10 2022
10 2022
10 2022
Using phasor analysis to
identify market trend 8
Take an idea from the vault 16
A choice or a must? 28
Perry Kaufman 32
5-minute and 1-hour charts 36
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Explore Your Options
Jay Kaeppel has over three decades of experience in the options markets. He
was a head trader for a CTA firm, an options trading software developer,
and was a portfolio manager for an investment management firm. He is
presently Senior Research Analyst for Sentimentrader.com. He is the author
of several books, including The Four Biggest Mistakes In Option Trading;
The Option Trader’s Guide To Probability, Volatility, And Timing; and
Seasonal Stock Market Trends. Send your questions or topic suggestions
to Jay Kaeppel at [email protected]. Selected questions will appear
in a future issue of S&C.
Jay Kaeppel
THE “OPEN COLLAR” STRATEGY Buying the put option limits the the shares held long
I read your column on the collar amount of downside risk. Selling the • But, a lesser number of call options
strategy with interest. I like the hedg- call option helps to pay for some (or are sold than puts bought
ing aspect of the strategy but find the all) of the cost of the put option. In
limited profit nature of the strategy other words, selling the call option Let’s start with a quick example
to be quite unappealing. Is there any pays some portion of the cost of the of a standard collar and then look
way to hedge with a collar without hedge. The catch is that when done at how to implement the open collar
limiting profit potential? on a 1×1 basis, this strategy limits instead.
Yes, in some cases, there are ways. upside potential as long as the short
There is a little-known option trading call is held. For some examples, see Standard collar: AMC
strategy that I refer to as the “open last month’s column. On August 3, AMC is trading at
collar.” Whether or not it makes sense $18.21, and a trader holding 500
to use this strategy will vary from The “open collar” shares believes the stock may be at a
situation to situation and depends strategy resistance level and due for a pullback.
heavily on the pricing of the call op- This strategy is essentially the same In this case, the trader may:
tions relative to the pricing of the put as a regular collar, however:
options. First, a quick review: • Hold their 500 shares of AMC
A collar is typically used as a • Enough puts are bought to hedge @ $18.21
temporary hedge and involves: • Sell 5 Sep16 2022 19 Call @
• Holding shares of stock A collar is typically • Buy 5 Sep16 2022 16 Put @
• Selling a call option used as a temporary $1.79
• Buying a put option hedge.
In this example, the trader takes in
FIGURE 1: TRADE DETAILS, STANDARD COLLAR, AMC. In this example, the trader takes in $1,200 of premium for selling the call options and pays
out $895 to buy the put options.
6 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
Explore Your Options
Whether or not it
makes sense to use
this strategy will
vary from situation to
situation and depends
heavily on the pricing
of the call options
relative to the pricing
of the put options.
FIGURE 2: RISK CURVES, STANDARD COLLAR, AMC. As long as both options are held, the
maximum profit is limited to $700 and the maximum risk is limited to −$800.
FIGURE 3: TRADE DETAILS, OPEN COLLAR, AMC. In this “open collar” example trade, the trader takes in $960 of premium for selling four call op-
tions and pays out $895 to buy five put options (a “4×5” configuration).
• Hold 500 shares of AMC @ • Buy 5 Sep16 2022 16 Put @ in $960 of premium for selling only
$18.21 $1.79 four call options and pays out $895 to
• Sell 4 Sep16 2022 19 Call @
$2.40 In this example, the trader takes Continued on page 14
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 7
Recurring Phase Of
Cycle Analysis
On this occasion of the 40-year anniversary of this (FFT) were the technical rage back then, but turned
magazine, S&C Contributing Editor John Ehlers takes out to be just not the right tool for technical analysis
a look back at technical analysis history and reviews because of their resolution.
what we’ve come to understand about cycles in the
financial markets. His years of technical research on Some evolution of technical analysis
this topic has led to insights and advancements that Maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) was
he has shared with us in many articles, and continues developed in 1976 for use in the exploration of oil. It
to share here. could provide a high-resolution display from short-
burst seismic echoes. Recognizing that the high-
ycle analysis for technical analysis has come resolution capability had merit, I started using it in
a long way since the launch of this magazine my personal futures trading. Encouraged by Hutson,
in 1982. Cycle analysis was pretty primitive I wrote several articles for this magazine describing
back then. J.M. Hurst had established that how MESA worked and what kind of performance
patterns such as double tops, head & shoulders, and it could deliver. As a result, MESA became popular
even Elliott waves could be synthesized with just a among a few early adaptors. Consequently, I wrote
few harmonics of a fundamental sine wave. Anthony more articles as PCs became more available and
Warren wrote some seminal articles in Stocks & more capable.
Commodities about Fourier analysis, demonstrating In retrospect, I recall a funny footnote. MESA is
the duality between events in the time domain and computationally intensive. When programmed in BA-
their representation in the frequency domain. Engi- SIC on an Apple II computer, a single analysis would
neer Jack Hutson, publisher and founder of Stocks & take a very long time. Just to ensure the computer
Commodities magazine, recognized the importance had not locked up, I mapped the computing registers
of cycle analysis and Fourier transforms and encour- to the display registers so you could watch the Apple
aged research in this area. II do its work. It was actually kind of cool. Today’s
computers can handle the MESA algorithm without
In the beginning even breaking a sweat.
In those earlier days, resolution in the frequency So MESA raised the bar for performance with
domain was relatively poor, but the peaks in the spec- regard to swing trading. The evolution through the
trum shapes could discern between long-wavelength years involved improved displays and improved timing
seasonal periods, intermediate-length periods for signals for swing trading. The one constant throughout
trading, and short-period random variations from the the evolution was the concept that happenings in the
peaks in the spectrum shapes. So the basic use of cycle time domain are expressly tied to happenings in the
analysis was to determine whether it was best to do frequency domain. Either description was a full and
trend trading or swing trading. Fast fourier transforms complete description of market activity. That relation-
by John F. Ehlers
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 9
We can now use cycle
analytics to know when
to trade the trend.
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bringing new technical concepts to traders. It has been articles on cycle analysis, phasor display, and other
a wonderful journey. Thanks to S&C for letting me be topics related to market analysis and digital signal pro-
a part of it. cessing.
John Ehlers, a Contributing Editor to Stocks & Com- The code given in this article is available in the Article
modities, is a pioneer in the use of cycles and DSP (digital Code section of our website, Traders.com.
signal processing) technical analysis. This article is his
100th article to appear in this magazine, with his first Further reading
article appearing in the December 1985 issue. Ehlers is Hurst, J.M. [1970]. The Profit Magic of Stock Transac-
president of MESA Software and can be reached through tion Timing.
his website at MESAsoftware.com. Warren, Anthony W., PhD, and Jack K. Hutson [1984].
Ehlers will hold his annual workshop online October “Maximum Entropy Optimization,” Technical Analysis
10–14, 2022, during which he will teach and discuss of Stocks & Commodities, Volume 2: July.
concepts and trading methods from his years of work in ‡TradeStation
digital signal processing. More information can be found ‡See Editorial Resource Index
at MESAsoftware.com.
Subscribers to this magazine can visit our article ar-
chives at Traders.com to read any of John Ehlers’ past
SPECULATION VS. INVESTING here, we could adapt Roger Gray’s that greenlight the trade (for example,
What is an “investment” and how comments as follows: Investment the trendline is broken, the 200-day
does it differ from “speculation”? does not necessarily aim to achieve moving average is up, volume is
Economic literature has been dis- an average, boring rate of return, but increasing, the RSI indicator is not
cussing this topic for centuries and rather, it aims to maximize wealth. overbought, the e-margin is growing,
it seems that investment is connected In the war of definitions, which can the forecasts for the next quarter’s
to production, while speculation is often turn quickly from supporting earnings per share are upbeat, and
based on price forecasting. But can one side of the argument to support- generally, everything seems to be
an investment turn into speculation ing the other, it is almost always true in place). Well, having all the ducks
or vice versa? In the end it may be that speculation is an investment line up and having everything point
impossible to say precisely, since it’s gone wrong. to green and “all clear” implies that
connected to psychology and motiva- Putting aside the academic and you will lose money. Why?
tion. (And that is something that is theoretical debate over how to define Because if everything is “all clear,”
written in the clouds.) investing and speculation, I’d like then there is no risk. And if there is
Whenever I am asked about the no risk, then theoretically there won’t
difference between investing and be a return.
A good investment
speculating, I always think of a fabu- If you watch a real scalper in ac-
lous comment by agriculture futures involves some risk. And tion, then you will realize that what
expert Roger Gray (1921–1996). The in exchange for risk, it he does would be crazy to the average
comment was made in response gives back a return. We investor. For the scalper, in every case
to the eternal debate over whether all agree on that. there is a lot of insanity, and insan-
farmers are purely hedging in the ity means that there is no playbook
agricultural markets: Is a farmer who to offer a down-to-earth thought. It to follow, no handbook to read. This
buys a futures contract against his simply has to do with the odds of produces risk.
real crop production involved only making a profit or the odds of los- When the definition of “risk” moves
in operational hedging without any ing money. from the pages of a college textbook
speculative intent? Or is there a hint A good investment involves some to how it looks in reality, it’s a monster
of speculation in there? risk. And in exchange for risk, it nobody wants to live with. In reality,
What Gray said was this: “A gives back a return. We all agree on you are hoping against hope that you
clearcut definition of investment and that. But there are degrees to it. An don’t run up against a black swan.
speculation is meaningless because it investment that is very uncertain So when you talk about “risk and
presupposes not that most hedgers are and that causes a lot of apprehension return,” please put a real face on risk.
arbitragers trying to get ahead in the and psychological stress must make When you acknowledge that in real-
world, which they are, but that they a higher return than a less uncertain ity, risk feels more like “battle shock,”
are a peculiar sort of conservative investment, one that produces little “trauma,” or “clinical depression,”
commercial idiot, striving always and to no anxiety, for the investment to then you can start to appreciate the
only ‘to break even’ with an average be worth the risk. real meaning of “return.”
rate of return.” In trading, say you go to place a
For the purposes of our discussion trade after checking off all the boxes Continued on page 21
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 15
Looking To The Past For Trading Ideas
ideas written about in this magazine. And for someone
Technical Analysis of Stocks & Com- like me, an algo trader and strategy developer, these ideas
modities magazine celebrates its 40-year are a veritable goldmine. My style of algo trading needs
anniversary, I thought I’d share a way I lots and lots of ideas, since I am constantly testing new
take advantage of the 40 years of article strategies, concepts, and approaches.
archives that S&C magazine subscribers While most ideas I test do not pass all my rigorous
have access to at the magazine’s website, tests (somewhere around 95 to 99 out of 100 ideas fail), I
Traders.com. Using the article archives (which includes find if I test enough ideas, eventually I discover tradable
thousands of articles!) is a great way to discover potential algo strategies. And that makes it all worth it!
trading ideas. Here is an example of how I utilize the S&C article
16 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
and the shorter-term momentum crosses above zero, a
buy order is initiated. For short trades, the exact opposite
logic is used. is plotted along with a 50-period moving average. As you can see, the
Code in TradeStation EasyLanguage for the strategy moving average significantly lags the momentum calculation.
looks like this:
A sample trade in shown in Figure 3.
Input: mlookback(50); There is only one parameter to optimize with this
Var: momentum1(0); entry: the momentum lookback period “mlookback.” I
did this intentionally to keep the strategy simple. I have
momentum1=close-close[mlookback]; found that simplicity and minimal optimization are
FIGURE 4: EXIT STRATEGY. This shows a sample exit for the trading Input: rlookback(4);
strategy. The trading strategy exits longs (shorts) at next open after a
recent low (high) is hit.
if marketposition=1 and
close=lowest(close,rlookback) then sell next bar at
Rosenstock’s basic idea if marketposition=-1 and
is to enter trades after close=highest(close,rlookback) then buytocover
a retracement against next bar at market;
the trend.
An example of this exit is shown in Figure 4.
Out-of-sample walk-forward
testing Traders Rave Over AbleTrend
The next step is to run out-of-
sample walk-forward testing on
the various instrument and bar size
combinations I am interested in. SINCE 1994
I typically will test 40–50 of the
major futures markets, and four or
more standard bar sizes, such as
240-minute, 360-minute, and daily
(1,440-minute) bars.
Since walk-forward testing in-
cludes optimization, I will use
the following ranges for the two
Post-development performance
Net Profit
Symbol Bar Size
March–July 2022
NQ — mini Nasdaq 240 minute $5,981 Now let’s see how they performed in the five months
NQ — mini Nasdaq 1440 minute $4,376 after all this testing (referred to as post-development
KW — Hard red winter wheat 360 minute $279 performance).
PL — Platinum 720 minute ($2,510) As you can see in Figure 7, three of the four strate-
FIGURE 7: PERFORMANCE OF STRATEGY IN REAL TIME. How gies performed well the past five months in real time.
did the four versions of the strategy shown in Figure 6 perform in the Of course, one could argue that the two NQ versions of
five months following the testing period? Three out of four strategies the strategy are likely highly correlated, but even trad-
performed well in real time. ing either one of the NQ strategies, along with the PL
and KW strategies, would have been profitable over the
last five months.
I have found that Based on the testing analysis performed, I would
simplicity and minimal personally feel comfortable trading these four “Rosen-
optimization are keys stock” strategies. At the same time, however, I realize
to better real-time that any strategy may stop working at any time. Caution
must be exercised at all times in order to prevent poorly
performing individual strategies from stifling overall
account performance.
20 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
The walk-forward and
incubated equity curve
for the KW 360-minute
version is shown in Fig-
ure 8, with the last five
months shown by the
magenta line.
Wrapping up
As I mentioned earlier,
the Stocks & Com-
modities archives can
provide a goldmine of
ideas. Using the ap-
proach I’ve described
in this article, you can FIGURE 8: EQUITY CURVE. This shows the equity curve for the KW 360-minute strategy, which is one version of
find many trading ideas the Rosenstock-based strategy. The black portion of the line is the equity curve produced from the walk-forward test
buried in the “dusty” and then incubation period, and the magenta portion of the line at right is the five months following the test period.
archives, subject them to
a modern testing approach, and possibly find deployable Further reading
strategies. (You can visit the article archives at Traders. Rosenstock, John E. [1982]. “Handling Market Reac-
com to try this approach for yourself.) tions,” Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities,
In closing, thank you to S&C magazine for making Volume 1: October.
your article archives available to magazine subscrib- KJ Trading Systems, Monte Carlo simulator, https://
ers, and congratulations on 40 years of helping traders kjtradingsystems.com/calculators.html
worldwide! Davey, Kevin J. [2014]. Building Winning Algorithmic
Trading Systems: A Trader’s Journey From Data
Kevin J. Davey is a full-time algorithmic trader and a Mining To Monte Carlo Simulation To Live Trading,
regular columnist in this magazine. He is president of Wiley Trading.
KJ Trading Systems, where he teaches and consults via [2021]. Algo Trading Cheat Codes: Techniques For
his Strategy Factory online workshop. He is the author Traders To Quickly And Efficiently Develop Better Al-
of five books on trading. He can be reached through his gorithmic Trading Systems, kjtradingsystems.com.
company’s website at kjtradingsystems.com or via email
at [email protected].
TOMASINI/MARKET RAP return in exchange for low risk. You
Continued from page 15 give up the possibility of making It simply has to do with
a fortune when giving up insanely the odds of making a
Big risk can bring huge returns. If high risk. That is the deal—take it profit or the odds of
you do not want to accept risk, then or leave it. But put the correct label
losing money.
we don’t talk about scalping; we talk on it: one is investment, the other is
about having a balanced retirement speculation.
scheme. There is no drama in it; you So if you want to “take the road less battle scars that risk will inevitably
just take a street that you know leads traveled” rather than taking the street produce.
to a known destination. You take that leads to a known destination,
an investment with a given average then you must learn to live with the
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 21
Compound Your Returns
Four Steps To
Bull And Bear Profits
The major cyclical trends in the financial markets create losing 40%, then the compounded annual return over six
both risk and opportunity for investors, yet most lack years would be 18.8%, nearly six times higher.
a system to identify and profit by these cycles. Here is If an investor can identify when a bull market is start-
a tutorial to help you build a comprehensive system in ing and ending—which is the same as identifying when
four steps—using a wide variety of proven fundamental a bear market is ending and starting—then an investor
and technical indicators—to identify and profit in both can profit in both directions and generate much higher
bull and bear markets. compounded annual returns over time than simply using
the buy & hold approach.
by Jon Wolfenbarger, CFA
Four key steps to identifying bull and
he key to creating wealth for an investor is bear markets
to generate high compounded annual returns Contrary to the popular belief spread by many profes-
over time. sional investment advisors, who self-servingly say that it
This is relatively easy to do when stocks is “impossible to time the market,” there are numerous
(or whatever asset class one is investing in) proven fundamental and technical indicators that can be
are in a bull market, with a price uptrend of used to identify the likelihood of when a bull or bear
higher highs and higher lows. market is starting or ending.
However, this “easy path to riches” faces a major and My “bull and bear profits” approach to investing is
recurring problem: bear markets. Bear markets are price based on four key steps to identifying bull and bear
downtrends with lower highs and lower lows. Bear markets markets, which are as follows:
can dramatically lower compounded annual returns.
For example, if an investor earns 15% annual returns 1. Estimate long-term returns, using key fundamental
in a bull market for five years, but then loses 40% in a valuation and long-term return indicators
bear market in the sixth year, the compounded annual 2. Forecast the economy, using key fundamental
return after six years will only be 3.2%. But if the investor economic indicators
profits during that bear market and earns 40% instead of 3. Identify potential trend changes, using key technical
22 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
sentiment indicators
4. Identify the current trend, using key
technical trend indicators
certainties. There are no perfect indicators
in investing. That is why this approach
uses the weight of the evidence of a wide
variety of proven fundamental and techni- FIGURE 1: STOCK MARKET CAPITALIZATION TO GDP RATIO. This shows the ratio of stock
cal indicators to help build conviction in market capitalization to GDP from the early 1950s to first quarter 2022.
a given investment outlook on multiple
It is beyond the scope of this article to
go into detail on any particular indica-
tors, but I will provide examples of two
key indicators for each of the four steps
below to illustrate how useful these steps
and indicators can be.
purpose, but it’s important to keep in mind
that returns over shorter time periods are
not predictable with such metrics.
Bonds are the easiest asset to estimate FIGURE 2: COMMODITY PRICES TO GDP RATIO. This shows the ratio of commodity prices
(based on the CRB Commodities Index) to GDP from 1980 to January 2022.
long-term returns for, since the return for
holding a bond until it pays back the prin-
cipal at maturity is simply the annual yield of the bond. Buffett’s favorite metric for the valuation of the stock
For example, if a 10-year Treasury bond is yielding 3%, market. This ratio is strongly correlated with total an-
that means the total annual return of holding that bond nual stock market returns over the next decade. It is a
until maturity in 10 years is 3%. much better predictor of future returns than P/E (price
Long-term returns of REITs can be estimated with less to earnings per share) measures, since it is not influenced
precision, based on a formula using REIT dividend yields, by cyclical fluctuations in margins. Red circles highlight
likely dividend growth rates and yields in the future. when the stock market was expensive and green circles
Long-term returns of stocks are more challenging to highlight when it was inexpensive, based on this ratio.
estimate, but formulas using dividend yields, price to This shows stock market valuations are near the highest
revenue, cyclically adjusted P/E ratios, and market capi- levels in history, which implies very poor returns over
talization relative to GDP and other stable fundamental the coming decade or so.
measures have proven to be very useful in estimating
long-term returns.
Commodities, cryptocurrencies and other assets that
do not generate income are the most difficult assets to My “bull and bear profits”
estimate returns for, but even with these, long-term returns approach to investing is based
can be estimated using prices relative to GDP or other on four key steps to identifying
stable fundamental measures. bull and bear markets.
Figure 1 shows the ratio of stock market capitaliza-
tion to GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This is Warren
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 23
Figure 2 shows the ratio of commodity
prices (based on the CRB Commodities
Index) to GDP. This ratio shows how at-
tractively valued commodity prices are
relative to the peak of the previous two
commodity bull market cycles in 1980
and 2008.
Step 4: Identify the current trend FIGURE 6: EQUITY PUT/CALL RATIO. Here you can see the ratio of equity put options to
The fourth step is to identify the current call options since 2005.
trend, either bull or bear market. Due to
herding behavior, financial market prices move in trends like advance-decline lines, cyclical versus defensive stock
that persist, until investor sentiment reaches an extreme, performance, and new highs less new lows.
as discussed in step 3. Figure 7 shows the QQQ (NASDAQ 100 ETF) (black
Useful technical trend indicators include asset prices line) with its 250-day moving average (red line) (top clip),
relative to moving averages, as well as breadth indicators its price relative to the S&P 500 (middle clip) and PPO
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 25
(percentage price oscillator) (bottom clip).
Periods with bear market downtrends (top
clip), underperformance versus S&P 500
(middle clip), and negative price momen-
tum (bottom clip) are highlighted with
red boxes.
Figure 8 shows NYSE new highs less new
lows (top clip) with NYSE Index (bottom
clip) since 2003. Bearish periods when
NYSE new highs less new lows (black line)
were trending down below the 250-day
moving average (red line) are highlighted
with red boxes.
Most investors have no system to identify
and profit from major cyclical trends in
financial markets, which is the key risk
and opportunity of investing. Those who see the QQQ (black line) shown with the 250-day moving average (red line). In the middle clip,
do use fundamental or technical indicators you see price relative to the S&P 500. In the bottom clip, you see PPO since mid-2019.
tend to use them in an ad hoc manner and
usually only focus on one or two of the
four steps we have discussed. This com-
prehensive system of four steps—using a
wide variety of proven fundamental and
technical indicators—to identify bull and
bear markets can help improve investor
returns significantly.
‡See Editorial Resource Index
signal was generated once price got a prior support/resistance level.
raders’ use of simple
moving averages (SMA) Step-by-step action plan
has largely focused on As long as price remains Here’s how you can start using this
crossover patterns, such in an unbroken uptrend, strategy:
as so-called golden crosses (upside we stay long.
50/200SMA crossover). Another Continued on page 41
FIGURE 1: TRADING IN THE 50/200SMA CHANNEL. In this chart of Disney (DIS) you can see a strong breakout over the 50SMA.
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 27
Identifying Promising New Energy Companies
energy sources to sustain the needs of urban life. than 6,100 publicly traded companies? According to
According to the article “Evolution Of Energy Sources” finviz.com, nearly 270 companies in the energy sector
at the The Geography Of Transport Systems website, are listed on US stock exchanges. These companies,
found at https://transportgeography.org, new sources of however, belong to traditional industry groups such as
energy have been discovered or developed in almost every oil, gas, thermal, coal, and uranium. We therefore have to
28 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
look to the technology sector and explore industry groups Ticker Company name Avg_patent Rev_growth Return
involved in the development of new sources of energy. OPTT Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. 3.7 16.0% −96.5%
FCEL FuelCell Energy, Inc 8.2 10.1% −91.3%
Solar. The first group I will look at is solar energy. Every LTBR Lightbridge Corporation 0.0 −34.4% −89.0%
day, the sun gives off far more energy than we’d need to ESP Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. 0.0 −1.6% −44.8%
power everything. It is the cleanest and most abundant AYI Acuity Brands, Inc. 0.5 10.8% −9.4%
renewable energy source since it does not involve exca- POWL Powell Industries, Inc. 0.0 5.0% 13.3%
vating resources.
ENR Energizer Holdings, Inc. 1.7 −7.8% 17.7%
BDC Belden Inc. 8.0 9.5% 37.9%
Electrical equipment & parts. The other group I will
ENS EnerSys 0.2 6.5% 41.4%
look at is the electrical equipment & parts (EEP) group.
Companies in this group are involved in innovating new
SVT Servotronics, Inc. 0.0 0.1% 51.9%
wind turbine, and energy storage technology. OESX Orion Energy Systems, Inc. 6.3 −1.8% 66.8%
RFIL RF Industries, Ltd. 0.0 19.9% 81.8%
Impact of innovation on a company’s PPSI Pioneer Power Solutions, Inc. 0.0 19.3% 89.9%
One of the most important measures of a technology HUBB Hubbell Incorporated 60.0 7.3% 106.1%
company is its capacity for innovation. Innovation enables AEIS Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. 11.7 6.9% 222.6%
a company to adapt and overcome the challenges of market BMI Badger Meter, Inc. 3.2 7.6% 263.7%
changes. The ability to innovate fosters growth by helping WIRE Encore Wire Corporation 1.5 7.3% 285.8%
the company to identify new business opportunities as PLUG Plug Power, Inc. 1.3 44.9% 1237.9%
well as to stay afloat in the face of competition. FIGURE 1: COMPANY INNOVATION VS. ITS STOCK PRICE—
There are different ways to measure a company’s in- ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND PARTS (EEP) INDUSTRY. In the EEP
novation capability. Here, I’ll use the number of patents a industry, most companies hold between zero and 10 patents. Generally
speaking, companies with no patents appear to have only a small increase
company has obtained, as recorded in the patent database in their stock price, whereas when a company held patents, its stock price
maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark performed better, with some exceptions. The “avg. patent” column shows
Office (USPTO). This will serve as a quantitative account- the average number of patents the company has developed each year
ing of its innovation capability. I’ll use it to investigate from 2010 to 2015, the period under study.
the relationship between a company’s patent development
Ticker Company name Avg_patent Rev_growth Return
and its stock price. I’ll look at the average number of
patents a company has developed each year from 2010
SUNW Sunworks, Inc. 0.0 0.0% −88.1%
change from 2016 to 2021. According to Yahoo Finance SPWR SunPower Corporation 46.3 8.3% 6.2%
data, only 20 EEP companies and only 7 solar companies FSLR First Solar, Inc. 22.7 7.6% 32.1%
existed between 2010 and 2021. This is not a big sample BEEM Beam Global 0.0 175.2% 186.2%
size, but it provides insight into important features of the RUN Sunrun Inc. 0.2 262.7% 191.4%
In the EEP industry, most companies hold between FIGURE 2: COMPANY INNOVATION VS. ITS STOCK PRICE—SOLAR
zero and 10 patents, as shown in the table in Figure 1. INDUSTRY. Here, you can see the impact of the average annual number
of patents developed by a company each year (in the study period 2010
Companies having no patents appear to have a small to 2015) and the company’s revenue growth on the company’s stock price
increase in their stock price, whereas if a company had return from 2016 to 2021, this time in the solar industry.
published some patents from 2010 to 2015, its stock price
performed better. Of course, this is not to say that more
innovation is necessarily better innovation. As you can
see in Figure 1, Hubbell Inc. (HUBB) developed an aver- For investors, identifying
age of 60 patents annually, and its stock price returned promising new energy
approximately 100% from 2016 to 2021. In another ex- companies is a subject of
ample, FuelCell Energy Inc. (FCEL) developed more than keen interest.
eight patents each year—a significant number compared
to other companies in the group—and yet its stock price
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 29
dropped dramatically after 2015. In contrast, Plug Power,
Inc. (PLUG), a hydrogen fuel cell company, having just
1.3 new patents annually, saw its stock price appreciate
more than 1,200% over the six years studied.
A similar trend can be observed in the solar industry
(Figure 2). Sunworks, Inc. (SUNW) and ReneSola Ltd.
(SOL) had no innovation as measured by published pat-
ents, and both of their stock prices were down during the
period of 2016 to 2021. SunPower Corporation (SPWR),
with an astonishing number of patents at 46, had only
6.2% growth in stock price over a period of 6 years.
Meanwhile, Enphase Energy, Inc. (ENPH) rewarded FIGURE 3: REVENUE GROWTH VS. STOCK PRICE RETURN, EEP &
investors with a stock price appreciation of over 50 fold, SOLAR INDUSTRIES. This bar chart depicts the relationship between
a company’s average annual revenue growth (from 2010 to 2015) and
with an average number of patents at 10.7. The company the company’s stock price performance (from 2016 to 2021). In general,
stands out from the competition by providing innovative stock price increases as revenue increases, whether in the EEP or solar
micro inverter-based solar and battery systems for both industry.
commercial and residential customers.
The analysis of these two industry groups indicates accordingly. Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between
that innovation is an important factor in a company’s stock performance from 2016 to 2021 and average an-
future success. With good innovation, as measured here nual revenue growth from 2010 to 2015. In general, stock
by the number of patents it develops per year, a company prices increase as revenue increases, whether in the EEP
can have potentially huge growth. However, as we have or solar industry. Higher positive revenue growth forecasts
seen, more innovations does not guarantee better returns a greater appreciation in stock price. A company with no
in stock price. And without any innovation, a company revenue growth, on the other hand, is less likely to reward
is more likely to fail. investors with decent appreciation in stock price.
I also examined other factors such as gross profit, gross
Impact of revenue growth on company’s margin, net income, profit margin, EBIT, EBITDA, and
stock price EPS, and no clear trend was observed.
Any meaningful innovation aims to win in competition,
which should be reflected in a company’s bottom line. I Final words
looked into this issue by using companies’ fundamental Unprecedented population growth and
data downloaded from the Bloomberg Terminal, seen urban expansion demand clean and
in Figures 1 and 2 in the revenue growth and percent sustainable energy. This thematic trend
return columns. I also examined this data from 2010 to provides great investment opportunities.
2015 and then looked at the impact of these factors on In this study, I focused on two industry groups engag-
the stock price changes from 2016 to 2021. ing in new energy development—solar and EEP. With a
Revenue is the total amount of income generated by small sample size, it appears that the performance of a
the sale of goods or services related to the company’s company is measured by a binary feature, which includes
primary operations. If a company can stay ahead of the the number of patents it holds and its revenue growth.
competition and provide goods or services to meet grow- Companies with patents and positive revenue growth
ing market demands, its revenue is expected to increase can potentially reward investors by giving them above-
average returns. In addition, it is worth mentioning that
the results shown in this study are going to be slightly
better than real cases you will find in the market due to
Companies in the EEP group are survivorship bias.
involved in innovating new energy-
related technologies including Jerry Zhao is a student with a keen interest in stock
market patterns and statistical analysis. He can be
fuel cell energy, wind turbine, and reached at [email protected].
energy storage technology.
Continued on page 55
30 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
Algo Q&A
Have a question about system or algo trading? Kevin J. Davey has over
30 years of system trading experience. Kevin is a full time trader, and also
teaches and consults via his Strategy Factory® online workshop (https://
kjtradingsystems.com). He is the author of 5 bestselling trading books, in-
cluding “Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems” and his latest
book “Algo Trading Cheat Codes.” Send your questions or topic suggestions
to Kevin Davey at [email protected]. Selected questions will
appear in a future issue of S&C.
Kevin J. Davey
THE FUTURE OF ALGO TRADING? answer that question, I asked a few of celebrated book author and trading
Where do you see trading, specifically my trading associates. I’m sure you’ll legend to boot.
algo trading, 40 years from now? recognize many or all of their names, Kaufman’s take on the future: “I
This is a timely question, consider- and hopefully their views can help us think it will be much the same as it
ing we are currently celebrating the see where we are going. is now. A lot of algorithmic trading
40-year anniversary of Technical I asked all of these esteemed trad- (bots) competing with each other,
Analysis of Stocks & Commodities ing professionals where they envision but the discretionary and short-term
magazine. It’s a tricky question to trading, especially retail algo trading, traders always find openings where
answer, so I’ve asked some trading 40 years from now. Here is what they bots have created opportunities.
expert friends to help me address it. had to say: They won’t get rid of the small trader
But first, let’s see how far trading easily!”
has come in the 40 years since S&C I asked these esteemed
debuted in October 1982. trading professionals Carley Garner
Looking at early issues of S&C, My friend, S&C columnist colleague,
computerized strategies were not
where they envision burgeoning TV star, broker, and trad-
all that popular. Some pioneers were trading, especially retail ing book author Carley Garner had
dabbling in programming strategies, algo trading, 40 years this to say: “Technology has changed
running analysis in Basic, Compu- from now. Here is what the trading landscape dramatically
Trac, and other rudimentary pro- they had to say. in recent decades; yet, despite what
grams. (The predecessor of today’s seem to be improvements in retail
TradeStation platform, developed Larry Williams trader access to markets, pricing,
by Omega Research, which gave us First off is trading legend Larry Wil- and tools, their success rates haven’t
the EasyLanguage programming liams. Williams once turned $10,000 improved. I believe retail trader’s
language so popular with traders, was into over $1.1 million in one year, in a painful experiences will lead them
still in its infancy in 1982). live real money account, in a publicly to seek strategies with less automa-
The interesting thing is that even 40 traded contest. He is still the all-time tion, more futures exposure, smaller
years ago, some traders were push- top performer in that contest. position sizing (micro futures), and
ing (abusing?) the limited computer Williams states, “We will always longer time horizons (less day trad-
power available. One reader in an have retail traders because they add ing, more position trading).”
early issue commented, “I have de- liquidity and stability to the mar-
rived a very complex trading system ketplace. Plus it’s in human nature Thomas Starke
that has about 30 such parameters.” to speculate on the future. 40 years Next I sought the counsel of a true
Many developers still make the same from now people will still be trying rocket scientist, physicist-turned-
mistake today! to beat the market with computers and trader and hedge fund trading con-
Obviously today’s computing with marginal success; the market is sultant Thomas Starke.
power drives a lot of traders and the just that random.” Starke’s view: “The rise of quantum
decisions they make, whether it is computers could prove to be a game
algo trading or chart trading. Will this Perry Kaufman changer, making for more efficient
still be the case in 40 years? What Next I talked to Perry Kaufman,
might trading look like? To help me frequent contributor to S&C and a Continued on page 56
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 31
What originally attract- when you realize the enormity and he made in a similar account. That
ed you to trading futures, importance of that, it is addictive! was our first try at trading, using
following a successful We had an early investor in our moving averages—the state-of-the-
career and education in company, a successful businessman art at the time.
aerospace? who taught me how to organize my We did well, but so did he. We
I left aerospace in 1969 because, day. Write down all the things you felt that moving averages worked,
being young, I thought the world need to do, then do the ones you but never got paid for it. A lesson
would open up in front of me. I was like least first. You often find that for the young.
persuaded to leave that field by a fel- they are not so bad. It clears the day We had an interesting experience
low worker, who became my partner, and your mind to do the productive with this investor. He was an older
because I could program—a rare tal- tasks. I still do that. fellow with a sparse gray crewcut
ent at the time. We bought time on When we decided to continue and he carried a small suitcase rather
an IBM System 3 and started doing with futures, a trader from Florida than a briefcase. A bit frumpy. We
medical reimbursement for nursing made a proposition. He put a large had lunch at a yacht club in Los
homes. We were approached by a amount of money into an account Angeles where we had a private area
company that needed a solution to so that we could trade futures. He to discuss trading. We were there for
hedging London options. That led would let us keep all the profits hours and were never disturbed. I had
to learning the futures markets, and that were greater than the profits wondered why and found out later
32 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
that he owned the club. Appearances we approached Chicago
can be deceiving. (Miggs airport), he turned
off the altitude control and It turns out that the
Why did you write the first version of the plane bucked. It was simplest solutions are
Trading Systems and Methods? scary. His knee hit the the best.
In the early 1970s, the futures in- emergency power off and
dustry had a mixed reputation. While we had no lights (inside
it served an important function, all or out) and no way to use the radio. Maybe “lured” is the wrong word
trading was discretionary. I wanted We were approaching a busy airport because it was everything a system
to show that you could do better by at night, blind. The tower kept ask- developer could want: enthusiastic
using some simple trends, patterns, ing where we were, but we couldn’t support from the owner, state-of-the-
and arbitrage, that the industry was answer. Clearly, I’m still here, so we art computers, unlimited investment
not just a bunch of wild traders. There made it down. He lost his license, funds, commercial use of energy
was little else published on technical and I took a Greyhound bus back. markets, a large payout, and living
analysis except Dow theory and point The lesson is to be prepared. He had in Bermuda.
& figure. So most of Trading Systems not looked at all the controls and was We had so much money that we
and Methods was based on my own not prepared for anything out of the traded the maximum positions in
research. I was taking the long view ordinary to happen. Don’t let that every futures market. I learned how to
of marketing. Looking back, it was not happen to your trading. execute large positions. I also learned
very sophisticated, but it was a start. I some other important lessons.
like to think it helped the industry. Currency and gold trading started For one, never submit a report to
in the 1970s, along with the first your boss that may have an error.
Grain futures ran to unprecedented commodity trading funds, and you Check your work, recheck it, and
high prices in 1973 and you found moved back to New York. ask someone else to verify it. I gave
yourself a partner in a farm in Il- Everything comes to an end. In a report to the head of the company,
linois. What happened? 1978 I moved back to New York after one of the richest people in the world.
It seemed ideal. I had been trading being away for 17 years. I was asked Two hours later I brought in a cor-
agricultural futures (that’s all there to develop a fund for Bache-Halsey- rected report. He had spent two hours
was in the early 1970s) and a farming Stuart-Shields, later to become wasting time. He made it clear that it
conglomerate in Illinois wanted to Prudential-Bache. It was early in the was not to happen again. It didn’t.
start a division that provided comput- fund industry and it turned out to be Another lesson was about risk seek-
erized hedging advice. I moved from successful. I learned about managing ers and risk avoiders. We were holding
L.A. to central Illinois. A serious large positions. a long position in oil and were down
change, but a good one for growth. I I was still working with Bache in $250 million (at that time it was a lot
learned what trading futures was all 1980 when the Hunts famously held of money). The head of the company
about. Grain prices had run up in a huge position in silver as it was gathered all the senior people together
1973 following a Russian wheat deal collapsing. I spent hours helping to to ask their advice on how to manage
and a poor US crop. With windfall liquidate their position before their the position. Everyone agreed they
profits, the business expanded—more losses threatened the survival of wanted to reduce the risk. He thanked
acres, more sow units. I remember Bache. It was another lesson in un- us and doubled the position. In the
how, after visiting a building that expected risk. The Financial Crisis of next week he made $1 billion. Not
housed sow units, it took days to get 2008 was still a long way off. Later, I everyone avoids risk.
the smell off me, even though I was wished that I had learned more about
wearing a lab coat and hat. I learned risk control. In the 1990s you moved to Vermont
a lot about crops and pigs. We started to retire. However, you are clearly
managing the crop sales for 500 large It looks like timing is everything. not retired. What happened to that
farms and business was good. Oil and interest rate trading started plan?
One frightening experience was in the 1980s. How did a Bermuda Having dogs and a farm was won-
flying to Chicago with my partner, company find you? derful, but the isolation was boring.
who was the pilot. His plane was in I was lured into working for Trans Speaking at conferences kept me
for repairs so he borrowed another. As world Oil, Ltd (Bermuda) in 1980. connected with the colorful people
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 33
By 2010 you had tested 2. Make your own list of rules.
your systems in the Keep it simple.
Overfitting is not the road stock market and got 3. Limit your exposure by starting
to success. excellent results. You small, but trade! You learn more
decided to retire again from a losing trade than you can
and trade for yourself. possibly learn from testing.
in our industry and brought a variety That lasted for a few months until 4. Pay attention to the long-term
of opportunities. The one that lasted some clients wanted to know what trend.
was Drapeau Research. you were doing. 5. Don’t worry about a lost op-
A member of the exchange (and a Just before 2010 I thought that I was portunity. The market will be
friend of my wife) started a new fund missing the biggest opportunities by open again tomorrow.
but the system wasn’t working well. not trading equities. With futures you
As a courtesy, I offered to look at it. can trade one or two markets from Any closing thoughts?
That turned into a revamp of an intra- each of the sectors and have a well- I want to acknowledge that I had
day breakout strategy and eventually diversified portfolio. With equities, the unique opportunity to meet, work
a partnership that lasted through the you can trade the broad index, the with, and learn from the many of
1990s. We sold the company in 1998 sector indices, or individual stocks. people who contributed their knowl-
after a remarkably good run. Individual stocks give you the great- edge to this industry. From the people
Retirement isn’t as much fun as est return and the greatest risk. who built the exchanges, the traders
trading, and doesn’t pay as well. Of course, we don’t always have who developed the futures contracts,
enough money to trade a large number the technicians who shared informa-
You went m ainstream in the of stocks. And the more you trade, tion through articles and conferences,
2000s. the closer you get to the average. We and the friends who read and edited
I consulted to a private capital want to beat the average. my books. We are the result of all
company that had some bright young It turns out that the simplest solu- we experience.
traders. They had a good trading tions are the best. Run your list of
system but wanted to optimize the al- stocks through your system and trade Barbara Diamond-Kaufman is an
locations to each system. I developed the ones that do the best. By “best” active trader and past exchange
a powerful genetic algorithm that I mean profits, not risk-adjusted member.
would create a “perfect” portfolio. or highest percentage of profitable
On paper, it had consistent profits and trades, just profits. You can control Further reading
small drawdowns. It had no chance of the risk in other ways. Kaufman, Perry J. [2022]. Learn To
working. Overfitting is not the road I have some friends who wanted Trade, Amazon.
to success. to give me money to trade. That re- [2020]. Trading Systems and
In another consulting position, the quires registration, compliance, and Methods, 6th Edition, Wiley.
fund wanted to trade as many markets liability. Even friends get upset when [2020]. Kaufman Constructs
and systems as possible. That seemed their account loses money. Instead, Trading Systems (print and ebook
to fit the concept of diversification. we started KaufmanSignals.com in editions), Amazon.
But I learned that selection is a better 2010. I had learned something about [2022]. “50 Years On, What
approach. Only trade those markets risk! Advice from friends can show Have I Learned?” Technical Anal-
and systems that are performing well you what investors really want, ysis of Stocks & Commodities,
on your strategy. You can make more and help motivate you in the right Volume 40: Bonus Issue.
money by trading less if you avoid direction.
markets that are underperforming.
One of my most enjoyable experi- What advice can you offer to
ences was consulting for the Reserve someone just starting out?
Bank of New Zealand. It is a wonder- To sum it up:
ful country with great people. Unlike
the US Fed, they admit to watching 1. Read everything and watch
the market to time their interest rate the market. Find a method or a
policy. And they are good. market that excites you.
34 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
Futures For You
Want to find out how the futures markets really work? Carley Garner is
the senior strategist for DeCarley Trading, a division of Zaner, where she
also works as a broker. She has written five books on futures and options
trading, with the latest being Trading Commodity Options...With Creativ-
ity (July 2020), as well as A Trader’s First Book On Commodities (third
edition, October 2017) and Higher Probability Commodity Trading (July
2016). Garner also authors widely distributed e-newsletters; for a free
subscription, visit www.DeCarleyTrading.com. To submit a question, email
her at [email protected] or via www.DeCarleyTrading.com.
Selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C.
Carley Garner
WHAT DOES THE COT REPORT overbought nor oversold price oscilla- are perpetually net long gold. In
TELL US ABOUT COMMODITY tors, nor an overcrowded trade, guar- other words, when looking at the
SPECULATORS? antee a trend reversal. Overcrowded COT Report one should not be doing
Unlike other marketplaces such as can become even more overcrowded so to learn whether speculators are
stocks or currencies, the US com- and prices can move substantially long or short but how long they are.
modity futures industry collects and during this time. Nevertheless, at Throughout the last 20 years, large
reports data on the type, size, and some point regardless of fundamental speculators in gold were net short on
direction of market participants. The news available at the time, markets only one occasion; that was 2018 and
findings of the government agency reach a point in which all the bulls (or marked the low ahead of what was
responsible for disseminating the bears in a downtrend) have already a nearly 100% rally. Similarly, the
data, the CFTC (Commodity Futures acted and there simply isn’t anyone handful of instances in which large
Trading Commission) can be found left to buy (or sell). Let’s take a look speculators were merely slightly net
in the COT Report (Commitments at a few popular commodities for long have generally been opportune
of Traders). I’ve mentioned the COT speculation. times to get bullish. In July 2022, the
Report in this column on multiple oc- large speculator group represented on
casions over the years; this month we the COT Report was only slightly net
are going to focus on a few key com- Speculators often long. If history is a guide, this could
modities and how market positioning attempt to find an edge be a precursor to a large rally in the
as depicted in the COT Report can by analyzing patterns precious metal.
impact price and trend. of data in the COT
As a refresher, the Commitments Report. Crude oil
of Traders categorizes traders into Like gold, large oil speculators are
three groups: large speculators, small always net long; at least they have
speculators, and commercial hedgers. Gold been since the financial crisis. But
To be frank, I’m simplifying for the Precious metals are considered a when this group of traders become
sake of brevity, but if you are inter- hedge against inflation or economic “too long” or has liquidated the bulk
ested in learning more about the COT turmoil. Yet gold, and even silver, of their position, trend reversals are
Report, you will find an extensive often prove to be neither of those common. When parsing data, ev-
discussion in my book Higher Prob- things. Precious metals are, however, erything is relative. In other words,
ability Commodity Trading. a diversifier. The price of gold, in knowing that speculators are net long
Speculators often attempt to find the long run, is not highly correlated 150,000 futures contracts is mean-
an edge by analyzing patterns of (positively or negatively) with other ingless without knowing the history
data in the COT report. I have found major asset classes. For this reason, behind it. In the case of WTI crude
the report to be most useful in iden- many portfolios hold the metal as a oil futures, when speculators amass
tifying overcrowded trades. Such a way to introduce an alternative as- a long position of over 500,000 net
scenario can act as a warning signal set class that might help to smooth long contracts, the bullish trend is
that an existing market trend might out the returns of a stock and bond
be overextended. Of course, neither portfolio. Accordingly, speculators Continued on page 56
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 35
The 5-Minute Chart And The 1-Hour Chart
A Cryptocurrency
Scalping Strategy
Here is a short-term and easy trend-following trading possible use in a crypto account. Before I go into details
strategy for you to consider and to test for yourself. It about this strategy, I’ll review a few fundamental details
uses a 5-minute chart for execution and a 1-hour chart to help make your trading experience smoother and more
for short-term trend identification. refined. Let’s jump right in!
currency market
espite the recent negative string of events Since the crypto boom era, the cryptocurrency market
plaguing the cryptocurrency market, has never been short of volatility and erratic market
this industry remains one of the most moves. While technical factors play a critical role in this
sought-after financial markets by inves- market, fundamental catalysts also drive the industry like
tors in 2022. Many would argue that the no other market. Some external factors that influence
downtrend seen in the market over the market action include:
past few months is a positive indicator for them, as the
cryptocurrency market remains profitable in whichever Synchronized volatility
conditions it finds itself. Due to the interlinked nature of the assets in the crypto
Having a trusted trading strategy essentially allows industry and the dominance of top crypto assets like
you to remain profitable in the market irrespective of bitcoin and ethereum, price actions usually occur in
whether the market is in an upward or downward trend. tandem across the market. This means that a spike in
In this article, I’ll present a tested and trusted short-term/ bitcoin would most likely result in a sharp rally across
scalping trading strategy for your consideration and for the market.
36 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
FIGURE 1: INDICATORS. The three indicators used in this strategy are the 144 weighted moving average (WMA), the 5 smoothed moving average
(SMMA), and the stochastic indicator. This strategy uses the 5-minute chart for execution and the 1-hour chart for short-term trend identification.
Media attention Why do you need a trading strategy? If you have ever
Whenever news of a cryptocurrency goes on mainstream wondered about the need for a trading strategy, here are
media, it typically triggers an influx of new buyers or a few reasons highlighting the need for a trading strategy
sellers depending on the content of the news. This tends in the financial markets:
to precipitate a sharp move in its value, which could
be reflected across the market, thanks to synchronized Trading strategies serve as a roadmap. Having a trad-
volatility. ing strategy is much like having a map. It guides your
every action—when to trade, how much to trade, and
Impending regulations why to trade.
Whenever news of possible regulatory action on the crypto
market hits, traders typically go into a panic and offload It eliminates interference from your emotions. One
their holdings, which influences price action. of the most common drawbacks plaguing most traders
in the capital markets is the inability to separate emo-
Developments around crypto projects tions from the market. As humans, this is undoubtedly
New developments in crypto projects such as network a difficult task to pull off. However, once achieved, your
updates, token burns, or cyberattacks tend to influence trading experience will show some noticeable improve-
the price action of the underlying cryptocurrency sig- ments. Having a trading strategy help you to automate
nificantly. your decision-making process. This is why following
your trading strategy at all times is the best advisable
Trading the cryptocurrency market trading practice.
with a strategy
To help ensure consistent success and win rate in trading It helps with risk management. Every trader should have
the cryptocurrency market, it is imperative to develop or a risk threshold to avoid going bust due to overexposure
adopt a reliable trading strategy and stick to it, which is or being overleveraged. A trading strategy mandates that
a crucial part of using a trading strategy. you work with a risk allowance on every trade, thereby
In simpler terms, a trading strategy is a set of trading doubling as a risk-management tool.
rules and indicators followed by the user to simplify and The key takeaway is this: Trading the crypto market
automate their trading process. A trading strategy should is a high-risk activity involving the consistent sale and
include a focus industry (in this case, the crypto industry), purchase of crypto assets to realize short-term profits.
your preferred trade frequency, and investment size. That said, it only makes sense to make the most out of
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 37
FIGURE 2: INDICATOR CROSSES ON HOURLY CHART, BULLISH. A price trend is confirmed once a cross between the SMMA and the WMA on the
hourly chart occurs. Here, a cross of the smaller moving average (SMMA) above the larger one (WMA) indicates an uptrend.
the venture by applying a trading strategy and improving (WMA), the 5 smoothed moving average (SMMA), and
your chances of averaging more successes than losses. the stochastic indicator. (See Figure 1.)
With all the solutions and clarity it provides, trading the It is essential to identify the existing trend in the
crypto market with a trading strategy is what separates market before executing any trades using this strategy,
traders from gamblers. which is the function of the 1-hour chart. A price trend
is confirmed once a cross between the SMMA and the
A simple scalping cryptocurrency WMA on the hourly chart occurs. A cross of the smaller
trading strategy moving average (SMMA) over the larger one (WMA)
As mentioned at the outset, the crypto strategy presented indicates an uptrend (Figure 2) and vice versa for a
in this article is a quick and easy trend-following trading downtrend (Figure 3).
strategy. This scalping strategy is executed using the Because this is a scalping strategy, identified trade
5-minute chart, and while it must be said that in trading, setups are expected to be executed immediately after
past results are no guarantee of future results, in my own a cross.
experience, it has had a daunting win rate.
Trading the strategy
Basics of the strategy Once an indicator cross is identified, switch over to the
This strategy uses the 5-minute chart for execution and 5-minute chart and wait for another cross towards the
the 1-hour chart for short-term trend identification. It anticipated direction on the chart. This cross should
utilizes three indicators. The three indicators needed occur quickly, considering how volatile the smaller
for this strategy are the 144 weighted moving average timeframes are.
Now, to identify a perfect entry position on the desired
cryptocurrency, we look to the stochastic indicator for
clues. For those unfamiliar with the stochastic indicator,
A trading strategy should a cross between the blue and red line above the purple
include a focus industry (in area (75) indicates an overbought market condition, while
this case, the crypto industry), a cross of the lines below the purple area (25) indicates
that the market has entered oversold conditions.
your preferred trade frequency, After confirming a cross on the hourly chart and the
and investment size. 5-minute chart in a trending direction, we have to wait
for the stochastic to cross in the direction of the trend.
38 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
FIGURE 3: INDICATOR CROSSES ON HOURLY CHART, BEARISH. A price trend is confirmed once a cross between the SMMA and the WMA on the
hourly chart occurs. Here, a cross of the smaller moving average (SMMA) below the larger one (WMA) indicates a downtrend.
FIGURE 4: STOCHASTIC OSCILLATOR. After confirming a cross on the hourly chart and the 5-minute chart in a trending direction, the strategy then
looks for the stochastic to cross in the direction of the trend. Here, the stochastic crosses into the oversold area in a bullish trending market.
FIGURE 6: SELL TRADE EXAMPLE. In this example short trade, the strategy was profitable with a gain of 723 pips.
to place your SL and TP levels at whatever level or ratio your desired crypto after spotting an upward cross
you see fit. between the SMMA and WMA lines and a confir-
mation from a bullish stochastic cross.
Strategy snapshot Sell signal: Enter an instant sell trade on the crypto
Trading style: Scalping after seeing a downward cross between the SMMA
Tradeable instrument: Any cryptocurrency and WMA line and a confirmation from a bearish
Timeframe: Hourly chart and 5-minute chart stochastic cross.
Indicators: 144 WMA, 5 SMMA, and a stochastic Risk-reward ratio: 1:3 or better
indicator Stop-loss: Trade stop should be at previous swing
Buy signal: Enter an instant execution buy trade on low or nearest support for buy trades and vice versa
40 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
for sell trades
Take-profit: 3:1 of risk
It is essential to identify the
Some trade examples using this strategy existing trend in the market
Buy trade (Figure 5) before executing any trades
Instrument: Terra (LUNA) using this strategy.
Entry level: $88.34
Take profit: $87.38
Stop-loss: $91.22
Entry time: 11:45 author for various trading publications. He is a trading
Exit time: 12:20 signals provider at some websites. He can be reached via
TP: +288 pips email at azeez.mustapha@analytics. instaforex.com.
the GFI, the higher expectations are for stock prices and
he greed and fear index (GFI) is a relative for profits. A high GFI implies that there is overheated
strength of overbought and oversold conditions, buying sentiment and that traders may have overbought.
similar to the relative strength index (RSI). A high GFI may be a good time to sell ahead of the crowd
The GFI is an indicator of buy or sell action and ahead of a possible reversal.
that can help you know when to buy or sell in The lower the GFI, the more disappointed people are
advance of the crowd. with stock prices and with the market. It implies that
This greed and fear index is measured from the buying traders may have oversold. A very low GFI may indicate
and selling behavior of the market, and I’ll explain how it a good time to buy in advance of the crowd.
is calculated. Note that this indicator is different from the In simple terms, the GFI helps to detect selling
fear and greed index that was developed by CNNMoney and buying earlier in the trend rather than later in the
to gauge whether the stock market is fairly priced. That trend.
indicator looks at a large variety of factors in the market
and scores investor sentiment on a scale of 1 to 100. The A look back at the BRSI and the concept
GFI, meanwhile, is scaled from −1 to +1. of the breakout candle
As all traders know, greed and fear in market In my September 2015 Stocks & Commodities article
participants can lead to the market becoming overbought “The Breakout Relative Strength Index,” I presented the
42 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
Strength Index” for more about breakout candles and Breakout candlestick
2 days up
the BRSI.
where: possible candlestick breakouts.
In simple terms, the GFI
5 helps to detect selling and
A= buying earlier in the trend
k=1 rather than later in the trend.
(Note: The number 5 can be adjusted according to
October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 43
your trading needs.)
And where:
As this is being written in May 2022, the
market is down heavily from January 2022.
Seeing this downturn occurring in the
market meant I wanted to find a good sell FIGURE 3: NFLX, 1/18/2022–4/27/2022. In this chart of Netflix Inc., the GFI provided two
signals while the RSI provided no signals.
signal to use because I want to sell earlier
in the downtrend rather than later.
As mentioned earlier, the well-known RSI is a classic
overbought/oversold indicator, serving to signal when
we may have reached overbought or oversold conditions.
Here in this article, I have introduced the GFI as a In this article, I have
tool for measuring on a relative basis the strength of introduced the GFI as a tool for
overbought and oversold conditions. The GFI can give measuring on a relative basis
you an indication of whether a buying or selling trend is the strength of overbought and
underway, and how far along the curve it is. oversold conditions.
In the following example charts (Figures 1–4), I will
compare the signals given by both the GFI and RSI, so
44 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
you can see how the signals from each
compare and how signals from the GFI
may be more helpful. All five charts cover
the same timespan in early 2022 from
1/18/2022 to 4/27/2022. In the charts, you
can see the sell signals that appeared on the
GFI, whereas few to no signals occurred
in the RSI.
Figure 1 is a candlestick price chart of
the SPY. The RSI is in the middle pane and
the GFI is in the bottom pane. During this
time period of about three months in 2022, FIGURE 4: FB (NOW META), 1/18/2022–4/27/2022. On this chart of FaceBook (now Meta
which saw a downtrend in the market, the Platforms), the GFI provided three sell signals while the RSI provided no signals.
GFI provided three sell signals, while the
RSI provided no signals. The signals are
marked by a vertical line that corresponds
to peaks in the GFI indicator plot at its
upper boundary.
Figure 2 is a chart of the QQQ. During
this period, the GFI had three sell signals
here as well, while the RSI provided no
Figure 3 is a chart of Netflix Inc. (NFLX).
Here, the GFI provided two signals while
the RSI provided no signals. FIGURE 5: OXY, 1/18/2022–4/27/2022. On this chart of Occidental Petroleum Corp., both
Figure 4 is a chart of Meta Platforms the GFI and the RSI provided two sell signals.
(formerly FaceBook, with a ticker symbol of
FB at the time this chart was created, ticker
symbol now META). In this example, the GFI provided Further reading
three sell signals while the RSI provided no signals. Wang, Howard [2016]. New Concepts In Trading: Profit
Figure 5 is a chart of Occidental Petroleum Corp. Taking Theory (published in Chinese).
(OXY). Here, the GFI provided two sell signals and the [2016]. “Waves And Profit-Taking,” Technical
RSI also provided two sell signals. Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Volume 34:
Conclusion [2015]. “The Breakout Relative Strength Index,”
In addition to the classic RSI indicator, the greed and Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities,
fear index (GFI) is another useful relative strength in- Volume 33: September.
dicator. It is an index of trading transactions. It is based [2019]. “Sell Relative Strength Index,” Technical
on the strength of profit-taking by traders in the market. Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, Volume 37:
For traders, it can be used as a contrarian indicator and February.
can help them to buy and sell in advance of the crowd.
When trading, it can provide more effective buy and sell
signals than the RSI.
your perspective to align as closely as
possible with reality. Eventually, the
market will reveal the incompetent, FIGURE 1: SPX DAILY, BEAR MARKET. On May 20, 2022, the S&P 500 index entered bear market
the arrogant, and the dangerous fool. territory when it broke below 3,854 to touch a low of 3,810.
The market will expose those who
seek to bamboozle others with lies,
mistruths, and plain old stupidity. It market territory when it rises 20% happened. But look at first principles.
never fails. from its low. On January 4, 2022 the Look at the evidence before you and
The S&P 500 index (SPX) entered SPX touched a high of 4,818. On May pay no attention to pundits who are
bear market territory when it fell 20, 2022, the SPX officially entered paid to form opinions.
20% from its high. It will leave bear bear market territory when it broke Research tells us that bear markets
below 3,854 to touch a low of 3,810. last on average 289 days or about
The ensuing volatility resulted in one third as long as an average bull
Adjust your mindset to wild daily market swings and brought market. As technicians, we must do
deal with the market on the SPX back up above 4,000. Some what we are trained to do and look
its own terms. people thought then that the bear mar- for evidence on price charts. Figure
ket was done, or maybe it never even 1 is a daily price chart of the SPX.
46 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
The Savvy Technician
We can see that it is a mostly bearish
chart. From the time it made its high
at the beginning of January 2022, it
has proceeded to make a series of
lower lows and lower highs (the clas-
sic definition of a bear market). The
50-day moving average crossed the
200-day moving average in a death
cross in March 2022.
So, what about this chart will tell us
that the bear market is over? Figure
2 shows a weekly price chart of the
SPX. We can see that it completed a
rounded top and then broke down as
it crossed below the 50-day moving
average. Over the last seven weeks, we
see that price is forming a flag. Now,
it is possible that the flag will fail and
price will move to the upside. If that
happens, we must trade accordingly.
But flags are continuation patterns
and it is also possible that it will
break out in the direction in which
it entered the pattern, which will be
to the downside. Technical analysis
is the map, not the territory. Either
scenario can happen. As traders, we
derive information from price action.
We do not “do stupid.”
“Doing stupid” means listening to
pundits and others seeking to make
money by telling you what they
FIGURE 2: SPX WEEKLY, WHEN WILL THE BEAR MARKET END? As technicians, we look for
cannot know. We cannot know what market clues on the price charts. The S&P 500 index completed a rounded top and then broke down
as it crossed below the 50-day moving average. We can see that price is forming a flag.
Periods( NumericSimple ),
Pds( NumericSimple ),
Mltp( NumericSimple );
Mltp1( 0 ),
Vup( 0 ),
Vdwn( 0 ),
RS( 0 ),
Rate( 0 ),
MyVol( 0 );
RSVAEMAValue( 0 );
article, RsVaEMA values appear to track price action more 4. Fill in the “Find what” box with: Call ButtonText1(
closely than a standard EMA with less apparent lag. 5. In the search box, click the “Current project” button.
The spreadsheet I am providing here is set up to allow up 6. Then click the “Find next” button. The target line
to two standard EMAs and up to two RsVaEMAs, each with will be highlighted in yellow.
their own specifications, so that users may mix and match as 7. On the target line, place a single quote (‘) in front of
they explore. the word “Call”
To download this spreadsheet: The spreadsheet file for 8. In the “Find” dialog box, change the “Find what:”
this Traders’ Tip can be downloaded from www.traders.com box to read: Call ButtonText2(
in the Traders’ Tips area. To successfully download it, fol- 9. Then click the “find next” button. The target line
low these steps: will be highlighted in yellow just a few lines down.
10. On this target line, place a single quote (‘) in front of
• Right-click on the link to the Excel file, then the word “Call”
• Select “save target as” to place a copy of the spreadsheet 11. Close the VBA editor (the red X in the upper-right
file on your hard drive. corner)
12. Close the spreadsheet and “save changes” when
Note: The spreadsheet provided in the September 2022 issue prompted.
contained an error that will interfere with data retrievals. For
those willing to venture into the VBA editor, two simple “Price refresh” or “download for a new symbol” should
fixes will bypass problem. Here are the steps: now work correctly for the September 2022 spreadsheet.
—Ron McAllister
1. Open the spreadsheet but do not refresh prices. Excel and VBA programmer
2. Open the VBA editor (ALT-F11—that is, hold down [email protected]
the ALT key and press the F11 key).
3. Open VBA Find dialog (hold down the CTRL key
and press the “F” key).
rading liquidity is often over- very high volumes. The greatest number three-year period. Thus, all numbers in
looked as a key technical of dots indicates the greatest activity; this column have an equal dollar value.
measurement in the analysis futures with one or no dots show little Columns indicating percent margin
and selection of commodity activity and are therefore less desirable and effective percent margin provide
futures. The following explains how to for speculators. a helpful comparison for traders who
read the futures liquidity chart pub- Courtesy of CBOT wish to place their margin money ef-
lished by Technical Analysis of Stocks ficiently. The effective percent margin
& Commodities every month. is determined by dividing the margin
value ($) by the three-year price range of
Commodity futures contract dollar value, and then multiply-
The futures liquidity chart shown be- ing by one hundred.
low is intended to rank publicly traded
futures contracts in order of liquidity. Stocks
Relative contract liquidity is indicated Trading liquidity has a significant ef-
by the number of dots on the right-hand fect on the change in price of a secu-
side of the chart. rity. Theoretically, trading activity can
This liquidity ranking is produced by serve as a proxy for trading liquidity
multiplying contract point value times All futures listed are weighted equally and equals the total volume for a given
the maximum conceivable price motion under “contracts to trade for equal dol- period expressed as a percentage of the
(based on the past three years’ historical lar profit.” This is done by multiplying total number of shares outstanding. This
data) times the contract’s open interest contract value times the maximum pos- value can be thought of as the turnover
times a factor (usually 1 to 4) for low or sible change in price observed in the last rate of a firm’s shares outstanding.
USING DATA STRATEGICALLY Doloc’s book if you are embarking a variety of data sources, one of which
I am frequently asked about how to on ML or data science or want to I will show here.
use data correctly. While this is a big expand your insights further in the For executing on a more dollar-
subject, we can cover a few items that areas of data-driven trading. neutral approach with baskets, there
relate to the world I am most familiar In viewing that data journey are five main approaches:
with, which is trading equity pairs staircase, what leaps off the page is
and baskets. at the very top: having wisdom to A. Longs with single hedge
The entire point of utilizing execute appropriately. At the end B. Shorts with single hedge
approaches to the market like pair of the day, that ability may be of C. Longs with sector ETF hedges
trading is the benefits that come from higher value than any debate over the D. Shorts with sector ETF hedges
relationship-based trading and the substance and quality of the data. For E. Long stocks and short stocks
relative performance between long
and short capital. Execution, position Note: Besides the sector ETFs, one
Given all that we have witnessed can get more granular with industry
sizing, inventory
over these past few years, expect the ETFs, and thankfully there are an
unexpected, and when the unexpected turnover, and risk abundance of liquid ones to choose
arrives, know that it may have many management all come from.
jagged edges. into play. Strategic deployment of those
The reasons many choose hedged baskets ties in with what conditions
strategies include the preservation example, pair traders could wrestle are favorable:
of trading account capital, and with the best cointegration test: Is
the opportunity to make money the Philips-Ouliaris or Johansen test • If the market is gapping down,
from defined probabilities and method better? Regardless of which then A, C, or E could be em-
m a t h e m a t ic a l r el a t io n sh ip s. test produced better cointegrating ployed, executing the long side
This is especially true in pairs factors, I would argue that even a first and deciding on whether
trading, where you have mean- baseline knowledge
reverting opportunities that are of two stocks that
compoundable. are related, coupled
With respect to data, those who with knowing how to
utilize data embark on a journey, trade them, is superior
whether knowingly or not. Many to a higher-quality
beginners put more weight on the statistical number.
D, or E could be used.
JOHN EHLERS MESA VIRTUAL work can be found in the September symbol entered into the SlopeCharts
WORKSHOP, OCT. 10–14, 2022 2019 issue. platform. The feature is designed to
The annual John Ehlers MESA The workshop will present four be a time-saver, since it is vastly more
workshop will be held on October modules per day after the market efficient to have the formula automati-
10–14, 2022 (Monday–Friday), with close, with the final day on Friday cally applied as opposed to altering
this year’s being conducted online reserved for open discussion. A work- every symbol you want to see. The
over Webex as a live event. The work- ing knowledge of EasyLanguage as feature also provides a customized
shop teaches algorithmic trading well as high school-level algebra perspective into any symbols entered,
techniques and how to apply digital and trigonometry is recommended. particularly those in a watchlist.
signal processing and a scientific Topics will include cycle theory, ef- The user can enter any kind of
approach to your trading, based on fective data smoothing and filtering formula within the given format,
Ehlers’ decades of experience. Ehlers techniques, spectrum estimators, including using basic arithmetic op-
is the author of Cycle Analytics For data correlation, and predictions. At- erators, real numbers, and financial
Traders and Rocket Science For Trad- tendees will receive advanced unique symbols.
ers among other books and numerous indicators, unpublished strategies, A simple example would be if
articles. He has won many Readers’ and walk-forward optimizers in the user wanted to view a series of
Choice Awards over the years for his open-code EasyLanguage. assets proportionate to the Federal
articles appearing in this magazine. Workshop cost is $4,000. Traders Reserve’s M2 money supply (in other
An interview with Ehlers about his can view the full list of topics to be cov- words, you want to see every symbol
ered as well as enroll in the workshop divided by the M2 value). Viewing
at the MESA Software website. your symbols from this perspective
www.mesasoftware.com might lead you to some important
new insights.
TRANSFORMED CHARTS There is no limit to the kind of
BY APPLYING A FORMULA “transformations” applied, such as
The technical analysis website using gold, currency exchange rates,
Slope of Hope (slopeofhope.com) or any other formulaic transforma-
has introduced a feature that allows tion desired.
the user to apply a formula to every slopeofhope.com
62 • October 2022 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
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This is neither a solicitation to buy or sell any type of financial instruments, nor intended as investment recommendations. All investment trading involves multiple substantial risks
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