Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
Title IV
Art. 161. Counterfeiting the great seal of the government of the Philippine Island,
forging the signature or stamp of the Chief Executive.
What are the acts of forgeries under art. 161?
Forging the Great Seal of the Government of the Phillippines;
Forging the signature of the President; and
Forging the stamp of the President
When in a state document the signature of the president is forged, will the forger be
liable for falsification of public document?
No, the name of the crime will be FORGING THE SIGNATURE OF THE
Define “coin”.
Coin is a piece of metal stamped with certain marks and made
current at a certain value.
When former coins which had been withdrawn from circulation are counterfeited,
will one be liable under art. 163?
Yes, it is not only the harm that may be caused to the public in case it goes
into circulation but also the possibility that the counterfeiter may apply his
trade in making of coins in actual circulation that is prevented.
2. actually uttering such false or mutilated coin, knowing the same to be false
or mutilated
o Elements:
a. actually uttering
b. knowledge
3. Uttering such false or forged notes and documents in connivance with the
forgers or importers
What are the notes and other obligations and securities that can be forged or
falsified under Art. 166?
Treasury or bank notes;
Other obligations or securities payable to bearer.
Art. 167. Counterfeiting, importing and uttering instruments not payable to bearer.
1. there be an instrument payable to order or other document of credit not
payable to bearer
Does this article cover instruments or other documents of credit issued by a foreign
government or bank?
Yes, because the act punished includes that of importing, without specifying
the country or government issuing them. If the instrument is payable to bearer
it is no doubt that it was issued by a foreign country.
Is connivance between the forger and utterer a requisite for liability under art. 167?
Yes, it is under the third requisite xxx 3. In case of uttering, the utterer
should be in connivance with the forger or importer.
If the utterer is also the forger, he can be made liable as a forger of the
Art. 168. Illegal possession and use of false treasury or bank notes and other
instruments of credit.
1. any treasury or bank note or certificate or other obligation and security
payable to bearer or any instrument payable to order or other document of credit
not payable to bearer is forged or falsified by another person
2. that the offender knows that any of those instruments is forged or falsified
3. he performs any of these acts:
1. Falsification of Legislative Documents
2. Falsification of a Document by a Public Officer, Employee or Notary Public
3. Falsification of a Public or Official, or Commercial Documents by a Private
4. Falsification of a Private Document by Any Person
5. Falsification of Wireless, Telegraph and Telephone Messages
1. there is a genuine document
2. an alteration or intercalation is made therein
3. such changes the meaning of the document
4. the change made the document speak something false
NOTE: The word “alteration” has inherent in it the idea of deception – making
the instrument speak of something which the parties did not intend to speak.
What is a document?
Any written statement by which a right is established or an obligation is
It is a writing or instrument in which a fact may be proven and affirmed.
What is feigning?
It is a forgery of a signature, handwriting or rubric which does not exist
in the first place; to represent by a false appearance to give mental
If a person used a falsified document what should be the proper charge against
It is the USE OF FALSIFIED DOCUMENT under art. 172, 3 rd
What is the essence of the crime of falsification?
What are the elements of use of falsified documents under art. 172?
In introducing in a judicial proceeding -
1. offender knew that the document was falsified by another person
2. the false document is embraced in Arts. 171 or 172 (1 or 2)
3. he introduced said document in evidence in any judicial proceeding
Falsifying a public document may give rise to the crime of estafa, this is
because before even utilizing the public document to defraud another, the
crime of falsification has already been committed, so utilizing the public
document to defraud another is estafa. Simply speaking, falsification of public
document is only a necessary means of committing estafa.
In falsification under par. 2 of art. 171, should the document be an authentic official
No, it need not be an official document because the crime can still be
committed even if the document is not yet official.
Art. 173. Falsification of wireless, cable, telegraph and telephone messages and use
of said falsified messages.
What are the three acts punished under art. 173?
Acts Punished:
1. uttering fictitious wireless, telegraph or telephone
Art. 174. False medical certificates, false certificate of merit or service and the like.
Acts Punished:
1. issuance of a false certificate by a physician or surgeon in connection with the
practice of his profession
2. issuance of a false certificate of merit or service, good conduct or similar
circumstances by a public officerIntent to gain is immaterial.
3. falsification by a private person of any certificate falling within said paragraphs
(1) and (2)
Define certificate.
Any writing in which a testimony is given that a fact has or has not taken
Use of the false certificates mentioned in Art. 174,
whether in a judicial or any proceeding with
knowledge of their falsity, will subject the offender to
prosecution under Art. 175.
a. offender uses a name other than his true name
b. he uses the fictitious name publicly
c. purpose of use is to conceal a crime, to evade
execution of a judgment, or to cause damage to public
a. offender conceals his true name and other circumstances
b. purpose is only to conceal his identity
Will the use of another name in a particular instance constitute use of an alias?
No, the use of alias should be applied with to the authority in proceedings like
the one obtained in the judicial authority to change name.
Is exact imitation of a uniform or dress necessary for one to be liable under art.
Exact imitation of the uniform is not necessary.
Colorable resemblance calculated to deceive the
common run of people and not those thoroughly
familiar with every detail or accessory is sufficient.
False testimony.
Intent to favor the accused is essential in this kind of
false testimony. However, it is not necessary that the false testimony given
should directly influence the decision of acquittal .
Art. 183. False testimony in other cases and perjury in solemn affirmation.
What are the two ways of committing perjury?
What are the elements of perjury?
What is subornation of perjury?
What is an oath?
What is an affidavit?
What is meant by material matter?
Distinguish “material”, “relevant” and “pertinent”.
Is good faith or lack malice a defense in perjury?
Are two contradictory sworn statements sufficient to convict a person of perjury?
Art. 187. Importation and disposition of falsely marked articles or merchandise made
of gold,
silver, or other precious metals or their alloys.
Does art. 187 apply to manufacturer of misbranded articles made of gold, silver, etc.