Carbon Price Package
Carbon Price Package
Carbon Price Package
Cartoon adapted from Jip Lenstra by Bart Verheggen ( and then again by me.
Moves to floating price in 2015, where total emissions are capped and decrease yearly
the ETS
Excluded: - Agriculture - Land use emissions - Household and business light vehicle use - International transport
Source: Australian Govt, DEECC analysis of National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 2009
The Australian economy will continue to prosper while cutting carbon emissions Employment is projected to grow strongly with a carbon price
Source: The Treasury, Australian Government
A carbon price makes polluting electricity more expensive Renewables become a better long term investment i.e. Conventional coal is almost completely gone by 2050 i.e. Over 40% of electricity comes from renewables
Effect on prices
Prices will rise a total of 0.9% between now and 2016 due to the carbon price Average household bills will increase $9.90/wk before any compensation and assuming you do not take action to avoid this
Household compensation
Over 50% of money from carbon price Tax cuts, pension and benefit increases Tax free threshold tripled to over $18 000 Average household compensation $10.10/ wk compared to average cost of $9.90/wk Household-assistance-estimator
Household compensation
Household adjusted taxable income Single Couple without children Couple with children Single parent % households % Receiving some assistance % receiving >100% of expected cost of living impact 100 66 18
34 40 26
100 97 74
Business compensation
Includes both free permits and grants for emission reduction investments Trade exposed emissions intensive industries get very generous support
- Receive ~95% or 66% of emission permits for free - % of free permits decreases at 1.3% a year - Compensation based on industry average which creates an incentive to reduce emissions - Assistance worth $9.2 billion over 4 years - Level of assistance to be reviewed by the PC
Business Compensation
$1.2 billion Clean technology program for manufacturers
- help for less emissions intensive manufacturers - grants to improve energy efficiency and decrease their energy use - grants for business R&D into emissions reductions - government and industry share the costs of investments
Clean energy skills program Small business assistance (asset write-off) Assistance for any regions heavily affected by the carbon price
Renewable energy
$10 billion dollar Green bank
- Clean energy finance corporation - Support renewable energy, energy efficiency and low pollution technology - Invest in commercialization and deployment of plants plus in businesses that manufacture components
Other measures
Coal buy out - money to close ~2000 Mw of the most polluting coal plants 5.5 billion over 6 years to coal generators (free permits and cash) Extra help for Steel and Gassy coal mines - government specific measure
Hazelwood power station
Source: Simpsons fan 66 at en.wikimedia
Other measures
Carbon farming
- Reducing pollution and capturing and storing carbon in soil and trees - Farmers who do this will earn credits they can sell to offset other business pollution
An independent climate change authority
- recommend short and long term targets - review progress - aims to remove some of politics from CC action
Productivity commission
- review industry assistance, watch for windfall gains etc. - track international action
Is it EASI?
- package will reduce emissions - current 2020 target is below our fair share but scheme has flexibility to change this - exemptions for some, makes cuts harder for others
- carbon pricing is cheapest method to cut pollution, but giveaways to various companies increase the cost of the scheme
- only modest effects on the economy, little overall effect on jobs, both will grow strongly
- package moves Oz towards a low carbon economy, essential for affordable long-term emissions cuts
Main criticisms
2020 target too low Doesnt cover transport Too many polluter giveaways
Why it is warming?
The principal warming and cooling influences on climate since 1750 Source: IPCC AR4
Pledged to reduce its emissions intensity by 40-45% by 2020. Chinas actions represent by far the largest contribution to reducing global emissions below what they would have been under business as usual Garnaut, final report (2011) Actions include: closing inefficient power plants and factories, raised taxes on some emissions intensive industries, massive support for low emissions power generation and transport, emissions trading schemes in pipeline.
Voluntary action
Voluntary action (VA) will be treated as additional to the cap. I.e.: with a 5% target to 2020, if VA reduced emission 1% the 5% target would mean a 6% total drop. VA include
1. A tax deductable pledge fund that will help individuals buy and cancel pollution permits 2. Greenpower purchases.
Remember to keep the effect of VA in perspective: the total cap will be ~500 million tons