Unified District Information System For Education Plus: (UDISE+) Data Capture Format
Unified District Information System For Education Plus: (UDISE+) Data Capture Format
Unified District Information System For Education Plus: (UDISE+) Data Capture Format
Sections Details
Student Details
NOTE: All fields are mandatory (if not specifically mentioned Optional). Hence mandatory fields
should not be left blank.
Section 1A- Basic School Profile (Location, Management, Medium of Instruction etc)
UDISE Code 3 6 0 9 1 0 0 0 4 3 0
If 2-URBAN then
(a) Latitude 1 7 . 5 6 8 6 0 5
(b) Longitude 8 0 . 5 0 0 7 2 7
(1- Head Master/Principal, 2- Asst. Head Master/Vice Principal, 3-Acting Head Teacher, 4- In-Charge from Other School, 5- In-
Charge from Block/District, 6- Others)
Hr. Sec. /Jr. College only with grades 11 & 12 (HSEC) 11 Higher Secondary School
PRY - Primary, UPR - Upper Primary, SEC - Secondary, HSEC - Higher Secondary
(b) Whether Pre-Primary section (other than Anganwadis) attached to school? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
(For Example, mention 3 if Class Nursery, LKG and UKG are available)
(A- State Government, B - Govt. Aided, C- Private Unaided, D- Central Government, E- Others)
1.15 (b) Management Code of School 31-GOVT TW DEPT.PRIMARY (Choose According to Management Group)
Administration Type
(1-Autonomous body under Ministry/Dept, 2-PSU under Ministry/Dept., 3- Society under Ministry/Dept)
1.18 Respondent Details (*Respondent = Person actually Responsible for filling this form)
(1- Head of the School/In-Charge, 2-Teacher, 3-School Administration Staff/Official/Clerk, 4- In-Charge from Block/District/Cluster, 5-
In-Charge from Other School)
1.20 Year of Recognition of the school (Mandatory for Govt. Aided and Pvt. Unaided Schools)
(a) Primary
(1-Visual impairments, 2-Hearing impairments, 3-Motor impairments, 4-Cognitive impairments, 5-All Types, 6-Others)
1.24 Does the school run any skill training centre after school hours? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
(1-Ashram (Govt.), 2- Non-Ashram (Govt.), 3- Private, 4-Others, 6-KGBV, 7- Model School, 8- Eklavya Model Residential School, 10 - Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya, 11- Netaji Subhash Residential School)
If 3-Non-Residential
(b) Is there any hostel where most of the students of this school stay? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
(1-KGBV Type-4, 2- Other Government, 3- Other private under school management, 4- Other private not under school management)
(c) Whether Boarding/Hostel/Residential facilities are available for the following Stage/Level ?
No of Available Seats
Sl.No Stage / levels Boarding/Hostel/Residential facilities Availability?(1-Yes, 2-No)
Boys Girls
1.27 Are majority of the pupils taught through their mother tongue at the Primary level? 1-Yes (1-Yes/2-No)
1.28 Medium of instruction(s) in the School [Mention Mediums (if more than one) according to Number of Students
taught in any particular Medium in descending order. Largest Medium should come first.]
Name (s) of Languages taught as a Classes in which Language(s) are Students taking the Language
( 02-Bengali, 03-Gujarati, 04-Hindi, 05-Kannada, 10-Marathi, 14-Sanskrit, 16-Tamil, 17-Telugu, 18-Urdu, 19-English, 29-French, 43-Arabic, 99-Others
1.31 Distance* of the school (in km.) from the nearest Govt./ Govt. Aided school ( for example2.6)
*Distance is defined as walking distance after discounting for all natural and man-made barriers on the way to the
school like highways, train lines etc.
(a) Primary
1.34 Average School hours for children (per-day) - Number of hours children stay in School
(a) Primary
1.35 Average School hours for teachers (per-day) Number of hours teachers stay in School
(a) Primary
Sl.No Stage / levels Is CCE being implemented?(1-Yes, 2-No) Number of Assessments made during the year
(a) Are cumulative records of pupil being maintained? 1-Yes (1-Yes, 2-No)
If Yes, Are cumulative records of pupil being shared with parents? 1-Yes (1-Yes, 2-No)
(b) Assessment items are being prepared by? 1-School (1-School, 2-States/UTs)
1.37 When does the academic session starts? Give the month
1.39 Whether Anganwadi Centre(s) is/are located inside the school premises? (1-Yes, 2-No)
If 1-YES then
1.40 Whether Balavatika is started in the Co- located Anganwadi/school? (1-Yes, 2-No)
1.41 Whether any Out of School Children enrolled in the school are attending Special (1-Yes, 2-No)
(a) Number of children ENROLLED for Special Training in CURRENT Academic year(2022-23)
(b) Number of children ENROLLED for Special Training in Previous Academic year(2021-22)
1.44 Details of visits to the school during the previous academic year
1.45 (a) Whether School Management Committee (SMC) has been constituted as per RTE (1-Yes, 2-No)
(d) Whether SMC/SMDC has prepared the School Development Plan? (1-Yes, 2-No)
1.46 (a) Whether the School Building Committee (SBC) has been constituted? (1-Yes, 2-No)
(b) Whether the School has constituted its Academic Committee (AC)? (1-Yes, 2-No)
(c) Whether the School has constituted its Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)? (1-Yes, 2-No)
If 1-Yes, Number of PTA meetings held during the Previous Academic Year(2021-
1.47 Is the school registered under Public Financial Management System (PFMS)?
Classes Taught Together Total Students attending on a typical day in Multi -Class
1.50 Is the school a Hub School for the school complex? (1-Yes, 2-No)
1.51 Whether the school has undertaken any activity under "Ek (1-Yes, 2-No)
Bharat Shreshtha Bharat" (EBSB)?
1.52 Availability of free text books, Teaching Learning Material (TLM), Play material (in current academic year(2022-
23)) and Grade Supplementary Material (for previous academic year(2021-22)) When were the textbooks received in the current academic year(2022-23)? (May should be written as 7-July
05- May)
1.52.3 Whether the school has received Graded Supplementary Material in previous academic year(2021- 2-NO
22)? Number of times Library books have been borrowed/ read by children of that class (given total of issue 2
1.52.5 Number of parental communications by the school (through teachers of that grade) of regarding 1
learning outcomes to be achieved by their child in the given year
1.52.6 Whether parents/ volunteers are actively involved in supporting the school to achieve Functional 1-YES
Literacy and Numeracy (FLN)
1.52.8 Whether play material, games and sports equipment available for each grade? 1-YES
1.52.9 Whether the school has provided free uniform to the students? 1-YES If Yes, Mention the month in which the uniforms were provided to students in the current academic 06-Jun
year ? (May should be written as 05-May)
1.53 Key Performing Indicators (KPI) on teaching, learning (in current academic year(2022-23), materials etc.
Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5
1.53.1 Number of
outcome based
items created in
1.53.2 Number of
referenced items
created in
1.53.6 Number of
orientation on
cyber safety
1.53.7 Number of
received training
on psycho-social
1.54.1 Whether the School Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) has been developed? (1-Yes, 2-No) 1-Yes
1.54.2 Whether Structural Safety Audit has been conducted? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.3 Whether Non-Structural Safety Audit has been conducted? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.4 Whether CCTV Cameras are available in school? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.6 Does the school have a nodal teacher for school safety? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.7 Whether students and teachers undergo regular training in school safety and disaster
preparedness? (1-Yes, 2-No)
1.54.8 Whether disaster management is being taught as part of the curriculum? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.9 Whether school has received grant for Self Defense Training for Girls? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.9 (a) Mention Number of Girls Student provided Self Defense training (provide actual number of
student trained)?
1.54.10 Whether the school has displayed safety guidelines on Display Board? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.54.11 Whether all teachers have received grant for working as first level counselors? (For Government
Schools) (1-Yes, 2-No)
1.54.11 If Answer of 1.54.11 is 1-Yes then Whether the school has carried out the following activities?
1.54.12 Frequency of safety and security audit of schools for ensuring child safety by involving all 1-Once
stakeholders (SMC, Parents, Senior Students, senior girl Students)
(1-Once, 2-Twice, 3-Three times, 4-Four times, 5-More than four times a year,6-none)
1.55 PGI Indicators – State (Only For Government and Government Aided Schools)
1.55.1 Whether the school served Mid-Day Meal against total working days(Previous academic year)? 1-Yes
(1-Yes, 2-No)
1.55.1 If 1.55.1 is 1-Yes, Mention Total number of days Mid-Day Meal served in a school (Applicable to 151
schools having Elementary levels) (Previous academic year)
1.55.2 Number of teachers whose Aadhaar / Any Unique ID is seeded in any electronic Database 2
1.56 PGI Indicators - District (Only For Government and Government Aided Schools)
1.56.1 Is the School certified as Fit India School? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.56.2 Is the school providing Holistic Report Card for every learner based on peer / self / teacher assessment? (1-
Yes, 2-No)
1.57.1 Is the school displaying photographs of all teachers in a school? (1-Yes, 2-No) 1-Yes
1.57.2 Has the school adopted/initiated Vidya Pravesh Module? (1-Yes, 2-No) 1-Yes
1.57.3 Whether the school has in place a system to capture student attendance electronically? (1-Yes, 2-No) 1-Yes
1.57.4 Whether the school has in place a system to capture teacher attendance electronically? (1-Yes, 2-No) 1-Yes
1.57.5 Whether the school has constituted Youth Club? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.57.6 Whether the school has constituted Eco Club? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.57.7 Whether Teacher Identity Cards are issued to all teachers in the school? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.57.8 State School Standard Authority (SSSA) self-certification obtained? (1-Yes, 2-No) 2-No
1.58 Grant received by the school & expenditure made during the financial year 2021-2022 ( For Govt. and Govt. Aided
Sl.No Grants under Samagra Shiksha Receipt (In Rs.) Expenditure (In Rs.)
1.58.7 Grant for support at Preschool Level (Only for primary schools/sections)
(1-Private, 2-Rented, 3-Government, 4-Government School in a Rent free building, 5-NO Building, 6-School Running in other
Department Building)
Pucca building 2
Partially Pucca building (with Pucca walls and floor without concrete roof)
Kuchcha building
*Active Building Blocks = Building Blocks Currently used for instructional and Administrative Purpose
**Dilapidated = In a state of bad condition or damage as a result of age or neglect (Certified by Authority)
(1-Pucca, 2-Pucca but broken, 3-Barbed wire fencing, 4-Hedges, 5-No boundary walls, 6-Others, 7-Partial, 8-Under Construction)
Primary 2
Type of Classrooms Good Condition Need Minor repair Need Major Repair
Pucca 2
Partially Pucca
Details of Urinals
(b) Out of the total number of functional toilets/urinals given in Table 2.5(a), how many have running water available in
the toilet/urinals for flushing and cleaning?
Boys Girls
**Definition of Functional Toilet : Water Available in the Toilet, Minimum Foul Smell, Unbroken seats, Regularly
Cleaned, Working drainage System, Accessible to users, Closable doors.
(c) Is hand washing facility with soap available near toilets/urinals block? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.6 Whether drinking water is available in the school premises? 1-Yes (1-Yes, 2-No)
Others - 2-No
(b) Whether water purifier/RO is available in the school 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No, 3-Yes, but not Functional)
(c) Whether Drinking water quality is tested from water testing lab? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.8 Whether hand washing facility with soap available for washing hands before and 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
after meal?
(b) Whether solar panel is available in school? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No, 3-Yes, but not Functional)
2.10 (a) Whether the school has Library facility/Book Bank/Reading Corner?
Library 1-Yes 10
(b) Does the school have a full-time librarian? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.11 (a) Whether land is available for expansion of school facilities? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.12 Whether Playground facility is available in the School? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
If 2-No, whether school has made adequate arrangements for children to play outdoor 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
games and other physical activities in an adjoining playground/municipal park etc.
2.13 (a) Whether Health check-up of students was conducted in last academic year? 1-Yes (1-Yes, 2-No)
If 1-YES
(i) Total number of Health check-ups conducted in the school during last Session 3
(c) Iron and Folic acid tablets given to children as per guidelines of WCD 1-Yes (1-Yes, 2-No)
(d) Whether school maintains Annual health records? 1-Yes (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.14 Whether ramp for disabled children to access school building exists? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.15 Whether School has special educator? 2- At cluster level (1-Dedicated, 2-At cluster level, 3-No)
(a) Each Classroom 1-Yes for all (1-Yes for all, 2-No, 3-Yes for some)
(b) Toilets 1-Yes for all (1-Yes for all, 2-No, 3-Yes for some)
2.18 Does the school have furniture for students? 3-No Furniture Available
(a) Separate room for Head of the School/Head Teacher/ Principal? 2-No
Number of Functional
Total Number of units
Sl.No Items Units for pedagogical
purpose (Out of Total)
(a) Desktop/PCs
(b) Laptop/Notebook
(c) Tablets
(e) Digital Boards with Content Management Systems and solutions (CMS)/
Learning Management System
(f) Projector
(g) Printer
(h) Scanner
(i) Server
(k) Smart TV
(l) Smart Class rooms used for teaching with digital boards/ smart boards/
virtual classrooms/ smart TV
(1-Broadband/Leased Line, 2-USB Modem/dongle/Portable Hotspot, 3-Telephone line with modem, 4-Mobile phone Internet, 5-Any
Other type of connection, 6-VSAT)
(b) Is access to internet facility used for pedagogical purpose? (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.25 Does the School have Digital Library? If 1-YES 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)
2.26 Whether ICT based tools are being used for teaching? 2-No (1-Yes, 2-No)