Surviving Italian Medium Heavy Tanks
Surviving Italian Medium Heavy Tanks
Surviving Italian Medium Heavy Tanks
Listed here are the Italian medium, heavy tanks and SPGs that still exist today.
M15/42 Part of the post-WW2 defense line along the Tagliamento river (Italy)
The main gun was replaced by a machinegun and the internal parts were stripped away (Caspar Vermeulen). The Italian Army took this tank back in July 2009, so it is no longer at its previous place and was moved to an unknown location (
Another M15/42 Museo della Motorizzazione Militare della Cecchignola, Rome (Italy)
Carro Pesante P26/40 Museo della Motorizzazione Militare della Cecchignola Rome (Italy)
The tank is missing the engine, mudguards, two rolling wheels and some other fittings (Nicola Pignato)
Semovente M41 da 75/18 Museo della Motorizzazione Militare della Cecchignola Rome (Italy)
The Semovente M 41 is a runner with an original engine, like the one at La Spezia (Massimo Foti)
Semovente M41 da 75/18 Museo di guerra per la pace Diego de Henriquez, Trieste (Italy)
"Fante" -
Semovente M41 da 75/18 Fort Lee U.S. Army Ordnance Museum, VA (USA)
This tank was part of the first batch of 60 items that were transferred from Aberdeen Proving Ground MD, to Fort Lee VA
Carro comando M41 da 13,2mm Museo della Motorizzazione Militare della Cecchignola, Rome (Italy)
Two M13/40 upper hulls and turrets Caserma "Fratelli DallArmi", San Vito al Tagliamento
These tanks have removed hull machineguns and removed turret main guns (the guns are fake), which could indicates that they were once buried and used for a static defense line. There was a post-WW2 defense line along the Tagliamento river (Massimo Foti)
M13/40, M14/41 or M15/42 turret into the WWII minefield near the Calansho Sand Sea (Lybia)
These turrets are about 1.5km into that particular WWII minefield near the Calansho Sand Sea (JimWeb). The minefield is still active, these turrets are to be approached at your own risks
This document is a synthesis of photos and information published on the web. I would like to thank the people who took these photos and put them on their websites, or sent them to me, and also those who helped me doing these lists (particularly people of the AFV News Discussion Board). For any question, you can email me at [email protected] Main page :