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Learning Competency:


At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

K-Discuss the basic concepts of school as a social system and how they impact
individual learners, classrooms, schools, and the larger community;

S- Create a concept map on how community helps a school and ways by which a
school helps a community and;

A- Seek opportunities to establish professional links with colleagues in the school



Topic: Social System Model

Materials: Paper, Pen, Laptop

References: Bosco-Ruggiero, S. (2019, October). A Brief Introduction to Social

Systems Theory. Social Work Degree Center.

Dahiru, A. S., Basri, R., Aji, A. A., & Asimiran, S. (2018). Modelling Social
System for School Effectiveness. International Journal of Academic Research in
Business and Social Sciences, 8(12).
Chapter 1 The School As A Social System - ppt video online download. (n.d.).


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Opening Activity
 Prayer
(Mr. Cabus please lead the prayer)

 Drill
If you will become a teacher in the
future, how will you show (Select a random student to answer)

communicate to your student and to

the community?

 Review
(Ms. Lindsey will answer)
Okay thank you so much, may I ask if
you have still remembered the topic
that we had last meeting?

 Checking of attendance

Thank you so much Ms. Lindsey. (The student will check if their
Now, please look at your seatmate and seatmate is present or not)
tell me who is absent today.

B. Development Activity
 Motivation
Group yourselves into 4. In each
group, you will have to explain what (The student will count 1 to 4 to form

this picture means. Choose 1 their groups. The student will then
representative and explain it in class. start sharing their ideas)

(Mr. Tindog will answer)

Okay! All of your answers are correct.
Now, since you have all the idea, I
hope you know, how this activity is
related to the topic that we are going
to discuss today. Can you guess our

Thank you so much Mr. Tindog!

Our topic for today is all about

Social System Model.

 Discussion

What is a Social System?

In sociology, social system is the

patterned network of relationships
constituting a coherent whole that
exist between individuals, groups,
and institutions. It is the formal
structure of role and status that can
form in a small, stable group.
 Social System refers to an
orderly arrangement, an
inter relationships of parts.
 Social systems are open
 Social System consists of
interdependent parts,
which interact with each
other and the environment.
 Social System is goal-
oriented, peopled, and
 A social system refers to
events and dealings of the
members of a particular
group or group composed
for mutual determination.

Talcott Parsons, more than anyone

else in recent years, has given the
concept of system currency in
modern sociology. He defined social
system thus:

“A social system consists in a

plurality of individual actors interacting with
each other in a situation which at least has a
physical or environmental aspect, actors who
are motivated in terms of a tendency to the
optimization of gratification and whose
relation to their situations, including each
other, is defined and mediated in terms of a
system of culturally structured and shared
symbols", (The Social System).”

Ogbum and Nimkoff have given a

simplified version of this definition of

“A social system may be defined as a

plurality of individuals interacting
with each other according to shared
cultural norms and meanings".

Functions of Social System:

We have seen that a system
presupposes not only a structure but also
certain functions which its structure is
supposed to perform. What are the functions
of the social system? Talcott Parsons has
given a four-function paradigm.
This paradigm posits that every social
system must continually confront and solve
the four sets of organizational problems
indicated below. In abbreviated form, the
four-function paradigm is referred to as

 Adaptation- The problems of

adapting the social system to its
physical and social environments. The
most important problems in this
respect are procuring resources
needed for its activities, providing for
protection against physical and social
threats, and developing information
relating to these.

 Goal Attainment: The organizational

problem of effecting co-ordination in
any collective tasks directed outside
the system itself.

ntegration- The internal problem of
maintaining satisfying relations
among the interacting, members and
avoiding disrupting conflicts. For
small groups, this concerns inter-
personal relations. For larger
organization, it concerns inter-group

 Latent Pattern Maintenance- The

internal organizational problem of
ordering activity patterns of the
system, and also of adjusting the role
demands on members, so that these
are compatible with their other role
The social institutions are all closely
interrelated and they form a complex whole.
That is why institutions are referred to as "a
cluster of institutions", one impinging upon
the others.
The social system, the social structure with its
interrelated parts, the basic functions of the
system together with corresponding
institutions designed to fulfill these functions
are set out in diagrammatic form below:


(Student will answer)

The socio-ecological development model is
another specific social work practice theory
based on social systems thinking. This model
looks at how multiple social systems and
levels of the social environments (individual,
micro, meso, Exo, and macro-systems)
impact individuals experiences and behavior.
For example, the micro-level is the location
of intimate and family relationships, the
meso-level is the location of institutions and
organizations, and the macro-level is the

location of society-wide factors such as

culture or laws, all of which shape who we
are and how we develop.

Social System and School Effectiveness

According to Hoy and Miskel (2013) all
schools are open systems that comprise of
inputs, transformation process, outputs,
feedback and the environment (Aydin, Sarier,
& Uysal, 2013). The open-system portraits
organization as not only affected by
environments, but also dependent on them.
Open-system9s cyclic process, it starts with
inputs, transformation and output.
Organizations take inputs from the
environment, transform them and produce
outputs (Neal, 2013).

 Okay! That’s it, do you have any

question class?

Okay! So, let’s go to our activity.

 Application

Activity 1

The Why and How of School and

Community Partnership
Based on your school experiences, create a
concept map by which a community helps a
school and ways by which a school helps a
community. Come up with an exhaustive and
creative concept map. (Individual).

Activity 2.

Collaborative Activity
Interview teachers, master teachers and
school heads/administrators (any of them and
your access to them) with the following
questions below and present your output in
the class during synchronous schedule. (Same

1. What are the school takes to create

linkages and harmonious relationships with
parents, guardians, and other stakeholders?
2. How do teachers establish and promote
professional links with their colleagues?
3. How do school learning action cell (SLAC)
sessions improve professional relations and

C. Closing Activity
Get 1 whole sheet of paper and
answer the following.

1. What have you learned?

2. What are the difficulties you have

encountered during the

IV. Evaluation
Answer the following. Choose only the correct answer.

1. It is the patterned network of relationships constituting a coherent whole that exist between
individuals, groups, and institutions.

a. Social Network

b. Social System

c. Social Media

d. Social Science

2. ____ and ____ have given a simplified version of this definition of Parsons: “A social system
may be defined as a plurality of individuals interacting with each other according to shared
cultural norms and meanings".

a. Omkoff and Bandolf

b. Hoy and Miskell

c. Hoy and Buloy

d. Ogbum and Nimkoff

3. This model is another specific social work practice theory based on social systems thinking.
This model looks at how multiple social systems and levels of the social environments
(individual, micro, meso, Exo, and macro-systems) impact individuals experiences and behavior.

a. Socio-Economic Development Model

b. Socio-Ecological Developmental Model

c. Socio-Economical Developmental Model

d. Socio-Ecological Development Model

4. The internal problem of maintaining satisfying relations among the interacting, members and
avoiding disrupting conflicts. For small groups, this concerns inter-personal relations. For larger
organization, it concerns inter-group relations.

a. Adaptation

b. Latent Pattern Maintenance

c. Integration

d. None of the above

5. It consists of interdependent parts, which interact with each other and the environment.

a. Integration

b. Latent Pattern Maintenance

c. Social System

d. Adaptation

Feedback to Assessment

1. B

2. D

3. D

4. C
5. C

V. Assignment
Research for the importance of School and Community Partnership to schools the
country of USA, Philippines, and United Kingdom. List down the benefits of their

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