HW Engineering I Solution To Selected Workout Problems
HW Engineering I Solution To Selected Workout Problems
HW Engineering I Solution To Selected Workout Problems
1. A road has a crest vertical curve with the following characteristics: G1 = +4.8%, VPC at
Station 4+010 with elevation 750 m, VPT at Station 4+330, G2 = -1.6%.
A. What is the elevation of the vertical curve at Station 4+110?
we need L = 4330-14010=320 m, sta. of BVC = 750 m, g1 = 4.8% = 0.048, and
• y = roadway elevation at distance x
• x = distance from beginning of vertical curve
• a = (g2 – g1)/2L and
• b = g1
• c = elevation of BVC
𝑔2 − 𝑔1 (−1.6 − 4.8)
𝑎= = = −0.0001
2𝐿 200 ∗ 320
𝑔1 = 4.8% = 0.048, 𝑐 = eleva. of BVC = 750
𝑨𝒙𝟐 𝟔.𝟒∗𝟏𝟕𝟎𝟐
𝒚= = =2.89
𝟐𝑳 𝟐𝟎𝟎∗𝟑𝟐𝟎
C. What is the station and elevation of the highest point on the curve?
𝐴 = −1.6 − 4.8 = −6.4
𝑔1 𝐿 𝑔1 𝐿 −4.8∗320
𝑥ℎ𝑙 = − 𝑔 =− = =284.4444
2 −𝑔1 𝐴 −5.4
𝑔2 − 𝑔1
𝑦ℎ = (𝑥ℎ )2 + 𝑔1 𝑥ℎ + 𝐸𝑙𝑣. 𝐵𝑉𝐶
(−1.6−4.8) 4.8
𝑦ℎ = (284.444)2 + 100 ∗ 284.44 + 750=755.563 m
6. What is the superelevation to be provided for a horizontal curve with a radius of 300 m
for a design speed of 85 km/h if the lateral coefficient of friction is a.) 0.1? b.) 0.15? and
c.) 0.2?
𝑅𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 =
127(𝑒 + 𝜇)
𝑒= −𝜇
𝑒= −𝜇
127 ∗ 300
a. 𝑒 = 127∗300 − 0.1 =8.96%
b. 𝑒 = 127∗300 − 0.15 =3.96%
c. 𝑒 = − 0.2= -0.01037
It tells us it is not possible to get a 85 KPH on the road which has a 0.2 side friction,
so the design speed should reduce or the road suffice friction should be minimized.
8. A -2.5% grade is connected to a +1.0% grade by means of a 180 m vertical curve. The
P.I. station is 10+000 and the P.I. elevation is 100.0 m above sea level. What are the
station and elevation of the lowest point on the vertical curve?
𝑔2 – 𝑔1 1 − −2.5 100
𝑎 = = =
𝐿 180 180
• Location of highest/lowest point on the curve, 𝑥ℎ/𝑙
𝑔1 𝐿 𝑔1 𝐿 2.5
𝑥ℎ/𝑙 = − 𝑔 = = 3.5 ∗ 180 = 128.57 𝑚,
2 −𝑔1 𝐴
2.5 −2.5 2.5∗180
𝑦ℎ/𝑙 = 100
∗ (3.5 ∗ 180)2 + ( 100 ) ∗ ( ) + 102.25=100.64 m
2∗180 3.5
9. What is the minimum radius of curvature allowable for a roadway with a 100 km/h
design speed, assuming that the maximum allowable superelevation rate is 0.10?
Compare this with the minimum curve radius recommended by ERA..
V=100 km/h, e=0.10, f=0.11
𝑅= = 375 𝑚
127(0.11 + 0.10)
Minimum radius recommended by ERA is also 375 m.
10. A vertical crest ( summit curve is formed at the intersection of two grades + 3/100 and
-1/20. Design the length of the crest curve to provide a stopping sight distance for a
design speed of 80 km/h. Take any assumptions.
𝑆𝑆𝐷 = 0.278𝑉𝑡 + 254𝑓
As there is ascending gradient on one side of the summit and descending gradient on
the other side, the effect of gradient on SDD is assumed to get compensated and
hence ignored in the calculation.
possible common design speed for the sag and crest (equal-tangent) vertical curves
needed. Compute the stationing and elevations of PVC, PVI, and PVT curve points.
From left to right (see Figure above), a sag vertical curve (with subscript s) and a crest vertical
curve (with subscript c) are needed to connect the tunnel and bridge.
From the given information, it is known that G1s = 0% (the initial slope of the sag vertical curve)
and G2c = 0% (the final slope of the crest vertical curve).
To obtain the highest possible design speed, we want to use all of the horizontal distance
This means we want to connect the curve so that the PVT of the sag curve (PVTs) will be the
PVC of the crest curve (PVCc).
If this is the case, G2s = G1c and since G1s = G2c = 0, As = Ac = A, the common algebraic
difference in the grades.
Since 366 m separates the tunnel and bridge,
Ls + Lc =366 m
Also, the summation of the end-of-curve offset for the sag curve and the beginning-of curve
offset (relative to the final grade) for the crest curve must equal 12.2 m. Using the equation for
the final offset,
𝒀𝒇 =
𝟏𝟐. 𝟐 = + = (𝑳 + 𝑳𝒄 )
𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝒔
And since Ls + Lc = 366,
∗ 𝟑𝟔𝟔 = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟐
𝐴 = 12.2 ∗ 366 =6.667
Solving for A gives, A = 6.667%. The problem now becomes one of finding K-values that allow
Ls + Lc = 366. Since L = KA , we can write
𝐾𝑠 𝐴 + 𝐾𝑐 𝐴 = 366
(𝐾𝑠 + 𝐾𝑐 )𝐴 = 366
366 366
𝐾𝑠 + 𝐾𝑐 = = 6.667 = 54.90 (m and Km/h)
To find the highest possible design speed, Tables 3.2 and 3.3 are used to arrive at K-values to
solve Ks + Kc = 44.652.
From Tables 3.2 and 3.3, it is apparent that the highest possible design speed is 50 mi/h, at
which speed Kc = 84 and Ks = 96 (the summation of K’s is 180).
Since the station of the PVCs is 10 + 000 (given), it is clear that the PVIs = 10+097.6,
PVTs = PVCc = 10+195.2, PVIc = 10+280.60, and PVTc = 10+366.
For elevations,
PVCs = PVIs = 1530 m and PVIc = PVTc = 1542.2 m. Finally, the elevation of PVTs and
PVCc can be computed as
𝐴𝐿 195.2
1530 + 200𝑠 = 1530 + 6.66 ∗ =1536.507 m
14. A horizontal curve has a central angle of 45o and a Point of Intersection (PI) at Station 1+000.00
and radius of 1000.00 m. What is the station of the Point of Tangency (PT)?
T R tan
T 1000 * tan 1000 * .41421 414.21
L *R* * 1000 * 45 785.398m
180 180
PI 1 000.00
PC 0 585.79
PT 1 371.19
15. The design speed of asphalt concrete paved highway designed for construction is 80kph with
e=8%& f=0.14 . During right-of-way reservation period it was found out that the space available
for horizontal curve is only adequate for provision of maximum 200m radius. Can this speed be
safely maintained on the road? If not, what should be done?
17. The stopping distance (rounded for design) of a two lane road (12 ft lanes) is 450 ft. What is the
required clear distance between the drivers location and the edge of the forest (level terrain
and no back slope) if the radius to the centerline is 1000 ft?
18. A highway reconstruction project is being undertaken to reduce accident rates on the
highway. The reconstruction involves a major re-alignment of the highway such that a
100kph design speed is attained. At one point on the highway, a 240m equal tangent
crest vertical curve exists. Measurements show that, at 106m from the PVC, the
vertical curve offset is 0.9m. Assess the adequacy of the existing curve in light of the
reconstruction designs peed of 100kph and, if the existing curve is inadequate,
compute a satisfactory curve length.
Use K=52 from the table and take a correction on the Ans.