FIFA Awards 2022 - FIFA Puskas Award - Rules of Allocation - EN

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The articles below relate to the FIFA Puskás Award (the “Award”).

Art. 1. The Award is organised and presented by FIFA.

Art. 2. The Award recognises the best goal scored during the period from 7 August 2021 to 31 July
2022 inclusive, regardless of championship, gender or nationality.

Art. 3. Nominations for the Award are compiled by FIFA in collaboration with football

Art. 4. A panel composed of FIFA experts will compile a shortlist of 11 goals, which shall be
published on shortly thereafter in order to enable a public vote among fans
registered on

Art. 5. The winner of the Award will be selected by an international jury comprising, on the one
hand, a panel of FIFA Legends and, on the other hand, fans from all over the world
registered on

Each of the two groups of voters within the jury has the same electoral weight irrespective
of the actual number of voters in those groups (i.e. the votes of the FIFA Legends and fans
shall each make up half of the poll, notwithstanding the number of voters in each group).

Art. 6. Each member of the public who is registered on and each FIFA Legend on the
panel is entitled to nominate three goals out of the shortlist of 11 compiled. The three goals
nominated by each jury member will receive five points, three points or one point
respectively, depending on whether the jury member places the goal first (five points),
second (three points) or third (one point).

Art. 7. The Award is bestowed upon the goal that receives the most scoring points, which will be
calculated through the application of the procedure detailed below to the two equally
weighted jury groups described in article 5 above.

The following procedure will apply to scoring points:

a) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the first-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive 13 scoring points for that
jury group.
b) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the second-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive 11 scoring points for that
jury group.

c) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the third-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive nine scoring points for
that jury group.
d) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the fourth-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive eight scoring points for
that jury group.
e) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the fifth-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive seven scoring points for
that jury group.
f) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the sixth-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive six scoring points for that
jury group.
g) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the seventh-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive five scoring points for
that jury group.
h) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the eighth-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive four scoring points for
that jury group.
i) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the ninth-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive three scoring points for
that jury group.
j) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the tenth-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive two scoring points for
that jury group.
k) After applying the point system defined in article 6, the 11th-ranked nominee in a
particular group of voters (FIFA Legends and fans) will receive one scoring point for that
jury group.

Art. 8. In the event of a tie for first place after the above procedure has been applied, the goal
with the most scoring points from the fans shall be the winner of the Award. In the event
that there is still a tie for first place, the goal with the highest number of “five-point” scores
from the votes cast by fans per article 6 shall be the winner. In the event that this also leads
to a tie, the goal with the highest number of “three-point” scores from the votes cast by
fans per article 6 shall be the winner. In the event that there is still a tie, the goal with the
highest number of total scoring points from the panel of FIFA Legends shall be the winner.
In the event that this also leads to a tie, the goal with the highest number of “five-point”
scores from the votes cast by FIFA Legends per article 6 shall be the winner. In the event
that this also leads to a tie, the goal with the highest number of “three-point” scores from
the votes cast by FIFA Legends per article 6 shall be the winner. In the event that this still
leads to a tie, each goalscorer who remains tied for the Award shall jointly receive the

Art. 9. Each member of the jury will be requested to make a valid vote submission via an online
system or another means provided by FIFA.

Art. 10. The voting period for the Award commences on 12 January 2023 and concludes at
23:59 CET on 3 February 2023.
Art. 11. The winner of the Award will receive the trophy during a ceremony organised by FIFA.

Art. 12. Any dispute arising from the voting process shall be reviewed and resolved by FIFA at its
sole discretion. FIFA’s decisions shall be final and binding.

Art. 13. Notwithstanding the foregoing articles, FIFA is entitled at any point to disregard any vote
from any member of the international jury in the event that the member is deemed by FIFA,
at its sole discretion, to have been associated with or involved in any unethical and/or
disreputable act or practice, or any unlawful activity, conduct or undertaking (including, but
not limited to, bribery, corruption, discrimination of any kind and racism), at any time. For
the avoidance of doubt, FIFA is not obliged to publish such votes or communicate any such
decision to the member or to any other person.

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