This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Dr. Daniel Anthoni Sihasale. It lists his educational background including degrees from Pattimura University and Gajah Mada University. It also outlines his current role as a lecturer at Pattimura University teaching various geography topics. Finally, it provides an extensive list of over 35 online courses taken in 2020-2021 covering subjects such as 3D mapping, COVID-19 response, publishing, and research skills.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Dr. Daniel Anthoni Sihasale. It lists his educational background including degrees from Pattimura University and Gajah Mada University. It also outlines his current role as a lecturer at Pattimura University teaching various geography topics. Finally, it provides an extensive list of over 35 online courses taken in 2020-2021 covering subjects such as 3D mapping, COVID-19 response, publishing, and research skills.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Dr. Daniel Anthoni Sihasale. It lists his educational background including degrees from Pattimura University and Gajah Mada University. It also outlines his current role as a lecturer at Pattimura University teaching various geography topics. Finally, it provides an extensive list of over 35 online courses taken in 2020-2021 covering subjects such as 3D mapping, COVID-19 response, publishing, and research skills.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Dr. Daniel Anthoni Sihasale. It lists his educational background including degrees from Pattimura University and Gajah Mada University. It also outlines his current role as a lecturer at Pattimura University teaching various geography topics. Finally, it provides an extensive list of over 35 online courses taken in 2020-2021 covering subjects such as 3D mapping, COVID-19 response, publishing, and research skills.
2. Place/ Date of Birth : Ambon, August 25th 1968 3. Email : [email protected] 4. Marital status : Married 5. Occupation/Post : Lecturer of Pattimura University 6. Religion : Christian 7. Nationality : Indonesian 1976 8. Education : 1. Elementary School, entered Year graduated Year 1982, Ambon 2. Junior High School, entered Year 1982 graduated Year 1985, Ambon 3. Senior High School, entered Year 1985 graduated Year 1988, Ambon 4. Bachelor of Geographical Education, entered Year 1989, graduated Year 1996, Faculty of Teachership and Education Science of UNPATTI 5. Master of Geography, entered Year 1997, graduated Year 2001, Faculty of Geography of Gajah Mada University. 6. Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, entered Year 2010, Graduated Year 2015, Brawijaya University.
9. Main Tasks : Teaching at Study Program of Geographical
Education of UNPATTI, the subjects are: 1. Tourism Geography 2. Industrial Geography 3. Transportation Geography 4. Coastal Geography and Oceanography 5. Developmental Geography 6. Political Geography 7. Material and Geographical Teaching Media 8. Computer 10. Work Experiences : 1. Lecturer at Study Program of Geographical Education of FKIP UNPATTI Ambon 2002 – Now 2. Departmental Secretary of Social Science Education of FKIP UNPATTI, 2008 2. Laboratory Head of Geographical Education and SIG, 2017
11. Courses / Trainings : 1. Training of Computer Basics: Microsoft
Office, Database, Multimedia, Internet FKIP at Computer UPT of UNPATTI Ambon, Year 2007 as Instructor 2. Training of Computer Basic Technique of FKIP at Computer UPT of UNPATI Ambon, Year 2007 as Instructor. 3. Training of Computer Basics: Microsoft Office, Database, Graphics, Multimedia, at Computer UPT of UNPATTI Ambon, Internet FKIP of Germany Language Education Study Program, At Computer UPT UNPATTI Ambon, year 2007 as Instructor. 4. Training of Computer Basics: Microsoft Office, Database, Graphics, Multimedia, at Computer UPT of UNPATTI Ambon, Internet FKIP of Indonesian Language Education Study Program, At Computer UPT UNPATTI Ambon, year 2007 as Instructor. 5. Training of Computer Basics: Microsoft Office, Database, Graphics, Multimedia, at Computer UPT of UNPATTI Ambon, Internet FKIP of Geographical Education At Computer UPT UNPATTI Ambon, year 2007 as Instructor. 6. Computer Training and Pokjar Leihitu Learning Media of Ambon Year 2009 as instructor. 7. Computer Training and Pokjar Baguala Learning Media of Ambon, Open University at UPT UNPATTI Ambon Year 2009 as instructor. 8. Training of Personal Website Making with Blog 8 August 2009 at Mathematic Department of MIPA UNPATTI Ambon (As Participant) 9. Training of Proposal Compilation of Living Environment Research, November 2010. PPLH of Brawijaya University Malang (as Participant). 10. Education and Training of BUDPAR for Tourism Industry. Agency of Culture and Tourism of East Java Province, November 21-23 2001. Malang (As Participant) 11. Workshop ‘Investigation of Scientific Journal”, Period III: December 27-28 2012, Postgraduate program of Brawijaya University (as participant) 12. Course: Teaching Marine Conservation via Skype in the Classroom. 6/12/2020. Microsoft Educator Center. 13. 13. Course: Getting Started With 3D Maps in ArcGIS. 6/12/2020. Microsoft Educator Center. 14. 14. Course: Getting Started with Maps and Data in ArcGis. 6/12/2020. Microsoft Educator Center. 15. 15. Course: Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator Program. 6/12/2020. Microsoft Educator Center. 16. 16. Course: Strategies for Assisted Living Communities during COVID-19. (JHONS HOPKINS University).17 September 2021. 17. Course: COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers. (STANFORD University). 26 September 2021. 18. 18. Course: Module: 10 reasons to get – and use – an ORCID iD. 23 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 19. 19. Course: Modele: Authorship, 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 20. 20. Course: Module: Content ownership. 25 September, 2021, Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 21. 21. Course: Module: Detecting Image Manipulation: Routines, Tools & Limitations. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 22. 22. Course: Module: Gender Bias in academic publishing. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 23. 23. Course: Module: A guide to journal citation metrics. 24. Course: Module: Plagiarism. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER 25. Course: Module: How to identify the right journal to publish in. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 25. 26. Course: Module: The origins of scientific publishing .25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 26. 27. Course: Module: Plagiarism. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 27. 28. Course: Module: Plagiarism: Decision making & dealing with grey-zones across academic Fieldsl. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 28. 29. Course: Module: Finding the right journa. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 29. 30. Course: Module: undamentals of publishin. 25 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 30. 31. Course: Module: Guide to reference managers: How to effectively manage your references. 23 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 31. 32. Course: Module: The journal publishing cycle. 23 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 32. 33. Course: Making sense of science stories. 23 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 33. 34. Course: Module: How to prepare a proposal for a review article. 23 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 34. 35. Course: Module: Fundamentals of manuscript preparation. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER. 35. 36. Course: Module: How to prepare your manuscript. 22 September, 2021. Researcher Academy. ELSEVIER.
12. Seminar / Workshops :
1. National Seminar, Concept and Analysis of Spaciotemporal for Sustainable Development. Faculty of Geography of UGM Yogyakarta Year 1998 (as Participant) 2. National Seminar, Management of Coastal Ecosystem and Small Islands in the Archipelago State, Faculty of Geography, UGM Yogyakarta Year 2000 (as participant) 3. Seminar and Workshop of Competence Based Curriculum. FKIP UNPATTI Ambon Year 2005 (as Committee ) 4. Seminar and Workshop of Competence Based Curriculum. FKIP UNPATTI Ambon Year 2005 (as Committee ) 5. National Seminar, Improvement of Education Quality by Teachership and Education Science Faculty of UNPATTI 2008 (as participant) 6. International Seminar, Malaysia-Indonesia (MALINDO), Comparative Review of Education Development of Indonesia- Malaysia. University of Pattimura and University of Kebangsaan Malaysia. Tear 2008 (as participant) 7. National Seminar, Science and Geography in Innovative Learning. Study Program of Geographical Education, FKIP UNPATTI, Year 2009 (as Committee) 8. National Seminar, Science and Sustainable Development in Dies Natalis FMIPA UNPATTI XI Ambon Year 2009 (as participant) 9. National Seminar, Seven Rizki Miracles Become Young Entrepreneur. Business Administrative Science Department of Social and Political Science of University of Pembangunan “Veteran” Yogyakarta, 2010 (as Participant) 10. International Seminar 2010 The Contribution of Tourism Toward Sustainable Development, August 9th 2010. University of Brawijaya (as participant) 11. International Seminar “International Journal Publication, Tips and Tricks”, November 19 2010. University of Brawijaya (as participant) 12. National Seminar, “Management of Watershed” October 26 2010. PPLH of Brawijaya University (as participant) 13. National Seminar “Interdiciplinary Study Seminar I (ISS-1), with journal title “Geographical Investigation and Potential Analysis of Natural Tourism Object of Coast in Effort to Develop Marine Tourism in Ambon City. January 6-7 2011. University of Brawijaya (as speaker) 14. National Seminar “Ecological Movement to Awaken Intelligence and Ecological Wisdom”. Postgraduate program of Brawijaya University, May 29th 2011 Malang (as participant) 15. National Seminar “Wisdom in Natural Resource Management, and Human Resources Challenge in Management and Control of Environment”. Postgraduate Program of Brawijaya University. November 9th 2011. Malang as participant. 16. National Seminar “Implementation of Spatial Information Law”. Department of Geodesy Department of Engineering faculty of Gajah Mada University, June 7th 2011. Yogyakarta (as participant) 17. National Seminar, “Contribution of Geography in Environmental Conservation and Disaster Mitigation”. Geographical Student Association of Social Science Faculty of Semarang State University. June 9th 2011 (as participant) 18. International Seminar “Interdisciplinary Research in Natural Resources and Environmental Development Post Graduate Program of Brawijaya University”. Biodiversity in Coastal Areas Ambon City and Consequences for a Coastal Tourism Development. August 22 2011 (as speaker) 19. International Seminar “International E- Journal Short Course”. Postgraduate Program of Brawijaya University. November 1st 2011 Malang (as participant) 20. International Seminar “Biofuel as an Environmental Friendly Energy Alternative” March 2 2012 at Graduate School of University of Brawijaya (as participant) 21. International Seminar, “Agriculture, Environment and Biodiversity” June 2 2012 at Graduate School University of Brawijaya (as participant) 22. International Seminar “Global Resource Conservation” Recent Issues on Biodiversity: Restoration and Bioprospecting of Tropical Ecosystem. July 7 2012. University of Brawijaya. 23. National Seminar “Geographical Information System”. College of Informatics Management and Computer of Kadiri. October 10 2012 (as speaker) 24. National Seminar “Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar IV 2012. “The Strategy of Potential Tourism Development in Namalatu Beach at Nusaniwe District, Ambon City, Indonesia. Postgraduate Program of Brawijaya University, April 1-4 2013, Malang (as speaker) 25. National Seminar “Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar V 2013. Suitability of Coastal Area for Coastal Tourism Development with Recreational Category at Naku Village, South Leitimur District, Ambon City of Indonesia”. Postgraduate Program of Brawijaya University, June 26-28 2013, Malang (as speaker) 26. National Seminar “Ecotourisme”. The Role of Leadership and Local Population Innovation at the Ecotourisme Development at Widyagama University of Malang, November 12 2013 (as participant). 27. National Seminar of Book Writing with theme “Change Scientific Work Become Book: Road to Science Eternity. UB Press with IKPI (Indonesian Publishing Association), Malang December 4th 2013 (as participant) 28. National Seminar “Interdisciplinary Study Seminar (ISS VII)” Green Economy and Sustainable Development” December 17-18, University of Brawijaya, Malang (as participant) 29. National Seminar “Revitalization of Indonesian Tourism Toward Geotourism with Sustainable Development Principle”. Faculty of Geography of Gajah Mada University, January 11th 2017 (as participant) 30. Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals. Organized by Department of Geography. School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University on 29 June 2020. (as participant) 31. Geo-Spatial Techniques and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities. 32. Challenges of Identifying Geographic Trends in Covid-19 Cases & Effect of Covid-19 Lockdown on Air Quality in India. 10 July, 2020. Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. 33. The Atmosphere and Air Pollution. 10th June 2020, Faculty of Science, Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University, Udaipur. 34. COVID-19, Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Destinations and Managers of Tourism Enterprises. 31th July, 2020. Department of Management, Mizoram University. 35. COVID-19: a Rise of New Education Practices. June 12 th 2020. Bora Institute of Management Sciences. 36. SEM Application in Geology and Maps Mineralogy Software. July,07 th 2020. Thermo Fisher. BPTM LIPI. 37. Management of Ecosystem Services Using The Technology of Geographic Information System (GIS). 29 June 2020. Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, IPB University. 38. Realisasi Sumber Daya Air Dalam Tatanan Kehidupan Baru (ERA NEW NORMAL). Program Pascasarjana (PPs) UNIVERSITAS TERBUKA, 17 Juni 2020. 39. Archipelagic States and Law of the Sea. Hydrography Talkshow, 29 Juni, 2020. Fakultas Ilmu dan teknologi Kebumian Institut Teknologi Bandung. 40. Biodiversitas untuk Kita dan Alam. 19 Juni 2020. Pusat kajian Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Semarang. 41. Penerapan SNI Pengelolaan Pariwisata Alam untuk Indonesia Ramah Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan. Jakarta 22 Juni 2020. Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN). 42. Strategi Peningkatan Sektor Ekonomi Dalam Menghadapi Bahaya Bencana Hidrometeorologi. 16 Juni 2020. Panrita Studio-9. 43. Tantangan dan Peluang Penginderaan Jauh di Disruption Era dan Perannya untuk Pencapaian SDGs dari Desa/Smart Villages. 19 Juni 2020, LAPAN. 44. Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan: Vuja De”. 20 Juni 2020. Program Studi Ilmu Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan (PWD) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen (FEM) IPB University. 45. Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil. 19 Juni 2020. Pusat Studi Pendidikan Lintas Agama FIPK IAKN Ambon. PUSPITA. 46. Pemanfaatan Daya Dukung dan Daya Tampung Lingkungan Hidup (DDDTLH) BVerbasis Jasa Ekosistem dalam pengendalian Pembangunan di Daerah. 6 Juli 2020, Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan. Pusat Pengendalian Pembangunan Ekoregion Sumatra. 47. Inovasi pengolahan Citra Digital Berbasis Cloud Computing. 21 Juli 2020. Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Sains Informasi Geospasial Institut Teknologi Sumatera. 48. Pemulihan DAS di Era New Noemal: Pengalaman di Tingkat Tapak. 16 Juli, 2020, PUSKALANSKAP SUMATRERA dan Departemen Manajemen Hutan Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Sumatera Utara. 49. Dunia Maritim Menghadapi Era New Normal. Semarang 25 Juli 2020, POLITEKNIK BUMI AKPELNI. 50. Strategi Pembelajaran Unggul di Perguruan Tinggi pada Masa Pendemi Covid-19. 28 Mei 2020. Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi. 51. Menulis Ilmiah. 09 Mei 2020. TEMAN ACARA. 52. Strategi Memenangkan Hibah Penelitian dan Pengapdian. Pusat Studi Lintas Agama dan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Kristen (FIPK) IAKN Ambon. 53. Menjaga Lingkungan Hidup Maluku Utara di Masa Covid 19 Dan Menuju New Normal. Sofifi 11 Juni 2020. Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Direktorat Jenderal Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Dan Ekosistem Balai Taman Nasional Akatejawe Lobata. 54. Desain Model Pembelajaran di masa dan Pasca Pendemi COVID-19. 2 Juni 2020, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Iqra Buru. 2 Juni 2020. 55. Best Speaker Become a Leader to Change the World. 22 Mey 2020. PBS2, SC Yogyakarta dan JTC Indonesia. 56. Training Google for Education. 20Mei 2020, TEMANACARA. 57. Perubahan Pendidikan di Era New Normal, Manado 10 Juni 2020. Radio Montini 106 FM Manado dan Komunitas Penulis Art dan Culture. 58. Perempuan dan Upaya Ketahanan Keluarga Saat Pandemi Covid-19. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Pemerintah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. 02 Juni 2020. 59. Corrosion Mechanisms in Concrete Structure. 31/05/2020 and 01/06/2020. Civil Department of AIHT. (Anand Intitutr of Higher Technology. OMR, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 60. Advance Excel. 25 -26 May 2020, Asash Tecnolabs and Sigma Institute of Engineering, Vadodara. 61. Importance of Planning and Project Management in Civil Engineering. 29/05/2020. Civil Department of AIHT. (Anand Intitutr of Higher Technology. OMR, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 62. Living With The Stressful Corona Pandemic. 28 th May 2020. Sigma Institute of Engineering, Vadodara. 63. Python Programming for Beginners. 24th Mey 2020. The M.L. Gandhi Higher Education Society, Managed by Matrushri L.J. Gandhi BCA and Dr N,J, Shah PGDCA Collage, Mondasa Gujarat. 64. Applied Data Science. 29 May 2020. Sigma institute of Rngineering. 65. Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustanability: issues and Challenges. 23 Juli 2020. Department of Geography, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, West Bengal. 66. Inovasi Pembelajaran Geografi Berbasis Teknologi Geospasial Pada Era New Normal. 25 Juni 2020. Pendidikan Geografi Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. 67. Virtual Interactive Classroom For Teachbers And The Challenging Technologies In Post Covid-19 Era. 05th June 2020. IFERP. 68. Strategi Melakukan Penelitian Dan Pengelolaan Data Penelitian. Jakarta 15 Juni 2020, KRISYNDO. Ngampooz. 69. Time Series Analysis. 1 Juli 2020, Departemen Statistika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor Statistika dan Sains Data. 70. Knowledge Sharing on A to Z of Journal Publications (Survey to Citations). 30th May 2020. IFERP. 71. Research Article Writing and Publishing in Good Impact Journal. 13th 2020, IFERP. 72. Skills For Today”s Survival. 13th June 2020. SIGMA Geoup of Institutes. 73. World Population Day Quiz 2020. Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University. 11th July 2020.
13. Training: 1. Efforts to Improve Water Debit at Water Spring of Kusu-
Kusi Sereh Hamlet of Urimesing Village of Ambon City, year 2006. 2. Ability to Use Presentation Media and Computer Based Learning Media by Geographical Teacher in Effort to Improve Learning Results of Student at State Senior High school 2, 6 and 10 of Ambon Year 2008.
14. Scientific Works:
1. Societal Perception of Perumnas Poka Settlement Inhabitant of Ambon Toward Settlement Footprint Arrangement Year 2000 (thesis S2) 2. Geographical Investigation and Natural Tourism of Beach in Sustainable Developmental Effort of Coastal Area in Ambon City (Dissertation S3) 3. Computer Application as Learning Media, Year 2007 (Journal) 4. Use of Presentation Media and Computer Based Learning Software as Learning Aid Tool in Learning Process. Year 2008 (Journal) 5. Satellite Based Cellular Phone GPS Application and Navigation Map as Geographical Information Media. Year 2010 (journal) 6. Biodiversity at Ambon Coastal Area and Consequences for Coastal Tourism Development. Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies, Vol 1, No 1. January 2013. 7. Strategy of Potential Tourism Development in Namalatu Beach at Nusaniwe Sub District, Ambon City, Indonesia. International Journal of Engineering and Science Research/Inventyjes Vol.3. Issue 1, May 2013 (international Journal) 8. The Sustainability of Coast Area for Development of Beach Tourism of Recreation Catgory at Naku Village, Sputh Leitimur Sub District, Ambon City, Indonesia International Organization of Scientific Research IOSR- JEN. Journal of Engineering. Vol 3. Issue 7. July 2013 (International Journal)
15. Editorial-and- Reviewer-
Board-Members: 1. American Journal of Geographical Research and Reviews. 2. Global Research and Development Journals 3. The Journal of Social Sciences Research (Academic Research Publishing Group) (ARPG) 4. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ) 5. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) 6. Universal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (UJSSH) 7. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. 8. Journal of Emerging Thecnologies and Innovative Research. 9. International Kenzo Journal (IKJ) 10. Science, Technology and Environment and Review. 11. International Journal of Innovative Research and Creative Technology. 12. Asia Pasific Journal of Academic Research In Social Sciences 13. Social Sciences & Psychology. 14. International Invention Of Scientific Journal 15. World Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 16. Jurnal Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan. 17. Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah 18. GEOFORUM Jurnal Geografi dan Pendidikan Geografi
Teaching Young Learners in Bilingual Settings: A teacher cognition study in the context of CLIL at the Dortmund International Primary Schools (DIPS) network