Mca - Full Sylabus 2021
Mca - Full Sylabus 2021
Mca - Full Sylabus 2021
GE (2 Credit Units)
MCA21108GE Matlab GE 2 0 0 2
GE (2 Credit Units)
Semester I
Unit I [12 L]
Data Types, Identifiers, Variables Constants and Literals. Arithmetic Relational Logical and Bitwise.
Basic input/output statements [2L]
Control structures: if-else statement, Nested if statement, Switch statement Loops: while loop, do
while, for loop, Nested loops. [3L]
Arrays: Declaration; initialization; 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional array, passing array to function,
Strings and String functions, and character arrays. [3L]
Functions; prototype, passing parameters, storage classes, identifier visibility, Recursive
Unit II [ 12L]
Command-line arguments. Variable scope, lifetime. Multi-file programming, Introduction to macros.
File processing in C. [4L]
Structures and unions: syntax and use, members, structures as function arguments passing structures
and their arrays as arguments [ 2L]
Pointers: variables, pointers and arrays, pointers to pointers, strings, pointer arithmetic, portability
issues, pointers to functions, void pointers, pointer to structure. [4L]
Introduction to object oriented programming, Abstraction, Encapsulation [ 2L]
Unit IV [ 8 L]
Pure virtual function; concrete implementation of virtual functions[2L]
Templates: Function Templates, Class Templates, Member Function Template and Template
Arguments, namespaces, Exception Handling Concepts[4L]
Input and Output: Streams classes, Stream Errors, Disk File I/O with streams. [2L]
Reference Books:
1. FOSTER AND FOSTER “C by discovery” RRI penram.
2. ROBERT LAFORE “Object orientation with C++ Programming” Waite Group.
4. E. BALAGURUSWAMI “Programming in ANSI C” Tata McGraw Hill.
5. BJARNE STROUSTRUP “The C++ programming language” Pearson Education.
6. HERBERT SCHILD “C++ The complete Reference” Tata McGraw Hill.
Unit I
Lab Sheet 1
Q1. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Output statements that draws any object of your choice
e.g. Christmas Tree using ‘*’
Q2. Write a program that reads in a month number and outputs the month name.
Q3. Write a program that demonstrate the use of various input statements like getchar(), getch(),
Q4. Write a program to demonstrate the overflow and underflow of various datatype and their
Lab Sheet 2
Q1. Write a program to demonstrate the precedence of various operators.
Q2. Write a program to generate a sequence of numbers in both ascending and descending order.
Q3. Write a program to generate pascals triangle.
Q4. Write a program to reverse the digits of a given number. For example, the number 9876 should be
returned as 6789.
Lab Sheet 3
Q1. Write a program to convert an amount (upto billion) in figures to equivalent amount in words.
Q2. Write a program to find sum of all prime numbers between 100 and 500.
Q3. Create a one dimensional array of characters and store a string inside it by reading from standard
Q4. Write a program to input 20 arbitrary numbers in one-dimensional array. Calculate Frequency of
each number. Print the number and its frequency in a tabular form.
Unit II
Lab Sheet 1
Q1. Write a C function to remove duplicates from an ordered array. For example, if input array
contains 10,10,10,30,40,40,50,80,80,100 then output should be 10,30,40,50,80,100.
Q2. Write a program which will arrange the positive and negative numbers in a one-dimensional array
in such a way that all positive numbers should come first and then all the negative numbers will come
without changing original sequence of the numbers. Example: Original array contains: 10-15,1,3,-2,0,-
2,-3,2,-9 Modified array: 10,1,3,0,2-15,-2,-2,-3,-9
Q3. Write a program to compute addition multiplication and transpose of a 2-D array.
Q4. Implement a program which uses multiple files for holding multiple functions which are compiled
separately, linked together and called by main(). Use static and extern variables in these files.
Lab Sheet 2
Q1. Implement a function which receiver a pointer to a Student struct and sets the values of its fields.
Q2. Write a program which takes five arguments on command line, opens a file and writes one
argument per line in that file and closes the file.
Q3. Write a program which creates Student (struct) objects using malloc and stores their pointers in an
array. It must free the objects after printing their contents.
Q4. Write a function char* stuff(char* s1,char* s2,int sp, intrp) to stuff string s2 in string s1 at position
sp, replacing rp number of characters (rp may be zero).
Lab Sheet 3
Q1. Write a program to input name, address and telephone number of ‘n’ persons (n<=20). Sort
according to the name as a primary key and address as the secondary key. Print the sorted telephone
Q2. Write a program to find the number of occurrences of a word in a sentence ?
Q3. Write a program to concatenate two strings without using the inbuilt function?
Unit III
Lab Sheet 1
Q1. Write a program that reverse the contents of a string.
Q2. Write a program to demonstrate the array indexing using pointers.
Q3. Write a program to pass a pointer to a structure as a parameter to a function and return back a
pointer to structure to the calling function after modifying the members of the structure?
Q4. Write a program to demonstrate the use of pointer to a pointer.
Q5. Write a program to demonstrate the use of pointer to a function.
Q6. Write a program to demonstrate the swapping the fields of two structures using pointers?
Lab Sheet 2
Q1. Write a program in C++ to define class complex which having two data members viz real and
imaginary part ?
Q2. Write a program in C++ to define class Person which having multiple data members for storing the
different details of the person e.g. name,age, address, height etc.
Q3. Write a program to instantiate the objects of the class person and class complex ?
Q4. Write a C++ program to add member function that displays the contents of class person and class
Q5. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of scope resolution operator?
Q6. Write a program in C++ which creates objects of Student class using default, overloaded and copy
Lab Sheet 3
Q1. Write a program to demonstrate the use of different access specifiers.
Q2. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of inline, friend functions and this keyword.
Q3. Write a C++ program to show the use of destructors.
Q4. Write a program in C++ demonstrates the use of function overloading.
Q5. Write a C++ program to overload the ‘+’ operator so that it can add two matrices .
Q6. Write a C++ program to overload the assignment operator.
Q7. Write a C++ program to overload comparison operator operator== and operator!= .
Q8. Write a C++ program to overload the unary operator.
Unit IV
Lab Sheet 1
Q1. Write a program in C++ which creates a single-inheritance hierarchy of Person, Employee and
Teacher classes and creates instances of each class using new and stores them in an array of Person * .
Q2. Write a program in C++ which creates a multiple-inheritance hierarchy of Teacher classes derived
from both Person, Employee classes. Each class must implement a Show() member function and utilize
scope-resolution operator
Q3. Write a program in C++ demonstrates the concept of function overriding?
Q4. Write a C++ program to show inheritance using different levels?
Q5. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concepts of abstract class and inner class?
Lab Sheet 2
Q1. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of virtual functions and polymorphism?
Q2. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of pure virtual functions and virtual destructors?
Q3. Write a C++ program to swap data using function templates.
Q4. Write a C++ program to create a simple calculator which can add, subtract, multiply and divide
two numbers using class template.
Lab Sheet 3
Q1. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of exception handling.
Q2. Write a C++ program to create a custom exception.
Q3. Define a class with appropriate data members and member functions which opens an input and
output file, checks each one for being open, and then reads name, age, salary of a person from the input
file and stores the information in an object, increases the salary by a bonus of 10% and then writes the
person object to the output file. It continues until the input stream is no longer good.
Database System Concepts and Architecture – Data Models, Schemas, and Instances, Database Models
and Comparison Three Schema Architecture and Data Independence. Database Languages and
Interfaces. DBMS architectures. DBMS Classification. [5L]
Relational Data Model –Basic Concepts and Characteristics, Model Notation, Model Constraints and
Database Schemas, Constraint Violations [3L].
Relational Algebra – basic concepts, Unary Relational Operations, Algebra Operations from Set Theory,
Binary Operations, Additional Relational Operations [3L]
Criterion for Good Database Design. Database Design through Functional Dependencies &
Normalization: Functional Dependencies, Lossless Join, Normal Forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF.
Introduction to SQL, Data Types, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Specifying
Constraints in SQL, Transaction Control Language, SQL Functions, Set Operators and Joins, View,
Synonym and Index, Sub Queries and Database Objects, Locks and SQL Formatting Commands.
Transaction Processing –Transaction Processing Basics, Concurrency Control, Transaction and Systems
Concepts, Desirable properties of Transactions. [4L]
Characterizing Schedules and Recoverability, Schedules and Serializability. Concurrency Control - Two
Phase Locking, Timestamp Ordering. [3L]
Database Recovery – Concepts, Transaction Rollback, Recovery based on Deferred and Immediate
Update, Shadow Paging [3L]
Text Book:
1. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7/e, Pearson, 2016
Reference Books:
1. Silberschatz, Korth, & Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, , McGraw-Hill, 7/e, 2011.
2. Bayross I. SQL, Pl/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publications, 2009
3. Michael J. Hernandez ,Database Design for Mere Mortals®: A Hands-on Guide to Relational
Database Design, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013
Lab #1
a. List various users, functions and constraints of the database system for Library Management.
b. List various users, functions and constraints of the database system for Banking System.
Lab #2
a. Identify the various tables and draw a diagrammatic schema to represent the database of Library
management system.
b. Identify the various tables and draw a diagrammatic schema to represent the database of
University system.
Lab #3
a. Draw ER Model for the database of Library management system.
Lab #1
Consider the following schema:
Suppliers (sid, sname, address)
Parts (pid, pname, color)
Catalog (sid, pid, cost)
Lab #2
a. Consider a schema R(A,B,C,D) and functional dependencies A->B and C->D. Check the
decomposition of R into R1(AB) and R2(CD) for lossless join and dependency preservation.
b. R(A,B,C,D) is a relation. Which of the following does not have a lossless join, dependency
preserving BCNF decomposition?
1. A->B, B->CD 2. A->B, B->C, C->D
3. AB->C, C->AD 4. A ->BCD
Lab #3
a. Using a sample schema and data, demonstrate the use of 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF.
Lab #1
a. CreatetableStudentwithfollowingattributesandperformthefollowingoperations?
Date Type Number Varchar Char Varchar2
Size 6 30 35 15
i. AddnewattributesCity,Street,CountrywithDatatypeVarcharandlength30?
ii. Modifyfield ST_ROLLNOand change thesize to5?
iii. RemovecolumnST_ADDRESS?
iv. DescribetheTableStudent?
v. DropTableStudent?
vi. CopyStructureof onetableto another
b. CreateUsersuser1, user2,user3andperformthefollowingoperations
i. Grant Session Privilege to the newly created users?
ii. Grant privileges for creating and manipulation tables?
iii. Grant data manipulation privileges to various users on tables?
iv. Grant privileges with grant option.
v. Revoke privileges.
Lab #2
a. CreateObject ADDRESSand usetheobjectinaTableDDL?
b. CreatetableStudent withfollowingattributesandperformthefollowing operations.
Number Varchar Char Char Varchar2 Varchar2 Date
Size 6 30 35 30 30 30
i. Insert 10recordsinthetable.
ii. PerformvariousProjectOperationsusingSelectQuery.
iii. PerformvariousrestrictoperationsusingSelectQuery.
iv. Updaterecords inthetable.
v. Deleterecordsinthetable.
vi. Create another table with same structure as existing table without copying the
vii. Create another table along with the structure and data from existing table.
Lab #3
a. Create table Student with ST_ADDRESS as Object Type with following attributes and
Attribute ST_ADDRESS
T Y e y
ype Number Varchar Char Char Varchar Varchar2 Date
Size 6 30 35 30 30 30
i) Insert 10records.
ii) PerformvariousProjectOperationsusingSelectQuery.
iii) PerformvariousrestrictoperationsusingSelectQuery.
iv) Updaterecords inthetable
v) Delete records in the table
b. CreatetableSTUDENT withfollowingattributesandperformthefollowingoperations?
O E T Y e y G
Type Number Varchar Char Char Varchar Varchar2 Date
Size 6 30 35 30 30 30
i. Insert 10recordsinthetable.
ii. PerformvariousProjectOperationsusingSelectQuery.
iii. PerformvariousrestrictoperationsusingSelectQueryusingvariousarithmeticand
LogicalOperators like
a. LessThan
b. GreaterThan
c. LessThan orEqualto
d. GreaterThan orEqualTo
e. Equalto
f. Not EqualTo
iv. Performrestrict operationsshownto(iii)usingvariousdatatypeslikenumeric,Characters,Date.
v. PerformUpdateoperationsusingvariousArithmeticandLogicalOperatorsonTableSTUDENT
vi. PerformDeleteoperationsusingvariousArithmeticandLogicalOperatorsonTableSTUDENT
vii. UseInsertandSelectCommandstogetherwithArithmeticandLogicalOperators.
Lab #1
a. Perform followingTransaction ControlOperationsontheabove table
ii. Perform various data manipulation operations the table .
iii. Create Five Savepoints from S1 to S5.
iv. Rollback to Various savepoints and observe the changes in the table.
v. Perform various DDL operations the table and observe its effect on Savepoint and
Rollback on the table.
vi. Try to abnormally terminate the application to observe whether data is saved or not.
vii. Use Commit and Commit Work commands to save the data permanently.
b. CreatetableSTUDENTwithfollowingattributesandperformvariousDMLoperationst
overify domain constraint
Date Type Number Varchar2 Varchar
Size 6 30 35
Constraint NOTNull NotNULL NOTNULL
Lab #2
a. Create table STUDENT with following attributes and perform various DML operations to
verify Validity Integrity.
Date Type Number Varchar2 Varchar
Size 6 30 35
Constraint >20001 and NotNULL NOTNULL
b. Create table STUDENT with following attributes and perform various DML operations to
verify Entity Integrity using Primary and Unique Keys?
Lab #3
Date Type Number Varchar2 Varchar
Size 6 30 35
Constraint Primary/UniqueKeys NotNULL NOTNULL
a. Create table STUDENT with following attributes and perform various DML operations to
verify Referential Integrity using given tables (employee and department)?
Date Type Number Varchar2 Varchar Number
Size 6 30 35 4
Constraint PrimaryKey NotNULL NOTNULL Foreign Key
DID NAME Address
Date Type Number Varchar2 Varchar
4 30 100
Constraint Primary NotNULL NOTNULL
b. Write SQL queries to demonstrate use of Join and various SQL functions
Unit I
Goals and applications of networks. LAN, MAN & WAN architectures. Concept of WAN subnet.(3L)
Overview of existing networks. OSI Reference Model Architecture, TCP/IP Model and their comparison.
Protocol layers and service models. OSI and Internet protocols.(4L)
Unit II
Unit III
Internet control protocols: ICMP, ARP and RARP. Concepts of delay, security, and Quality of Service
(QoS). Reliable data transfer. Stop-and-Go evaluation. TCP and UCP semantics and syntax. TCP RTT
Principles of congestion control. Principles of routing. Link-state and distance vector routing. Routing
algorithms: Inter- and intra-domain routing. RIP, OSPF, BGP.CIDR. Transport Layer: UDP and TCP
concepts. Socket API for Network Programming. (6L)
Unit IV
Client-Server application development using TCP & UDP sockets. Basic Server Architectures. Network
Security: Overview of threats, cryptography, authentication, and firewalls their components. (4L)
Encryption techniques and examples of encryption standards. Network management including SNMP.
Network troubleshooting.(6L)
Reference Books:
1. Andrew Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, 4th Edition by Pearson.
2. Douglas Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1”, Pearson.
3. W. Richard Stevens, “UNIX Network Programming”, Pearson.
4. Maufer, “IP Fundamentals”, Pearson.
5. Douglas Comer, “Client-Server Programming with TCP/IP, Volume 3”, Pearson.
Lab Sheet 1
Unit I:
Q1. Network components such as Modem, Gateways, Routers, Switches, Cables etc.
Q2. Various network softwares, services and applications.
Lab Sheet 2
Unit I:
Q1. Network trouble shooting Techniques: Trouble shooting basic TCP/IP problems.
Q2. Commands like ipconfig, getmac, tracert, pathping, arp, ping, netstat, finger etc.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit I:
Q1. Straight cabling, Cross cabling, Signal testing, T568A and B wiring standards (including
hands on practice)
Lab Sheet 1
Unit II:
Q1. Program that prints the address of
Q2. Program that prints all the addresses of
Lab Sheet 2
Unit II:
Q1. Program that scans lower ports and prints them.
Q2. Program to list host names from command line, attempt to open socket to each one and print
the remote host, the remote port, the local address and the local port.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit II:
Q1. Program for splitting the URLs entered into command line into component parts.
Lab Sheet 1
Unit III:
Q1. Program to list all the interfaces available on a workstation.
Q2. Basics of TCP/IP and UDP/IP socket Programming
Lab Sheet 2
Unit III:
Q1. Program for “echo” client. The Client enters data to the server, and the server echoes the data
back to the clients.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit III:
Q1. Program for “echo” Server. The Server listens at the port specified and reads from client and
echoes back the result.
Lab Sheet 1
Unit IV:
Q1. Basics of Serial Port programming
Lab Sheet 2
Unit IV:
Q1. Program to write out “Hello World” to a serial port or to a USB to Serial Converter.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit IV:
Q1. Simple RPC Programming. (Introductory level)
Unit 1
Evolution of Management: - Contribution of Taylor, Mayo & Fayol, Different approaches of
management, role of manager, tasks of a professional manager, Management & its functions. Level of
Management, managerial skills at various levels. Planning & Decision making: - Definition, Nature for
planning, importance, Process of planning, decision making, nature importance & process, types of plans
Unit 2
Accounting, meaning, definition, objectives, accounting principles, branches of accounting, uses &
limitations of Accounting, Basic Accounting Procedure –, rules of debit & credit, Practical system of
book keeping – Cashbook, types of cash book, Profit & loss Account – meaning, Need & preparation,
Balance Sheet- Meaning, need & Preparation,
Principles & Practice of Management – L. M. Prasad
Management – Theory & Practice – C. B. Gupta
Basics of Accounting – Jain & Narang
Basic of Accounting – T. S. Grewal
Proposition, Logic, Truth tables, Propositional Equivalence, Logical Equivalence, Predicates and
Quantifiers; Sets: operations on sets, Computer representation of sets, Cardinality of a Set (4L)
Functions: Domain, Range, One-to-One, Onto, Inverses and Composition, Sequences and summations,
Growth of functions. (3L)
Methods of Proof: Direct Proof, Indirect Proof, Mathematical Induction for proving algorithms;
Counting techniques – Permutations, Combinations, The Pigeonhole Principle. (3L)
Discrete Probability, Advanced Counting Techniques: Inclusion-Exclusion, Applications of Inclusion
exclusion principle, recurrence relations, solving recurrence relation. (4L)
Relations: Relations and their properties, Binary Relations, Equivalence relations, Diagraphs, Matrix
representation of relations and digraphs. (3L)
Computer representation of relations and digraphs; Transitive Closures, Warshall’s Algorithm, Problem
solving on Warshall’s Algorithm. (3L)
Partially Ordered Sets (Posets), External elements of partially ordered sets, Hasse diagram of partially
ordered set, isomorphic ordered set, Lattices: Properties of Lattices, complemented Lattices. (5L)
Graph theory: Introduction to graphs, Graph Terminology Weighted graphs, Representing Graphs,
Connectivity of Graphs: Paths and Circuits, Eularian and Hamiltonian Paths, Matrix representation of
graphs. Graph Coloring and its applications. (5L)
Trees: Rooted trees, Application of trees: Binary Search Trees, Decision Trees, Prefix Codes, Tree
traversal, trees and sorting, spanning trees, minimal spanning trees. (5L)
Finite Boolean algebra, Functions on Boolean algebra, Boolean functions as Boolean polynomials.
Groups and applications: Subgroups, Semigroups, Monoids Isomorphism, Homomorphism. (5L)
Text Book:
KENNETH H. ROSEN “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications” The Random House/Birkhauser
Mathematics series
Reference Books:
1. LIU, “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. SCHAUMS, “Discrete Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. KOLMAN/REHMAN, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, Pearson Education
4. NICODEMI “Discrete Mathematics”, CBS
Unit 1
Tutorial Sheet #1
1. Find whether (p → q ) ↔ (¬q → ¬ p) is a tautology or a contradiction?
2. Show that:
¬ (p∨ (¬ p∧ q)) and ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q) are logically equivalent by using the propositional laws.
3. Let P(x, y, z) : “x + y = z”. Find the truth values of the following:
A) P(1, 2, 3)
B) P(0, 0, 1)
4. How many students must be in a class to guarantee that at least two students receive the same
score in the final exam, if the exam is graded on a scale from 0 to 100 points?
Tutorial Sheet #2
1. Each user on a computer has a password, which is six to eight characters long, where each
character is an uppercase letter or a digit. Each password must contain at least one digit. How
many possible passwords are there?
2. A playoff between two teams consists of at most five games. The first team that wins three games
wins the playoff. In how many different ways can the playoff occur? Use tree diagram.
3. A young pair of rabbits (one of each sex) is placed on an island. A pair of rabbits does not breed
until they are two months old. After they are two months old, each pair of rabbits produces
another pair each month. Find a recurrence relation for the number of pairs of rabbits on the island
after n months, assuming that no rabbits ever die.
4. Conjecture a simple formula for anif the first 10 terms of the sequence {an} are:
1, 7, 25, 79, 241, 727, 2185, 6559, 19681, 59047.
Tutorial Sheet #3
1. Show that the set of all integers is countable.
2. Give a direct proof of the theorem
“If n is an odd integer, then n2 is odd.”
3. Express the statement “Everyone has exactly one best friend” as a logical expression involving
predicates, quantifiers with a domain consisting of all people, and logical connectives.
4. Use a membership table to show that
A ∩ (B ∪C) = (A ∩ B) ∪(A ∩ C).
Unit 2
Tutorial Sheet #1
1. How many onto functions are there from a set with six elements to a set with three elements?
2. Suppose there are seven coins, all with the same weight, and a counterfeit coin that weighs less
than the others. How many weighing’s are necessary using a balance scale to determine which of
the eight coins is the counterfeit one? Give an algorithm for finding this coin.
3. Is the divides relation on the set of positive integers reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, and
4. What are the sets in the partition of the integers arising from congruence modulo 4?
Tutorial Sheet #2
1. What is the probability that when two dice are rolled, the sum of the numbers on the two dice is
2. An urn contains four blue balls and five red balls. What is the probability that a ball chosen at
random from the urn is blue?
3. How many ways are there to assign five different jobs to four different employees if every
employee is assigned at least one job?
Tutorial Sheet #3
1. Draw the Hasse diagram of (D(75), divides), where the set D(75) represents the set of all positive
divisors of 75.
2. Which elements of the poset ({2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 20, 25}, /)are maximal, and which are minimal?
3. Find a compatible total ordering for the poset ({1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 20}, / ).
4. Draw the Hasse diagram for the partial ordering {(A,B) | A ⊆B} on the power set P(S) where
S = {a, b, c}.
Unit 3
Tutorial Sheet #1
1. Find out the transitive closure of any relation R using Warshall’s Algorithm.
2. Let R be the relation on the set of real numbers such that aRb if and only if a − b is an integer. Is
R an equivalence relation?
3. Let R be the relation on the set of people such that xRy if x and y are people and x is older than y.
Show that R is not a partial ordering.
Tutorial Sheet #2
1. How many edges are there in a graph with 12 vertices, each of degree 4?
2. A connected graph has an Euler path but not an Euler circuit iff it has exactly two vertices of odd
degree. Verify this theorem by drawing a graph of the said property.
3. What is the chromatic number of the graph Cn, where n ≥ 3? (Cn is the cycle with n vertices.)
Tutorial Sheet #3
Unit 4
Tutorial Sheet #1
1. Use Prim’s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree of any graph.
2. Is the set Z (a set of integers) monoid under usual operation of +, - ?
3. Form a binary search tree for the following words in alphabetical order.
mathematics, physics, geography, zoology, meteorology, geology, psychology, and chemistry
Tutorial Sheet #2
1. What is the chromatic number of the complete bipartite graph Km,n, where m and n are positive
2. How can we find out whether two graphs are isomorphic or not?
3. Show that C6 is bipartite. Also show that K3 is not bipartite.
Tutorial Sheet #3
1. What is the significance of Erdos number with regards to Paths in Collaboration Graphs?
2. How can backtracking be used to decide whether a graph can be colored using n colors?
3. What is the value of following prefix expression?
Computer Arithmetic: Introduction, Floating Point Representation and Arithmetic, Normalized Floating
Point Representation of Numbers. (2L)
Approximations & Errors – Types of Programming Errors, Data Errors, Computer & Arithmetic Errors,
Round off and Truncation Errors, Accuracy and Precision, Measures of Accuracy, Error Propagation
Iterative Methods - Non-Linear Equations, Types of Methods to find solutions to nonlinear equations,
Algorithms to Compute Roots of Equation – Methods of Tabulation or Brute Force Method, Method of
Bisection, Secant Method, Newton-Raphson Method, Method for False Position (5L)
Derivation of mathematical formulas and implementation of these methods
Text Books
1. S.C.Chapra&R.P.Canale: “Numerical methods for Engineering”. Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Krishenmurty and Sen : “Numerical Algorithms”
3. V. Rajaraman “Computer oriented numerical methods.” Prentice Hall of India
4. Grewal, B. S.: “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Hindustan Offset Problems Series.
Tutorial Sheet 1
Unit I:
Q1.Define different types of errors.
Q2.Let X= 0.005998. Find relative error if x is truncated to 3 decimal digits
Q3.Let X= 0.005998. Find relative error if x is truncated to 3 decimal digits.
Tutorial Sheet 2
Unit I:
Q1.What do you mean by approximation and error?
Q1.Find the root of the equation 2x-x-3 = 0 graphically.
Q2.Find the root of the equation correct to three decimal digits using False Position Method.
cos x -3x+1 = 0
Tutorial Sheet 3
Unit I:
Q1.What is the difference between accuracy and precision? Define the two ways for measuring
Q2.Find the root of the equation correct to three decimal digits using Bisection Method.
X3 – 2X - 5 =0
Write the programming implementation of Bisection method for the above question.
Q3.Prove Newton-Raphson method analytically.
Tutorial Sheet 1
Unit II:
Q1.Prove Newton-Raphson method analytically
Q2.What are the various methods to obtain solutions of non-linear equations?
Q3.Solve the following system of linear equations using Gauss Seidel Method, correct to three
decimal digits.
10x1 + x2 + 2x3 = 44
2x1 + 10x2 + x3 = 51
x1 + 2x2 + 10x3 = 61
Tutorial Sheet 2
Unit II:
Q1.Give the programmatic implementation of Gauss Jordon method
Q2.What is the difference between the Gauss-Jordon and Gauss-Elimination?
Q3.Give examples of various direct and iterative methods to obtain solutions of non-linear
Tutorial Sheet 3
Unit II:
Q1.Solve the following system of linear equations using Gauss Elimination Method.
2x1 + 8x2 + 2x3 = 14
x1 + 6x2 - x3 = 13
2x1 - x2 + 2x3 = 5
Q2.Give the programming implementation of Gauss elimination method.
Q3.Solve the following system of linear equations using Gauss Jordon Method.
2x1 - 2x2 + 5x3 = 13
2x1 + 3x2 + 4 x3 = 20
3x1 - x2 + 3x3 = 10
Tutorial Sheet 1
Unit III:
Q1.What are the ways to approximate a function by a polynomial? Describe each in brief
Q2.We want to compute sin(x) correct to three significant digits. Obtain a series with minimum
number of terms using Taylor series.
Q3.We want to compute sin(x) correct to three significant digits. Obtain a series with minimum
number of terms using Chebyshev series.
Tutorial Sheet 2
Unit III:
Q1.Give the programmatic implementation of Chebsyshev series.
Q2.Give the derivation of trapezoidal method.
Q3.Give the programmatic implementation of trapezoid method.
Tutorial Sheet 3
Unit III:
Q1.State newton’s methods of interpolation – forward difference, backward difference
Q2.State Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression
Q3.Give the programming implementation of Taylor Series
Tutorial Sheet 1
Unit IV:
Q1.Give a brief idea about runge-kutta (RK) methods.
Q2.Given dy/dx = xy with y(1) =5. Find solution correct to decimal positions in the interval [1,1.3]
using RK second order method (step size h=0.1)
Q3.Provide the programmatic implementation of RK 2nd order method.
Tutorial Sheet 2
Unit IV:
Q1.Given dy/dx = xy with y(1) =5. Find solution correct to decimal positions in the interval [1,1.3]
using RK second order method (step size h=0.1)
Q2.Explain the following terms with suitable examples.
a. Differential equation
b. Solution of Differential equation
Tutorial Sheet 3
Unit IV:
Q1.Give the derivation of Modified Euler’s method.
Q2.Differentiate between the following:
a. Single step and multiple step methods
b. Ordinary and partial derivate
c. Ordinary and partial differential equations
Give programmatic implementation of Least Square Method for curve fitting.
Unit I:
8086 Microprocessor: 8086 Microprocessor Architecture (BIU, EU, Instruction Queue), Software Model
(General Purpose Registers, Segment Registers, Flag & Other Registers). Segmentation. [4L] 8086 Pin
Functions, Minimum and Maximum Mode, The 8086 Memory System [3L] 8086 Basic Programming:
8086 Programming Model, 8086 Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes. [3L]
Unit II:
The 8086 Instruction Set. [3L] , Assembly Language Programming: Significance, Assemblers and
Linkers, TASM Directives – Data Definitions, Named-constants, User-defined, Segments, Subroutines,
Macros, Modular-code. [3L] Programming with Data Transfer, Arithmetic and Logical Instructions:
Data Transfer, Arithmetic, Logical/Bit Manipulation Instructions [4L]
Unit III:
Branching and Looping : Unconditional and Conditional Jump instructions, Decision making and
looping, Loop instructions, ASCII and BCD Arithmetic, Processor Control Instructions. [5L] Shift
Instructions, Rotate Instructions and String Instructions [3L] Stacks: Defining a stack, Push and Pop
Instructions [2L]
Unit IV:
Procedures: Defining and Calling procedure. CALL and RET instructions, Parameter Passing Methods,
Far procedure [3L] Macros: Working with macros, additional assembler directives [2L] INT 21H: INT
21H Keyboard Services, Display Services, and File Manipulation Services. [3L] Input/Output
Instructions [2L]
Text Book: M.T. Savalia. 8086 Programming and Advanced Processor Architecture. Wiley India.
LabSheet 1. This week students will learn how to declare, initialize and access varied-
sized variables by using Assembler Directives and 8086 instructions.
a. Write a program that declares and initializes two integer variables (one 8-bit wide
and another 16- bit wide), and then assigns new values to them using 8086instructions.
b. Write a program that declares and initializes a String array (byte array) of 10
elements, and then assigns new values to each element individually using
LabSheet 2. This week students will learn how to use INT 21H service to read integers
and strings from keyboard and display them on screen.
a. WriteaprogramthatreadsanintegervaluefromkeyboardusingINT21Hkeyboardservic
b. Write a program that declares and initializes a String array(byte array), and uses
INT 21H display service to displays all elementsindividually.
LabSheet3.Thisweekstudentswilllearnhowtoperformarithmetic operations of 8-
a. Write a program that reads two 8-bit integers from keyboard (using INT 21H) and
displays their sum and difference (using INT 21H after doing necessary
b. Write a program that reads two 8-bit integers from keyboard (using INT 21H) and
displays their multiplication and division result (using INT 21H after doing necessary
LabSheet 1. This week students will learn how to perform various logical operations on
integer values.
a. Write to program reads two integers from keyboard (using INT 21H) and displays
the result ofthe AND, OR, XOR, CMP and TEST operation (using INT 21H after
doing necessary ASCII conversion).
LabSheet 2. This week students will learn how to use a subroutine to recursively
solve a problem.
a. Write a program that defines a subroutine that uses recursion to calculate factorial
of an integer read from keyboard.
Lab Sheet 3. This week students will learn how to use Macros.
a. Write a program that uses a Macro to exchange the values of two 16-bit integer
LabSheet 1. This week students will learn how to use 8086 instructions for looping and
decision making.
a. Write a program that reads an integer from keyboard (using INT 21H service), and
iteratively calculates its factorial.
b. Write a program that declares and initializes an array of 10 elements each 8-bit
wide, reads an 8- bit integer from keyboard, searches its existence through the array,
and displays the result of the searchoperation.
c. Write a program that declares and initializes an array of 10 elements each 8-bit wide,
and sorts its elements in ascendingorder.
LabSheet 2: This weel students will learn how to perform rotate and shift operations.
a. Writetoprogramreadstwointegersfromkeyboard(usingINT21H)anddisplaystheresul
ssaryASCII conversion).
LabSheet 3. This week students will learn how to define a subroutine, pass parameters
to it, and return value from it.
a. Write a program that defines a subroutine, which takes two 8-bit integers as
parameters via Registers, calculates their sum, and returns the result to thecaller.
b. Write a program that defines a subroutine, which takes two 8-bit integers as parameters
via Stack, calculates their sum, and returns the result to thecaller.
LabSheet 1:This week students will learn how to read and write files residing on
secondary storage using INT 21H service.
a. Write a program that opens an existing text file in the current working directory,
and display its contents.
b. Writeaprogramthatcreatesafileincurrentworkingdirectory,writestextualdatatoit(rea
d from keyboard), and closesit.
LabSheet 2. This week students will learn how to write, install and use a custom
a. Write a program that creates a subroutine to display “hello world!”, installs the
subroutine as ISR, and subsequently uses it via INTinterface.
LabSheet 3. This week students will learn how to write a simple device driver for
a. Writeaprogramthatdefinesasubroutine,whichtakesthreeparameters –
row,column,addressof theString,andusesmemory-
mappedI/Otodisplayitonscreen.Theprogramcallsthissubroutineto display a String
inputted viakeyboard.
Unit I [12 L]
Basics of MATLAB, Overview of features and workspace, Data types [2L]
Arrays : Initialization and definition, Array functions, 2-‐D Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Processing
Array elements, Array sorting [4L]
Matrices: Matrix Operations, Matrix Functions, Manipulating matrices, Special Matrices [4L]
Decision Making using If-‐Else and Switch [2 L]
Unit II [12 L]
Function definitions, Function arguments, Function returns, Embedded Functions [3L]
Files and I/O, Reading from a file, Writing to a file, Formatting output, For Loops, Do While Loop [4L]
Plots and Graphs, Plot Types, Plot Formatting, Multiple Plots , Plot Fits : Extrapolation and Regression
Solving basic matrix equations, modelling and solving system of equations. [2L]
1. Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers by William J. Palm III.
2. Essentials of MATLAB Programming by Stephen J. Chapman
3. MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements: An Iterative Approach by Peter I. Kattan.
4. An Introduction to Scientific Computing: Twelve Computational Projects Solved with MATLAB.
5. A Guide to MATLAB: For Beginners and Experienced Users by Brian R. Hunt (Editor).
6. Solving Odes with MATLAB by Lawrence F. Shampine.
Semester - II
Unit I [10 L ]
Data types/objects/structures, Data structures and its types, Representation and implementation. Linear
Data Structures: Array representation, operations, applications and limitations of linear arrays, 2-
dimensional arrays, matrices, common operations of matrices, special matrices, array representation of
Sparse matrices[4L].
Linked Lists: Representation of Linear Linked List, Operations like creating , search an element
inserting an element, deleting an element, reversing a list, merging two list, Deleting entire list. Linked
list application, Polynomial Manipulation, Representing Sparse Matrices[6L]
Unit II [ 10 L]
Stack, Representation of stack in memory, Operations on Stacks, Implementation of Stack using arrays
and linked list, Multiple Stacks: Representing two stacks and more than two stacks, Applications of
stacks: Parenthesis Checker, Infix to postfix procedure, Evaluating expressions in postfix notation,
Sparse Matrix Representation. Implementation of recursion using stack [5L] Queues, Representation of
Queue in Memory, Operations on Queue, Implementation of Queue using arrays and linked list,
Circular Queue and its operations, Representation and implementation, Multiple Queues, DEQUE,
Priority Queue, ,Linked Queue, Multiple Priority queue, Heap Representation of a Priority Queue,
Applications of Queues.[5L]
Unit III [ 10 L]
Trees, Definitions, terminologies and properties ,Binary tree representation ,traversals and applications,
Threaded binary trees, Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, M-way Search Trees, B-trees, B*-trees[6L].
Graphs, Terminology, Graph representations, Traversal Techniques, Operations on Graphs,
Applications of Graphs[4L]
Unit IV [ 10 L ]
Minimum spanning trees, Shortest Path Algorithms in Graphs, Eulerian Tour, Hamiltonian Tour Direct
Address Tables, Hash Table, Different Hash functions, resolving collisions, rehashing, Heap
Structures, Binomial Heaps, Leftist Heaps.[6L].
File Organizations: Sequential File Organization, Relative File Organization, Indexed Sequential File
Organization, Multiple Key File Organizations: Inverted File and Multi-List Organizations[4L]
Text book:
1. SartajSahni, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++”, Galgotia Pub
1 Heileman:data structure algorithims&Oop Tata McGraw Hill
2 Data Structures Using C – M.Radhakrishnan and V.Srinivasan, ISTE/EXCEL BOOKS
3 Weiss Mark Allen, “Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++”, Addison Wesley.
4 Data Structures and Algorithms – O.G. Kakde& U.A. Deshpandey, ISTE/EXCEL BOOKS
5 Aho Alfred V., Hopperoft John E., UIlmanJeffreyD., “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Addison
6 Drozdek- Data Structures and Algorithms,Vikas
7 Tanenbaum A. S. , “Data Structures using ‘C’ ”
Lab Sheet 1:
Q1. Write a program in C++ to insert, delete and update the contents of an array. Q2. Write
a program in C++ to perform various operations on matrices.
Q3. Write a program to multiply two sparse matrices?
Q4. Write a program in C++ to implement different string manipulation operations?
Lab Sheet 2:
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a program in C++ to multiply two polynomials represented as linked lists? Q2.
Write a program in C++ to implement a doubly linked list?
Q3 Write a program to implement different operations like adding a node at beginning, end, center,
after a certain element, after a certain count of nodes in a doubly linkedlist.
Q4. Write a program to implement different operations like deleting a node at beginning, end, center,
after a certain element, after a certain count of nodes in a doubly linkedlist.
Q5 Write a program to implement different operations of a circular linked list
Lab Sheet 1:
Lab Sheet 2:
Q1. Write a program to demonstrate the use of stack in implementing quicksort algorithm to sort an array
of integers in ascending order?
Q2. Write a program to demonstrate the implementation of various operations on a linear queue
represented using a linear array.
Q3. Write a program to demonstrate the implementation of various operations on a Circular queue
represented using a linear array.
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a program to demonstrate the implementation of various operations on a queue represented
using a linked list?
Lab Sheet 1:
Lab Sheet 2:
Lab Sheet 3:
Lab Sheet 1:
Q1. Write a program in C++ to find the edges of a spanning tree using Prims Algorithm?
Q2. Write a program in C++ to find the shortest path in a graph using Warshalls Algorithm.
Q3. Write a C++ program to in C++ to find the shortest path in a graph using Modified Warshalls
Q4. Write a C++ program to in C++ to find the shortest path in a graph using Dijkstra’s
Q5. Write a C++ program in C++ to implement Euler Graphs?
Lab Sheet 2:
Q1. Write a program in C++ to implement Hamilton Graphs? Q2. Write a program in C++ to
implement Planner Graphs?
Q3. Write a program to C++ to implement Kruskals Algorithm? Q4. Write a program to C++ to
find the cycles in a graph?
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a C++ program to implement various hashing techniques? Q2. Write a C++ program
to demonstrate the concept of rehashing? Q3. Write a C++ program to create Max and Min
Q4. Write a C++ program to create Binomial and Leftist heaps?
UNIT I [12]
Organization and Information Systems, The Organization: Structure, Managers and activities, Data,
Information and its attributes –The level of people and their information needs – Types of
Decisions and Information – Information Systems – Management Information System (MIS) –
Decision Support System (DSS) and Group Decision Support System (GDSS)
UNIT II [12]
2. “Management Information Systems”, W. S. Jawadekar, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 3/e, 2004
3.Turban, Efraim, Ephraim McLean, and James Wetherbe. 2007. Information Technology for
Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy. New York, John Wiley
Unit I [10L]
Unit II [10 L]
Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzification, Fuzzy Sets, Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Hedges, Reasoning in Fuzzy Logic-
Mamdani Inference [5L]
Search Algorithms – Local search algorithms: Gradient ascent, Simulated Annealing, Genetic
Algorithm [5L]
Unit IV [10 L]
Neural Networks: Neuron as a basic building element of an ANN. Activation functions, Perceptron.
Learning with a perceptron. Limitations of a perceptron. [3L]
Multilayer Neural Networks, Training by Error Back Propagation [3L]
Self Organising Nets, Kohonen Self-Organising Net [2L]
Convolutional Neural Networks [2L]
Text Book:
Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, PHI/Pearson Education.
Unit I
Lab Sheet 1
1. Build an expert system and demonstrate forward chaining inferencing.
Lab Sheet 2
1. Build an expert system and demonstrate backward chaining inferencing.
Lab Sheet 3
1. Build an expert system and demonstrate conflict resolution process.
Unit II
Lab Sheet 1
1. Build a Fuzzy inference system for the Tipping Problem
Lab Sheet 2
1. Using Fuzzy Logic solve the following Tipping problem:
Given two sets of numbers between 0 and 5 (where 0 is for very poor, and 5 for excellent) that
respectively represent quality of service and quality of food at restaurant, what should tip be?
Lab Sheet 3
1. Solve 2-input 1-output project risk prediction problem using Mamdani Inference. Make necessary
Unit III
Lab Sheet 1
1. Create a decision tree for a given dataset using ID3 algorithm
Lab Sheet 2
1. Implement Classification and Regression Tree (CART) algorithm for any relevant dataset.
Lab Sheet 3
1. Demonstrate inductive learning on any application of your choice.
Unit IV
Lab Sheet 1
1. Implement single layer perceptron.
Lab Sheet 2
1 Demonstrate Neural Networks using different activation functions
Lab Sheet 3
1. Implement Back-propagation Algorithm
Concept and Nature of Software, Software Crisis, Software Engineering – Concept, Goals and
Challenges, Software Engineering Approach; [2L]
Software Development Process, Process Models - Waterfall Model, Evolutionary and Throwaway
Prototyping Model, Incremental and Iterative Models, Spiral Model, Agile Process Model, Component
based and Aspect Oriented development. [4L]
Software Process and Project Measurement: Measures, Metrics and Indicators, Size -Oriented Metrics
vs. Function - Oriented Metrics, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). COCOMO Model.
Introduction to Requirements Engineering - Why, What and Where. Requirements Types: functional and
nonfunctional requirements. [3L]
Requirement Engineering Framework. Requirement Elicitation Process and Techniques. Requirement
Analysis and Modelling, Requirements prioritization, verification, and validation. [7L]
Basics of Design Engineering - Abstraction, Architecture, Patterns, Separation of concerns, Modularity,
Functional Independence, refinement, Refactoring. [2L]
Function oriented design, Design principles, Coupling and Cohesion, Design Notations & Specifications,
Structured Design Methodology. [4L]
Object-Oriented Design - Design Concepts, Design Methodology, Object-oriented analysis and design
modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML), Dynamic & Functional Modeling, Design
Verification. [4L]
Software Testing – Concepts, Terminology, Testing & Debugging, Adequacy Criteria, Static vs.
Dynamic Testing, Black Box vs. White Box Testing. Structural testing and its techniques. Functional
Testing and its techniques, Mutation testing, Random Testing. Non-Functional Testing like Reliability,
Usability, Performance and Security Testing. [6L]
Introduction to Software Reliability: Basic Concepts, Correctness Vs Reliability, Software Reliability
metrics, Operational Profile, Reliability Estimation and Predication, Reliability and Testing. [3L]
Concept of Software reengineering, reverse engineering and change management. [1L]
Text Book:
1. Pfleeger and Atlee, Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, Pearson, 2010.
Reference Books:
2. Sommmerville, Ian - Software Engineering. Pearson , 9/e , 2011.
3. Pankaj Jalote - An Integrated approach to Software Engineering, Narosa Publication.
4. Software Engineering: Principles and practice, 3rd Edition, Hans Van Vliet, Wiley.
5. James F. Peters Software Engineering – An Engineering Approach, Wiley& Sons.
6. Roger Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach”,McGraw-Hill Publications.
Tutorial #1
a. How is Software Engineering different from other Engineering fields?
b. Study and compare different software process models
c. Identify the suitable applications for the individual process model.
Tutorial #2
a. Calculate the function points for the following data. The total CAV is 36.
Number of user inputs=15 - Simple:- 5, Average:- 7, Complex:- 3
Number of user outputs=14 - Simple:- 5, Average:- 5, Complex:-4
Number of user inquiries=8 - Simple:- 2, Average:- 3, Complex:- 3
Number of files =6 - Simple:- 3, Average:- 1, Complex:- 2
Number of external interfaces=13 - Simple:- 4, Average:- 7, Complex:- 2
b. Based on the result calculate the various metrics like productivity, Quality, Cost, Documentation.
Tutorial #3
a. Calculate the effort, duration and average persons required for basic CoCoMo model for 70000
LOC assuming project type is semi-detached.
b. Calculate the effort, duration and average persons required for intermediate CoCoMo model for 50000
LOC assuming project type is organic and EAF is 2.92.
c. Calculate the effort, duration and average persons required in basic CoCoMo model for organic
project type given that total FP is 651 and the 1 FP=2500 LOC
Tutorial #1
a Identify the different requirements of the application for application like Library Management System.
b. Identify the different requirements of the application for application like University System.
Tutorial #2
a Classify the requirements into functional and non-functional requirements for Library Mgmt. System.
b. Classify the requirements into functional and non-functional requirements for University System.
Tutorial #3
a. Prepare a requirement document (SRS) for the same as per the IEEE standard for Library Mgmt.
b. Prepare a requirement document (SRS) for the same as per the IEEE standard for university
Tutorial #1
Which of the following design principle(s) have been violated in the following scenarios?
a) Abstraction
b) Decomposition and Modularization
c) Coupling & Cohesion
d) Encapsulation
e) Sufficiency, Completeness and Primitiveness
f) All
Tutorial #2
Design the system using structured design for Library Management System by using DFD, ER diagrams
and structure chart whichever applicable.
i. Identify various processes, data store, input, output etc. of the system.
ii. Use processes at various levels to draw the DFDs.
iii. Identify various modules, input, output etc. of the system
iv. Use various modules to draw structured charts.
Tutorial #3
Design the system using Object-Oriented design for Library Management System using UML modeling
technique appropriately and
i. Identify various processes, use-cases, actors etc. of the system.
ii. Identify various elements such as classes, member variables, member functions etc.
of the class diagram. Draw the class diagram.
iii. Identify various elements such as various objects of the object diagram. Draw the
object diagram.
iv. Identify various elements states and their different transition of the state-chart
diagram. Draw the state-chart diagram.
v. Identify various elements such as controller class, objects, boundaries, messages etc.
of the sequence diagram. Draw the sequence diagram as per the norms.
vi. Identify various elements such as for the sequence diagram of the collaboration
diagram. Draw the collaboration diagram as per the norms
vii. Identify various elements such as different activity their boundaries etc. of the
activity diagram. Draw the activity diagram.
viii. Identify various elements of the component diagram such as the various components
like client, server, network elements etc. Draw the component diagram.
ix. Identify various elements such as the hardware components of the deployment
diagram. Draw the deployment diagram.
Tutorial #1
a. Write test cases for login page of your university admission system.
b. Write test cases for simple calculator program.
c. Write test cases for online examination module.
Tutorial #2
Due to surge in online examination requirements, a company is intending to test its software capable of
examining 5000 students at a time for MCQs. Indicate the performance testing strategy required to
ensure that it is capable of supporting 5000 simultaneous users.
Tutorial #3
a. Calculate the reliability of the software product using sample data.
b. Calculate various reliability metrics using sample data and discuss applicability of each metric.
Unit I
Adobe Photoshop Environment, Interface tour of Photoshop and Palettes, Color Modes and
Resolutions, Using different Photoshop tools. [3L]
Working with Layers Grouping and Smart objects, Image Adjustments, Layer Masking and Layer
Clipping, Using Blending Options, Filters, Photoshop actions, Animation tools [3L]
Markup Language, Basic Structure of HTML , Meta Tags, Document Structure Tags, Formatting
Tags, Text Level formatting, Block Level formatting, List Tags, Hyperlink tags, Image and Image
maps, Table tags, Form Tags, Executable content tags, Tables as a design tool, Forms, Creating
Unit II
Style Sheets: Different approaches to style sheets, Using Multiple approaches, Linking to style
information in s separate file, Setting up style information. [4L]
Java Script: JavaScript Objects, JavaScript Security, Operators: Assignment Operators, Comparison
Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, String Operators, Special Operators, ?
(Conditional operator), ,(Comma operator), delete, new, this, void Statements : Break, comment,
continue, delete, do … while, export, for, for…in, function, if…else, import, labelled, return, switch,
var, while, with, Core JavaScript (Properties and Methods of Each) : Array, Boolean, Date, Function,
Math, Number, Object, String, regExp Document Object Model, Events and Event Handlers.[6L]
Unit III
PHP, Server-side web scripting, Installing PHP, Adding PHP to How PHP scripts work, Basic PHP
syntax PHP data types, PHP Variables, Operators in PHP, Conditional Statements, Loops (If, If else
and Switch) [4L]
Strings, Arrays and Array Functions, Numbers, PHP Function: User-Defined Functions, Inbuilt
functions, Basic PHP errors / problems, Working with Forms, designing a Form, $_GET and
$_POST, HTML and PHP code, User Input, Form Validation, Cookies, File uploading, Sessions [6L]
Unit IV
Advanced PHP and MySQL: PHP MySQL Integration, Creating a database connection, Selecting
the DB, Basics of SQL, SQL Syntax, CRUD Operations, Inserting data in database, Inserting data
with a File [5]
Retrieving data from Database, Retrieving data with specific criteria, Updating records, Searching
the records, Alter table structure, Deleting the records Dropping tables. Emailing with PHP. [5]
1. Web Design The complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Tata McGrawHill
2. HTML and XHTML The complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Tata McGrawHill
3. JavaScript 2.0 : The Complete Reference, Second Edition by Thomas Powell and Fritz
4. PHP: The Complete Reference By Steven Holzner, Tata McGrawHill
Unit I
Week 1:
1. Open any picture and make use of rectangular and elliptical selection tools to select portions of
the image and paste it in another image. Also make use of move tools.
2. Make use of the Lasso- and Polygonal Lasso Selection Tools, Copy, Paste Into, Move Tool,
Zoom Tool, Quick Select Tool (or Magic Wand Tool), Invert Selection, Copy, Paste Transform
tools for editing an image.
3. Edit any image using the following tools, Paint Bucket Tool, Color Picker, Brush Tool.
4. Select an image and make use of Text Tool, Selection Tools, Copy, Paste, Transform, Move
Tool, Opacity, Eraser Tool to perform different operations
5. Select any image of your choice and make use of the Brush Tool, Smudge Tool, Dodge Tool,
Burn Tool, Layer Styles, Modes, The Shape Tools, the Styles palette.
Week 2
1. Applying different filters on an image and make use of different layers.
2. Create a page banner from scratch using browser-safe colors
3. Make the illusion of an image fitting inside your text using clipping mask.
4. Create an Animation for Rocket Launch and Moving Ball
Week 3
1. Create a html page with demonstrates the use of formatting tags image tags and other basic tags.
2. Create the different types of list, tables in html
3. Create a table with the relevant tags and attributes
4. Create a html form in the table layout covering major form elements
Unit II
Week 4
1. Link an external style sheet with styles for basic tags.
2. Create a CSS code for applying design on the webpage.
3. Using a DIV tag and CSS code design a web page.
4. Create a CSS code and use id and Class identifiers.
Week 5
1. Write a JavaScript program to sum the multiples of 3 and 5 under 1000?
2. Write a JavaScript Code for checking type of triangle where three sides are given.
3. Write a JavaScript code to convert a Decimal Number int Roman Number?
4. Write a JavaScript function to test whether a string ends with a specified string
Week 6
1. Write a JavaScript to check whether a given string is palindrome or not.
2. Write a program using Java Script that checks if two matrices have identical values in all the
3. Write a JavaScript program to check a credit card number and validate an email address using
JavaScript Regular Expressions?
4. Write a JavaScript program to implement DOM?
Unit -III
Week 7
1. Create a simple HTML form and accept the user name and display the name through PHP echo
2. Write a PHP program to remove duplicates from a sorted list.
3. Write a PHP program to compute the sum of the prime numbers less than 100
4. Write a PHP program to print out the sum of pairs of numbers of a given sorted array of
positive integers which is equal to a given number?
Week 8
1. Write a program to calculate and print the factorial of a number using a for loop.
2. Write a PHP script using nested for loop that creates a chess board?
3. Write a program that inputs a number from the user and display all armstong numbers upto the
number entered using loops?
4. Write a function to reverse a string.
Week 9
1. Write a PHP code to Validate and form and provide results on the other web page
2. Wite a PHP code to implement various string functions used in PHP.
3. Write a PHP code for uploading a file in a specific folder on the server.
4. Write a PHP code so sort an array using any sorting technique?
Week 10
1. Write a PHP script to get time difference in days and years, months, days, hours, minutes,
seconds between two dates
2. Write a PHP function to get start and end date of a week (by week number) of a particular year
3. Write a PHP script to generate random 11 characters string of letters and numbers
4. Write a PHP function to create a human-readable random string for a captcha.
Unit - IV
Week 11
1. Write the mysql code to create the database represented by following E-R diagram . Keep all
the referential integrity constraints into consideration?
2. Insert the dummy data inside the tables making any assumptions as required if any ?
3. Write a SQL statement to insert records into the table countries to ensure that the country_id
column will not contain any duplicate data and this will be automatically incremented and the
column country_name will be filled up by 'N/A' if no value assigned for that column.
4. Write a SQL statement to insert rows in the job_history table in which one column job_id is
containing those values which are exists in job_id column of jobs table.
5. Write a SQL statement to insert rows into the table employees in which a set of columns
department_id and manager_id contains a unique value and that combined values must have exists
into the table departments.
6. Write a SQL statement to insert rows into the table employees in which a set of columns
department_id and job_id contains the values which must have exists into the table departments and
Week 12
1. Write a query to display the name (first_name, last_name) and salary for all employees whose
salary is not in the range $10,000 through $15,000.
2. Write a query to display the name (first_name, last_name) and salary for all employees whose
salary is not in the range $10,000 through $15,000 and are in department 30 or 100.
3. Write a query to display the first_name of all employees who have both "b" and "c" in their first
4. Write a query to get the total salaries payable to employees.
5. Write a query to get the minimum salary from employees table.
6. Write a query to get the maximum salary of an employee working as a Programmer.
7. Write a query to get the average salary and number of employees working the department 90.
8. Write a query to find the name (first_name, last_name) and hire date of the employees who was
hired after 'Jones'.
9. Write a query to get the department name and number of employees in the department
10. Write a query to find the employee ID, job title, number of days between ending date and
starting date for all jobs in department 90.
11. Write a query to display the department ID and name and first name of manager.
12. Write a query to display the department name, manager name, and city.
13. Write a query to display the job title and average salary of employees.
14. Write a query to display job title, employee name, and the difference between salary of the
employee and minimum salary for the job
15. Write a query to get the DATE value from a given day (number in N).
16. Write a query to get the firstname, lastname who joined in the month of June.
17. Write a query to get the years in which more than 10 employees joined.
18. Write a query to get first name of employees who joined in 1987.
19. Write a query to get department name, manager name, and salary of the manager for all
managers whose experience is more than 5 years.
20. Write a query to get employee ID, last name, and date of first salary of the employees.
21. Write a query to get first name, hire date and experience of the employees
22. Write a query to get the department ID, year, and number of employees joined.
23. Write a query to update the portion of the phone_number in the employees table, within the
phone number the substring '124' will be replaced by '999'.
24. Write a query to get the details of the employees where the length of the first name greater than
or equal to 8.
25. Write a query to display the first word from those job titles which contains more than one words
29. Write a query to display the first eight characters of the employees' first names and indicates the
amounts of their salaries with '$' sign. Each '$' sign signifies a thousand dollars. Sort the data in
descending order of salary.
26. Write a query to display the employees with their code, first name, last name and hire date who
hired either on seventh day of any month or seventh month in any year
Week 13.
1. Create a PHP-MySQL connection which connects to the hr database using PHP objects ?
2. Create a form to add using sign in and sign out, update and delete employee to the hr database?
3. Create a login, logout for every employee and list all the employee in the database?
4. Write a php script which emails the login details to the new employee along with his salary
details fetch from the hr database?
5. Write a php script which demonstrates the use of sessions and cookies which inserting in the
Unit 1:
Part 1: The OSI Security Architecture, Security Attack – Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Controls, Types
of Threats (Attacks) [ 3L]
Part 2: Security Services – Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authentication, Access Control and
Non-repudiation; Security Mechanism. [3L]
Part 3: Introduction to Number Theory: Prime Number Generation and Testing for Primality, Fermat’s
and Euler’s Theorems, Modular Arithmetic, Euclidean and Extended Euclidean Algorithm,
Euler’s Phi Function. [4L]
Unit 2:
Part 1: Introduction to Cryptology. Types of Encryption Systems – Based on Key, Based on Block;
Confusion and Diffusion; One-time pad, Block Ciphers and Data Encryption Standard [4L]
Part 2: Block Cipher Modes of operation, Advanced Encryption Standard. Stream Ciphers, Random
Number Generation. Shift Register based stream Ciphers, RC4 [4L]
Part 3: Public-Key Cryptography. RSA Cryptosystem [2L]
Unit 3:
Part 1: Double and Triple Encryption. Key Management, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange [2L]
Part 2: Digital Signatures, The RSA signature scheme, Hash Functions, The Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA-1 [4L]
Part 3: Message Authentication Codes, HMAC and CBC-MAC, Message Digest [4L]
Unit 4:
Part 1: IP Security, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, Electronic Mail Security
Part 2: Network intrusion Detection system using machine learning: Supervised and Unsupervised.
General IDS model and Taxonomy. IDS Signatures. [3L]
Part 3: DDoS Attacks. Specification and rate based DDoS. Defending against DoS attacks in scout:
signature based solutions. [3L]
Paar, Christof, and Jan Pelzl. Understanding cryptography: a textbook for students and
practitioners. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.
William, S., and Cryptography Stalling. "Network Security, 4/E." Prentice Hall. (2006).
Forouzan, Behrouz A., and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay. Cryptography and network security (Sie).
McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
Endorf, C., Schultz E and Mellander J, “Intrusion Detection and prevention”. McGraw Hill. 2003
Unit I
Week 1: Network Troubleshooting commands
a. Ipconfig, Ping, Traceroute, Netstat
b. NSLookUp, ARP, Hostname
Week 2: Demonstrate Packet Sniffing and Analysis of Network Traffic
a. Analyse Network Traffic using Wireshark
b. Demonstrate the Analysis of Network traffic over HTTP protocol
Unit III
Week 7: Asymmetric Key Cryptography
a. Discuss the implementation of Public key Cryptography
b. Implement RSA Algorithm
Unit IV
Week 10: Intrusion Detection
a. Demonstrate Anomaly Detection and its various types
b. Perform Intrusion Detection System using SNORT
Week 11: IDS using Machine learning Algorithms
a. Discuss Various classifiers for Intrusion Detection
b. Implement IDS using Random Forest on NSL KDD DataSet.
Text Book:
1. Hearn and Baker “Computer Graphics” 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
Reference Books
1. W.M.Newman and Sproull. “Principles of interactive Computer Graphics” ,TMH
2. Steven Harrington.” Computer Graphics a Programming Approach” McGraw Hill.
3. Plastock and Kelley. “Schaums outline of theory and problems of computer Graphics”
4. David F Frogers and J Alan Adams. “Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics” McGraw Hill
5. David F Rogers and J Alan Adams. “Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics” McGraw
6. James. D. Foley, A Van dam etal “Computer Graphics” Pearson.
7. Sinha and Udai , “Computer graphics”, TMH
Lab Sheet 1
Unit I:
Q1. Write a C++ program to draw line.
Q2. Write a C++ program to draw circle.
Q3. Write a C++ program to draw pixel.
Lab Sheet 2
Unit I:
Q1. Write a C++ program to draw line using DDA algorithm.
Q2. Write a C++ program to implement Brenham’s algorithm to draw line.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit I:
Q1. Write a C++ program to implement Mid-Point Algorithm to draw Circle.
Q2. Write a C++ program to implement Mid-Point Algorithm to draw Ellipse.
Lab Sheet 1
Unit II:
Q1. Write a program to apply Translation to 2D shapes
Q2. Write a program to apply Scaling to 2D shapes
Q3. Write a program to apply reflection along X axis to 2D shapes
Q4. Write a program to apply reflection along Y axis to 2D shapes
Q5. Write a program to apply translation and reflection to 2D shapes
Lab Sheet 2
Unit II:
Q1. Write a program to apply rotation to 2D shapes
Q2. Write a program to apply X-shearing to 2D shapes
Q3. Write a program to apply Y-shearing to 2D shapes
Q4. Write a program to apply reflection along y=x line to 2D shapes
Q5. Write a program to apply translation and shearing to 2D shapes
Lab Sheet 3
Unit II:
Q1. Write a program to apply reflection along y=-x line to 2D shapes
Q2. Write a program to apply translation and rotation to 2D shapes
Q3. Write a program to apply scaling and shearing to 2D shapes
Q4. Write a program to apply scaling and translation to 2D shapes
Q5. Write a program to apply scaling and reflection to 2D shapes
Lab Sheet 1
Unit III:
Q1. Write a program to apply composite scaling and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.
Q2. Write a program to apply composite translation and rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes.
Q3. Write a program to clip the lines fallen outside the window using Cohen Sutherland line
Lab Sheet 2
Unit III:
Q1. Write a program to apply scaling and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.
Q2. Write a program to apply scaling and translation to 3-Dimensional shapes.
Q3. Write a program to apply translation and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit III:
Q1. Write a program to apply composite scaling and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.
Q2. Write a program to apply composite translation and rotation to 3-Dimensional shapes.
Q3. Write a program to apply composite translation and scaling to 3-Dimensional shapes.
Lab Sheet 1
Unit IV:
Q1. Write a program to implement line attributes.
Q2. Write a program to implement circle attributes.
Q3. Write a program to implement ellipse attributes.
Lab Sheet 2
Unit IV:
Q1. Write a program to draw Bezier Curve.
Q2. Write a program to draw Cubic Bezier Curve.
Lab Sheet 3
Unit IV:
Q1. Write a program to draw Bezier surfaces.
Q2. Write a program to generate fractal images.
Unit I
Understanding Python variables, Python basic Operators, python blocks , Data Types, Declaring and
using Numeric data types: int, float, complex Using string data type and string operations[4L]
Defining list and list slicing Use of Tuple data type: Python Program Flow Control Conditional
blocks using if, else and elif Simple for loops in python, For loop using ranges[4L]
String, list and dictionaries Use of while loops in python Loop manipulation using pass, continue,
break and else Programming using Python conditional and loops block [4L]
Unit II
Python Functions, Modules And Packages, Organizing python codes using functions[4L]
Organizing python projects into modules, Importing own module as well as external modules[4L]
Understanding Packages Powerful Lamda function in python, Programming using functions,
modules and external packages, Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations. [4L]
Reference Books:
1. David Beazley , Brian K. Jones “Python Cookbook”, 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Publications
2. Jake VanderPlas “Python Data Science Handbook” O’Reilly Publications
3. David Beazley, “Python Essential Reference (4th Edition) “ Addison Wesley
4. Vernon L. Ceder,” The Quick Python Book, Second Edition”, Manning Publications
5. Brett Slatkin ,”Effective Python”
Semester – III
Unit I:
Unit II:
Randomized Algorithms: Identifying the repeated element, Primality testing, Advantages and
Disadvantages. (3L) Divide and Conquer Strategy: Binary search, Quick sort, Merge sort (3L)
Greedy Method, General method, Knapsack problem, Single source shortest paths.(4L)
Unit III:
Dynamic programming Strategy: All pair shortest paths, Traveling salesman problems. (3L)
Backtracking Strategy: 8-Queen problem, Sum of subsets, Knapsack problem.(4L) Branch and
Bound Strategy: Least Cost Branch and Bound, 8-Queen Problem(3L)
Unit IV
Lower boundary theory, Lower bound theory through reductions, P and NP problems. NP hard and
NP complete problems, Cook’s Theorem (5L) Approximate Algorithms and their need, The vertex
Cover Problem, The traveling salesman problem, The subset sum problem (5L)
Text Book:
1. Horowitz, Sahni, Rajasekaran “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Galgotia
Publications Reference Books:
1. Coremen, Leiserson, Rivest,Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, 2nd edition, PHI.
2. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia “Algorithm Design and Applications” , Wiley
3. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms”, Pearson
Unit 1:
1. Write a program for Linear Search.
2. Implement recursive solution to the Tower of Hanoi puzzle.
1. Write a program for iterative binary search.
2. Sort a given set of n integer elements using Quick Sort method and compute its time
complexity. Run the program for varied values of n > 5000 and record the time taken to sort. Plot
a graph of the time taken versus n on graph sheet. The elements can be read from a file or can be
generated using the random number generator. Demonstrate using C how the divide -and- conquer
method works along with its time complexity analysis: worst case, average case and best case.
1. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method.
2. Obtain the Topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph
Unit 2:
1. Write a program for recursive binary search.
2. Write a program for Merge Sort.
1. Write a program for finding maximum and minimum number using Divide and conquer
2. Write a program to sort given set of elements using heap.
1. Implement Knapsack Problem using greedy method.
2. Write a program for Single Source Shortest path algorithm using greedy method.
Unit 3:
1. Implement 0/1 knapsack using dynamic programming.
2. Write a program for travelling salesman problem using Dynamic programming.
1. Implement BFS.
2. Implement DFS.
1.Write C programs to implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths problem using Floyd's algorithm.
2. Implement 8-Queens problem and analyze its time complexity.
Unit 4:
1. Implement N-Queens problem using Backtracking.
2. Write a program for Vertex Cover Problem..
1. Design and implement in C to find a subset of a given set S = {Sl, S2,.....,Sn} of n positive
integers whose SUM is equal to a given positive integer d. For example, if S ={1, 2, 5, 6, 8} and
d= 9, there are two solutions {1,2,6}and {1,8}. Display a suitable message, if the given problem
instance doesn't have a solution.
1. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using DFS.
Unit I [10L]
Introduction to Java Language: Creation of Java. How Java changed the Internet. Features of
Java Language. Evolution of Java. Comparison with other languages like C++.Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and Byte-code.
Java Language Overview: Lexical issues – Whitespace, Identifiers, Keywords, Literals,
Separators, and Comments. Installing JDK.PATH variable. Java program – Structure, Compilation
and Execution. Java Class libraries (System Class).main() method.[3L]
Data types, Variables and Arrays: Primitive Data-types and Typed-Literals. Variables –
Declaration, Initialization, Scope and Lifetime. Arrays – Single and Multidimensional. Type
Conversion and Expression Promotion. [4L]
Operators, Expressions and Control statements: Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Logical,
Assignment. Precedence and Associativity. Selection, Iteration and Jump Statements.
Unit II [10L]
Packages: Creating and Importing Packages. CLASSPATH variable. static import. [2L]
Strings: Mutable and Immutable Strings. Creating Strings. Operations on Strings. [1L]
Threads: Creating Threads in Java. Java Thread Lifecycle. Multithreading in Java:
Synchronization and Inter- process communication (IPC) in Threads. [4L]
Applet: Java Applet class Architecture. Working and Lifecycle of Java Applet. Displaying text and
animation, and passing parameters to Applet. Embedding Applets in a web page. [3L]
Unit IV [10L]
Event-Driven Programming: Java 1.1 Event Delegation Model – Source object, Event object
and Listener object. Methods associated with Source, Event and Listener objects. Low-level vs
Semantic events. Adapter classes, Inner classes, and Anonymous Inner classes. Adding GUI
elements to Applet.
I/O Streams: Byte, Character, Buffered, Data, and Object Streams. Standard Streams. File I/O
Basics, Reading and Writing to Files. Serializing Objects. [4L]
Networking Classes and Interfaces: TCP/IP Server Sockets in Java. Developing simple
networking applications in Java like File transfer, Chatting, etc. [2L]
Textbook: H. Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2014.
Reference Books:
5. K. Sierra, Sun Certified Programmer For Java 5, Wiley India, 2006.
6. K. Sierra and B. Bates, Head First Java (Java 5), 2nd Edition, O’Reilly, 2003.
7. H.M. Dietel and P.J. Dietel, Java: How to Program, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
8. C.S. Horstmann and G. Cornell, Java 2 Vol-1 Fundamentals, 7th Indian Reprint, Pearson
Education, 2006.
9. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with Java: A Primer, 4th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2010.
Lab Sheet 1:
Q1. Download latest version of Java Development Kit (JDK), preferably JDK8 or above (Please
Q2. Follow the instructions that appear during the Installation ofJDK8, and set PATH variable to
the appropriate directory location as instructed in the lecture.
Lab Sheet 2:
Q1. Write a Java program that displays “hello world!” on the screen.
Q2. Write a Java program that receives two integer numbers via keyboard, does their summation,
and displays the result. Ensure that only integer values are processed.
Q3. Write a Java program that prints the season name corresponding to its month number using
If-else and switch-case statements.
Q4. Write a Java program that sorts (using bubble sort) an integer array using for loop.
Q5. Write a Java program that calculates factorial of a number (inputted via keyboard)
Q6. Write a Java program that creates a 2D integer array with 5 rows and varying number of
columns in each row. Using ‘for each’ variant of for loop display each element of every row.
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a Java program that reads an integer from keyboard and displays it.
Q2. Write a Java program that reads a floating-point number from keyboard, converts it to integer
and displays it.
Q3. Write a Java program that reads a string from keyboard, converts it to a floating-point
number and displays it.
Q4. Write a Java program that populates all the 10 elements of an integer array using keyboard
input, increments every element by 1, and displays every element.
Q5. Write a Java program that iteratively calculates factorial of a number.
Lab Sheet 1:
Lab Sheet 2:
Q1. Write a Java program that creates a Class namelyA that has a private instance variable and
method, a protected instance variable and method, a default instance variable and method, and a
public instance variable and method. Create another Class say B that inherits from A.
i. Show that all except private members are inherited.
ii. Show that an inherited instance variable can be shadowed (with the same or weaker
access visibility) but can be accessed using super keyword in the sub-class.
iii. Show that an inherited method can be overridden (with the same or weaker access
visibility) but canbe accessed using super keyword in the sub-class.
iv. Show that the reference variable of type A or B can’t access an overridden method of A
in the Object of B.
v. Show that the reference variable of type A can access a shadowed data member of A in
the Object of B.
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a Java program that creates a Class in which a method asks the user to input 2 integer
values, and calls another member function (say div()) to divide the first inputted number by the
second number (by passing them as parameters). Handle an exception that can be raised in div()
when the denominator equals zero (use try-catch statement).
Q2. Modify the above Java program so that it also creates a Custom Exception that is thrown by
div() when the denominator value is 1 (use throw). Handle the exception.
Q3. Modify the above Java program so that the exception-handling in not performed by div()
rather it only species all the possible exceptions it may throw (use throws). And, the method that
calls div() does the exception handling.
Lab Sheet 1:
Q1. Create a Java Package (say pack1) that contains 3 Classes (say A, B and C). Write a Java
program that uses this package after setting the CLASSPATH variable. Following scenarios
must be considered individually:
i. Importing the whole package (all the 3 classes)
ii. Importing only specific class (say Class A only)
Q2. Create another Package (say pack2) that contains same number of classes, and same
definition for each class, as that of pack1. Write a Java program that imports all classes from both
pack1 and pack2 while ensuring that the name conflicts are not encountered while accessing any
of these classes.
Q3. Write a Java program to count the total number of occurrences of a given character in a
Q4. Write a Java program to convert a string to char array.
Lab Sheet 2:
Q1. Write a Java program that creates a Class that extends a Thread class. Create 3 objects of the
class, each starting a new thread and each thread displaying “I am Thread: ” in an infinite loop.
The displayed text must be suffixed by the unique name of the thread.
Q2. Write a Java program that creates a Class that implements interface Runnable, and does the
same as the above program.
Q3. Write a Java program to implement a solution for producer-consumer problem using
synchronization and inter-process communication in Threads.
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a Java program that creates a Class that extends an Applet class. The applet is
embedded in a web page and is passed 2 numeric parameters. The applet shall display the
summation result of the parameters passed.
Q2. Write a Java program that creates a Class that extends an Applet class. The applet simulates a
marquee by displaying characters of the message one at a time from right to left across the screen.
When the message is fully displayed, the message starts again.
Q3. Write a Java program that creates a Class that extends an Applet class. The applet displays
bar chart forthe data passed as parameter. The data includes the number of male and female
students enrolled in MCA course.
Lab Sheet 1:
Q1. Write a Java program that creates a Class that extends an Applet class. Add GUI elements to
the applet so as to create a simple 2-player tic-tac-toe game.
Q2. Write a Java program that creates a Class that extends an Applet class. Add GUI elements to
the applet so as to create a simple calculator.
Lab Sheet 2:
Q1. Write a Java program to open and read a file (filename is passed as command line argument),
and displays the number of words in the file?
Q2. Write a Java program to copy a file. The source and destination filenames arepassed as
command line arguments.
Lab Sheet 3:
Q1. Write a Java program (client) that sends a text message to another Java program (server),
which receives and displays it.
Q2. Modify the above Java programs so that each of the two programs is able to send and receive
the text messages.
Unit - I
Types of Operating Systems; Operating System Structures – Processes, Scheduling criteria,
Scheduling Algorithms. 5L
Processor allocation and scheduling in distributed systems - System Models, Load balancing and
sharing approach, fault tolerance; Real time distributed systems. 5L
Unit - II
Interprocess Communication and Synchronization, Classical problems, Critical section,
Semaphores, Monitors. 5L
Synchronization in Distributed Systems - Clock Synchronization and related algorithms, Logical
Mutual Exclusion: Centralized & Distributed (Contention & Token) Algorithms. Election
Algorithms: Bully Algorithm, Invitation Algorithm. 5L
Unit - III
Memory Management: Address Spaces, Virtual Memory. Page Replacement Algorithms, Design
and Implementation Issues for Paging Systems, Segmentation. 5L
General architecture of Distributed Shared Memory systems; Design and implementation issues
of DSM; granularity - Structure of shared memory space, consistency models, replacement
strategy, thrashing. 5L
Unit - IV
Deadlocks characterization, Methods for handling deadlocks. Deadlock - Prevention, Avoidance,
Detection, Recovery. Deadlock Detection - Distributed Algorithms 5L
Threads - Characteristics, Advantages & Disadvantages, Design Issues & Usage. Client Server
model; Remote procedure call and implementation issues. 5L
Text Books:
Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, “Operating System Principles”, John Wiley.
Pradeep K. Sinha , “Distributed Operating Systems : Concepts and Design”, PHI
Reference Books:
Andrew .S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, PHI. Andrew. S. Tanenbaum, “Distributed
Operating System”, PHI.
Lab Sheet 1:
1. Write a program to implement process systemcalls.
2. Write a program to implement I/O systemcalls
Lab Sheet 2:
1. Write a program to simulate the SJF scheduling algorithm. The program should read the following
• Number of processes
• Burst time requirement of each process
The program should generate the following outputs:
• Process statistics after each context switch
• Average Turn around time
• Average Waiting time
2. Write a program to simulate the Round Robin scheduling algorithm. The program should read
the following inputs:
• Number of processes
• Burst time requirement of each process
• Length of the Time Slice
The program should generate the following outputs:
• Process statistics after each context switch
• Average Turn around time
• Average Waiting time
Lab Sheet 3:
1. Write a program to simulate FCFS scheduling algorithm.
2. Write a program to simulate priority schedulingalgorithm.
Unit II
Lab Sheet 1:
1. Write a program to implement the producer – consumer problem using semaphores.
2. Write a program to implement IPC using shared memory.
3. Write a program to simulate the concept of dining philosophers problem.
Lab Sheet 2:
1. Create client server programs using RPC wherein the server accepts a number from the client and
returns the square of the number which is then displayed by the client. Use rpcgen to generate the
stubs automatically.
2. Write a program to simulate Clock Synchronization in Distributed Systems using Lamport’s
Lab Sheet 3:
1. Write a program to simulate the Bully Election algorithm.
Lab Sheet 1
1. Write a program to implement and simulate MFT (Memory management with fixed partitioning
technique) algorithm.
2. Write a program to implement and simulate MFT (Memory management with variable
partitioning technique) algorithm.
3. Write a program to simulate the following contiguous memory allocation techniques
a) Worst-fit b) Best-fit c)First-fit
Lab Sheet 2:
1. Write a program to simulate the LRU page replacement algorithm. The program should read the
following inputs:
• Length of the reference string
• Reference string
• Number of page frames
The program should generate the following outputs:
• Page replacement sequence after each reference
• Number of page faults
2. Write a program to simulate the LFU page replacement algorithm. The program should read the
following inputs:
• Length of the reference string
• Reference string
• Number of page frames
The program should generate the following outputs:
Lab Sheet 3:
1. Write a set of programs to use the concept of shared memory through LINUX system calls.
• One process creates a shared memory segment and writes a message into it.
• Another process opens the segment, reads the message and outputs the message to standard
Unit IV
Lab Sheet 1:
1. Write a program to simulate the Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance. The program
should read the following inputs:
• Number of Processes
• Number of resource types
• Current allocation and Maximum allocation of resources to each process
• Currently Available Resources
• New request details
The program should generate the following outputs:
• Determine whether the system is in the safe state or not
2. Modify the previous program to determine the safe sequence if the system is in safe state.
Lab Sheet 2:
1. Write a program to implement deadlock detection (resource allocation graph)algorithm.
2. Write a program to simulate deadlock prevention.
Lab Sheet 3:
1. Write a program to implement mutual exclusion of threads on LINUX using the pthread.h library
Some of the important system calls to be used include: pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_self,
pthread_create, pthread_exit
Unit I
Linear regression, Classification Algorithms: KNN and effect of various distance measures
(Euclidean, Manhattan, Mahalanobis Distances, etc.) [4L]
Clustering Algorithms: Fuzzy C-means, Hierarchical clustering, Density-based spatial clustering
of applications with noise (DBSCAN) [4L]
Cluster Validity index. Compactness Cluster Measure, Distinctness Cluster Measure, Validity
Index Using Standard Deviation, Point Density Based Validity Index, Validity index using Local
and Global Data Spread, [4L]
Unit II
Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines: Binary Linear Support Vector Machines, Optimal
Hyperplane, Kernel Functions, Solving Non-linear Classification problems with Linear Classifier.
Applications of Support Vector Machines. [6L]
Dimensionality Reduction, Principal Component Analysis, Fisher Linear Discriminant, Quadratic
Discrminant Analysis, Multiple Discriminant Analysis. [6L]
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning by Ethem Alpaydin, MIT Press
2. Pattern Classification by Duda and Hart. John Wiley publication
3. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction by Trevor Hastie,
Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, Springer.
4. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher M. Bishop, Springer
5. Machine Learning: A probabilistic Perspective, by Kevin P. Murphy, MIT Press
Introduction to computation, Finite Automata, DFA, Kleene’s theorem, Non-determinism, Finite
Automata with output. Regular Languages: introduction to formal languages, regular operations,
closure property Regular Expression; Equivalence of DFA, NFA, and RE. Non-Regular Languages
and Pumping Lemma. 10L
Unit II
Context-Free Languages: introduction to CFL, context free grammars, Chomsky normal form, parse
trees, derivation and ambiguity, closure and non-closure properties. Pushdown Automata (PDA),
Deterministic vs Non-deterministic PDAs. Non-CFL and pumping Lemma for CFLs. 10L
Context-Sensitive Languages: introduction to CSL, context sensitive grammars, Linear Bounded
Automata (LBA) Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages: introduction to REL and
Chomsky hierarchy, Hilbert’s algorithm and Church-Turing Thesis. Turing Machines, equivalence of
Deterministic, Non-deterministic, and multi-tape TMs. Universal TMs. 10L
Unit IV
Decidable Languages: Decidability, and Undecidability, Reductions and its applications. A Halting
Problem, Complexity: Asymptotic Notation and properties thereof. Deterministic and Non-
deterministic Turing Machine cost models (space and time). 10L
1. Cohen, Daniel IA, and Daniel IA Cohen. Introduction to computer theory. Vol. 2. New York:
2. Linz, Peter. An introduction to formal languages and automata. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
3. Parkes, Alan P. Introduction to languages, machines and logic: computable languages, abstract
machines and formal logic. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
Unit II
Week 4. Pushdown Automata
a. Demonstrate the Construction of a Pushdown Automata with example
b. Construct pushdown automata for the following languages. Acceptance either by empty stack or
by final state.
Unit III
Week 7. Turing Machines
a. Discuss Turing machine with the help of an example
b. Give a detailed description of a total Turing machine accepting the palindromes over {a, b}:
that is, all strings x ∈ {a, b} ∗ such that x = rev x.
Unit IV
Week 10. Decidability
a. Discuss Decidability of a language with help of an example
b. Let L be a decidable language. Prove that the complement L’ is decidable
c. Prove that L ∪ L’ is decidable, when L is decidable.
Unit I
Classification and types of Wireless telephones. Introduction to Cordless, Fixed Wireless (WLL),
Wireless with limited mobility(WLL-M) and (Fully)Mobile Wireless phones. Introduction to
various generations of mobile phone technologies and future trends. Wireline vs. Wireless portion
of mobile communication networks. Mobile-Originated vs. Mobile-Terminated calls. Mobile Phone
numbers vs. Fixed-Phone numbers. [10L]
Unit II
Concept of cells, sectorization, coverage area, frequency reuse, cellular networks & handoffs.
Wireless Transmission concepts; types of antennas; concepts of signal propagation, blocking,
reflection, scattering & multipath propagation. Comparison of multiple access techniques FDM,
TDM and CDM. Concept of Spread Spectrum(SS) techniques; Frequency Hopping SS . Direct
Sequence SS and concept of chip-sequence. [10L]
Unit III
Concept of Forward and Reverse CDMA channel for a cell/sector. Concept/derivation of Walsh
codes & Code Channels within a CDMA Channel. Simplified illustration of IS-95 CDMA using
chip sequences. Purpose of Pilot, Sync, Paging, Forward Traffic Channels. Purpose of Access &
Reverse TCs. [10L]
Unit IV
GSM reference architecture and components of Mobile Networks: MS, BTS, BSC, MSC; their basic
functions and characteristics. Use of HLR and VLR in mobile networks. Handoff scenarios in GSM.
References Books:
T. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice(2nd Edition)”,Pearson.Andy
Dornan, “The Essential Guide to Wireless Communications Applications”,Pearson. Jochen
Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Pearson. K.Pahlavan, P.Krishnamurthy, “Principles of
Wireless Networks”, PHI.
Unit I
Tutorial 1
Q1. Describe the evolution of wireless and mobile communication technologies by writing concise
notes on:
(a) Fixed Wireless (b) Cordless Phones (c) WLL / WLL-M technologies (d) Fully-Mobile
Q2. Name and briefly describe three technologies used by second-generation mobile networks
and indicate the bandwidth of the channel used by each one.
Q3. Explain the concept of a cell, coverage area and sectorization.
Tutorial 2
Q1 Draw a diagram showing the positioning of wireless networks vis – a - vis wired network.
Q2 Why are wired network usually part of the wireless infrastructure?
Q3 Differentiate between Portability, nomadicity and mobility
Tutorial 3
Q1 Name three channel sounding techniques, Give the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Q2 What are the three important radio propagation phenomena at high frequencies? Which
of them is predominant indoors
Unit II
Tutorial 1
Q1. Using diagrams, explain the idea of Frequency Reuse in the context of AMPS and CDMA.
Q2. Using a diagram and text explain the concept of handoff/handover in mobile networks.
Q3. Write short notes on: (a) types of antennas; (b)concepts of signal propagation, blocking,
reflection, scattering & multipath propagation.
Tutorial 2
Q1 Name the two most popular techniques used in digital cellular modems and give one
example standard that uses each of them.
Q2 For a 64-QAM modem give the SNR at which the error rate over a telephone line is 10.
Q3 Why is PPM used with infrared communication instead of PAM?
Tutorial 3
Q1 Name a cellular telephony standard that employs FDMA
Q2 What are the popular access schemes for data networks? Classify them.
Q3 Name two duplexing methods and one example standard that uses each of these
Unit III
Tutorial 1
Q1. Using diagrams and text explain the Concepts of Spread Spectrum(SS) techniques; Frequency
Hopping SS & Direct Sequence SS.
Q2. Explain using diagrams the Concept of Forward and Reverse CDMA channel for a cell/sector.
Q3. Explain the Concept/Derivation of Walsh codes & Code Channels within a CDMA Channel.
Tutorial 2
Q1 What is the difficulty of implementing CSMA/CD in a wireless environment
Q2 What is the capture effect and how does it impact the performance of the random access
Q3 Name three standard using TDMA/TDD as their access method.
Tutorial 3
Q1 Assume that you have a six secyor cells in a hexagonal geometry. Draw the hexagonal
grid corresponding to this case, Compute S, for reuse factors of 7,4 and 3. Comment on your
Q2 Compare peer to peer and multihop ad hoc topologies
Unit IV
Tutorial 1
Q1. Explain the Purpose of Pilot, Sync, Paging, Forward Traffic Channels in CDMA
Q2. Using diagrams and text explain briefly GSM reference architecture and components of
Mobile Networks: MS, BSC, NSS; their subsystem functions and characteristics.
Q3. Draw diagrams with associated text to explain various Handoff Scenarios supported in
Tutorial 2
Q1 Give three reasone why it is difficult to dwtect collusions at the transmitter in wireless
Q2 What are the new elements added to the GSM infrastructure to support GPRS?
Q3 What are the new elements added to the AMPS infrastructure to support CDPD?
Tutorial 3
Q1 Draw the protocol stack of CDPD to the M-ES at the MDMS and at thr ND-IS. Show the
communication between different peer layers.
Q2 Of the design goals of CDPD which three do you consider important? Why?
Q3 Explain with diagram MTP, PTP ?
Unit I
Definition, need and importance of organizational behaviour, Nature and scope, Frame work,
Organizational behaviour models.[6 L]
Personality – types – Factors influencing personality – Theories – Learning – Types of learners –
The learning process – Learning theories – Organizational behaviour modification.[6L]
Unit II
Misbehaviour – Types – Management Intervention.[2L]
Emotions - Emotional Labour – Emotional Intelligence – Theories.[2L
Attitudes – Characteristics – Components – Formation – Measurement- Values.[2L]
Perceptions – Importance – Factors influencing perception – Interpersonal perception- Impression
Motivation – importance – Types – Effects on work behaviour[3L]
Unit III
Organization structure – Formation – Groups in organizations [2L]
Influence – Group dynamics – Emergence of informal leaders and working norms [3L] Group
decision making techniques – Team building - Interpersonal relations [3 L] Communication –
Control. [2L]
Meaning – Importance – Leadership styles – Theories – Leaders Vs Managers – Sources of power
– Power centers – Power and Politics. [2L]
Unit IV
Oganizational culture and climate, Factors affecting organizational climate[2L] Job satisfaction –
Determinants – Measurements – Influence on behaviour. Organizational change – Importance –
Stability Vs Change – Proactive Vs Reaction change – the change process – Resistance to change –
Managing change. [4L]
Stress, Work Stressors, Prevention and Management of stress, Balancing work and Life. [3L]
Organizational development, Characteristics, objectives, Organizational effectiveness [3L]
Reference Books:
1. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, Organisational behaviour, John Wiley
2. Udai Pareek, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, 2nd Edition, Oxford Higher Education.
3. Mc Shane & Von Glinov, Organisational Behaviour, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. Hellrigal, Slocum and Woodman, Organisational Behavior, Cengage Learning, 11th Edition.
5. Ivancevich, Konopaske & Maheson, Organisational Behaviour & Management, 7th edition,
Tata McGraw Hill.
Tutorials questions
Organisational Behaviour
Unit 1
Tutorial 1
Q1 Define Organisational Behaviour. State its importance and scope.
Q2 Define planning. Explain the steps involved in planning and state the limitations in planning
Q3 Explain the importance of planning as the beginning of the process of management. State how
decision making plays a vital role in the exercise of planning.
Tutorial 2
Q1 Distinguish clearly between intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. Quote an example. How
does it deteriorate teamwork in the organisation?
Q2 State how systems Approach and contingency Approach have played the role of integrating
various fragmented approaches of management
Q3 Explain the theory of transactional analysis. Discuss ego states as its link
Tutorial 3
Q1 Which leadership style is suitable to HR Manager of I.T. industry in the present era. Give
Q2 Discuss the merits and demerits of formal and informal group formation in industrial
organisation functioning at the national level
Q3 Elaborate on the evolution of management thought & its relevance in today’s scenario
Tutorial 1
Q1 Define motivation. Elaborate A.H.Maslow’ s hierarchy theory of motivation.
Q2 “Controlling techniques are very effective in an organisation”. Elaborate
Q3 Write short notes on
Formation of the team.
b) Principles of decision making.
c) Dimensions of attitude.
d) MBO.
e) Stress management.
Tutorial 2
Q1 Elaborate on the SOBC model of O.B. Give Examples
Q2 Explain the concept of conflict management with its Process.
Q3 Compare A.H. Maslow’s theory with Herzberg’s theory of Motivation
Tutorial 3
Q1 Explain the meaning of personality. What are the determinants of personality? Give relevant
Q2 Distinguish between formal organizations & informal organizations. Explain the importance of
the formation of teams
Q3 Write short notes on
a) Functions of management.
b) Morale Indicators.
c) Dimensions of attitude.
d) Planning premises.
e) Job satisfaction.
Tutorial 1
Q1 “Nothing is constant, the only change is constant”. Explain the statement w.r.t. factor
responsible for the change.
Q2 What is departmentalization? Explain the various types of departmentalization?
Q3 Write short notes on
1) Decision-making process.
2) Leadership styles.
3) Models of OB.
4) Functions of Management.
5) Line and staff authority.
Tutorial 2
Q1 What are the different types of motives? Explain A.H.Maslow’s hierarchy need a theory of
Q2 “Its is remarked that attitudes shape the personality of an individual”. Comment.
Q3 Explain nature 7 purposes of planning with its steps, in detail.
Tutorial 3
Q1 what do you understand by ‘Motives’ and explain the Herzberg theory of motivation, with
Relevant examples.
Q2 Define stress. Explain ill effects of stress on human beings. How do people manage stress
Q3 Enumerate various factors responsible for the change
Tutorial 1
Q1 What is conflict? . What are the sources of conflict?
Q2 What can be the consequences of conflict on an organisation?
Q3 .How can grievance affect an organisation and its employees? Describe the process of handling
Tutorial 2
Q1 What are the Factors affecting organizational climate
Q2 How can an employee balance his work and personal life in an organisation
Q3 What do you mean by Organisational Culture? State its elements. Also discuss how
organisational culture can be created and sustained.
Tutorial 3
Q1 Explain in details the various types of culture?
Q2 How to create a positive organsational culture?
Q3 Write short notes on:
Strong Vs. Weak Culture
II. Soft Vs. Hard Culture
III. Formal Vs Informal Culture
IV. Concept of Workplace Spirituality
Overview of Computing Paradigm: Recent trends in Computing: Grid Computing, Cluster Computing,
Distributed Computing, Utility computing.
Introduction to Cloud Computing, History of Cloud Computing, The need for Cloud Computing,
Benefits and challenges of Cloud Computing: Security, Scalability, Availability, Reliability [5L]
Unit - II
Virtualization: Concept of virtualization; Role of Virtualization in Cloud Computing
Web services technologies and protocols for Cloud Computing: HTTP, XML, SOA, SOAP
Cloud Service Providers: Google, Amazon Web Services, Micro Soft, IBM, Salesforce;
Open source tools for Cloud: Google Drive, DropBox, OpenNebula, Eucalyptus, Nimbus, RedHat
OpenShift Orogin, Cloudify, CloudSim, Green Cloud;
Next Generation Cloud Computing [12L]
Text Book:
K. CHANDRASEKARAN, ,“Essentials of Cloud Computing”, CRC Press
Reference Books
1. Gautam Shroff, “Enterprise Cloud Computing Technology Architecture Applications”,
Cambridge University Press; 1 edition, [ISBN: 9780521137355], 2010
2. Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, “Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach”,
3. Dimitris N. Chorafas, “Cloud Computing Strategies” CRC Press; 1 edition [ISBN:
4. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski, “CLOUD COMPUTING Principles and
Paradigms “, Wiley Publication.
Semester – IV
Project Work