Sinking Islands: Does The Rise of Sea Level Endanger The Takuu Atoll in The Pacific?
Sinking Islands: Does The Rise of Sea Level Endanger The Takuu Atoll in The Pacific?
Sinking Islands: Does The Rise of Sea Level Endanger The Takuu Atoll in The Pacific?
REPORTS AND NEWS Home Science Reports Reports and News Earth Sciences
Agricultural and Forestry Science Sinking islands: Does the rise of sea level endanger the
Architecture and Construction Takuu Atoll in the Pacific? VideoLinks
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In the last decades, sea level has been rising continuously – about 3.3 mm per
Communications Media
year. For reef islands such as the Maldives or the Marshall Islands a sinister picture
Earth Sciences is being painted evoking the demise of the island states and their cultures. Are the
Ecology, The Environment and effects of sea-level rise already noticeable on reef islands? Scientists from the ZMT
Conservation have now answered this question for the Takuu Atoll, a group of Pacific islands,
Health and Medicine located northeast of Papua New Guinea.
Information Technology
In the last decades, sea level has been rising continuously – about 3.3 mm per
Interdisciplinary Research
year. For reef islands such as the Maldives or the Marshall Islands a sinister picture
Life Sciences
is being painted evoking the demise of the island states and their cultures.
Machine Engineering
Are the effects of sea-level rise
Material Sciences
already noticeable on reef islands?
Medical Engineering Scientists from the ZMT have now
Physics and Astronomy answered this question for the Takuu
Power and Electrical Engineering Atoll, a group of Pacific islands,
located northeast of Papua New
Process Engineering
Social Sciences
Although a reversing trend has emerged since 2008, the loss of land however 29.04.2019 | Event News
happened too suddenly to be attributed to sea-level rise. The erosion started Revered mathematicians and
immediately after the atoll was affected by storm waves, which eroded large parts computer scientists converge with
of the islands’ coasts and contributed to the horror scenario of the sinking islands. 200 young researchers in
“After such climate events islands can recover – albeit very slowly,” says Dr. Heidelberg!
Thomas Mann. “Our data have shown that the renewal of the islands already 17.04.2019 | Event News
However, a coral reef can only keep up the pace if it is in healthy condition and not 19.07.2019 | Physics and
impaired by pollution, higher water temperature or destructive fishing methods. Dr.
Mann says: “The health of coral reefs is a deciding factor for the future stability of
reef islands.”
Publications: VideoLinks
Mann, T., Westphal, H. (2015) Multi-decadal shoreline changes on Takú Atoll, Papua Science & Research
New Guinea: Observational evidence of early reef island recovery after the impact
of storm waves. Geomorphology 257. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.12.028
Infrared emitters
for the automotive
Mann, T., Bayliss-Smith, T., Westphal, H. (2015). A Geomorphic Interpretation of industry
Shoreline Change Rates on Reef Islands. Journal of Coastal Research. DOI: Re-activating of
adhesives on
10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00093.1 automotive glass
Dr. Thomas Mann The incredible
power of light!
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Light is more than
Tel: 0421 / 23800-132 you can see.
Email: [email protected]
About the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology NASA | A Year in
In research and education the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) in the Life of Earth's
Bremen is dedicated to the better understanding of tropical coastal ecosystems. As NASA Computer
an interdisciplinary Leibniz institute the ZMT conducts research on the structure and Model Provides a New
Portrait of Carbon Dioxide
functioning of tropical coastal ecosystems and their reaction to natural changes and
human interactions. It aims to provide a scientific basis for the protection and
sustainable use of these ecosystems. The ZMT works in close cooperation with Black Holes Come
to the Big Screen
partners in the tropics, where it supports capacity building and the development of The new movie
infrastructures in the area of sustainable coastal zone management. The ZMT is a "Interstellar" explores
a longstanding
member of the Leibniz Association.
fascination, but UA
astrophysicists are
using cutting-edge technology to go
Dr. Susanne Eickhoff | idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft one better.
Further reports about: > Marine Tropenökologie > Tropical Marine NASA's Swift
Mission Observes
Ecology > ZMT > coastal ecosystems > coral reefs > sea level > sea- Mega Flares from a
level rise > waves Mini Star
NASA's Swift satellite
detected the strongest, hottest, and
More articles from Earth Sciences: longest-lasting sequence of stellar
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18.07.2019 | Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung NASA's airborne
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