NMD Value Clinical Dossier Study LR

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Clinical Dossier

To Support Medical Policy Review for

Expanded Coverage of Neuromuscular Diseases

September 2019
The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

Table of Contents


Clinical benefits 3
1.1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy 3
1.2 Cerebral Palsy 4
1.3 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 4
1.4 Muscular Dystrophy 4

Economic benefits 5

Conclusion 9

Product description 11
2.1 The Vest® Airway Clearance System 11
2.2 The Monarch® Airway Clearance System 11

Disease description 13
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Airway clearance and lung defense mechanism 13
3.3 Respiratory complications in NMD 13
3.4 Clinical and economic implications of respiratory complications and
airway clearance therapy in NMD patients 14

Study summaries 15



The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

Executive Summary

The safety and efficacy of High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HFCWO) as an airway
clearance modality has been demonstrated in numerous studies in patients with
neuromuscular diseases including spinal muscular atrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), cerebral palsy (CP), multiple sclerosis (MS) and spinal cord injuries. A trend
towards fewer hospitalizations, reduced incidence of pneumonia and reduced
intravenous antibiotic use for respiratory infections have been shown.

A 2010 randomized controlled trial by Yuan et al. compared clinical outcomes,

including duration of acute infections, adverse events, polysomnogram results, chest
radiograph findings, and body mass index in a group of Neuromuscular Disease (NMD)
and CP patients who were treated with standard chest physiotherapy and another
group who received HFCWO over five months. There was a trend toward fewer
hospitalizations for intravenous antibiotic therapy in the HFCWO group. That group also
had higher maximum oxygen saturation. There were no therapy-related adverse
events. Notably, a post-study caregiver survey disclosed significantly better adherence
to the prescribed thrice-daily therapy in the HFCWO group, with caregivers citing
difficulty with the time required and positioning involved to provide traditional chest

Landon et al. demonstrated that 15 NMD patients who were prescribed HFCWO for
airway clearance, had significantly less hospitalization rates post initiation of HFCWO.
The mean hospitalization rate was 0.37 days per therapy month during the year prior to
HFCWO initiation. That rate decreased to 0.08 days per therapy month during the
HFCWO intervention period (p value < 0.05), representing an 80% reduction in mean
hospitalization rate. Therapy was well tolerated, with 90% of respondents considering
the therapy comfortable.17

1.1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Multiple small case reports support the use of HFCWO in critically ill infants and children
with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). In one 5-year-old with SMA II and Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome (ARDS) following respiratory syncytial virus infection, HFCWO was used
as the primary method of airway clearance and was well tolerated when previously,
intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) combined with mechanical insufflation-
exsufflation (MI-E) caused episodes of hypoxemia from presumed alveolar de-

Similarly, Chiappeta et al. conducted a six-week study evaluating substitution of

HFCWO in place of chest physiotherapy (CPT) in a ten-year-old girl with Type II spinal
muscular atrophy. The child had been hospitalized three times in past year for
pneumonia, mucus retention, and pulmonary deterioration. She had received
percussion and postural drainage therapy daily from her mother for four years. HFCWO

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

was instituted as her primary airway clearance modality for six weeks. After six weeks of
HFCWO, the patient showed stronger cough function and significant improvements in
FVC (25%), FEV1 (16%), MEF (20%) and NIF (28%).20

1.2 Cerebral Palsy

Several small case reports support the use of HFCWO in critically ill infants and children
with cerebral palsy during acute illnesses.

A retrospective outcomes review of 13 children with CP using HFCWO for at least six
months prospectively compared with prior six months without the therapy showed
significant aggregate reductions in hospitalizations and ER visits; pre-HFCWO
documented eight hospitalizations and five ER visits vs. five hospital stays and one ER
visit during HFCWO use. Caregivers also reported fewer respiratory illnesses, less
antibiotic use and reduced absenteeism. High treatment adherence was also

1.3 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Langford et al. demonstrated significantly improved quality of life and high rates of
adherence to therapy on 47 ALS patients on HFCWO therapy.22

In a randomized controlled trial involving nine ALS patients, Chaisson et al. evaluated
the effectiveness of HFCWO when added to standard of care in preventing pulmonary
complication and prolonging time to death in patients concurrently receiving non-
invasive ventilatory support. The addition of HFCWO coincided with a longer time to

A retrospective chart review evaluating the effectiveness of HFCWO therapy in 18

patients with ALS demonstrated a reduction in rate of decline of FVC, MIP and PCEF.
92% of the patients reported easier breathing and feeling better after HFCWO therapy.
85% agreed that therapy eased secretion clearance and improved their quality of life.24

In a 12-week multi-center RCT, Lange DJ et al. demonstrated HFCWO patients had

significantly less fatigue and breathlessness compared to the control group and 79%
reported high rates of satisfaction with HFCWO treatment.4

1.4 Muscular Dystrophy

Respiratory disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with

muscular dystrophy. Effective airway clearance is critical for patients with Duchenne
muscular dystrophy as early intervention to improve airway clearance can prevent
hospitalizations and reduce incidence of pneumonias.2

Crescimanno et al. documented a case study of two young boys with Duchenne
muscular dystrophy hospitalized with pandemic A H1/N1 influenza who failed to
respond to standard care. CT scans showed extensive pulmonary bilateral segmental
atelectasis. Following institution of a sequential respiratory therapy protocol that
included multiple sessions of HFCWO therapy augmented with mechanically assisted

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

cough maneuvers, both boys showed rapid clinical and radiological improvement and
recovered fully. Treatments were well tolerated even by one boy with severe scoliosis.18

Gomez et al. demonstrated effective mobilization of distal airway secretions resulting in

significant clinical improvement after initiation of HFCWO therapy in a 16 year old
patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and profound kyphoscoliosis.31

Health economic studies evaluating HFCWO therapy have established total medical
costs, hospitalizations, and pneumonia claims were less after initiation of HFCWO than
before in a broad group of patients with NMD resulting in significant cost savings. The
reductions in health-care utilization and claim costs were the result of a proactive
airway clearance regimen utilizing HFCWO therapy. These findings lend support to the
routine use of HFCWO therapy in the care of patients with NMDs.
In 2016, Lechtzin et al. compared health-care claims of 426 patients with NMD receiving
The Vest® Airway Clearance System from two large commercial insurance claim
databases before and after initiation of HFCWO. The majority of these patients were
documented to have muscular dystrophy (150) and Quadriplegia (171).25
• Total medical costs per member per month decreased 18.6% after HFCWO use
(p value .002)
• In-patient admission costs decreased by 41.7% (p value .001)
• Costs related to treatment of pneumonia decreased by 18.1% (p value .02)
• Average length of stay decreased from 11.6 days to 9.1 days

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

Figure 1: Healthcare costs before and after prescription of HFCWO. Costs are shown in
U.S. dollars. *P,0.05. PMPM = per member per month; RX = prescription.

In a 2018 UK based NICE cost effectiveness analysis, assessed the cost-effectiveness of

The Vest® Airway Clearance System compared to chest physical therapy for airway
clearance in patients with NMD. A decision-analytic Markov model was developed to
estimate the cost and effectiveness of each airway clearance strategy over 5- and 10-
year time horizons. Costs were estimated from a UK NHS and personal social services
perspective. The main input parameters in the model were the rates of incidence of
respiratory infection, respiratory-related hospitalization and antibiotic use due to
respiratory infections, and the cost of The Vest® System and NHS resource use for
treatment of the respiratory infection.
The study demonstrates that over 5- and 10-year time horizons, usage of The Vest®
System as a primary airway clearance modality results in fewer costs and more quality-
adjusted life-years gained per patient. Results also indicate that this intervention has a
high probability of being cost-effective (>98%) at willingness-to-pay thresholds £20,000
and £30,000.
Results indicate that The Vest® System is a cost-effective strategy, with significant cost
savings being made primarily due to a reduction in the number of hospitalizations that
treated patients experience and a reduced length of stay in hospital.26

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

Figure 2: Base-case probabilistic results over a 5-years’ time horizon

Probability Cost-
Average Average ICER (£) Effective for Different
Cost Per Incremental QALYs Per Increment (∆Cost/ WPT Thresholds (%)
Strategy Patient (£) Cost (£) Patient (£) al QALYs ∆QALYs) £20,000 30,000

Base-case analysis – Informing the clinical effectiveness input parameters using results from the UK based study- 5 years’ Time horizon

MCWP 20,211 - 1.65 - - - -

The Vest® System 14,176 -6,035 1.72 +0.07 Dominant 98% 99%

Base-case analysis – Informing the clinical effectiveness input parameters using results from the UK based study- 10 years’ Time horizon

MCWP £34,632 - 3.03 - - - -

The Vest® System £24,108 -10,524 3.23 0.19 Dominant 98% 100%

Sensitivity analysis- Informing the clinical effectiveness input parameters using results from study by Yuan et al. 2010- 5 years’ Time horizon

MCWP £14,835 - 1.77 - - - -

The Vest® System ££9,108 -£5,727 1.90 0.14 Dominant 100% 100%

Sensitivity analysis- Informing the clinical effectiveness input parameters using results from study by Lechtzin et al. 2016- 5 years’ Time horizon

MCWP £20,211 - 1.65 - - - -

The Vest® System £17,618 -£2,593 1.69 0.03 Dominant 100% 100%
MCWP: Manual Chest Wall Physiotherapy; QALY: Quality Adjusted Life Years

Figure 3: Total health resource use saved over 5 years’ time horizon

Pre-Vest® Post-Vest®
Health Resource Use Difference
System System
Intervention cost per 1,000 patients £230,580 £7,820,998 £7,590,418

Total cost of hospital admissions per 1,000 patients £19,487,088 £6,016,681 -£13,470,407

Total cost of outpatient treatment per 1,000 patients £493,269 £338,594 -£154,675

Total cost per 1,000 patients £20,210,937 £14,176,272 -£6,034,665

Pre-Vest® Post-Vest®
Health Resource Use Difference
System System
Intervention cost per 1,000 patients 5,071 2,630 -2,442

Total cost of hospital admissions per 1,000 patients 59,729 9,861 -49,868

Total cost of outpatient treatment per 1,000 patients 5.07 2.63 -2.4

Total cost per 1,000 patients 59.73 9.86 -49.9

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

In a retrospective chart review of 44 patients with NMD including muscular dystrophy,

SMA and CP, Rayabhari et al. demonstrated a reduction in healthcare resource
utilization with a change in average days of hospitalization from 10.5 days pre-HFCWO
compared to 4.1 days post-HFCWO (p value 0.01). Another retrospective outcomes
review demonstrated statistically significant aggregate reductions in hospitalization, ER
visits and antibiotic use six months post- initiation of HFCWO therapy in pediatric CP
Smaller studies in children with a variety of neuromuscular or neurological diseases have
compared healthcare utilization before and after HFCWO use.28-39 Seven subjects with
quadriplegic CP demonstrated a significant reduction in episodes of pneumonia and
more effective airway suctioning, defined as suctioning attempts in which sputum was
recovered, in the 12 months after use of HFCWO compared with the 12 months before.
Seizure events fell from 267 to 43 after initiation of HFCWO therapy.29 Furthermore, none
of the subjects experienced adverse events resulting from HFCWO use.

Similarly, 15 children and young adults with familial dysautonomia in a retrospective/

prospective study comparing 12 months of CPT pre-initiation of HFCWO at initiation and
exit, pulmonary function tests (PFT), chest radiographs and blood tests were performed.
Daily logs provided information on parameters including respiratory illnesses, doctor
visits and hospitalizations. At the end of 12 months, data comparison showed clinically
and statistically significant improvements with HFCWO in all measured health outcomes
including: pneumonias, hospitalizations, antibiotic courses, antibiotic days, doctor visits
and FVC and PEFR demonstrated sustained improvement and days of school

Another 2014 prospective study involving 22 neurologically impaired children also

demonstrated a significant reduction in hospitalization rates from 45% before HFCWO
use to 36% and 13% in the first and second years after its use.28

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

There is a typical progression of respiratory complications in patients with NMDs that
begins with respiratory and bulbar muscle weakness and proceeds to sleep-disordered
breathing with the eventual development of nocturnal and then diurnal hypercapnia,
recurrent respiratory infection and hospitalizations. These predictable problems form the
framework for determining which assessments and interventions are necessary. Early
interventions in this patient population aimed at overcoming impaired airway
clearance utilizing HFCWO has been demonstrably safe, clinically effective and result in
significant costs savings, disease specific and all cause related health care resource

As of January 1, 2019, all jurisdictions of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) revised the Local Coverage Determination (LCD ID L33785) for HFCWO
to include the following neuromuscular diagnoses:


B91 Sequelae of poliomyelitis
D81.810 Biotinidase deficiency
G12.0 Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig-Hoffman]
G12.1 Other inherited spinal muscular atrophy
G12.20 Motor neuron disease, unspecified
G12.21 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
G12.22 Progressive bulbar palsy
G12.23 Primary lateral sclerosis
G12.24 Familial motor neuron disease
G12.25 Progressive spinal muscle atrophy
G12.29 Other motor neuron disease
G12.8 Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes
G12.9 Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified
G14 Postpolio syndrome
G35 Multiple sclerosis
G71.00 Muscular dystrophy, unspecified
G71.01 Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy
G71.02 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
G71.09 Other specified muscular dystrophies
G71.11 Myotonic muscular dystrophy
G71.12 Myotonia congenita
G71.13 Myotonic chondrodystrophy
G71.14 Drug induced myotonia
G71.19 Other specified myotonic disorders
G71.2 Congenital myopathies
G71.3 Mitochondrial myopathy, not elsewhere classified
G71.8 Other primary disorders of muscles

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

G72.0 Drug-induced myopathy

G72.1 Alcoholic myopathy
G72.2 Myopathy due to other toxic agents
G72.89 Other specified myopathies
G73.7 Myopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
G82.50 Quadriplegia, unspecified
G82.51 Quadriplegia, C1-C4 complete
G82.52 Quadriplegia, C1-C4 incomplete
G82.53 Quadriplegia, C5-C7 complete
G82.54 Quadriplegia, C5-C7 incomplete
J98.6 Disorders of diaphragm
M33.02 Juvenile dermatomyositis with myopathy
M33.12 Other dermatomyositis with myopathy
M33.22 Polymyositis with myopathy
M33.92 Dermatopolymyositis, unspecified with myopathy
M34.82 Systemic sclerosis with myopathy
M35.03 Sicca syndrome with myopathy

The Vest® Airway Clearance System is established as a safe, effective and efficient
airway clearance modality. It is a more consistent therapy compared to CPT and may
be the ideal choice of treatment for patients whose respiratory function is compromised
by NMD and who are unable to tolerate other modalities of airway clearance.

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

2.1 The Vest® Airway Clearance System32

HFCWO technology is based on the principle that rapid compression and relaxation
(oscillation) of the chest wall generates increased airflow velocities, thus creating brief
changes in lung airflow patterns similar to coughing. The percussive effects of chest wall
oscillation also loosens sticky secretions, making them easier to clear. No special
positioning or breathing techniques are required, making it ideal for the NMD patient

The Vest® System administers HFCWO therapy by means of an inflatable vest attached
by hoses to an air pulse generator. The Vest® System inflates and deflates rapidly, gently
compressing and releasing the chest wall 5-20 times per second. The oscillations can be
adjusted to different frequencies and pressures. During therapy with The Vest® System,
oscillating compressive forces are distributed evenly over the thorax surrounding the
area of the lungs. This extensive contact area results in a large total oscillatory force
applied to the thorax. The Vest® System HFCWO therapy does not require specific
positioning for postural drainage; it is not technique dependent; and often can be
administered without a caregiver or with minimal caregiver supervision. HFCWO therapy
has been shown to be effective, safe and cost effective.

All lobes of the lungs are treated at the same time and the patient can sit in any
position throughout the entire treatment. The Vest® System treatment is typically 10-30
minutes, depending on physician’s order.

The Vest® System was developed in the 1980s and is:

• Prescribed as a peripheral airway clearance therapy.

• Used in conformity to clinical practice guidelines for Postural Drainage
established by the American Association for Respiratory Care.
• The Vest® System is 510(K) cleared to promote airway clearance or improve
bronchial drainage in situations where physicians recommend external
manipulation of the thorax.

2.2 The Monarch® Airway Clearance System33

The Monarch® Airway Clearance System is a high frequency chest wall oscillation
therapeutic device with revolutionary new technology combining mobility with
targeted kinetic energy and air flow to thin and mobilize secretions from the airways. By
allowing patients to move about freely during therapy it enables them to take control
of their therapy.

The Monarch® System is used to aid mobilization of secretions from the airway to help
improve airway clearance. This is achieved by the placement of eight pulmonary
oscillating disks (PODs) containing magnets over the upper and lower lobes of the
lungs. The PODs provide a targeted kinetic energy to the lungs. This therapy generates

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

airflow to help thin and mobilize mucus from the small airways to the large airways
where it can be coughed out or suctioned.

Expiratory airflow bias is important and kinetic energy transferred through the chest wall
to the lungs is believed to help loosen secretions adhering to lung tissue. This creates
kinetic energy designed to increase airflow to help mobilize secretions from the airways.

The Monarch® System is intended to provide airway clearance therapy and promote
bronchial drainage where external manipulation of the thorax is the physician’s choice
of treatment. It is indicated for patients having difficulty with secretion clearance or the
presence of atelectasis caused by mucus plugging. It is intended to be used in the
home care environment by patients 15 years and older.

The Monarch® System PODs create a magnetic field which is present whether the
device is turned on or off. Due to the presence of this magnetic field, people who have
an active implantable medical device, such as any of the following, are

• Pacemakers
• Neuro stimulators
• Infusion pumps including insulin pumps
• Circulatory support devices
• Implantable cardioverter defibrillators
• Head and or neck injury that has not yet been stabilized
• Active hemorrhage with hemodynamic instability

The Monarch® System warnings state patients who may have difficulty clearing
secretions from the upper airway, such as those with DMD or other advanced
neuromuscular or neurological disorders, may require specialized therapy regimens
involving manually or mechanically assisted coughing or other in conjunction with
The Monarch® System.

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

3.1 Introduction

Patients diagnosed with NMD often share a common problem – impaired airway
clearance resulting from any, or a combination of, the following pulmonary risk factors:

• Recurrent respiratory infections • Respiratory muscle weakness

• Mucus plugging and atelectasis • Increased risk of aspiration
• Secretion hyperproduction • Immobility
• Abnormally thick, sticky secretions • Restrictive lung disease
• Ineffective cough • Artificial airway

NMDs are characterized by progressive weakness of skeletal muscle, skeletal and spinal
deformities, spinal contractures and restrictive lung disease leading to poor respiratory
function.1 These include illnesses such as muscular dystrophies2,3 and amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis.4 They may be hereditary or acquired, and differ markedly in
prevalence, age of onset and involvement of affected muscles, and rate of
progression.5-7 Among patients with severe NMD, respiratory failure ranks as the primary
cause of death. Recurrent pulmonary infection is the leading cause of morbidity
among NMD patients, and places them at high risk for progressive lung damage and
ultimately, respiratory failure.6-8

3.2 Airway clearance and lung defense mechanism

In healthy individuals, mucociliary clearance and cough mechanisms are effective and
efficient in defending against infections. Mucus is transported under normal
circumstances from the lower respiratory tract into the pharynx by cephalad bias
airflow and the mucociliary escalator mechanism. These mechanisms may become
ineffective if the mucociliary system malfunctions and/or in the presence of excessive
bronchial secretions, as occurs in patients with NMDs.5

An effective cough is essential to clear airway secretions from the more proximal
airways. For an effective cough, one needs firstly to take a sufficiently deep breath and
the glottis needs to close briefly to allow an increase in intrathoracic pressure. Explosive
glottic opening together with abdominal contraction which results in air being forcibly
expelled the cough expiatory air flow can be measured and is known as peak call flow

3.3 Respiratory complications in NMD

Individuals with NMD have weak or impaired strength of expiratory muscles, with or
without glottic closure issues, resulting in decreased PCF. This constellation of
pathological changes results in difficulty clearing the airways, necessitating institution of
artificial airway clearance techniques.11

Weakness of the inspiratory muscles leads to a progressive decrease in vital capacity

and PCF. The long volume changes that appear in some patients with NMD are

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

attributable to a combination of muscle weakness and alterations of the mechanical

properties of the lungs and chest wall. Reduced ability to cough leads to secretion
retention, predisposing to progressive respiratory morbidity. 11

Severe bulbar dysfunction and glottic dysfunction most commonly occurs in patients
with ALS, SMA type 1 and other neuromuscular disorders such as X-linked myotubular
myopathy and pseudobulbar palsy of central nervous system origin.12 Inability to close
the glottis and vocal cords results in complete loss of the ability to cough and swallow.
Difficulty swallowing liquids may result in pooling of saliva and mucus in the pharynx
especially in the vallecula and pyriform sinus. These predispose to recurrent respiratory
infections. 12

Alterations in alveolar ventilation, atelectasis, mucus plugging, and recurrent respiratory

tract infections are also a consequence of an ineffective cough in NMD patients.
Recurrent respiratory tract infections lead to further respiratory muscle weakness, with
the resulting vicious cycle of respiratory disease.11

3.4 Clinical and economic implications of respiratory complications and airway

clearance therapy in NMD patients

Hypoventilation and managing secretions are among the most important problems
from patients’ perspective and presents respiratory physiotherapist with unique
management challenges in the care of patients with NMDs. Despite the clear
implications, the problem of managing secretions in the care of patients with NMD has
received little attention.13

Patients with NMDs are living longer and consequently we are seeing more complex
ventilator dependent and independent patients. Respiratory physiotherapy is an
essential part of the multidisciplinary management of these individuals but owing to the
heterogeneity of the condition and the growing number of available airway clearance
techniques and associated technological developments, it is challenging for
physiotherapist to understand what assessments are required and what treatment
options are available and appropriate for patients with NMD.13-15

As in other chronic disorders, the home organization of patients with chronic respiratory
disorders is challenging and time consuming. The cost and availability of respiratory
experts in primary care, the geographic location of patients, lack of engagement
practitioners and care coordination may lead to poor quality of care.

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

I. Castagnino M., Vojtova J., Kaminski S., Fink R. Safety of High Frequency Chest
Wall Oscillation in patients with respiratory muscle weakness. Chest 1996; 110:
In this controlled short-term evaluation of safety, efficacy and acceptance of
HFCWO eight patients with respiratory muscle weakness (vital capacities of 30
ml/kg or less; age > 10 years, able to perform PFTs) received a single therapy
session in a sitting position at frequencies of 5, 15, and 20 Hz for five minutes
each. Measures of patient comfort, pulmonary function and other physiological
parameters including but not limited to vital capacity, peak expiratory flow,
arterial oxygen saturation and heart rate were collected and evaluated as
mean percent change from baseline. No clinically relevant changes occurred in
physiological values; all patients found HFCWO acceptable without complaint of
pain or discomfort. No adverse events were noted.

II. Chiappetta A. Beckerman R. High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation in spinal

muscular atrophy (SMA). RT J Respir Care Pract 1995; 8(4): 112-114.
This Case Report presents results of a six-week trial replacing percussion and
postural drainage (PD&D) with HFCWO treatments in a ten-year-old girl with
spinal muscular atrophy, type II (SMA II). Before the study, she had been treated
for four years with twice daily P&PD administered by her mother. Her condition
had worsened significantly in the previous year requiring three hospitalizations for
pneumonia, mucus retention, and pulmonary deterioration. Protocol for her six-
week trial of HFCWO included two, 30-minute daily treatments for five minutes at
each of six frequencies. Each five-minute session was followed by one or two
cough maneuvers. After six weeks of HFCWO, clinically significant improvements
included stronger cough function and gains in pulmonary function. FVC, FEV1,
MEF and NIF improved 25%, 16%, 20%, and 28% respectively.

III. Chaisson K.M., Walsh S., Simmons Z., Vender R.L. A clinical pilot study: High
frequency chest wall oscillation airway clearance in patients with amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis. ALS 2006; 7 (2): 107-111.
This single center study performed at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical
Center (HMC) evaluates the effectiveness of high frequency chest compression
(HFCWC) when added to standard care in preventing pulmonary complications
and prolonging the time to death in patients with ALS. Nine patients with a
diagnosis of ALS and concurrently receiving non-invasive ventilatory support with
bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) were randomized to receive standard
care (four patients) or standard care plus the addition of HFCWO (five patients)
twice-daily for 15 minutes. Longitudinal assessments of oxyhemoglobin saturation,
forced vital capacity (FVC), and adverse events were obtained until time of
death. Pulmonary complications of atelectasis, pneumonia, hospitalization for a
respiratory-related abnormality, and tracheostomy with mechanical ventilation
were monitored throughout the study duration. The addition of HFCWO
coincided with longer time to death numerically but short of statistical
significance compared to standard treatment alone (340 days +/- 247 vs. 470

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

days +/- 241; p value 0.26); effects on pulmonary function were also non-
significant. Investigators comment that this study does not exclude the potential
benefit of HFCWO in select patients with ALS who have co-existent pulmonary
diseases, pre-existent mucus-related pulmonary complications, or less severe
levels of respiratory muscle weakness.

IV. Crescimanno G., Marrone O. High-frequency chest wall oscillation plus

mechanical in-exsufflation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy with respiratory
complications related to pandemic influenza /H1N1. Rev Port Pneumonol 2010;
16 (6): 912-916.
Two young boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and hospitalized with
pandemic A H1/N1 influenza failed to respond to standard care. CT scans
showed extensive pulmonary bilateral segmental atelectasis. Following institution
of a sequential respiratory therapy protocol that included multiple sessions of
HFCWO therapy augmented with mechanically assisted cough maneuvers, both
boys showed rapid clinical and radiological improvement and recovered fully.
Treatments were well tolerated even by one boy with severe scoliosis.

V. Fitzgerald, K., et al. (2014). "High-frequency chest wall compression therapy in

neurologically impaired children." Respir Care 59(1): 107-112.
In this single center, investigator-initiated prospective study to assess the clinical
feasibility of high frequency chest wall compression (HFCWC) therapy in
neurologically impaired children with respiratory symptoms 22 subjects were
studied for 12 months before and 12 months after initiation of HFCWC therapy.
Fifteen subjects were followed for an additional 12 months. The threshold of
adherence to HFCWC therapy was 70%. The number of pulmonary
exacerbations requiring hospitalization were recorded. Data analysis showed
that 45% percent of the subjects required hospital admission before initiation of
HFCWC therapy. This rate decreased to 36% after the first year with HFCWC, and
to 13% after the second year with HFCWC. Relative to pre-treatment, there was
a statistically significant reduction of the number of hospital days and costs of
care at follow-up. Outcomes suggest that regular HFCWC therapy may reduce
the number of hospitalizations in neurologically impaired children.

VI. Giarraffa P., Berger K.I., Chaikin A.A., et al. Assessing efficacy of high-frequency
chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) in patients with familial dysautonomia. Chest
2006; 128:3377-3381.
In this one-year clinical trial to evaluate the benefits of high frequency chest wall
oscillation (HFCWO) therapy, 15 patients (seven female and eight male; age
range, 11 to 33 years) with familial dysautonomia (FD) and a history of lung
disease requiring daily inhalation therapy were enrolled in a one-year, self-
controlled clinical trial of HFCWO. Two subjects withdrew, one after three months
and one after six months. Medical charts were reviewed for 12 retrospective
months during which patients had received chest physiotherapy (CPT and
compared with data obtained during 12 months of HFCWO therapy. At initiation
and exit, pulmonary function tests (PFT), chest radiographs and blood tests were
performed. Daily logs provided information on parameters including respiratory
illnesses, doctor visits, hospitalizations, etc. and reviewed at one-, three-, six-,

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

nine- and 12-month intervals. Spirometry and pulse oximetry values were
obtained on the same schedule. At the end of 12 months, data comparison
showed clinically and/or statistically significant improvements with HFCWO in all
measured health outcomes including: pneumonias (p value 0.056);
hospitalizations (p value 0.0156); antibiotic courses (p value 0.0005); antibiotic
days (p value 0.0002); doctor visits (p value 0.0005) and; absenteeism (p value
0.0002). FVC and PEFR were the pulmonary function measures demonstrating
sustained improvement.

VII. Gomez A., Elisan I., Hardy K. High frequency chest wall oscillation: video
documentation of effect on a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and
severe scoliosis. Poster presentation at the 46th International Respiratory
Congress of the American Association for Respiratory Care, October 7, 2000,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
A 16-year-old Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient with severe kyphoscoliosis
and deteriorating respiratory health had persistent atelectasis and mucus
plugging unresponsive to both manual chest physiotherapy (CPT) and
therapeutic bronchoscopy. A subsequent bronchoscopy performed while the
patient simultaneously received HFCWO therapy successfully cleared large
volumes of secretions. A follow-up videotaped bronchoscopy with HFCWO
showed healing bronchial mucosa, minimal secretions and significant
mobilization for mucus from peripheral lung regions.

VIII. Jackson C.E., Moore D., Kittrell P., Ensrud E. High-frequency chest wall oscillation
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neuromusc Dis 2006; 8 (2): 60-64.
In this three-month retrospective chart review to evaluate the effectiveness of
HFCWO therapy in 18 patients with ALS, pre-treatment and post-treatment data
including ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R), forced vital capacity
(FVC), maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), peak cough expiratory flow (PCEF),
and daytime oximetry were compared. Daytime oximetry increased for eight of
18 patients; none of the other measures changed significantly although the
change in slope of FVC, MIP, and PCEF following initiation of treatment
suggested a reduction in the rate of decline of each measure. Patient survey
results reported that 92% felt better after HFCWO therapy and breathing was
easier; 85% agreed that HFCWO eased secretion clearance and improved their
quality of life. Early intervention with effective airway clearance therapy (ACT)
may improve quality of life for patients with ALS.

IX. Keating J.M., Collins N., Bush A., et al. High-frequency chest-wall oscillation in a
noninvasive-ventilation-dependent patient with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy.
Respir Care 2011; 56(11): 1840-1843.
This is the first case report of the use of HFCWO for secretion clearance in a severely
weak young child with type 1 SMA who was dependent on noninvasive ventilation,
and in whom conventional secretion-clearance physiotherapy alone was no longer
effective. HFCWO was added to her respiratory treatment regimen as a rescue
therapy. Shortly after initiation of treatment, her self-ventilation time improved
significantly. This experience suggests that HFCWO can be used safely in combination

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

with conventional secretion-clearance techniques in patients with severe respiratory

infection and compromise secondary to NMD.

X. Landon C., Goldie W. and Evans J.R. Airway clearance therapy utilizing high
frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) for medically fragile children
[Abstract/Poster]. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2002; 3(2):A17.
In this conference presentation of outcomes of 15 medically fragile children with
various neuromotor/neuromuscular/neurological diagnoses and who were
prescribed HFCWO for airway clearance, medical records were retrospectively
reviewed to assess hospitalization events for pulmonary complications after
initiation of HFCWO compared with the previous year during which patients
received standard CPT. The mean hospitalization rate was 0.37 days per therapy
month during the year prior to HFCWO initiation. That rate decreased to 0.08
days per therapy month during the HFCWO intervention period (p value < 0.05).
Therapy was well tolerated and 90% of respondents considered the therapy

XI. Lange D.J., Lechtzin N., Davey C., David D., Heiman-Patterson T., Gelinas D.,
Becker B., Mitsumoto H. and the HFCEO Study Group. High-frequency chest wall
oscillation in ALS: An exploratory randomized controlled trial. Neurology 2006;
This 12-week, multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluated changes in
pulmonary function (PFT) parameters in ALS patients after treatment with
HFCWO. Forty-six patients were enrolled (58.0 +/- 9.8 years; 21 men, 25 women)
and 35 completed the study. Baseline PFTs were similar. After 12 weeks, data
were analyzed for patients who completed the study; (19 randomized to HFCWO
and 16 control (untreated) participants). Results showed that HFCWO users had
less fatigue and breathlessness (p value 0.021) and coughed more at night (p
value 0.048) compared to baseline. HFCWO users reported a decline in
breathlessness (p value 0.048); nonusers reported more noise when breathing (p
value 0.027). There were no significant intra-group differences in FVC change,
peak expiratory flow, capnography, oxygen saturation values or transitional
dyspnea index. Analysis of data for patients with FVC between 40 and 70%
predicted showed a significant mean FVC decrease in untreated control
patients but not in HFCWO patients. Seventy-nine percent of HFCWO users rated
the treatment as satisfactory.

XII. Langford V., Brooks B.R., Ward A., et al. High frequency chest wall oscillation
therapy adherence on quality of life in patients with ALS/MND [Abstract]. The 21st
International Symposium on ALS/MND, Orlando, FL, December 11-13, 2010;
In this survey study to evaluate quality-of-life (QOL) and adherence outcomes
following one year of in-home HFCWO therapy, 47 ALS clinic patients agreed to
participate. At regular intervals, patients/caregivers were asked to respond to
items on a QOL questionnaire and to report average daily usage. Results showed
high rates of adherence (18.8 minutes per day). Participants also reported better

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

QOL, rating a mean of 4.2 on all indicators out of a possible 5 points. National
average scores on the QOL instrument used is 3.8.

XIII. Overgaard P.M., Radford P.J. High frequency chest wall oscillation improves
outcomes in children with cerebral palsy. Chest 2005; 128 (4): 354S.
A retrospective quality assurance review of 13 children with CP using HFCWO for
airway clearance therapy for at least six months (seven for 6+ months; six for 1+
years) showed significant aggregate reductions in hospitalizations and
emergency room (ER) visits. Chart review for the year prior to HFCWO use
compared prospectively with six or more months of HFCWO therapy
documented eight hospitalizations and five ER visits vs. five hospitalizations and
one ER visit. Parents reported fewer respiratory illnesses, less antibiotic use, and
reduced absenteeism. Treatment adherence (measured by hourly use meter)
and parental satisfaction were high.

XIV. Plioplys A.V., Lewis S., Kasnicka I. Pulmonary vest therapy in pediatric long-term
care. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2002; 3:318-321.
In this retrospective/prospective study to evaluate the use of HFCWC in
institutionalized quadriplegic CP patients with lung disease, seven subjects (age
range 7-28, median age 19) received HFCWO for 12 months. All subjects had
histories of frequent pulmonary infections, were fed by G-tube and were treated
retrospectively with CPT; five had tracheostomies, three had active seizure
disorder. Prospective data was collected and compared with 12-month
retrospective data from nursing records maintained daily according to facility
protocol. Improvements were shown in all outcome measures after 12 months of
HFCWO: 1) fewer pneumonias (p value 0.025); 2) fewer hospitalizations (p value
0.16) and; 3) increased effective suctioning interventions (p value 0.008).
Unexpectedly, seizures fell from 267 events retrospectively to only 43 during the
HFCWO year (p value 0.125). HFCWO was well tolerated; no complications or
side effects were noted.

XV. Yuan N., Kane P., Shelton K., Matel J., Becker B., Moss R.B. Safety, tolerability, and
efficacy of high-frequency chest wall oscillation in pediatric patients with
cerebral palsy and neuromuscular diseases: An exploratory randomized
controlled trial. J Child Neurol 2010 (25 (7): 815-821. 2010; 25(7):815-821.
This is a prospective randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing HFCWO to
standard CPT in participants with CP or NMD. Among 28 participants enrolled, 23
completed the study (11 randomized to HFCWO; 12 to CPT). The mean study
period five was months; no adverse events were reported. Outcome measures
included respiratory-related hospitalizations, antibiotic therapy, chest
radiographs, and polysomnography. Analysis of data, including caregiver
adherence reports, showed a trend toward fewer hospitalizations requiring IV
antibiotics in the HFCWO group compared to the CPT group (p value 0.09).
Tolerability and adherence to HFCWO was significantly higher than with standard
CPT (p value 0.036). Results suggest that improvements in airway clearance in
this patient population may reduce the frequency of hospitalization.

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

List of Review Articles

An expanding volume of clinical and research literature is advancing awareness of

secretion-related respiratory complications in patients with NMDs. Increasingly, as this
problem is described in the review literature, newer interventional strategies are being
discussed and explored. Several relevant articles and commentaries are cited below:

1. Allen, J. Pulmonary complications of neuromuscular disease: a respiratory

mechanics perspective. Paediatr Respir Rev 2010,11(1): 18-23.
2. Boitano, L. J. Management of airway clearance in neuromuscular disease. Respir
Care 2006, 51(8): 913-922; discussion 922-914.
3. Chatwin, M. Airway clearance techniques in neuromuscular disorders: A state of
the art review, Respiratory Medicine, Volume 136, 2018, Pages 98-110: 0954-6111
4. Gauld, L. M. Airway clearance in neuromuscular weakness. Dev Med Child Neurol
2009, 51(5): 350-355.
5. Haas, C. F., et al. Airway clearance applications in the elderly and in patients with
neurologic or neuromuscular compromise. Respir Care 2007, 52(10): 1362-1381;
discussion 1381.
6. Hauer, J. M. Respiratory symptom management in a child with severe neurologic
impairment. J Palliat Med 2007, 10(5): 1201-1207.
7. Kravitz, R. M. Airway clearance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Pediatrics 2009,
123 Suppl 4: S231-235.
8. Marks, J. H. Pulmonary care of children and adolescents with developmental
disabilities. Pediatr Clin North Am 2008, 55(6): 1299-1314, viii.
9. Panitch, H. B. Airway clearance in children with neuromuscular weakness. Curr
Opin Pediatr 2006, 18(3): 277-281.
10. Toder, D. S. Respiratory problems in the adolescent with developmental delay.
Adolesc Med 2000, 11(3): 617-631.

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier


1 Rochester D.F., Esau SA. Assessment of ventilatory function in patients with

neuromuscular disease. Clin Chest Med 1994;15:751–763.
2 Finder J.D., Birnkrant D., Carl J,. Farber H.J., Gozal D., Iannaccone S.T., Kovesi T.,
Kravitz R.M., Panitch H., Schramm C., et al.; American Thoracic Society. Respiratory
care of the patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: ATS consensus statement.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;170:456–465.
3 Wagner K.R., Lechtzin N., Judge D.P. Current treatment of adult Duchenne muscular
dystrophy. Biochim Biophys Acta 2007;1772: 229–237.
4 Lechtzin N., Rothstein J., Clawson L., Diette G.B., Wiener C.M. Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis: evaluation and treatment of respiratory impairment. Amyotroph Lateral
Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord 2002;3:5–13.
5 J.B. Fink, Forced expiratory technique, directed cough, and autogenic drainage,
Respir. Care 52 (9) (2007) 1210–1221.
6 A.C. Tzeng, J.R. Bach, Prevention of Pulmonary Morbidity for patients with
neurosmucular disease, Chest 118 (2000) 1390–1396.
7 J. Rahbek, B.F. Steffensen, K. Bushby, I.J. de Groot, 206th ENMC International
Workshop: care for a novel group of patients - adults with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy Naarden, The Netherlands, 23-25 May 2014, Neuromuscul. Disord. 25(9)
(2015) 727–738.
8 Rutkowski, M. Chatwin, A. Koumbourlis, B. Fauroux, A. SimondsConsortium CMDRP,
203rd ENMC International Workshop: respiratory pathophysiology in congenital
muscle disorders: implications for pro-active care and clinical research 13-15
December, 2013, Naarden, The Netherlands, Neuromuscul. Disord. 25 (4) (2015) 353–
9 J.M. Zahm, M. King, C. Duvivier, D. Pierrot, S. Girod, E. Puchelle, Role of simulated
repetitive coughing in mucus clearance, Eur. Respir. J. 4 (3)(1991) 311–315.
10 D.E. Leith, The development of cough, Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 131 (5) (1985)S39–S42.
11 J.M.S.A. Schneerson, Noninvasive ventilation for chest wall and neuromuscular
disorders, Eur. Respir. J. 20 (2002) 480–487.
12 M.B. Chaudri, C. Liu, R. Hubbard, D. Jefferson, W.J. Kinnear, Relationship between
supramaximal flow during cough and mortality in motor neuron disease, Eur. Respir.
J. 19 (2002) 434–438.
13 M. Chatwin, H.L. Tan, A. Bush, M. Rosenthal, A.K. Simonds, Long term non-invasive
ventilation in children: impact on survival and transition to adult care, PLoS One 10
(5) (2015) e0125839.
14 M. Eagle, S.V. Baudouin, C. Chandler, D.R. Giddings, R. Bullock, K. Bushby, Survival in
Duchenne muscular dystrophy: improvements in life expectancy since 1967 and the
impact of home nocturnal ventilation, Neuromuscul. Disord. 12 (10)(2002) 926–929.
15 J. Jeppesen, A. Green, B. Steffensen, J. Rahbek, The Duchenne muscular dystrophy
population in Denmark, 1977–2001: prevalence, incidence and survival in relation to
the introduction of ventilator use, Neuromuscul. Disord. 13 (10) (2003)804–812.

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

16 Yuan N. Yuan, P. Kane, K. Shelton, J. Matel, B.C. Becker, R.B. Moss, Safety, tolerability,
and efficacy of high-frequency chest wall oscillation in pediatric patients with
cerebral palsy and neuromuscular diseases: an exploratory randomized controlled
trial, J. Child Neurol. 25 (7) (2010) 815–821.
17 Landon C., Goldie W. and Evans J.R. Airway clearance therapy utilizing high
frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) for medically fragile children
[Abstract/Poster]. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2002; 3(2): A17.
18 G. Crescimanno, O. Marrone, High frequency chest wall oscillation plus mechanical
in-exsufflation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy with respiratory complications
related to pandemic Influenza A/H1N1, Rev. Port. Pneumol. 16 (6) (2010)912–916.
19 J.M. Keating, N. Collins, A. Bush, M. Chatwin, High-frequency chest-wall oscillation in
a noninvasive-ventilation-dependent patient with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy,
Respir. Care 56 (11) (2011) 1840–1843.
20 Chiappetta A., Beckerman R. High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation in spinal
muscular atrophy (SMA). RT J Respir Care Pract 1995; 8(4): 112-114.
21 Overgaard P.M., Radford P.J. High frequency chest wall oscillation improves
outcomes in children with cerebral palsy. Chest 2005; 128 (4): 354S.
22 Langford V, Brooks BR, Ward A, et al. High frequency chest wall oscillation therapy
adherence on quality of life in patients with ALS/MND [Abstract]. The 21st
International Symposium on ALS/MND, Orlando, FL, December 11-13, 2010; [CW240].
23 Chaisson K.M., Walsh S., Simmons Z,. Vender R.L. A clinical pilot study: High frequency
chest wall oscillation airway clearance in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
ALS 2006; 7 (2): 107-111.
24 Jackson C.E., Moore D., Kittrell P., Ensrud E. High-frequency chest wall oscillation in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neuromusc Dis 2006; 8 (2): 60-64.
25 Lechtzin N., Wolfe L.F., Frick K.D. The impact of high-frequency chest wall oscillation
on healthcare use in patients with neuromuscular diseases. Ann Am Thorac Soc.
2016; 13 (6): 904-909.
26 Javanbakht M. et al, The Vest High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation System
Compared with Chest Wall Physical Therapy For Managing Airway Clearance in
Patients With Complex Neurological Disorders: A UK-based Cost-Effectiveness
Analysis. TOPHARMEJ 2018; 1876-8245/19.
27 Rayabhari A., Noritz G., Birnkrant D. Home use of high-frequency chest wall
oscillation by pediatric patients with non-CF diagnoses. Proc Am Thorac Soc 2006; 3:
28 Fitzgerald, K., et al. (2014). "High-frequency chest wall compression therapy in
neurologically impaired children." Respir Care 59(1): 107-112.
29 Plioplys A.V., Lewis S., Kasnicka I. Pulmonary vest therapy in pediatric long-term care.
J Am Med Dir Assoc 2002; 3:318-321.
30 Giarraffa P., Berger K.I., Chaikin A.A., et al. Assessing efficacy of high-frequency
chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) in patients with familial dysautonomia. Chest 2006;
31 Gomez A., Elissan I., Hardy K. High frequency chest wall oscillation: video
documentation of effect on a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and

The Vest® Airway Clearance System
Clinical Dossier

severe scoliosis. Poster presentation at the 46th International Respiratory Congress of

the American Association for Respiratory Care, October 7, 2000, Cincinnati, Ohio,
32 The Vest® Airway Clearance System User Manual (145330).
33 The Monarch® Airway Clearance System Model 1000 User Manual (195292).

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