10 53424-Balikesirsbd 1029908-2104936
10 53424-Balikesirsbd 1029908-2104936
10 53424-Balikesirsbd 1029908-2104936
Objective: This study investigated the correlation between mother-infant bonding and postpartum depression in women with
a history of infertility. Methods: The sample consisted of 169 women divided into two: infertile group (n=56) and fertile
group (n=112). Data were collected using a descriptive information questionnaire, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
(EPDS), and the Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS). Results: The fertile and infertile groups had a mean age of
28.95±3.38 and 36.55±3.55, respectively (p=0.001). The infertile group had a higher mean MIBS score (3.73±2.91) than the
fertile group (1.50±1.29) (p=0.001). However, there was no significant difference in EPDS scores between the two groups
(p>0.05). Moreover, there was a positive correlation between MIBS and EPDS score in the fertile group (r= 0.354, p=0.001),
suggesting that the higher the risk for postpartum depression, the lower the mother-infant bonding. There was no correlation
between MIBS and EPDS score in the infertile group (p>0.05). Conclusion: Future studies should recruit larger samples of
infertile women with cultural and ethnic diversity and take confounding factors into account to investigate the relationship
between postpartum depression and mother-infant bonding.
Keywords: Infertility History, Postpartum Depression, Mother-Infant Bonding.
Sorumlu Yazar / Corresponding Author: Sena KAPLAN, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Nursing Department, Ankara, Türkiye.
E-mail: [email protected]
Bu makaleye atıf yapmak için / Cite this article: Özdemir, E., Kaplan, S., & Küçük, S. (2022). The correlation between
mother-infant bonding and postpartum depression in women with a history of infertility. BAUN Health Sci J, 11(3), 403-
410. https://doi.org/10.53424/balikesirsbd.1029908
The Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS) was spontaneously and those who got pregnant after ART (in
developed by Taylor et al. (2005) to identify the level of vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, etc.). The
maternal bonding. The MIBS was adapted to Turkish by fertile group (FG) consisted of women who conceived
Karakulak et al. (2007). It consists of eight items scored spontaneously, while the infertile group (IG) consisted of
on a scale of 0 to 3. The total score ranges from 0 to 24, those who got pregnant after ART. The FG participants
with higher scores indicating lower MIB. The scale has completed the DIQ-1 and EPDS, while the IF
a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.71 in the 12 th week postpartum participants completed the DIQ-2 and EPDS. We also
(Taylor et al., 2005) and 0.68.3 in the 8 th-12th week received permission from participants to log their contact
postpartum (Karakulak et al., 2007). The Cronbach’s details.
alpha was 0.70 (in the 8th-12th week postpartum) in this Second, we contacted all participants by phone to set
study. dates for their visits to the Newborn and Child Outpatient
Procedure Clinic for routine newborn follow-up in the eighth-
The research consisted of two stages. First, we checked twelfth week postpartum. Both groups completed the
the files of all women admitted to the obstetric outpatient MIBS (Figure 1).
clinic for routine follow-up in the fourth-sixth weeks
postpartum and determined those who got pregnant
Excluded (n=82)
• Speaking a language other than
Turkish (n=13)
• Multiparous (n=28)
• Vaginal delivery (22)
• Illiterate (n=19)
Sampling (n=168)
It was determined that women in the infertile group (2012) found that infertile Turkish women described
received more support from their spousal/partners, and themselves as “dying trees” and “barren land.” Women
women in the fertile group received support from their stated that they were the subject of peer pressure and
relatives and friends in this study. According to were bombarded with questions about having kids.
Hasanpoor-Azghdy et al. (2014), infertile women keep Therefore, most couples with a history of infertility do
their diagnosis and treatment to themselves. Akizuki and not share their story with family or friends (Koçyiğit,
Kai (2008) maintain that spousal/partner support is 2012). In our study, women in the infertile group received
essential for infertile women to become less dependent support primarily from their spouses/partners. This result
on others. In Turkish society, bearing children results in also suggests that infertile couples choose to go through
strong social approval and respect and is considered a the diagnosis and treatment process by themselves
sign of sexual potency (Sahin & Gursoy, 2020). Koçyiğit without sharing it with their family and friends.
Educational status
<High school 21 20.2 9 17.3 0.186b
≥High school 83 79.8 43 82.7
Employment status
Employed 55 52.9 25 48.1 0.321b 0.571
Unemployed 49 47.1 27 51.9
Family type
Nuclear 92 88.5 41 78.8 2.550b
Extended 12 11.5 11 21.2
First breastfeeding
9.625b 0.008*
Within the first hour 38 36.5 24 46.2
First 1-2 hours 49 47.1 28 53.8
First 2-4 hours 17 16.3 - -
Satisfaction with the newborn’s sex
2.097b 0.148
Yes 74 71.2 31 59.6
No 30 28.8 21 40.4
Source of support for newborn care
4.210b 0.040*
Spouse/Partner 52 40.0 35 53.9
Relative/Friend 78 60.0 30 46.1
aMann-Whitney U test, bChi-square test, cPercentages are based on n. *p<0.05, **p<0.001.
Scales 𝒙̅ SD 𝒙̅ SD
MIBS 3.73 2.91 1.50 1.29 -5.367a 0.001*
EPDS 13.45 6.31 12.01 3.39 -1.754a 0.080
*MIBS, Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale; EPDS, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. aMann-Whitney U test. *p<0.001.
Quality mother-infant bonding is a prerequisite for warranted to determine the relationship between PPD and
healthy relationships in the future (Barker et al., 2017). MIB in women receiving infertility treatment.
According to Bowlby’s attachment theory (1982),
attachment during infancy shapes an individual's life and Limitations of study
affects their relationships in the future. Women with a This study had two limitations. First, it was conducted
history of infertility have difficulty transitioning to the only in one center, and therefore, the results cannot be
maternal role during pregnancy. Women who conceive generalized to the general population. Second, the sample
after infertility treatment may have special needs because consisted only of women who underwent a C-section
they generally have concerns about motherhood and MIB because 97% of pregnant women receiving ART at the
(Bernstein et al., 1994). Women who become mothers center undergo a C-section. We thought that the delivery
after infertility treatment expresses ambivalent emotions type could affect the results, and therefore, we composed
of love and hate towards their babies. They also think that the fertile group from women who underwent a C-
they have no right to complain about their babies section.
(Sliwerski et al., 2020). Donarelli et al. (2012) shows that
women with a history of infertility have lower MIB than CONCLUSION
those who conceive spontaneously. Our IG participants The IG participants had higher levels of MIB than their
also had higher MIB than their FG counterparts (p<0.05). FG counterparts. The risk for PPD was similar in both
The baby is most sensitive in the first hours after birth. groups. There was no correlation between PPD and MIB
During this period, mother-infant interaction is critical in the infertile group. Future studies should recruit larger
for secure MIB (Donarelli et al., 2012). In our study, the samples of infertile women with cultural and ethnic
IG participants may have established a more secure MIB diversity and take confounding factors into account to
because they started to breastfeed earlier and thus investigate the relationship between PPD and MIB.
interacted more with their babies than their FG
counterparts. We also think that the IG participants may Conflict of Interest
have a more secure MIB because their pregnancies were The authors declare no potential conflicts of concerning
planned, and they had wanted to have babies for a long the research, authorship and/or publication of this
time. article.
Research shows that PPD is negatively correlated with
MIB, suggesting that the higher the levels of depression, Author Contributions
the less the MIB (Forman et al., 2007; 2020; Nieto et al., Plan, Design: SK, SK, EÖ; Materials and methods:
2017). We also found a positive correlation between SK, EÖ; Data analysis and interpretation: EÖ;
EPDS and MIBS scores in the fertile group (r=0.354, Writing and corrections: SK, SK, EÖ.
p=0.001), indicating the higher the MIB in the FG
participants. It is noteworthy that there was no correlation
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