L6 Sad System Implementation

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In the system design phase the analyst designed a system specifications which will now serve
as base for constructing the new system. In the implementation phase the information
system department (IT) plans, develops, documents, integrates and test all the programs that
attribute to the new system.

The analyst must deliver a clear set of specification to the programmers. The programmer
then does the coding, test and documents the individual programs while the analysts plans
the integration of the functional units system to ensure they work together to meet the
The following activities take place during system implementation
 Coding
 Testing
 Training
 Changeover/ conversion
 Documentation of all the programs
 Post implementation review

This is where the design is translated into a computer program using suitable programming
languages and tools. It may be done using either; human programmers or software code
Human coding requires more personal supervision and therefore increases the cost of the
Code generators are for users input code of the design to generate a source code for the
programmer. This source code can then be checked for possible errors.

Testing is done in order to identify faults in the system and correct them.
This stage begins with the presentation to the management the system developed and is
approached the term can begin to work on the system installation.
During testing the development team Prepare operational and testing environment

Preparation of operational and testing environment

An operational environment is the actual systems operational environment in terms of
hardware and software. It normally involves hardware installation which includes:-
i) Setting up new computer rooms
ii) Installing computer cables
iii) Installing computer networks
iv) Putting computer desks and chairs and other equipment related to the system.

Some of the operational requirements are:

i) Adequate room for computers and users
ii) Power and power sockets to meet current equipment and future expansion
iii) Network cables for current and future use.
This is used by the analyst and programmers to develop and test programs.
The purpose of testing is to identify and detect all possible errors in the program and thereby
correcting and eliminating future malfunctions of the system
The following are types of tests that are conducted
Testing may be classified under:-
i) Unit Testing
Involves testing of functional components or units within the system, the results are then
compared against expected results for accuracy and errors.
ii) Integration testing
This is done to see how the various functional units communicate with each other.
It involves testing errors that may arise in the process of passing data from one unit to the
iii) System testing
After testing all functional components and are operating as expected the entire system is
tested as a whole incorporating the hardware, software, operating system and database.
iv) Acceptance testing
Done to prove to the users that the system meets functional and user requirements as agreed
v) Performance testing
Tests how a system responds to processing activities the expected level of processing time
especially when being fully utilized by all users.
vi) Volume testing
Tests amount of workload that system can handle within a transaction process.
vii) Regression testing
Ensures that the system correction does not result in the same errors or any others errors
2. Training for users, staff and management
Refers to teaching the users to be able to use the system effectively to be able to achieve the
expected level of performance
A successful information system requires training for users, managers and all staff.
Good training program ensures that users understand the system and know how to use it
Before training you need to identify the right training program for the right people and the
time, as this helps in identifying the training objectives for each group to be trained.
It can be done using the following ways:-
i) Vendor training: - a vendor is employed who developed the information system to
train the users.
ii) Attending courses: - organization sends people to go and attend courses and be
trained in other institution.
iii) In-house training: - the use trained staffs within the setup to train those who do not
have that knowledge.

3. File Conversion or System Changeover

Conversion or changeover is the process of transferring data and operations from the old
system to the new system.
During conversion existing data is loaded to the new system and this requires participation
of the users so that they can verify the accuracy of data and ensure all errors are corrected
and any missing data provided.
Methods of system change over
i) Direct Changeover
In this method the old system is replaced directly by the new system, the old system’s data
is entered into the new system and training is done using the new system.
 Cheapest method since maintenance is only done on one system.
 It involves the highest risk since incase of problems that were not detected when
using the old system occur, they may cause the user not to operate the new system.
 Detecting minor errors in this method is difficult since the users cannot compare
current output with the one produced by the old system.
N/B: This method is normally used for implementing commercial software package because
they have less risk for total system failure.

ii) Parallel Changeover

In this method both the old and new system operate fully for a specified period of time.
The same data is input for both the systems and outputs compared.
The old system is retired only when the users and management are satisfied that the new
system operates properly.
 Involves low risk since the old system can be used as backup.
 The performance of the new system can be verified.
 Requires high labor overhead because 2 systems are run consequently and this may
strain the initial budget.
 Running both systems might be a burden to the operating system and can cause
processing delays in case they were done on the same platform.

iii) Pilot Changeover

Involves conversion in selected sections of the organization to act as a test in order to find
out the success of implementation
If the pilot test is successful the new system is implemented in all other sections.
Provides a greater degree of security than the direct changeover
It is easier and cheaper to control
iv) Phased Changeover
In the phased changeover it involves installation of a new system in a no. of phases or stages.
It is suitable for large projects that may be in dispersed geographical locations such as a
company having offices in different parts of a country. Normally the system is applied to one
of the branches and runs for a period of time to find out any problems that may arise and
then system is installed one by one to other branches.


This is an important activity which like training and testing has to be done continuously.
It involves measuring of the system development stages and the final system produced.
The development team members, users, auditors, management representatives together
with stakeholders take part in this exercise and this is to ensure that the specified objectives
are met.
These focuses on the following areas:-
i) System’s processing. Whether any delays in the processing and effects of such
ii) Security controls. Effectiveness of the inbuilt security procedures in the system
iii) Error rates for the input data
iv) Output: Whether it is correct, timely, distributed correctly to the relevant users
v) Production of actual system performance against the anticipated objectives, this
involves assessment of the systems running cost, benefits e.t.c as they compare
with estimated needs and whether they are less or more than anticipated.

The following activities are conducted during the review.

System validation
System validation is the documented process of assuring that a computer system does
exactly what it is designed to do in a consistent and reproducible manner. The validation
process begins with the system proposal/requirements definition and continues until
system retirement and retention of the e-records based on regulatory rules.

System verification
Verification is intended to check that a product, service, or system (or portion thereof, or set
thereof) meets a set of initial design requirements, specifications, and regulations. It is a
process that is used to evaluate whether a product, service, or system complies with
regulations, specifications, or conditions imposed at the start of a development phase.
Verification can be in development, scale-up, or production. This is often an internal process.

Quality control
Quality Control (QC) is a system of routine technical activities, to measure and control the
quality of the inventory as it is being developed.
The QC system is designed to:
1. Provide routine and consistent checks to ensure data integrity, correctness, and
2. Identify and address errors and omissions;
3. Document and archive inventory material and record all QC activities.
QC activities include general methods such as accuracy checks on data acquisition and
calculations and the use of approved standardized procedures for emission calculations,
measurements, estimating uncertainties, archiving information and reporting. Higher tier
QC activities include technical reviews of source categories, activity and emission factor data,
and methods.

Quality assurance
Quality Assurance (QA) activities include a planned system of review procedures conducted
by personnel not directly involved in the inventory compilation/development process.
Reviews, preferably by independent third parties, should be performed upon a finalized
inventory following the implementation of QC procedures. Reviews verify that data quality
objectives were met, ensure that the inventory represents the best possible estimates of
emissions and sinks given the current state o f scientific knowledge and data available, and
support the effectiveness of the QC programme.

Types of system review

There are 3 main types:-
i) Formative feedback evaluation
ii) Summative evaluation
iii) Documentation evaluation
i) Formative feedback review
This produces information that is fed back into the development cycle to improve the
product under development.
ii) Summative review
This is done after the system development project is completed.
Provides information about efficiency of the product to the decision makers
iii) Documentation review
This is performed just before and after hardware and software installation and also after
system changeover.
It is meant to determine whether there are any ambiguities in the documentation and
eliminate them.
It is also meant to ensure that the documentation is up to date.

Benefits of Post implementation review

1) Improves system development practices and decisions to adopt modify or discard the
information system.
2) Ensures compliance with user objectives
3) Ensures evaluation and training or personnel responsible for system development.

During the evaluation process the impact of the system to the organization structure is
evaluated and the quality of the product evaluated as well.
N/B: System post implementation review team writes a report that indicates specific areas
within the system that need improvement. This report acts as a reference during system
Poor documentation of a system
Makes it hard for one to understand the system and also change the system if need arises.
This implies that a system may change and the documentation written again in order to
improve its quality

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