Boutilier Resume
Boutilier Resume
Boutilier Resume
39 Rhonda Way [email protected]
Marlborough, CT 06447 860-559-1148
Comprehensive School Counselor, Certified Teacher
Professional Experience
Health Teacher
Sport and Medical Sciences Academy, September 2008 - 2010
Planned and implemented a health curriculum that centered around themes of social,
emotional and physical health.
Led a group of 10 students in Advisory class addressing college and career readiness, and
social and emotional health.
Invited guest speakers to address sensitive issues such as gang violence, sexual harassment,
suicide, dating violence and sexual consent.
Incorporated the school’s sports and medicine theme in Health curriculum.
Established classroom expectations that required students to talk accountably about
sensitive issues in Health.
Planned field trips such as “Let’s Not Meet by Accident.”
Biology Teacher
Sport and Medical Sciences Academy, 1999-2007
Designed lesson plans that incorporated lab activities, peer activities and culminating
projects in order to help all students access the Biology curriculum and meet objectives.
Incorporate CAPT test preparation into daily lessons.
Communicate with parents regarding student progress.
Differentiated learning so all students were able to access the Biology curriculum.
Incorporated Capturing Kids Hearts curriculum into the classroom.
Designed lessons that incorporated the school’s theme of sports and medicine.
Constructed formative assessments that measured learning in a variety of ways.
Consulted with special education teachers, school social workers and a team of teachers to
address student needs.
Participated in CAPT Saturday science instruction.
Served on the building committee as the science representative, to design the science
laboratories for our new magnet school.
2004 Sport and Medical Sciences Academy - Teacher of the Year
2004 District Finalist Teacher of the Year