Academic Encounters Reading and Writing 2 Teacher Book

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2nd Edition
Jessica Williams
Series Editor: Bernard Seal

Scope & Sequence 4
Introduction 8
Student Book Answer Keys 16
Content Quizzes 42
Content Quiz Answer Keys 50
Unit 1: Laws of the Land • 1
Content (D Reading Skills (lJ Writing Skills
Reading 1
From Colonies to
Thinking about the topic
Reading for main ideas
Showing contrast
Writing definitions
Chapter 1 United States Reading for details
The Reading 2 Personalizing the topic
Foundations A Balance of Power Examining graphics
of Reading 3 Predicting
Government The Bill of Rights Applying what you have read
page 4 Previewing art
Reading critically
Reading boxed texts !
Reading 1 Thinking about the topic Writing aboutnumbe�
Freedom of Expression: Reading for main ideas Giving reasons
Chapter 2 How Far Does it Go? Applying what you have read Topic sentences
Constitutional Reading 2 Examining graphics
Issues Separating Religion and Reading for details
Today Government Predicting
page 27 Reading 3 Scanning
Guns in America: The Right
to Bear Arms

Unit 2: A Diverse Nation • 51

Content (D Reading Skills ('!) Writing Skills !

Reading 1 Examining graphics The passive voice

America's First People Previewing art
Chapter 3 Reading 2 Reading for main ideas
The Origins of Slavery Reading for details
Diversity Reading 3 Applying what you have read
A Country of Immigrants Thinking about the topic
page 54 Reading boxed texts
Reading 1 Increasing reading speed Writing descriptions
America's Increasing Examining graphics Writing about growth
Chapter 4 Diversity Thinking about the topic
Diversity in Reading 2 Reading for main ideas
the United The Nation's Fastest- Reading actively
States Today growing Minorities Understanding cartoons
page 77 Reading 3
The Undocumented:
Unauthorized Immigrants
I .

I 0 Vocabulary Skills 0 Academic Success Skills Leaming Outcomes

Guessing meaning from Making a vocabulary notebook
context Using a vocabulary notebook
Cues for finding word meaning
Expressing permission

Write a paragraph
about an important
right or freedom with
a topic sentence and
Word families Taking notes with a chart supporting details
Collocations Understanding test questions
The Academic Word List

0 Vocabulary Skills 0 Academic Success Skills Leaming Outcomes

Words related to the topic Highlighting
Synonyms Taking notes with a chart
Guessing meaning from

Write two paragraphs

about contrasting
attitudes toward
Suffixes Answering true/false questions diversity
Words related to the topic Taking notes in an outline
Using a dictionary

Unit 3: The Struggle for Equality • 103

Content 4l) Reading Skills '9 Writing Skills
Reading 1 Increasing reading speed Writing about time
All Men Are Created Equal Thinking about the topic sequences
Chapter 5 Reading 2 Predicting
The Struggle The Legacy of the Civil War Reading for details
Begfos Reading 3 Reading boxed texts
page 106 The Civil Rights Reading for main ideas
Movement and the Pronoun reference
Women's Movement
Reading 1 Understanding key term Understanding text structure
What Does Equality Reading for main ideas Markers of relationship
Chapter 6 Mean Today? Applying what you have read Writing about examples
The Struggle Reading 2 Predicting Writing about obligations and
Continues Equal Rights and Thinking about the topic recommendations
page 127 Protection for All Reading for details Writing about statistics
Reading 3 Examining graphics
How Equal Are We Now? Reading about statistics

Unit 4: American Values • 153

Content a, Reading Skills G Writing Skills
Reading 1 Increasing reading speed Noun + infinitive phrases
The Roots of American Applying what you have Few and a few
Chapter 7 Values read Writing about change
American Reading 2 Previewing art
Values from the The American West Reading for details
Past Reading 3 Examining graphics
page 156 The Business of Success Thinking about the topic
Understanding cartoons
Reading 1 Thinking about the topic Understanding text
The Individual and Society: Reading for main ideas structure
Rights and Applying what you have Writing about reasons
Chapter 8 Responsibilities read Gerunds
American Reading 2 Previewing art Writing definitions
Values Today The Open Road and Car Scanning
page 180 Culture Reading for details
Reading 3 Examining graphics
Is the American Dream Still Reading actively
. .

0 Vocabulary Skills O Academic Success Skills Leaming Outcomes

Suffixes Answering definition questions on a
Words related to the topic test
Guessing meaning from Answering short-answer test questions
Understanding key terms

Write two paragraphs

presenting a point of
view on equal rights
Synonyms Reviewing for a test and equal protection
Prepositions with verbs

0 Vocabulary Skills O Academic Success Skills Leaming Outcolllll

Understanding key terms Preparing for a test
Word families Answering multiple-choice questions

Write a four-paragraph
essay on American
Prepositions Responding to a quote values
Collocations Answering true/false questions
Word families Conducting a survey
The Academic Encounte,s Series
Academic Encounters is a sustained content-based series for English language learners preparing to
study coUege-level subject matter in English. The goal of the series is to expose students to the types
of texts and tasks that they will encounter in their academic course work and provide them with the
skills to be successful when that encounter occurs.
At each level in the series, there are two thematically paired books. One is an academic reading and
writing skills book, in which students encounter readings that are based on authentic academic texts.
In this book, students are given the skills to understand texts and respond to them in writing. The
reading and writing book is paired with an academic listening and speaking skills book, in which
students encounter discussion and lecture material specially prepared by experts in their field. In this
book, students learn how to take notes from a lecture, participate in discussions, and prepare short
The books at each level may be used as stand-alone reading and writing books or listening and
speaking books. Or they may be used together to create a complete four-skills course. This is made
possible because the content of each book at each level is very closely related. Each unit and chapter,
for example, has the same title and deals with similar content, so that teachers can easily focus on
different skills, but the same content, as they toggle from one book to the other. Additionally, if the
books are taught together, when students are presented with the culminating unit writing or speaking
assignment, they will have a rich and varied supply of reading and lecture material to draw on.

A sustained content-based approach

The Academic Encounters series adopts a sustained content-based approach, which means that
at each level in the series students study subject matter from one or two related academic content
areas. There are two major advantages gained by students who study with materials that adopt this
• Because all the subject matter in each book is related to a particular academic discipline, concepts
and language tend to recur. This has a major facilitating effect. As students progress through
the course, what at first seemed challenging feels more and more accessible. Students thus gain
confidence and begin to feel that academic study in English is not as overwhelming a task as they
might at first have thought.
• The second major advantage in studying in a sustained content-based approach is that students
actually gain some in-depth knowledge of a particular subject area. In other content-based series,
in which units go from one academic discipline to another, students' knowledge of any one subject
area is inevitably superficial. However, after studying a level of Academic Encounters students
may feel that they have sufficiently good grounding in the subject area that they may decide to
move on to study the academic subject area in a mainstream class, perhaps fulfilling one of their
general education requirements.

The four levels in the series

The Academic Encounters series consists of four pairs of books designed for four levels of student
proficiency. Each pair of books focuses on one or more related academic subject areas commonly
taught in college-level courses.
• Academic Encounters 1: The Natural World
Level I in the series focuses on earth science and biology. The books are designed for students at
the low-intermediate level.

8 Introduction
• Academic Encounters 2: American Studies
Level 2 in the series focuses on American history, politics, government, and culture. The books are
designed for students at the intermediate level.
• Academic Encounters 3: Life in Society
Level 3 in the series focuses on sociological topics. The books are designed for students at the
high-intermediate level.
• Academic Encounters 4: Human Behavior
Level 4 in the series focuses on psychology and human communication. The books are designed
for students at the low-advanced to advanced level.

New in the Second Edition

The second edition of the Academic Encounters series retains the major hallmark of the series:
the sustained content approach with closely related pairs of books at each level. However, lessons
learned over the years in which Academic Encounters has been on the market have been heeded
in the publication of this brand new edition. As a result, the second edition marks many notable
improvements that will make the series even more attractive to the teacher who wants to fully prepare
his or her students to undertake academic studies in English.

New in the series

Four units, eight chapters per level. The number of units and chapters in each level has been
reduced from five units I ten chapters in the first edition to four units I eight chapters in the second
edition. This reduction in source material will enable instructors to more easily cover the material in
each book.
Increased scaffolding. W hile the amount of reading and listening material that students have to
engage with has been reduced, there has been an increase in the number of tasks that help students
access the source material, including a greater number of tasks that focus on the linguistic features of
the source material.
Academic Vocabulary. In both the reading and writing and the listening and speaking books, there
are tasks that now draw students' attention to the academic vocabulary that is embedded in the
readings and lectures, including a focus on the Academic Word list (AWL). All the AWL words
encountered during the readings and lectures are also listed in an appendix at the back of each book.
Full color new design. A number of features have been added to the design, not only to make the
series more attractive, but more importantly to make the material easier to navigate. Each task is
coded so that teachers and students can see at a glance what skill is being developed. In addition, the
end-of-unit writing skill and speaking skill sections are set off in colored pages that make them easy
to find.

New in the reading and writing books

More writing skill development. In the first edition of Academic Encounters, the reading and
writing books focused primarily on reading skills. In the second edition, the two skills are much more
evenly weighted, making these books truly reading and writing books.
End-of-chapter and unit writing assignments. At the end of each chapter and unit, students are
taught about aspects of academic writing and given writing assignments. Step-by step scaffolding
is provided in these sections to ensure that students draw on the content, skills, and language they
studied in the unit; and can successfully complete the assignments.
New and updated readings. Because many of the readings in the series are drawn from actual
discipline-specific academic textbooks, recent editions of those textbooks have been used to update
and replace readings.

Introduction 9
New in the listening and speaking books
More speaking skill development. In the first edition of Academic Encounters, the listening and
speaking books focused primarily on listening skills. In the second edition, the two skills in each of
the books are more evenly weighted.
End-of-unit assignments. Each unit concludes with a review of the academic vocabulary introduced
in the unit, a topic review designed to elicit the new vocabulary, and an oral presentation related to
the unit topics, which includes step-by-step guidelines in researching, preparing, and giving different
types of oral presentations.
New and updated lectures and interviews. Because the material presented in the interviews and
lectures often deals with current issues, some material has been updated or replaced to keep it
interesting and relevant for today's students.
Video of the lectures. In addition to audio CDs that contain all the listening material in the listening
and speaking books, the series now contains video material showing the lectures being delivered.
These lectures are on DVD and are packaged in the back of the Student Books.

The Academic Encounters Reading and Writing Books

There are two main goals of the Academic Encounters reading and writing books. The first is to give
students the skills and confidence to approach an academic text, read it efficiently and critically, and
take notes that extract the main ideas and key details. The second is to enable students to display the
knowledge that has been gained from the reading either in a writing assignment or in a test-taking
To this end, tasks in the Academic Encounters reading and writing books are color-coded and
labeled as R G) Reading Skill tasks, V 0 Vocabulary Skill tasks, W � Writing Skill tasks, and
AO Academic Success tasks. At the beginning of each unit, all the skills taught in the unit are listed
in a chart for easy reference.
• Reading Skillsu}. The reading skill tasks are designed to help students develop strategies before
reading, while reading, and after reading. The pre-reading tasks, such as Skimming for Main Ideas,
teach students strategies they can employ to facilitate their first reading of a text. Post-reading
tasks, such as identifying Main ideas and Reading Critically give students the tools to gain the
deepest understanding possible of the text.
• Vocabulary Skillsf). Vocabulary learning is an essential part of improving one's ability to read
an academic text. Many tasks throughout the books focus on particular sets of vocabulary that are
important for reading in a particular subject area as well as the sub-technical vocabulary that is
important for reading in any academic discipline. At the end of each chapter, some of the AWL
words that appeared in the readings of the chapter are listed and an exercise is given that checks
students' knowledge of those words.
• Writing Skills�. There are two types of writing skills throughout the books. One type might
more accurately be described as reading-for-writing skills in that students are asked to notice
features of the texts that they have been reading in order to gain insight into how writers construct
text. The other type is writing development skills, and these appear in the mid-unit and end-of-unit
writing sections and overtly instruct student<; how to write academic texts, in which main ideas are
supported with exa�es and in which plagiarism is avoided.
• Academic Success (.J. Besides learning how to read, write, and build their language proficiency,
students also have to learn other skills that are particularly important in academic settings.
These include such skills as learning how to prepare for a content test, answer certain types of
test questions, take notes, and work in study groups. Academic Encounters makes sure that this
important dimension of being a student in which English is the medium of instruction is not

10 Introduction
There are three readings in each chapter of the Academic Encounters reading and writing books.
Readings vary in length and difficulty depending on the level of the book. The readings in the upper
two levels contain texts that in many cases are unchanged from the college textbooks from which they
were taken. The readings in the two lower-level books make use of authentic source materials. They
are adapted so that they can be better processed by lower-level students, but great pains have been
taken to retain the authentic flavor of the original materials.

Before and after each reading, students are given tasks that activate one or more of the target skills in
the book. The first time a task is introduced in the book, it is accompanied by a colored commentary
box that explains which skill is being practiced and why it is important. When the task type occurs
again later in the book, it is sometimes accompanied by another commentary box, as a reminder or to
present new information about the skill. At the back of the book, there is an alphabetized index of all
the skills covered in the tasks.

Order of units
In each book, a rationale exists for the order of the unit topics. Teachers may choose a different order
if they wish; however, because reading skills and writing skills are developed sequentially throughout
the books, teaching the units in the order that they occur is optimal. If teachers do choose to teach the
units out of order, they can refer to the Skills Index at the back of the book to see what types of tasks
have been presented in earlier units and build information from those tasks into their lessons.

Course length
Each unit in the Academic Encounters reading and writing books will take approximately 20 hours
to teach. The six readings per unit should take about two to two and a half hours to teach, with about
twenty minutes to be spent on the pre-reading activities. The two academic writing development
sections can be taught as two writing workshops, each taking roughly two to two and a half hours to
The course can be made shorter or longer. To shorten the course, teachers might choose not to do
every task in the book and to assign some tasks and texts as homework, rather than do them in class.
To lengthen the course, teachers might choose to supplement the book with content-related material
from their own files, to assign Internet research, and to spend more time on the writing assignments.

Unit Content Quizzes

The Academic Encounters series adopts a sustained content-based approach in which students
experience what it is like to study an academic discipline in an English-medium instruction
environment. In such classes, students are held accountable for learning the content of the course by
the administering of tests.
In the Academic Encounters series, we also believe that students should go back and study the content
of the book and prepare for a test. This review of the material in the books simulates the college
learning experience, and makes students review the language and content that they have studied.
At the back of this Teacher's Manual are four reproducible content quizzes, one for each unit in
the book. Each quiz contains a mixture of true/false questions, multiple choice, and short-answer
questions, plus one question that requires a longer one- or two-paragraph answer. The tests should
take about 50 minutes of class time. Students should be given time to prepare for the test, but should
take it as soon as possible after completing the unit.

Introduction 11
General Teaching Guidelines
In this section, we give some very general instructions for teaching the following elements that occur
in each unit of the Academic Encounters listening and speaking books:
• The unit opener, which contains a preview of the unjt content, skills, and learning outcomes
• The Preparing to Read sections, which occur before each reading
• The Readings, which are sometimes accompanied by short boxed readings
• The After You Read sections, which follow each reading
• The Academic Vocabulary Review sections, which are at the end of each chapter
• The Developing Writing Skills sections, which are at the end of the first chapter of each unit
• The Practicing Academic Writing sections, which occur at the end of the second chapter of each unit

Unit Opener
The opening page of the unit contains the title of the unit, a photograph that is suggestive of
the content of the unit, and a brief paragraph that summarizes the unit. Make sure that students
understand what the title means. Have them look at the art on the page and describe it and talk about
how it might relate to the title.
Finally look at the summary paragraph at the bottom of the page. Read it with your students and
check to be sure that they understand the vocabulary and key concepts. At this point it is not
necessary to introduce the unit topics in any depth, since they will get a detailed preview of the
contents of the unit on the third page of the unit.
On the second page of the unit, students can preview the chapter and reading titles and see what skills
are being taught throughout the unit. Have students read and understand the chapter and reading titles,
and then focus on a few of the skills listed. Note those that students might already be familiar with
and some new ones that are being taught for the first time in the book. Draw students' attention to
the Learning Outcomes at the bottom of the page. This alerts students to what they are expected to be
able to do by the end of the unit. It is also essentially a preview of the major assignment of the unit.
On the third page of the unit are tasks that preview the unit either by having students predict what
information they might find in each section of the unit or by giving them some information from
the unit and having them respond to it. The first couple of times that you teach from this page, tell
students that when they are given a longer reading assignment, such as a chapter of a textbook, it is
always a good strategy for them to preview the titles and headings of the reading, predict what the
reading might be about, and to think about what they might already know about the subject matter.
The unit opener section should take about an hour of class time.

Preparing to Read
Each reading is preceded by a page of pre-reading tasks in a section called Preparing to Read.
Pre-reading is heavily emphasized in the Academic Encounters reading and writing books since it
is regarded as a crucial step in the reading process. Some pre-reading activities introduce students to
new vocabulary; some teach students to get an overall idea of the content by surveying the text for
headings, graphic material, captions, and art, and others have students recall their prior knowledge
of the topic and their personal experiences to help them assimilate the material that they are about to
encounter in the reading.
Although one or two pre-reading tasks are always included for each text, you should look for ways
to supplement these tasks with additional pre-reading activities. As you and your students work your
way through the book, students will become exposed to more and more pre-reading strategies. Having
been exposed to these, students should be adding them to their repertoire, and you should encourage
their regular use. For example, after having practiced the skill of examining graphic material,
previewing headings and subheadings, and skimming for main ideas, students should ideally carry out
these operations every rime they approach a new reading.

12 Introduction
As a general principle, the lower the proficiency level of the students, the greater is the need to spend
time on the pre-reading activities. The more pre-reading tasks students undertake, the easier it is for
students to access the text when it comes time for them to do a close reading.
Each Preparing to Read page should take about thirty minutes of class time. Some may require more
or less time.

Once it comes time for students to read the text, how closely should they do so at this point? Some
students believe that after doing the Preparing to Read tasks, they should now read the text slowly
and carefully. They will be particularly tempted to do so because the texts have been crafted to be
intentionally challenging for them, since students need to be prepared to read challenging, authentic,
un-si. mplified text in their academic studies. However, students should be discouraged from doing
this. For one thing, it is a poor use of class time to have students poring silently over a text for 20
minutes or more. More importantly, it is vital that students train themselves to read quickly, tolerating
some ambiguity and going for understanding the main ideas and overall text structure, rather than
every word and detail.
To promote faster reading, the book includes one Increasing Reading Speed task in most of the units.
In this task, students are encouraged to read the text as quickly as possible, using techniques that can
help them read faster while retaining a fairly high level of comprehension. If students consistently
apply these techniques, most texts will take between 3 and 7 minutes to read. Before students start
reading any text, therefore, it is a good idea to give them a challenging time limit, which they should
aim toward to complete their reading of the text.
An alternative to reading every text in class is to assign some of the longer texts as homework. When
you do this, you should do the pre-reading tasks in class at the end of the lesson and start the next
class by having students quickly skim the text again before moving on to the After You Read tasks.

After You Read

Sometimes, after students have completed reading the text, the first order of business is not to move
on to the After You Read tasks, but to revisit the Preparing to Read tasks to check to see if students
had the correct answers in a predicting or skimming activity.
The tasks in the After You Read section are varied. Some focus on the content of the reading,
some on the linguistic features of the reading, such as the vocabulary and grammar, and some on
the organization of the text. There are also tasks that teach study skills. No two After You Read
sections are the same (in fact, no two After You Read tasks are quite the same) because the content,
organization, and the language of the reading dictate the types of tasks that would be appropriate.
Teachers who are used to more conventional post-reading tasks may be surprised to find that the
focus of the post-reading is not text comprehension. This is because the intention of every task in the
Academic Encounters reading and writing books is to develop a skill, not to test comprehension.
The following are the main functions of the post-reading activities in the Academic Encounters
reading and writing books:
• to have students read for main ideas and think critically about the text
• to ask students to think about the content of the text, find a personal connection to it, or apply new
information learned from the text in some way
• to highlight some of the most salient language in the text, either vocabulary or grammatical
structures, and have students use that language in some way
• to have students gain insight into the style and organization of the text and to use those insights to
help them become more effective writers themselves
• to develop students' repertoire of study skills by teaching them, for example, how to highlight a
text, take notes, and summarize
• to develop students' test-preparation skills by familiarizing them with certain question types and
by asking them to assess what they would need to do if they were going to be tested on the text.

Introduction 13
To make the course as lively as possible, student interaction has been built into most activities.
Thus, although the books are primarily intended to build reading and writing skills, opportunities for
speaking abound. Students discuss the content of the texts, they work collaboratively to solve task
problems, they compare answers in pairs or small groups, and sometimes they engage in role-playing.

Academic Vocabulary Review

The final exercise of each chapter lists words from the Academic Word List that students encountered
in the chapter readings. The first time that you do this exercise, discuss the meaning of "academic
word." Tell students that it is a word that occurs frequently across all types of academic texts
regardless of the academic subject matter. As such, these are words that deserve students' special
attention. Encourage students to learn these words and point out that at the back of the book there is
an appendix of words from the Academic Word List that occurred in the readings. Promote the value
of learning words from this appendix during their study of the course.

Developing Writing Skills

The Developing Writing Skills section of the unit occurs in the middle of the unit between the two
chapters. In this section, students learn about some aspect of the writing process, such as how to
write topic sentences, how to organize a paragraph or an essay, how to summarize, and how to avoid
plagiarism. In the Academic Encounters reading and writing books Levels 1-2, the focus is primarily
on learning how to write paragraphs. In the higher two levels, 3-4, the focus is on longer pieces of
text, including academic essays.
In the first part of the section, the particular sub-skill that is the focus of the section is presented in an
information box with clear examples. In the second part of the section, students are given a number
of discrete activities to practice these writing sub-skills. Many of the activities in this section are
collaborative. Teachers might therefore want to set up a writing workshop-style classroom when
working on these sections, putting the students to work in pairs or small groups and circulating
among them, checking on their progress and giving individualized feedback.

Practicing Academic Writing

The two sections of the unit that are devoted entirely to writing instruction are both set off on
lightly-colored pages so that teachers can easily locate them throughout the book. This enables
teachers or students to use them as reference sections and come back to them frequently as they
work their way through the book.
The second writing section, Practicing Academic Writing, occurs at the very end of the unit. In this
section, students are given a writing assignment and guided through steps in the writing process to
help them satisfactorily complete the assignment. The writing assignments draw from content from
the unit, so students are asked to go back to the readings in order to complete the assignments. In
addition, students are reminded of any linguistic features that were the focus of instruction in the unit
and are prompted to attempt to use such language in their own writing.
The Practicing Academic Writing section is divided into three parts: Preparing to Write, Now Write,
and After You Write. In these three parts, students do pre-writing work (Preparing to Write), write a
first draft (Now Write), and revise and edit their work (After You Write).
The Practicing Academic Writing section may well stretch over two or more class periods, with
teachers varying the amount of in-class and out-of-class time spent on writing. The Preparing to Write
part should be done in class. Here the students are presented with the assignment and are given some
pre-writing activities that will aid them in writing their first draft. The Now Write part should at least
sometimes be done in class so that teachers can accurately assess the strength of a student's writing.

14 Introduction
It is recommended that teachers go through the After You Write part of the section in a different class
from the first two parts of this section, so that they have a chance to provide feedback on students'
writing and students have a chance to digest and apply that feedback. Remind students that good
writers almost always write and re-write their texts several times and that the more re-writing of their
texts that they do, the better writers they will eventually become.

Introduction 15
Chapter 1
The Foundations of Government
Reading 1 - From Colonies to After You Read
United States 1 Cues for finding word
After You Read meaning Page 13
1 Reading for main ideas Page 7 • reject (Par. 3)
A • not permitted by the Constitution (Par. 3)
1. 2 2. 3 3. 3 4. 2 5. 4 • a balance of power between the federal, or central,
6. l 7. 1 8. 4 government and the state governments (Par. 5)
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a
I . the highest court 2. block 3. Congress

2 Reading for details Page a C

1. 4 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 1 1. Congress 2. blocks 3. reject
6. 4 7. 2 8. 4 D
I. the highest court 2. central
3 Guessing meaning from 3. not permitted by the Constitution
context Page 8
Clues: Sample answers:
l. that is 2. that is 3. in other words The judicial branch is the Supreme Court and other courts.
Electing, or choosing, a national leader is very important.
Sample answers: 2 Examining graphics Page 14
1. A republic is a government with an elected leader B
instead of a king. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F
2. A democratic government is a system based on the 6. F 7. T 8. F
idea that all men are equal and that the government
should represent all of the nation's citizens.
3. A federalist system is a system that divides power and 3 Showing contrast Page 1 s
responsibility between the states and the federal, or A
central, government. • They wanted a strong leader; however, they also
wanted a representative government. (Par. 1)
• Although people often think of the president as
Reading 2 - A Balance the center of government, the Constitution lists the
legislative branch first. (Par. 2)
of Power • However, if two-thirds of the members in both the
Senate and the House of Representatives disagree,
Preparing to Read they can override, that is, reject, the president's
veto. (Par. 3)
1 Examining graphics Page 1 o • Although the Constitution does not establish political
A parties, there have been two strong parties in the
1. C 2. C 3. P 4. SC 5. C United States throughout most of its history. (Par. 4)
6. P 7. C 8. P

16 Chapter 1 The Foundations of Government
Sample answers: 1. may 2. may not 3. may 4. may not
Although the president leads the military, only Congress
can declare war.
Sample answers:
Although the president leads the military, he cannot
declare war. 2. The Bill of Rights permits criticism of the
The president leads the military. However, only Congress
can declare war. 3. The Bill of Rights does allow freedom of speech.
4. The Bill of Rights prohibits police searches without
permission from a judge.
5. The Bill of Rights allows gun ownership.
Reading 3 The Bill of Rights 6. The Bill of Rights forbids imprisonment without an
Preparing to Read 7.The Bill of Rights does not permit secret trials.
1 Thinking about the topic Page 1 s E
A Sample answers:
The following activities are legal in the United States: 2. The Bill of Rights forbids the police to search without
2, 6, 8. All others are unconstitutional. permission from a judge.
3. The Bill of Rights permits citizens to criticize the
After You Read government.
4. The Bill of Rights allows citizens to express their
1 Applying what you have read Page 20 ideas freely.
1. a 2. b 3. C 4. a 5. a 4 Writing definitions Page 22
6. a 7. b 8. a 9. C B
C Sample answers:
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 1. A criminal suspect is a person who is accused of a
6. b 7. C 8. a crime.
2. Libel is a lie that could harm someone.
3 Expressing permission Pages 21-22 3.The Bill of Rights is a document that establishes many
A fundamental rights and freedoms.
4. Suffragettes were women who fought for their right to
• ... [T]he First Amendment does allow people to
protest against the government if they think it is doing
something wrong. (Par. 4)
• It permits them to criticize the government in speech
or in writing. (Par. 4) Chapter 1 Academic
• The Second Amendment permits states to form a Vocabulary Review
militia, or army of citizens, and citizens to keep guns
for their own protection.(Par. 5) Page 24
• The Fourth Amendment forbids police searches
1. framework 6. documents
without permission from a judge. (Par. 5)
2. maintain 7. fundamental
• Before the Nineteenth Amendment ( 1920), women
3. consists 8. assistance
were prohibited from voting in most states. (Boxed
text, top p. 19) 4. rejected 9. guarantees
5. removed 10. specifies

Chapter 1 The Foundations of Government 17
Developing Writing Skills C
Pages 25-26 D
A Sample answers:
1. One of the main purposes of the Bill of Rights was a. The Constitution is the most important document in
to limit the power of government, but this idea is also U.S. history.
clear in some more recent amendments. b. The first settlers in the United States hoped to start a
2. One of the most important and powerful is the new life.
Fourteenth Amendment. c. Freedom of expression is a complicated idea.
3. However, repealing, that is, reversing, an amendment d. Criminal suspects have important rights.
is even more uncommon. e. Voting rights have a long history of struggle.
f. Answers will vary.
1. this idea is also clear in some more recent
2. One of the most important and powerful
3. is even more uncommon

18 Chapter 1 The Foundations of Government
Constitutional Issues Today
Reading 1 - Freedom of B
Expression: How Far Does 1. harmful 4. central
2. dangerous 5. painful
HGo? 3. presidential 6. courageous
After You Read
4 Collocations Page 33
1 Reading for main ideas Page 31 A
A (agree) with; (participated) in; (protesting) against
I. 3 2. 6 3. 2 4. 4 5. 5/6
B Sample answers:
2. It is legaJ to write about government programs that you
do not agree with.
2 Taking notes with a chart Pages 31-32 Many people participated in the Occupy movement.
A The right to protest against the government is protected
by the First Amendment.
Sample answers:

Hate speech 1. saying offensive 1. saying or writing Reading 2 - Separating

and symbols or hurtful things offensive things about Religion and Government
about people people in a way that
2. burning crosses threatens them After You Read
to express ideas 2. burning crosses to
encourage violence 1 Reading for details Pages 37
Political 1. protest 1. protests that block A
protest marches or public streets
demonstrations 2. protests that prevent (sent. 2) It states that the government may not interfere
2. flag burning offices or business with people's private religious beliefs.
from operating
B Sample answers (all from paragraph 2):

Sample answers: • The government may not establish a church or force

people to practice a particular religion.
• The First Amendment does not protect hate speech
• It may not favor or support one religion more than
that contains threats.
• There is no protection for political protests that
• [T]his means that religious practices and symbols are
prevent others from doing what they want to do,
not permitted on government property, such as courts
such as go to work or school.
or public (government-supported) schools.
• [T]eachers in public schools may not say prayers in
3 Word families Pages 32-33 class.
A • This guarantee of religious freedom also means that
1. globaJ 4. hurtful individuals may not impose their religious beliefs on
2. religious 5. controversy others.
3. race 6. political

Chapter 2 Constitutional Issues Today 19
2 Writing about numbers Page 37 3. broad (Par. 9)
4. 300 million (Par. 9)
5. 12 (Par. 10)
Sample answers:
• Just over three-quarters of Americans are Christians.
• About four percent of Americans do not have
2 Topic sentences Page 43
a religion. A and B
• Approximately one percent of Americans are 3. A 5. F
4 Understanding test
3 The Academic Word List Page 38
questions Page 45
I. i 2. d 3. a 4. g 5. b
6. j 7. e 8. C 9. h 10. f
a. Type 2 d. Type 2
5 Giving reasons Page 39 b. Type 3 e. Type 2
A c. Type I f. Type 3
1. The authors of the Constitution included religious
freedom in the First Amendment(becaus�they wanted B
to avoid religious conflicts. a. Type 2 b. Type 3 C. Type l
2. The Constitution establishes a policy of "separation
of church and state"; �hereforeJ there is no national Chapter 2 Academic Vocabulary
Review Page 46
3. (Becauseythe early settlers were Christian, some
Americans think of their country as a Christian nation. l. majority 6. controversial
4. (Since)the Supreme Court has ruled that flag burning is 2. Immigrants 7. contribute
3. widespread 8. restrictions
a legal form of political protest, any law that prohibits
4. residents 9. individuals
it is unconstitutional.
5. participate 10. security
Sample answers:
l. Since the government cannot support a religion, Practicing Academic Writing
religious practices and symbols are not permitted
on government property, such as courts and public Preparing to Write Page 48
schools. Cand D
2. Many people left Europe for the American colonies 3 I am afraid of the police. Without this protection, they
because they wanted a chance for success. could come into my house.
3. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable 3 A newspaper story said the police put drugs into
searches; therefore, the police cannot enter a house someone's car during a search and then arrested the
without permission from a judge. owner. That is breaking the law.
4. The police said protestors were harming the health Criminals might be hiding things like drugs and guns
and safety of other people; as a result, they ended the in their house or car.
Occupy protests. 3 What if a police officer is just mad at you and wants to
do something bad to you?
Reading 3 - Guns in America: 2 It is hard for the police to find criminals if there are
too many laws that protect the criminals.
The Right to Bear Arms 2 Maybe the police are trying too hard to find criminals
and they break the Jaw, too.
After You Read
1 Scanning Page 43
l . Wild animals, British army (Par. 2)
2. an army of citizens (Par. 3)

20 Chapter 2 Constitutional Issues Today
The Origins of Diversity
Reading 1 - America's 3 The passive voice Page 59
First People A
1. Many native communities were almost destroyed
Preparing to Read by the actions of the settlers and the policies of the
American government.
1 Examining graphics Page 54 2. Sometimes a tribe was aJlowed to stay on a small part
Sample answer: of its original land.
The loss of Native American land 3. Hundreds of Cherokee were beaten, imprisoned, or
4. The Cherokee who survived were forced to march
2 Previewing art Page 54 1,000 miles.
Sample answers:
l . They gave up their culture. B
2. They show the dramatic losses of Native Americans. Many native children were required to leave their
families and attend government boarding schools.
After You Read The children lived at these schools, where their
traditional ways were replaced by the customs and
behavior of white Americans.
1 Reading for main ideas Page 58
2 C
l. is called

2 Reading for details Page 58 2. were imprisoned or killed
3. broke
Cand D
4. were forced
5. created
tc.,tarrn/ K8ftllfrn/ pofntJ:
point 1: point 2: D
�· Sample answer:
'11111!� ' .. Native Americans were treated very badly by the U.S.
government broke settlers believed in Europeans government.
treaties ownership of land brought diseases
that killed many
Reading 2 - Slavery
government passed white Americans settlers wanted
laws that forced believed they were Indians' rich Preparing to Read
native tribes off better than Indians land; battles
their lands to with government 1 Words related to the topic Page so
reservations began, Indians
usually the loser B
government's children taken 2. Sample answers:
assimilation policy from their furniture, equipment, land, animals, property
made native families and
children learn put in boarding
American culture schools

Chapter 3 The Origins of Diversity 21
After You Read B
1. The chart shows a list of various types of goods and
1 Highlighting Page 64 people who were transported to and from different
A places.
2. The map shows how the triangular trade of slaves,
molasses, and rum was connected to the cotton
3. Student responses will vary.

3 Synonyms Page 66
1. essential 6. dreadful
2. labor 7. disobeyed
3. opposed 8. preserve
4. profited 9. prosperity
5. producers 10. narratives

5 The passive voice Page 67

A and B
Sample answers:
In the Caribbean ports, the ships picked up olasses a
syrup from Caribbean sugar, and brought it to northern
cities such as Boston and New York. TheCmolasses) as
then made into �umJ1n alcoholic drink. Some of th�
m 'ttas shi ed to Africa and � fo slave The
to the Caribbean, and the eye e

Sample answers: C
The slaves received their freedom at the end of the Sample answers with key word bolded:
American Civil War (1861-1865) which divided the l . In factories in England, the cotton was woven into
North and the South. Disagreement about slavery was cloth. The cloth was sold all over the world.
one of the major causes of the war. The South wanted to 2. The sugar was cooked and made into molasses. The
preserve slavery; it was essential to their prosperity. The molasses was exchanged for African slaves.
North wanted to end it. (Par. 5) 3. The ships that returned to the ports in the Caribbean
were filled with slaves. The slaves were sold at auctions.
2 Examining graphics Page 65
�: {u � 1 tnt�·"'· �-··""'§/;�
ii! <' �"' �¥\� N" i�7' ·"�"! .��

� '1.��;.f"- ��·,bk�
slaves Africa Ports in the Caribbean
and American South
molasses Caribbean Northern U.S. dties
rum Northern U.S. cities Africa
cotton Southern U.S. Northern U.S. and
Great Britain

22 Chapter 3 The Origins of Diversity
Reading 3 - A Country of 3 Examining graphics Page 73
Immigrants A
1. 1901-1910 2. No
After You Read
1 Taking notes with a chart Page 12 question 1:
B From 1820 to 1875, about 7 million newcomers entered
Sample chart: the United States, but the greatest numbers came between
1875 and 1920. During this period, about 24 million im­
migrants poured into the United States from almost every
religious persecution adventure quotas and
part of the world, reaching a peak in the first 10 years of
in Europe cheap land restrictions on the twentieth century. (Par. 2)
wars and revolutions economic immigration question 2:
poor economic opportunity In response to fears about the flood of newcomers, Con­
conditions government
gress passed a law to limit immigration. It allowed only
immigrants who could read and write. It also prohibited
all immigration from Asia. In 1921, Congress established
a system of quotas. (Par. 5)
2 Guessing meaning from
context Page 73
B 4 Scanning Page 73
1. 24 million (Par. 2)
1. N
2. mining, building the railroad (Par. 3)
However, this flood of immigrants began to alarm many 3. 1921 (Par. 5)
American citizens. They believed that the immigrants, 4. 1965 (Par. 5)
who worked for low wages, were talcing their jobs. 5. Cuba (Boxed text)
2. N
Most immigrants had difficult lives but two immigrant
groups who faced particular hardships in the second half
of the nineteenth century were the Chinese and the Irish.
Chapter 3 Academic
3. N
Vocabulary Review
As they had with the Chinese, many Americans believed Page 74
the Irish were talcing away their jobs and as a result, the 1. identity 6. construction
Irish, too, often faced hostility. 2. survived 7. resources
4. p 3. cycles 8. cooperation
Quotas were only for white immigrants; nonwhite 4. policy 9. estimate
immigrants were prohibited from entering the country at 5. primarily 10. challenge
that time. This quota system, which favored immigrants
from Europe, ended in 1965.

Chapter 3 The Origins of Diversity 23
Developing Writing Skills G
Sample answers:
Pages 75-76
D L Physical violence and mistreatment were
common problems for immigrants, slaves,
Sample answers: and Native Americans.
,;. t o,,c,.M.,
, "'4, �-;..,i.,,······ ., a. Immigrants were often beaten by Americans or
;��;:�;·;:· .•• �::-:.:.';r'•.. - :··.{�·;}..�"......: . ·� �l
�'\II;-· ··q, ' ·.- .
members of earlier immigrant groups.
• b. Slaves were often terribly mistreated. They were
Government Removal state quotas and whipped and beaten if they disobeyed their owners.
laws and Act permitted restrictions c. Native Americans were forced on long marches.
policies slavery and
mistreatment H
Working long hours, dangerous Sample answers:
conditions poor difficult 2. One of the hardest challenges for some groups was the
conditions, work, low destruction of their families and culture.
severe wages
a. Native Americans were forced to leave their
traditional lands. Their children were taken away
Physical forced physical violence to attend boarding schools where they lost their
violence and marches from mistreatment, against new culture.
mistreatment land, children families immigrants
b. African families were destroyed when husbands,
taken from separated
families wives, and children were sold to different owners.
c. Immigrants' cultures were often misunderstood.
Cultural no no misunder-
differences understanding understanding standing of
of their of their cultures that
culture culture; were different
whites from
believed they American
had none culture
Attitudes of government many viewed many other
other groups and white them as groups were
Americans property like hostile
viewed them animals
as children

24 Chapter 3 The Origins of Diversity
Diversity in Today's United States
Reading 1 - America's B
Increasing Diversity Sample answers:
1. Students taking important exams should sleep at least
Preparing to Read eight hours the night before the exams.
2. People learning a second language should find native
1 Increasing reading speed Page 77 speakers to practice with.
C 3. Tourists visiting Mexico should go to the National
l. Since 1965, there has been a sharp increase in Museum in Mexico City.
immigration from Latin America and Asia. Prior 4. People earning more than l million dollars a year
to that, European immigrants were the majority. should give some of their money to people in need.
2. The white population (non-Latino) is about
63 percent. 3 Suffixes Pages 82-83
3. Critics claim immigrants take jobs away from A
Americans, keep wages low, use too many public
resources, and do not want to learn English or become diversity (Par. 2), majority (Par. 5), minority (Par. 4),
part of American culture. popularity (Par. 5), productivity (Par. 8)
2 Examining graphics Page 77 I. diversity 4. legal
A 2. equal 5. reality
3. majority
Sample answer:
The chart shows that the majority of immigrants now C
come from Latin America and Asia. Sample answers:
l. There has often been hostility against immigrants who
After You Read look different.
2. Employers cannot treat workers differently because of
1 Answering true/false their ethnicity.
questions Page 81
A and B
l. T!Text 4. F!Text, Fig. 4.1 Reading 2 - The Nation's
2. F!Text 5. F!Text Fastest-Growing Minorities
3. F!Text 6. F/Boxed Text
Preparing to Read
2 Writing descriptions Page 82
Examining graphics Page 84
Sample answers:
Sample answers:
2. living in the United States were born in another
country 1. Midwest (North Dakota) and West (Nevada); also
who live in the United States were born in another Southeast, Southwest
country 2. the East and Midwest/Southeast and West (Nevada
3. criticizing new immigrants and Utah); also Northwest
that criticized new immigrants 3. No, it is the percentage change, not the size of the
4. working in high-tech companies are immigrants population; that is, it indicates by what percent the
who work in high-tech companies are immigrants population has increased or decreased.

Chapter 4 Diversity in Today's United States 25
After You Read 3 Examining graphics Page 89
1 Reading for main ideas Page 88
l. F 2. M 3. F 4. F
A 5. F 6. F 7. M
a. 3 b. 4 C. 2 d. I e. 5
B Sample answers:
1. The rapid increase in the Latino population could
mean that political parties will try to target Latinos
2 Taking notes in an outline Page 88 with their candidates and be more responsive to issues
facing Latino immigrants.
Sample answers:
2. The increase in the Asian American population could
The nation's fastest-growing minorities also mean that political parties will try to be more
I. Th� Asian American and LatinQ pQpulatiQns responsive to issues of Asian Americans, but probably
are grQwing fast�r than the white and black not to the same extent as for the Latino population,
po12ulations. given the smaller increases.
3. ln both cases of rising populations, it could point to a
A. Latinos a larger minority than African more diverse group of politicians in the future, as the
Americans white population becomes a smaller percentage of the
8. more than 100,000,000 Latinos in 2050 whole.
4. The increase in the Latino population is much
C. Asian Americans are growing fastest
faster and greater than that of the Asian American
D. In 2050 - more than 35,000,000 Asian population, and therefore there is likely to be more
Americans in the nation attention given to Latinos in this regard.
II. Latinos are the largest minority in the nation.
A. growing four times faster than the rest of the 4 Writing about growth Page 90
population A
8. Latinos 50 percent of the growth in the U.S. significant and continuous growth (Par. 1)
population 2000-2010 grew faster (Par. 1)
expand by 43 percent (Par. 2)
III. Latinos no longer live only in big cities. growing rapidly (Par. 4)
A. smaller cities and towns
8. in the country where there are not big towns Sample answers:
at all
1. The Latino population has increased faster than the
IV. Asian immigrants today are very different from Asian American population.
the Asian immigrants of the past. 2. There has been steady growth in the Latino population
A. left their countries because there were no in the last 10 years.
opportunities there 3. The Asian American population is expanding rapidly.
8. today many countries in Asia have many
economic opportunities
V. Asians continue to immigrate to the U.S. for
job opportunities.
A. they work in jobs that require a lot of
education and skill
8. high incomes

26 Chapter 4 Diversity in Today's United States
Reading 3 - The 4 Understanding cartoons Page 97
Undocumented: B
Unauthorized Immigrants Sample answers:
1 unauthorized immigrants
Preparing to Read 2 Native Americans
3 opponents of illegal immigration
1 Words related to the topic Page 91
Sample answers: Chapter 4 Academic
• Most of the undocumented residents in the U.S. come Vocabulary Review
from Mexico.
• More than 10 percent of the unauthorized immigrants Page 98
in the nation were born in Asia. 1. predict 6. debated
2. founders 7. stable
After You Read 3. income 8. targets
4. dominant 9. minimum
1 Reading actively Page 95 5. approximately 10. declined
Most unauthorized immigrants enter the United States
through the desert across the U.S.-Mexico border. These Practicing Academic Writing
numbers have declined in recent years for several
reasons. First, the economy of Mexico has improved
Preparing to Write
since 2000, when about 500,000 people crossed the Page 100
border illegally every year in search of work. In addition,
the U.S. economy has been weak, so there are fewer jobs. F
As a result, the number of Mexicans crossing the border a,c
illegally is now estimated to be about 150,000 per year.
Sample answers:
Experts believe more people are returning to Mexico
from the United States than are coming from Mexico to All of the paragraphs begin with a discussion of
the United States. discrimination against Chinese in the workplace in the
nineteenth century. Paragraph #2 continues with the
D topic of discrimination against Chinese in the nineteenth
Crossing the border can be dangerous. The United States century,extending it beyond the workplace to other
watches many of the crossing points and stops any aspects of their lives. Paragraph #3 continues with the
unauthorized immigrants who try to cross. As a result, topic of workplace discrimination against Chinese,
many people have tried to cross from Mexico to the extending it into the present. Both establish unity by
United States through the desert, at points where there extending one aspect of the topic introduced in the
are few U.S. officials. Some of them do not bring enough beginning of the paragraph. Paragraph #1 introduced a
food or water. Some get lost. Other people hide in ships new topic: discrimination outside of the workplace in this
and trucks. In 2010, U.S. officials stopped about half a century. As a result, the paragraph is not unified.
million people from illegally entering the country. They
also found the bodies of more than 400 people who died Now Write
on the journey.
Pages 101-102
2 Using a dictionary Page 96 A
B Sample answers:
1 support 1 treat 2 support Americans have often had a very positive perspective on
Americans have sometimes treated new immigrants badly.

Chapter 4 Diversity in Today's United States 27
Sample paragraphs:
Americans have often had a very positive perspective
on immigration. Most Americans have immigrant origins
and they are very proud of this fact. They also value the
role that immigrants play in the economy. They want im­
migrants to do the work they do not want to do, such as
gardening and cleaning.
Americans have sometimes treated new immigrants
badly. This is especially true when the new immigrants
come from a very different culture and Americans
find their values and customs difficult to understand.
Competition for jobs between Americans and new
immigrants can also result in hostility.

Throughout history Americans have had an ambivalent
attitude toward immigrants and immigration.

On the other hand, Americans have sometimes treated
new immigrants badly.

28 Chapter 4 Diversity in Today's United States
The Struggle Begins
Reading 1 - All Men Are 3 Suffixes Page 11 o
Created Equal 1. exclusion
2. treatment
Preparing to Read 3. rejected
4. dedication
1 Increasing reading speed Page 106 5. acceptance
Sample answers:
1. the meaning of equality to the founders of the United accept disagreement
include protection
2. all men are created equal
3. blacks and women had to be included as equal exclude treatment
4. to guarantee equal protection to everyone in the involve
United States reject
After You Read
2 Writing about time
sequences Pages 109-110 Reading 2 - The Legacy of the
A Civil War
Sample answers:
Preparing to Read
• But what did the term equality really mean when the
nation began? (Par. I)
1 Words related to the topic Page 111
• When the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution were written, "men" did not mean B
"people." (Par. 4) Sample answers:
• Almost 100 years after the Declaration of 1. discrimination, segregation
Independence, the United States fought a civil war 2. segregation is forced separation and the practice of
that involved the issue of equality. (Par. 5) keeping ethnic, racial, religious, or gender groups
• During the Civil War, at a service to dedicate a separate
cemetery for soldiers, President Abraham Lincoln
made one of the most famous speeches in American
history, the Gettysburg Address. (Par. 6)
After You Read
• The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was
passed several years after the Civil War ended. (Par. 7)
1 Reading for details Page 114
• Yet, long after the Civil War, many Americans still did A
not receive equal treatment at work, at school, or in the Sample answers:
courts. (Par. 7) 1. African Americans who tried to work against this
B system, even in small ways - for example, by
arguing with a white person - might be beaten, or
1. (After the Civil War I After the Civil War ended,) worse, Lynched. A lynching is a murder that occurs,
Congress passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and usually by hanging, when an angry individual or
Fifteenth Amendments. group decides that someone is guilty of a crime or
2. (During)the second half of the twentieth century, there misbehavior and kills the suspect without a trial. !!
was an increase in immigration from Latin America. is estimated that there were almost 5,0<X> lynchings
3. (Before the War of Independence I Before the War of) between 1882 and 1968. (Par. 6)
(Independence beganJ many colonists were British
Chapter 5 The Struggle Begins 29
2. Starting in the 1880s, most Southern states passed laws C
requiring African Americans to pass literacy tests or Sample answer:
pay a voting tax in order to vote. Literacy tests required
voters to read a text and answer questions about it. Jim Crow laws are laws that encourage segregation and
Often these texts were difficult and confusing. Because discrimination. For example, some Jim Crow laws re­
quired separate public facilities for whites and blacks.
most African Americans had little or no education at
that time, many of them failed the test. The voting tax
required voters to pay to vote. The voting tax was one 3 Reading boxed texts Page 11 s
or two dollars, which was equal to several days' wages
and far too expensive for many of the former slaves. B
The test and the tax were effective ways to prevent Give some information or ideas that may be in conflict
African Americans from voting. (Par. 2) with the text.
In addition, many Southern states passed
grandfather laws, which stated that anyone with a
4 Guessing meaning from
family member (such as a grandfather) who had voted
before 1867 did not have to take the literacy test or context Pages 115-116
pay voting taxes. This allowed uneducated, poor A
white voters to avoid these tests and taxes. Because 1. b 2. a 3. C 4. a
the parents and grandparents of African Americans
had been slaves and therefore unable to vote, the B
grandfather laws prevented many African Americans Sample answer:
in the South from voting. (Par. 3) between races
3. The white facilities were almost always superior to the
facilities for African Americans. (Par. 4)
4. In spite of the hardships, the period between the Civil
War and the 1960s was a time of great cultural and Reading 3 - The Battle for
artistic activity in the African American community. Civil Rights
There was also an increase in the number of
businesses operated by and for African Americans. After You Read
Madam C. J. Walker ran one of the most successful
businesses during this time. (Boxed text) 1 Reading for main ideas Page 121
5. The struggle for equality was not over. From the 4
beginning of the nation, through the Civil War, and
still today, Americans have argued about what equality
really means, and the fight for equality for all people
has been long and difficult. (Par. 7)

2 Answering definition
questions on a test Page 114
Sample answers:
1. Literacy tests were tests that required people to read
something and answer questions about it before they
could vote.
2. A voting tax was a fee that people had to pay in order the students�ontmued t�1r protests.
to vote. 4. In one famous incident at an all-white restaurant in
3. A lynching is a murder, usually by hanging, that is North Carolina, black and wh�dents organized
committed by angry people who kill because of the a protest called a sit-in. Tifey simply sat in the
person's race or ethnicity. restaurant until the African American customers were
served. There were many sit-ins. Sometimes they
lasted for days. �

30 Chapter 5 The Struggle Begins
5. The anger sometimes Jed to violence against the Developing Writing Skills
protesters.,:_nd even a ainst blacks in general.?

Protests expanded an the violence againihhem also Pages 125-126
Sample answers:
3 Answering short-answer test
I. Voting rights
questions Page 122 II. Use of public facilities
B III. Education
Sample sentences:
a. Analyze the first paragraph of the Declaration of
Sample answers:
b. Describe some of the segregation policies that were I. Voting Rights
common in the American South after the Civil War. A. After Civil War - many barriers to voting, for ex.
c. Compare perspectives on the definition of equality poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather laws
at the time of the War for Independence and after the B. 1960s and later - courts ruled that these were all
Civil War. illegal; greater equality in voting
ll. Use of public facilities
D A. l 870-l 960s - segregated, facilities for blacks
I. The lawyers defending segregation in the Brown much worse than facilities for whites
versus Board of Education of Topeka case(offered two) B. 1960s and later - Supreme Court ruled
(mam arguments.) segregation of public facilities in violation of
Fourteenth Amendment
2. The strategies of the civil rights movement(included)
III. Education
(court battles and street protests.)
A. 1870-l 960s - segregated, schools for blacks
3. The economies of the Northern and Southern states
much worse than facilities for whites
before the U.S. Civil War(were very different.) B. 1960s and later - Bd vs. Topeka B of Ed ended
legal segregation
4 Reading boxed texts Page 123
I. African Americans Sample paragraph:
2. Answers will vary. After the Civil War and until the middle of the
3. a raisin in the sun, a sore, rotten meat, a syrupy sweet, twentieth century, many African Americans were forced
a heavy load to use separate and inferior public facilities. One of the
4. Answers wil vary. major battles of the civil rights movement was to end
5. Answers will vary. this practice. Before the civil rights movement, African
Americans had to sit in separate areas in buses and trains
and use separate bathrooms and drinking fountains.
Many businesses, such as restaurants and hotels, would
Chapter 5 Academic not serve African Americans. The civil rights movement
Vocabulary Review protested against this unfair treatment. There were protest
marches and sit-ins to bring attention to unfair treatment
Page 124 of African Americans. The court system was used to
1. violation 6. evident fight against it. These strategies helped lead to changes in
2. issues 7. transportation federal and state laws as well as in the attitudes of many
3. excluded 8. eventually Americans.
4. incidents 9. section
5. inherently 10. pursuit

. Chapter 5 The Struggle Begins 31
The Struggle Continues
Reading 1 - What Does B
Equality Mean Today? 1. guarantee
2. opportunity
4. provide
5. perspective
Preparing to Read 3. results
4 Markers of relationship Page 133
Understanding key terms Page 127
A and B
1. regardless of 3. despite/in spite of
1. d 2. e 3. b 4. C 5. a 2. depending on 4. based on
After You Read B
Sample answers:
1 Reading for main ideas Page 131
1. His decision was based on his past experience with the
A company.
2. Regardless of your opinion, you should listen to what
other people have to say.
2 Understanding text 3. Depending on the weather, we may be able to eat
structure Page 131 lunch outside.
A 4. He decided to take the job in spite of the low salary.
I. Par. 2 2. Par. 4 3. Par. 5 4. Par. 3
5. Par. 1

Reading 2 - Equal Rights and
University of California: reject; Allan Bakke: argue;
Protection for All
Abigail Fisher: argue After You Read

3 Synonyms Page 132 1 Reading for details Page 138

I. ...the government should ensure that there are not Sample answers:
only equal opportunities and resources for minorities Progress details are underlined once; challenge details
but also equaJ results ... are underlined twice.
2. ... everyone should have an equal ch to succeed Women
and to compete for resources.
Women were the first to use the strategies that had
3. A third perspective on equality is that there should be been successful in the civil rights movement: protests,
equal outcome�. boycotts, and political pressure. As a result, since the
4. Perhaps the African American children are more likely 1960s, women have achieved some degree of equality.
to be from poor families who cannot .give them the For example, before the women's movement began,
support they need to succeed in school. far more men than women attended college. Today,
5. The second view ...says that we are all different, but significantly more women than men attend college; the
none of these differences matters ... number of men and women attending law, medical, and
business schools is almost equal. Women today make
up about half of the labor force, and some have become
leaders in government and business.By law, employers
may no longer discriminate based on gender; in fact, they
may not specify gender or age in job advertisements.

32 Chapter 5 The Struggle Continues
Nevertheless, there is still a gap between men and reduce their workforce. They may fire older workers,
women, particularly in the workplace. The estimates of who often cost employers more than younger workers,
the gap vary. For men and women working in the same without providing a reason. Older workers who Jose their
profession, the gap is smaller. However, according to jobs, particularly those over 50, generally have more dif­
the U.S. Rureau of Labor Statistics, when comparing ficulty finding a new job than younger workers. Experts
all men and women regardless of occupation, women say that age discrimination remains more acceptable in
who work full-time earn just 77 cents for every dollar the workplace than discrimination based on race or
that men with equal experience earn for equal work. gender. When employers say they want "fresh ideas"
For example, on average, if a man earns $100,000 to in their business, they often mean they want younger,
do a job, a woman receives just $77,000 for the same cheaper workers. (Par. 7)
job. This results in a lifetime difference of $431,000 in
wages. Although women make up half of the labor force, 2 Writing about examples Page 139
80 percent of them work in job categories that have the A
lowest pay. There have been many improvements in the • In other words, these laws state that it is illegal
status of women, but inequalities remain. Perhaps the to discriminate against people based on specific
most important achievement of the women's movement characteristics, such as race, religion, national origin,
is that girls who are born today expect an equal chance gender, age, and disability. (Par. 1)
for success. (Par. 3) • For example, before the women's movement began,
Disabled far more men than women attended coIJege. (Par. 2)
Therefore, it has not always been easy for the disabled • For example, on average, if a man earns $100,000 to
to gain access to education and employment. There is a do a job, a woman receives just $77,000 for the same
strong relationship between disability and low income, job. (Par. 3)
low levels of education, and unemployment. Over the • It is estimated that more than 50 million Americans -
past 40 years, people with disabilities have fought for 19 percent of the population - have some form of
equal protection and treatment. Their battle has been physical or mental disability, such as blindness or
difficult but has had positive results. Today, federal and depression. (Par. 4)
many state laws prohibit companies, governments, and • For example, a worker in a wheelchair might need a
institutions from discriminating against people with special desk. (Par. 5)
disabilities. (Par. 4) • For example, buildings must provide accommodations
The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) such as accessible bathrooms and ramps for people in
protects people with disabilities against discrimination wheelchairs. (Par. 6)
in several areas. In employment, it states that if a person
with a disability is qualified to do a particular job, the B
employer must accommodate that person, that is, the I. X 2. � 3. X 4. � 5. X 6. �
employer must offer reasonable assistance for that
worker. For example, a worker in a wheelchair might 3 Prepositions with verbs Page 140
need a special desk. This kind of accommodation can
be expensive, and many employers have resisted these A
changes in spite of the law. (Par. 5) 1. on 5. against
The ADA also states that public places and 2. against 6. for
transportation must provide access for people with 3. rn 7. for
disabilities so that they can participate in daily life. (Par. 6)
4. to 8. in
Older adults
Federal law also prohibits discrimination against people
because of their age, specifically, against people who are
40 years old or older. This means that employers cannot
base decisions about hiring, pay, or promotion on an
employee's age. Similarly, a worker cannot be fired
because he or she is "too old." Advertisements for jobs
cannot specify age as a requirement. This does not
mean that ageism - discrimination based on age - does
not exist. When the economy is weak, employers often

Chapter 6 The Struggle Continues 33
Sample answers: Sample answers:
1. African Americans have struggled for equal treatment. 1. Employers must not consider race when they hire new
2. The Supreme Court decision resulted in changes in workers.
state laws. 2. The government must provide equal services to
3. Federal Jaw prohibits employers from making everyone.
decisions based on race.
5 Applying what you have
4 Writing about obligations and read Page 141
recommendations Pages 140-141
Reading 2
• ... if a person with a disability is qualified to do a Reading 3 - How Equal Are
particular job, the employer lllDSI accommodate that We Now?
person; that is, the employer .muss offer reasonable
assistance for that worker. Preparing to Read
• ...public places and transportation pi� provide
access for people with disabilities so that they can 2 Examining graphics Page 142
participate in daily life. A
• For example, buildings , usl provide accommodations
1. household income
....Buses and trains� also provide access to the 2. Latino, African American, White
Reading l B
• ...Americans stigyJd all have an equal opportunity 1. White 3. Answers will vary.
to compete for resources such as jobs, housing, and 2. African American 4. Answers will vary.
• Resources ...iJiil� be distributed to ensure all
Americans achieve the same level of success.
• ...everyone . have an equal chance to succeed
and to compete for resources.
• A third perspective on equality is Lhat there be
equal outcomes.
• . . . the government iliiJd ensure that there are not
only equal opportunities and resources for minorities
but also equal results, that is, that the outcomes
be a more equal share in life ...
• 1Shc:illd the city simply guarantee a certain number of
positions in the police department to women?
• On the other hand, they believe that hard work and
merit - not membership in a specific group -
be the reason one person does well and another person
does not.
Sample answers:
l . Employers should make sure that all the employees
have a chance to succeed.
2. Schools should offer all children a good education.

34 Chapter 6 The Struggle Continues
After You Read a
Sample answers:
1 Reading about statistics Page 146 • There was substantial increase in the rise in college
A graduation rates among African Americans between
1980 and 2010.
• The rate of home ownership is linked to income levels.

36 Chapter 6 Academic
owned a home 45 Vocabulary Review
had a household 4.0
Page 148
I. perspectives 6. status
graduated from 4.5 14
2. visibility 7. benefits
college 3. distribute 8. purchases
4. media 9. integrate
lived in poverty 35
5. achieve 10. promotion
owned a home 48
had a household 4.2
Practicing Academic Writing
30 Now Write
Pages 151-152
A and a
Sample introductions:
12.6 Equality is a very complicated issue. Many Americans
disagree about its meaning.
Some groups no longer need the extra help to guarantee
their success. With access to educational and job
2 Writing about statistics Page 147 opportunities, most groups can succeed. However, some
a groups do need extra assistance to make sure that there is
an equal playing field.
Sample answers:
Sample paragraphs:
• It is estimated that 30 percent of Latinos earn less than In the past, there was a lot of discrimination against
$25,000 a year.
different ethnic groups, so it was hard for them to be
• Household income above $150,000 for Latinos in successful. Because of this past discrimination, there
2010 was estimated to be 4.2%. were special programs to make it easier for them to get
a good education or a good job. Today, everyone has an
3 Synonyms Page 147 equal chance of success so we don't need these programs
anymore for most protected groups.
Success in work and life should be due to merit.
l. big/bigger (Par. l ) large Special programs that make it easier for ethnic groups
(Par.4) considerable to get a good education or a good job are unfair to the
(Par.6) substantial groups who don't get the special treatment. Disabled
people are a different category, however. They have
2. a lot (adv.) (Par.4) substantially
special challenges that make it difficult for them to
(Par.4) considerably compete with people who are not disabled. Therefore,
3. is connected to (Par. I) is related to the government must ensure that businesses and schools
(Par.3) is associated with give them extra help so they have an equal chance for a
good life.
(Par.3) is linked to

Chapter 6 The Struggle Continues 35
Chapter 7
A History of American Values
Reading 1 - The Roots of C
American Values Sample answers:
• Many Americans believe that they have the ability to
Preparing to Read control their own future.
• In the United States, most people believe that all
1 Increasing reading speed Page 156 people should have an equal chance to succeed.
1. a,d, e, f, g, h 4 Applying what you have
2. a. F b. T c. T d. F read Page 162
After You Read
Sample answers:
2 Understanding key terms Page 160 I. a
2. C
A 3. a
1. d 3. a 5. f 7. b 4. b
2. e 4. g 6. h 8. C 5. b
6. d
B 7. a, b,C
l. self-reliance 5. ambition 8. a,b
2. egalitarianism 6. self-discipline 9. b,d
3. risks 7. individualism 10. a,b,d
4. optimism 8. Values

3 Noun+ infinitive phrases Pages 161-162 Reading 2 - The American

A West
1. all people should have (an equal chance)to succeed Preparing to Read
2. a belief in the power of(individuals)to control their
own lives 2 Understanding key terms Page 163
3. you have the�to control your own future A
4. in their (desire)to make their own choices I. frontier 3. pioneers 5. wilderness
2. myth 4. destiny 6. cede
I. All people should have(an equal chance)to succeed. After You Read
2. The Constitution gives Congress the{power)to create
courts. 1 Reading for details Page 167
3. It seemed to be a land of endless opportunity for B
someone with a good idea and the(w11lingness)to take Sample answers:
a risk.
Evidence for each value is underlined once.
4. A fundamental value is in(the nght of individuals) • self-reliance
to make thei.r own decisions.
Only the toughest and most self-reliant pioneers did
5. Many settlers believed it was( the1r destiny)to populate well in these circumstances. They had to be able to build
the land from one coast to the other. houses for themselves, farm, raise animals. hunt for food,
6. Native Americans understood(their respons1btlity) and protect themselves and their property. (Par. 3)
to care for the land.

36 Chapter 7 A History of American Values
• taking risks 4 Word families Page 169
However, this search for a new life had a cost.The
westward journey and life in the West were dangerous
and difficult ... About 40,000 people died along the Sample answers:
western trails from illness, hunger, and cold.One of 1. rely 2. resource 3. population
them, the Oregon Trail, has been called the nation's 4. expand 5. cede
longest graveyard.(Par. 3)
• optimism
For these people, the West, which meant land west of Reading 3 - The Business
the Mississippi River, seemed to be a place of unlimited
opportunity and resources: excellent farmland and land of Success
rich in minerals, thick forests, and plenty of animals for
hunting. The land and the sky seemed to stretch without After You Read
end, waiting for them...They dreamed of being free of
civilization and of living in open places.(Par.2) 1 Answering multiple-choice
• egalitarianism questions Page 174
A final important characteristic of the frontier was its social I. a, b 2. d 3. b 4. d
equality.In the struggle to survive, success depended on
the pioneers' individual strength and resourcefulness, not 2 Writing about change Page 175
on money or family background.(Par.3) A
2 Examining graphics Page 167
Verb of direction
What went up or controlled
B down?
I. a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4 reduced (line 22) competition Carnegie
2. treaty and annexation decrease (line 36) competition Rockefeller
3. b reduce (line 42) power of federal
monopolies government
3 Few and a few Page 168 increased (line 66) competition for new
remaining jobs technology
declined (line 67) wages new
• Few images have as powe1ful a place in the American
imagination as the symbols of the American West, -- -
such as the covered wagon, the log cabin, and the increased (line 69) competition for jobs large number
cowboy.(Par. 1) of immigrants
expand (line 83) power the struggle
• There were many physical hardships and few comforts
..___ .
or conveniences on the western trails.(Par.3) raise (line 90) pay levels union
expand (line 91) benefits union
not many/not enough victories
Sample clues:
have as powe,ful; many physical hardships 3 Collocations Page 176
1. not many - clue = disappointed, a negative 1. take 2. achieve 3. make, invest, save
2. some - clue= excited, a positive 4. face 5. lose 6. wm

I. few 2. a few 3. a few 4. few 1. face 2. achieve 3. win/lose
4. take 5. achieve 6. face

Chapter 7 A History of American Values 37
4 Understanding cartoons Page 176
Sample answers:
1. Standard Oil's reach and influence are best shown by
the tentacles of the octopus.
2. The White House and the Capitol (government
buildings) - Standard Oil controlled the government,
not the other way around.
3. It has too much power.

Chapter 7 Academic
Vocabulary Review
Page 177
1. injuries 6. alternatives
2. invested 7. consistent
3. acquired 8. implication
4. attitude 9. preceded
5. images 10. persisted

Developing Writing Skills

Page 179
I. The spirit of invention and innovation has been an
important theme throughout American history.
2. Innovation in medicine. Innovation in industry.

38 Chapter 7 A History of American Values
American Values Today
Reading 1 - The Individual B
and Society: Rights and 1. collects
2. take
Responsibilities 3. collect
4. give
After You Read 5. need
1 Reading for main ideas Page 184
A 6 Responding to a quote Page 186
2 C
Sample answer:
B The quote is related to the second issue in the text: self­
1. individual rights versus the good of society reliance versus government assistance. It shows President
2. self-reliance versus government support and assistance Johnson's understanding that one important role of the
government is to provide assistance to those who need it.
C Not everyone can be self-reliant all of the time.
1. individual rights versus the good of society
(a) eminent domain; (b) national security concerns
2. self-reliance versus government support and assistance Reading 2 - The Open Road
(a) New Deal; (b) ARRA and Car Culture
2 Applying what you have Preparing to Read
read Page 184 2 Scanning Page 187
1. a 2. C 3. b 1. fewer than 5 million 4. 42,000 miles
2. 77% 5. SUVs
3 Understanding text 3. 90% 6. 3 trillion
structure Page 185
1. 2 2. 3-6 3. 1 4. 7
After You Read
1 Answering true/false
4 Prepositions Page 185 questions Page 190
A A and B
I. from/against 5. to 1. F(I) 3. T(3) 5. T(4) 7. T(2)
2. with 6. on 2. T(2) 4. T (3) 6. F(4) 8. F(5)
3. to 7. for/on
4. on 8. on
2 Reading for details Page 190

5 Collocations Pages 185-186

3 The government built good roads so people could get
A from their homes to their jobs in the city.
1. accept/have 5. take 4 More people moved to the suburbs because there were
2. provide/increase 6. perform lots of good roads.
3. get 7. play
4. gather 8. pay

Chapter 8 American Values Today 39
People moved to the suburbs where there were good, Reading 3 - Is the American
inexpensive houses.
2 People who lived in the suburbs needed cars because Dream Still Possible?
there was little public transportation.
After You Read
3 Writing about reasons Page 191 1 Reading actively Page 198
• First, the price of cars dropped significantly Sample answers:
(because of)new technology and new methods for
manufacturing cars (Par.2)
• Most people needed to drive(because)there was little
public transportation from the suburbs to their jobs in Education and This is the title Look for evidence
the city. (Par. 3) upward mobility so it must be the of this relationship:
• More recently, the popularity of SUVs has declined, (Title) topic.What is terms such as
partly(because)they use a lot of gasoline. (Par.4) the relationship college, higher,
between them? success, increase,
B improve
Sample answers: In the recent Does this mean Look for signals like
1. their religious beliefs past ... (line 2) I will also learn today or now.
2. because about the present?
3. because of however ... What is the Look for a
4. they didn't want to send their children to school with (line 3) contrast to this contrasting
African American children. history? statement that
5. their image there may no longer
6. because be jobs for people
with no college
4 Gerunds Page 192 Most jobs with Why is this Look for evidence of
A higher pay in important? changes in trends in
1. Americans feel that d · ·ng a car means the freedom the twenty- What are the higher education.
to come and go wherever they choose. S first century implications of
require at least this statement?
2. First, the price of cars dropped significantly some higher
because of new technology and new methods for education.
manufacturin cars. P (line--'-���-"-������---'����
3. Ownmg a car became essential for daily life. S
4. Many people want to show they are concerned about
the environment and saving energy. P 2 Word families Page 199
B 1. secure
2. Poverty
Sample answers: 3. mobile
1. learning 4. certainty
2. Owning 5. ability
3. building 6. equal
4. Assisting
5. driving

40 Chapter 8 American Values Today
3 Writing definitions Page 200 Practicing Academic Writing
Now Write
Sample answers:
I. A meritocracy is a system that rewards effort and Pages 203-204
talent. Sample paragraphs:
2. A property tax is a tax that is based on the value of Every culture has a set of beliefs that guides behavior
property. and attitudes. The "American Dream" reflects many of
3. A consumer nation is a country that consumes more these beliefs in the United States. The "American Dream"
than it produces. is a set of many ideas, but the most important are the
belief in the basic equality of all people and the belief in
C the importance of working hard to get what you want.
Sample answers: Probably the most fundamental belief in American
2. culture is in equality. This belief first appeared in writing
a. Upward economic and social mobility means in the Constitution, and Abraham Lincoln repeated it
improving your financial and social situation. 100 years later in the Gettysburg Address. This belief
that everyone starts in the same place remains important
b. Optimism means feeling positive about the future.
today in both the attitudes of the public and government
c. Self-discipline means making yourself do important
things even when you don't want to.
Like the belief in basic equality, the value of hard
d. Vertical integration means controlling all aspects of work is a central theme in American culture, especially
an industry to decrease competition. in economic success. Leaders in business who have
worked hard have often been very successful. Sometimes
they have started with very little money. They just had
Chapter 8 Academic a good idea and they were willing to work hard. We can
see examples of this in the past, for example, Andrew
Vocabulary Review Carnegie and John Rockefeller, and in technology
Page 201 companies today such as Microsoft and Google.
1. proportional 6. financial Americans' egalitarian values and their work ethic are
2. recovered 7. style central to the belief that their future and their success is
3. vehicles 8. available in their own hands.
4. previous 9. survey
5. consumers 10. trend

. .

Chapter 8 American Values Today 41
Unit 1 • Content Quiz
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
__ 1. The President of the United States writes the country's laws.
__ 2. The United States government is prohibited from supporting any
particular religion.
__ 3. The President of the United States cannot run for re-election.
__ 4. There are more than 70 million guns in American homes.
__ 5. After the War of Independence, Americans wanted a strong central
__ 6. The Supreme Court is part of the judicial branch of government.

Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points}

Circle the best answer from the choices listed.
I. Which of the following factors does not explain why the first settlers came to
the American colonies?
a. for religious freedom
b. to escape from war
c. for greater social equality
d. for economic opportunity
2. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees
a. the privacy of all citizens.
b. protection for people accused of crimes.
c. the right to own a gun.
d. freedom of religion.
3. Only the federal government, and not state governments,
a. controls the military.
b. collects taxes.
c. makes Jaws for business.
d. pays for schools.
4. In colonial America, militias were originally formed to
a. hunt wild animals and provide food.
b. protect the settlers.
c. fight wars.
d. support the Constitution.

42 Unit 1 Content Quiz *

• , . ..... '. ' © Cambridge University Press 2013
Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)
Write a short answer to each of the following questions. In most cases no
more than one or two sentences are required.
1. What is afederalist system of government?

2. What is hate speech?

3. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

Choose one of the following topics and write a paragraph about it. Use a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The system of checks and balances as a fundamental part of the American
2. The limits on freedom of speech in the United States

©Cambridge University Press 2013 Unit 1 Content Quiz 43
Unit 2 • Content Quiz
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
__ 1. The average life of a slave was half as long as the average life of a
white person.
__ 2. Today the largest number of legal immigrants comes from Mexico and
3. Immigrants who arrived in the United States in the last half of the
nineteenth century found good jobs that paid well.
__ 4. Whites are now a minority in the United States.
5. Nalive Americans have lost most of the land they once owned.
6. Most unauthorized immigrants in the United States come from

Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)

Circle the best answer from the choices listed.
1. Triangular trade involved
a. Africa, Portugal, and the American colonies.
b. Africa, South America, and North America.
c. Africa, the Caribbean, and cities in North America.
d. the Caribbean, New York, and London.
2. In the eighteenth century, the largest number of immigrants to the United
States came from
a. southern and eastern Europe.
b. China and Japan.
c. Canada and Mexico.
d. western Europe.
3. A great percentage increase of Latinos in the United States between 2000 and
2010 occurred
a. in the Southeast.
b. on both coasts.
c. in California.
d. Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.

. .
44 Unit 2 Content Quiz Ptiotocopiable ©Cambridge University Press 2013
4. One important part of the government's policy of assimilation of Native
Americans was
a. a series of treaties with native tribes.
b. the removal of 4.000 Cherokee to Oklahoma.
c. the establishment of reservations.
d. boarding schools where native children learned white culture.

Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)

Write a short answer to each of the following questions. In most cases no
more than one or two sentences are required.
l. Describe the differences between the Asian American population of today and
the Asian population of one hundred years ago.

2. What are two arguments against the continued high rate of immigration to the
United States?

3. Name three groups of people who profited from slavery.

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

Choose one of the following topics and write a paragraph about it. Use a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The ethnic and racial diversity of the United States in 2050
2. Reasons for the continued illegal immigration to the United States

© Cambridge University Press 2013 Ptlotocopiatili Unit 2 Content Quiz 45
Unit 3 • Content Quiz
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
__ 1. Jim Crow laws prevented many Southern blacks from voting.
__ 2. Discrimination against African Americans ended when the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 became law.
__ 3. Many people with disabilities have low education and low income
__ 4. The percentages of African Americans, Latinos, and whites who are
poor is about the same.
__ 5. After Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka, black and white
children all went to the same schools in the South.
__ 6. Women and African Americans were not included in statements about
equality in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)

Circle the best answer from the choices listed.
l . Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka was a court case that
a. gave equal voting rights to African Americans.
b. integrated buses and trains in the American South.
c. ended legal segregation in schools.
d. settled the boycott of buses in Alabama.
2. Which is not given as a possible reason for the low graduation rates for
a. It is difficult to study in a second language.
b. Schools in Latino neighborhoods are often crowded.
c. Latino parents cannot help their children in school.
d. Schools in Latino neighborhoods don't have as many resources.
3. Since the 1960s, women have achieved many goals in their fight for equality.
One goal they have not achieved is
a. equal pay for equal work.
b. equal representation in colleges and universities.
c. greater representation in government.
d. greater representation in the workforce.

46 Unit 3 Content Quiz © Cambridge University Press 2013
4. Until the 1960s, discrimination against African Americans was
a. practiced only in the South.
b. based on the Thirteenth Amendment.
c. a result of the Civil War.
d. accepted throughout the country.

Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)

Write a short answer to each of the following questions. In most cases no
more than one or two sentences are required.
l. Name two ways to measure progress toward equality of different groups in
the United States.

2. Name three barriers that prevented African Americans from voting after
amendments to the Constitution gave them the right to vote.

3. Name three ways that society can accommodate the disabled.

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

Choose one of the following topics and write a paragraph about it. Use a
separate sheet of paper.
l. The different ways in which equality can be understood
2. The direction the United States is going in-is it becoming more or less

©>Cambridge University Press 2013 Unit 3 Content Quiz 47
Unit 4 • Content Quiz
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
__ l . New technology in the nineteenth century helped factory workers by
increasing wages.
__ 2. The founders of the United States believed that people should be
judged by what they do, not by where they come from.
__ 3. Ninety percent of Americans own a car.
__ 4. The federal government can take away private property if the property
will be used for a public purpose.
__ 5. Most Americans believe that hard work and ambition are the most
important factors in success.
__ 6. In the eighteenth century, the belief in the importance of the individual
was widespread.

Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)

Circle the best answer from the choices listed.
l. Factory owners opposed trade unions because
a. trade unions increased competition.
b. trade unions tried to get better pay and better conditions for workers.
c. trade unions opposed new technology.
d. trade unions fought against monopolies.
2. What kind of tax is controlled by local communities-cities and towns?
a. sales tax
b. income tax
c. property tax
d. business tax
3. During the Great Depression, the New Deal
a. provided jobs for the unemployed.
b. increased taxes for the rich.
c. provided health care for the poor.
d. increased educational opportunities for all children.

48 Unit 4 Content Quiz Ptiotocop1a © Cambridge University Press 2013
4. During the westward expansion,
a. many people became rich.
b. many pioneers died.
c. three million people moved west of the Mississippi.
d. many Native Americans started farms.

Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)

Write a short answer to each of the following questions. In most cases no
more than one or two sentences are required.
1. Give two reasons why settlers moved west.

2. Describe three problems that factory workers faced in the nineteenth century.

3. What is the role of taxes in education in the United States today?

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

Choose one of the following topics and write about it. Use a separate sheet
of paper.
1. How Carnegie and Rockefeller achieved their great success
2. The conflict between individual rights and what is best for society

© Cambridge University Press 2013 Unit 4 Content Quiz 49
Content Quiz Answer Keys
Unit 1
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
I. F 2. T 3. F
4. T 5. F 6. T
Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)
I. b 2. d
3. a 4. b

Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)

I. A federalist system of government divides power and responsibility between the central and
state governments.
2. Hate speech is hurtful or negative statements directed against a group because of a specific
characteristic of that group such as race or religion.
3. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect the rights of individuals, especially from any
abuse of power by the government.

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

I. The response should discuss the three branches of government, their powers, and the checks by
which each branch limits the powers of the others.
2. The response should include the idea that one person's freedom of speech ends when it causes
clear harm to another person. It should include examples of dangerous and libelous speech.

50 Content Quiz Answer Keys
Unit 2
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
1. T 2. T 3. F
4. F 5. T 6. T

Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)

1. C 2. d
3. a 4. d

Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)

1. Answers should include the idea that in the past Asians came to escape economic conditions in
their countries, they took jobs here with low pay, and they did not have much education.
2. Answers should include two of the following arguments: drain on government resources,
competition for jobs, and dilution of national identity including language use.
3. Answers should include three of the following groups: slave traders, ship owners, rum
producers, cotton farmers, clothing factory owners, and people who bought cotton clothing.

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

1. Answers should include the idea that as a larger number of immigrants come from Latin
America and Asia, they will continue to take a larger percentage of the overall population. The
white population (non-Latino) will likely not be the majority group in the U.S. at that time.
2. The response should include the notion that as long as there are dramatic economic differences
between the United States and the developing world, immigration, both authorized and
unauthorized, will continue. Immigrants will come for better economic opportunities, and the
United States will need the cheap labor that they provide.

Content Quiz Answer Keys 51
Unit 3
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
1. T 2. F 3. T
4. F 5. F 6. T
Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)
1. C 2. C
3. a 4. d
Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points)
1. Answers should refer to two of the following: educational attainment, economic profiles, and
representation in government.
2. Answers should refer to literacy tests, voting taxes, and grandfather laws.
3. Answers can include any of the following: The government can provide assistance in education,
transportation, and communication. Businesses can assist by hiring the disabled and providing
special equipment necessary for them to do their jobs. Government, business, and public
institutions can accommodate the disabled by providing easy access, for example, ramps,
elevators, and special parking places.

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

l. The response should include the three interpretations discussed in the text: (I) all people are
essentially the same, and therefore, equal; (2) everyone should have equal opportunity and
access; and (3) there should be a guarantee of equal outcomes.
2. This response is the most subjective of all of the quiz items so far and will allow the most
latitude, but it should include support for the position taken. A "more egalitarian" response
should refer to the recent progress in education and economic status by minorities. A "less
egalitarian" response should refer to the remaining gap between majority and minority and
between rich and poor. The response might include some discussion of the institutional
structures that suggest the groups will remain apart with regard to, for example, school funding.

52 Content Quiz Answer Keys
Unit 4
Part 1 True/False questions (24 points)
1. F 2. T 3. T
4. T 5. T 6. F

Part 2 Multiple choice questions (24 points)

1. b 2. c
3. a 4. b

Part 3 Short answer questions (24 points}

1. The response should include two of the following: Many settlers moved west to find good
farmland and to get away from big cities. Many thought of the West as a land of unlimited
economic opportunities and resources, such as minerals, forests, and animals. Students may
also mention the dream of a freer life than life in the cities had become, and the search for a
place in which social class was even less important.
2. Responses should include three of the following: wages were low, there were no benefits,
factories were dangerous, and there was a lot of competition for jobs.
3. The response should state that education is funded by taxes on property. It should also include
the idea that poorer communities have lower property values; they generate lower tax revenues
so there are fewer resources for education in these communities.

Part 4 One paragraph answer (28 points)

1. The response should include the concepts of vertical integration and monopoly. It might include
mention of hard work and ambition. Students might also infer something about opposition to
unions, which is implicit, but not explicitly stated in the reading.
2. The response should refer to the fact that laws and policies that protect and provide for
individuals may go against the interests of society as a whole. The response should include
historical and current examples of this conflict, for example, eminent domain and national

Content Quiz Answer Keys 53
Reading and Writing 978-1-107-68363-1 978-1-107-64791-6 978-1-107-65832-5 978-1-107-60297-7
Student's Book
Reading and Writing 978-1-107-69450-7 978-1-107-62722-2 978-1-107-63137-3 978-1-107-60300-4
Teacher's Manual
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Student's Book 978-1-107-67463-9 978-1-107-65516-4 978-1-107-67314-4 978-1-107-60298-4
with lectures on DVD
Listening and Speaking 978-1-107-68883-4 978-1-107-62547-1 978-1-107-60301-1
Teacher's Manual

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