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Wonderware FactorySuite

Recipe Manager

User’s Guide
Revision A
December, 1997

Wonderware Corporation
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Wonderware
Corporation. No copyright or patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the
information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the
preparation of this documentation, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for
errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use
of the information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of Wonderware Corporation. The software
described in this documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement.
This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of these

 1997 Wonderware Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

100 Technology Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
(714) 727-3200
All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have
been appropriately capitalized. Wonderware Corporation cannot attest to the accuracy of
this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the
validity of any trademark or service mark.
Wonderware is a registered trademark of Wonderware Corporation.
Wonderware FactorySuite, InTouch, WindowMaker, WindowViewer, SQL Access
Manager, Recipe Manager, SPC Pro, DBDump, DBLoad, HDMerge, HistData,
Wonderware Logger, InControl, InTrack, InBatch, IndustrialSQL, FactoryOffice, Scout,
SuiteLink and NetDDE are trademarks of Wonderware Corporation.

Chapter 1 - Introduction ............................................................... 1-1
The Recipe Manager Program ...................................................................................... 1-2
Recipe Template Files ........................................................................................... 1-2
Running Recipe Manager ............................................................................................. 1-3
Recipe Template Common Features...................................................................... 1-4
About this Manual ........................................................................................................ 1-5
Technical Support......................................................................................................... 1-6
Viewing Your FactorySuite License............................................................................. 1-6

Chapter 2 - Using Recipe Manager .............................................. 2-1

Configuring the Recipe Template Preferences ............................................................. 2-2
Creating a New Recipe Template File .......................................................................... 2-3
Editing a Recipe Template File .................................................................................... 2-7

Chapter 3 - Using Recipe Functions............................................ 3-1

Recipe Functions .......................................................................................................... 3-2
Recipe Arguments ........................................................................................................ 3-3
Using Recipe Functions ................................................................................................ 3-4
Combining Recipe Functions................................................................................. 3-4
Nesting Recipes ............................................................................................................ 3-4
Applying Security to Recipes ....................................................................................... 3-6

Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting Recipe Functions ......................... 4-1

Troubleshooting Functions ........................................................................................... 4-2
Displaying Error Code Messages ................................................................................. 4-4

Chapter 5 - Creating Recipes in Other Windows Applications . 5-1

Using Excel with a Recipe Template File..................................................................... 5-2
Using Notepad with a Recipe Template File ................................................................ 5-4

Index ............................................................................................... I-1

ii Contents

C H A P T E R 1


In the manufacturing world a recipe is used to describe many different things. For
example, a bakery may have a basic cookie dough recipe that lists all of the ingredients
required to make plain cookies and all of the optional ingredients such as nuts, fruit,
chocolate chips, and so on, that can be added to the basic recipe to make various kinds
of cookies. In a steel mill, a recipe might be a collection of machine setup parameters.
For batch processors, a recipe can be used to describe the various steps in the batch
process. InTouch Recipe Manager, combined with the basic InTouch QuickScript
functions, can handle all of these situations.
The Wonderware Recipe Manager add-on product consists of two components; Recipe
Manager and a set of recipe functions. Recipe Manager is a separate executable program
that is used to create recipe template files. The recipe functions are used in InTouch
QuickScripts to access the recipe template files. The recipe functions allow InTouch to
select, load, modify, create and delete the recipes contained in the recipe template files.

n The Recipe Manager Program
n Running Recipe Manager
n About this Manual
n Technical Support
n Viewing Your FactorySuite License
1-2 Chapter 1

The Recipe Manager Program

The Recipe Manager program is a spreadsheet-like user interface that you use to create
and maintain recipe template files. While the recipe template files can be created using
any spreadsheet or word processor program, the Recipe Manager makes the creation
task easier and less error prone by providing you with shortcuts and an orderly means
for creating recipe template files.

Recipe Template Files

All recipes are defined and stored in the recipe template files. These files contain the
following information:
• All ingredient names and their data types that can be used in a recipe.
• Unit Names that associate InTouch tagnames with recipe ingredient values.
• Recipe Names containing the quantities or values for each ingredient used in a
recipe instance.
A recipe template file consists of the following three templates:

Template Definition
You will use the Template Definition to define all ingredients that are contained in a
recipe. A data type is required for each recipe ingredient. The data type can be Analog,
Discrete or Message. The ingredient names are arbitrary and do not have to be InTouch

Unit Definition
You will use the Unit Definition template to associate InTouch tagnames with recipe
ingredients. Many different loading definitions can be created. These definitions are
called units. The RecipeLoad() function uses these definitions to load specific instances
of the recipe to the associated InTouch tagnames. A Unit Definition may consist of all
ingredient names or just a subset.
Note The tagnames defined for the unit may be Memory types that can be viewed
and/or edited in an InTouch window or I/O types that can be loaded directly to PLCs.
Each recipe template file is saved in the .CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file format.
Therefore, you can create, open or edit your recipe template definitions in any
application that supports the .CSV format. For example, Notepad or Microsoft Excel.

Recipe Definition
You will use the Recipe Definition template to define Recipe Names for each instance of
a recipe and, the quantity required for each ingredient used in the instance. Recipe
instances can be modified, created or deleted in runtime through the recipe functions.
Introduction 1-3

Running Recipe Manager

Recipe Manager is an add-on program for Wonderware InTouch. When you install
Recipe Manager, it is automatically added to the Application Explorer in
WindowMaker. Therefore, you can run the Recipe Manager program from within
& For more information on the Application Explorer, see your InTouch User's Guide.
Ø To run Recipe Manager:
1. Run InTouch WindowMaker, in the Application Explorer, click Applications, then
double-click Recipe Manager.
2. On the File menu, click New. The three Recipe Manager templates appear:

Input Box

Select/Auto-Size Column
Select/Auto-Size Template

Select Row
1-4 Chapter 1

Recipe Template Common Features

The three templates have the following common features:
Feature Description
Input Box Text input box used to type the data for the
selected cell.
8 When a cell is selected, its contents is displayed
in the text input box.
Select/Auto-Size Template Click once to select the entire template. Double-
click to auto-size all columns in the template to
the width of the longest entry.
Select/Auto-Size Column Click once to select the entire column. Double-
click to auto-size the column to the width of its
longest entry.
Note The Item Type column in the Template
Definition template cannot be auto-sized.
Select Row Selects the respective row.
Introduction 1-5

About this Manual

This manual is divided into a series of logical building block chapters that describe the
various aspects of building a Recipe Template. It is written in a "procedural" format that
tells you in numbered steps how to perform most functions or tasks.
$ If you are viewing this manual online, when you see a cross reference like this one,
it is actually a "hot link" to the referenced section or chapter. Click it to "jump" to
that section or chapter. When you jump to another section or chapter and you want
to come back to the original section, a "back" option is provided.
& These types of cross references indicate that you need to look in another
FactorySuite book for more information.
8 These are "tips" that tell you an easier or quicker way to accomplish a function or
To familiarize yourself with the WindowMaker development environment and its tools,
see your online InTouch User's Guide.
To learn about working with windows, graphic objects, wizards, ActiveX controls and
so on, see your online InTouch User's Guide.
For details on the runtime environment (WindowViewer), see your online InTouch
Runtime User's Guide.
In addition, the InTouch Reference Guide provides you with an in-depth reference to the
InTouch script language, system tagnames, and tagname .fields.
The FactorySuite Systems Administrator's Guide also provides you with complete
information on the other component programs in the suite, system requirements,
networking considerations, product integration, technical support, and so on.
8 Online documentation is included in your FactorySuite software package for all
FactorySuite components included in your package. For example, FactorySuite
System Administrator's Guide, SPC, SQLAccess Manager, Recipe Manager,
IndustrialSQL Sever, InControl and all Wonderware 32-bit I/O Servers. If you
purchase FactorySuite+ you also get the online documentation for the InTrack and
InBatch components.

This manual assumes you are:
• Familiar with the Windows 95 and/or Windows NT operating system working
• Knowledgeable of how to use of a mouse, Windows menus, select options, and
accessing online Help.
• Experienced with a programming or macro language. For best results, you should
have an understanding of programming concepts such as variables, statements,
functions and methods.
1-6 Chapter 1

Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support options to answer any
questions on Wonderware products and their implementation.
Prior to contacting technical support, please refer to the relevant chapter(s) in your
User's Guide for a possible solution to any problem you may have with using Recipe
Manager. If you find it necessary to contact technical support for assistance, please have
the following information available:
1. Your software serial number.
2. The version of InTouch you are running.
3. The type and version of the operating system you are using. For example, Microsoft
Windows NT Version 4.0 workstation.
4. The exact wording of system error messages encountered.
5. Any relevant output listing from the Wonderware Logger, the Microsoft Diagnostic
utility (MSD), or any other diagnostic applications.
6. Details of the attempts you made to solve the problem(s) and your results.
7. Details of how to recreate the problem.
8. If known, the Wonderware Technical Support case number assigned to your
problem (if this is an on-going problem).
& For more information on Technical Support, see your online FactorySuite System
Administrator's Guide.

Viewing Your FactorySuite License

Your FactorySuite system license information can be viewed through the license
viewing utility that is launched from the WindowMaker Help About dialog box.
8 To access the About dialog box, select the About command on the WindowMaker
Help menu.
& For more information on the licensing viewing utility, see your FactorySuite System
Administrator's Guide.

C H A P T E R 2

Using Recipe Manager

Recipe Manager uses three different templates to create recipes. You can configure your
preferences for the templates. This chapter describes the procedures you will use to
configure your recipe template preferences and the procedures you will use to create
n Configuring the Recipe Template Preferences
n Creating a New Recipe Template File
n Editing a Recipe Template File
2-2 Chapter 2

Configuring the Recipe Template Preferences

Before you begin to define your recipes, you need to configure the preferences for the
recipe template default values. When you configure the preferences, you will specify the
maximum number of items, units and recipe names in each recipe template.
Ø To configure preferences:
1. On the Options menu, click Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears:

2. In the Maximum Items box, type the number of item names you want to allow in
your Template Definition template.
3. In the Maximum Units box, type the number of units you want to allow in your
Unit Definition template.
4. In the Maximum Recipes box, type the number recipe names you want to allow in
your Recipe Definition template.
8 The above three entries may have a value up to 9999. However, the larger the
number the more it will impact your system response time.
5. Click OK.
Important The values you set in the Preferences dialog box are applied to all
recipe template files that you create. When you modify these values, all your
existing recipe template files are also modified.
Ø To turn on the Auto Down on [Enter] key functionality:
On the Options menu, click Auto Down on [Enter].
8 The Auto Down on [Enter] option simplifies the data entry process in the
recipe templates. When you turn this option on, after each entry in your
template, you can press the ENTER key to move the cursor down to the next cell
in that same column.
Ø To turn off the Auto Down on [Enter] key functionality:
On the Options menu, click Auto Down on [Enter] again.
Using Recipe Manager 2-3

Creating a New Recipe Template File

When creating a recipe template file, you use the following three templates:
Template Description
Template Definition Used to define all of the ingredients in a recipe. A
data type is required for each recipe ingredient. The
data type can be; Analog, Discrete or Message.
Unit Definition Used to associate InTouch tagnames with recipe
ingredients. You can create many different unit
definitions. The Recipe Manager RecipeLoad()
QuickScript function uses these definitions to load
specific instances of your recipe to various InTouch
tagnames. A Unit Definition can consist of all
ingredient names or just a subset.
Recipe Definition Defines the names for each recipe and the quantity
required for each recipe ingredient used.
Ø To define a Template Definition:
1. On the File menu, click New. The three Recipe Manager templates appear:

8 If you right click the text input, a menu will appear displaying the commands
that you can apply to the selected text.
2. Click the Template Definition template's title bar to activate it and bring it to the
front of the window.
3. In the Item Name column cells, type an arbitrary name for each recipe ingredient.
8 You can only type one ingredient per cell. If your ENTER key has been set to
Auto down on [Enter], then press the ENTER key after each ingredient is typed
to move down to the next cell.
4. In the Item Type column cells, type a valid item type for the respective recipe
8 The valid item types are; Analog, Discrete or Message. You need only to type
the first letter of the type in the cell then, press ENTER. Recipe Manager will
automatically fill the rest in for you.
2-4 Chapter 2

Ø To define a Unit Definition:

1. Click the Unit Definition template's title bar to activate it and bring it to the front of
the window.
8 The Unit Definition template displays the Item Name and Item Type
information from the previously entered Template Definition template. For

2. In the Unit Names>>> row, in the cell below each unit column heading (Unit 1,
Unit 2, and so on), type the name for each unit that you want to define.
8 You can use the scroll bars on the template to scroll through the recipe data.
The Item Name and Item Type columns do not move. Therefore, the master
recipe information remains visible as recipe instances are added.
3. In the Unit # column cells, type the InTouch tagname for each respective recipe
ingredient in the Item Name column.
8 If WindowMaker is running, double-click the cell to display the Tag Browser.
WindowMaker MUST be running in order to access the Tag Browser.
4. Double-click the desired tagname from the Tag Browser to insert it into the cell or
select it, and then click OK.
8 The tagnames defined for a unit can be Memory type tagnames that can be
viewed or edited in an InTouch window or, they can be DDE type tagnames
that are loaded directly into PLCs.
& For more information on the Tag Browser, see your InTouch User's Guide.
5. Repeat this procedure for each Unit Name.
Note When you use the RecipeLoad() function in an InTouch QuickScript, you
must specify a Recipe Name and a Unit Name. The values contained in that Recipe
Name definition are then loaded into the tagnames specified in the Unit Name when
the QuickScript executes.
Using Recipe Manager 2-5

Ø To define a Recipe Definition:

1. Click the Recipe Definition template's title bar to activate it and bring it to the front
of the window. If it is not accessible, use your Window menu option to select the
8 The Recipe Definition template displays the Item Name and Item Type
information from the previously defined Template Definition template. For

2. In the Recipe Names>>> row, in the cell below each recipe column heading
(Recipe 1, Recipe 2, and so on), type the name for each recipe that you want to
8 You can use the scroll bars on the template to scroll through the recipe data.
The Item Name and Item Type columns do not move. Therefore, the master
recipe information remains visible as recipe instances are added.
3. In the Recipe # column cells, type the values for each respective recipe ingredient
in the Item Name column.
8 These values are loaded into the InTouch tagnames when the RecipeLoad()
function is executed in an InTouch QuickScript.
The InTouch recipe functions portion of this program reads and writes directly
to the recipe template file. Therefore, the Recipe Manager program does not
need to be running in order for the recipe functions to execute properly in
InTouch QuickScripts.
Important If the recipe template file is being used by InTouch, any new recipes
you create or any changes you make to existing recipes cannot be written to the
recipe template file. Recipe Manager only creates recipe template files. Once they
have been created, the Recipe Manager should be closed.
4. On the File menu, click Save to save your recipe template file.
2-6 Chapter 2

Ø To open an existing recipe template file:

1. On the File menu, click Open. The Open a Recipe Template dialog box appears:

2. Locate and select the recipe .CSV file then, click Open or, double-click the file
name. The three recipe templates in the file will appear.
Ø To delete a recipe template file:
1. On the File menu, click Delete. The Delete a Recipe Template dialog box appears:

2. Locate and select the recipe .CSV file then, click Open or, double-click the file
name. A message box will appearing asking you to confirm the deletion.
Note Open recipe template files cannot be deleted.
Using Recipe Manager 2-7

Editing a Recipe Template File

There are several ways to edit an existing recipe template file. One of the easiest ways is
by using the Edit menu commands. These commands allow you to clear, fill, insert or
delete a single selected cell or a range of selected cells within your recipe template file.
Ø To clear a range of cells:
1. Select the range of data. For example:

2. On the Edit menu, click Clear. A message box will appear asking you to confirm
the clearing of the selected range of cells.
3. Click Yes. The data is now cleared from the selected range.
Ø To fill right, down, left or up:
These commands are used to copy data in a range of selected cells to an adjacent range
of selected cells.
1. Select the cell or the range of cells to be copied and then also select the adjacent
range of cells that you want to copy the data into. (Either to the left, right, above or
8 The selected ranges must be the same size.
2. On the Edit menu, select the appropriate fill command. The data is copied to the
selected range of cells.
2-8 Chapter 2

3. On the Edit menu, point to Fill Right, the selected data will automatically fill to the

8 If the new column that the data was copied to, is not big enough to accommodate
the largest entry, simply double-click on the column heading to change the width to
the longest entry.
Using Recipe Manager 2-9

Ø To insert a row :
You can insert rows in the Template Definition template.
1. Click the Item # to select the row in the Template Definition that you want to
insert a new row above.
2. On the Edit menu, click Insert. A new row will be inserted above the row you
selected. For example:

Note If the maximum values configured for the Recipe Manager Preferences have
been reached, this command will not be active. You must close the current template
file then, on the Options menu, click Preferences. The Preferences dialog box will
appear. Increase the numbers specified to add Items/Units/ Recipes to your recipe
template file.
When you modify the Preferences, the changes will be applied to all existing recipe
template files.
3. All subsequent rows will automatically be renumbered.
8 All insertions and deletions in the Template Definition will automatically be
reflected in the Recipe Definition and Unit Definition templates as well.
Note You cannot insert rows in either the Recipe Definition or Unit Definition
2-10 Chapter 2

Ø To insert a column :
You can inserts columns in the Recipe Definition or Unit Definition template.
1. Click the Unit # to select the column in the Template Definition that you want to
insert a new column next to.
2. On the Edit menu, click Insert. A new column will be inserted next to the column
you selected. For example:

3. On the Edit menu, click Insert. A new blank column will be inserted to the left of
the selected column. For example:

8 In this example, notice that the Mixer 1 data has now moved to the Unit 3
column and a blank column has been inserted as Unit 2.
Using Recipe Manager 2-11

Ø To delete a column:
You can delete columns from the Recipe Definition or Unit Definition templates.
1. Click the Unit # column heading to select the column that you want to delete. For

2. On the Edit menu, click Delete. A confirmation message dialog box will appear
asking you to confirm the deletion.
3. Click Yes. The column is now deleted from the template.
8 In this example, when the Unit2 column is deleted, the Mixer 2 data in Unit 3
will move to the Unit 2 column.
Ø To delete a row:
You can delete rows from the Template Definition template.
1. Click the Item # row header to select the row that you want to delete. For example:
2. On the Edit menu, click Delete. A confirmation message dialog box will appear
asking you to confirm the deletion.
3. Click Yes. The row is now deleted from the template.
8 For example, in the above dialog, if the Item 1 row was deleted, the data in
Item 2 row would move to the Item 1 row.
2-12 Chapter 2

C H A P T E R 3

Using Recipe Functions

InTouch uses recipe functions to interact with your recipe template files. These
functions are an extension of the standard InTouch QuickScript functions and can be
used in any script. They allow you to select, modify, insert or delete records in your
existing recipe template file from your InTouch recipe application.

n Recipe Functions
n Recipe Arguments
n Using Recipe Functions
n Nesting Recipes
n Applying Security to Recipes
3-2 Chapter 3

Recipe Functions
This section lists each Recipe Function. The general format of the recipe functions is as
RecipeFunction(Argument1, Argument2,...,ArgumentN)
& For complete details on each Recipe function and examples of how you use each,
see your InTouch Reference Guide.
Function Description
RecipeDelete This function is used to delete currently defined Recipe
names from the specified recipe template file.
RecipeGetMessage This function is used to write an executed function's
error code to an analog tagname and the corresponding
error code message to a message tagname.
$ For more information on displaying error code
messages, see Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting Recipe
RecipeLoad This function is used to load a specific recipe to a
specific unit of tagnames.
& For more information on tags, see the InTouch
User's Guide.
RecipeSave This function is used to save a newly created recipe or to
save changes made to an existing recipe to the specified
recipe template file.
RecipeSelectNextRecipe This function is used to select the next recipe name
currently defined in the recipe template file.
RecipeSelectPreviousRecipe This function is used to select the previous recipe name
currently defined in the recipe template file.
RecipeSelectRecipe This function is used to select a specific recipe name
currently defined in the recipe template file.
RecipeSelectUnit This function is used to select the unit of tagnames to
which the current recipe values will be loaded.
$ For more information on combining functions, see
"Combining Recipe Functions."
Using Recipe Functions 3-3

Recipe Arguments
The following describes the arguments required for each recipe function. When a
argument is entered in a script surrounded by quotation marks, for example,
"Argument1", that exact text will be used. If no quotation marks are used, Argument1 is
assumed to be a tagname and the system will access the InTouch tagname directory for
the value of the tagname, Argument1.
The arguments to the recipe functions will be one or more of the following:
Argument Description
FileName This argument is the name of the recipe template file that will
be acted upon by the function. The FileName can be a string
constant or an InTouch tagname that is a I/O or memory-type
RecipeName This argument is the name of the specific recipe in the
designated recipe template file to be used by the function. The
RecipeLoad(), RecipeSave() and RecipeDelete() functions
require the user to provide the RecipeName. The
RecipeSelectRecipe() function returns a value to this
argument. The RecipeName can be a string constant or an
InTouch tagname that is a I/O or memory-type tagname.
UnitName This argument is the name of the specific unit in the designated
recipe template file that will be used by the function. The
RecipeLoad() function requires the user to provide the
UnitName. The RecipeSelectUnit() function returns a value
to this argument. The UnitName can be a string constant or an
InTouch tagname that is an I/O or Memory type tagname.
Number If a function has to fill an argument with characters, this field
sets the maximum string length returned to the argument. In
InTouch, string (message) tagnames have a maximum length
of 131 characters. Use 131 for this argument unless you have
reduced the maximum string length of the InTouch tagname.
This argument can be a constant or an InTouch analog
3-4 Chapter 3

Using Recipe Functions

Recipe functions can be automatically inserted into InTouch QuickScripts.
Ø To automatically insert a recipe function into a script:
1. Open the QuickScript editor, click Add-ons or on the Insert menu, point to
Functions then click Add-ons. The Choose function dialog box will appear
displaying all the functions for all of the InTouch add-on programs that you have
2. Click the recipe function that you want to insert into your QuickScript. The dialog
box will close and the function will be inserted in the script at the cursor position.
& For complete details on InTouch QuickScripts see your InTouch User's Guide,
Chapter 6 "Creating QuickScripts in InTouch."

Combining Recipe Functions

Multiple recipe functions can be used in the same script. For example, to select and load
a recipe with the same pushbutton, the following script would be used:
RecipeSelectRecipe("c:\recipefile.csv", RecipeName, 131);
RecipeLoad("c:\recipefile.csv", "Unit1", RecipeName);
In the InTouch application window, click on the pushbutton to cause the Select a Recipe
dialog to appear. Once a recipe is selected, its name is returned to the tagname
RecipeName and the script continues executing and loads the selected RecipeName into
the specified Unit Name, Unit1.
& For complete details on InTouch QuickScripts see your InTouch User's Guide,
Chapter 6 "Creating QuickScripts in InTouch."

Nesting Recipes
Multiple recipe template files can be linked to one another (using InTouch
QuickScripts) to create complex applications. This is accomplished by creating recipe
template files that define an Ingredient Name that is associated with a message tagname
(in the Unit Name) to which another Recipe Name can be loaded. This capability allows
you to create master recipe template files that define such things as machine setup
parameters to be used by various recipes in different recipe files. Keeping this type of
information in one central file greatly reduces the time it takes to maintain and/or update
the data whenever it changes.
Using Recipe Functions 3-5

In the RECFILEA.CSV file sample below, the Item Name, Setup, has been defined as a
message type and the units contain the message tagname, Setup, for this item. Each
recipe contains a second recipe name (defined in a different recipe file) that is loaded
into the tagname Setup when the recipe is selected.

To do so, the following script would be entered:

RecipeLoad("c:\recipe\recfilea.csv", "Review", RecipeName);
When this script is executed, the value of the tagname Setup becomes Setup3A and is
loaded into the Review unit. The value of the tagname Setup is then used as the Recipe
Name in the next recipe loading that loads the machine setup parameters into the
tagnames defined for the PLC1 unit by executing the following script:
RecipeLoad("c:\recipe\machine.csv", "PLC1", Setup);
3-6 Chapter 3

Applying Security to Recipes

Access to recipes can be controlled by defining an Item Name in the recipe template file
that sets the minimum security access level required for you to load, save, delete, etc., a
In the MACHINE.CSV file sample below, the Item Name, SecurityLevel, has been defined
as a message type and the Review unit contains the message tagname, SecurityLevel for
this item. Each recipe defines a value that is loaded into the SecurityLevel tag when the
recipe is loaded into the Review unit.

If desired, a window containing an "access denied" message can be displayed whenever

your security access level is invalid for a selected recipe. To do so, the selected recipe
can first be loaded into a unit that contains only an analog tagname to which the selected
recipe's security level value is loaded for verification.
For example:
RecipeSelectRecipe("c:\recipe\machine.csv", "Review",

The Select a Recipe dialog box appears. Once you select a Recipe Name, it is returned
to the tagname RecipeName and the script continues executing.
IF SecurityLevel >= $AccessLevel THEN;
RecipeLoad("c:\recipe\machine.csv", "PLC1" "RecipeName");
ELSE Show "Access Denied";

When this script executes, if your access level is equal to or greater than 7000, the
selected recipe's values would be loaded into PLC1 unit's tagnames. If not, the window
named Access Denied is displayed and the recipe is not loaded into PLC1.

C H A P T E R 4

Troubleshooting Recipe Functions

This chapter explains how to troubleshoot Recipe applications using the Error Codes
returned by your Recipe function. A list of error codes are included and how to use the
RecipeGetMessage( function to display) the error code message number.

n Troubleshooting Functions
n Displaying Error Code Messages
4-2 Chapter 4

Troubleshooting Functions
To retrieve the error code of a Recipe Function, it must be equated to an InTouch analog
ErrorCode = RecipeLoad(FileName, UnitName, RecipeName);

The RecipeLoad( function will ) set the value of the tagname ErrorCod to 0 ife it is
successful. If the RecipeLoad( fails, it will) set the analog tagname, ErrorCod , to thee
number for the specific error condition. The following is a listing of the possible Error
Codes and their corresponding error messages and descriptions:

Value Error Message Description

0 Success The called recipe function executed
-1 No Such Recipe Templat The specified recipe
e template filename
does not exist.
-2 View Not Activ e The recipe function called by another
program cannot execute because
WindowViewer is not running.
-3 Out of Memor y There is not enough memory to
complete the current activity.
-4 Line too long in recipe A line in the recipe template file has
template file exceeded the maximum allowed length.
-5 Truncated line in the recipe A line in the recipe template file has
file been truncated.
-6 Not a valid recipe template The specified filename is not a valid
file .CSV recipe template file.
$ For more information on .CSV files,
see Chapter 2.
-7 Expecting "unit" or A unit name or recipe name is missing
"recipe" from the recipe template file.
$ For more information on unit or
recipe names, see Chapter 2.
-8 No units defined in recipe No units have been defined in the
template file recipe template file Units Definition
-9 Recipe name not found in The specified recipe name is not
recipe template file defined in the recipe template file.
-10 Unit name not found in The specified unit name is not defined
recipe template file in the unit definition template file
Troubleshooting Recipe Functions 4-3

Value Error Message Description

An incorrect type has been entered for
-12 Expecting "Analog",
an item in the recipe template file.
"Discrete", "Message"
Valid types are Analog, Discrete or
Message only.
-13 Type of tagname The tagname specified is incorrect for
mismatches the item type, e.g., a recipe item is
"Analog","Discrete", defined as Analog and a message
"Message" tagname has been defined in the unit
for it.
-14 Invalid discrete value, An incorrect value has been entered
expecting "0", "1" for a Discrete in the recipe template
file. The only valid values for
Discretes are 0 or 1.
-15 Unable to open temporary The temporary file cannot be opened;
file could possibly be due to inadequate
disk space.
-16 Write error while saving An error has occurred while saving the
recipe template file recipe template file.
-17 User did not select The user selected Cancel in the Select
a Recipe dialog box instead of a
recipe name.
-19 Recipe template in use by The recipe template file specified is
another application open and, therefore, cannot be
accessed by WindowViewer.
4-4 Chapter 4

Displaying Error Code Messages

Each Recipe Function returns a number that represents the error condition for the
function. By using the RecipeGetMessage() function in an InTouch Data Change
script, the corresponding error code can be written to an analog tagname and the
associated error code message can be written to a message tagname.
To do so, the following Data Change script would be used:
RecipeGetMessage(ErrorCode, ErrorMessage, 131);
This script will automatically execute whenever the value of the analog tagname
ErrorCode changes. When this script executes, the RecipeGetMessage() function will
read the current numeric value of the tagname ErrorCode and return the message
associated with that value to the tagname ErrorMessage.

C H A P T E R 5

Creating Recipes in Other Windows


The recipe template file is saved in the .CSV (Comma Separated Variable) format.
Therefore, it can be created and/or edited in any Windows program that supports the
.CSV format such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Notepad.
n Using Excel with a Recipe Template File
n Using Notepad with a Recipe Template File
5-2 Chapter 5

Using Excel with a Recipe Template File

Ø To open an existing recipe template file in Microsoft Excel:
1. Start Excel.
2. On the File menu, click Open. The Open dialog box will appear:

3. Locate and select the .CSV file then, click Open or, double-click the filename. The
.CSV will open:
Creating Recipes in Other Windows Applications 5-3

4. Now you can edit the .CSV file.

Note The Excel illustrations used in this user's guide were created using Version
7.0. If you are using a different version, your spreadsheets may look slightly
Ø To create a new recipe template file in Excel:
1. Start Excel.
2. On the File menu, click New. The New dialog box will appear.
3. Click on the workbook icon to open a blank spreadsheet. Enter the data in the
spreadsheet as shown below:

4. The entries must be made in the order shown above. All Unit Names must be
defined in the file before the Recipe Names. Once all the required data is entered,
the spreadsheet must be saved with the .CSV extension, for example , RECLIST.CSV.
5-4 Chapter 5

Using Notepad with a Recipe Template File

Ø To open an existing recipe template file in Microsoft Notepad:
1. Start up Notepad.
2. On the File menu, click Open. The Open dialog box will appear:

3. Locate and select the .CSV file then, click Open or, double-click the filename. The
.CSV will open. For example:

4. Now you can edit your .CSV file.

Creating Recipes in Other Windows Applications 5-5

Ø To create a new recipe template file in Notepad:

1. Start up Notepad.
2. On the File menu click New.
3. Enter following data in this format:

Note All Unit Names must be defined in the file before any Recipe Names are
4. Once the required data is entered, the file must be saved with the .CSV extension.
5-6 Chapter 5

RecipeGetMessage, 3-2
. RecipeLoad, 3-2
RecipeSave, 3-2
.CSV, 5-1
RecipeSelectNextRecipe, 3-2
RecipeSelectPreviousRecipe, 3-2
A RecipeSelectRecipe, 3-2
About this Manual, 1-5 RecipeSelectUnit, 3-2
Applying Security to Recipes, 3-6
Arguments, 3-3 I
FileName, 3-3
Input Box, 1-4
Number, 3-3
inserting a column, 2-10
RecipeName, 3-3
inserting a row, 2-9
UnitName, 3-3
Item Name, 2-3,2-5
Item Type, 2-3,2-5
clear a range of cells, 2-7 M
Combining Recipe Functions, 3-4
Maximum Items, 2-2
Configuring preferences, 2-2
Maximum Recipes, 2-2
Configuring the Recipe Template Preferences, 2-2
Maximum Units, 2-2
create a new recipe file in Excel, 5-3
create a new recipe file in Notepad, 5-5
Creating a New Recipe Template File, 2-3
Creating Recipes in Other Windows Applications, 5-1 Nesting Recipes, 3-4
Notepad, 5-4
D Number, 3-3
defining a Recipe Definition, 2-5
defining a Template Definition, 2-3
defining a Unit Definition, 2-4 Online documentation, 1-5
delete a recipe template file, 2-6 open an existing recipe template, 2-6
deleting a column, 2-11
deleting a row, 2-11 P
E Preferences, 2-2

Edit/Fill Right, Down, Left or Up, 2-7 Q

Editing a Recipe Template File, 2-7
Error Code Messages, 4-4 QuickScripts, 3-4
Error Messages and Descriptions, 4-2
ErrorCode, 4-2 R
Excel, 5-2
Recipe #, 2-5
Recipe Arguments, 3-3
F Recipe Definition, 2-3
FileName, 3-3 Recipe Definition Template, 1-2,2-5
Functions, 3-2 Recipe Functions, 3-2
RecipeDelete, 3-2 Recipe Manager program, 1-2
Recipe Names, 2-5
I-2 Index

Recipe Template Common Features, 1-4

RecipeDelete, 3-2
RecipeGetMessage, 3-2
RecipeGetMessages, 4-4
RecipeLoad, 3-2,4-2
RecipeName, 3-3
RecipeSave, 3-2
RecipeSelectNextRecipe, 3-2
RecipeSelectPreviousRecipe, 3-2
RecipeSelectRecipe, 3-2
RecipeSelectUnit, 3-2
Running Recipe Manager, 1-3

Security, 3-6
Select Row, 1-4
Select/Auto-Size Column, 1-4
Select/Auto-Size Template, 1-4

Tagname Browser, 2-4
Template Definition, 2-3
Template Definition Template, 1-2,2-3
Template Files, 1-2
Recipe Definition, 2-3,2-5
Template Definition, 2-3
Unit Definition, 2-3,2-4
Troubleshooting Functions, 4-2
Troubleshooting Recipe Functions, 4-1

Unit Definition, 2-3
Unit Definition Template, 1-2,2-4
UnitName, 3-3
Using Excel with Recipe, 5-2
Using Notepad, 5-4
Using Recipe Functions, 3-1,3-4
Using Recipe Manager, 2-1

Viewing Your FactorySuite License, 1-6

Wonderware Technical Support, 1-6

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