Makalah B. Ing 2

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Made by :
1. Dewinta Apriyani Marlin
2. Giscka Fadilla Audlia Putri
3. Ranti Rahma Wati
4. Rio Adrian
5. Syifa Azzahra



Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan 1/3, Kec. Cikokol, Kota Tangerang, 15118

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Table List Of Content
TABLE LIST OF CONTENT ……………………………………...…….………….…………………….i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………..……………………..……….….…...ii

Bab I Introduction …………………………………………………………….…………….….……..1

Bab II Definition of Professionalism ..................................................................................................2

Bab III Benefits of Working Professionally ......................................................................................3

Bab IV Criteria or Characteristics of professional Teacher….…….………....……………………4

BAB V Closing ..…………………………………………..………………………………………………………..5
Teacher professionalism is a condition of direction, value, purpose and quality of expertise and
authority in the field of teaching and relating to one's work. Meanwhile, professional teachers
are teachers who have the required competencies to carry out educational and teaching tasks.
Competence here includes knowledge, attitudes and professional skills both personal, social or
academic. The Qur'anic cues about professionalism that teachers must be familiar with pen and
writing. Because with these two tools his knowledge will continue to increase so that it helps
him in providing insight to his students. that a teacher must have a strong mentality and not
give up easily, so that he is successful in facing trials during teaching. that the teacher must
have a sincere intention in teaching so that it is worth worship that contains rewards. That
teachers must have integral personality competencies so that they can be role models for their
students. The model of teacher professional development is through the development of
teacher character. In law number 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system it is
explained that education is: a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential in order to have religious
spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills needed by
himself, society, nation and state. Thus, teachers must have excellence, passion for
professionalism and ethics, namely having a commitment to carry out their duties, having skills
and having a strong motivation to always be the best and excel.

One of the most decisive components in the process of improving the quality of education is
the teacher. Teachers in the history of the development of the nation and the struggle for the
Indonesian revolution have played a very important role.
Thus the level of a person's professional competence depends on the level of mastery of
performance competence as the spearhead and the level of mastery of personality
competencies (values and attitudes competencies) as the basic basis.
A professional teacher is a teacher who has the ability or a set of competencies (knowledge,
skills and behavior) in carrying out his duties as a teacher or educator, in accordance with law
number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers in chapter IV article 10 paragraph 91 are:
competence teachers include pedagogic competence, personal competence, social
competence, and professional competence obtained through professional education.
As a figure who has an important role in the advancement of education in Indonesia, teachers
are expected to meet the criteria of professionalism as a teacher. In the Qur'an there has been
much mention of the professionalism of a teacher. The teacher or educator is a spiritual father
for students who feeds the soul with knowledge, fosters noble character, and straightens it out.
soul, the teacher has the meaning of being digugu and imitated (obeyed and made a role

Definition of Professionalism
Teacher professionalism is a job in which In which there are duties and requirements that
must be carried out by a teacher with full dedication, in accordance with the field of
professionalism. By a teacher with full dedication, in accordance with their field of expertise
and always improvising themselves.Expertise and always self-improving. Teacher
professionalism can also be seen from the suitability or relevance of the Education output with
the profession he holds. In other language language, it can be said that teacher professionalism
is the same as a skilled performer. With “skilled performer”, a professional teacher can perform
powerfully, professionally, and professionally. A professional teacher can appear mighty,
innovative, original, and invasive. Invasive. According to Stevenlor and Stigler, as quoted by
Dedi Supriadi, that a teacher is a person who always loves his profession, and his professional
development. Profession, and his professional development as a teacher is through interaction
with fellow teachers. Interaction with fellow teachers. A teacher’s professionalism can be seen
from the extent to which he or she masters the general pedagogical principles. Pedagogical
principles in general and didactic-methodic principles in particular that apply to each lesson.
Principles that apply to each lesson. And another aspect that needs to be noted Is the attitude
of teacher professionalism is a form of devotion, and upholds the code of ethics of the teaching
profession. Upholding the code of ethics of the education/teaching profession. Among the
factors that cause low professionalism Teacher professionalism include: 1) There are still many
teachers who do not pursue their profession fully. This is due to the fact that many teachers
work outside of working hours to fulfill their daily needs. Work to fulfill their daily needs so that
they have no time to read and write Time to read and write to improve themselves; 2) This may
be caused by the existence of private universities as teacher; 3 )Possibly due to the existence of
private universities that produce teachers who graduate without calculating their output in the
field. Later in the field, causing many teachers to disobey the ethics of the teaching profession;
3) To the ethics of the teaching profession; 4 ) Lack of motivation for teachers to improve
themselves because teachers are not required to Improve their own quality because teachers
are not required to do research As lecturers in higher education.

Benefits of Working Professionally
When we are successful at work, this achievement becomes the dream of all employees.
This will also be in line with insight and knowledge in working to get a career that will increase
In addition to the target, achievement will be more easily achieved and the standard of living
will be better. Because by working professionally ourselves means we carry out all activities
with attention to quality and results.
In Islam, professionalism is equated with the word al-'itqan which means neat or professional.
By working professionally we will also live better, because all desires are more easily achieved.
Working professionally will also bring benefits to yourself and others. You become more
motivated at work, have a sense of enthusiasm or genuine intentions and make all the work
a professional attitude has other benefits, including:

 Be a role Model & Leader

 Work is not monotonous
 Have an important Role for the future
 Flexible Working hours
 Working while doing charity
 Simple lifestyle

Criteria or Characteristics of professional Teacher

The criteria or also arguably the characteristics of a professional teacher are:

• Have morals and also noble character so that they can set a good example for their students.
• Have the ability to educate also teach students well.
• Mastering the subject matter that will be explained and taught in the teaching and learning
• Have academic qualifications as well as educational background in accordance with the field
of work.
• Mastering and understanding various educational
• administrator, for example such as RPP, syllabus, curriculum, KKM, and so on.
• Has high enthusiasm and motivation in devoting the knowledge he has to all his students.
• Never stop learning and developing his skills.
• Participate in training and training to add insight and experience.
• Active, creative, and also innovative in developing learning

A. Conclusion
Educators are professionals whose job is to plan and implement the learning process, assess
learning outcomes, conduct mentoring and training, and conduct research and community service
(National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, Chapter XI Article 39 Paragraph 2). Thus the
teacher is someone who is professional and has knowledge, and teaches his knowledge to others,
so that that person has an increase in the quality of his human resources. As for what is meant by
professional understanding, profession and work professionalism, namely:
 Professional : Professional does not only mean expert. But apart from having expertise,
they also have to work in a field that is in accordance with the expertise they have.
 Profession: Profession is a position or job that demands expertise or skills from the doer
 Professionalism: work professionalism is a view or mental attitude in the form of a
commitment from members of a profession to always realize and improve their
professional quality in carrying out their profession in accordance with the professional
code of ethics.
Some aspects that need to be observed in developing professionalism are as follows:
 Knowledge
 Ability
 Skills
 Attitude
 Habits

B. Suggestion
This the preparation of this paper the authors complete. the author feels that in the preparation of
this paper there are still many errors and deficiencies both in the composition, the systematics of
writing, and in the presentation. Therefore, the authors expect suggestions from readers to
improve this paper. Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular and readers in general.

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