Evaluation and Management of Sports Related Eye.9
Evaluation and Management of Sports Related Eye.9
Evaluation and Management of Sports Related Eye.9
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Firsthand observation of the event is the most helpful part
of the injury history; this helps determine velocity and direction
of the inciting blow. If the physician is not present, focused
questions of the sport and any projectiles help aid in determin-
ing extent of damage and diagnosis. Video review and a history
from the athletic trainer, if available, also aid in history and di-
agnosis. Instances where glasses or goggles have broken may be
concerning for penetrating injury. Foreign body sensation, tear-
ing or photophobia may indicate a corneal abrasion or foreign
body. Contact with organic matter may increase risk for infec-
tion. High velocity, blunt trauma from balls, pucks, or bats may
clue the clinician into the possibility of an orbital fracture and/
or retrobulbar hematoma. Pain with extraocular movement,
epistaxis, or diplopia may be indicative of an orbital fracture
with muscle entrapment. The most common mechanism of in-
jury is blunt trauma to the eye (1). It is important to always in-
quire about tetanus immunization history.
Physical Examination
A focused eye examination will facilitate proper diagnosis
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the human eye. Available from:
and management in the setting of eye injury. First, visually ex-
https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1597930. amine for any obvious deformity, foreign bodies, eyelid lacera-
tions, facial bone deformity, erythema, or hematomas. Visual
The anterior chamber is composed of a thin transparent acuity should be done first as this is considered the vital sign
mucous membrane (conjunctiva), a protective fibrous mem- of the eye (5). This can be done using a hand-held Snellen chart.
brane (sclera), the transparent cornea, the aqueous humor, Confrontational visual fields should be tested in all four quad-
and the iris. Since the eye is globular in nature the sclera and rants which can help diagnose injuries to the retina, optic nerve
choroid are parts of both the anterior and posterior chambers. or central optic pathways. Test extraocular movements through
The conjunctiva is contiguous with the posterior surface of the the six cardinal positions to help determine ocular muscle or cra-
eye lid (palpebral) conjunctiva and is prone to both injury and nial nerve injury. An entrapped inferior rectus muscle from an
infection (3). The sclera is a protective fibrous outer layer that orbital floor fracture can result in limited vertical range of mo-
is contiguous with the cornea anteriorly and the optic nerve tion. It is important to ask the patient about diplopia since this
posteriorly. It is composed entirely of collagen and makes up can sometimes be a subtle finding. If diplopia is present, it is typ-
the white part of the eye. The cornea acts as the eye's outer- ically worse when looking toward the affected side (5). Eye pain,
most lens as well as a protective layer. The iris is positioned decreased visual acuity, loss of anterior chamber depth, or a
in front of the lens and separates the anterior and posterior teardrop-shaped pupil in the context of penetrating trauma
chambers. It is responsible for controlling the amount of light should raise concern for the possibility of globe rupture or trau-
entering the eye. matic lens dislocation (5,6). If this is suspected, the examiner
The posterior chamber is composed of the lens anteriorly, should be careful to avoid placing pressure on the globe. The pa-
retina posteriorly, and jelly-like vitreous humor which helps tient should be given precautions against straining and Valsalva
maintain the globe like structure of the eye (3). Light refraction pressure and an eye shield should be placed to protect the eye
and accommodation are the main functions of the lens (3). This from further injury.
focusing is accomplished by a muscular structure known as the A penlight is used to test pupil reactivity and to test for
ciliary body which changes the shape of the lens by contracting a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD). A RAPD is when
and relaxing. The retina is responsible for processing light infor- the affected eye paradoxically dilates when exposed to light
mation and sending it to the brain via the optic nerve. but constricts when the contralateral eye is exposed to light.
This is indicative of a retinal or optic nerve injury. A light
source can help to quickly examine the anterior chamber for
Supplies blood (hyphema) and foreign bodies which can lead to globe
The basic “eye kit” is something that sideline physicians rupture. If either is suspected, then a more thorough examina-
should carry with them and helps with the initial diagnosis tion should be done with a slit lamp. When using a basic light
and management of eye injuries. An ophthalmoscope, vision source to examine the eye be sure to direct the light perpen-
chart, light source with cobalt blue light, cotton swabs, eye dicular to the globe, illuminating the anterior chamber.
shield, sterile saline, contact lens remover, fluorescein dye, This will help visualize a potential hyphema. Palpate for
and loupes or magnifying glass are examples of the equipment step-offs or subcutaneous crepitus which may occur sec-
one should have at his/her disposal (4). Ringside equipment for ondary to orbital rim or facial fractures. Table 1 gives a
lateral canthotomy and cantholysis may be considered for the brief overview of signs and symptoms that would require
boxing or mixed martial arts (MMA) events. immediate ophthalmologic consultation.
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. A recent Cochrane Review in 2016 on patching for corneal
Signs and symptoms of vision threatening injuries that require abrasions did not show any improvement in pain, symptoms,
immediate Referral (4). or healing when compared with nonpatched individuals (12).
Sudden Decrease in or Evidence also shows that there may be an increased risk of
Loss of Vision Loss of Visual Field having temporary monocular vision loss. If there is concern
for recurrent eye rubbing or exposure, then patching may be
Pain with eye movement Photophobia
considered. Based on clinical experience, large corneal abra-
Diplopia Proptosis/Enopthalmos sions or shearing injuries, where the epithelium separates from
Light flashes or floaters Irregularly shaped pupil the basement membrane, may warrant eye pressure patching
Hyphema Embedded foreign body to limit the mechanical irritation and agitation from the un-
derside of the lid. This should be applied only until the athlete
Halos around lights Laceration of lid margin or near can get to a higher level of care and should never remain lon-
medial canthus
ger than 24 h. Bandage contact lenses can be used in the same
Suspected globe 360° Subconjunctival manner but are not part of the usual sideline supplies.
perforation hemorrhage
Corneal Foreign Body
Foreign bodies can cause a multitude of problems, includ-
Corneal Abrasion ing corneal abrasions, globe rupture, conjunctivitis, and iritis.
Corneal abrasions are one of the most common eye injuries Carefully inspect the eye, including everting the upper and
encountered. Recent data show that approximately 27% of U.S. lower lids. Point-of-care ultrasound may be of benefit for de-
pediatric-related ocular injuries presenting to the ED are sec- tecting corneal foreign bodies or substances that may have
ondary to corneal abrasions (7,8). Symptoms include pain, penetrated the cornea or globe. If copious amounts of dirt are
foreign body or gritty sensation, and photophobia or tearing. in the eye, judiciously irrigate with sterile saline, preferably using
They can be diagnosed using a cobalt blue light or woods a Morgan Lens and topical anesthetic, such as proparacaine and
lamp and fluorescein dye. With fluorescein staining, an abra- tetracaine, if available. A Morgan Lens is a device that is placed
sion will appear yellow under normal light and green under over the globe and within the lids to provide a continuous lavage
cobalt blue light (9). to the cornea and conjunctiva, while floating on a layer of irriga-
Goals of treatment include prevention of infection, pain tion solution and never physically touching the cornea. Only a
control, and speed of healing (9). First-line treatment is eryth- physician with experience using a Morgan Lens should be utiliz-
romycin ointment as it provides antibacterial coverage, serves ing this device on the sideline. A moistened cotton swab helps to
as a physical barrier, and provides lubrication to the eye. It is remove debris as well. If the concern for a retained foreign body
important to educate the patient that this will blur his/her vi- remains after the initial examination, a slit lamp examination
sion, but his/her vision will likely already be compromised should be performed to more thoroughly evaluate the eye and
from the abrasion. Pain management can best be achieved guide definitive treatment. After removal of penetrating foreign
with topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) bodies, treatment is the same as for a corneal abrasion. If the for-
or oral narcotics for larger abrasions and occasionally topi- eign body is metal, a rust ring may result if left in for too long. A
cal cycloplegics. Evidence does not support the use of burr drill may be used for attempted removal of the rust ring by a
cycloplegics for uncomplicated corneal abrasions, but they skilled physician. This is not typically performed on the sideline.
may be considered for traumatic iritis to help reduce the pain
from ciliary muscle spasm (9). Antibiotics should be used for Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
3 to 5 d depending on response. Choice of antibiotic selection Subconjunctival hemorrhages are one of the most common
will be based on whether or not the patient wears contact ocular problems seen in the ED or physician's office. They are
lenses. Erythromycin ointment is first line for noncontact lens usually asymptomatic and occur spontaneously; therefore
wearers, followed by Polytrim drops or sulfacetamide (9). For they can be more visually alarming to patients than they actu-
contact lens wearers, Pseudomonas and other gram-negative ally are. Minor eye trauma (i.e., rubbing) or Valsalva maneu-
coverage are needed since lenses are usually colonized (9). As vers, such as coughing, sneezing, or straining are the usual
Pseudomonas are frequently found in the environment, individ- causes. They usually spontaneously resolve within 2 to 3 wk.
uals coming into contact with organic matter should be covered However, if the hemorrhage involves the entire sclera or hem-
as well. This is accomplished with fluoroquinolones or amino- orrhagic chemosis is present, there should be a high index of
glycosides. Ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and gentamicin are com- suspicion for globe rupture (5), and immediate referral is
monly used and are both available in ointment and drops. required. Hemorrhagic chemosis is a collection of blood
Antibiotic regimens are usually dosed four times daily until within the substance of the conjunctiva. These also can oc-
the patient is asymptomatic for 24 h (9). Topical NSAIDs cur from a small laceration to the conjunctiva, such as from
should not be used for more than 1 to 2 d as they may be as- a fingernail to the eye. With this finding, visual acuity should
sociated with corneal toxicity (9). A recent Cochrane review be checked in addition to a thorough examination looking
by Wakai et al. (10) for topical NSAIDs use in traumatic cor- for any signs or symptoms of a ruptured globe (see below for
neal abrasions did not show clinically relevant pain reduc- further discussion).
tion, which should be taken into consideration as topical
NSAIDs are expensive. It should be noted that topical anesthetics Hyphema
should not be used as they slow healing, are toxic to the cor- Commonly caused by blunt trauma, hyphemas are anterior
neal epithelium, and mask worsening symptoms (11). chamber hemorrhages caused by microvascular damage to the
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
iris (13). Examination of the eye will show a layer of gross extraocular movements, upward gaze restriction, and diplopia
blood in the anterior chamber. Figure 2 shows the layering caused by inferior rectus muscle entrapment. Hypoesthesia in
of blood in the anterior chamber. Spontaneous hyphemas the distribution of the infraorbital nerve also may be seen. Sen-
can also occur in patients with bleeding diathesis and sickle sation can be tested just below the lower eyelid to see if this has
cell anemia. Since these usually occur in high force injuries, occurred. Advise the patient to avoid blowing his/her nose as
there should be concern for penetrating trauma, orbital this can result in significant subcutaneous emphysema. All
fracture, abrasion, and/or retinal injury (13). Initial man- patients with suspected orbital fracture should be evaluated in
agement includes elevating the head of the bed above 45 de- the ED for a more thorough evaluation and definitive treat-
grees, discontinuing all NSAIDs or anticoagulants, and bed ment. Computed tomography with thin cuts is gold standard
rest for 4 d (11). Urgent ophthalmology consult is war- for diagnosis.
ranted due to the risk of extensive bleeding that may result Due to the force that is usually associated with these injuries,
in glaucoma or corneal staining (11). If complications, such the clinician should have a high degree of suspicion for other
as glaucoma, do occur, pressure-lowering medications (i.e., possible sustained ocular injuries. Approximately one third of
topical beta-blockers, IV mannitol, topical alpha agonists orbital fractures also are associated with other significant ocu-
and oral, IV or topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors) (5) lar trauma such as abrasions, traumatic iritis, hyphema, lens
should be used under the ophthalmologist’s care. dislocation, retinal tear or detachment, and vitreous tear. All
fractures should be referred to an otolaryngologist, oral-
Orbital Fracture maxillofacial surgeon, or ophthalmologist for more definitive
In a recent study by Harling et al., the epidemiology of eye surgical treatment. Surgery is usually determined on a case-
injuries in 85,000 patients was analyzed to quantify and char- by-case basis. Immediate repair is warranted for fractures with
acterize sports-related eye injuries. Orbital fractures accounted nonresolving oculocardiac reflex, pediatric “white-eyed” blow-
for approximately 9.5% of all sports-related ocular trauma out fracture, evoked diplopia with gaze, and early enopthalmos
from January 2010 to December 2013. Despite ocular fractures or hypoglobus (14,15). Others can be monitored until the
being a small proportion of ocular injury, they are a significant swelling decreases before deciding on surgical management.
injury with a high risk of morbidity and vision loss. Most or-
bital fractures are secondary to blunt trauma from sports equip- Retrobulbar Hematoma
ment, with the highest risk coming from a ball that is smaller Suspicion for a retrobulbar hemorrhage should always be
than the orbital rim, such as a racquetball. The inferior orbital present in the setting of blunt ocular trauma, in the athlete
floor, and less commonly the medial wall, is usually fractured with bleeding diathesis, sickle cell anemia, or on anticoagulant
secondary to increased pressure within the orbit causing the therapy. Anytime there is facial trauma, retrobulbar hemor-
orbital bones to break at their weakest points. Signs and symp- rhage should be included in the differential diagnosis. Signs
toms include enophthalmos (posterior displacement of the and symptoms concerning for retrobulbar hemorrhage include
globe in relation to the orbit), periorbital ecchymosis, painful eye pain, proptosis, decreased visual acuity, increased intraoc-
ular pressure (IOP), and a RAPD. Because of the enclosed
space, there is a risk for compartment syndrome that can lead
to blindness. This is an ophthalmological emergency and needs
immediate consultation for lateral canthotomy and cantholysis
to prevent compartment syndrome. Decompression should oc-
cur within 2 h of decreased visual acuity to prevent permanent
vision loss (14). Increased IOP can progress to irreversible optic
nerve and retinal ischemia, resulting in blindness (5). The ring-
side clinician should strongly consider carrying equipment for
such a procedure to boxing or MMA events because the trans-
port time to the ED alone may result in permanent vision loss.
We suggest ringside physicians be competent in this skill. If
there is an associated orbital floor fracture, the risk of vision
loss drastically decreases from the resulting pressure relief
through the fracture site.
Retinal Injury
Traumatic retinal tears usually occur after blunt force to the
orbit or globe, causing a transient increase in IOP from globe
compression. This may result in traction between the vitreous
and retina leading to separation of the retina from the choroid.
Endurance athletes (secondary to sustained increased IOP)
and persons with myopia (traction injury due to the increased
length of the globe) are at increased risk of retinal tears. Ret-
inal vessel disruption can occur, leading to retinal and/or
vitreous hemorrhages.
Figure 2: Layering of blood seen in the inferior portion of the Signs and symptoms include flashes of lights, floaters, a cur-
anterior chamber. tain in the field of vision, and decreased peripheral and/or central
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
visual acuity (11,15). Floaters can be described as fine dots, veils, involving less than 25% of the lid can be left to heal through
cobwebs, clouds, or strings (16). If available, point-of-care ultra- secondary intention along with judicial use of topical antibi-
sound is a helpful tool to diagnose a retinal tear and/or a vitreous otic ointment (20). The ointment also helps prevent exposure
hemorrhage. Emergent evaluation by an ophthalmologist is indi- keratitis which can lead to corneal ulcers and permanent vi-
cated for retinal repair by a retina specialist. sion loss. Large lacerations can be closed with 6-0 or 7-0 chromic
gut absorbable sutures using a buried mattress technique. This
Globe Rupture technique simplifies postoperative care and reduces potential
Globe rupture can result from various mechanisms includ- complications (20). We recommend against repairing the lid
ing blunt trauma from a ball, fist, or penetrating trauma from margins on the sideline to avoid poor cosmetic outcomes.
a BB gun or fingers as in basketball. Signs and symptoms con-
cerning for globe rupture would be complete circumferential UV Exposure
subconjunctival hemorrhage, hyphema, loss of anterior cham- Certain sports such as long-distance running, hiking, snow,
ber depth, pain with extraocular movements, decreased visual or water sports can predispose the individual to excessive UV
acuity, irregular or teardrop-shaped pupil, and afferent pupil- light, increasing the risk of UV-related eye damage. Sunlight is
lary defect (5). Protrusion of intraocular contents also may be divided into long wave ultraviolet (UVA) and short wave ul-
seen. Immediate management would be to place a metal eye traviolet (UVB) wavelengths; UVB is stronger and has more
shield or a hard barrier over the eye, such as the bottom of a damaging effects to the eye (21). Excessive exposure to UV
paper cup, and seek immediate ophthalmological care. Any light is implicated in age-related cataracts, pterygium, skin
protruding foreign bodies should not be removed in the field. cancer adjacent to the orbit, photokeratitis, and corneal de-
Avoid placing topical anesthetic or fluorescein in the eye if generative changes. It also may contribute to the development
globe rupture is suspected as these can be toxic to the retina of macular degeneration (21). Acute ocular burns may occur
and intraocular contents. Care should be made to not apply secondary to prolonged sun exposure in snow or water sports,
any pressure over the orbit when securing the shield. If using as well as from the reflective nature of the snow and water.
tape, make sure it is adhered to bony prominences such as Classic signs are photophobia, intense pain, and a delay in
the forehead and maxillary prominences. Antiemetics and an- symptom onset (7). Fluorescein staining will show fine
algesics should be scheduled to prevent Valsalva and further punctate lesions (11). Treatment includes systemic pain re-
herniation of ocular contents. Tetanus vaccine also should lievers and topical antibiotics (5–8). Referral is indicated if
be administered. there is a corneal epithelial defect (5). Preventing acute and
Consideration must always be made for a condition called chronic injuries from UV light is as simple as wearing sunglasses
sympathetic ophthalmia. This is a rare condition that results that absorb all forms of UV light. In sports with an increased risk
in bilateral acute anterior uveitis days to years after penetrating of damage to sunglasses, shatter-resistant, polycarbonate lenses
ocular trauma. Inflammation of the injured eye begins first, should be used.
followed by the sympathizing eye, secondarily (16,17). Symp-
toms include floaters, photophobia, redness, or blurry vision Prevention and Regulations
(18). Urgent consultation is warranted with initial treatment The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rec-
consisting of systemic and topical corticosteroids with most re- ommends athletes use protective eye wear in high risk sports
quiring long-term steroid-sparing immunosuppressive agents but official rules differ between sports. In 2005, it was man-
(19). Older references recommend enucleation or evisceration dated that protective goggles be worn in women's lacrosse
of the eye with prior trauma as part of the management, but re- (4). Starting with the 2013 to 2014 season, the National
cent literature generally discourages this practice (19). Hockey League (NHL) mandated all players with less than
25 games of NHL experience wear a visor affixed to their hel-
Eyelid Lacerations met, but players commonly do not wear face or eye protection
Laceration of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the lacri- if not enforced (22). It is a requirement by the NCAA to wear
mal duct or sac, is not uncommon (4). Injuries may be sustained full-face cages in collegiate hockey. There is a standard to
following blunt trauma but also may be seen with penetrating in- manufacturers developing and producing athletic eye protec-
juries. A competitor wearing glasses with an impact to the face tion that must comply with the American Society for Testing
puts them at risk for such injuries. The astute clinician should al- Materials or the National Operating Committee on Standards
ways be concerned for other injuries, such as globe rupture, cor- for Athletic Equipment (23). For many years, The American
neal injuries or foreign bodies in such situations. The laceration Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Ophthal-
can be a sign of a penetrating injury which can be easily missed mologist have set forth a joint policy for protective eyewear
if the primary focus is on the laceration only. in young athletes. The most recent policy, published in 2013,
Many sports medicine physicians do not have the experi- states that functionally one-eyed athletes should wear protec-
ence or expertise to manage complicated lacerations. Specialty tive eyewear during all sports, regardless of risk. A function-
referral is needed for lacerations involving the lid margin, the ally one-eyed athlete has a corrected visual acuity of 20/40
lacrimal duct or sac, involving the under surface of the lid, or worse in the affected eye (24).
or within 6 mm to 8 mm of the medial canthus. Wounds associ-
ated with ptosis, orbital fat prolapse, the tarsal plate, or levator Return to Play Guidelines
palpebrae also should be referred (5). Time to primary closure There are no set guidelines or standards for determining
is 12 h to 36 h which allows the sports medicine physician opti- when the athlete is allowed to return to activity. Corneal abra-
mal time for referral if other vision-threatening emergencies sions and foreign body injuries are tolerated relatively well. If
have been ruled out (20). Many partial thickness lacerations there is no functional or binocular vision loss, then the athlete
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2.
Return to Play Recommendations Following Ocular Injury.
Injury Return to Play
Corneal abrasion/foreign body May return to play if no functional or binocular vision loss.
Subconjunctival hemorrhage If minor without symptoms may return to play. If circumferential and concerns for other injuries,
cannot return to play and must be cleared by ophthalmology.
Hyphema Should not return to competition. Must be cleared by ophthalmology before return to play.
Orbital fracture Should not return to play. Must be cleared by ophthalmology and ENT before return to play.
Retrobulbar hematoma Should not return to play. Must be cleared by ophthalmology before return to play.
Retinal injury Should not return to play. Must be cleared by ophthalmology before return to play.
Globe rupture Should not return to play. Must be cleared by ophthalmology before return to play.
iEyelid laceration May return to play if minor injury not requiring sutures and no functional or binocular vision loss.
UV exposure and burns May return to play if no functional or binocular vision loss.
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