Economic Development
Economic Development
Economic Development
Instructions: This is a 50-point graded activity. Please make your answers brief,
complete, direct, and responsive to the questions.
As our population increases, our population faces difficulties to fill those wants
and needs, remember, want and needs will never come to end. Since there are lots of
people, our economy needs to accommodate those with our little supply, with the little
supply yield to deprivation and worse economic failure. The uneven supply and demand
became a problem for our economy. For instance, from a simple need of having rice, it
will evolve into having a different variety of rice—sticky rice, sushi, and such. The
unlimited wants and needs of humans cannot be accommodated by low to no resources.
With all the demands, it is indeed obvious to meet such insufficiency and the level of
satisfaction of the state is low.
In the bottom line, Socialism is known to have equity—equity that the state
provides in accordance with its means. On the other hand, the Market, allows the
individual to have freedom in acquiring their needs and wants.
From the said definition, it carries its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Despite
being controlled by the government, it makes sure that the community is part of the
resources of the economy even though there is an absence of contribution from others.
They receive equity, from the controlled resources that they receive, and the state was
able to minimize the deprivation and support all of the individuals. Since there are
individuals who cannot provide, the state prohibits such discrimination because, in their
eyes, they are one. If an individual is contributing then it is praised by the government,
but if someone takes the initiative then the way of giving rewards to such an individual is
through monetary means.
On the other hand, in a market economy, they have the means to gamble in means of
prices causing a great benefit for the businesses. They move with such efficiency and
produce effective outputs that the state enjoys. They hone and embrace the innovation
and competitiveness of the individuals as it yields more growth.
Yet, one of the downsides of the Market Economy is that people tend to neglect
their primary needs, they do not minimize poverty, increments inequality, and might
provoke discrimination.
4) Differentiate a mixed market economy from a pure market economy. (10 pts.)
A mixed economy from the definition itself consists of different economies, primarily the
market and the command. From the nature of its combination, it is preferred by many
since it has fewer restrictions from the government but is still mandatory to abide by the
proximity. More freedom to run the business as long as it is ethical.
On the other hand, Pure Market Economy is just like the Mixed Economy, their
main distinction is that Pure Market Economy is not subject to more variation in running
the economy compared to the Mixed Economy. The main essence of a pure Market
Economy is the allocation of its resources. The mixed Economy has the tendency of
working on its own while the Pure Market Economy usually resorts to the majority.
Thus, to see The Pure and Mixed in a simpler context, Pure Market Economy
clearly relies upon the free market, while the Mixed Economy is a presence of the
market, but the government is an essential part of it and has the power to intervene.
5) Explain why most of the economies in the world today adopt a mixed market economic
system. (10 pts.)
The nature of the Mixed Market Economy, carries a lot of advantages, making it
more preferable to the majority. It grants the state to acquire different opportunity and
strengthen its growth and freedom of the state. They are also exposed to the promotion of
efficiency that yields an effective output. Aside from that, it gives the individuals a
barrier or security in means of way of living and subsequently more.
With the benefits that it carries, it provides a quality of life, while they are letting
their members grow and have freedom, they are still able to monitor and give sanctions if
they are acting in an unlawful and unethical way.