probate of the will 遺囑認證書……的批給 Cap. 622, s. 161
grant of relief 批予濟助 Cap. 4A, O. 85, r. 4
grant of representation 授予承辦 Cap. 267, s. 3(1)
grant ... pardon 赦免 Cap. 405, s. 2(12)(d)
grant ... permission 給予允許 Cap. 313A, reg. 6A(3)
grant privileges 授予……特權 Cap. 402, Long Title
grant ... Scholarships 頒發……獎學金 Cap. 1037, s. 7(b)
grant the application 批准申請 Cap. 6A, r. 48(5)

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granted 頒布 Cap. 1138, Preamble

granted 頒授 Cap. 159, s. 26A(1)(m)
granted a decree 獲批出一項判令 Cap. 336F, r. 3(1)(a)
grants leave 給予許可 Cap. 227, s. 81B(4)
on granting an extension of the period of validity of ... 在批准延長……的有效期時 Cap. 413K, s. 15(3)
refuse to grant 拒絕批准 Cap. 169A, reg. 20
relief ... granted 批給……濟助 Cap. 609, s. 15(1)(a)
take the grant 領取授予 Cap. 10A, r. 31(4)
grant conditions of grant 批地條件 Cap. 1058, s. 5
deed of grant 批地契據 Cap. 132, s. 116(1)
Government grant 政府批地書 Cap. 116C, s. 2
grant 批地 Cap. 29, s. 28(3)
grant 批地書 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.5, Footnote 24
granted to ... 批給 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land grant 批地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land grant 批地文件 Cap. 483, s. 16
land grant documents 批地文件 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
new grant of land 新批出的土地 Cap. 97, s. 7(2)
Private Treaty Grant 私人協約方式批地 Cap. 304, s. 7
private treaty grant of land 以私人協約方式批地 "Charities" Report, para. 1.46
private treaty land grant 以私人協約方式批出土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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term granted 所批出的年期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

grant cash grant 現金補助 Cap. 280A, reg. 12(3)
grant 補助 Cap. 1141, s. 5(q)
grant in aid 資助 Cap. 1145, s. 4(k)
grant (n., v.) 資助金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grant (n., v.) 撥款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grants from public funds 由公帑撥出的資助款項 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(h)
grant agreement to grant a lease 批出租契的協議 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
grant a lease 批出租契 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
grant a tenancy 批出租約 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
New Grant 新批租約 Cap. 372, Sch. 2
resite house grant 遷置屋宇批租約 Cap. 515, s. 2
small house grant 丁屋批租約 Cap. 515, s. 2
granted right granted 授予……權利 Cap. 571, s. 341(1)(c)
grantee grantee 受款人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantee 受資助者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantee 受讓人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantee 承批人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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grantee 承授人 Cap. 20, s. 3
grantee 持證人 Cap. 573, s. 2(1)
grantee 專營公司 Cap. 104, s. 2(1)
grantee 獲批地人 Cap. 29, s. 28(3)
granter granter 授予人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.58
granting granting 發放 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(j)
granting body 頒授者 Cap. 592, s. 5(4)
granting of the request 應允請求 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
grantor grantor 批地人 Cap. 29, s. 28(2)
grantor 授予人 Cap. 20, s. 9(1)(a)(i)
grantor 資助人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantor 贈與人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grantor 讓與人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
granularity granularity 風險分散程度 Cap. 155L, s. 226E(3)(a)
grass-roots grass-roots 基層 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 13
gratification perverted sexual gratification 變態的性滿足 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.19
sexual gratification 性滿足 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.19

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gratis dictum gratis dictum ["a non-obligatory statement made by a party to 訟方自由發表的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
a law suit"] and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous gratuitous 免費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous 無酬的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous 無償的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous bailment 無酬委託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous carriage 免費運輸 Cap. 500, Sch. 1A
gratuitous consideration 無償代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 單方受益合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 無代價合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous contract [also contract of benevolence] 無償合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous nature 賞贈性質 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
gratuitous promise [also bare promise] 不附代價的承諾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gratuitous services 無償的服務 Cap. 23, s. 20C(4)
gratuitously gratuitously 免費 Cap. 181, s. 8
gratuitously or otherwise 不論是否收取報酬 Cap. 321, s. 6(h)
gratuity commuted pension gratuity 經折算的退休酬金 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
death gratuity 死亡恩恤金 Cap. 80, s. 6(1)(c)(i)

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gratuity 約滿酬金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
gratuity 恩恤金※比較 honorarium Cap. 469, s. 14
gratuity 酬金 Cap. 80, s. 4(1)
gratuity benefits 酬金利益 Cap. 1176, s. 11(2)
marriage gratuity 妝奩費 Cap. 89A, reg. 19(6)(b)
maximum commuted pension gratuity 最高經折算的退休酬金 Cap. 99, s. 20(5)(a)
short service gratuity 短期服務酬金 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
superannuation gratuity 離職酬金 Cap. 622, s. 524(3)
terminal gratuity 約滿酬金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gravamen gravamen of the offence 罪行重點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
grave grave and imminent danger 重大及迫切的危險 Cap. 313, s. 11B(2)(a)
grave and imminent risk 重大及迫切風險 Cap. 313, s. 11B(2)(b)
grave crime 嚴重罪行 Cap. 226, s. 4(a)
grave financial or other hardship 嚴重經濟困境或其他嚴重困境 Cap. 179, s. 15B(1)
grave nature 嚴重程度 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 4(2)
grave procedural error 嚴重程序錯誤 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
substantial and grave injustice 實質及嚴重的不公平情況 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)
gravely gravely injurious to ... 對……造成嚴重損害 Cap. 401, s. 31(1)(a)
gravity comparative gravity of offence 罪行的相對嚴重性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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gravity of ... offence 罪行……嚴重程度 Cap. 409, s. 21(6)(b)

gravity of the offence 罪行的……嚴重性 Cap. 221, s. 57A(2)(b)
gravity of the offence 罪行……的嚴重程度 Cap. 200, s. 159C(1)(a)
the nature and gravity of the offence 罪行性質及嚴重程度 Cap. 50, s. 35(2)
great point of law of great and general importance 具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)
Great Writ Great Writ (Am.) 大令狀〔人身保護令狀〕 參看 writ of habeas corpus English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
greatest greatest measure of assistance 盡量相互協助 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 9(1)
Gregorian calendar Gregorian calendar 公曆 Cap. 1, s. 3
grey market trading grey market trading 灰市交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grievant grievant (Am.) (因不滿僱主而)申請仲裁的僱員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grievous causing grievous bodily harm 導致身體受嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.7
grievous 嚴重 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
grievous bodily harm 身體受嚴重傷害 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
grievous bodily harm 身體嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.42
inflicting grievous bodily harm 對他人身體加以嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

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Paper, para. 2.64

grievous bodily harm causes ... grievous bodily harm to ... 導致……身體受嚴重傷害 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
grievous bodily harm 身體嚴重傷害 Cap. 503B, Schedule
inflicting grievous bodily harm 使他人身體受到嚴重傷害 Cap. 210, Schedule
inflicting grievous or actual bodily harm 使人受到嚴重或實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm 意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而……打人 Cap. 243, Schedule
grooming child grooming offences 誘識兒童的罪行 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.55
meeting a child following grooming 誘識兒童後與其會面 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.26
meeting young person following sexual grooming 為性目的誘識少年人後與其會面 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.21
sexual grooming 為性目的誘識兒童 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.1
gross gross (adj., n.) 總計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gross amount 總額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gross amounts 毛額 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
gross claims 申索毛額 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
gross floor area 樓面總面積 Cap. 337, s. 4(1)

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gross floor area 總樓面面積 Cap. 95C, reg. 3

gross monthly revenue 每月總收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gross national product 國民生產總值 Cap. 571, Sch. 7
gross premium 毛保費 Cap. 41G, r. 2
gross proceeds 總收益 Cap. 294, s. 4(1)
gross receipt 總收入 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 40
gross returns 總收益 Cap. 38, s. 4(b)
gross revenue 總收入 Cap. 474, s. 36(1)
gross ... sales turnover 銷售營業總額 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
gross sum bill 總款額訟費單 Cap. 159, s. 63(a)
gross trading income 營業總收入 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
gross vehicle weight 車輛總重 Cap. 354N, s. 17(1)(a)
in gross 總計 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gross gross 嚴重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gross act of misconduct 嚴重行為不當 Cap. 281, s. 55(1)(b)
gross breach 嚴重違反 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
gross indecency 嚴重猥褻 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(c)
gross indecency 嚴重猥褻行為 Cap. 503B, Schedule
gross indecency 嚴重猥褻作為 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,

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para. 1.9
gross indecency by man with male mentally incapacitated 男子與男性精神上無行為能力的人作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
person Offences" Report, para. 4.97
gross indecency by man with man otherwise than in private 男子與男子非私下作出的嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.95
gross indecency with or by man under 16 由16歲以下男子作出或與16歲以下男子作出嚴重猥褻作 "Review of Substantive Sexual
為 Offences" Report, para. 3.124
gross negligence 嚴重疏忽 Cap. 6, s. 66
gross ... violations of human rights 嚴重……侵犯人權的情況 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 3(2)
procuring gross indecency by man with man 促致男子與男子作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.92
gross domestic product gross domestic product 本地生產總值 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 107
grossly grossly offensive 極為令人厭惡 Cap. 228, s. 20(a)
grossly exorbitant grossly exorbitant payments 嚴重過高的款項 Cap. 6, s. 71A
ground additional ground 附加理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
alternative ground 替代理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
compassionate grounds 恩恤理由 Cap. 226D, r. 15(1)(a)
compassionate grounds 體恤的理由 Cap. 232, s. 23(2)
disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be 爭議的理由是法院覺得重要的 Cap. 6A, r. 48(5)(b)
equitable ... grounds 公平合理的……理由 Cap. 285, s. 59(3)
further grounds of objection 進一步的反駁理由 Cap. 559, Sch. 5

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good and sufficient grounds 良好而充分的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
good ground 充分理由 Cap. 374, s. 25(2)(a)
good grounds 良好的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ground 所據理由 Cap. 493, s. 24(1)(c)
ground 根據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ground 理由 Cap. 559, s. 72(1)(a)
ground 理據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ground of appeal permitted by ... ……所准許的上訴理由 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
ground of complaint 申訴理由 Cap. 159F, r. 11(3)
ground of defence 抗辯理由 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(2)
ground of the petition 呈請理由 Cap. 161F, s. 39(2)(c)
grounds for his contention 其爭議的理據 Cap. 569E, s. 10(2)(a)
grounds for possession 管有的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grounds for the allegations 該等指稱的理據 Cap. 549G, s. 4(1)(a)
grounds ... have not been made out 理由未獲確立 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZW(5)(b)
grounds of action 訴訟理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grounds of appeal 上訴理由 Cap. 1A, r. 4
grounds of law 涉及法律問題的理由 Cap. 221A, r. 19(1)(a)
grounds of objection 反對理由 ※比較 grounds of opposition English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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grounds of opposition 反對理由 Cap. 559A, r. 61

grounds of the debt 債權依據的理由 Cap. 32H, r. 94
has reasonable grounds to suspect that ... 有合理理由懷疑…… Cap. 494, s. 13(1)
humanitarian grounds 人道理由 Cap. 503B, Schedule
on grounds of public policy 以公共政策為理由 Cap. 401A, reg. 20(1)(e)
on special grounds 基於特殊理由 Cap. 115, s. 37I(1)(a)
on the ground of the race of that other person 基於該另一人的種族 Cap. 602, s. 4(1)(a)
on the grounds of partiality or bias 以偏袒或偏見為理由 Cap. 232A, reg. 6(1)
on which ... is grounded ……所根據的 Cap. 503, s. 17(1)(b)(ii)(A)
perfected grounds of appeal 完備上訴理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
perfected grounds of appeal 完備上訴理由書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prima facie ground 表面理由 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 40
principal grounds 主要理由 Cap. 528D, r. 17(3)(e)
probable ground 頗有可能的理由 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 12(1)
probable ground 頗能成理的理由 Cap. 6, s. 27(1)(b)
reasonable ground 適當理由 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 12
reasonable ground of defence 合理的抗辯理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reasonable grounds 合理理由 Cap. 455, s. 3(4)(a)
reviewable grounds 可覆核的理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
serious grounds 重大理由 Cap. 36, Schedule

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solely on the ground 僅以……為理由 Cap. 609, s. 32(3)(a)

solely on the grounds ... 僅以……的理由…… Cap. 343, s. 5(3)
substantial ground 實質理由 Cap. 132, s. 127(8)(a)
substantial grounds 充分理由 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(d)
substantial grounds for believing 充分理由相信 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 3(1)
sufficient ground 充分的……理由 Cap. 134, s. 38H(2)(b)
sufficient prima facie grounds 充分的表面理由 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 40(2)
unreasonable grounds 不合理理由 Cap. 528, s. 36(3)(b)
ground all ... pieces or parcels of ground 各塊或各幅土地 Cap. 1092, s. 5(1)
all that piece or parcel of ground 整塊或整幅土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
any piece or parcel of ground 任何一片或一幅土地 Cap. 152, s. 2
ground 土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ground 地面 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ground rent 地租 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
parcel of ground 地段 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
parcels and plots of ground 各幅及各塊土地 Cap. 118, Long Title
pieces and parcels of ground 各片或各幅土地 Cap. 1129, s. 9(1)
the better establishment of the identity of certain portions of 更清楚地確定將……若干部分土地辨識為…… Cap. 118, Long Title
ground ... with ...
groundless groundless 缺乏理據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

groundless 毫無根據 Cap. 161E, s. 6(2)(a)
groundless 毫無理據 Cap. 561A, s. 18(1)
groundless 無根據 Cap. 201, s. 27
group consolidated accounts of the group 集團合併報表 Cap. 1168, s. 8(1)(b)
consolidated group 綜合集團 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
corporate group 公司集團 "Charities" Report, para. 5.53,
Footnote 32
group 團體 Cap. 212, Schedule
group accounts 集團帳目 Cap. 622, Sch. 3
group scheme 集團計劃 Cap. 485B, s. 2(1)
group undertaking 企業集團 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
industry group 行業集團 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
group concern group 關注團體 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 2.1
exempted group gathering 豁免羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 3(2)(a)
group identification 小組認人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
group litigation 集體訴訟 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.7
Mainland inbound tour group 內地入境旅行團 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
prohibited group gathering 受禁羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 2
racial group 種族群體 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(d)
group group practice 律師聯合執業事務所 Cap. 159X, s. 2(1)
groups 組別 Cap. 132, s. 49(c)
group accounts group accounts 集團帳目 Cap. 622, Sch. 3

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group gathering group gathering 羣組聚集 Cap. 599G, s. 2

group of companies group of companies 公司集團 Cap. 602, s. 13
group of companies 公司集團 Cap. 637, s. 2
group-wide group-wide level 集團層面 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZN(a)
Growth Enterprise Growth Enterprise Market 創業板市場 Cap. 32L, s. 2
Growth Enterprise Growth Enterprise Market; GEM 創業板 Cap. 588, s. 2
Market; GEM
guarantee a guarantee in favour of ... 以……為受惠人的保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bank guarantee 銀行保證書 Cap. 106, s. 34(1B)
bank guarantee 銀行擔保 Cap. 571N, s. 12(2)(b)(iii)
bank guarantee 銀行擔保書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
company limited by guarantee 擔保有限公司 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
company limited by shares or by guarantee 股份有限公司或擔保有限公司 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
continuing guarantee 持續保證 Cap. 38, s. 20
contract of guarantee 擔保合約 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
counter-guarantee 反擔保 Cap. 155L, s. 100(9)
discharge a guarantee 解除保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
financial guarantee 財務擔保 Cap. 155, s. 124
first demand bank guarantee 優先銀行擔保 Cap. 562, s. 2
grant guarantees 作出擔保 Cap. 563, s. 13(1)
guarantee 對……作出擔保 Cap. 372, s. 11(1)

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guarantee agreement 保證協議 Cap. 577, s. 24(3)(b)

Guarantee Fund 保證基金 Cap. 571N, s. 19(2)(g)
guarantee ... fund 擔保基金 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(g)
guarantee (n., v.) 保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guarantee (n., v.) 保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guarantee (n., v.) 擔保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guarantee (n., v.) 擔保書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guarantee to 向……作出擔保 Cap. 1115, s. 9B
guaranteed 作出擔保 Cap. 571, s. 103(12)
investment guarantees 投資保證 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(wa)
irrevocable guarantee 不得撤回的保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee 非牟利擔保有限公司 "Charities" Report, para. 7.30
performance guarantee 履行職能擔保 Cap. 485A, s. 23(7)
performance guarantee 履約擔保 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the business of giving guarantees 擔保的業務 Cap. 1115, s. 9(1)
guarantee minimum guarantees 最低限度之保障 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)
guaranteed guaranteed return 保證收益 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
guaranteed return of capital 保證資本回報 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
guarantor guarantor 保證人 Cap. 410, s. 3
guarantor 擔保人 Cap. 6, s. 50(3)(a)

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guarantor corporation 提供擔保的法團 Cap. 32, Sch. 3

performance guarantor 履約擔保人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guard guarding against 防止 Cap. 571, s. 375(4)
guarding ... property 護衞財產 Cap. 460, s. 2
guardian adult guardian 成年人監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.34
enduring guardian 持久監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.6
guardian 監護人 Cap. 13, s. 6(5)
guardian ad litem ["guardian for the purposes of the legal 訴訟監護人〔代表未成年或無行為能力的訴訟者作抗辯 Cap. 416, Sch. 1
action"] 等的人〕 參看 litigation friend; next friend
guardian ad litem ["guardian for the purposes of the legal 辯護監護人 Cap. 336H, O. 80, r. 2
guardian of ... minor 未成年人的監護人 Cap. 13, s. 5
guardian of the person 人身監護人 Cap. 13, s. 18(1)
guardian of the property of infants 未成年人財產監護人 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(a)
joint guardians 共同監護人 Cap. 13, s. 12
lawful guardian 合法監護人 Cap. 115M, r. 12
legal guardian 法定監護人 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
personal guardian 個人事務監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.50

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private guardian 非官方監護人 Cap. 136C, r. 2

property guardian 財產事務監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.50
public guardian 公眾監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.56
public guardian and trustee 公眾監護人及受託人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.48
remove or replace a guardian 罷免或更換監護人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
welfare guardian 福利事宜監護人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.62
guardianship exercise proper care and guardianship 行使妥善照顧及監護 Cap. 486, s. 59A(a)
exercise proper care and guardianship 作出適當的照顧及監護 Cap. 213, s. 34(1)(c)
guardianship 監護 Cap. 13, Long Title
guardianship 監護權 Cap. 200, s. 47(4)
guardianship 監護權利 Cap. 192, s. 19(4)
Guardianship Board 監護委員會 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.26
guardianship of children 子女監護 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
guardianship order 監護令 Cap. 136, s. 59I
guardianship procedure 監護程序 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.4

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legal guardianship 法定監護權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
receive into guardianship 收容監護 Cap. 136, s. 59M
Guardianship Board Guardianship Board 監護委員會 Cap. 136, s. 59I(1)
guesthouse guesthouse 旅館 Cap. 602, s. 27(2)(b)
guesthouse licence 賓館牌照 Cap. 349, s. 12A(1)(b)
unlicensed hotel or guesthouse 無牌酒店或賓館 Cap. 349, s. 5A(1)
guidance direction and guidance 指示及指引 Cap. 4, s. 40
guidance 指引 Cap. 374, s. 40(6)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 《經濟合作與發展組織指引——為轉基因植物指定獨特 Cap. 607A, s. 2
Guidance for the Designation of a Unique Identifier for 標識》
Transgenic Plants
practical guidance 實務指引 Cap. 51, s. 2
guide explanatory guide 指引說明 Cap. 446A, s. 3(2)(a)
guide tourist guide licence 導遊牌照 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
tourist guide pass 導遊證 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
guideline applicable accounting guideline 適用的會計指引 Cap. 485A, s. 2
broadcasting guidelines 廣播指引 Cap. 621, s. 83(1)(d)(i)
departure from the guideline 偏離……指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
departure from the guideline 偏離指引行事 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guideline tariffs 指引量刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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guidelines 指引 Cap. 400, s. 9(1)

guidelines developed 所訂立的準則 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems 《惰性氣體系統指南》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
sentencing guideline 判刑指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
tier guidelines 分級指導原則 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 57, Footnote 41
guiding guiding principles 指導原則 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.1
guiding service 導遊服務 Cap. 634, s. 37(1)
guild guild 同行協會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guild 同業公會 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guildhall guildhall 同業公會會所 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guilt a finding of guilt 有罪裁斷 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(de)
confess guilt 認罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(g)
consciousness of guilt 意識自己有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence of guilt 有罪證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
evidence of guilt 罪證 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
formal admission of guilt 正式承認有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilt 罪 Cap. 21, s. 7(3)

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inference of guilt 有罪的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
inference of guilt 推論被告有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
makes a finding of guilt 裁斷……犯了有關事項 Cap. 359A, reg. 38
proof of guilt 有罪證明 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
realisation of guilt 自知有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty a plea of not guilty 不認罪的答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
application for reversing the guilty plea 推翻認罪的申請 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
convicted upon a plea of guilty 於認罪後……被定罪 Cap. 8, s. 62(1)
discount for guilty plea 因認罪而減刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
each and all 每人及全體 Cap. 109, s. 22(5)
enter a plea of guilty 認罪 Cap. 227, s. 8A(7)
enter a plea of guilty or not guilty 承認或否認控罪 Cap. 227, s. 19A(1)
find ... guilty 裁斷……罪名成立 Cap. 21, s. 7A(2)
found guilty 被裁斷犯罪 Cap. 232A, reg. 11(3)
found guilty of ... 被裁定犯…… Cap. 212, s. 8A
found guilty of ... 被裁斷……犯…… Cap. 234, s. 20D(2)
found guilty of ... 被裁斷就……有罪 Cap. 8, s. 63(1)
found guilty of ... a criminal offence 被裁斷犯任何刑事罪行 Cap. 95, s. 14A(2)
found not guilty 罪名不成立 Cap. 212, s. 8A
guilty 犯罪的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

guilty 有罪責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guilty 罪名成立 Cap. 21, s. 7A(1)
guilty as alleged or charged 犯了所指稱或指控的事項 Cap. 359A, reg. 35(a)
guilty intent 犯罪意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty knowledge 犯罪意識 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty mind 犯罪意念 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty mind 犯罪意識 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty of 犯有 Cap. 50, s. 34(1)(a)(viii)
guilty of a disciplinary offence 犯了違紀行為 Cap. 550, s. 4(4)(e)
guilty of an offence under this Ordinance 犯本條例所訂罪行 Cap. 424, s. 26(2)
guilty of misconduct 犯失當行為 Cap. 571, s. 193(1)
guilty of unprofessional conduct 犯了不專業行為 Cap. 164, s. 9(3)(b)
guilty party 有罪責的一方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
guilty plea 認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty plea 認罪答辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
guilty verdict 有罪裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inference of guilty knowledge 知悉犯罪的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
is guilty of an offence 即屬犯罪 Cap. 572, s. 22(1)
may be guilty of ... 可被判犯了…… Cap. 461, s. 4(1)
no child under the age of ... years can be guilty of an offence ……歲以下兒童不能犯罪 Cap. 226, s. 3
not guilty 罪名不成立 Cap. 21, s. 7A(1)
not guilty by reason of insanity 以精神紊亂為理由而判無罪 Cap. 492, s. 9(2)(c)
plea of guilty 承認控罪 Cap. 227, s. 81B, Heading
plea of guilty 認罪 Cap. 226, s. 2(2)
plea of guilty 認罪的答辯 Cap. 221, s. 51(4)
plea of not guilty 不認罪的答辯 Cap. 221, s. 50
plea of not guilty 否認控罪 Cap. 227, s. 19A(2)
plea of not guilty to be entered 登錄不認罪的答辯 Cap. 336, s. 79A(1)
plead guilty 承認控罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
plead guilty 認罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pleads guilty to ... 承認犯…… Cap. 234, s. 20D(2)
pleads not guilty 不認罪 Cap. 200, s. 154(1)
proof of guilty knowledge 知悉犯罪的證明 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proved guilty according to law 依法確定有罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
reverse guilty plea 推翻認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unequivocal guilty plea 明確的認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
verdict of guilty 有罪裁決 Cap. 221, s. 18(2)

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verdict of guilty 罪名成立的裁決 Cap. 349, s. 20D(2)(b)

verdict of not guilty 無罪的裁決 Cap. 21, s. 12
gullible gullible 易受騙的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
gullible 輕信的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
habeas corpus writ of habeas corpus 人身保護令 Cap. 8, s. 81(3)
writ of habeas corpus 人身保護令狀 Cap. 4, s. 2
habeas corpus ad habeas corpus ad faciendum et recipiendum, writ of 解交被告人和移案到上級法院的令狀 參看 writ of English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
faciendum et habeas corpus ad faciendum et recipiendum and Commercial Law Terms
recipiendum, writ of
habeas corpus ad writ ... of habeas corpus ad respondendum 解交被拘押者到庭答辯令狀 Cap. 4A, O. 54, r. 9(1)
habeas corpus ad habeas corpus ad respondendum, writ of 解交被拘押者到庭答辯令狀 參看 writ of habeas corpus English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
respondendum, writ of ad respondendum and Commercial Law Terms
habeas corpus ad writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum 解交被拘押者並說明其拘押日期及原因令狀 Cap. 4, s. 2
habeas corpus ad habeas corpus ad subjiciendum, writ of 解交被拘押者並說明其拘押日期及原因令狀 參看 writ English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
subjiciendum, writ of of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum and Commercial Law Terms
habeas corpus ad writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum 解交被拘押者到庭作證令狀 Cap. 4A, O. 54, r. 9(1)
habeas corpus ad habeas corpus ad testificandum, writ of 解交被拘押者出庭作證令狀 參看 writ of habeas corpus English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
testificandum, writ of ad testificandum and Commercial Law Terms
habeas corpus, writ of habeas corpus, writ of 人身保護令狀 參看 writ of habeas corpus Cap. 4, s. 2
habendum habendum ["to be possessed"]; habendum et tenendum (契據中的)擁有權轉讓條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
(arch.) ["to have and to hold"] and Commercial Law Terms
habitation habitation 居住 Cap. 7, s. 2

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unfit for human habitation 不適合人居住 Cap. 130, s. 2

habitual habitual 慣常 Cap. 71, s. 16(3)(b)
habitual drunkard 慣性酗酒者 Cap. 16, s. 2
habitual intemperate drinking 慣性而無節制地喝酒 Cap. 16, s. 2
habitual occupation 慣常佔用 Cap. 303B, reg. 17(1)
habitual residence 經常居住 Cap. 503H, Sch. 2
habitual residence 慣常住所 Cap. 115, s. 2(6)(b)
habitual residence 慣常居住之處 Cap. 179, s. 56(2)
habitual residence 慣常居住地 Cap. 4, s. 12B(7)
habitual residences 慣常住址 Cap. 71, s. 16(3)(b)
habitual taking or using ... dangerous drug 慣性吸食或使用……危險藥物 Cap. 16, s. 2
habitual residence habitual residence 慣常住所 Cap. 115, Sch. 1
habitually habitually and persistently 慣常及經常 Cap. 4, s. 27(2)(a)
habitually received 慣常地接收的 Cap. 243, s. 3(1)(c)(i)
habitually resident 慣常居於 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.31
habitually resident in ... 慣常居於…… Cap. 429, s. 6(2)(b)
Hague Conference on Asia Pacific Regional Office of the Hague Conference on 海牙國際私法會議亞太區域辦事處 Cap. 558H, s. 2
Private International Private International Law
Hague Conference on Private International Law 海牙國際私法會議 Cap. 558H, s. 2
Hague Convention Hague Convention 海牙公約 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 5(8)
Hague-Visby Rules Hague-Visby Rules 海牙-維斯比規則 Cap. 440, s. 8
haircut foreign exchange haircut 外匯扣減 Cap. 155Q, r. 38(1)(b)

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haircut 扣減 Cap. 155Q, r. 17

post-haircut factor 扣減後因數 Cap. 155Q, r. 35(1)(a)(ii)
half at half staff 下半旗 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
Ordinance, s. 3(3)
half half blood 半血親 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.13
relationship of the half blood 半血親關係 Cap. 500, s. 5(4)(b)
half blood half blood [also demi-sangue] 半血親 Cap. 73, s. 4
half-and-half ratio half-and-half ratio 各佔半數的比例 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 22
halfblood halfblood 半血親 Cap. 290, s. 2
half-brother half-brother and half-sister 同父異母的兄弟姐妹及同母異父的兄弟姐妹 Cap. 200, s. 49(1)
half-sister half-brother and half-sister 同父異母的兄弟姐妹及同母異父的兄弟姐妹 Cap. 200, s. 49(1)
hand hand money 現金的定金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand money 誠意金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand all hands 全體人員 Cap. 282, s. 29(1)(b)
hand (n., v.) 人手 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lost with all hands 連同全體人員消失 Cap. 282, s. 29(1)(b)
hand by order in writing under his hand 藉親自簽署的書面命令 Cap. 68, s. 25(4)
by summons under his hand 藉他親筆簽發的傳票 Cap. 556A, reg. 6(a)
hand (n., v.) 簽名 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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summons under his hand 他親筆簽發的傳票 Cap. 483C, s. 7(a)

under ... hand ……親筆簽署 Cap. 494, s. 63
under his hand 親自簽署 Cap. 68, s. 25(4)
under his hand 親筆發出 Cap. 303, s. 16(3)
under his hand and seal 其親筆簽署及蓋印 Cap. 227, s. 104A(1)
under the hand of ... 由……親自簽署 Cap. 159, s. 11(1)
under the hand of ... 由……親筆簽署 Cap. 23, s. 9
under the hand of ... 由……簽發 Cap. 106A, reg. 9
under the hand of ... 由……簽署 Cap. 343, s. 4(4)
under the hand of ... 經……簽署 Cap. 111, s. 23
hand by hand 專人送遞 Cap. 541D, s. 42(14)
delivered by hand to ... 由專人交付予…… Cap. 514C, s. 93(1)
delivery by hand 由專人交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand (n., v.) 交付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand (n., v.) 給予 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand ... over to the custody of ... 將……交付……看管 Cap. 96, s. 19A
handed in 遞交 Cap. 4A, O. 20, r. 2(3)
handed personally to ... 面交…… Cap. 313, s. 77(3)
hand cash in hand 手頭現金 Cap. 33, s. 36
has in his hands ... 手上仍有…… Cap. 6, s. 128(1A)
in the hands of ... 由……掌管的 Cap. 481, s. 15(1)(i)
keep ... under sequestration in your hands 將……暫時扣押在你們手中 Cap. 4A, App. A

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show of hands 以舉手方式 Cap. 622, s. 588(1)

show of hands 舉手表決 Cap. 622, s. 563(2)
hand hand down 將……發下 Cap. 484A, r. 45(3)
hand down a decision 宣布判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand down a decision 發下判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hands down its decision 宣布決定 Cap. 123, s. 5(2A)
hand down handing down a judgment 宣布一項判決 Cap. 336H, O. 42, r. 5B(2)
handing down reasons for judgment 宣布判決……的理由 Cap. 336H, O. 42, r. 5B
hand over hand over (v.) 交出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand over (v.) 移交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
handbill handbills 單張 Cap. 104E, by-law 14
handbills 傳單 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
handicap mental handicap 弱智 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
handicapped handicapped 弱能人士 Cap. 104B, para. 3
mentally handicapped person 弱智人士 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
mentally handicapped person 弱智的人 Cap. 221, s. 57(12)
mentally ill or handicapped person 有精神病或弱智的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
the mentally handicapped 弱智人士 Cap. 399, s. 2
handle handle 處理 Cap. 210, s. 34(2)(a)

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handle in ... complainant's stead 代替……投訴人處理 Cap. 604, s. 40(5)(c)(ii)

handle handle 手挽 Cap. 603, Sch. 1
handle handling 操作 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
handler handler of ... stolen goods 處理贓物者 Cap. 210, s. 26(2)(b)
handling handling agent 經辦代理人 Cap. 60, s. 15(1A)(d)
handling charge 手續費 Cap. 411, s. 15(5)(a)
handling or receiving stolen property 處理或收受竊取的財物 Cap. 503B, Schedule
handling stolen goods 處理贓物 Cap. 461, s. 2(2)(a)
handling stolen goods 處理贓物罪 Cap. 210, s. 28(5)
handling stolen goods and reset 處理及接受贓物 Cap. 503R, Schedule
hand-over hand-over certificate 移交證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand-over (n., adj.) [also handover] 移交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand-over of premises 移交處所 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand-over of property 移交財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hand-over programme 移交程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
handsale handsale [also handsel] 以握手作成交 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
handwriting handwriting 筆跡 Cap. 134, s. 54(1)(b)
handwriting expert 字跡鑑證專家 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
handwriting expert 筆跡鑑證專家 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
Hansard Hansard 議會的會議紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong Hansard [Reports of the meetings of the 香港議事錄〔香港立法會會議過程紀錄〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Legislative Council of Hong Kong] and Commercial Law Terms
happen happen 發生 Cap. 19, s. 11(1)(b)
happen to be in his hands 恰巧在他手中 Cap. 32H, r. 67
harass harass 騷擾 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
harassing 騷擾 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.7
sexually harass ... 對……作出性騷擾 Cap. 480, s. 23(1)
harassment act of harassment 騷擾作為 Cap. 480A, Sch. 2
damages of harassment 侵擾損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
harassment 侵擾 Cap. 7, s. 70B, Heading
harassment 滋擾 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
harassment 騷擾 Cap. 362, s. 13F(2)(a)
sexual harassment 性騷擾 Cap. 480, Long Title
harbour harbours 窩藏 Cap. 212, s. 44(2)
harbour safe harbour rule 安全港規則 Cap. 112, s. 14D(2)(b)
hard and fast rule hard and fast rule 牢固不變的規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hard cases make bad hard cases make bad law 難斷之案導致偏離先例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
law and Commercial Law Terms
hard copy hard copy form 印本形式 Cap. 32, s. 296A(2)(c)

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hard law hard law [binding international conventions and agreements] 硬性法律〔國際法中具約束力的公約和協議〕 ※比較 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
soft law and Commercial Law Terms
hardship exceptional hardship 異常的困苦 Cap. 179, s. 12(2)
exceptional hardship 極度困苦的情況 Cap. 375, s. 8(4)(b)
grave financial or other hardship 嚴重經濟困境或其他嚴重困境 Cap. 179, s. 15B(1)
hardship 困苦 Cap. 91, s. 19B(1)(a)
hardship 困苦的情況 Cap. 375, s. 8(4)(b)
hardship 困難 Cap. 435, s. 22
impose hardship 造成困苦 Cap. 117, s. 14
serious hardship 嚴重困苦 Cap. 91, s. 18A
serious hardship 嚴重困難 Cap. 140, s. 13
substantial hardship 實質困難 Cap. 4, s. 21K(6)
undue hardship 過度的困苦 Cap. 201, s. 14D(4)(a)
unjustifiable hardship 不合情理的困難 Cap. 487, s. 2(1)
unnecessary hardship 不必要的困苦 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.95
unreasonable hardship 不合理困苦 Cap. 201, s. 17BA(3)
harm actual bodily harm 身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
actual bodily harm 實際身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
assault causing bodily harm 襲擊導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

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Paper, para. 6.70

assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊他人致造成身體傷害 Cap. 212, s. 39
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成身體傷害 Cap. 468, s. 3(1)(a)
assault occasioning actual bodily harm 襲擊致造成實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
bodily harm 身體受傷害 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
cause harm to the public 對公眾造成損害 Cap. 637, s. 43(1)(a)
causes ... grievous bodily harm to ... 導致……身體受嚴重傷害 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
causing grievous bodily harm 導致身體受嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.7
criminal negligence causing bodily harm 刑事疏忽導致身體受傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.52
fear, degradation or harm 恐懼、低貶或傷害 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.26
grievous bodily harm 身體受嚴重傷害 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
grievous bodily harm 身體嚴重傷害 Cap. 503B, Schedule
harm 傷害 Cap. 212, s. 10(b)
harm or prejudice test 傷害或損害測試 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.2
inflicting grievous bodily harm 使他人身體受到嚴重傷害 Cap. 210, Schedule
inflicting grievous bodily harm 對他人身體加以嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or

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Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

Paper, para. 2.64
inflicting grievous or actual bodily harm 使人受到嚴重或實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
potential harm 潛在傷害 Cap. 567A, s. 21(b)
psychiatric harm 精神傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.22
really serious bodily harm 真正嚴重的身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.6
really serious harm 真正嚴重的傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.42
serious physical harm 嚴重身體傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.5
striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm 意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而……打人 Cap. 243, Schedule
unnecessary harm 不必要的損害 Cap. 96, s. 23
without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm 不會……構成不合理的危害威脅 Cap. 413K, s. 21(b)
harmful be harmful to 損及 Cap. 622, s. 390(2)(b)
harmful interference 有害干擾 Cap. 106, s. 32J(1)
harmful substances 有害物質 Cap. 413A, reg. 34(a)
harmless render harmless 無害處置 Cap. 413Q, s. 4(3)
harmonized harmonized interpretation ... 協調……釋義 Cap. 506, s. 28

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harmony harmony 和諧 Cap. 602, s. 59(1)(b)

harry harry 折磨 Cap. 132BC, s. 11(f)
harvest address-harvesting 地址收集 Cap. 593, s. 14(1)
has the capacity to has the capacity to 有行為能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.10
hate hate-crime 仇恨犯罪 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.17
hatred bring into hatred 引起憎恨 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(a)
hatred 憎恨 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(c)
incite hatred against ... 煽動針對……的仇恨 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(a)
incite hatred towards ... 煽動對……的仇恨 Cap. 487, s. 46(1)
have freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice 保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
have regard to having regard to all the circumstances 在考慮所有有關情況後 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.54
hawker fixed-pitch hawker licence 固定攤位小販牌照 Cap. 132AI, s. 52(2)
hawking hawking 販賣 Cap. 208, s. 26(1)(g)(v)
hazard fire hazard 火災危險 Cap. 556B, by-law 23A
fire hazard 火警危險 Cap. 95, s. 2
fire hazard abatement notice 消除火警危險通知書 Cap. 95F, s. 2(1)
hazard 危害 Cap. 313, s. 80(1)(g)
hazard 危險 Cap. 344, s. 34I(1)(b)(ii)
hazard 災患 Cap. 349, s. 19(1)(b)
immediate health hazard 對健康的即時危害 Cap. 132, s. 128A(2)

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potential hazard 潛在危險 Cap. 369U, Sch. 1

hazardous hazardous 危險性 Cap. 406, s. 24(2)
hazardous property 具危險性財產 Cap. 131C, s. 2(3)
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
International Trade
hazardous condition hazardous condition 危險情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
head head 首長 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
head of a family 家長 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
head of consular post 領館館長 Cap. 557, Schedule
Head of Government 政府首長 Cap. 468, s. 2
Head of State 國家元首 Cap. 468, s. 2
head of the Government of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區政府的首長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
Administrative Region
head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的首長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 43
head office 總辦事處 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
head distinct head of damages 個別損害賠償項目 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 11(4)(b)
head of expenditure 開支總目 Cap. 2, s. 2
head head lease 主批租契 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
head of damages head of damages 損害賠償項目 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 11
Head of Government Head of Government 政府首長 Cap. 468, s. 2
Head of State Head of State 國家元首 Cap. 468, s. 2
heading section heading 標題 Cap. 1, s. 18(3)

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headnote headnote 提要〔寫在判決報告前面的〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
health advance health care directive 預設健康護理指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.83
advance health directive 預設健康指示 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.9
dangerous to health 危害健康 Cap. 132, s. 12(1)(a)
electronic health record 電子健康紀錄 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
health 健康 Cap. 349, s. 12K(b)
health and temperament 健康狀況及性情 Cap. 167F, s. 4(2)(b)(i)
health care 健康護理 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 11
health care decision 健康護理決定 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.5
health data 健康資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
health professional 醫療專業人員 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.21, Footnote 21
health provider 健康服務提供者 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.34
health warning 健康忠告 Cap. 371B, para. 3(2)
immediate health hazard 對健康的即時危害 Cap. 132, s. 128A(2)
injurious to health 損害健康 Cap. 130, s. 2

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injury to health 健康損害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
mental and physical health 心理及生理健康情況 Cap. 298A, r. 41
mental and physical health 精神及身體健康狀況 Cap. 159, s. 8A(2)(a)
pre-existing medical or health reason 先前已存在的醫學或健康理由 Cap. 241K, s. 4(3)(c)
prejudicial to health 損害健康 Cap. 311, s. 26G(2)(c)
health health 衞生 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
health care services 醫護服務 Cap. 625, s. 47(9)
health certificate 衞生證明書 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
health inspector 衞生督察 Cap. 612, s. 59(5)
health officer 衞生主任 Cap. 1, s. 3
International Health Regulations 《國際衞生條例》 Cap. 599, s. 2
poses a public health risk 構成公共衞生危險 Cap. 599, s. 3(1)
protection of public health 維持公共衞生 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 17
public health or morals 公眾衞生或道德 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(c)
healthcare healthcare 醫護服務 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
healthcare professional 醫護專業人員 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
healthcare referral 醫護服務轉介 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
prescribed healthcare provider 訂明醫護提供者 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
referral healthcare provider 獲轉介醫護提供者 Cap. 625, s. 12(9)
registered healthcare provider 登記醫護提供者 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
registered healthcare recipient 登記醫護接受者 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
hear a reasonable opportunity to be heard 合理的陳詞機會 Cap. 470, s. 31(4)

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admitted to be heard for ... 獲准代表……陳詞的 Cap. 484A, r. 12

be heard by ... counsel or solicitor 由大律師或律師代表陳述 Cap. 1A, r. 7
be heard ... by his authorized representative 由其授權的代表代為陳詞 Cap. 208, s. 17(5)
be heard de novo 重審 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
be heard in camera 以閉門形式聆訊 Cap. 561, s. 35(3)(b)
be heard in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 112, s. 68(5)
be heard in open court 在法院公開聆訊 Cap. 394, s. 22(9)
be heard in person 親自陳述 Cap. 138D, reg. 7(1)
be heard in person 親自……陳詞 Cap. 208, s. 17(5)
being heard 作出陳詞 Cap. 494, s. 31(2)
cannot be heard to say ... 不能以……為藉口 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
entitled to be heard on ... 有權就……陳詞 Cap. 405, s. 3(14)
giving a person an opportunity of being heard 給予某人陳詞機會 Cap. 585, s. 96(1)
have the right to appear and be heard 有權……出庭及陳詞 Cap. 201, s. 33A(4)
hear 聆訊 Cap. 25, s. 7(1)
hear 聆聽(陳詞等) Cap. 428B, s. 32
hear 進行聆訊 Cap. 60, s. 28(3A)
hear ... appeal 聆訊上訴 Cap. 1, s. 43(2)
hear evidence 聽取證據 Cap. 311, s. 65(1)
hear ... evidence 聆聽……證供 Cap. 232A, reg. 15(3)(b)
hear him on the subject 就此事聆聽其陳詞 Cap. 514C, s. 82(1)
hear ... in vacation 休庭期內聆訊 Cap. 4A, O. 64
hear proceedings in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 226, s. 20

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hear, receive, and examine evidence 聆聽、收取及審查證據 Cap. 178, s. 11

hear ... submissions 聆聽……陳詞 Cap. 17A, r. 23(2)(a)
hear the application in private 閉門聆訊有關申請 Cap. 182, s. 6(4)
heard and determined by ... sitting alone 由……單獨開庭聆訊及裁定 Cap. 25, s. 3(2)
heard de bene esse 暫行聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
heard de novo 重新聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
heard de novo 重審 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
heard in camera 以非公開形式審理 Cap. 429, s. 8
heard in camera 以閉門形式聆訊 Cap. 561, s. 35
heard in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 112, s. 68
heard in open court 公開聆訊 Cap. 369, s. 75
heard in private 以非公開形式聆訊 Cap. 161E, s. 43(12)
heard in private 聆訊……以非公開形式進行 Cap. 514, s. 130(2)
heard in vacation 在休庭期內聆訊 Cap. 484A, r. 62(2)
hearing an application 聆聽……申請 Cap. 123, s. 3(5H)
may be heard in person 可親自應訊 Cap. 227, s. 118(2)
opportunity of being heard 陳詞機會 Cap. 581, s. 53(2)(e)
opportunity of being heard 獲聆聽的機會 Cap. 4, s. 27(2)(b)
opportunity to be heard 陳詞的機會 Cap. 514, s. 70(9)
part-heard 已進行部分聆訊 Cap. 4, s. 40A
to be heard 陳詞 Cap. 490, s. 14(4)
to be heard 獲得聆聽 Cap. 221, s. 81B(2)
hearing adjourn a hearing 將聆訊押後 Cap. 159AE, s. 12

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adjourn the hearing 延期聆訊 Cap. 68, s. 20(5)

adjourn the hearing 將聆訊延期 Cap. 227, s. 20
adjourn the hearing 將聆訊押後 Cap. 433A, s. 10
adjourned hearing 押後聆訊 Cap. 60, s. 28(3A)
adjourned hearing 經延期的聆訊 Cap. 62, s. 2
appear at the hearing 出席該聆訊 Cap. 528D, r. 34(3)
be present at the hearing 在聆訊進行期間在場 Cap. 626, s. 37(7)(a)
call-over hearing 指示聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
chambers hearing (open to public) 內庭聆訊(公開) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
comes on for hearing 開始聆訊 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(b)
disciplinary hearing 紀律聆訊 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.34
disposal hearing 關於處置的聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
do not wish to attend the hearing 不欲出席聆訊 Cap. 465B, s. 9(3)(b)
enable the hearing to commence ... 令聆訊可……展開 Cap. 376A, s. 7
ex parte hearing 單方面的聆訊 Cap. 6A, r. 128D(4)
fair and public hearing 公正公開的聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
fair and public hearing 公正公開審問 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
fair hearing 公平聆訊 Cap. 336, s. 73B(5)
fix a date for hearing 編定聆訊日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fix a date for the hearing 擇定聆訊日期 Cap. 460, s. 18(2)(a)

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forfeiture hearing 沒收財產聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
full hearing 全面聆訊 Cap. 390, s. 2(1)
general hearing list 普通聆訊錄 Cap. 3, s. 15(1)
hearing 研訊 Cap. 406, s. 36(1)(a)
hearing 聆訊 Cap. 245, s. 44A(8)
hearing in chambers 內庭聆訊 Cap. 179A, r. 52(1)
hearing of appeals 上訴聆訊 Cap. 493, s. 27(2)
hearing of appeals 聆訊上訴 Cap. 338, s. 36(1)(a)(ii)
interim hearing 中期聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inter-partes hearing 各方出席的聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
list for hearing 審訊表 Cap. 4C, Schedule
neglect hearing 關於疏忽照顧的聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of hearing 聆訊通知書 Cap. 25, s. 13
oral hearing 口頭聆訊 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 2A
postpone or adjourn ... hearing 將聆訊延遲或押後 Cap. 311D, reg. 10(1)(a)
preliminary hearing 初步聆訊 Cap. 17A, r. 18(1)
preparatory hearing 預審 Cap. 394, s. 2
present at a hearing 出席聆訊 Cap. 283C, s. 16(1)
private hearing 非公開的聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
public hearing 公開聆訊 Cap. 562, s. 32

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record of hearing 聆訊紀錄 Cap. 227C, Schedule

resumed hearing 恢復進行的聆訊 Cap. 62, s. 2
right to a fair hearing 接受公正審問權利 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 1
set down for hearing 經編排……聆訊時間 Cap. 62, s. 3(1)
setting down ... for hearing 將……排期聆訊 Cap. 4D, Sch. 1
sit as a member of ... on the hearing of ... 以……成員身分在……聆訊中參加審訊 Cap. 4, s. 34(3)
substantive hearing 正式聆訊[相對程序上的爭議] The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
taxation hearing 訟費評定聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
to resume the hearing 恢復聆訊 Cap. 4, s. 11
without a hearing 在無聆訊的情況下 Cap. 484A, r. 17(2)
hearing binaural hearing loss 雙耳聽力損失 Cap. 469, s. 2
hearing assistive device 聽力輔助器具 Cap. 469, s. 2
hearing loss 聽力損失 Cap. 469, s. 2
monaural hearing loss 單耳聽力損失 Cap. 469, s. 2
sensorineural hearing loss 神經性聽力損失 Cap. 469, s. 2
hearing fleeting hearing 瞬間的聲音 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
hearken hearken to the evidence 聆聽證供 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.2
hearsay documentary hearsay evidence 書面傳聞證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
hearsay 傳聞 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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hearsay evidence 傳聞證據 Cap. 8, s. 46

hearsay notice 擬提出傳聞證據通知書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rule against hearsay 排除傳聞證據的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
hedge hedge 對沖 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.19
reducing, compensating for or hedging against any financial 減低、補償或對沖任何財務風險 Cap. 601, s. 25
hedging hedging 套期保值 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hedging 對沖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hedging arrangement 對沖安排 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
hedging fund 對沖基金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hedging of a transaction ... 對……交易所作的對冲安排 Cap. 117A, s. 3(a)
hedging ratio 對沖比率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hedging ratio hedging ratio 對沖比率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hedonic damages hedonic damages 喪失在生樂趣的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
height projected height 預計高度 Cap. 621, s. 12
heir expectant heir 預期繼承人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
heir 子嗣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

heir 繼承人 Cap. 429, s. 3(2)
legal heir 合法繼承人 Cap. 1112A, r. 3(1)
universal heir 全部財產的繼承人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
heirloom heirloom 祖傳動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
held held in custody 被羈押 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.27
help with a view to helping ... 為了協助…… Cap. 602, s. 77(1)
helper personal helper 私人傭工 Cap. 608, s. 2
herbal Chinese herbal medicine 中藥材 Cap. 549, s. 2(1)
hereditament corporeal hereditament 有體可繼承產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hereditament 世襲財產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hereditament 可繼承產 Cap. 336, s. 2
incorporeal hereditament 無體可繼承產 Cap. 336, s. 2
hereditary hereditary 世襲 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hereditary 祖傳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hereditary 遺傳性 Cap. 561, Sch. 2
heritage heritage conservation 保存文物 Cap. 610, s. 20(4)
human heritage 文物 Cap. 425, s. 3(3)

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heterosexual heterosexual 異性 "Review of Substantive Sexual

Offences" Report, para. 3.5
Heung Yee Kuk Heung Yee Kuk 鄉議局 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 2
high High Contracting Party 締約方 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
High Contracting Party High Contracting Party 締約方 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 7A(1)
High Court Chief Judge of the High Court 高等法院首席法官 Cap. 484, s. 12(1)(a)
High Court 高等法院 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
High Court in Prize High Court in Prize 高等法院的虜獲法庭 Cap. 4C, para. 2
High Court of Justice of High Court of Justice of Hong Kong 香港高等法院 Cap. 1, Sch. 8
Hong Kong
High Court of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區高等法院 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region
High Court Registry; High Court Registry; Registry of the High Court (HK) 高等法院登記處(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Registry of the High and Commercial Law Terms
high moral standing high moral standing 崇高道德地位 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 17(1)
high seas high seas 公海 Cap. 494, s. 5
higher higher per capita limit of liability 較高的按每個人計算的責任限額 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
higher rights of audience 較高級法院出庭發言權 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.67, Footnote 67
higher standard of proof 較高舉證準則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
higher court higher court [also upper court; higher tribunal] 上級法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

higher court [also upper court; higher tribunal] 較高級的法庭 Cap. 109, s. 52A
higher rights of higher rights of audience 較高級法院出庭發言權 Cap. 159AK, r. 3(1)
higher rights of audience certificate 較高級法院出庭發言權證書 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
highest highest 最高 Cap. 1, Sch. 1
highest bona fide bidder 出價最高的真誠競投人 Cap. 27, s. 5
highest organ of state power 最高國家權力機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
highly probative highly probative evidence 具高度證案價值的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
high-speed International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft 《高速船國際安全守則》 Cap. 478J, s. 2(1)
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 《2000年國際高速船安全規則》 Cap. 369N, Schedule
hijack "hijack" collection “敲詐”式募捐 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 11
Himalaya clause Himalaya clause 喜馬拉雅號條款〔航運減責條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
himself brought suspicion upon himself 自招嫌疑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
brought suspicion upon himself 自招懷疑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
hinder hinder 妨礙 Cap. 548, s. 26(3)(c)
hinders 阻撓 Cap. 405, s. 21(6)
hinders 阻礙 Cap. 415, s. 37(7)
hinders or impedes 阻撓或妨礙 Cap. 166, s. 24(2)(c)
hindrance hindrance 阻礙 Cap. 204A, para. 17

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offers to ... any hindrance 對……作任何阻撓 Cap. 225, s. 15(2)

hire accept the hire 接受租用 Cap. 374D, reg. 36(3)(a)
charter hire 租船費 Cap. 112, s. 23B(12)
charter hire 租機費 Cap. 112, s. 23C(5)
demised, let or hired out 以轉管租約形式或其他方式出租 Cap. 448, s. 8(5)(a)
exposed for sale or hire 陳列以作售賣或租賃 Cap. 26, s. 15(2)
exposes for sale or hire 為出售或出租而展示 Cap. 528, s. 31(1)(b)
failure to accept hire 拒載 Cap. 556D, Sch. 2
for hire or reward 出租或取酬 Cap. 374, s. 2
hire 出租 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hire 租用 Cap. 374D, reg. 36(3)(a)
let for hire 要約出售 Cap. 528, s. 40C(8)
let, lend or hire 出租、借出或租用 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(d)
let, or hired out 出租 Cap. 173A, reg. 3(3)
let out on hire 出租 Cap. 139J, reg. 10(a)
offering for hire 要約出租 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
ply for hire 候客 Cap. 556C, s. 11(1)
plying for hire 招攬生意 Cap. 84A, reg. 7
plying for hire 等候出租 Cap. 556D, s. 26(10)
take on hire 租用 Cap. 238, s. 2(1)
hire hire 酬金 Cap. 98, s. 6(1)(v)
hire-purchase agreement of hire purchase 租購協議 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
hire purchase agreement 分期付款租購協議 Cap. 436, s. 56(1)

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hire purchase agreement 租購協議 Cap. 112, s. 37A(1)

hire-purchase price 租購價 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(a)
hire-purchase; hire hire purchase agreement 租購協議 Cap. 112, s. 37A
hire-purchase; hire purchase 分期付款租購 Cap. 436, s. 56
hire-purchase; hire purchase 租購 Cap. 56, s. 2
hire-purchase price 租購價 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1
hirer hirer 租用人 Cap. 374D, reg. 2(1)
hirer 租借人 Cap. 60, s. 2
hiring hiring 出租 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)
hiring 僱請 Cap. 134, s. 56A(2)(d)
hiring agreement hiring agreement 分期付款協議 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
hiring agreement 租用協議 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
historic historic interest 歷史意義 Cap. 132, s. 104(1)(e)
historic ... significance 歷史……意義 Cap. 208, s. 4(c)(iii)
historical historical volatility 歷史波動性 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 3
history credit history 信貸歷史 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
HKEC HKEC 交易結算公司 Cap. 571, s. 77(5)
HKFECC HKFECC 期貨結算公司 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
HKSAR HKSAR 特區 Cap. 1, s. 3
HKSCC HKSCC 香港結算公司 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
hoist hoisting 懸掛 Cap. 196, s. 6
hoist hoist 吊重機 Cap. 618, s. 3(2)(c)
hold hold a brief for sb. 為某人當代訟律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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hold sb. harmless [also save harmless] [indemnify] 使某人免受損失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold sb. harmless [also save harmless] [indemnify] 保障 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold assets held in Hong Kong 在香港持有的資產 Cap. 485A, s. 2
disqualification from holding or obtaining a driver's licence 吊銷或不准領取駕駛執照 Cap. 227C, Schedule
held 保有 Cap. 106, s. 27A(2)(a)(iii)
held ... alone 單獨持有 Cap. 1155, s. 4(a)
held for use 持有以供使用 Cap. 112, s. 39E(5)
held ... in bond 扣存在保稅倉庫 Cap. 371, s. 8(2)(a)
held in custody 被羈押 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
held in trust 以信託形式持有 Cap. 1037, s. 3(2)(a)
held jointly 共同持有 Cap. 111A, Schedule
held on lease from the Government 以租契方式從政府取得而持有 Cap. 123, s. 31(2)(b)
held on trust 以信託方式持有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
held on trust for ... absolutely 為……的絕對權益而以信託形式持有 Cap. 73, Sch. 1
held under lease from the Government 根據租契從政府取得而持有 Cap. 123, s. 31(1)
held ... under ... official title 以……職銜名義持有 Cap. 29B, r. 7(3)
held upon trust 以信託方式持有 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)(b)
held upon trust for sale 以售產信託方式持有 Cap. 29, s. 22(3)(a)
hold 存留 Cap. 490, s. 16
hold 保有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold 保持 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

hold 持有 Cap. 185, Long Title
hold a deposit 持有存款 Cap. 155, s. 2(10)
hold and enjoy a place peaceably 安寧地保有和享用某地方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold estate in freehold 以永久業權形式持有產業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
hold in sb.'s sole name 以某人的單一名義持有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold in severalty 各別持有〔各自分別持有〕 Cap. 352, s. 4
hold interests ... 持有……權益 Cap. 571, s. 316(5)(i)
hold ... on the trusts 以信託形式持有 Cap. 467, s. 3(2)
hold ... proceedings in camera 以非公開形式進行……法律程序 Cap. 159, s. 35B(2)
hold property ... 持有……的財產 Cap. 571, s. 316(7)(b)
hold the land on trust for the squatter 以信託方式為擅自佔地者持有土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
hold ... upon trust 以信託形式持有 Cap. 425, s. 5
holding of shares 持有股份 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land ... held by ... at will 土地……租賃為不定期 Cap. 7, s. 129
right to hold opinions without interference 保持意見不受干預之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(1)
hold hold a court 開庭 Cap. 369A, reg. 16
hold an inquiry 舉行研訊 Cap. 138, s. 16(1)
hold be held liable 被判須負法律責任 Cap. 4, s. 56(5)(a)
held authentic and effectual 認定為真確和有效 Cap. 8, s. 37
held liable 被判須負法律責任 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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hold 判定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold 裁定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold sb. liable 向某人追究法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the court holds that ... 法庭裁定…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the court holds that ... 法院裁定…… Cap. 179, s. 17A
hold held over 緩繳 Cap. 108, s. 6S(7)(b)
hold holding over 繼續佔用 Cap. 515, s. 6(4)
hold ceases to hold office 停任 Cap. 159AK, r. 17(7)
hold office 任期 Cap. 1148, s. 7(3)
hold office as ... 擔任……職位 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hold office at ... discretion 任免隨……決定 Cap. 399, s. 10(1)(a)
hold office at the pleasure of the Chief Executive 行政長官可隨時將其免任 Cap. 469, Sch. 1
hold office during the pleasure of 任期……隨……意願而定 Cap. 33A, r. 41(2)
holding an established office 出任設定職位 Cap. 363, s. 2(1)
holding office 任職 Cap. 549, s. 8(1)
holds office 擔任職位 Cap. 106, s. 13A(2)(a)
hold belief ... honestly held 誠實地相信 Cap. 200, s. 64(3)
hold out held out 被他人顯示 Cap. 159H, r. 1A
held out 顯示 Cap. 134, s. 4A(1)(a)
hold himself out as 顯示自己為 Cap. 406, s. 34(2)

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hold out 顯示 Cap. 159S, s. 13

hold out or represent oneself as ... 顯示或聲稱自己為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holds itself out to be 顯示它是 Cap. 1145, s. 17(1)(a)
holds out as having 使人認為其具備 Cap. 29, s. 3A(1)(a)
trafficking in a substance represented or held out to be a 販運表示或顯示為危險藥物的物質 Cap. 134, Sch. 3
dangerous drug
hold out hold out ... advantage 供給……利益 Cap. 201, s. 2(2)(a)
hold over holding over 逾期逗留 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
holder account-holder 帳戶戶主 Cap. 354N, s. 3(1)(c)
as holder 以持有人……的身分 Cap. 155, s. 70D(1)(b)
holder 持有人 Cap. 440, s. 2(2)
holder for value 已付價值的持有人 Cap. 19, s. 27
holder for value 有價契據或證券持有人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holder in due course 正當執票人〔在票據到期前真誠地以有值代價取得票據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
的人〕 and Commercial Law Terms
holder in due course 當期持有人 Cap. 19, s. 29(1)
holder of a permit 持證人 Cap. 460, s. 2
holder of an office 職位的出任人 Cap. 112, s. 9(6)
holder of ... office 出任……職位的人 Cap. 92, s. 2
holder of ... public office 擔任公職的人 Cap. 1, s. 39(2)
holder of the licence 牌照持有人 Cap. 172A, reg. 173(2)(a)
holders of public office 公職人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48

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joint holders 聯名持有人 Cap. 622, s. 432(2)(a)

joint holders of shares 股份聯名持有人 Cap. 622F, s. 23(3)(a)
licence holder 持牌人 Cap. 349, s. 2(1)
office holder 幹事 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
office holder 職位擔任者 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.4
policy holder 保單持有人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
potential policy holders 潛在的保單持有人 Cap. 41, s. 8(3)(g)
registered holder 登記持有人 Cap. 622, s. 162
registered holder of ... shares 股份的登記持有人 Cap. 622, s. 162
right holder 權利人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right holder 權利持有人 Cap. 528, s. 135
holding holding 持有單位 Cap. 40, s. 2
holding 租用單位 Cap. 7, s. 2
holding of a unit 單位權益 Cap. 41G, r. 2
holding small house holding 丁屋土地 Cap. 515, s. 2
holding holding tank 集存艙 Cap. 413K, s. 2
holding debt holding 債務持有 Cap. 155L, s. 145(1)(b)(vi)(D)(II)
equity holding 股份的權益 Cap. 622, s. 197(1)
synthetic holdings 合成持有 Cap. 155L, s. 48(1)(d)
holding company holding company 控權公司 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
holding over of land holding over of land 租約期滿後繼續佔用土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holding over of holding over of payment 緩繳 Cap. 112, s. 63J

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holiday alternative holiday 另定假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
general holiday 公眾假日 Cap. 1, s. 3
general holiday 公眾假期 Cap. 1, s. 3
holiday 假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
paid holidays 有薪假日 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(f)
pay for untaken statutory holidays 未放法定假日薪酬 Cap. 380, s. 2
public holiday 公眾假日 Cap. 1, s. 3
public holiday 公眾假期 Cap. 1, s. 3
statutory holiday 法定假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
substituted holiday 代替假日 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
holograph holograph [also olograph] 手書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holograph [also olograph] 自書文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holograph [also olograph] 親筆文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holographic will holographic will [also olographic will] 自書遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
holographic will [also olographic will] 親筆遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach a holographic will 質疑自書遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach a holographic will 質疑親筆遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
home home state 本國 Cap. 512, s. 16(1)

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home home 住宅 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)

home 家中 Cap. 57, s. 2(1)
home address 住址 Cap. 478Q, s. 5(2)(b)
home detention 家居羈留 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
home loan 居所貸款 Cap. 112, Sch. 12
sole or main home 唯一或主要家居 Cap. 542, s. 28(3)
home aged home 中度照顧安老院 Cap. 459A, s. 3(b)
care and attention home 高度照顧安老院 Cap. 459A, s. 3(a)
nursing home 護理院 Cap. 447, s. 3(1)(e)
Remand Home 羈留院 Cap. 226D, r. 2
Home Ownership Home Ownership Scheme 居者有其屋計劃 Cap. 155M, s. 26(1)(a)(ii)(A)
homeowner second homeowner 第二套物業的屋主 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
homicide child homicide 殺害兒童 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
culpable homicide 構成罪行的殺人 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
culpable homicide 應受懲處的殺人罪 Cap. 503P, Schedule
homicide 殺人罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.1

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homicide 殺人罪行 Cap. 339, Long Title

homosexual homosexual act 同性性行為 Cap. 243, Schedule
homosexual buggery 同性肛交 Cap. 200, Sch. 1
homosexual buggery with or by man under 16 由16歲以下男子作出或與16歲以下男子作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.122
procuring others to commit homosexual buggery 促致他人作出同性肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 1.20
honest honest belief 真誠地相信 Cap. 4A, O. 41A, r. 4(3)(c)
honest belief 真誠相信 Cap. 13A, r. 3(2)(f)(i)
honest belief 誠實地相信 Cap. 572, s. 21(1)
honest belief 誠實相信 Cap. 311, s. 42(2)
honest concurrent use 誠實的同時使用的情況 Cap. 559, s. 53(7)
honest witness 誠實的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in the honest belief 誠實地相信 Cap. 502, s. 20(1)
in the honest belief that 真誠相信 Cap. 59, s. 14A(1)
the ordinary objective standards of reasonable and honest 一般合理及誠實人的客觀標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
people Criminal Proceedings
honestly belief ... honestly held 誠實地相信 Cap. 200, s. 64(3)
honestly 真誠地 Cap. 528D, r. 33(1)
honestly 誠實地 Cap. 571, s. 129(1)(c)
Hong Kong free to leave Hong Kong 自由離去香港 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(2)
Hong Kong 香港 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
Hong Kong currency 港幣 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 111
Hong Kong dollar 港元 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 111

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Hong Kong dollar 港幣 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 112

Hong Kong residents 香港居民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
Hong Kong stock 香港證券 Cap. 117, s. 19(1F)(a)
immigration legislation governing entry into, stay in and 管限……進入、逗留於及離開香港的出入境法例 Cap. 383, s. 11
departure from Hong Kong
lawfully in Hong Kong 合法處在香港境內 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 9
lawfully within Hong Kong 合法處在香港境內 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(1)
laws previously in force in Hong Kong 香港原有法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong 香港的長期繁榮穩定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 20
permanent residents of Hong Kong 香港永久性居民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 3
person who loves the country and loves Hong Kong 愛國愛港人士 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
persons not having the right to enter and remain in Hong 無權進入及停留於香港的人 Cap. 383, s. 11
right to enter Hong Kong 進入香港之權 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(4)
specific conditions of Hong Kong 香港的具體情況 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 10
waters of Hong Kong 香港水域 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong Academy Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 香港醫學專科學院 Cap. 469, s. 2
of Medicine
Hong Kong and Macao Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council 國務院港澳事務辦公室 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Affairs Office of the Document 20
State Council
Hong Kong Arts Centre Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心監督團 Cap. 304, s. 8(1)
Hong Kong Arts Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局 Cap. 472, s. 3(1)
Development Council

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Hong Kong Bar Hong Kong Bar Association 香港大律師公會 Cap. 5, s. 4C(3)(c)
Hong Kong bearer Hong Kong bearer instrument 香港不記名文書 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong Bill of Hong Kong Bill of Rights 香港人權法案 Cap. 383, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong chief Hong Kong chief executive officer 香港行政總裁 Cap. 485B, Sch. 3
executive officer
Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, China 中國香港 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
Hong Kong Council for Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Cap. 1150, s. 2(1)
Accreditation of Vocational Qualifications
Academic and
Hong Kong Court of Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal 香港終審法院 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
Final Appeal
Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Interest Settlement Rate 港元利息結算率 Cap. 91D, reg. 2
Interest Settlement Rate
Hong Kong domiciled Hong Kong domiciled scheme 以香港為本籍的計劃 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
Hong Kong Exchanges Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) 香港交易及結算所有限公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Clearing Limited and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong Futures Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE) 香港期貨交易所有限公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Exchange Limited and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong Garrison of Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊 Cap. 1, s. 3
the Chinese People's
Liberation Army
Hong Kong Hansard Hong Kong Hansard [Reports of the meetings of the 香港議事錄〔香港立法會會議過程紀錄〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Legislative Council of Hong Kong] and Commercial Law Terms

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Hong Kong Housing Hong Kong Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會 Cap. 406C, reg. 3(b)
Hong Kong Institute of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants 香港會計師公會 Cap. 50, s. 2(1)
Certified Public
Hong Kong Institution Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 香港工程師學會 Cap. 610B, s. 15(1)(a)
of Engineers
Hong Kong Interbank Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate futures contract 港元利率期貨合約 Cap. 571Y, Sch. 1
Offered Rate futures
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 香港國際仲裁中心 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
Arbitration Centre
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Domestic 香港國際仲裁中心本地仲裁規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
International Arbitration Rules and Commercial Law Terms
Arbitration Centre
Domestic Arbitration
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; HKIAC 香港國際仲裁中心 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
International and Commercial Law Terms
Arbitration Centre;
Hong Kong Laboratory Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme 香港實驗所認可計劃 Cap. 635, s. 17(8)
Accreditation Scheme
Hong Kong Monetary Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) 香港金融管理局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Authority and Commercial Law Terms
Hong Kong permanent Hong Kong permanent resident 香港永久性居民 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong permanent resident 香港特別行政區永久性居民 Cap. 1, s. 3
Hong Kong Police Hong Kong Police Reserve 香港後備警察 Cap. 233, s. 5(1)(a)(i)

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Hong Kong Society of Hong Kong Society of Accountants 香港會計師公會 Cap. 50, s. 3(b)
Hong Kong Special administrative division of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區行政區域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Administrative Region Administrative Region Document 12
area of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的區域 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 11
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區政府 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 60
head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的首長 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 43
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 1
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may on its own ... 香港特別行政區可……單獨地…… Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 151
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on 香港特別行政區應自行立法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
its own
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ... shall, on its own 香港特別行政區……自行 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 16
in the light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong Special 根據香港特別行政區的實際情況 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Administrative Region Document 19
laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 在香港特別行政區實行的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的立法機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative 香港特別行政區永久性居民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
persons in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 在香港特別行政區境內的香港居民以外的其他人 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 41
other than Hong Kong residents
principal officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative 香港特別行政區的主要官員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 61
representatives of the Government of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區政府的代表 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 150
Administrative Region

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Hong Kong Special Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 Cap. 1, Sch. 2
Administrative Region Republic of China
of the People's Republic
of China
Hong Kong Special Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports Appeal 香港特別行政區護照上訴委員會 Cap. 539A, s. 2
Administrative Region Board
Passports Appeal Board
Hong Kong Sports Hong Kong Sports Development Board 香港康體發展局 Cap. 1175, s. 2
Development Board
Hong Kong Treasury Hong Kong Treasury bills 香港庫券 Cap. 74, Preamble
Hong Kong War Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions 香港太平洋戰爭紀念撫恤金 Cap. 112, s. 8(2)(fa)
Memorial Pensions
honorarium honorarium 報酬 Cap. 606, s. 2
honorarium 酬金 Cap. 1150, s. 9(1)(b)
honorarium 謝金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
honorary honorary 義務 Cap. 170, s. 16
honorary honorary consular officers 名譽領事官員 Cap. 557, Schedule
honorary degrees 榮譽學位 Cap. 1126, s. 7(o)
honorary members 名譽會員 Cap. 321, s. 11(4)
honorary membership 名譽隊員資格 Cap. 233, s. 6(1)
honorary rank 名譽職級 Cap. 233, s. 6(1)
Honorary Treasurer Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫 Cap. 1129, s. 8(4)
honour honour (v.) 遵守 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
more honoured in the breach 不值得遵守的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

more honoured in the breach 違反多於遵從 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
honour honour 兌現 Cap. 26, s. 21(3)
honour attestations of honour 勳章見證 Cap. 4A, O. 114, r. 1(1)
honour 勳銜 Cap. 159H, r. 2B(3)(d)
honour honour 名譽 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
honour 信譽 Cap. 6, s. 2
paid for honour 為維護某方的信譽而付款 Cap. 19, s. 68(5)
prejudicial to ... honour or reputation 對……榮譽或聲譽具損害性 Cap. 528, s. 92(2)(b)
Honour, Your/His/Her Honour, Your/His/Her 對區域法院法官的敬稱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Honourable Court, this Honourable Court, this 本法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hope of advantage hope of advantage 希望得到利益 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
hopper steel hopper barge 鋼開底泥躉 Cap. 354N, s. 12(3)(a)
horizon liquidity horizons 流動性範圍 Cap. 155L, Sch. 3
horizontal horizontal amalgamation 橫向合併 Cap. 622, s. 681
hospital approved subvented hospital 經批准補助醫院 Cap. 161, s. 2(1)
hospital care 醫院護理服務 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.62
hospital expenses 醫院開支 Cap. 234A, r. 140(2)
hospital order 入院令 Cap. 136, s. 45(1)

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hospital services 醫院服務 Cap. 113, s. 2(1)

mental hospital 精神病院 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
Hospital Authority Hospital Authority 醫院管理局 Cap. 113, s. 2(1)
Hospital Governing Hospital Governing Committee 醫院管治委員會 Cap. 113, s. 2(1)
hospital order hospital order 入院令 Cap. 136, s. 48
hospitality excessive hospitality 過度的招待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hospitality 招待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hospitality 款待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
host host country 業務所在國家 Cap. 155Q, r. 17
Host Country Agreement 《東道國協定》 Cap. 558D, s. 2
hostage hostage 人質 Cap. 468, s. 4(1)(a)
hostage-taker 劫持人質者 Cap. 503H, Sch. 2
hostage-taking 劫持人質 Cap. 503H, Sch. 2
International Convention against the Taking of Hostages 《反對劫持人質國際公約》 Cap. 468, Long Title
taking a hostage 劫持人質 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
hostel self-care hostel 低度照顧安老院 Cap. 459A, s. 3(c)
hostile a hostile or intimidating environment 有敵意或具威嚇性環境 Cap. 602, Long Title
hostile witness 敵對證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
hostile embargo hostile embargo 扣押敵方船舶 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hostile witness hostile witness 敵意證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

hostilities hostilities 敵對行為 Cap. 414, s. 7(a)
hostilities 戰爭 Cap. 258, Long Title
taken in ... hostilities 在……敵對行動中被奪取 Cap. 415, s. 11(2)(c)
hotchpot hotchpot ["dish mixed by shaking it up"; the blending of items 財產混同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
of property to secure equality of division] and Commercial Law Terms
hotel hotel 旅館 Cap. 349, s. 2
hotel licence 酒店牌照 Cap. 349, s. 12A(1)(a)
unlicensed hotel or guesthouse 無牌酒店或賓館 Cap. 349, s. 5A(1)
hour at a reasonable hour 合理時間 Cap. 19, s. 41(1)(a)
business hours 辦公時間 Cap. 359, s. 10(6)
clock hour 時鐘小時 Cap. 562, Sch. 4
exact number of hours 整數時數 Cap. 313A, Sch. 13
hours 時數 Cap. 47A, reg. 9(1)(b)
hours of darkness 黑夜時間 Cap. 374, s. 53(1)(iii)
hours of operation 營運時段 Cap. 582, s. 7(1)(b)
normal office hours 通常辦公時間 Cap. 311, s. 14(4)(a)
normal working hours 正常工作時數 Cap. 63, Long Title
office hours 辦公時間 Cap. 313A, Sch. 13
operating hours 操作時間 Cap. 81A, reg. 2
ordinary hours of business 通常營業時間 Cap. 571Q, s. 14(2)
ordinary office hours 正常辦公時間 Cap. 511C, s. 8(2)(b)
per hour or portion of an hour 每小時或不足一小時 Cap. 17B, Schedule
reasonable hours 合理時分 Cap. 635, s. 13(1)(a)

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reasonable hours 合理時段 Cap. 607, s. 31(1)(a)

reasonable hours 合理時間 Cap. 95, s. 8(1)
rush hours 繁忙時間 Cap. 104E, by-law 2
total hours worked 總工作時數 Cap. 47A, reg. 9(1)(b)
hourly hourly pay 時薪 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
hourly rate of pay 時薪額 Cap. 254, s. 2(1)
hourly rate hourly rate 每小時收費率 Cap. 281F, reg. 2
hourly rate 按時計費率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hours of rest hours of rest 休息時間 Cap. 478T, s. 2
house house 房屋 Cap. 7, s. 109
house 屋宇 Cap. 6, s. 54
house 獨立屋 Cap. 621, s. 2(1)
house numbering 門牌號數 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
town houses 獨立洋房 Cap. 159G, Sch. 2
house clearing house 結算所 Cap. 571, s. 37(1)
court house 法院大樓 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7(5)(b)
house of detention 羈留所 Cap. 174, s. 2(1)
recognized clearing house 認可結算所 Cap. 571, s. 38(1)
house rules house rules 內務守則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
house rules 場地規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
household forming part of their households 與這些人士同住 Cap. 36, s. 2
household 住戶 Cap. 282, s. 41(2)

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household effects 家庭財物 Cap. 586A, s. 4

household member 住戶成員 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.41
household unit 家居單位 Cap. 494, s. 57(5)
members of ... household 住戶成員 Cap. 7, s. 70B(2)
members of ... household 家庭成員 Cap. 480, s. 31(2)(a)
separate household unit 單獨住戶的單位 Cap. 313, s. 60A(6)
separate household unit 獨立住戶單位 Cap. 60, s. 2
separate household unit 獨立家居單位 Cap. 115, s. 38A(1)
householder householder 户主 Cap. 91B, Sch. 1
housekeeping matter housekeeping matter 內務問題 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
housing housing facility 畜舍設施 Cap. 139F, reg. 2(1)
registered housing society 註冊建屋合作社 Cap. 33, s. 14(b)
Sandwich Class Housing Scheme 夾心階層住屋計劃 Cap. 159G, r. 2A(1)
Housing Authority Housing Authority estate 房屋委員會產業 Cap. 132AI, s. 2
however however described 不論如何描述 Cap. 588, s. 37ZJ(f)
however described 不論實際如何稱述 Cap. 571, s. 5(4)(f)
however described 不論實際稱謂如何 Cap. 405A, para. 5(1)(e)
however expressed 不論如何表述 Cap. 29, s. 41I(4)
however expressed 不論如何表達 Cap. 561A, s. 2(2)(a)
however framed or worded 不論如何擬定或措辭 Cap. 8, s. 67(1)
human for human habitation 用作供人居住的 Cap. 573, s. 16(2)(a)

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human consumption 供人食用 Cap. 132, s. 2(1)

human heritage 文物 Cap. 425, s. 3(3)
human intervention 人手干預 Cap. 8, s. 22A(9)(a)
human remains 人類遺骸 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 5.1
intended for human consumption 擬供人食用 Cap. 612, s. 3(1)
risk to human life 危及人命 Cap. 311, s. 78(1)(a)
treated ... with respect for the inherent dignity of the human 受……尊重其天賦人格尊嚴之處遇 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(1)
unfit for human consumption 不適宜人類使用 Cap. 599B, reg. 5
unfit for human habitation 不適合人居住 Cap. 130, s. 2
Human Organ Human Organ Transplant Board 人體器官移植委員會 Cap. 465, s. 3(1)
Transplant Board
human rights fundamental human rights 基本人權 Cap. 383, s. 2(5)
gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights 嚴重、公然、大規模侵犯人權 Cap. 115, s. 37ZI(5)(a)
human rights 人權 Cap. 383, s. 2(5)
humanitarian humanitarian grounds 人道理由 Cap. 503B, Schedule
humanitarian non-governmental organization or agency 人道主義非政府組織或機構 Cap. 590, s. 2
humanitarian ... reasons 人道理由 Cap. 378, s. 10(2)(d)
humanity treated with humanity 受合於人道……之處遇 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(1)
humiliate humiliated 感到受……侮辱 Cap. 480, s. 2(5)(a)
humiliating, distressing or alarming ... 使……感到受侮辱、困擾或驚恐 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.76
... offended, humiliated or intimidated ... ……感到受冒犯、侮辱或威嚇…… Cap. 602, s. 7(1)
hung jury hung jury [also deadlocked jury] (因陪審員意見不一致而)不能作出裁決的陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

hunting hunting 獵捕 Cap. 208, s. 26(1)(e)
hunting or trapping appliance 獵捕或陷阱類器具 Cap. 208A, reg. 2
husband former husband 前夫 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)
husband 丈夫 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
husband and wife 夫妻 Cap. 182, s. 6(1)
privilege of husband and wife 丈夫及妻子的特權 Cap. 221, s. 57(7)
with ... living as husband or wife 與……生活,如同夫妻 Cap. 22, s. 6(4)
hygienic hygienic conditions 合乎衞生的環境 Cap. 478AF, s. 38(b)
hyperlink hyperlink 超連結 Cap. 561, s. 15A(2)
hypothec hypothec 押物預支 Cap. 1174, s. 2(1)
hypothecate re-hypothecate 再抵押 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
hypothecation hypothecation 不轉移管有權的抵押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hypothecation 押貨預支 Cap. 1146, s. 2(1)
hypothetical reasonable hypothetical offender 合理假設的罪犯 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
hypothetical case hypothetical case 假設的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ibidem; ibid.; ib. ibidem; ibid.; ib. ["in the same place"] 出自同一處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
id est; i.e. id est; i.e. ["that is"] 即…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
idea freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of 尋求、接受及傳播各種消息及思想之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
all kinds

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idem; id. idem; id. ["the same"] 同上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
idem; id. ["the same"] 同前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
identical identical 相同 Cap. 57, s. 53(1)(a)(i)
identical in effect 效力相同 Cap. 609, s. 2(5)
identical with ... 與……相同 Cap. 549, s. 119(4)
the trade mark is identical to ... 該商標與……相同 Cap. 559, s. 12(1)(a)
identifiable clearly identifiable 可清楚識別 Cap. 374A, reg. 28(1)(c)
identifiable 可以識別的 Cap. 313A, reg. 3
identifiable benefit 可以確定的利益 "Charities" Report, para. 2.200
identifiable data 可識辨身分資料 Cap. 625, s. 2(1)
identifiable individual 可……識別身分的個別人士 Cap. 297, s. 6(3)
identification actor in identification parade 和疑犯一起供辨認的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
actor in identification parade “戲子” The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
certificate of identification 識別證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 87, r. 5(2)
correctness of identification 辨認的正確性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
court identification 庭上辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dock identification 庭上辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
dock identification 庭上辨認犯人欄內的被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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dock identification 辨認在犯人欄內的被告 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
document of identification 身分證明文件 Cap. 549G, s. 4(2)(a)
documentary identification 證明文件 Cap. 115, s. 17C(2)
group identification 小組認人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
identification 辨認……身分 Cap. 188, s. 4(4)(e)
identification 識別 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
identification 鑑別 Cap. 425, s. 8(1)(b)(i)
identification card 身分識別證 Cap. 167F, s. 4(2)(a)
identification document 身分證明文件 Cap. 208A, reg. 16A(2)
identification document 識別文件 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
identification evidence 認人證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
identification mark 辨認標記 Cap. 167F, s. 4(2)(b)
identification number 識別號碼 Cap. 330B, s. 4(b)
identification parades 列隊認人手續 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
identification parades 認人手續 Cap. 234A, r. 49(1)
marked for identification 標識以作識別 Cap. 4A, App. A
means of identification 身分證明 Cap. 208A, reg. 15(1)
means of identification 身分證明文件 Cap. 1156A, s. 6(1)
mistaken identification 錯誤的辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
negative identification 不能認出被告人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
negative identification 不能認出嫌疑人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
positive identification 明確認出 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
prevent identification 阻止識辨身分 Cap. 241K, s. 3(1)
vehicle identification number 車輛識別號碼 Cap. 374, s. 2
visual identification 以目辨認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
voice identification 辨認聲音 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
identification document identification document 身分證明文件 Cap. 511C, s. 13
identifier Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 《經濟合作與發展組織指引——為轉基因植物指定獨特 Cap. 607A, s. 2
Guidance for the Designation of a Unique Identifier for 標識》
Transgenic Plants
personal identifier 個人身分標識符 Cap. 486, s. 2(1)
identify identified 辨識 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 5(1)
identifies 指明 Cap. 220, s. 9(1)(a)(iii)
identify 指出 Cap. 390, s. 15(6)
identify 辨別 Cap. 112, s. 71(7)(b)
identify 識別 Cap. 514C, s. 72(a)
identify 識辨 Cap. 571, s. 100(2)(d)
identify 鑑定 Cap. 59AD, s. 5(2)(a)(i)
sufficiently identify 充分指出 Cap. 6A, r. 87B(1)
identifying identifying particulars 鑑別資料 Cap. 232, s. 59(6)
identifying symbols 識別符號 Cap. 506A, s. 3(b)

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identity certificate of identity 身分證明書 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)

corporate identity 法團身分 Cap. 571, s. 3
disclosure of identity 身分的披露 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
document of identity 簽證身分書 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
driver identity plate 司機證 Cap. 374D, reg. 63(2)
forged identity card 偽造(的)身分證 Cap. 177, s. 7A
fraudulent misrepresentation of identity 在身分方面有具欺詐成分的失實陳述 Cap. 511C, s. 13(3)
identity 身分 Cap. 571, s. 168(2)(c)
identity card 身分證 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
identity document 身分證明文件 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
identity of the person doing the act 作出行為的人的身分 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.72
means of identity 身分證明文件 Cap. 498, s. 12(b)
mistaken identity 誤認身分 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.40
mistaken identity 錯誤身分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
proof of identity 身分證明文件 Cap. 115, s. 17B
identity identity 識別資料 Cap. 562, Sch. 1
identity 識辨屬性 Cap. 607, s. 34(3)(b)(i)
identity 屬性 Cap. 522, s. 11(1)(b)
identity 鑑別 Cap. 490A, s. 5(1)(d)
identity of the trade mark 商標的本質 Cap. 559, s. 46(4)

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the better establishment of the identity of certain portions of 更清楚地確定將……若干部分土地辨識為…… Cap. 118, Long Title
ground ... with ...
identity card permanent identity card 永久性居民身分證 Cap. 177, s. 1A(1)
present ... an identity card 出示……身分證 Cap. 177, s. 3B
ideo consideratum est ideo consideratum est ["therefore it is considered"] (法庭)因此考慮 ※比較 consideratum est per curiam English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
idle idling 引擎空轉 Cap. 611, s. 2
if as if 猶如……一樣 Cap. 1155, s. 3
if and only if 如果是並僅如果是 Cap. 159H, r. 2B(3)(b)
if, and only if 如果及僅如果 Cap. 172A, reg. 169A(4)
if, and only if 僅在以下情況下 Cap. 511, s. 45(1)
if, and only if, 在……的情況下,……亦只有在……情況下 Cap. 490, s. 18(3)
if and only if ... 如在並僅如在……的情況下 Cap. 21, s. 25(5)
if, and only if ... 如屬下述情況即……亦只有屬下述情況方…… Cap. 200, s. 70(1)
if any 如有的話 Cap. 6, s. 37(1)(c)
if, but only if 如,並僅如 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 4(1)
if, but only if ... 但……必須是 Cap. 138, s. 28(1)(b)
if the case so requires if the case so requires 如情況有需要的話 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
ignominy ignominy 無恥行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ignominy 醜行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ignorance granted in ignorance of facts 在不知某些事實的情況下而批予 Cap. 401, s. 29(1)(b)
ignorance 不知情 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation

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Paper, para. 5.32

in ignorance of ... 對……不知情 Cap. 282, s. 16GA(1)(a)
Ignorantia excusatur Ignorantia excusatur non juris sed facti. [Ignorance of fact is 不知事實者可以免責;但不知法律者不能。 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
non juris sed facti. excused but not ignorance of law.] and Commercial Law Terms
Ignorantia juris non Ignorantia juris non excusat. [Ignorance of the law is no 不知法律不可作免責藉口 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
excusat. excuse.] and Commercial Law Terms
ill mentally ill or handicapped person 有精神病或弱智的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
illegal illegal 不合法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal 非法 ※比較 alegal; extralegal; nonlegal English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal 違法 ※比較 alegal; extralegal; nonlegal English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal act 違法作為 Cap. 200, s. 24(c)
illegal association 非法結社 參看illicitum collegium English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal association 違法組織 參看illicitum collegium English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal conduct 非法行為 Cap. 554, s. 3(a)
illegal conduct 違法行為 Cap. 485, s. 17(1)
illegal consideration 不合法的代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal consideration 非法代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal consideration 違法代價 參看 Ex turpi causa non oritur actio. Cap. 19, s. 29

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illegal contract 非法合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
illegal encroachment of land 非法侵佔土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal encroachment or inclosure 非法據用或圍佔 Cap. 7, s. 132
illegal immigrants 非法入境者 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
illegal immigration 非法入境 Cap. 503B, Schedule
illegal oath 非法誓言 Cap. 200, s. 16(a)(vii)
illegal omission 違法的不作為 Cap. 1, s. 3
illegal practice 非法行為 Cap. 161B, s. 29(2)
illegal practices 非法活動 Cap. 138C, App. 2
illegal purpose 非法用途 Cap. 7, s. 53(2)(f)
illegal trust 非法信託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immoral or illegal purpose 不道德或非法用途 Cap. 7, s. 53(2)(f)
illegality illegality 不合法 Cap. 329, s. 84(1)
illegality 不合法事情 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(1)
illegality 不合法……的事 Cap. 91, s. 30(3)
illegible illegible 不能閱讀 Cap. 374E, reg. 59(1)(b)
illegible 無法閱讀 Cap. 123, s. 24B
illegible 難以辨識 Cap. 478, s. 119(5)
render illegible 使……難以閱讀 Cap. 635A, s. 18(1)
illegitimacy illegitimacy 非婚生子女地位 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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illegitimacy 非婚生地位 Cap. 429, Long Title

illegitimate illegitimate 非婚生 Cap. 184, s. 3(1)
illegitimate child 非婚生子女 Cap. 622, s. 281(2)
illegitimate person 非婚生人士 Cap. 136, s. 2(3)
illegitimate person 非婚生者 Cap. 22, s. 2(2)(c)
illegitimate child illegitimate child [also child out of wedlock; vulgo concepti 非婚生子女 Cap. 174, s. 12
ill-founded ill-founded 沒有充分理由的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ill-gotten gains ill-gotten gains 不義之財 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ill-gotten gains 非法所得 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ill-health ill-health 健康欠佳 Cap. 89A, reg. 32
illicit illicit 非法 Cap. 503J, Schedule
illicit 非法的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illicit cohabitation 非法同居 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illicit commission 非法佣金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illicit drug 毒品 Cap. 374, s. 2
illicit traffic 非法販運 Cap. 503J, Schedule
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic 《聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉品和精神藥物公約》 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
illicitum collegium illicitum collegium ["an illegal association"] 非法結社 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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illicitum collegium ["an illegal association"] 違法組織 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
illiterate illiterate 文盲 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.57
illness illness 傷病 Cap. 41, Sch. 1B
mental illness 精神病 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
physical or mental illness 身體上或精神上的疾病 Cap. 583, s. 53(6)(d)
terminal illness 罹患末期疾病 Cap. 485, s. 15(3)(c)
ill-treat ill-treat 虐待 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.35
ill-treat 惡待 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.50
ill-treatment ill-treatment 虐待 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 13
ill-treatment 惡待 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.3
illustration illustrations 說明 Cap. 208, s. 8(3)
ill-will feelings of ill-will and enmity 惡感及敵意 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(e)
image digital images 數碼影像 Cap. 177, s. 7(2)(gb)
image record 影像紀錄 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
images 圖像 Cap. 221, s. 65DA(7)(c)

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moving visual images 活動視覺影像 Cap. 621, s. 72(2)

reduced image 縮小影像 Cap. 528, Sch. 1AA
visual images 視覺影像 Cap. 21, s. 2
imbecile imbecile 嚴重弱智者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imitation colourable imitation 形似的仿冒品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imitation 仿製品 Cap. 200, s. 104(1)(a)
imitation firearm 仿製火器 Cap. 210, s. 12(2)
imitation Hong Kong coin 香港硬幣的仿製品 Cap. 200, s. 104(2)
imitation of ... 模仿……[的物品] Cap. 98, s. 32(1)(l)
in imitation of 模仿 Cap. 98, s. 31(2)
immaterial immaterial 不具關鍵性 Cap. 200, s. 47
immaterial 無關重要 Cap. 377, s. 3(7)(a)
immaterial 無關鍵性 Cap. 210, s. 13
immaterial issue 無關鍵性的爭議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immediate available for immediate use 供即時使用 Cap. 369Y, reg. 73
have immediate effect 即時生效 Cap. 56, s. 5A(4)
immediate access 立即取覽 Cap. 405, s. 21(3)(c)(iii)
immediate and long-term prison sentence 即時及長期監禁 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immediate and non-recurring needs 當前及非經常需要 Cap. 13, s. 10(2)(a)
immediate and unlawful personal violence 即時及非法人身暴力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.19

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immediate binding trust for sale 即時有約束力的售產信託 Cap. 29, s. 2

immediate custodial sentence 判處即時監禁 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immediate custodial sentence 即時監禁刑罰 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immediate economic needs 迫切經濟需要 Cap. 500, s. 22(3)(a)
immediate execution 即時執行 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 14(1)
immediate health hazard 對健康的即時危害 Cap. 132, s. 128A(2)
immediate indefeasibility “即時不可推翻”的規定 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
immediate need 即時需要 Cap. 369U, reg. 4(3)
immediate reversion 即時復歸權 Cap. 7, s. 128
principle of immediate indefeasibility 業權即時不可推翻原則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
right to immediate possession 即時管有的權利 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
sentence that allowed immediate release 令其即時釋放的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
with immediate effect 即時生效 Cap. 132, Sch. 7
immediate immediate vicinity 最接近範圍 Cap. 245H, Schedule
immediate vicinity 緊接範圍 Cap. 260, s. 4(1)(b)(i)
immediate vicinity 緊鄰範圍 Cap. 469, Sch. 3
immediate vicinity of ... 緊鄰…… Cap. 502, s. 10(1)(b)
immediate immediate authority 直接授權 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
immediate authority 直接權限 Cap. 41, s. 9(2)
immediate authority 直接權能 Cap. 112, s. 21A(3)

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immediate family 直系親屬 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1

immediate family member 直系家庭成員 Cap. 527, s. 2(1)
immediate family member 家人 Cap. 32, s. 262D(6)
immediate knowledge 直接知悉 Cap. 6A, r. 122C(2)(c)
immediate landlord 直接業主 Cap. 116, s. 2
immediate title 直接業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
immediate transferee 直接承轉人 Cap. 19, s. 58(3)
immediate possession immediate possession [also direct possession] 立即接管 Cap. 6, s. 13
immediate possession [also direct possession] 即時管有 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 8
immediate possession [also direct possession] 直接管有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immediate vicinity immediate vicinity 最接近範圍 Cap. 245K, Schedule
immediate vicinity 盡量接近的地方 Cap. 572, s. 10
immediate vicinity 緊接範圍 Cap. 260, s. 4
immediate vicinity 緊鄰範圍 Cap. 469, Sch. 3
immediately immediately 立即 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(2)
immediately adjacent thereto 緊貼……的 Cap. 374, s. 123(1)
immediately after 緊接……後 Cap. 159, s. 4(1A)(b)
immediately available 即時……可供使用 Cap. 369W, reg. 4(5)
immediately before ... 在緊接……前 Cap. 628A, s. 11(1)(a)
immediately before ... 緊接……之前 Cap. 571, s. 313(1)(a)
immediately preceding 緊接……之前 Cap. 60, s. 19(1)

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immediately preceding period ... 之前的……期間 Cap. 429, s. 12(3)(b)(ii)

the day immediately preceding ... 緊接……之前一天 Cap. 59, s. 6BA(7)(c)(ii)
immigrant immigrant 入境者 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
undesirable immigrant 不受歡迎入境者 Cap. 115, s. 19(1)(a)
immigration illegal immigration 非法入境 Cap. 503B, Schedule
immigration 入境 Cap. 115A, reg. 4
immigration assistant 入境事務助理員 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
immigration controls 出入境管制 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 154
immigration examination signal 入境檢查訊號 Cap. 115A, reg. 4
immigration legislation governing entry into, stay in and 管限……進入、逗留於及離開香港的出入境法例 Cap. 383, s. 11
departure from Hong Kong
immigration officer 入境事務主任 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
Immigration Immigration Department Detention Quarters 入境事務處羈留所 Cap. 115B, Sch. 3
Department Detention
Immigration Tribunal Immigration Tribunal 入境事務審裁處 Cap. 115, s. 2(1)
Immigration Watch List Immigration Watch List 入境事務處的旅客嫌疑人名單 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
imminent grave and imminent danger 重大及迫切的危險 Cap. 313, s. 11B(2)(a)
grave and imminent risk 重大及迫切風險 Cap. 313, s. 11B(2)(b)
imminent 即將出現的 Cap. 311, s. 10
imminent 即將形成的 Cap. 466, s. 12(1)
imminent 迫切 Cap. 509, s. 10(1)
imminent 逼近 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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imminent danger 即將遇到危險 Cap. 447, s. 30

imminent danger 迫切的危險 Cap. 313, s. 11B
imminent danger to ... ……即將遇到危險 Cap. 447, s. 30(2)
imminent proceedings 即將提起的法律程序 Cap. 287, s. 4
imminent risk 迫切風險 Cap. 548, s. 64(2)(b)
imminent risk of ... 即將發生……的危急情況 Cap. 406, s. 6(1)
imminent threat 即將出現的……威脅 Cap. 311R, s. 7(c)
imminent threat 逼切威脅 Cap. 245, s. 6(2)
real, substantial and imminent danger 真實、重大而迫切的危險 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Immobilia situm Immobilia situm sequuntur. [Immovable things are governed 不動產受其所在地法律管限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sequuntur. by law of the place where they are fixed.] and Commercial Law Terms
immoral for an immoral purpose 作不道德用途 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
for an immoral purpose 為不道德(的)目的 Cap. 243, Schedule
immoral 不道德的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immoral consideration 不道德代價 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immoral or illegal purpose 不道德或非法用途 Cap. 7, s. 53(2)(f)
immoral purpose 不道德目的 Cap. 200, s. 147(1)(a)
person of known immoral character 已知為不道德的人 Cap. 200, s. 135(2)
immovable immovable property 不動產 Cap. 1, s. 3
usufruct of immovable property 不動產的使用收益權 Cap. 112AJ, Schedule
immovable property immovable property [also immovables; real property] 不動產 Cap. 1, s. 3
immovables immovables [also immovable property; real property] 不動產 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

immune immune from ... 免受…… Cap. 557, Schedule
immune from any action 免受任何……提出的訴訟 Cap. 619, s. 12(1)
immune from legal action 不受法律追究 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 77
immune from the criminal jurisdiction of ... 豁免受制於……的刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 36, Schedule
immunised immunised witness 特赦證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immunised witness 獲免予起訴的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immunity absolute immunity 絕對豁免 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.17,
Footnote 15
accomplice with immunity 獲免予起訴的從犯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the 《各專門機關特權及豁免公約》 Cap. 558B, s. 2
Specialized Agencies
costs immunity 訟費豁免權 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.23
diplomatic immunity 外交豁免權 Cap. 190, s. 3
diplomatic privileges and immunities 外交特權及豁免 Cap. 557, Schedule
entitled to immunity from the jurisdiction of ... 有權免受……的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 319, s. 6(3)(c)
external law immunity certificate 外地法律豁免權證明書 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
immunity 免予起訴書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
immunity 豁免 Cap. 557, s. 2
immunity 豁免管轄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immunity 豁免權 Cap. 494, s. 44

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immunity from jurisdiction 在管轄權方面的豁免權 Cap. 36, Schedule

immunity from jurisdiction 管轄豁免 Cap. 557C, Schedule
immunity from liability 法律責任豁免權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
immunity from prosecution 免予起訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Immunity from requisition of consular premises 領館館舍免予徵用 Cap. 557H, Schedule
immunity from suit 免受起訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
immunity from suit 起訴豁免權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial immunity 司法免責權〔法官無須負上因執行司法職務而引起的民 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
事法律責任〕 and Commercial Law Terms
Protocol regarding the immunities of the Bank for 《關於國際清算銀行豁免的議定書》 Cap. 558D, s. 2
International Settlements
public interest immunity 公眾利益豁免權 Cap. 155, s. 101E(3)
restrictive immunity 限制性豁免 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.17,
Footnote 15
sovereign immunity 主權豁免 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
state immunity 國家豁免 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
waiver of immunity from jurisdiction 管轄豁免之拋棄 Cap. 557, Schedule
impact adverse environmental impact 不良環境影響 Cap. 499, Sch. 1
impair impair 侵害 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(2)
impair 損害 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.223,
Footnote 19

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impaired 已減值 Cap. 155M, s. 46(2)(b)(ii)

impaired 受損 Cap. 99, s. 15(1)
impaired 破損 Cap. 454, s. 2(3)
impaired decision-making capacity 作決定能力受損 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.19
impaired in value 價值受損 Cap. 166, s. 22(1)(a)(ii)
materially impaired 重大減損 Cap. 237, s. 21(2A)
materially impaired 嚴重受損 Cap. 99A, reg. 23(1B)
nullify or impair ... enjoyment of human rights 取消或減損……享有人權的權利 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(c)
seriously impaired 嚴重妨害 Cap. 483A, s. 6(1)
seriously impaired 嚴重削弱 Cap. 556B, by-law 41T
seriously impaired 嚴重損害 Cap. 161E, s. 10(1)(c)
impaired impaired loans and advances 已減值貸款及放款 Cap. 155M, s. 95(2)(a)
impaired state of consciousness 神智不清的狀態 Cap. 465, s. 5E(1)(a)(ii)(D)
mentally impaired person 精神缺損人士 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 8.38
impairment cognitive impairment 認知缺損 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.10
degree of the impairment 受損程度 Cap. 401A, reg. 22(6)
impairment 受損 Cap. 282, Sch. 1
impairment 損傷 Cap. 71, s. 2(1)
Impairment Test 損害測試 Cap. 374, s. 2

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mental impairment 精神缺損 "Sexual Offences Involving Children

and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.11
mobility impairment 行動障礙 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 5.72
permanent impairment 永久性損傷 Cap. 254I, s. 3(1)
person with a cognitive impairment 認知缺損的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 10.44
person with a significant impairment 有顯著缺損的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
person with an impairment of the mind 精神上有缺損的人 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
person with mental impairment 精神缺損人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 12
physical or mental impairment 身體上或精神上的損害 Cap. 1130, s. 2
substantial impairment 重大損害 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
imparlance imparlance 延期答辯以便和解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impart freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of 尋求、接受及傳播各種消息及思想之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
all kinds
impartial competent, independent and impartial tribunal 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s. 8

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competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
impartial 不偏不倚 Cap. 608B, s. 3(a)
impartial 不偏私 Cap. 514C, Sch. 1
impartial 公正的 Cap. 609, s. 24(1)
impartial advice 不偏不倚的意見 Cap. 478AF, s. 52(a)
impartial observer 公正無私的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in a fair and impartial manner 公平和不偏不倚的方式 Cap. 604, s. 37(2)(a)
independent and impartial 獨立無私 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 2
independent and impartial witness 獨立而公正的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation 立即進行公正的調查 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 12
impartiality act with impartiality 公正無私地行事 Cap. 6, s. 96(2)(d)
impartiality 公正性 Cap. 511D, s. 7
impartially act fairly and impartially 公平和公正地行事 Cap. 609, s. 46(3)(b)
impartially 公正無私 Cap. 504, s. 15(3)
impasse impasse 僵局 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach impeach 指責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach 彈劾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach 質疑 Cap. 8, s. 12

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impeach 檢舉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
impeach a holographic will 質疑自書遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach a holographic will 質疑親筆遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impeach ... credit 質疑……的可信性 Cap. 8, s. 12
impeach (witness's) credit 證人的可信性 Cap. 8, s. 12
impeachable 可……被質疑 Cap. 29, s. 22(1)
to impeach that case 質疑該案 Cap. 8, s. 66(2)
impeachment motion of impeachment 彈劾案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
impecuniosity impecuniosity 身無分文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impecunious impecunious 財力短絀 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.21
impede frustrating or impeding the enforcement of any order 破壞或阻礙執行……命令 Cap. 192, s. 17(4)
hinders or impedes 阻撓或妨礙 Cap. 166, s. 24(2)(c)
impede 妨礙 Cap. 51, s. 12(1)(a)
impede 阻礙 Cap. 132, s. 124F(3)
impede the ability of 損害……的能力 Cap. 628, s. 150(3)(b)(ii)
impedes 阻撓 Cap. 312A, reg. 12
wilfully impede 故意妨礙 Cap. 436D, s. 13(1)(j)
impediment impediment 妨礙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impediment 阻礙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

impediment 阻礙事由 Cap. 6, s. 29(2)
impediment 障礙 Cap. 181, s. 12
impediment of kindred or affinity 血親或姻親關係的障礙 Cap. 181, s. 12(1)(b)(i)
lawful impediment 合法阻礙事由 Cap. 6, s. 29
lawful impediment 合法障礙 Cap. 32, s. 286B(5)(b)
legal impediment 法律上的阻礙 Cap. 556, s. 21
impel impel 迫使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impel 激勵 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impel 驅策 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impending impending 即將發生的 Cap. 374A, reg. 18(1)
impending 快要來的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impending 快將 Cap. 406, s. 11(2)
impending 逼近的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imperative imperative 必要的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imperfect imperfect 不完善 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imperfect 不完整 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imperfect 未完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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imperfect gift 不完整的贈與 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
imperfect obligation 不受法律約束的責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imperfect obligation 非約束性義務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imperfect stamp 不完善的印花 Cap. 117, s. 7
imperfect trust 不完全的信託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impersonate impersonates 假冒 Cap. 151, s. 26M(2)
impersonating 冒充 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.34
impersonation impersonation 冒充 Cap. 282, s. 13
impersonation 冒充別人 Cap. 541L, s. 44(1)(a)
impersonation 假冒 Cap. 517, s. 28
impertinent matter impertinent matter 不切題事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impertinent matter (與答辯或證據)無關的事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impervious impervious 不受影響 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impervious 不能滲透 Cap. 369C, para. 265
impervious 不透水 Cap. 303A, reg. 18
impervious 無動於衷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implausible implausible account 不合情理的解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
implement any implement, utensil and article 任何工具、器具及物品 Cap. 112A, r. 2(1)
implement 工具 Cap. 112A, r. 2(1)
implement 器具 Cap. 200, s. 76(1)
tool or implement 工具或用具 Cap. 295B, reg. 21(2)
implement implement 實施 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(a)
implement policies 執行政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 62
implementing ... strategies 採用……策略 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
implementing universal suffrage 實行……普選 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
implementation better implementation 更有效地施行 Cap. 564, s. 20
implementation 施行 Cap. 564, s. 20
implementation 進行 Cap. 621, s. 13(4)
implementation 實行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implementation 實施 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Preamble
implementation 履行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implementation date 實施日期 Cap. 511A, s. 2
implementation of ... an obligation 履行……義務 Cap. 483, s. 34
implementation of [the Basic Law] 執行[基本法] Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
implicate implicated 受牽連 Cap. 86, s. 6(1)
implication by implication 默示的 Cap. 554, s. 7(3)
by implication from his conduct 憑其行為的默示 Cap. 359, s. 2(3)
by implication of law 因法律的隱含規定 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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by implication of law 法律上所隱含的 Cap. 71, s. 12(1)
by implication of law 法律上隱含 Cap. 26, s. 57
by implication of law 按法律的含意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by necessary implication 以必然屬默示的方式 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(2)
by ... necessary implication 基於必然含義 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
either expressly or by implication 以明示或默示的方式 Cap. 216, s. 20(1)
implication 含意 Cap. 1, s. 66(1)
implication 默示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
necessary implication 必要的含示 Cap. 415, s. 32
necessary implication 必然含意 Cap. 1, s. 66(1)
necessary implication 必然含義 Cap. 458, s. 8(1)(a)
necessary implication 必然隱含的意思 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
test of implication 隱含條款的測試 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implication financial implications 財政影響 Cap. 104, s. 16(1)(d)(iv)
fiscal implications for Hong Kong 對香港財政的影響 Cap. 628, s. 187(7)
implication 影響 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
resource implication 所耗費的資源 Cap. 625, s. 33(2)(f)
implicit implicit 暗示的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implicit 暗喻 Cap. 486, s. 54(1)(b)

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implicit 隱含 Cap. 41E, r. 12

implicit support 隱性支持 Cap. 155L, s. 227
implied express or implied 明示或默示的 Cap. 339, s. 2(1)
express or implied 明示或隱含 Cap. 7, s. 115(1)
express or implied 明示或隱含的 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1
express or implied 明訂或默示 Cap. 622, s. 121(3)
express or implied warranty 明示或隱含的保證 Cap. 329, s. 18(3)(d)
implied 所意味的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implied 默示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implied 隱含 Cap. 329, s. 42
implied by law 根據法律而隱含的 Cap. 25, s. 2
implied covenant 隱含契諾 Cap. 7, s. 117
implied joinder of issue 默示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 20(2)
implied joinder of issue 默示就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14
implied joinder of issue on ... 默示就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(1)
implied power 隱含權力 Cap. 372, s. 4(5)
implied term 隱含條款 Cap. 457, s. 5
implied trusts 默示信託 Cap. 29, s. 35(2)
implied undertakings 隱含保證 Cap. 71, s. 11(1)
implied waiver of privilege 默示放棄特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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implied warranty 隱含保證 Cap. 329, s. 35(3)

impliedly expressly or impliedly 以明示或暗示方式 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
imply implied licence 隱含特許 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
implied permission 隱含准許 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
imply 意味 Cap. 554, s. 27(1)
imply 暗示 Cap. 504, s. 35(2)(b)
imply consent 暗示同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.54
implying 默示 Cap. 159, s. 46(1)
signifies or implies 明示或默示 Cap. 98, s. 31(1)
imply or suggest imply or suggest 默示或暗示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
import import 表示 Cap. 161, s. 18
import 意味 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
importing a reference ... to ... 帶有……提述……的含義 Cap. 559, s. 94
import consignment specific import licence 個別托運專用的進口許可證 Cap. 60B, Schedule
import declaration 進口報關單 Cap. 60E, reg. 4
import licence 進口許可證 Cap. 60, s. 8(1)
import manifest 進口艙單 Cap. 60C, para. 2
import (n., v.) 進口 Cap. 1, s. 3
import (n., v.) 輸入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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import notification 進口通知書 Cap. 60A, reg. 2

parallel-imported 平行輸入 Cap. 528, s. 187
scheme of import or export control 進口或出口管制計劃 Cap. 362, s. 2(2A)
importance general public importance 對公眾普遍有重要性 Cap. 453, s. 33(2)
great general or public importance 重大廣泛的或關乎公眾的重要性 Cap. 484, s. 22(1)(b)
importance 重要性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
of ... general or public importance 有普遍重要性或對公眾有重要性 Cap. 112, s. 69A(2)
of its great general or public importance 具有重大廣泛的或關乎公眾的重要性 Cap. 484, s. 22
point of law of great and general importance 具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)
systemic importance 系統重要性 Cap. 155M, s. 16FF(3)
importation food importation business 食物進口業務 Cap. 612, s. 4(1)
importation 進口 Cap. 51, Long Title
importation 輸入 Cap. 591, Sch. 4
parallel importation 平行進口 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.16
importer importer 進口人 Cap. 207, s. 10(2)
importer 進口商 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
registered food importer 登記食物進口商 Cap. 612, s. 11(1)
importune importune 不斷請求 Cap. 228, s. 6A
importune 糾纏不休 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impose impose 徵收 Cap. 398, s. 16(1)
impose a fee or charge 徵收費用 Cap. 1, s. 29(1A)
impose impose 判處 Cap. 336, s. 82(3)

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impose a fine 判處罰款 Cap. 336, s. 82(3)

impose a sentence 判刑 Cap. 503, s. 2(1)
imposing any fine on ... 對……判以罰款 Cap. 405, s. 3(2)(a)(ii)(A)
impose impose 施加 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impose 訂立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impose a condition of contract 施加合約條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impose a duty 施加責任 Cap. 571, s. 341
impose a liability 使……承擔……法律責任 Cap. 379, s. 6(3)(b)
impose a timetable on ... for the prosecution of the appeal 就上訴的進行對……附加時限規定 Cap. 484, s. 25(6)
impose conditions 施加條件 Cap. 245, s. 11
impose hardship 造成困苦 Cap. 117, s. 14
impose liabilities 施加法律責任 Cap. 528, s. 283
impose requirements 訂立規定 Cap. 362, s. 4(1)
impose ... sanctions 施加……制裁 Cap. 159Q, s. 10
imposed 施行 Cap. 1, s. 23(e)
imposed 訂明 Cap. 71, s. 17(2)(a)
impose impose 委以 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impose a duty 委以職責 Cap. 1, s. 57
imposed 委予 Cap. 584, s. 54(1)(a)(i)
imposes any duty 委以職責 Cap. 1, s. 39(1)
perform or exercise ... functions ... imposed or conferred ... by 執行或行使本條例委予或授予……的……職能 Cap. 490, s. 5(2)

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this Ordinance
imposition imposition 判處 Cap. 98, s. 2(1)
imposition 訂定 Cap. 498, s. 27(1)(a)
imposition of a lighter penalty 減科刑罰 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12(1)
imposition ... of a sentence 判刑 Cap. 503, s. 4
imposition of penalties 判以刑罰 Cap. 405, s. 8(3A)
imposition of sanctions 施加制裁 Cap. 537, Long Title
imposition of the penalty 施加罰則 Cap. 104, s. 23(4)
imposition imposition 欺騙手段 Cap. 33, s. 59
imposition imposition 強迫 Cap. 332, s. 49(1)
impossibility of impossibility of performance 無法履行(合約) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
performance and Commercial Law Terms
impossibility of performance doctrine 無法履行(合約)原則〔合約因而作廢〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impossible of impossible of performance 不可能履行 Cap. 23, s. 16
impossible rendered impossible by ... 因……而無法進行 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
impostor; imposter impostor; imposter 冒充者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impostor; imposter 騙子 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Impotentia excusat Impotentia excusat legem. [Impossibility excuses the law; the 得免除法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
legem. law does not punish one for not doing what he lacks power to and Commercial Law Terms
Impotentia excusat legem. [Impossibility excuses the law; the 無法履行者得免除法律責任。 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
law does not punish one for not doing what he lacks power to and Commercial Law Terms

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impound impound 扣押 Cap. 630, s. 60(2)(b)

impound 扣管 Cap. 7, s. 92
impound 沒收 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impound 鎖上 Cap. 374O, reg. 11(1)
impound 鎖押 Cap. 374, s. 121(2)(b)
impound 羈留(動物) Cap. 168, s. 2
impound a vehicle 鎖押車輛 Cap. 498, s. 22
impounded 查封 Cap. 227, s. 59(d)
impounded document 被扣管的文件 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 13
impounding impounding charge 鎖押費 Cap. 556D, s. 32
impracticable impracticable 不切實可行 Cap. 112, s. 36A(2)
impracticable 不能 Cap. 406, s. 13(2)(a)
impracticable 並非切實可行 Cap. 628A, s. 11(9)
impractical impractical 不切實際 Cap. 32, s. 209A(4)
imprecation words of imprecation 詛咒……字句 Cap. 11, s. 7(3)
imprecise imprecise 不明確 Cap. 332, s. 18(2)(b)(iii)
in imprecise terms 用詞有欠精確 "Charities" Report, para. 1.44
impress impressed with the seal 蓋上……印章 Cap. 374E, reg. 46A(2)(b)
impression artist's impression 畫家想像圖 Cap. 621, s. 73(7)
impression give the impression 令人產生……印象 Cap. 622, s. 100(2)(a)
imprison be imprisoned ... for the space of ... 受監禁為期…… Cap. 227C, Schedule
imprisoned 監禁 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 7
imprisons 禁錮 Cap. 200, s. 2(1)(a)

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liable to be imprisoned under that section 根據該條被判處監禁 Cap. 600, s. 8(5)

to receive ... and to imprison ... 將……收監 Cap. 227, s. 53
imprisonment arbitrary ... imprisonment 任意……監禁 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
balance of the term of imprisonment 餘下的監禁期 Cap. 244, s. 8A(2)
conditional sentence of imprisonment 有條件監禁刑罰 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
consecutive sentences of imprisonment 分期執行的監禁刑期 Cap. 227, s. 57, Heading
conspiracy to commit false imprisonment 串謀非法禁錮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
false imprisonment 非法拘禁 Cap. 503B, Schedule
false imprisonment 非法禁錮 Cap. 455, Sch. 1
fixing a term of imprisonment 訂定……監禁期限 Cap. 405, Sch. 3
imprisonment 監禁 Cap. 1, s. 3
imprisonment for any term not exceeding ... 可被處為期不超過……的監禁 Cap. 6, s. 8(3)
imprisonment for life 終身監禁 Cap. 325, s. 7(1)(a)
in lieu of imprisonment 代替監禁 Cap. 226, s. 18
indeterminate sentence of imprisonment 無限期監禁刑罰 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.112
liable to a fine at level ... and to imprisonment for ... 可處第……級罰款及監禁…… Cap. 622, s. 140(5)
life imprisonment 終身監禁 Cap. 241, s. 3(1)
order for imprisonment 監禁命令 Cap. 4, s. 21A(2)
order of imprisonment 監禁令 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 1(1)(g)

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punishable with imprisonment for life 可處終身監禁 Cap. 227, Sch. 2

reduction of a term of imprisonment 縮減監禁期 Cap. 227, s. 37(2)
released from imprisonment 獲釋出獄 Cap. 475, s. 2
sentence of imprisonment 監禁刑期 Cap. 99, s. 29A(11)
sentence of imprisonment 監禁刑罰 Cap. 89, s. 15A(10)
serve a sentence of imprisonment 服監禁刑期 Cap. 503, s. 10(3)(b)
serving a sentence of imprisonment 因服刑而受監禁 Cap. 542, s. 24(3)(a)
serving a term of imprisonment 接受某期限的監禁 Cap. 525, s. 24
suffers the imprisonment awarded 已服滿所判監禁刑期 Cap. 212, s. 38
term of imprisonment 監禁期 Cap. 468, s. 3(3)
term of imprisonment 監禁期限 Cap. 405, s. 8(4)
terms of imprisonment ... run consecutively in whole or in part 監禁刑期……予以全部或部分分期執行 Cap. 227, s. 57
undergo a term of imprisonment 服一段監禁刑期 Cap. 336, s. 82(1)
unlawful ... imprisonment 非法……監禁 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 28
improbability inherent improbability 固有的不可能性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
improbable improbable 頗不大可能會 Cap. 112, s. 23D(5)
improper disorderly or improper conduct 不檢或不當的行為 Cap. 139A, reg. 50
improper 不正常 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
improper 不正當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
improper 不妥善 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
improper administration 行政……不妥善 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)

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improper admission ... of evidence 證據的不當接納 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7(7)

improper conduct 不當行為 Cap. 181, s. 44
improper delay 不當延誤 Cap. 159, s. 61(2)
improper motive 不正當動機 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
improper or undesirable 不當或不宜的 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(b)
improper practices 不正當的行為 Cap. 155, s. 7(2)(d)
improper purpose 不當的目的 The Judge Over Your Shoulder
(Third Edition)
improper ... rejection of evidence 證據的……不當拒納 Cap. 4A, O. 55, r. 7(7)
in an unfit or improper condition 處於不合適或不正常狀況 Cap. 556H, s. 23
improperly improperly 不恰當地 Cap. 556H, s. 7(1)
impropriety impropriety 不正當行為 Cap. 234A, r. 168(a)
impropriety 不得體舉止 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
procedural impropriety 程序上的不正當行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
procedural impropriety 程序不當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
improvement improvement 改良 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(iv)
improvement notice 敦促改善通知書 Cap. 624, s. 2
improvements 改善 Cap. 502, Long Title
improvement to real improvement to real property 對不動產作出的改善〔從而提高其價值或效用〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
property and Commercial Law Terms
improver mistaken improver 錯誤改善別人土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.2, Footnote 1

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improvidence improvidence (在財產管理方面)欠缺前瞻和謹慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
imprudent imprudent 不審慎 Cap. 155L, s. 149
imprudent 輕率 Cap. 486, s. 58(1)(e)(i)
imprudent business practices 輕率的業務經營手法 Cap. 486, s. 58
impugn impugn 責難 Cap. 514, s. 47
impugn 損害 Cap. 571, s. 195
impugn 駁斥 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impugn 質疑 Cap. 290, s. 20H
impugn a piece of evidence 質疑一項證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impunity impunity 不受罰 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impunity 免責 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impunity 免罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputation imputation 貶損 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.58
impute impute (v.) 意指 Cap. 21, s. 21
impute (v.) 歸因於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
impute (v.) 歸咎於 Cap. 19, s. 50
impute (v.) 歸於 Cap. 487, s. 2
imputed to ... 歸於…… Cap. 487, s. 2(1)

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imputed had no knowledge (whether actual, constructive or imputed) 並不知道(不論實際知道或憑法律構定或認定而知道) Cap. 49, s. 3(2)(b)(ii)
imputed 估算的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed 法律認定的〔因某人與另一人的關係(例如僱主與僱員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
、主事人與委託人)而在法律上被認定的,例如認定前 and Commercial Law Terms
imputed 認定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.19
imputed interest 按資本額推算的利息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed knowledge (憑法律)認定而知道的 Cap. 49, s. 3
imputed negligence 法律認定的疏忽責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed notice 法律認定的通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
imputed rent 估算租金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in a lump sum in a lump sum 整筆支付 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 2.2
in absentia in absentia ["being absent from"] 缺席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in accordance with in accordance with 按照 Cap. 184, s. 2
in accordance with 符合 Cap. 17A, r. 4(1)
in accordance with law 依法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 105
in accordance with law 依照法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 154
in accordance with law 按照法律而行 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)

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in accordance with the laws of the Region 依照香港特別行政區法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
in accordance with the laws of the Region 根據香港特別行政區法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 126
in general accordance with 大致上是按照 Cap. 123A, reg. 37(2)
save under and in accordance with 除非根據與按照 Cap. 145, s. 7(1)
in advance payable in advance 預先繳付 Cap. 98A, reg. 14
In aequali jure melior In aequali jure melior est conditio possidentis [Where rights 在權利相等的情況下管有者佔優勢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est conditio possidentis are equal, the party in possession is favoured.] and Commercial Law Terms
in any way in any way 在任何方面 Cap. 282, s. 26(1)
in arrears payable ... in arrears 於……期末支付 Cap. 230, s. 25(5)(c)
permit ... fee ... to be paid in arrears 准許延繳……費用 Cap. 413L, s. 9(2)
in arrears; in arrear in arrears; in arrear 拖欠(的) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
payable in arrears 下期支付 ※比較 payable in advance English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rent in arrear [also arrears of rent] 欠租 Cap. 4, s. 21F
in articulo mortis in articulo mortis 臨終 Cap. 331, Sch. 2
in autre droit in autre droit ["in another's right"] 代表他人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in autre droit ["in another's right"] 代理他人權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in autre droit ["in another's right"] 行使他人權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in autre droit ["in another's right"] 獲授權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in bad faith in bad faith 不真誠地 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.17

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in banc in banc ["on the bench"; in full court; also en banc] 全體法官聽審 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in banc ["on the bench"; in full court; also en banc] 法官席 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in behalf of in behalf of 為…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in behalf of 就……事而…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in being in being 在世的 Cap. 257, s. 2(1)
in camera conducted in camera 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 4, s. 22A
hear proceedings in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 226, s. 20
heard in camera 以非公開形式審理 Cap. 429, s. 8
heard in camera 以閉門形式聆訊 Cap. 561, s. 35
heard in camera 閉門聆訊 Cap. 112, s. 68
hold ... proceedings in camera 以非公開形式進行……法律程序 Cap. 159, s. 35B(2)
in camera ["in a chamber"] 以非公開形式 Cap. 433A, s. 9
in camera ["in a chamber"] 在法官私室(審議) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in camera ["in a chamber"] 閉門 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in camera inspection (法官)以非公開形式檢查證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sit in camera 進行非公開形式的聆訊 Cap. 159, s. 9B
sit in camera 進行閉門聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in case in case 在……的情況下 Cap. 50, s. 28D(10)(b)(i)
in chambers disposed of in chambers 在內庭處理 Cap. 189A, s. 8

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in chambers 內庭 Cap. 336, s. 6(3)

in chambers 在內庭 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.56
in chambers 在內庭的 Cap. 4A, O. 58, r. 1
sit in chambers 在內庭進行聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sit in chambers 在內庭開庭 Cap. 159, s. 4
in charge in charge 操控 Cap. 498, s. 2
in charge of 掌管 Cap. 311, s. 71(2)(b)
in charge of ... 主管……的 Cap. 239A, reg. 2
in charge or control of ... 掌管或控制……的 Cap. 115, s. 37H(2)(b)
officer in charge 主管人員 Cap. 324, s. 11(2)
in common owners in common 分權擁有人 Cap. 112, s. 56A(1)
ownership in common 分權共有權 Cap. 112, s. 42(1)(a)(ii)(b)
in concert act in concert 一致行動 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.7, Footnote 15
acting in concert 一致行事 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 8.14
in concert with in concert with 與……一致 Cap. 155, s. 64
in concert with 聯同 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
in confidence in confidence 以機密形式 Cap. 391, s. 23(1)(b)
in confidence 在保密情況下 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.5
in confidence 在機密情況下 Cap. 521, s. 16(5)

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in conflict with in conflict with 與……抵觸 Cap. 369E, reg. 32

in conformity with in conformity with 符合 Cap. 525, s. 4(2)
in conjunction with in conjunction with 連同 Cap. 571, s. 162(2)(a)
in conjunction with 與……一併 Cap. 603B, s. 38(3)
in conjunction with 與……共同 Cap. 1145, s. 4(a)
in conjunction with 聯同 Cap. 56, s. 56(1)
in connection with in connection with 在……方面 Cap. 359A, reg. 16(3)(a)
in connection with 在與……有關連的情況下 Cap. 359, s. 29(1)
in connection with 在與……相關的情況下 Cap. 626, s. 32(1)
in connection with 在關乎……的情況下 Cap. 594A, s. 15(2)(b)
in connection with 有關連的 Cap. 50, s. 18B(1)(a)
in connection with 與……有關 Cap. 271, Sch. 2
in connection with 與……有關連 Cap. 468, s. 5(a)(ii)
in connection with ... 就…… Cap. 521, s. 12(3)(b)
in connection with ... 與……相關 Cap. 106, s. 2(1)
property used in connection with an offence 在與某罪行有關連的情況下使用的財產 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
in connexion with in connexion with 所關連的 Cap. 1115, s. 9(2)
in connexion with 與……相關的 Cap. 313, s. 80(1)(i)
in consequence of in consequence of 由於 Cap. 50, s. 27(1)(b)(ii)
in consequence of 因……而 Cap. 547, s. 8(3)
in consequence of 因為……而致 Cap. 173, s. 2(8)(a)
in consequence of 因應 Cap. 486, s. 47(2A)
in consequence of 經由……而 Cap. 561A, s. 2(1)
was due to, or in consequence of, an evident abuse 是……明顯濫用所造成,或屬……明顯濫用的後果 Cap. 514C, s. 31ZR

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in consideration of in consideration of 考慮到 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
in consideration of 鑑於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in consideration of in consideration of 代價 Cap. 125, s. 2
in consideration of ... 以……為代價 Cap. 98, s. 20
in consideration of ... ……作為……的代價 Cap. 218F, Schedule
in consideration of a loan 作為……貸款的代價 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
In consimili casu, In consimili casu, consimile debet esse remedium. [In a similar 同類案件應有同樣的補救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
consimile debet esse case, the remedy should be similar.] and Commercial Law Terms
in course of in course of ... 正進行…… Cap. 32, s. 44(1)
in curia in curia [within or of the court; in open court] 在法庭內 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in default of serving imprisonment in default of such payment 以接受監禁抵償未繳付的款項 Cap. 525, s. 28(4)(a)
in Dei nomine in Dei nomine ["in the name of God"] 奉主之名〔古時某些令狀的開首語〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in derogation of in derogation of 造成減損 "Adverse Possession" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.11
in dispute property in dispute 與糾紛有關的財產 Cap. 182, s. 6(2)
in due course discharged in due course of law 循適當法律途徑獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
in due course 在適當時間 Cap. 181, s. 17(1)
in effect identical in effect 效力相同 Cap. 609, s. 2(5)
in equity in equity 在衡平法上 Cap. 219, s. 8(2)
in escrow deed in escrow 條件尚待完成的契據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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in escrow 條件尚待完成 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
in escrow 暫託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in esse in esse ["in being"; in actual existence] 確實存在的 ※比較 in posse English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in expectancy in expectancy 預期中的 Cap. 29, s. 2
in extenso in extenso ["in full"; at length; unabridged] 未經刪減 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in extenso ["in full"; at length; unabridged] 全文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in extenso ["in full"; at length; unabridged] 詳盡 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in fact in fact 事實上 Cap. 217, s. 2
in favour vote in favour 表決贊成 Cap. 92, s. 3(3A)(a)
in favour of a cheque in favour of ... 以……為抬頭人的支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
a guarantee in favour of ... 以……為受惠人的保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charged in favour of ... 押記予……作受惠人 Cap. 155A, Sch. 2
costs in favour of ... ……獲得訟費 Cap. 473B, s. 8(1)
decided in favour of ... 作出的決定有利於…… Cap. 559, Sch. 5
decided in favour of ... 作出對……有利的決定 Cap. 221, s. 81(4)
in favour of 為(某人)而設 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in favour of 贊同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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in favour of ... 以……為受益人 Cap. 495, s. 8(1)(c)

in favour of ... 以……為受惠人 Cap. 230, s. 25B(5)
in favour of ... 判……勝訴 Cap. 17A, r. 15(3)
in favour of ... 使……受惠 Cap. 462, Schedule
in favour of ... 為惠及…… Cap. 6, s. 46(3)
in favour of ... 惠及…… Cap. 501, s. 4(6)
judgment ... against ... in favour of ... 判……敗訴……勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 4(3)(a)
order as to costs in favour of ... 判……獲得訟費的命令 Cap. 484A, Sch. 1
in force continuance in force 繼續施行 Cap. 245D, s. 2
continue in force 繼續有效 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.80
enter in force 生效 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
in force 生效 Cap. 541A, s. 2A(1)
in force 有效 Cap. 494, s. 4(2)(b)
in force 施行 Cap. 1, s. 3
in force 現行 Cap. 1, s. 2(1)
in force 實施 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
in respect of whom ... is /are in force ……對他有效 Cap. 115A, Sch. 1
is in force 正有效 Cap. 571AJ, r. 4(1)
law in force 現行法律 Cap. 564, s. 16
remain in force 一直有效 Cap. 132, s. 128C(4)
remain in force 保持有效 Cap. 56, s. 27(2A)
remain in force 持續屬有效 Cap. 369, s. 26(1)
remain in force 維持有效 Cap. 50, s. 28(1)(a)

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remain in force 繼續有效 Cap. 163, s. 33A(4)

remains in force 持續有效 Cap. 584, s. 8H
valuation list in force 現時生效的估價冊 Cap. 116, s. 15(4)
whichever was in force at that time 以當時屬有效者為準 Cap. 586, s. 20(c)
in forma pauperis in forma pauperis (Am.) ["in the form of a poor person"; not 以貧窮者身分免付訟費 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
liable for court costs] and Commercial Law Terms
in full prepaid in full 悉數預付 Cap. 98, s. 21(1)
in futuro in futuro ["in the future"] 將來的 ※比較 in praesenti English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in good condition in good condition 在良好狀況下 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
in good faith in good faith 出於真誠 Cap. 548D, s. 55(3)
in good faith 本着真誠 Cap. 201, s. 12AA(4)(a)
in good faith 用心真誠 Cap. 197, s. 9
in good faith 真誠 Cap. 397, s. 10(2)(c)
in good faith 真誠地 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 13.19
purchaser in good faith 真誠購買人 Cap. 528, s. 101(4)
purchases ... in good faith for value and without notice 在不知悉……的情況下,真誠地付出價值購買 Cap. 622, s. 162
in good repair in good repair 維修妥善 Cap. 630, s. 58(1)
in good standing in good standing 有良好地位 Cap. 485A, s. 17(2)(c)
in good standing 有良好身分的 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
in good standing 具有良好資歷 Cap. 50A, by-law 22A(1)
in good standing 聲譽良好 Cap. 50, s. 24(1)(c)(ii)
in good working order in good working order 良好操作狀態 Cap. 520A, s. 7(1)(a)
in good working order 操作良好 Cap. 132BU, s. 27(f)

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in his own right in his own right 因其本身權利 Cap. 336E, r. 11(1)
in invitum in invitum ["without consent"; against an unwilling party] 未經同意的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in invitum ["without consent"; against an unwilling party] 違反某方意願的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in its name in its name 以其名義 Cap. 571, s. 214(2)(b)
in its own name 以本身的名義 Cap. 571, s. 388(1)
In judicio non creditur In judicio non creditur nisi juratis. [In court no one is trusted 法庭只信已宣誓者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
nisi juratis. except those sworn.] and Commercial Law Terms
In jure, non remota In jure, non remota causa sed proxima spectatur. [In law, the 法律只問近因而不問遠因 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
causa sed proxima proximate, and not the remote, cause is regarded.] and Commercial Law Terms
in kind in kind 實物 Cap. 91B, Sch. 1
in law parent-in-law 配偶的父或母 Cap. 548A, s. 7(2)
parents-in-law 配偶的父母 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)
in lieu certificate in lieu 代用證明書 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
in lieu of award damages in lieu of rescission (of contract) 以判給損害賠償代替撤銷合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in lieu of 代替 Cap. 3, s. 36
in lieu of 取代 Cap. 311, s. 49
in lieu of 替代 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in lieu of imprisonment 代替監禁 Cap. 226, s. 18
payment in lieu of notice 代通知金 Cap. 57, s. 8(a)
statement in lieu of prospectus 代替招股章程陳述書 Cap. 32, s. 43(1)
wages in lieu of notice 代通知金 Cap. 380, s. 2

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in light of in light of 因應 Cap. 406, s. 9(2)

in limine in limine ["on the threshold"] 最初 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in limine ["on the threshold"] 開始 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in loco parentis in loco parentis ["in the place of a parent"] 代替父母地位 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in loco parentis ["in the place of a parent"] 身居父母地位 Cap. 177, s. 1A
person standing in loco parentis to him 代替其父母地位的人 Cap. 134, s. 49F(4)(a)(i)
the parent of, or a person standing in loco parentis to ... ……的父親或母親或身居其位的人 Cap. 29, s. 33(3)
in no case in no case 在任何情況下……不得 Cap. 369E, reg. 42(3)
in no event in no event 在任何情況下……不得 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
in obedience to in obedience to ... 遵照 Cap. 227, s. 21(4)
in office predecessor in office 前任人 Cap. 10, s. 11
in one's own right in one's own right 以某人本身的權利、能力或資格 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in one's own right 以個人權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in operation continue in operation 繼續實施 Cap. 115, s. 17A(2)
in operation 正在營運 Cap. 622, s. 744(1)
in pari delicto in pari delicto ["in equal fault"] 同樣有錯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in pari delicto ["in equal fault"] 皆有過失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
In pari delicto melior In pari delicto melior est conditio possidentis. [When both 在雙方皆有過失的情況下管有者佔優勢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est conditio possidentis. parties are equally at fault, the position of the possessor is the and Commercial Law Terms

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In pari delicto potior est In pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis. [In a case of 在雙方皆有過失的情況下被告人佔優勢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
conditio defendentis. equal or mutual fault the defending party is in the better and Commercial Law Terms
in pari materia in pari materia ["upon an analogous matter or subject"] 在類似情況下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in pari materia ["upon an analogous matter or subject"] 關於同一事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in pawn in pawn 以……典當方式 Cap. 233, s. 21
in person by a solicitor or in person 由律師代表或親自 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 6(1)
in person 自辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in person 無律師代表[親自應訊] The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in person [also in propria persona] 無律師代表 Cap. 336H, O. 62, r. 28A
in person [also in propria persona] 親自(出庭等) 參看 pro se; pro persona Cap. 484A, r. 45
litigant in person 無律師代表的訴訟人 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28A
notice of intention to act in person 擬親自行事通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 4
report in person 親自報到 Cap. 115, s. 36(1A)(a)
in personam action in personam 對人的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 2
action in personam 對人訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(1)
Admiralty action in personam 海事對人訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(2)
in personam ["against a person"] 對人 Cap. 4, s. 12C
in place have in place 設有 Cap. 155Q, r. 23(3)(b)
in place of has effect in place of 取代……而有效 Cap. 29, s. 3A(2)
in place of 取代 Cap. 117, s. 29AH
in place of ... 以取代…… Cap. 602, s. 72(3)

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in posse in posse ["potential"; not realized] 可能存在的 ※比較 in esse English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in praesenti in praesenti ["at present"; at the present time] 現在 ※比較 in futuro English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in principle wrong in principle 原則上錯誤 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.107
in private conducted in private 以非公開形式進行 Cap. 604, s. 20(4)
court sitting in private 非公開法庭 Cap. 287, s. 2
gross indecency by man with man otherwise than in private 男子與男子非私下作出的嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.95
hear the application in private 閉門聆訊有關申請 Cap. 182, s. 6(4)
heard in private 以非公開形式聆訊 Cap. 161E, s. 43(12)
heard in private 聆訊……以非公開形式進行 Cap. 514, s. 130(2)
held in private 閉門進行 Cap. 571, s. 219(1)(g)
in private 不公開 Cap. 25, s. 18
in private 私下 Cap. 200, s. 118J(2)
in private 於非公開的情況下 Cap. 136, s. 59C(2)
in private 非公開 Cap. 221A, r. 66(2)
in private 非公開形式 Cap. 220, s. 10(2)(a)
in private 閉門 Cap. 571, s. 253(1)(g)
meet in private 以非公開形式舉行會議 Cap. 161E, s. 11(1)
in propria persona in propria persona ["in one's own person"] 無律師代表 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in propria persona ["in one's own person"] 親自(出庭) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

in purported in purported compliance 以充作遵從 Cap. 524, s. 43(2)(b)
in purported exercise in purported exercise of ... 而其意是在行使…… Cap. 106, s. 41
in pursuance of in pursuance of ... 貫徹…… Cap. 1132, s. 7(q)
in pursuance of [also pursuant to] 以貫徹…… Cap. 1132, s. 7
in pursuance of [also pursuant to] 依據 Cap. 1, s. 38
in question in question 存有疑問 Cap. 171, s. 9
in question 受質疑 Cap. 41, s. 11(1)
in question 爭議 Cap. 303, s. 14(2)
in question in question 有關 Cap. 200, s. 64(2)(b)
in question 所涉 Cap. 522, s. 53(1)
in re in re ["in the matter of"; regarding] 有關……事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in re ["in the matter of"; regarding] 關於……事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in reference to in reference to ... 就…… Cap. 542F, r. 21(3)(a)
in relation to apply in relation to ... 就……而適用 Cap. 628, s. 32
has effect in relation to ... 就……具有效力 Cap. 112, s. 89(9)
have effect in relation to ... 對……有效 Cap. 339, s. 7
in relation to 在……的 Cap. 547, s. 47(1)
in relation to 涉及 Cap. 21, s. 25(1)
in relation to 對…… Cap. 339, s. 7
in relation to ... 在與……有關的情況下 Cap. 200, s. 145A(3)
in relation to ... 就……而言 Cap. 112, s. 23B(11)(a)

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in relation to ... 關乎…… Cap. 159B, Schedule

in relation to a time, at that time 在某一有關時間 Cap. 448, s. 8(4)(b)
in rem action in rem 涉物訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
action in rem 對物的訴訟 Cap. 319, s. 6
action in rem 對物訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 12B(2)
Admiralty action in rem 海事對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 1(2)(c)
cross action in rem 交相對物訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 27
enforceable in rem 可對物強制執行的 Cap. 347, s. 4(6)
in rem ["against a thing"] 對物 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 1
proceedings in rem 對物訴訟程序 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
writ in rem 對物訴訟令狀 Cap. 4, s. 12B(2)
in reply affidavit in reply 答覆誓章 Cap. 179A, r. 56B(3)
confined to matters strictly in reply 嚴格限於作為答覆的事宜 Cap. 522A, s. 42(1)
in respect of for or on account or in respect of ... 因或基於或就…… Cap. 21, s. 10
in respect of ... 有關……的 Cap. 295B, reg. 183(5)
in respect of ... 所涉的…… Cap. 234, s. 21A(5)
in respect of ... 所關乎的…… Cap. 136, s. 59G(2)(c)
in respect of ... 就…… Cap. 227, s. 85(1)
in respect of ... 就……而言 Cap. 369AY, s. 4(2)(b)
in respect of time 按時間的長短 Cap. 18, s. 3
in respect of which ... is contravened 凡有人就……違反 Cap. 295B, reg. 60(3)
in respect of whom ... is /are in force ……對他有效 Cap. 115A, Sch. 1
in response to in response to ... 回應…… Cap. 541K, s. 32(4)

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in response to ... 響應…… Cap. 1103, Preamble

in right of in right of 依據……所賦予的權利 Cap. 97, s. 2
in right of 憑……的權利 Cap. 571, s. 370(1)(b)
in right of ... 以……為權利主體 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 30(5)
in right of ... 根據……的權利 Cap. 4, s. 12E(4)
in right of ... 憑藉 Cap. 73, s. 2(1)
in session in session 開會 Cap. 382A, s. 10(3)(b)
in severalty dispose of ... interest in severalty 將……權益分開脫手 Cap. 415, s. 12(b)
held ... in severalty 各別持有 Cap. 352, s. 4(1)(a)
in severalty 分開 Cap. 415, s. 12(b)
in situ in situ 就地 Cap. 586, Sch. 1
in situ ["in place"; back in place] 在原處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in situ ["in place"; back in place] 原址 Cap. 354A, reg. 2
in so far as except insofar as ... 但如……則屬例外 Cap. 369AE, reg. 8
in so far as 凡 Cap. 494, s. 51(2)
in so far as 以……為限 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 7(1)
in so far as 限於 Cap. 1169, s. 2(1)
in so far as 僅限於 Cap. 552, s. 5(8)
in so far as 範圍內 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
in so far as ... 只要…… Cap. 276, s. 25(1)
in so far as ... 在……的情況下 Cap. 2, s. 11(2)
in so far as it is in terms of ... 在其按照……的範圍內 Cap. 525, s. 15(3)
in so far only as ... 只以……為限 Cap. 9, s. 3(3)(b)

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insofar as 只要 Cap. 413A, reg. 12(5)

save in so far as ... 除……外 Cap. 372, s. 3(4)
save in so far as ... 除在……的範圍外 Cap. 104, s. 46(2)
in statu quo; in statu in statu quo; in statu quo ante ["in the same condition as 按原狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
quo ante previously"] and Commercial Law Terms
in statu quo; in statu quo ante ["in the same condition as 維持原狀 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
previously"] and Commercial Law Terms
in support of relies in support of ... 賴以支持…… Cap. 104, s. 16(5)
in terrorem in terrorem ["in order to frighten"] 威嚇性的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in terrorem ["in order to frighten"] 警告性的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the best interest of in the best interest of 符合……的最佳利益 Cap. 29, s. 41F
in the capacity of in the capacity of 以……的身分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the capacity of 以……的職分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the case of in the case of 如 Cap. 467, s. 6(7)
in the case of 如涉及 Cap. 217, s. 9(1)(a)
in the case of 如屬 Cap. 584, s. 6(3)(a)(ii)
in the case of 如屬……的情況 Cap. 6, s. 59(4)
in the case of ... 就……而言 Cap. 528, s. 11(2)(a)
in the case of ... 對於……而言 Cap. 369AD, reg. 11(2)
in the case of any subsequent such offence 如屬其後任何一次再犯該罪行 Cap. 106B, reg. 3(2)
in the case of the first such offence 如屬初犯該罪行 Cap. 106B, reg. 3(2)
in the course of in the course of a business 在業務過程中 "Class Actions" Report, para. 9.11

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in the course of justice 司法過程 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
in the first instance in the first instance 先行 Cap. 227, s. 9(1)
in the first instance 初審時 Cap. 227, s. 57
in the first instance 於開始時 Cap. 6A, r. 122X(2)
in the first instance 首先 Cap. 17A, r. 13(2)
in the interests of in the interests of justice 有利於司法公正 Cap. 405, s. 26(6)
in the interests of justice 為了司法公正 Cap. 221, s. 79C(4)(c)
in the interests of justice 為司法公正 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.13
in the matter of in the matter of [also in re] 有關……事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the matter of [also in re] 關於……事 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the meantime in the meantime 在此期間 Cap. 227, s. 104A(3)
in the name of in the name of ... 以……名義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the possession of retained in the possession of ... 由……扣留管有 Cap. 619, s. 57(2)(b)
in the premises in the premises 在此前提下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the premises 基於前述事項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the public interest in the public interest 為公眾利益起見 Cap. 60, s. 3(3)
in toto in toto 整個 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in toto ["entirely; completely; wholly"] 全部 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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in toto ["entirely; completely; wholly"] 完全 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
in transitu in transitu ["on the way"; in transit] 途中 Cap. 48, s. 11
right of stoppage in transitu 途中停運權 Cap. 48, s. 11
in trust in trust 以信託形式 Cap. 73, s. 4
in utero in utero ["in the uterus"] 尚在母腹中 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in utero ["in the uterus"] 尚屬腹中的胎兒 參看en ventre sa mère English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in view of in view of ... 考慮到…… Cap. 1146, Preamble
in virtue of in virtue of (arch.) [also by virtue of] 因…… English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in virtue of (arch.) [also by virtue of] 憑藉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in whole or in part appeal being allowed in whole or in part 上訴全部或部分得直 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 6(1)(a)
in whole or in part 全部或部分 Cap. 234A, r. 239(2)(c)
in writing agreement in writing 書面協議 Cap. 192, s. 14(2)
certifies in writing 以書面證明 Cap. 571, s. 179(6)
in writing 以書面 Cap. 541H, s. 7(7)
in writing 書面 Cap. 51, s. 2
in writing under the hand of ... 由……親自簽署文書 Cap. 397, s. 5(1)
order in writing 書面命令 Cap. 68, s. 25(4)
permit in writing 許可證 Cap. 208A, reg. 6
reserved or made payable under an instrument in writing 根據某一文書……保留權益以收取或規定須支付 Cap. 18, s. 3
resolution in writing 書面決議 Cap. 425, s. 12(1)
sworn information in writing 經宣誓而作的書面告發 Cap. 132, s. 126(2)

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inability inability 不能行事 Cap. 1052, s. 12(2)

inability 無能力 Cap. 1, s. 57(1)
inability to discharge his duties 無力履行其職責 Cap. 484, s. 14(6)
inability to fulfil a contractual obligation 無力履行契約義務 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 7
inaccessible inaccessible 不可觸及 Cap. 424C, s. 14(3)
inaccessible 不能觸及 Cap. 172A, reg. 77(3)
inaccessible 無法接觸的 Cap. 132CA, s. 6(1)(k)(ii)
inaccessible inaccessible 不能到達 Cap. 374, s. 2
inaccuracy inaccuracy 不準確之處 Cap. 621, s. 17(2)
inaccurate factually inaccurate 有事實方面的不準確之處 Cap. 622, s. 42(1)(b)(i)
inactive inactive records 非常用檔案 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.17
inadequate inadequate 不足夠 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
manifestly inadequate 明顯不足 Cap. 221, s. 81A(1)
manifestly inadequate 明顯過輕 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.74
inadmissible evidence which is ... inadmissible 不可接納的證據 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A
inadmissible 不可接納為證據 Cap. 155, s. 118(4)
inadmissible 不得被接納 Cap. 471, s. 4(2)
inadmissible 不獲接納 Cap. 134, s. 49C(3)
inadmissible as evidence 不得……接納為證據 Cap. 566, s. 23(1)
inadmissible in evidence 不可接納為證據 Cap. 329, s. 22
inadvertence accidental or due to inadvertence 意外或無心之失 Cap. 622, s. 142(5)(a)

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due to inadvertence 出於無心 Cap. 20, s. 20

has arisen from inadvertence 出於無心 Cap. 32H, r. 126
inadvertence 不慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inadvertence 出於無心 Cap. 20, s. 20
inadvertence 粗心大意 Cap. 554, s. 31(2)(a)(i)
inadvertence 疏漏 Cap. 338, s. 33(2)(b)
inadvertent inadvertent 無心 Cap. 515, s. 46
inadvertent negligence inadvertent negligence 無心的疏忽 ※比較 advertent negligence English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inadvertently inadvertently 不慎地 Cap. 285B, reg. 9(1)
inadvertently marked 出於無心之失……留下標記 Cap. 529B, s. 31
inadvertently marked 出於無心而填劃 Cap. 161B, s. 20(4)
inalienability inalienability 不可分割、剝奪、轉讓等的性質 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inalienable inalienable 不可剝奪 Cap. 503I, Schedule
inalienable 不可轉讓 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inalienable (權利等)不可分割 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inalienable part 不可分離的部分 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 1
inalienable rights 不可剝奪的權利 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
inapplicable delete whichever is inapplicable 刪去不適用者 Cap. 17A, Schedule
inapplicable 不適用 Cap. 17A, Schedule

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inappropriate clearly inappropriate forum 明顯不適當的訴訟地 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.16
"clearly inappropriate forum" test “明顯不適當訴訟地”測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 8
inappropriate 不適合 Cap. 102A, reg. 31(c)
unduly burdensome or inappropriate 過分沉重的負擔或屬不適當 Cap. 354P, s. 5(1)
inasmuch as inasmuch as 由於 Cap. 227C, Schedule
inbound Mainland inbound tour group 內地入境旅行團 Cap. 634, s. 2(1)
incapable incapable 無能力 Cap. 429, s. 12(6)
incapable of 沒有能力 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.225
incapable of 無行為能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.16
incapable of ... 失去……的能力 Cap. 116, s. 52
incapable of acting 無能力行事 Cap. 159, s. 61(1)
incapable of being performed 不能履行 Cap. 609, s. 20(1)
incapable of committing a crime 無能力犯罪 Cap. 115, s. 2(2)(a)
incapable of giving consent 無行為能力給予同意 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.4
incapable of managing himself and his affairs 無能力照顧自己及處理其事務 Cap. 472, s. 3(6)(j)
incapable of sexual intercourse 無性交能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.34
incapable of writing 無書寫能力 Cap. 32H, r. 141
incapable parties 無行為能力當事人 Cap. 76, Schedule

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incapable person 無行為能力的人 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"

Report, para. 2.17
legally incapable 在法律上……無行為能力 Cap. 10, s. 35(1)(b)
mentally incapable 精神上無能力行事 Cap. 501, s. 2(1)
permanently incapable of performing 永久無能力履行 Cap. 637, s. 71(1)(f)
physically incapable 身體上無能力 Cap. 501A, Sch. 1
render ... incapable of 以致……不能夠 Cap. 494, s. 9(1)(a)
incapacitate incapacitated 喪失工作能力 Cap. 159, s. 26A(1)(f)
incapacitated 喪失行為能力 Cap. 493, s. 36(1)(b)
incapacitated 喪失履行職務能力 Cap. 505, s. 5(3)(c)
incapacitated 喪失辦事能力 Cap. 423, Sch. 1
incapacitated 無行為能力 Cap. 610, s. 34(7)(c)
incapacitated from ... 喪失……能力 Cap. 305, s. 3(1)(c)
incapacitating a person 使人傷殘 Cap. 210, s. 12(2)
totally incapacitated 完全喪失行為能力 Cap. 485A, s. 162(1)(b)
incapacitated buggery with mentally incapacitated person 與精神上無行為能力的人作出肛交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.97
gross indecency by man with male mentally incapacitated 男子與男性精神上無行為能力的人作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
person Offences" Report, para. 4.97
incapacitated person 無行為能力的人 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
intercourse with mentally incapacitated person 與精神上無行為能力的人性交 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
mentally incapacitated person 精神上無行為能力的人 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
incapacity degree of incapacity 喪失工作能力程度 Cap. 360, Sch. 4

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degree of incapacity 無能力程度 Cap. 89A, reg. 31(7)

incapacity 不能履行職務 Cap. 1051, Schedule
incapacity 喪失工作能力 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(i)
incapacity 喪失行為能力 Cap. 57, s. 2
incapacity 喪失能力 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
incapacity 喪失履行……的能力 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incapacity 喪失履行職務能力 Cap. 571F, s. 4(5)
incapacity 無行為能力 Cap. 227, s. 118(1)(f)
incapacity 無能力履行職務 Cap. 1069, s. 3(4)
incapacity 無履行職務能力 Cap. 581, Sch. 2
incapacity for work 喪失工作能力 Cap. 57, s. 41AA
incapacity to act 無能力行事 Cap. 1014A, reg. 5
incapacity to consent 無能力同意 Cap. 200, s. 122(4)
incapacity ... to consummate (a marriage) 無能力圓房(以致未有完婚) Cap. 179, s. 20
mental incapacity 精神上無行為能力 Cap. 31, s. 1A(1)
permanent incapacity 永久喪失工作能力 Cap. 469, s. 14A
permanent incapacity 永久喪失行為能力 Cap. 483, s. 11(6)(a)
permanent incapacity 永久無行為能力 Cap. 389, s. 5(3)(b)
permanent incapacity 永久無能力 Cap. 99A, reg. 23(1A)
personal incapacity 個人無行為能力 Cap. 29, s. 55(a)
suffering from such mental or physical incapacity 在心智或身體方面無行為能力 Cap. 8, s. 50(4)
temporary incapacity 短暫無行為能力 Cap. 389, s. 5(4)
temporary incapacity 暫時喪失行為能力 Cap. 483, s. 12(1)

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temporary incapacity 暫時無行為能力 Cap. 216, s. 6(4)

total incapacity 完全喪失工作能力 Cap. 360, s. 2
total incapacity 完全喪失行為能力 Cap. 485A, s. 164(1)
under some legal incapacity 無充分的法律行為能力 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
incarceration incarceration 監禁 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incendiarism incendiarism 煽動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incendiarism 縱火 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incendiary incendiary device 縱火器 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incentive retail incentive donor 零售獎勵捐款人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 34
inception inception date 開立日 Cap. 41J, s. 2
incest incest 亂倫 Cap. 243, Schedule
Inchmaree clause Inchmaree clause 英奇馬伊號條款〔航運疏忽條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inchoate inchoate 不完整 Cap. 19, s. 90
inchoate 未完成的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inchoate instrument 不完整的票據 Cap. 19, s. 20
inchoate offences 初步罪行 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.73
inchoate or incipient title 不完整或初始的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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incident incident 附帶條件 Cap. 1138, s. 7

necessary incident 必要附帶條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incident emergency incident 緊急事故 Cap. 28, s. 2
incident 事件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incident 事故 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
reportable incident 須報告事故 Cap. 369BF, s. 11(5)
incidental incidental 偶然發生的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incidental costs of and incidental to proceedings 法律程序的訟費及附帶費用 Cap. 4, s. 43
costs of or incidental to ... proceedings 法律程序的……訟費或附帶費用 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 3(1)
incidental 附帶 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incidental act 附帶作為 Cap. 541, s. 5(g)
incidental, ancillary or supplemental to ... 附帶或補充…… Cap. 159, s. 73(1)(df)(ii)
incidental attendances 附帶處理的事情 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incidental decision 附帶決定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incidental issue 附帶爭論點 Cap. 609, s. 103D(3)
incidental matters 附帶事宜 Cap. 1156, Long Title
incidental opinion (of the court in a judgment) (法庭在判決理由以外的)附帶意見 參看 obiter English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
dictum and Commercial Law Terms
incidental or conducive to ... 附帶於或有助於…… Cap. 601, s. 5(1)
incidental provisions 附帶條文 Cap. 214, s. 3(2)(d)

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incidental to 附帶於 Cap. 571, s. 398(7)(a)(i)

incidental to 附帶的 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
incidental to ... ……所連帶的 Cap. 577, s. 10(1)(c)
incidental to ... ……附帶引起的 Cap. 6, s. 61(h)
incidental ... to ... 對……有連帶關係的 Cap. 507, s. 5
incidental to or consequential upon 附帶或引起的 Cap. 304, s. 5(1)
proceedings incidental or preliminary to ... ……的附帶或初步法律程序 Cap. 4, s. 34(3)
incidentally incidentally 附帶地 Cap. 133, s. 2(3)
incidents conditions and incidents 條件和附帶條件 Cap. 1146, s. 7(c)
incipient inchoate or incipient title 不完整或初始的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
incite incite hatred against ... 煽動針對……的仇恨 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(a)
incite hatred towards ... 煽動對……的仇恨 Cap. 487, s. 46(1)
incite ... serious contempt for ... 煽動對……的……嚴重的鄙視 Cap. 487, s. 46(1)
incite ... severe ridicule of ... 煽動對……的……強烈的嘲諷 Cap. 487, s. 46(1)
incites 煽惑 Cap. 245, s. 17B(1)
incitement incitement 煽惑 Cap. 221, s. 101I(2)(c)
incitement 煽惑罪行 Cap. 523, s. 14(6)(a)
inciting inciting 煽惑 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.73
inclement inclement weather warning day 惡劣天氣警告日 Cap. 541A, s. 2A(1)
inclosure illegal encroachment or inclosure 非法據用或圍佔 Cap. 7, s. 132

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inclosure 圍佔 Cap. 7, s. 132

include included in the definition of ... 包括在……的定義內 Cap. 90, s. 4(a)
includes 收納 Cap. 554, s. 27(1)
including but not limited to ... 包括但不限於…… Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 14(1)
including under that term ... ……一詞包括…… Cap. 6, s. 58(3)
up to and including ... 截至……為止(該日包括在內)的 Cap. 205, Schedule
including without including without limitation 包括但不限於 Cap. 344, s. 40D
inclusive both dates inclusive 包括首尾兩日 Cap. 316Y, s. 3(1)
both dates inclusive 該兩日亦包括在內 Cap. 295D, s. 13A(1)
both days inclusive 包括首尾兩天 Cap. 1145, s. 2
inclusive 首尾……包括在內 Cap. 280, s. 8(1)(a)
inclusive price 全包價格 Cap. 218, s. 32A(1)
incognito incognito 隱匿姓名或身分(者) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
income accumulated income 累積收入 Cap. 467, s. 3(3)(d)
accumulations of income 累積收益 Cap. 472, s. 8(2)(b)
assessable income 應評稅入息 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
available income 可動用收益 Cap. 1037, s. 6(2)
... awarded in the form of periodical income payments 裁定……以分期收益方式支付 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
disposable income 可動用收入 Cap. 91, s. 2(1)
earned income 勞動所得收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
earned income 賺取的收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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estimates of income and expenditure 收支預算 Cap. 216, s. 15

gross fee income 總費用收入 Cap. 159M, r. 2
gross trading income 營業總收入 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
income 收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
income 收益 Cap. 1037, s. 2
income ... accumulated 該入息是……積累的 Cap. 112, s. 15A(4)
income derived ... from ... 得自……的收入 Cap. 343, s. 5(2)(d)(i)
income payments order 收入付款令 Cap. 6A, r. 128D(1)
income tax 入息稅 Cap. 190H, Art. 14
intermediate income 中期收益 Cap. 29, s. 33(3)
net assessable income 應評稅入息實額 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
net chargeable income 應課稅入息實額 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
net income 淨收入 Cap. 485A, s. 87(2)(d)(i)
periodical income payment 定期的收益付款 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)
profits or income arising in or derived from Hong Kong 於香港產生或得自香港的利潤或入息 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
receipt of income 收入的收取 Cap. 97, s. 2
rules against perpetuities and excessive accumulations of 禁止財產恆繼的規則及禁止收益過度累積的規則 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
income 6.15
separate income statement 獨立收益表 Cap. 622E, s. 3(3)(c)
source of income 收入來源 Cap. 332, s. 2
statement of comprehensive income 全面收益表 Cap. 622E, s. 3(3)(a)(ii)
statements of the income and expenditure 收支結算表 Cap. 1145, s. 14(2)
statutory accumulations of income 法定累積收入 Cap. 182, s. 15
statutory income 法例訂明的入息 "Charities" Consultation Paper,

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Annex 7, para. 2
surplus income 收益盈餘 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(b)
total incomes 全部收入 Cap. 316T, Schedule
unearned income 投資收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unearned income 非經勞動所得收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unearned income 非賺取的收入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
income and income and expenditure account 收支表 Cap. 132BG, s. 9(1)
expenditure account
income and expenditure account 收支帳 Cap. 1085, s. 9(4)
income and expenditure account 收支結算表 Cap. 1175, s. 13(2)
incoming incoming administrator 新任管理人 Cap. 426J, s. 6(2)(f)
incoming partner incoming partner 加入的合夥人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompatibility incompatibility 不相容情況 Cap. 276, s. 15(1)
incompatible incompatible 有所抵觸 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.20
incompatible 有抵觸 Cap. 159E, r. 5(c)
incompatible 與……不相容 Cap. 276, s. 15(1)
incompatible with 與……不相符合 Cap. 557, Schedule
incompatible with ... 與……相抵觸 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.124
incompatible with public policy 與公共政策抵觸 Cap. 76, Schedule

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sentences incompatible 兩項刑罰互不相容 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
incompetence degree of incompetence 失職程度 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incompetence 不勝任 Cap. 486, s. 58(3)(a)(i)
incompetence 不稱職 Cap. 1145, s. 11(8)
incompetence of counsel 律師失職 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incompetency incompetency 不稱職 Cap. 281, s. 52(1)
incompetent incompetent 沒有資格 Cap. 8, s. 3
incompetent 無……能力 Cap. 26, s. 4
incompetent court 無司法管轄權的法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompetent evidence 法律上無效的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompetent person 不勝任的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompetent person 無行為能力人士 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.81
incompetent person 無行為能力的人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompetent witness 無能力作證的證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incompetent witness 無資格的證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mentally incompetent 精神上無能力行事 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:

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Personal Care" Consultation Paper,

Preface , para. 2
incompetent flagrant and incompetent conduct 明顯失職行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
flagrantly incompetent 明顯地失職 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incompetent 不稱職 Cap. 279, s. 47
test of flagrantly incompetent advocacy 明顯辯護失職的評定標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incomplete arrested or incomplete development of mind 心智發育停頓或不完全 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
false, incorrect, or incomplete in any material particular 在要項上是虛假、不正確或不完整的 Cap. 151, s. 16(3)
incomplete 不完備 Cap. 41, s. 20(4)
incomplete 不完整 Cap. 400C, Sch. 3
incomplete month 未滿一整月 Cap. 89A, reg. 4(1)
inconsistency conflict or inconsistency 衝突或抵觸 Cap. 336, s. 73B(8)(b)
inconsistencies 不相符之處 National Flag and National Emblem
Ordinance, s. 9(2)
inconsistency 不一致 Cap. 155, s. 3(4)
inconsistency 有抵觸之處 Cap. 241, s. 2(4)
inconsistency 抵觸 Cap. 159, s. 26
inconsistent inconsistent 不一致 Cap. 37, s. 6
inconsistent 不相符 Cap. 57, s. 9(1)(a)(ii)
inconsistent 互相矛盾 Cap. 1, s. 28(1)(b)
inconsistent 抵觸 Cap. 332, s. 10
inconsistent 前後矛盾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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inconsistent ... 與……有抵觸 Cap. 113, s. 13(5)

inconsistent act 相矛盾的作為 Cap. 602, s. 80(7)(b)
inconsistent evidence 不一致的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inconsistent evidence 不相符的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inconsistent or in conflict with ... 與……不一致或相抵觸的 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
inconsistent testimony 不一致的證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inconsistent verdicts 互相矛盾的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inconsistent with ... 抵觸…… Cap. 601, s. 15(2)
inconsistent with ... 與……不一致 Cap. 37, s. 6
inconsistent with ... 與……不相符 Cap. 8, s. 13
inconsistent with ... 與……相抵觸 Cap. 494, s. 51(3)
inconsistent with the right 與……權利相抵觸 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 6
internally inconsistent 自相抵觸 Cap. 637, s. 51(1)(g)(i)
not inconsistent with 不抵觸 Cap. 155, s. 118C(7)
so far as ... inconsistent with ... 於……與……相抵觸的範圍內 Cap. 521, s. 27(1)
inconvenience cause inconvenience to ... 對……造成不便 Cap. 104A, reg. 12(1)
inconvenience 不便 Cap. 406, s. 11(1)
inconvenience 令……不便 Cap. 104D, by-law 5
undue inconvenience 不當的不便 Cap. 480, s. 12(4)(c)
inconvenient unjust or inconvenient 不公正……或……不便 Cap. 4, s. 21M(4)

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incorporate by reference incorporated 以提述方式收納 Cap. 32, s. 41A(b)

incorporate 包含 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporate 納入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporate by reference 以提述方式收納 Cap. 485, s. 46
incorporate by reference 藉提述而納入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporate into 納入 Cap. 569, Schedule
incorporated 收納 Cap. 501, s. 3(2)(a)
incorporated by reference into ... 藉提述而被納入…… Cap. 329, s. 35(2)
incorporate a bank incorporated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方成立為法團的銀行 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
duly incorporated 妥為成立為法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporate 成立 Cap. 304, s. 27(1)
incorporate 成立為法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporated 成立為法團 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
incorporated in Hong Kong 在香港成立為法團 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
incorporated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外成立為法團 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
incorporated under and by virtue of ... 根據並憑藉……成立為法團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporated with limited liability 以有限法律責任的形式成立為法團 Cap. 622B, s. 5
incorporated charitable incorporated body 慈善法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
charitable incorporated organisation 慈善法團機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

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incorporated 成立為法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.

incorporated 具法團地位的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporated association 法團組織 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
incorporated body 法人團體 Cap. 1050, Preamble
incorporated company 具法團地位的公司 Cap. 622, s. 73(2)
incorporated company 法團公司 Cap. 336G, r. 6(d)
incorporated or unincorporated body 屬法團或不屬法團的團體 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
incorporated owners [also owners' corporation] 業主立案法團 Cap. 344, s. 7
incorporated registered trustee 成立為法團的註冊受託人 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
Mainland incorporated banks 各內地成立銀行 Cap. 1167, Preamble
incorporated incorporated 經收納的 Revised Edition of the Laws
Ordinance 1965, s. 7(3)
incorporation certificate of incorporation 公司註冊證明書 Cap. 622, s. 71(1)
certificate of incorporation 法團註冊證書 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
continued incorporation 繼續作為法團 Cap. 304, Long Title
country of incorporation 成立為法團的……所在國家 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
incorporation 成立為法團 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
incorporation form 法團成立表格 Cap. 622, s. 27(6)(b)
incorporation submission 成立法團遞呈 Cap. 310, s. 2(1)
instrument of incorporation 法團成立文書 Cap. 571, s. 112K(1)
owners incorporation 業主立案法團 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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place of incorporation 成立地 Cap. 112DK, Schedule
incorporation incorporation into ... 收納入…… Cap. 383, Long Title
incorporeal incorporeal 無體 Cap. 29, s. 2
incorporeal 無體的 ※比較corporeal English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorporeal hereditament 無體可繼承產 Cap. 336, s. 2
incorporeal movable property 無體動產〔無實體的動產,例如知識產權〕 Cap. 23, s. 25B
incorrect factually incorrect 在事實方面不正確 Cap. 112BI, s. 5(3)(b)(ii)
false, incorrect, or incomplete in any material particular 在要項上是虛假、不正確或不完整的 Cap. 151, s. 16(3)
incorrect 不正確 Cap. 622, s. 31(1)(g)(i)
incorrigible incorrigible 不可救藥 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incorrigible 無可感化 Cap. 239, s. 8A(c)
increase authorized increase 特准增加額 Cap. 99, s. 2(1)
increase 增加額 Cap. 305, s. 2
increase in value 增值 Cap. 111, s. 3(4)(e)
increase of rent 租金的增加額 Cap. 7, s. 32(c)
increased new Government rent 增加的新地稅 Cap. 40, s. 10(2)(a)
incredible incredible defence 不可信的辯護理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
increment accrued by equal daily increment 以相等的每日遞增額累算 Cap. 18, s. 2
in progressive increments 累進的 Cap. 374A, reg. 42(2)(c)
increment 增薪 Cap. 95, Sch. 3
increments 增薪額 Cap. 99A, reg. 22(3)

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salary increments 增薪 Cap. 433, s. 8(d)

incremental incremental value 增值 Cap. 17A, Schedule
incriminate a person's right not to incriminate himself 任何人不使自己入罪的權利 Cap. 525, s. 10(10)(b)(ii)(A)
incriminate 可導致……入罪 Cap. 494, s. 59(3)
incriminate 導致……入罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.46
incriminate ... 作出會導致……入罪的證供 Cap. 56, s. 54
may tend to incriminate ... 可能導致……入罪 Cap. 311, s. 68(3)
tend to incriminate ... 會導致……入罪 Cap. 571, s. 146(18)
incriminating incriminating admission 牽連罪責的招認 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incriminating evidence 會導致入罪的證據 Cap. 41, s. 103, Heading
incriminating part 牽連罪責部分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incriminating part 導致入罪部分 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incriminating evidence incriminating evidence 會導致入罪的證據 Cap. 155, s. 101G
incrimination incrimination 入罪 Cap. 8, s. 65
incrimination 導致入罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incrimination 歸罪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incrimination of self 導致自己……入罪 Cap. 221, s. 57(8)
privilege against incrimination of self or spouse 免導致自己或配偶入罪的特權 Cap. 8, s. 65A, Heading

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privilege against self-incrimination 免使自己入罪的特權 "Causing or Allowing the Death or

Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.36
retrospective incrimination 追溯入罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
rule against retrospective incrimination 新訂罪行不具追溯力的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incubation incubation period 過渡期 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
inculpatory inculpatory admission 承認罪責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inculpatory evidence 涉嫌罪責的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inculpatory evidence 牽連罪責的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
incumbrance discharge any incumbrance 消除……任何產權負擔 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
incumbrance 附帶承擔 Cap. 405, s. 7(4)(a)(ii)
incumbrance [also encumbrance] 產權負擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prior incumbrances 居先的產權負擔 Cap. 4A, App. A
incumbrancer incumbrancers 產權負擔持有人 Cap. 4A, O. 88, r. 5A(2)(d)
prior incumbrancer 居先的產權負擔持有人 Cap. 347, s. 19(5)(a)
subsequent incumbrancer 在後的產權負擔持有人 Cap. 347, s. 19(5)(a)
incur incur 承付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incur 承擔 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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incur 招致 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
incur election expenses 招致選舉開支 Cap. 541, s. 7(1)(e)
incur expenditure 承付開支 Cap. 2, s. 14
incur expenditure 招致開支 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incur expenses 招致費用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
incur liability 承擔法律責任 Cap. 19, s. 22
incur liability 招致法律責任 Cap. 571, s. 91
incur ... penalty 招致……懲罰 Cap. 62, s. 11
incurred 引致 Cap. 159, s. 7AP(1)(b)
points ... incurred 被記……分 Cap. 374B, reg. 12I(1)(a)(iii)
properly incurred 正當地招致 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
reasonably incurred 合理地招致 Cap. 571, s. 93(12)
indebted indebted to ... 欠……任何債項 Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
indebted to ... 對……欠有債項 Cap. 6, s. 29(4)
indebtedness amount of ... indebtedness 負債款額 Cap. 66, s. 4(3)
certificate of indebtedness 負債證明書 Cap. 66, s. 4(1)
discharge of ... indebtedness 清償……債項 Cap. 601, s. 26(1)
indebtedness 欠債 Cap. 6, s. 10(3)
indebtedness 負債 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(f)
indebtedness 債務 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
indebtedness 債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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secured indebtedness 有抵押的債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
indecency act of gross indecency 嚴重猥褻作為 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(c)
gross indecency 嚴重猥褻 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(c)
gross indecency 嚴重猥褻行為 Cap. 503B, Schedule
gross indecency 嚴重猥褻作為 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.9
gross indecency by man with male mentally incapacitated 男子與男性精神上無行為能力的人作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
person Offences" Report, para. 4.97
gross indecency by man with man otherwise than in private 男子與男子非私下作出的嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.95
gross indecency with or by man under 16 由16歲以下男子作出或與16歲以下男子作出嚴重猥褻作 "Review of Substantive Sexual
為 Offences" Report, para. 3.124
indecency 不雅 Cap. 114A, reg. 68(b)
indecency in public 在公眾地方的猥褻行為 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.2
procuring gross indecency by man with man 促致男子與男子作出嚴重猥褻作為 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 4.92
indecent grossly indecent 嚴重猥褻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indecent 不雅的 Cap. 390, s. 24(1)(a)(iii)
indecent 行為不雅 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indecent 猥褻 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indecent act 猥褻行為 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"

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Consultation Paper, para. 2.22

indecent article 不雅物品 Cap. 390, s. 24(1)
indecent assault 猥褻侵犯 Cap. 200, s. 117(1)
indecent character 不雅性質 Cap. 227, s. 11
indecent conduct 猥褻行為 Cap. 200, s. 146, Heading
indecent exposure 猥褻露體 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.29
indecent manner 不雅行為 Cap. 388B, s. 5(5)(b)
indecent material 不合乎體統的資料 Cap. 159AI, Schedule
indecent matter 不雅事物 Cap. 390, s. 2
publish an indecent article 發布不雅物品 Cap. 390, s. 24(1)
indecently indecently exposes any part of his body 猥褻暴露其身體任何部分 Cap. 200, s. 148(1)
indecipherable indecipherable 不能辨解 Cap. 8, s. 40(1)(b)(ii)
indefeasibility immediate indefeasibility “即時不可推翻”的規定 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
principle of immediate indefeasibility 業權即時不可推翻原則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
indefeasible indefeasible 不能取消 Cap. 76, Schedule
indefeasible 不能廢除 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indefeasible right to rule 不能廢除的統治權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indefeasible title 不可推翻的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
indefeasibly indefeasibly 不能廢止地 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)

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indefinite for an indefinite period 不確定期限 Cap. 276, s. 10(1)(a)

indefinite duration 無確定限期 Cap. 252, s. 2
indefinite period 不限定期間 Cap. 494, s. 36(3)(b)
indefinite period 無限期 Cap. 374G, reg. 27(3A)(a)(i)
indefinite term 無限期 Cap. 625, s. 12(8)
indefinitely in force indefinitely 無限期有效 Cap. 528, s. 155(4)
indemnification indemnification 彌償 Cap. 23, s. 15(2)
indemnified indemnified 獲彌償保障者 Cap. 159M, r. 2
indemnifier indemnifier 彌償人 Cap. 622, s. 274(1)
indemnifier; indemnitor indemnifier; indemnitor 彌償人 Cap. 622, s. 274
indemnify fully and effectually indemnify sb. 向某人作出十足而有效的彌償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnify 對……作出彌償 Cap. 71, s. 9(1)
indemnify 彌償 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 8
indemnify and keep indemnified ... 向……作出彌償,並使其持續得到彌償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnify in full 作出十足的彌償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnitee indemnitee 受彌償人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnity award costs on an indemnity basis 判給按彌償基準計算的訟費 Cap. 394, s. 25(2)(c)
claim under an indemnity 彌償申索 Cap. 628A, s. 5(2)(f)
claiming an indemnity 申索彌償 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
complete indemnity 十足彌償 Cap. 377, s. 4(2)

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contract of indemnity 彌償合約 Cap. 112, s. 17(1)(e)

costs indemnity rule 彌償訟費原則 "Conditional Fees" Report, Preface ,
para. 12
costs on an indemnity basis 按彌償基準計算的訟費 Cap. 394, s. 25(2)(c)
form of indemnity 彌償保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
full indemnity basis 完全彌償基準 Cap. 159, s. 10(2)(e)
indemnity 彌償 Cap. 159, s. 6(3)
indemnity 彌償保證 Cap. 155S, r. 48(1)(g)
indemnity basis 彌償基準 Cap. 514, s. 84(2)
indemnity clause 彌償損失條款 Cap. 71, s. 9
indemnity for costs of litigation 就訟費所提供的彌償 Cap. 6, s. 38(5B)
indemnity proceedings 彌償法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indemnity rules 彌償規則 Cap. 159AG, s. 2(1)(b)
indemnity with cap 有上限的彌償 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
letter of indemnity 彌償保證書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
measure of indemnity 彌償限度 Cap. 329, s. 67(1)
modifications to the rectification and indemnity provisions 更正及彌償條文的修改 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
mutual indemnity 相互彌償 Cap. 548, s. 2
on an indemnity basis 按彌償基準 Cap. 21, s. 25(4)(b)
permitted indemnity provision 獲准許的彌償條文 Cap. 622D, s. 9(1)
professional indemnity insurance 專業彌償保險 Cap. 41, s. 73(1)(e)(ii)

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rectification and indemnity arrangements 更正及彌償安排 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

scope of the indemnity 彌償範圍 Cap. 50, s. 28D(2)(b)(iii)
taxation of costs on indemnity basis 按彌償基準進行訟費評定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
taxed ... on the indemnity basis 按……彌償基準評定 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 28(3)
indemnity a complete indemnity to ... for any acts done 為……作出任何作為的保障 Cap. 29, s. 109
indemnity 保障 Cap. 29, s. 109
indenture duly indentured 經正式立約……的 Cap. 281, s. 2
indenture 契約 Cap. 6, s. 39(1)
indenture 雙聯契 Cap. 219, s. 27(1)
indenture of apprenticeship 學徒契約 Cap. 6, s. 39(1)
Indenture of Lease 批租契約 Cap. 118, s. 2
independence "Hong Kong independence" “港獨” Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27
independence 獨立性 Cap. 609C, r. 7(1)(d)
independent competent, independent and impartial tribunal 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s. 8
competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
financially independent 在經濟上獨立 Cap. 254I, s. 6(5)
financially independent 經濟獨立 Cap. 89, s. 18(1AB)
independent 不受干預的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent 獨立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent and impartial 獨立無私 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,

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para. 2
independent and impartial witness 獨立而公正的證人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
independent and unbiased advice 獨立而不偏頗的意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent bystander 獨立的旁觀者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent commission 獨立委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 88
independent contractor 獨立承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent contractor 獨立承辦商 Cap. 300, s. 2(2)
independent director 獨立董事 Cap. 485A, s. 2
independent dwelling 獨立住宅 Cap. 511C, s. 2(1)
independent investigation committee 獨立的調查委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
independent investment adviser 獨立投資顧問 Cap. 622, s. 238(3)(a)
independent judicial power 獨立的司法權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
independent legal advice 獨立法律意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent of 互不從屬於 Cap. 619, Sch. 7
independent of 與……無關 Cap. 303B, reg. 21(2)
independent of and separate from one another 互相獨立和分開的 Cap. 562, s. 2(4)(a)
independent professional adviser 獨立專業顧問 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
independent trade mark 獨立商標 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
independent trustee 獨立受託人 Cap. 485A, s. 23(1)(b)
is independent of 是獨立於 Cap. 354O, s. 7(2)

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Independent Independent Commission Against Corruption 廉政公署 Cap. 204, s. 3

Commission Against
Independent Police Independent Police Complaints Council 獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會 Cap. 604, s. 4(1)
Complaints Council
independently exercise judicial power independently 獨立進行審判 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
independently of 在不涉……下 Cap. 282, s. 40(1F)
independently of 獨立於…… Cap. 347, s. 27(1)
the provisions of ... are to be construed independently of each ……各條條文的解釋互相獨立 Cap. 528, s. 37(5)
indeterminate indeterminate period of time 不固定限期 Cap. 513, s. 2
indeterminate sentence 無限期刑罰 Cap. 524, s. 4(1)
indeterminate sentence of imprisonment 無限期監禁刑罰 Cap. 221, s. 67B(2)
sentence imposed is for ... an indeterminate period 所判處的刑罰的刑期是……不固定的 Cap. 513, s. 4(1)(c)
index index 索引 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
LPF Index 基金索引 Cap. 637, s. 2
index index arbitrage 指數套戥 Cap. 571Y, s. 4D(3)
index equity index 股票指數 Cap. 155S, r. 17(1)(b)
index point 指數點 Cap. 155S, r. 17(1)(b)(i)
index futures contract index futures contract 指數期貨合約 Cap. 571Z, s. 2
indexation indexation 指數化 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
indexed indexed bonds 指數債券 Cap. 571, Sch. 5

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indicate further indicated 進一步標示 Cap. 81A, reg. 5(3)

indicate 表明 Cap. 32K, r. 6(4)
indicate 指出 Cap. 34, s. 4(1)(c)
indicate 顯示 Cap. 41, s. 24(3)(b)(ii)
indicated 示意 Cap. 374, s. 77(2)
indicated 表示 Cap. 528D, r. 34(4)(c)
where by the context ... is not indicated 凡文意未有顯示為……時 Cap. 281, s. 2
indication geographical indication 地理標誌 Cap. 609, s. 103B(1)(c)
indication 徵示 Cap. 490, s. 30
indication 顯示 Cap. 40, s. 17(c)
indication in the plan 圖則中的……標示 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
indication of no objection to ... 表示不反對…… Cap. 486, s. 35A(1)
marked with an indication ... 標明…… Cap. 104A, reg. 8(c)
the advertisement contains an indication to the contrary 該廣告顯示相反的意圖 Cap. 602, s. 42(3)
indicia indicia 記號 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indicia 象徵 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indicia 標誌 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indicia 證明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indicia of title 職銜標誌 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indictable indictable offence 可公訴罪行 Cap. 227, s. 2

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indictment answer to the indictment 就公訴書作出答辯 Cap. 221, s. 27(1)

arraigned on any indictment or presentment 循公訴程序或根據控訴狀被提審 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.6, Footnote 7
indictment 公訴 Cap. 227, s. 2
indictment 公訴書 Cap. 221C, r. 2(1)
multi-count indictment 多條罪名的公訴書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
on conviction on indictment 一經循公訴程序定罪 Cap. 622, s. 875(8)(a)
on indictment 循公訴程序 Cap. 221, s. 82(1)
plead to ... indictment 對……公訴書作出答辯 Cap. 221, s. 46
plead to the indictment 就公訴書對控罪作出回答 Cap. 394, s. 12
punishable ... on indictment 可循……公訴程序定罪……而判罰 Cap. 221, s. 21
quash the indictment 撤銷公訴書 Cap. 221, s. 53(2)
separate indictment 獨立公訴書 Cap. 221, s. 51(6)
triable on indictment 可循公訴程序審訊 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.8
triable upon indictment 可循公訴程序審訊 Cap. 212, s. 10
tried on indictment 循公訴程序審訊 Cap. 554, s. 38(1)(b)
upon indictment 循公訴程序 Cap. 221, s. 14A(1)(b)
indigenous Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention 《1939年僱傭合約(土生工人)公約》 Cap. 78, s. 11(1)(h)
indigenous inhabitants of the "New Territories" "新界"原居民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 40
indigenous villager 原居村民 Cap. 515, s. 2
indigenous inhabitant indigenous inhabitant 原居民 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)
indigenous inhabitant representative 原居民代表 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)

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Indigenous Village Composite Indigenous Village 共有代表鄉村 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)

Indigenous Village 原居鄉村 Cap. 576, s. 2(1)
indigenous villager indigenous villager 原居村民 Cap. 515, s. 2
indirect indirect 間接 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indirect controller 間接控制人 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
indirect controller 間接控權人 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
indirect damages 間接的損害賠償 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indirect evidence 間接證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indirect interest 間接的利害關係 Cap. 218, Sch. 2
indirect taxes 間接稅 Cap. 557, Schedule
indirectly directly or indirectly interested in ... 在……中有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 489, s. 8(1)
indisputable indisputable evidence 不容爭辯的證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
individual a private individual 個人 Cap. 29, s. 85
identifiable individual 可……識別身分的個別人士 Cap. 297, s. 6(3)
individual 個人 Cap. 219, s. 19(1)
individual 個人的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
individual 個別人士 Cap. 424, s. 34(1)(a)
individual 個別的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
individual contractor 個人承包商 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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individual creditor 個人債權人 Cap. 32, s. 285A(2)

individual person 個人 Cap. 565, s. 32
individual voluntary arrangement (無力償債時所作的)個別自願安排 Cap. 6A, r. 122X
length of each individual sentence 個別的刑期 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
licensed individual insurance agent 持牌個人保險代理 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
local individual 本地個人 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)
registered individual 登記個人 Cap. 571, s. 203(1E)(b)(ii)
individually be individually liable 以個人身分承擔法律責任 Cap. 300, s. 21(4)
individually 單獨 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(1)
indoor indoor operations 室內操作 Cap. 106Z, Sch. 2
indorse indorse a cheque 背書支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indorse [also endorse] 加簽 Cap. 406, s. 31
indorse [also endorse] 批註 Cap. 541L, s. 11
indorse [also endorse] 背書 Cap. 4, s. 25A
indorse [also endorse] 註明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indorse [also endorse] 認可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indorsed with 註有 Cap. 336H, O. 13, r. 1(1)
indorsee indorsee [also endorsee] 承背書人 Cap. 19, s. 34
indorsement indorsement [also endorsement] 加簽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indorsement [also endorsement] 批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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indorsement [also endorsement] 背書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
indorsement [also endorsement] 認可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indorsement [also endorsement] 認同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
indorsement in blank 空白背書 Cap. 19, s. 34(1)
restrictive indorsement 限制性背書 Cap. 19, s. 35(2)
special indorsement 記名背書 Cap. 19, s. 34(2)
indorser indorser 背書人 Cap. 19, s. 22(1)
induce induce 誘使 Cap. 200, s. 70
induce 慫恿 Cap. 47, s. 12
induce somebody to accept 誘使另一人接受 Cap. 200, s. 71
induce ... to believe 促使……相信 Cap. 541M, s. 12(1)(d)
induced to wait for payment 被誘使等候付款 Cap. 210, s. 18B(3)
... intended to be induced 意圖誘使發生…… Cap. 200, s. 70(1)
induce induced by disease or injury 疾病或受傷所引起 Cap. 339, s. 3(1)
inducement inducement 引誘 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inducement 利誘 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inducement 誘因 Cap. 71, Sch. 2
inducement 誘使 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.21
offer of inducement 引誘 Cap. 465, s. 5D(1)(c)

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induction induction 歸納(法) 參看 inductive reasoning English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
inductive reasoning inductive reasoning [also induction] 引導推理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inductive reasoning [also induction] 歸納法 ※比較 deductive reasoning English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
industrial Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 《保護工業產權公約》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
for industrial or trade purposes 作工業或行業用途 Cap. 311, s. 2
industrial application 工業應用 Cap. 514, s. 9A(1)(c)
industrial disablement 工傷導致傷殘 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 8(4)
industrial injury 工傷 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 8(4)
industrial strategy 行業策略 Cap. 155Q, r. 11(10)(h)(i)
industrial undertaking 工業經營 Cap. 59, s. 2(1)
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International 《設立工業外觀設計國際分類法洛迦諾協議》 Cap. 522A, s. 2(1)
Classification for Industrial Designs
industrial action industrial action [also job action] 工業行動 Cap. 55, s. 35
industry construction industry 建造業 Cap. 406H, s. 13(1)(b)
industry advisory committee 業界諮詢委員會 Cap. 41, Sch. 1C
industry body regulation 行業內機構的規管 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.4
industry group 行業集團 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
industry scheme 行業計劃 Cap. 485, s. 34B(8)
ineffective ineffective 失效 Cap. 177A, reg. 12
ineffective 無效 Cap. 31, s. 5
ineffective 無效力 Cap. 622, s. 31(1)(i)(i)

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resolution ... ineffective 決議……失效 Cap. 32, s. 207H(2)

ineffectual ineffectual 失效 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 29(1)
ineffectual 無效 Cap. 26, s. 31(4)
ineffectual in law 無法律效力 Cap. 556, Sch. 1
inefficiency inefficiency 效率欠佳 Cap. 1075, s. 8(4)
significant inefficiency 顯著的效率欠佳 Cap. 584, s. 4(3A)(a)
significant inefficiency 顯著的效率欠佳情況 Cap. 584, s. 4(3)(a)
inefficient inefficient 欠效率 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
ineligibility ineligibility 沒有資格 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.39
ineligible ineligible 無資格 Cap. 624, s. 24(3)
inequitable inequitable 不公平 Cap. 163, s. 22
inequitable 不公平合理 Cap. 112, s. 36A(2)
unjust and inequitable 並非公正持平 Cap. 417, s. 23(1)(g)
inequity inequity 不公平現象 Cap. 89, s. 20A(1)
inert Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems 《惰性氣體系統指南》 Cap. 369W, reg. 1(2)
inert construction waste 惰性建築廢物 Cap. 354L, s. 2(1)
inexpedient inexpedient 不宜 Cap. 227, s. 36(1)
inexpedient 不適宜 Cap. 227, s. 51
infamous infamous 不名譽的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
infancy infancy 未成年 Cap. 410, s. 2(3)
infant advancement of an infant 幼年人的……預付受託財產 Cap. 336, s. 37(1)(e)
guardian of the property of infants 未成年人財產監護人 Cap. 29, s. 81(1)(a)

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infant 幼年人 Cap. 1, s. 3

infant 未成年人 參看 minor Cap. 410, s. 2
infant settlement 幼年人的授產安排 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
infant formula infant formula 嬰兒配方產品 Cap. 132W, Sch. 6A
infanticide infanticide 殺嬰 Cap. 504, s. 33(2)
infected infected 受感染 Cap. 599, s. 2
infected 感染 Cap. 599, s. 2
infectious infectious disease 傳染病 Cap. 487, s. 61(3)
infectious agent infectious agent 傳染性病原體 Cap. 599, s. 2
infer infer 推斷 Cap. 221, s. 65A(1)(a)
inferred as a fact from ... 從……中推斷得出的事實 Cap. 38, s. 19(3)
inference adverse inference 不利的推論 Cap. 501, s. 19(c)
adverse inferences 不利推斷 Cap. 609, s. 53(4)(b)
draw any inference of fact 作出任何事實的推論 Cap. 336, s. 64(1)
draw any reasonable inference from ... 從……作出任何合理推斷 Cap. 8, s. 22B(2)
draw ... inferences 作出……推論 Cap. 429, s. 15(1)
inference 推論 Cap. 221, s. 79C(7)
inference 推斷 Cap. 8, s. 22B(2)
inference of fact 事實的推論 Cap. 336, s. 64(1)
inference of guilt 有罪的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inference of guilt 推論被告有罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inference of guilty knowledge 知悉犯罪的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
irrebuttable inference 不可推翻的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irresistible inference 不可抗拒之推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irresistible inference 無可抗拒的推斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
necessary inference 必然推論 Cap. 23, s. 14
reasonable inference 合理推斷 Cap. 8, s. 22B(2)
rule against pyramiding inferences 反對層疊式推論的規則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
the only irrebuttable inference 不可推翻的唯一推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the only reasonable inference 唯一合理推斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
unavoidable inference 不能避免的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inference-on-inference inference-on-inference rule 不可多重推論原則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
rule and Commercial Law Terms
inferencing inferencing rules 推理規則 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
inferential inferential evidence 推論證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inferior inferior court 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 19(2)
inferior court 下級法院 Cap. 4, s. 27(2)(a)
inferior landlord 下一級業主 Cap. 314, s. 5(3)
inferior court inferior court 下級法庭 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 19
inferior court 下級法院 Cap. 4, s. 27

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infidelity infidelity 不忠 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
infirmity infirmity 欠妥或衰弱 Cap. 89, s. 6(1)(e)
infirmity 衰弱 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
infirmity 殘疾 Cap. 282, s. 31(2)
infirmity of body or mind 體力或智力衰弱 Cap. 484, s. 14(6)
infirmity of mind or body 精神欠妥或身體衰弱 Cap. 89, s. 6(1)(e)
infirmity of the mind 精神欠妥 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.221
mental or physical infirmity 精神上或身體上的疾病或衰弱 Cap. 362, s. 13D(3)(b)(i)
physical infirmity 身體衰弱 Cap. 539A, s. 15
physical or mental infirmity 身體或精神虛弱 Cap. 282, Sch. 2
infirmity of mind or infirmity of mind or body 精神欠妥或身體衰弱 Cap. 79, s. 2
inflammable inflammable ... substance 易燃物質 Cap. 98, s. 32(1)(b)
inflict inflict 使……受到 Cap. 210, s. 11(1)(b)
inflicted by 所造成 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
inflicting 施加 Cap. 98, s. 38(6)
inflicting 造成 Cap. 212, s. 29A
inflicting grievous bodily harm 使他人身體受到嚴重傷害 Cap. 210, Schedule
inflicting grievous bodily harm 對他人身體加以嚴重傷害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.64

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inflicting grievous or actual bodily harm 使人受到嚴重或實際身體傷害 Cap. 503, Sch. 1

intentionally inflicted on 蓄意使……遭受 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
infliction intentional infliction 蓄意施加 Cap. 298A, r. 37(2)(b)
inflow contractual cash inflows 合約現金流入 Cap. 155Q, r. 42(1)(a)
influence bad influence 負面影響 Cap. 239, s. 8A(b)
exercise a dominant influence 發揮支配性影響力 Cap. 32, Sch. 23
exercise ... significant influence or control 行使重大影響力或控制 Cap. 622, Sch. 5A
influence 影響 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
under the influence of alcohol, medicine or drug 受到酒精、藥物或毒品影響 Cap. 627, s. 17(3)(a)
under the influence of drink 受酒類的影響 Cap. 374, s. 39(1)
under the influence of drugs 處於受藥物影響的狀態 Cap. 208A, reg. 12(1)(f)
undue influence 不當影響 Cap. 78, s. 5(2)(h)
inform adequately informed of ... 充分知悉…… Cap. 276, s. 21(5)
explicitly informed 明確告知 Cap. 486, s. 35D(1)(a)
fully informed of 獲詳盡告知 Cap. 446B, s. 3(1)(g)
inform 告知 Cap. 494, s. 46(2)
inform 告發 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inform 通知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inform itself on ... 獲悉 Cap. 336, s. 73C(5)
informed 知情 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.5

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informed 獲悉 Cap. 159, s. 6

informed consent 知情下的同意 "Interim Proposals on a Sex Offender
Register" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 6
informed of 獲悉 Cap. 159, s. 6(10)
inform informed by 以……作為根據 Cap. 628, s. 33(3)
informal informal 不拘形式 Cap. 453, s. 17(1)
informal character 不拘形式 Cap. 285, s. 32(3)
informal waiver 非正式放棄 Cap. 528, s. 98(4)
informally informally resolved 透過簡便方式解決 Cap. 604, s. 3(1)
informant informant 申報人 Cap. 175, Sch. 2
informant 告發人 Cap. 380, s. 26(4)
informant 提供資料的人 Cap. 527A, s. 6(1)
informant; informer informant; informer 告發人 Cap. 380, s. 26
informant; informer 舉報人 Cap. 549, s. 148
information criminal information 刑事告發 Cap. 221, s. 2
defective information 欠妥的告發書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
information 告發 Cap. 21, s. 2
information in writing and on oath 經宣誓而作的書面告發 Cap. 221, s. 109E(2)
information laid 提出告發 Cap. 227, s. 8(1)
information on oath 經宣誓而作的告發 Cap. 311, s. 28(3)
lay an information 提出告發 Cap. 221A, r. 51(1)
sworn information in writing 經宣誓而作的書面告發 Cap. 132, s. 126(2)
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of 盡……所知所悉及所信 Cap. 10, s. 60K

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information access to information regime 公開資料制度 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 3.36
access to information requests 索取資料的要求 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.35
authenticating information 對……資料作出認證 Cap. 60, s. 31(1)(ua)
available information 可知資訊 Cap. 628, s. 36(a)(i)
commercial information 商業資料 Cap. 471, s. 4(7)
commercially sensitive information 商業敏感資料 Cap. 155, s. 101F
commercially sensitive information 敏感的商業資料 Cap. 465B, s. 6(3)(b)
confidential information 機密資料 Cap. 134, s. 49A
disclosure of information 資料的披露 Cap. 405, s. 20
disseminate information 傳布資料 Cap. 472, s. 5(2)(d)
excluded information 豁除資料 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.11
exempt information 獲豁免資料 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 10.26
false information 虛假資料 Cap. 521, s. 8(5)
false or misleading information 虛假的或具誤導性的資料 Cap. 490, s. 38(1)
financial information 財政資料 Cap. 104, s. 37(7)
for information 公告週知 Cap. 247, s. 4(3)
for information only 只供備知 Cap. 542, s. 3(4)
for the information ... 為了向……提供資料 Cap. 21, Schedule
for the information of ... 供……備知 Cap. 369AD, reg. 31(1)
freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of 尋求、接受及傳播各種消息及思想之自由 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(2)
all kinds

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give in evidence any information 提供……資料作為證據 Cap. 316, s. 25

have information ... 掌握……資料 Cap. 615, s. 9(3)(b)
information 信息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
information 消息 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
information 情報 Cap. 503I, Schedule
information 資料 Cap. 1, s. 88(1)
information 資訊 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
information in the public domain 向公眾公開的資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
information infrastructure 資訊基建設施 Cap. 625, s. 5(1)
information record 資料紀錄 Cap. 637, s. 48(5)
information system 資訊系統 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
inside information 內幕消息 Cap. 571, s. 307A(1)
insider information 內幕消息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intimate personal and financial information 私秘的個人及財務資料 Cap. 465B, s. 6(3)(a)
liquidity information 流動性資料 Cap. 155M, s. 90(1)(a)
material information 重要資料 Cap. 311Y, s. 8(2)(b)(iii)
misleading information 具誤導性的資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
misleading information 誤導的資料 Cap. 218, s. 48(1)(c)
official information 官方資料 Cap. 521, Long Title
oral information 口頭資料 Cap. 487A, Sch. 1
patent information 專利資料 Cap. 514, s. 89A(2)(c)

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pertinent information 相關資料 Cap. 159AD, s. 10(2)(c)

price-sensitive information 易於影響(證券等)價格的資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
price-sensitive information 股價敏感資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
price-sensitive information 價格敏感資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
privileged information 有特權的資料 Cap. 201, s. 15(1)
privileged information 享有特權(的)資料 Cap. 112, s. 51
privileged information 受保密權涵蓋的資料 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
proprietary ... information 專有……資料 Cap. 155M, s. 9(1)
protected information 受保護資料 Cap. 622, s. 53(1)
provided for information only 僅供備知 Cap. 621, s. 2(3)
publicly known information 公眾知悉的資料 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
quantitative information 量化資料 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZU(a)
relevant information 有關資料 Cap. 571S, s. 2
requested information 要求索取的資料 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.8
retrieve information 檢索資訊 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
rights to information 取得資料的權利 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 11.18
technical information 技術資料 Cap. 514, s. 79
to the best of the information or belief ... 盡……所知或所信 Cap. 188, s. 2(1)
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief 盡其所知所悉及所信 Cap. 6A, r. 49(5)(c)
vendor's information form 賣方資料表格 Cap. 621, s. 68(2)

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informed informed decisions 有根據的決定 Cap. 485, s. 42(1)(g)(ii)

sound, balanced and informed advice 明智的、不偏不倚的和有根據的意見 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(e)
informed deliberate and informed decision 經考慮兼知情的決定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
informed acquiescence 知情的默許 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
informed and reasoned verdict 知情和有理可依的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
informed bystander 知情的旁觀者 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
keep ... informed of ... 使……經常得悉…… Cap. 1115, s. 11
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
International Trade
informed consent informed consent 知情的同意 Cap. 503AC, Schedule
informed judgment informed judgment 根據充分的資料而作出的判斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
informer informer 告發人 Cap. 60, s. 38
informer 舉報人 Cap. 134, s. 57(1)(b)(i)
infra infra ["below"] 以下 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
infra ["below"] 在下面的 ※比較 supra English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
infract infract (Am.) 侵犯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
infract (Am.) 違反(法律規定) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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infrastructure information infrastructure 資訊基建設施 Cap. 625, s. 5(1)

infrastructure 基礎設施 Cap. 112, s. 20AP
infringe infringe 侵犯 Cap. 98, s. 6(4)
infringe copyright 侵犯版權 Cap. 528, s. 22(3)
infringe sb.'s rights 侵犯某人的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
infringes the jurisdiction of ... 侵犯……的司法管轄權 Cap. 471, s. 4(2)(a)
infringement action for infringement 侵犯版權訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 138(6)
action for infringement 侵犯某註冊商標的訴訟 Cap. 559, s. 26(5)
action for infringement 侵犯專利的訴訟 Cap. 514, s. 48(3)
action for infringement 侵犯權利訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 265(6)
action for infringement of copyright 侵犯版權訴訟 Cap. 528, s. 36(1)
apprehended act of infringement 意恐作出的侵犯行為 Cap. 514, s. 80
claim of infringement 侵犯版權的申索 Cap. 528, s. 143(2)(c)
claim of infringement 侵犯權利的申索 Cap. 528, s. 270(2)(c)
infringement 侵犯 Cap. 559, s. 10(3)
infringement 侵犯行為 Cap. 300, s. 5(1)
infringement 違犯 Cap. 174, s. 28
infringement notice 違章通知書 Cap. 619, s. 2(1)
infringement of copyright 侵犯版權 Cap. 528, s. 36(1)
infringement of rights 權利的侵犯 Cap. 4, s. 44A(2)(a)
infringement of the right to ... ……權利受到侵犯 Cap. 4A, O. 100, r. 3(1)
infringement proceedings 侵犯版權法律程序 Cap. 528, s. 138(9)
infringement proceedings 侵犯權利法律程序 Cap. 362, s. 30D(9)

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primary infringement 直接侵犯版權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
proceedings for infringement 侵犯版權的法律程序 Cap. 528, s. 187(1)
secondary infringement 間接侵犯版權 Cap. 528, s. 30
infringing infringing article 侵犯權利物品 Cap. 528, s. 95(2)
infringing copy 侵犯版權複製品 Cap. 528, s. 30
infringing fixation 侵犯權利的錄製品 Cap. 528, s. 207(1)
infringing goods 侵犯性貨品 Cap. 559, s. 17(1)
infringing material 侵犯性物料 Cap. 559, s. 17(1)
infringing page 侵犯版權頁 Cap. 528, Sch. 1AA
infringing copies infringing copies 侵犯版權複製品 Cap. 528, s. 32
infuriate infuriates 激怒 Cap. 169, s. 3(1)(a)
ingredient ingredient 要素 Cap. 268, s. 15
ingredient of offence 犯罪元素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ingredient of offence 犯罪要件 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ingredient of the offence 罪行構成元素 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.40
ingredients which at law constitute such offence 在法律上構成該罪行的成分 Cap. 227, s. 81B(2)(b)
ingredient food ingredient 食物配料 Cap. 132W, Sch. 1
functional ingredient 功能配料 Cap. 132AK, reg. 2
ingress allow ... free ingress 容許……自由進入 Cap. 324, s. 11(5)
egress ingress or egress 出入 Cap. 447, s. 3

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ingress ingress or egress 出入 Cap. 447, s. 3

ingress and egress ingress and egress 出入 Cap. 459, s. 8(3)(b)
ingress and egress 進出 Cap. 123H, reg. 2
unrestricted ingress and egress 不受限制地進出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inhabit inhabit 住用 Cap. 1, s. 3
inhabitant indigenous inhabitants of the "New Territories" "新界"原居民 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 40
inhabitants 居民 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(b)
inherent inherent 內在 Cap. 155M, s. 16B
inherent 固有 Cap. 503I, Schedule
inherent 固有的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inherent causes 與生俱來的因素 Cap. 339, s. 3(1)
inherent defect 本質上欠妥 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inherent defect 固有的缺陷 Cap. 462, Schedule
inherent defect 固有缺陷 Cap. 500, Sch. 1
inherent improbability 固有的不可能性 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inherent in 固有 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
inherent jurisdiction 固有司法管轄權 Cap. 221A, Schedule
inherent jurisdiction 固有的司法管轄權 Cap. 4A, O. 1A, r. 2
inherent probabilities 內在或然率 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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inherent requirement 固有要求 Cap. 487, s. 12

inherent right to life 天賦之生存權 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(1)
inherent vice 固有缺點 Cap. 329, s. 55
inherent vice or nature 固有缺點或性質 Cap. 329, s. 55(2)(c)
the inherent requirements of the particular employment 該項僱用的固有要求 Cap. 487, s. 12(2)(i)
treated ... with respect for the inherent dignity of the human 受……尊重其天賦人格尊嚴之處遇 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(1)
inherently inherently 本身 Cap. 51C, reg. 6(3)(a)
inheritable inheritable characteristics 可遺傳特徵 Cap. 429, s. 2
inheritance inheritance 財產繼承 Cap. 481, s. 1
inheritance 繼承 Cap. 201, s. 14(1)(a)(i)
inheritance duties 繼承稅 Cap. 557, Schedule
succession or inheritance duties 遺產取得稅或繼承稅 Cap. 557, Schedule
inherited caste and analogous systems of inherited status 世襲階級及相類似的世襲地位制度 Cap. 602, s. 8(1)(c)
inhibit inhibit 限制 Cap. 405, s. 17(2)(a)
inhibiting 抑制 Cap. 133, s. 2(1)
inhibition inhibition 制止令 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
in-house in-house 機構內部的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in-house counsel 公司或機構聘用的律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in-house safety rules 內部安全規則 Cap. 59Z, reg. 15
inhuman cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 殘忍、不人道或侮辱之處遇或懲罰 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 3
inhuman 不人道 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading

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Treatment or Punishment, Preamble

United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, 《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處 Cap. 427, s. 2(1)
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 罰公約》
inhuman treatment inhuman treatment 不人道待遇 Cap. 503I, Schedule
inhuman treatment 不人道對待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inimical inimical 有損 Cap. 320, s. 4(j)
Iniquum est aliquem rei Iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem. [It is unjust for 有違公正 參看 Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa. English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sui esse judicem. anyone to be judge in his own cause.] and Commercial Law Terms
Iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse judicem. [It is unjust for 自審己案有違公正 。 參看 Nemo debet esse judex in English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
anyone to be judge in his own cause.] propria causa. and Commercial Law Terms
initial Initial Market Value 最初市值 Cap. 283, Schedule
initial payment 初步付款 Cap. 4A, O. 84A, r. 1(3)(b)
initial period 初始期間 Cap. 624, Sch. 2
initial period 初段限期 Cap. 628A, s. 11(10)
initial period 首段期間 Cap. 104, s. 26(2)
initial period to maturity 最初距離到期的時間 Cap. 485A, s. 7(2)(c)
initial recognition 初始確認 Cap. 155M, s. 92A
initial survey 初次檢驗 Cap. 413K, s. 9(2)(a)(i)
initial initials 英文名縮寫 Cap. 528, s. 89(8)
initials 英文縮寫 Cap. 408, s. 30(1)
initials 英文縮寫字樣 Cap. 408, s. 31(1)(h)(iv)
initials 簡簽 Cap. 256, s. 2
Initial public offering; Initial public offering; IPO 首次公開上市 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
IPO and Commercial Law Terms
Initial public offering; IPO 首次公開發售 Cap. 155L, Sch. 15

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initiate a motion has been initiated jointly by ... 已……作出聯合動議 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
cause an investigation to be initiated 安排展開調查 Cap. 413K, s. 24(2)
initiate proceedings 提起法律程序 Cap. 525V, Sch. 1
initiated 提出 Cap. 514, s. 15(7)
initiated 發起 Cap. 25, s. 2
initiated by ... 由……引發 Cap. 486, s. 39(3A)
initiates an appeal 提出上訴 Cap. 1A, r. 2
initiating 展開 Cap. 358, s. 40B(7)
initiate initiate 倡導 Cap. 601, s. 4(1)(f)
initiation initiation of prosecution 提出檢控 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
initiative initiative 主動 Cap. 575, s. 12(2B)(b)(ii)
on his own initiative 主動 Cap. 159, s. 9A(2)
on his own initiative 自發 Cap. 375, s. 8A(3)(c)
on its own initiative 主動 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Report, para. 2.19
injunction anti-suit injunction 禁止訴訟令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
discharge an injunction 撤銷……強制令 Cap. 362, s. 30R
injunction 強制令 Cap. 1, s. 64(3)
injunction 禁制令 Cap. 554, s. 28(1)
injunction order 強制令 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
interim injunction 暫時強制令 Cap. 526, s. 12(2)
interim injunction 暫時禁制令 Cap. 554, s. 28(4)

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interim injunction 臨時強制令 Cap. 32, s. 350B(5)

interlocutory injunction 非正審強制令 Cap. 4, s. 21L(3)
John Doe injunction 佚名強制令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
mandatory injunction 強制性禁令 Cap. 219, s. 41
mandatory injunction 屬執行性質的強制令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Mareva injunction [Mareva Compania Naviera SA v. 馬雷瓦強制令〔資產凍結強制令〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
International Bulk-Carriers SA [1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep 509; and Commercial Law Terms
[1981] All GR 213, CA]
matrimonial injunction 婚姻中的禁制騷擾令 ※比較 non-molestation clause English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
prohibitory injunction 屬禁止性質的強制令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
quia-timet injunction 為防權利受損而申請的禁制令 參看 quia timet English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injunctive injunctive relief 強制性濟助 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 8.6
injure injure 破壞 Cap. 104D, by-law 11
injure 傷害 Cap. 468, s. 4(1)(b)
injure 損害 Cap. 353, s. 11(a)
materially injure 關鍵性的損害 Cap. 21, s. 26
permanently injured 受到永久性傷害 Cap. 254I, s. 3(1)
the party injured by ... 因……而受損的一方 Cap. 338, s. 35(4)
with intent to injure ... 意圖損害…… Cap. 98, s. 27

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injured injured party 受害一方 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)

injured person 受傷害者 Cap. 23, s. 20A(1)(a)
injured person 傷者 Cap. 4, s. 56A(1)
injured persons 受傷的人 Cap. 601A, s. 18(4)
injuria absque damno injuria absque damno ["injury without damage"; also injuria 沒有造成損害的法律過失〔不產生賠償權〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
sine damno] and Commercial Law Terms
Injuria non excusat Injuria non excusat injuriam. [A wrong does not excuse a 不能以某過失作為另一過失的辯解理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
injuriam. wrong.] and Commercial Law Terms
Injuria propria non Injuria propria non cadet beneficium facientis. [No benefit 無人可從其過失中受益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
cadet beneficium shall accrue to a person from his own wrongdoing.] and Commercial Law Terms
injuria sine damno injuria sine damno ["injury without damage"] 未造成損害的侵權行為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injurious dangerous to health 危害健康 Cap. 132, s. 12
gravely injurious to ... 對……造成嚴重損害 Cap. 401, s. 31(1)(a)
injurious 危害 Cap. 397, s. 14(1)
injurious 具傷害性的 Cap. 132AX, s. 9(2)(b)(x)
injurious 損害性的 Cap. 107, s. 21
injurious act 損害性作為 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injurious affection 損害性影響 Cap. 127, s. 9(2)(c)
injurious falsehood 造成損害的虛假 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injurious to health 有損健康 Cap. 369C, para. 287(a)
injurious to health 損害健康 Cap. 130, s. 2
injurious to the public interest 令公眾利益受到損害 Cap. 4, s. 45(3)

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injurious to the public interest 危害公眾利益 Cap. 300, s. 24

injurious to the public interest 損害公眾利益 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 15
injury action for damages for personal injuries 就人身傷害要求獲得損害賠償的訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 56A(1)
actionable injury 可進行訴訟的傷害 Cap. 23, s. 22B(3)
bodily injury 身體受傷 Cap. 548, s. 23G(2)(a)
bodily injury 身體受損傷 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.2
bodily injury 身體傷害 Cap. 313, s. 43(1)
bodily injury 身體損傷 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.24
causing serious injury recklessly 罔顧後果而導致嚴重損傷 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
damages for personal injuries 人身傷害損害賠償 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
fatal injury 致命損傷 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.6
industrial injury 工傷 Cap. 4A, O. 25, r. 8(4)
injury caused 受損 Cap. 7, s. 97(2)
injury pension 受傷撫恤金 Cap. 254, s. 3(4)

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injury to a person 人身傷害 Cap. 470, s. 25(f)(ii)

injury to health 健康損害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.18
injury [injure (v.)] 傷害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injury [injure (v.)] 傷病 Cap. 202, s. 2
injury [injure (v.)] 損害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injury [injure (v.)] 損傷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
permanent injury 永久性傷害 Cap. 99A, reg. 18A(1)(b)
permanent injury 永久傷害 Cap. 112C, para. 2(1)
permanent injury 永久損害 Cap. 212, s. 47A
Personal Injuries List 人身傷亡案件審訊表 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
personal injury 人身傷亡 Cap. 226, s. 15(2)(a)
personal injury 人身傷害 Cap. 71, s. 2(1)
personal injury 身體受傷 Cap. 6, s. 38(1)(cb)
personal injury case 人身傷害個案 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 5.1
physical injury 身體損傷 Cap. 406G, Sch. 1
prevent injury to public morals 防止損害公眾道德 Cap. 287, Long Title

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psychiatric injury 精神傷害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
serious injury 嚴重損傷 Cap. 340, s. 6(2)(b)
serious personal injury 嚴重人身傷害 Cap. 369, s. 80(1)(b)
serious psychiatric injury 嚴重精神損害 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.22
substantial injury 實質損害 Cap. 4A, O. 47, r. 7(1)
sustain an injury 負傷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sustain an injury 蒙受傷害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
temporal ... injury 實質上……的損傷 Cap. 161B, Sch. 2
to the extent of the injury 以該等損害[的款額]為限 Cap. 6, s. 59(8)
injustice injustice 不公正的情況 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
injustice ... would be cured by ... 不公正情況,可藉……而得以糾正 Cap. 227, s. 27(2)(b)
irremediable injustice 無可補救的不公正情況 Cap. 352, s. 3B(3)(a)(ii)
manifest injustice 明顯的不公 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
substantial and grave injustice 實質及嚴重的不公平情況 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)
substantial injustice 在實質上……不公平 Cap. 200, s. 156(5)(b)
substantial injustice 重大的不公正情況 Cap. 32H, r. 209(1)
substantial injustice 嚴重不公平 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
inland inland note 本地承付票 Cap. 19, s. 89(4)
inland inland waters 內陸水域 Cap. 478AD, s. 1

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inland lot Inland Lot 內地段 Cap. 1, Sch. 1

inlay inlaid with 嵌有 Cap. 362M, s. 2(2)
Inmarsat Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization 《國際活動衞星組織(Inmarsat)公約》 Cap. 190P, Art. 1
inmate become an inmate of ... 居住於…… Cap. 200, s. 131(1)(c)
inmate 住客 Cap. 174, s. 14(1)
inmate 所員 Cap. 244A, reg. 2
inmates 被羈留者 Cap. 239, s. 8A(b)
innkeeper innkeepers 旅店主理人 Cap. 158, Long Title
innocence innocence 清白 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innocence 無罪 Cap. 227, s. 83
innocence 無錯失 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
presumption of innocence 無罪推定 Cap. 503AB, Schedule
innocent innocent 不知情的 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
innocent belief 無不軌意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent belief 無犯罪意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent explanation 清白解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent explanation 無辜解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent infringement of copyright 不知情侵犯版權 Cap. 528, s. 275(4)

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innocent misrepresentations 無意的失實陳述 Cap. 284, Long Title

innocent motive 清白動機 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent ... omission 大意遺漏 Cap. 112, s. 51B(1AAA)(b)
innocent oversight or omission 無心之失 Cap. 112, s. 51A(1)
innocent possession 不知情管有 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent possession 無犯罪意圖的管有 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent reason 清白理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent reason 無辜理由 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
innocent third party 不知情的第三者 Cap. 347, s. 26(4)
innocent innocent 無罪 Cap. 383, s. 8
presumed innocent 假定……無罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
innocent dissemination innocent dissemination 無辜傳播 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innocent innocent misrepresentation 無意的失實陳述 Cap. 284, s. 2
innocent party innocent party 無錯失一方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innocently innocently 無意地 Cap. 21, s. 25(1)
innocently acquired 不知情地取得 Cap. 528, s. 207(3)
innocently or not 不論是否不知情地 Cap. 210, s. 4(1)
innominate innominate 匿名 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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innominate 無名 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
innominate rights 無名的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Innovation and Innovation and Technology Venture Fund Scheme 創科創投基金計劃 Cap. 112, s. 20AR(2)
Technology Venture
Fund Scheme
Inns of Court Inns of Court (Eng.) [Lincoln's Inn, Inner Temple, Middle 四所大律師學院(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
Temple, and Gray's Inn] and Commercial Law Terms
innuendo innuendo ["by nodding"; meaning; to wit; that is to say] 狀書的註解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innuendo ["by nodding"; meaning; to wit; that is to say] 附註句 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innuendo ["by nodding"; meaning; to wit; that is to say] 暗指 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innuendo ["by nodding"; meaning; to wit; that is to say] 影射 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
innuendo ["by nodding"; meaning; to wit; that is to say] 譏諷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inofficiosus inofficiosus ["inofficious"] 不近人情 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inofficiosus ["inofficious"] 不道德 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inofficiosus ["inofficious"] 無道義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inoperative inoperative 不具任何效用 Cap. 32H, r. 63
inoperative 不能實行 Cap. 609, s. 20(1)
inoperative 不能實行的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

inoperative 不發揮效用 Cap. 19, s. 24
inoperative 無法律效力的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inoperative 無效 Cap. 329, s. 51
inopportune inopportune 不適當 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inops consilii inops consilii ["destitute of counsel"] 沒有代表律師 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inops consilii ["destitute of counsel"] 沒有法律意見提供 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in-patient in-patient 住院病人 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
in-patient 留院 Cap. 57, s. 33A(4)
input vetting data inputs 審查……數據進項 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2
inquest death inquest 死因研訊 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.11
inquest 死因研訊 Cap. 478, s. 2(1)
inquest 研訊 Cap. 504, s. 2
inquest with a jury 在有陪審團參與的情況下進行研訊 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.11
reopened ... inquest 重開的……研訊 Cap. 504, s. 20(3)
inquire inquire 查究 Cap. 409, s. 21(6)(a)
inquire into 查訊 Cap. 25, s. 7(1)
inquired into 研訊 Cap. 159, s. 8AA(1)(b)
inquirer inquirers 研訊人員 Cap. 161, Sch. 6
inquiry a party to an inquiry 研訊的一方 Cap. 159, s. 36(8)

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admit or exclude ... from the inquiry 容許或禁止……旁聽研訊 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(c)
Board of Inquiry 研訊委員會 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
board of inquiry 調查委員會 Cap. 55, s. 2
commissions of inquiry 調查委員會 Cap. 86, Long Title
death inquiry 死因研訊 Cap. 234A, r. 104(2)
disciplinary inquiry 紀律研訊 Cap. 156, s. 18
due and diligent inquiry 妥善而盡職的查訊 Cap. 622, s. 240(3)(b)
due inquiry 適當的研訊 Cap. 156, s. 2(1)
full inquiry 全面查訊 Cap. 32, s. 233(1)
hold an inquiry 舉行研訊 Cap. 138, s. 16(1)
inquiry 查訊 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
inquiry 查詢 Cap. 571, s. 332(7)
inquiry 研訊 Cap. 397, s. 11B(7)(b)
inquiry 調查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inquiry 調查研訊 Cap. 86, s. 3(a)
inquiry by a coroner 死因裁判官進行的死因研訊 Cap. 243, s. 15B(1)
inquiry committee 研訊委員會 Cap. 428, s. 17(1)
letter of inquiry 查訊函件 Cap. 541B, s. 24(9)
make a ... inquiry into 對……進行……調查 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(2)
necessary inquiry 必需的查訊 Cap. 123N, s. 8(b)
notice of inquiry 研訊通知書 Cap. 161E, s. 2

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order for inquiry 進行研訊的命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
preliminary inquiries 初步查訊 Cap. 397, s. 11A
preliminary inquiry 初步研訊 Cap. 56, s. 8(1)(a)
preliminary inquiry 初級研訊 Cap. 281, s. 51(1)
preliminary inquiry 初級偵訊 Cap. 227, s. 71A
reasonable inquiry 合理查究 Cap. 528, s. 11(5)
reasonable inquiry 合理查詢 Cap. 219, Sch. 2
safe from apprehension or inquiry 不會被拘捕或偵訊 Cap. 210, s. 25
statutory inquiry 法定研訊 Cap. 528, s. 55(4)
subject of an inquiry 研訊的對象 Cap. 428, s. 9(1)(b)
transferred for a preliminary inquiry 移交作初級偵訊 Cap. 227, s. 87C(1)
under inquiry 正在偵訊 Cap. 227, s. 85(1)
inquisition inquisition 查訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inquisition 研訊 Cap. 38, s. 37(a)
inquisition 調查 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inquisitorial inquisitorial approach 以查訊的方式進行 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
inquisitorial procedure inquisitorial procedure 查訊式司法程序〔大陸法系中以查訊方式進行的司法程 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
序,即主審法官擔任查訊者的司法程序〕 ※比較 and Commercial Law Terms
accusatorial procedure
inquorate inquorate 不足法定人數 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inquorate 未達法定人數的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

INS INS 國際編碼系統 Cap. 132BD, s. 2(1)
insane insane 精神錯亂 Cap. 221A, r. 8
insanity insanity 精神錯亂 Cap. 212, s. 47D(6)
not guilty by reason of insanity 以精神紊亂為理由而判無罪 Cap. 492, s. 9(2)(c)
inscribe inscribe 註記 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.30
inscribed inscribed stock 記名股票 Cap. 29, s. 27(6)
insert wilfully inserts ... any false entry of ... 故意載入……方面的虛假記項 Cap. 200, s. 84
insider insider dealing 內幕交易 Cap. 571, s. 245(1)
insider dealing insider dealing [also insider trading] 內幕交易 Cap. 571, s. 245
Insider Dealing Insider Dealing Tribunal 內幕交易審裁處 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
insider information insider information 內幕消息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insignia emblems and insignia 標記及徽章 Cap. 602, s. 45(4)(b)
insignia 徽章 Cap. 151, s. 20(2)
insignificant insignificant 微不足道的 Cap. 480, s. 33(4)
insinuation insinuation 提交法律文書(存檔) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insinuation of a will 遺囑的登記〔以辦理遺囑認證〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insolvency insolvency 無力償債 Cap. 344, s. 41(ca)(vi)
insolvency 無償債能力 Cap. 571, s. 18(4)(c)
insolvency officer 債務處理人 Cap. 455, s. 2(1)
insolvency practitioner 破產管理業者 "Third Party Funding for

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Arbitration" Report, para. 1.16

insolvency proceedings 破產清盤法律程序 Cap. 584, s. 23
insolvency proceedings 針對無力償債的法律程序 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint insolvency 共同無力償債 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(a)(iii)
law of insolvency 破產清盤法 Cap. 155, s. 53C(16)(i)
obtained ... discharge from ... insolvency 獲對……無力償債的解除 Cap. 401, s. 30(2)(b)
personal insolvency agreement 個人無力償債協議 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.23
Insolvency Officer Chief Insolvency Officer 總破產管理主任 Cap. 6, Sch. 2
Insolvency Officer 破產管理主任 Cap. 6, Sch. 2
Senior Insolvency Officer 高級破產管理主任 Cap. 6, Sch. 2
insolvent insolvent 無力償債 Cap. 6, s. 51
insolvent company 無力償債公司 Cap. 32, s. 264A(1)
insolvent debtors 無償債能力的債務人 Cap. 485, Sch. 1A
insolvent estate 無力償債的產業 Cap. 6A, r. 122C(2)(c)
insolvent estate of a deceased person 無力償債死者的遺產 Cap. 584, s. 2
insolvent liquidation 無力償債清盤程序 Cap. 32, s. 266A(1)(b)
inspect inspect 巡查 Cap. 599G, s. 11(a)
inspect 查核 Cap. 33, s. 36
inspect 查閱 Cap. 159, s. 5(1)
inspect 視察 Cap. 51, s. 12(1)(a)
inspect 檢查 Cap. 618, s. 2(1)
inspect communication 對通訊進行檢查 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30

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inspect ... document 查閱……文件 Cap. 571, s. 180(1)(b)

inspect ... register 查閱……紀錄冊 Cap. 406, s. 33(4)
inspects 察看 Cap. 521, s. 3(1)(a)
report ... may be inspected 可……閱覽報告 Cap. 602, s. 67(7)
inspection available for inspection 供……查閱 Cap. 208, s. 9(3)
certificate of inspection during construction 建造期檢驗證明書 Cap. 56, s. 2(1)
committee of inspection 審查委員會 Cap. 32, s. 227B(1)(a)
exempt from inspection 免受搜查 Cap. 36, Schedule
inspection 查驗 Cap. 607, s. 35(1)(b)
inspection 審視 Cap. 486, s. 20(5)(a)
inspection 審閱 Cap. 132BG, s. 9(1)
inspection body 檢驗機構 Cap. 56, s. 13(a)
inspection of documents 檢視文件 Cap. 528D, r. 25(4)(q)
internal audits or inspections 內部審核或審查 Cap. 584, Sch. 6
made available for inspection by the public 供公眾人士查閱 Cap. 541J, s. 8(1)
make available for public inspection 供公眾人士……查閱 Cap. 559, s. 66(4)
open to inspection 開放予……查閲 Cap. 336H, O. 121, r. 13(2)(a)
open to public inspection 公開予公眾人士查閱 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 38
periodic inspection 定期檢查 Cap. 369, s. 102(1)(a)
periodical inspection 定期檢查 Cap. 548G, Sch. 8
public inspection 公眾查閱 Cap. 490, s. 8(3)(a)
public inspection period 公眾查閱期 Cap. 499, s. 8(3)(a)
readily available for inspection 可供隨時查閱 Cap. 138A, s. 9(4)(d)

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readily available for inspection 可便捷地供查閱 Cap. 311AB, s. 14(1)(b)

rights of ... inspection 檢查權 Cap. 557, Schedule
site inspection 實地視察 Cap. 106, s. 14(1)
the inspection of ... 檢查…… Cap. 599, s. 7(2)(m)(ii)
visual inspection 目視檢查 Cap. 506, s. 14(2)(a)
Inspection Committee Inspection Committee 視察委員會 Cap. 561, Sch. 1
inspector companies inspector 公司審查員 Cap. 571, s. 186(2)
health inspector 衞生督察 Cap. 612, s. 59(5)
inspector 視察主任 Cap. 556, s. 33(2)(a)
inspector 視察員 Cap. 29, s. 95(1)
inspector 督察 Cap. 459, s. 17
inspector 審查員 Cap. 155, s. 118(1)
inspector 調查員 Cap. 159, s. 8AA(1)
inspector 檢驗人員 Cap. 123P, s. 22(1)
inspector of police (Auxiliary) 警務督察(輔警) Cap. 233, s. 2
registered inspector 註冊檢驗人員 Cap. 123, s. 30D(1)(a)
ship inspector 驗船督察 Cap. 548D, s. 33(7)
Inspectors Registration Inspectors Registration Committee 檢驗人員註冊事務委員會 Cap. 123A, reg. 3(4E)
install installed 裝設 Cap. 406C, reg. 3(a)
installation installation 安裝 Cap. 354N, s. 2
installation 裝設 Cap. 548G, Sch. 3
installation 裝置 Cap. 247, s. 10(2)
water ... installation or works 水務……的裝置或工程 Cap. 354N, s. 2

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instalment by instalments 分期 Cap. 13, s. 10(2)(a)

first instalment 首期款額 Cap. 227C, Schedule
in equal monthly instalments 以相等的每月分期付款方式 Cap. 112, s. 5B(3)
monthly instalments 按月分期 Cap. 99, s. 7
payable by instalments 可以分期付款方式支付 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
instance in the first instance 先行 Cap. 227, s. 9(1)
in the first instance 初步 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 8(1)
in the first instance 初審時 Cap. 227, s. 57
in the first instance 首先 Cap. 17A, r. 13(2)
instance at his own instance 自行 Cap. 3, s. 20(a)
at the instance of 提出 Cap. 21, s. 9(1)
at the instance of ... 在……提出要求時 Cap. 192, s. 2A(1)(a)
at the instance of ... 應……的請求 Cap. 32H, r. 117
at the instance ... of ... 應……之請 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 2
at the instance of the parties 在各方所作安排下 Cap. 282B, r. 15
called ... at the instance of the court 由法庭提出傳召 Cap. 221, s. 9B(3)(b)
instantaneously instantaneously 瞬時 Cap. 413K, s. 28(1)(a)(ii)
instead of instead of 取代 Cap. 459, s. 9(3)
instigate instigate 鼓動 Cap. 200, s. 3(1)(c)
instigation at the instigation of 在其唆使……下 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
instigation 唆使 Cap. 427, s. 3(2)(a)
institute institute 訂立 Cap. 1130, s. 5(b)
institute 提起 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

institute an inquiry 展開研訊 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
institute execution (of a sum) against sb. 循法律程序向某人追討(一筆款項) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
institute legal proceedings in the courts 向法院提起訴訟 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
institute proceedings 提出法律程序 Cap. 200, s. 159H(2)(b)
institute proceedings 提起法律程序 Cap. 221, s. 16(1)(a)
institute proceedings 提起研訊程序 Cap. 571, s. 252(1)
instituted 着手進行 Cap. 1, s. 23(e)
proceedings are instituted 起訴 Cap. 405, s. 27(1)(a)
(proceedings) instituted in the name of sb. 由某人以其名義提起的(法律程序) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
where proceedings are instituted 凡有人提起法律程序 Cap. 49, s. 4(6)
institute standards institute 標準檢定機構 Cap. 456, s. 4(1)(c)
tertiary educational institute 專上學院 Cap. 406, s. 32(2)
institution approved institution 認可機構 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)(b)(xiii)
archival institution 檔案管理機構 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.27
authorized financial institution 認可財務機構 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
authorized institution 認可機構 Cap. 66, s. 3A(2)
beneficiary institution 收款機構 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
bridge institution 過渡機構 Cap. 628A, s. 15(7)(b)
charitable institution 慈善機構 Cap. 1077, s. 2
charitable institution or trust of a public character 屬公共性質的慈善機構或慈善信託 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 4

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custodial institution 託管機構 Cap. 112, Sch. 17C

custodial institution 羈押院所 Cap. 510, s. 2
depository institution 存款機構 Cap. 112, Sch. 17C
education institution 教育機構 Cap. 608, s. 2
educational institution 教育院校 Cap. 400A, Schedule
educational institution 教育機構 Cap. 368A, reg. 2(1)
educational institutions 院校 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 137
former authorized institution 前認可機構 Cap. 155, s. 2(1)
institution 機構 Cap. 132, s. 124C(c)
institutions 院所 Cap. 280, s. 3(1)
non-governmental institutions 民間機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 157
ordering institution 匯款機構 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
originating institution 發起機構 Cap. 155L, Sch. 9
overseas financial institution 海外財務機構 Cap. 112, s. 16(3)
penal institution 監禁管敎場所 Cap. 503J, Schedule
permanent arbitral institution 常設仲裁機構 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
public benevolent institution 公益機構 "Charities" Report, para. 7.30
public institution or establishment 公立機構或組織 Cap. 221, s. 97
registered institution 註冊機構 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
separate authorized institution 單獨的認可機構 Cap. 155, s. 79(4)
settlement institution 交收機構 Cap. 584, s. 30(1)
substantial financial institution 具規模財務機構 Cap. 485A, s. 2
technical institution 工業院校 Cap. 47, s. 2
tertiary institution 大專院校 Cap. 159Q, s. 4(1)(a)(ii)

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welfare institutions 福利機構 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 141

institution institution of a prosecution 提出檢控 Cap. 201, s. 31(4)
institution of proceedings 提起法律程序 Cap. 455, s. 2(15)
institutional institutional banking 機構銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
institutional premises 機構處所 Cap. 358D, reg. 2(1)
institutional corresponding institutional safeguards 相應的制度保障 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 24
instruct instruct 委託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instruct 延聘 Cap. 159H, r. 2(b)
instruct 指示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instruct 聘用 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
instruct counsel 委託大律師 Cap. 179, s. 16(1)(a)
the solicitor instructing counsel 向大律師發出指示的律師 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
instructing instructing solicitor 發出指示的律師 Cap. 221D, r. 21(8)(a)(i)
instructing solicitor instructing solicitor (代當事人向大律師)發出指示的律師 Cap. 221D, r. 21
instruction acting under the instructions of ... 根據……的指示行事 Cap. 354, s. 16A(5)(a)
administrative instructions 行政指令 Cap. 382, s. 8(3)
instruction 指令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instruction 指示 Cap. 1146, s. 7(d)
lawful instructions 合法指示 Cap. 104D, by-law 14(c)
official ... instruction 正式……指示 Cap. 104E, by-law 4(1)(g)
oral ... instruction 口頭……指示 Cap. 406, s. 32(1)

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special instructions 特別指令 Cap. 87, s. 7(1)

take instructions 錄取(當事人)指示 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
written instructions 書面指示 Cap. 485A, s. 35B(2)
instruction any form of education or instruction 任何形式的教育或教授 Cap. 602, s. 2(1)
instruction 指導 Cap. 238, s. 12(1)(b)
instructions for use 使用辦法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 5
medium of instruction 授課語言 Cap. 602, s. 20(2)(a)
instruction instruction 委託 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instruction 延聘指示 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 4A
instruction by a solicitor 被律師延聘 Cap. 87A, r. 2(2)(b)
letter of instructions 延聘指示的信件 Cap. 4A, App. D
letters of instruction 指示函件 Cap. 4A, App. A
take instructions 接受延聘 Cap. 159, s. 48
the giving, withholding or acceptance of instructions to a 發出、拒發或接受委聘大律師的指示 Cap. 602, s. 35(3)
instructor restricted driving instructor 受限制駕駛教師 Cap. 374B, reg. 2
instrument bearer instrument 不記名文書 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
bearer instrument 不記名票據 Cap. 581, Sch. 1
capital instrument 資本票據 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
charitable instrument 慈善文書 Cap. 487, s. 51(4)
clearing of cheques and other instruments 結算支票與其他工具 Cap. 364, s. 4(i)
Convention instrument 《公約》文書 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)
currency and interest rate-linked instruments 貨幣及利率掛鈎票據 Cap. 571, s. 392(1)(a)(ii)

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currency-linked instruments 貨幣掛鈎票據 Cap. 571, s. 392(1)(a)(i)

database instrument 資料庫文書 Cap. 614, s. 2(1)
debt instrument 債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 26A(1)(d)
debt instrument 債項文書 Cap. 485A, s. 7(2)
discounted negotiable instrument 已貼現可流轉票據 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
Exchange Fund debt instrument 外匯基金債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 26A(2)
false instrument 虛假文書 Cap. 8, s. 78
four corners of an instrument 在整份文書的範圍內 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
governing instrument 規管文書 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
Hong Kong dollar denominated multilateral agency debt 多邊代理機構港幣債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 26A(1)(f)
inchoate instrument 不完整的票據 Cap. 19, s. 20
instrument 文書 Cap. 1, s. 2(1)
instrument 法律文件 Cap. 405, s. 10(11)(a)
instrument 票據 Cap. 155, s. 137B
instrument affecting land 影響土地的文書 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
instrument creating the trust 設立信託的文書 Cap. 29, s. 41S(2)(a)
instrument in writing 文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instrument in writing 文據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instrument in writing 書面形式的文書 Cap. 128, s. 31
instrument of accession 加入書 Cap. 503J, Schedule

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instrument of appointment 任命文書 Cap. 569, s. 3(1)(b)

instrument of appointment 委任文書 Cap. 336, s. 4
instrument of delegation 轉授文書 Cap. 589, s. 53A(3)
instrument of exchange 交易票據 Cap. 112, s. 51(4A)(d)
instrument of incorporation 法團成立文書 Cap. 571, s. 112K(1)
instrument of proxy 委託書 Cap. 32H, r. 132
instrument of release 發還文書 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 13(1)
instrument of surrender 退回文書 Cap. 285, s. 65
instrument of transfer 轉讓文書 Cap. 117, s. 2
instrument under the Public Seal 蓋有公印的文書 Cap. 336, s. 4(2)
instruments of accession 加入文書 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
instruments of accession 參加簽訂書 Cap. 503K, Schedule
instruments of ratification 批准文書 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
international instrument 國際文書 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(2)
legal instrument 法律文書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 1
leviable instrument 徵款適用文書 Cap. 626, s. 51
long term debt instrument 長期債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 26A(2)
medium term debt instrument 中期債務票據 Cap. 112, s. 14A(4)
negotiable instrument 可流轉票據 Cap. 6, s. 46
payment instruments 作付款用的票據 Cap. 537AE, s. 1
prescribed instrument 訂明票據 Cap. 155, s. 137B(1)

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primary instrument 基本文書 Cap. 1, s. 29A(4)(b)

Protocol instrument 《議定書》文書 Cap. 607, s. 2(1)
reserved or made payable under an instrument in writing 根據某一文書……保留權益以收取或規定須支付 Cap. 18, s. 3
system of registration of instruments 文書註冊制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
testamentary instrument 遺囑性質文書 Cap. 10, s. 2
testamentary instrument 遺囑性質的文書 Cap. 30, s. 2
title deriving from registered instruments 從註冊文書所得到的業權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
traded instrument 買賣票據 Cap. 155S, r. 9(2)(f)(iv)(A)
transaction instrument 交易文書 Cap. 622M, s. 2(1)
trust instrument 信託文書 Cap. 29, s. 56(1)
unsecured debt instrument 無抵押債務票據 Cap. 628A, s. 13(2)(c)
vesting instrument 轉歸文書 Cap. 1167, s. 16(2)(f)
instrument financial instrument 金融工具 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(2)
financial instrument ... originated by ... ……發起的金融工具 Cap. 112, s. 18K(5)(a)
instrument 工具 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instrument 手段 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
structured financial instrument 結構式金融工具 Cap. 155Q, r. 49(2)(g)
instrumental instrumental 有利於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
instrumental 有助於 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insubordinate insubordinate 不服從 Cap. 234A, r. 239(1)(b)

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insubordination insubordination 不服從上級 Cap. 233, s. 14

insue insue [also ensue] 因而產生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insue [also ensue] 接着發生 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insufficient insufficient evidence 沒有足夠證據 Cap. 109, s. 58(3)
insufficient or excessive prominence 過分突顯或不夠顯著 Cap. 511, s. 46(4)(c)
the explanation offered is ... insufficient 所作解釋的理由不充分 Cap. 484A, r. 18(2)
insufficient evidence insufficient evidence 沒有足夠的證據 Cap. 478, s. 27
insufficient evidence 沒有足夠證據 Cap. 109, s. 58
insulated insulated compartment 非居住間 Cap. 295E, s. 2
insult insult 侮辱 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7
with intent to insult 意圖侮辱 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(1)
insulting abusive, threatening or insulting expression 帶有辱罵、恐嚇或侮辱性的詞句 Cap. 359, s. 23(6)(a)
behaves in an insulting manner 行為有侮辱成分 Cap. 359, s. 23(6)(a)
insulting manner 侮辱性的行為 Cap. 138, s. 16A(5)(a)
insulting or disorderly conduct 侮辱或不檢的行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
insulting words 帶有……侮辱的語句 Cap. 234A, r. 61(d)
threatening or insulting expression 威脅或侮辱性的詞句 Cap. 227, s. 99
threatening or insulting expression 恐嚇性或侮辱性的言詞 Cap. 138, s. 16A(5)(a)
insurable insurable interest 可保權益 Cap. 329, s. 5(1)
insurable property 可保財產 Cap. 329, s. 3(2)(a)
insurance adequate insurance 足夠保險 Cap. 485A, s. 2
after-the-event insurance 事後保險 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.40

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all-risk insurance policy 綜合保險單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of insurance 保險證書 Cap. 272, s. 6
classes of insurance business 保險業務類別 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
compulsory insurance 強制保險 Cap. 605, Long Title
contract of insurance 保險合約 Cap. 41, s. 3(2)
double insurance 重複保險 Cap. 329, s. 32(2)
effect any contracts of insurance 訂立任何保險合約 Cap. 41, s. 13(3)
effect insurance 投購保險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
endorsement on an insurance policy 保險單上的批註 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fire insurance business 火險業務 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
goods in transit insurance 貨運保險 Cap. 41, s. 2(4)
insurance 保險 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
insurance 保險計劃 Cap. 112, s. 17(1)(e)
insurance 保險費 Cap. 330, s. 4E(2)(c)(ii)
insurance agent 保險代理人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
insurance broker 保險經紀 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
insurance business 保險業務 Cap. 41, Long Title
insurance cover 承保額 Cap. 485A, s. 8(1)(c)
insurance coverage 保險保障 Cap. 159, s. 7AD(5)
insurance firm 保險商號 Cap. 155L, s. 2(1)
insurance industry 保險業 Cap. 411, s. 3(2)(d)
insurance intermediary 保險中介人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)

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insurance liabilities 保險負債 Cap. 41C, s. 1A

insurance market 保險業市場 Cap. 41, s. 4A(2)(ec)
insurance money 保險賠款 Cap. 112, s. 16J(5)(b)
insurance monies 保險金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insurance policy 保險單 Cap. 411, s. 2
insurance slips 保險承保條 Cap. 4A, App. A
insurance supervisory authority 保險監管機構 Cap. 41, s. 53C(1)
licensed individual insurance agent 持牌個人保險代理 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed insurance agent 持牌保險代理人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed insurance broker 持牌保險經紀 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed insurance broker company 持牌保險經紀公司 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed insurance intermediary 持牌保險中介人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
licensed long term individual insurance agent 持牌長期業務個人保險代理 Cap. 485, s. 34E
licensed long term insurance agency 持牌長期業務保險代理機構 Cap. 485, s. 34E
licensed long term insurance broker company 持牌長期業務保險經紀公司 Cap. 485, s. 34E
life insurance 人壽保險 Cap. 112, s. 23(1)
limits up to which insurance may be effected 保險可予訂立的最高限額 Cap. 98A, reg. 21
marine insurance 海上保險 Cap. 329, s. 2
marine insurance business 海上保險業務 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
motor vehicle insurance business 汽車保險業務 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
mutual insurance 相互保險 Cap. 329, s. 85(1)
obtain insurance 獲得承保 Cap. 282, s. 40(1A)
policy of insurance 保險單 Cap. 272, s. 2

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professional indemnity insurance 專業彌償保險 Cap. 41, s. 73(1)(e)(ii)

public liability insurance 公眾責任保險 Cap. 560A, s. 9
registered insurance company 註冊保險公司 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
secure the continuance of an insurance policy 確保保險單一直有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
sustainable market development of the insurance industry 保險業市場的可持續發展 Cap. 41, s. 4A(2)(ec)
take out an insurance policy 投購保險單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
take out insurance 投購保險 Cap. 279, s. 40BG(7)
take out ... insurance 投保 Cap. 584, Sch. 7
take out ... policy of insurance 取得……保險單 Cap. 210, s. 18(2)(b)
to cover ... by insurance 在保險方面……受保 Cap. 71, s. 3(5)(b)
underwrite insurance business 承保保險 Cap. 41, s. 50C(5)
unitized insurance policy 單位化保險單 Cap. 485A, s. 37(2)(d)
Insurance Authority Insurance Authority 保險業監督 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
Insurance Authority 保險業監管局 Cap. 41, s. 4AAA(1)
insure fully insured 十足受保 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
insure 投保 Cap. 29, s. 21
insure 投購保險 Cap. 26, s. 34(3)
insure 承保 Cap. 329, s. 85
insure and keep insured 投購保險並使保險持續有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insured against 為……購買保險 Cap. 273, s. 2(1)
is insured 受保 Cap. 329, s. 6(1)

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right to insure 投保的權利 Cap. 98A, reg. 21

to insure ... against ... 為……承保…… Cap. 1115, s. 9A
insured insured 受保人 Cap. 182, s. 13(4)
insured 受保的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
insured person 受保人 Cap. 548, s. 23H
keep ... insured against loss or damage by fire to the full value 就火災所可能導致……的損失或損壞而購買全值火險 Cap. 29, s. 11(2)
persons insured 受保人 Cap. 548, s. 23I(1)
the insured 受保人 Cap. 41, s. 64D
the person insured 受保人 Cap. 41, Sch. 1
insurer approved insurer 認可保險人 Cap. 50, s. 28D(12)
approved overseas insurer 核准海外保險人 Cap. 485A, s. 2
authorized captive insurer 獲授權專屬自保保險人 Cap. 112, s. 14B(1)(b)
authorized insurer 獲授權保險人 Cap. 41, s. 13B(1)
authorized insurers 獲認可保險人 Cap. 159M, r. 2
captive insurer 專屬自保保險人 Cap. 41, s. 10(4)(ba)
commercial insurers 商業保險人 Cap. 1115, s. 9(3)
former insurer 前任保險人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
insurer 承保人 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 2, para. 24, Footnote 13
insurer 保險人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
insurer 保險商 Cap. 182, s. 13(7)
insurers of third party risks 承保第三者風險的保險人 Cap. 273, Long Title
liability insurer 法律責任保險人 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.13

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prudent insurer 審慎的保險人 Cap. 548, s. 23G(7)

voting power in an ... insurer 保險人內部投票權 Cap. 41, s. 13B(8)
insurrection insurrection 叛亂 Cap. 605, s. 7(a)
insurrection 起義 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
intangible intangible 無形的 Cap. 1085, s. 23(2)(a)
intangible assets 無形財產 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 115
intangible assets 無形資產 Cap. 41G, r. 2
intangible property 無形財產 Cap. 210, s. 5(1)
whether tangible or intangible 不論是實體的或是無形的 Cap. 556, s. 36(2)(a)
intangible assets intangible assets 無形資產 Cap. 41G, r. 10
integral integral 主要的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral 缺一不可的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral 構成整體所必需的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral contract 整體合約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral part 不可分割的部分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral part 必要的組成部分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral part 整體中的一部分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
integral part 整體部分 Cap. 268, s. 18
integral part 屬……的一部分 Cap. 155L, s. 28(3)(a)

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plays an integral role 擔任不可分割的角色 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4

integrated single integrated assembly 單一集成組件 Cap. 598, Sch. 1
integration integration 整合 Cap. 625, s. 28
integrity endanger the integrity of the judicial process 危害司法程序的公正不阿 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.92
integrity 公正不阿 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.79
integrity 正直品格 Cap. 159H, r. 2(a)
integrity 正直操守 Cap. 159AI, s. 3(a)
integrity 行事持正 Cap. 50, s. 7(g)
integrity 持正 Cap. 155, Sch. 11
integrity 持正精神 Cap. 564, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
maintain the integrity 維持……行事持正 Cap. 1105, s. 4(b)
promote integrity 促使……行事持正 Cap. 511, s. 5(b)
integrity financial integrity 在財政方面的穩健性 Cap. 571, s. 129(1)(d)
integrity 完整性 Cap. 553, s. 7(1)(a)
integrity 廉潔穩健 Cap. 571, s. 307N(3)(c)
intellectual Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 《與貿易有關的知識產權協議》 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
intellectual disability 智力障礙 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.21
intellectual effort 智力勞動成果 Cap. 445, s. 3(1)(a)
intellectual functioning 智能 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,

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para. 9.17
intellectual property 知識產權 Cap. 565, s. 8(4)(a)(iii)
intellectual property regime 知識產權制度 Cap. 445, Long Title
intellectual property rights 知識產權權利 Cap. 528, s. 129
people with intellectual disabilities 智障人士 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 5.25
person with intellectual disability 智力殘障人士 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 11.49, Footnote 7
intellectual property intellectual property 知識產權 Cap. 4, s. 44A
intellectual property rights 知識產權權利 Cap. 528, s. 129
intelligence intelligence 消息 Cap. 268, s. 2
security or intelligence 保安或情報 Cap. 521, s. 12(7)
intelligible intelligible 易於理解的 Cap. 446A, s. 5
intelligible testimony 令人明瞭的證供 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
INTELSAT Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications 與國際通信衞星組織“INTELSAT”有關的協定(連同業 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Satellite Organization "INTELSAT" (with Operating 務協定)
intend conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
expressed or intended by the parties to ... 有關各方所示明或擬使其……的 Cap. 150, s. 3(2)(a)
intend to ... 故意…… Cap. 21, s. 25(5)(a)

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intended 意圖 Cap. 405, s. 25(2)(a)

intended to 旨在 Cap. 584, Sch. 6
intended to ... 用意在於…… Cap. 374A, reg. 73(2)
intended to be evaded 意欲逃避 Cap. 398, s. 24(1)
... intended to be induced 意圖誘使發生…… Cap. 200, s. 70(1)
intends 打算 Cap. 403, s. 5(1)(b)
intends to ... 有意…… Cap. 9, s. 3(2)(e)
intends to ... 擬…… Cap. 486, s. 35C(1)
is intended 擬 Cap. 405, s. 24D(1)(c)
protected intending occupier 受保障的擬佔用人 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
intended intended act 意圖作出的作為 Cap. 527, s. 31(2)
intended applicant 有意提出申請的申請人 Cap. 484A, r. 3
intended beneficiary 預定受益人 Cap. 30, s. 23(1)(b)
intended intervener 有意介入的介入者 Cap. 619D, Schedule
intended manner 預定方式 Cap. 406E, reg. 7(1)
intended purpose 原定用途 Cap. 559, s. 11(1)(c)
intended purpose 預定用途 Cap. 406E, reg. 13(1)
intended transferee 準受讓人 Cap. 353A, reg. 3A(1)
intended use 預定用途 Cap. 607, Sch. 2
intended use 擬作的用途 Cap. 123, s. 25(2)(a)
intended use 擬進行的使用 Cap. 486, s. 35C(2)(a)(ii)
intended witness 擬作為證人的人 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(4)(a)
notice of the intended prosecution 擬檢控通知書 Cap. 374, s. 68(1)(c)

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intended charge intended charge 擬施加的押記 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
intending intending director 未來董事 Cap. 571, s. 292(1)(a)
intending party 擬成為一方的人 Cap. 17, s. 10(3)(a)
intendment of law intendment of law 法律含義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intendment of law 法律意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intensive intensive correction 加強感化 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.8
intent access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
acts and intents 作為及意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
administering a substance with intent 有所意圖而施用物質 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.22
administering a substance with intent 故意施用物質 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.32
an intent to defraud 欺詐意圖 Cap. 200, s. 92
assault with intent to commit buggery 意圖作出肛交而襲擊 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
5.3, Footnote 5
assault with intent to commit murder 意圖謀殺而襲擊 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence 意圖犯性罪行而犯罪 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.30
common intent and understanding 一般用意及理解 Cap. 112, s. 63
conspiracy to forcibly take away or detain a person with intent 串謀將人強行帶走或禁錮而意圖取得贖金 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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to procure a ransom Criminal Proceedings

corrupt intent 舞弊意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
criminal intent 犯罪意圖 Cap. 221, s. 65A, Heading
criminal or dishonest intent 有犯罪或不誠實意圖 Cap. 200, s. 161, Heading
dishonest intent to cause loss to another 不誠實地意圖導致他人蒙受損失 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(d)
for all intents and purposes 為所有用意及目的 Cap. 478, s. 28(6)
fraudulent intent 欺詐意圖 "Charities" Report, para. 9.55
general expression of intent 無明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(1)
guilty intent 犯罪意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
intent 用意 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.50
intent 意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intent and effect 目的及作用 Cap. 1155, s. 3
intent to alarm 意圖使……受驚 Cap. 200, s. 5(b)
intent to deceive 意圖欺騙 Cap. 7, s. 10(6)
latent legislative intent [also dormant legislative intent] 隱含的立法意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
legislative intent 立法原意 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 18
legislative intent 立法意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of intent 意向書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of intent 意向通知(書) Cap. 622, s. 442

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specific expression of intent 有明確選擇購樓意向 Cap. 621, s. 34(2)

specific intent 特定犯罪意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
specific intent 特定意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm 意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而……打人 Cap. 243, Schedule
the intent of the person need not be directed at ... 該人的意圖不一定要針對…… Cap. 106, s. 27A(2)(a)
to (or for) all intents and purposes [for practical purposes] 在各方面 Cap. 4, s. 31
to (or for) all intents and purposes [for practical purposes] 為所有用意及目的 Cap. 126, s. 12
to (or for) all intents and purposes [for practical purposes] 就所有用意及目的而言 Cap. 29, s. 73
to (or for) all intents and purposes [for practical purposes] 實際上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the intent 以使 Cap. 1144, s. 4
trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence 意圖犯性罪行而侵入 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 6.42
true intent 真正用意 Cap. 1, s. 19
with a dishonest intent to cause loss to another 不誠實地意圖導致他人蒙受損失 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(d)
with a dishonest intent to deceive 不誠實地意圖欺騙 Cap. 200, s. 161(1)(b)
with a fraudulent intent 存欺詐意圖 Cap. 98, s. 33(1)(b)
with intent by means thereof to endanger life 意圖用以危害生命 Cap. 238, s. 16(1)
with intent to 意圖 Cap. 29, s. 98(1)
with intent to 蓄意 Cap. 413A, reg. 11(b)(ii)
with intent to cause 意圖造成 Cap. 357, s. 11(2)
with intent to deceive ... 有欺詐意圖而…… Cap. 324, s. 7(2)
with intent to defraud 意圖詐騙 Cap. 571, s. 151(4)

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with intent to defraud ... 出於詐騙……的意圖 Cap. 615, s. 5(8)

with intent to do so 為此目的 Cap. 245, s. 22(1)
with intent to injure ... 意圖損害…… Cap. 98, s. 27
with intent to insult 意圖侮辱 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(1)
with the relevant knowledge or intent 知悉有關的情況或懷有有關的意圖 Cap. 554, s. 43(1)
without intent to defraud 無詐騙意圖 Cap. 362, s. 7(3)
wounding with intent to murder 意圖謀殺而……傷人 Cap. 243, Schedule
intention actual intention 實際意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common intention 共同意圖 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
contrary intention 相反用意 Cap. 410, s. 2(3)
contrary intention 相反意向 Cap. 8, s. 67(1)
contrary intention 相反意圖 Cap. 344, s. 3
contrary intention 相反意願 Cap. 290, s. 15(2)(a)
forms an intention to ... 意圖…… Cap. 200, s. 2(1)(b)
fraudulent intention 欺詐意圖 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 12(1)(b)
intention 用意 Cap. 468, s. 3(2)
intention 意向 Cap. 155, s. 52(2)(a)(i)(A)
intention 意圖 Cap. 466, s. 15(6)(a)
intention to possess 管有意圖 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
manifest intention 明顯的意願 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
no intention 無意 Cap. 485, s. 15(7)(b)

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notice of intention to act in person 擬親自行事通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 67, r. 4

notice of intention to apply for ... 申請……意向通知書 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
notice of intention to defend 擬抗辯通知書 Cap. 4, s. 21F(10)(a)
notice of intention to prosecute 擬檢控通知書 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
presumed intention 推定意圖 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
seditious intention 煽動意圖 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)
settled intention 堅定意願 Cap. 339, s. 5(3)
statement of intention 意向聲明 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
testamentary intentions 立遺囑人遺願 Cap. 30, s. 5(2)
true intention 真正用意 Cap. 256, s. 4(2)
unless a contrary intention appears 除非顯示相反的用意 Cap. 282, s. 4(2)
unless a contrary intention is expressed 除非有明示的相反意願 Cap. 528, s. 272I(5)
unless the contrary intention is expressed 除非明訂有相反用意 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)
with intention to deceive 意圖欺騙 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 14.19
with the intention 意圖 Cap. 316, s. 18(a)
with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose 為意圖助長達致犯罪目的 Cap. 525, s. 13(1)(c)
intentional intentional 蓄意 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 8.14
wilful and intentional 故意及蓄意 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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intentionally intentionally 故意 Cap. 466, s. 25(2)(c)

intentionally 蓄意 Cap. 406, s. 56(4)
intentionally cause 故意導致 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.29, Footnote 21
intentionally facilitating 蓄意便利 Cap. 494, Sch. 2
intentionally inflicted 蓄意 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 1(1)
intentionally misrepresents 蓄意作失實陳述 Cap. 369, s. 39(2)(a)
intentionally or recklessly 故意或罔顧後果地 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
intentionally publishes 故意發布 National Anthem Ordinance, s. 7(3)
intents and purposes to all intents and purposes 在一切用意及目的方面 Cap. 185, s. 2
to all intents and purposes 在各方面 Cap. 237, s. 18(1)
to all intents and purposes 為所有用意及目的 Cap. 181, s. 28
to all intents and purposes 就所有用意及目的而言 Cap. 29, s. 73(2)
inter alia inter alia ["among other things"] 其中包括 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inter alia ["among other things"] 連同其他事宜 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inter partes inter partes ["between parties"] 各方之間※比較 de una parte; ex parte; sua sponte Cap. 6A, r. 87B
inter partes ["between parties"] 訴訟各方之間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inter partes proceedings 各方之間的法律程序 Cap. 514C, s. 82(4)
inter partes summons 各方之間的傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 32A, r. 5
inter partes summons 各方傳票 Cap. 542F, r. 7

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inter partes summons 傳召訴訟各方的傳票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
inter se ... inter se ……之間 Cap. 117, s. 29DH(3)(b)
inter se ["between or among themselves"] 相互之間 Cap. 159, s. 72AA
inter vivos gift inter vivos 生者之間的贈予 Cap. 111, s. 6(7)
inter vivos ["between living persons"; from one living person to 生者之間 Cap. 184, s. 2
inter vivos ["between living persons"; from one living person to 在世時 Cap. 76, Schedule
interbank inter-bank 銀行同業 Cap. 628, Sch. 5
interbank reference interest rate 銀行同業參考利率 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
interbank market interbank market 銀行同業市場 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interbank market 銀行同業拆放市場 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interbank rate interbank rate 銀行同業拆息率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interception Commissioner on Interception of Communications and 截取通訊及監察事務專員 Cap. 589, s. 39(1)
interception 截取 Cap. 589, s. 2(1)
subject of the interception or covert surveillance 截取或秘密監察的目標人物 Cap. 589, s. 58(1)
interchangeably used interchangeably 相互交替使用 Cap. 622, s. 111(7)
interconnectedness interconnectedness 互相關連性 Cap. 155M, s. 16FF(4)(c)
intercountry Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in 《關於跨國領養的保護兒童及合作公約》 Cap. 290, Long Title
respect of Intercountry Adoption
intercourse consensual sexual intercourse 經同意下性交 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.47

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conspiracy to procure girls under 21 to have unlawful sexual 串謀促致年齡在21歲以下的女童與人非法性交 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
intercourse Criminal Proceedings
incapable of sexual intercourse 無性交能力 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.34
intercourse with mentally incapacitated person 與精神上無行為能力的人性交 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
lawful sexual intercourse 合法性交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1A)(b)
marital intercourse 行房 Cap. 8, s. 8(1)
sexual intercourse 性交 Cap. 200, s. 47(1)
sexual intercourse 發生性關係 Cap. 179, s. 2
sexual intercourse with an animal 與動物性交 "Miscellaneous Sexual Offences"
Consultation Paper, para. 4.30
unlawful sexual intercourse 非法性交 Cap. 200, s. 117(1B)
intercourse intercourse or dealings with ... enemy 與敵人……往來或交易 Cap. 346, s. 4(2)(a)
interdict interdict 停職 Cap. 232, s. 17
interdict ... from duty 停止其職務 Cap. 342, s. 12(1)(a)
interdict sb. from duty 停止某人的職務 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interdicted 被停職 Cap. 234, s. 20C(3)
interdict interdict 禁令 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 55
interdiction interdiction 停職 Cap. 95, s. 14A(1)
interest absolute interest 絕對權益 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
absolutely vested interest 絕對既得權益 Cap. 73, s. 4(8)

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affiliated interest 相關聯權益 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(1)

an interest in shares 股份……的權益 Cap. 571, s. 345(1)
beneficial interest 實益權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
benefit of an interest ……權益所賦予的利益 Cap. 208, s. 19(5)(d)
best interests 最佳利益 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.2
ceased to have any estate or interest in the land 停止擁有土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
certificates of interest 權益證明書 Cap. 571, s. 245(2)
claiming an estate or interest in the land 聲稱在……土地享有任何產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
claims no interest 不申索任何權益 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 3(4)(a)
common interest 共同權益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.15
common interest confidentiality agreement 共同權益保密協議 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.30
compensatable interest 可獲補償權益 Cap. 208, s. 19(1)(ii)
conflict of interest 利益衝突 Cap. 91, s. 12(1)
contingent interest 或有權益 Cap. 329, s. 7(1)
contingent interest 待確定權益 Cap. 29, s. 33
contingent ... interest 待確定的權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
controlling interest 控制性權益 Cap. 330, s. 2
controlling interest 控制權益 Cap. 111, s. 9(4)

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creation ... of an interest in land 產生土地權益 Cap. 71, Sch. 1

declaration of interest 申報利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
defeasible interest 可廢除權益 Cap. 329, s. 7(1)
determinable interest 可終止權益 Cap. 257, s. 16(1)
determinable interest 可終結的權益 Cap. 111, s. 6(6)(a)
detrimental to the interest of ... 損害……的利益 Cap. 581C, s. 5(1)(b)
detrimental to the interests of ... 有損……的利益 Cap. 155, s. 52(1)(c)(i)
direct economic interest 直接經濟利益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 6.28
discretionary interest 酌情權益 Cap. 253, s. 2
dispose of ... interest in severalty 將……權益分開脫手 Cap. 415, s. 12(b)
disposition of ... interest 權益……處置 Cap. 1146, s. 13(b)
economic interests 經濟利益 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 132
endangers the interests of ... 危害……的利益 Cap. 521, s. 15(2)(c)
equitable interest 衡平法上的權益 Cap. 528, s. 131(5)
equitable interest 衡平法權益 Cap. 219, s. 2
equitable interests in land 土地的衡平法權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
essential interests 基要利益 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(f)
essential public interest or policy 重大公眾利益或政策 Cap. 503F, Sch. 1
estate or interest in ... remainder 剩餘產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
estate or interest in reversion 復歸……產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
estate or interest in reversion or remainder 復歸或剩餘的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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estate or interest in the land 土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

estates, rights and interests 產業權、權利及權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
executory interest 未來有效的權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
executory interest 尚未生效的權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
existing interest 現有權益 Cap. 571, s. 310(1)(b)
expectant interest [also interest in expectancy] 預期權益 Cap. 111A, Schedule
fee simple interest 永久產權權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
financial interest 財務利益 Cap. 4A, O. 41A, r. 3
financial interest 財務權益 Cap. 448A, reg. 4
fixed security interest 固定的抵押權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
floating security interest 浮動的抵押權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
future estate or interest 未來產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
future interest 未來權益 Cap. 347, s. 19
general public interest 整體公眾利益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
has an interest in the land 在……土地……擁有權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
having a joint interest 共同擁有……權益 Cap. 571, s. 322(14)
having an interest in the estate 在有關遺產中有權益 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(5)
having an interest in the estate of ... 對……遺產享有權益 Cap. 548D, s. 26(2)(b)

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having any estate or interest in ... land 具有……土地的任何產業權或權益 Cap. 357, s. 2

having the entire interest to the exclusion of the other persons 獨享全部權益 Cap. 562, s. 2(7)
hold interests ... 持有……權益 Cap. 571, s. 316(5)(i)
injurious to the public interest 令公眾利益受到損害 Cap. 4, s. 45(3)
injurious to the public interest 損害公眾利益 Cap. 4A, O. 24, r. 15
insurable interest 可保權益 Cap. 329, s. 5(1)
interest 利益 Cap. 227, s. 2
interest 權益 Cap. 1, s. 3
interest at will 可隨時及隨意取消的權益 Cap. 219, s. 6
interest disclaimed 卸棄的權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interest disclaimed 被卸棄權益 Cap. 6A, r. 130
interest held ... beneficially in property 在某項財產上實益持有的權益 Cap. 525, Sch. 2
interest in expectancy [also expectant interest] 預期權益 Cap. 111, s. 3
interest in land 土地權益 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 33
interest in possession 管有中的權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
interest in property 財產權益 Cap. 23, s. 25B(5)
interest in remainder 剩餘權益 Cap. 30, s. 15(3)(a)
interest in reversion [also reversionary interest] 復歸權益 Cap. 571, s. 323
interest in shares 股份權益 Cap. 571, s. 133(2)(a)
interest reversionary 復歸權益 Cap. 257, s. 14(1)
interest under a trust 信託下的權益 Cap. 4A, O. 50, r. 2(1)(d)
interests, welfare and comfort 權益、福利及舒適 Cap. 283, s. 4(2)(e)

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intermediate estate or interest 中期產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(4)

joint interest 聯權共有權益 Cap. 562, s. 2(7)
landed interest 土地的權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landed interest 不動產權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lawful rights and interests 合法權益 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
lawful traditional rights and interests 合法傳統權益 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 40
leasehold interest 批租權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
leasehold interest 租賃權益 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 28
legal interest 法定權益 Cap. 219, s. 2
legal or equitable interest 法律上或衡平法上的權益 Cap. 109, s. 2(1)
legitimate interest 合法權益 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
Preface , para. 3
life interest 終身權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
life ... interest 終生享有……的權益 Cap. 111, s. 6(6)(a)
life interest ... in expectancy 預期中的終身權益 Cap. 29, s. 2
life or lesser interest 終身權益或非終身權益 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(c)
limited estate or interest 有限制產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 25(8)
majority interest 過半數權益 Cap. 415, s. 11
minority interest 少數股東權益 Cap. 155L, Sch. 4D
minority interest 少數權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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mutual interest 共同利益 Cap. 155, s. 97

notifiable interest 須具報(的)權益 Cap. 571, s. 308
of public interest 公眾所關注的 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
of special interest to ... 特別與……利益攸關的 Cap. 359, s. 4(2)(c)
overriding interest 凌駕性權益 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
overriding interest 超越性的權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
partial interest 不完整權益 Cap. 329, s. 8
party in interest 有利益的一方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
past interest 過去權益 Cap. 571, s. 329(2)(c)
pecuniary ... interest 金錢上……的權益 Cap. 511C, s. 7(1)(d)
percentage of interest 權益百分率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
possibility coupled with an interest 附有權益的不確定權 Cap. 29, s. 2
preceding estate or interest 在先產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(1)
prejudicial to the interest of the investing public 有損投資大眾的利益 Cap. 571, s. 193(1)
present interest 現時權益 Cap. 571, s. 329(2)(b)(i)
presumptive ... interest 推定……權益 Cap. 29, s. 34(1)(a)
presumptively interested 被推定為有權益的 Cap. 352, s. 6(1)(b)
prior equitable interest or right 優先的衡平法權益或權利 Cap. 571, s. 52(2)
prior interest 優先權益 Cap. 29, s. 35(1)
private interest 私人利益 Cap. 358, s. 43(2)(a)
promote the interests of ... 促進……的權益 Cap. 1132, s. 8A(3)(e)
proprietary interest 所有人權益 Cap. 31, s. 4(1)(a)

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proprietary interest 所有權權益 Cap. 522, s. 41(1)

proprietary right or interest 所有人權利或權益 Cap. 200, s. 59(2)(b)
prospective interest 預期利益 Cap. 445, s. 15(2)
prospective interest 預期權益 Cap. 528, s. 102(3)
public interest 公眾利益 Cap. 483, s. 14
public interest immunity 公眾利益豁免權 Cap. 155, s. 101E(3)
public interest so requires 公眾利益有此需要 Cap. 511, s. 7(1)
public interest so requires 為公眾利益起見而有此需要 Cap. 166, s. 9(e)
public interest test 公眾利益測試 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.32
public interests 公共利益 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
redeem the interest charged 贖回已予押記的權益 Cap. 38, s. 25(3)
regional or local interest 地區或本地利益 Cap. 41, s. 51(a)(ii)
regional or local interests 地區利益或本土利益 Cap. 306, s. 2(1)
register of directors' and chief executives' interests and short 董事及最高行政人員權益及淡倉登記冊 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
register of interests in shares and short positions 股份權益及淡倉登記冊 Cap. 571, s. 308(1)
registered interest 註冊權益 Cap. 522A, s. 32(2)(b)
registrable interests 須予登記的利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
related interest 有連繫性權益 Cap. 316Q, s. 1(4)(a)
represent the interests of ... 代表……的利益 Cap. 104, s. 10(2)
reversionary interest [also interest in reversion] 復歸權益 Cap. 571, s. 323
security interest 抵押權益 Cap. 1167, s. 2(1)
security interest 保證權益 Cap. 571, s. 323

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security interests 擔保權益 Cap. 76, Schedule

shared relevant interest 共同有關利益 Cap. 542, s. 3(1)
significant public interest 重大公眾利益 Cap. 584, s. 4(1)(b)
subject only to overriding interests 只受凌駕性權益規限 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
subsisting interest 續存權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
succeeding estate or interest 後繼產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(2)
sufficient interest 足夠權益 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.67
the interests of the administration of justice require that ... 為了執行司法工作的利益,有需要…… Cap. 4, s. 10(1)(b)
the whole interest 全部權益 Cap. 276, Sch. 1
trading interests 貿易權益 Cap. 471, s. 3(1)(b)
transfer of interests 權益轉讓 Cap. 1138, s. 16
unascertained interest 未能確定的權益 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13(1)
unity of interest 權益的共有 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unregistered interest 沒有註冊的權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
unregistered interests 未經註冊的……權益 Cap. 585, s. 27(2)(d)
unregistrable interest 不可註冊權益 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
unregistrable subsisting interest 不可註冊續存權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
vested interest 既得權益 Cap. 29, s. 33(1)(b)
interest accept loans of money at interest 接受有息貸款 Cap. 622, s. 359
accrual of interest 累算利息 Cap. 571Q, s. 8

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allowances for interest payments 預留利息支付 Cap. 601, s. 33(1)(c)(ii)

award interest 判給利息 Cap. 300, s. 20(3)
bear interest 衍生利息 Cap. 414, s. 23(7)(i)
bear interest 孳生利息 Cap. 619, s. 158A(2)(c)
borrow money at interest 納息借入款項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
carry interest 衍生利息 Cap. 597, s. 14
carry interest 計算利息 Cap. 338, s. 33
carry interest 帶有利息 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 9(2)
compound interest 複利 Cap. 163, s. 22(1)(a)
compound interest 複息 Cap. 29, s. 33(2)
current court rate (of interest) 法院現行的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
excessive interest rates 過高利率 Cap. 163, s. 24, Heading
fixed interest securities 定息證券 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para. 5.9
imputed interest 按資本額推算的利息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interest 利息 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
interest bearing bank account 有息銀行帳戶 Cap. 436, s. 38(4)
interest free 免息 Cap. 119, s. 72(2)
interest on judgment debt 判定債項的利息 Cap. 619, s. 153B
interest period 利率期 Cap. 91D, reg. 2
interest period 計息期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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interest rate; rate of interest 利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
interest ... runs 利息……孳生 Cap. 4, s. 48(4)
judgment rate 判定利率 Cap. 4A, O. 62A, r. 19
judgment rate of interest 判定債項的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lend money at interest 收息放貸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
negative interest 負利息 Cap. 155, s. 2
non-interest bearing debt securities 無息債務證券 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
order for interest 判給利息的命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
outstanding uncapitalised interest 尚未支付且未化作本金的利息 Cap. 32H, r. 82(1)(c)
post-judgment statutory interest 判決後的法定利息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pre-judgment interest 判決前利息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rebate of interest 利息回扣 Cap. 32H, r. 89
simple interest 以單息計算的利息 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
simple interest 單利 Cap. 4, s. 48(1)
simple interest 單利息 Cap. 619, s. 153A(1)
simple interest 單息 Cap. 91, s. 18A(3B)(b)
simple or compound interest 單利息或複利息 Cap. 609, s. 79(1)
uncapitalised interest 未化作本金的利息 Cap. 6E, r. 4(1)(c)
variable interest investments 浮息投資 Cap. 41, Sch. 3

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without interest 無息 Cap. 32, s. 42(4)

interest act in the best interests of ... 為……的最佳利益而行事 Cap. 159AI, s. 3(c)
consistent with the interest of ... 符合……的考慮 Cap. 618, s. 123
in the best interests 符合最佳利益 Cap. 136, s. 59ZA
in the best interests of ... 符合……的最佳利益 Cap. 234A, r. 47A(4)(d)
in the interest of truth and justice 為維護真相及公正 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
in the interests of ... 有利於…… Cap. 405, s. 26(6)
in the interests of ... 為……起見 Cap. 25, s. 24(1)(c)
in the interests of ... 為……着想 Cap. 478C, s. 7
in the interests of ... 符合……利益 Cap. 155, s. 63(3C)
in the interest(s) of ... 為了……的利益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the interest(s) of ... 為……起見 Cap. 548, s. 26
in the interest(s) of ... 為……着想 Cap. 548I, s. 37
in the interest(s) of ... 對……有利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the interests of justice 合乎公正原則 Cap. 527A, s. 4(2)
in the interests of justice 有利於秉行公正 Cap. 4, s. 14AA
in the interests of justice 秉行公義 Cap. 583, s. 55(5)(b)
in the interests of justice 為了司法公正 Cap. 221, s. 83U(1)
in the interests of justice 為公正起見 Cap. 480C, s. 2(b)
in the interests of justice 為司法公正 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.13
in the interests of justice 為司法公正的利益 Cap. 503P, Schedule
in the interests of justice 為秉行公正 Cap. 41, Sch. 10
in the interests of justice 為達致公正 Cap. 234, s. 12(2)

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in the interests of justice 為維護公正起見 Cap. 487C, s. 1(b)

in the interests of public safety 為公眾安全計 Cap. 133, s. 6(c)
in the interests of public security 為了公眾安全起見 Cap. 436, s. 27(1)
in the interests of safety 為安全起見 Cap. 369, s. 101(1)
in the interests of the public 為了公眾的利益 Cap. 159, s. 26A(1)(a)
in the public interest 合乎公眾利益 Cap. 241, s. 2(1)
in the public interest 為公眾利益 Cap. 384A, reg. 8(2)
in the public interest 基於公眾利益 Cap. 32, s. 168I(1)
in the public interest 符合公眾利益 Cap. 455, s. 3(3)(d)
interests of justice 司法公義 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
interests of justice so require 為維護公正而有所需要 Cap. 416, s. 4(1)(b)
prejudice the interests of justice 影響司法 Cap. 383, s. 8
prejudice the interests of justice or public order or security 損害司法公正、公安或安全 Cap. 221, s. 123(1A)(b)
publicity would prejudice the interests of justice 公開審判勢必影響司法 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
the interest of the private lives of the parties so requires 保護當事人私生活有此必要 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
the interests of justice ... served 使公正……獲維護 Cap. 514, s. 129(4)
the interests of justice so require 審判有此必要 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
interest actual or potential interest 實際或潛在利害關係 Cap. 159, s. 73CA(1)(b)(ii)
conflict of interest or duty 利益衝突或職責上的衝突 Cap. 32, s. 262D(1)(b)(ii)(B)
declaration of interest 申報利害關係 Cap. 511D, s. 6(2)
direct ... interest 直接……的利害關係 Cap. 218, Sch. 2
disclosable interest 應予披露的利害關係 Cap. 349, s. 17E(2)

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financial interest 財政上的利害關係 Cap. 298A, r. 52

has an interest in the proceedings 與有關法律程序有利害關係 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6A(5)
have been financially interested 曾有經濟上的利害關係 Cap. 571, s. 356(1)
in the same interest 有相同利害關係 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 13(4)(a)
indirect interest 間接的利害關係 Cap. 218, Sch. 2
interest 利害關係 Cap. 159, s. 68(2)
interest adverse to ... 與……有對立的利害關係 Cap. 91C, reg. 15
material interest 具相當分量的利害關係 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 9.20
party in interest 有利害關係的一方 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pecuniary interest 金錢上的利害關係 Cap. 1126, s. 16(4)(b)
substantial interest 實質利害關係 Cap. 528D, r. 17(3)(f)
sufficient interest 充分利害關係 Cap. 4, s. 21K(3)
interest historic interest 歷史意義 Cap. 132, s. 104(1)(e)
of major legal interest 具有重大法律意義 Cap. 609, s. 17(4)(b)
interest rate interbank reference interest rate 銀行同業參考利率 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
interest rate contract 利率合約 Cap. 155L, s. 2
interest rate shock 利率震盪 Cap. 155M, s. 16ZQ(1)
prevailing interest rate 現行利率 Cap. 159F, r. 6A(7)
interest rate-linked currency and interest rate-linked instruments 貨幣及利率掛鈎票據 Cap. 571, s. 392(1)(a)(ii)
interest rate-linked instruments 利率掛鈎票據 Cap. 571, s. 392(1)(a)(iv)
interest-based interest-based mediation 兼顧各方利益的調解 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
mediation and Commercial Law Terms
interest-bearing interest-bearing account 有利息的戶口 Cap. 344, Sch. 7

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interest-bearing account 有息帳戶 Cap. 453C, r. 2(3)

interest-bearing interest-bearing account 孳息帳户 Cap. 405, s. 24E
interested beneficially interested in ... 對……享有實益權益 Cap. 81, s. 2
contingently interested 具有待確定權益 Cap. 73, s. 5(1)(d)
directly or indirectly interested in 有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 511, s. 10(2)
directly or indirectly interested in ... 在……中有直接或間接的利害關係 Cap. 489, s. 8(1)
interested 有利害關係 Cap. 159, s. 71
interested contending parties 有利害關係的爭訟各方 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 2
interested in ... 有……權益的 Cap. 208, s. 18(1)
interested in ... ……對其有利害關係 Cap. 25A, r. 9(1)(c)
interested in a contract 在合約中有利害關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interested in ... property 對……財產有權益 Cap. 352, s. 3(1)
interested in ... shares 擁有……股份權益 Cap. 571, s. 310(1)(a)
interested parties 有利害關係的各方 "Charities" Report, para. 2.202
interested person 有利害關係的人 Cap. 6, s. 33
interested person 利益攸關者 Cap. 448A, reg. 9(6)
properly interested person 有充分利害關係的人 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
properly interested person 有適當利害關係的人 Cap. 504, s. 2
substantially interested 有重大權益 Cap. 622, s. 667(2)(b)
interest-free loan interest-free loan 免息貸款 Cap. 2C, Schedule
interfere flagrantly interfered 公然干預 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 27

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interfere with a witness 干擾證人 Cap. 221, s. 9D(2)(c)

interfere with the course of justice 妨礙司法公正 Cap. 287, s. 4(1)
interfere with the findings of the magistrate on this point 干預裁判官在這方面所作的裁斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
interferes with 干預 Cap. 220, s. 18(b)
interferes with 干擾 Cap. 313, s. 7(1)(a)
tampered or interfered with 干擾或干預 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
tampers or interferes with 干預或干擾 Cap. 494, s. 12B(4)
wilfully interfere with ... 故意對……造成干擾 Cap. 556H, s. 22(1)(d)
interference arbitrary ... interference 無理……侵擾 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
harmful interference 有害干擾 Cap. 106, s. 32J(1)
right to hold opinions without interference 保持意見不受干預之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 16(1)
sexual interference 性騷擾 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.20
undue interference 不當干擾 Cap. 106B, reg. 5(1)(b)
unlawful interference 非法侵擾 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(1)
intergovernmental intergovernmental organization 政府間組織 Cap. 590, s. 2
inter-governmental inter-governmental 政府間 Cap. 468, s. 2
inter-governmental organization 政府間組織 Cap. 557, Schedule
Inter-governmental Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 政府間海事協商組織 Cap. 190B, Art. 1
Maritime Consultative
interim interim 暫時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

interim 臨時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim attachment 臨時扣押 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim declaration 臨時宣布 Cap. 139A, reg. 25
interim ... determination 臨時裁定 Cap. 511D, s. 22(4)
interim directions 臨時指示 Cap. 4A, O. 121, r. 9
interim injunction 暫時強制令 Cap. 526, s. 12(2)
interim injunction 臨時強制令 Cap. 32, s. 350B(5)
interim measure 臨時措施 Cap. 609, s. 2
interim measure of protection 臨時保全措施 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
interim notice 臨時通知 Cap. 139A, reg. 25
interim order 臨時命令 Cap. 6, Sch. 1
interim payment 臨時付款 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
interim possession order 暫時管有令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim receiver 臨時接管人 Cap. 571, s. 18(1)
interim register 暫行……登記冊 Cap. 569, Schedule
interim register of members 暫行委員登記冊 Cap. 541B, s. 2(1)
interim relief 臨時濟助 Cap. 4, s. 21M(1)
interim relief in aid of arbitration 協助仲裁的臨時濟助 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 3.17
interim remedy 臨時補救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rapid interim measures 迅速臨時措施 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

interim interim 中期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim certificate 中期證明書 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 17(1)
interim certificate of costs 中期訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim certificate of payment 中期付款證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim costs certificate 中期訟費證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim financial statements 中期財務報表 Cap. 155M, s. 6(1D)(a)(i)
interim hearing 中期聆訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interim payment 中期付款 Cap. 4, s. 56(1)
interim payment 先行支付款項 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
interim relief 中期濟助 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 3(10)(b)
interim report 中期報告 Cap. 571, s. 332(3)
inter-jurisdictional inter-jurisdictional issue 跨司法管轄區的爭論點 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3
interlineation interlineation 字行間的加插字句 Cap. 33A, r. 4
interlineation 安插於行間的字 Cap. 30, s. 16(1)
interlocutory interlocutory 非正審(的) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interlocutory and preliminary matters 非正審或初步事宜 Cap. 486, s. 66A(5)
interlocutory appeal 非正審上訴 Cap. 4, s. 14AA
interlocutory application 非正審申請 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 8

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interlocutory decision 非正審決定 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 2BA(1)

interlocutory ... determination 中期裁定 Cap. 511D, s. 22(4)
interlocutory injunction 非正審強制令 Cap. 4, s. 21L(3)
interlocutory judgment 非正審判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 2
interlocutory matter 非正審事宜 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.14
interlocutory order 非正審命令 Cap. 91, s. 15(5)(a)
interlocutory proceedings 非正審法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 41, r. 5(2)
interlocutory relief 非正審濟助 Cap. 528, s. 113(5)
preliminary interlocutory order 初步非正審命令 Cap. 448B, reg. 13(2)
intermarry intermarried 結合 Cap. 179, s. 20(1)(a)(iii)
intermeddle intermeddle 干涉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intermeddle 擅自處理 Cap. 111, s. 24
intermediary claims intermediaries 申索中介人 "Conditional Fees" Report, para. 1.6
for and on behalf of the intermediary 為有關中介人和代有關中介人 Cap. 571, s. 203(1D)
intermediary 中介人 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
intermediary 中間人 Cap. 482, Sch. 1
intermediary assignees 中間受讓人 Cap. 32H, Appendix
intermediary management function 管理中介人的職能 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
licensed insurance intermediary 持牌保險中介人 Cap. 41, s. 2(1)
intermediate intermediate act 中期行動 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 13(1)(b)
intermediate appeal 中級上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
intermediate appeal 中期上訴 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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intermediate estate or interest 中期產業權或權益 Cap. 347, s. 9(4)

intermediate intermediate containment 中間載體 Cap. 295E, s. 2
intermediate intermediate appellate court 審理上訴的中級法院 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
interment interment right 安放權 Cap. 630, s. 2(1)
intermittent intermittent 斷續 Cap. 374A, reg. 112(1)
intermittent overtime 間歇性超時工作 Cap. 282, s. 3(1)
intermittently intermittently 間歇 Cap. 208A, reg. 2
intern intern 實習人員 Cap. 480, s. 23A(2)
student intern 實習學員 Cap. 608, s. 2
internal internal law 本土法律 Cap. 30, s. 2
internal internal affairs 內部事務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 141
internal audit 內部審核 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
internal control 內部管控 Cap. 584, Sch. 3
internal controls 內部監控 Cap. 571, s. 5(1)(m)(i)
internal partitions 內部間隔 Cap. 621, s. 36(1)(d)
internal law internal law 本土法律 Cap. 30, s. 2
international arrangements regarding international trade in textiles 關於國際紡織品貿易安排 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
breach of ... international obligations 違反……國際義務 Cap. 523, s. 6(2)(e)(iii)
compliance with the international obligations of ... 履行……國際義務 Cap. 523, Long Title
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for 《統一國際航空運輸某些規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to 《統一關於若干國際航空運輸規則的公約》 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
International Carriage by Air
Convention on International Civil Aviation 《國際民用航空公約》 Cap. 448, s. 2(1)

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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》 Cap. 586, s. 2(1)

Wild Fauna and Flora
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》 Cap. 512, s. 2
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 《為統一若干有關由非合約承運人所執行的國際航空運 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iv)
Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage 輸的規則而訂立的華沙公約補充公約》
by Air performed by a Person other than the Contracting
Convention supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the 1961年9月18日在瓜達拉哈拉簽署的為統一關於非訂約承 Cap. 500, s. 2(1)
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by 運人辦理國際航空運輸的若干規則而補充《華沙公約》
air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier 的公約
signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961
customary international law 國際習慣法 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue 《國際航空和海上搜尋救助手冊》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(5)
international agreement 國際協議 Cap. 528, s. 56(5)(a)(ii)
international agreement 國際性協議 Cap. 458, s. 8(1)(b)
international agreements 國際協定 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
International Air Services Transit Agreement 《國際民用航空運輸過境協議》 Cap. 448A, reg. 1
international and regional aviation 國際和區域航空 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 128
international application 國際申請 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
international banking 國際銀行業務 Cap. 155, Sch. 14
international certification scheme 國際發證計劃 Cap. 60A, reg. 6DA
international circulation permit 國際通行許可證 Cap. 374E, reg. 31(1)
international claim 國際債權 Cap. 155M, s. 25(5)
International Code for Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 《國際散裝穀物安全運輸規則》 Cap. 369AA, reg. 2
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)

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Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 《國際散裝運輸液化氣體船舶構造和設備規則》 Cap. 369Y, reg. 1(3)
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft 《高速船國際安全守則》 Cap. 478J, s. 2(1)
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 《2000年國際高速船安全規則》 Cap. 369N, Schedule
International Code of Signals 《國際訊號規則》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(4)
International Commercial Arbitration 國際商事仲裁 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
international Convention 國際公約 Cap. 462, Schedule
International Convention against the Taking of Hostages 《反對劫持人質國際公約》 Cap. 468, Long Title
International Convention for Safe Containers 《國際集裝箱安全公約》 Cap. 506, s. 2(1)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 《國際防止船舶造成污染公約》 Cap. 413, s. 3(1)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 《1973年國際防止船舶造成污染公約》 Cap. 413K, s. 2
Ships, 1973
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 《國際海上人命安全公約》 Cap. 369, s. 2(1)
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約》 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
of Law relating to Bills of Lading
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(ii)
relating to International Carriage by Air
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 《2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Pollution Damage, 2001
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 《1992年國際油污損害民事責任公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
Damage, 1992
International Convention on Load Lines 《國際載重線公約》 Cap. 369, s. 2(1)

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International Convention on Salvage 1989 《1989年國際救助公約》 Cap. 508, s. 9(1)

International Convention on Standards of Training, 《1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約》 Cap. 478V, s. 2
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
International Convention on the Establishment of an 《1992年設立國際油污損害賠償基金國際公約》 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1992
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 《1969年國際船舶噸位丈量公約》 Cap. 415C, reg. 2
international court 國際法院 Cap. 21, Schedule
international financial centre 國際金融中心 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 109
international foreign exchange markets 國際外匯市場 Cap. 66, s. 2
international governmental organization 國際政府間組織 Cap. 468, s. 4(1)(b)
International Health Regulations 《國際衞生條例》 Cap. 599, s. 2
international labour conventions 國際勞工公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
international law 國際法 Cap. 413O, s. 2(1)
international law 國際法律 Cap. 468, s. 2
International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code 《國際救生設備規則》 Cap. 369AY, s. 2(1)
International Management Code For The Safe Operation Of 《船舶安全營運及防止污染國際管理規則》 Cap. 369AX, s. 1
Ships And For Pollution Prevention
international mandatory conciliation 國際強制調解 Cap. 482, s. 2(1)
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 《國際海運危險貨物守則》 Cap. 413C, reg. 2
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
international obligations 國際責任 Cap. 403, Long Title
international obligations 國際義務 Cap. 106, s. 7(7)(e)
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate 國際防油污證書 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)

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international organization 國際組織 Cap. 468, s. 2

international organizations 國際的……團體和組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 149
international origin 國際淵源 Cap. 609, s. 9(1)
International Patent Classification 國際專利分類法 Cap. 514C, s. 2(1)
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage 國際有毒液體物質證書 Cap. 413B, reg. 1(2)
of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
international practice 國際慣例 National Flag and National Emblem
Ordinance, Sch. 3
international registration 國際註冊 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 《1972年國際海上避碰規則》 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(1)
international rights and obligations 國際權利和……國際義務 Cap. 1, s. 2A(2)(a)
international rights and obligations 國際權利與義務 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 23
international route 國際航線 Cap. 60E, reg. 2
International Safety Management Code 《國際安全管理規則》 Cap. 369AW, s. 2(1)
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code 《國際船舶和港口設施保安規則》 Cap. 582, s. 3(1)
international trade agreements 國際貿易協定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 116
international voyage 國際航程 Cap. 369BA, s. 2(1)
law of international armed conflict 國際武裝衝突法 Cap. 590, s. 2
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International 《設立工業外觀設計國際分類法洛迦諾協議》 Cap. 522A, s. 2(1)
Classification for Industrial Designs
multilateral international agency 多邊國際機構 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
multi-lateral international conventions 多邊國際公約 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
ordinary rules of international law 國際法的一般法則 Cap. 482, s. 3(1)
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at 《制止在為國際民用航空服務的機場上的非法暴力行為 Cap. 494, s. 2(1)
Airports Serving International Civil Aviation 的議定書》

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Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for 《1974年國際海上人命安全公約》1978年議定書 Cap. 369X, reg. 1(3)
the Safety of Life at Sea 1974
Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of 《統一若干有關國際航空運輸的規則國際公約》的議定 Cap. 479, s. 6(2)(a)(iii)
certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air 書
relevant international agreement 有關國際協議 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent 《關於在國際貿易中對某些危險化學品和農藥採用事先 Cap. 595, s. 2(1)
Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in 知情同意程序的鹿特丹公約》
International Trade
rules of international law 國際法規則 Cap. 557, s. 3(7)
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial 《貿易法委員會國際商事仲裁示範法》 Cap. 609, s. 2(1)
United Nations International Convention for the Suppression 聯合國《制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約》 Cap. 575, Long Title
of Terrorist Bombings
International Atomic International Atomic Energy Agency 國際原子能機構 Cap. 190C, Art. 1
Energy Agency
International Bank for International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 國際復興開發銀行 Cap. 558F, s. 2
Reconstruction and
International Bureau register of trade marks maintained ... by the International 國際局……備存的商標註冊簿 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
International Bureau of International Bureau of Intellectual Property 知識產權國際局 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
Intellectual Property
International Bureau of International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property 世界知識產權組織國際局 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
the World Intellectual Organization
Property Organization
International Civil International Civil Aviation Organization 國際民用航空組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 130
Aviation Organization
International Code for International Code for the Construction and Equipment of 國際散裝運輸危險化學品船舶構造和設備規則 Cap. 413A, reg. 1(2)
the Construction and Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

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Equipment of Ships
Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk
International Code of International Code of Safety for High-Speed craft, 1994 《國際高速船安全規則》(1994年) Cap. 369N, Schedule
Safety for High-Speed
International Code of International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 2000年國際高速船安全規則 Cap. 369N, Schedule
Safety for High-Speed
International International Commission on Illumination 國際照明委員會 Cap. 369N, reg. 2(3)
Commission on
International International Committee of the Red Cross 紅十字國際委員會 Cap. 503H, Sch. 2
Committee of the Red
International International Convention against the Taking of Hostages 反對劫持人質國際公約 Cap. 468, Long Title
Convention against the
Taking of Hostages
International International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 1973年國際防止船舶造成污染公約 Cap. 413K, s. 2
Convention for the Ships, 1973
Prevention of Pollution
from Ships
International International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 國際海上人命安全公約 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(a)
Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea
International International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist 制止恐怖主義爆炸的國際公約 Cap. 575, Long Title
Convention for the Bombings
Suppression of Terrorist
International International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
Convention for the of Law relating to Bills of Lading

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Unification of certain
Rules of Law relating to
Bills of Lading
International International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil 2001年國際燃油污染損害民事責任公約 Cap. 605, s. 2(1)
Convention on Civil Pollution Damage, 2001
Liability for Bunker Oil
Pollution Damage
International International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 國際油污損害民事責任公約 Cap. 434, Sch. 2
Convention on Civil Damage
Liability for Oil
Pollution Damage
International International Convention on Standards of Training, 1978年海員培訓、發證和值班標準國際公約 Cap. 478AH, s. 2
Convention on Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
Standards of Training,
Certification and
Watchkeeping for
Seafarers, 1978
International Court of International Court of Justice 聯合國國際法院 Cap. 190, s. 4(2)
International Covenant International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
on Civil and Political
provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political 《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》中適用於香港的規定 Cap. 383, Long Title
Rights as applied to Hong Kong
International Covenant International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural 經濟、社會與文化權利的國際公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
on Economic, Social Rights
and Cultural Rights
International Criminal International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) 國際刑警組織 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
Police Organisation
International International Electrotechnical Commission 國際電工委員會 Cap. 369AM, reg. 1(2)

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International Finance International Finance Corporation 國際金融公司 Cap. 558F, s. 2
International Labour International Labour Office 國際勞工局 Cap. 478O, s. 2(1)
International Labour International Labour Organization 國際勞工組織 Cap. 190E, Art. 1
International Labour International Labour Organization Convention of 1948 關於結社自由及保障組織權利之國際勞工組織一九四八 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(3)
Organization concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the 年公約
Convention of 1948 Right to Organize
concerning Freedom of
Association and
Protection of the Right
to Organize
international law customary international law 國際習慣法 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
customary international law 習慣國際法 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(c)
international law [also jus gentium] 國際法 Cap. 558, s. 2
international law [also jus gentium] 國際法律 Cap. 468, s. 2
ordinary rules of international law 國際法的一般法則 Cap. 482, s. 3(1)
public international law 國際公法 Cap. 319, s. 6(3)(c)
rules of private international law 國際私法的規則 Cap. 377, s. 3(7)(a)
International International Management Code for the Safe Operation of 國際船舶安全營運與防止污染管理規則 Cap. 369AW, s. 2(1)
Management Code for Ships and for Pollution Prevention
the Safe Operation of
Ships and for Pollution
International Maritime International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 國際海運危險貨物規則 Cap. 413F, s. 1A
Dangerous Goods

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International Maritime International Maritime Organization 國際海事組織 Cap. 369, s. 112A(4)
Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organization 國際海事組織法律委員會 Cap. 605, s. 3(5)
International Maritime International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 國際海運固體散裝貨物規則 Cap. 369AV, s. 3(7)
Solid Bulk Cargoes
International Mobile Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization 《國際活動衞星組織(Inmarsat)公約》 Cap. 190P, Art. 1
Satellite Organization (Inmarsat)
International Mobile Satellite Organization 國際活動衞星組織 Cap. 190P, Art. 1
International Monetary International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金 Cap. 414, s. 2(1)
International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金組織 Cap. 558E, s. 2
International International Organisation for Standardization 國際標準化組織 Cap. 369AM, reg. 1(2)
Organisation for
International International Organization of Securities Commissions 證券委員會國際組織 Cap. 155L, s. 226V(1)
Organization of
Securities Commissions
International Radio International Radio Consultative Committee 國際無線電諮詢委員會 Cap. 369BB, s. 2
International Register International Register 國際註冊簿 Cap. 559, s. 2(1)
International Standard International Standard 國際標準 Cap. 406G, reg. 2(1)
International Tele- International Telecommunication Union 國際電信聯盟 Cap. 190G, Art. 1
communication Union
International Constitution and Convention of the International 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》 Cap. 106V, Sch. 1
Telecommunication Telecommunication Union

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International Tele- International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 國際通信衞星組織 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Satellite Organization
International Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications 與國際通信衞星組織“INTELSAT”有關的協定(連同業 Cap. 190Q, Art. 1
Telecommunications Satellite Organization "INTELSAT" (with Operating 務協定)
Satellite Organization Agreement)
internationally Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes 《關於防止和懲處侵害應受國際保護人員包括外交代表 Cap. 468, Long Title
against Internationally Protected Persons, including 的罪行的公約》
Diplomatic Agents
internationally active 活躍於國際 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 1
internationally internationally recognized standard 國際認可標準 Cap. 509A, s. 18(1)(d)
recognized standard
internee protected internee 受保護的囚犯 Cap. 221, s. 83Q(6)(a)
Internet accessible through the Internet 可透過互聯網查閱 Cap. 624, s. 10(4)(a)
Internet 互聯網 Cap. 582A, r. 3(2)(a)
internship internship 實習 Cap. 480, s. 23A(2)
inter-partes inter-partes hearing 各方出席的聆訊 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
interpellate interpellate 質問 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpellate 質詢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interplead interplead 互爭權利 Cap. 23, s. 9
interpleader interpleader 互爭權利訴訟 Cap. 4, s. 14
interpleader issue 互爭權利訴訟的爭論點 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)
interpleader proceedings 互爭權利訴訟 Cap. 300, s. 12
interpleader proceedings 互爭權利訴訟的法律程序 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)

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interpleader summons 互爭權利訴訟的傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 46, r. 8(6)

interpolate interpolate 插入(字句) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpolate 篡改文件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interposed interposed entity 中間實體 Cap. 112, s. 14AAB(4)
interposed person 中間人 Cap. 112, s. 20AF(8)(a)
interpret interpret 詮釋 Cap. 612, s. 27(3)
interpretation construction or interpretation of a document 對文件內容的解釋或詮釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
giving an interpretation of [the Basic Law] 對[基本法]進行解釋 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 158
golden rule of statutory interpretation 法例釋義的金科玉律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
harmonized interpretation ... 協調……釋義 Cap. 506, s. 28
interpretation 解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpretation 詮釋 Cap. 204, s. 10F(2)(a)(i)
interpretation 釋義 Cap. 1, Long Title
interpretation clause 釋義條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpretation of statutes 法例釋義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interpretation of statutes 法規的釋義 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
interpretation of [the Basic Law] [基本法]的解釋 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 158
judicial interpretation 司法解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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liberal interpretation 寬鬆的解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
liberal ... interpretation 靈活的……釋義 Cap. 1, s. 19
remedial interpretation 補救性詮釋 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.125,
Footnote 14
rule of literal interpretation 字面解釋的規則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
statutory interpretation 法例釋義 Cap. 1, s. 10B
strained interpretation [also strained construction] 牽強解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
strict interpretation 狹義的解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
strict interpretation of penal provision 懲罰性條文嚴格釋義 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
subjective interpretation 主觀詮釋 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.86
interpretation interpretation 傳譯 Cap. 528D, r. 25(4)(x)
interpreter interpreter 通譯 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(f)
interpreter 傳譯員 Cap. 11, s. 14(2)
interpreters 傳譯人員 Cap. 25, s. 6(1)
sworn interpreter 經宣誓的傳譯員 Cap. 227C, Schedule
interrogate interrogate 訊問 Cap. 234A, r. 62
interrogate 質詢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interrogation interrogation 訊問 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.43

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interrogation 審訊 Convention Against Torture and

Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 10(1)
interrogatory administer interrogatories to ... 向……提出質詢 Cap. 6A, r. 24
answer interrogatories 回答質詢 Cap. 300, s. 24(1)(b)
answer interrogatories 答覆質詢書 Cap. 336H, O. 26, r. 6(4)
deliver interrogatories 交付質詢書 Cap. 300, s. 30(2)(e)
further interrogatories 進一步的質詢書 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 3(2)
interrogatories 質問書 Cap. 179A, r. 29(1)
interrogatories without order 在無命令下發出的質詢書 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 1(4)
interrogatory 質詢 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interrogatory 質詢書 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 1
ordered interrogatories 根據命令發出的質詢書 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 1(4)
proposed interrogatories 擬發出的質詢書 Cap. 4A, O. 26, r. 4(1)
written interrogatories 書面質詢 Cap. 6, s. 29(3)
interrupt interrupt 干擾 Cap. 132AL, s. 43
interrupts 打斷 Cap. 453, s. 41(2)(b)
interrupts the proceedings 中斷法律程序的進行 Cap. 25, s. 42(1)(b)
interruption interruption 干擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interruption 中斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interruption 擾亂 Cap. 219, Sch. 1
lawful interruption or disturbance 合法干擾或擾亂 Cap. 219, Sch. 1

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without interruption by the landlord 不受業主干擾 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
interspousal interspousal 配偶之間的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interval at any interval 每隔……任何一段時間 Cap. 610, s. 11(4)
at intervals 每隔一段時期 Cap. 506, s. 12(2)
at regular intervals 定期 Cap. 91, s. 18A(3B)(c)(iii)
interval 相隔時間 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
interval 相隔期間 Cap. 112, s. 40(1)
less frequent intervals 相隔較長的期間 Cap. 155, s. 63(1)
intervene having title to intervene 有資格介入 Cap. 637, s. 71(2)(c)
intervene as a respondent 介入(法律程序中)成為答辯人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intervene in an action 介入訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 17(4)
intervene in and be heard in the proceedings 介入有關法律程序,並在該程序中陳詞 Cap. 571, s. 385A(4)(a)
intervene in proceedings 介入法律程序 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 2A
intervene [intervention (n.)] 干預 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intervene [intervention (n.)] 介入 Cap. 227, s. 14
intervene [intervention (n.)] 插手 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intervened in the proceedings 介入訴訟 Cap. 414, s. 27(1)
intervener intended intervener 有意介入的介入者 Cap. 619D, Schedule
intervener 介入人 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 8(5)
intervener 介入者 Cap. 619D, r. 20(7)

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intervening intervening period 相隔期間 Cap. 485A, s. 102(3)

intervening ... public holidays 期間的……公眾假日 Cap. 283C, s. 18(2A)
intervening intervening acts 介入作為 Cap. 528, s. 22(3)
intervention human intervention 人手干預 Cap. 8, s. 22A(9)(a)
intervention 干預 Cap. 29, s. 41N(1)(b)
intervention 介入 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 1.28
intervention order 介入令 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.65
judicial intervention 司法干預 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.56
without the intervention of a jury 在無陪審團參與的情況下 Cap. 6, s. 34(7)
interview interview 會面 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.79
interview 會晤 Cap. 290D, r. 12(2)(b)
interview with the witness 與證人會面 Cap. 221J, r. 4(4)
video recorded interview 會面視像紀錄 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
video recorded interview 錄影會面 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
withdraw from ... interview or observation 退出……會面或停止觀察 Cap. 604, s. 37(4)(c)
interviewee interviewee 接受會見的人 Cap. 604, s. 36(2)(c)

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interviewer interviewer 進行會見的人 Cap. 604, s. 36(2)(c)

intestacy intestacy 未立遺囑而死亡 Cap. 136, s. 10E(1)
intestacy 並無遺囑的情況下 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
3.18, Footnote 64
intestacy 無遺囑 Cap. 111, s. 9(5)
intestacy 無遺囑繼承 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
law of intestacy 無遺囑繼承法律 Cap. 73, s. 8A(1)
on intestacy 在無遺囑的情況下 Cap. 347, s. 8(2)
partial intestacy 局部無遺囑 Cap. 73, s. 8A(1)
intestate die intestate 未有立下遺囑而去世 Cap. 10, s. 2
intestate 未留遺囑的死者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intestate 無遺囑者 Cap. 73, s. 5
intimate intimated 知會 Cap. 159M, Sch. 2
intimating 作出提示 Cap. 374, s. 9(1)(g)
intimate intimate relationship 親密關係 Cap. 622, s. 484(1)
intimate intimate personal and financial information 私秘的個人及財務資料 Cap. 465B, s. 6(3)(a)
intimate intimate sample 體內樣本 Cap. 204, s. 10E(9)
intimation by oral intimation given to ... 以口頭方式告知…… Cap. 227, s. 14(3)
containing an intimation that 告知 Cap. 343, s. 11(1)
intimation 提示 Cap. 276, s. 24(2)
written intimation 書面通知 Cap. 159F, r. 7(a)(iv)
intimidate be offended, humiliated or intimidated 感到受冒犯、侮辱或威嚇 Cap. 480, s. 2
intimidate 恐嚇 Cap. 541A, s. 22

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intimidated 感到受……威嚇 Cap. 480, s. 2(5)(a)

... offended, humiliated or intimidated ... ……感到受冒犯、侮辱或威嚇…… Cap. 602, s. 7(1)
intimidating a hostile or intimidating environment 有敵意或具威嚇性環境 Cap. 602, Long Title
intimidation by threats or intimidation 以威脅或恐嚇手段 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 7.19
criminal intimidation 刑事恐嚇 Cap. 232, Sch. 2
intimidation 威嚇 Cap. 575, s. 11E(1)(a)
intimidation 恐嚇 Cap. 503G, Sch. 1
intimidation 恐嚇手段 Cap. 200, s. 119(1)
threat or intimidation 威脅或恐嚇 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.47
intoxicated intoxicated 神智不清 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.63, Footnote 146
intoxicated person 神智不清的人 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.21
intoxicating intoxicating substances 減低清醒程度的物質 Cap. 494, s. 12B(13)
intoxicating liquor intoxicating liquor 令人醺醉的酒類 Cap. 148, s. 3(3)(a)(ii)
intoxicating liquor 烈酒 Cap. 115M, r. 14(3)
intoxicating liquor 酒 Cap. 16, s. 2
intoxication in a state of intoxication 處於神智不清……狀況 Cap. 556H, s. 23
intoxication 昏醉 Cap. 233, s. 14(h)
intoxication 神志不清 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

intoxication 酒精中毒 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intoxication (whether by alcohol or drugs) 神智不清(不論是酒精還是藥物引致) "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.14
state of intoxication 昏醉狀態 Cap. 285B, reg. 80(1)
voluntary intoxication 自願情況下引致神智不清 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.13
intra vires intra vires ["within the powers of"] 在權限以內 ※比較 ultra vires English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intra-group intra-group financing business 集團內部融資業務 Cap. 112, s. 14C(1)
intrinsic ambiguity intrinsic ambiguity 本質上的模棱兩可 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intruder intruder 闖入者 Cap. 460, s. 2
intrusion arbitrary ... intrusion 任意……侵入 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 29
intrusion 入侵 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
intrusion 侵入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intrusion 闖入 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intrusive intrusive 構成侵擾 Cap. 159AI, Schedule
inure inure 發生效力 Cap. 111, s. 3(4)(a)
inure [also enure] 生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inure [also enure] 有效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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inure [also enure] 使適用 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
inure [also enure] 施行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inure [also enure] 致使 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inure inure to 歸於 Cap. 112, s. 50A(5)(a)
inure to the benefit of sb. 有利於某人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
invade invade 入侵 Cap. 200, s. 2(1)(d)
invalid invalid 無效 Cap. 258, s. 5
marriage is invalid 婚姻無效 Cap. 200, s. 124(2)
invalid invalid 傷殘者 Cap. 374, s. 2
invalid out invalided out 因傷病退役 Cap. 233, s. 6(1)
invalidate Any law returned by ... shall immediately be invalidated 經……發回的法律立即失效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
invalidate 失效 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.58
invalidate 無效 Cap. 1, s. 37(1)
invalidate 變成無效 Cap. 501, s. 19
invalidate ... 令……失效 Cap. 1144, s. 11(d)
invalidate ... 使……失效 Cap. 50, s. 8(3)
invalidate a contract 使……合約失效 Cap. 41, s. 64C(3)
invalidated 作廢 Cap. 541, Sch. 2
invalidated by ... 因……喪失有效性 Cap. 411, Sch. 1
invalidity invalidity 無效 Cap. 354, s. 33(1)(eg)

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invasion unwarranted invasion 無理侵犯 "Access to Information"

Consultation Paper, para. 10.24
invasion of privacy invasion of privacy 侵犯私隱 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
invented invented word 新創字 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
invention observations on the patentability of the invention 對該項發明的可享專利性的論述 Cap. 514, s. 126A(1)
patentable invention 可享專利發明 Cap. 514, s. 9A(5)
inventive inventive step 創造性 Cap. 514, s. 9A(1)(b)
single inventive concept 單一項發明構思 Cap. 514, s. 78(2)
inventor inventor's certificate 發明人證書 Cap. 514, s. 2(1)
joint inventor 共同發明人 Cap. 514, s. 59(3)(c)
sole inventor 唯一發明人 Cap. 514, s. 9F(2)
inventory inventory 財產清單 Cap. 10, s. 56
inventory 清單 Cap. 7, Sch. 5
records inventory 檔案清單 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.55
written inventory 書面清單 Cap. 511C, s. 10(c)
inventory inventory 存貨 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inventory 存貨清單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
inventory obsolescence 存貨過時 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
statutory minimum inventory requirements 法定最低存貨規定 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 4
investee investee company 獲投資公司 Cap. 112, Sch. 16
investigate investigate 調查 Cap. 155, s. 55(2)

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investigating investigating officer 調查人員 Cap. 201, s. 2(1)

investigation fixed investigation cost 定額調查費用 Cap. 159AD, s. 2
formal investigation 正式調查 Cap. 527B, s. 2
ground investigation 土地勘測 Cap. 406H, s. 2
investigation 偵查 Cap. 405, s. 21(3)(c)(iii)
investigation 調查 Cap. 397, s. 2(1)
investigation committee 調查委員會 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
investigation into criminal offences 追查刑事犯罪 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 30
investigation request 調查請求 Cap. 571, s. 186(2E)(b)(i)
likely to undermine the chance of success of the investigation 相當可能會減低該項調查的成功機會 Cap. 112BI, Schedule
local investigation 實地調查 Cap. 4, s. 33A(1)
prejudice an investigation 不利於……偵查 Cap. 525K, Sch. 1
preliminary investigation 初步調查 Cap. 156, s. 29(1C)(b)
rights ... of ... investigation 調查權 Cap. 585, s. 28(1)(g)
terms of reference for the investigation 調查範圍 Cap. 480A, s. 4(a)
Investigation Investigation Committee 調查委員會 Cap. 561, Sch. 1
investigator investigator 調查員 Cap. 571, s. 178
investing investing public 投資大眾 Cap. 571, s. 59(2)(a)
investing public investing public 投資大眾 Cap. 588, s. 2
investiture investiture 封地儀式 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
investiture 授職 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
investiture 敍任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

investment approved pooled investment fund 核准匯集投資基金 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(wa)
authorized investments 特准投資項目 Cap. 29, s. 2
automatic re-investment 自動再次投資 Cap. 581A, s. 6B(1)(a)
capital investment 資本投資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
collective investment scheme 集體投資計劃 Cap. 571, s. 19(10)
day-to-day investment management functions 日常投資管理職能 Cap. 637, s. 20(1)
default investment arrangement 預設投資安排 Cap. 485, s. 34DF
default investment strategy 預設投資策略 Cap. 485, s. 34DB(1)(a)
exempt investment adviser 獲豁免投資顧問 Cap. 571, Sch. 10
investment 投資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
investment 投資項目 Cap. 29, s. 4(1)(a)
investment adviser 投資顧問 Cap. 485A, s. 45(4)
investment bank 投資銀行 Cap. 155, s. 97(6)
investment fund 投資基金 Cap. 485A, s. 6(1)
investment grade 投資等級 Cap. 155Q, r. 39
investment guarantees 投資保證 Cap. 485, s. 46(1A)(wa)
investment management charges 投資管理收費 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
investment management contract 投資管控合約 Cap. 485A, s. 47(1)
investment manager 投資經理 Cap. 485A, s. 6(3)(b)
investment mandate 投資授權 Cap. 155S, r. 20(2)
investment report 投資報告 Cap. 485A, s. 87(1)
investment representative 投資代表 Cap. 571, Sch. 10

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investment returns 投資收益 Cap. 426K, s. 10(2)

investment scope 投資範圍 Cap. 637, s. 16(2)(d)
listed investments 上市投資 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
on ... investment basis 按投資基準 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
open-ended collective investment scheme 開放式集體投資計劃 Cap. 117, Sch. 8
permissible investments 准許投資項目 Cap. 485A, s. 39(2)(d)
proposed investment manager 建議投資經理 Cap. 637, Sch. 1
regulated investment agreement 受規管投資協議 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 1, para. 24
reserving and investment policies 儲備及投資政策 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
restricted investment 受限制投資項目 Cap. 426, s. 2(1)
state of investment 投資狀態 Cap. 10, s. 69(1)
statement of investment policy 投資政策陳述書 Cap. 485A, s. 24(2)
trust investments 信託投資項目 Cap. 467, s. 9(2)
underlying investment 基礎投資項目 Cap. 485A, Sch. 1
underlying investment fund 基礎投資項目基金 Cap. 485, s. 34DD(5)
variable interest investments 浮息投資 Cap. 41, Sch. 3
Investment Advisory Investment Advisory Committee 投資顧問委員會 Cap. 467, s. 8(1)
investor professional investor 專業投資者 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
recognized investor compensation company 認可投資者賠償公司 Cap. 571, s. 381C(1)(r)
soliciting investors 招攬投資者 Cap. 637, s. 83(1)(b)
inviolability inviolability 不可侵犯權 Cap. 36, Schedule
personal inviolability 人身不得侵犯權 Cap. 557, Schedule
personal inviolability of consular officers 領事官員人身不得侵犯 Cap. 557, Schedule

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inviolable inviolable 不容侵犯 Cap. 402, Sch. 1

inviolable 不得侵犯 Cap. 557, Schedule
premises ... are inviolable 房產……不容侵犯 Cap. 402, Sch. 1
invitation by invitation to tender 以招標承投方式 Cap. 344, Sch. 7
invitation 邀請 Cap. 155, s. 92(1)
invitation to tender 招標 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
invitation to tender 招標書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
invitation to treat 要約邀請〔邀請他人提出要約〕 ※比較 offer English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of invitation 招標信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of invitation 邀請信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
private invitation 非公開邀請 Cap. 622, s. 6(3)
invite invite offers 邀請……作出……要約 Cap. 32, s. 2(1)
invite to offer for sale 邀請作出出售要約 Cap. 562, s. 2(1)
invites 促請 Cap. 554, s. 16(2)
invitee invitee 被邀請者 Cap. 549, s. 49
invoice invoice 發票 Cap. 362M, s. 4(1)
invoke invoke 引用 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
invoke 援引 Cap. 383, s. 8
invoke 援用 Cap. 462, Schedule
invoked as 援引為 Convention Against Torture and

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Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading

Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(2)
involuntarily involuntarily 在非自發的情況下 Cap. 524, s. 18(2)(g)
involuntary involuntary 非自願的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
involuntary plea 非自願認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
involuntary seclusion 非自願的隔離 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 6.90
involuntary statement 非自願作出的供詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
involve involve danger to others 危及其他人 Cap. 556H, s. 32
issues involved 所涉的爭論點 Cap. 559, s. 83(2)(d)
involved involved 涉及 Cap. 1A, r. 13(1)
involved in ... 牽涉於 Cap. 32, s. 168O(1)(a)
knowingly involved in 明知而牽涉 Cap. 615, s. 14(2)(b)
inward inward warrant 移交入境手令 Cap. 513, s. 2
ipse dixit ipse dixit 親口所述的未經證實之言 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ipse dixit ["he himself said it"; bare assertion] 未經證實之言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ipse dixit ["he himself said it"; bare assertion] 武斷的話 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ipsissima verba ipsissima verba ["the selfsame words"] 一如其言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ipsissima verba ["the selfsame words"] 確切原文 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

ipso facto ipso facto ["by that very fact"; by its very nature; regardless of 因此事實 Cap. 364, s. 8
right or wrong]
ipso jure entail ipso jure 在法律上……導致 Cap. 609, s. 34(1)
irradiated irradiated food 輻照食物 Cap. 132W, reg. 2(1)
irrational irrational 不合理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irrational 非理性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irrebuttable irrebuttable inference 不可推翻的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irrebuttable presumption 不可推翻的推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, para. 4.6
the only irrebuttable inference 不可推翻的唯一推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irrebuttable irrebuttable presumption 不可推翻的推定 參看conclusive presumption English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
presumption and Commercial Law Terms
irreconcilable irreconcilable differences 不能調解的分歧 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
differences and Commercial Law Terms
irrecoverable irrecoverable 不能收回 Cap. 485A, s. 168(e)(iii)
irrecoverable 無法討回 Cap. 322C, s. 10
irrecoverable 無法追討 Cap. 112, s. 4(6)
irredeemable irredeemable 不可贖回 Cap. 155L, s. 145
irredeemable 不可贖回的 Cap. 155L, s. 145(1)(b)(v)(A)
irrefutable irrefutable 不能反駁 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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irregular irregular 不符合規定 Cap. 32H, r. 24(c)

irregular 有不妥當之處 Cap. 19, s. 41(2)(c)
irregular 有問題的 Cap. 521, s. 5(1)(c)
irregular irregular 非正式 Cap. 55, s. 35(1)(a)(ii)
irregularity financial irregularity 財務方面欠妥之處 Cap. 571, s. 21(5)(b)
irregularity 不合規則的事項 Cap. 136C, r. 27
irregularity 不符合規定 Cap. 4A, O. 2, r. 1(1)
irregularity 不符合規定之處 Cap. 4, s. 21D
irregularity 不符合規定的事 Cap. 6, s. 124(1)
irregularity 不當之處 Cap. 221, s. 83
irregularity 不當行為 Cap. 265, s. 32(1)
irregularity 不當……事件 Cap. 397, s. 16(5)
irregularity 不當情況 Cap. 1014, s. 12
irregularity of proceedings 法律程序失當 Cap. 504, s. 20(1)(b)
material irregularity 具關鍵性的不妥當之處 Cap. 541, s. 5(e)(ii)
material irregularity 具關鍵性的不符合規定之處 Cap. 4, s. 21D(3)
material irregularity 具關鍵性的欠妥之處 Cap. 547, s. 49(1)(a)(iv)
material irregularity 重大的不當之處 Cap. 221, s. 83(1)(c)
minor irregularity 有輕微的不規範之處 Cap. 601, s. 6(9)(c)
minor irregularity 輕微不合規情況 Cap. 588, s. 7(7)(d)
practice irregularity 執業方面的不當行為 Cap. 588, s. 4(4)
procedural irregularities 在程序上不符合規定的事項 Cap. 523, s. 5(3)(b)
procedural irregularity 程序上不當之處 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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rectification of an irregularity 糾正不符合規定之處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
rectification of an irregularity 糾正不當之處 Cap. 490, s. 42
rectification of irregularities of procedure 糾正程序上的不當之處 Cap. 490, s. 42(2)(b)
serious irregularity 嚴重不當事件 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
waiver ... of any irregularity 對……任何不符合規定之處放棄……權利 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 7
irrelevant irrelevant 不相干 Cap. 622, s. 496(8)
irrelevant 無關聯 Cap. 4A, O. 41, r. 6
irremediable irremediable 無可補救 Cap. 91, s. 15(5)(c)
irremediable injustice 無可補救的不公正情況 Cap. 352, s. 3B(3)(a)(ii)
irremediable injustice irremediable injustice 無可補救的不公正情況 Cap. 352, s. 3B
irreparable irreparable 難以補救 Cap. 4A, O. 8, r. 2(1)
irreparable-injury rule irreparable-injury rule 傷害無法彌補原則〔衡平法濟助的使用條件〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irreplaceable irreplaceable in ... 在……方面,具有不可取代的地位 Cap. 311W, s. 21(1)(a)
irresistible irresistible inference 不可抗拒之推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irresistible inference 無可抗拒的推斷 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irresistible force irresistible force 不可抗力 參看 force majeure English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irrespective of irrespective of 不論 Cap. 89A, reg. 4(2)
irresponsible seriously irresponsible conduct 極不負責任的行為 Cap. 136, s. 2(1)
irretrievable irretrievable 無可挽救 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irretrievable 無法挽回 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

irretrievable breakdown of marriage 無可挽回的婚姻破裂 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irretrievable prejudice 無可挽回的損害 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
irretrievably irretrievably 無可挽救 Cap. 179, s. 11
irrevocable contractually irrevocable commitment 在合約上不可撤銷的承諾 Cap. 155Q, r. 2(1)
irrevocable 不可撤銷 Cap. 31, s. 4(1)
irrevocable 不得更改 Cap. 112, s. 23
irrevocable 不得撤回 Cap. 279C, r. 7(2)(a)
irrevocable commitment 不可撤銷的承諾 Cap. 60, s. 3(3)
irrevocable guarantee 不得撤回的保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irrevocable licence 不得撤回的特許 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irrevocable licence 不得撤銷的牌照 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
irrevocable re-discounting facilities 不可撤銷的再貼現融通 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 5
island outlying islands 離島 Cap. 354L, Sch. 2
isolate isolating 隔離 Cap. 282, Sch. 2
isolated isolated act 單獨的作為 Cap. 295B, reg. 183(3)
issuance at issuance 在發行時 Cap. 112, s. 14A(4)
issue at issue 爭議的 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)
central issue 主要爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
central issue at trial 審訊時的主要爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附帶事項 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附帶爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附屬事項 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
collateral issue 附屬爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common issue 共通爭論點 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.20
denial by joinder of issue 以有爭論點提出而作的否認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)
doctrine of issue estoppel 已裁決的問題不容推翻的原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
expressed joinder of issue 明示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(4)
general issue [案件的]一般爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
general issue 概括否認 Cap. 21, s. 12
general issues 一般事宜 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.3
genuinely in issue 確實受爭議 Cap. 528, s. 121(8)(b)
immaterial issue 無關鍵性的爭議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
implied joinder of issue 默示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 20(2)
in issue 有爭論的 Cap. 17A, r. 18(1)
in issue 受爭議的 Cap. 287, s. 5(1)(d)
incidental issue 附帶爭論點 Cap. 609, s. 103D(3)
inter-jurisdictional issue 跨司法管轄區的爭論點 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,

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Annex 3
interpleader issue 互爭權利訴訟的爭論點 Cap. 4, s. 14(3)(f)
issue 事宜 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Report, para. 1.3
issue 議題 "Sexual Offences Involving Children
and Persons with Mental
Impairment" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.10
issue (n.) 爭論點 Cap. 336H, O. 33, r. 1
issue (n.) 爭議點 Cap. 571, s. 252
issue between the claimants be stated and tried 申索人之間的爭論點須予呈述並審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 17, r. 5(1)(b)
issue estoppel [also issue preclusion] 已裁決的爭論點不得重提(原則) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue of jurisdiction 司法管轄權的爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
issue of law 法律爭議 Cap. 527A, s. 3(2)(c)
issues in dispute 所爭議的爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 21(2)
issues involved 所涉的爭論點 Cap. 559, s. 83(2)(d)
issues of fact 事實爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 2A(1)(b)
join issue 共同提出爭論點供裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join issue 有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14
join issue 對提出的爭論點進行辯論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join issue on ... 就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(2)(b)
joinder of issue 有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(1)
legal issue 法律爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

legal issue 法律問題 Cap. 561, s. 5
live issue 爭議中的問題 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
live issue 當前爭議問題 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
main issue 主要爭論點 Cap. 609, s. 103D(3)
matter in issue 爭論中事宜 Cap. 159, s. 64(3)(b)
matters at issue 爭議的事宜 Cap. 336, s. 73B(5)
multiplicity of issues 繁多而重複的爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
plead the general issue 提出一般答辯 Cap. 232, s. 60
point in issue 爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
point in issue 爭議事項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
preliminary issue 初步爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 12, r. 8(5)
preliminary issues 先決問題 Cap. 76, Schedule
put in issue 成為爭論點 Cap. 514, s. 46(2)
put in issue 提出質疑以待裁決 Cap. 151, s. 42(1)
put in issue ... 將……提出作為爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 100, r. 3(1)
question at issue 有爭論的問題 Cap. 4A, O. 5, r. 4(2)(a)
question or questions in issue 爭議問題 Cap. 182, s. 5(2)(b)
raise an issue 帶出……爭論點 Cap. 57, s. 43Q(5)(a)
real issue 真正的爭論點 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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real issue 實在的爭論點 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 4(1)(d)

re-litigate an issue 重新就爭論點提出訴訟 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
special issue [案件的]特別爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
specific issues 具體問題 Cap. 607, Sch. 3
substantial common issue of law or fact 實質共通的法律爭議或事實爭議 Cap. 527A, s. 3(2)(c)
suitability issue 合適問題 Cap. 156, s. 2(6)
the issue is found for ... 判……得直 Cap. 21, s. 9(1)
there is sufficient evidence to raise an issue 有足夠證據,帶出……爭議點 Cap. 630, s. 11(4)(a)
there is sufficient evidence to raise an issue with respect to the 有足夠證據,就該事宜帶出爭論點 Cap. 548F, s. 91K
triable issue 可審理的爭論點 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue die without issue [also leave no issue; obi(i)t sine prole] 死後無嗣 Cap. 30, s. 22
die without issue [also leave no issue; obi(i)t sine prole] 無嗣而終 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure of issue 無後嗣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue (n.) 後嗣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remoter issue 更遠的後嗣 Cap. 184, s. 3(2)
to ... and to all and every other issue 給予……以及前述者以外的每一後人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue acknowledge the issue of the writ 對令狀的發出作確認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(6)
acknowledgment of issue 發出確認書 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 3(6)

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bonus issue 派發的……紅利 Cap. 525, Sch. 2

bonus issue 紅利派發 Cap. 4, s. 20A(3)
conditions of issue 發出條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of issue 發證條件 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
conditions of issue 發行條件 Cap. 622, s. 144(2)(a)
date of issue 發出日期 Cap. 369AW, s. 5(1)(c)
date of issue 發證日期 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execution may issue against ... 可……針對……發出執行程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 45, r. 8
fresh issue of shares 發行新股份 Cap. 622, s. 257(2)(b)
further shares are to be issued in right of those shares 依憑該等股份而發行進一步股份 Cap. 584, s. 8ZZN(2)(c)
issue 發給 Cap. 159, s. 6(1)
issue a licence 發出牌照 Cap. 106, s. 7
issue execution on the judgment 為執行判決而提起法律程序 Cap. 9A, r. 11
issue (n., v.) 發出 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue (n., v.) 發行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
issue of ... at a discount 按折扣發行…… Cap. 622, s. 342(8)
issue of execution 發出執行程序文件 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 10
issue of share capital 發行股本 Cap. 32, s. 42(1)
issued 簽發 Cap. 115, s. 13D(1)(a)
issued out of ... 由……發出 Cap. 4A, O. 7, r. 5(1)
issued share capital 已發行股本 Cap. 622, s. 13

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issues a warrant 簽發令狀 Cap. 405, s. 2(11)(a)

notice of issue (of shares) 發出股份的公告 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
right to be issued with ... 獲得發行……的權利 Cap. 571, s. 131(4)(c)
rights issue (of shares) 供股 Cap. 571, s. 308
scrip issue 紅股發行 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
terms of issue 發行條款 Cap. 64, s. 5
issued issued share capital 已發行股本 Cap. 571, Sch. 1
issued shares 已發行股份 Cap. 41G, r. 6(5)
issued shares 已發行股票 Cap. 1146, s. 2(1)
issuer bond-issuer 發債人 Cap. 61, s. 2A(1)(a)(ii)
issuer 發出人 Cap. 155, s. 137B(1)
issuer 發債人 Cap. 112, s. 14A(4)
issuer 發證人 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
issuer (of securities) (證券)發行人 Cap. 571, s. 308
issuing issuing authority 發證當局 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(2)(f)
issuing company 發行公司 Cap. 622, s. 194(1)
issuing country 發證國家 Cap. 369AD, reg. 32(2)(b)
issuing country 簽發國家 Cap. 637, s. 29(3)(a)(ii)
ita te Deus adjuvet ita te Deus adjuvet (arch.) ["so help you God"] 願主祐你〔英國舊式監誓用語〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
item consumable item 消耗品 Cap. 112, Sch. 45
contra items 對銷項目 Cap. 155, s. 119A(2)(a)
forfeitable item 可予沒收物件 Cap. 559, s. 96A

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item 物品 Cap. 406, s. 4(1)

item 項 Cap. 313A, Sch. 13
items subject to legal privilege 享有法律特權的品目 Cap. 455, s. 2(1)
itemised itemised statement of any expenses 開支的分項陳述 Cap. 485A, s. 154(1)(e)
itinerary scheduled itinerary 預定航線 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
ITU ITU recommendation 國際電信聯盟建議書 Cap. 548G, s. 80A(8)
ITU ITU Radiocommunication Sector 國際電信聯盟無線電通訊部 Cap. 369BB, s. 2
ius in re aliena ius in re aliena 他物權 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 3,
para. 28
jactitation of marriage jactitation of marriage 詐稱結婚 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
petition for jactitation of marriage 就詐稱結婚提出呈請 Cap. 179, s. 54B
jam jamming 干擾 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
Jane Doe Jane Doe [also Jane Roe; Mary Major] 某女與訟人〔訴訟中用以代指姓名不詳或姑隱其名的女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
與訟人〕 ※比較 John Doe and Commercial Law Terms
Jane Roe Jane Roe [also Jane Doe; Mary Major] 某女與訟人〔訴訟中用以代指姓名不詳或姑隱其名的女 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
與訟人〕 ※比較 John Doe and Commercial Law Terms
Janus-faced plea Janus-faced plea 具兩面的申辯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Jason clause Jason clause [The Jason Case (1912) 225 U.S. 32] 賈森條款〔提單中的海損共分條款〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
new Jason clause [amended clause] 新賈森條款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jeofails jeofails (arch.) [errors or oversights in pleading] 承認狀書中有錯漏 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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jeofails (arch.) [errors or oversights in pleading] 狀書中的錯漏 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
jeopardize jeopardises 危及 Cap. 494, s. 4(2)(a)
jeopardize the operation or reliability of ... 危及……的運作或可靠性 Cap. 624, s. 7(1)(g)
jeopardy double jeopardy 一罪兩審 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
double jeopardy 同罪兩審〔就同一罪名受兩次審理〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jeopardy in jeopardy 受危害 Cap. 514C, s. 12(10)
jeopardy 危害 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jeopardy 危險 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jeopardy 危難 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jettison jettisoned 投棄 Cap. 413H, s. 18H(1)
job action job action [also industrial action] 工業行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jobbing jobbing business 證券經銷業務 Cap. 117, s. 2(1)
jobbing business jobbing business 證券經銷業務 Cap. 117, s. 2
John Doe John Doe [also Richard Roe] 某男與訟人〔訴訟中用以代指姓名不詳或姑隱其名的男 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
與訟人〕 ※比較 Jane Doe; Jane Roe; Mary Major and Commercial Law Terms
John Doe injunction 佚名強制令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join be joined as a party 加入為法律程序的一方 Cap. 352, s. 3A(1)
causes joined in one action 合併在一宗訴訟中的……訟案 Cap. 4A, O. 59, r. 19(4A)
claims be joined 將……申索合併 Cap. 25, s. 24(1)

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join 共同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
join 聯合 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join ... as a party ... 將……加入成為……的一方 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 3(1)
join in the application 聯名申請 Cap. 178, s. 9(3)(b)
joined as a defendant 加入成為被告人 Cap. 4A, O. 113, r. 5
joined as a party 被加入……而成為一方 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(2)(b)(i)
joined as a plaintiff 加入作為原告人 Cap. 528, s. 113(2)
... joined as defendants ……為共同被告人 Cap. 25, s. 26(5)
joined in matrimony 結為夫婦 Cap. 181, s. 21(4)(a)(i)
joined in the same indictment 合併於同一公訴書內 Cap. 221, s. 18(1)
proceedings brought by joining ... as ... 藉着將……加入為……而提出的法律程序 Cap. 347, s. 35(2)
right to form and join trade unions 組織及加入工會之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 18(1)
to join the new party 將新的一方加入 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(6)(e)
join join issue 共同提出爭論點供裁決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join issue 有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14
join issue 對提出的爭論點進行辯論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
join issue on ... 就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(2)(b)
join joining consecutively ... 按序連接…… Cap. 413K, s. 2
joinder implied joinder of issue 默示就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14
joinder joinder 合併 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 5(1)
joinder 參加 Cap. 482, Sch. 1

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joinder 聯同 Cap. 6, s. 108

joinder of administrator 共同遺產管理人 Cap. 10A, r. 23
joinder of causes of action 訴訟因由的合併 Cap. 336H, O. 15, r. 1
joinder of charges 合併控罪 Cap. 221, s. 18, Heading
without the joinder of ... 無須聯同…… Cap. 6, s. 108
joinder of issue denial by joinder of issue 以有爭論點提出而作的否認 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)
expressed joinder of issue 明示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(4)
implied joinder of issue 默示有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 20(2)
implied joinder of issue on ... 默示就……有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 14(1)
joinder of issue 有爭論點提出 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 13(1)
joint during ... joint lives 在……共同在生之時 Cap. 181, Sch. 1
exclusive possession or joint possession 單獨管有或共同管有 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
having a joint interest 共同擁有……權益 Cap. 571, s. 322(14)
in the joint names of ... 以……的共同名義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint 共同的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint 聯合的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint 聯權共有的 Cap. 6, s. 38(7)
joint and mutual will 共同與相互遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint and several 共同及各別 Cap. 219, s. 35
joint and several criminal liability 共同及各別的刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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joint and several liability 共同及各別的法律責任 "Class Actions" Report, para. 6.20
joint and several liability 共同和各別的法律責任〔共同承擔並各自分別承擔的法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
律責任〕 and Commercial Law Terms
joint and several note 共同及各別的承付票 Cap. 19, s. 91(2)
joint application 聯合申請 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint attorney 共同受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.7
joint authorship 共同撰寫 Cap. 362, s. 16G(2)(g)
joint certificate 聯合證明書 Cap. 372, Sch. 3
joint charge 共同控罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint claim 聯名索償 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.113
joint creditors 共同債權人 Cap. 6A, r. 141
joint custody 共同管養 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.27
joint debtors 共同債務人 Cap. 6, s. 101
joint debts 共同債項 Cap. 6, s. 38(7)
joint default 共同違責 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(a)(iii)
joint dissenting opinion 聯合的異議意見 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
joint enterprise 共同犯罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯案 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
joint enterprise 夥同犯罪 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 2.15
joint holders 聯名持有人 Cap. 622, s. 432(2)(a)
joint insolvency 共同無力償債 Cap. 155L, s. 226ZA(6)(a)(iii)
joint interest 共同……權益 Cap. 571, s. 345(14)
joint interest 聯權共有權益 Cap. 562, s. 2(7)
joint inventor 共同發明人 Cap. 514, s. 59(3)(c)
joint liability 共同法律責任 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint lives 共同在生之時 Cap. 181, Sch. 1
joint notice 聯合公告 Cap. 1146, s. 3
joint offenders 共犯 Cap. 132, s. 141(2)(b)
joint owner 共有人 Cap. 111A, Schedule
joint owners [joint tenants or tenants in common] 共同擁有人〔聯權共有人或分權共有人〕 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
joint owners [joint tenants or tenants in common] 聯名擁有人 Cap. 221, s. 95
joint owners [joint tenants or tenants in common] 聯權擁有人 Cap. 112, s. 56A
joint ownership 聯權共有權 Cap. 112, s. 42(1)(a)(ii)(a)
joint performer 合作表演者 Cap. 528, s. 272J(1)
joint possession 共同管有 Cap. 109, s. 17(10)
joint power 共同權力 Cap. 182, s. 17(d)
joint property 聯權共有財產 Cap. 38, s. 4(a)
joint proprietors 共同所有人 Cap. 514, s. 13(1)(b)

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joint provisional trustees 共同暫行受託人 Cap. 6, s. 12(1B)

joint request 聯名請求 Cap. 528D, r. 29(2)
joint statement 聯合陳述書 Cap. 4A, O. 38, r. 38
joint survey or inspection 聯合檢查或檢驗 Cap. 434, Sch. 1
joint tenancy 聯權共有〔俗稱"長命契"。兩人或多於兩人共同擁有某 Cap. 38, s. 4
歸餘下尚存者〕 ※比較 tenancy in common
joint tenant 聯權共有人 參看 joint tenancy Cap. 112, s. 26E
joint tortfeasors 共同侵權人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint total income 共同入息總額 Cap. 112, s. 40B
joint venture 合資 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint venture 聯營 Cap. 1145, s. 4(q)
joint venture 聯營企業 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint venture 聯營關係 Cap. 1075, s. 6(m)
joint venture litigation funding arrangement 聯手訴訟出資安排 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.65
joint will 共同遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
remaining joint attorney 餘下的共同受權人 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.38
unincorporated joint venture 不具法團地位的聯營企業 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
joint and several joint and several criminal liability 共同及各別的刑責 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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Joint Declaration Joint Declaration 聯合聲明 Cap. 1, s. 3

Joint Declaration of the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom 聯合王國政府和中華人民共和國政府關於香港問題的聯 Cap. 150, Preamble
Government of the and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the 合聲明
United Kingdom and Question of Hong Kong
the Government of the
People's Republic of
China on the Question
of Hong Kong
Joint Liaison Group Joint Liaison Group 聯合聯絡小組 Cap. 36, Long Title
joint venture joint venture 聯營者 Cap. 155Q, r. 41(11)(a)(i)
jointly a motion has been initiated jointly by ... 已……作出聯合動議 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
appointed to act either jointly or jointly and severally 獲委任以共同行事或共同和各別行事 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.59
either alone or jointly with ... 單獨或與……聯合…… Cap. 469, Sch. 1
held jointly 共同持有 Cap. 111A, Schedule
jointly 聯同 Cap. 514, s. 13(3)(a)
jointly 聯權共有 Cap. 182, s. 17(c)
jointly and severally 共同和各別 Cap. 501, s. 15(1)
jointly and severally liable 負上共同及各別的法律責任 Cap. 313, s. 8(1)
jointly, but not severally, liable 負共同而非各別法律責任 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 4(3)
jointly have custody of ... 對……擁有共同管養權 Cap. 181, Sch. 3
jointly liable 共同有責 Cap. 453, s. 25(1)
jointly responsible for 共同負責 Cap. 21, s. 25(1)(a)
liable ... jointly and severally 共同及各別……承擔法律責任 Cap. 19, s. 91(1)
personally, jointly and severally liable for ... 個人、共同及各別為……負上法律責任 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 4, para. 12

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possessed jointly ... or severally 共同管有或各別管有 Cap. 201, s. 14(1B)(1)(a)(i)

severally or jointly and severally 各別地或共同和各別地 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.33
sued jointly with ... 與……共同被起訴 Cap. 4A, O. 15, r. 6(6)(e)
whether alone or jointly with others 不論是單獨或與其他人共同…… Cap. 588, s. 20A
jointly and severally jointly and severally liable; liable jointly and severally 共同及各別負上法律責任 Cap. 622H, Sch. 1
liable; liable jointly and
liable jointly and severally with each other 共同及各別承擔……法律責任 Cap. 605, s. 6
joint-stock joint-stock companies 合股公司 Cap. 20, s. 2
journal journal 期刊 Cap. 571, s. 391(11)
official journal 官方公報 Cap. 522A, s. 37(3)
specified journal 指明期刊 Cap. 528, Sch. 1AA
journal journals 議事錄 Cap. 382, s. 2(1)
journalistic journalistic material 新聞材料 Cap. 1, s. 82(1)
journalist's privilege journalist's privilege 新聞工作者的特權〔無須披露機密資料來源的特權〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
journey journey 旅程 Cap. 104, s. 5(2)
journey log book 航程日誌 Cap. 173A, reg. 3(2)
journey to and from that place 往返該地方 Cap. 602, s. 66(4)(b)
Judex est lex loquens. Judex est lex loquens. [A judge is a spokesman of the law.] 法官是法律的代言人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Judex non potest esse Judex non potest esse testis in propria causa. [A judge cannot 法官不得在自己的案件中充當證人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
testis in propria causa. be a witness in his own cause.] and Commercial Law Terms
judge a judge in person 法官本人 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 35(7)

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a judge of fact 事實裁斷者 Cap. 336, s. 79(4)

a judge ... sitting alone 法官單獨開庭 Cap. 4, s. 32(1)
a single judge 單一名法官 Cap. 484, s. 19
appear before a judge 到法官席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
appellate judge 審理上訴的法官 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
at a trial by and before a judge and jury 在法官會同陪審團主持的審訊中以及在法官會同陪審團 Cap. 8, s. 4A(1)
before a judge 在法官席前 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bring ... to the action of the judge 將……提交法官行動 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(1)
bring to the attention of the judge 使法官知悉 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 10(2)
Chief Judge of the High Court 高等法院首席法官 Cap. 484, s. 12(1)(a)
concurrence by a judge 法官對判決的贊同 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
costs judge 訟費評核官 "Conditional Fees" Report, para.
deputy judge (HK) 暫委法官(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
duty judge 當值的法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judge 裁斷者 Cap. 336, s. 79(4)
judge (n.) 法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judge at first instance 初審法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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judge at first instance 原審法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
judge entering the arena 法官加入控辯雙方的訟辯 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judge entering the arena 法官加入戰團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judge from another common law jurisdiction 其他普通法適用地區法官 Cap. 484, s. 2
judge in chambers 內庭法官 Cap. 29A, r. 2(f)
judge in chambers 在內庭的法官 Cap. 576B, s. 10(1)
judge in the first instance 初審法官 Cap. 7, s. 85(2)
judge of the Court of Final Appeal 終審法院法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
judge of the Court of First Instance 原訟法庭法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
judge of the High Court 高等法院法官 Cap. 4, s. 11A(5)
judge sitting alone 一名單獨開庭的法官 Cap. 336, s. 6(1)
Judges ... may be recruited from ... ……法官……可從……聘用 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 92
judge's notes 法官的紀錄 Cap. 221, s. 64
leading judge 為首的法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
list of judges 法官名單 Cap. 484, s. 11
listing judge 主理案件排期的法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
local judges 當地法官 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 88
non-permanent Hong Kong judge 非常任香港法官 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
non-permanent judge 非常任法官 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
panel of judges 法官名單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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permanent judge 常任法官 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)

presiding judge 主審法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
presiding judge 合議庭庭長 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
presiding judge 審判長 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
puisne judge 陪席法官〔即高等法院的普通法官〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
put before the judge 在法官席前提出 Cap. 221, s. 9H(4)
sentencing judge 判刑法官 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
single judge 單一名法官 Cap. 484, s. 19
single judge 單獨主審的法官 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sole judge 唯一裁判 Cap. 197A, reg. 16(1)
specialist judge 特定案件類別法官 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 2.67
the sole judge 唯一裁決人 Cap. 517, s. 19(1)
trial judge 主審法官 Cap. 3, s. 31(2)(a)
trial judge 原審法官 Cap. 4, s. 34(6)(a)
tribunal of judges 法官審議庭 Cap. 484, s. 14(7)
judge judge (v.) 判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judge (v.) 判定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judged 判斷 Cap. 283, s. 26B(6)

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judge-made law judge-made law 法官訂立的法律〔藉司法判例或法官對成文法規的解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

而確立的法律〕 and Commercial Law Terms
Judges' Rules Judges' Rules 法官規程 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judgment action upon a judgment 基於某項判決的訴訟 Cap. 347, s. 2(5)(b)
answer a judgment ... 應付……判決 Cap. 4A, App. A
application for summary judgment 簡易判決申請 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
arrest of judgment 阻止判決 Cap. 336, Sch. 2
certificate of judgment 判決證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
class judgment 集體判決 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 5, para. 9, Footnote 6
consent judgment 在(與訟各方)同意下作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
corporate judgment debtors 屬法團的判定債務人 Cap. 4, s. 54(2)(h)(ii)
debtor under a judgment for money 受制於付款判決的債務人 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 4(2)
declaratory judgment or order 屬宣布性質的判決或命令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
default judgment [also judgment by default] 因欠缺行動而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 8
default judgment [also judgment by default] 缺席判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliver judgment 宣判 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deliver judgment 宣告判決 Cap. 4, s. 11
delivery of the judgment 宣告判決 Cap. 484A, r. 45(1)
delivery of the judgment 宣讀判詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
enforcement action upon a judgment 強制執行某項判決的行動 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enter judgment 登錄判決〔司法行政行為。判決作出後,將判決正式登 Cap. 336H, O. 37, r. 2
enter judgment against ... for costs 登錄……須支付訟費的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 6(2)
enter judgment for ... as against ... 就……登錄……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 4(1)
enter up judgment 登錄判決 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
entering of partial judgment 登錄部分判決 "Adverse Possession" Report, Preface
, para. 10, Footnote 9
entry of judgment 登錄判決 Cap. 338, s. 17(2)
entry of the judgment 該判決……的記項 Cap. 336H, O. 13, r. 7(4)
execution of judgment 強制執行判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
execution of the judgment 執行判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
extempore judgment 當庭宣判的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
final judgment 終局判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(2)
final judgment 最終判決 Cap. 336H, O. 29, r. 12
foreign judgment 外地判決 Cap. 319, s. 8
formal judgment 正式判決 Cap. 484A, r. 31(2)(a)
give judgment for sb. 判(決)某人勝訴 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
give judgment for the claim 作出該申索勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19(5)
gives a judgment 作出判決 Cap. 609, s. 17(4)(a)
giving judgment against ... 判決……敗訴 Cap. 414, s. 25(11)

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handing down a judgment 宣布一項判決 Cap. 336H, O. 42, r. 5B(2)

handing down reasons for judgment 宣布判決……的理由 Cap. 336H, O. 42, r. 5B
have the judgment registered in ... 將該判決在……登記 Cap. 9, s. 3(1)
in arrest of judgment 阻止判決 Cap. 221, s. 53(1)
interlocutory judgment 非正審判決 Cap. 4A, O. 13, r. 2
judgment 判決 Cap. 4, s. 34
judgment 判決書 Cap. 218E, s. 2
judgment 判詞 Cap. 569, s. 34(2)
judgment 裁決 Cap. 537AE, s. 11(2)(c)(i)
judgment against ... for ... 判……敗訴而須……的判決 Cap. 4, s. 21B(1)(a)
judgment ... against ... in favour of ... 判……敗訴……勝訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 4(3)(a)
judgment against sb. 判某人敗訴的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment by consent 按同意而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(1)(a)
judgment by default [also default judgment] 因欠缺行動而作出的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 21
judgment by default [also default judgment] 缺席判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment creditor 判定債權人 Cap. 4A, O. 50, r. 1
judgment debt 判定債項 Cap. 159M, r. 16
judgment debtor 判定債務人 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
judgment entered for A against B 登錄甲方勝訴而乙方敗訴的判決 參看 enter judgment English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment for money 付款判決 Cap. 4A, O. 44A, r. 9(3)
judgment for multiple damages 倍計損害賠償的判決 Cap. 471, s. 7(3)
judgment for possession 管有土地的判決 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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judgment for sb. 判某人勝訴的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment from which leave to appeal is sought 尋求上訴許可所針對的判決 Cap. 484A, r. 5(2)(a)
judgment in default of (acknowledgment of) service 在欠缺送達認收書的情況下作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment in default of appearance 缺席判決 Cap. 338, s. 17
judgment in default of defence 基於欠缺抗辯書而取得判決 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 2
judgment is given against ... 被判敗訴 Cap. 622, s. 469(2)(b)(ii)
judgment is given for the defendant 判被告人得直 Cap. 21, s. 9(1)
judgment is reserved 判決經予保留 Cap. 227, s. 5A(4)
judgment is reserved 保留判決 Cap. 338, s. 4A
judgment non obstante veredicto; j.n.o.v. ["judgment 與陪審團裁決不同的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
notwithstanding the verdict"] and Commercial Law Terms
judgment on liability 就法律責任問題作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment or order is pronounced 宣告判決或命令 Cap. 4A, O. 42, r. 5B(1)
judgment passes for the plaintiff 原告人獲判勝訴 Cap. 7, s. 133
judgment rate 判決利率 Cap. 159M, Sch. 3
judgment rate (of interest) 判定利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment rate (of interest) 判定債項的利率 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law 刑事民事之判決 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
judgment roll 判決紀錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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judgment roll 判決案卷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
judgment sum 判決金額 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment sum 判定款額 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.34
judgment summons 判決傳票 Cap. 336H, O. 90A, r. 2(1)
judgment which ... cannot be recognized or enforced in Hong 不能在香港獲得承認或強制執行的判決 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
judgments given in ... ……作出的判決 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)
judgments of death 死刑判決 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(k)
minutes of the judgment 判決的紀錄 Cap. 4A, O. 86, r. 2(2)
money judgment [also monetary judgment] 以金錢為賠償的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
notice of appeal against the judgment 針對判決的上訴通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 13(3)(e)
notice of the judgment 判決通知書 Cap. 352, s. 3(5)
notice of the registration of a judgment 判決的登記通知書 Cap. 4A, O. 71, r. 7(1)
obtains judgment ... against ... 取得……判……敗訴的判決 Cap. 4A, O. 14, r. 8(1)
oral judgment 口述判詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
oral judgment 口頭判詞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
part judgment 部分判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
person against whom the judgment is given 判決中被判敗訴的人 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
person by whom the judgment was obtained 取得判決的人 Cap. 9, s. 2(1)
person in whose favour the judgment was given 判決中獲判勝訴的人 Cap. 319, s. 2(1)

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postpone judgment 押後判決 Cap. 161E, s. 26(1)

reasoned judgment 附有理由的判決 Cap. 484A, r. 31(2)(b)
reasons for judgment [also ratio decidendi] 判決理由 參看 ratio decidendi English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
registered judgment 已登記的判決 Cap. 319, s. 4(2)(a)
relevant foreign judgment 有關外地判決 Cap. 479, s. 2(1)
render judgment (以口頭或書面)宣判 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
renewal of judgment 重新作出的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
reported judgment 案例彙編 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve judgment 押後宣告判決 Cap. 484A, r. 45(1)
reserve judgment 保留判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
revival of judgment 暫停執行的判決恢復生效 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
satisfaction of a judgment debt 清償判定債項 Cap. 4B, r. 16(3)(e)
satisfaction of the judgment 履行……判決 Cap. 360, s. 13(3)
satisfaction of the judgment or order 判決或命令的履行 Cap. 4, s. 21B(2)(b)
satisfies the judgment 履行判決 Cap. 4, s. 21B(4)(b)
satisfy a judgment 履行判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
set aside a judgment 將判決作廢 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 19
set aside a judgment 撤銷判決 Cap. 49, s. 2
summary judgment 簡易判決 Cap. 4, s. 21H(1)

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summons for judgment 要求作判決的傳票 Cap. 4A, App. A

summons for summary judgment 要求作出簡易判決的傳票 Cap. 4A, O. 29, r. 10(2)
suspend execution on the judgment 暫停執行判決 Cap. 9A, r. 12
take-nothing judgment 原告人敗訴兼付訟費的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
that judgment ... not ... entitled to recognition in Hong Kong 該項判決在香港……無資格獲承認 Cap. 46, s. 5(1)
the judgment appealed from 上訴所針對的判決 Cap. 484, s. 26(3)
unsatisfied judgment 未獲履行的判決 Cap. 6, s. 132(c)
written judgment 判決書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
written judgment 書面判決 Cap. 336, s. 60
judgment informed judgment 根據充分的資料而作出的判斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judgment 判斷 Cap. 89, s. 19(2)
reasonable judgement 合理判斷 Cap. 622, s. 305(2)(a)(i)
judicature judicature 司法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicature 司法權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicature 司法體系 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Judicia posteriora sunt Judicia posteriora sunt in lege fortiora. [The later decisions are 後判決優於前判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
in lege fortiora. stronger in law.] and Commercial Law Terms
judiciable judiciable 可由法院審判的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial application for leave to apply for judicial review 申請司法覆核的許可 Cap. 4A, O. 53, r. 4(1)

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Chief Judicial Clerk 總司法書記 Cap. 4A, O. 62, r. 13(1)

common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions 普通法中關於司法裁定的宣布論 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
competent judicial authority 主管司法機關 Cap. 557, Schedule
Competent Judicial Authority 管轄司法機構 Cap. 4A, App. A
decree of judicial separation 法院作出的分居裁決 Cap. 73, s. 4A(1)
decree of judicial separation 裁判分居令 Cap. 16, s. 5(1)(a)
endanger the integrity of the judicial process 危害司法程序的公正不阿 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 8.92
exercise judicial power independently 獨立進行審判 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
judicial 司法 Cap. 1, s. 64(4)
judicial 司法的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial 法院的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial 裁判的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial assistance 司法協助 Cap. 503H, Sch. 1
judicial authorities 司法機構 Cap. 4A, O. 11, r. 5(5)(b)
judicial authority 案例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial character 司法職銜 Cap. 8, s. 31
judicial clerk 司法書記 Cap. 4A, O. 35, r. 10
judicial cognizance [also judicial notice] 司法認知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial comity 司法管轄權的相互尊重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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judicial comment 司法評論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
judicial decision of final effect 有確定效力之司法判決 Cap. 557, Schedule
judicial decree 司法判令 Cap. 210, s. 31
judicial dictum 法庭意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial discretion 司法酌情權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judicial documents 司法文件 Cap. 525O, Sch. 2
judicial economy 節約司法資源 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.23
judicial evidence 法庭認定的證據 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial factor 司法財產保管人 Cap. 1138, s. 6(1)(d)
judicial function 司法職能 Cap. 338, s. 4(5)
judicial functions 審判職責 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
judicial immunity 司法免責權〔法官無須負上因執行司法職務而引起的民 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
事法律責任〕 and Commercial Law Terms
judicial independence 司法獨立 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial institutions 司法體制 Cap. 503B, Schedule
judicial interpretation 司法解釋 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judicial intervention 司法干預 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.56
judicial investigations 司法調查 Cap. 12, Long Title
judicial knowledge 司法認知 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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judicial ... measures 司法……措施 Convention Against Torture and

Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(1)
judicial neutrality 司法中立 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judicial notice [also judicial cognizance] 司法認知〔法官理應知道而無須證明的事實〕 Cap. 8, s. 33
judicial oath 司法誓言 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.61
judicial office 司法職位 Cap. 92, s. 2
judicial officer 司法人員 Cap. 92, s. 2
judicial opinion 司法意見 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial order 司法命令 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.25
judicial organs 司法機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 87
judicial power 司法權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
judicial power 司法權力 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(3)
judicial power 審判權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 80
judicial precedent 司法判例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicial proceeding 司法程序 Cap. 86, s. 11(1)
judicial proceedings 司法程序文件 Cap. 8, s. 31
judicial process 司法程序 Cap. 537BB, s. 3(b)
judicial process 司法程序文件 Cap. 300, s. 4(5)
judicial pronouncement 司法宣告 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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judicial qualifications 司法資格 Ord. No. 14 of 1997, Long Title

judicial ... qualities 司法……才能 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 92
judicial reference 司法提請 "Class Actions" Report, para. 5.17
judicial registrar 司法常務官 "Class Actions" Report, para. 3.82
judicial remedies 司法補救 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 35
judicial review 司法覆核 Cap. 4, s. 21K
judicial separation 裁判分居 Cap. 179, s. 2
judicial system 司法體制 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 81
judicial ... tribunal 司法……機構 Cap. 21, s. 2
judicial trustee 司法受託人 Cap. 29, s. 63(1)
judicial ... work 司法……工作 Cap. 4, s. 9(2A)(b)
mutual judicial assistance 司法互助 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mutual judicial assistance 相互提供司法協助 Cap. 503I, Schedule
quasi-judicial body 半司法機構 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
remove a judicial trustee 將司法受託人免職 Cap. 29B, r. 21(2)
responsibilities of a judicial nature 屬司法性質的責任 Cap. 300, s. 4(5)
resumption of any judicial proceedings 司法程序的恢復進行 Cap. 62, s. 6(1)(b)
take judicial notice of ... 對……予以司法認知 Cap. 8, s. 38
the executive, legislative and judicial systems 行政管理、立法和司法方面的制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 11
Judicial Clerk Judicial Clerk (HK) 司法書記(香港) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Judicial Committee of Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (Eng.) 樞密院司法委員會(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
the Privy Council and Commercial Law Terms

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Judicial Officers Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission 司法人員推薦委員會 Cap. 484, s. 6(1)
judicial review application for judicial review 申請司法覆核 Cap. 4, s. 21K(1)
judicial review 司法覆核 Cap. 4, s. 14A
judicially acting judicially 以司法官員身分行事的 Cap. 32, s. 289(2)
are to be judicially noticed 須獲司法認知 Cap. 485, s. 34A(8)
judicially noticed 予以司法認知 Cap. 1, s. 11
person acting judicially 以司法人員身分行事的人 Cap. 11, s. 2
Judiciary judiciary 司法機構 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.61
judiciary 司法機關 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 80
members of the judiciary 司法人員 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 85
Judiciary Accountant Judiciary Accountant 司法機構會計師 Cap. 4A, O. 44, r. 12(2)
Judiciary Administrator Judiciary Administrator 司法機構政務長 Cap. 401, s. 11B(1)
judicious judicious 明智而審慎的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
judicious 明斷的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jura regalia jura regalia (arch.) ["royal rights"; royal prerogatives] 君主特權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jura regalia (arch.) ["royal rights"; royal prerogatives] 君主審判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jura regalia (arch.) ["royal rights"; royal prerogatives] 君權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jurat jurat 誓章末處 Cap. 4A, O. 41, r. 1(8)

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juridical juridical 司法上的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
juridical 法律上的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juridical fact [also fait juridique] 法律事實 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juridical relations 司法方面的聯繫 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 95
reciprocal juridical assistance 司法互助關係 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 96
jurimetrics jurimetrics (Am.) [also jurisprudence] 法理學(美) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jurimetrics (Am.) [also jurisprudence] 法學(美) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juris et de jure juris et de jure ["of law and of right"] 合法合理 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jurisdiction acted without jurisdiction 在沒有司法管轄權下行事 Cap. 9, s. 3(2)(a)
administrative jurisdiction 行政管轄權 Cap. 36, Schedule
admiralty jurisdiction 海事司法管轄權 Cap. 281, s. 56(1)
ancillary jurisdiction 附帶司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 48
appellate jurisdiction 上訴司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 12
assume jurisdiction over a case 對某案行使審判權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bankruptcy jurisdiction 破產司法管轄權 Cap. 6, s. 98(1)
beyond the jurisdiction of ... 超越……的司法管轄權範圍 Cap. 25, s. 38
civil jurisdiction 民事司法管轄權 Cap. 484, s. 21
competent jurisdiction 司法管轄權 Cap. 219, s. 15(e)
concurrent jurisdiction 重疊的司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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court of competent jurisdiction 具司法管轄權的法院 "Charities" Consultation Paper,

Annex 4, para. 18
court of competent jurisdiction 具有司法管轄權的法院 Cap. 312, s. 7(3)(b)
court of full jurisdiction 具有全面司法管轄權的法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
court of unlimited jurisdiction in either civil or criminal 民事或刑事司法管轄權不設限的法院 Cap. 484, s. 12(4)(a)
criminal jurisdiction 刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 87
decline jurisdiction 拒絕行使司法管轄權 Cap. 25, s. 10(1)
entitled to immunity from the jurisdiction of ... 有權免受……的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 319, s. 6(3)(c)
equitable jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 347, s. 36
equitable jurisdiction; equity jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 37
equity jurisdiction 衡平法司法管轄權 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
exclusive jurisdiction 專有司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 40
exclusive jurisdiction 專有審判權 Cap. 390, s. 29(1)
exclusive jurisdiction 獨有管轄權 "Charities" Consultation Paper, para.
4.8, Footnote 6
exclusive jurisdiction and authority 獨有的管轄權及權限 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
exercise the ... jurisdiction 行使……司法管轄權 Cap. 159, s. 3(3)
exorbitant jurisdiction 超越限度的司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
extra-territorial jurisdiction 境外司法管轄權 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
extra-territorial jurisdiction 領域外管轄權 Cap. 575, s. 11I, Heading
foreign jurisdiction 外地司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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full jurisdiction 全面的管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
general jurisdiction 一般司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
has concurrent jurisdiction 同時……具有管轄權 Cap. 362, s. 16F(1)
having, claiming or accepting jurisdiction over ... 對……具有、聲稱具有或承認具有司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
having limited ... jurisdiction 具有有限……司法管轄權 Cap. 336, Long Title
immune from the criminal jurisdiction of ... 豁免受制於……的刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 36, Schedule
immunity from jurisdiction 在管轄權方面的豁免權 Cap. 36, Schedule
immunity from jurisdiction 管轄豁免 Cap. 557C, Schedule
in excess of jurisdiction 超越司法管轄權 Cap. 227, s. 105
in its civil jurisdiction 在行使其民事司法管轄權時 Cap. 4, s. 21E(1)
infringes the jurisdiction of ... 侵犯……的司法管轄權 Cap. 471, s. 4(2)(a)
inherent jurisdiction 固有司法管轄權 Cap. 221A, Schedule
inherent jurisdiction 固有的司法管轄權 Cap. 4A, O. 1A, r. 2
issue of jurisdiction 司法管轄權的爭論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
jurisdiction 司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 12
jurisdiction 管轄 Cap. 1163, s. 4(1)
jurisdiction 管轄權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
jurisdiction 審判權 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 19
jurisdiction of residence 居留司法管轄區 Cap. 112, s. 50A(1)
jurisdiction vested in ... 歸於……的……司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 33(1)
jurisdiction vested in the court 歸於法院的司法管轄權 Cap. 179, s. 10

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jurisdiction vested in the Court of First Instance 賦予原訟法庭……的審裁權 Cap. 213, s. 36

limited civil jurisdiction 有限民事司法管轄權 Cap. 25, Long Title
maximum sentencing jurisdiction 最高判刑權限 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
monetary jurisdiction limit 司法管轄權的金額限制 Cap. 336, s. 34(1)
non-exclusive jurisdiction 非專有的司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
of competent jurisdiction 具司法管轄權 Cap. 258, s. 5
ordinary jurisdiction 一般司法管轄權 Cap. 32H, r. 21
original jurisdiction 原訟司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 12
original ... jurisdiction 本原……管轄權 Cap. 1143, Sch. 1
ouster of jurisdiction 剝奪司法管轄權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
out of the jurisdiction 在本司法管轄權以外 Cap. 219, s. 12A(1)
outside the jurisdiction of ... 超越……的司法管轄權範圍 Cap. 25, s. 32(1)(b)
primary jurisdiction 基本司法管轄權 Cap. 609, s. 45(7)(b)
primary jurisdiction 基本管轄權 Cap. 609, s. 45(7)(b)
sentencing jurisdiction 判刑權限 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
sitting in its bankruptcy jurisdiction 行使破產司法管轄權 Cap. 6, s. 2
statutory jurisdiction 法定的司法管轄權 Cap. 29, s. 53
subject to the jurisdiction of ... 受……的司法管轄權所管轄 Cap. 382, s. 23
submit to the jurisdiction of 接受司法管轄權管轄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
submit to the jurisdiction of that court 接受該法院的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 9, s. 3(2)(b)

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submit to the jurisdiction of the court 願受法院的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 4, s. 12C(5)

submitted to the jurisdiction of 接受……的司法管轄權管轄 Cap. 500, s. 9(1)
submitted to the ... jurisdiction of ... 受……的……審判權所限 Cap. 556B, by-law 46(1)
summary jurisdiction 簡易司法管轄權 Cap. 212, s. 27(2)
summary jurisdiction 簡易程序司法管轄權 Cap. 227, s. 78(1)
supervisory jurisdiction 司法監督權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
territorial jurisdiction 領域管轄權 Cap. 471, s. 3(1)(b)
unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction 無限民事及刑事司法管轄權 Cap. 4, s. 3(2)
unlimited jurisdiction 司法管轄權不設限 Cap. 484, s. 12(4)(a)
waiver of immunity from jurisdiction 管轄豁免之拋棄 Cap. 557, Schedule
want of jurisdiction 缺乏司法管轄權 Cap. 336, s. 84
jurisdiction arbitration jurisdiction 仲裁管轄區 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.3
civil law jurisdiction 大陸法司法管轄區 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.109
common law jurisdiction 普通法司法管轄區 Cap. 159Q, s. 1
common law jurisdiction 普通法適用地區 Cap. 484, s. 2(1)
comparable overseas jurisdiction 相若的海外司法管轄區 Cap. 571, Sch. 5
conduct test of jurisdiction 司法管轄區行為測試 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 6, para. 25
equivalent jurisdiction 對等司法管轄區 Cap. 615, Sch. 2
foreign jurisdiction 外地司法管轄區 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
home jurisdiction 原屬司法管轄區 Cap. 588, s. 20ZT(8)
judge from another common law jurisdiction 其他普通法適用地區法官 Cap. 484, s. 2

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jurisdiction 司法管轄區 Cap. 426, s. 68(2)(b)(i)

jurisdiction 司法管轄範圍 Cap. 4A, O. 65, r. 5
jurisdiction 管轄範圍 Cap. 571, s. 186(4)(a)(ii)
jurisdiction of admission 獲認許的司法管轄區 Cap. 159Q, s. 1
jurisdiction of tax residence 稅務居留地管轄區 Cap. 112, s. 58B
non-common law jurisdiction 非普通法司法管轄區 Cap. 159Q, s. 1
out of jurisdiction 司法管轄範圍外 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
out of the jurisdiction 在本司法管轄權範圍外 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 7(2)
reportable jurisdiction 申報稅務管轄區 Cap. 112, s. 50A(1)
served out of the jurisdiction 在本司法管轄權範圍外送達 Cap. 4A, O. 6, r. 6(2)
service out of the jurisdiction 司法管轄範圍外送達 Cap. 9A, r. 9
third jurisdiction 第三方管轄範圍 Cap. 503B, Schedule
jurisdictional jurisdictional limit 司法管轄權限 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
jurisprudence jurisprudence 法學理論 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 5.17
jurisprudence [also jurimetrics] (Am.) 法理學 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jurisprudence [also jurimetrics] (Am.) 法學 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
medical jurisprudence [also forensic medicine] 法醫學 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juristic person juristic person [also legal person; artificial person] 法人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juristic person [also legal person; artificial person] 非自然人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

juror challenge ... jurors 反對……陪審員的人選 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 1.31
challenge of a juror 反對某人出任陪審員 Cap. 221, s. 83O(c)
challenge of jurors 反對陪審員人選 Cap. 3, s. 29, Heading
common juror 普通陪審員 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.5
discharge ... to serve as a juror 解除……出任陪審員的責任 Cap. 3, s. 4(2)
divide ... [panel of jurors] ... into ... sets 將……[陪審員小組]分成……組別 Cap. 3, s. 13(1)
exempt from service as jurors 豁免出任陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 5(1)
juror 陪審員 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.5
juror qualification form 陪審員資格表格 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.45
juror's oath 陪審員誓言 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
list of jurors 陪審員名單 Cap. 3, s. 13
panel of jurors 陪審員小組 Cap. 3, s. 13
panel of jurors 陪審員名單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
potential juror 候選陪審員 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.27
provisional list of jurors 陪審員的臨時名單 Cap. 3, s. 7(3)
retirement of ... jurors 陪審員……告退 Cap. 3, s. 22(1)
serve as a juror 出任陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 4(1)
special juror 特別陪審員 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.9

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summoned to appear as a juror 被傳召出庭作陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 28(1A)(a)

summoned to serve as a juror 被傳召出任陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 4(2)
the full number of jurors 全數的陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 25(3)
jury a trial by jury 在有陪審團的情況下進行審訊 Cap. 221, s. 59
at a trial by and before a judge and jury 在法官會同陪審團主持的審訊中以及在法官會同陪審團 Cap. 8, s. 4A(1)
attend on a jury 出席作陪審員 Cap. 3, s. 28(2)
before a jury 在陪審團席前 Cap. 3, s. 15(1)
... being given in charge to a jury 將……交付陪審團 Cap. 221, s. 51A
challenge to the jury array 對陪審團的組成有異議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
challenge to the jury array 對陪審團甄選程序的質疑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
charge to the jury [also direction to the jury] (法官)給予陪審團的指示 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
deadlocked jury [also hung jury] (因陪審員意見不一致而)不能作出裁決的陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
first jury 最初的陪審團 Cap. 3, s. 27
grand jury (Am.) 大陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hung jury [also deadlocked jury] (因陪審員意見不一致而)不能作出裁決的陪審團 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in the absence of the jury 於陪審團退席時 Cap. 200, s. 154(2)
in the presence of all the jury 在該陪審團全體成員在場時 Cap. 3, s. 26
inquest with a jury 在有陪審團參與的情況下進行研訊 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.11

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jury 陪審團 Cap. 3, s. 22

jury box 陪審團席 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 1.33
jury deliberations 陪審團的商議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury ... empanelled 選任……陪審團 Cap. 3, s. 27
jury franchise 陪審員的資格規定 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.14
jury ... kept apart 陪審團……受隔離 Cap. 3, s. 27
jury list 陪審員名單 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury process 召集陪審員令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury retirement 陪審團退庭商議 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
jury room 陪審員專用室 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury trial 有陪審團的審訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury verdict 陪審團的裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
properly directed jury 經恰當指引的陪審團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reasonable jury 合理的陪審團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
serve on the jury 出任該陪審團團員 Cap. 3, s. 25(3)
submitted to the jury 提交陪審團決定 Cap. 4, s. 33A(5)
summon a jury 召集陪審團 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"

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Report, para. 1.29

the case has been left with the jury 案件已交由陪審團判斷 Cap. 3, s. 22(2)
the verdict of the jury 陪審團的裁決 Cap. 3, s. 26
trial by jury 陪審制度 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 86
trial jury 小陪審團 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 2.54
trial with a jury 在有陪審團的情況下進行審訊 Cap. 4A, O. 33, r. 5(1)
tried with a jury 在有陪審團的情況下進行審訊 Cap. 4, s. 33A(1)
tried with a jury 審訊時有陪審團 Cap. 500, s. 15(6)
tried without a jury 在沒有陪審團的情況下審訊 Cap. 4, s. 33A(3)
unprejudiced jury properly directed 不存偏見且得到妥善指引的陪審團 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
without the intervention of a jury 在無陪審團參與的情況下 Cap. 6, s. 34(7)
jury-fixing jury-fixing 收買或脅迫陪審員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury-packing jury-packing 安插對一方有偏私者為陪審員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jury-tampering jury-tampering 影響陪審員的裁斷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus jus ["law"; "right"; "justice"] 法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus ["law"; "right"; "justice"] 法則 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus ["law"; "right"; "justice"] 法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus ["law"; "right"; "justice"] 權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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jus ad rem jus ad rem ["right to a thing"] 物權 參看 jus in re English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus civile jus civile ["law of the citizen"; also civil law] 民事法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus civile ["law of the citizen"; also civil law] 民法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus civile ["law of the citizen"; also civil law] 私法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus cogens jus cogens ["coercive law"] 強制性法則 ※比較 jus naturale English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus dare jus dare ["to give or make the law"] 立法與訂定法律的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus dicere jus dicere ["to declare or decide the law"] 判決與闡釋法律的功能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Jus ex injuria non Jus ex injuria non oritur. [A right cannot or does not arise out 不法行為不能產生權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
oritur. of a wrong.] and Commercial Law Terms
jus gentium jus gentium ["the law of nations"; international law] 國際法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus in personam jus in personam ["right against a person"] 對人的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
jus in re aliena jus in re aliena ["a right in another's property"; e.g. an 在他人物業中的權利〔如地役權〕 參看 easement English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
easement] and Commercial Law Terms
jus in re; jus in rem jus in re; jus in rem ["right in or over a thing; right against a 對物的權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
thing"] and Commercial Law Terms
jus naturale jus naturale ["the law of nature"; private natural right; natural 自然法則 ※比較 jus cogens English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
lawalso lex naturae] and Commercial Law Terms
Jus quo universitates Jus quo universitates utuntur est idem quod habent privati. 法團行使的權利與個人所享有的一樣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
utuntur est idem quod [The right that corporations exercise is the same as the right and Commercial Law Terms
habent privati. that individuals possess.]

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jus tertii, plea of jus tertii, plea of 第三方權利之訴 參看 plea of jus tertii English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just deem just 認為公平 Cap. 310, s. 6
for the just and expeditious disposal of the proceedings 為公正而迅速地了結法律程序 Cap. 619D, r. 53(1)
just 公平 Cap. 247, s. 7(1)
just 公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just allowances 公正的扣減項目 Cap. 18, s. 5
just allowances 屬於公正的酌量餘地 Cap. 4A, O. 43, r. 6
just and convenient 公正及適宜 Cap. 4, s. 21K(2)
just and equitable 公正公平 Cap. 466, s. 29(7)(d)
just and expedient 公正合宜 Cap. 622, s. 346(2)
just and expeditious disposal 公正而迅速地處理 Cap. 5C, r. 3(1)
just and proper 公正和恰當 Cap. 89, s. 7A
just and proper sentence 公正恰當的判刑 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
just and reasonable 公正合理 Cap. 17, s. 7C
just and reasonable 公正而合理的 Cap. 492, s. 15(c)
just and true 確當真實的 Cap. 332, s. 35(1)
just cause 公正因由 Cap. 197, s. 10
just cause 確當因由 Cap. 227C, Schedule
just deserts 應有的獎懲 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just deserts 應得的賞或罰 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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just exceptions 公正的例外情況 Cap. 408, s. 25(1)(b)

just exceptions 公正原則的例外情況 Cap. 505, s. 29(1)(b)
just excuse 確當辯解 Cap. 221, s. 37(2)(b)
just impressions 確當的印象 Cap. 8, s. 3(b)
just proportion 公平比率之數 Cap. 23, s. 15(3)
just title 合法的所有權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
just title 合法的業權 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
saving all just exceptions 屬公正的所有例外者除外 Cap. 4A, App. A
securing the just, expeditious and economical conduct of ... 確使……得以在公正、迅速和合乎經濟原則的情況下進 Cap. 615, Sch. 4

justice a miscarriage of justice 不公正的情況 Cap. 448B, reg. 16(1)(b)
access to justice 公義渠道 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.2
administration of justice 司法 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(c)
administration of justice 秉行公正 Cap. 575, s. 21(2)(b)
administration of justice 執行公義 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
administration of justice 執行司法工作 Cap. 227, s. 5(1)
administration of justice 執法 Cap. 204A, para. 17
adversarial system of criminal justice 對訟式刑事司法體系 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
adversarial system of justice 對辯式訴訟的司法制度 Cap. 492, s. 18(3)
as the justice of the application may require 為在該申請中達致公正而需……的 Cap. 17A, r. 15(4A)

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as the justice of the case may require 在案中秉持公正所需的 Cap. 484A, r. 7(2)
as the justice of the case may require 為在該案件達致公正所需 Cap. 528, s. 108(2)
as the justice of the case may require 就該案的公正原則所需 Cap. 374, s. 67(1)
as the justice of the case requires 為……案件的公正所需 Cap. 514, s. 129(3)(a)
attaining justice 秉行公正 Cap. 17, s. 10(5)(a)
attempt to pervert the course of public justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
attempting to pervert the course of justice 企圖妨礙司法公正 Cap. 503C, Sch. 1
conspiracy to do an act or acts tending and intended to pervert 串謀作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
the course of public justice Criminal Proceedings
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice 串謀妨礙司法公正 Cap. 455, Sch. 1
court of justice 法院 Cap. 8, s. 31
criminal justice system 刑事司法體系 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, Long Title
defeat or delay the ends of justice 妨礙或拖延達到公正的目的 Cap. 233, s. 25
defeat the ends of justice 有礙公正 Cap. 226, s. 4(c)
denial of justice [also justitia denegata] 拒予司法公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
do justice 秉行公正 Cap. 445, s. 9(3)
doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of 作出傾向並意圖妨礙司法公正的作為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
public justice Criminal Proceedings
doing complete justice 達致完全公正 Cap. 6, s. 97(1)
failure of justice 不公正的判決 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
failure of justice 錯判 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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for the purpose of justice in a criminal case 為某宗刑事案件的公正 Cap. 340, s. 6(1)(c)
for the purposes of justice 為秉行公正 Cap. 4A, App. A
in the course of justice 司法過程 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
in the interest of truth and justice 為維護真相及公正 Cap. 8, s. 73(1)
in the interests of justice 合乎公正原則 Cap. 527A, s. 4(2)
in the interests of justice 有利於司法公正 Cap. 405, s. 26(6)
in the interests of justice 有利於秉行公正 Cap. 112, s. 69(3)(e)(ii)(B)
in the interests of justice 為了司法公正 Cap. 221, s. 79C(4)(c)
in the interests of justice 為公正起見 Cap. 480C, s. 2(b)
in the interests of justice 為司法公正 "Class Actions" Report, para. 7.13
in the interests of justice 為司法公正的利益 Cap. 503P, Schedule
in the interests of justice 為秉行公正 Cap. 41, Sch. 10
in the interests of justice 為達致公正 Cap. 234, s. 12(2)
in the interests of justice 為維護公正起見 Cap. 487C, s. 1(b)
interests of justice 司法公義 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
interests of justice so require 為維護公正而有所需要 Cap. 416, s. 4(1)(b)
interfere with the course of justice 妨礙司法公正 Cap. 287, s. 4(1)
justice 公正 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Preamble
justice 司法公正 Cap. 394, s. 9(4)
justice ... be done 秉行公正 Cap. 405, s. 26(2)(b)

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justice ... be fully done 全面秉行公正 Cap. 145, s. 17(2)

justice is done and is seen to be done 執行公義必須彰顯於人前 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
justice must not only be done, but manifestly be seen to be 公義必須實踐,並且彰顯人前 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
done Criminal Proceedings
justice so requires 為維護司法公正而有需要 Cap. 109, s. 44
let justice be done [also fiat justitia] 讓正義得以伸張 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
miscarriage of justice 不公正的情況 Cap. 448B, reg. 16
miscarriage of justice 司法不公 Cap. 221, s. 81(4)
miscarriage of justice 有違公正 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 3.58
miscarriage of justice 原判錯誤 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(5)
miscarriage of justice 審判不公 Cap. 134, s. 38I
obstructing the course of justice 妨礙司法公正 Cap. 204, s. 10(5)(a)
officer of justice 執法人員 Cap. 339, s. 2(2)
open justice 公開的司法公義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
open justice principle 司法公開原則 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 3.19
perversion of justice 妨礙司法公正 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.92
perversion or obstruction of the course of justice 妨礙或阻礙司法公正 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
pervert or obstruct the course of justice 破壞或妨礙司法公正 Cap. 204, s. 10
perverting ... the course of justice 破壞……司法公正 Cap. 204, s. 10(5)(a)
prejudice the interests of justice 影響司法 Cap. 383, s. 8
prejudice the interests of justice or public order or security 損害司法公正、公安或安全 Cap. 221, s. 123(1A)(b)

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preventive justice 有防止犯罪作用的司法措施 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
principle of access to justice 確保公義渠道暢通的原則 "Third Party Funding for
Arbitration" Consultation Paper,
para. 4.3
principles of natural justice 自然公正原則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.6
public justice 社會公義 Cap. 91, Sch. 2
publicity would prejudice the interests of justice 公開審判勢必影響司法 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
restorative justice 復和司法 "Charities" Report, para. 2.193
restorative justice concepts 復和司法的概念 "Excepted Offences under Schedule
3 of the Criminal Procedure
Ordinance (Cap 221)" Report, para.
rules of natural justice 自然公正原則 Cap. 485, Sch. 5A
rules of natural justice 自然正義法則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
serve the ends of justice 有助於達到公正的目的 Cap. 232A, reg. 9(10)
substantial justice 實質公義 "Class Actions" Report, Annex 4,
para. 3
temper justice with mercy 法外開恩 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
temper justice with mercy 執行公義,不忘寬大 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the interests of justice ... served 使公正……獲維護 Cap. 514, s. 129(4)
the interests of justice so require 審判有此必要 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(2)(d)
the interests of the administration of justice require that ... 為了執行司法工作的利益,有需要…… Cap. 4, s. 10(1)(b)

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the justice of the case so requires 在……案件中秉行公義而有此需要 Cap. 612, s. 41(3)

to do justice between the parties 在各方之間秉行公正 Cap. 4A, O. 16, r. 5(2)
justice visiting justices 巡視中心太平紳士 Cap. 115M, r. 3(1)
visiting justices 巡獄太平紳士 Cap. 234, s. 25(1)(f)
justice bail justice 保釋官 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Consultation Paper, para. 2.9
Chief Justice 終審法院首席法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
Justice 法官 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
Justice of Appeal Justice of Appeal 上訴法庭法官 Cap. 1, s. 3
justice of the peace justice of the peace 太平紳士 Cap. 1, s. 3
Justice of the Peace; J.P. justice of the peace; J.P. (HK) 太平紳士(香港) Cap. 510, s. 2
justiciable justiciable 可由法庭審理的 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 9.5
justiciable 可由……審理 Cap. 426, Long Title
justiciable in ... 可由……審理 Cap. 426, Long Title
justifiable justifiable 有理可據 Cap. 602, s. 4(1)(b)(ii)
justifiable 有理由支持的 Cap. 480, s. 5(1)(b)(ii)
justifiable reason 充分的支持理由 Cap. 197A, reg. 12(2)
justifiable sense of grievance 有充分理由的抱怨 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
valid and justifiable opinion 言之成理而有理可據的意見 Cap. 622, s. 238(2)(b)
valid and justifiable opinion 確切而正當的結論 Cap. 32, Sch. 3
justification alleging a justification 指稱有理可據 Cap. 21, s. 7(2)
justification 正當需要 Cap. 491, s. 2(1)(a)

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justification 有理可據 Cap. 21, s. 7(2)

justification 理由 Cap. 427, s. 3(5)
justification 理據 Cap. 586, Sch. 3
justification of torture 施行酷刑的理由 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 2(2)
lawful justification 合法理由 Cap. 4, s. 22A(1)(a)
plea of justification 以有理可據作為答辯 Cap. 21, s. 7(3)(a)
reasonable justification 合理理據 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 1
justified justified 有充分理由支持 Cap. 200, s. 64(3)
justified 有理據支持的 Cap. 628, s. 59(1)
justified 具充分理由 Cap. 511D, s. 24(2)
justified 具充分理據 Cap. 528D, r. 41(6)
justified 具有正當理由 Cap. 212, s. 37
justify justify 列出理由證明 Cap. 123, s. 21(6)(f)
justify 提出……的理由 Cap. 4, s. 22A(5)(b)
justify 提出理由 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
justify ... being done 使……有理由進行 Cap. 188, s. 5(5)
justify himself 自辯 Cap. 433, s. 3(2)(b)
justify ... in ... 令……有充分理由…… Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
justitia justitia ["justice"] 公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
justitia denegata justitia denegata ["denial of justice"] 拒予司法公正 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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Justitia nemini neganda Justitia nemini neganda est. [Justice is to be denied to none.] 任何人的法律權利不得被剝奪 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
est. and Commercial Law Terms
justly justly and truly 確實正當 Cap. 32H, Appendix
justly and truly indebted justly and truly indebted to sb. 確實拖欠某人債項 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
to sb. and Commercial Law Terms
juvenile accused juvenile persons 少年被告 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(2)(b)
juvenile 少年 Cap. 213, s. 2
juvenile 青少年 Cap. 390, s. 22
juvenile court 少年法庭 Cap. 213, s. 2
juvenile delinquent 少年罪犯 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
juvenile offender 少年犯 "Sexual Offences Records Checks for
Child-related Work: Interim
Proposals" Report, para. 4.20,
Footnote 5
juvenile offenders 少年犯人 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 6(3)
juvenile prisoners 青少年囚犯 Cap. 524, s. 2(c)
keep keep 保存 Cap. 98, s. 28
keep 設置 Cap. 81A, reg. 7C(1)
keep a bank account 開設銀行帳戶 Cap. 218A, Sch. 2
keep a register 備存……名冊 Cap. 470, s. 3(1)
keep and maintain 備存和保存 Cap. 295B, reg. 60(6)
keep in captivity 關禁 Cap. 607, s. 37(2)(a)(i)
keep ... informed of ... 使……經常得悉…… Cap. 1115, s. 11
keep order 維持……秩序 Cap. 541F, s. 49(1)
keep records 備存紀錄 Cap. 57B, reg. 7

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keep the possession of ... 保持管有…… Cap. 4A, App. A

keep ... under safe arrest 對……加以穩妥扣押 Cap. 4A, App. B
keep ... under sequestration in your hands 將……暫時扣押在你們手中 Cap. 4A, App. A
keeping 存放 Cap. 145, s. 2(1)
keeping a disorderly house 經營不道德場所 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
keeping ... as owner 以擁有人身分保有…… Cap. 210, s. 4(1)
keeping out of the way 躲避 Cap. 6A, r. 46(3)(a)
keeps 經營 Cap. 139I, reg. 2(2)
keeps ... establishment 料理……場所 Cap. 573, s. 4(1)
kept 備存 Cap. 173, s. 1A
kept 備有 Cap. 104, s. 21(1)(f)
kept confidential 獲保密 Cap. 478AF, s. 49(a)
kept in good condition and repair 保持狀況及性能良好 Cap. 285B, reg. 8
kept in safe custody 加以穩妥看管 Cap. 4A, App. A
kept up-to-date 保持符合現況 Cap. 369X, reg. 73(3)
keep in keeping with 符合 Cap. 89, s. 20A(1)
keep bind over to keep the peace ... his own recognizances 自簽守行為 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
bind over to keep the peace ... his own recognizances 自簽擔保……以保證遵守法紀 Cap. 221, s. 109I
keep the peace power to bind over to keep the peace 判……簽保以保證遵守法紀的權力 Cap. 221, s. 109I
keeper keeper 管理人 Cap. 115, s. 17(2)(a)
keeper of a dog 狗隻的畜養人 Cap. 421C, s. 3(1)
keeper of the prison 監獄的負責人 Cap. 227, s. 15(2)
warehouse keeper's certificate 倉庫管理人證明書 Cap. 48, s. 2(1)

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keeping keeping order 維持秩序 Cap. 382A, s. 11

key key pair 配對密碼匙 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
private key 私人密碼匙 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
secure key pair 安全配對密碼匙 Cap. 553, s. 2(1)
key key assumptions 主要假設 Cap. 155L, Sch. 2A
key drivers 主要驅動因素 Cap. 155M, s. 16AB(d)
key persons in control functions 管控要員 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
key risks 主要風險 Cap. 41, s. 13AE(12)
key key plan 索引圖 Cap. 446A, s. 3(2)(b)(i)
key management key management 主要管理人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
key money key money 頂租費〔為取得租賃而額外付出的金額〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
key personnel key personnel 主力人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
key personnel 主要人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kickback kickback 回扣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kickback 佣金 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kidnap conspiracy to kidnap 串謀綁架 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
kidnapping kidnapping 綁架 Cap. 503B, Schedule
kim tiu marriage kim tiu marriage 兼祧婚姻 Cap. 184, s. 14(1)(d)
Kimberley Process Kimberley Process 金伯利進程 Cap. 60A, reg. 6DA

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kin kin 家族 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
kin 親屬 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
next of kin 最近親 Cap. 278, s. 3
kind kind 品類 Cap. 559, Sch. 5
... of any other kind 任何其他種類的…… Cap. 628A, s. 13(1)
kind payment in kind 實物支付 Cap. 377, s. 3(7)(b)
kindergarten kindergarten education 幼稚園教育 Cap. 279, s. 3(1)
kindred kindred 血親……關係 Cap. 181, s. 27(1)
kindred 親屬 Cap. 73, s. 4(9)
prohibited degrees of kindred or affinity 親等限制以內的血親或姻親關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
King's Bench; K.B. King's Bench; K.B. (Eng.) 參看 Queen's Bench; Q.B. 皇座法庭(英) English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
King's Counsel; K.C. King's Counsel; K.C. (Eng.) 御用大律師(英) 參看 Queen's Counsel; Q.C. English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kinship kinship 親屬關係 Cap. 41, s. 51(a)(ii)
kit fat kit fat ... wife 髮妻 Cap. 79, s. 2(1)
kiting cheque kiting cheque 空頭支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kiting cheque 虛假支票 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
kiting transaction kiting transaction 虛假的交易 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
knock-for-knock knock-for-knock agreement (車輛保險)互損免賠協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
agreement and Commercial Law Terms

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knock-out agreement knock-out agreement (拍賣中)聯手壓價協議 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
know could not have reasonably known 按理亦不能夠知悉 Cap. 630, s. 11(3)(a)
exceptionally well known 極為馳名 Cap. 559, s. 60(1)
know 知悉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
know 知道 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
know all men by these presents (arch.) [also noverint universi 公布周知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
per praesentes] and Commercial Law Terms
know all men by these presents (arch.) [also noverint universi 曉示眾人 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
per praesentes] and Commercial Law Terms
know or ought to know 明知或理應知道 "Review of Substantive Sexual
Offences" Report, para. 3.222
know or reasonably should have known 知道或理應知道 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
knowing or having reason to believe 知道或有理由相信 Cap. 490, s. 38(2)
known 知悉 Cap. 145, s. 10(2)
known as 名為 Cap. 1098, s. 10(2)
known as 稱為 Cap. 1163, s. 4(2)
known character 為人所知的品格 Cap. 521, s. 3(2)
knows or reasonably ought to know 知道或……理應知道 Cap. 139L, s. 10
knows to be false or does not believe to be true 知道屬虛假或不相信屬真實 Cap. 486, s. 50B(1)(c)(i)
ought reasonably to have known 理應知道 Cap. 628, s. 100(2)
ought reasonably to know 理應知道 Cap. 313H, reg. 35(9)(a)
reasonably ought to know 理應知道 Cap. 155, s. 63(7)

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know-how know-how 工業知識 Cap. 112, s. 16E(4)

know-how 方法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
know-how 秘訣 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
know-how (專利上)技術秘密 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
know-how 專門知識 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
rights to ... know-how 工業知識的權利 Cap. 112, s. 16E(1)
knowing knowing 明知 Cap. 554, s. 16(2)(a)
knowingly knowingly allow 明知而容許 Cap. 406, s. 8(1)
knowingly [also scienter] 明知 Cap. 159, s. 49
knowingly [also scienter] 知情 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
knowingly [also scienter] 故意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
knowingly and wilfully makes 明知而故意製造 Cap. 369, s. 32(a)
knowingly causes 明知而致使 Cap. 615, s. 5(7)
knowingly concerned in 明知而牽涉入 Cap. 587, s. 67(1)(a)
knowingly concerned in ... 知情而參與…… Cap. 411, s. 21(1)
knowingly contravenes 明知而違反 Cap. 245, s. 17A(1)(b)
knowingly involved in 明知而牽涉 Cap. 615, s. 14(2)(b)
knowingly makes a false statement 作出明知虛假的陳述 Cap. 515, s. 40
knowingly misleads 在知情下誤導 Cap. 486, s. 50B(1)(c)(ii)
knowingly misrepresents any material fact 明知而就任何重要事實作出失實陳述 Cap. 123K, reg. 12(f)

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knowingly permits 明知而准許 Cap. 615, s. 5(7)

wittingly, willingly, or knowingly 有意、自願或明知 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
knowledge a matter of common knowledge 眾所周知的事宜 Cap. 490, s. 13(2)(a)(iii)
actual knowledge 實際知悉 Cap. 397, s. 10
actual knowledge 實際得知 Cap. 486, s. 46
actual or constructive knowledge 實際知道或憑法律推定而知道 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
comes to ... knowledge 知悉 Cap. 514B, s. 13(3)
comes to the knowledge of ... ……得悉 Cap. 576, s. 30(1)
coming to his knowledge 獲悉 Cap. 51, s. 15(1)(a)
common knowledge 眾所周知 Cap. 490, s. 13(8)
constructive knowledge 法律構定的知悉 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constructive knowledge 法律構定的知情 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
constructive knowledge 法律構定知悉 "Causing or Allowing the Death or
Serious Harm of a Child or
Vulnerable Adult" Consultation
Paper, para. 3.115
date of knowledge 知悉日期 Cap. 347, s. 28
direct evidence of knowledge 證實知情的直接證據 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
direct personal knowledge 有直接親身認識的人 Cap. 6A, r. 49(5)
expert knowledge 專門認識 Cap. 148, s. 20(3)
full knowledge 完全知悉 Cap. 219, Sch. 2

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guilty knowledge 犯罪意識 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
had no knowledge of ... 對……不知情 Cap. 262, s. 9(4)
had no knowledge (whether actual, constructive or imputed) 並不知道(不論實際知道或憑法律構定或認定而知道) Cap. 49, s. 3(2)(b)(ii)
immediate knowledge 直接知悉 Cap. 6A, r. 122C(2)(c)
imputed knowledge (憑法律)認定而知道的 Cap. 49, s. 3
inference of guilty knowledge 知悉犯罪的推論 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
judicial knowledge 司法認知 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
knowledge 知悉 Cap. 405, s. 25(2)(a)
knowledge 知情 Cap. 262, s. 9(4)
knowledge 知道 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 12(4)(a)
means of knowledge 獲悉的途徑 Cap. 159C, Schedule
objective knowledge 客觀的認知 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
objective test of knowledge 判斷是否知情的客觀標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ought reasonably to have ... come to the knowledge 理應知道 Cap. 571, s. 307B(2)(a)
personal knowledge 本身所知悉 Cap. 549G, s. 4(2)(b)
personal knowledge 個人所知 Cap. 359J, s. 19(2)(b)
personal knowledge 親身認識 Cap. 8, s. 22(1)(b)
presumption of possession and knowledge of ... 管有及知悉……的推定 Cap. 134, s. 47, Heading
presumption relating to possession and knowledge 有關管有和知悉的推定 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
proof of guilty knowledge 知悉犯罪的證明 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

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Criminal Proceedings
specialized knowledge 專門知識 Cap. 159G, r. 5(b)
subjective knowledge 主觀的認知 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
test of knowledge 評定是否知情的標準 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
the source of the deponent's knowledge 宣誓人所知之事的來源 Cap. 4A, O. 115A, r. 5(b)(iv)
to his knowledge 據他所知 Cap. 92, s. 11(2)
to the best of his knowledge and belief 就其所知及所信 Cap. 25, s. 11(4)
to the best of his knowledge and belief 盡其所知所信 Cap. 316, s. 13(1)
to the best of one's knowledge and belief 盡某人所知所信 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
to the best of the declarant's knowledge 盡聲明人所知 Cap. 549D, s. 4(2)(b)
to the best of the knowledge, information and belief 盡其所知所悉及所信 Cap. 6A, r. 49(5)(c)
with the individual's knowledge and consent 在其知情及同意下 Cap. 41, s. 13A(3)(b)
with the knowledge and consent of ... 在……知悉和同意的情況下 Cap. 41, Sch. 4
with the knowledge and consent of ... 在……知情和同意的情況下 Cap. 554, s. 29(1)
with the relevant knowledge or intent 知悉有關的情況或懷有有關的意圖 Cap. 554, s. 43(1)
within his knowledge 就其所知 Cap. 436C, s. 5(2)(b)(iii)
within his knowledge as ... 在……所知的範圍內 Cap. 514, s. 131(2)(d)
within the personal knowledge of ... ……個人所知 Cap. 359A, reg. 19(2)(b)
without his knowledge 在他不知情的情況下 Cap. 109, s. 23(2)
without ... knowledge 不知情 Cap. 32, s. 40(4)
known last known 最後為人所知的 Cap. 217, s. 9(5)(b)(ii)
make known to the court 讓法院知悉 Cap. 6A, r. 122V(2)(d)

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publicly known information 公眾知悉的資料 Cap. 615, Sch. 2

usually known 通常為人所知 Cap. 541D, s. 11(6)(a)
laboratory Government Laboratory 政府化驗所 Cap. 8, Schedule
laboratory 檢驗所 Cap. 456, s. 2
labour exceptional skill and labour 超常的技巧和努力 Cap. 4A, O. 62, Sch. 1
labour forced or compulsory labour 強迫或強制之勞役 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(a)
restraint of labour 限制工作 Cap. 462, Schedule
labour international labour conventions 國際勞工公約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
labour dispute 勞資糾紛 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.27
labour force 勞工 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 36
laws and policies relating to labour 有關勞工的法律和政策 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 147
non-governmental organization in fields such as ... labour ... as 勞工……等方面的民間團體和宗教組織 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 148
well as religious organizations
Labour Tribunal Labour Tribunal 勞資審裁處 Cap. 25, s. 3(1)
Presiding Officer, Labour Tribunal 勞資審裁處審裁官 Cap. 11, Sch. 3
Labour Tribunal Labour Tribunal Suitors' Funds Account 勞資審裁處訴訟人儲存金帳戶 Cap. 25D, r. 3(2)
Suitors' Funds Account
labouring suing and labouring clause 損害防止條款 Cap. 329, s. 77(2)
laches laches 就行使權利方面的疏忽延誤 Cap. 252, s. 3
laches ["indolent"; remissness; slackness] (行使權利方面的)疏忽延誤 Cap. 252, s. 3
laches ["indolent"; remissness; slackness] 權利延誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
laches or acquiescence 疏忽延誤或默許 "Class Actions" Report, para. 1.8,
Footnote 20
lack lack capacity 欠缺行為能力 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:

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Personal Care" Consultation Paper,

para. 2.48
lack merit 缺乏充分理據 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
Annex 3
lack of sophistication 非經精密策劃 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
lack of sufficient care 照顧不足 Cap. 98, s. 19(3)(c)
lacking in clarity 欠清晰 Cap. 528D, r. 9(1)
lacking in substance 缺乏實質內容 Cap. 602, s. 78(4)(e)
unreasonable lack of prudence 不合理地欠缺審慎 Cap. 379, s. 6(3)(ii)
lack of care lack of care 欠謹慎 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lack of care 疏忽 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lack of care 疏於照顧 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacuna lacuna 法律漏洞 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
lacuna 空白 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacuna 空隙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacuna 缺陷 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacuna 脫漏 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lacuna in legislative provisions 法律條文的空隙 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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lacuna in the evidence 證據上的空隙 The Glossary of Legal Terms for

Criminal Proceedings
lading bill of lading 提單 Cap. 60, s. 2
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約》 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
of Law relating to Bills of Lading
“shipped” bill of lading “已裝船”提單 Cap. 462, Schedule
through bill of lading 全程提單 Cap. 133, s. 2(4)(a)
lame-duck lame-duck 跛腳鴨〔即將卸任的議會成員〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
lame-duck session 跛腳鴨會議〔行將解散的議會的會議〕 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land date of landing 入境日期 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(5)
land (v.) 入境 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landing of ... in Hong Kong ……進入香港境內 Cap. 586, s. 11(2)
right to land 入境權 Cap. 115, s. 11
right to land in Hong Kong 香港入境權 Cap. 115, s. 7(1)(ab)
to land ... as a student 以學生身分……入境 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(3)
to land ... as a visitor 以訪客身分……入境 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(1)
to land ... for employment 為僱傭工作而……入境 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(4)
to land in Hong Kong 在香港入境 Cap. 115, s. 2A(1)(a)
to land ... in transit 以過境人士身分……入境 Cap. 115A, reg. 2(2)
land action for possession of land 就土地的管有而提出的訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
action for recovery of land 收回土地的訴訟 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8(2)
action to recover land 收回土地的訴訟 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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adjoining land 毗鄰土地 Cap. 123, Sch. 2
adjoining land 鄰接土地 Cap. 53B, para. 2
adverse title to land 相逆土地業權 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
all that piece or parcel of land 該整幅土地 Cap. 1156, Schedule
all that piece or parcel of land 整片或整幅土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
allocation of ... land 編配……土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
capacities in relation to, ... land 在……土地……所佔的……身分 Cap. 128A, reg. 6(2)(c)
ceased to have any estate or interest in the land 停止擁有土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
charge on ... land 土地押記 Cap. 97, s. 2
claiming an estate or interest in the land 聲稱在……土地享有任何產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
contiguous or adjacent land 相連或毗鄰土地 Cap. 17A, Schedule
contiguous or adjacent land 相連或毗鄰的土地 Cap. 276, s. 8
dispossessed land 被剝奪管有權的土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
dispossessed of ... land 被剝奪對土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
disputed land 爭議土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
divest such land 將該土地不再如此歸屬 Cap. 372, s. 7B(1)
division of land 土地分割 Cap. 128, s. 23(2)
easements in, over or under any land 任何土地的地役權或其上或其下的地役權 Cap. 17, s. 8(2)(a)(iii)

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enjoyed possession of the land 享有對……土地的管有 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

3.5, Footnote 22
enter into possession of mortgaged land 行使按揭土地的管有權 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
entitled to possession of land 有權管有土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
equitable interests in land 土地的衡平法權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
estate in land 房地產權利 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
estate or interest in the land 土地的產業權或權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
expropriation of land (for public purposes) (為公共目的)徵用土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
freehold land 永久業權土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
has an interest in the land 在……土地……擁有權益 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
having any estate or interest in ... land 具有……土地的任何產業權或權益 Cap. 357, s. 2
hold the land on trust for the squatter 以信託方式為擅自佔地者持有土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
holding over of land 租約期滿後繼續佔用土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
illegal encroachment of land 非法侵佔土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
in, over or upon any land 在任何土地之內、土地上方或土地之上 Cap. 106, s. 14(1A)(a)
interest in land 土地權益 "Charities" Consultation Paper,
Annex 9, para. 33

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land 陸地 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference

Document 12
land (n.) 土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land appertaining to a building 附屬於建築物的土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land boundary 土地界線 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land charges register 土地押記註冊紀錄 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land exchange 換地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land exchange entitlement 土地交換權利 Cap. 495, s. 2
land grant 批地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
land grant 批地文件 Cap. 483, s. 16
land grant documents 批地文件 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land granted at nil premium 免收地價批給的土地 Cap. 360, s. 26(3)
land held by the Government 政府持有的土地 Cap. 102, s. 2
land is held from the Government 持有從政府取得的土地 Cap. 97, s. 15
land of any tenure 屬任何保有形式的土地 Cap. 6, s. 59(1)
land or property transaction 土地或物業交易 Cap. 112, s. 51(4A)(a)
land recovery proceedings 收回土地法律程序 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land register 土地登記冊 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.

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land registration 土地註冊 Cap. 128, Long Title

land search 土地查冊 Cap. 511C, s. 13(4)
land set apart for such facilities 劃為該等設施的……土地 Cap. 601, s. 2
land transaction 土地交易 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land valuation 土地估價 Cap. 17, s. 4(4)
land with primary title 具基本業權的土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
law of the land [also lex terrae] 國內法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of the land [also lex terrae] 當地法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
leased land 已批租土地 ※比較 unleased land Cap. 28, s. 2
leased land 出租土地 Cap. 565, s. 26
leased land 租出的土地 Cap. 515A, s. 1
leasehold land 批租土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
leasehold system of land tenure 土地年期批租制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
leases of land 土地契約 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 120
Letter “A” or Letter “B” land exchange entitlements “甲種”換地權益書或“乙種”換地權益書 Cap. 159G, Sch. 1
memorandum in writing relating to land 關於土地的書面備忘錄 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
military land 軍事用地 Cap. 116, s. 36(1)(i)
neighbouring land 相鄰土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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nominal land premium 象徵式地價 "Charities" Report, para. 1.46

occupation of unleased land 佔用未批租土地 "Charities" Report, para. 6.18
owner of land 土地擁有人 Cap. 446, s. 2
parcels of land 各幅土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
partition of property in land 土地財產分劃 Cap. 352, s. 4(1)
portion of land 土地部分 Cap. 301E, Schedule
private land 私人土地 Cap. 53, s. 2
private treaty grant of land 以私人協約方式批地 "Charities" Report, para. 1.46
private treaty land grant 以私人協約方式批出土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
recovery of land 收回土地 Cap. 4A, O. 18, r. 8
re-entry on land under lease [by landlord] (業主)重回租賃土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
re-entry on land under lease [by landlord] (業主)重收租賃土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
re-entry upon land 重收土地 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
registered land 註冊土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
registered land title system 註冊土地業權制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
registered owner of ... land 土地的註冊擁有人 Cap. 97, s. 7
registration system for title to land 土地業權註冊制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
relates exclusively to the land 單與該土地有關 Cap. 219, s. 13A(1)(b)
remainder of the lot of land 地段的餘下部分 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

rents ... charged on lands 就土地……而收取的租費 Cap. 18, s. 5
rents reserved out of ... lands 就土地……而保留權益以收取的租金 Cap. 18, s. 5
resultant land boundary plan 測量所得的土地界線圖 Cap. 585, s. 94(3)(d)(i)
resumed the land 收回……土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
resumption of land 收回土地 Cap. 124, s. 3
retain the land 保有土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
reversion of land 土地歸還 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
run with the land (e.g. A covenant shall run with the land.) (契諾等)隨土地轉移(例:契諾須隨土地轉移) Cap. 219, s. 41
settled land 已授土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
settled land 授予的土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
shares in ... land 在……土地……所佔的……份數 Cap. 128A, reg. 6(2)(c)
State land 國家土地 Hong Kong Reunification
Ordinance, s. 27
things forming part of land 組成土地一部分……的東西 Cap. 210, s. 5(2)
title to the land will be extinguished 對……土地的業權即告終絕 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
trespass to land 侵入土地 參看 trespass quare clausum fregit English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
unallocated Government land 未撥用的政府土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
5.27, Footnote 21
unleased land 未批租土地 ※比較 leased land Cap. 28, s. 2

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unregistered and registered land system 非註冊土地及註冊土地的制度 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
unregistered land 非註冊土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
user of the land 土地……用途 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
user of the land 土地使用者 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
vacate the land 搬走以騰出土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
vacate the land 遷出土地 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
land landed 卸岸 Cap. 456, s. 2
landing 卸在陸上 Cap. 291, Long Title
lands 運抵 Cap. 200, s. 105(a)
land land vehicle 陸上交通工具 Cap. 406, s. 21(1)(d)
place on land 陸上地方 Cap. 548, s. 2
transport on land 陸上運輸 Cap. 104, s. 5(2)
Land Authority Land Authority 最高地政監督 Cap. 208, s. 16(1)
Land Development Land Development Corporation 土發公司 Cap. 563, s. 37(1)
Land Office Land Office 田土註冊處 Cap. 150, s. 5(2)(a)
Land Officer Land Officer 田土註冊處處長 Cap. 150, s. 4(2)(a)
Land Registrar Land Registrar 土地註冊處處長 Cap. 200, s. 153K(5)(b)
Land Registry Land Registry 土地註冊處 Cap. 344, s. 2
Land Registry register 土地註冊處註冊紀錄冊 Cap. 150, s. 3(1)

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New Territories Land Registry 新界區土地註冊處 Cap. 128A, reg. 18(1)(b)(i)

Land Titles Indemnity Land Titles Indemnity Fund 土地業權彌償基金 Cap. 585, s. 2(1)
landed landed and house property 房地產 Cap. 1148, s. 4(a)(i)
landed interest 土地的權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landed interest 不動產權益 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landed property 房地產 Cap. 1148, s. 4
landed security [also real security] 土地抵押品 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landed security [also real security] 不動產保證 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landfill landfill 堆填區 Cap. 354L, Sch. 2
landfill charge 堆填費 Cap. 354N, s. 2
landing landing 層站 Cap. 618, s. 39(2)
main landing 主要層站 Cap. 618, s. 39(2)
landing casual landing of ... aircraft 飛機……偶然降落 Cap. 112, s. 23D(5)
landing place 登岸處 Cap. 81, s. 2
landlord derivative landlord 轉接業主 Cap. 7, s. 2
immediate landlord 直接業主 Cap. 116, s. 2
inferior landlord 下一級業主 Cap. 314, s. 5(3)
landlord 地主 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
landlord 業主 Cap. 7, s. 2
landlord and tenant 業主與租客 Cap. 7, s. 2

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mesne landlord 中間業主〔俗稱"二房東"〕 Cap. 314, s. 5

superior landlord 上一級業主 Cap. 7, s. 13
landmark landmark case 重大標誌案例 "Periodical Payments for Future
Pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury
Cases" Consultation Paper, para.
landmark case landmark case 重大標誌案例〔改變現行法律或確立新的法律原則的重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
要判決〕 and Commercial Law Terms
landmark decision landmark decision 重大標誌判決〔改變現行法律或確立新的法律原則的重 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
要判決〕 and Commercial Law Terms
Lands Tribunal Lands Tribunal 土地審裁處 Cap. 1, s. 3
President, Lands Tribunal 土地審裁處庭長 Cap. 92, Sch. 1
landscape landscape 作環境美化 Cap. 621, Sch. 1
language explain ... in simple language 以淺白語言……解釋 Cap. 226, s. 8(1)
in a language ... understands 以……所懂的語言 Cap. 115A, Sch. 3
in ordinary language 以日常語言 Cap. 227, s. 82(1)
in ordinary language 以常用語言 Cap. 282, s. 14(2)
language 語言 Cap. 383, s. 5(2)(b)
languages which is appropriate to ... ……適用的語文 Cap. 4A, O. 39, r. 3(4)
obscene language 淫褻性言語 Cap. 132BC, s. 22
obscene language 粗言穢語 Cap. 388B, s. 5(5)(a)
obscene or offensive language 淫褻或使人反感的言語 Cap. 556H, s. 22
official languages 法定語文 Cap. 1, s. 3
ordinary language 日常所用的語言 Cap. 503, s. 12(1)(a)
proficiency in either language 通曉這兩種語文的任何一種 "Criteria for Service as Jurors"
Report, para. 4.12

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required or permitted language 規定或准許使用的語文 Cap. 453B, r. 6(1)(a)

use obscene or offensive language 使用淫褻或令人反感的言語 Cap. 104A, reg. 26
use vulgar or abusive language 使用粗言穢語 Cap. 265B, by-law 11(ii)
lapse lapse 失去時效 Cap. 140, s. 9(2)
lapse 失效 Cap. 91, s. 15(5)(b)
lapse 時效已過 Cap. 1, s. 27
lapse of time 時效消失 Cap. 525P, Sch. 1
larceny offence at common law of larceny 在普通法的盜竊罪 Cap. 210, s. 34(1)
large at large 不在羈留中 Cap. 239, s. 8(1)
at large 自由走動 Cap. 168, s. 2
patient ... at large 病人……不受監控 Cap. 136, s. 42(1)(ii)(A)
person unlawfully at large 非法地不受羈留的人 Cap. 567, s. 2
large large, deep and active markets 龐大、具深度及活躍的市場 Cap. 155Q, Sch. 2
large-scale large-scale charts 大比例尺海圖 Cap. 413K, s. 2
laser laser 雷射器 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1
last last 持續 Cap. 104, s. 18(1)
last last complete financial year 上一個完整財政年度 Cap. 1167, s. 10(2)(b)
last preceding occasion 上次 Cap. 132X, s. 20
last previous 最近一次 Cap. 290, s. 10(2)
last court of last resort 最終審理法院 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
last known address 最後為人所知的地址 Cap. 561, s. 43
last or most usual place of abode 最後或最慣常居住的地方 Cap. 525A, s. 4(1)(b)(i)
last preliminary act in the action 訴訟的最後一份預備文件 Cap. 4A, O. 75, r. 18(8)(b)

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last remaining 最後尚存 Cap. 547, s. 57(2)

last resort 最後手段 參看 ultima ratio English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
last resort 最後途徑 參看 ultima ratio Cap. 485, s. 23
last surviving ... trustee 最後尚存……受託人 Cap. 29, s. 20(2)
last will 最後遺囑 Cap. 112, s. 2(1)
last will and testament 最後遺囑 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
last known last known 最後所知的 Cap. 1, s. 8
last known address 最後為人所知的地址 Cap. 456, s. 35(1)(a)(i)
last-known residence 最後為人所知的住所 Cap. 448B, reg. 2(2)
lasting lasting power of attorney 永久授權書 "Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Report, para. 2.38
late late payment 遲付 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
late payment 遲發 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
late payment 遲繳 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
late payment of a renewal fee 繳付逾期的續期費 Cap. 514C, s. 32(5)
late payment penalty 遲繳款項罰款 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
late payment penalty 遲繳罰款 Cap. 463B, s. 6
late performance of a contract 逾期履約 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
late late plea 後期認罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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latent latent 潛在的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
latent 隱伏的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
latent ambiguity 潛在的歧義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
latent ambiguity 隱晦的不明處 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
latent defect 潛在的欠妥之處 Cap. 436, s. 18
latent defect 潛在缺陷 Cap. 462, Schedule
latent legislative intent [also dormant legislative intent] 隱含的立法意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
latent risk 潛在危機 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
latent risk 潛在危險 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
latent risk 隱含危機 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
latent risk 隱含風險 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
latent risk factor 潛在風險的因素 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
later whichever is the later 兩者以較後者為準 Cap. 514, s. 23(2)
latest latest 最近期的 Cap. 406E, reg. 22(2)
latest certificate 最新近的證書 Cap. 311S, s. 2
latter period latter period of maternity leave 產假末段期間 Cap. 57, s. 14(9)
launch launching 投射 Cap. 60G, Sch. 1

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launder laundering 清洗 Cap. 503B, Schedule

laundering of proceeds 清洗……得益 Cap. 503, Sch. 1
laundering money laundering 洗黑錢 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
money laundering 洗錢 Cap. 112, s. 50A(1)
lavish entertainment lavish entertainment 過度的款待 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law abide by the laws 遵守……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
according to law 依法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 21
adjective law [also adjectival law; procedural law ] 程序法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
administrative law 行政法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
adopted as laws 採用為……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
antitrust law 反壟斷法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
archives law 檔案法 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 1.20
argument as to ... law 法律上的論點 Cap. 221, s. 9G(11)(a)
as prescribed by law 依法規定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 39
at common law 按照普通法 Cap. 300, s. 4(1)(b)
at common law [also al common ley] 在普通法上 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at common law [also al common ley] 根據普通法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
at law 在法律上 Cap. 13, s. 10(2)

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at law and in equity 在普通法及衡平法上 Cap. 256, s. 6

at law and in equity 根據普通法和衡平法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
authorized by law 由法律批准 Cap. 383, s. 9
bad law [also dysnomy] 徒具空名的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad law [also dysnomy] 惡法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
bad law [also dysnomy] 無效的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
body of law [also corpus juris] 法令大全 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
body of law [also corpus juris] 法典 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
breach of law 違法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
breakdown in law and order 法律與秩序崩潰 Cap. 106, s. 13M(1)(b)
by implication of law 因法律的隱含規定 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
by implication of law 法律上隱含 Cap. 26, s. 57
by implication of law 按法律的含意 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
by operation of law 因法律的施行 Cap. 485, s. 12A(6)(a)
by operation of law 藉法律的實施 Cap. 514, s. 50(3)
canon law 教會法規 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
case law 判例 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings

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case law 案例 Cap. 619, s. 9(2)(b)

case law 案例法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certificate of point of law 法律論點證明書 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
certified point of law 獲法院給予證明的法律論點 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
Chinese law and custom 中國法律與習俗 Cap. 178, s. 2
civil law 大陸法 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.109
civil law [also jus civile; law of the citizen] 民事法律〔civil law亦指:羅馬法;相對於普通法而言的 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
大陸法;相對於國際法及教會法規而言的國內法〕 and Commercial Law Terms
參看 continental law
civil law [also jus civile; law of the citizen] 民法〔civil law亦指:羅馬法;相對於普通法而言的大陸 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
法;相對於國際法及教會法規而言的國內法〕 參看 and Commercial Law Terms
continental law
civil law jurisdiction 大陸法司法管轄區 "Class Actions" Report, para. 2.109
commercial law 商事法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial law 商法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
commercial law 商業法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law 不成文法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
common law 普通法 Cap. 1, s. 3
common law conspiracy 普通法串謀罪 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common law declaratory theory of judicial decisions 普通法中關於司法裁定的宣布論 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,

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para. 5.12
common law doctrine of secondary participation 普通法的次級參與原則 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common law jurisdiction 普通法司法管轄區 "Enduring Powers of Attorney:
Personal Care" Consultation Paper,
para. 3.35
common law presumption 普通法推定 "Rape and Other Non-consensual
Sexual Offences" Consultation
Paper, Preface , para. 8
common law principle of finality 普通法下的終結性原則 "Class Actions" Consultation Paper,
para. 5.12
common law privilege 普通法特權 Cap. 486, s. 44(2)(d)(ii)
common law wife 普通法妻子 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
common question of law 同一法律問題 Cap. 4A, O. 4, r. 9(1)(a)
common question of law or fact 共同的法律或事實問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by 獨立無私之法定管轄法庭 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 10
competition law 競爭法 "Class Actions" Report, para. 8.111
conclusion of law 法律上的結論 ※比較 finding of fact English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
constitutional and administrative law 憲制與行政法 Cap. 159Q, s. 5
construction ... of laws 法例的釋疑 Cap. 1, Long Title
continental law 大陸法〔大陸法系國家的法律制度〕 參看 civil law; jus English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
civile and Commercial Law Terms
contrary to law 違反法律 Cap. 301, s. 24(c)
corresponding law 相應法律 Cap. 134, s. 2(1)

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criminal law 刑事法律 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(c)

customary international law 國際習慣法 Cap. 557, s. 3(3)
customary international law 習慣國際法 Cap. 115, s. 37I(3)(c)
customary law 習慣法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
data protection law 保障資料法律 "Archives Law" Consultation Paper,
para. 6.30
decision reached in accordance with law 依法判定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 9
deemed good, valid and sufficient in law 在法律上……當作為妥善有效及完備 Cap. 227, s. 4
direct oneself in law (法官)對自己作出法律指引 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
direction of law 法律指引 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
discharged in due course of law 循適當法律途徑獲釋 Cap. 4A, App. A
disobedience to law or to any lawful order 不守法或不服從合法命令 Cap. 200, s. 9(1)(g)
disregard of law and order 漠視法紀 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
domestic law 國內法 Cap. 503AA, Schedule
domestic laws 本地法律 Cap. 525P, Sch. 2
due process of law 正當法律程序 Cap. 525W, Sch. 1
due process of law 適當的法律程序 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
ecclesiastical law 宗教法 ※比較 temporal law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
effect or operation in law 在法律上的效力或運作 Cap. 336, s. 73B(2)
effectual in law 在法律上有效 Cap. 293, s. 2(2)
effectual in law 法律上有效 Cap. 1117, s. 25

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either at law or in equity 在法律上或在衡平法上 Cap. 6, s. 125(1)(a)

electoral law 選舉法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Annex 1
enabling law 賦權的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
enact ... laws 制定……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 73
enact laws on its own 自行立法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 23
enactment of law 制定法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
equal before the law 在法律上一律平等 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 22
equal before the law 法律面前一律平等 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 25
equal protection of the law 法律平等保護 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 22
error of law 法律上的錯誤 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
errors of fact or law 事實或法律上的錯誤 Cap. 609, s. 81(3)
establish by law 依法設立 Cap. 1, s. 47A(1)
established by law 法定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 5(1)
external law immunity certificate 外地法律豁免權證明書 Cap. 525, s. 2(1)
family law 家事法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiction of law [also legal fiction] 法律上的假定 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
fiction of law [also legal fiction] 法律擬製 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
force of law 具有法律效力 Cap. 434, s. 12
force of law 法律效力 Cap. 609, s. 4
foreign law 外地法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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and Commercial Law Terms

foreign law 外地法律 Cap. 159, s. 2(1)
... full force and effect of law ... so long as ... remains in force 在……有效期內具有十足法律效力 Cap. 120, s. 2
general criminal law 普通刑事法 Cap. 503R, Schedule
general law 一般法律 Cap. 26, s. 4(1)
general principles of law 一般法律原則 Cap. 383, s. 8
general principles of law recognized by the community of 各國公認之一般法律原則 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 12(2)
general rule of law 一般法律規則 Cap. 38, s. 8
giving full force and effect of law 具有十足法律效力 Cap. 120, s. 2
go to law 訴諸法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
governed by ... law of ... 受……的法律管限 Cap. 71, s. 12(1)
governed by the law of ... 受……法律管限 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
governing law 管限法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
grounds of law 涉及法律問題的理由 Cap. 221A, r. 19(1)(a)
Hague Convention on the law applicable to trusts and on their 規定適用於信託的法律及信託的承認的海牙公約 Cap. 76, Long Title
hard cases make bad law 難斷之案導致偏離先例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
hard law 硬性法律〔國際法中具約束力的公約和協議〕 ※比較 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
soft law and Commercial Law Terms
implied by law 根據法律而隱含的 Cap. 25, s. 2
important question of law 重要的法律問題 Cap. 300, s. 15(1)

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in accordance with law 依法 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 105

in accordance with law 依照法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 154
in accordance with law 按照法律而行 Cap. 383, s. 5(1)
in accordance with the laws of the Region 依照香港特別行政區法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 24
in accordance with the laws of the Region 根據香港特別行政區法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 126
in conformity with the law 依法律之規定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 17
in due course of law 循適當法律途徑 Cap. 6, s. 9(5)
ineffectual in law 無法律效力 Cap. 556, Sch. 1
intendment of law 法律含義 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
intendment of law 法律意圖 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
internal law 本土法律 Cap. 30, s. 2
internal law 國內法 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 5(3)
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules 《統一若干有關提單的法律規則國際公約》 Cap. 462, s. 2(1)
of Law relating to Bills of Lading
international law [also jus gentium] 國際法 Cap. 558, s. 2
international law [also jus gentium] 國際法律 Cap. 468, s. 2
judge-made law 法官訂立的法律〔藉司法判例或法官對成文法規的解釋 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
而確立的法律〕 and Commercial Law Terms
law [also lex] 法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law [also lex] 法例 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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law [also lex] 法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
law and order 法律與秩序 Cap. 562, s. 36
law and practice 法律及常規 Cap. 50, s. 29A(2)(b)
law costs draftsman 訟費單草擬人員 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law enforcement agency 執法機構 Cap. 564, s. 15
law enforcement officer 執法人員 Cap. 627, s. 2
law firm 律師行 Cap. 159, s. 2
law firm 律師事務所 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law in force 有效法律 Cap. 461, s. 7(1)
law in force 施行的法律 Cap. 16, s. 2
law in force 現行法律 Cap. 564, s. 16
law merchant 商法 Cap. 26, s. 62(2)
law merchant 商業習慣法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of agency 代理法 Cap. 553, s. 18(2)
law of bankruptcy 破產法 Cap. 6, s. 112(1)
law of confidence 保密法 "Access to Information"
Consultation Paper, para. 16.22
law of contract 合約法 Cap. 528, s. 98(4)
law of copyright 版權的法律 Cap. 528, s. 193(1)
law of defamation 誹謗法 Cap. 604, s. 41(2)
law of insolvency 破產清盤法 Cap. 155, s. 53C(16)(i)
law of international armed conflict 國際武裝衝突法 Cap. 590, s. 2

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law of intestacy 無遺囑繼承法律 Cap. 73, s. 8A(1)

law of nations [also international law; jus gentium] 國際間的法律 Cap. 494, s. 5
law of nature 自然法則 參看 jus naturale ※比較 jus cogens English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of succession on intestacy 無遺囑繼承法 Cap. 7, s. 50(4)(c)
law of that State 該國法律 Convention Against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, Art. 6(1)
law of the land [also lex terrae] 國內法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of the land [also lex terrae] 當地法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law of the sea 海事法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law reform 法律改革 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
law reports 法律彙報 Cap. 287, s. 3(4)
law reports 案例匯編 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
law returned by the Standing Committee of the National 經全國人民代表大會常務委員會發回的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
People's Congress
law review 法律評論 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
laws and regulations 法律規章 Cap. 557, Schedule
laws applicable in the Region 適用於香港特別行政區的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 84
laws ... cease to have force 法律……停止生效 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 160
Laws enacted by ... must be reported to ... for the record ……制定的法律須報……備案 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17

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laws enacted by the legislature of the Hong Kong Special 香港特別行政區的立法機關制定的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
Administrative Region
laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 在香港特別行政區實行的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 18
laws of Hong Kong 香港法律 Cap. 523, s. 14(4)
laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 14
laws passed by the [Legislative] Council 立法會通過……的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 64
laws previously in force 原有法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 8
laws ... relating to labour 有關勞工的法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 147
laws to be instituted after the establishment of the Hong Kong 香港特別行政區設立後實行的……法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Special Administrative Region Document 10
learned in the law 精通法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
letter of the law 法律字面上的涵義 ※比較 spirit of the law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
maritime law 海事法律 Cap. 478, s. 34(6)
martial law 戒嚴令 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
martial law 軍法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
military law 軍法 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(c)
minions of the law 執法者 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
minions of the law 警察 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
misapplication of law 錯誤引用法律 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
mistake of any matter of law 任何法律事宜……方面的錯誤 Cap. 519, s. 33(2)(b)

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mistake of law 法律上的錯誤 Cap. 397, s. 2

mistake ... of law 法律方面……的錯誤 Cap. 311, Sch. 4
municipal law 國內法 參看 civil law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
national law 全國性法律 Cap. 1, s. 80
national law 國內法 Cap. 508, Sch. 1
national law 國家法律 Cap. 462, Schedule
national service required by law 依法……徵服之國民服役 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 4(3)(b)(ii)
natural law 自然法 參看 jus naturale English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
objectivity in law 法律的客觀性 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
omnipotence of the law 法律萬能 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
ordinary criminal law 普通刑事法律 Cap. 525, s. 5(1)(c)
ordinary rules of international law 國際法的一般法則 Cap. 482, s. 3(1)
organic law 建制法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
organic law 基本法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
organic law 組織法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pain of the law [also common law pains] 普通法的懲罰 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
permitted by law 法律所容許的 Cap. 227, s. 7F(1)
personal law of ... 對……本人有約束力的法律 Cap. 22, s. 2(1)

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point of law 法律論點 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)

point of law of great and general importance 具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點 Cap. 484, s. 32(2)
practice of law 大律師行業或律師行業 Cap. 489, s. 5(1)(a)
practice of law 法律執業 Cap. 92, s. 3(1)(c)(iii)
prescribed by law 由法律規定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 83
prescribed by law 依法律 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 15(3)
prescribed by law 法定 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Reference
Document 26
presumption of law 法律推定 Cap. 221, s. 100
principles of law 法律原則 Cap. 383, s. 8
privacy law 私隱法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
private law 私法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
privity in law 法律上的相互關係 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
procedural law [also adjectival law; adjective law] 程序法※比較 substantive law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
promulgate laws 公布法律 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 48
proper law 管限法律 Cap. 71, s. 17(1)
proper law 適用法律 Cap. 483, s. 2
proposition of law 法律觀點 Cap. 394, s. 13(1)(d)
protect by law 以法律保護 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 139
protected by law 受法律保障 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 2(1)
protected by law 受法律保護 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 105
protected under the law of ... 按……法律……予以……保護 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 120

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proved guilty according to law 依法確定有罪 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 11(1)
provided by law 法律所規定 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 8(3)
provision of law 法律條文 Cap. 76, s. 2
public law 公法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
pure theory of law [Hans Kelsen's theory] 法律的純粹論〔把法律與社會、道德、經濟等分離的一 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
派法學理論〕 and Commercial Law Terms
pure theory of law [Hans Kelsen's theory] 純粹法學〔把法律與社會、道德、經濟等分離的一派法 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
學理論〕 and Commercial Law Terms
put to one's law 將某人交由法院審訊 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms
qualified in law 具有法律專業資格 Cap. 17, s. 2
question of law 法律問題 Cap. 221, s. 81D
question of law arising out of ... ……所產生的法律問題 Cap. 609, Sch. 2
question of mixed law and fact 法律兼事實問題 Cap. 221, s. 82
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭考慮 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 把法律問題提交上訴法庭裁決 The Glossary of Legal Terms for
Criminal Proceedings
reserve question of law for consideration of Court of Appeal 保留法律問題待上訴法庭考慮 Cap. 221, s. 81, Heading
restrained by law 受到法律制止 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 31
return the law in question 將有關法律發回 Basic Law of the HKSAR, Art. 17
right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law 在任何所在有被承認為法律人格之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 13
right to the protection of the law 受法律保護之權利 Cap. 383, s.8, Art. 14(2)
Roman civil law 羅馬法 參看 civil law English-Chinese Glossary of Civil
and Commercial Law Terms

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rule of law 法治 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

and Commercial Law Terms
rule of law 法律規則 Cap. 8, s. 8(1)
rule of law and equity 法律規則及衡平法規則 "Adverse Possession" Report, para.
rules of international law 國際法規則 Cap. 557, s. 3(7)
rules of private international law 國際私法的規則 Cap. 377, s. 3(7)(a)
securing the continuity of the law 確使法律延續 Cap. 528, Sch. 2
serious breach of law 嚴重違法 Cap. 201, s. 31AB(4)
settled law 已有定論的法律 English-Chinese Glossary of Civil

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