Arts 3RD Quarter

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Grades 1 to 12 Daily Teacher CHARLO D. PELLEGO Learning Area ARTS

Lesson Log
Teaching Dates and
MARCH 1 – 3, 2023 (7:30 – 8:30 A.M.) Quarter 3RD


1 2 3
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional
lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies.
Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived
from the curriculum guides.
The Learner
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
A. Content Standard 2. the salient features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in
the region
3. Southeast Asian countries as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from prehistoric to present times
The Learner
B. Performance Standard 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia
2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning Competencies 1. analyzes elements and 1. identifies characteristics of
Write the LC code for each. principles of art in the arts and crafts in specific
production one’s arts and areas in Mindanao (e.g.,
crafts inspired by the arts of maritime vessel [balanghay]
Mindanao A7EL-IIIb-1 from Butuan, vinta from
2. identifies characteristics of Zamboanga; Maranao’s
arts and crafts in specific malong, brasswares, okir,
areas in Mindanao (e.g., panolong, torogan, and
maritime vessel [balanghay] sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric
from Butuan, vinta from and face makeup and body
Zamboanga; Maranao’s ornamentation; T’boli’s
malong, brasswares, okir, tinalak and accessories;
panolong, torogan, and Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance,
sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric etc. 7EL-IIIa-2
and face makeup and body 2. creates crafts that can be
ornamentation; T’boli’s locally assembled with local
tinalak and accessories; materials, guided by local
Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance, traditional techniques (e.g.,
etc. 7EL-IIIa-2 habi, lilip, etc).
3. appreciates the artifacts A7PR-IIIc-e-1
and art objects in terms of its 3. shows the relationship of
utilization and their distinct the development of crafts in
use of art elements and specific areas of the country,
according to functionality,
traditional specialized
expertise, and 226
principles 7PL-IIIh-2
availability of resources (e.g.,
pottery, weaving, jewelry,
and basketry) 7PR-IIIf-3
Vestige of the Past Arts
The Unique Identity of and Crafts of Mindanao
II. CONTENT the South (Arts and Architecture, Metal
Crafts of Mindanao) Crafts, and Functional Art
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
Quarter 3 – Module 1: The Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Unique Identity of the South Vestige of the Past Arts and
4. Additional Materials from
(Arts and Crafts of Mindanao) Crafts of Mindanao
Learning Resource (LR)
portal Pages 1 – 34 Architecture, Metal Crafts,
and Functional Art Forms
Pages 1 – 33
PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
B. Other Learning Resources
Videos and Audios Videos and Audios
Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or
items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice
Presenting the New Lesson
Examination Examination
We have a pool of arts and
crafts of Mindanao. You need
to sort them out through the
Using the graphic organizer,
sorting boxes below the word
categorize the following
box as soon as possible
objects inside the table
before the museum opens
B. Establishing a Purpose for the whether it is an example of
and becomes ready for the
Lesson woodcraft, metal craft, bead
tourists. Put the words inside
work, or design motif.
the box that corresponds to
Accomplish this activity in
their proper category,
your notebook.
namely, architecture, metal
crafts, or functional art
C. Presenting Examples/Instances Answer the processed Answer the guide questions:
of the Lesson questions:
1. What helped you in
classifying the arts and
1. How did you categorize
2. What is the impact of the
the crafts presented?
three categories to you as an
2. Do you have any of these
individual? What is the
crafts at home? If yes, what
impact of these to the people
crafts do you have?
of Mindanao? Why did you
say so?
Discuss the Vestige of the
Discuss the Unique Identity Past Arts and Crafts of
D. Discussing New Concepts and
of the South (Arts and Crafts Mindanao Architecture, Metal
Practicing New Skills #1
of Mindanao) Crafts, and Functional Art
Read the statements with
Fill in the chart with the
faulty concepts about the
appropriate information
arts and crafts of Mindanao.
based on the previous
Your task is to identify and
discussion. You may also
encircle the words that make
derive suppositions and
E. Discussing New Concepts and the statement incorrect.
observations from the
Practicing New Skills #2 Then, write the accurate
pictures that were shown
words inside the text box to
along with the definition of
make the statements correct.
each work. Write your
Copy the entire statements
answers in your activity
and accomplish this task on
your activity notebook.
Draw a boat that looks like
what is illustrated below. On
the first sail on the left side,
Examine the words or you have to write what
phrases that show their makes balangay uniquely
differences and similarities different from the vinta. On
F. Developing Master (Leads to
and transfer them in the the third sail on the right
Formative Assessment 3)
given diagram on similarities side, you must do the same
and differences in the next for the vinta. Then, on the
activity. sail at the center, you have
to write the similarities of the
two boats. Write the answers
in your activity notebook.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Answer the succeeding Read the situation presented
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living processing questions. on screen and answer the
Accomplish this activity in questions that follow. Write
your activity notebook. your answer in your activity
1. What is the distinguishing
1. In your own opinion, what
characteristic of a balangay?
makes the arts and crafts of
What is the distinguishing
Mindanao unique from
characteristic of the vinta?
2. How does balangay differ
2. Based on the table you
from vinta? What are their
have answered in activity 2.1
similarities? Why do you
and the diagram in Activity
think they have these
2.2, how similar are the
clothing of the five featured
3. Do you know, by any
ethnolinguistic groups?
chance, an everyday object
3. If you were to wear a
or functional art form in your
traditional clothing from the
community which is similar to
five featured ethnolinguistic
that of a balangay or vinta?
groups, which would you
If yes, what is it? Why do
wear? Why? Explain your
you say they are similar?
How do people in your
community use and preserve
traditional, creative everyday
Compare and contrast
Manunggul Jar (burial jar) of
Palawan, Maitum Jar (burial
Express the significant jar) of Mindanao, and a
concepts you learned and modern burial jar inspired by
H. Making Generalization and insights gained in the western culture. Fill in the
Abstractions about the Lesson learning box. Write your Venn diagram with correct
reflection in your activity information regarding the
notebook. similarities and differences
between and among the
three jars. Do this in your
activity notebook.
Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15
I. Evaluating Learning items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice
Examination Examination
J. Additional Activities for Express your understanding Take a few moments to
Application or Remediation by writing a significant contemplate on what you can
insight on the given concepts do to show appreciation and
about the arts and crafts of advocacy for the
Mindanao. Accomplish this preservation of these
activity in your activity artifacts by writing your Oath
to Culture – Care on your
Then answer the Guide
activity notebook. You may
write your oath by presenting
a list of what you can do as a
1. How do these arts and student to raise awareness
crafts from Mindanao help and advocate for
the country’s culture and preservation. Your Oath may
tradition? contain the practical
2. What makes the arts and decisions or practical
crafts from Mindanao unique applications of what you
from other arts and crafts in learned previously.
some parts of the


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:


MAPEH Teacher Principal I

Grades 1 to 12 Daily School EAST VILLAFLORES NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 7
Teacher CHARLO D. PELLEGO Learning Area ARTS
Lesson Log
Teaching Dates and
MARCH 6 – 10, 2023 (7:30 – 8:30 A.M.) Quarter 3RD


6 7 8 9 10
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
I. OBJECTIVES competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
The Learner
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
A. Content Standard 2. the salient features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among
culturally diverse communities in the region
3. Southeast Asian countries as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from prehistoric to present times
The Learner
B. Performance Standard 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia
2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning Competencies 1. analyzes elements and 1. identifies characteristics of 1. incorporates the design, 1. identifies characteristics
Write the LC code for each. principles of art in the arts and crafts in specific form, and spirit of artifacts of arts and crafts in specific
production one’s arts and areas in Mindanao (e.g., and objects from Mindanao areas in Mindanao (e.g.,
crafts inspired by the arts of maritime vessel [balanghay] to one’s creation A7PL- maritime vessel
Mindanao A7EL-IIIb-1 from Butuan, vinta from IIIh-3 [balanghay] from Butuan,
2. identifies characteristics of Zamboanga; Maranao’s 2. creates crafts that can be vinta from Zamboanga;
arts and crafts in specific areas malong, brasswares, okir, locally assembled with local Maranao’s malong,
in Mindanao (e.g., maritime panolong, torogan, and materials, guided by local brasswares, okir, panolong,
vessel [balanghay] from sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric traditional techniques (e.g., torogan, and sarimanok;
Butuan, vinta from and face makeup and body habi, lilip, etc). A7PR-IIIc- Yakan’s fabric and face
Zamboanga; Maranao’s ornamentation; T’boli’s e-1 makeup and body
malong, brasswares, okir, tinalak and accessories; 3. appreciates the artifacts ornamentation; T’boli’s
panolong, torogan, and Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance, and art objects in terms of its tinalak and accessories;
sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric and etc. 7EL-IIIa-2 utilization and their distinct Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance,
face makeup and body 2. reflects on and derive the use of art elements and etc. 7EL-IIIa-2
ornamentation; T’boli’s tinalak mood, idea, or message principles. A7PL-IIIh-2 2. creates crafts that can
and accessories; Tawi-tawi’s emanating from selected be locally assembled with
Pangalaydance, etc. 7EL- artifacts and art objects local materials, guided by
IIIa-2 A7PL-IIIh-1 local traditional techniques
3. shows the relationship of 3. appreciates the artifacts (e.g., habi, lilip, etc).
Mindanao’s arts and crafts to and art objects in terms of its A7PR-IIIc-e-1
Philippine culture, traditions, utilization and their distinct
and history, particularly with use of art elements and
Islamic influences and principles A7PL-IIIh-2
indigenous (Lumad) practices
The Land of Promise, The Precious Treasures of the “Art Beyond Art’s Sake” Carving Out Your Niche
II. CONTENT Land of Wealth Arts and South Arts and Crafts of Visual Art Forms of Discovering the Visual
Crafts of Mindanao Mindanao Mindanao Art Forms of Mindanao
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
Quarter 3 – Module 3: The Quarter 3 – Module 4: Quarter 3 – Module 5: “Art Quarter 3 – Module 6:
4. Additional Materials from Land of Promise, The Land of Precious Treasures of the Beyond Art’s Sake” Visual Art Carving Out Your Niche
Learning Resource (LR) Wealth Arts and Crafts of South Arts and Crafts of Forms of Mindanao Discovering the Visual Art
portal Mindanao Mindanao Pages 1 – 28 Forms of Mindanao
Pages 1 – 28 Pages 1 – 30 Pages 1 – 32
PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
B. Other Learning Resources
Videos and Audios Videos and Audios Videos and Audios Videos and Audios
Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or
items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice
Presenting the New Lesson
Examination Examination Examination Examination
Accomplish this TIC-TAC-
TOE activity to unlock the
hidden message. Solve the
tic-tac-toe puzzle by
a) looking at and naming
Imagine this: you enter a
Let us do a review of the the pictures of the arts
magical room where
characteristics of Mindanao forms inside the boxes 4-8,
miniature buildings and other
arts and crafts. This flower will b) providing the word that
treasures are bound to Match the descriptions in
track your memory of your is being asked in boxes
vanish almost instantly if you Column A with the principles
B. Establishing a Purpose for the past lessons in the previous which contain rebus puzzles
cannot name them within the of art in Column B. Write
Lesson module. Describe the artworks as in boxes 2 and 11,
given time. Your task now is your answers in your
written in each petal in your c) arranging the jumbled
to identify what these objects notebook.
activity notebook. Use letters to form the word as
are based on the given clues,
complete sentences for your in box 1 (except those
and write their corresponding
descriptions. boxes with the word “FREE”
names in the boxes.
written inside),
d) filling in the blanks with
the correct and appropriate
letters to complete the
word needed as in box 12.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances Answer the given questions in Answer the guide questions You are given a situation that At this point, try to answer
of the Lesson your notebook. deeply needs the power of the following questions in
1. What can you say with the both your creative mind and your activity notebook.
appearance or characteristics
of the art forms you found in
hands. Could you help Nanay
the magic room?
1. What makes the arts and and Tatay deal with 1. Which activity did you
2. This module features
crafts of Mindanao unique something that is very find more challenging to
some of the most well-known
from the arts and crafts of important to them? Let’s see answer? Which one was
art pieces and architectural
other regions? how we can help! Please the more enjoyable?
figures of Mindanao. Can you
2. If there are three works of given scenario. 2. In Activity 1.2, what
name 3 specific places where
art of Mindanao that you sentence did you form after
the art forms mentioned in
would like to see or visit, what The teacher will ask decoding the questions in
the activity can be located?
are those and why? questions related to the TIC-TAC-TOE?
3. Can you name other visual
art forms that also originate
from Mindanao?
Discuss the topic about
Discuss the Land of Promise, Discuss the Precious Discuss about “Art Beyond
D. Discussing New Concepts and Carving Out Your Niche
The Land of Wealth Arts and Treasures of the South Arts Art’s Sake” Visual Art Forms
Practicing New Skills #1 Discovering the Visual Art
Crafts of Mindanao and Crafts of Mindanao of Mindanao
Forms of Mindanao
Answer the following

1. Which specific group/

subculture of Mindanao did
you derive your inspiration
from as you made your face
Supply the table with the
paint? What are the
Describe the different artworks For this activity, you are necessary information.
principles and elements of art
found in Mindanao. Write at expected to write your Identify the principles and
that you can identify in your
least three characteristics for observations of how the elements of art which you
facial paint/ design? Mention
each work of art based on the principles of art are applied think are present among
E. Discussing New Concepts and at least 2 (Either principles or
discussion. Afterwards, make in the art forms we’ve just each of the stated art
Practicing New Skills #2 elements).
sure to answer the questions discussed. Make sure to forms. You may use reliable
2. In the previous modules,
that come after this activity. specify the principles found internet sources or other
you have identified the
Do this in your activity as you describe each in reference materials for this
elements and principles of art
notebook. complete statement. portion. Do this in your
present in the works and
activity notebook.
masterpieces in Mindanao. In
general, how do you think
these contribute to the
appearance of the art forms
that make Mindanao so
distinct? Expain in at least
two sentences.
F. Developing Master (Leads to After characterizing the Answer the processed Answer the guide questions: Answer the following
Formative Assessment 3) different art forms of Mindanao questions: questions:
in the previous activity, here is 1. Most traditional attires in
Mindanao are made of
diligently woven textiles and
fabrics just as they are also 1. Which among the
1. Why is it important to
done in select parts of Luzon following arts and crafts
understand how local
and Visayas. How would you were you able to answer
artworks are designed and
compare the traditional easily?
weaving techniques of 2. Were you able to
2. The internet (and media in
Mindanao to the other two thoroughly observe the
a chart where you will classify general) has allowed us to
major regions of the elements and principles of
those features or become more familiar with
Philippines? Compare and arts in the given sample
characteristics according to the art forms of international
contrast by giving specific architecture, metal crafts,
elements of art. Do this in your cultures. How can we show
examples. and functional art forms of
activity paper. the same level of
2. Choose one attire, fabric, Mindanao? Please write
appreciation toward our local
craft, accessory or ornament what you noticed about
visual and performing artists?
from Mindanao that you find them.
3. How will you encourage
most interesting. Cite 3 of its 3. Which of the following
young learners like yourself
characteristics and notable arts and crafts are similar?
to love and appreciate arts?
social relevance or Indicate their similarity/ies.
functionality to the locality it
Upholding the responsibility
to preserve one’s national
Using the recommended
identity through art takes
materials, create a
passion, commitment, and
You will be a designer of blueprint of the royalty
hard work. As a way of
malong fabric. Draw your Create your own beaded belt house called Torogan. Make
acknowledging these efforts,
selected type of malong and using the materials given sure to apply the elements
write a three-paragraph
design it creatively with okir. below. Apply the elements of and principles of art in the
speech as tribute to the
G. Finding Practical Applications of You may color your design and art and principles of design creation of your blueprint.
contributions of ethnic and
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living add other details relating to that you may have observed Take a photo of your
non-ethnic artists of
Mindanao culture. Afterward, from the attires, fabrics and artwork and submit it to
Mindanao in the field of
write a short description of tapestries from Mindanao. your facilitator through
visual arts. Be guided by the
your artwork. Do your Good luck, and do your best! Messenger, e-mail, or other
following mechanics and
illustration on a white paper. online platforms available
rubrics as you accomplish
or pass it to your teacher
this activity. Write your
speech on a separate sheet
of paper.
H. Making Generalization and Let’s see your findings on your Imagine you have toured Write your reflection Fill out the chart with
Abstractions about the Lesson discovered tasks by answering different places in Mindanao. regarding the lesson you’ve correct information about
the following questions. Write a letter to your friend, learned in todays topic. the art forms of Mindanao
telling your adventures and which have been presented
1. How would you describe the the beautiful artforms that throughout the lesson. Do
arts and crafts of Mindanao in you have seen in the place. this in your activity
terms of design and elements notebook.
Answer the guide
1. In 2-3 sentences, please
2. Are there arts and crafts in
describe the local materials
your locality which has the
that were used to create
same feature as the arts and
one specific art form that
crafts in Mindanao? If yes,
you encountered in the
what are they, and why are
previous section.
they similar? If none, which
2. What are some of the
arts and crafts would you like
local materials used in
to have in your place and why?
creating the visual art
forms? Please list down
Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15 Students will answer the 15
I. Evaluating Learning items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice items Multiple Choice
Examination Examination Examination Examination
Answer the following
Compare and contrast the
elements and principles of
Can you share your ideas this art seen in Fuerza de San
1. Did you see the elements You have a beaded bracelet
time about these elements? Pedro from Visayas and in
of art in all the mentioned art template that is ready for
the Real Fuerza de Nuestro
forms of Mindanao? you to design. The catch is,
1. Why is it necessary for a Señora del Pilar de
2. Which two elements of art you will have to incorporate
J. Additional Activities for student like you to know and Zaragoza (Fort Pilar of
would you say are the ones Mindanaoan textile patterns
Application or Remediation understand the elements of Zamboanga) from
that contribute the most to onto each bead as doodles.
arts? Mindanao. Describe their
an artwork’s appeal? Please draw this on a
2. How will you encourage unique characteristics
3. Write down three separate sheet of paper. Try
your fellow young learners to within in their respective
examples of how the it out and do the doodle!
like and love arts? walls. Draw this
principles of art are seen
architecture and write your
some of the visual art forms
answers in your notebook.
we discussed.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:


MAPEH Teacher Principal I


Grades 1 to 12 Daily
Teacher CHARLO D. PELLEGO Learning Area ARTS
Lesson Log
Teaching Dates and MARCH 13 – 16, 2023 (7:30 – 8:30 A.M.) Quarter 3RD


13 14 15 16
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional
lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies.
Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived
from the curriculum guides.
The Learner
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
A. Content Standard 2. the salient features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in
the region
3. Southeast Asian countries as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from prehistoric to present times
The Learner
B. Performance Standard 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia
2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning Competencies 1. traces the external 1. identifies characteristics of
Write the LC code for each. (foreign) and internal arts and crafts in specific
(indigenous) influences that areas in Mindanao (e.g.,
are reflected in the design of maritime vessel [balanghay]
an artwork and in the making from Butuan, vinta from
of a craft or artifact Zamboanga; Maranao’s
A7PL-IIIh-4 malong, brasswares, okir,
2. derives elements from panolong, torogan, and
traditions/history of a sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric
community for one’s artwork and face makeup and body
A7PR-IIIf-2 ornamentation; T’boli’s
3. participates in exhibit tinalak and accessories;
using completed Mindanao- Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance,
inspired arts and crafts in an etc. 7EL-IIIa-2
organized manner 2. reflects on and derive the
7PR-IIIg-5 mood, idea, or message
emanating from selected
artifacts and art objects
3. incorporates the design,
form, and spirit of artifacts
and objects from Mindanao
to one’s creation A7PL-
4. creates crafts that can be
locally assembled with local
materials, guided by local
traditional techniques (e.g.,
habi, lilip, etc). A7PR-IIIc-
Arts and Crafts of “Divulging History,
Mindanao Backbone of Escalating Creativity”
Arts in the Land of Arts and Crafts of
Promise Mindanao
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
Quarter 3 – Module 7: Arts Quarter 3 – Module 8:
4. Additional Materials from and Crafts of Mindanao “Divulging History, Escalating
Learning Resource (LR) Backbone of Arts in the Land Creativity” Arts and Crafts of
portal of Promise Mindanao
Pages 1 – 29 Pages 1 – 31
PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
B. Other Learning Resources
Videos and Audios Videos and Audios
Students will answer the 10
Students will answer the 15
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or items for Identification and 5
items Multiple Choice
Presenting the New Lesson items Multiple Choice
We have a maze where you
have to trace the path until
you reach your point of
destination. Before you reach The choices from the box are
B. Establishing a Purpose for the it, you will encounter items the list of tribes in Mindanao.
Lesson that you have to decode. You Use the table to classify
will bring and write them all which group they belong.
to the end of the trail. You
may opt to use a separate
sheet for your answers.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances The dialogue bubbles in Answer Processing questions:
of the Lesson every basket contain words 1. How do you find the
that will serve as clues for activity, is it easy or difficult?
today’s activity. What you What makes it easy or
will do is to find the difficult?
corresponding match of 2. How were you able to
these clues by referring to accomplish the task? What
the word pool. You may opt was your basis?
to write the terms on a 3. How does Muslim differ
separate sheet of paper. from Lumad in terms of
religion, culture and
4. In your opinion, How does
their religion, culture and
tradition influence the arts
and crafts of Mindanao
Discuss Arts and Crafts of Discuss “Divulging History,
D. Discussing New Concepts and
Mindanao Backbone of Arts Escalating Creativity” Arts
Practicing New Skills #1
in the Land of Promise and Crafts of Mindanao
On the screen is a tree with Choose one of the following
tags that are labeled arts and crafts of Mindanao
differently. Discuss how the which will be your topic in
E. Discussing New Concepts and artworks were created to your discussion. Use the
Practicing New Skills #2 serve their purpose/function guide questions in
in the community. The formulating your ideas and
answer must be extracted concepts about your chosen
from the discussions above. topic.
Follow the Guide Questions:

1. What arts and crafts did

you choose and Why?
2. What moods, ideas and
messages can be drawn from
the designs of arts and crafts
Create a 10-word story about
that you have chosen?
the image that follows by
3. How do these works of art
reading the supplemental
reflect the Islamic and
paragraph below it. Your
F. Developing Master (Leads to Lumad’s culture and
story must show how this
Formative Assessment 3) tradition?
tradition has been preserved
4. How do arts and crafts of
and taken care of as part of
Mindanao influence you?
the community’s specialized
Share your insights by
traditional skills.
relating it with your
5. How did foreign and local
indigenous culture influence
the arts and crafts of
Mindanao? Cite examples of
their contributions.
G. Finding Practical Applications of It is very common for There are just few tips to
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living teenagers to decorate their help you get started in
rooms with things that seem creating your paper quilling
attractive to them. One journey. Read and follow
among these items is these tips carefully. Create a
dreamcatcher. You will not paper quilling that were
influenced by the Maranao
people. Take a picture of
be exactly making one as it
your artwork and send it to
is, rather, you will make use
your teacher via messenger,
of the available materials in
email or any social media
your homes.
platforms or directly pass it
to your teacher.
Notice the garments that are
produced by Maranao and
T’boli and answer the given
questions for each garment.

1. What elements from

tradition and history are
present in the two famous Think about and reflect
garments of Mindanao? a. carefully. The questions
Malong:_________________ below will serve as guide to
b. write your self -reflection.
H. Making Generalization and
Abstractions about the Lesson T’nalak:_________________ Write your reflection on your
2. What principles are utilized activity notebook.
in the two famous garments?
3. How did tradition and
history influence the
incorporation of elements
and principles in the design
of malong and T’nalak?
Students will answer the 10
Students will answer the 10
items for Identification and 5
I. Evaluating Learning items Multiple Choice
items Multiple Choice
Answer the Guide Questions:
1. What is the most
Fill out each label with what
significant thing you have
is being asked. Kindly leave a
learned from this module?
portion vacant if it doesn’t
J. Additional Activities for 2. How did the activity help
suit the area that is being
Application or Remediation you appreciate Mindanao art
asked in the table. Use a
separate sheet of paper to
3. What values did you learn
from arts and crafts of


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:


MAPEH Teacher Principal I

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