The Comet - 2022.12 - E
The Comet - 2022.12 - E
The Comet - 2022.12 - E
In this issue...
02...New Building Construction Update! 14...Remi’s Activities
03...PYP News 15...Lance’s Summer Internship
08...IGCSE News 15...Changes to Office 365
09...Ministry of Finance Visit 16...KIST Heart Club
11...Author Holly Thompson Visits KIST 20...School Calendar 2023–24
12...G11 DP Camp 22...KIST Community Association News
KIST Learning for Life KIST Learning for Life KIST Learning for Life
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
At the time of the previous issue of The Comet, the construction site was still just a vacant lot following demolition
work; however, now the piling work is finished and the foundation has been excavated to a depth of around 2
meters below ground level (a huge rectangular hole can now be seen). The construction of the important foundation
that will support the new building is nearing completion.
In the area beside the ongoing construction, the PE team has been making good use of the limited playground
space, and have come up with ideas for ingenious ways to conduct various types of PE lessons and to allow
students to continue developing their physical and technical skills.
K3 PE class
G8 PE class
To make up for the limited space during construction, the indoor PE area has been fitted with wonderful safety mats
(designed by Mr. Buck!) which allow students to spend their breaks and participate in PE classes safely.
In addition, the outdoor roof area, which was previously unsafe due to its uneven, concrete floor, now has flooring
(designed by Mr. Ota!) that can be used for floor field hockey. This has reduced the risk of injuries such as scrapes
and scratches from falls. The area can also be used for PE classes.
Classroom #116
Rooftop area
Over the coming weeks, construction of the ground level section of the new building is expected to progress
gradually. Now that we can actually see the size of the area the building will use, we are quite amazed at how large
it is going to be.
We are very excited to see how the scenery will have changed further when we come back after the winter break.
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PYP News
Big changes to learning support at KIST
The 2022–23 school year has seen some big changes to learning support in the elementary school.
At KIST, we have high academic expectations, so it is vital that we support our students and
teachers to meet them.
The first step towards this was to redefine and increase the levels of learning support in the
classroom, with the previous position of ‘English Language Support (ELS) Instructor’ changing to
‘Learning Support Instructor (LSI).’ While this may seem a small change, it led to a redefining of the
job description with more emphasis being placed on supporting across the curriculum rather than focusing on
language acquisition. The school also created four new positions, meaning that each class now has their own
Learning Support Instructor (each K1–G1 class already had two).
The next phase was to increase the levels of training with each Learning Support Instructor taking online courses
on small group guided reading and six traits of writing so that they will be better prepared to work with small groups
in the classroom.
The final step, to begin in semester 2, is restructuring of the KIST LEAP support
classes. So, why are we making these changes?
• To offer LEAP support to more students.
• To give instructors more flexibility in organizing their groups.
• To use staff more effectively.
• Some students do not want to do after school LEAP because they also do
morning LEAP.
• To allow students more club/after school choices.
• Some students do LEAP every morning and find this demotivating.
• Team teaching: Each class will have a main instructor, who is responsible for planning, and an assistant.
• Slightly larger class sizes: As each class has two instructors, we will raise the class sizes to a maximum of
10, allowing more students access to LEAP.
• Recommendations: LEAP recommendations will be sent out before the winter holiday with a deadline of
Wednesday, January 11, giving us more time to arrange the classes and staff allocations.
With these changes, KIST students have never had more academic support, and we are confident that the changes
will enable our students to continue to achieve the amazing results that we have seen over recent years. This
information will also be sent out via E-Communications, and more details, including fees and course descriptions,
can be found in the updated LEAP section on the school website at the link below.
Oliver Sullivan
PYP Coordinator
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
Elementary ELS
Language learning and growth mindset
Many of us have experienced the thought that we will never be good at something
that we really want to be good at. Many of us have also witnessed our own children
having that thought. About their language learning, we might have heard our
children say something like “I will never be able to explain my ideas properly in
English”, “I’ll never know what all these words mean” or “I’ll never be able to understand a book like the one my
classmate is reading”, and so on. This word “never” is connected to what education psychologists, led by Carol
Dweck, call a “fixed mindset”—the belief that a person is born with a certain amount or kind of intelligence that will
never change. Some children may think that they don’t have a “natural talent” for language, end of story!
But brain science tells us that the opposite is true: a person’s brain is changeable throughout their whole lives.
“Growth mindset” is the belief stemming from this neurological research. With a growth mindset, a child’s thinking
about language learning sounds like “I couldn’t explain that very well just now—I need to work out how to explain
that more clearly for next time”, “I don’t know these words yet—let me start to learn them” and “I can’t understand
that book yet—what steps can I take to get me to that level of reading?” A growth mindset is a foundation for a
lifetime full of deep and rich learning.
If our children have a fixed mindset, it can stop them from learning and achieving. How can we help them to develop
a growth mindset? At KIST, growth mindset is explicitly taught throughout the year during Community Circle and
encouraged daily through the interactions and teaching strategies we use. There are several strategies parents can
also do to help, including by modeling a growth mindset: enjoying mistakes as a chance to learn; showing
willingness to try challenges and have failures; expressing “I can’t do it yet” when failures and mistakes happen—
and continue to try by persevering and exploring different strategies.
For further information about the central importance of developing a growth mindset, I recommend this TED Talk by
lead researcher Carol Dweck, with subtitles in many languages:
Rachel Parkinson
Elementary ELS Coordinator/ELS Instructor (G3A)
[email protected]
Notification of Attendance
We would like to remind all families of the procedures for notifying the
school of general student attendance.
For safety reasons, if a student is absent and the school has not
received notification, parents/guardians will be contacted to verify the
student’s whereabouts.
T ime goes by so quickly; it has already been about
three months since the start of the school year.
During free play time, the children are learning how to communicate with each
other by saying “Please” when they want a toy, instead of pushing others or simply
taking toys from their friends. And children who were not able to say “I'm sorry” at
first are gradually learning to say it.
In October, before the autumn break, we had our first event of the school year, a
Halloween Party. It was the first sunny day we have had for this event in three
years, and we all went to KIST to enjoy the party.
Sohta Ohashi
P2 Teacher
In Science, they learned about pumpkins and pumpkin seeds. They all had the chance
to dig into a pumpkin and take out all the seeds inside. Then we used these same
seeds in our Art classes after they colored them with autumn colors.
They also learned that mixing two colors together will produce another color through an
experiment called “milk magic”. The surprise and awe shown on the kids’ faces while
doing the experiment were so priceless! They had so much fun doing the experiment
that they wanted to mix colors repeatedly.
It is during moments like these, when we know that our little ones are learning and
having fun at the same time, that teachers like me feel so motivated and so inspired to
Milk magic experiment
spend another teaching day with their students. I am looking forward to more teachable
moments with our kids in KIPS!
P1 autumn trees
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
KIST students achieve excellence in IGCSE examinations
Let’s go back in time... particular and the entire cohort
in general for outstanding results.
Fall 2019: KIST decided to expand our Pearson
Edexcel IGSCE curriculum across all subjects for the In late November, we held a small ceremony to
incoming G9 students. Those students are now in their celebrate some of our Outstanding Pearson Learner
second year of DP and about to graduate in Spring Awards. I would like to highlight the following students,
2023. who achieved some of the highest grades among
Spring 2021: The IGCSE exams are cancelled. Japan and even the world in the June 2022 exams.
Spring 2022: The first full set of examinations are
written for the full cohort of G10 students. From Art to
Physics, each of our G10s sat for seven to eight
Kaito (G11B)
Achieved the highest mark in
I am proud to say that as a cohort, the G10 students of Japan for English Literature and
2021–22 surpassed all expectations. At KIST, we hold Biology!
our students to quite a high academic rigour
inherently, and year after year our students continue to
impress to that standard. Keep in mind that our school Arnav (G11B)
has been offering a limited Mathematics qualification Achieved the highest mark in
as the singular IGSCE qualification. So, when I got the Japan for English Language!
news that the exams were to be sat in Spring 2022, for
lack of a better term, “for real”; I was more than
excited. I, like all the IGCSE subject teachers, knew Shakti (G11B)
how well our students would do on these exams if they Achieved the highest mark in
were offered. And good thing that they were. Our Japan for History!
students worked diligently and produced outstanding
Fumie (G10A)
Without a bit of context, it may be difficult for some to Achieved the highest mark in
comprehend how well our students actually performed Japan for Mathematics!
in this first full year of the IGCSE examinations for the
entire cohort. We know that in IGCSE, students are
graded from 9–1, with 9 being the absolute cream of Lance (G11B)
the crop. The rule of thumb is that the top 10% of the Achieved the highest mark in
world will gain that grade. In order to set baseline Japan for Biology and the highest
attainment levels, schools across the world use a mark in the world for Economics!
standard of 7 being a good score, with the 7–9 grades
representing an A or A* grade. That is to say, if you
look at just the students achieving 7–9 grades, that
informs how many students are performing at a high Congratulations to all of our students and teachers for
level. their efforts in our first year of the full IGCSE
examinations. I am proud of each and every student
And I did just that, for all of our subjects; I compared who worked diligently during their
the scores of our students against the tens of IGCSE preparations. A high bar is set
thousands of students writing the examinations now, one that I know our current
worldwide. You can see the full set of results on our IGCSE students will be sure to aim for.
website, and on our social media as well. I wanted to
highlight just three of the courses below, just know that Mahipaul (Ron) Dayaram
our results in almost all of our subjects reflect this IGCSE Coordinator
greater achievement at KIST than the world.
Jessica (G9A)
Secondary ELS
Winter holiday skills boosters—English texts in Japanese in the
Reading texts in multiple languages is a great way to expand and consolidate
vocabulary in both first and second languages. With the winter holiday coming up, the
LMC has worked closely with the English department to source Japanese versions of
texts currently studied in the English Language and Literature at DP, IGSCE and the
LSP. Whether you are looking to expand either your English or
Japanese, re-reading your ELL texts in a studied language is both educational and
fun. To make choosing your selections even easier, Ms. Goan has created a display
so these texts are closely at hand. Why not take up the challenge?
Jade Bonus
Secondary ELS Coordinator
Growing up in North Carolina, USA, I lived in a few interesting spots before coming to Japan, including the UK;
Washington, DC; and Texas. Most of my teaching experience comes from here in Japan, working as an Assistant
Language Teacher for the past seven years in Shimane, Hiroshima and Tokyo before joining the KIST staff.
While not teaching, I enjoy reading, cycling and building computers and other electronics. I’m also
easy to spot around campus, as there’s a chance I’ll be wearing a bow tie, and so far, I believe I’m the
only one here who makes that particular style choice. There’s also a good chance that if you find me
in the Secondary English office, I’ll likely be preparing a pot of tea or coffee.
For example:
‘Don’t spend hours wasting time on social media or
video games’ could be rephrased as ‘Plan your time
effectively today so you can take some downtime
from studying.’
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The students were then able to ask Holly some questions—both serious
and silly! Thank you to all students who volunteered to ask questions in
front of the cohort. Holly also asked for students’ interpretations of the
novel, and many students were willing to give answers. It was amazing to
hear how much they had taken from their studies of a novel that explores
complex and mature themes. It was also fun to consider some more
abstract questions, and we ended the Q&A session on a heated debate
about whether we would rather fly or be invisible. Ratio of light to dark
Clear as day until
Holly then led students in a few spontaneous creative writing activities. It is I watch stars scatter the sky
always fun to see what students come up with when they are given a very In the middle of darkness
simple prompt and no time to prepare! The focus in the LMC was A habit to push people away
incredible, and Grade 7 threw themselves into the process of exploring Until I’m safe in my lover’s arms.
their creativity. You can see some brilliant examples on this page. I hope it
might have inspired students to complete some further creative writing Hanna (G7B)
tasks in their free time.
Isobel Duncan
Writing was your passion, doing
Subject Area Coordinator—English
It all day long.
As the breeze of ideas
Hits your mind, you spy
On an event.
You sometimes shape yourself
To fit into a community,
So you don’t twist things
The door in front opens up
With the word
Amy (G7A)
Akanksha (G7B)
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
G11 DP Camp
This year in September, the G11s had the chance to
go to Miura for their G11 DP camp. During the camp,
we were able to practice our collaborative skills and
experience new activities.
Day 1
After checking in (to start off the DP preparation camp indoor sessions it was finally time for the highlight of the
and build teamwork between the students—which will day: seaside hiking!
also be a crucial skill necessary in the DP) we gathered
for a team building activity. It was evident that the The concept of seaside hiking was new to a lot of us, as
students had a blast through the sounds of laughter, as hiking is typically done on the mountains and hills. We
some of our peers (and teachers) participated in a were divided into groups of three based on pace and we
game of human knot and duck, duck, goose. Following all set off in our own groups comfortably. It was
this, the students separated into three groups to take interesting and new to hike along the seashore,
turns doing three activities: lesson on Extended Essay, climbing through irregular rocks and terrains amidst all
university session, and cooking orientation. The last sorts of terrifying insects (for which we were drenched
activity planned was in insect repellent). We travelled along with the rising
cooking. With the sea tide and finally deliberated playing in the sea with
ingredients and our hiking clothes; when we found out that we were
utensils that the allowed, all of us hurriedly raced into the waters and
thoughtful teachers playfully splashed each other for about half an hour.
had brought, and the When we were told to return, most of us were
fruits that the completely drenched and had to hike along the seaside
students had each using a riskier route (as our path had been eaten up by
brought, we the rising ocean).
collaborated to cook
curry rice and make a When we returned, we were welcomed by an outdoor
fruit punch. During the cooking orientation, students shower where we washed all the tiredness and sand
each took on separate roles that they were the best in, from the hike and had a traditional Japanese bento box
showing teamwork once again to overcome challenges, dinner. We talked, listened to music, and clicked
including the clean-up after dinner where we all worked pictures. Amongst all the madness and chaos, we all
together to clean and wash all the dishes and tables. presented our skits which earned many laughs and
gave us a chance to make some everlasting memories
We could, without a as we wished some moments could last forever.
doubt, say that the
most memorable Day 3
moment of the first The final day started with a chaotic morning as we got
day was the campfire ready to head home. It was heartbreaking saying
that took place after goodbye to our rooms, our heaps of unfolded clothes,
dinner. The students and out crumpled sheets. We’ll miss the chorus of
circled around the laughter and the memories of late-night conversations
campfire, and we had created in our messy, but cozy rooms.
spontaneously began
to sing the school But don’t forget, we had one more day ahead of us and
song (which was not planned). Our grins were the best part hadn’t even started yet! Each class took
everlasting as we made s’mores and Mr. Gombya told turns canoeing in the sea and having some beach fun
horror stories. We were able to see students bonding on the shore. During our canoe adventures, our
and getting closer with their fellow classmates as we got chuckles filled the ocean breeze, as we splashed water
into big groups playing different card games and at each other and challenged one another to canoe
listening to songs, hoping that the night would last races. At the beach shore, the fun didn’t stop, as we
longer. splashed about in the chilly water, scavenged for
seashell treasures, or nestled on the sand to converse
Day 2 about our camp memories.
We all woke up around 7:00 and assembled in the
breakfast room for a fulfilling start to the day; we got the Looking back, the camp was such an enriching
chance to fuel ourselves for the tiring but enjoyable day experience. We were able to gain knowledge from the
ahead. We were then allowed to go back to our rooms Extended Essay and university sessions, new skills
and change into comfortable sports gear for the through canoeing, cooking, teamwork activities, and our
preceding activities. We were all divided into groups as restless nights. Most of all, it brought each of us closer
our teachers had thoughtfully planned out exercise and together.
care sessions which gave us all a chance to build our
strengths and to relax, occasionally accompanied by a Arshiya (G11A),
laugh or two. Next, we all partook in some teambuilding Remi (G11A) and
activities and prepared skits for the night. After all these Selin (G11A)
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L>R: Shakti (G11B), Neha (G11A), Saanvi (G12B), Sara (G12A), Devaj (G12A), Sadhika (G11A)
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
Remi’s Activities
Unilever internship One of the projects I
worked on: a
IYRC conference listening to her story and experiences, as she radiated the
message that anything is possible if you take the chance.
This conference was also the perfect chance to delve deeper The conference ended with an award ceremony. Having read
into the specific topic I had kindled a fascination for: menstrual many past papers and watched several presentations that
stigma and discrimination. Finding out that there was very little were awarded, I knew my paper and presentation wouldn’t
research previously done on menstruation, I knew exactly match up to the past recipients’ level of work. However, to my
what I had to do. My research paper, which I titled ‘The role surprise, I was awarded the ‘Best Social Sciences and
and significance of Instagram on the lives of Menstruators’, Humanities Presentation’ award. I couldn’t believe I had won
took me about 8 months to complete. In my research, through the best presentation award, let alone even be published in
the analysis of Instagram posts and comments, I explored the the conference. All of this was possible because I simply gave
different perspectives Instagram users have on menstruation, it a try and did what I most cared about, so for those of you
as well as how Instagram influences people's perceptions of reading and unsure about applying for a certain extracurricular
periods, and how this connects to menstrual activism and the program or trying out something new, I hope reading this gave
elimination of menstrual stigma. you even the tiniest spark to just go for it! You never know.
The finish line might be more glorious than you think!
By the time my paper was completed, I had explored a variety
of new avenues associated with topics of menstruation and Remi (G11A)
feminism. A month after my submission, my paper was
accepted into the conference and confirmed to be published. I
now had to prepare a presentation for my paper. In my
presentation, I made sure to address my topic as a topic that
is relevant to not only some people, but to everyone. I took
this as an opportunity to bring light to the topic of menstrual
discrimination and the harm it causes.
The purpose of the internship was to learn and experience Lance (G11B)
a day-to-day life in an institution such as this. After the
internship, I had the task of completing a report, where I
You do not need to do anything to prepare for this change, but you may notice the new logo!
If you would like to read more about the changes, please see the links below.
Web (English) (Japanese)
IT Support Team
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
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Library News
Elementary Library
We hope you enjoyed reading wonderful books over your Autumn vacation!
We started off the new school year with our Sakura Medal Books, and we are excited to share the nominees for this year.
All we need is you to read and vote on your favorites. Please feel free to check them out in the library.
Even light reading provides a host of benefits, increasing verbal Are you struggling to
and creative skills, nourishing our capacity for empathy, and choose books for
even reducing prejudice against stigmatized groups—all skills independent reading?
that are developed as readers become accustomed to inhabiting
unfamiliar worlds, seeing things from new perspectives, and Are you looking for
contemplating how a chain of events can lead to unforeseen ways to spark your
outcomes. love of reading?
It’s important to teach children how to read, and once we do Then check out our
that, we need to make it worthwhile. We’ve got to RECOMMENDATION
give them a reason. We’ve got to give them a
view once they climb that mountain. WALL in the
Elementary Library.
Priyanka B P
Elementary Library Supervisor
Shannon Goan
LMC Librarian
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
Athletics Update
KIST Fall season and Winter 2022–23
Fall season conclusion of the academic year, matches against other schools
As mentioned in the Fall issue of The Comet, KIST started in mid-September. KIST defeated CAJ and
participated fully in athletics since pre-covid. Student Kinnick HS relatively easily and lost against the Varsity
participation in all sports was extremely high. KIST team from YIS. In the most competitive match of the
athletes had a successful Fall season overall with a season, KIST lost a very close match to ASIJ 3–2, with
few trophies won and a number of semifinalists and Tomoyoshi (G10A) winning his singles 8–7, and
finalists—fantastic!! Arnav (G11B) and Genta (G10B) winning their
doubles match 8–7. At the end of the season
Girls’ tennis tournament, KIST players competed well, with Tomo
The girls’ team had 19 and Genta losing competitive QF matches, whilst
members this year—many Shreyas (G11B) and Mark (G9B) reached the doubles
more than we had in the SFs. Well done to all team and squad players on a
past. KIST girls have a very competitive season!
strong future ahead. A big Mr. Cowe (HS JV Tennis Coach)
thank you to Ms. Alba and
Mr. Buck (assistant coach) Cross country
for their time and effort! This year, we had the most participants since we
started in Kanto Plains five years ago—over 50
JV boys’ tennis
(Autumn 2022–23
season review)
The boys’ team had 14
members this year with MS girls’ volleyball
many students continuing The volleyball teams participated in Kanto Plains fully
from last year. It was a for the first time this season having played a couple of
strong team that looks to exhibition games last season. As we had high numbers
be even stronger next again this year, KIST had both an A pool (G7–8) and B
season. Thanks to Mr. pool (G6–7) team. Both teams had success in the
Cowe for his time as coach! season and a couple of the B pool players were called
up to play in the A pool tournament at the end of the
he JV boys tennis team continued to build on last season in which KIST did really well, losing to Seisen
year’s shortened season, with some purposeful in the final. Wonderful job by the team and Coach Jay
practices and many competitive matches with other for the high placing!
schools. After a month of weekly practices at the start Continued on next page
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As the coach of both the boys’ and girls’ volleyball Dennis Ota
teams, I was very happy to see them be successful as Athletics Coordinator
their effort and dedication were fantastic. All the
traveling to games and tournaments was both tiring
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
Staff 10!
8) If you could live your life again,
In this month’s Staff 10!, we are pleased to present would you do anything differently?
Naoki Fukushima who joined us in March 2020. I would have liked to have focused
This year, he is teaching Japanese to various grades more on science and math subjects
across the Secondary School, and is also the when I was at school.
Advisory Assistant for Grade 8.
9) Is there anything you are trying to learn/improve
1) Tell us something interesting about your about yourself at the moment?
hometown. Whenever I find a book on a subject that interests me,
Although my city has a population of over 1 million, I try to buy it on the spot. I love being able to update
wild pheasants and raccoon dogs can still be seen my knowledge and perceptions by constantly coming
behind my parents' house. It’s a pleasant city to live in. into contact with new books.
Also, although I’m not a big fan of the J-League’s
Urawa Reds, I used to see the players practicing on 10) Do you have any special message for your
the training grounds near my parents’ house on my fans?
way to school and work. Carpe diem. Let's try different things in the spirit of
‘seizing the day’ and living our lives to the fullest. I
2) What is your favorite would love to hear about your challenges!
place in the world?
I am interested in ancient
ruins and art, so it was like
living a dream when I
visited Pompeii and Rome
in Italy on my graduation
trip. (I enjoyed the food and
wine so much that I’d
gained about 7 kilos by the
time I returned home.)
4) Do you have any special skills or talents? • First day of school for students:
I am a kendo rank holder. I may look like an indoor
person, but actually I like outdoor activities. August 21, 2023
6) What is your most prized possession? December 16, 2023 – January 7, 2024
I have a beautiful watch to commemorate my (Classes resume from Monday, January 8)
engagement with my wife.
• Spring vacation:
7) Which IB learner profile attribute do you most March 23 – 31, 2024
closely identify with and why?
Inquirer. Because all of my life choices have been • Golden Week vacation
made in accordance with my curiosity. This is both an
advantage and a disadvantage, because sometimes I April 27 – May 5, 2024
value curiosity so much that I don’t pay enough
attention to my immediate interests. I must try to find a • Last day of school for students:
balance. June 12, 2024
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Nurse’s Notes
Common winter skin conditions and prevention
Damaged skin is one of the problems of winter health and comfort is around
because the Japanese cold season can cause low 50% humidity.
humidity levels, and it is easy to get dry skin. We also • Keep your skin moisturized: use a moisturizer on
tend to wash our hands frequently to stop germs from your entire body after having a bath or shower,
spreading and this can result in the eradication of our and thick hand cream for thicker hand skin after
skin’s protective barrier. When the skin barrier is washing your hands.
weakened, our skin loses its essential oils and natural • Wear gloves outside.
moisture. Children’s skin is thinner and more delicate • For sensitive skin, avoid wearing synthetic fibers
than that of adults, so children need to take particular like nylon and polyester as these chemical fibers
care during this season to protect their skin and cannot "breathe" as well as natural fibers such as
prevent problems. cotton, and this can cause irritation and
Types of skin problems in winter • Avoid using hot water when washing your hands
and taking a shower as this can remove essential
Dry and itchy skin oils from the skin, so try lukewarm water (38–40°)
Moisture can be lost from the top layers of your skin instead.
when it is exposed to cold, dry, outside air or dry air • Wash your body gently with plenty of lather
blowing from air conditioners, causing skin to dry out instead of scrubbing in order to help your skin
and itch more easily. retain moisture naturally.
Chapped lips • Ingest antioxidant-rich foods: tomatoes,
Chapped lips are common with low air humidity, so blueberries, green tea, extra virgin olive oil,
applying lip balm or glycerin throughout the day can almonds, salmon, cocoa and spinach.
help to seal in moisture.
Cracked heels
Cracked heels are caused by lack of moisture in the
skin which can be worsened when wearing open- In September, KIST received an award from
heeled shoes. the Tokyo Fire Department in recognition of
our ongoing efforts in actively promoting
Repair cracked heels using these steps before emergency first aid procedures. Staff
bedtime. This way, the skin will get enough time to members new to the school this year are
heal and replenish itself while you sleep. scheduled to undergo CPR and first aid
1. Soak your feet in warm water for 3–5 minutes. training in due course.
2. Gently scrub with a loofah, a pumice stone or a
heel sharpener to remove the thick, dead skin on
your heels.
3. Dry your feet thoroughly.
4. Rub a rich moisturizer, such as heel balm, or
cream containing urea on your dry heels.
5. Put on a pair of thick socks to keep the
moisturizer in place.
UV damage
Many people might think that the sun’s rays are not
powerful enough to cause damage in winter; however,
even though you may not feel it, the sun is still
powerful enough to damage your skin. It is advisable
to use a moisturizer with SPF even during the winter.
Prutha B. (2022, April 8). Nine Winter Skin Problems and Their Best Solutions + Preventive Tips. SkinKraft.
Retrieved from
“ T h e Co m e t ” V ol u me 26 | I s s ue 2 | Dec em b er 20 22
Bell Marks
So, I set to work on my research to find what comments, couple of internships after (which you will find on another
feedback and posts were being displayed on Instagram, page of this issue of The Comet). This has also expanded
developed my paper, which then also needed a my interests into thinking about other subjects. Lastly, my
presentation, and submitted it towards the conference. findings on social media will help me contribute to my
Lance: I have always been interested in internships and come up with better business ideas.
finance, business administration, and Lance: While I don’t think I will do another internship at the
economics. I run a service group at KIST same place, the great thing I received was the fact that I now
where we promote fair trade coffee that is have contacts with key people in this company: the CEO,
sold in the K-Shop. I found that by the sales people, marketing. As a student that takes Business
end of Grade 10 that my understanding of Management and is doing the Extended Essay in Business
economic theory was becoming strong, Management, I am able to contact these people as a source
but I lacked any real-world application, so, of primary research and get direct questions from experts
I wanted to find an internship to help with that I would have not had otherwise. The experience has
this. I found that most financial institutions also allowed me to see that there is no harm trying for
were not looking for interns and if they were, it was normally something like this even if the opportunity doesn’t exist now.
just for university students. I kept asking around and found I was the first person to be an intern there and maybe others
one of my family friends was working at a large trade will be able to after me now.
company and was willing to talk to me. I met with her and Mr. W: Lastly, could you provide some advice or ideas you
mentioned my interest for doing an internship and would promote to others who may be inspired by your
everything. Soon after, I was contacted by the CEO of the experiences?
Japanese headquarters. They had agreed to let me intern. Andy: Try to find something fun, something that is what you
Mr. W: These are great stories and introductions. From my wanted to do, not just because you think you need it for CAS
perspective as University Guidance Counselor, this would be or to add an extra-curricular activity. I think these kinds of
a big benefit to university applications. But I am curious activities can help you find out who you are and if you are
besides that, did this open up any other doors, or inspire still struggling with that, this can help build that drive.
anything else further down the line? Bubble: Now in the 21st Century, any large change to make
Andy: Actually, after attending the Sino-Japan conference, it in the world seems really hard, especially as high school
not only inspired the passion for me to help know more students. I think a lot of things we can make are based on
about what I wanted to study in university in the future, but interdisciplinary projects, merging things that we see as
also because of my efforts, I was asked if I wanted to try to separate entities in our lives and building a bridge between
be the future organizer and for the entire Japanese team (of them. Open your eyes and bridge the things that you think
20 students). I was kind of scared and thought ‘I don’t know are different and see what you can make out of it.
if I’m a really organizer type of person’ but figured this was Remi: Before starting the things I was doing now, I was
the time to try. I like this stuff anyway and so I’m currently scared and had so much self-doubt. There were so many
working on that! opportunities that I have missed because I thought ‘Ah, it’s
Bubble: There’s this cool thing this invention has opened for probably not going to work out’. The biggest step is from
me. I found this one bridge between things and then started where you doubt yourself to where you can actually accept
looking at other ways I could link things around me. I am yourself for who you are and actually go out and do
currently working on bridging the sport I like, climbing, with something. It’s a big step, but once you get there, it’s so
Artificial Intelligence (AI). I am trying to create a motion refreshing and can lead to such great opportunities, so just
feedback system that can help beginners or climbing go for it!
athletes refine their skills. I feel I can use the things I am Lance: The worst thing someone can tell you when you ask
good at the leverage the innovations technology can bring to for an internship or other opportunity is ‘No’. So, that’s it. If
this sport. you can get past that feeling, you can try many things!
Remi: Actually, building from this I was able to receive a
Alum Report
Yiling is an alumnus of KIST’s “Class of 2022.” He is currently in his first
year at the National University of Singapore and is majoring in mathematics.
A s a current university
undergraduate studying
Mathematics at the National
Conference (IYRC). IYRC is an independent public
benefit incorporation which provides a platform for
high school students to share their research project.
University of Singapore, I have For the submission of my work to IYRC, similar to
always been fascinated by the writing an Extended Essay, I needed to explain my approach and findings
rigorousness and elegance of clearly, and I found it helpful to include a few tables and diagrams to aid
mathematical reasoning. This is my explanations further.
the main reason why I chose to
write a Mathematics Extended I believe the report was not assessed on the difficulty of mathematics
Essay (EE) during my time at used, but rather on my creative approach to answering the research
KIST. question. For example, I generalized my findings on three-dimensional
geometry using mathematical induction. Since we had only learned the
Unlike EEs from other subjects basic knowledge of three-dimensional geometry and mathematical
that require you to make an induction in high school, it was quite rare to establish a link between them,
intuitive judgement and evaluate which made my approach to the question creative. Through
the effectiveness and validity of demonstrating my creative approach, my work was recognized as the
your claim, a Mathematics EE Best Overall Project by IYRC. The link to my paper can be found at:
requires you to explore and explain
the mathematical reasoning behind b
the answer to your research
question. As a result, I had to solve While understanding the theory may appear to be relatively simple,
my research question on paper accurately applying the correct theory is rather difficult and requires some
first and then explain my reasoning intuition that comes with practice. Nonetheless, it has been an enjoyable
with the help of diagrams. Hence, journey to explore and play around with equations while writing my EE.
for future Mathematics EE Admittedly, writing an academic essay is not easy and many challenges
students, I recommend you spend have to be undertaken. However, this has been a meaningful and unique
a couple of days first answering part of my academic journey (thanks to my EE supervisor, Mr. Jones for
the research question on paper his support) and I hope we all can appreciate what we have accomplished
and checking if there are any flaws during our time at KIST when we
in the reasoning. Then, you should look back in the future!
examine how to generalize your
research findings to a broader Yiling
scope of study and possibly KIST Alumnus “Class of 2022”
indicate some further