Module 2 Renaissance Architecture

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1. Describe how the Renaissance Period influenced world architecture. How was Renaissance
architecture different from that of Medieval Architecture? Discuss signature Renaissance
architecture styles and features especially symmetry, proportion, and geometry. Where did the
inspiration for these architectural styles come from? (50 points)

The Renaissance refers to the period between roughly 1400 and 1600 AD when
art and architectural design reverted to classical ideas from ancient Greece and Rome. It
was a movement fueled in large part by Johannes Gutenberg's advances in printing in
1440. The greater availability of classical works, from the ancient Roman poet Virgil to
the Roman architect Vitruvius, sparked a renewed interest in the Classics and a
humanist way of thinking that challenged long-held medieval notions. The Renaissance
style avoided the complex proportional systems and irregular profiles of Gothic
structures on purpose. Instead, as in classical Roman architecture, Renaissance
architects emphasized symmetry, proportion, geometry, and regularity. They also made
extensive use of classical antiquities such as columns, pilasters, lintels, semicircular
arches, and hemispherical domes. The Renaissance renaissance of classical Rome had a
significant impact on architecture. The vocabulary of Renaissance architecture includes
classical orders and architectural components such as columns, pilasters, pediments,
entablatures, arches, and domes. The Renaissance idea of beauty in architecture was
also impacted by Vitruvius' writings. Renaissance architecture is defined by harmonious
form, mathematical proportion, and a unit of measurement based on the human scale,
just as it was in the classical era. Would we know anything about ancient Greek and
Roman architecture if the Renaissance of Classical designs hadn't occurred in the 15th
and 16th centuries? Perhaps, but the Renaissance makes things a lot easier.

There are numerous distinctions between Renaissance and Medieval

architecture. The key differences are that in medieval times, there were many different
sorts of buildings and styles; in Renaissance times, there was only one style that was
used most of the time. Some minor variations include the structural support; in
medieval times, structural support was required; it was visible, but it was attempted to
be incorporated into the structure. Although Renaissance architecture had obvious
support, it was less noticeable and not required in most buildings. If it was, it was well-
integrated into the designs. It took the form of pillars and pilasters. Support was also
provided by archways. The utilization of classical orders, mathematically accurate height
and breadth ratios, symmetry, proportion, and harmony are all hallmarks of Renaissance
architecture. Columns, pediments, arches, and domes are used creatively in a variety of
structures. The Renaissance style emphasizes symmetry, proportion, geometry, and
some regularity, as evidenced by classical antiquity's buildings, particularly ancient
Roman architecture, of which many examples survive. The more intricate proportional
systems and irregular profiles of medieval buildings were replaced by orderly
arrangements of columns, pilasters, and lintels, as well as the use of semicircular arches,
hemispherical domes, niches, and aediculae.
Moreover, Renaissance architecture is a style of architecture that emerged in
Florence in the early 15th century and spread throughout Europe, replacing the
medieval Gothic style. It reflects the return of Classical civilization. The column and
round arch, the tunnel vault, and the dome were all revived as old Roman forms. The
sequence was the most important design feature. The ruins of ancient buildings and
Vitruvius' texts provided knowledge of Classical architecture.

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