Batch 03 Entire Report
Batch 03 Entire Report
Batch 03 Entire Report
Submitted by
AKILESHWARAN.S (310118104004)
First and foremost, we thank the Almighty, for showering his abundant
blessings on us to successfully complete the project. Our sincere thanks to
our Honorable Founder “Kalvivallal” Late ThiruT.Kalasalingam,
Last but not the least our sincere thanks to all our parents and friends
for their continuous support and encouragement in the successful
completion of our project
identify the behavioral tasks and biomarkers such as dataset that can
since treatment is most likely effective at any early stage. Computers can
benefit from vast and complex datasets using Machine Learning, a branch of
and optimization techniques. Some studies have suggested that MRI features
may predict rate of decline of AD and may guide therapy in the future.
However, in order to reach that stage clinicians and researchers will have to
make use of machine learning techniques that can accurately predict progress
develop a front-end webpage based on our survey that will assist clinicians to
predict the onset of Alzheimer’s disease early on. This examines accuracies of
disease. Thus, Random Forest classifier resulted with the highest accuracy of
99.1% among the classifiers and this helped us for our front-end prediction
1.2 SCOPE 3
4. DESIGN 22
5.1 MODULES 29
5.1.1 Dataset Analysis
5.1.2 Dataset Pre-processing 30
5.1.3 Model Training & Testing 30
5.1.4 Model Evaluation & Deployment 31
ML Machine Learning
AD Alzheimer’s Disease
In the modern era, many people are suffering from many types of brain
diseases, in that Alzheimer’s is one of the brain diseases; it will affect the
memory and destroys cells in the neuron. In the initial state the disease makes
the brain to feel difficult to remember some incidents, then as days goes it will
not allow the brain to think anything. Finally, it also creates the Dementia. The
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affected people cannot do even a simple task and they
can’t remember their name itself. In ancient days it affected the people with the
age of 60-90, now a day it affects the people with the age of 35-60. It is
categorized into initial, middle and final stage. The initial stage is the Mild
Cognitive Impairment (MCI), this shows the symptoms of starting state of the
Alzheimer and for all the people it will not continue as the disease but in the
next two stages it will be developed into Alzheimer’s disease and is quite
difficult to cure the disease.
In this project, a survey is being presented in a review on recent machine
learning approaches in detecting brain diseases such as AD. 10 recent articles on
Alzheimer’s disease are reviewed considering diverse machine learning
approaches, modalities, datasets etc. OASIS dataset is discussed which are used
most frequently in the reviewed articles as a primary source of brain disease
data. Moreover, a brief overview of different feature extraction techniques that
are used in diagnosing brain diseases is provided. Finally, key findings from the
reviewed articles are summarized and a number of major issues related to
machine learning based brain disease diagnostic approaches are discussed. It is
categorized into initial, middle and final stage. The initial stage is the Mild
Cognitive Impairment (MCI), this shows the symptoms of starting state of the
Alzheimer and for all the people it will not continue as the disease but in the
next two stages it will be developed into Alzheimer’s disease and is quite
difficult to cure the disease.
• To obtain the values from demographic data, data from clinical tests
and values From MRI Scan Reports, such as eTIV, nWBV and ASF.
Techniques (IST)
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Blood plasma data used in this project were obtained from the
Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) portal. During the
preprocessing those data are separated into two datasets. Therefore, they have
developed potential models and identified five novel candidate non-amyloid
biomarker panels for early detection of AD utilizing a new approach and the
performance of the novels are identified
Problem Identified:
Knowledge Gained:
The new insights about the disease are gained from understanding the
interactions between the proteins in disease subjects and gained.
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Problem Identified:
Knowledge Gained:
DL is extremely expensive to train due to complex data models.
Moreover, deep learning requires expensive GPUs.
Techniques (IST)
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Datasets PET, MRI and other biomarkers were obtained from the
Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. These datasets
are processed by a common preprocessing step consists of centering the data to
zero mean, then the features extraction, used in this work for performance
estimations can be considered as “pessimistic” and classification of disease was
takes placed.
Problem Identified:
To detect Alzheimer’s Disease in its early stages is crucial for patient care
and drugs development. Motivated by this fact, the neuroimaging community
has extensively applied machine learning techniques to the early diagnosis
problem with promising results.
Knowledge Gained:
This project focuses on the development of CAD systems for the multiclass
classification of 4 classes: Healthy Controls (HC), Mild Cognitive Impaired
(MCI) subjects, Mild cognitive impaired subjects that converted into
Alzheimer’s Disease during the study (MCI), and Alzheimer’s Disease
(AD)patients. The challenge provided with preprocessed MRI data of the
different classes to allow participant proposals of optimized CAD systems,
based on the finding that combining multiple anatomical measures improve
classification of early diagnosis of AD.
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Problem Identified:
Knowledge Gained:
In this project, the authors took the MRI datasets of mice instead of human
brain, to detect the Aβ pathologies. So, the accuracy can be differed from mice
to human.
Author :
Himanshu Padole, (member, ieee), Shiv Dutt Joshi, and Tapan
K. Gandhi
Publication : IEEE 2021 International Conference
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Problem Identified:
Many real-life problems are limited by the large size of the graphs involved
as the computational complexity of most of the algorithms in GSP grow
polynomial with the graph size.
Knowledge Gained:
Title : Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Problem identified:
To make the diagnosis of the disease easier, to detect the disease in its early
stages and use the machine and deep learning algorithm efficiently.
Knowledge Gained:
This paper presented a survey on the four most dangerous brain disease
detection processes using machine and deep learning. The survey reveals some
important insights into contemporary ML/DL techniques in the medical field
used in today's brain disorder research.
Parameters were used to compare the accuracy. The deep and machine
learning techniques were not discussed.
Title : Toward Noninvasive Quantification of Brain Radio
ligandBinding by Combining Electronic Health
Records and Dynamic PET Imaging Data
Author : Arthur Mikhno, Francesca Zanderigo, R. Todd Ogden, J.
Publication : 2021 IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
Problem identified:
Knowledge Gained:
This survey on the four most dangerous brain disease detection processes
using machine and deep learning. The survey reveals some important insights
into contemporary ML/DL techniques in the medical field used in today's brain
disorder research.
Publications :
2020 6th International Conference on Advanced
Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
The R-fMRI scans are preprocessed after being taken from the database.
The feature selection includes volumetric and thickness measurements.
Achieved theaccuracy of SVM as 85% and Decision tree of 83%.
Problem identified:
Knowledge Gained:
Source of R-fRMI images were not mentioned, a smaller number of
parameters and ML classification techniques were used.
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
The R-fMRI scans are preprocessed after being taken from the database.
The feature selection includes volumetric and thickness measurements.
Achieved the accuracy of SVM as 85% and Decision tree of 83%.
Problem identified:
Knowledge Gained:
Source of R-fRMI images were not mentioned, a smaller number of
parameters and ML classification techniques were used.
Title : A Novel AI-Based System for Detection and Severity
Prediction of Dementia Using MRI
Author : Varun Jain, Om Nankar, Daryl Jacob Gerrish, Shilpa Gite,Shruti
Patil, and Ketan Kotecha
Publication : 2021 IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics
Concept Discussed:
This model can predict MCI with an accuracy of 74% and can classify
dementia into four categories depending upon its prominence in the MRI scan.
This novel approach helps verify the differentiating features of the MRI scans
learned by the CNN model during training. The authors have also utilized
Visual Explainable A.I. (XAI) and have used Grad CAM to visually represent
the internal working of the model.
Work Done:
The performance of the CNN model has been made on these MRI datasets
of ADNI, feature extraction and prediction of alzheimer’s disease has been done
and CNN achieved the accuracy of 85%.
Problem identified:
Knowledge Gained:
The paper addressed the critical problem of imbalanced datasets using GAN
augmentation to balance the class labels and created a newly balanced dataset.
Computing (2022)
Concept Discussed:
Work Done:
The aim of this project is to find a way to encourage the end-to-end learning
of a CNN-based model for AD/NC/MCI classification to ultimately have the
capacity to obtain and analyze an explainable visualization map without human
intervention. They devised a notion of the end-to-end learning hierarchy, and
our work was built upon level 3 for which intensity and spatial normalization
are only considered. authors believed that this method is capable of maximizing
the full ability of CNNs.
Problem identified:
Knowledge Gained:
This project has several limitations: First, as the number of subjects used
for the training and test phases was still small for encouraging end-to-end
learning, any performance improvement compared with the prior conventional
models is limited.
It is the probability of how often the software fails. The measurement is
often expressed in MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures).
It is supported by version above all web browsers. Using any web servers
like localhost makes the system real-time experience.
The flexibility of the project is provided in such a way that is has the ability
to run on different environments being executed by different users.
Safety is a measure taken to prevent trouble. Every query is processed in a
secured manner without letting others to know one’s personal information.
It is the usability of the same software in different environments. The project
can be run in any operating system.
These requirements determine the resources required, time interval,
throughput and everything that deals with the performance of the system.
The result of the requesting query is very accurate and high speed of
retrieving information. The degree of security provided by the system is high
and effective.
Project is simple as further updates can be easily done without affecting its
stability. Maintainability basically defines that how easy it is to maintain the
system. It means that how easy it is to maintain the system, analyze, change and
test the application. Maintainability of this project is simple as further updates
can be easily done without affecting its stability.
Feasibility Study
The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal
is put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates.
During system analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be
carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the
company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major
requirements for the system is essential.
The feasibility study investigates the problem and the information needs of
the stakeholders. It seeks to determine the resources required to provide an
information systems solution, the cost and benefits of such a solution.
The goal of the feasibility study is to consider alternative information
systems solutions, evaluate their feasibility, and propose the alternative most
suitable to the organization. The feasibility of a proposed solution is evaluated
in terms of its components.
Economic Feasibility
This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will
have on the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into
the research and development of the system is limited. The expenditures must
justify. Thus, the developed system as well within the budget and this was
achieved because most of the technologies used are freely available. Only the
customized products had to be purchased.
Technical Feasibility
This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the
technical requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a
high demand on the available technical resources. This will lead to high
demands on the available technical resources.
This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed
system must have a modest requirement, as only minimal null changes are
required for implementing this system.
Social Feasibility
The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the
user. This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently.
The user must not feel threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a
3.3.1 Hardware Specification
Oasis longitudinal dataset is preprocessed using Min Max Scaler. Then it splits
samples into training and testing. Then the trained and tested model is made to be
evaluated. The evaluated model with ML classifiers is then deployed in our front-end
webpage to predict the disease.
The use case diagram consists of the actors and the use cases. The actors
of the system are user, system holder, device controller and the use cases are
authentication, checking credentials, basic ON/OFF, allow/deny user, storing
NLP commands, Input through voice commands, Deriving Data, Intrusion
Detection, Service Maintenance. describes Use Case diagram for Adaptive
Automation System (AAS).
Training dataset T,
F= (ft, fz. f..., fo) in testing dataset. // value of the predictor variable
2. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the predictor variables in each class;
3. Repeat
Until the probability of all predictor variables (fi, f. f.fa) has been calculated.
Find a violator
are pruned
d ifend
K-Nearest Neighborhood:
4. End
for t = 1,...,T: do
usingdistribution Dt.
end for
Final score:
1: Start with random weights: w₁,..., wn, b2: for every point (1, 2,...,,): do
Random Forest:
2: for 1 to T do
6: end for
8: end procedure
Table 4.1 Attributes from OASIS dataset
Attributes Description
Subject ID Unique ID of the patient
MRI. ID Unique id generated after conducting MRI on patient
Group It is a group of converted (previously normal but dementia later)
Demented and non demented
Visit Number of visits to detect dementia status
MR. Delay Not known
Gender Male, Female
Hand Handedness (All subjects were right-handed so I will drop this
Age 18-96
Education Not known
SES Socioeconomic status as assessed by the Hollingshead Index of
Social Position and classified into categories from 1 (highest
status) to 5 (lowest status) clinical info
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination score (range is from 0 = worst to
30 = best)
CDR Clinical Dementia Rating (0 = no dementia, 0.5 = very mild AD,
1 = mild AD, 2 = moderate AD) derived anatomic volumes
ETIV Estimated total intracranial volume, mm3
NWBV Normalized whole-brain volume, expressed as a percent of all
voxels in the atlas-masked image that are labeled as gray or white
matter by the automated tissue segmentation process
ASF Atlas scaling factor (unitless). Computed scaling factor that
transforms native-space brain and skull to the atlas target (i.e., the
determinant of the transform matrix)
• Dataset Analysis
• Dataset Pre-processing
• Model Training & Testing
• Model Evaluation & Deployment
The dataset used in this survey have been obtained from the widely used
data repository, ADNI (Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative). As it is
illustrated, this dataset has been widely used mainly to detect Alzheimer’s
disease at the earliest stages. A detailed description of the ADNI dataset.
ADNI dataset includes data recorded from the North American male and
female individuals that are “Cognitively Normal”, with “Early Mild Cognitive
Impairment”, with “Late Mild Cognitive Impairment”, or with “Alzheimer’s
Disease”. The dataset used in this survey contains 502 attributes for 1737
participants. This dataset is longitudinal since it contains data from multiple
visits per patient. In fact, ADNI contains records of individuals’ examination, at
differentmonthly intervals (i.e., from 0 to 120 months)
This step contains all the pre-processing functions needed to process the
input dataset. First, the data is split into train and test data files, then it performs
some pre- processing like normalization to avoid the curse of dimensionality.
Data cleaning may be performed interactively with data wrangling tools, and
as batch processing through scripting. The data sets are cleansed to get high
quality ofdata from the available data sets
The training model is used to run the input data through the algorithm to
correlate the processed output against the sample output. The result from this
correlation is used to modify the model.
This iterative process is called “model fitting”. The accuracy of the training
datasetor the validation dataset is critical for the precision of the model.
Model training in machine language is the process of feeding an ML
algorithm with data to help identify and learn good values for all attributes
There are several types of machine learning models, of which the most
common one is supervised learning.
In this module, the trained machine learning model is tested using the
Oasis longitudinal .csv dataset file, by pre-establishing connectivity with the
dataset file. ML classifiers are trained as well as tested in the ratio of 7:3
This survey, then, gets accuracies for the used classifiers and find out one
which results in higher accuracy, in comparison with other classifiers being
Now, the module containing the classifiers code runs at the background
while a front-end model developed with HTML is used to gather data from
Demographics, from clinical tests by a Neuro-physician and data from MRI
Scans. Demographic data consists of Gender, Age, Symptoms in years and
Socio-economic status. Data from clinical tests by a Neuro-physician includes
Clinical Diagnosis Rating on a scale between 0 to 2 and Mini Mental State
Examination (MMSE) between a scale of 0 to 30. Data from MRI Scans require
inputting Estimated Total Intracranial Volume, Normalized Whole Brain
Volume and Atlas Scaling Factor, which are unit less. Finally, the module
running these classifiers at the back end and a webpage running on Flask
written in HTML surveying a combination of data is finally deployed for
runtime environment.
• Unit Testing
• Integration Testing
• System Testing
• User Acceptance Test
Functional Testing
Functional testing is a type of testing which verifies that each function of the
software application operates in conformance with the requirement specification. This
testing mainly involves black box testing, and it is not concerned about the source
code of the application. Every functionality of the system is tested by providing
appropriate input, verifying the output and comparing the actual result with the
expected results. The testing can be done either manually or using automation.
Examples of Functional Testing Types.
• Unit testing
• Smoke testing
• User Acceptance
• Integration Testing
• Regression testing
Non-Functional Testing
• Performance Testing
• Stress Testing
• Scalability
• Usability Testing
• Load Testing
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
System Testing
Any project can be divided into units that can be further performed for
detailed processing. Then a testing strategy for each of this unit is carried out.
Unit testing helps to identify the possible bugs in the individual component, so
the component that has bugs can be identified and can be rectified from errors.
3 S103 To obtain the clinical diagnosis rating and mini
mental state examination data from a neuro-
4 S104 To obtain the eTIV, nWBV & ASF values.
7 S107 To go back to the home page for performing the same PASS
for another individual.
The results obtained by dropping the couples of features from the OASIS
datasetare as discussed below.
Table 7. 1: Accuracies generated by dropping features
Algorithm/Dropped eTIV eTIV ASF MMSE CDR nWBV Group Group & Age
Features & & & & SES & & Age & ASF
Random Forest 99.1 98.9 98.2 97.2 96.05 95.8 90.09 89.19
Support Vector 50.45 68.47 50.45 50.45 50.45 50.45 50.45 50.45
Gaussian Naïve Bayes 97.3 97.4 97.6 96.8 95.5 95.4 90.09 89.19
K-Nearest Neighbor 44.14 83.79 55.86 53.19 48.65 48.75 48.65 60.36
Logistic Regression 91.89 98.1 89.19 92.79 69.37 89.19 70.27 89.19
This survey reveals us that, Random Forest Classifier has resulted in highest
accuracy of 99.1% among all the other ML classifiers, by dropping couple of features
in different combinations.
The graphs were drawn for combination of dropped features based onthe
tabulation above.
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Naïve Neighbor Regression
Machine Bayes
Fig 7.1 Accuracies generated by dropping eTIV & ASF
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Linear Regression XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighborhood
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Random Forest
Forest Support
Support Vector
Vector Gaussian
Gaussian Naïve
Naïve K-Nearest
K-Nearest Logistic
Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor
Neighbor Regression
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Installing Python
Step 2: Ensure that the Install for all user radio button is pressed.
Step 4: A new Python 3.8 setup pop-up window will appear Select Destination
Step 8: Use the default customization, which selects the PythonInterpreter and
all its libraries (about 50 Mb).
Step 11: A new Python 3.8 setup pop-up window will appear.
Step 2: After downloading, click on the .exe file, an Anaconda Navigator Setup
pop-up will appear.
Step 3: Accept the Terms and Conditions along with End User License Agreement.
Step 5: Let remain of the default configurations preset in the navigator setup.
Step 6: Specify the path where the navigator is to be accessed.
Step 8: Now the Anaconda Navigator is installed and is ready for use.
Step 1: Download latest PyCharm IDE .exe or .zip(extract) from the internet.
Step 2: After downloading, click on the .exe file, a Setup pop-up will appear.
Step 3: Accept the Terms and Conditions along with End User License
Step 5: Let remain of the default configurations preset in the IDE setup.
Step 8: Now the PyCharm IDE is installed and is ready for use.
Step 1: Open PyCharm IDE and click on Settings and navigate to Python Interpreter
and specify the Interpreter by mapping the Anaconda Navigator application’s
file path.
Step 2: Install all the necessary packages available open-source across the PyCharm
Step 3: After installing the packages, it will become feasible to import the necessary
Step 4: Open the code file, compile it for checking if there are any errors.
Step 5: Multiple code files are used across modules. Make sure the necessary
packages are installed in place. Once the preliminary checks are done, compile
Step 7: After executing various modules, desired outputs are made visible to the user.
In case of webpage, click on the local host hyperlink, present in the execution
window, our webpage will become available for usage.
Step 8: Enter the Demographic Data, Data from clinical tests by a Neuro Physician
Step 9: Enter proper values that are within the applicable range.
Step 10: Once the values are entered, click on the submit button and then follows up
another page, predicted the result whether the concerned individual is
demented or non-demented
As a scope for future enhancement, one can improve the methods used in
building the overall prediction models, by using customized classifiers as a result of
a fusion of two or more best existing ones, that have resulted in an ideal accuracy so
far. Further, there is a room for improvement when it is about the overall design of
user interface and user experience. Much finely tuned dataset, with subject to
availability, can act as a catalyst in developing prediction models for detecting the
presence of Alzheimer’s disease, much earlier and simpler than existing models at
use. This enhancement may make it much more optimized and effective to use, for
conformity checks, in regard with the diagnosed disease.
2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)
J.Neelaveni M.S.Geetha Devasana
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Computer Science and Engineering Department,
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College-641022 Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College-641022
Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract---Alzheimer disease is the one amongst approach of life, and good planning to take care of
neurodegenerative disorders. Though the memory loss.
symptoms are benign initially, they become more
severe over time. Alzheimer's disease is a II. LITERATURE SURVEY
prevalent sort of dementia. This disease is
challenging one because there is no treatment for Ronghui Ju, suggested method of deep
the disease. Diagnosis of the disease is done but learning along with the brain network and clinical
that too at the later stage only. Thus if the disease significant information like age, ApoE gene and
is predicted earlier, the progression or the gender of the subjects for earlier examination of
symptoms of the disease can be slow down. This Alzheimer’s [1]. Brain network was arranged,
paper uses machine learning algorithms to predict calculating functional connections in the brain region
the Alzheimer disease using psychological by employing the resting-state functional magnetic
parameters like age, number of visit, MMSE and resonance imaging (R-fMRI) data. To produce a
education. detailed discovery of the early AD, a deep network
Keywords- Alzheimer disease, mild like autoencoder is used where functional
cognitive impairment, machine learning algorithms, connections of the networks are constructed and are
psychological parameters. susceptible to AD and MCI. The dataset is taken
from the ADNI database. The classification model
I. INTRODUCTION consists of the early diagnosis, initially preprocessing
of raw R-fMRI is done [1]. Then, the time series data
Alzheimer disease is caused by both genetic (90 ×130matrix) is obtained and that indicates blood-
and environmental factors, those affects the brain of a oxygen levels in each and every region of brain and
person over time. The genetic changes guarantee a changes a long period. Then, a brain network is built
person will develop this disease. and transformed to a 90 ×90 time series data
correlation matrix. The targeted autoencoder model is
This disease breaks the brain tissue over time. It used which is a three layered model which gives
occurs to people over age 65. However people live with intellectual growth of the nervous system then
this disease for about 9 years and about 1 among excerpts brain networks attributes completely [1].
8 people of age 65 and over have this disease. When finite amount of data cases is taken, k-fold
cross verification was implemented mainly to avoid
MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) the over fitting complication.
score is the main parameter used for prediction of the
disease. This score reduces periodically if the person K.R.Kruthika, proposed a method
is affected. Those people having MCI have a serious called multistage classifier by using machine learning
risk of growing dementia. When the fundamental algorithms like Support Vector Machine, Naive
MCI results in a loss of memory, the situation Bayes and K-nearest neighbor to classify between
expects to develop to dementia due to this kind of different subjects [2]. PSO (particle swarm
disease. optimization) which is a technique that best selects
the features was enforced to obtain best features.
There is no treatment to cure Alzheimer's Naturally image retrieving process requires two
disease. In advanced stages of the disease, stages: the first stage involves generating features so
complications like dehydration, malnutrition or that it reproduces the query image and then later step
infection occurs which leads to death. The diagnosis correlates those features with already gathered in
at MCI stage will help the person to focus on healthy database [2]. The PSO algorithm is used to select the
finest biomarkers that show AD or MCI. The data is
978-1-7281-5197-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 101
taken from Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Fan Zhang, proposed a multi-modal
Initiative (ADNI) database. The MRI scans are model where medical images are used for training. It
preprocessed first after taking from the database. The is done by two separate convolutional neural
feature selection includes volumetric and thickness networks. Here an auxiliary diagnosis using a deep
measurements. Then the optimum feature lists were learning model is used [4]. The two separate
obtained from PSO algorithm [2]. The Gaussian independent CNN for extracting the characteristics
Naïve Bayes, K- Nearest Neighbor, Support vector from both the MR scans and also the PET scans is
machine was used to distinguish between the used. It is obtained by a sequence of forward
subjects. Here a 2 stage classifier was used where in procreation convolution and the downer sampling
the initial stage GNB classifier was used to classify method. The outputs cohesion is calculated by
the objects between AD, MCI and NC and in later correlation analysis for the two networks. The
stages SVM and KNN were used to analyze the structure of CNN consists of sampling layer in the
object based on the performance of the initial one [2]. down, a convolution row or a fully connective row,
Control Based Image Retrieval was used for pooling layer and finally the output row [4]. Then it
retrieving images from the database. computes the correlation using Pearson correlation
coefficient method in between the prognosis of MRI
Ruoxuan Cuia, proposed a model where scans and PET images. The main idea of the
longitudinal analysis is performed on consecutive correlation search is for regulating the output of both
MRI and is essential to design and compute the neuroimaging examinations whether they were
evolution of disease with time for the purpose of persistent or not. The purpose of identifing and
more precise diagnosis [3]. The actual process uses classifing is finished by using the output layer called
those features of morphological anomaly of the brain softmax logistic regression method [4]. The benefit
and the longitudinal difference in MRI and of this process is, it merges clinical
constructed classifier for distinguishing between the neuropsychological results with neuroimaging
distinct groups. The MRI brain images of 6 time results.
points that is for consecutive intervals in a gap of six
months are taken as inputs from ADNI database [3]. III. IMPLEMENTATION OF SUPPORT VECTOR
Then feature learning is done with the 3D MACHINE
Convolutional Neural Network. The CNN is followed
by a pooling layer and have many ways for pooling, SVM is directed study model that classifies
like collecting mean value otherwise the maximal, or by separating the objects using a hyperplane. It can
definite sequence of neuron in the section. But for be used for both classification and regression. The
studying the characteristics, the convolutional hyperplanes are drawn with the help of the margins.
operation of 2×2×2 is applied so that a linear The main goal is to maximize the distance between
combination is studied for pooling of neurons [3]. the hyperplane and the margin.
The fully connected layer has neurons that
produce output of all neurons in a linear combination, The margins are drawn with the help of
which are taken from preceding layer and then is support vectors that are belonging to the objects. The
moved through nonlinearity. Finally for the last fully main advantage of SVM is that it can distinguish
connected, a softmax layer is particularly used and linear and non-linear objects. Fig.1 shows the steps in
then tuned finely for back-propagation to predict the predicting the Alzheimer disease using machine
class probability [3]. The result of each node varies learning algorithms.
from 0 to 1, and the total of nodes will always be 1.
Finally the classification includes the deep network classifier = svm (formula=age, visit, MMSE, EDUC
construction including the 3D CNN training and .,data = train, type = 'C-
RNN model training. Then the results of fully classification', kernel = 'linear')
connective layers are directly mapped using a
softmax function [3]. The initial parameters that were The required packages for SVM classifier in
trained by both 3 dimensional CNN and the RNN R are caret and e1071 packages. The formula consists
network are established and then only the uppermost of the fields that are considered for prediction. The
fully connective layer parameters and the softmax basic type c-classification and linear kernel is chosen.
layer that was used for prediction are adjusted so that They both mostly depend on the data used.
the dimensional and longitude features were united
The psychological parameters are given as
for distinct identification.
the input for the classifier. When the classifier is
The formula consists of the fields that are [1] K.R.Kruthika, Rajeswari, H.D.Maheshappa,
considered for the prediction of the Alzheimer disease. “Multistage classifier-based approach for
The method class indicates the classification trees. The Alzheimer’s Disease prediction and retrieval”,
packages used here are party, rpart, and rpart.plot. The Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 2019.
The purpose of this survey is to compare the accuracy of Machine Learning algorithms to predict
Alzheimer's disease early. Machine learning algorithms is comparatively applied on variety of
biomarkers correlated with disease in order to examine the efficiency of those Machine Learning
techniques. Based on this analysis the foremost algorithm can be employed to perceive the Alzheimer’s
disease in advance. In this paper we are going to find better ways to predict the Alzheimer’s disease
when other chronic conditions are present.
Keywords: Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB),
Logistic Regression (LR), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), XG-Boost, Machine Learning (ML), Features,
A disease’s likelihood of being cured greatly increases if it is diagnosed as soon as possible. In
recent years, the use of Machine Learning (ML) is surging through all fields of science, and the field of
neurology is definitely undergoing a revolution thanks to it. Medical science has benefitted from the
application of Machine Learning to improve the prediction and detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
Through this effort, we aim at finding the most accurate technique for detecting different brain
diseases which can be employed for future betterment. The symptom of that woman was memory loss,
language problem and unpredictable behavior. Then her brain was tested and noticed that anomalous
clumps and collection of fibers are created in the brain, then the res earch is started on that and given
the name of the doctor to the disease as Alzheimer. A neurofibrillary fiber is a fibrous clump of
abnormal protein, known as an amyloid plaque. The disease states from the hippocampus and spread
over the brain, as the res ult of this the death of neuron occurs and the tissues in the brain shrunk so
that fully memory loss will cause.
To find better ways to manage dementia when other chronic conditions are present. By
developing prediction model for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, we can help doctors to have a
better chance of helping asymptomatic patients by preventing further complications. This means that
the diagnosis criteria and treatment plan for Alzheimer’s disease needs to be revised. Determining
whether inflammatory reactions are persistent is critical for diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s
The sorts of data used and the efficiency of machine learning approaches in predicting early stages of
Alzheimer's disease have been highlighted as recent trends in machine learning [1]. The "MRI and
Alzheimer's" dataset, which was provided by the Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS)
project, was used to predict Alzheimer's disease or dementia in adult patients. SVM is the best model
among the other models in the system. It has better accuracy, recall, area under the curve, and F1 score
[2]. As rapid progress in neuroimaging techniques has created large-scale multimodal neuroimaging
data, the application of deep learning to early diagnosis and automated categorization of Alzheimer's
disease (AD) has recently gotten a lot of interest.[3]. A deep convolutional neural network-based
pipeline for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis utilizing magnetic resonance scans, as well as a four-way
classifier to predict AD [4]. A method for promoting end-to-end learning of a volumetric convolutional
neural network (CNN) model for four binary classifications [5]. Non-amyloid biomarker panels based
on blood for early detection of Alzheimer's disease Apart from that, this notion focuses on identifying
the performance of novels like A2M, ApoE, BNP, Eot3, RAGE, and SGOT in order to determine mild
cognitive impairment (MCI)[6]. Multiple Deep learning and Machine learning techniques were
reviewed. A novel multiclass classification strategy that utilizes one-versus-one error correction output
codes classification and pairwise t-test feature selection to handle the outlier identification problem [8].
The pathological hallmarks of AD brains are early stage -amyloid oligomers (AOs) and late-stage A
plaques. The intention of this initiative is to detect A abnormalities in the early and late phases of
Alzheimer's disease [9] Classical applications such as graph partitioning, graph visualization, and graph
coarsening have recently been utilized in Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) architecture
to perform graph pooling. This modified GCNN architecture is then used as a graph signal classifier to
detect early-stage Alzheimer's disease [10]. Review of contemporary machine learning and deep
learning approaches for detecting four brain diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), brain
tumors, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease, in order to determine the most accurate technique for
detecting different brain diseases that can be used in the upcoming years [11]. A metabolite-corrected
artery input function (AIF) is required for quantitative analysis of PET brain imaging data in order to
estimate distribution volume and related outcome measures. PET studies that collect arterial blood
samples add risk, cost, measurement inaccuracy, and patient discomfort.[12]. Machine learning
algorithms use psychological MMSE parameters including age, number of visits, and education to
predict Alzheimer's disease. Support vector machine and decision tree techniques used [13]. As the
combined high-order network (CHON) constructs FCN by combining static, dynamic, and high -level
information, whereas the GCN is utilized to integrate non-image information to improve the classifier's
performance [14]. ResNet18 and DenseNet201 were utilized to perform the AD multiclass
classification challenge. [15]. A survey, analysis, and critical critique of recent work on the early
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using machine learning techniques [16]. Thus, by referencing the
work done in related articles, we were finally able to conceive a survey with the help of our dataset
[17] for developing our front-end model for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
Previously, users had to manually enter MRI images into the system, after which the value was
calculated using image restoration, linear filtering, pixelation, grey scaling, and template matching.
Later values from the image were extracted, and those values were trained and evaluated against a
dataset to precisely establish the ranges for each decisive value. Thus, utilizing generated values from
feed photographs as input values, integer and float data types, we were able to detect the presence of
the disease. Finally, the output indicates whether or not the patient has been diagnosed with dementia.
By presenting our survey, we aim to establish a front end. In our dataset, we want to train the
supervised ML classifiers. We created a survey to collect data on the accuracies of different supervised
ml classifiers. We were able to select the classifier with the highest accuracy by eliminating a few
features in various combinations that were present in our dataset. We also acquire values from
demographics, neuro-physicians' clinical tests, and MRI scan reports, and submit them to the backend
for processing. Finally, we can forecast whether or not a person has acquired the risk of developing
The system is divided into four sections. Dataset Analysis is the first module, and it is the process of
evaluating, cleansing, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of identifying relevant
information through informing conclusions and helping decision -making. The second module is
Dataset Preprocessing to cleaning the data, which increases the accuracy and efficiency of a machine
learning model using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). The third is Model
testing and Training, in this module we use supervised classification algorithms for training and testing
our dataset using machine learning algorithms. The fourth module is Model Deployment, in this
Module we developed User interface.
Data samples to be assessed that is transforming raw datasets into machine readable data this method is
known as preprocessing or data cleaning. Besides the removal of a characteristics of data to be
performed called feature extraction. After the extraction of features, the data can be labeled. The
method by which the machine takes decisions of labeling data is called a classifier or classification.
Certain Machine Learning techniques are used in this paper such as RF, GNB, SVM, XGB, KNN, LR.
It uses several layers of nonlinear processing units. The output of a unit is imparted as input to the next
unit. Throughout the ordered structure of data movement, each level transforms the data it receives into
more condense data to be imparted to the next level. ML classifiers to detect brain diseases can be
classified as shown in Figure 1.
Figure A: Classification of ML
Dataset being collected from the OASIS longitudinal in Kaggle repository. Kaggle(
is a repository containing over 50,000 publicly available datasets. Labels indicating the presence and
absence of tumors are marked by “yes” and “no”, respectively. The dataset is an open-source .csv data
set that can be used by anyone. Initially, it consisted of 374 patients' data in rows and features in 15
columns, all of them being right-handed and aged 18 to 96 years. Both male and female patients were
present. One hundred of them aged above 60 were diagnosed with very mild to moderate AD. MRIs
should be done with three to four T1-weighted scans, with high contrast to noise ratio. Here, the total
volume of the brain and the estimation of the intracranial volume used for analyzing normal aging and
Alzheimer's disease.
Machine learning algorithms employ computer methods to "learn" information directly from data rather
than depending on a model based on a preconceived equation. As the number of samples available for
learning grows, the algorithms adapt their performance.
5.4.4 XG-Boost
Gradient boosting is an AI method utilized in classification and regression assignments, among others.
A loss function should be improved, which implies bringing down the loss function better than the
result. Decision trees are utilized in this limit the loss function. After training, if we want to predict for
a new data point then we will use constructed trees or models to get all values to solve the equation.
It is an algorithm for predictive analysis that relies on the concept of probability. This method is used to
for binary classification problems. This algorithm is based on predictive analysis which is used to
describe data. It also describes the relationship between one or more nominal or ratio -level independent
variables and one or more department binary variables.
5.4.6-Random Forest
Random Forest is an adjustable, effortless to Machine Learning algorithm. It’s one of the incredible
and most effective Machine Learning algorithms uses both classification and regression. Ensemble
learning methods such as classification and regression produce mode of prediction mean by creating a
multitude during training.
The graphs were drawn for combination of dropped features based on the tabulation above.
Random Forest Support Vector Gaussian Naïve K-Nearest Logistic XG-Boost
Machine Bayes Neighbor Regression
Figure 1: Accuracies generated by dropping eTIV & ASF
Using the tabulations mentioned above, we were able to plot the graphs based on those. In figure 1, we
plotted the graph by dropping a couple of features, namely eTIV & ASF. In figure 2, we plotted the
graph by dropping a couple of features, namely eTIV & nWBV. In figure 3, we plotted the graph by
dropping a couple of features, namely ASF & CDR. In figure 4, we plotted the graph by dropping a
couple of features, namely MMSE & SES. In figure 5, we plotted the graph by dropping a couple of
features, namely CDR & SES.
Thus, by looking at the above bar graphs and tables we come to a conclusion that, out of a number of
classifiers which were being simultaneously trained and tested against the dataset. Out of these trained
and tested classifiers, it has been surveyed that, out of all the classifiers that we have tested, by
discarding a combination eTIV and ASF of and with a 7:3 splitting ratio, the Random Forest classifier
produced the highest accuracy of 99.1%, amongst all other classifiers.
Thus, based on our overall survey, we were able to develop our fron t-end model. For our User
Interface, in figure 6, it depicts our home page, containing fields for obtaining input values, from 3
categories of data, namely Demographic Data, Data from clinical tests conducted by a Neuro -physician
and Data from MRI scans. In figure 7, after submitting all the obtained values, we were able to witness
the particular patient was demented. In figure 8, after submitting all the obtained values, we were able
to witness the particular patient was non-demented. In figure 9, after submitting all the obtained values,
we were able to witness the particular patient was converted.
In this paper, we have presented a survey of comparative analysis of ML techniques to detect
Alzheimer’s disease early. In the process of doing so, we tested all of our classifiers by dropping a
couple of features in combinations and we witnessed Random Forest generating the highest accuracy of
99.1% amongst all others. As a result, the Random Forest classifier emerges as the best option for
detecting Alzheimer's disease in its earlier stages.
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The Board of International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education
Paper Id : 17365
ISSN(O) : 2395-4396 Editor In Chief
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Paper Id : 17365
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The Board of International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education
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The Board of International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education
Paper Id : 17365
ISSN(O) : 2395-4396 Editor In Chief
The Board of International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education
Paper Id : 17365
ISSN(O) : 2395-4396 Editor In Chief
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