Prof Ed 13 - Episode 2

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JERVYN E. GUIANAN | Fourth Year Block-A

Episode 2

Activity 2.1 – Embedding Action research for Reflective Teaching

To have a meaningful and successful accomplish in this FS episode, be sure to
read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2
Resource Teacher's class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need
to do before working on this episode.


You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing some activities or
accomplishing tasks similar to action research. These are activities that required you to
do Reflection and Make Action or the other way around. Schon (1987) distinguishes
Reflection in action or Reflection on Action as two different things.
Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done an Action Research. Now is the
opportunity for you to participate and assist in ways that you are capable of doing.

Here is what you will do.

Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field
1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research
Titles Conducted by Teachers
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your
mentor as you reference.

Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Research Titles Authors/Authors
1. Bridging the Gap Between Modular and Online
Girlie L. Villanueva
Distance Learning: Basis for an Intervention
2. Flipped Classroom: Its Impact on the Academic
Achievement in Mathematics Through Modular Dinah C. Habig
Distance Learning
3. Collaboratively-Designed Assessment of Student
Patrick James R. Pelicano
Learning (CoDe AoL): Designing and Implementing
Russel A. Sartiel
Across Curriculum Performance Task for Enhanced
Jacob B. Ulan
Learning Outcomes.
4. The Journal Project (JournPro): a Pedagogical
Intervention in Improving Students’ Writing Skills Jayson Carl C. Esmasin
through Reflective Journal
5. Project ShelS: Self-help Strategies Integration in
Modular Instruction and Its Effects to Grade 9 Ana Maria C. De Guzman
Students Academic Performance in Science

Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles,
let’s find out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answer
1. What did you noticed about 1. Identify the Problem to be solve in title no. 1.
the action research titles? - The learning gap between the students under
Do the action research Modular Distance Learning (MDL) and Online
(AR) titles imply problems Distance Learning (ODL).
to be solved? Yes ___
No____ 2. Identify the Problem to be solve in title no. 2.
- The relationship between the modular distance
learning towards academic achievements in
If YES, identify the problem Mathematics.
from the title you have given.
Answer in the space provided. 3. Identify the Problem to be solve in title no. 3.
- Developing an integrated or across curriculum

4. Identify the Problem to be solve in title no. 4.

- Improve the Writing Skills.

5. Identify the Problem to be solve in title no. 5.

- The capabilities, capacity and skills of students
in the modular modality.

2. What interpretation about  Title of Action Research: Flipped Classroom: Its Impact
action research can your on the Academic Achievement in Mathematics Through
make out of your answer in Modular Distance Learning.
question no. 1?  From the title, I think, the study is about aims to determine
how does the modular and distance learning affects
academic achievements in Mathematics of the selected
3. Write the Title and your Grade 11 students. The study was conducted because
interpretation of the study the researcher wanted to identify the whether there is a
from the title. significant relationship between modular – distance –
learning and academic achievement of the respondents. If
I would recall my answer in the previous number, it would
some up to an idea that Action Researches mostly starts
to a problem needed to be solved. This serves as
evidence that action research highly Prioritize Action in
Solving the Problem.
4. What do you think did the  I think the author/s emphasized her title to identify the
authors do with the relationship between modular – distance – learning and
identified problem as academic achievement of the students in Mathematics.
presented in their titles?

Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of
problematic situations and the teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for
everyday problems in school, hence teacher should do action research. This is an
exciting part of being a teacher, a problem solver!
Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in
the previous activity.
Key Questions My Answer
Choose from the options given. You may check more
than one answer.
1. From what source do you Choices:
think, did the authors identify ___ Copied from research books
the problems of their action ___ From daily observation of their teaching practice.
research? ___ From difficulties they observed of their learners.
___ From their own personal experience.
___ From the told experiences of their co-teachers.
2. What do you think is the Choices:
teacher’s intention in ___ To find a solution to the problematic situation.
conducting the action ___ To comply with the requirement of the principal.
research? ___ To improve teaching practice.
___ To try out something, if it works.
___ To prove oneself a better that the others.
3. What benefit do you get as a Choices:
student in FS 2 in ___ Prepare me for my future job.
understanding and doing ___ Get good grades in the course.
action research? ___ Learn and practice being an action researcher.
___ Improve my teaching practice.
___ Exposure to realities in the teaching profession.
___ Become a better teacher every day.
4. In what ways, can you assist ___ By co-researching with my mentor
your mentor in his/her Action ___ By assisting in the design of the intervention
Research Activity? ___ By assisting in the implementation of the AR
___ By just watching what is being done
Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done,
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research plays a critical role in identifying where the
teaching-learning process falls short. We will be able to address problems and
provide answers through action research that we encounter in the field.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be action research as a future teacher?
Yes___ No ___. If yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that to be a successful educator I must conduct action research
and does not rely solely on one method of instruction. As an action researcher, I
should be able to anticipate the difficulties that my students will encounter in the
classroom. I have to work extra hard to solve these issues. Through action
research, I will be able to find teaching methods that will work for each of my
students. Being an action researcher involves expanding my teaching practice
and enhancing my students' learning.

Write an Action Prompts

 From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
I have observed and noticed that action research begins with a problem or
a problematic situation. In an online class delivers her lecture via a Power Point
Presentation. He does, however, think that for a teaching-learning process to be
effective, there must be interaction between the teacher and the student. The
learners are reluctant to join and cooperate in the conversation due to the
change from face-to-face learning to virtual sessions. Let's assume for the
purposes of this problem that the students and teachers have never met in
person and were only introduced via online discussions.

 What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Having a good connection with your students so they feel comfortable
participating in the debate is the most crucial factor in being effective in the
current environment. An educator must delve deeply into the issue in order to
accomplish this. She needs to be authentic, which is the first likely option. The
teacher needs to create a safe and pleasurable environment for the pupils
because they haven't yet met. Second, there should be motivation throughout the
process. The teacher has the power to boost the students' spirits. The teacher
ought to be familiar with her pupils, too.

 What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or
solve the problem?
As a future action researcher, I can plan for an appropriate intervention
like creating an interactive PowerPoint highlighting some question to be
answered by the students. Strategies such as giving questions to assess the
students capability and to analyze where the action must be focus on.

 If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
If I will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be
“Assessing and Enhancing the Numeracy Skills of RRCS Students”


Direction: Choose the best answer
1. Every future teacher should do action research because
a. It is a requirement for teachers in the field
b. iIt will improve teaching practice
c. It will add points to the teacher’s performance
d. It is part of the teacher’s standard

2. Spotting a problematic situation in teaching and learning will

a. Spark an idea of doing Teacher Action Research
b. Give more confusion to the teacher
c. Create complexity in everyday teaching
d. Add burden to teacher’s daily routine

3. Which of the following statements motivates a teacher to do action research?

a. Any problem that occurs in my class will soon pass
b. For every teaching-learning problem, there is always a solution
c. Leave the problematic situation for other teachers to solve
d. There are more important classroom routines than finding solutions

4. “Every teacher, should be an action researcher.” This statement is

a. Applicable only for teachers in big schools
b. Not doable and very idealistic
c. The call for teachers in the current times
d. Appropriate for honor graduates

5. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

a. Action research problem is created by the teacher.
b. Noticing helps a teacher spot problematic situation.
c. Much of the teaching time should be spent in action research.
d. Action research is an optional teacher activity

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action research
“Flipped Classroom: Its Impact on the Academic Achievement in Mathematics
Through Modular Distance Learning”
The COVID – 19 pandemic has severely disrupting the global economy as well
as the education around the world. As we are in what so called “new normal” set up, our
education system changed the settings of delivering education to the learners from the
traditional setting such as face-to-face learning to distance learning such as the learners
will just study at home through different setting. The Biñan City Senior High School –
Sto. Tomas Campus offered modular – distance – learning for the school year 2020 –
2021. This study aims to determine the relationship between the modular distance
learning towards academic achievements in Mathematics of selected Grade 11
This study used pre-test post – test research design with 33 participants. The
module-distance – learning was categorized into eight indicators such as content,
learning and support, visual design, navigation, accessibility, interactivity, self-
assessment and learnability, and motivation to learn. The study revealed that there is a
significant difference between pre-test and post-test of the respondents. Hence the
average mean of the pre-test and post-test are not far more with each other. The pretest
of the respondents was interpreted as poor, while the post-test was interpreted as fair.
The study also revealed that there is no significant relationship between the modular –
distance – learning and academic achievement of the respondents.

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