EL330 TMA First Semester 2022-2023

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First Semester (2022/2023)
Course No: EL330 Course Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Part (I): STUDENT INFORMATION (to be completed by student)

1. Name: 2. Registration No:

3. Section No: 5. E-mail:

Part (II): TUTOR'S REMARKS (to be completed by tutor)

Tutor's Name: Signature:
Date TMA held: Date returned:


to MTA
Lesson Plan Content: In-class Activities & In-class Presentation: 5 Earned
20 10 marks Tasks: 5 marks marks Mark

First Semester 2022/2023 1 EL330

Notes on plagiarism:

A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases of cheating
and plagiarism:
 Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper
academic acknowledgement and documentation.
 Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
 Copying other students’ notes or reports.
 Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.

B. Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university.

Declaration: I hereby declare that the submitted TMA is my own work and I have not
copied any other person’s work or plagiarized in any other form as specified above.
Student Signature:

First Semester 2022/2023 2 EL330

Part A: Design a Lesson Plan: for Grade Four or five (at the Elementary Level) following the
below guidelines (10 pts.)

 The Thematic Unit is ‘Cultures’

 The lesson plan should include the use of technology whether through open sources on

the Internet, PowerPoint presentations, videos, interactive board, etc…

 The lesson plan should follow the below format

 You need to include a copy of the lesson material/hand-outs that will be used by the

students in-class and assigned as homework.

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Name: Day/Date: __________

Lesson Information:

 Class/Level: Age, topic, skill level, class name, etc…

Resources and Materials

List everything you need to teach this lesson. List every possible thing you will need to take to
the classroom, and/or obtain from the school, to complete the lesson. Make sure to include the
name and information of the used textbook, the needed stationary or equipment needed. You can
use bullet points to list the resources and materials needed.


What are we working towards today? Describe the final result of the lesson.

The students will be able to: _____ (use active/action verbs) _________________.

Grammar Structures Employed

List the structures (usually 2 or 3) to be covered or emphasized in this lesson. Describe how they
are formed and show examples of these structures.

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This includes a review (revision) of the previous lesson linked to this new lesson through
questions and answers to elicit conversation using the new structure and function and to show
examples of what the students will learn in this lesson.


In the presentation, the teacher does about 75% of the speaking. In this context, teachers present
new concepts, model vocabulary/structure/function, etc. to the class.


Students occupy about 60% of the time, teachers 40%. In their contributions, students are
expected to model vocabulary, dialogue, pronunciation, intonation, etc. A practice exercise is
used for pair/group work that is monitored by the teacher. Practice is done by the students at their
desks, and it should progress from basic level to more advanced. At this point, students’
performance should not be graded.


Students speak, write, listen and practice what they have learned on individual bases. Students
occupy 90% of the time, teachers 10% - only to correct if necessary. A production exercise is
given - generally not the same sheet of exercise/activity that was done in the practice section.


For each activity, the teacher will assess how well students are using the target language
structures via discussion and recapitulation of what has been covered in class.

Homework: Teachers assign some activities as homework.

Next class: Students will have to submit HW to the teacher /perform in front of the class.

Part B: lesson plan in-class activities and tasks in detailed description (5 pts.)
Design in-class activities for each stage of your lesson plan on ‘cultures’.

Part C: lesson plan in-class/virtual presentation (5 pts.)

Give a 15 minutes’ demo-class presentation of your lesson plan using PowerPoint presentation

First Semester 2022/2023 4 EL330

Marking Descriptor – points will be awarded based on the following description


up to 4 points out of the total 20 points out of the total 20 E

Dear Student: please read carefully  Discussion reflects confidence and wide- A
ranging knowledge of core material, theoretical
1. You need to cite references to: background and ability to address question in a
 Support your arguments and structural, direct and effective way.
give your work a factual basis  Originality of thought or ideas from outside
the course contributes to the excellent discussion
 Protect yourself against with examples that are relevant.
charges of plagiarism  Essay has an introduction, defining the
planned discussion; body paragraphs target the
 Demonstrate to tutors that you main points raised in the TMA guideline;
have carried out the necessary conclusion summarizes the discussion to answer
research the TMA question.
 Essay includes a wide range of specialized
2. Cite your source when you:
terminology and is error free.
o Paraphrase
 Discussion reflects confident and secure +B to B
o Summarise knowledge of course materials coupled
with an analytical approach and relevant
o Quote discussion covering most of the key
o Refer to the ideas or theories  Distinguished from A answers by being
of other people’s work in your less insightful or by showing less
assignments. comprehensive knowledge of the course.
 Essay has an introduction, defining the
planned discussion; body paragraphs
When you refer to another author's work target the main points raised in the TMA
in your assignment you must cite your guideline; conclusion summarizes the
source by providing the last name of the discussion to answer the TMA question.
author and the year of publication in the  Essay demonstrates extensive grammar
text. control and specialized terminology

 Discussion provides competent answers +C to C

reflecting adequate knowledge of the
Referencing relevant course material and concepts,
with reasonable structure and adequate
At the end of your work, under the
coherence related to the question set.
heading References, write a full
 Introduction and/ or conclusion is short
description of each source you have
but still satisfactory; less grammar
cited, listing them in alphabetical order control than above; good range of

First Semester 2022/2023 5 EL330

specialized terminology
 Discussion provides answers which omit D
some concepts /evidence.
 Discussion lacks coherence /structure,
and/or makes minor errors while still
demonstrating basic understanding.
 Answers show awareness of some
relevant material and attempt to relate it
to the question.
 Slightly confused introduction and/or
conclusion, but body still fair; no
evidence of editing; some error types that
impede communication; some specialized

 Answers attempt to draw upon relevant F

material but do not reflect sufficient
knowledge of the course and/or neglect
the focus required by the question, and/or
sorted by the author's last name. are incomplete in some important aspects
whilst being acceptable in others.
 No introduction and /or no conclusion;
Basic referencing formats: body paragraphs badly organized or
For books; both published and online  Poor grammar control (extremely limited
range of grammar & register); limited or
Author, A. (year). Title of work. City: not specialized range of terminology.

Author, A. (year). Title of work.

Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx

For Chapter in book

Author, A. (year). Chapter Title. Title of

work. City: Publisher. Page numbers.

For Journal articles

Author, A., Author, B.., & Author, C.

Mark-Deduction Grid

The following grid is used in deducting marks, when grading TMAs on the basis of
language use and organisation, notwithstanding correct content. Kindly check before
submitting TMA to avoid losing grades for language

First Semester 2022/2023 6 EL330


-It has an introduction defining plan of the

-It has a body divided into several paragraphs.
-It has a conclusion which directly relates to
the topic.
-It has wide range of specialized terminology.
No deduction for language -It has error-free grammar and language

-It has a clear organization, with good

introduction and conclusion.
-It has a body divided into several paragraphs
-It has occasional/sporadic grammar mistakes
(e.g., phrasal verbs, relative clauses).
- Terminology specialized but less varied.

Deduction of 3 marks

-It has an introduction and/or conclusion short

but still satisfactory.
-It has a less grammar control than above: (e.g.,
wrong use of prepositions, verb tenses).
-It has some problems in mechanics of writing
-It has an average range of specialized

Deduction of 4 marks

-It has an introduction and/or conclusion short

and slightly confused, but acceptable, with
body still fair in each section with the three
-It has some grammatical and other recurrent
types of errors that impede communication
(e.g., verb forms, auxiliary verbs, passive
structures, subject-verb agreement).
-It has recurrent errors of spelling and

First Semester 2022/2023 7 EL330

Deduction of 7 marks -It has poor formatting
-It has below average range of specialized

-It has no introduction and /or conclusion.

-It has main sections with the three stages are
badly organized or irrelevant.
-It has poor grammar control (extremely
limited range of grammar & register, very
basic, recurrent, and varied grammatical,
spelling, and punctuation errors of all types).
-It has no formatting
Deduction of 10 marks -It has limited or not specialized range of

First Semester 2022/2023 8 EL330

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